#both in age but also ive had this oc for a while now so he's more develpoped then the rest
arinmoss · 1 month
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also a few of my oc's as pixel sprites all hanging out on some random ass sidewalk hehe :3c
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cosmobrain00 · 1 month
wanna talk about your ocs some moreee? (plsplsplsplsplsplspls)
DO I. vibrating at incredibly high frequencies rn what better place to start than once again w the yarrow siblings bc WOW. THEY DRIVE ME NUTS!! like. for example ive been thinking of bella again more recently n feel incredibly sick ovr it all, ik I briefly mentioned sm stuff abt her before BUT? shes actually this eldest sister of all time guys n let me explain:
where to even begin. she was the first of her parent's eventual "failures", while being graced w gen love n kindness at first from them they quickly grew "tired" of her n she could never understand why. one day they were indulging her whims, pinching her cheeks n letting her come everywhere w them, n the next she was tugging at her mother's skirt hem n her fathers hand asking to be picked up n they only tiredly looked at her this time n told her to "stop being fussy" n that was that. when she heard they were having another kid it felt like she was being "replaced" n her chest hurt so bad and her eyes welled up n she ended up running to her room n slamming the door n crying into her pillow bc she just wanted her parents back n knew that now she'd really never get to have them again. when her baby brother was finally born tho, her mother made her hold him n at first bella only frowned sullenly down at him bc really- this is what they were replacing her with? but something inexplicable softened inside of her against her will when he softly smacked his little fist against her chest n ended up snuggling closer to her, n she ended up walking around the house simply carrying him for a while until he fell asleep so her mom could rest. when they eventually realized there was something wrong w myer- that being his near inability to see pretty much anything- suddenly he wasnt their cute kid anymore he was something that was "too much work" bc of this, n so what do they do? they pawn him off on bella of course, n u can guess how well that goes over. not only have they replaced her but now they've turned her into myers sole caretaker pretty much bc theyre gone so much of the time (AT AGE 8 MIND YOU.) once, bella shut the door in myers face n told him to go away, only to open it hours later n see him sitting right outside fiddling w the carpet in the dark. she felt so guilty tht she started crying n hugged him close n said she was sorry over n over. like she really felt like he “took” her parents love at first, but now? it feels like he's simply in the same boat as her n she has no choice but to step up for him bc if not her then who else. tht doesnt mean she still didnt struggle w him, far from it in fact, but while she has these mixed emotions, she also knows that despite myer not being able to see her much, whenever he hears her voice its enough to bring him running from the opposite end of the house to her n that means something to her. AND I HAVENT EVEN GOTTEN TO KEITH N LORELEI YET THE FUCK OF IT ALLLLL. when bella once AGAIN hears tht her mom is having another kid, TWINS this time she nearly loses it because she simply doesnt understand why both her n myer arent good enough n why theyve been discarded. when keith n lorelei arrive ofc its only a matter of time bf theyre all but pushed onto bella to take care of, n shes so so tired at this point but she simply steels herself n accepts bc she wont allow them to be abandoned. keith is a sullen little brat who's too angry so much of the time but she understands bc shes like that too deep down still. lorelei nearly never sleeps n her n keith cause so much trouble tgt but shes also the one to hug bellas leg n tell her she loves her no matter if they just fought or not. n bella may feel bitter but she'll still read them the books she found at the dump at night n listen to them all n let them pull on her apron n whine when shes trying to make things n like. they annoy her so much she wishes her parents never had them she doesnt know how to live without them now she'd do anything to protect her broken little family she wouldnt know what to do if she lost any of them, n all of these feelings just explode when the draft comes n her parents abandon them all n now its officially her turn to be the head of their fam. do not even get me started on bella being the one to go to the war in place of myer either bc I will not stop SOMEBODY SEDATE MEEEEE
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knightzp · 6 months
omg can I hear about your ocs im curious
!!!!! yes of course!!
(im warning you this is gonna be Long bc i cant summarize things aldksk)
okay so first theres zayu. shes actually my dnd character and basically her whole story can be summarized in: shes a demon too good and pure for this world. she is such a lovely person an absolute sweetheart who is always very kind and whose mission in life is just having a humble life trying to help others in need as much as she can. but yeah you read it right. she Is a demon so the people from her homeplace didnt like her personality at all and they ended up kicking her out from hell. however some people thought that was a weak punishment and are now after her to make her pay for her "crimes" (the crime in question being a too good person yeah) so zayu is now travelling around around the world enjoying her life as she had never been able to do before and always moving from place to place to avoid the other demons that are chasing her. also this isnt really relevant to her story but i have to say she is very ourple (light purple skin and dark purple hair 💜)
the other characters i mentioned on that post are from an original story i began writing quite a few years ago and that i never finished..... i havent touched it in soooo long but its the only one og story ive started that i really want to finish some day. it takes place in a medieval royalty fantasy setting where theres a continent with many kingdoms. the main characters are from two of these kingdoms which have quite a close relationship
one of the kingdoms has 3 princes: auron (oldest), crysta (middle) and davel (youngest). given their birth order, auron is the heir of the kingdom so was taught mainly politics and necessary knowledge to rule the kingdom as the next king. crysta was raised to be a leader in the army forces so she is now the captain of the royal knights. and davel being the third child and since his siblings already learnt the main disciplines he was taught how to use magic, which is an ancient power that is quickly disappearing nowadays so there arent many people who can cast magic in this universe
on the other kingdom we have a pair of twins: alrick and lavianna (also shortened as lav or lavi) as the prince and princess. alrick was born first so he has always spent most of his time studying and preparing to be the next king while lavianna has had an easier and less busy life in this aspect
as i said both kingdoms have a very close relationship so both families meet up a lot. davel and lav have been best friends since their early childhood and being both the youngest from their families they had a lot of time to play and spend together. both are easygoing and they have the same age and kinda similar personalities (davel is charismatic and adventurous but also lazy when it comes to his studies and lavi is cheerful active and innovative) so they get along very very well. so well that their parents got the wrong idea and used their good relationship to engage them together in an arranged marriage against their will wanting to strengthen even more the alliance between their kingdoms. none of them like each other romantically but even if theyre shocked at first they let things be bc they arrive to the conclusion they prefer to be married to their best friend than have their parents arrange another marriage with an stranger instead
however! there is someone who isnt quite happy with this announcement and thats alrick. he hasnt had as much time to spend with davel in his life as his sister and he is also much more reserved as a person than her but truth is he is jealous. jealous of davel for all the freedom he has (contrary to him who has many responsibilities) and jealous of lavi for being able to spend so much time with davel and for being now engaged with him. bc alrick has a huge crush in davel but no one knows, not davel (who is very dense to these things (actually arospec coded)) nor lavianna (she is a bit suspicious but doesnt know anything for sure)
as for crysta she has a really close relationship with her brother davel and loves to tease him a lot but she isnt that much close with the others. she is a really cool butch lesbian knight who really worries a lot abt her people and has a soft spot for davel and will do anything to help him in any situation
auron isnt very relevant to the story but well. he is already married and just had a child too and is like the perfect prince son soon to be king
and now to end im gonna just to tell you a bit abt the plot. the thing is that one night alrick wakes up and discovers that everyone in his castle has been petrified. the castle workers his parents even lavianna. all of them except for him. so he does the only thing he can think of and rushes to the neightbour kingdom to ask for help. there, davel crysta and their family talk abt what happened and thought abt a way to reverse what seems to be a magical spell that has petrified the people in the castle and the three of them part on a journey to find more answers and a way to reverse the spell
and well thats more or less it!!!
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voidwritesstuff · 1 year
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Ive seen other people post their ISM ocs so why not add mine into the mix. Jerico Castro Aka The Blaze//The ember.
The weapon for this level is a Fire proof weighted blanket that Desmond uses to hug The Ember which is blaze's inner child
Set in a medieval/dream Core village with Woods, you would follow blaze around, evading the fireballs/Fire breath she throws at you (n trust me. They HURT). The player would need to follow the scorchmarks around and hug The Ember until she calms down and shows to the blaze that desmond is no danger towards them both.
The Blaze: represents my ocs impostor syndrome,anger issues and emotionally bad upbringing she had during their life, which had left her a raging Ball of anger and Fire.
The Ember: represents Jerico's acceptance of her issues and instead of keeping all her anger in, they let it go and move on with their life as a now uni student. Also represents her burnt out gifted kid side who is just so tired and could do with a good hard cry.
->Jerico Castro is genderfluid and Bisexual.
->The Flash and Rainbow seem to have an appreciation If not a crush on Blaze, and during the level you can see rainbow leaving flowers (sunflowers especially) for blaze to find, and you can even hear his lamenting when he realizes that giving a fireball a bunch of flammable flowers was not a good idea.
->this crush of rainbow is strictly reserved for rainbow himself. Desmond sees jerico as a patient ,having an almost mentor relationshipp because he doesnt want her to live what he lived as a fellow burnt out gifted kid.
->While chasing Blaze around youll see her walk to the edge of the forest to meet with Flash and hear them have a little chat, flash scoops her in his hands and since hes made of metal the Fire doesnt hurt him, his spotlight nuzzles the head of Blaze and he sets her back down to then dissapear back into the Woods.
->Her respective greek mythos is mainly a sphynx,though when angered she takes the attributes of an european dragon (wings,horns,tails And sharp teef)
->desmond would start in the cementery(seeing blaze bury her last psicologistp,then up to an art store, a record store where you see a small scene of Lucas and Jerico chatting over music and vinyls, then a mall (where you'd see her hang out with Sorrowful [@theallenshorefangirl oc] and the watcher) and finally end up in Blaze's house.
->Blaze was adopted by two family Friends of her Bio family, Raymond Castro and Eryz Bloom, which you see in her ending hugging her and leaving beautiful sunflowers instead of scorchmarks
->Shes an overworked animation uni student.
->her tape is between Lucas and the final boss, mainly because her arc mirrors Desmond's life when he was her age, its meant to represent desmond healing his past trauma by helping others who went through something similar as he did.
Tape: cw for mentions of someone dying of cancer,shitty family, anger issues and religion.
Desmond: so...what brings you here?
Jerico: anything and everything, ive had a rough life so far. Dont get me wrong! Ive had good and bad,but the bad is really bad (chuckles) but mainly? My last psicologist died of cancer...and I heard you were good so...here I am
Desmond: thats...awful im so sorry for your loss
Jerico: much appreciated, im and was raised catholic so...I Like to think shes up there in the clouds watching over me...but I felt like she was the only one that would stand up against my biological family, they were assholes you know? I could never be enough for them and i--(clenches fists, gets really tense)(sigh, body relaxes) sorry, sorry, I have anger issues and its hard sometimes
Desmond: dont worry, I know how that feels. I have to say that you seem to know yourself a lot
Jerico: wise beyond my years, I had time to look into myself even before I started therapy. I dread change but it comes naturally to my for some reason, im a whole can of worms, Mr.Wales
Desmond: desmond,please. And dont worry,im sure we'll find out just how deep the rabbithole goes, patience and Grace
Jerico: (playfull scoff) patience, people in my life have always told me I need more patience...(blinks a few times) I was thinking out loud,sorry. But I actually quite like that phrase, I think ill start to use it
Desmond: see? Progress already (polite chuckle)
Jerico: (laughs) I think we're going to get along just fine, Desmond.
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Hey hey, another Thursday!
Starting off with OC, ive seen the promo pics and tbh, im excited.
Jet looking amazing in green.
That was the WOOORST job putting a necklace on EVER. Like, not only was it over the hair, but it was not properly lined up for the reveal…
Just casually walking around the streets of nyc with a severed hand.. nbd
Are you seriously telling me that dog devoured that hand in that little time, bones and all?
How and why is it that these hardened career criminals always fall so fucking hard and fast for the UC cop!?? Like, you should have your guard up a little bit shouldn’t you??
Okay, so…. Can we talk about ayanna’s nails for a hot second? She clearly a pillow princess with those claws… LOL
 THANK YOU JET. THANK YOU for fucking calling out that stabler has done SO much worse than KISS someone while UC.
Man this whole sending an agent cop into the field UC to be the romantic interest of a perp/mob/mafia and the cop ends up crossing a line or two, fucking things up and falling for said perp… all while the guy playing Doyle is the main mob boss?? Hmm… this is a little too familiar, like even jet’s wig…
Is she faking this?? Okay, yes, she is. Called that.
This ep is super Ayanna jet heavy and im LOVING it thank fucking god
Also loving ayanna’s apt
Okay the wig coming off would not be that big of a deal in today’s day and age, tons of girls wear wigs all the fucking time. ALSO, why was it not wigcapped, pinned down and secured??
Welp. Cant say im not surprised by the ending. But I am glad that jet’s getting to do more.
As of right now I am paying ZERO attention to mothership. We’ll see if that changes when sam pops up or not.
Okay, the black & tan number Samantha has on close to the end? It looks like it’s a two piece outfit with her midriff hanging out… good job wardrobe…
Ooo..od’d… yeah… called that…, also Nolan that was some of the worst cpr compressions ive ever seen on tv.. cmon
OKAY. Paying attention now!
We REALLY had to watch that machete attack again!?? WHY
Jfc that opening…did we have to go that graphic?? Is this gonna continue to be a new thing?
I cant figure out if they’re trying to test out muncy/Velasco with the fandom and see what way we go, or of they’re teasing the relationship, or if they’re just playing on the brother/sister vibes, because all im getting is muncy being a brat, which is accurate. Also that scene would’ve been a lot less awkward if there was any kind of background noises/music, like when there’s elevator dings on grey’s, you know what im saying?
Loving the purple on Velasco tho
“you wanna keep a stray puppy?” “you got to keep one!” LOL
So bruno’s here to stay?
#1: wtf is this bucket hat.
#2: why is it pulled down so far over her eyes?
Bro those crutches are way too short for this dude
“A funk?” carisi then gives the “who’s this guy” look to liv. LOL.
Man the writing this ep is great.
I appreciate that we’re getting more into muncy’s personality aside from being a lil teasing brat, like, there’s gotta be a lot of grief in there, knowing that her mom died and im pretty sure it was when grace was young, so she’s probably been bottling shit up since then. Also still and always really hoping that they don’t push her & Velasco, let the brother sister bestie vibes win please.
Glad we’re getting lots of muncy this week
Bruno is growing on me….
“sometimes though it’s hard to make a u-turn” IS THAT THE ONLY FOLLOW UP WERE GONNA GET?! (I say that as someone who is 100000000% NOT an eo shipper, but I do think it’s strange that *that* happened last week and like, fin didn’t even ask how noah’s drive back to the city was kinda thing. Yeah, sure there was enough going on in both episodes, but like, there was literally ZERO follow up to everything. Jeeze.)
 Joe looking hella cute in that toque
Man this just keeps getting worse…
Okay… hold up.. grace says “a great one” about Velasco being a liar and liv just flies right passed it AS IF THEY ALL DIDN’T FIRST MEET HIM WHEN HE WAS UC AND NONE OF THEM BELIEVED HIM. Like homeboy WAS working majorly UC for how long??
Though we DO know a tidbit about his previous gang involvement… so I honestly don’t know what direction theyre taking this… it’ll be interesting to see.
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h0neywheat · 2 years
i know i joke about how it took me a couple years combined with making two fleshed out characters who are transmasc to figure out i was transmasc. i know im the projection king but ive been doing a little introspection lately and wanted to write out my thoughts so hey feel free to read
wheatley I’m so sorry you got named as a joke years ago and it stuck for this long because whoops…
odds are, I treat wheats how i would treat my own past self if i had also figured out gender stuff in my early teens. congrats dude, you get a family that supports you 100% in regards to sexuality and gender also your needs are met they best they can be in regards to your autism. wheats exists in a world where any societal factor I had to repress in my teens, he is allowed to express without question. the people around him love him for who he is. his problems do not come from gender, sexuality, and neurotypical expectations…at least not directly. he still lives in a capitalistic society, but that’s not the point I’m getting at here. like if I was allowed to explore who I was more other than the rigid catholic upbringing I had and was not reprimanded and forced to mask and repress neurodivergent traits, wheats represents a sort of alternate timeline of myself.
yes so many factors are also different, but at this point I feel like he exists as a extension of my younger self, something that could have been if a lot of factors were different. so I treat him with a lot of kindness but also give him character development appropriate for someone who is 16 and still navigating the world (and also the plot of the story he is in) at that age. he isn’t perfect, he has flaws of his own, he still has to deal with growing up, making friends, and high school nonsense.
I love all of my kid ocs equality and each one gets their own sprinkles of self love through projection, but wheats is pretty special for this reason. he was the first step for a couple of my own self discoveries and creative processes so he has a special bread shaped place in my heart.
now matty…
hey, maybe making a taller, transmasc, recolor of yourself to roleplay as has consequences. look, if I had the option to slice my tits off for free and take a potion that makes me taller, gets rid of my hips, and deepens my voice over the span of 24 hours I fucking would. matty wasn’t just me getting the chance to play dnd for the first time and be a funny cursed pirate man once a week. no, I also got to try being a guy for a couple years before realizing that the transmasculine character i was rping was really comfy. from the very start he was someone everyone poked fun at because he really is just some guy in a wacky situation. all the teasing was out of fondness and funny enough, matty helped me realize I was masc. turns out I was also just some guy.
but this lucky son of a shit also has family that knows he’s a big gay trans idiot and isn’t all that neurotypical as well, and I get to be his voice lmao. I only talk mean about him because he’s just so easy to make fun of. I’m so easy to make fun of! but I do it out of love! out of fondness! he doesn’t deserve anything bad or horrible! just suffer the consequences of his actions. all the goofy stupid things that come to bite us both in the ass…I love that shit. I see my own flaws that I’ve learned from, project them onto mattheu and have him learn from them but through his own story.
matty is me if i lived without anxiety or shame of who I was coming into adulthood. more than just a gender presentation ideal, he’s a confidence role model in a way. he’s a pathetic wet cardboard box of a man, but he owns it.
there’s a whole lot more I could probably write but these two are characters are in a current wip and dnd campaign so, fear of spoilers if anyone ends up reading this bc I’m posting publicly
anyway, the middle of the venn diagram of wheats and matty is just me and i love it. love these two and how they helped me figure stuff out while also letting me flex my creative muscles. we’re all just a couple of guys
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inkats · 6 months
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
For both of em! (Also if u can pls tell me their names DX)
I like forgot how to draw them today so. ill put old doodles where relevant. thank you for not asking name origins they're embarrassing. Theyre named Rinnie and Minho and they're only still called that because. Minnie. rest under cut.
🌼 they are my little chew toys, so I draw them at literally every age ever. Usually though they're around 17-25? ish. few months age gap usually to like. 5 years sometimes. 👍
🥊 Minho hates. he hates. hes a little hater all he likes doing is sleeping and looking out the window and watching creatures when hes outside. He loves the whimsy but doesn't believe in it. Rinnie plays/ed hockey for a while thats sort of his thing, he has fun. He really doesn't hate anything, or more can't hate anything? He's very if I'm positive about it things'll work out! It has to happen anyway! That being said cooking is stressful scary dont like it.
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🎹 Minho makes music! I know very little about music so. I dont draw this a lot but it's a big thing for him :) And then Rinnie knits, but he's a very stressed out everything is hard any time not spent on the grind is time wasted kind of guy, which means. he doesn't hobby loads.
✂️ When I say they're my chew toys... in the zombie au which im like. really into rn. when it happens minho loses a lot of people fast which sucks ass for him. and then rinnie. when his love gets sick <3 oTL If you had a specific ver in mind. sorry.
🧠 This is a hard one I just love them oTL My favourite thing about Minho... hes. cute <3 hes pretty. and mean. love that in a man. Rinnie is just a very comforting figure hes like. everything. hes cozy and nice and warm <3
🎓 oh wait i think i still have my first drawings of them.
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uhm T.T this is. rinnie. i guess. from 2018 this was his birth. and then. agh the second one is only from 2020 ! ? Ive been on that grind huh. this is definitely not my first drawing of minho bc he was made in peak kpop era (2018-2019) but was all I could find 👍theyre. 5ish year old now god. but theyre barely the same people too.
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isaacathom · 8 months
ive been deep into the lore and shit for my oc Naielle and im drawing a big family portrait, which for the sake of them being there includes her brother-in-law Emile and his son Noa. which is fine and cool. good for them!
but then i like. looked at what i'd said about Emile? which is that while Naielle and her family are elves, with ~500yr lifespans, Emile is a human man. a human man in his mid-30s.
Naielle has never met Emile, because she left the country 19-20 yrs ago, when he was a teenager. he had, at that point, not met his future wife.
His wife who, incidentally, is like. 200yrs old? now within the scheme of things this puts them in a comparable age bracket, right. so its fine? but its also a little like. woah there. woooah.
thats not even to mention the fact that the context in which the two met - theyre both military officers - also has like. a dynamic. which is to say Aedelie is his superior in every possible metric. Aedelie is like. a fucking Major. I have Emile listed as a sergeant, which i'm going to upgrade to like, a Lieutenant or smth, but still. like man. the hell happened there
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weirdcorefox · 8 months
I redesigned an old shitty fnaf AU into my own OCs I drew them without clothes because I wanted to show off their fur patterns
For reference all of the characters in this I never used references for when they were originally fnaf characters because I didn’t know how to use Google and my friend never told me what exactly they looked like 
Maddie:  Maddie was originally Mangle or as me and my friend liked to call her at the time Mingle, when I originally colored her at the time I would reverse her colors because all I knew was that she was a pink and white fox i’d also draw her with pink eyes because I didn’t know her eyecolor. All she ever wore was a pair of short-shorts and nothing else now I think she should just wear sportswear though.
Spencer: Spencer was originally Springtrap if you couldn’t tell by his torn ear, I didn’t know what Springtrap looked like at all and I assumed because he was a rabbit he looked like Bonnie, so I colored him indigo. He always wore a purple striped shirt with a heart scribbled onto it by his sister and just regular jeans. When I first imagined him I imagined him wearing a red shirt with a leather jacket and black jeans so aside from the shirt which is the same other than the color, that’s pretty much his outfit.
Spring: Spring’s name remains the same since she was never based off of a canon character, while I don’t know the exact time of when Springbonnie was officially named it’s highly likely that she was named before Springbonnie was and was likely just based off of Springtrap and was Springtraps twin sister, she never had a notable outfit and because now I’ve made her a stereotypical looking lesbian she wears stereotypical lesbian clothes.
Ceris: Ceris obviously was Chica although she had blue specifically cerulean eyes instead of Chica’s usual pink. She always wore a black and red cheerleader uniform, because she was a cheerleader now that they’re meant to be college aged though she’s a gymnast and is very muscular due to this because both of those things require high amounts of strength. She too wears sporty clothes because she does gymnast shit all the time.
Forest: Forest is quite obviously Foxy and his notable outfit was just tan cargo shorts and no shirt ever he was obsessed with his game boy, and was very grumpy. He’s also Mangle’s brother, he’s still very grumpy and obsessed with gaming although he is very sweet to his girlfriend Ceris he also wears normal clothes, not just pants all the time now.
Mable: Mabel was originally The Puppet or Marionette/Mari as ive always call her. Originally she was depicted as a fox because we didn’t want to draw humans when we were kids but to keep Mari’s tear stains as a callback I turned her into a red panda she also never wore anything notable and still doesn’t all she really likes to wear is sweaters 
Georgie: Georgie was originally Goldie/Golden Freddy he was the shortest of the group, and was also very good at fixing animatronics, because apparently in this fanfiction that they stemmed from they were both anthro animals and animatronics at the same time. He’s still a mechanic because I said so, he never really wore anything notable either and also still doesn’t because he’s a mechanic and mechanic work is messy. He’s honestly my favorite design of the group 
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the-facebreaker · 1 year
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S)?  Mmm...from canon characters, i ship Sett with Karma, Irelia and Soraka mainly, but i am open to many ships, and i dont have a clear otp yet... and ocs are of course their completely own thing uvu.
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?  It's hard to answer, since we got plenty of ageless people in Runetera, and Sett being half-vastaya, we actually dont know his lifespan. I would say as long as they are mentally compatible, it's all good.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NSFW?  Honestly, the moment the scene becomes clearly erotic. Even kissing could be described in an erotic way, and thats honestly it.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? Kinda? Sett is a difficult man with a strong personality and a very vulnerable interior. He will flirt, he will date, he will form relationships, but to really let someone in...Much more difficult, he's been hurt a lot. I consider shipping as true connection, not just fun times.
WHO ARE OTHER CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH?  I once, before i deleted the blog, had a very big ship with a Xayah...she was not with Rakan, that one, and Sett and her developed a lot and eventually fell in love. It was...really sweet. But then i left, and in my absense, so did that Xayah-mun so... But i always remember it fondly. And then, i also had a very sweet ship with @nameaprice's Diana uvu That was sweet as honey, i loved them so much and still doooo...They met again on discord, im just :eyes: over them right now!
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?  MMMmm..i do prefer organic ships that come naturally through roleplay, but if we reach a point where there is an attraction felt, i would like a heads up and a discussion, to make sure we are both comfortable.
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?  I freaking love shipping. im a freaking ship whore. I guess ive had such good ships over the years that ive become spoiled, i want that good shit, but holy fuck i love ships.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? I dont knooow i named all the ships so far and i cant really choose Dx
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?  With a lot of love and patience for my bullshit uvu Also really, patience, i ship on chemistry and it takes a while sometimes. I can't even say Sett's worth the trouble, walk the line at your own risk xD
Tagged By: MYSELF
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priafey · 1 year
Gwilin of the Day: "In The Moment" Gwilin
Today's Gwilin of the day is brought to you by: raunchyandpaunchy on ao3!
A Rielle in Tamriel [Chapter 15]
Published: Sep 20, 2018
Rated: Mature (general rating for all the vignettes)
Length: ~2250 words
Featuring: Fem. OC
Set in: Riften
Playful. In one word, that is this story. And though I did not like the song the author says they named this installment of their series of quirky vignettes after (not my cup of tea), I very much did like the story itself (so my cup of tea)!
For starters, this Gwilin is late to meeting the author's OC, Nadine, at the market because he was given a very naughty wake-up call at the Ragged Flagon, and when she lightheartedly calls him out on it, he is quick to blush. Now, you all know I am not immune to Gwilin blushing propaganda, so my mind was forthwith nestled comfortably in the Gwilin Realm, ready to delve into another undiscovered facet of the Bosmer who, for all intents and purposes, I consider to be the main character of The Elder Scrolls series.
Following some pleasantries, they head to a tattoo parlor. There, they both falter at the sight of the Orc lady who is to pierce Gwilin's ear and tattoo Nadine's ribs (they find her hot in a way only two bi icons can). I really enjoyed the way this Gwilin and Nadine played off each other; they are each other's rock while they brave the pokes and the pricks of the attractive Orc.
The slightly coquettish –yet distinctly familiar– exchanges between them continue as they head into The Bee and Barb for some drinks. This Gwilin's carefree attitude comes to the forefront while they do, manifesting as a sort of puckish charm that carries each of his colorful comments. However, he's not wholly uninhibited, evidenced by the way he takes a moment to let Nadine know, with all-too-endearing seriousness, that he hopes a comment he'd made while she was getting tattooed did not offend her. Of course, it had not, for it was said in good faith, and it was said by Gwilin.
When Brynjolf joins them near the end of the story, near the end of a good night spent drinking with a good friend, he says it best: "Ah, to be young again." I get a sense that the youthful spirit the author imparted on this Gwilin will only be enhanced with age.
Moment that my mind chose to fixate on: Are you kidding me??? He audibly gasped when he saw the hot Orc lady??? Ugh. He's perfect. I'd kill and die for him, but he'd never let me. Also, Gwilin gripping the edges of his seat while he gets his ear pierced = head empty no thoughts.
I. Compellingness
I loved seeing a little snark and spark from this Gwilin! When he says "Okay, Pa" at Brynjolf's suggestion that they make their next drink their last, it just made me get to thinking about all the hijinks he must've gotten into when he was younger, and all the subtle slights his parents must've put up with when he was feeling vaguely rebellious. He stands out from the other Gwilins in this way. 9/10
II. Swagger
This Gwilin has an edgy charisma about him, being equal parts coy and cheekily confident. Certainly one of the more swag-filled Gwilins. 8/10
III. Talent
Nothing explicitly noted, but if you've ever tried to braid flowers into your hair and get them to stay put, as he does in the story, you know this is no easy task. 8/10
IV. Backstory
That "Okay, Pa" did a lot of heavy lifting for this metric, in my opinion. It's a pretty short story, so I gotta go easy here. 7/10
V. Pleasure of Reading
Oh, boy, a vignette! I love me a good vignette.
This author is excellent at crafting the details of a story. I get the sense they build most of their plots starting from an idea such as a particular feeling, an interesting image, or a character's reaction to something, and then they build from there. And they more than deliver in illustrating those concepts.
However, in my estimation, the big picture can sometimes get put on the back burner, resulting in the events of the story feeling compartmentalized. By which I mean, you can tell the author's focus is on getting from point A to point B, on putting together those events that dot the story like fine jewels on a crown, and so the transitions can feel more like a leap than a walk.
But that is small potatoes compared to the skill with which the author carries you into the most essential parts of a story and makes you feel within them. Nothing more important for a story to do than evoke like this, really. 8/10
VI. Horniness
The way Gwilin commiserates with Nadine about the Orc lady? So precious. So goofy and fun. So horny. 10/10
Final Tally
autistic ass
gives this Gwilin an 8/10!
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noctis-tempore · 2 years
here to scream into the void once again
And this time it’s about my oc Aries/Ares!! (As you can tell, is based off of the greek god Ares)
This is about their backstory and it isnt gonna be this deep or professional writing, this is just gonna be me rambling so yeah 🤝 (warning this got pretty long so my bad 🥲)
So it all started when Ares was just chilling as a baby, doing baby things like..crawling around and babbling. It was a pretty normal life for them at least during the time. Then they got kidnapped by a minor god 🥲 we’re off to a great start! At the time the minor god also had a daughter, you guessed it, Athena! But athena was like way older than ares at the time because, shes a literal goddess.
Moving on, ares was actually treated pretty well by the god who had stolen them! Is what i would have said if it were true. While the god did treat them very kindly, he also raised them to be a war general 😀at ripe age of 9, where they led their first war. Ever since then, ares grew more and more infamous for being an absolute god at war but it wasnt necessarily a good thing for them. 
They brought all the bad parts of war with them whenever they lead one or were a part of one. So the four horses which they named Death, Famine, War, and Conquest, had to run across the battlefield before the war started only to disappear when it actually began. But then reappeared when the war was over.
Belladonna, the still pretty new celestial goddess, caught wind of the new rising kid who was KILLING it when it came to battles. (Get it? Haha-) Her, who was also a war goddess before she became the celestial goddess, was pretty intrigued! She approached Athena, asking her who the new dude was. (For some reference, ares wasnt actually a kid during this time anymore, theyre in their late 20’s like practically a year away from 30)
“Oh yeah that’s Ares, my dad kinda stole em from the mortal world when they were just a baby but now look at em.” 
“…I’m sorry, STOLE???”
Belladonna was not pleased. So she stormed up to the god and was like, “what the fuck man” and was about to KILL the god but then ares stepped in. Now before you say anything, why did ares defend their father against someone who could literally kill them both?? Ares had no idea who belladonna was, the dude was just killing and planning. Ares got defensive and serious (because they genuinely  thought that the guy who kidnapped then did nothing wrong) and once belladonna realized that, ‘they actually think he did nothing wrong and theyre very persistent on it. I’ll back off for now and see what happens.’ And thats exactly what she did 
After that, ares found belladonna at their side more often. Discussing strategies, battle plans, ideas, weaknesses of the enemy, etc etc. Ares found it very suspicious and was actually incredibly harsh towards her but she never retaliated. So this is basically their thoughts, ‘this lady just tried to kill MY father, but is now helping me. If shes trying to earn my forgiveness it isnt working. But her advice has helped a lot…’ 
Ares’s dad did not like this because THEY were getting the attention from Belladonna, a big shot goddess that is incredibly highly respected and feared, instead of Athena. So then dad here started to get more pissy towards ares, athena legitimately was pretty much unbothered by this though. She didnt necessarily want attention from one of the big shots, she just wanted to fight battles and win. 
So now this is a mess!!! Ares does not like belladonna, ares’s dad is upset at ares for being liked by belladonna, ares is mad at themselves for disappointing their dad, athena is unbothered. So ares went to athena to get some wisdom and athena was like
“Dad’s just mad that the mother likes you more than me because the mother is a really huge thing. She’s the mother of the stars, the celestial goddess, also was a very intensely feared war goddess too. To be recognized by her is a big deal.”
“Ive been shit talking her. And she hasnt killed me yet.”
“How am i alive?”
“I just said she likes you more than me”
With now a whole lot on ares’s mind, they went to battle on the same day them and athena had the talk. News flash, mf got ko’d and DIED on the battlefield. How did the potential god of war die? The bitch lacked the blood of a god, they forgot to give them godly blood so this entire time ares was still human HEJXJJDJJR their dad freaked out and was rushing over to give them some 💗god blood💗 unTILLL belladonna pulled through and gave them her blessing. Homie got back as if they just took a short nap, continued the fight, and won. Hooray :D
After that whole fiasco, ares fell asleep. Which was really rare for them since their vv busy and have a lot of things to handle. In their slumber, belladonna talked to them in their dream managing to convince them to join her in the stars !!
And that’s ares for ya
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floralseokjin · 3 years
⤑ made-up love song v (m).
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Your first encounter with Kim Seokjin doesn’t go so well, nor your second, or your third… and maybe that’s because it shouldn’t work on paper. You’re an elementary school teacher, never left the country despite hitting the third decade of your life not so long ago, and you’re unable to remember the last time you dated. He’s the dad of one of your students, nearly a decade older than you and divorced. Oh yes, and just another minor detail – he’s a multimillionaire. 
Your lives are lightyears apart, yet somehow, your paths having now crossed, things just seem to fall into place…
pairing; kim seokjin x reader  au/genre/warnings; strangers to lovers, romance, eventual angst, single dad! seokjin, ceo! seokjin, elementary school teacher! oc, age gap (oc is 30, seokjin is 37), seokjin is a dilf, fluff, smut; a shit ton of kissing, oral (f), seokjin likes eye contact, slight overstimulation, he also seems to have a slight potty mouth when turned on, romantic sex, protected sex, shower scene, oral (m), this chapter is basically just sex, enjoy! (yes, the dilf dick is b i g) lingerie described found here for the visuals ~  words; 9,572
↪︎ chapter index
chapters; i • ii • iii • iv • v • vi • vii • viii • ix • x • epilogue (+ drabbles)
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Saturday couldn’t come soon enough. You were like a little kid at the lead up to Christmas. You couldn’t remember the last time you were this excited for something. Actually, on second thoughts, you couldn’t think of a time you were this excited for anything, period. And all over the prospect of sleeping with Seokjin, and definitely not in the innocent way… He had in no way explicitly stated that you’d be having sex this week, but the insinuation was heavy in the air. Everything leading up to this moment was suggesting come Saturday night you would not be sat in front of Seokjin’s 75” television watching boxsets… 
On the morning of you decided to pack a few things in a small case. You definitely planned on returning home in the day if needed or bored while Seokjin was at work, but the essentials were required: underwear, pyjamas, a few outfits, toiletries and skincare, your iPad, miscellaneous chargers. Soojung on the other hand was acting like you were never coming back… 
“I’m going to miss you.” She whined, having been hovering around you as you packed. “Leaving me alone with smelly Tae.” 
In a bid not to be alone in the evenings she’d invited her smelly boyfriend over for the week, but although she sounded irked it was all just an act. God knows what they’d get up to while you were gone, you dreaded to think. On second thoughts, maybe it would be best to stay at Seokjin’s place all week… You had no clue what you’d walk in on in your own home.  
“I won’t be gone the whole week. Besides, we can meet up for lunch and stuff.” You often visited her at the department store, perusing the food court until it was time for her lunch break. You weren’t secluded from the whole world while away. What did she think was happening? 
She helped you fold your clothes in momentary silence, deep in thought it seemed. “What if you love it there and want to stay permanently Dilf mansion?” 
You scoffed immediately, taking the small pile of t-shirts from her to pack away. “Soo, way to jump the gun.” You’d been dating barely six weeks, hadn’t even had sex yet, moving in together was number 1 on the highly unlikely list. Although, sliding in a couple of pairs of flats into the top pocket of your case and zipping it up, you hummed in consideration. “Dilf mansion does have a ring to it though…” 
Soojung’s attention was on another pile of clothing now – one you would be wearing this evening to leave for Seokjin’s house. Her fingertips brushed along the delicate baby blue lace of your lingerie, sitting on top of the pile and she looked up at you and grinned wickedly. “You’re going to knock his socks off with this.” 
You and her had spent yesterday browsing the mall with a very important task. To decide on the most perfect lingerie set. Knowing Seokjin for a while know, you’d noticed he had an inclination for the colour blue, so your chosen piece had to be a winner – practically see-through, littered in beautiful lace flowers. You were well and truly prepared for tonight, you were a woman on a mission. 
“His Dilf socks,” you corrected your best friend, both of you instantly exploding into a fit of giggles. 
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Arin had left with her grandparents this morning, and as much as Seokjin was eager to get this weekend started and see you immediately, he actually had a few things he needed to take care of at work. It wasn’t until around 5pm that you got into your car to make the short journey, Soo waving you off proudly like you were about to attend your graduation. You were honestly quite calm given the circumstances, although one look at Seokjin as he stepped out the front door to take your case and all inner composure was lost. You were one big ball of excitement, most of it flurrying around in the pit of your stomach. Yet you kept cool on the outside, grinning at the handsome man in front of you despite your lingerie burning marks into your skin. 
And handsome he was today, (as if he wasn’t every day), his dark hair parted in the centre of his forehead naturally, his eyes crinkling as he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. You tasted a hint of mango on his mouth, an obvious sheen to his plump lips, and you presumed he’d applied some chapstick before you’d arrived – the chapstick you’d bought him not too long ago after he’d complained of cracked lips to you on the phone one night. 
“Hey,” he greeted softly, his arms around your waist, body pressed snuggly into yours. 
“Hey yourself,” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his neck, gazing into one another’s eyes before you lightly teased him. “Are we going to stay out here all night?” 
Chuckling heartily, he reached behind you, lifting your case with ease. “Let’s go put this in my room.” 
You’d never once stepped foot onto the upper level of his house before, so you were very observant on your way to his bedroom, eyes catching art pieces (you noticed numerous of Arin’s) and photos along the walls, light fixtures, as well as the odd plant here and there. You had to walk two flights of stairs to get to your destination, one average in length, the other shorter, veering off to the left of the corridor to reach a landing leading into his bedroom. You remembered what he’d said about changing and designing his bedroom himself, so you were very curious as to what it looked like inside. Yet still, the sight of it stunned you to brief silence. 
His was the largest bedroom in the house, the master bedroom if you were being fancy, but in your opinion it was more like a mini home in itself. All it needed was a kitchen and you would be good to go. It smelt just like him – of his cologne and the recognisable vanilla scent his house seemed to waft of every time you visited. The walls were warm grey, décor similar with dashes of cream and gold. The bed matched the whole vibe of the room – insanely large, and you could already tell it was going to be the comfiest thing you’d ever slept on. Directly opposite, but a long way away, were a sofa and love seat sat around a TV hooked to the wall above a stunning fireplace. There were two sets of double windows, from the ceiling to the wooden floor, dark grey drapes open – not that it mattered. Seokjin’s house was out-of-the-way, no chance of being seen. All you were met with as you looked down, was a small patch of garden you hadn’t seen before, plain and simple, but very beautiful. Tranquil. 
To the left of the room a door opened into another, perhaps a quarter of the size – his closet, and you followed him inside, still pretty much lost for words. He said there was no point putting your belongings away tonight, you could do it tomorrow, but he’d saved a drawer for you and there was an empty section of hanging space you could use too. There was also a dressing table you could put to good use, because he sure didn’t, and then he whisked you away into the bathroom, which was probably the most beautiful room in the house. Everything was warm marble in colour. A separate bath and shower (both gigantic) and double sinks. 
“I got you a robe,” Seokjin pointed out, and you followed his gaze to behind the door, two fluffy white robes hooked to the wall. 
Oh, boy. You could get used to this. 
Seokjin ordered takeout for dinner – from an Indian restaurant Namjoon kept raving about apparently. With the amount he ordered you could have sworn he was feeding a whole party, not just the two of you. You were stuffed in no time, curling up on the sofa with a glass of red wine as Seokjin loaded the dishwasher. He still hadn’t cooked an actual meal for you, and when he joined you, of course you reminded him. This week he was preparing dinner for you one night, and that was final. You needed to see what Chef Kim had in him – even if he insisted his skills were long forgotten.  
You cuddled as you watched a movie, which more often than not meant you’d start to become sleepy – just ask Soojung – but tonight was different. You were wide awake and practically thrumming with excitement. You were begging for the movie credits an hour before they were due, and when they finally popped up your heart started to beat harder in anticipation. It was nearing 11pm. Your lingerie was still burning welts into your skin… 
Seokjin kissed the top of your head, your back pressed into his chest where you’d been snuggled into him, legs across the sofa, for the duration of the night. One of his arms was crossed around your front, the other free to drink his wine as he propped his feet up on the glass topped coffee table. You could really get used to this. 
“What did you think?” He hummed, reaching forward to place his glass on a coaster. You grabbed his hand, not wanting him to leave you and he chuckled, quickly resuming position to now loop both arms around your shoulders, pressing you further into the warmth of his body. 
“I enjoyed,” you replied with a small shrug. In all honesty it would’ve been a great movie if you hadn’t been so distracted. 
You felt him lower his head, breath hot against your ear as he spoke. “I’m glad you didn’t fall asleep on me.” You giggled as he started to kiss the column of your neck, his barely there presses of his lips tickling you. Yet still you pushed into his hold, letting your head fall back. He took the opportunity to suck your earlobe between his lips, eliciting a sweet sigh from you. “I really can’t wait to spend this entire week with you.”  He whispered. 
You tried to keep your voice as uninvolved as possible – which was a lot harder when he now had your earlobe between his teeth. “Eh. I’m so-so over it.” 
“Y/N!” He scolded playfully, groaning a laugh as he lifted his head away. “Stop. Now’s not the time for joking around.” 
“I’m sorry,” you giggled, latching onto his hands. 
“Face me,” he murmured almost suddenly. “Let me kiss you properly.” 
His kisses were gentle and loving, his hands cupping your face as you leaned into him, hands placed across his hard chest. He was wearing a simple white t-shirt tucked into some black pants, he’d looked irresistible all night. He pulled away slowly, lips upturned almost drunkenly. “What’s that grin for?” 
Seokjin’s gaze flicked from your lips to your eyes repeatedly as he replied, thumbs massaging circles into your cheeks. “I’m just very happy. Is that allowed?” 
Giggling, you pressed your mouth to his, wrapping your palms around his neck to pull him in closer. He hummed loudly – indulgently, and let you lick into his mouth, his own hands slipping down to your neck and down your torso, gripping your middle. Your chest was flush to his and you welcomed the heat of his body. You were happy too. It had been a long time since you’d last felt this content, and tonight you’d realised just how lovely it was to be able to lounge with Seokjin and be in his company so casually, so naturally like this. You would become spoiled this week, but you couldn’t feel too worried right now. 
Breaking away again, it seemed like he wanted to say something, but your mouth was a greedy thing, finding its way down his neck and across his throat as he leaned his head against the back of the sofa, his breathing shallow as he let you wonder. His fingers brushed up and down your back distractedly, until he seemed to remember what he wanted to tell you. “Hey,” he whispered, breath catching in his throat when you pinched your teeth into his Adam’s apple softly. “Hey, stop for a moment. There was something I wanted to say before…” He trailed off, unsure how to finish the very obvious direction of his sentence, and as much as you wanted to nosedive straight into that pool, you pulled back to look into his eyes, waiting patiently. 
He straightened his back and you eased off him a little, finding his fond smile contagious. “I’ve enjoyed these past few weeks so much.” He began, sincerity in his tone . “I know I’m not old old by any means but dating you has made me feel like I’m young again. I mean, grinding in the middle of a bar is something I didn’t even do back in my college days.” 
“I fail to believe that,” you laughed. 
“Really,” he insisted, looking amused. “I was a nerd. A handsome one, but a nerd nonetheless.” Before you could roll your eyes he was continuing. “What I’m trying to say is that, I really like you, Y/N.” His fingers played with the ends of your hair lovingly.  “You know that already. Shit, I’m crazy about you. Just hearing your voice makes my day better. No matter how short a time we spend together, even if it’s just on the phone to say goodnight, I feel happy – I feel relaxed.” He paused to take a breath before moving to cup your face with one hand. “No matter how stressed I am you make it better by just existing.” 
“…Seokjin,” you murmured, a little lost for words at his declaration. 
He chuckled warmly, tops of his cheeks tinged somewhat rosy. “Too cheesy?”
You shook your head adamantly, reaching for his face as well. “Not at all. I’m crazy about you too.” His face lit up instantly and you couldn’t help but kiss him. “I’m so happy we met,” you confessed against his mouth. “I don’t want this summer to be over.” 
“It’s not over yet,” he laughed. “We still have time to make it even better.” You wanted that more than anything. Finding it difficult to keep away from your lips, he practically had to tear himself away. He was out of breath. “I know saying this out loud is silly given everything, but… Let’s make this official.” 
Your heart started somersaulting. You felt like you were in high school again, over the moon because Kim Rowoon had asked you to prom. Only this was better than that – much, much better. Linking your arms around Seokjin’s neck you tilted your head to the side, a grin unable to keep off your face. “Are you asking me to be your girlfriend, Mr. Kim?” 
“What do you say?” He sounded hopeful and soft. 
You hummed out loud, thinking hard. “Can I get back to you? 3 to five business days seems about right.” You immediately squealed as you finished your sentence, Seokjin’s hands finding their way around your butt to tug you forward. You gripped onto his shoulders with the surprise. 
“Too bad because I’ve already been calling you my girlfriend at the office.” 
You didn’t have a chance to reply, the hard press of his lips against yours knocking you senseless. You found yourself in his lap not long after, fingers dragging through his hair as you clung to him, mouths moving in gradual urgency until you began to feel out of breath. Your tongues seemed to grow more daring, intent, as your soft moans mingled with his quiet groans. You hadn’t quite found yourself in this position before, usually moulded to the soft leather but this time you had Seokjin pinned tight, a heat that was quickly becoming unbearable burning between your bodies, and his hands running up and down your back didn’t help. 
Each brush of his fingertips had your skin prickling with warmth, dizzying your mind, and when you felt him brush against the curve of your left breast you leaned forward into his touch, desperate for more. Seokjin grunted, encouraged by your action as he cupped the soft flesh, his thumb grazing your nipple which hardened from the touch. Your kiss turned a lot more frenzied after that, Seokjin roaming your body with confidence, his unoccupied hand cupping your butt to rock you against his crotch. 
He was hard. You’d felt it stiffening ever since you’d climbed into his lap, but now he was solid, flesh pressing (probably painfully) against his pants, and feeling emboldened you lifted your hips, hovering over him for your hand to slot in between your bodies, cupping his erection firmly. He stiffened under your grasp, his breath hitching and you took that moment to drag your tongue along his, teasing him as you slowly started to stroke him above his slacks. He felt thick and rigid between your fingers, pulsing erratically against your hold, and he broke away from your mouth, head falling back as a loud, drawn-out groan slipped from his throat. You gazed at him – eyes closed, eyebrows furrowed, mouth parted as he breathed shallowly – and took a mental picture. You wanted to remember this moment forever. He looked gorgeous, basking in pleasure and you wanted to pleasure him more. It was an urge so strong you practically dived on him, mouth slamming into his. He soon gained his bearings, kissing you just as wildly as his hands groped your body. 
“Do you – mm, do you want – mm – to take this upstairs?” He asked against your lips, fingers currently digging into the soft flesh of your ass. The veins in his neck were visible, his desperation for you obvious, and you pulled away from the kiss to nod rapidly. If he didn’t get you upstairs soon you’d surely explode. 
You let out a little squeak as you suddenly found yourself in the air, safely held up by Seokjin. You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, clinging to him as he began to make the brisk walk to the hallway and towards the staircase. “Oh, my god,” you muttered, laughing as you realised he was about to carry you bridal style all the way up the stairs. 
“What?” He laughed back, his eyes twinkling warmly. Your heart melted at the sight and you leaned in to kiss him, uncaring that you both may fall backwards and break your necks. 
“I may have forgotten about the amount of stairs in this goddamn house,” he panted lightly once you’d made it past the first set. 
“Put me down then,” you giggled. 
“Never,” he sang out, pecking you on the mouth sweetly. 
Once in his bedroom, he placed you down, closing the door behind you before caging you against it, kissing you like he hadn’t seen you for months. You keened into his touch, whole body hot and ready for him, but in the end you couldn’t keep up with his mouth. He’d never kissed you like this, he was a man possessed, you physically felt weak at the knees and you clung to him, moaning softly when his mouth fell to your neck. 
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this,” he confessed against the wet skin, fresh waves of arousal washing through your body. His voice was an octave lower, gruff and nothing like you’d heard before. “I can’t contain myself knowing we’re going to be alone for a whole week.” 
“What do you plan on doing to me?” You laughed weakly, but to be honest, the time for wisecracks were gone. You were hanging on by a thread, this close to begging him to tear your clothes off. 
Cupping your neck he pulled away to look you in the face. His pupils were blown out, more black than the warm brown you were used to. The tops of his cheeks were tinged red, his own arousal very evident, and when he replied he sounded as sincere as ever. “Anything you want me to.” 
Okay, if he carried on like this, he’d mess up your plan good and proper. He was rude. Very rude. And hot, and sexy, and yours. God, you really wanted him. Your body was screaming for him. You pressed a kiss to his mouth, and then another, and another, determined not to get yourself glued there no matter how much he tried to drag his tongue along the seam of your lips. “L-let me freshen up,” you managed to get out, voice shaky as you (with great difficultly) held him away at arm’s length.  
At your words, he slowly made sense of them, his eyes refocussing before he gave you a short nod and politely stepped back. “Ok.” 
Before you could be tempted by that mouth of his once more, you made a dash for his bathroom, closing the door behind you. Immediately you began to rush out of your clothes, not even bothering to fold them properly because you were in such a hurry. You’d had this planned all night, wanting him to be rendered speechless, and staring at your lingerie cladded self in the giant mirror he had hooked to the wall, you reminded yourself to take a breather. You were going to walk out there calmly, the epitome of composed as you sought out his reaction. With one last look at your reflection, you walked towards the door and opened it. 
Seokjin was sat on the edge of the bed, legs sinfully spread (but oh so casually, which just made it hotter), but he wasn’t looking your way, his eyes darting around the room a little as if he was desperately trying to find some patience. Knowing he was riled and aroused made your head even more dizzy, and stopping by the doorframe, you called out to him. 
He looked your way instantly, eyes bulging even quicker. Actually they practically popped out on storks as he took in the sight of you in the baby blue underwear. He seemed paralysed. 
“Hey,” you smiled, all of a sudden feeling a little shy as you waited for him to say something. 
It took another moment, but then he was swallowing hard, wetting his mouth as his lips parted. “Oh, shit.” 
You smiled victoriously, those simple two words satisfying you fully. 
He outstretched his hand, voice thick and raspy as he beckoned you forward. “Come here.”
You obeyed, closing the distance between you quickly and Seokjin wasted no time clasping his hands around your hips as you stood in front of him, between his legs. If felt so good to finally have his hands on your bare skin. His touch was warm, soothing, but most of all, electrifying. Goosebumps spread as he dragged his fingers up and down your sides, his eyes drowning at the sight of you. 
“Do you like it? It’s not too much?” You asked, looking down at him. You glowed under his gaze. 
He lifted his head up, arching an eyebrow. “Do I like it? Is that supposed to be a genuine question?” He sounded just as baffled as he looked and it made you giggle. His fingers started to play with the thin waistband of your panties before delicately outlining the lace flower petals on your ass. The sensation made you shiver, and a small smile grew on his face as he watched you. “You look gorgeous.” He leaned forward, beginning to place small, gentle kisses on your abdomen and your skin rippled, butterflies appearing. “You’re beautiful.” He murmured, hot puffs of air hitting you, heating you up even more. 
You curled your hand in his hair, needing something to latch on to as you watched him mouth even more kisses along your flesh. The point of his tongue dipped into your navel scandalously, and as you gasped he looked up with his eyes and smirked, tongue now swirling invisible patterns along your stomach. The sight sent you a little gooey, legs feeling weak again as your heart thrummed inside your chest. 
“However… I was looking forward to undressing you…” He teased.
You teased right back. “You still have the lingerie.” 
He couldn’t handle that, growling quietly against your stomach, his hands rounding your ass to mould the flesh in his palms firmly. He’d soon tear the panties if he kept that up. Obviously the idea of stripping you naked sent him feral – something you’d remember well for this week. You yelped when you felt him sink his teeth into your hip bone, pulling him closer to your body by his hair, desperate for more. It was when you looked behind him, did you notice the pillar candles aflame on the two nightstands that sat either side of his bed. They weren’t burning before you’d entered the bathroom. You were sure of it. 
“Seokjin, did you light candles?” You asked without realising, changing the atmosphere slightly, but you didn’t mind too much, not when the image of Seokjin rushing to burn candles for the ~ambience~ was too damn adorable. 
He lifted from your skin, looking up at you. “Um, yeah.” He sounded a little awkward before he chuckled softly. “I thought against the slow R&B music.” 
“Good choice,” you laughed, fingers rubbing small circles into the nape of his neck. That would’ve been hilarious. 
“I’m totally out of my depth here…” He admitted, nudging you backwards a little to stand in front of you. He kept his hands on your waist, ducking down to be eye level with you. “I haven’t done this in a while.” 
“Snap,” you grinned, rubbing your nose against his as you wrapped your arms around his neck to hold him close. You kissed him deeply, feeling happy and relaxed. There wasn’t a nerve in sight and despite his honest words you knew he was at ease too.  
Your hands slipped over his shoulders and down his toned chest, stopping just before the waistband of his pants to tug at his t-shirt, untucking him. “You have to get naked too.” You whined, detaching your mouths. “I’m feeling sorely underdressed.” 
He let out an airy chuckle, immediately reaching for the neck of his shirt to tug it over his head. Your hands greedily started to explore his torso, running your fingers along his faintly lined abs before trailing up his hard chest. He shivered as you brushed against his nipples, a tiny laugh slipping from his throat. 
“What?” You laughed. 
“’Tickles.” He mumbled, leaning in for another kiss. You wrapped your arms around him, loving the feeling of his bare chest against yours, but soon enough you got impatient again, hands reaching for the button of his pants. You popped it open and proceeded to unzip him, at least giving his poor erection some reprieve. It had been pressed up against your lower stomach for quite some time, still rigid but as patient as ever. 
He took over, stepping back to push them past his hips, his lips still attached to yours. “Mm–Bed.” He hummed, taking you by the hips to switch places. You pulled away and sat down, watching him kick his pants off his feet and your eyes zoned in on the curve of his erection, hidden by his Armani underwear – black with a red waistband. His thighs were perfectly toned, his skim glowing in the soft lighting. He looked good enough to eat and your heart skipped a couple of beats as he walked forward. 
You laid back against the mattress, instantly groaning at how soft it was. You practically sunk inside. “Oh, damn this is comfy.” Rolling onto your side as Seokjin climbed on the bed, you hid your smirk. “I could just go to sleep…” 
“I don’t think so,” he told you, hovering over you. His hand smacked you ass causing you to squeal, and you flipped onto your back as he took the moment to cage you under his large body. 
This time his mouth completely bypassed your lips to kiss your chest, pressing into the indents of your collarbones before slipping to the tops of your breasts. He kissed the fabric, wetting it as his tongue traced the delicate flower petals and you gripped onto his shoulders with a moan as he encased one nipple between his lips, sucking gently, soaking the lace a darker shade of blue. “You drive me crazy,” he quietly panted, his hands reaching behind your back, arched into the pleasure he was giving you. “May I?” He asked, fingers finding the clasp of your bra. You nodded hastily, moaning louder when he lifted his head to kiss your lips. His motions were firm, tight pleasure filled grunts leaving him as he freed you of your lingerie. 
Immediately he pulled away, dark eyes soaking in your bare chest like it was the most stunning thing he’d ever seen. Your back arched further when his warm palms cupped your breasts, spreading a heat down your spine that settled between your legs. “You’re beautiful,” he awed, looking into your eyes, causing a sweet moan to fall from your lips. 
He moulded the soft flesh gently, before brushing his thumbs over your hardened nipples. That had you moaning again, pleasure you hadn’t felt in a long time rocketing up your body. It felt amazing to be touched by him, and you were greedy for more. He was on the same page, his lips replacing his thumbs, his tongue flicking against the sensitive bud that had you sighing out his name, your fingers threaded in his hair. He hummed against you, squeezing your breasts and pressing his body into yours – once – his erection pressing into your thighs, before he pulled away, kissing down your sternum before licking into your navel, his hands rubbing up and down the outside of your thighs. 
His lips avoided your clothed heat, which was frustrating to say the least. You were so eager by now, unsure if you could take much more kissing before you exploded, but Seokjin was a man determined – determined on kissing every inch of your body it seemed. He made it down one thigh before moving onto the next and as he got towards your knee you couldn’t help but giggle – it was beginning to tickle, but he didn’t stop, lips pressing down your calf.  
“Seokjinn,” you whined. 
He chuckled as he made his way back up the other leg, bending you at the knee before gently getting you to spread out for him. “What?” He murmured. Although you were distracted now, realising how aroused you had become, your underwear clinging to you desperately. He was kissing the inside of your thigh now, fingers hooked under the waistband of your panties and he was so close to where you wanted him you were trembling. He nosed his way to the apex of your thigh, groaning as he smelt you and then he was hastily tugging the lace down your legs, the last of your covering. Now you were totally naked in front of him, and he looked like he wanted to eat you up. 
“What do you want me to do?” He asked, voice gruff. He sounded so sexy. His eyes were glued to your centre yet he didn’t touch. When you didn’t reply, they flickered to your face. “Y/N. Hm?” 
You mind was a blur, you couldn’t think what to say, mainly because you wanted him to do anything and everything to you. You startled when he nosed the inside of your thigh, his hands sliding down your hips to grip the flesh underneath. “Taste you? Is that what you want?” He whispered, sending your insides somersaulting. He looked up as you nodded, and grinned. “You have to say it out loud, honey.” 
The bastard. He was teasing you. Trying to get under your skin. Your forced yourself to speak. “Taste me.” He hummed in response, pressing his mouth to your hip bone. You raised your tone, more determined. “Seokjin. Taste me.” 
He dived in. Placing gentle kisses up your slit, his lips ever so slightly brushing your clitoris. You moaned quietly, letting your eyes close as you laid back against the softest pillows you had ever felt. Your fists clutched the sheets, hips raising up when you felt the first wash of his tongue. Your breath caught, warmth turning you gooey. “Taste so good,” he mumbled into you – so quietly you wondered if you’d imagined it. 
You enjoyed the sensation for a few moments, quietly moaning intermittently before you felt the urge to take a peek. Opening your eyes and looking down your body, you saw Seokjin watching you, his eyes hungry. You quickly looked away, the back of your hand coming up to cover your mouth as a groan left you, your legs falling wider apart. The scene had been erotic but in all honesty you were feeling a little shy. It had been a long time since you’d had sex, so the idea of someone watching you so intimately made you feel funny. 
Seokjin was there to reassure you though. “Don’t look away, Y/N,” he murmured, pulling back to get your attention. “I want to see your face.” You looked again, watching him kneel low as he ran a hand up your thigh. His lips shone with your arousal. He looked beautiful. 
You moaned lowly when you felt him rub a finger at your entrance, and he watched you intently as he pushed inside, feeling you squeeze around the intrusion. He slowly began to curve the digit, pressing against your inner walls. Committed to pleasuring you, he watched your every reaction and this time you didn’t look away. 
“Does it feel good?” He asked, in awe as you writhed around on the bed, chasing the feeling. 
You moaned as you replied yes, only to jerk upwards when his thumb began to rub tiny circles against your clit. “Seokjin!” 
He liked that. Hearing you cry his name. He wanted to hear it more, dropping low to replace his thumb with his lips. He sucked the sensitive bud of nerves between them, flicking the tip of his tongue against it rapidly, earning him another cry, and he moaned gruffly against you, the vibrations shooting up your body. His free hand moved to your lower stomach, palm hot against your skin as he applied gentle pressure, holding you down. 
Oh god, you were a mass of pleasure, mind addled, unable to think straight. Not when he was making you feel so good. He slipped a second finger inside of you, his eyes flicking up to yours and you made it your life’s mission not to look away, chest heaving up and down as you squeezed around his digits. Your orgasm was building, pressure below getting harder to control – harder to ignore. Seokjin guessed it, breaking eye contact to bury his face further into your heat. The image was almost crude, so were the noises, but the most beautiful kind of crude. A crude that had you desperate for more. You jerked into him, rolling into each snap of his wrist, the pads of his fingers grazing your g-spot. 
“Want to make you cum,” he rasped, before sucking your clit back into his mouth and sucking determinedly. You groaned, head flinging back into the pillow, eyes clenched closed, a hand coming out to grip the roots of your hair as you rolled your hips into his face, giving into the pleasure well and truly. This orgasm was going to blow your brains out – and it did. 
In the end you had you to clamp your legs around Seokjin’s head in a bid to get him to stop, pleasure still rolling through your body as you panted like crazy. He eased from your clit, tongue dragging down your folds instead, meeting his fingers that were almost locked inside of your pulsing walls. With a grunt, he removed himself, kissing your mound one last time before he stopped. With his hands on your thighs as he kneeled between them, he watched you adoringly. 
“Oh, my god,” you panted weakly. Unsure what else you could say to describe what you’d just experienced. Why had he not been doing that from the get-go? From as soon as he’d reversed into your car?! 
That was all he needed anyway, your simple vocalisation, because no sooner had the words exited your mouth, he dived on you, kissing your mouth, your cheeks, your eyes, your forehead – whatever he could reach. “You’re amazing,” he gushed, his lips and chin still glistening with your wetness. You could taste yourself on him. It was glorious. His hands roamed your body like it was all new to him. As if he hadn’t been it for the last forty minutes or so. “Fuck. I can’t stop touching you.”
Your stomach flipped around, the sound of him cursing sending you dizzy. You licked into his mouth, kissing him messily, your hands raking up and down his back, before they settled on his ass. You gave the meat a squeeze and he grunted, pushing his crotch into yours. He was painfully hard – and desperate. (You hadn’t missed the way he’d been rutting into the mattress while going down on you…)
“Seokjin,” you breathed, moving your head to the side to get your words out. His tongue carried on going, swirling across your cheek. You liked getting messy with him. You tugged at his underwear. “Get naked. Need you.” 
“You don’t need a minute?” He asked, tongue now in your ear. He gyrated his hips into yours, grunting as he did so. 
You shook your head. “Like hell I do.” 
He laughed at that – breathlessly, but it was something. He moved, rushing out of the last bit of clothing he had on, and your eyes drunk up the sight. The missing piece. His dick was long and thick – smooth and warm once you got your hands on him. Hovering over you, you ran your fist up and down him steadily, just enjoying getting to touch him. He dropped to your side, pecking your lips before he pulled back.  “I need to be inside you.” 
You continued to touch him, running your fingers along the rigid flesh as he stretched behind him to pull a box from the nightstand drawer. 
It caught your attention right away. You raised both eyebrows as you let go of his length. “A hundred condoms?” 
He chuckled, sounding a little sheepish. “Too enthusiastic?”
“Do you want to kill me?” Death by (Dilf) dick wasn’t how you’d expected to go, if you were being honest. 
“Not particularly,” he shrugged, pulling one of the packet. (Discarding the box to the floor.) He turned back to you with an impish grin. “That’s why I bought the bumper pack of condoms.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing at his chest, but he grabbed your hand and kissed you, distracting you successfully. “No, if I’m being truthful,” he continued, letting you steal another kiss. “They were better value for money. I’m partial to a bargain.” 
“You’re unbelievable,” you scoffed. 
“You should’ve seen me purchasing them, I have never been more embarrassed in my life.” 
“Seokjin, you’re a near 40 year old man,” you judged openly, however on second thoughts – “But yeah, I’d be embarrassed buying a 100 condoms too.” 
Seokjin shuddered, looking mortified. “Just the thought of the cashier knowing I was going to get lucky…” 
You arched an eyebrow. “Get lucky?”
He looked comically caught out, eyes wide for a second before he shook his head. “Less talking now…” And then he was kissing you again…
Between rushed mouths and eager hands, he managed to tear the condom packet, pulling out the latex to slip it over his erection. Kneeling over you, you could see perfectly when he attempted to roll it the wrong way up.  “Oh, shit. Ignore that,” he muttered, fixing it immediately. 
You stifled a laugh. “Ignored.” 
He gave himself a tug, making sure everything was secure and your mouth practically watered. “Just warning you now, this may be a three pumps and Bam! kinda thing,” he informed you as he laid over you, pressing a kiss to your lips. “I am so turned on.”
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his middle. “I don’t mind. Just want you.” 
“I want you more.” He rubbed his nose against yours. 
Hitting his ass, you shot him a look. “It’s not a competition.” 
“Isn’t it?” He asked, pretending to be confused. 
“Quit stalling,” you whined. “Let’s have sex.” 
“Let’s,” he agreed with a warm smile. You turned gooey instantly. 
Pressing his knees to the mattress, he hovered over you, wrapping his hand around his dick to direct it between your legs. He rubbed the length up and down your slit, flesh heavy and hot, coating himself in your arousal. The sensation was good for you, but for him it seemed to blow his mind, eyes practically rolling back into his skull as he grunted. He stopped at your entrance, looking up at you as he slowly pushed the head inside. 
You shifted under him, trying to stay patient. You wanted nothing more than to be stuffed full of him, but realistically you needed to take things slow. You held onto his shoulders, silently telling him to continue. He let out a strained groan as he slipped in deeper, your walls snug and hot around him, begging him for more. Inch by glorious inch, you kept on taking him, until you were filled up just right. 
“Shit,” you uttered, looking up at the ceiling as you adjusted to the sensation. 
“Was that a curse?” He asked, voice tight but greatly amused as he nosed your throat. 
“Hardly.” Your voice was barely there, desperate for him to move. 
“I’d still class it as swearing.” He was holding his breath, yet still felt the need to be a smarty-pants. You moved your hips practically a centimetre and he grunted. He didn’t want you to win though. “I want more. Maybe not tonight, but I will turn your mouth filthy by the end of the week…”
A moan tore from your throat uncontrollably, and you couldn’t look at his face because you knew you’d be met with a gloating smirk. You steeled yourself, nose in the air. “Game on.” 
Seokjin laughed obnoxiously, but couldn’t wait any longer, slowly dragging out of you and then pushing back in. His breath hitched – so did yours, and he carried on, propping himself up with one hand as he gained a steady rhythm. 
“You feel so fucking good,” he moaned, watching your face. 
“You too.” You clung to him, feeling your face heat up and ended up dropping your gaze. 
“Honey, don’t be shy,” he whined, reaching to cup your face, in the process pressing more of his body weight into you. You clutched him tighter, wanting him as close as ever. “I like watching you. Knowing I’m making you feel good.” His mouth on yours now, you sunk into the kiss, moaning softly as his thrusts got quicker. You met each one, rolling into him. 
It wasn’t long before he was on your throat, kissing and nipping the skin, his hands exploring the rest of your body. Your ran your fingers through his hair, sighing sweety when his mouth wrapped around one of your nipples, slipping the hard flesh into his mouth to suck. 
Face pressed against your chest, his movements became a little erratic, breathing heavy until he was panting. You moaned along, loving how he was making you feel. “You are honestly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.” He awed, voice raspy. 
You let out a weak chuckle, running your fingers through the ends of his hair. “Of course you would say that with a face full of my boobs.” 
He laughed too, kissing his way back up your chest, his hands pressing into the pillow as he leaned in for your mouth. You stared at one another for a little while, your moans mingling together, and it was the most intimate moment you’d ever shared with anyone. 
“Good?” He asked. You were unsure if he was asking how you were or if you were enjoying yourself, but regardless, the answer was the same. 
“Really good,” you smiled, running your hand down his chest. 
His thrust were getting messier, less controlled, less strategic, so it was no surprise when he had a confession to tell you, kissing you once again. “I’m-I’m… close.” 
He’d exceeded the predicted three pumps at least… “Hey, you can go a little harder,” you whispered against his mouth. 
He grunted, slacking at your words but quickly got a hold of himself. Each snap of his hips got firmer and harsher, fucking – because there was no other way to describe it – you into the expensive bed. Your cries of pleasure came out stunted and unsteady, his own grunts louder now, gruffer as he chased his end. 
“Seokjin –!” Your hands fell to his ass, holding him tight as he pounded into you. “Don’t stop,” you encouraged, which seemed to tip him over the edge – quickly. 
“Fuck. Coming…”” His face fell into the crook of your neck, panting as he tried to keep moving, and then he froze, his body hot, partly sweaty, a long drawn-out groan sounding against your ear as he came. 
You wrapped your arms around him, keeping him to you because in all honesty, you didn’t want to let him go. You could feel his heart beating against your chest rapidly, even after he’d partially caught his breath, and you knew yours was beating just as fast. You kissed his shoulder when he kissed yours, and slowly he lifted his head, turning to give you a drunken smile. He sighed contently. “That honestly beats any orgasm I’ve ever given myself lately.” 
“I should hope so!” You burst out laughing, not quite expecting those to be his first words and he immediately joined you before hugging you tight. 
You awoke naturally, light from outside peeking through the loosely closed drapes. Seokjin had his arm around you, his body curved into yours, and you could tell by his breathing he was still very much sound asleep. Proving your point, he grunted softly, rolling onto his back, his grip on you loosening. Carefully, you turned around to face him, taking in the sight of his sleeping form. His lips seemed to be pouted, eyebrows furrowed slightly – of course he had an adorable sleeping face. Of fricking course. 
The bed sheets were pushed down, draped across his pelvis, one hip sticking out, while his broad chest and toned stomach laid bare. You found yourself smiling, insanely happy, wondering if you’d been a saint in a past lifetime – you had to have been. How else had you hit the jackpot? A kind-hearted, beautiful man with a banging body? You’d struck big. 
Wanting to leave him sleep longer, you got up quietly, needing to pee, not worrying that you were butt naked, and as you left the bathroom, you moved to the closet (room) to fish for your phone in your purse. You’d left it there all evening yesterday, not wanting to be interrupted, and low and behold you had a bunch of notifications waiting for you on the screen. You got back into bed, getting comfy before you scrolled through them. Most were unimportant, news updates and social media notifications. You had a text from your mom reminding you to call your grandmother soon, one reminder regarding your phone bill going out tomorrow and then, from half an hour ago, a text message from your best friend. Why the hell was she up so early on a Sunday?! 
Soojung (8:32am) Spill the details girl! How was Mr. Dilf 🥵👨🏻🍆💦 
You snorted, pretty loudly, couldn’t help it, and when you realised you shoved a hand over your mouth, hoping you hadn’t woken your boyfriend (yes, it felt so good to finally use that word) up. You glanced over, but his eyes were still shut, a peaceful look on his face, so with a relieved inner sigh, you went back to your phone, wondering how you should reply. You had quite a lot to say, messaging her “the details” wouldn’t work. Maybe you could give her a summary? Until tomorrow when you could call her while Seokjin was at work. Maybe you could meet her for lunch. And who knew, you’d probably have more to tell her come then –
“Good morning, beautiful.” 
You jumped when you heard Seokjin’s voice, his arm wrapping around you once more as he snuggled closer, encasing you in his body warmth. 
“Seokjin,” you greeted, instantly shoving your phone onto the nightstand, face down. “Good morning.” 
“Mmm.” He rubbed his face into the crook of your neck, burrowing his arm under the covers to touch your skin, hand cupping your waist. He was still sleepy, voice groggy. You settled into his hold, closing your eyes. With a kiss to the top of your shoulder, he spoke again.  “What were you snorting at?”
Your eyes immediately flew open. He’d heard that? “Nothing,” you tried to reply casually. 
He laughed, the throaty sound shooting up your body, leaving warmth in its wake. “Come on, something made you laugh.” He lifted his head, looking at you pointedly, plump lips pressed together, mouth curving up slightly. “You have to share, it’ll be rude not to.” 
It took you a second to give in. “Fine.” It was probably time to let him know anyway. Soojung might try to kill you, but she couldn’t get you if you were gated in at Seokjin’s home…  You reached for your phone and flashed the screen on, holding it out to him. “Soojung’s an idiot,” you sighed. 
He delicately held the back of your hand, steadying the device so he could read the messages. A second later he was deeply amused, lips quirking before he let out a little laugh. “Has that been my nickname the entire time?” 
“Maybe…” Amongst other things… They could wait till later though. 
He hummed, trying to keep his expression casual, but you could tell by his eyes how amused (and smug) he was. “The emojis add a nice touch.” 
You rolled your eyes, about to tell him to shut up, but immediately his lips were pressed against yours. He kissed you sweetly – which was all just an act. When he pulled away, he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, tone arrogant. “So… how was Mr. Dilf?”
“Seokjin!” You exclaimed. This couldn’t be happening. He was just as bad as Soo and Taehyung. 
Laughing loudly, he kissed you again, caging you under him smoothly. Your hands reached for his biceps, feeling them flex underneath you. “Was it good enough for a round two? Don’t expect me to keep my hands off you,” he told you, his fingers tickling your stomach as his face fell to your neck, kissing and biting the skin. 
You began to laugh, squirming under him, but no matter how much you tried to free yourself it was impossible. “Stop,” you whined. “Seokjin, you’re tickling me!” He eased off with the tickling but his mouth only seemed to ramp up, his tongue licking up your throat. “You’re so sexy,” he groaned, meeting your gaze, and instantly laughed. “I love embarrassing you.” 
You grumbled, realising you’d started to blush. “I’m not embarrassed,” you insisted. “I’m turned on.” Two could play at that game. Seokjin’s eyes widened comically, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. 
“Yeah?” He murmured, getting a hold of himself, mouth ghosting over yours. You nodded, dragging your hands down his back to settle on his ass. You could feel his dick rousing between your thighs. It was so easy to get him. He was like putty in your hands. 
“You’re okay though, mm?” He asked, tone softening as he stared into your eyes. “Did you enjoy last night?”
“I thought that was obvious,” you informed him, but his tenderness didn’t go ignored. God, you were really lucky. “I feel so happy,” you grinned, moving to clasp your arms around his neck. He grinned too, teeth on show, and then you couldn’t hold off any longer, kissing him eagerly.  
“Fuck,” he breathed, after you’d just licked a strip up his jaw line. His hands clung to hips. “I want you in so many ways.” 
You gave him a dangerous smirk. “We have all week, I’m sure you’ll be successful.” 
Groaning, he seemed beside himself, skin hot and sweaty, his hair dishevelled, falling into his eyes, cheeks patched red. Finally, he settled on a decision. “Would you like to shower with me?”
“Okay,” you replied instantly, your excitement already tenfold, and suddenly you were in his arms, rising off the bed to be carried (naked) bridle style to the bathroom. “Seokjin!” You squealed, clinging onto him tightly, but all he did was laugh. You could get used to this. 
His walk-in shower was grand, practically a separate wet room – two glass doors leading inside and a marbled tiled bench to the left with two panelled windows behind it. There were two showerheads – one large one attached to the ceiling and the other jutting out from the wall. Seokjin chose the centre one, knocking it on and enclosing you both in hot water. Warmth radiated from beneath your feet too – heated flooring, of course. 
You spent the next ten minutes wrapped together kissing, hands exploring one another’s soapy bodies. It wasn’t long before there was a very obvious erection bobbing against your stomach. “Someone says hello again,” Seokjin hummed against your mouth, nipping your bottom lip before he broke away and chuckled. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’ve been the cause of many an awkward boner.” 
You laughed, hooking one arm around his neck. “I noticed.” Your other hand wrapped around his dick, the wetness of his skin making it easy to glide your fist along the veiny shaft. You gazed up at him, admiring the way he’d pushed his wet hair above his forehead. He looked incredibly handsome – so handsome, you were finding it hard to control yourself. “Was this one of your ways?” You murmured. 
“Maybe,” he said with a smile, huffing out a little when your thumb grazed the sensitive slit across the head of his member. 
“I have a better idea…” You whispered, pushing a little at his chest. “Sit.” 
He obeyed, sitting on the bench while watching you wordlessly (but curiously), his eyes flashing when you moved to kneel in front of him. “Fuck,” he muttered, dick twitching in anticipation. You took him in your fist again, feeling oddly confident as you flicked out your tongue. It had been a long time since you’d sucked dick but you were more than ready. 
You washed your tongue across the head, hearing him grunt above you, and encouraged, you took him in your mouth, sucking firmly around the tip. His hands instantly reached for your head, fingers carding through your hair. He groaned lowly, thighs tense, but when you started to jerk your fist along his shaft, he relaxed into the pleasure, murmuring your name. 
“Okay, this idea seems better than mine,” he admitted, voice tight. 
You hummed in agreement, vibrations travelling up his length which made him groan, fingers in your hair tightening. Taking him deeper, you washed and swirled your tongue as best you could around the thick flesh. Seokjin’s length was impressive, but you had all week to grow accustomed to it, for now, you had your hand, continuing to stimulate him with both that and your mouth. The water from the shower hit your back and calves, the heat beneath you making sure you didn’t grow cold. 
“Should we go back to the bedroom?” Seokjin asked, sounding concerned, despite how good you were making him feel. A hand ran down your back soothingly. “Your knees will start aching.” 
Pulling off him, a string of saliva that attached you breaking apart, you shook your head and ran your palm all the way up his length, twisting against the tip. He bucked into your hold. “It’ll be worth it.” 
Seokjin let out a low growl, eyes dark. “Don’t say things like that.” 
You smirked, spreading your saliva up and down him slowly before speeding up, concentrating on the head. Seokjin’s mouth was open, his breathing shallow, chest littered with red blotches, making it painfully obvious how aroused he was. You wanted to run your hands all over the muscular torso, mouth too – but that could wait. First of all, you wanted to make him cum. 
“You have a pretty big dick. Has anyone ever told you that?” You purred, eyes flicking down to his crotch. 
Seokjin grinned confidently, the hand in his hair reaching to cup your cheek. “You seemed to handle it very well last night.” 
Oh. Heat exploded through your body, settling between your legs, and you took him back in your mouth, a hiss leaving his throat. He tapped your chin, gaining your attention. “Y/N, look at me,” he commanded softly. 
And you did. You watched every bit of pleasure that flitted across his face as you continued to suck his dick, never breaking eye contact, even when he did; eyelids closed, face scrunched up as he came down your throat a few minutes later…
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Written 2020 - 2021. Please refrain from posting my work elsewhere. No translations allowed. © floralseokjin 2021
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komoreangel · 3 years
pairing: scaramouche x fem!reader
scenario: you met when you were both very young, and since the day he left you behind he still feels an undying fear for what sight would await him if he dared to return home.
thantophobia - the fear of losing a loved one. but he had made it perfectly clear that you did not fall under that category when he left you and all of your promises behind.
request: okok my first idea was: scaramouche childhood friends to enemies to lovers. take with that what you will <3
a/n: hi anon ty so very much for the request we all know i love scara <33 but i did tweak it a bit basically its childhood friends to enemies to scara loves reader but reader isnt convinced (with a hint of 'ive always loved you' thrown in)
side note: this is a rewrite of an excerpt i wrote for a scara x oc, in which the oc was female (the same is said here but i will avoid using pronouns) and adopted into the kamisato clan as a princess (minor inazuma spoilers). the same situation is stated here. also i am 1000% willing to write more of this (includes my personal headcanons for scaramouche’s backstory, not canon!!)
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growing up, you had always had poor health
your mother worried for you a lot when you were younger
she didn’t like to let you go outside much either
you spent most of your time in the palace walls while she worked, frequently being taken to see the royal physician
you would sit outside the door while your parents talked with the doctors about your “condition”
you weren’t even that sick
just weak for your age
that was when you first met him
he was training to be a soldier along his father
you were like a ghost in his eyes
sitting in the hall in the middle of the night
knees pushed to your chest, snoozing in the soft light of the moon
he was naturally a curious boy, so he kneeled in front of you and poked your shoulder
you startled awake
“wah-!” he fell back at your sudden movement
“who are you?” you asked
your voice was soft, and gentle, like a midnight breeze
“i’m [redacted].”
you remember what he told you, but some part of that memory had been erased from your mind…you wonder to this day what he could have said.
“my name is y/n.”
he thought it was a pretty name, although he wasn’t going to say anything
the two of you sat in the moonlight, talking quietly amongst yourselves
“why are you sitting outside the physician’s office?” he asked you
“my mama says i’m sick, and that going outside will make it worse.”
“oh. are you going to get better soon?”
you smile at him, a gesture that makes his chest tighten, although he can’t fathom why.
“yeah! she says that if we can afford to get some medicine from liyue, i’ll be all better! then i can start making friends!”
he slightly smiles
“can i be your friend, [redacted]?”
you had even said the name yourself once. why couldn’t you remember it?
his expression shifts to a slightly surprised look
“you…want to be my friend?”
he was quiet even then, and his silent expression would grow to an angry one over time
“yeah! you’re interesting, and you’re one of the few people who bothers to talk to me.”
he doesn’t speak for a while.
“you can say no if you want to.” you say to him.
“okay. i’ll be your friend.”
it’s a short response, but the bright grin that lights up your face makes it worth the wait
“yay! i can’t wait till i’m better so we can hang out more!”
you two talked in that hallway a lot
meeting after dark, talking about anything in the world
when you were about six, the worst of your illness hit you
the doctors didn’t even know what was wrong, and there were nights when he would sit outside the physician’s office alone at night, hoping, praying that the sun would shine on a world that still had you in it
you would collapse from exhaustion at the slightest overexertion
his father always told him he had to be careful with you, not only were you shorter than him, but you were also very fragile
those hours spent sitting in the hallway alone, he got to do a lot of thinking
he wanted to help you, but he didn’t know how
then, there was a sudden burst of hope
you were going to liyue with your parents
you would get the help you needed
he was happy for you, even if it meant you would have to spend time away from him
and then there was the terrible news
the ship had gone missing
you had too
he couldn’t sleep for days on end
his father was worried too
when he saw you again, you found yourself shuddering on the shores of inazuma
he wrapped his arms around you as tight as he could, as if his strength alone could undo everything that had happened
it was one of the few times he showed affection in public
he rushed you to the healer again
and this time there was no hoping
there was no praying
there was just the pit in his stomach, the fear that coursed through his veins and fueled his blood
every second felt like a decade, it was a moment in which you weren’t perfectly healthy and safe
the townspeople began to spread rumors, as people do
the guard’s son who was lovesick with worry for the sickly orphan girl
what a pity, no?
he wanted to shut them up. he wished he had the power to shut them up.
when even his father had to drag him away from the pharmacy, he didn’t talk to anyone for a very long time.
this was around the time he grew sour and snappy
his simply quiet demeanor developed into a scowl that constantly graced his face
he only smiled the day you were released from the physicians.
you weren’t fully healed. but you felt better than you ever had in your life.
his father took you in without a second thought, and he was just happy to have you with him.
“i’m better, scara.” you said to him, a happy smile on your face
“i was wondering when you’d hurry up and get well.”
you were a bit troubled by his attitude, but no less, you were happy to see your friend again.
it went like that for a long time.
he was rude, but you didn’t care because you knew what he was like underneath.
some nights he would sneak into your room and talk to you.
he told you he was just bored and felt like annoying you.
but his real reason was to make sure you were still breathing.
he always worried about you
so the day you received your vision, he felt a lot of relief
surely this meant that you could protect yourself. you were safe.
then the worst of all things happened.
his fathers death.
the day he felt like his world was ripped from underneath his feet.
almost immediately, the electro archon, baal, herself, intervened, and declared that you were to be adopted into the kamisato clan.
why you? why couldn’t he keep you with him? he was old enough to be able to take care of both of you
baal didn’t like his questioning. she said she knew what was best for you.
it was strange. because in the days he spent with you after, although not many, you didn’t seem sick at all.
for the first time, you seemed perfectly healthy.
he was glad for that…but he wasn’t happy. you could see that easily.
you knew this wasn’t the right thing for him
he stuck around for a year. you suppose you’re lucky he even stayed that long. you were pretty much his only reason.
sure he found friends in ayaka and kazuha…but he was unhappy.
he knew there was no point in staying, so he thought it was time he took his leave.
he approached you one day, as the sun began to set
you were worried for him, as he had been very angry towards baal and the emperor lately.
“scara, is there something you want to talk about?”
you watch as he stands before you
he blurts out, “run away with me.”
you’re taken aback almost immediately.
he repeats his statement
“i’m going to flee from inazuma. come with me.”
his expression, as it does often these days, turns stern and serious.
“i’m not going to ask you again. come with me, y/n.”
you’re tired of him ordering you around.
“you know i can’t. i have duties here. i can’t just betray my country for you.”
“you know baal wants me gone. she’s going to kill me if i stay. she might do the same to you.”
you scoff at his words. “she won’t harm me or you. you’re being dramatic.”
he spits out his next words, laced with venom. “baal killed my father. i hate her and so should you.”
“it’s like you’ve completely forgotten about him just because you’re royalty now.”
“don’t call me scara. come with me if you ever cared at all.”
he goes quiet
“don’t go. please.”
he frowns
“you know i can’t do that.”
you want to try and make him stay
but he won’t. you know nothing you say will convince him. he won’t let himself be convinced by you, even if that’s what he truly wants.
you inhale
“get out of here.”
“go. leave. and take this with you.”
you throw the necklace you were wearing at him, and he catches it. baal had exiled him, it was true, but he couldn’t expect you to throw everything away for him.
“wait, what are you-“
as the two of you stare each other down, you hear ayaka’s voice coming from the courtyard, calling for you.
she has a guard with her, as the emperor assigns every royal family member. you managed to ditch yours early on.
“the guard is gonna get you if you stay, scara. get out of here, now.”
he scoffs
“whatever. i can’t believe i thought you were worth risking my life.”
he pockets the necklace and steps over the wall, and he’s gone.
nine years of friendship and he threw you away like you were nothing
in truth, the minute he was out of sight, he threw down his bag in anger
he turned around and you weren’t there anymore
you gave up on him
so if he hated you, you deserved it
it might be worth a hefty price anyway.
at least that’s what he told himself
(he never stopped missing you. almost as soon as he joined the fatui, he requested an audience with the tsaritsa to ask her how you were doing.)
“a simple agent, asking that much of me? and for a girl? that’s very bold of you.”
upon hearing it was about you, the cryo archon grew very interested. of course she remembered you.
the sickly orphan she gifted a vision to at a very young age.
she told him you were well
what she didn’t tell him was about baal going berserk and massacring thousands of her people.
upon receiving the news, he felt that chill upon him once again
the fear that fell onto his shoulders, weighing him down, too scared to ask for more information. he didn’t want to be told you were gone.
“the royal family was not harmed.”
he felt his muscles relax as he calmed down.
he quickly reassumed an upright stance.
he was the sixth harbinger. he has no weaknesses. he cares for nothing and no one.
but beneath his mask, the fire of his love for you burned brighter than the flame of any pyro vision.
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a/n: ok so i really enjoyed this….scara banner when. i did tweak it a bit but i have other things written for this scenario in which scara returns to inazuma and reader is (deservingly) PISSED with him :) lmk if you want me to post those !
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jossambird · 3 years
The scent on your coat P5
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Summary: Otto spends time to reflect on his life and his encounter with you and decides to go find you… Only to meet someone else.
Otto Octavius x F!Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warning: Fighting, mentions of bleeding, NS/FW Subjects, Doc Yearning, Doc Jealousy,
AO3 Link for Previous Parts or on my masterlist!
For the next few days after your encounter, Otto couldn’t shake the feeling inside his stomach after seeing you again, heart beating happily as the image of you sprawled out for him reappeared in his mind. Just how long had it been?
Nearly a year had he been forced into a life of criminality, and no matter how much time would have passed, nothing could have ever changed his ever growing love for you.
The stars over his head remained hidden, just like he had been after his accident. The memory of it all felt fabricated, like a story out of the newspapers, but it wasn’t, and here he was, tentacles and all, no longer living the same life as before.
The night he had broken into Oscorp, everything had felt much too nostalgic for his taste, yourself included. You weren’t supposed to be there, served like a decadent meal on display for anyone to see. But you had been, and now, that image would remain forever ingrained in his memory.
Seeing you again in his lab, panting and touching yourself had caused him to feel all kinds of emotions all over again, mainly jealousy coursing through his system until he heard his own name escape your lips as you came.
“Ive only ever wanted you.” The very words replayed in his mind, heart beating faster at the thought. Did you also harbour a deeper emotion for him, just like he did for you? During your employment together, becoming close to you had felt like heaven, your smiles and gentle accidental touches always making his days better.
Otto sighed, eyes turning back to the endless black sky, and wondered if you were looking up too.
The state of his marriage to Rosalie had laid heavy on his mind, long before your employment as his assistant. Otto could still remember the moment he knew it was done, knew that his heart had stopped beating for Rosalie: You had smiled at a successful test, a simple little thing really, but the beauty in that moment, witnessing first hand your joy, had gotten him.
The love he had once felt for Rosalie had long since passed before that moment, just as her love for him had as well.
He had always felt jealous when Harry would come and see you, touching you innocently infront of him and everyone. Though, the very act of watching you always reject Harry Osborn’s advances left fire in his veins, pride radiating off him when you would turn back to him, smiling shyly as Harry left. Oh how he had always wanted to push you against his desk and take you right there, show Harry who you belonged to.
Now, in hindsight, he regretted becoming distant after the whole Harry hug ordeal, remembering how you would try to talk to him afterwards, worry painting your beautiful features with each passing day.
Most of all, he regretted not being able to properly tell you how much he had missed you, and just how much he loved you…
He started moving in seconds, claws burying themselves into the brick and steel of buildings, making his way towards the hideous Oscorp building. Perhaps, you would be working a late night shift again, and perhaps, you would be open to speaking with a villain and old colleague once more.
‘Speaking’ was perhaps not the right word to employ for what could potentially transpire between the two of you after his previous promise to you but he held no expectations, excitement coursing through his veins at the mere idea of seeing you again.
As he approached the Oscorp building and scaled up to the roof, he was met with a bizarre sight, momentary confusion equally held in the other man’s eyes.
Before him, on the very top of Oscorp Industries, sat Spider-Man. In seconds, Otto launched himself at the younger man, frustration rolling off of him in waves at the idea of not being able to see you tonight because of little Peter Parker.
A few moments passed, attacks flying left and right, yet… Something felt off, Otto thought, watching as Peter merely deflected his attacks and stood out of the way, never stepping forward to actually harm him or to the tentacles. He was taking the hits alright, but never retaliating, only receiving, as if to punish himself-
“S-Say Doc Oc- Doctor Octavius, can I ask you something?” Spiderman stuttered out, barely standing in place, face turned away from the older man. The younger man paused, mind jumbled while the villain remained still before him.
Otto didn't know what to do with this bizarre turn of events, looking at Parker in confusion and suspicion. He must have hit the boy on the head, or perhaps he was drunk, using his name for the first time in ages. Otto huffed out in annoyance, he’d much rather go back to trying to throw him across town then answer whatever stupid questions-
“If you loved someone… TRULY loved them, and you found out they loved another… Would you let them go?” Peter cut off his train of thought, making the elder man freeze at the intimate question.
Otto Octavius, renowned Scientist and villain, felt speechless. Of all people whom Peter Parker could have asked… Why him? Was this why Parker kept missing his attacks, barely avoiding his claws, tumbling left and right like a drunk? A broken heart?
“Yes, I would set them free.” Otto uttered without a beat, instantly regretting opening his damn mouth at the sight before him.
“How am I supposed to do that?” Peter tried to let out, a loud sob escaping as he staggered to the rooftops ground, mask in hand while the other hand furiously wiped his tears away.
Otto suddenly felt as if he were back in his old apartment, answering all of Peter’s questions, laughing and thinking just how bright and kind this young man was. But now, it was another woman roaming the halls of his apartment in his mind, another woman turning the corner to see him, your brilliant eyes shining as you smiled at him.
“Sometimes, to do what's right… we must be steady and give up the things we desire the most. Even our dreams.” Otto threw back the boy's own words that he had told him ages ago, knowing that despite everything, it was true. It was hard not to remember just how human they both were, and just how young Peter Parker was.
His eyes landed on the younger man once more, watching as Peter tried to regain a sense of decorum, despite the sobs that still shook his shoulders.
“Are they the one who told you they love someone else?” He asked after a beat, mild curiosity coursing through him as he tried to remember who Peter Parker had been interested in except that poor Mary Jane. The younger man let out a wet chuckle, surprising Otto as the boy smiled widely, fondly.
“She didn’t need to, she's always loved him, even if he didn’t know.” Peter uttered but shook his head, unmasked eyes turning up to look at the villain.
“She- she worked with him. They were pretty close.” Peter swallowed, sorrowful eyes turning away from the man.
“He left, and never came back, for her or his work. I'm the one who helped her pick up the pieces.”
“It doesn’t matter anymore, our wedding is in a few days.” Parker smiled softly as if reliving a memory, eyes and skin blotchy red from his tears. He lifted his hand in the air, wedding band shining in the moonlight.
Silence reigned between the two men, a gentle breeze caressing Otto’s cheek as his mind ran wild, trying to discern who Peter kept alluding to, eyes turning towards the city around-
“You know, she loved you. Really love you.” Peter whispered with a laugh, but it didn’t matter, Otto had heard him loud and clear, body freezing at the younger man's implication.
“She loved you, waited for you. But you never came.” Parker continued, taking the man's silence as an invitation to be quiet.
The silence felt all too stifling, until a tentacle shot out from behind Dr Octavius, grabbing Peter by the throat and throwing him against the brick wall beside them. Emotions swirled in Otto, thoughts and memories flashing before his eyes as he imagined you with Peter Parker, imagined you under the boy, moaning Peter’s name instead of his own. Soon to be married, Y/N Parker.
The very thought of it all and the thought that Peter had had you under him caused liquid hate to course through the Scientist’s veins, wondering if Peter had ever been able to make you cum just as he had, remembering the way you’d gripped his hair and moaned HIS name, crumbling so beautifully under his tongue.
A growl escaped him as he launched after Peter, tentacles whipping right and left to try and catch the little shit.
Most of all, he imagined you disappearing forever, married to a boy, never to see HIM again. Never again would he hear you moan, never again would he hear you say his name, and most of all, never again would he see you smile for him. All of the dreams he had had of a life with you, ripped away because of Peter Parker.
Otto blinked, looking up to see the tentacles enthusiastically attacking Peter of their own volition, reacting to his jealousy, anger and sorrow. Though the scene before him took Otto Octavius by surprise, watching as Peter barely avoided the Claws, taking each hit that landed.
Otto watched the young man for a moment and decided, upper right Claw clasping itself around Peter’s throat, dragging the boy forward. Blood trailed down Parker’s mouth and nose but his quick hands reached out and grabbed Otto’s coat, hazy eyes focusing on his ex-Mentor.
Suddenly, Peter’s blue eyes sharpened, mouth opening to try and speak.
“P-Please, tell me… Could you love someone, be IN love with someone, as you are now?” Peter whispered, coughing up blood as he ground out his words, red splattering over Otto’s black turtleneck and leather coat.
“Pardon me?” Dr Octavius bite out, faltering for a moment at the way Peter watched him, as if trying to discern something important, shaking hands firmly balled in his coat.
“If you had that one chance right now, to tell her- to tell the person that you love that you want to be with them for the rest of your life and make them happy as you are now, tentacles and all, would you do it?” Peter asked, and in the brief second that followed his question, no matter how jealous he felt at the fact that Peter Parker had had you first, images of you coursed through his mind, your voice repeating every sentence you had ever told him. Peter’s little blunder had also not escaped him, the word ‘her’ ringing in his ears.
“In a heartbeat.”
Peter remained still under the claws hold, visibly debating something.
“Sometimes, to do what's right, we must be steady and give up the things we desire the most. Even our dreams.” The boy repeated once more, and even though Peter had thrown those words at him once before, now, it seemed the words weren’t for him. No no, instead, they were for Peter himself. Tears rolled down Peter’s cheeks once more but a smile appeared, tired eyes looking up at Otto.
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atlafan · 4 years
Sweet Tooth - One Shot
a/n: dentistrry is here!! I only researched a couple of things, so if you’re in the dentistry/medical field please don’t come for me if things are inaccurate, it’s just a fic, you know? This ia really cute, sweet, datey fic, so I hope you enjoy! Feedback and reblogs are super helpful! (not proofread) Consider buying me a coffee if you’re able! 
Warnings: fluff and smut (the word molested is used, nothing bad happens or has happened to the main characters, it’s just mentioned during a conversation)
Pairing: Harry x OC
Words: 18K
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“Dad, I can go by myself.” Abby groans to her father.
“I have to make sure everything gets billed correctly. Your dentist said only two are impacted, so only half is covered my medical and the other half is covered by dental.”
She huffs out a sigh, but nods her head as they enter Tufts Medical Center. Abby was finally getting a consult for her wisdom teeth. Perhaps at the age of twenty she felt a little late to the game for this, but her mouth had only started to hurt a little this past year. She was a little nervous about being knocked out for surgery, but she also just wanted her mouth to feel better. It was the summer before her junior year of college, so now was the perfect time to get it done. Abby and her dad make their way through the building, and get to the floor they need to be on.
“Abigail Simmons.” Her dad says to the receptionist and she nods.
“Someone will be out for her shortly. Did you have her most recent x-rays sent to us?”
“Yes.” Her dad says, and they both go to take a seat.
Abby’s leg was bouncing and she was chewing on her bottom lip. It was just a consult, there was really nothing to be worried about.
“Abigail?” Her eyes widen as she looks over at the person who just said her name. He had a toothy smile and was wearing a set of blue scrubs. She and her father both stand up. “Hi, I’m Harry, you can follow me.” He smiles to the two of them as he leads them to the consult rooms. He gets Abby situated in the dental chair. “Just so you both know, I am a student, but a competent one, which is why one of the other nurses isn’t here, but one of them will come by shortly, and so will the doctor.” He sits down on the stool and wheels over to Abby as he puts his gloves on. “Heard your mouth’s been sore, huh?”
“She called me at school in tears.” Her dad says and she glares at him.
“College student?” Harry raises an eyebrow and looks back at the computer to review her x-rays. “How old are you?”
“Twenty.” Abby says.
“Your teeth are, like, really straight. Did you have braces?”
“When she was in middle school. She stills wears her retainer.”
Harry and Abby both look at her father and blink. He was really starting to piss her off. She could answer for herself.
“Well, you’ve got a very good girl here, don’t you, Mr. Simmons? Listen, uh, this is going to take a few minutes. I need to look at all of her teeth and confirm the ones that are impacted and if the other two have room or not. There’s another waiting area right over there. I’ll call you back over once the doctor’s here. Would that be alright?”
“It’s just…Abby’s really nervous-“
“Dad, please, I’m fine.”
“Alright.” Her dad sighs. “I’ll be right over there.”
“Bit of a helicopter you have there.” Harry smirks at her.
“Thank you for getting rid of him. I bring myself to the doctor all the time, but for whatever reason he was adamant about coming to this.”
“It’s major surgery I don’t blame him.” Harry grabs a bib to put around Abby. “So, you go by Abby?”
“Mhm.” She blushes as he clips the bib in place and adjusts her hair.
“Is it true, are you nervous?”
“A little…mostly about the surgery, not so much about the rest. I’m not one of those people that’s afraid of the dentist.”
“No worries, love, you’ll be in good hands with us.” He smiles. “I’m gonna put the chair back now, alright?”
The chair slowly goes back, and he situates a pair of sunglasses onto her before fixing the light over her eyes.
“Could you open up for me as much as you can? I’ll try to be as gentle as possible since I know you’re experiencing a lot of discomfort.”
She nods and opens up wide. She feels his pinkies enter her mouth and feel around her gums. She winces a few times when he brushes up against the back of her mouth. She hears him whisper sorry a few times. Abby tries to focus on anything else. She focuses on how green his eyes are, and how seemingly perfect his skin is. Her mind wanders to how people get skin like that. What’s his routine? How could she get skin as smooth? Does he see a dermatologist regularly?
“Okay, Abby, I’m gonna out the chair back upright, and go grab your dad and the doctor. Hope that didn’t hurt too much.”
“It was fine, thank you.”
Abby’s dad, two nurses, Harry, and the doctor all come over to her to discuss her teeth. She definitely needed all four removed. They settle on a date for her to come back and have the procedure done, and Harry gives her the rundown on how to prep for the surgery.
“We’ll see you in a couple of weeks, Abby.” Harry smiles.
“You’ll be here?”
��You bet.”
Even though she was nervous as fuck to go under, she was almost excited to see the handsome dental student again. At least it was something to look forward to.
Abby had an early morning surgery, and she had to stop eating the night before. So she was exhausted and starving, not to mention she was a ball of nerves. Her dad drove her in for the appointment, and assured her he’d be there afterwards.
“Abby?” Harry comes out all scrubbed up and ready to go. She stands up and waves back to her dad before going with him. He brings her over to a consult chair and types on the computer. “Alright, whatcha have for breakfast?”
“N-nothing, I haven’t eaten since dinner last night.”
“Good girl.” He says without looking at her. “And what about a midnight snack?”
“Harry, I haven’t eaten since dinner last night.”
“You remembered my name?” He asks as he turns to her, and she blushes.
“Sort of hard to forget the British guy that told my dad to go sit somewhere else.” She smirks, and it makes him laugh. “Will you be in the operating room?”
“Yup, I’ll be there the whole time. I’m the hand holder.”
“The hand holder?”
“Mhm, while they’re helping you get to sleep I’ll be holding your hand, making sure you’re alright. I also get to put the IV in your arm.”
“Lucky you.” She deadpans and it makes him laugh again.
“What are you in school for?”
“Psychology. I’d like to be the type of doctor that doesn’t have to deal with all this.” She gestures around the room.
“Helping people on a whole other level, I see.” He nods.
The doctor comes over, and she must have gotten asked about four more times if she had eaten breakfast. She gets settled in the chair in the new room where she’d be operated on. She watches as Harry gets the IV in her arm, and then he holds her hand, just like he said he was. He was wearing a mask now, but she could tell he was smiling.
“Don’t worry, Abby, the next time you wake up these nasty teeth will be gone.”
She nods at him and squeezes his hand as they get the oxygen hooked up to her nose. His thumb rubs the back of her hand as a nurse puts the mask over her mouth, and her eyes slowly start to droop. The last image she has is Harry’s hand in hers.
When Abby wakes up, her eyes immediately well up with tears as she looks around the room. She sees her dad sitting in a chair reading a magazine, and she sees the IV still hooked up to her arm. She makes a whining noise and her dad looks over at her.
“Hey, you’re awake.” He smiles. “Everything went really well, honey. You did great.”
After about ten minutes a nurse comes in and takes the IV out. In her daze she tried looking for Harry, but she couldn’t find him. She was so delirious she could barely walk, and her dad had to help her to the car. She just wanted to say thank you to Harry for holding her hand, but she never got the chance.
Several years later, Abby had finished her master’s degree in counseling, and just finished up her licensure program. She already had a few different job opportunities lined up. The one she wanted most was at a local university at a counseling center. Being a student in today’s age was tough, and Abby wanted to be someone they could open up to. She had done extremely well in her postgraduate internship, so she had impeccable recommendations. She just needed to narrow things down to what school she wanted to work for, and that ultimately came down to benefits. She ended up going with UMASS Boston. It was a school a lot of her friends attended, so she sort of knew the campus, it was easy enough to get to by train, and the benefits were great.
After getting the first semester under her belt, Abby was feeling confident in what she was doing. She was truly helping students. She’d even be able to go for her PhD for free after she had six months under her belt. With winter break underway, Abby was getting caught up on some self-care, which meant going in for her annual cleaning.
“Hello, this is MidCity General Denstistry, may I please speak with Abigail Simmons?”
“This is she.”
“Hi, Abigail, this is a call to remind you of your appointment this week.”
“Right, Wednesday at 3PM?”
“Correct, and I have to inform you that your usual dentist, Dr. Morgan, has recently retired.”
“Oh…I mean good for her, I just liked her a lot.” Abby chuckles.
“Don’t worry, our new doctor, Dr. Styles, is amazing and everyone’s really like him so far. He’s taking over all of Dr. Morgan’s patients.”
“Okay, that should be fine. See you Wednesday!” Abby hangs up the phone and puts an extra reminder on her phone so she wouldn’t forget.
On Wednesday, she checked in and was brought into the back by a nurse, Marie. She was the dental assistant that would be doing her cleaning, nothing out of the ordinary. Although, Abby was starting to get aggravated because Marie kept sticking the pick into the same tooth in the back of her mouth. She hears Marie sigh.
“Abby, it seems like you may have a cavity. Dr. Styles will be able to confirm it. Let me polish you up, and then I’ll go get him.”
Before Abby has a chance to respond, Marie was already polishing her teeth. She was left to lay back in the chair while Marie went to get Dr. Styles.
“Hello, Miss Simmons.” Abby’s eyes widen when she hears his voice. He sits on a stool and wheels over next to her. “I’m Dr. Styles, nice to meet you.” He extends his hand to her and she takes it. “Mind if I take a quick peak at everything else before I inspect this possible cavity?”
“N-no, go ahead.”
“Thank you, open wide for me.”
She does so, and he sticks his gloved fingers into her mouth, feeling around her gums, and making sure everything’s alright. Next he grabs the tools and does a quick inspection of her overall mouth before poking at the tooth that Marie said was the problem. Abby notices how he hum along to the music playing on the radio. It was almost soothing.
“Okay, I’m gonna hit the button so you can sit up.” He says to her. Marie moves the light, and Abby takes the sunglasses she was given off. Her eyes widen again when she gets a good look at him.
Abby had come into contact with a lot of people in her life since the time she was twenty. It would be odd to remember someone that helped with her oral surgery, but too much was adding up. A man with a British accent, the same green eyes, and he was in the dental profession. She was finally going to get a chance to thank him.
“You have a cavity.” He sighs.
“I’ve never had one in my life.” She shakes her head.
“Happens to the best of us.” Dr. Styles chuckles. “Are you eating a lot of sweets?”
“Um, well, I’m a counselor at UMASS Boston, and I tend to suck on jolly ranchers when I’m meeting with students. Helps remind me to just sit and listen and not interrupt.”
“Ah, that’s a pretty good trick. Maybe try sugar free gum?”
“No, gum gives me a headache.” She shakes her head. “I prefer to suck than to chew.”
“Right.” He swallows. “Maybe try sucking on some mints then?”
“Sure, I can try that.” She smiles at him.
“Good girl.” He smiles back at her. That just sealed the deal it was definitely him. “Marie here will help you set up an appointment so I can take care of this for you.”
“You’ll be doing the procedure?”
“Mhm, you’re stuck with me now…unless you want to switch to another doctor, which I hope you don’t. Hope you’re not missing Dr. Morgan too much.”
“Not as much as I thought, that’s for sure. Um…this may be a weird question, but did you happen to be a student at Tufts Medical Center?”
“I was! It’s where I went after I got my bachelor’s. I can perform oral surgery, but I much prefer doing stuff like this. Can fill a cavity in my sleep. How did you know I went there?”
“I…this is going to sound so weird, but, like, six years ago you…held my hand when I got my wisdom teeth out.” Harry’s eyes widen at that. “Normally I wouldn’t remember someone so well, but…it’s not every day I have a British doctor.”
“Oh, wow, you remember me doing that?”
“Yeah, and we left before I ever got a chance to say thank you for keeping me so calm. So…thanks.” She blushes.
“I wish…I wish I remembered that. They often had me as the hand holder. How nice for our paths to cross again, huh? Promise to be just as good a dentist as I was at holding your hand.”
“That’s all I could hope for.” She smirks, and it makes him chuckle. “Right, well, Marie, please help Miss Simmons set up her appointment with me so we can get this cavity filled.”
“Sure thing, Dr. Styles.” Marie says as she makes a few clicks on the computer.
Just like that he was gone. He had grown into quite the handsome man since she last saw him. Not that he wasn’t before, but he looked more adult now. She wondered how much older he was than her. More importantly, she wondered if he was single.
It was about a week later when Abby came in to have her cavity taken care of. Marie was the dental assistant again which brought Abby some comfort. Marie gets her prepped in the chair as they wait for Harry to come into the private room.
“Alright, good morning, Miss Simmons.” He says brightly.
“You can just call me Abby if you want…” She says shyly.
“Okay, Abby, it is. Let’s fill this cavity, yeah?” He sits on the stool and wheels over to her. “Gotta give you a spot of nova cane, but before I do that we have to numb the area a bit, so this little thing that looks like a lollypop is gonna go in.” Abby nods. “Open up for me.” She does so. “Good girl, thank you.” He places the numbing stick inside her mouth and she scrunches her face. “I know, it doesn’t taste very good, sorry.” He stands back up. “I’ll be back in about five minutes.”  
True to his word, Harry comes back five minutes later, and takes the numbing stick out of Abby’s mouth. Next he has her open up so he can administer the nova cane. He tells her she might feel a slight pinch, and she accidentally grabs onto his thigh.
“S-sorry.” Abby says as she takes her hand off him. “I may not be afraid of the dentist, but I really don’t like needles.”
Harry and Marie share a glance, and then Harry looks at Abby.
“Marie, would you mind handling the nova cane so I can hold Abby’s hand?”
“Sure thing, Dr. Styles.”
Harry hands the needle to Marie, and then Harry grabs onto Abby’s hand. He smiles softly at her, and she’s able to focus on him and not the needle going into her gums. Marie says it’s all set, so Harry gets back into position with the drill.
“If it hurts, just let me know and we can numb you a bit more.” Harry says to her. “It’ll be over before you know it.”
Abby pinches her eyes closed the second the drill comes into contact with her tooth. Thank god Harry was wearing a mask because he couldn’t help but smile at how cute she looked. Luckily, Abby didn’t suffer too much. The procedure didn’t take too long, and she was sitting upright before she knew it.
“You did great.” Harry smiles at her. “So, that side of your mouth will be numb for a bit. Give it a few hours before you eat anything, avoid hot foods.” Abby just nods her head along, too embarrassed to speak because she knew she would sound stupid. “Have you made your appointment for your next cleaning?” She nods again. “Great, Marie, I’m just gonna go over another few things with Abby, feel free to go on your break.”
“Oh, alright. See you in six months, Abby.” Marie smiles, and leaves the room as Abby waves to her.
“I actually already went over everything with you. I…uh…just wanted her to step out.” Abby’s eyes widen at that. “I was actually wondering, um, if you’d like to go out for coffee sometime…you know, when you can have hot liquids again.” He blushes and so does she. She nods yes at him quickly. “You do? Great, um, can I have your number then?” Abby frantically reaches for the phone in her pocket, unlocks it, and then hands it to Harry so he can add his contact. “I’ll call you in a couple of days so we can set something up, yeah?”
She smiles and nods as she takes her phone back. Her heart was fluttering. She felt like she was in a dream or something. Coffee couldn’t come soon enough.
Harry called Abby a couple of days later, just like he said he would, and they agreed upon what coffee shop they should meet up at on Saturday. Her mouth was feeling much better, and she was really excited to see him. She was still in shock that he asked her out in the first place. She thought she’d have to wait another six months to see him again.
He got to the coffee shop first, and decided to wait outside for her. He smiles when he sees her and they step inside.
“It’s on me.” He says. “Get whatever you like.”
“Oh! That’s so nice of you.” Abby blushes. “Thanks.” They each order and grab a table to sit at. It was too cold outside to go for a walk.
“I just want to preface by saying I’ve never asked out a patient before.” Harry says to her.
“So…why ask me out then?”
“I just found it really endearing that you remembered me, and all you wanted to do was say thank you to me for doing something so simple.”
“Harry, I had just turned twenty, I was practically still a kid. I had never gone under or had a surgery before, I was petrified. My dad was just as nervous, you were the only thing that calmed me down.”
“So, that would make you roughly twenty-six now?”
“Yes it would.” She smiles as she takes a sip of her coffee. “How old are you?”
“I’ll be thirty-two next month.” It was an age difference both of them might have been against those years ago, but not now. They were both well into adulthood, had their careers, and had some life experience under their belts. “It’s killing me that I don’t remember you.”
“It’s really okay. You’ve probably seen so many patients. I’m sure years down the line I won’t remember every student I’ve met with.”
“Right, you said you’re a counselor at…?”
“UMASS Boston.”
“And how do you like doing that?”
“I love it, honestly. I feel so bad for these kids, they have so much on their plates, under all this pressure. It’s really brave of them to come ask for help, so I like giving them a safe space. Some meetings are more serious than others, so it’s never boring. I feel like I’m doing something worthwhile.”
“That’s amazing. Feel like I do better talking to people in small spurts, that’s what’s so great about being a dentist. People can’t strike up small talk when you’ve got your fingers in their mouth.” He laughs and so does Abby.
“How long have you been at MidCity for?”
“Like…six months, I think. I like it a lot, everyone’s really nice. Marie’s my favorite assistant, though, sometimes her kids come in and they’re really cute, and her wife bakes the best brownies.”
“She’s usually the one to do my cleanings, I like her a lot too.”
“Can I ask why you chose jolly ranchers to suck on? I mean, how many students are you meeting with? You must go through a ton.”
“I do.” She blushes in embarrassment. “I got them when they were on sale after Halloween…I’m definitely going to try the mints like you said.”
“Good, I’m glad.” He smiles as he takes a bite of his bagel.
“So, how does a doctor such as yourself not already have a girlfriend?”
“Getting right to it, huh?” He smirks and she nods. “Medical school takes up a lot of time, and then when I first started as an intern, I was constantly overworked. I was doing surgeries left and right, I was too exhausted to try and make anything serious work. Then I decided I’d rather be working at a practice. I still do a lot of teeth pulling, but not as much as I was. And now that things have slowed down a bit, I just haven’t met someone I’ve wanted to be serious with.” He shrugs. “What about you?”
“Same thing, sort of.” She giggles. “Grad school was a lot, and then interning was a lot. Now I’m just really settling into my job. I survived the first semester, now I feel like a pro.”
“That’s a good feeling to have. Is your commute long?”
“Not really, I just take the green line to the red and I’m there. Obviously the trains can be unpredictable, but it beats having to pay for a car and car insurance. What about you? Are you in the city, or out in the suburbs.”
“Oh, I’m in the city. I drive to work, though, I’ve got my own parking spot at the back of the building.”
“Well, we can’t all be so special.” She smirks.
“No, I suppose not.” He smirks back at her. “How’s your tooth feel, by the way?”
“Oh, it’s fine, thanks. You’re really good at your job. It was nice of you to hold my hand when Marie did the nova cane.”
“I felt so bad that you were scared.” He reaches across the table and places his hand over hers. “When you grabbed onto me I knew I had to do something.”
“God that was embarrassing. I would have felt so violated if someone did that to me.”
“It’s not like you grabbed my dick, Abby, it’s alright.” He gives her hand a squeeze.
“Right.” She lets out a nervous laugh. “So, do you work a standard Monday through Friday at MidCity, or how does all of that work?”
“Yup, pretty much.” He takes his hand away from hers. “I mean obviously if there’s an emergency we have to cancel appointments, but for the most part we leave spots open for surgeries so people are able to book those easy enough. I usually pop by the cleanings in between cavity fillings and other stuff.”
“What made you want to become a dentist?”
“Well, I knew I wanted to work in the medical field, but selfishly I didn’t want the long hours at hospitals. I don’t have to be on call, like, I don’t have to worry about emergencies in the middle of the night. Not often, anyways.”
“I feel like I would get grossed out looking at teeth all day.” Abby chuckles.
“It’s not as bad as you think. I try to separate the teeth from the person. Like, I was able to give all new teeth to this recovering meth addict. She had this incredible story, and I knew I had to help. She had been sober for five years, but no one would hire her because of her teeth. Now she’s working a corporate job doing great.”
“Oh, wow, that’s amazing.”
“You must have some great stories with your students.”
“Yeah, I’ve really bonded with a few of them. Sometimes they just need someone on their side, you know? A lot of them are first in their family to go to school, so they’re doing a lot on their own.”
“That’s a lot of pressure.”
“You have no idea.”
“Well, it’s good they have a nice person like you to help them.” Harry smiles warmly at her and she smiles back. “Would you, um, would you be interested in going out for dinner some time?”
“I…yeah, I’d love to.” She blinks a couple of times. “I’m free most nights right now because we’re on winter break.”
“You don’t have to go into your office at all?”
“I just answer emails from home.” Abby shrugs.
“Sweet deal.” Harry grins. “So, how would Thursday night work for you?”
“Thursday works great.” She smiles.
They both throw out all of their trash and step out of the coffee shop. They share a gentle hug, and go their separate ways. Harry said he’d call in a couple of days to let her know where he’d be taking her, and she was beyond excited.
Friday night, Harry picked Abby up in front of her building. When he saw her, he got out of the car to open the door for her and she giggled.
“That’s a nice coat.” He says to her.
“Thanks, I got it on sale at L.L. Bean back in August. Keeps me nice and warm.”
“Oh, I love shopping there! Once in a while I’ll take the drive up to New Hampshire to go to the actual store to get the really good stuff. The boots I got from there for the winter will last a life time.”
“Yeah, it’s just good quality stuff. I usually get a decent coupon in the mail or online.” She chews her bottom lip. Clearly Harry had a little more money than she did. “Where are we eating?”
“You’ll love it, it’s this nice Italian place at the North End. I remember you said Italian was something you liked when we spoke on the phone.”
Abby smiles at him and he looks at her briefly to smile back. He finds a place to park, somehow, and they walk towards the restaurants. She hadn’t been to the North End in a while since most of the places were expensive. Harry puts his hand on the small of her back as they walk in, and he tells the hostess he has a reservation. She leads them over to a table for two and he pulls out the chair for her.
“So, how’s your week been?” Abby asks him.
“Pretty good, fit this one person with a new tooth, did a couple of crowns. Same old, same old.” He shrugs. “How about you?”
“Good, I did some virtual sessions with some students who are having shitty winter breaks. I went into the office for a team retreat, and then I updated some spread sheets.” She chuckles.
“That’s nice of you to do virtual appointments.”
“It’s all part of the job.”
“Good evening, folks.” A waiter comes over with water and a basket of rolls. “I’m Parker, can I start you off with any drinks or appetizers?”
“Abby, would you care to get a bottle of white for the table?” Harry asks her.
“Oh, sure, that’s be great. Would Pinot Grigio be alright?”
“It’s perfect. A bottle of Piniot Grigio, please.” He looks down at the menu and furrows his brows at the appetizers. “Calamari?” He asks her and she nods. “Calamari, Parker.”
“Sounds great, I’ll be back in a moment with the wine and to take your dinner orders.”
“The calamari here is excellent, it’s lightly fried in peanut oil so it doesn’t feel heavy.”
“What do you recommend for an entrée?”
“Everything’s good. What are you in the mood for?”
Abby looks down at the menu and her eyebrows raise at the prices.
“Maybe just one of these pasta dishes.”
“Don’t do that.”
“Don’t get the cheapest thing on the menu. Get whatever you like, it’s my treat.”
“Harry, this is gonna be really expensive.”
“I wouldn’t have brought you here if I couldn’t afford it, please don’t worry about it.”
“O-okay, then…maybe the steak tips with the pan seared peppers.”
“If that’s what you want then you should have it.” Harry smiles. Parker comes over with the bottle of wine, and pours the first two glasses for them. “I’m really glad we could do this tonight.” He grins. “I…found something when I was going through some old things the other day.”
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow as she sips on her drink.
“It was killing me that I couldn’t remember you, but then it hit me.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a card. “I’ve never been so thankful to be a packrat in my life.” He opens it and smiles. “Dear Harry, I never got a chance to say thank you when you held my hand before my surgery. I figured I’d drop this off when I came in to have my stitches removed. I hope this finds its way to you. You’re going to be a great doctor someday. Sincerely, Abby Simmons.” He smiles at her as he places the card back in his back pocket.
“You…you kept that?”
“It wasn’t often I got cards like that, so I kept it, and once in a while when I needed a pick me up I’d read it. As soon as I re-read it the other day I completely remembered you. I even remembered telling your dad to go sit in the other waiting room.”
“Oh my god.” Abby chuckles. “That was the greatest thing I had ever seen. Think that solidified the crush I had on you.”
“Telling your dad to basically leave you alone?”
“Yeah.” She smirks. “Super hot to see you be so sure of yourself and confident. Plus, he was really pissing me off, talking over me and answering for me.”
“Wow, so I guess I’m the one that away, huh?” He smirks.
“You certainly were. Although, I hadn’t thought about you in quite some time. It’s crazy that you ended up becoming my dentist.”
“Very crazy.” Parker comes over with the calamari and tells the two he’s going to put their orders in now. Harry watches as she sticks her fork into a piece and takes a bite. “You’re really cute, you know that?”
“I’ll take your word for it.” She smiles. “This is really good.”
“I’m glad you like it.”
The rest of the date goes really well. Abby and Harry continued to joke around and flirt. It wasn’t until the check came that she felt a little uncomfortable.
“How much is it?” She asks him nervously.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” He smirks and slides his card into the slot, letting Parker take it. “Would you like to walk around for a bit, maybe get some dessert by the water?”
“That sounds great, but only if I can pay for dessert.”
“Deal.” He smiles.
Harry holds Abby’s hand as they walk through the little park by the water. Even though it was cold out, it was still a beautiful night. They duck into a gelato place for a little dessert. They decide to split something, which ends up being insanely romantic when Harry lifts his spoon to her lips. She makes a show of it as she takes a bite, licking her lips after and everything. He holds her hand during the drive, and lets her pick the radio station. He gets out and walks her up to the door once they get to her building.
“I had a lot of fun with you tonight.” She says to him.
“Me too.” He steps closer to her. “Do you see a third date in our future?”
“Definitely.” She nods. “Do you like bowling?”
“Love bowling. Are you, um, free Saturday night?”
“I can be.” She smiles. “Pick me up around seven?”
“It’s a date.” He smiles. The two stand there awkwardly for a moment, unsure if they should kiss or not, so instead Harry opens his arms for hug, and she wraps her arms around his neck. She kisses his cheek, and then he kisses hers. “I’ll see you Saturday, Abby.”
“See you Saturday, Harry.”
Harry was on cloud nine the next day at work. He couldn’t stop thinking about Abby, her smile, her laugh, the little beauty mark she has under right eye. He thought she was gorgeous, charming, and kind. Normally he’d never get involved with a patient, but he couldn’t help it with her. He thought it was so sweet that she remembered him after all this time, and he felt so relieved that he remembered her.
“You’ve had this dreamy look on your face all week, what’s with you?” Marie asks Harry while they’re eating lunch.
“I…sort of met someone, and we’ve been out a couple times…she’s great.”
“That’s great! Anyone I know?”
“Um…well, you know Abigail Simmons…”
“Of course I know Abby! Oh my god, is that why you asked me to step out of the room when you filled her cavity?!”
“I didn’t wanna ask her out in front of you.”
“Harry, since when do you date patients?” She whispers.
“Normally I wouldn’t, but it turns out I met her a long time ago. When I was a student at Tufts I assisted in removing her wisdom teeth.”
“Oh, wow, that’s incredible.” Marie blinks. “When are you seeing her again?”
“Tomorrow night. We’re going bowling, how fun is that?”
“Should be really fun.” Marie grins. “Look at you, putting yourself out there. Now Leigh and I can stop trying to set you up.”
“I’m excited about her. She’s got such a cool job too. I can’t wait to keep getting to know her.”
Since they were going bowling, they could easily just take the train, so Harry takes a cab to Abby’s building Saturday evening. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a sweater under his jacket. She comes down the stairs in her long coat, and a Patriots hat on top of her head.
“Hey.” He smiles at her, taking her in for a hug. “How are you?”
“Good.” She smiles up at him. “How are you?”
“Good, great, actually.” He takes her hand and they walk towards the nearest t-stop. They both swipe their Charlie Cards and hop onto the next train.  
“I hope you’re okay with candle pins…I’m not good with the big balls.” Abby says to him as they hang onto the same pole of the crowded train.
“I love candle pinning.” He chuckles. “No worries.”
They get to the bowling alley, are given a lane, and get their shoes. Abby takes her hat off and fixes her hair, and then unzips her jacket. She had a pair of jeans on with a red turtleneck. Abby was a short, curvy thing, and Harry absolutely loved it. When Abby first met Harry back when she was twenty, she was a tiny size two, but now she was a comfortable size eight and was fully embracing it. She was healthy, and that was all that mattered.
“Do you want anything to drink? I could get us a pitcher of beer.” Harry says to her as they settle into their lane. “I could get us some pizza too.”
“That sounds great, thanks.” She smiles as she slips her shoes on.
“Be back in a tick.” Harry goes over to the snack bar and gets two slices of pizza and a pitcher of beer. “Here we are.” Harry fills two of the plastic cups up with the beer, and hands one to Abby. “Shall we?”
“Mhm, I already set up the score sheets.” She shows him the large sheet of paper. “Not that I care that much about the score…it’s just fun to keep track.”
Abby bowls first, knocking most of the pins down, and then gets the rest on her second throw. Harry couldn’t help but smile as he watched her to do a little jog and hop as she threw the ball down the lane. He goes up next and immediately gets a strike.
“Woohoo! Go, Harry!” Abby says as she takes a sip of her beer. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a strike before.”
“I could show you how if you want.”
“Isn’t it just luck?”
“Nope, it’s all physics.”
“And…you’re good with physics?”
“Had to take it during pre-med, I even tutored for it. Come on, I’ll show you.” Abby gets up and grabs one of the balls. Harry goes behind her, and puts his hand on one of her shoulders, moving her hair so he can speak closer to her ear. “Okay, so what you’re gonna want to do is walk a little closer to the line, swing the ball back, and let it fly.”
Abby turns slightly to look up at him. Her cheeks were flushed. She nods at him, and does exactly what he said to do, and she gets the strike.
“Oh my god!” She squeals and throws her arms around him. “I can’t believe that worked! You’re amazing!” She kisses his cheek.
“You did great! Nice to know you’re good at following directions.” He winks at her and grabs his next ball.
After three rounds of bowling, and two pitchers of beer, they both head out. They take the train back to the stop nearest to Abby’s apartment, and Harry walks her home.
“I had so much fun tonight, Harry.”
“Me too, I’m glad you suggested bowling.” They both stop in front of her steps. “Can I see you again next weekend?”
“I’d like that.”
“Maybe if it’s not too cold we could go ice skating at Frog Pond.”
“Oh, I’d love to do that! I have my own skates and everything.”
“Perfect.” He smiles and steps closer to her. She looks up at him with her big brown eyes. He didn’t think brown eyes as beautiful as hers existed. “Abby, can I kiss you?” He asks softly.
“Yes.” She nods and smiles up at him.
He cups her cheek and leans down to her. His lips press to hers, and he uses is other hand to cup her other cheek. It’s soft and gentle at first, it grows a little needier as she presses her body to his, but she stops him from walking up the stairs. She pulls away first and blushes.
“Um, well, goodnight.” She says to him.
“Yeah, goodnight.” He rubs the back of his neck. He was sorting of hoping she’d invite him up. It was the third date, after all. Maybe she was a fifth date kind of girl, which he had to respect. “I’ll call you at some point during the week. I’ve got a few different surgeries, though, so if you don’t hear from me a lot that’s why.”
“No worries.” She shrugs. “I’m getting ready for the students to return, and I have some meetings to go to, some seminars, so I’ll be busy myself. Wanna just plan for next Saturday?”
“Sounds good to me.” He leans again to kiss her again, and she happily kisses him back.
“Okay, goodnight for real.” She giggles and walks up her steps. She waves goodbye as she goes into her building and he sighs.
Abby sighs happily as she gets into her apartment and squeals. She immediately texts her best friend everything about her date with Harry. She was so excited about him, and couldn’t believe he was actually interested in her.
They texted here and there during the week. Abby got a little brave and sent him a mirror selfie of her dressed up for work, and he sent one back of himself in his scrubs ready to go in for surgery. Her jaw nearly dropped when she saw him. She had seen him in scrubs before, but it was ages ago. He filled them out so differently now. Plus, the thought of him being a doctor just did things to her insides that she couldn’t even describe. He thought she looked gorgeous in her pin striped slacks and blouse. He couldn’t but think about how lucky each student was that got to sit and talk with her.
Harry was exhausted by the end of the week. He must have extracted over a dozen teeth, filled a stupid amount of cavities, and put on ten different crowns. He couldn’t wait to see Abby Saturday. He asked her to go to the pond a little earlier in the evening so they could get dinner afterwards. The decided to just meet at the pond. She was easy enough to spot now that he knew what her long coat and Patriots hat looked like.
“Harry.” She smiles when she turns to see him. They hug and share a quick peck on the lips. “Did you catch up on some sleep?”
“I did.” He sighs as they find a bench to sit down on to put on their skates. “Been looking forward to seeing you all week. How’d your seminar go?”
“Oh, it was great! It ended up being more of a training, I have a new certification too.”
“That’s amazing, good for you. I’m constantly going to lectures and stuff to stay up to date. I’ve published a couple of things too to some medical journals.”
“That’s so cool! Once I’ve been at UMASS for six months I can start taking classes for free. I’m gonns go for my doctorate, so hopefully I can start publishing some work too.” They both stand up and make their way into the rink. Abby puts her hand out for Harry’s and he takes it as they start to glide on the ice.
“That’s great that they have a program like that for you.”
“I know! I was super happy when I saw that in the benefits package.”
They skate around the rink a few times, enjoying the music that was playing. Harry guides them over to the side for a little break. He presses her against it, his hands going onto the railing, caging her in. She looks up at him, and he leans in to kiss her. She tugs on his coat to pull him closer, and the kiss deepens slightly. Abby really liked kissing Harry. He always tasted like mint, probably because he was constantly chewing gum, and his lips were insanely soft. She starts smiling and so does he, and he presses his forehead to hers.
“Do you feel like going to eat now?” He says to her.
“Yeah.” She nods.
They end up going to a Mexican restaurant not too far from the pond. They each get margaritas and laugh a lot. Harry talks about what it’s like to extract teeth during a surgery, and Abby asks if people ever want to see their teeth afterwards. He asks Abby how she copes when she has to deal with a heavier situation at work, and she says her little Shih Tzu, Marvin, helps make her day a lot better.
“That’s nice your apartment allows pets.” He says to her.
“Yeah, he’s only, like, nine pounds, if that. He’s so cute, do you wanna see a picture?”
“Of course!” Abby pulls out her phone to show Harry a few pictures of Marvin, and even a selfie she took with him. “He’s so cute, and so are you.”
“Thanks.” She giggles.
“He looks like a little stuffed animal.”
“He really does.”
“Why a Shih Tzu?”
“They’re really smart. They’re tough to train because they’re so stubborn, but once they get a little older they start to listen, and they’re pretty self-sufficient alone during the day. Although, sometimes I sneak him into the office.”
“How old is he?”
“About two. Do you have any pets?”
“Nah, I’m not home enough to take care of anything else. But I love dogs, I think they’re great.”
“Well, maybe at some point you can meet little Marv.”
“I’d like that.”
They square up the tab and Harry walks Abby home once again. They kiss for a while outside her front door. He desperately wanted to feel her tongue on his, but she wouldn’t open her mouth up. His hands squeeze at her hips, and she tugs on his jacket like she had done earlier.
“Well, I better get up inside.” She says against his lips and he hums his response as he continues to kiss her. She giggles into him. “Harry.” She smiles and steps back from him.
“Sorry, I just really like kissing you.”
“I like kissing you too.”
“When can I see you again?”
She takes her phone out to check her calendar.
“Are you free on Friday?” She asks as she furrows her brows at her screen.
“I think so. We could go to dinner, if you like. There’s this really great Chinese place in China Town that I love going to if you’re interested.”
“That sounds great, Harry.” She smiles. “I’m looking forward to it.”
“Maybe…um, maybe we could meet up for lunch, or something at some point during the week.”
“Do you have time for something like that?”
“I’m sure I do. I can look at my calendar and let you know which day works best.”
“Okay.” She nods. “I’d love to meet up for lunch.”
“Great.” He leans in to kiss her again. “Hope you and Marvin have a good night.”
“Oh, we will. He’s probably antsy for me to get up there and give him all the cuddles I can. Text me when you know which day works for lunch.” She smiles and heads inside.
Harry couldn’t believe a little dog was going to be getting all of her cuddles tonight and not him. She was slowly killing him. He respected that she might want to take things slow, but to still not invite him up? He sighs and orders an uber back to his condo, hoping he’ll be able to fall asleep easily, and not stay up thinking about the girl who was slowly creeping her way into his heart.
Abby was able to meet up with Harry on Tuesday, but only for a quick walk, which she thought would be a great opportunity for Harry to meet Marvin. She gets his sweater and harness on, leashes him up, and out the door she goes. Harry was standing outside her building, in his scrubs, and a jacket, with two hot chocolates.
“Thank you.” She smiles and takes the warm drink from him. “Harry, this is Marvin.”
“Aw.” He pouts, and squats down to put his hand in front of Marvin’s nose before he pets him. “Nice to meet you little guy.” He looks up at Abby. “He’s even cuter in person.”
“Right? I’m really excited we could get out for a little bit today. He loves when I can take him for a good walk.” Harry stands back up straight and they all start walking. “Were you in surgery today?”
“Yeah, early this morning, and I’ve got another one later this afternoon. Didn’t make much sense for me to put my other clothes back on.”
“You look cute in your scrubs.” Abby says, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Harry nudges her and he looks down at Marvin.
“He’s pretty quiet, huh?”
“He was yappy when I first got him, but he’s calmed down a lot. First summer I had him I spent a lot of time training him. Pretty much taught him not to bark unless someone’s trying to break in.”
“You must be good with discipline then.”
“I try to be. Although, I’m more of a fan of positive reinforcement.” They pull to the side as Marvin takes a tinkle near a fire hydrant. “Good boy, Marvin.” She says and gives him a kibble as a treat. “Kibbles are great treats. Can’t get fat off what he normally eats.”
“That’s really smart. Have you, uh, been laying off the jolly ranchers?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Dr. Styles, I didn’t realize we were in your office.”
“I’ve been trying to, but I have a horrible sweet tooth. They’re the only candy I really eat. What’s the harm?”
“Your teeth rotting out?”
“Okay, good point. I mean, I haven’t had nearly as many since I’m not really meeting with students right now, and I’ve already gone out and bought a ton of mints for the next semester.”
“Good girl, that’s what I like to hear.”
“What do you say to your male patients?”
“It’s just…you say good girl a lot…do you do that with all your female patients, and if so…what do you say to your male patients? Also, I’m an adult woman. Do you say good girl to all adult women?”
“Abby.” Harry chuckles. “I think I’ve only ever said that to you.”
“Oh, fuck off, I bet you say it all the time.”
“I really don’t.”
“Then why me?”
“You’re cute, and I tend to be a flirt sometimes.”
“You consider calling me a good girl flirting?” She stops short and he turns to look at her.
“I do.” He nods, a smirk growing on his lips. “Do you want me to stop saying it to you?”
“Alright then.” He grins and they continue walking until they get to Marvin’s turn around spot, and make their way back to Abby’s building. “I’m glad we got to meet up for a bit. Still on for Friday night?”
“Definitely.” She goes up on her tip toes to kiss him goodbye and inside she goes. Harry left her with butterflies in her stomach.
Harry was really hoping tonight would be the night something more happens between him and Abby. He just wanted to feel her body on his. He drives to her place around seven Friday night, and he waits outside the car for her.
“Hello, beautiful.” He says to her as she steps outside.
“Hey.” She smiles and kisses him. He opens the door for her and he jogs around the other side to get back in. He takes her hand in his as she drives towards China Town. “How was your day?”
“Good, really busy, but good. I tend to get a lot of kids on Fridays since it’s an easy day for them to miss school.”
“I bet the little kids love you.”
“They do, I like being goofy with them.” They get to the restaurant, and are seated. “Do you want to share a few things?”
“Sure, that sounds good.” She smiles. “I hardly ever come out here, how’d you find this place?”
“When I was at Tufts I used to come to China Town all the time since it’s close by. I got sick of eating at all of the same places, so I decided to come around here and branch out. This is obviously nicer, but I like it a lot.” They decide which dishes they want to share, and tell the waitress when she comes over. They both also order a couple of drinks. “The semester’s starting soon, right?”
“Yeah, on Monday, actually.”
“Oh, wow! Do you feel ready?”
“For the most part.” She nods. “The first week is usually quiet, and then I start to get booked out. That’s how it was last semester, anyways. I already have some of my regulars from last semester on my calendar for next week.”
“I bet they’re excited to see you, I know I would be.” He places his hand over hers and gives it a squeeze. “Abby, um, after dinner…I was wondering if you’d like to come back to my place for a bit.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you to offer, but I don’t want to leave Marvin for that long.” She takes a sip of her drink. “Another time, though.” She smiles and he nods at that.
A food runner brings their dishes over, and luckily nothing feels awkward, but Harry was sort of hoping that she’d offer to have him over after dinner instead. They both enjoy the food, and share a few laughs before heading back to Harry’s car. When he pulls up to her place they both linger for a moment.
“Thanks again for dinner, Harry, I had a great time.”
“Me too.” He looks at her. “Can I ask you something?” She nods yes at him. “Are you, uh, seeing anyone else? It’s okay if you are, we never said this was exclusive, I guess I’d just like to know.”
“No, I’m not seeing anyone else. I would have told you if I was dating around. Are you seeing anyone else?”
“Okay.” She smiles. “Good to know.” She leans across the console to kiss him, and he kisses her back. He turns his body more so he can cup her jaw. “Are you busy tomorrow?”
“I…I don’t think so, I mean, just usual weekend errand type stuff. Might be grabbing drinks with some friends in the evening, why?”
“I was just thinking maybe, um, you could come over for dinner, but if you’re busy-“
“I can cancel. I can get drinks with them any time.”
“Don’t be silly.” She smiles. “We can do it another night. We’ll figure it out. I better get upstairs.” She pecks his lips. “Goodnight.” She gets out of the car, leaving him speechless. He wanted to rip his hair out at this point.
“Harry, how things going with that girl you’ve been seeing?” Greg asks him as they sit in a booth at the bar.
“Yeah, you still like her?” Lenny asks.
“Things are going well.” He nods. “But I can’t seem to figure her out. We’ve been out, like, six times and she still hasn’t invited me up to her place. I invited her back to mind last night, and she said she didn’t want to leave her dog alone for long.”
“Have you kissed?” Greg asks.
“Yeah, we’ve kissed plenty of times. We just haven’t done anything else. I mean, we don’t need to jump right into bed, but it’d be nice to do a little more.”
“I get what you’re saying, man.” Lenny says. “Maybe she’s just nervous.”
“I didn’t think I was giving her a reason to be.” Harry sighs. “She invited me over tonight, but I stupidly told her I had plans with you lot.”
“What are you doing with us then?! Go pick up some dessert, and go get your girl!” Greg says.
“I can’t just show up at her place…I’ll look like a stalker. What if she’s not even home?”
“So text her.” Lenny shrugs. “See if she’s around and ask if you can stop by. Tell her you’re at bar in the neighborhood.”
“But I’m not. She’ll know I’m lying.”
“Dude, just text her and see if she’s around.” Greg says.
Harry takes out his phone and types out a text. He hesitates before hitting send.
Harry: Hey, Abby! Are you home? I’m finishing up with my friends a bit earlier than I thought…maybe I could bring some dessert over?
Abby: Hey! Yeah, I’m home, snuggled up with Marv. I’d love it if you came by, especially if there’s dessert involved lol
Harry: Great! I can be by in about 30 minutes
Abby: sounds good! See you soon
“Alright, I’m gonna go up to the bar and get a lava cake to go. Thanks for being so cool about this guys.”
“No worries, H.” Lenny says. “Good luck.”
Harry races to Abby’s once he’s gotten the cake, and she buzzes him in. He knocks on her door, and she opens it for him.
“Hey.” She smiles and steps aside. “Come on in.”
“Thanks.” He pecks her cheek. “Hope you like chocolate lava cake.”
“Love it.” She takes it from him. “So…this is it. It’s just a studio.” She blushes. “But the kitchen is its own area, which is nice.”
“It’s great.” He smiles at her. “You’ve definitely utilized the space.”
There’s a large monitor mounted on the wall, a desk underneath it with Abby’s laptop, and an HDMI cord connecting both. There’s a small couch a few feet back, and then her bed is up against the opposite wall. Everything was neat and tidy.
“I use this wireless mouse as a remote, and I have a Fire Stick.” She says. Marvin comes trotting in from the kitchen. “Marv, you remember Harry. I’m just gonna stick this in the kitchen. Feel free to make yourself comfortable.” She walks into the kitchen as Harry sits down on the couch. Marvin jumps up to sit in his lap.
“Hey, little guy.” Harry pets his head and scratches behind his ears. Abby comes back out. She looks really cute tonight. She was wearing glasses, her hair tied to the side in a braid, leggings and an off the shoulder sweater. “Hope I’m not intruding on your cozy evening.”
“Not at all! I’m really glad you texted, actually. Did you have fun with your friends?”
“I did, yeah.”
“Are they dentists too?”
“Mhm, we lived together while we were in medical school. Lenny and Greg.”
“Where do they both work?”
“At other practices around the city. Greg’s actually an orthodontist. They’re both junior partners, though, I’m the first of the three of us to become a senior partner at a practice. Guess that was the one good thing about Dr. Morgan leaving MidCity.”
“You’re so successful.” She bites her bottom lip and looks down at Marvin in Harry’s lap. “Look at that, you’re here five minutes and he already liked you better than me.” She reaches and takes Marvin from Harry, snuggling him to her chest before putting him on the ground.
“I didn’t know you wore glasses.”
“Oh, I don’t. They’re just blue light blockers.” She takes them off and sets them on the side table next to the couch. “They help a lot when I’m on the computer for a while.”
“Ah.” He nods.
“What’s your place like?”
“I’ve got a condo, uh, it’s a three bedroom, but I use one as a home office.”
“Wow, good for you.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t always get to live so comfortably.”
“You’ve earned it, I bet you work really hard.” She smiles.
“I’m sure you work hard too.”
“True.” She nods. “But I’m paying off loans, and this is all I can really afford.”
“It’s a great place.” He assures her. “I wish the studio I had when I first started out was half as nice as this. I certainly didn’t keep things as neat as you.”
“Oh, I just rushed around to clean things up before you got here. It was a mess.” She laughs.
“I’m glad you were cool with me coming by.” He puts his hand over hers, rubbing his thumb along the back of her hand. “I’ve been having a great time with you this last month.”
“Me too.”
“My birthday’s next weekend, and…um, a ton of us are getting together at this pub…I’d love it if you could come.”
“Oh! Sure, would it be Saturday?”
“I’m there, I’d love to go. That’s so nice of you to invite me.” She leans in and kisses his cheek.
He looks at her, his eyes locking in on her lips. He leans in and presses his lips to hers. Her arms go around his neck to pull him closer, her fingers tangling with the curls on the nape of his neck. His arms wrap around her, hands splaying on her back to have her chest pressed to his. He lightly sucks on her bottom lip, and she opens up wider for him. He nearly groans as he licks into her, finally. She tugs on his hair as her tongue molds to his. One of his hands slides down her back and around to the front of her stomach. He just about reaches the band of her leggings when she grabs his hand, and moves it to her hip. He gives a squeeze and she whimpers into him. He plants kisses along her jaw to her earlobe, nibbling on it gently until he kisses on her neck. He mouths at her skin before sucking on her and she gasps.
“Don’t leave a mark.” She grunts, and she feels him nod against her skin. “H-Harry, is this the only reason you wanted to come see me tonight?” She blurts out and he stops to look at her.
“What? No.” He shakes his head. “I genuinely wanted to see you and split that cake. And…I mean…yeah, I’ve been wanting to do a little bit of this.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I like you a lot, Abby, I can’t help it.”
“I like you a lot too.” She gives him a soft smile. “We can keep kissing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Mhm.” She nods and brings her hand to the back of his neck to pull him back to her. This time she nibbles on his bottom lip and his hands go to her hips, squeezing and kneading. “Mm, but I don’t wanna go any further than this…not yet anyways. I hope that’s alright.”
“Of course it is.”
“I just…sort of wanna see where this is going before something so serious happens between us.”
“I get it.” He smiles. “I know you’ll be worth the wait.”
Harry: hope the first day of the semester has been treating you well!
Abby couldn’t help but smile at her phone. She knew Harry was extremely busy at work, so the fact that he took a moment to text her meant so much. The only thing was he texted her during a staff meeting, and her colleague Maya noticed her goofy smile.
“Abby, how was your break?” Maya asks her after the meeting.
“It was good! Um, I sort of started seeing someone.”
“Shut up! That’s amazing, who is it, how’d you meet?”
“His name is Harry…he’s, um, my dentist.”
“Oh, my, a doctor?”
“Yeah.” Abby nods. “We actually met years ago when he was still a student, and he just so happened to take over for my other dentist who apparently retired. It’s been a little over a month. He’s super nice, and funny…and he’s really fucking handsome.” She says the last part quietly.
“Good for you. Do you have a picture of him?”
“There’s one on the practice’s website. I haven’t, like, taken a selfie with yet. Although, I wish I had when he took me ice skating.” She pulls up MidCity’s website on her phone and shows Maya.
“Holy shit! He is handsome.”
“It’s going really well too. He’s met Marvin, and he invited me to his birthday party this weekend.”
“Wow, so you’re gonna get to meet his friends already?”
“I guess so.” She smiles. “The only thing is…do I get him a gift? And if so, what do I get him? I feel like it should be casual because everything’s so new still, but if it’s too casual he might think I’m not as into him as I am.”
“Shit, yeah, that’s a tough one.” Maya steps further into Abby’s office. The girls were close, so they were used to talking about personal things. “Have you slept with him yet? You could wear something for him to unwrap.”
“No, we haven’t.” Abby sighs. “I’m trying to take things slow with him because I really like him. We’ve made out a couple of times…”
“So…is that a no?”
“I don’t know, birthday sex as a gift? I feel like that’s so…cliché or something? Plus, I feel like he’ll be expecting it. I want it to feel more special than that.” She bites her bottom lip in thought.
“Oh! Have you been out to eat with him much?”
“Yeah, a ton, why?”
“Did you notice him order any specific types of alcohol?”
“Yeah! On our first real date he had this really nice bottle of white wine ordered to our table. It was delicious, and he loved it. I remember what it was, I could just get a bottle of that and a card, right?”
“I think that’s a totally acceptable gift. It’s sentimental, so it shows you put some thought into it, but also casual enough to show you’re not a psycho.”
Abby: you’re so sweet! It’s been a little busy with meetings and stuff, but other than that no fires to put out. Thanks so much for thinking of me, I hope you’re having a good day too! 😘
Harry didn’t want Abby to walk into the pub by herself, so he said he’d pick her up on his way. She insisted he didn’t need to, but he insisted that he did. She had a black dress on with black tights and blue heels. She zips up her long coat and runs her fingers through her hair. Her phone buzzes with a text from Harry that he’s downstairs with the uber. She takes a deep breath, grabs her gift, and heads downstairs.
“Happy birthday.” She smiles and gives him a peck on the cheek.
“Thanks, beautiful.” He opens the door for her and goes around to the other side. “Is that for me?” He points to the bag she’s settled into her lap.
“Maybe.” She shrugs a shoulder.
“You didn’t have to get me anything.” He places his hand on her thigh.
“I said maybe, so this could easily not be for you. I guess you’ll find out later.” She side eyes him and it makes him laugh.
“How was your first week back to campus?”
“Exhausting.” She sighs. “But I caught up on sleep this morning. Everyone was excited to see Marvin.” She chuckles. “And it was good to see my friends and students.”
“That’s good.” Harry smiles.
“What about you? How was your week?”
“Busy. I had four different surgeries, a ton of cavities, and a fuck ton of cleaning check ins. I think a lot of college kids were getting in their bi-annual visits before going back to school.”
“Ohhh, yup, I bet that’s what it was. Is there ever a time of year you’re super busy?”
“I would say summers I do a lot of wisdom teeth removals, so I get bogged down there. Everything’s pretty consistent, though.”
“So, who’s going to be at this party?”
“My friends Greg and Lenny, who are very excited to meet you.” Harry smiles and gives Abby’s thigh a squeeze. “Some people from work, you know Marie, and Dr. Morgan’s going to be there as well. Some other med school buddies will be there. I’m only thirty-two it’s not really a big deal.” He shrugs.
“I’m excited to meet your friends too.” She smiles. “And it’ll be good that I’ll know a couple of people so you won’t feel like you have to babysit me.”
“Aw, babe, I wouldn’t feel like that. I wouldn’t leave your side if that’s what you wanted, no worries.”
She nods and smiles nervously at him. He just called her ‘babe’ and it filled her tummy with butterflies. The driver pulls up in front of the pub, and Harry gets out first so he can open Abby’s door. She smiles at him as he puts his hand on the small of her back to lead her inside.
“There he is!” Greg exclaims. “Happy birthday, H!” The two hug.
“Thanks, mate, this is Abby. Abby, this is Greg.”
“It’s nice to meet you.” She says to him.
“Same to you, you’re even lovelier than Harry described.”
Abby giggles at that, and Harry leads her over to the coat room. It seems the whole pub had been rented out for his party. There was a small table for gifts, so she sets hers down.
“Wow, you look amazing.” Harry says, rubbing his hands up and down her arms.
“Thanks.” She smiles and leans in to peck his lips. “Wanna introduce me to some other people?”
“Yeah, come on.” He takes her hand and leads her back to everyone.
Abby gets introduced to Lenny, and some of Harry’s other doctor friends. She then gives Dr. Morgan a big hug, and she says hello to Marie and her wife. Harry gets Abby a glass of wine, and much to her surprise, he keeps his arm hooked around her waist for most of the evening. He clearly wanted her close by. His friends were kind, not at all arrogant, which was a tad unexpected since there were a lot of people with deep pockets in the room. Maybe doctors weren’t as snotty because they also had large student loan debts. They engaged her in conversation, asking about her work, and why the heck she wanted to spend her time with Harry, which made a lot of people laugh. Harry lit up when he was explaining how he and Abby actually met ears ago, and he talked about the card she had sent along to him, making her blush a bit. Everyone found the story to be quite endearing.
“Are you having a good time?” Harry asks Abby as they go up to the bar together.
“I am, your friends are great. Are you? It’s your birthday.”
“I’m having a wonderful time, even more so since you’re here.” He kisses her cheek and hands her a new glass of wine.
A tray of cupcakes is brought out, and everyone sings happy birthday to Harry. He blows out a few candles and thanks everyone for coming. The cupcakes were delicious, clearly from a nice bakery. Harry notices Abby getting a little bit of frosting on the corner of her mouth, and before she can grab a napkin, he’s catching it with his thumb and sucking it into his mouth. Her eyes widen as he winks at her.
“Th-thank you.” She says, clearing her throat.
“Don’t mention it.” He pecks her lips. “I was wondering something…”
“What is it?”
“Would you like to come home with me tonight? I thought it would be nice to spend some time alone after being so social.”
“Oh, um, yeah, I’d like that.” She nods.
“Will Marvin be alright without you?”
“Yeah, my, um, neighbor’s kid is actually watching him tonight. She’s a great pet sitter. I…I told her I may not be coming home tonight, so she’s fully prepared for a sleepover.”
Harry’s smile grows, and he kisses her again. After making the rounds to say goodbye to everyone, getting their coats, gathering all of the gifts, the two get into an uber to head to Harry’s condo. There’s a doorman that says hello to Harry and gives Abby a warm smile. She follows him through the lobby to the elevators. They step inside, and Harry hits a number on one of the higher floors. He leads her to his door, and he gets it open. She follows him into his living area, and they set his gifts down. He takes her coat for her, and hangs it up in his front closet.
“This is…a really nice place.” She says as she looks around.
“I’ll give you the full tour in a moment, I’ve been dying to open your gift all night.”
“Oh.” She blushes. “It’s really nothing special.”
He gives her an unconvinced look, and grabs the bag he remembers her bringing. They both sit down on the coach, and she watches him reach inside.
“A card, classic.” He smirks and sets it aside. He reaches back inside and pulls out the bottle of wine. “This is one of my favorites! How did you know?”
“I remember you ordering it when we went to that Italian place.” She smiles and he hugs her.
“Mind if I open it, or have you had enough for the night?”
“I’d love some.”
“Great! Just hang tight.”
Harry goes into the kitchen with the bottle. While she’s waiting patiently on the couch, Abby hears music come on. She sees a Bluetooth speaker light up, he must have turned it on from his phone. He comes out with two glasses of wine, and hands her one as he sits back down.
“Thank you.” She says as she takes a sip.
“No, thank you. This was really nice of you. You’ve got a great memory.” He takes a sip and sets the glass down on a coaster on his coffee table. She does the same. “My friends adored you, by the way. I’ve already got the texts to prove it.”
“I’m glad I made such a good first impression.” She inches closer to him.
He reaches to tuck some hair behind her ear, and he leans in to kiss her. She wraps her arms around his neck, and opens her mouth for him. One of his hands falls to her thigh as the other one cups her cheek. Her fingers work their way into his hair, and he squeezes her hip.
“Abby.” He breathes, and moves to kiss on her neck, just under her earlobe.
She lets her heels fall off as she pushes him back farther on the couch. She moves to straddle one of his thighs, and she brings her lips back to his. His hands move up and down her back until they reach just above her bum. She grabs his hands and moves them down to her ass. He groans into her as he squeezes, loving how plump she is. She kisses along his jaw and to his neck, and she rolls her hips down onto his thigh. He raises it to help press into her. She whimpers into his neck, and he cups her cheeks so she’ll at him.
“Do you wanna take this to the bedroom?” He asks softly.
“I don’t wanna go to sleep yet.”
“I didn’t think you did.” He smirks.
“No, I just…I mean, if we go in there…that’s all I’ll want to do.”
“Sleep?” She nods her head yes. “Oh.”
“Harry, I’m sorry.” She sighs. “I know it’s your birthday, and you were probably hoping for some…stuff to go down between us, but I think we should wait a little longer. Is that okay?”
“Abby, I wasn’t expecting us to do anything. I mean, if we had of course it would have been nice, but it’s okay.” He assures her. “I’m just happy you wanted to come back with me.”
She leans back in to kiss him, and they continue to grope each other as they kiss. Their tongues swirl around each other, and she continues to rock back and forth on his thigh. She lets him puts his hands on her breasts, and he kneads them through her dress. He moves her to lay down on the couch and he settles himself between her legs as he hovers over her. He kisses on the tops of her breasts that were now spilling out of her dress. He sucks and bites on the plushier areas, eliciting a moan from her.
“H-Harry, maybe we should cool it before you turn me into a leopard.”
He chuckles against her and pecks her lips before he sits up.
“Would you spend the night?”
“I’d love to.”
He helps her up off the couch and leads her to the bedroom. He flips the switch for the lights, and her eyes widen. His bedroom was neat, almost a little too neat. She raises a suspicious eyebrow at him.
“I…um, have a housekeeper.” He clears his throat. “Let me just grab a few things for you. I’m assuming you’ll want something to sleep in?”
“Please.” She chuckles, watching him move to his dresser for a tee shirt and pajama bottoms.
She follows him into his en suite as he opens the closet inside to look for a spare washcloth and toothbrush. He sets everything down on his double vanity and smiles at her.
“Use whatever you need, beautiful.” He kisses her cheek and steps out to give her some privacy.
Abby strips herself of her clothes, and then washes her face. She brushes her teeth, runs her fingers through her hair, and then puts on the clothes Harry set aside for her. They were so soft and smelled just like him. She sighs happily and makes her way back into his bedroom. He smiles at her and stands up from the bed.
“Get comfortable, I’m just gonna do my thing.” He tells her and she nods. “There’s a spare phone charger on that side of the bed if you need it.” He points to the right side and she smiles.
When he’s done in the bathroom he comes out in a pair of plaid bottoms, but he’s gotten rid of his shirt altogether. He was littered with tattoos which really surprised her. She thought he only had the one little cross on his hand.
“When did you get all of those?” She asks as he gets into bed with her.
“All of what? Oh! My tattoos? Years and years ago, when I was a stupid teenager.” He chuckles. “Haven’t added to the collection in a while.” He looks down at himself. “Do you, uh, not like tattoos?”
“No! I think they’re really cool.” She furrows her brows as she scans his chest. “They’re so interesting.”
“Thanks.” He smirks.
“Did they hurt?”
“Some more than others. You sort of get used to it after a while. I’m assuming you don’t have any?”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Just a few piercings.”
“Mhm.” She tucks some hair behind her ear. “Got my cartilage, and three holes in each lobe.”
“Noticed those, I love the earrings you wear.”
“And…” She pulls the blankets back a bit and pulls the shirt she’s wearing up slightly to reveal her belly button. “Got this done when I was twenty-two. I always wanted one and said fuck it.”
“It’s cute.” He smiles as he admire the jewel attached to her naval. “Now that had to have hurt.” He says as she puts her shirt back down.
“It honestly wasn’t as bad as I thought. It was just a little pinch, the guy took really good care of me. I was a little light headed after, and it was sore for a few days, but other than that it was fine.”
They stay up talking for a bit until they eventually fall asleep. Abby had moves to rest her head on Harry’s chest, and that’s how she fell asleep, to the smooth rhythm of his heartbeat. Harry couldn’t remember the last time someone spent the night in his bed and it didn’t involve sex, there was something sort of sweet about not doing anything and still be able to fall asleep together comfortably. Maybe there was something to this taking it slow thing.
The next morning, Abby woke up being spooned by Harry. His breath was fanning over the back of her neck, and he had a leg between hers. His arm was strung across her lower stomach lazily. She grabs her phone and sees that it’s about 8:30. She yawns and wiggles a bit to adjust herself. She feels his lips press a kiss into the back of her neck and his arm tightens around her stomach.
“You awake, darling?” He coos and it nearly makes her melt.
“Mhm.” It’s all she can manage to say.
“Good morning then.” He kisses the back of her neck again.
“Good morning.” She rolls over to her other side to look at him and he gives her a sleep smile. He leans into peck her nose, and he rubs at her side.
“Sleep alright?”
“Yeah, did you?”
“Mhm.” He nods. “I’m gonna wash up and then make us some breakfast, how does that sound?”
“Sounds amazing, Harry.”
He gets up and makes his way to the bathroom. When he comes out he’s thrown a shirt on, and Abby gets up to freshen up herself. She washes her face and brushes her teeth, putting her bra on under the shirt he had given her so she wasn’t putting on a show for him. She comes out to his kitchen and smells fresh coffee. She wanted to roll her eyes as she saw him using a French press.
“Hope you like hazelnut, it’s the only flavor I’ve got.”
“It’s perfect. Got any creamer?”
“Mhm, in the fridge.” He points to it and she opens it up, grabbing the creamer on the top shelf. It was pretty much full.
“I don’t use it myself, mostly keep it for guests.” He pours the coffee into two mugs.
“Ah, and do you have guests often?”
“None that I’d want to have a sleepover with, if that’s what you’re asking.” He kisses her cheek, and she pours the creamer into her coffee. “Now, what can I make you? What do you like for breakfast?”
“Oh, nothing fancy.” She shrugs. “Whatever you feel like making is fine.”
“Eggs and toast?”
“Works for me. Can I help?”
“You can help by just having a seat.”
Abby smiles and sits down on one of the stools at Harry’s kitchen island while he works to get the eggs out of the fridge. He ends up making scrambled eggs for the two of them to keep things quick. It was a pleasant breakfast. Abby thought it was cute that Harry genuinely read from the morning newspaper. She was resting her chin on her palm watching him.
“Anything interesting going on?” She asks him.
“Nah, it’s all negative.” He sighs as he flips a page.
“Could I have the funnies?”
“Sure!” Harry finds the chunk with the comics and slides it over to her.
“Thanks, I used to look forward to this every Sunday when my dad would pick up The Globe.”
“What was your favorite?”
“There was this one called Opus. There were all these different characters, and the story was pretty linear, which I thought was cool. I actually saved the last comic strip in a scrap book. The main characters, Opus the penguin, had gone missing or something and he was trying to find himself. It really tugged at my heartstrings.”
“Sometimes I forget not all of the funnies are just for kids.”
“I’m also partial to Family Circus, and I loved Zits.”
Harry smiles and goes back to reading the paper. He liked going over the sports and arts sections most. Abby helps him clean up the dishes and then she goes to get dressed.
“Do you want some sweat pants to wear so you don’t have to put all of that back on?”
“No, I’m okay. I’m just gonna put the dress on.”
“Won’t you be cold without the stockings?”
“I’ll be alright, but thanks.”
“Let me at list drive you home.”
“Okay.” She nods.
The ride was comfortably quiet as Harry kept his hand in Abby’s. He pulls over to the side to stop in front of her building, and they look at each other. Smiles grow on both of their faces.
“You already know what I’m going to ask.” He says to her.
“I know, but I wanna hear you say it.”
“Alright, when can I see you next?”
“Hmm…what about Tuesday night? We could go to a movie. Tickets are cheaper on Tuesdays so we can splurge on snacks.”
“I like the way you think. I’d love to go to a movie. You pick, and just tell me what time I need to meet you.”
“Sounds good.” She leans in to peck his lips. “Talk to you soon.” She gets out of the car and heads up to her apartment. Chrissy, the teenager watching Marvin, was sitting on her couch watching TV. “Hey, Chrissy. I already paid you on Venmo.”
“I saw! Thanks so much.” She stands up.
“Thanks for watching him all night.” Abby scoops up Marvin and cuddles him to her chest. “I hope he wasn’t too much trouble.”
“Not at all, he was great. He was my little study buddy.”
“Perfect. Well, enjoy your Sunday. Tell your parents thanks too.”
“I will, have a good day.” Chrissy heads out and Abby sets Marvin back down.
“Alright, Mumma’s gonna take a shower and then she’ll take you for a nice, long walk, sound good?” Marvin yips excitedly at her. “S’what I thought.”
Harry was fucked. He was running late and couldn’t get to a phone because he was in the middle of a surgery. Of course the one time there’s a few delays and complications he actually has somewhere to be. He was supposed to meet Abby at 6:45PM, it was already 6:30, there was no way in hell he was going to make it. He did his best to stay focused so he could do right by his patient. By the time he was done it was 7:45PM. He tried to call Abby, but her phone went right to voicemail.”
“Shit.” He says to himself.
“Dr. Styles.” Marie says. “You should change, you’re still scrubbed up and you have blood on you. Go home and shower, she’ll understand.”
“I just wish she’d turn her phone on…”
“Maybe she went to the movie alone.” Marie shrugs. “She could be one of those good people who actually turns their phone off.”
“Right, yeah. I’m gonna freshen up here, and then I’m gonna try to catch her outside the theater.”
Harry does just that, using the hospital locker room to have a quick shower. He rushes to the movie theater and waits outside. The movie they were supposed to see should be wrapping up any moment, so he goes into the lobby to watch for her. Hopefully she was actually there.
Abby throws out her trash and walks towards the main lobby. She was just turning her phone back on when she saw Harry standing there with a very apologetic look on his face. She sighs and walks over to him.
“I’m so sorry.” He starts. “I tried calling as soon as I could, but your phone went right to voicemail.”
“I turned it off when the previews started.” She chews on her bottom lip. “What happened?”
“My last surgery of the day got delayed, and then there were some complications…everything’s fine now, but it wasn’t an easy extraction. I had to really take my time, I’m so sorry. I swear this won’t happen a lot.” He looks down at his shoes and then back to her. “Was it a good movie at least?”
“It was alright.” She sighs. “Would have been better if I had someone to make comments to.” She nudges his shoulder.
“How can I make it up to you? Are you hungry? We could-“
“I already ate, it’s okay. I know you didn’t do anything on purpose. It’s getting late, so I’m just going to head home.”
“I feel terrible.”
“Don’t.” She smiles. “Shit happens.”
“Let me at least take you home, I drove here.”
“Sure.” She takes his hand in hers as they walk out of the theater. “Are you hungry?”
“Starved, actually, but I can just eat when I get home.”
“Don’t be silly, I have leftovers. You can come up and eat if you want.”
“I’d like that.”
Once they’re up in her apartment, Harry plays with Marvin while Abby heats up her leftover stir fry and rice. She hands Harry the warm bowl and they both sit down at the small table she has in her kitchen.
“Is it hot enough?” She asks him.
“It’s perfect, thank you.” He eats a little and then looks at her. “I really do feel terrible that you waited and had to sit alone…”
“It’s really okay. It’s not my first time going to the movies by myself.” She shrugs. “I’m pretty independent.”
“I just don’t want you thinking this is something that’s going to happen a lot. It’s so rare for a surgery like this to not be timely.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” She gives him a reassuring smile. “It’s really sweet you still showed up at the theater like you did. We’re together now, that’s all that really matters.”
Harry finishes eating and cleans up his bowl. He stands with his hands in his pockets by the door and she stands with her arms crossed. Neither were sure what to do. It was really too late to hang out any longer since they both needed to work the next day.
“Are you free Friday night?” He asks her. “We could go to dinner if you like.”
“Sure, that sounds nice. Wanna say seven?”
“Works for me. I’ll pick you up then.” He caresses her cheek and kisses her. They both linger for a moment before letting go. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” She sighs after he leaves. It sucked being at the movies alone, but it meant the world to her that he still showed up at the end. It really showed his character, and for that she was grateful. She was still trying to gauge what kind of guy Harry was, and she had finally come to the conclusion that he was a good one.
“Two months and still nothing?” Greg asks Harry one Sunday evening as he and Lenny came over to watch the hockey game.
“Yeah.” Harry sighs as he sips on his beer. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love kissing her and, and she’s let me touch her over her clothes, but…I don’t know, she’s not as desperate and grabby as I am. What if she’s just not as into me?”
“I don’t think she’d be seeing you still if she wasn’t into you.” Lenny says. “How old is she again?”
“Twenty-six, why?”
“Well, maybe she’s hoping for things to be a little more official before she goes all the way with you.”
“Define official.” Harry mutters.
“Maybe she wants to know if you’re her boyfriend.” Lenny states.
“God, do you really think she’s hung up on some stupid label? We’re dating, we’re together, I think that’s pretty clear.”
“Remember when I dated that younger girl? She was, like, twenty-three?” Greg says and the guys both nod. “Well, she wanted to know what the status was after a few months. Obviously it didn’t work out because of the age difference, but these things matter to the younger women. They wanna know what to refer to you. Boyfriend is a lot easier to say than having to say the guy I’m seeing.”
“So, you have to ask yourself, do you want to be Abby’s boyfriend?” Lenny asks him. “If you don’t see things working out long term with her you should break it off.”
“I definitely don’t want to break it off. I really like her, and I like spending time with her.” He runs a hand through his hair. “I’m going to her place on Thursday for dinner, maybe we can talk about it then.”
“Yeah? She cooking for you again?” Greg asks.
“Mhm.” Harry smiles. “She really likes cooking for me, I don’t know why. I don’t mind it, she always makes something delicious.”
“Do you ever cook for her?” Lenny asks.
“Sure.” Harry shrugs. “We take turns.”
“That’s good, those things should definitely go both ways.” Greg says. “I bet you she just wants to make sure you’re not going to up and leave the second she lets you hit it.”
“I don’t know why she’d even think I’d do something like that…”
“Maybe she’s been burned in the past.” Lenny shrugs. “Have you had the ex talk?”
“No.” Harry shakes his head. “It doesn’t seem like something we’ve needed to talk about…but maybe we do.”
Thursday night Harry goes over to Abby’s with a bottle of wine and a box of chocolate chip cookies. He liked bringing dessert the times she made dinner for him.
“Hey.” She smiles and kisses him once he’s inside. She must’ve had a long day at work because she was still in her work clothes. Most times when Harry came over she had already changed into comfier clothes. “How was your day?”
“It was good, how about yours?” He hands her the wine and cookies and follows her into the kitchen.
“Long.” She sighs. “I had some heavier appointments today.” She blinks a few times. “I…I cried with a student today.” She looks at him, tearing up.
“Oh, baby, I’m so sorry, come here.” He opens his arms for her and she’s comforted by his embrace. He rests his chin on the top of her head. “Are you allowed to tell me what happened?”
“Yeah.” She sniffles and looks up at him. “This male student…he had a rough go of it in high school. A teacher…molested him, and it was this whole thing. He’s from a small town in Vermont so everyone knew. He came here to get away from it, you know? Make a fresh start? He’s started to see this girl that he really likes, and he’s petrified of her finding out, and he’s not sure if he should just tell her or if he should keep it to himself. But he’s afraid she might find out anyways somehow. I felt terrible. I mean, what kind of sick fuck uses their position of power over a kid like that, you know?”
“That’s…awful, beyond awful.” Harry frowns down at Abby.
“I just couldn’t keep it together, especially when he started crying, so I cried too. Then we both started laughing, and he was able to calm down and we talked about things more.” She steps back from Harry and wipes under eyes.
“I guess the upside is that you created such a welcoming environment that he felt safe enough to be so vulnerable with you.”
“Yeah.” She nods. “I suppose that’s a silver lining, thanks.” She smiles. “Anyways, we’re going to meet bi-weekly now just for little check ins.” She sighs and moves to stir the pot of pasta that’s on the stove. “I’m making pasta and meat sauce, hope that’s alright.”
“It’s great, Abby. Can I do anything?”
“No, everything’s just about done. Um, would you actually mind taking Marv out quickly for me? He just ate and I haven’t had a chance to take him out to do his business.”
“You got it.”
It wasn’t Harry’s first time taking Marvin out, so he really didn’t mind. He leashes him up and takes him down to the street. Marvin does his business, and Harry gets him back upstairs. By the time he comes back, Abby’s plated up dinner, and gotten the wine open and poured.
“Thank you.” She says to him, and leans down to pat Marvin’s head. “Ready to eat?”
“Mhm, thank you for cooking.”
“Oh, it was nothing.” She smiles. “I like when we get to have dinner together.”
“Me too, babe.” He takes a bite of food and moans. “This is amazing, Ab.”
“Thanks.” She blushes and takes a sip of her wine. “Harry, um, there’s something I…well…I’m just gonna come right out and say it.” She takes a deep breath as he looks at her. “Am I…am I your girlfriend?”
Harry’s concerned face softens into a smile.
“I’d like you to be.” He says to her. “I was actually going to bring this up tonight, guess you beat me to it.”
“Oh.” She says, a little surprised. “Well, good, okay.” She nods and takes a bite of food.
“I like you a lot, and I know it’s been a couple of months. I’m still having a great time with you.”
“Same here!” She assures him. “I just, you know, I don’t know what to tell my friends sometimes when they ask about you.”
“Well, now you can tell them about your boyfriend, yeah?” He smirks. “When do I get to meet these friends, hm? You’ve met all of mine.”
“That’s true.” She chews her bottom lip. “Well, I could arrange for a night out at a bar some weekend. We all love going out to dance and stuff…”
“Sounds like fun.”
“You’d be into something like that?”
“Sure, why not?”
“You just don’t exactly seem like the type of person who would enjoy going to a stuffy club with a ton of drunk people.”
“Hey, I know how to hang. Set it up and I’ll be there.”
“Great, I’ll text them.” She smiles, her body was buzzing with excitement. Harry stands up abruptly and comes over to her side of the table, cupping her jaw. He slots his lips over hers, sucking on her bottom lip and then letting her go before he sits back down. “Wh-what was that for?”
“Just wanted to give my girlfriend a kiss.” He shrugs, a smirk forming on his lips.
“Oh.” Her face had to be beat red at this point. They look at each other and smile. This time it’s Abby who decides to be bold. She gets up and sits on his lap side saddle. She grabs her phone and opens up SnapChat because it was better for taking selfies.
“What are you doing?”
“We hardly have any pictures together. Now that you’re my boyfriend that’s going to change. Smile.” She says to him, and he does as she says, taking a very cute picture.
“Send that to me?”
Abby presses her lips to his. Getting through dinner was going to take a little longer tonight.  
Harry could, in fact, not hang. It was midnight and he was fighting to stay awake. He wished Abby had planned their big night out with her friends for a Saturday not Friday. It was a long week, and Harry just wanted to go to bed. He thought her friends were interesting. There was Billy, Abby’s absolute best friend. Billy happens to be trans, which Harry didn’t care about at all because Billy’s life was none of his business. Then there was Amy and Gina, Abby’s roommates from undergrad. They were all getting along fine, but the club was loud, packed, and sticky. Abby was having a good time, though, so what could he do?
“Another drink, Harry? Next round’s on me.” Billy says to him.
“Oh, no thank you. Think I’m gonna cool it.”
“Cool it?” Amy scoffs. “The night just started. Ab, hold old did you say he was again?”
“Don’t tease him.” Abby hooks an arm around Harry’s waist. “He’s thirty-two, a doctor, and he had a long week.” She looks up at him. “You’ve last two hours, go home if you want.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you tomorrow.” She puckers her lips and he kisses her.
“It was really nice meeting all of you. We’ll have to do it again sometime…maybe on a night I didn’t have two different surgeries.” He kisses Abby again. “Text me when you get home so I know you got back safe?”
“Will do, bye, babe!” Harry heads out, and Abby looks back at her friends. “He’s cute, right?”
“Very.” Gina says. “He seemed like he was having fun at the beginning.”
“He’s just tired.” Abby sighs. “We should have waited until tomorrow. He really is a lot of fun.”
“I’m sure he is.” Billy says with a smile. “So, you really haven’t slept with him yet?”
“No.” Abby shakes her head.
“What’s the hold up?” Amy asks.
“I just haven’t felt ready.” Abby shrugs. “He’s a really good kisser, though, so I know I’m close to getting there with him.”
“You haven’t even sucked his dick?” Gina asks.
“No, but I’ve felt it. We grind on each other a lot. But I always have us stop before it gets to be too much.”
“I’ve literally never known you to not want to fuck a guy you’ve been seeing.” Billy says.
“I know…I just…it all just feels like a dream come true still, and I’m afraid that once we do it something will go wrong and we’ll stop seeing each other. I have no idea why I feel like that, but I do.” Abby says.
“He’d be an idiot to let you go.” Amy says. “Do it when you’re ready, but I think I speak for the three of us when I say we approve of him.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.” The four share a group hug and go back out to the dancefloor to enjoy the rest of their night.
It was a rainy Saturday at the beginning of April. Harry told Abby to bring Marvin over to his place so they could get cozy for a lazy day of watching movies and being cozy. She happily accepted. The two of them really needed a day to relax. Abby was booked solid at work right now, and Harry was starting to get booked out with more and more wisdom teeth appointments. Harry liked when Abby would bring Marvin over. He had gotten a little dog bed for him and some toys. Harry even got him a little food and water bowl.
Abby was really falling for Harry. He made her feel safe, and he was beyond considerate. She also couldn’t believe how patient he was being. They were together three months, just entering the fourth, and they still hadn’t had sex yet. She knew he wanted it, of course, and she really wanted it too.
They were curled up on the couch together while Marvin was snoozing on his little dig bed. Neither had ever watched The Mindy Project before so they were binging it. Abby couldn’t believe what she was about to do, but she couldn’t help from blurting it out.
“Harry?” She looks up at him.
“Yeah?” He looks down at her.
“I…I love you.” His eyes widen as he looks at her, his mouth falling open. “Oh my god, it’s too soon, right? I…I…I…” Before she can ramble on anymore, he’s kissing her, hard.
“Christ, Abby.” He presses his forehead to hers. “I love you too.” He kisses her again.
“Of course I do. You couldn’t tell? I’ve got your picture framed on my night table, and I’ve got all this stuff here for Marvin, and I keep your favorite snacks in the pantry…”
She moves to straddle him, pushing his shoulders back into the couch. She slots her mouth over his, and he holds her close to him. She sucks on his bottom lip, making him groan.
“Harry, bring me to your bedroom, now.”
“Y-you wanna go to sleep?” He looks at her confused.
“No, I want you to fuck me.” She looks at him with dark eyes.
He doesn’t question her again. Instead, he lifts her up and quickly carries her down the hall to his bedroom. He gets her on the bed, hovers over her, and starts by getting her shirt off. His eyes widen when he sees the lace bra she was wearing. He furrows his brows as he gets her leggings off. He glares at her when he sees that her panties match her bra.
“What is it?” She asks innocently.
“There’s this old saying that goes along the lines of if the girl’s wearing matching underwear, then she’s the one who decided to have sex.” Abby blinks at him. “Were you planning for this tonight?”
“I was hoping.” She sits up on her elbows. “I…I’ve been fucked over before, and I really wanted to make sure I knew how we felt about each other before we did this. I’m sorry that I made us wait so long.”
“Don’t be sorry, baby.” He caresses her cheek. “I’ll admit I was a little frustrated in the beginning, but…I’m sort of glad we waited. It’ll be more special now.”
“Exactly!” She beams at him. “Can…can we get back to it now?”
He chuckles and takes his shirt off and pants off. He hovers over her and kisses on her neck and chest. He reaches behind her to unhook her bra, and tugs it away. His lips wrap around one of her nipples, and he licks around it. He sucks on her, and it makes her moan. He licks over to her other breast, and sucks on her other nipple. She pushes his head closer to her chest and tugs at his hair. He kisses and nips his way down her soft tummy. She lifts her hips as he tugs her panties off. He opens her legs and sucks a bruise into her thigh. She gasps at that and groans. He licks a flat stripe up her slit and to her clit. He does this a few times, just to get a good taste of her.
He looks up at her as his tongue flicks back and forth on her clit. He presses a hand on her pelvis and pushes up so he can see her better. He sucks on her clit and she moans out. His fingers work around her folds, feeling her wetness, and then he slides his middle finger in. He gets his ring finger in as well, and starts to pump in and out of her. He moans into her as his hips rut against the bed. She grabs at his hair as his fingers start to rub against her front wall. Abby starts panting and breathing heavier.
“Fuck, Harry, please don’t stop!”
He groans into her as his answer, and keeps doing everything exactly the same to help get her there. Her hips move along with his face, and her body starts to feel warm all over. She cries out as she comes to her release. He retracts his fingers, and he sucks on her wet center before sitting up. She catches her breath and smiles at him. He smiles at her and gets his boxers off. She whimpers when she looks at his hard dick. She crawls towards him and wraps her hand around him. She kisses his tip and wraps her lips around him.
“God, I’ve been dreaming about this.” He groans as his head rolls back while she starts to bob up and down on him. She goes down enough to choke on him, and then she pulls off. “Do you want me to use a condom?”
“No, I’m on the pill. I wanna feel you.”
He nods and gets back onto the bed with her. She opens her legs back up for him, and he rubs the head of his cock along her folds and clit. Her hips press up towards him in anticipation. He slowly presses into her, and her mouth falls open.
“Jesus, you’re so fucking tight.” He grunts as he bottoms out.
“Move.” She tells him. “Move, Harry.” She whines, and he starts to rock in and out of her. She clutches at his biceps and digs her nails in. “Oh my god.” She moans.
“Feels good?”
“Feels amazing.” She bites her bottom lip. “Go harder.”
“Yeah, want me to fuck you hard?”
“Fuck, yeah, really give it to me.”
He gives her a wicked grin, and then pulls out of her. He flips her onto her stomach and slides back in. He grips the back of her neck, and his other hand rests at the base of her spine. He takes a deep breath, pulls out almost all the way, and then snaps his hips back into her. She gasps, and he does it again. He smacks her ass, and continues to fuck into her hard. The hand at the base of her spine slides around to her clit and he rubs it. It doesn’t take her long to lose it again. He pulls out and sits up against his headboard. Abby sinks down on him as he grips her hips. They move in sync together as she rides him. She licks into his mouth and they both moan. His hands grab all over her body, unsure of where he liked squeezing the most. He fondles her breasts for a bit before deciding to stick with her ass.
“You’re so fucking beautiful like this, Abby.” He says as he kisses on her neck. “I want you to come for me again.” He snakes a hand between them so he can rub her clit again.
“Fuck, yes, oh my god, Harry!” She grinds faster on him. “I want you to come inside me.”
“Shit, fuck.” He moans out and they come at the same time. “Fuck, Abby.” He breathes and kisses her, sucking on her bottom lip. Her fingers tangle back into his hair.
“Was it, um, worth the wait?”
“Oh my god, of course it was. I wanna fuck you over and over.” He smirks at her and she giggles.
“I think that can be arranged.” She pecks his lips. “Would you ever want to, um, tie me to the bed?”
“Oh, baby, if I didn’t love you before.”
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