#both of them slayed though
foolishlyzephyrus · 3 months
midnight is such a good episode, yes we know this. i cannot stop thinking about how many takes it probably took for them to be synchronized
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martilyongabo · 2 months
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the blade is your implement. you'll need it if you want to do this right. (04.17.2024-04.20.2024) [18hrs]
happy anniversary to FE13! i was drawn back to this game after getting into another, though completely different game, Slay the Princess. the conflict and shifting forms reminded me a lot of what had stuck out to me in FE13, so i decided to go back and play through it.
i also made a small doodle too of the vessels during the creation of this piece. you can find it below in the read more, as well as a small list of who's who :D
a last thank you to @anoldwishbone for helping me with the glass shards and effects!
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from left to right: the beast (it/its), the damsel (she/he), the prisoner (she/her), the spectre (she/her) the witch (bottom, they/them), the tower (top, she/her), the razor (middle, he/him), the adversary (top, she/her), and the nightmare (middle, she/her).
tower, adversary, and nightmare's designs were pretty unclear to me even a day before the deadline, hence why they're pretty loose here.
i ended up giving the tower elice's clothes from fe11/fe12, and the adversary was given a mix of the dread fighter's outfits in fe13 and fe15. the nightmare's clothing is still a big WIP though, since fe13's story is still yikes. would still love to explore swana and central asian fashion for plegian characters.
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clfixationstation · 26 days
see I like aurani so much because it's kinda dark and fucked up but also built on mutual understanding AND they get a relatively happy ending so I don't have to be sad about it!
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houseofborgia · 6 months
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DAVID OAKES and BRADLEY JAMES in 'Vikings Valhalla'
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stuffed-x-arts · 5 months
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I think they like to play card games sometimes. Often they drag in others to supsrvise for cheating. (it won't stop them from cheating but it means they've gotta work harder to be sneaky about it and that just adds to the fun!) Cheated has a score-count for everybody. for every different game they play. him vs opportunist. him vs cold. the whole group playing. contrarian is often banned for bringing other card games to the table. he also never gets to supervise despite often asking to. Hero volunteers to supervise a lot but often doesn't catch the cheating so he's denied the role. Cheated, skeptic, opportunist and cold are the best. Broken is also surprisingly good sometimes. Even when he has the best hand he worries he'll screw it up somehow, and his downer attitude tends to convince the others he's gonna lose too. erm thats all i think
i just know these two have the potential to end up breaking into a fight over their silly card games. After cold left and the two eventually got tired of their games and went their separate ways opportunist stuck his leg out so cheated could trip over. they push each other down the stairs, maybe.
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i want nothing more than for Ezra & Thrawn to be not enemies, not friends, but a secret third thing - roommates
#sorry to be star wars posting on main but im star wars posting on main#i just think it would be so fucking funny#if they all get to thrawn and he & ezra are just chillin with space martinis#sabine: where's ezra 🔫>:(🔫#thrawn: literally just turn your head to the left#but fr though has anyone... Asked if thrawn wants to be Involved???#maybe hes done. maybe hes retired.#same with ezra#theyre busy stealing each others leftovers and fighting over the thermostat#whatever goes on in the galaxy is none of their business. they have Removed Themselves from the situation#i hope they Genuinely Dislike each other but theyre like... bonded like stray cats now#thats what trans-galactic purrgil travel does to a mf#ultimate roadtrip arc....#i hope it made them both simultaneously worse and better <3#i hope ezra does literally anything and thrawn is like 'this fucking kid... (derogatory. annoyed. tired. somehow emotionally attached)'#ahsoka and sabine turn up and thrawn is shoving ezra at them like Please Take Him Back Let Me Have Peace#while ezra is like 'awwww youd miss me too much (malicious. snarky. tired. somehow emotionally attached)'#of course its not gonna go like this. theyre gonna have thrawn be all like 'muahaha finally i have been rescued so that i may be eeeevilll'#not my thrawn but Whatever....#hes a bad bitch but let him be. let him slay in retirement#and ezra's gonna be this wise jedi sage who's unlocked the secrets of the force blah blah blah#not MY blueberry boy but Whatever....#i hope he's cloud-surfing with purrgil. living his best life#absolutely unprompted#ahsoka series#WAIT NO I WANT ONE OTHER THING#i need zeb & kallus to be gay married on lira san thankyew <3#(also for ahsoka's lekku/montrals to be longer but we all know thats not gonna happen....)#(every day i look at live-action shaak ti and sigh)#(at least we get a stellar loth cat animatronic instead of weird cgi <3)
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imorphemi · 7 months
Today on Morph brainrot hours: Hermitcraft FMA AU!
except its kinda only Boatem and also Gem and kind of Skizz because. There's too many hermits I can't accurately au them sorryyyy
So! Role call!
Pearl - Lieutenant Colonel Seyche Pearl, the Shifting Earth Alchemist. She became a State Alchemist before the Ishvalan Civil War and joined eventually joined the war. She was assigned to protect the military doctors. After the war, she was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and transferred to Central, where she now does field work and assists with the alchemical laboratory research efforts, specifically with Gem.
Gem - Major General Taylor Gemini, the Mending Alchemist. She was one of the top military doctors during the war, not just for her skill in the medical field but also in the literal warzone. Though she wasn't involved in the work with Philosopher Stones, she did hear rumors about it from the other doctors. She started researching bio-alchemy, earned her State Alchemist license, and eventually became head of the 4th Laboratory.
Impulse - Major Stevens Impulse. Impulse transferred from East to Central shortly after the war and came under Pearl's command. Old friends with Grian, Scar, and Skizz back from the military academy and through the war. He frequently accompanies Gem and Pearl, who are...notoriously bad at watching their backs.
Grian - The Windstorm Alchemist, I haven't decided on his real name yet but most people just call him by his title. Became a State Alchemist right before state alchemists were called in to Ishval and Impulse, Skizz, and Scar came under his command. Some time after the war ended, Grian decided to remain a State Alchemist for research opportunities and transferred to Central, coming under Pearl's command. Both of his arms are automail.
Near the end of the Ishvalan Civil War, Skizz died during a skirmish. Impulse did not take this very well and was transferred to Central not long after the war ended. Grian and Scar blamed themselves for Skizz's death because Grian was his CO and Scar's negligence was partially the cause of his death (though Grian would argue otherwise). While Scar was not a state alchemist, he does know alchemy.
So Grian and Scar decide to bring Skizz back to life. With predictable results. The rebound cost Grian's arms and Scar's legs. The two managed to drag themselves to Mumbo's workshop, leaving the poor man to freak out over his two friends who are both missing half their limbs.
Mumbo, with some help from his boss Tango, makes Grian and Scar new automail limbs. Scar decides to resign from the military and chills in Rush Valley with Mumbo, but Grian continues with his research.
After Grian transfers to Central, he, Gem, Pearl, and Impulse make some headway into Gem's investigation about Philosopher Stones, discovering the passageway under Lab 4 leading the Lab 5. Gem and Pearl go in first, discovering a philosopher stone and barely escape with their lives, Grian and Impulse following them to give backup. Grian gets ahold of Marcoh's documents before the Library burns down and him, Gem, and Pearl all have an aneurysm trying to decode it. No one is happy with the results when they're done anyways.
Also this is all happening in tandem to the canon events of FMA. This is about all i have right now lol I just needed to spill these thoughts from my head XD thanks for reading
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featherymainffins · 2 months
Now this might be because I have issues but is it just me or does Slay The Princess feel like an allegory for a relationship?
#like i dont even mean the actual textual stuff like the two gods loving each other i mean like#while the narrator himself does say that he is not the protagonist at all the voices do in fact count him as one of them and#both the narrator and the voices are described as shattered glass pieces on the floor#and im saying that just to contextualise what im about to say because i feel like the narrator is an echo of someone who was in#a relationship with another person and is trying to 'slay' the memory of this person and defeat death not only literally but#on a metaphorical level (as in the death of a relationship). if you do slay her you destroy her memory and in that way you do not know her#at all nor do you care to#and the routes would be the perspectives held by different parts of you. shes literally a being that changes based on who perceives her#but metaphorically thats just how people work isnt it? relationships are complicated and there is a part of you who sees someone as a razor#and there is a part of you who sees them as a damsel and another who sees them as a god etc etc#its like youre a person who is trying to make sense of the situation and; which is why the construct of the princess is made up of#several vessels called perspectives. you understand the whole of what you think only when you take apart all your perspectives;#and theres a you who isnt you anymore who doesnt want to do this. hes telling you to just destroy it. it was wholly wretched and wholly bad#and it changed which is a crime in itself. theres an echo of you. and theres you; built by this echo because thats how the self works#we are each our own god and we build ourselves. the different voices are like different parts of you#much like the vessels are the equivalent of the voices. theyre the finite confined perspectives; aspects of a whole person#and slaying her in this context would obviously mean literally just destroying the memory and deciding that change and all it brings#is an awful thing. though im not yet sure what the difference between leaving with the whole and between separating yourself#and leaving with just an aspect would be.#thats probably like the only thing thats kinda ruining this interpretation lol#oh and obviously a lot of the routes have like very strong relationship symbolism. specifically a lot of them feel like#scenes from a relationship that is falling apart. for example in the adversary and then the fury when you run away the dialogue#basically mimics a partner running away from a conflict and the other one destroying themselves because of it#witch and the thorn are both heavily Esop-coded and the text itself says that its about two people hurting each other even though they love#each other but both are afraid of the other one and of being vulnerable. thorn is about finding forgiveness in one another#and deciding to be better and love each other despite the hurt youve caused each other due to your problems#etc etc#like am i insane am i mental am i projecting?
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chiabats · 4 days
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blog-of-frontiers · 1 year
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mossflower · 8 months
i don’t think a kiss would necessarily help what i’ve got going on but it couldn’t hurt
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vaniliens · 5 months
I love luli but yeah i gotta admit out of the hundreds of ships i ship its definitely one of the more "crack" ones even if they ARE friends in universe. They barely talk to eachother, I can name like 3 scenes where they do in canon and its 1. When Lisanna tells Lucy to go after Natsu, 2. When they reunite during tartaros arc and were glad that the others fine, 3. The iconic snake / fox Lisanna vs Stardress Mix Lucy fight in 100yq. I can name a few more scenes where they do interact but idk if they're in the manga or not its been a while
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hot-vampire-summer · 6 months
im so happy pompshipping is winning i hope it stays that way
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scalpelsister · 1 year
need a disposable income for sword money fr
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peacharcades · 1 year
the last 2 days of my life have been me crying over and complaining about my hair while my mom and sister debate getting bangs because of how cute they think it is
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glitter50000 · 1 year
SaB season 2 spoilers (in the tags as well)
Kirigan’s grisha army watching him kill a whole camp with one sweep of the Cut in ep.6
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(Vatra, the inferni, straight up saying “it’s like the earth ate them up” after that like damn girl)
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