#both of these women SHOULD be Doctors by the laws of their universe
vohalika · 9 months
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them - A Practical Approach To Shonen Manga Eugenics
by Dr. Bulma Briefs (with a foreword by Dr. Uchiha Sakura)
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
I have watched the Christmas Special I am allowed back on the tumbls.
thoughts! nd a little feelings!
we're really starting in on the ideas of the season - magic and science as one, belief as a power, things somewhat to the left of conventional reality, tricksters (and eventually gods), and those are simply some of my favourite things!
on that note, the song that the doctor and ruby sing very similar to how donna beat that one part of the toymaker's maze
this may be the most of a musical episode we get, but I think we should still have a full one -- confirmed both ncuti and millie can sing so...
themes of family as not a biological decree, but as choice and luck and what you decide to call family
(how big is the ruby-is-susan's-child fan theory?)
I also note that introducing a companion with a mystery in this is different than back in m*ffat-era, when it was from the doctor's perspective of wanting to solve the companion, rather than be with the companion and have the companion involved in the mystery (companion as plot point rather than as character), whereas this time around it's ruby's mystery, and in fact the doctor stepped back from figuring it out which is... interesting
some things as foreshadowing: ruby's birth-mother as mystery, themes of family as mentioned - created, found, lost perhaps? - that tie ruby's past with the doctor as the timeless child possibly eventually in a very tangible way (susaaan), how easily one can change reality (mavity just came back, which feels like a small example of how easy it is, alongside the toymaker in the last episode, and the goblins going back in time and stealing ruby in this one), how different beings operate under different laws than ours...
ncuti is giving perfect doctor, as we knew, but I think it deserves to be said! also a tried and true doctor deflection moment of "I've got no one" and then Moving On -- because this episode (and I hazard a guess, season) is so family-focused, I assume there'll be a return to all of that. definitely giving benevolent trickster in a universe of malevolent trickster feel (right before he said that maybe he's the bad luck, I was saying that he's the good luck bringer, which was a fun coincidence...)
I like ruby. I think there's a lot of space to gauge still, as this episode did a lot to give us her background (and a bit of her personality, which is obviously very companion-type), but I'm not quite sure how much millie gibson sticks out to me on her own, especially opposite someone as Big as ncuti gatwa. I wasn't initially a fan of casting another young actor (and then I thought, oh she might be playing someone younger, like yasmin finney did, invoking characters like zoe or ace, but then they haven't done that either), so I'm still a bit on the fence in terms of how she's going to set herself apart from a majority of attractive young white women that play companions, apart from the backstory itself, because so far I'd say... kind of a shrug, yeah she's fine, but she's not super memorable. that being said this is early days -- her background is well-built, she's very much Of A New Generation, which I'm guessing is why they went with someone around this age and they've made sure to represent in various scenes, I like that she's Mancunian, I like the scenes between her and her family. so yeah, I like her, I think currently that she's sweet. also millie gibson has quite a bit of background considering how young she is, and specifically won awards for her work on coronation street, which, I always feel like rtd works well with bringing out the best kind of emotions from actors who've been on soaps, makes me hope for Bigger, which I think DW (and rtd) is good at getting from people
spire through the goblin king's stomach. brutal
on the flipside, the christmas-star death seemed a bit intense, so am glad the doctor saved davina mccall
oh yeah, and the neighbour woman... there was that too. mysteries
fun episode. I'm never expecting brilliance from a christmas special, just fun! and I had very good fun! and also mysteries...
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tiodolma · 10 months
The Hippocratic Oath Within the Context of BBC Merlin
Based on what is observed on BBC Merlin, the Arthurian mythos of the show seems to take place around a most probable early medieval setting in which the Old Religion still has sway. There are many things that are never explained within the show, which is understandable. But one of the things that has caused me curiosity are the medical aspects within that universe, specifically the roles Gaius and Merlin exercise. Both men have very important titles in court as they take care of the king and the royal household’s health. Gaius has the title ‘Physician to the King’, while Merlin most probably has the title of ‘Apprentice to the Physician to the King’ (Wikipedia contributors, 2023b).
Within those roles, both are bound by the Hippocratic Oath. The Hippocratic Oath is a very well-known Greek text that has influenced Western medicine throughout the centuries in terms of medical ethics (U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d.; Wikipedia contributors, 2023b). According to Michael North (2002), as cited in the U.S. National Library of Medicine (n.d.), the Hippocratic Oath states the following:
“I swear by Apollo the physician, and Asclepius, and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, that, according to my ability and judgement, I will keep this Oath and this contract:
To hold him who taught me this art equally dear to me as my parents, to be a partner in life with him, and to fulfill his needs when required; to look upon his offspring as equals to my own siblings, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or contract; and that by the set rules, lectures, and every other mode of instruction, I will impart a knowledge of the art to my own sons, and those of my teachers, and to students bound by this contract and having sworn this Oath to the law of medicine, but to no others.
I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them.
I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.
In purity and according to divine law will I carry out my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, even upon those suffering from stones, but I will leave this to those who are trained in this craft.
Into whatever homes I go, I will enter them for the benefit of the sick, avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, whether they are free men or slaves.
Whatever I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, which ought not to be spoken of outside, I will keep secret, as considering all such things to be private.
So long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, may it be granted to me to partake of life fully and the practice of my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, should I transgress this Oath and violate it, may the opposite be my fate.”
A summary of this is that the physician swears upon the gods that he and his teacher will be equals, as well as colleagues. Should the teacher be in need, the physician will help in anyway he can. Additionally, the trade is to be kept within a selected group of people: the former teacher’s children, the physician’s children, or any apprentices. The physician is to carry out his trade with purity of heart by helping the patient in any way possible without any intention to do harm or an injustice (e.g., not giving lethal drugs to anyone who asks; giving a pessary to a woman to cause abortion, sexual misconduct, etc.). Moreover, doctor patient confidentiality is to be kept and whatever is said is not to be shared with others. Lastly, in keeping this oath the physician will gain renown for eternity and if not, the opposite will happen (U.S. National Library of Medicine, n.d).
If one does quick research of the period in which BBC Merlin takes place, the Roman Empire had a great influence upon their Britannia province centuries before. Not only did the Romans left buildings behind, but they also left knowledge of many things, as well as names (Wikipedia contributors, 2023a). In fact, Gaius’ name reflects the Roman influence left behind. Now, within show, there’s no mention of the Hippocratic Oath, but it is probable that Gaius knew about it and most probably swore by it. It is probable that Merlin as Gaius’ apprentice also swore by it. And if both swore by it, therein a dilemma. Because Merlin violated the Hippocratic Oath he was bound to.
He violated it in one of the important aspects of the oath, which was to do no harm or do injustice. For instance, he killed a lot of people, he poisoned Morgana, etcetera, etcetera. It is understandable why he did what he did and his reasons, but they are in no way justifiable. As a physician’s apprentice, he was bound to help people. Instead, he violated the Physician’s Oath many times over and in violation to the oath rather than renown, his name fell into infamy and his destiny remained unfulfilled.
U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.). Greek Medicine - The Hippocratic Oath. https://www.nlm.nih.gov/hmd/greek/greek_oath.html
Wikipedia contributors. (2023a). Britannia. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britannia
Wikipedia contributors. (2023b). Physician to the king. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physician_to_the_King
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
riverrose for the ship ask game?
i do have such a soft spot for ships that orbit other ships, in a way. riverrose is good on its own because 😳 women. but i am a sucker for the dynamic of ‘this is the person we both love more than life itself, and there’s not much room for jealousy there when we both understand just how far we’d go to keep him safe.’ there’s a solidarity there, something that would have the two of them thick as thieves in a matter of minutes. women who have broken the fundamental laws of the universe to save the doctor once…
i also think rose deserves nice things. i think river would shower her with them. river loves a little luxury, and i get so much enjoyment out of imagining her leaving rose little gifts onboard the tardis. they should kiss about it maybe.
rose could keep up with river. i know that in my heart. she’s adaptable, she’s smart, she’s willing to handle deadly weapons! let them do crimes together. i want that so bad. i want them falling in love, adrenaline pounding.
[put any ship in my ask box and i’ll give my brutally honest opinion]
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Hi, I voted "to save the mother's life" in the poll, but I'm not sure if a procedure under such circumstances (Like, i guess an ectopic pregnancy) are really considered abortion. I know that a lot of places where abortion is criminalised do not consider it as such for an ectopic pregnancy. Do you care to share thoughts/sources on this?
Hope you're having a great weekend
So ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage treatment are not considered elective abortions because the intention is not the same. Especially with ectopic pregnancy since the treatment is either medication (methotrexate, which is rarely ever used for elective abortions), laparoscopic surgery, or abdominal surgery. Most abortion ban laws make it clear that ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage treatments are not considered abortions, so there's no reason a doctor shouldn't treat a woman suffering a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, and the treatments for these conditions have not changed with abortion bans.
I have heard two different arguments, some doctors say abortion is medically necessary, while other doctors don't. For the side that argues that abortion is medically necessary I found HealthFeedback talk about it here:
Daniel Grossman, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at University of California, San Francisco, told Health Feedback that “If the pregnant woman develops a life-threatening condition at a gestational age when the fetus is likely to survive, it is true that in most cases, obstetricians would proceed with expedited delivery”.
“But,” he cautioned, “if the pregnant woman develops a serious condition at 20 weeks, such as ruptured membranes with signs of infection or heavy bleeding from a placenta previa, it is critical to terminate the pregnancy quickly to save her life. There is no chance that the fetus can survive, and an abortion would be the fastest and safest way to terminate the pregnancy”. To date, the most premature baby to survive was born in 2020, at about 21 weeks of gestation.
Luckily for us, the Lozier Institute has listed every single medical emergency a pregnant woman may face and the treatment guidance described by the ACOG, and also the abortion ban laws in every US state:
To assist healthcare providers and dispel the myths being spread by those more concerned with promoting abortion than women’s health, this document discusses miscarriage management, treatment for ectopic pregnancy, and medical conditions that could qualify as life-threatening, permitting abortion under pro-life laws. Specifically, we cite guidance from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), a prominent professional organization that has provided comprehensive guidance for management of obstetric and gynecologic conditions. Further, the exact text of the laws, definitions, and exceptions are included below to further demonstrate that the laws in question do not inhibit appropriate and standard medical care.
The reason pro-lifers don't consider abortion medically necessary is because we believe doctors should always try to save both mother and baby, but if they can't do both then the mother should be the priority. There have been instances where the doctors could not save the mother, but could save the unborn child. I would recommend looking through the Lozier Institute article linked above since it contains so much information on the treatment for life-threatening situations for pregnant women.
If you would like more information, Why Prolife also discusses the "medically necessary" question here. It may be a pro-life source, but they include sources for everything.
Former abortionist, Dr. Anthony Levatino, explains why abortion is never medically necessary:
There's a lot to look at with both sides of the argument. Some doctors agree that it's medically necessary, while other doctors disagree. I think if the procedure's purpose is to save the life of the mother, but her unborn child is unintentionally killed as a result of that procedure, then it's not abortion.
I hope this answers your question.
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bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
Thank you to @trillscienceofficer for tagging me, this was fun! 1. The provisions shop was small, dark and clearly constructed centuries ago. (From: Can you Hear the Bumblebees Swarm?) Fic about Stonn loving T’Pring and T’Pring loving Spock and Spock thinking he might love Christine and Christine mostly just wanting to have sex. There’s also stuff about what happens to Vulcans who lose their logic because I love worldbuilding apparently! 2. “I’m going.” Noss said after dropping off the bag of spoils for Tom and the not-there doctor to shell and cook. (From: A Good Meal Away from Home) A fic from Noss' POV for this fic! I liked giving her some semblance of a backstory and might write more for her - I love yearning and requited unrequited love. 3. The home Stonn had bought for them was two stories with a small garden by the water, a gate blocking it from the road. (From: The Wanting comes in Waves) This is a T'Pring/Stonn fic in the TOS universe. I had a great time describing their house (as usual) and it was fun getting into Stonn's POV since he's such a literal side character - pretty much makes him a blank slate beyond his devotion to T’Pring! 4.Tuvok had never understood the phenomena of Vulcans becoming attracted to humans. (From: When you Speak you Speak to my Soul) Chakotay punches a guy for Tuvok and Tuvok forgets how to act. Here I was thinking about 'Learning Curve' and Vulcan challenges/ritual violence as a display of romantic interest. 5. “Tuvok, are you able to come home?” T’Pel asked. (From: To Eat Until Full) I really liked this one even though it's so niche! It's Tuvok taking care of making dinner for his family on a starbase pre-Voyager and trying to deal with being away from home. Should he speak his native language more at home? Why do his kids keep asking for pizza? Is he doing the right thing, raising them off-world? Will his father-in-law give him a break and let him cook Aikum-Shur with store-brought ingredients instead of hand-picked produce? What does it mean to be Vulcan? 6. The nape of T’Vok’s neck was a new sight and the only bit of skin on her that was unblemished by bruises from a fight Suder had heard but hadn’t seen, tucked safely away in her quarters, writing poetry poorly and growing flowers. (From: Like Scissors to the Neck) What if we went to an alien bathhouse and I noticed you cut your hair and I wrote you poetry I'll never let you read and I kind of want to kill you and I kind of want to stay with you forever and we were both women? 7. Tuvok was aware that his fellow crewmen speculated about how he would reunite with his wife. (From: Burned into Memory - Glowing Beneath the Surface) Tuvok worries about the fact that he has issues and baggage related to the delta quadrant and he isn't the same person he was before - will T'Pel still want to be with him? 8. They were in a small room sectioned off from the rest of the temple with a heavy weaving rug. (From: The Gardener Moves Forward Through Weeds) A T'Pel-centric fic set while everyone still assumes Voyager is lost forever and its crew are dead. Thinking about Vulcan love and its dangers. Thinking about Vulcan care, how alien methods of care and emotional maintenance may differ from humans. It was fun to write love as a foreign invader. 9. Amanda’s bathroom was small to give space to the other rooms in her apartment and Sarek’s things stood starkly apart from her own, even when they were mixed together. (From: Strange Thoughts) Literally just Sarek and Amanda, young, pre-kids, fucking around. 10. “Doctor?” Kes asked, stepping into sickbay. (From: Away - to or at a Distance) Wanted to write a Kes-centric fic and for some reason decided to ALSO try out a more action focused fic? I don't know how this turned out, I'm more of a 'slice of life' or 'angst' writer but hey, it's fun to try new things! I tag anyone who wants to do it, honestly. I don't know who follows this blog and also writes so it'd be fun to see!
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lepusrufus · 2 years
I adore your art! Do you have any Cassandra/Tobias headcanons (can be for your Werewolf AU or for canon)? Your fanart of their younger selves with Cassandra complaining about her mom has single handedly made me ship them.
Oho I haven't done hcs in a while and I just love me some wholesome emotional support brits, so here goes (these are mostly just hcs that I have in my own fics or stuff I kinda gathered by being a nerd and watching their scenes too much) (also buckle up cause you opened the floodgates for all the feelsies I have on them):
They met relatively young because similarly to Jayce, Tobias was backed by the Kirammans
Tobias drinks his respect women juice and Cassandra looked at that adorable face and went yeah that one
They used to go on hunting trips together quite a bit, which is when Cassandra got injured that one time
He never lets her live it down
Cassandra’s mom is an asshole in every universe and she absolutely did not approve of Tobias, which gained her the biggest fuck you of the century from Cassandra
I feel like Cassandra may not have cared that much about marrying with someone with a really high position or smt (watch s2 disprove me on this lmao). I mean she already has a guaranteed seat among Piltover’s leaders and is the head of one of the richest families there, what else can you want.
Going against the general consensus here and saying Tobias is not a doctor, BUT he has medical training
Tbh the only piece of canon we have about his job is the lol lore that says he's an artificer, so I'm going with that.
Specifically he likes to tinker with weapons and he's the one that made and designed Caitlyn's rifle
Also Caitlyn’s grandma did not approve of her love for shooting in the slightest which actually made Cassandra double down and go "here sweetie have a rifle", to Tobias' utter delight
(It came to bite her in the ass later on but oh well)
Ik a lot of ppl ship them (galaxy brain tbh) but I really like the idea that Grayson was always a good friend of theirs, so despite it all, part of them is happy that she ended up someone their daughter looked up to
Tobias calls Cassandra "Cassie" I take no criticism
Ik I mentioned this, but each Kiramman has their own hunting dog, named after firearms in true nerd fashion. Sniper and Revolver are Caitlyn and Cassandra’s and are the same breed, while Shottie is Tobias' baby and is more of a retriever for hunting waterfowl
They are not homophobic I will take this hc and rip it with my teet- mmmmm everyone is entitled to their hcs everyone is entitled to their hcs everyone is-
I feel like ppl exaggerate the "fun dad strict mom" dynamic a little. I mean if you remember Tobias was the first to want to drop Jayce after the lab blew up while Cassandra was actually more lenient. What I'm saying is, they're probably on the same page a lot more than we think.
They're pretty classist tho let's not gloss over that. *taps watch* fix that. Have you guys seen your future daughter in law??
Speaking of which, after some initial bumps the Kirammans would absolutely adore Vi and you can take this from my cold dead hands
Tobias and Vi would just vibe while their respective wives are bickering about whatever competitive shit they got into. "Should we uh... intervene?" "Oh no darling I quite enjoy living."
Apparently Tobias smokes
Tobias and Caitlyn have matching silly top hats
Vi's first mistake was letting their tailor get her measurements. The Kirammans really like their fancy clothes and their daughter's partner has to match.
Also the Kirammans like to take some family pictures every time they go to the winter estate for hunting season
The first time Vi was with them she was all "aight imma let you to it" to which Cassandra responded rather miffed that they didn't bring along like five of her suits just for her not to be in the photos, now go on and get changed
Caitlyn was both endeared and trying not to laugh her ass off
Ok this got a little long but thanks for opening pandora's box nonnie. I could do a part 2 of the Paranormal AU version if you guys are curious (while jumping through fifty loops to avoid spoilers lol)
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percentstardust · 2 years
modern career paths for my asoiaf muses:
i play the targaryens as a family that originated in norway but ended up in the usa. the lannisters are from england. default city setting is los angeles, california. syrax, drogon, tessarion, anoghul, viserion, vhagar, rhaegal, and vhagar are all animals owned in this verse.
rhaenyra: fashion designer of both women and men’s clothing. literally has dabbled in suits, gowns, wedding dresses, lingerie, and she has her own makeup line. heir to targaryen industries but honestly would rather not abandon her fashion empire. PLOT TWIST. she ends up marrying harwin. uses she / they pronouns.
aemond: he’s a first year pre med student studying to be a doctor. he is also double majoring in psychology. his eye injury will NOT stop him from pursuing his career. he just really wants to be a doctor cause medical science fascinates him. he has too many skills for one person to have. he’s also an athlete on the lacrosse and soccer teams. he’s heavily into student politics too. lost his eye in an accident when he was ten. aemond does it all to make up for being disabled.
aemma: future vet tech major. still in high school. volunteers at a family owned no kill shelter. she really loves animals and she wants to eventually work as a zoo animal vet. she is on the swim team like jace. last name is strong in this au.
jace: he’s really into computers and technology and he can hack things. so he’s going to want to work with computers. he can build one and take it apart before putting it back together again. so he will be able to work in the family tech company as well. also still in high school. he’s student athlete on the swim and track teams despite his scoliosis. last name is strong because nyra marries harwin.
dany: ballet dancer. she the third born daughter and she usually is allowed to do what she wants within limits. dancing is her passion and has been since she was a child. right now she works for and dances for a ballet company. she gets the lead roles in all of the performances. ballet isn’t the only dance she specializes in. she knows others as well but ballet is what she’s most passionate about. she’s also an ice skater but she doesn’t do that competitively anymore due to her thriving ballet career.
jaime: army veteran who was honorably discharged after losing his hand in combat. has all kinds of awards. he was an army ranger to be specific. went back to school to get a degree in law later in life than one should get a law degree but he got one easily due to his intellect . works at his family law firm as an associate.
daeron: aspiring concert violinist. plays multiple instruments including the guitar and piano. music is his life. art is also his life but he’s more set on being a musician than being a painter. still in high school like aemma and jace. will pursue a bachelor in music.
anari: freshman in college. getting a bachelor in music. is a rising pop star who has her first album out along with some unaffiliated covers and singles. has won three grammys and several other awards for her first album. is best friends with helaena targaryen like she is in her hotd era. youngest of four and has three older brothers. given how successful she already is as a musician, she is making a name for herself and her parents are quite proud of her. writing her second album while attending university classes. small but fighty still.
all of them, even jaime and anari, are rich. though the targaryens have more influence, net worth, power, and their money is older. hope this helps.
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myfairstarlight · 10 months
A Study In Colours
AO3 Link.
Rating: G
Pairings: Susato Mikotoba/Haori Murasame (Rei Membami). Implied asoryuu in the beginning
Written for Susahao Week 2022. Day 5: Family/Legacy
Word count: 2.5k
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
Susato officially enrols on Yumei University under the name Ryutaro Naruhodo shortly after Kazuma-sama and Naruhodo-san officially graduate. For the ceremony, Kazuma-sama had come back to Japan, even if it was only for a short time, he made sure to tell them.
“I found that I quite like London, and I would hate to abandon Barok and Gina after all we’ve been through. I know Japan is in good hands with the both of you,” her brother had explained during the celebratory dinner. Susato was too proud to admit she was saddened at the news meanwhile Naruhodo-san never was good at hiding his real feelings in the first place and looked down for the rest of the evening and did his best to smile when someone asked if he was doing alright.
Susato saw him and Kazuma discreetly retire to the garden. She did not see them for the rest of the evening but the next day, Naruhodo-san was in a much brighter spirit, although an underlining of sadness still gleamed in his eyes.
The thing is, as horrible as it may sound, Susato got used to a life without her brother by her side, and she is aware not much is likely to change once he takes his boat back to British soil. She first thought him dead for a year, she mourned him, and when she got him back, she still decided to leave him behind to stay by Naruhodo-san’s side instead and she doesn’t regret that decision, far from it, they have achieved so much fixing Japan’s judicial system together and Kazuma-sama had Lord van Zieks, Gina and the Sholmes by his side, but a treacherous part of her wondered if she had just substituted Kazuma-sama with Naruhodo-san in her life. That, in her brother’s absence, she latched onto someone else to fill the void and pretend things have not changed that much.
Hence why she made the decision to endeavour a legal career of her own now, even if under another’s name — for all the reforms they managed to pass, women are still forbidden to practice law because this country hates women, apparently. Naruhodo-san has grown a lot over the year since their return and doesn’t need her assistance as much as he once used to and while Susato will be happy to continue assisting him as Susato, she can now have her own thing as Ryutaro.
Nothing like beating the fear of change like making a completely life-altering choice and grabbing change by the throat to take control!
Did that make sense?
Haori is supportive, and more than happy to get to see Ryutaro again, much to Susato’s amusement. Now that they have entered a romantic relationship shortly after she came back from Great Britain, she is more than happy to indulge her girl of the sort. As Ryutaro, it makes it acceptable for them to be seen holding hands outside, it makes it acceptable for her to be openly courting Haori and fool the whole world.
Living a double life is exhausting, however.
Haori chuckles as Susato lets herself fall against her side, never mind that her lover is holding a needle in her hand and needs to be careful. Susato currently needs the physical touch to forget all about her woes.
“Prosecutor Auchi?” Haori guesses correctly.
Susato groans. “The son, this time, I cannot believe that man procreated… Kazuma-sama should have stayed so there would be at least one prosecutor who is not annoying in Japan,” she deadpans.
“Perhaps that is why he did not stay. To never see Prosecutor Auchi and his family again.”
“Suddenly, I cannot blame him.”
Haori chuckles once again, the sound wrapping around Susato’s heart and making it stutter with affection. Oh, she probably will never tire of hearing it.
“How is the embroidery going?” she asks eventually.
Haori had offered to help her personalise her student uniform since she is far better at manual work as a future doctor than Susato could ever hope to be. She only gave her ideas and the colour she wanted to accentuate the black of the uniform and Haori diligently and gladly went to work.
“Well, I meant to ask… Was it on purpose?” Haori replies, fingers tracing the purple embroidery ornaments across “Ryutaro”’s student hat.
Susato tilts her head to get a better look at it. Haori finished embroidering a cherry blossom flower on one side. “What do you mean?”
“The colour you chose. Purple. Kazuma-sama had red on his uniform and with that headband of his he used to wear, Naruhodo-san has some blue on his cape, and the two together…”
Oh. “Make purple,” Susato finishes with a look of total wonder in her eyes. “To be frank with you… I only asked for purple because Iris had made me an outfit in purple back in London…”
“A simple coincidence, then,” Haori muses but Susato is not so sure she agrees now, although she doesn’t say anything else. “I think it suits you, either way.”
Susato smiles, kissing her on the cheek. “Thank you, lovely.”
She will never tire of seeing Haori’s pale cheeks burn bright red every time.
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
Susato remembers a time when her father had expected her to follow in his footsteps, and find interest in medicine and science, only to be swayed away by Kazuma-sama’s intense conviction and desire to study law. Her father would coax her with his research paper and colourful diagrams, only for Susato to ignore them and turn to her big brother and ask him what he was reading so intensely. Looking back, she can smile remembering her father’s dejected face yet proud smile as she found her own path.
She supposes it is appropriate she now borrows Naruhodo-san’s name as a boy, because that is something they have in common — stepping into the jaws of the law in a desire to match up to Kazuma-sama.
“You have already both surpassed me, I have no idea what you are talking about,” her brother had laughed when she shared that thought with him before he left for Great Britain again. “And in case it was not already obvious, I am so proud of you, Susato.”
Susato cried. He held her, Naruhodo-san joining the embrace after some coaxing. Later, she cried again when Haori asked her if she was alright. She held her too, tighter somehow.
It is silly, to be so focused on the colour now subtly adorning her hat and cape. Red and blue. Purple. She carries the two men she considers her brothers with her now whenever she steps into Yumei University, sharing a childhood and history with one, and a year of trials and tribulations as well as a name with the other.
It is a comforting thought, she decides. Kazuma-sama is on the other side of the world and Naruhodo-san is away at work while she takes classes, but they are always there with her anyway. And with Haori’s hand being the one who added the purple accents to her uniform, she also carries her love with her on this new journey.
Speaking of, with flowers in one hand and lunch in a bag for three in the other, she is now heading towards the laboratory of the university. Haori and her father tend to forget about time when they are engrossed in their research and Susato has taken the habit of coming over during her lunch break to remind them to take a break as well. Fortunately, as both Haori’s lover and the famed Professor Mikotoba’s new protégé, she can walk into the lab without anyone truly batting an eye when even as Susato, she would not be allowed to go visit her father on a whim.
She greets everyone with a polite nod as she makes her way towards her father’s research room. The door is already wide open so Susato walks in before stopping at the doorframe. She leans against it as she takes in the sight before her.
Both Haori and her father are wearing western typical white scientist coats and gloves since they apparently are more practical to move around quickly without risk of spilling anything in their wake. Haori’s long hair is held back in a low ponytail that reaches the middle of her back, a pair of clear glasses on her head and holding back her bangs usually hiding her forehead. A pencil is precariously balanced behind her right ear and she fiddles with it every once in a while when she speaks theories Susato cannot pretend to comprehend. Susato’s father is listening intently as well, arms crossed with a hand holding his chin in a telltale sign he is concentrating deeply as well.
It is fascinating, to see them in their element. Susato has always been queasy around needles and chemicals, hence why she never thought to ever become a doctor like her father, but it must be fate that in some way, somehow, she found Haori who fits right in, taking the place Susato could never take and bringing that smile on her father’s face.
And it hits her then. One day, her father will retire and Haori will be the one holding the torch and continuing his research and experiments. Haori will be the one taking over this lab and his classes, the way Susato or Kazuma-sama would never have accepted to do. One day, she will make history with her scientific endeavour and positive attitude and Susato will have the honour of staying by her side the way she used to gloat over how smart her father is to every innocent passerby in the street.
She finds herself a little teary-eyed at the thought and she clears her throat to push away the feeling, unfortunately bringing attention to her and breaking Haori’s and her father’s science bubble.
“Ah, Ryutaro-kun,” her father greets smoothly. “I suppose it is time for a break, Haori.”
Haori chuckles. “Indeed, I did not see the time pass!” But then her eyes fall properly on Susato and a small frown creases her brow. Fortunately, she does not say anything and simply removes her glasses and gloves. “Ryutaro-kun, I will go change, I will be right back.”
“Of course,” Susato answers, hoping her voice does not sound too strangled.
Haori gives her a reassuring pat on the arm and a smile on her way before running down the hall. Then, Susato feels a strong hand on her shoulder.
“Tough day?” her father inquires.
She sniffs then chuckles. “I am getting used to… all this. It is still odd to follow my own path, and not follow someone’s… My side is a bit lonely.”
Her father hums wisely. “You know what I will say.”
Susato rolls her eyes. “Yes yes, the people I hold dear may be far but they always are in my heart,” she repeats, tapping her chest as emphasis. “Or in Naruhodo-san’s case, just across the street.”
“Exactly. Now that you have your own career, he is finally learning to do his own paperwork, is that not wonderful?” Her father laughs. “Haori is quite brilliant, you know?”
“Of course I do, that is my partner you are talking about, f— Professor Mikotoba,” Susato huffs with pride, remembering last second to keep the pretences up just in case anyone was walking by. “But do tell, what scientific breakthrough did she find today?”
“I think she should be the one to tell you,” her father says in the end. “But let’s just say that the future of Japanese science and medicine is in good hands.”
“That I have no doubt. She may become better than you!”
Her father chuckles. “That I have no doubt either, Ryutaro-kun.”
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
They are walking side by side back home when Haori quietly asks, arms wrapped around Susato’s left one, “Why were you upset earlier?”
It takes a few seconds for the words to register in Susato’s mind and remember what she is referring to. “Ah. I was not upset.”
Haori frowns. “You looked ready to cry,” she refutes.
Susato smiles, embarrassed. “Well yes, but not because I was upset. Quite the contrary, actually. Did you know your eyes always shine when you start talking about science? I could almost be jealous.”
Haori blushes prettily, suddenly turning her head away to hide. “Quit teasing me.”
“I am not! Although, it is really cute,” Susato cannot help but indeed tease, brushing her lips against Haori’s temple. She feels her huff.
“I cannot just be cute if I want to be taken seriously, however,” her lover sighs, growing serious now. “It is isolating enough, being surrounded by so many men especially when the last woman in our department turned out to be an assassin.”
“And I admire that, about you, how you keep going and challenging these men, besting them even, and that, without even needing a disguise.”
Haori’s gentle grey eyes finally fall back on her. “Well, it is not illegal for me to walk into the lab, at least… I think what you are doing is just as admirable, if not more.”
It is Susato’s turn to blush. “Anyhow, what I meant to say… when I watched you and father talk this afternoon, it made me realise… well, that as my father’s apprentice, you’ll always be a part of my life, won’t you?”
Haori’s face melts into a fond expression as she squeezes Susato’s arm closer to her chest. “Oh, Susato, of course, I will always be a part of your life. It was part of my plan all along, you see? Swaying your father with science so that you are stuck with me no matter what!”
Susato grins, cheeks hurting a tiny bit with how big her smile is. “Mm, that is true. Even after he retires, you will take on his work, and improve them and I will be there, witnessing it all, but most of all, making sure you make my father’s name proud.”
“Most of all because you love me, you mean!” Haori exclaims playfully, tugging her arm so Susato has to lean down a little, their faces now closer.
“Well, that too,” Susato concedes with an indulgent smile as she pecks her excited lover on the lips for a quick second. Haori’s smile grows wider, if even possible. “Our future seems so bright, I cannot wait to witness it.”
“Live it, you mean,” Haori corrects. “Remember? You are no longer the assistant on the side, you will be the main participant of the court. A lawyer, Susato. You are already actively changing our very own justice system, that is more than what a witness can ever do.”
Susato feels close to tears once again — oh dear, has she just spent too much time around Naruhodo-san and picked on his sentimentalism on top of stealing his family name?
“I love you,” she settles for saying instead.
Haori probably answers, reciprocating the declaration like she always does, but Susato’s focus shifts to the sun setting on the horizon as peace and pride wash over her under the golden light. A new day ends as her thoughts are filled with love, hope, and certainty for the first time since she had to say goodbye to Kazuma-sama.
Yes. The future is bright. Haori is bright. And Susato cannot wait to live it to the fullest with her favourite person by her side.
-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-
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gnattyplayssims · 11 months
Dandy Generation Gameplay Rules
Generation Challenges
First Decade - Sexual Revolution
Second Decade - Vietnam War
Marriage and Family
Divorce now allowed for whatever reason
Adoption now allowed
First Decade - Baby Boomer era. All couples should reroll for number of children even if they had already capped out their number.
Second Decade - Can marry sims of other cultures as well as have same-sex relationships (cannot marry)
Woohoo is now openly allowed and birth control now available (3% chance of pregnancy)
Second Decade - Teens can "mess around"
Bottle feeding now allowed
Teens come of age at 16 rather than 14.
Elder death rolls now done on d20 rather than d6
Birthdays are now as follows - Infant @ 6mos, Toddler @ 3 years, Child @ 6 years, Teen @ 13 years (marrigable age @ 16), YA @ 18 years, Adult @ 30 years, Elder @ 50 years
Affairs % = 20, Auto marry % = 50.
Architecture and Design
Bikinis now allowed
Apartments now available
Showers allowed
House can now have pop-art, carpet, patterned and brick floors
Kids paintings may now be hung anywhere (any size of canvas available for painting)
All wallpaper available
Fire alarm available
Women may wear pants freely
Second Decade - May now have expensive comfort items like couches, beds and chairs
Phones allowed but can only be used within own home and must always be used in the same room (preferably same part of room)
Private pools allowed (upper middle class)
Housing upgrades/updates are allowed again
Education and Hobbies
Elementary and High school are now mandatory
Better grades means better marriage (A-rich, B-well-off, C-Average, D-poor, F-destitute)
TV now allowed but only the three oldest/cheapest options and can only be watched between 6am-9pm. Only News and Classic channels allowed.
Pop music allowed (radio listening requirement lifted), Listening device allowed
Sunblock, snorkel and sun lounger allowed
Second Decade - May now visit Sulani and play with dolphins as well as study robotics, bowling alleys also became popular
Second Decade - Meditation, yoga, incenses and tea/coffee brewers are allowed and lava lamps become common as well as space heaters, kotatsu tables, in-home hotsprings and bubble blower.
Second Decade - Spooky and Japaense Folk music available as well as Action and Comedy TV channels.
Second Decade - All subjects available for studying in University and student loans are available
Parties and events allowed again
Second Decade - All YA's who remain single must roll to join (or start) a cult on their YA birthday (set MCCC club settings to monitor: enabled, open members: 3)
Second Decade - University not allowed until after serving in war
Second Decade - Female and Singles Nights are now unlocked
Career and Money-Making
Unlimited meals on the stove is allowed again
Butlers, Maids and Nannys may be hired by rich sims
Available jobs for men include: Criminal (boss), Doctor, Entertainer (both), Gardener, Military (both), Politics (both), Scientist, Writer (both), Critic (both), Culinary (chef), Painter, Detective, Secret Agent(both), Actor, Athlete (both), Critic (both), Engineer (Mechanical), Freelancer (Fashion Photographer, Writer), Interior Decorator, Law (both), Veterinarian
Women may have the above jobs with a few exceptions. They cannot become Military (Covert Operator) Doctors, Politicians, Scientists, Critics or Detectives.
Part time jobs available include: Babysitter, Fast Food, Fisherman, Lifeguard, Manual Laborer and Retail
Women may no longer marry after they become pregnant or as long as there are children or younger in their home. They can return once all children become teens. They cannot work active jobs as their goal is still to raise their kids.
Playground equipment available (except ballpit)
Second Decade - jobs for men include previously stated with addition of Conservationist (both), Astronaut (space ranger), Business (both). Jobs for women include previously stated with the exceptions of Astronaut and Business (Investor). Part time jobs remain the same.
Second Decade - Women have maternity leave (3rd trimester only) and no longer have to leave work when they become pregnant
Second Decade - All YA's (age 18-26) may be drafted at any time during decade. This does not include those who become YA's during decade, are primary caretakers for their children or have mental illness. Not all YA males will fight but all will roll for draft.
Musically inclined sims may opt out of a real job to be street performers.
Special Rolls
Draft - All YA Males roll d6 - Evens are spared, Odds get drafted (roll d20 to determine when to make survival roll. One number for each day in decade), must join military career and roll for survival. All eligible, unmarried females roles d20 - 1 = drafted as nurse (must roll for trauma trait)
Vietnam War - All drafted soldiers must roll 2d6 - Snake eyes = death. All drafted males must remain on military lot for 2 years
Trauma Traits - 1) Gloomy, 2) Hot-headed, 3) Clumsy, 4) Erratic, 5) Meloncholic, 6) Mean(or Evil), 7) Lazy, 8) Non-Committal, 9) Squeamish, 10) Paranoid, 11) Cold-Blooded, 12) Impassive, 13) Insane, 14) Joyless, 15) Unstable, 16) Avoidant, 17) Cruel, 18) Hostile, 19) Obsessive, 20) Repressed
Cults - roll d6 - odds start or join a cult - roll d6 again to determine which cult and change/add traits as necessary- 1: Friends of Fortune (kleptomaniac, add $1000 per year to leaders funds, ends with leader being considered fraud and breaking up) 2: Dragon Empire (Evil, add $1000 to leader funds each year and sacrifice townie sim, ends with leader being sacrificed) 3: Brother Nature - Vegetarian, move to lot with other members, ends with sim returning home) 4: Woohoo Womb (Player, open love for all members with no birth control, ends with disease scares) 5: Grilled Cheezus (Foodie or Glutton, only eats grilled cheese, minus $1000 each year, ends with sim being sick of grilled cheese) 6: Anarchy Echo (Erratic, minus $1000 each year for fines, ends with sim being killed)
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A Guide to the Finest Journalism and Mass Communication Colleges
In India, many Top colleges and universities offer various courses in the fields of journalism and mass communication. These courses can be pursued at the graduation, postgraduate, and diploma levels. One of the challenges faced by students is selecting the best college to pursue the course of journalism and mass communication. Both government and private colleges impart the course. At the graduation level, the courses included are Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication (BJMC), Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Journalism, Bachelor of Arts (BA Hons) in Journalism, and Bachelor of Vocational (B.Voc) Journalism.
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Top Colleges to Pursue Graduation Level Courses in Journalism and Mass Communication –
1. Lady Shri Ram College –
Lady Shri Ram College for Women (LSR) is a women’s college affiliated with the University of Delhi. It was established in 1956 and is known for its excellent academic programs. It has consistently been ranked among the top colleges in India and is renowned for its focus on empowering women through education and extracurricular activities. It offers a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in journalism. During the course, students learn various aspects of media studies, including print, electronic, and digital media.
2. Jamia Millia Islamia –
Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) is a well known central university located in New Delhi. It was established in 1920 during the Indian freedom struggle and has a rich history of academic excellence and social commitment. It offers undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs in various fields, including humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, law, architecture, and more. The college offers BA (Hons.) Mass Media Hindi and Bachelor of Mass Media (BMM) courses at the undergraduate level in the fields of journalism and mass communication.
3. Lovely Professional University –
Lovely Professional University (LPU) is one of India’s largest private universities, located in Phagwara, Punjab. It was established in 2005. LPU offers a wide range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral programs across various disciplines, such as engineering, business, law, agriculture, the arts, sciences, journalism, and more. The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Journalism and Mass Communication is the undergraduate course offered at LPU in the field of journalism and mass communication.
4. St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata –
St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata, was established in 1860 and is affiliated with the University of Calcutta. The college offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various disciplines, including arts, science, commerce, business administration, computer applications, mass communication, and more. At the undergraduate level in the field of journalism, the college offers a BA in Journalism. Known for its academic excellence, the college also emphasizes extracurricular activities, sports, and community service.
5. Loyola College, Chennai –
Loyola College, Chennai, was founded in 1925 by the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). The college is known for its academic excellence, holistic education, and commitment to social justice. It offers undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, such as arts, science, commerce, and management. The college deals with programs such as Culture and Media Studies, Audio-Visual Arts, and Photographic Technologies in the field of journalism.
Conclusion –
India has many Best colleges and universities renowned for their journalism and mass communication courses. Students should consider factors such as faculty expertise, infrastructure, industry connections, and placement records when selecting a college for their career aspirations.
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maydaymadier · 2 months
Hi, Alabama is literally trying to pass legal definitions of gender and using "separate but equal" terminology.
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Alabama’s bill to define the sexes passed the House 77 to 24 on Thursday and is now winding its way through the Senate. Two legislators abstained.
The bill, HB111, defines the terms “male,” “female,” “boy,” and “girl.” It states that the sexes are equal but not the same and that there are only two sexes.]
The senator in question is also working with groups she claimed to be 'nonpartisan legal experts.'
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This year’s bill was drafted with the assistance of national organizations which have developed draft language for multiple states, including The Independent Women’s Forum, Women’s Independent Voice, Women’s Declaration International USA and Women’s Liberation Front.]
Which, if you're unfamiliar with these orgs, a cursory search shows that literally all of them are TERF groups, WoLF (Women's Liberation Front) probably being one of the better known ones. If you want to feel your sanity slowly seep through your fingers like a fistful of sand you can count how many times you find some variation of 'separate but equal' in their rhetoric.
By the way, when DuBose recieved criticism
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Rep. Mary Moore, D-Jefferson County, questioned whether the bill protected people who were born intersex, with both male and female genitalia.
“How do you treat that?” she asked adding that the bill’s language about protections for intersex people was “not specific enough.”
Rep. DuBose stated that only four intersex people had been born in the state of Alabama in the past five years.
Rep. Moore responded that for families that find the situation traumatic, many take their children to private doctors for surgery and the birth of their intersex child is never recorded.]
This law is so petty it goes out of its way to target (by DuBose's count, Moore righty points out that it's likely not accurate) 4 people. Of course, you can't target trans people without also targeting anyone else who makes the boundaries between sexes even slightly flexible.
It's worth mentioning that this bill is part of a larger trend of people being pissed out of their gourds that, shock and horror, a trans woman works at Space Camp. These definitions were brought back up again/gained new relevance because DuBose and her colleagues suggested Space Camp should use them (or at the very least implement similar policy).
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marahuyomae · 2 months
The Library of Atlantis
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 "Neptune's gaze went to you, knowing full well that there would never be me and you"
Art Gallery
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"Why am I finding you when you can't even handle my heart carefully?"
Look at Me! [Tokyo Revengers animatic ft. Umbrella n Heels duo] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/745395427187277824/just-my-two-sillies-from-tokyo-revengers-monaca?source=share
Case Hunter [Game Introduction] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/744525463472553985/just-a-game-recommendation-case-hunter?source=share
His Mother's Prodigy [1] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/736276829507354624/another-his-mothers-prodigy-mori-art?source=share
Bungou Stray Dogs Oc [CHN 1] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/736276221085777920/my-bungou-stray-dogs-oc?source=share
Queen of Hours- The Diary of a Babaylan [Bb. Name] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/699416812912345088/the-painting-in-question-the-sampaguita?source=share
What should I name her? : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/686752102066896896/what-should-i-name-her?source=share
Tokyo Revengers [MM1] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/680873858313732096/monaca-myoga-tokyo-revengers-oc?source=share
Tokyo Revengers Oc [HH1] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/680873590010281984/hoshinju-hitsujukai-tokyo-revengers-oc?source=share
Beyblade Burst [Lui Shirosagi 1] : https://www.tumblr.com/marahuyomae/679572422775668736/recently-i-have-been-wondering-what-if-lui?source=share
Beyblade Burst
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"One kiss is all I ask, Love"
The Minister of War and His Lady Jewel:
Lui Shirosagi 1
Analysis and Theories:
Big 4 of Season 1
Bungou Stray Dogs
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"Your love is like poison that I couldn't swallow."
Adamant Patissier:
Adomania Format:
Character Introduction 
Dazai with High Blood
Me endlessly waiting for Pareng JR to show up
Being smarter than Dazai and Fyodor is scary
The Book is literally just one big fanfiction site
My stressful OCS in a nutshell 
Dazai for Hoe Repair
Just Mori
His Mother's Prodigy:
Character Introduction 
A Soft Poison
His Mother's Prodigy: The Doctor's Dilemma: Balancing Ethical Obligations and Personal Feelings
They are born pretty wdym?
Case Hunter
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"You kept on talking in Bisaya, like you were someone good at it."
Game Introduction
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“Why is my love for you as deep as an ocean depth?”
Ravenclaw Authors
Zodiacs if they are in Hogwarts Series:Aries
Inazuma Eleven
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“No matter how deep I would dive, I’ll come for you.”
The Duchess of Hope Series:
Mihori Inoue Character Introduction
Percy Jackson’s Universe
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“My heart chose, and my heart chooses you.”
Child of Dolus and Son of Pheme Imagine
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“If I would be given three wishes, I’d wish for you thrice.”
Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo Versions
We Become What We Behold
Don't Call Me a Prodigy
Spring Hope
48 Laws of Power in a Nutshell
The Picture of Dorian Gray Oversimplified
In a Country
He who Learns
Once a Man
Menstruation and Cardiac Arrest
El Fili Chapter 15
Genderfluid! Dolus
Athena and Hermes: The Sibling Helper Duo
Tokyo Revengers
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“Just seeing you burdened with too many problems, already makes me happy.”
Code of the Waters Series:
Code of the Water Ocs:
Umbrella n Heels Duo [Animatic]
Hoshinju Hitsujukai Intro Card
Monaca Myoga Intro Card
Tanashiri Cheng: I Never Liked Mama
Relationship HCs for my Ocs
I Can Change Him (Reader Insert Series):
Izana the White Tiger
Make Up Artist Draken
Mitsuya does not like cooking
Filipinos' Siopao Addiction
Mama's Boy Izana
Incorrect Quotes:
Draken is Alive Prank
A Cactus for Kokonoi
Hina is Non-Existent
Tokyo Revengers FF Wattpad Comments
Kakucho the Un-Jail-able
Honey Badgers can Outlive Shinichiro
Overbaked Akane Non-Edible Edition
Women stay Kitchening
Both Genders pulling Ran
Non-Living Baji
Tokyo Revengers x Philippine Historical Au
A Cleo de Nile Reader
Alice Madness Reader
Queen of Hours: Diary of a Babaylan (Reader Insert x Philippine Historical Au)
Snake Egg (Incorrect Quote)
MC's Portrait
His First Love Was his Cousin??? (Incorrect Quote)
Chapter 1
CHapter 2 Nutshell
One Manjiro, Other is Mikey
Shinichiro's Death on Purpose?
Mixed Protest (Kazutora x Reader DDDNE)
One Shots???:
Amethyst Gardenia (Izana x Reader)
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ohioprelawland · 8 months
The Facts Behind Roe v. Wade
By Gemma Volpe-Monrean, Youngstown State University Class of 2026
October 30, 2023
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Roe v. Wade is a prominent case in the laws surrounding abortion. However, this is not the first case relating to abortion. The case of United States v. Vuitch involves a doctor who provided abortions. It resulted in the expansion of the definition of women’s health. After this decision, it was widely believed that health encompassed both psychological and physical aspects. This case also created the foundation that the burden of proof should be placed on the prosecutor, not the doctor who provided care. After Vuitch, seventeen other abortion cases headed for the Supreme Court. One of the seventeen was the landmark case, Roe v. Wade. [1]
Roe v. Wade was decided upon in 1973. The Supreme Court found that the suggested right to privacy in the Constitution protected the right to decide whether to continue the pregnancy. This ruling struck down many laws in states that had previously banned abortion. This monumental case started with a woman who lived in Texas named Norma McCorvey. She was five months pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Two lawyers represented her in challenging the state's prohibition on abortions. Jane Roe was a pseudonym for McCovery. She later spoke out and revealed her identity. However, we went with Jane Roe before that. Wade refers to Henry Wade, the district attorney in Dallas County, Texas. The seven to two ruling was announced on January 22, 1973, which defended the right to abortion. [2]
Roe v. Wade was recently overturned in 2022 which has led this historic case to take the United States by storm yet again. This decision has led to abortion rights being rolled back in half of the U.S. effective immediately following the decision. Justices Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett joined the Alito opinion to reverse Roe v. Wade. Dissenting Justices were Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan. They said this ruling means that young women will have to come of age with fewer rights than the previous generations. Furthermore, the court's opinion means that from the very moment of fertilization, a woman has no rights to speak of. [3]
Alito wrote a seventy-eight-page opinion that leaves no authority uncited as support for the proposition that there is no right to privacy or personal autonomy in various provisions of the Constitution. Therefore, there is no evidence that people’s reliance on the court’s abortion presidents should matter. After dissecting Alito’s opinion multiple objectives are revealed. [3]
First, he wrote for the majority and said that abortion is a matter to be decided by the state and its voters. This would leave the opinion up to each state as to whether they bar abortion or not. He goes on to emphasize that states are allowed to regulate abortion and eliminate medical procedures to preserve the integrity of the medical profession. [3]
This court decision is sure to impact all fifty states and change is still developing as the case is recently overturned. States such as Mississippi, North Carolina, and Wisconsin still have abortion bans on the books. With the reversal of Roe v. Wade, they are allowed to revert to a pre-Roe legal system. Officials are also allowed to enforce old laws and ask the courts to reinstate them. For example, a Michigan law from 1931 would make abortion a felony charge. [3]
Along with this reversal has come a new wave of trigger bans. These are newer laws that are pushed by anti-abortion rights in many states with the anticipation that they will see action taken by the Supreme Court. Some states have acted swiftly to ban abortion. South Dakota, Kentucky, and Louisiana drafted new laws before the fall of Roe that would become effective immediately if the case were overturned. States have also passed bans prohibiting abortion at various stages of pregnancy. In Georgia, Ohio, and Idaho, those laws were put into effect immediately after the reversal. Other limitations restrict where, to whom, and to what conditions abortions can be provided. Requiring parental notification if the individual is under the age of eighteen and health regulations for doctors are a few examples. [3]
While this decision is still developing in America today, there is legal uncertainty surrounding it. States with multiple abortion regulations on the books seek further analysis into which ones would be valid under this new decision. Not to mention the public uproar it has caused. The final influence this decision will have on the United States is unclear. However, the reversal of Roe v. Wade is even more significant than its original 1973 ruling. ______________________________________________________________
[1] American Civil Liberties Union. (2010). ACLU history: The Roe v. Wade Era. https://www.aclu.org/documents/aclu-history-roe-v-wade-era
[2] Taylor, D. B. (2022, May 4). What is Roe v. Wade? Here’s a short history of the case. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/05/25/us/what-is-roe-v-wade-heres-a-short-history-of-the-case.html [3] Totenberg, N., & McCammon, S. (2022, June 24). Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion upheld for decades. NPR. https://www.npr.org/2022/06/24/1102305878/supreme-court-abortion-roe-v-wade-decision-overturn#:~:text=Race-,Supreme%20Court%20overturns%20Roe%20v.%20Wade%2C%20ending%20right%20to%20abortion,right%20to%20obtain%20an%20abortion.
0 notes
beardedmrbean · 1 year
Two hospitals that refused to provide an emergency abortion to a pregnant woman who was experiencing premature labor put her life in jeopardy and violated federal law, a first-of-its-kind investigation by the federal government has found.
The findings, revealed in documents obtained by The Associated Press, are a warning to hospitals around the country as they struggle to reconcile dozens of new state laws that ban or severely restrict abortion with a federal mandate for doctors to provide abortions when a woman's health is at risk. The competing edicts have been rolled out since the Supreme Court overturned the constitutional right to an abortion last year.
But federal law, which requires doctors to treat patients in emergency situations, trumps those state laws, the nation's top health official said in a statement.
“Fortunately, this patient survived. But she never should have gone through the terrifying ordeal she experienced in the first place," Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said. “We want her, and every patient out there like her, to know that we will do everything we can to protect their lives and health, and to investigate and enforce the law to the fullest extent of our legal authority, in accordance with orders from the courts.”
The federal agency's investigation centers on two hospitals — Freeman Health System in Joplin, Missouri, and University of Kansas Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas — that in August refused to provide an abortion to a Missouri woman whose water broke early at 17 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors at both hospitals told Mylissa Farmer that her fetus would not survive, that her amniotic fluid had emptied and that she was at risk for serious infection or losing her uterus, but they would not terminate the pregnancy because a fetal heartbeat was still detectable.
Ultimately, Farmer had to travel to an abortion clinic in Illinois.
“It was dehumanizing. It was terrifying. It was horrible not to get the care to save your life,” Farmer, who lives in Joplin, said of her experience. “I felt like I was responsible to do something, to say something, to not have this happen again to another woman. It was bad enough to be so powerless.”
Farmer's complaints launched the first investigations that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, or CMS, has publicly acknowledged since Roe v. Wade was overturned last year. Across the country, women have reported being turned away from hospitals for abortions, despite doctors telling them that this puts them at further risk for infection or even death.
President Joe Biden's administration has prodded hospitals not to turn away patients in those situations, even when state law forbids abortions. Weeks after the Supreme Court's ruling, the Democratic administration reminded hospitals that federal law requires them to offer an abortion when a pregnant woman is at risk for an emergency medical condition. The federal government can investigate hospitals that receive Medicare and Medicaid money — which encompasses most facilities in the U.S. — for violations of the law.
CMS has not announced any fines or other penalties against the two hospitals in its investigation, but it did send them notices warning that they were in violation of the law and asking them to correct the problems that led to Farmer being turned away. Federal Medicare investigators will follow up with the hospitals before closing the case.
Abortions are largely banned in Missouri, but there are exceptions for medical emergencies. In Kansas, when Farmer visited the hospital, abortions were still legal up to 22 weeks. It's unclear why University of Kansas Health refused to offer Farmer one. Neither hospital responded immediately to a request for comment on the case.
Nationwide, doctors have reported uncertainty around how to provide care to pregnant women, especially in the nearly 20 states where new laws have banned or limited the care. Doctors face criminal and civil penalties in some states for aborting a pregnancy.
But in a letter sent Monday to hospital and doctors associations that highlights the investigations, Becerra said he hopes the investigations clarify that the organizations must follow the federal law, the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA.
“While many state laws have recently changed," Becerra wrote, “it’s important to know that the federal EMTALA requirements have not changed, and continue to require that health care professionals offer treatment, including abortion care, that the provider reasonably determines is necessary to stabilize the patient’s emergency medical condition.”
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cosmicangel888 · 1 year
PreReq's ~ 5D Relationships & Health
Divine Feminine,
A new level of self love, when you begin dating, and getting entangled with anyone, ensure you get the appropriate tests done; physically and mentally, emotionally, spiritually - however you are guided; tune in, you will be met with pure excitement and or red flags and listen take heed to all;
All have been warned for years to stop - Spirit and Source gave all years and years to cease off my path, and energy - no other readers' and spiritualists have right to play in another; and know God, Source, Spirit will scramble messages - when you do what is nefarious - it will return - universal laws - balance and order - all were shown and given divine notice;
Do not be fooled;
blood tests - Even those that say, present, the liars are the best at it; have an unbiased doctor, and go with the person, ensure you see all documents and the paperwork, or written by doctors - it is ridiculous to think that people will fool and 'doctor' what ever documents they need to for your approval and to get into your energy and life
Heed the red flags and do your own due diligence; anyone that is worthy of your space, time, energy - then you and both will be on the vibration to attract truthful people and also those that have no disregard in creating your due diligence -
If there is nothing to hide, and deceit and all plotting games, will not think twice for they should also want to ensure foundations are key and aligned in pure light and truth;
Truth is everything -
Any and all tests done; and of course, your life force is everything and do not simply give it away without doing so first; and taking your time before any sexual engagement and interaction; you would be surprised the ones that play and lie, deceive to 'get' and target those that are false, groups that gang light workers, and innocent ones that are receiving, unfortunately it is a 'thing' for the ones that seem and believe they are not in Gods company and simply choose to take and steal;
there will be those that slide into your family, friends, subscriber list and so on - so be aware, heed the red flags - Spirit is always guiding you for your highest and best;
Those that will fake and lie; simply do not engage until their realm bodies are healed; for energy is energy and those that mess with magic, spell work, birth charts and the harm that can be done, damage done on the multi-dimensional level and be conscious of your own fields, and DNA and all that was trying to tampered with;
Crazy what some will do - you have human rights over your health and light, path; your DNA, blood tests, and all belong to you and no authority has any entitlement over your health - period.
KNOW YOUR RIGHTS - spiritually and in a changing 3D realm in which all of our rights were told, shown, we had none - we have all rights over our life; health, and consciousness with God -
if there is not 100% truth from the get go; peace out move on
There is no foundation without truth; truth is your blood, your DNA, your health - all is all light is light -
Truth will always prevail - deceit is what it is and rumours, games, shady activity and you have a say;
None have the right to play with others health, time, resources, energy - we are now creating 5D laws and rules - sovereignly and with self love and inner love - forgiveness and compassion set a new level of self love for your new dating world; not all have your highest and best and never give your life force away without doing your due diligence and taking time to ensure all have done their healing -  ©
Know dear lighted ones;
LOVE IS NOT DECEITFUL and does not dress up human health, diseases, and illness so they do not have to account for the lack of conscience of what they attract, give to others - look after your bodies dear ones - you are light!
Blessings be of taking and reclaiming your divine health, power, choice, and voice; women's and children's voices matter - none have the right to take light, health from anyone;
Deceit will be shown; it is a vibration and affects all things
Truth will be known - and it is vibration
#ascension #enlightenment #higherhealth #5Dhealth #5Dearth #God #Source #healinghumanity #healingdivinefeminine #Healingourchildren
#knowyourrights #knowyourinnertruth #truthiseverything #5Dliving
the targeting was a night mare and none will believe what I went through - obviously none cared;
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