#both touch starved lil gremlins
noxin-sans · 6 months
i agree, fell and error are hot and silli goobers :3
Who i maaay or may not know🤨
So right-
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It’s not so long ago since you first got Whiskers, your cute, small ginger cat. You rescued him from the streets, having found him starving and cold, you didn’t think twice before taking him home with you.
This cat got so attached to you, following you everywhere, kissing you and telling you ‘I love you’ with his eyes every chance he got.
A new cute habit he recently developed was making biscuits on you. Well, more like on your ass. You’ll be laying in your bed, reading or just scrolling on your phone, and there he is, sinking his pointy nails into the soft flesh of your cheeks, purring and making soft content noises. You never got it in you to correct him or shush him away, being that he only recently started to feel so safe about finally making biscuits, so you left him be, despite your boyfriend’s protests.
Now while you love the cat, and the cat totally adores you, Ghost cannot be near the demon. Both of them jealous of each other, your cat would scratch and launch himself at Ghost every chance he got, and Ghost would close him outside your bedroom to “teach this lil shit a lesson!” as he says. He knew this little devil would not let y’all have a moment of peace together. He could not touch you, let alone be intimate when the red gremlin was in sight. He was literally cockblocked by a cat that knew suspiciously too well when to come and stick his noisy and overly affectionate self between you two.
Today was no different for Whiskers, he was on his usual schedule of making biscuits on your ass, and the jealousy Ghost fell after seeing the gremlin touch his girl like that was indescribable.
Not in a moment of his life he thought he would be jealous of a cat, yet here he was. Face to face with his sworn enemy, while he continued to stick its claws into the soft of your booty, watching Ghost almost with a smug face. Ghost couldn’t do anything but look at the little cockblocker touching you, because you would get mad if he tried to scold the little red haired devil. So all he could do was sit next to you in bed and watch you read, just enjoy your company, because touching was not an option, or he’d get scratched again.
He has beef with that cat but loves you so much, so he puts up with him. They both do actually. He never thought about hurting Whiskers, he could never no matter how jealous he was about sharing your attention. He actually thinks the cat is cool, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be friends anytime soon, especially after his gaze lands on the few fresh scratches and some old scars left by the little shit on his hands.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
You know how some people who are really bony have a visible heartbeat if they stand still? Mortarion. Corvus gets entranced watching while cuddling, it helps with her constant anxiety over her partners’ safety and health and lets her make sure her stupid stubborn boyfriend didn’t overdo it. Once after a long, grueling battle, pretty early on in their relationship, the three legions start getting worried when their Primarchs are “missing,” only to later find Corvus asleep with her head on Mortarion’s chest, him petting her hair, Konrad half on top of both of them. Extra HC that Konrad finds it comforting to very gently chew on Mortarion, especially places he can’t really feel, or thing’s like putting his fingers in his mouth. Fun texture stim and Boyfriend
Yes I know im late anon im sorry I get Many Ask, and I want to get to your ask one at the time <3
So this is about the best introvert triad, Corvus/Konrad/Mortarion.
Both Konrad and Mortarion have chest that flutter like birds, because both are chronically underfed. This is a serious challenge for Corvus, who actually does bake and like her sugar very much. She does figure out that Mortarion is an extremely picky eater, and that Konrad just can't handle big meal. Both still go fucking crazy for her chocolate croissant.
The cuddle pile... Listen. All of them are touch starved. It's to be expected really. If their kids start doing similar things, well, they just like imitating their parents :))
And the bitting people- I have actually (maybe not here tho??) Wrote that HC before!!! Listen. Konrad is Bitey, and they have that organ that tell them what the other person saw/felt before they die when they eat their flesh, right???
Now imagine, our gremlin, gnawing on Mortarion skin because Texture Good and Skin to Skin Good, and accidentally biting too hard and getting some blood... And LITERALLY tasting the love and affection??? The calm of his mind and his soft Melancholia and how Konrad make him happy??? Can you IMAGINE how mind blowing that would be?!?!?
It become his lil secret. Just grabbing at morty, or corvus if she's in the mood, and gently drawing blood with his sharp teeth and lapping at it because it' love, pure and simple. Finally, he feel loved.
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daincrediblegg · 3 years
A/N: This is it!!!! I’ve caved!!!! I need more content for this man and I’ve gotta create it myself, so enjoy these unprompted lil nuggets of fluff! And don’t forget my ask box is always open for more!!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Jack is super fuckin affectionate, but he’s more of a… show don’t tell kinda guy. He’s got a bit of a hard time necessarily talking about how he feels- usually deflects things with humor. But he shows it in other ways. In warm touches, in playful side-eyes. Unrestrained by being professional he will hug you all the fuckin time. No shortage of funny little pet names either oh my god it’s like he comes up with a new one every fuckin dAY. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Jack O’Neill is a really good best friend ok. You’ve seen how he is with the rest of SG1. The dude has so much chill (unless it’s a life-or-death situation obviously), is always inviting you to go fishing. He’s REALLY good in tough situations simply because of his sense of humor and general chill attitude. GREAT at reducing anxiety like guy is a human valium- always knows how to distract anyone before their brain goes into some sort of head-spiral about anything. Loyal as SHIT when you’re in with him he’s pretty much ride or die for you even if you don’t agree with him on everything he would still probably take a bullet for his best friends. Also the biggest hype man- whatever you’re good at he has 100% faith in you to do it right and will always shut down negative thoughts about your abilities. 10/10 on the bestie scale tbh the man is a LIFER.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He’s actually, perhaps surprisingly, a really snuggly guy when you’re in a relationship with him. He may be… a little touch-starved since the divorce, and kinda misses it, so expect an arm draped over your shoulder or around your waist whenever you’re in a room together, and to be damned near joined at the hip when you’re not in public. The man is an actual living cuddle bug and he’s so sweet jesus. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
At one point in time he’d have liked nothing more than to settle down, get a dog, just enjoy being retired, but honestly he doesn’t mind that that ideal is a little further away than he thought now that he’s in the Stargate Program. He likes what he does- as stressful as it is sometimes, but there’s never a dull moment. That’s for sure. He’s very good about cleaning and keeping things tidy generally (it’s that military training hard at work), but cooking??? Eh??? He’s passable, can make some basic stuff and ofc he loves to grill (expect very charred meat) but… just don’t ask him to cook anything too elaborate (like… this is a dude who thinks beer is a good omelette ingredient jfc do not let him near a stove for anything more elaborate than a fried egg he’s a fucking gremlin man). 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Quickly. And probably succinctly. The only time he’d really get blunt about something is if he had to end it with his partner for some reason. Just to spare himself and his partner the pain. It’s not without emotion though. Oh no. He may move on from things with relative ease- more likely than not without malice for the other person, but he’d never leave anyone without saying a proper goodbye if he’s the one who has to end it. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Probably not too quick. He’s not even sure he really wants to get married again after how everything with Sarah went down. He’d have to be pretty crazy about someone to want to try all that again, but if that happens… then maybe he won’t be thinking about it like that. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
H-… have you seen this man??? How tender he is with his partners??? It’s unbelievable that a guy like him has the capacity to be as gentle as he is but it’s breathtaking, and it’s only a glimpse of what he’s capable of. He may be a military man- but doing what he does requires much more care and dexterity than people think, and his touch only serves to show as much. This is the guy who holds your face or tugs you closer when you kiss him. This is the same guy who can diffuse bombs and wield a firearm like an extension of himself and handles you with the same amount of reverence and care if not more. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Oh he loves hugs. Loves them. May not do hugs quite as often as he might like actually. Hugs his close friends plenty and especially when they need it, but hugs you even more. He’s a really good hugger too. They’re just encompassing and strong and warm and if you’re not careful you could get addicted. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He waits on this one. For like… a long while. He probably knows it deep down long before he says it, probably won’t really admit it to himself for a long while even when he realizes that’s what he feels. But one day it probably just… slips out. Unprompted. And it’ll shock you both, but one thing’s for sure; he means it with his whole chest and nothing less. 
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Oh you have no jealousy troubles with this man. He’s an adult, and he recognizes that he’s not the center of everyone’s universe and that people can have just friendly relationships with other people of the gender they’re attracted to. He wouldn’t be in any kind of serious relationship with someone he didn’t trust them implicitly from the start. The man is truly a champ at being chill as hell. If he ever does feel it you’d probably never fuckin know it either. Guy can keep that shit close to his chest if he wants. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Warm, enveloping, grounding. The kind that make you feel like you’re sinking into something solid, that nothing could hurt you. If he’s kissing you he’s taking his time. Holding you close. Meaning it. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
ARE YOU KIDDING??? HE’S FANTASTIC AROUND KIDS!!!! EARTH KIDS?? ALIEN KIDS??? THEY ALL LOVE HIM!!! HE IS JUST DAD SHAPED!!!!!! TO EVERYONE!!!! He’s… not sure if he’d ever want to try to have another kid of his own, maybe, but he has SERIOUSLY considered adopting some alien kids in the past at MINIMUM and probably would if he wasn’t always going off-world.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
A lot of groaning, at least when he wakes up at first, probably some sleepy kisses while resisting the temptation to uh… get frisky before work. But he’ll get up, clean up, shave and do his silly little crossword (and he DELIBERATELY puts in wrong answers for funsies I know this in my heart). Most days he probably eats breakfast at the base, but on his days off he would probably take turns with you making breakfast- makes egg and bacon smiley faces when it’s his turn (and the occasional beer omelet if he’s feeling lazy). PROBABLY would pick up donuts for the weekend too. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Usually with a couple of beers, snuggling up under a nice flannel blanket and watching The Simpsons, or whatever else is on TV. Maybe some take-out from one of the usual places (I’m convinced he’s got like 5 or 6 places in town he’s a regular at that he goes to on rotation) . Probably gets a fire going if things are getting chilly up in Colorado. Just likes to settle in and maybe pass out on the couch a lil. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s a low and slow kind of guy. Both for his own emotional well-being and for his partner’s. He’s got some pretty nasty demons in his past, and they overwhelm even him sometimes.  He knows that it’s important to talk about it, and while if he really loves someone he won’t mind sharing these things with them… it just takes time for him to work up the courage to face them again himself and put it all into words. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
With a partner, he’s just about as far away from easily angered as a guy can get. He’s actually very chill with the people he loves. There’s sincerely so very little that you could do that could piss him off to the point of losing his temper- and even then he’d never shout at you or anything- that’s the kind of shit he has to do and see enough at work, and he pretty explicitly never wants to cross that line with someone he’s in a romantic relationship with. And even if he is angry for some reason he’s never really angry at his partner- at least in affairs of the heart he pretty much always remembers the love he has for you comes first and foremost. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Believe it or not he actually is *very* good at remembering things about people. He may be one whole dumbass, and can’t do math, but that’s because most of his brain capacity is taken up with things about the people he cares about. Probably knows you down to your favorite food- enough to know to bring it to you to cheer you up, or suggest watching your favorite movie when you get home after a long day. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He probably remembers the moment you met the most clearly- the moment when you were suddenly in his life even though he didn’t know what you would end up meaning to him down the line. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Jack is honestly the kind of guy who would rather die himself than stand idly by and watch someone he cares about die. This man would take a staff blast and so much worse for you and that’s a guarantee. But when he’s down that means he’s a little more vulnerable. He really appreciates it when he knows someone is gunning to keep him alive too. To know that despite his bravado and despite his own hero complex someone’s just as concerned with his livelihood. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’d put a little effort in. He’s more on the low-key side, not as big of a fan of grand gestures, and of course sometimes the job gets in the way of putting plans into motion (and he’d need a partner who’d understand that), but if that does happen he inevitably finds a way to make it up- sometimes even ahead of time if he has even a shred of warning about some kind of impending earthly peril. But when he plans something it’s usually very sweet, and far from an unfun cliché (but at least one time for valentine's day you *will* come home to rosepettals on the floor leading to the bedroom to find him in some silk boxers on the bed because of course he’s the gift). But usually things with him are… I don’t wanna say spontaneous because he does usually have at least a little bit of a game plan, but he’s all for improvisation and just loves getting swept up in doing whatever with you.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I wanna take some time to call him out thoroughly on the fuckin beer omelets thing my guy do you???? Have taste buds???? Listen. With other shit in there I might understand. Beer and cheese is a good combo. But???? JUST BEER IN YOUR EGGS AVAJSFHR!!!!!! Of all the stuff you’ve done in this whole series this is probably your greatest war crime and I’m gonna fucking invoke the 3rd amendment for it. Oh also his fridge is nasty and full of “science experiments” (which like... same) but guy I get why you always be getting take out now jesus fucking christ.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not overly. You’ve seen how this man dresses. He has his little inexplicably fashionable moments, but by *far* he’s more concerned with practicality at least where his attire and physical appearance are concerned. That being said, if you compliment him on like literally anything he will get a major confidence boost about it and will try to do it/wear it more. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No… and yes. With all he’s seen and been through, he knows not everything is certain, not everything is meant to be and nothing is forever. But at the same time… he feels just a little better off with you around. He feels this kind of thing with everyone he’s really close with in their own unique way. He really doesn’t know where he’d be without the people he cares about who care about him back and can’t imagine a scenario in which he’d feel whole as a person without them coming into his life at the time they did. And you’re absolutely no different. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
So we know Jack has like the biggest fuckin sweet tooth. Pie, Cake, Donuts, ice cream, all of it. There’s always sweets in the house. And if you *make* some for him??? He will automatically love you forever. Also would probably be ok with you feeding him sweets. Warning tho: He’d probably do it back and get it all over your face and whoops now you’re making out covered in frosting and bits of cake and the only way to clean up is to lick it off each other’s faces oh no oh dear. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Petty, pushy people. Just doesn’t have the time. Jack can honestly vibe with just about everyone, even people who are wildly different than him, but the only thing that’s really an outright nope for him is people who are so wrapped up in petty problems they can’t see any kind of bigger picture. Or people who are just generally *too* pushy or overly dramatic about every little thing for little to no reason to the point of being just plain childish. He can handle just about everything else but that??? Nope.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Kinda sprawls out a lil in his sleep. Typically a stomach sleeper but shifts to his back sometimes (especially to cuddle). He’s always at least touching you in his sleep because no matter how much or little he just likes knowing you’re there.
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emoryinaboat · 4 years
RusIta Headcannons
- Feliciano likes sitting on Ivan's shoulders because it's fun and he likes being close to him. This, however, has lead to Feliciano forgetting to duck and smacking his face into the top of a doorframe. Has also brought Ivan down with him on many occasions.
- They're both afraid of bugs but Feli's the "cowering on the kitchen counter until it goes away" kind of scared and Ivan is a "it needs to die right now I will tear the house apart to find it" scared.
- Feliciano really likes wearing Ivan's coat and just,, running around in it. Sometimes if Ivan's wearing it, he'll sit in his lap and put his arms through the sleeves as well.
- Neither of them get drunk easily but by god you do not want to be around them when they do it's NSFW central with them.
- A lot of the times Feli can't take all of Ivan without it being really painful (even after proper precautions) so Feliciano tops a lot too. Ivan wasn't so keen at first because of past events but Feliciano is one of the only people he fully trusts so he trusts him with this too.
- Ivan likes holding hands, Feli's hands are always so soft and warm and there's a weird sort of relaxing quality that it has.
- If Feliciano calls Ivan any sort of cute petname he immediately melts and I mean this literally, he goes really red and fidgety and giggly and he hides his face and Feliciano thinks it's the cutest thing.
- Feliciano still gets creeped out by Ivan's Instant Death Stare he gives other nations (not to Feli, never to him) so during meetings Feli will hold the end of his scarf and gently tug on it if he's going too far.
- Feliciano is overly affectionate to everyone, let alone a lover, and Ivan is extremely touch-starved so they have the highest level of PDA out of most of the ships. Lovino really wants to pull Ivan away from his brother for being so lovey-dovey but it's fucking Russia what idiot would do that?
- Ivan thinks it's adorable when Feliciano tries to speak Russian. He gets it very wrong but it's nice that he's trying.
- On the first of every month, Ivan sends Feliciano a sunflower and a cutesy note that has Feli squealing like a 14 year old girl every time. He has never missed a month since they started dating.
- Whenever they meet at airports (in Italy of course), Feliciano takes a sprinting leap at Ivan and hugs him with his legs around his waist. Sometimes Ivan is prepared for the Italian Hug Attack, sometimes he is not and they both go down in a giggling pile.
- Beach walks, baby. Kicking water up at eachother, holding hands and doing the lil twirl thing, trying to push eachother into the water, kissing in the sand, everything.
- Feliciano likes dragging Ivan along to friend meetups. Ivan doesn't mind and is happy to go. Both of them fail to realize how on-edge Kiku and Ludwig are for the entire day casually being the training wheels on these two.
- Family dinners are interesting. On one side you have Feliciano, Lovino, Ludwig, Gilbert and Kiku (because he considers them all close enough to be family). On the other you have Ivan, Natalya, Katyusha and the Baltics. Hijinks ensue.
Some Rusita for @datidoit. Here, you little gremlin have your content, thanks for stalking my tumblr.
Anyone OTHER than my goblin of a friend, feel free to request more ships!
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renegadeknucks · 3 years
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posting these guys just so I have them
brief descriptions below
1. S'mores Cookie and Campfire Kitty
uses any pronouns
Sheeptaur. has ties with both Dark Enchantress and Pomegranate Cookie. She's one of DE's best pupils. His biggest goal is to someday overtake Dark Enchantress, but it knows just how strong DE is and doesn't want to end up dying. "Cause problems on purpose" cookie. Campfire Kitty is based on the fact a lot of villains have a cat they pet during meetings.
2. Selkie Cookie and Seal Chow
uses they/she pronouns
To put it simply? A gremlin. They're known to steal from pirate ships and sea side stalls/vendors then turning into a cute seal to flee the scene. They're completely able to speak, however very much enjoys yipping VERY loudly and pretending she doesn't understand what anyone's saying.
Seal Chow's bite mark is from Selkie. If it weren't for them, Selkie would've starved to death.
3. Sea Urchin Cookie and Stylish/Funky Lil' Urchin
uses it/they/he pronouns
Hardly anyone knows they exist. At a young age, it was adopted by Matcha. Was incredibly sweet as a child, however being abandoned young and taken in by Matcha ruined any chance of being a hero. DE had began raising them, saying Matcha was terrible at raising him. Sea Urchin is ruthless, DE levels of evil. Awful punishment from Pomegranate had a devestating toll on their mind.
Stylish/Funky Lil' Urchin is the one good thing left in its world, Sea Urchin can and will kill if their sweet boy was harmed.
4. Cactus Cookie and Prickle Berry Bat
uses she/they pronouns
Typically a very calm and laid back kind of cookie, however deep down she's incredibly anxious and probably needs to be checked on. She loves being portrayed as a "bad girl", looking and acting like a biker. She however, has never actually touched a motorcycle and is too afraid to ask Kiwi to ride theirs.
Prickle Pear Bat is an absolute angel, the collar being added after the two met.
5. Cactus' fixed design and her standing next to her lovely royal girlfriend
Prickle Pear Bat and Creamsicle Hummingbird hate eachother, that's why they're not shown.
6. Royal Icing Cookie and Creamsicle Hummingbird
uses she/her pronouns
A princess in training, the heir to the throne. She is a sweetheart, a kind soul with a secret interest for the dark arts. She practices them while alone, not enough to be noticed by Dark Enchantress, but enough to stain her hands an inky black after a spell went wrong. She's never shown a soul these marks, hiding them with gloves. Not even Cactus knows.
Creamsicle Hummingbird looks sweet, is not. An absolute menace and tries to see how far they can go before Royal Icing does something about them.
7. Parrot Cookie and Beaten Bird Bell
uses she/they/he pronouns
A lone wolf. Has a crew of various species of birds. She spent years alone in an attempt to find themselves, creating an excitable yet introverted cookie. Tends to go overboard when he enjoys things. Being a parrot (Scarlet Macaw specifically) gives her a very snappy temper, quick to raise her voice when no one's listening, can and will bite you. (she's bitten Pirate) Dating Captain Ice.
Beaten Bird Bell is exactly what he looks like. A bird toy. Parrot just wants to find a person to fix him and bring back his ringing noise.
8. Starlette Lily Cookie and Musical Burn Plant
uses they/them pronouns
Once a strong warrior, now weak and afraid. Pomegranate Snake, a cake monster, had a goal of corruption. A cursed pomegranate has been bound to Starlette, draining their life force. The only way to reverse this is to become a cookie of darkness, but they'll forever stay loyal to Lily Village.
Half their body is permanently burnt/charred after a fire.
Pomegranate Snake was supposed to watch the curse take place, instead growing attached when Starlette began taking care of them. Pomegranate Snake regrets cursing them.
Musical Burn Plant was the only thing that soothed Starlette's burns, and they've been together since. They're in pain, their cracking pot hurts, and it's Pomegranate Snake's fault.
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border-spam · 4 years
do you have any hc's abt leda? like personality wise or maybe things the twins remember the most about her? i wish we knew more about her 😔🤘 gearbox stop killing mothers of sirens
I have so, so many HCs about Leda. Goddamn. Goddamn.
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Amazing art courtesy of @lazulizard, saint. 
Per Leech Lord AU:
Theme - Spotify link
Tall, 6ft, and slender build. 
Dark skin, pale blue eyes, deep brown hair with touches of ochre.
Feline features, slight upwards sloping eyes and full lips.
Wavy, voluminous choppy layered hair down to her midback, short layered bangs. Holds it back with a headband and low tie when busy.
Geek/Punky aesthetic. Few lil’ chains and piercings, few small tattoos of Eridian sigils and geometrics, things the twins subconsciously carried into their own aesthetics.
Leda was a generally positive person, who had an infectious energy.
Comfortable in herself emotionally and physically, she was the caring, stable adult that offset Typhon’s easily distracted and excitable personality. 
Eccentric in her studies, and willing to talk anyone’s ear off about Eridian and Siren lore if they showed a hint of interest when conversing with her.
Very slight lisp, and otherwise flawless pronunciation. Came from a highly learned family.
She was the black sheep of the Calypsos due to her academic interests, and decided to really just solidify that by eloping with some kind of... gremlin man.
Snorted when she laughed. 
Leda was an extremely empathic mother, and the parent that showed the most care and affection.
While Typhon worked great as the fun, entertaining, storyteller of the pair, he relied on Leda to do the brunt of the actual parenting.
Small gap between her front teeth.
Excelled in linguistics and spoke multiple languages fluently. Taught the twins the basics of many language cores as they grew, though a lot more of that time was spent with Troy due to his illness and need to stay in bed.
Could not cook anything. Nothing. Would set fire to water. Could follow a recipe like a rulebook and still end up with raw, burnt food. Typhon could not understand how she had lived as long as she had when they met.
Leda was exceptionally slow to anger and was the kind of person to stay worryingly calm in a heated situation. Once she eventually reached her limit, could deliver viciously cutting retorts that would disarm the other party immediately.
Musically inclined and had a strong singing voice.
Extremely argumentative and tended to talk over Typhon a lot. He was quite submissive to her personality in general, and at times defaulted to being meek around her to a concerning level if he thought her mood was dangerous and it could avoid a disagreement.
While very caring to both twins, she ended up giving Troy far more of her time than Tyreen. Not due to preference in any way, simply because Troy was bedridden for so much of his life and needed so much round the clock care that without meaning to, she sometimes left Tyreen starved of attention compared to her brother.
She did pick up on this, and did her best to have days where Typhon would care for Troy and she could spend full time with her understandably attention hungry daughter. 
Sadly, more often than not, these days would leave her so concerned over if Typhon was actually meeting their sons needs, that she’d be not as present with Tyreen as she really should have been, which only escalated Tyreen’s deepset feeling of her mother preferring Troy to her. 
This was not remotely true, but in reality, Leda didn’t do enough to make that clear, and it was Tyreen who suffered for it.
Leda was a very tactile person, and showed a lot of physical affection to her family. She would absentmindedly run fingers through the twins hair as she sat in bed with them at night and told them stories of her and Typhon’s adventures, massage sore little limbs, stroke narrow shoulders. 
Surprisingly competent at sewing, she crafted most of the children’s clothing from her and Typhon’s old clothes as they grew, including being the person to provide Troy with his first simple leather bracer, to “Keep his soft side nice and safe” on the rare days he had the energy to venture outside and play with his sister. 
She died when the twins were 8, and their memories of her are simplified. While they each have different feelings towards her, they never really picked up on some of her negatives as they were too young to fully understand them.
Tyreen has a mix of guilt, loss, and confused resentment towards a woman she remembers as craving love from, Troy visualises her as the the kindness, reassurance, and loving care he still chases. 
They both hold her on a kind of emotional pedestal that they subconsciously compare both other people they are interested in, and themselves to. Leda was not the immaculate saint they remember her as, but a flawed, wonderful, human woman.
Horrific taste in men. Girrrrlll what you doinnnnn???
Asks are open! Any regarding AU will prob get priority  for now as I work to flesh it as we go.
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i am simply begging for yall to send me asks abt my two fnf ocs
ill give a lil starter info for em
little gremlin child
lives in a park
best friends w/ hex
dubious age, but under 15
uses all pronouns, usually just uses he/him tho
has a pet brush tail possum he stole from australia
neurodivergent as fuck
hyperfixated on foxes
doesnt know what his sexuality is, probably ace, not really interested in relationships
zeke (ezekiel)
like an actual arsonist
(adoptive) brother of tabi
touch starved as fuck
also got fucked over by the dearests
backstory is kinda very fucked
not even fully human anymore
doesnt really care about pronouns
not a fan of pda
will never stop cuddling in private tho
polyam as fuck
dating garcello and john/tankman
biggest fucking crush on both ruv and sarv
shapeshifting powers due to demon bullshit
r e p t i l e
also nd as fuck
has trauma
headpat him and he will cry
agoti once asked him to commit arson with him as a joke and swears he never saw zeke’s face light up so fast or so scarily
5’11 when in fully human form (not his natural state)
l o n g t o n g u e
PLEASE ask questions abt these boys, i love them so much
and if u want elaborations on some stuff, please also ask
i want to infodump abt them so bad
(will also start a tag for talkin abt them each: oak.txt for oak, zeke.txt for zeke)
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taehyungsgrowl · 6 years
Michael Langdon Birthchart:
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Hey y’all! So here is the birth chart we came up w for Michael. We have him being born March 19th @ 10:14 PM Western Time. Please give this a read and let us know if you agree or if you have other ideas as to what his signs are. The birthchart we drew up had 2 inconsistencies. It made him have a Sagittarius Rising and an Aquarius Moon. We both agreed on other signs for those placements. 
Pisces sun: Well to start off, I would like to say that the meaning of the pisces is the creator. Which I think is pretty neat since Michael did want to essentially create a new world. anyway. Some words that come to mind when thinking of a Pisces are emotional, impressionable (hello satanists who tried to manipulate our boy), perceptive & intuitive (which can explain how he was so good at reading people - no one reads people like a Pisces, trust me. Michael is super in touch w others emotions) (side note; the symbol of the fish has been associated w Jesus Christ and we all know the Michael x Jesus parallels Ryan gave us so). While Pisces are incredibly understanding of others around them, they are often the most misunderstood sign (how fitting for our antichrist, no?)
A quote that I read about this is “easily touched by human suffering” anyone remember Michael crying for the mother whose children had been victims to the radiation?
Also, Pisces cry A LOT with just how emotional we get (both of us are Pisces here) and like so does our boi™.
Capricorn moon: “as a Capricorn moon you may have had to step into a position of responsibility early in life, or received strong impressions from your parents (most usually mother) about the need to live up to certain expectations in life” guys.. That’s Michael!!! I feel like most Cap placements feel like other heavily rely on them; they are natural born leaders in my opinion.. Also ambitious lmfao that boy considered running for president I’m- anyway lmfao the symbol for Capricorn is a goat and we know that your moon sign represents “your inner self” and with that scene in Sojourn where he encountered the goat??? Wow poetic cinema!! @gremlinkween also pointed out that the combination of a Pisces Sun/Capricorn mood may have someone come across as a Scorpio and as first glance, I would have laid my life down thinking Michael was a Scorpio.
Aries Mercury: so Mercury rules communication, right? Well I think Aries mercuries are people who are candid af when communicating w others.. This just reminds me of when Michael conducts his interviews he’s just like “tell me who you really are” he doesn’t have the patience to beat around the bush. I’ve also read that they don’t do well with outdated ideas and anyone remember when he said the concept of sin was antiquated? Michael ain’t about it!! @gremlinkween said this is probably why he runs into things head first without putting a lot of thought into it and he does everything so boldly and just hopes for the best lmfao
Venus Taurus: Venus rules over love and relationships!! So because venus does rule Taurus, I’d like to think this makes Michael a hopeless romantic (especially w a pisces sun omfg)  As a Taurus Venus this means Michael has “an appetite for luxury and a style snob” and i mean??? Is that wrong??? ALSO SO SO SENSUAL. I’M TALKING TOUCH STARVED NEEDS TO BE CONSTANTLY DEMONSTRATING LOVE PHYSICALLY? @gremlinkween made some awesome point about how this would give him a hard shell to break and very stubborn in his relationships, but when he loves, he loves hard!! Which we see with Mead and how he went through extreme lengths to get her back and we see just how heartbroken and distraught he is when he’s rejected by his family
Scorpio Mars: eyyyyyy, it’s yo gremlin, Ash, so the Mars Sign is the “””””masculine””””” energy, but more importantly, how you respond to the physical side of things, whether that be sports, sex, whatever. This would explain why he’s just so violent and extra. Like did he really have to explode Madison’s head? No. Did he really have to eat Marie’s heart and make a show of pulling the knife out of his back with that sexual grunt? Absolutely no. Scorpio is the sign of doing the absolute most, doing it the most aggressive, and sometimes even sexually, which explains his just kinda overall sexual tone when it comes to the physical. So honestly, our hcs about Michael being super freaky and violent? Not off at all
Scorpio Rising: The Rising Sign is all about how others perceive you and the general and first impressions, and your spontaneous reactions to things. Scorpios, as a said do the most, but that’s because they are the fixed water sign. They are just as emotional as a Pisces or a Cancer, but it’s all under the surface, as my best bitch once said “Scorpios are the tossing and turning seas. We can look serene on the surface, but there could be riptides underneath the surface that could easily kill you, but sometimes you see that on the surface as well” and does that not sound like the impression that our boi gives off? Is that not his impulse reactions to things? He can be so calm and then he’s suddenly destroying everything in his path.
Tagging a few who seemed interested in this idea: @sammythankyou @lovelylangdonx @babydollcake @sweetlangdon @royalblueviper @x-satanicbeautyqueen-x @codyfernss @langdonsrapture @langdonsdemon @sloppy-wrist @1-800-bitchcraft @tiny-ruby-seeds @starwlkers @langdonsoceaneyes @kissydevil 
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oracles · 6 years
All of the emojis for the sweet and pure asks
DSJFHFDJKHKFJFFF honestly you’re probably like the only person who cares about what i say on here … thank u .. my savior 💖
(obviously imma put this under a cut .. if it doesn’t work on mobile, i apologize in advance aadhjfdkff since when things are under a cut i tend to write long ass rambling answers)
🐰- do you believe in soul mates?
as an utterly hopeless romantic, i certainly want to. i think because of like … insecurities, self hate and stuff (not to get too deep), it’s a comforting idea to me to like Know that there’s someone out there who doesn’t see me the way i do … but realistically? no. i think you gotta realize that relationships are hard and something you have to work to keep healthy and happy and not as magically problem-solving as soulmate tropes make it out to be. so short answer: realistically no, ideally yes. 
💌- diary or journal?
the one i write in is honestly a mix of both, but i think it’s more of a diary. it’s cathartic to write things out when you don’t wanna talk to someone else about it (or in addition to venting to another person) and for the journal aspect of it, i really like looking back on things i did back in the day. i’ve had a diary/journal hybrid since like 2008-ish? so i love that !
✨- which fictional character (book, show, or movie) do you relate to most?
ooh good question …. there’s a lot! i think i see bits of myself in a lot of characters so there isn’t any One (1) person i relate to the most. shaw from person of interest keeps coming to mind but maybe i’ve just absorbed parts of her, rather than actually being like her so who knows . jessica jones is another one, in some aspects. i think just from those two you can tell the Type of character i not only gravitate towards, but relate to too
💕- are you crushing on someone?
irl? no, i’m not. i have plenty of celebrity crushes though so i can’t even begin to start listing those. honestly most of the celebs i talk about / reblog on here are most likely a crush . to paraphrase an iconic pisces, yeah i’m a love whore and what about it ??? dfjkdhkjff
💋- kissing in the dark or kissing in the rain?
both !!!!! but kissing in the dark may be more ideal so i can hide how flustered i probably would be
🐝- describe your aesthetic in emojis
💌💣🌙🥀🖤  less of an aesthetic and more so just emojis i like, i feel like
🍼- what is your favorite memory?
oof … this is a really hard question. honestly, i don’t know. there’s a lot of memorable things. i feel like it’s mainly just the lil things – moments that i look back on that don’t seem like much but are really warm and comforting to reminiscence about (sorry, this isn’t really an answer)
🌸- what is your favorite flower?
a more recent fav but i’ve been really interested in diphylleia grayi / skeleton flowers lately. part of me doesn’t even know if they’re like real, but i’ve written a lot about them lately (and ofc listened to the jonghyun song about it) so i’ve had a sort of attachment to them lately. aside from that, i don’t really have a favorite? i think they’re all pretty
💖- have you ever been in love?
a lot dkjfhkjff probably more of a crush / infatuation than anything else in actuality, i suppose, though. platonically in love, however? absolutely
🍰- strawberry or vanilla?
vanilla, hands down
🍯- describe your favorite smell
ironically, vanilla is a big favorite smell of mine. i think i have a pretty sensitive sense of smell so there’s a lot of different things. i also like tea / coffee smells? idk, just stuff like that. which is part of why i enjoy baking, i think
🎂- if you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
1) for more wishes … bc im a gremlin
beyond that, i never know what to say for these questions beyond things i obviously want like world peace, ending world hunger, etc etc. like for personal things maybe … like being happy with myself? bc i think my self-image issues hinder me a LOT.
🍪- cookie dough or cookies?
both!!!! i eat the left over cookie dough when i bake but the final product is always really good too. (cookies, if i had to pick one though)
☕- coffee or tea?
tea !!!! don’t really feel like the coffee type of person (aside from enjoying the smell of it)
🍃- would you rather live in a sea with mermaids or a forest with fairies?
a forest with fairies, that sounds absolutely lovely
🍂- what’s your middle name?
it’s my dad’s first name
💫- what is your sun, moon, and rising sign?
gemini sun, pisces moon and leo rising
🌧️- favorite thing to do on rainy days?
stay inside in bed with chai. basically just having a lazy day – reading, watching something, etc etc
🍭- how tall are you?
5′7″, though a part of me likes to hypothesize that if my posture wasn’t absolute SHIT my actual height would be 5′8″ (wishful thinking probably, but my posture is bad though)
💒- which show would you want to live in?
the good place was the first one to come to mind but idk about that … they go through a lot of shit and i for sure would just be in the bad place, without a chance of redemption. to appeal my Babey side ……… can i say winnie the pooh or smth (also, im just blanking out on any decent tv show where the universe isn’t one where i will probably instantly DIE in bc of how inept i am)
🎄- what is your favorite holiday?
i often say christmas for this one actually. not because we really celebrate it or anything, i just like the atmosphere around this time of year usually. mostly bc of childhood memories and how fun it was for me then
🍦- what scented candle is your favorite?
i don’t use any, but probably something vanilla-y so im sure there’s holiday candles that fit my taste
🎶- favorite song right now?
not necessarily a favorite (bc i have a LOT), but im listening to pirate king by ateez right now (thanks winnie)
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
idk !!!!!!! have a good/similar sense of humor to me, listen to what i have to say (and like ….. don’t make me feel like shit or annoying for bringing up my interests or showing you things i think you’ll like), and uhhhhhh maybe like do cute lil romantic things for me ??? im a sucker for that. esp when people remember lil details about me based off what i’ve just casually said, idk .. it’s bare minimum time i guess. i just can’t fathom anyone Wanting to win my heart in the first place so it’s really easy bc im touch and romance starved
🍩- current mood?
okay ? just kinda here – not really happy but not sad either. neutral. procrastinating
❄️- what is your favorite season?
spring because of my birthday and the weather is decent, i guess. though i’ll also nominate winter
💍- your current relationship status?
what you think? .. DJKHFKF SINGLE of course . when have i ever been anything else
📷- a photo of yourself
absolutely not. though i have posted some before (you can click my name in my description to see this ugly minion mug of mine)
💅🏻- do you like being spoiled?
it’s weird because as a concept, yes i absolutely do but in reality, i will feel guilty and bad if anyone spends money on me at all because i don’t think i’m worth that so in practice, i guess i have to abandon my sugar baby dreams
🕊️- 3 habits you have?
1) keysmashing ? dhfkjffjkf like it’s genuinely so instinctual to me that i have to stop and make myself stop before i type it to locals i know or in emails to my teachers. in a similar realm, is my lowercase aesthetic . if only i could type my essays like this
2) saying and typing ‘like’ a lot. i guess i really AM the valley girl that envi says i sound like ………. tis a sad day. i never really noticed how much i do it till i reread old messages
3) not sitting properly. at school i do it obviously, but at home i most often sit cross legged on chairs or with one leg up or something. gay culture, babey ! the amount of times i’ve been told off for sitting “improperly” or “like a man” .. amazing
and bonus 4) being a dumbass. i just felt the urge to say that. don’t expect me to think or say anything intelligent ever. especially if we’re talking irl because my brain will exit immediately and i won’t be able to put a single coherent sentence together. i sound better online than offline, trust me.
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
i don’t wanna turn this into oversharing emo o’clock but i’ll summarize it in one word … BAD. gremlin and scum are also fitting words. perhaps i have made points sometimes but that’s just after i go to rent-a-brain-cell ‘ r us . otherwise? complete fool . a clown, if you will . don’t get me started on my looks
🦋- how do you think others perceive you?
this is what i REALLY want to know. i have an irrationally strong desire to just know what people think of me. it’s what gives me a self-identity and a better sense of who i am bc idk !!!!!! is my quietness making me look mean ??? who knows ! just how ugly am i actually ???? someone tell me
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
there’s a lot of things and i’m also feeling lazy to list things. but pretty smiles have always been a huge weakness of mine. and perhaps i have an arm kink ….. like not super muscley arms (i.e: body builder types) but kinda toned/defined ones? NUT . (not a necessity ofc, just a bonus)
🍓- one secret about yourself
well it’s not a secret online, but my sexuality i guess? offline, aside from kendra, no one else knows. beyond that, i wish i had something scandalous i could reveal but im genuinely a boring person
🍒- how do you act when you have a crush?
inside im a mess. usually i just like looking at them and going into my Daydream World (patent pending) to fulfill my romantic desires there. outwardly, i don’t do like anything. idk how obvious i am honestly. i don’t interact with them at all, aside from sneaking glances, bc i am scum !!! and also i lack any confidence whatsoever 
💔- the reason behind your last breakup?
never had one, so this is non-applicable :/
💬- what your last text message says?
to summarize, it was just me in the gc talking about a song i listened to a lot that i saw in my spotify top 100 list thing and about how i recently realized the singer/rapper was malaysian
🎥- what show are you currently binging on?
currently, im not really marathoning anything exactly ? i guess the closest would be blackish, but i haven’t watched that in a hot minute. i’m trying to catch up on it though. 
⛅- what is your morning routine?
usually it’s just get up, brush teeth / wash face, and then change into my clothes for the day and then have breakfast 
💗- who do you miss?
who i used to be ……. :( IM KIDDING . ummm idk, no one really? i guess i miss the people i don’t talk to as much anymore, though it’s really my own fault most of the time since im a horrible communicator 
🥀- last time you cried?
oof i don’t really remember …… like i get emo a lot but i don’t exactly full on cry a lot? one semi-recent time i remember crying was when envi sent us this one song in the gc and it was just really pure and romantic and i got in my feelings about it. funny how my crying works ……. i don’t cry a lot but it can be brought on by the weirdest, most random things
🎁- when is your birthday?
may 29th !!!!!
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
not really either (since im not scared of ghosts, though i do kinda believe in them. like i don’t NOT believe in them, but im also not gonna fight someone who doesn’t, y’know?) but long story short – i got smacked in the back of the head (like it felt like a hard slap) once and no one was there/did it. must’ve been the ghost in our apartment. i joke a lot about there being one in our place but i wouldn’t be surprised if there was, with the random stuff that happens sometimes (mostly things just falling). again im no huge believer in ghosts, it’s just whatever to me but getting hit in the back of the head like that was definitely WEIRD. bc it honestly felt like how my little brother hits me but it wasn’t him so …….. hm.
💤- date someone younger, older, or same age as you?
same age or older (not by a lot), probably. being with someone younger makes me feel weird (weirdly, usually with men. like i’ll be more comfortable dating a girl a year younger than me than a guy for example.. for maturity reasons i GUESS). but it depends. if i like someone within a reasonable age range, then i like them. 
🎀- any question you want
you didn’t ask one so n/a (and neither did i in the ask i sent you so rip)
0 notes
tfwlawyers · 7 years
long story short: I lost my cat poppy suddenly on april 2nd while I was away and asked for people to send me pictures of their own cats/pets; I’m a huge cat person and even just seeing cats really does cheer me up, so!! a huge thank you to everyone who sent me stuff or even just stayed the night with all these pics, I wanted to clean up my blog but still wanted to keep all the pictures
so !! cats under the cut, check if you’re ever feeling down and like cats ;0; 
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submitted by dontkillbirds:
I couldn’t decided which of my cats to turn into Edgeworth so I turned both my cats into Edgeworth? I have no idea if this is comforting but you said you wanted pictures of cats or ace attorney stuff and this??? Is what my brain came up with???
I’m truly sorry you lost your cat. Xoxoxoxoxox
this is so unbelievably comforting to me, thank you <3 and your cats are super adorable, what are their names !!
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submitted by theskittypink:
shoot you need cat submissions? here this is my boy Leo and hes about 8 at this point. Hes a kitten at heart, a snuggler and bed thief!
WHAT A FLUFF BALL he looks so sweet!! give him some snuggles for me, please ;0;
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submitted by lebdinechew:
This is my baby girl, Sasha, on Christmas She loves her sweater when it’s cold.
i am This Close to crying again but not out of sadness this time but just bc sasha’s a good girl who looks great in her sweater hgkdlgd
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submitted by pocketclocked:
Here is Morgana (aka Beebs), who is very snuggly and comprised mostly of sharp objects and demons. 💙💙
an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0; <3
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submitted by acecaskettuniverse:
Lost my precious cat Lucky in November. I know exactly how you feel. It took me months before I could touch another cat (February). But as much as I miss him, it gets easier. Above all I know that he wants me to be happy. And I’m sure yours does too.
I’m so sorry to hear that, he looks like a sweetheart and I’m sure he was so happy with you ;0; I pretty much always need a cat to function so I’m sure I’ll make a day out of visiting my local shelter sometime soon, but I absolutely understand needing the time and I’m glad you were finally able to look again….. lucky and poppy were loved and happy and knowing that is a definite comfort, ty <3
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submitted by whimsicallyabsolute:
These are my babies, Shiloh and Seamus. They’re grumpy and I love them very much.
the ?? opposite fur thing they’ve got going on ???? they’re so cute, ty ;0;
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submitted by eternallyanna:
my dumb boys… odin w the collar and hobbes without
hobBES what a perf name for an orange cat ;0; thank you!! god that last pic is an absolute beauty
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submitted by klesbian:
This is Sakura, I met her at a cat cafe and she was a sleepy little angel! I’m sorry about your cat, it’s always the worst when a pet passes.
what a bab!! and thank you for your words <3
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submitted by caltrops:
this is commodore puffington. majestic and Very Large. he likes to stick his leggy out. he would definitely cuddle you if you needed him.
;0; im on the way over Right Now to cuddle, perf name for a perf cat, thank you!
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submitted by fabhab:
here’s my round boy (1/3 cats; i would have submitted pictures of all of them but i couldn’t figure out how to submit more than one picture at once) his name is quill and when we first got him he weighed 15 ounces but now he’s a chunky boy and he loves throwing his toys under furniture and making u retrieve them for him
quill’s such a cute name omg!! big happy boy I’m so glad
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submitted by fabhab:
whoop i figured it out on mobile so here’s my basement gremlin lupine who we saved from starving at petsmart bc he only has 4 teeth and can’t eat wet food. he’s a very softboy and will whack ur legs if u attempt to leave in the middle of paying attention to him. last but not least is percy who enjoys being a rabblerouser and is possibly a crime lord (all the neighborhood cats are afraid of him). however, he is a very cuddly boy and will sit on ur lap for 8 hours straight if u let him
basement gremline lupine and crime lord percy goD, they look like sweethearts, thank you for sending me these ;0; <3
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submitted by anaislingmemory:
I’m sorry about hearing about your cat. I don’t have any completed Narumitsu fics (yet), but I have a pic of Krystal.
!!!! krystal is more than enough, thank you <3
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submitted by sarcasticscepticles:
I’m sorry to hear about your cat. This is my cat Nymer, his favorite foods are cookies, pizza rolls, chips, flour, and anything else that’s not cat food.
WHAT A LUMP I love him
and ty ;0;
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submitted by advisedpanic:
I’m so sorry to hear about your kitty. This is my puppy Sally, and she is Very Old (16) so I’m sort of preparing myself to get news like this one day soon too. She is grumpy and loves lounging in the sun and she’s my baby. this was from when she was recovering from surgery to get some cancer out of her nose but she’s all better now. im sending u all the best vibes and wishes xx
!! she looks adorable and I sincerely hope you a few more good long years with her; and thank you ;w;
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger
:0 the softest…
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submitted by chickenpurr:
here’s some of my cats, Suki (annoying and loud, occasionally cuddly), Marbles (old and sleepy and simply the best), and some of my feathered cats (including Zella the Frog Assassin). Hope they can help cheer you up a bit :>
cuties!! my friend also has a cat named suki and she sounds exactly the same hdg
thank you ;w;
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submitted by thatonechickyoudontknow:
This is my friend @zipper-nova ’s cat, Abraham Lincoln. He’s a big, old, momma’s boy. We think he tucked himself in…
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submitted by skygrappler:
This is my baby Gigi! She was a rescued cat that we think was let out of a college dorm… she’s like a year old and her hobbies are farting and biting my fingers
;o; I’m glad she’s got a home with you now !! (and all the fingers she can bite)
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submitted by sammythebabymoose123:
My little Bby Josie, I hope this cheers you up! I know how hard it is loosing a pet and I’m so sorry that you weren’t there for it
ahHHH they look so soft and sweet!! and thank you… even if was a seizure (and I suspect it was) and I couldn’t have done anything, I still so so wish I’d been there with my baby when it happened ghdlgh, she hadn’t been in any pain beforehand so that’s the one silver lining I guess
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submitted by tsunderecafe:
This is Lucy, she hopes these cat pictures make you happy :3
what a sweetheart !! my sister used to have a cat named lucy and she was the most loving thing, this lucy looks the same way ;0; I’m definitely happier, ty
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submitted by emerdoods:
This is Wudge. He’s 20 pounds, 13 years old, and a pretty good boy (mostly)
wudge……………. a chaotic good if i’ve ever seen one
thank you!!
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submitted by aceoftwos:
top three pics are my cat, lunatic. then the grey one is my friend’s cat, annie. the last one is an adorable cat i met at the docks who shall remain nameless bc i never got a name!
i’m sorry for your loss. i really hope seeing these makes you feel a little better! (there’s also a lot on my instagram, same username, if you need more!) i’m afraid i can’t recommend any wrightworth fics bc i get all my recs from you!!
what a bunch of babs !! thank you so much for sending me these, I love cats so much and they all look so sweet, I love lunatic’s lil marking socks ;0;
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submitted by probonoapollo:
hey hi hello this is my precious baby Pumpkin i found her under my car after school a couple of years ago and i had to bring her home cos she was the sweetest thing ever and she still is (also i am sorry there’s so many pictures i just love her and i couldn’t choose)
aaAAa I’m so happy pumpkin found a home with you fjdf she looks like a sweetheart and I totally get having too many pictures to choose from ;0 ty…
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submitted by antipelargy:
I’m sorry that you’re going through a rough time. I see that people have been sending you animal pics so here are some of mine! The first 2 are of a cat named Joey who I watched last week, he’s a huge Maine coon and a lover boy. The rest are of my dog Baxter, who I swear is part cat. He crawls all over people, will sit on my laptop/book/sketchbook, and jumps onto chairs to the table. But he’s the sweetest pup you’ll ever meet!
THEY’RE BOTH ADORABLE thank you for sending me these!! god please boop baxter’s nose for me
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submitted by shirayahas:
This is Cosmo. He enjoys licking things for hours, cuddles, and being annoying. I can’t recall a funny cat story but he will really lick the shower curtain for hours if you let him and I have no idea why.
Im really sorry for your loss. Cosmo also lost his sister when he was a little over a year old. It’s impossibly hard to loose a pet, and it’s hard to go through. Me and Cosmo here will be around if you ever need us. We’ll do all that we can to help.
what a big ol cream puff, omg… poppy used to love licking the shower door whenever I left it open because apparently getting the condensation from there was way easier than just drinking out of her water dish lmao
and thank you, this is a very sweet message ;w; I’m sorry you had to go through a loss as well, please give cosmo tons of cuddles for me <3
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submitted by mimikyutie:
this is my lady, dozer. she acts all regal but is a huge lovely nerd and pansy. she loves to play fetch, brush her face all over my brush, do backflips in the middle of the night and steal yoghurt. im so sorry for your loss, and i hope all the cute cat pics sent your way are helpful <3
and such little concern for your laptop, omfg
she looks lovely, ty for the pics <3 and thank you for the condolences, these pictures really have been a huge help :’)
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submitted by commanderfreddy:
my mum’s a catsitter so here are some choice friends from throughout the years
;0; ty fred… the dream job with all the dream cats
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submitted by rannxch:
This is Midna (named for the twilight princess lmao) a Russian blue who’s about 10 months old. She’s a huge diva who loves ice cream and is afraid of spoons.
THAT FIRST PIC OH MY GOOOODDDDDD she looks wonderful, thank you!!
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
if I fits I sits
every time there’s a cat from you I gasp a little irl, ty ..
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submitted by sethsenpaiiyo:
Hello !! I have never submitted anything so i hope this works,, I have some cats for you :,) In the first picture, left to right - Pus, Kompis & Susie + another one of Pus///
Second picture is Katja! Snapchat decided that filters work on her so she’s a pretty kitty :3c Hope you feel better!
worked just fine, thank you so much!! they all look so sweet and katja is esp gorgeous ;0; <3
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submitted by fangirling247:
This is Milo, he is a sleepy old man whose hobbies include napping and hogging blankets. He is a good friend and hopes that you make a new friend someday.
so many milos hdfdh I love that name sm, he looks soft and sweet and I sincerely hope I do too, ty ;0;
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submitted by hannaginel:
This is my cat Lilly. We call her Lilly Moo because her markings make her look like a cow. She’s 7 years old and she loves snuggling and comforting me when I have panic attacks. She’s my baby.
!! an absolute sweetheart, ty ;0;
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submitted by mythalogies:
Here’s some pics of my boi
a handsome boi……………………. thank you!!
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submitted by sentient-cloud:
Heres a picture of my two cats Octavian(hes the tabby) and Phoenix(yeah I know), the grey tuxedo. They are brothers and they love each other very much, they get upset when they’re not in the same room! I hope this helps!
cuddling cats are one of the most sacred images in the entire world imho ;0; thank you, they look super sweet!!
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submitted by princelowell:
hey there! here’s some of mine: the first cat was my boy sox. he passed away when he was 4 years old out of nowhere–we assume a heart condition.
the pug is gizmo, who is 9 years old now (they were about the same age). the ferret, mei, came about a month after we lost sox.
the chubby tabby cat is one of the cats who lived with me when i lived in Japan. her name is hanabi (means fireworks) and she’s probably four or five now? she loved me and slept in my bed but she doesn’t like my host mom much. wish i could’ve taken her home with me.
! i love them aLL, THANK YOU, I’m so sorry to hear about losing sox at such a young age, i’m sure he was super loved and happy ;0;
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submitted by wildblueegg:
hey i dont know you but i know you and i saw your cat… well. AND I CAME AS FAST AS MY COMPUTER HANDLED IT
I’m so sorry for your loss, this isn’t even the first pet that i saw that died this year. Take the cat from my friend, he’s a white and soft meme(am i doing this correctly???).
;0; THANK YOU both for the cutie and the kind words <3
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submitted by blnketfort: 
ik i’m a bit late to the cat meet & greet (because i was asleep) and also idk how to submit multiple photos so this is a post but i heard abt poppy and i’ve had that happen a few times so i know how devastating it can be.
these are my 2 cats patrick (yawning) and cally (doesn’t like the flash.) they’re half siblings but we rescued them both at different times.
Cally is six but still the size of a kitten, super smart, a total grump but loves strokes and sitting on my lap (and laptop.)
Patrick is 3 (i think?) and an Absolute Idiot. seriously, you can go to step/sit on him and he just won’t move. Follows us all the way when i walk the dog, loves tummy tickles and sitting in the most inconvenient places imaginable & refusing to move.
SWEETIES god I love when cats stretch like in the second pic, absolutely zero concern for what’s around them they’re just Comfy
and I’m sorry for your previous pet losses as well, ty for taking the time to make this photoset :’)
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
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submitted by ignisalatus:
I’m so sorry for your loss, losing animals is one of the worst things imaginable… ): I lost my baby Rascal here about 6 years ago to a very sudden and agressive mouth cancer when he was only 11, and still miss him terribly to this day. I know it wasn’t nearly as sudden as your baby’s passing, but I can surely sympathize with the shock of how fast and unexpectedly these things can happen ;-;
He was a Rowdy Boy™ but also a total sweetheart of a giant melty fluff ragamuffin. He was my best friend growing up, one of those cats who could always sense when something was wrong and would always jump in my lap and purr and rub my face and cuddle when he knew I was upset. I hope he can keep your baby company as they have many many more catventures in the stars 💜✨
i want to say this is a bad post bc it made me start crying again but hgdkgh it’s not ofc it’s not, this is an extremely sweet message and I’m so so sorry for your baby’s loss as well :’) rascal looks like such a sweetheart and sounds exactly like how poppy was towards me, I’m so heartbroken we lost them both at such young ages but dljfdf I bet they’ll be the best of friends soon ;0; thank you so much for sharing this, it means more than I can say <3333
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submitted by atroquinine-blues:
Here’s some pictures of my boy, Buddy, sleeping :) I’m really sorry about your cat, and I hope things get better for you soon (your art is amazing btw)
what a cutie !! I love when cats have markings that makes em look like they’re got lil boots/socks on
and thank you :’)
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submitted by easterlil:
This isn’t really my cat, but it’s my grandma’s cat BooBoo. I hope she can help cheer you up a bit!
I did laugh when I refreshed my inbox so jfkldf thank u very much booboo ;0;
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submitted by beeva:
I don’t yet have a cat of my own, so here are some cat photos I have on my phone
cats from the cat cafe, feat. my aunt’s cat, who I love
SO MANY CATS AND I LOVE THEM ALL, thank you!! I should see if there’s a cat cafe in my state, that’s always sounded so amazing
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger:
Highest priority mail!!
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submitted by ludbeilschmidt:
This is Peaches!! He likes to help garden. Which means rolling in my plants and meowing for attention. I hope you’re doing ok and feel better soon!! I lost my cat like…almost 10 yrs ago now and it still gets to me sometimes so I know how rough it can be. Take it easy!!!
aw omg, he’s doing a great job !! and thank you, as much as I love getting all these submissions it’s also heartbreaking to hear about how many other cats people have lost - still, knowing how loved they were helps a bit ghgf
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submitted by narcoleptrix:
pls accept my condolences through this humble offering of muffin. she’s a sweet old lady cat that enjoys stealing food when you’re not looking and licking people.
MUFFIN….. she’s got a gorgeous coat and if she wants food then she’s getting it
and thank you ;w;
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submitted by whalestickers:
This is my soon-to-be cat, Lola!!! Im rly excited abt getting her, she is just the sweetest lap cat ever
!! what an angel !! I’m sure you’ll be very happy together, I’m super excited for the both of you too \o/
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submitted by fresh-biscuits:
Here’s my fat baby. Her name is Noelle Faye and she’s a princess. Sorry for your lost. ❤❤❤ Cats are wonderful, no? They just add so much to our lives. How could we ever repay them?
;0; the fattest baby, I love her… guess we just gotta give em as much love as physically possible while they’re with us, which it looks like noelle is for sure getting !! thank you sm <3
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submitted by docworth:
hey, i’m sorry to hear about your loss. this is my pride and joy fatman, who pretty much only ever sleeps with/on me (also picture three is a rousing game of “Spot The Fandom Memrobelia”)
your un is docworth, I see a conbat plush and phoenix DS cover(?), your cat is named fatman, clearly you’re just in the best possible timeline
and thank you… my cat used me pretty much exclusively as a pillow as well and what an honor it was
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submitted by radioscientist:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat! My cat Lyra (the cat in the first two pictures) passed away yesterday, so I understand it must be hard! Hopefully you enjoy these pictures of her and her sister ❤️
oh god, I’m so sorry to hear about your cat too - april 2nd clearly needs a redo
lyra (and her sister!) are adorable and I hope she and my poppy are doing alright :’)
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submitted by threeleggedbike:
I’m sorry about the loss of your cat, here’s one of my fuzzy sausages if it makes you feel better
the fuzziest sausage.. they’re adorable, ty ;0
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submitted by tir-amy-su:
i present…….. the stinky squad..
i………………….. love them …
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submitted by fairytalepeople:
I’m so sorry to hear about your cat:( I don’t have any cats of my own but I have the stable cats! The first one is Bertil and the other is Tigris. She’s turning 18 this summer so she gets to stay in the kitchen if she wants to. I also have my dogs, Freja and Sweetie, and none of them act their age (Freja turned 7 yesterday and sweetie is 8) Then there’s my butterfly Miranda (I swear it reacted positively to the Hamilton ost) who I found the last day of December. Sadly it passed some time before February. Tigris usually tries to steal lunch from people by being adorable:3 I hope you are feeling better soon!
all a bunch of babs !!!!! I love freja especially ;0; and thank you <3
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submitted by koalabuddy:
my kitty for ur cat night
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submitted by vvarp-core:
Here are my meowers, and a cat that definitely isnt mine but i want to shake his furry lil hand
v sweet meowers, thank you !!! funk engine cat is going places
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submitted by captainbuttersocks:
These are my eggs!! They’re inseparable. The white one is Princess and the big orange fella is Lucky.
i gasped a lil bit at that third picture, they look so sweet ;0; thank you!!
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submitted by wrightworthmakesmylifeworthwhile:
heard u needed cat pics so hey!! this lil guy is milo (originally “miles” bc im a nerd but we decided he’s too silly to have such a serious name) he’s got a black cat sister named maya (also bc I’m a nerd) and an older yellow tabby cat named pumpkin but he’s probably the most photogenic of my lovely three cats and he’s smol and an awkward little goofball!! he’s not too bright bless him and he always sticks his legs up in the air for no reason (like the first pic I didn’t make him do that he just?? decided that was a comfortable position to be in) anyway he’s a gem I hope he brings you joy bc he sure does me!!! I’m v sorry about your cat 😕
that picture of him with the pumpkin and bunny tail cape made me so unbelievably happy I cannot even begin to express
thank you so much !! he looks like such a sweet bean and his fam sounds just as adorable ;w;
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submitted by starlight-steel:
i’m so so sorry to hear about your cat; she looks like such a sweetheart, and it’s always hard to lose a pet :( i thought i’d send over some pics of my anastasia; i hope she helps a little bit!!
(ps this glitched the first time sorry if it submits twice!)
WHAT A BEAUTIFUL CAT with an extra beautiful name !!
and thank you, she really was the sweetest :’)
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submitted by lala-inwonderland:
i’m very sorry about your kitty, i know how it feels to lose a pet like that. hopefully these pictures of my cats help? the soft orange boy is Oliver and the floppy calico is Daphne. Oliver is a nosy little thief and Daphne is a lazy prissy princess
oliver looks so mischievous and daphne is adorable….. thank you for these, they’re definitely helping, and thank you for your condolences!!
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submitted by yolo--ziff: 
This is Ghost. He is about ten months old and loves licking water from the shower, chewing shoelaces and sitting on my keyboard
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submitted by mewtwo–official:
This is my precious bab Misu, I hope she cheers you at least a little
she absolutely does, thank you ;___; I love her markings !!
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submitted by upsidedownsudoku: 
this is o'malley. he likes the sink, is afraid of mice, and cries every time we bring him outside but i love him anyways
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submitted by selenathezorua: 
mao mao it’s gracie
gracie looks so soft ;___; 
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submitted by miraculouscatnip:
I’m so sorry you had to go through this, here’s the round girl and the pancake boy to make you feel better
thank you... and theyre gorgeous ;0; !!
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submitted by ryuibee: 
I saw you posting a bunch of cats and I heard you lost a cat/cats??? I’m extremely sorry for your loss !! I hated losing my cats : (( I actually lost one of mine ( he’s the black and white spotted one here. His name is spot spot but we called him pouder ((literally poo-duh-er)) this November and it was very heartbreaking. He was only 3 and was this little 15 pound cat who’s gender we couldn’t actually tell so we just used male pronouns and loved belly rubs and chirped like a birdie. Thankfully I have one of my other babies still, Mamakitty !! She’s the gray one in here !! I love her !! She’s very sweet and will love on you 24/7 but if you leave the room she will meow until you get back or come and find you !! But I love her very much ,,, I hope you don’t mind me submitting my cats too !! I’d thought I try and help you !! Love your blog btw-
!!! thank you so much for this message, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss as well, especially considering his age.. ;w; 
and i lOve these cats, ty for sending them <33
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
I have 4 cats, Sabbath (the black itty kitty, he’s all grown up now), Minda (the black and white putty-tat, still just a baby), Wyatt (fluffy cat), and Binx (yet to be photographed, he’s elusive)
This guy is a rescue we found a home for a few months back (we have so many cats because we have a hard time giving away kitties)
;w; what a sweetheart, thank you..
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submitted by warning-wild-ginger: 
Catz 4 dayz (Sending you gooood vibes👍)
aaAAA TY <3
and now some decidedly un-cat pets ?? who are all just as good
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submitted by mccreesweetpea:
I see people are sending you their adorable animals. I’d love to join in with my baby Stripe!! :0
what a cutie !!!!!! an old friend of mine had a guinea pig and she was a sweetheart too
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submitted by commanderofwhat:
I hope some pic of my weird dogs cheer you up a bit!!
the weirdest dogs, i love them ;0; ty!!
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submitted by famousinthatanonymousway:
okay so i don’t have a pet cat but these are my children. front to back: Whitney, Enchilada, Aloe, Anti-Capitalist “Gendy” Agenda and Nihilist (2 in tiny pot), Rosa, Boro, Milo, Rose, Nambypampy, and the bamboo in the back is Eduardo Two. im so sorry for your loss, i love you and my sons and daughters love you too
ngl when I first refreshed my inbox I was slowly scrolling down to try and find the elusive cat before I got to the attached message, but this is honestly so much better
i love you and your sons and daughters too, and thank you for such a beautiful pic of your v aptly named children <3
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submitted by darkdragonslies:
I don’t have a cat, but I do have a bird. Knowing the feeling of suddenly losing pets, I’m very sorry for your loss
a big ol cutie for sure!!! and thank you <3
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submitted by gay-lawyer-heaven:
Ayyy I’m sorry about your cats man, I’ve lost doggies and I know the feel. I’d send you cats, but I have none, so have a lil pic of my doggies Tonks (brown on the left) and Scout! (black, terror eyes on the right) Scout’s the mellower he’s like. Four-fiveish. Tonks is about one or two and licks. Everything.
A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, I love dogs a whole bunch too (we have a jack russell terrier named frodo wishbone baggins lmao) and yours are adorable!!
and now some text 
dontkillbirds said: I’m so so sorry to hear about that, it’s awful when pets pass. Xo
clefeeble said: I’m so so sorry for your loss :<
leonidas1754 said: Oh gosh, I’m so sorry bud.
thank you all so much ;w; <3
silversacredsilence said: hang in there, you can do it. happened a lot of times to me too and if you want, i can send pictures of my cats and dogs :)
tysm.. and I’d love to see your pets if you’ve got pics, I’ve been asking my friends to send me pics of theirs and it really is helping ;0;
stories ?
actualmomgarnet asked: Ok so its not a pic but I thought I'd share my cat story with you??? To make you laugh!! Before my cat Toby got sick and passed away he was the cuddliest cat you'd ever meet and I miss him to this day, even though it's been 4 years. BUT sometimes he'd chase my mom down the hallway like a dog and it was SO FUNNY so just imagine (1/2)
you’re sitting in the living room and you’d look down the hallway to only hear a “thumpathumpathump” followed by a “SCREEEEEAAAAAAAAAACCCHHHHH” as my mom RAN AS FAST AS PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE AWAY FROM HIM :’D so yeah. My cat Toby :D (2/2)
that is the most ridICULOUS THING I’VE EVER HEARD JFDLKF, I love when cats just go wild in hallways goD, thank you for this !!
and I’m very sorry to hear about your loss as well, I’m sure toby was super loved himself ;0;
anon said: I'll share a cat story too! we had a cat named smokey, who could stretch to be as long as I was tall (as a 5th-grade babby). and he was very. VERY into food. our kitchen was kind of just a long hallway, and it had completely smooth wood-laminate flooring, and his food bowl was against the far wall. anytime someone went into the kitchen after about 5 pm, smokey would lose his mind and go sprinting into the kitchen. but the floor was smooth, and he was fast. he ran into the wall quite a bit.
another story about smokey and food: dad’s girlfriend at the time (now wife) made us a pan of brownies, and we left them on the counter overnight. when we woke up, half of the pan had been chewed down. dad thought it was me and my brother at first, until he looked a little closer. what did he see? kitty nose prints. -n- smokey would also open cabinets to steal bread and fling it all around the house, which necessitated baby locks on the cabinets. he was. smart in the dumbest ways.
I love smokey ??? smokey sounds like the perfect and most exemplary ridiculous cat in existence?? thank you, these made me smile a lot jdklf
anon said: my cat's name is Tuxie, my mom named him that because he's black with a little white tuxedo pattern. He was our neighborhood stray for years until he started making friends with our other cats through the glass and when winter came, we couldn't help but bring him in. He's incredibly buff but not feral, vet says he was probably abandoned by his last owner. He's very kind and shy and polite and the only noise he makes is little squeaks when he jumps we love him to bits
!!! I’m so glad he’s got a home with you guys now, he sounds like an absolute sweetheart ;0;
en-el-espanol-de-la-rae asked: my mom head a cat hus name was agüi (a mix of the spanish word for water n here bc apparently they had found him by the river) n he was Very Clingy and liked to climb and his fave resting spot was around ppl's necks for some unknown reason so a common sight in our house was agüi around someone's neck... i dont have pics of him but he was v photogenic my mom took a lot of pics w him in college n took him everywhere
he sounds adorable omg, thank you for sharing… cats are just ?? so good ??? poppy used to just lie on my back/shoulders if i was ever in the position for her to do so lmao
again. thank you all so much for sending me these things, they really meant a lot 
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