#bottle gourd oi
parichaytimes · 3 years
लौकी से सफेद बाल होंगे काले और गंजेपन से भी मिलेगा निजात, बस ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल
लौकी से सफेद बाल होंगे काले और गंजेपन से भी मिलेगा निजात, बस ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल
Image Source : FREEPIK.COM लौकी से सफेद बाल होंगे काले और गंजेपन से भी मिलेगा निजात, बस ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल हर किसी को बाल काले ही अच्छे लगते हैं लेकिन जब यह बिना बुढ़ापे के ही सफेद होने लगें तो खराब लगता है। वहीं दूसरी और समय से पहले गंजापन का भी शिकार होना अच्छा नहीं लगता है। इसलिए  आपको जानना होगा कि बाल कम उम्र में ही कम और सफेद क्यों हो जाते हैं। जब बालों में मिलेनिन पिगमेंटेशन की कमी हो जाती…
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solska · 4 years
Day 2! This will henceforth be called "Downhill Love Story".
You bought your cheap fags using your benefits from the Co-Op, barely managing to remain standing under the sway of your multiple drug addictions, much to the suprise of the man who stunk of petrol behind the counter.
Walking out however, something was amiss: Sandor was nowhere to be seen! Not squatting on the filthy stone tiles nor lying in a bin, off his head on coke. This was weirdly intriguing, you thought, for Sandor and his plastic carrier bag full of Class A substances rarely left the steps - except of course for when the local curry house had a deal on.
Yet, thinking back through a drug clouded mind, you remembered his flirtations (just!). Heroin had a tendancy to make you stand there and drool as you tried to remember things. Such is life. But indeed, Sandor had flirted, and grabbing your bottle of rip off "Smurfkoff" vodka, you headed immediately for the dog walking park: for surely this is where true Downhill love was found.
It took a while indeed, to make it all 15ft back across the road towards the park, yet eventually you staggered across, drunk and off your gourd high, for determination to find your star-crossed benefits scrounger ruled your semi deranged mind.
"Oi mush is that you in the bush there" you yelled at a rusty signpost, mistaking it for Sandor in your drugged up delerium.
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eirist · 5 years
Hello there! How are you? Love your page and fics! 💚 So, here's a prompt: Zoro and Nami end up drinking alone (During Wano), and realising how much they've missed these moments alone, and maybe show a little how they care about each other? ;)
One-shot #: 14
Disclaimer: One Piece (and its characters) belongs to Eiichiro Oda-sensei.
Reminder: I have no beta-reader. Any grammatical and spelling errors are solely mine.
Warning: OOC possible. One shot.
Rating: T (Light fluff)
Note: To be honest, this one-shot just won’t cooperate. I have drafts after drafts. I’ve re-written multiple times and finally, it let itself be written. To anon who requested this, I'm really glad you love my page and fics! And sorry for the long wait! Enjoy.
Summary: The swordsman and the navigator share a calm-before-the-storm moment.  
“Please don’t tell me that you are actually drunk?”  
Zoro reluctantly opened his eye and wasn’t at all surprised to see Nami looming over him as he leaned against a random tree trunk, about to lose himself into his much needed nap. With a hand on her waist and hips cocked to the side, she stared at him with one eyebrow raised.
“And what if I am?”
She pursed her lips at his answer. “Tch. That’s just disappointing Zoro.”
The swordsman snorted. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?” He drawled sarcastically, cocking his own eyebrow at her. Like he would get drunk with the measly amount of sake they all had during dinner.
A cheeky grin appeared on Nami’s face. “Well if that finally settles who’s the real heavy drinker between us… then yeah.”
Zoro huffed before closing his eye again; intent on ignoring Nami and just sleeping off his discontentment with the inadequate drink earlier.
He felt her settle beside him before a hard object was suddenly rammed into his abdomen, momentarily cutting of his air and prompting him to let out an undignified ‘ooofh’. 
“What the hell Nami!?” He shouted, gritting his teeth and glaring daggers at her. 
The navigator’s eyes crinkled with mirth at his reaction. He drew back a little, a bit surprised to find himself almost face to face with her.
“Provisions,” she answered nonchalantly, prodding his middle with the object she was holding in a rather forceful manner.
Zoro looked down, surprised that the thing she was shoving at him was a sake gourd.
“Sanji-kun made sure you have enough sake to keep you in tip-top fighting condition.”
“Ain’t that sweet of him?”
The green-haired man scoffed. “You think I’d believe that swirly cares about my needs?”
Nami rolled her eyes at his response. “Whether you believe it or not, the important thing is you have enough alcohol to stuff down that throat of yours and knock yourself out cold.”
“Oh really? And to what do I owe this honor?”
“Who to be more specific,” she corrected. “Well aside from Sanji-kun… me of course! That’s roughly a hundred thousand belis on your tab.”
“Come on, who do you think convinced him to get all that meat and alcohol huh?“ 
Zoro smirked at her. "Knew that aho cook doesn’t give a damn about what I want.”
The navigator narrowed her eyes at him. “Hmmm? And you are saying that I do?”
“You got me the alcohol witch.”
“You shouldn’t have bothered." 
The mapmaker regarded him disbelievingly for a moment. "Oh you don’t want it?” She moved to withdraw her hand but Zoro was faster. He closed his own around her wrist, stopping her.  
“I never said I didn’t want it.”
They stared at each other for a few seconds before Nami let out a ‘hmph’ and pulled her hand away from his grip.
Well… tried to pull away to be exact.
She frowned at him. “Zoro!”
His other hand moved to snatch the sake away from her. 
Her lips curled into a smile. “And here you got me thinking that you don’t want it. Too bad… I would drink it myself.”
The swordsman huffed. “You don’t even like sake.”
“Hmm… not quite true,” Nami tapped a finger on her cheek. “I have preferences. But beggars can’t be choosers right? Alcohol is still alcohol.” She swiftly filched the sake gourd from his grip and winked at him while uncorking it.
His lone eye widened as she brought it to her lips and drank the potent liquid as if it was just water.
“Aah! That was nice!” She remarked, licking her lips and grinning mischievously as she handed the sake back to him.
Zoro was looking sullen as he shook the container, trying to gauge the amount the cat thief had drank, knowing she can guzzle it all until the last drop without keeling over.
That’s actually one of the reasons why the navigator is secretly his favorite drinking buddy.
“What’s with that expression Zoro?” Nami pouted at him. “I saved some for you.”
The former pirate hunter just shrugged as he flicked a glance at her before returning his attention back to the gourd.
“Problem?” Nami shifted closer to him, peering at his face. “I don’t have cooties Zoro!” She growled at him when she realized his hesitation. “The nerve! I didn’t know you are this finicky!”
“I am not!” Zoro snarled at her.
“Could it be…” Nami drew back a little with a gasp. “You’re thinking that it’s kinda like an indirect kiss?”
“The hell Nami!!!”
“Oh Zoro, you’re making me blush,” she cupped both of her cheeks with her hands in an attempt to look like an embarrassed, bashful maiden.
“Why… you’re blushing as well Zoro!” She teasingly pointed out.
“Shut up Nami! Don’t you go pulling that crap on me now,” Zoro groused. “How many times have we drunk in the same bottle huh?”
Nami suddenly dropped her teasing facade. “Too few since we arrived here in the New World,” she replied with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
It made him pause when she unexpectedly turned a bit serious at his question. “You’re counting.”
The mapmaker shrugged her shoulders. “Not hard to remember since we haven’t been drinking together a lot.”
Silence enveloped them at her answer. True it had been a long time since they have sat down together to drink. It’s not like they have a choice. From the moment they sailed into the New World seas, the crew had spent more time separated than together.
“When was the last time we did this Nami?” Zoro inquired after finally taking a drink of the sake he was holding.
“Fishman Island,” Nami responded, the wistful smile never leaving her face. “Before Usopp crashed our two-man party from too much eating.”
“Heh,” the memory made him grin. “Before Chopper appeared dragging that ero-kappa who nearly fainted from ogling at the mermaids too much.“
"Yes. Before you decide to just sleep on me since we’ve got company.” Nami added, taking the sake gourd from him as he wiped his mouth with the sleeve of his white yukata.
“That seems long ago, huh?" 
Nami nodded. “Yup. We weren’t able drink together when we were in Zou.”
“That’s because you were too busy worrying about that stupid cook.” The swordsman grumbled.
“Be nice Zoro. He’s your crew mate too.” Nami drank, letting the sake’s taste fill her mouth.
She threw the gourd lightly towards Zoro who caught in effortlessly. He scrutinized the sake container in his hand, coming to a conclusion that it wouldn’t last long. Not when he and Nami are the ones drinking it. 
"So, are you ready for the upcoming battle?” Nami asked out of the blue. “It’s just in a few days…”
Zoro paused midway to bringing the container to his lips. "I’m always ready for battle Nami. I’m a swordsman.”
“Aren’t you nervous?”
An arrogant smirk appeared on his face. “As if.”
She laughed despite herself. “What a stupid thing to ask…”
“Hmmm… This is a disaster. Yonko after yonko.”
“Can’t help it. We will eventually face them one way or another.”
“But not like one after the other.” Nami complained with a pout. She grabbed the sake from Zoro again after he finished drinking. “We just faced off with Big Mom now here we are about to face Kaido.”
The green-haired man just grunted something inaudible as she gulped down a mouthful of sake. He watched her in the corner of his eye with concealed admiration. A flush had found its way to her cheeks but he knows that she was still far from inebriation.
She made a smacking sound with her lips after drinking and he motioned to her to hand him the sake gourd.
Nami shifted closer to him as she complied. “Are you really ready?” She queried again, looking at him curiously. “You just got this new sword and you only have a few days to get used to it.”
She knows how Zoro takes pride in mastering his katanas.  But with only a short time left until the battle…. 
The former pirate hunter tilted his head towards her, meeting her gaze at her with one serious gray eye.
“It’s more powerful than your last one,” Nami continued. “And kinda frightening.” She glanced at the black sword he just recently acquired and recalled how he managed to cut off a rather large part of the land with just one swing as it sucked the haki from him. 
“Why? Worried?”
Nami’s head snapped up towards him at that. She felt her face turned a deeper shade of red as he voiced out what she was hoping wouldn’t be obvious.
“Like hell am!” She scowled at him, trying to cover up her embarrassment.
Zoro was looking amusedly at her as she folded her arms across her chest and looked away.
“You don’t believe in me Nami?”
That made her stop. She worried her lower lip and forced herself to look at him straight in the eye. “Of course I do,” she admitted albeit glumly.
“Then there’s nothing to worry about, right?”
Nami studied his face as he held her gaze. Zoro is so strong—a fact that she should not forget. It was just probably the pre-battle jitters getting to her. 
She glanced at his swords again. Three katanas that helped made him formidable. Her eyes lingered at the black one, Enma, the replacement of the one he got from Thriller Bark. 
Hitetsu had said something about how a normal swordsman would’ve turned into a dry husk from using it. Zoro merely got his arm sucked dry before reclaiming his haki back from the sword. A feat that left most of their allies impressed.
“I keep forgetting how much of a monster you are and it would take a lot to defeat you.” Nami said with a sigh, leaning back against the tree.
“You sound disappointed,” Zoro said with a laugh. He scrutinized her for a moment before nudging her with his shoulder as he handed her the sake back. “Thanks I guess.” He spoke softly, clearly understanding what was going on inside her head.
Nami puffed her cheeks at him. “I’m not really worried about you!” She retorted, taking a hefty swig of the sake, to cover up her mortification. Zoro had just read right through her.
Zoro raised an eyebrow at her and chuckled. “Don’t choke on it witch.”
She glowered at the Supernova after she finished drinking. “I’m actually more worried about me!” The navigator declared in a feisty manner.
“That’s so typically you.”
“Of course! I’m not made for battle! Not everyone in the crew’s formidable you know.”
“But eventually you’ll see it through if need be.”
“How sure are you?”
Zoro shrugged. “You wouldn’t be here with us if that’s not the case.”
Nami stared at him. Stared for a long time that Zoro began to feel uneasy under her gaze and felt a warm sensation creeping from his neck to his face. 
“Sometimes you are not so bad Zoro,” she whispered with a genial smile.
He scoffed, trying to hide his now blushing face by grabbing the sake from her and chugging down the liquid. 
This time they silently drank; passing the container back and forth as the wind blew and rocked the bamboo trees around them. The soft rustling of its leaves and the rattling sound emanating from the stalks was amazingly soothing as they both enjoyed this rare and—unknown to each other—much-anticipated time together.  
Nami noticed his relaxed expression and the way the corner of his lips were quirked up. 
“You are smiling,” she observed when she passed him the sake again.
“Can i not?”
“Means you’re enjoying this.”
Zoro just chuckled at her. But did not elaborate.
Of course he enjoys drinking with her. She’s the only one in their crew who can keep up with him after all.
But what he likes most about drinking with her is when they get to share some quiet instances when they are just alone with each other without fighting, without getting in each other’s nerves. 
They are just together to simply enjoy each other’s presence.
And truth be told… it just sink into him tonight just how much he actually missed these kind of moments with her.
“Are you not enjoying it too?” He casually asked, but realized from the smile adorning her pretty face that she was thinking and feeling the same thing as him.
“I honestly like drinking with you,” Nami admitted, even though she did not answer his question. “We almost never do it anymore.”
“You missed it?”
She grinned. “Didn’t realize how much until now. How about you? You didn’t?”
Zoro smiled. Not his typical downright irritating smirk. But a genuine, happy smile. 
“Wouldn’t have shared this sake with you if not.”
This time her smile reached her eyes, as her warm, brown orbs gleamed enchantingly with delight.
He shook the sake container, showing her that the drink they were sharing was nearly gone. 
Nami laughed softly. “What do you say to catching up?”
The smile on Zoro’s face widened. “I say yes.”
They looked at each other.
“I just hope shitty cook’s provisions can last long.” Zoro said as he drank the remaining contents of the alcohol, shaking it a bit to make sure not a single drop was left.
“Of course,” Nami said confidently. “I made sure of that.” She threw a mischievous smile at him. “Are you up for pilfering the stocks?”
“Right under aho cook’s nose?" Zoro’s grin was shark-like. "Definitely." 
She laughed as Zoro stood up. And he surprised her by offering his hand to help her to stand. 
"Come on. Let’s get our drinks and continue this Nami.”
“Better do something fun first… in case we die on the raid or something.” Nami said cheekily as she took his hand and let him pull her up.
“I’m not planning on dying in the upcoming battle witch!”
“Besides I want to look for that Touji’s sake, said to be the finest here in Wano,” Zoro grinned at her. “I’ll find it then we can drink it ‘til one of us keels over.”
“And see who can really outlast each other!” Nami agreed. She squeezed his hand. “I’ll take you up on that.”
“It’s a promise.”
Nami smiled radiantly at that. He never breaks his promises.
She was about to take a step away from him when he stopped her.
“’Til then don’t you go dying evil witch,” Zoro murmured, shifting closer to kiss her forehead.
Nami closed her eyes, reveling at the sensation as he let his lips linger longer against her.
“Right back at you,” she whispered when he pulled away. “You still owe me that sake.”
He laughed. It was something to look forward to once everything is over. 
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