#bouncey boy!!!
swingingthehatchetnow · 11 months
Pete always averted his eyes around the homeless man downtown. Whether it was because he got awkward around social interaction or felt unwarranted guilt about the man’s situation, he’d never managed to look the man in the eyes before. He couldn’t describe his face if he tried.
That changed after Jägerman.
The things that used to be uncomfortable really weren’t anymore. After holding court with the Void, a man on the street really doesn’t seem all that intimidating. Ruth and Richie would’ve made fun of him if he was scared of the little things after the whole ordeal, he knew. It helped him to imagine their reactions. Coping and whatnot.
His walk home was lonelier. As were his study sessions and social life. But the walks home were when he really felt their loss. Even though Pete and Ruth lived in the opposite direction, they’d walk with Richie to his place, and then cut through downtown to get back to the other side of town, where he and Ruth would part ways near the Coldstone, both going to their respective homes.
He still followed that route. Coping. And whatnot.
It was just after noon. Pete had his AP statistics final in the morning, and had no class in the afternoon, because his teachers were proctoring other exams around the school. So here he was. Peter Spankoffski, walking through downtown Hatchetfield, alone. Steph had a full school day, so he wouldn’t see her until later.
“Excuse me, do you have a minute to talk about saving our planet?”
He turned. The Green Peace girl was at it again, with a wide smile and a clipboard in hand.
“It’ll only take a minute of your time,” she continued, now holding out a brochure. Trying to reduce the amount of time he had to talk to her, he took it wordlessly.
“I, um—” his voice cracked, and his face flushed red. Nobody else his age was still having voice cracks. He cleared his throat. “I’ll take a look at it. Saving the world and all.”
Not like he hadn’t done that once already.
The Green Peace girl smiled even wider, and did a little bouncey turn on her heel. The way she bobbed off reminded Pete of Steph when she was in a particularly happy mood. This thought relaxed him a bit.
He tucked the brochure into his pocket and continued walking, though he didn’t get far before he was cut off by someone else.
“Spare change for the homeless?”
Of course he knew that voice. Anyone who spent more than five minutes downtown knew about the homeless man.
Before he even looked at the man in front of him, Pete reached for his wallet. He’d just gotten a bonus at work, so he figured he had a few dollars to spare. Besides, his movie theater job paid surprisingly well.
He grabbed a $5 bill and turned to the man.
“Here you—”
He knew that face.
Older, sure, and a little lost-looking, but there was no doubt about it. Pete was looking at…
The 20 year age gap between the Spankoffski boys left them with an interesting dynamic. It was hard to feel like brothers sometimes when one of them was coming home from kindergarten while the other was getting a full time job at CCRP.
But they had their moments. When Pete was learning how to drive, Ted would let him use his car, even though he hadn’t gotten his license yet, or the night before freshman year, when Ted gave Pete his ‘Spankoffski guide to charming the ladies’ guidebook.
Hand trembling, holding out the $5 bill, Pete looked into the cloudy eyes of his older brother. His older older brother.
Somehow, some way… Ted was standing in front of Pete, a shadow of his former self.
“That’s way cool, man,” he said, taking the $5 from Pete. No sense of recollection could be seen.
“Ted, what happened to you…?” Pete watched Ted pocket the money. And then Ted… walked off. Just like that.
“Ted, wait!” Pete called after him, but Ted didn’t turn around. He simply tugged his hat down over his ears and walked off.
With trembling hands, Pete reached for his phone. He spent no more than 3 seconds looking for his brother’s contact info and hitting the call button.
One ring.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in school?”
Pete sighed in relief at the sound of his brother’s voice on the other end of the line.
“No,” he said, “my AP exam was today. Ted, I—” he paused, realizing he had no idea what he was going to say. How do you ask someone if they know that they’re the homeless man from downtown.
He lost his nerve.
“…I was just wondering if you want to hang out later. I— I got a new game, and—”
“Yeah, sure whatever. I get off work at the usual time.” A sound came from Ted’s end of the line, fabric shifting, like he’d adjusted how he was sitting. “Is that all? Because I was about to pull the ol’ Spankoffski charm on this barista that Paul is trying to snag.”
The familiarity of the conversation was enough to ease Pete’s worries. Sure, he’d held court with the Void, lost his two best friends, nearly got shot executioner-style, and ran into what he was certain was some version of his brother in the streets… but all that didn’t matter because somewhere in downtown Hatchetfield, Ted Spankoffski was fine. And so was Pete.
“I don’t say it a lot, but I’m glad you’re my brother, Teddy.”
“Sorry, I was talking to Charlotte. Did you say something?”
Pete smiled and hung up.
Maybe the universe was bigger than he knew and could ever understand.
So what.
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ckret2 · 4 months
what do you think Bill named his bouncey baby onceler boys?
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twiceler and thriceler
they're twinslers
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deltarunebt · 1 month
Lancer gonna be as wacky and good bouncey boy as deltarune? :)
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of course! that's a given.
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mochacabbagefetus · 2 months
Bouncey Boy
its Lancer!!! The Bouncey Boy!!
thankies to @ghostlysage for the inspo while You were drawing!!
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kyiubi5thgear · 8 months
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Ima back bois with these 2 sillies as spearmaster and rivulets pup, Claymore the Gelmaster And Tuna the Sturgeon! Tuna was found in the outskirts and the gelmaster...uh me and my buddy dont know yet cuz weve only found tuna in his survivors campaign, but anyway Claymores abilities is that he can create various weapons out of gel on his tail and back, he is very squishy and is immune to fall damage, he also sticks on walls and is very bouncey, Tuna takes more after rivulet though, as theyre fast and agile and also have a special ability called strong tail which is when he charges up an attack with his tail in a fixed position, and lunge forward to flick and possibly kill the opponent, based him off big fin tuna andsturgeon since theyre both big strong fish
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Thats it for now, maybe ill post spearmaster and rivulets stuff next
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maxiscoolongg · 10 months
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"What! I cant do that!?"
💌:chooch bambalazi
Warnings: nothing really
It's been a week and we found out Oliver has a girlfriend, and he sent a letter to her but hasn't gotten anything back yet I feel kinda bad. But anyway right now I'm doing chores with Mr.No name "Why don't you ever say your name?" I asked him cleaning the sinks "Why would I need to? It doesn't matter" "Yeah it does! How are you gonna address you if we haven't gotten your name" I said as he looked at me "You already know how to! You call me no name" "come on man! Just tell it?" I said as I got annoyed "Will ya stop asking questions if I do?" "Yeah! For sure" I said grinning "Fine. It's Chooch Bambalazi" he said a my eyes lit up
"Cool. My name is boring" he said as he made a face "We never got your name what is it," he said as I chuckled "Wouldn't you like to know" I said as I continued to clean the sinks I was moving to the other sink until an arm rapped around my waist my smile dropped as I turned around "What now chooch" I said as I was clearly flustered he noticed and smirked "What's your name, come on I told you mine now you tell me yours" he said as I got more flustered as he came closer "Ask Ike" I said as I moved my head he backed up and took his hands of my waist
Damn you chooch.
Right now we were in class and I was focused on the lesson un like the boys they were all staying at her chest. I can says yes she is attractive but every single boy has a fucking boner right now like what the fuck. I turned around as a boy moaned. Ew, "Any questions" she asked as I roase my hand "Yes?" She said as I smiled "What was the first gun?" I asked "Ah yes. The M-1 semi automatic rifle" she said as I thanked her.
When we got back to our room it was dark out and I needed to change so I went to the bathroom to changed, i got changed into shorts and a bra that didn't expose much .When i got back Chooch was doing homework as Ikes radio was playing he mocked the voice I got on my bed then i was throwing my bouncey ball up and down hash was praying (I'm pretty sure) Oliver was sitting with ike who was mocking his dad and cleaning shoes "That's really your dad huh?" Oliver asked "That's my pop, the faith healer" ike said "Can he really perform miracles?" Oliver asked ike "well he got us to Beverly Hills and that's a miracle." Ike said as chooch got up and turned off the radio "I'm tryna do my homework do you mind?" He asked as i chuckled "Nerd alert" I said giggling "Its ikes father!" Oliver said as ike defined "Hey, it's ok" ike said to Oliver "What are you trying to find on that map?" Ike asked "the Mildred S. Butch Academy" that caught my attention "Hey! I was supposed to go there" I said getting off the top bunk "I know where it is" I said as I looked on the map "Found it" I said grabbing a marker and circling it "Why you wanna find it?"
"My girl's there." Oliver said as I smiled "Don't try. Liceman will catch you" "Way to ruin the mood" I said rolling my eyes "only if you tell em' " Oliver said as I got back up on the top bunk "Shorts collection!" A guy said in uniform "what, repeat?" I said sarcastically "I was just on my way to the laundry, why don't you slip out of your little undershorts? Okay?" He said as my eyes widen "I'm okay. I'd much rather keep my pants on" I said as ike agreed by saying "Thanks anyway sir, but we're gonna do our laundry tomorrow." He said as I nodded then the guy walked away "I'd rather die then where no clothes infront of you guys." I said as I looked at ike and Oliver, then a gust of cold air came in
We started shaking but then liceman past us "Shit he got powers or something." I said as I went to my top bunk.
The next week almost all the boys did soccer try outs. I didn't because im not a fan of soccer so I watched the tryouts, ike wasn't the best and the coach yelled at him, anyway I was on the bleachers I'm supposed to be writing a letter so that's what I'm doing.
Dear ma,
I'm sorry about what happened at home, I know you and dad loved each other I should've told you that he was cheatin'. Did you know they have sports here I thought it was just military stuff, anyway how are things at home? Is it cold I know Canada can be cold. I've been drawing recently if I can't I'll tape a picture of a drawing for you! Do you know if dds gonna be there on parents day?, it would be nice if he would. Liceman is excatly like you said mean and pathetic. There's this guy in my room his name is chooch, he is kinda pretty for a boy but I don't like him like that so do even, see you at parents day!
Love Y/N
I finshed my letter and watched the tryouts I noticed how Chooch was just standing there I don't know if he was judging or just bored, could be both all the boys started tackling each other. It was funny to see. Then liceman came onto the bleachers. "In exactly 28 days and 1400 hours, during Parents weekend, there will come an annual Sheldon R. Weinberg memorial faculty-student soccor game!" Then everyone started cheering "I'll be playing for the faculty, abd I'll be playing to win... and i may add! The faculty has never lost!" He said as I noticed chooch was bouncing the soccer ball on his legs honestly kinda impressive. Then he kicked it, they started playing again and Jesus Chooch was good. Choch picked the ball up and kicked it and it landed in licemans hands, liceman walked to where I was on the bleachers Then kicked it and hash ran to kick it. The kick landing on licemans back.
Hash ran to liceman I looked away for one second and I looked back and saw liceman pulling off hash cope. "Oh shit." I said realizing what happened.
As I was doing my chores with chooch again but this time we were cleaning a different bathroom "Hey y/n," chooch said as I turned around "He actually told you my name?" I asked shaking my head "Yeah.. got a problem with that?" He asked as I shook my head "Nah. Just thought he wouldn't do it" I said shrugging going back to mopping "you hear the plan about Oliver's girl?" I asked "Yeah they won't stop talking about it" he said as I agreed "Man, they asked me to cover for em' while they are gone" I said chuckling "What'd you say?" He asked curious "I said no, I don't want any trouble with lice" I said as I put the mop away.
As we were in our room I was dressed in the same thing hut different shorts and a different bra. "Maybe chooch can cover for us if we're not back in time" ike said walking to chooch "Hey look, I ain't covering. You guys go over the wall, you take your own choices. Leave me outta this." "You sure you don't wanna join?" Oliver said as I looked down hash looked at me "Y/n wanna cov-" "I said no already, I'm fine with staying here" I said as I noticed a new kid come into our room "Why, are you falling apart ?" The kid said as I sat on my bed
"Gentelmen- and women, I'm a new student" he said as I looked at him as he turned around in a circle "What can I do for you handleman" I said getting off my bed walking to him "the names not handle man, it's Ververgaert Rodney" "Sounds like kidney, I'm y/n, y/n l/n" I said before walking away to my bed again "Handelmens the school I just got kicked out of" he said as I nodded "do you have an extra bunk" "over there" Oliver said pointing to choochs bunks "Okay." Rodney said as he walked over to the bunk "happy birthday chooch." Oliver said sarcastically. Rodney climbed on the top bunk "You mind if I take this one!" He said as chooch turned around "Yeah. I do." Chooch said as Rodney climbed down "This one?" "Free country,"
"You don't wet your bed, do ya?" Rodney asked as I held in a laugh "no, I genuinely just piss over the side" he said making me laugh "I wet my bed sometimes" "Your putting me on" ike said as he walked forwards "Aren't you a little to old to ve wetting the bed?" "I can't help it. I'm emotionally disturbed"
"Trust me, we can tell" I said in a wishper I zoned out on the whole convo falling asleep fast.
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Bouncey Boys
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hexiewrites · 2 years
make this inn our own: chapter one
for @thefreakandthehair's spicy six winter prompt challenge, my steddie hallmark au!
read it on ao3
After a family secret threatens the upstanding Harrington name, Steve is forced to leave Hawkins right after highschool. Life carries on without him, The Party defeats Vecna and the gates close, and ten years pass. Then, Otis Harrington dies and leaves Steve the Carnation Inn. With Christmas fast approaching, business man Steve must return to Hawkins and fix it up to sell. But coming home comes with guilt, trauma, and grappling with his identity in the Harrington family, and the family secret that tore him away from the one person who may have understood what he was going through. Add in a dilapidated inn, a snarky handyman, a meddling gang of no-longer-kids, and a little bit of Christmas Magic, and everything Steve has fought so hard to build is suddenly threatening to crumble around him.
chapter one: boys don't cry
“Umm. Mr. Harrington?”
Steve groaned, and scrubbed a hand over his face as he looked up from the screen in front of him, immediately losing track of the numbers swimming across the screen. “Candice,” he said, slow as he tried to keep the anger out of his voice. “I told you to hold all my calls. I need to get these reports done and I just don’t have time.”
Candice shuffled, nervously, in the doorway. He couldn’t fault her too much, truthfully. She was one of those perpetually slightly nervous girls, flighty and a little bouncey, but she was a good assistant. One time, when someone had tried to barge in unannounced, she held on to the doorframe so tightly to stop them that she’d almost broken a nail. And when his brain hit the point where the numbers mixed up more than usual, if he asked, she’d read them out to him, careful and slow, with no judgment whatsoever. “I know,” she said, and let out a sigh. “I told them that, trust me. But the person is insistent. They, um. They told me to tell you it was about, uh, Otis? And they said you’d know who that was, and they won’t hang up until you answer the phone.”
Steve felt the colour drain out of his face, heart lurching into his chest. Otis Harrington, his granddad. Family, and even though his dad hadn’t talked to the man in at least ten years, Otis was one of the good ones. One of the ones who still sent a card every Christmas, still told Steve he was always welcome, still answered Steve’s calls even though as the years went on the time between them stretched further and further. He hadn’t seen Otis in probably three years now, the last time the man had come into the city and gotten lunch with them, but he’d been thinking about maybe trying to get back to Hawkins for Christmas. But it was always the war inside of him: half wanting to see Otis, to curl up in the giant arm chair in front of the fire like when he was a little kid, to listen to his stories and hear Otis’s big belly laugh, sneak drags off his pipe, and half the voices in his head, Nancy, bullshit bullshit bullshit, his father, this fucking town is only good for fags and commies, and Harrington’s are no fags and commies, and Dustin, who he could still hear through his tinny voicemail, why did you leave without telling me? We almost died and we needed you and you weren’t here! Good to know we mean shit all to you just like everybody else.
No. He knew, in his heart, he was never going back to Hawkins for Christmas.
keep reading on ao3
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askaltr114209 · 2 years
OOC: That was so much fun! Thank you so much for that! I love the way you write anti, and playing Jackie was really fun! I rarely play as the hero boy so it was a fun experience- you RP really well!!
OOC: yeyeyeye! I am very bouncey lol You rp Jackie really well too! I'm excited to see where this goes! Thank you for hoppin on the bandwagon!
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dodgeboysupreme · 25 days
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oldschoolfic-ds9 · 1 year
Get Me to the Church on Time
by CAllan, unknown year
‘Relax, my boy,' Gramma Kiran patted his arm in comfort. She had taken Nerys' place by his side for this visit, since his Ale'al was in Ops trying to sort out a veritable fleet of visiting ships. 'You won't be the first one who's had to waddle up the aisle. Although before now, it used to be the womenfolk.
Words: 2923, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: none listed
Characters: Odo, Kira
Relationships: Odo/Kira
Reader suggested tags (what are these?): humor
The Pit Saga series:
Fighting the Pit Within
Outlaw Inlaws
Riding Shotgun
Get Me to the Church on Time
Baby on Bored
Bouncey Baby Blues
Toddler? HA!
One Man, One Vote
Time Out
Multiplication, That’s the Name of the Game...
Ma and Pagh
The Spiders and the Blooms
links (link broken? report it and try the archive.org alternative):
archive.org - option 1
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mariverses · 1 year
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cat gif for you
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Some shit ideas for Mothskier prompts maybe?
- Jaskier runs out of energy one time, pretty early on in their partnership, and Geralt thinks...mothboyfriend need nectar! and gets him a Mountain Dew.
It goes about as well as you'd expect.
- Moth courting rituals. Fairy lights, waltzing dances, fuzzy fabric 'wings' Geralt uses to hold his mothboy close (like putting your coat round someone to keep them warm?)
- Jaskier Gets A Job (museum curator? Lecturer?) Something smart where he can also be his clumsy-ass self yes I am projecting why do you ask
- Jask is minorly ill and Geralt feeds him herbal tea and honey from a teaspoon
- Jask is Very Hurt and Geralt turns up at the hospital frantic only to be soothed by the fact that Jask's wings and/or feelers are moving softly even though he's unconscious because now he Knows he'll be okay
- Mothboyfriend scaring the shit out of the Kaer Morons by arriving on their fire escape. Four floors up. When the rest of the ladder is pulled up.
- Mothboyfriend discovers sweet wine and gets tipsy
- Sad droopy feelers go ding! when Geralt gets back from a contract that's overrun
- H/C where Jasky has a shit day at work and comes in with his face and wings and feelers all 😞 and gets a big cuddle
- Bedazzled Party Wings
- Geralt Wears Deelyboppers To Match Mothboyfriend
I love all of these and I would like to add:
-Jaskier buys the Kaer Morons matching Deelyboppers because he wants everyone to know that they're part of his Moth Squad.
-He fights every other vaguely bug-shaped thing that comes near Geralt, including but not limited to: Advertisements for exterminators, Halloween decorations, and/or children in costumes for a school play.
-Never Give Him Mountain Dew Again.
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221bsunsettowers · 4 years
All In For Eight Nights Plus Forever (Geraskier 80s AU)
Thanks to the anon who left Bouncey a Hanukkah request for her fantastic Geralt/Jaskier 80s boyfriends AU, and thanks to @bounce-a-coin-off-your-witcher Bouncey for letting me play in her glorious AU playground with this one. 
Being so good with kids, Jaskier had immediately been volunteered to help with his little cousins' Hanukkah party, which meant of course Geralt had found himself volunteered as well. He wasn't going to miss the chance to spend a day with his boyfriend. Plus he loved  seeing Jaskier so happy and carefree.
Not that he was getting too many glimpses of his boyfriend, considering Geralt felt like he was currently in football practice running drills. But he couldn't say no to all the kids begging for piggyback rides with Geralt sprinting around the yard. Jaskier hopped on for one, of course, rewarding Geralt with a kiss on the cheek that made him blush-and made all the kids yell "Ew!" because, well, kissing.
Curious, Geralt walked over to where Jaskier was sitting at a low picnic table with a group of children. Perching next to him, he watched as his boyfriend held up a small spinning top. "This is a dreidel," Jaskier explained to both the kids and Geralt, turning it to show them each of the four sides. "Gimel, you get all the gelt-that's the chocolate coins- in the middle, Nun, you get nothing, Hey, you get half, Shin, you have to put one in."
Watching his boyfriend expertly spin the dreidel, Geralt grinned as Jaskier landed on Hey and immediately tore open one of his winnings, stuffing the chocolate from inside the gold foil straight into his mouth. When Geralt kissed him, he could taste the milk chocolate (and ignore the background noise of "Ew!", thank you very much. He took no offense. The kids had screamed "Ew!" whenever anyone dared kiss anyone, even and especially their parents.). 
Watching his adorable boyfriend tell a highly dramatic rendition of the story of Hanukkah, well, Geralt would never get tired of that either. He loved seeing Jaskier in his element, performing for an adoring audience, and he loved the rush that came after when Jaskier came running into his arms for a spin and a kiss. Whether in a high school auditorium, or a large backyard, Jaskier shone on stage, no exceptions.
Towards the end of the evening, after the sun had gone down, Geralt sat with his arms around Jaskier, chest resting against the back of his own letterman's jacket that Jaskier wore anytime Geralt didn't have a game. They watched the glowing lights of the menorah shine in the darkness. 
Geralt pushed the remaining gelt in front of Jaskier, and winked, whispering "All in" into his boyfriend's ear.
"Geralt, there is no all in with the dreidel game!" Jaskier laughed, as Geralt unwrapped one of the coins and fed a piece to him. 
"But I'm all in with you, babe," Geralt promised, and the look in Jaskier's eyes as he spun in Geralt's arms for a deep kiss, well that was the taste of forever.
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I think if Henry Cavill ever wore a crop top I would die on the spot
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cultofthepigeon · 5 years
im still doing that venom comics reading list but to anyone invested in it:
im taking  quick beak to read up on the like....7 other comic characters ive gotten invested in while doing this shit
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