starbookcase · 2 years
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Panfletando uma das minhas sagas favoritas do universo de máfia. #borninbloodmafiachronicles #corarose #boundbyhonor #boundbylove #boundbyvengeance #boundbylove #boundbyhatred #boundbytemptation #boundbythepast #boundbyduty https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck1D1ERLaOB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-collazo · 2 years
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Jimmy, Blood in Blood Out. 🩸 Painting: “BACA” Series 1: Hispanic American Heritage 48 in. x 36 in. 🚨See giveaway posts for info on how to win a free print on 10/16!🚨 #TheCOLLAZO #PortraitArt #Portrait #JimmyBaca #Blood In Blood Out #BoundByHonor #Artwork #HispanicHeritage (at Allentown, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjk154Fuygz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hisreunion · 3 months
Not that anyone remembers but I used to be boundbyhonor a few years back in 2021 until I converted that blog into a Resi Evil multi. Decided to bring back both Cloud and Biggs because I've missed them (lowkey kinda mad about how they 'used' Biggs in Rebirth instead of having him die at the pillar like Jessie). Gonna see how this goes.
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angelicakatebooks · 7 months
journey of two hearts
🔗 Grab your copy today and join the journey of two hearts united against all odds. #MilitaryRomance #BoundByHonor #LoveBeyondBorders 💑🎗️
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luna-summers-scot · 3 years
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daisygreta · 3 years
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lucaria headers <3
• like or reblog if you save
• if you use, please give credits to gretameadws on twitter. don't repost or claim as your own.
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phantomarchive · 3 years
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Fluffy asks presented by : @boundbyhonor​​
Chris knew all of Jill's tells. And right now, he could see that she was stressed out and doing her best to cope. Had been ever since Raccoon City was reduced to a wasteland and she narrowly escaped with her life... He returned to the US in December after his trip to Europe with Barry and was hit with devastating news from the separate accounts of both his partner and his sister. Chris felt like shit for staying off the grid for so long. He should have been there for them... "Jill?" he said her name in the form of a question. She was so absorbed in thought that she didn't seem to notice him settle beside her on the couch, his strong arm going around her. He hoped that she wouldn't brush him off or shy away from the contact that was meant to comfort. "A lead will come. We just have to keep looking. What happened to Raccoon City..." A heavy sigh. "We won't let that happen ever again."
It’s so easy to get caught up in her own mind, her own anger, in her determination in taking down Umbrella, and the sheer overwhelming hurdle it presents. Anxiety eats away at her during the day, nightmares at night, guilt at all times. She wonders why she was allowed to live when so many other good people died, but she doesn’t dwell on it too much, uses her status as a survivor to fight for Umbrella’s victims. But sometimes, the daunting nature of the path she’s taking eats away at her. The losses weigh heavy on her. And she chews her lip to shreds before she realizes what she’s doing.
The couch sinks beside her, and she realizes Chris has taken a seat, slipped his arm around her, and christ is she grateful he’s here right now. An anchor, a pillar of support, someone she can lean on in her weaker moments. And, in turn, she’s here for him. None of them have had it easy, and Chris has been through just as much hell as any of them. With a sigh, she leans back and tucks herself against his side, head against his shoulder.
“Thanks, Chris,” she says with a tired exhale, eyes closing, shoulders slacking. “We’ll get them. They’ll pay for everything they did.” A promise to herself, to Chris, to the survivors and the dead. To the world. It’s a big cause with a lot that can go wrong, but she doesn’t have a choice but to fight. But maybe for now...a bit of rest.
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pulchralilium · 3 years
His approach is silent at first but he purposely makes a little noise (this comes in the form of faint throat-clearing) before he's within a foot of Aerith. Not wishing to startle her. It was just them there and he felt comfortable enough to express his affection by wrapping his arms around her from behind, letting his chin rest on her shoulder. "Hi," he murmurs before his face nestles into the crook of her neck.
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He catches her off guard despite the small warning of his presence. Aerith barely turns before he's enveloping her in his arms. Her lips widen in a smile, grateful for the small display of affection she knows took him time to work towards. Aerith rests her hands on his, leaning back into the touch and abandoning her task at hand. "Hi" She muses softly, leaning her head into his. "You're up early" She wished they could both go back to bed, but spending her morning with him would be sufficient for the time. "Miss me?~"
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badassbarmaid · 3 years
💋 (had to do it to 'em)
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Send  💋  to shut my muse up with a kiss
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Well, this was a turn of events.
She had been speaking to Cloud about the past -- about their home. She knew it was painful territory, but she also wanted him to know how much he had meant to her back then. Of course, Tifa was flustered and unable to meet his gaze most of the time while she spoke, which was why she missed him moving closer to her.
Why she completely missed his mouth coming towards her own. And why she missed the look in his eyes as he effectively -- very effectively -- shut her up.
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dxnzelstrife · 3 years
A grin blossomed across his face at the affirmation from the other. Jogging over to the fridge placing the paper onto the item with a small orange magnet. There. It was there now for all the world to see. Though something seemed to be missing. "Cloud? Do you have any papers that you're proud of like delivery slips that we can put up next to mine?"
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readsiplove · 4 years
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Review of Bound by Honor by Cora Reilly. 
*contains topics/scenes that may trigger some such as abuse and murder*
Premise: This book follows Aria Scuderi the mafia princess/oldest daughter of the Chicago Outfit and Luca Vitiello the mafia prince/oldest son and future Capo of the New York Famiglia. Aria is known for her beautiful looks and is thrown into an arranged marriage with Luca in order to strengthen the bonds between Chicago and New York to protect themselves against the Bratva and the Taiwanese. Aria is terrified of Luca because he is known for being a cold monster who choked his cousin to death with his two hands. However, Aria realizes that the cold exterior doesn’t exactly have roots inside his heart. 
My Thoughts: This book was the first book I’ve read by Cora Reilly and it will definitely not be my last! This book was addicting from start to finish and I finished it one day. It had a good amount of action and wasn’t super intimidating or gory. I loved that Aria never gave up on Luca and had the courage to make their marriage work. I also loved how Luca didn’t force anything against Aria and was considerate of her thoughts and feelings. I appreciated that Aria wasn’t a very whiny character and she was a headstrong heroine. I’ve added Luca to my list of book boyfriends already. He is such a charming character once you get to know him, and the way he acts toward Aria melts my heart. His character development is amazing!!! I can already tell that Luca and Aria will be my favorite couple in the Born in Blood Mafia series. 💞
Cons: -Not much plot (really didn’t mind it though and actually kinda loved it)                 -Aria’s siblings were kinda annoying honestly but it didn’t really deter my              love for this book. 
Final Thoughts: I loved it and would recommend it to anyone. This is a great first book to read if you’re jumping into the mafia/mob romance category. The steamy scenes were also very... *blushes* 
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oflockhearted · 3 years
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Send 💭 for a thought my muse has had about yours | @boundbyhonor | Accepting
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‘...When his gaze is fixed on like that...I wonder what he’s thinking about?  Home? His time with ShinRa?   What has he seen that made him change this much...?’
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feelingcomplet · 5 years
Por um segundo, tive certeza de que ela estava morta, que perdera a pessoa que amava mais que a minha própria vida. Eu nunca soube que amar significava estar com medo o tempo todo... com medo de perder alguém que você não poderia viver sem.
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luna-summers-scot · 3 years
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bloodvitiello · 5 years
Lockscreens Lucaria
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phantomarchive · 3 years
@boundbyhonor​​ continued from here
     Cloud was glad to discover that Jessie had made it out alive thanks to the lucky save from Biggs. Apparently he used what strength he had left to get them to safety just before the supports were disengaged and the pillar collapsed under the weight of the plate above. It was probably sheer willpower that moved Biggs that night. Cloud had been deeply affected by the last words he shared with both Biggs and Jessie and he felt a swell of happiness form within him when Jessie suddenly appeared to join them at the Golden Saucer. She looked a little worse for wear, clearly still recovering from her injuries, but she continued to press forward in spite of this. In the short time that he’d known her, Cloud learned that she wasn’t the type to give up easily—not when there was so much at stake. Tifa kept insisting that her friend should take it easy and not push herself too hard and Barret seemed to support that idea as well. The large man was grumbling under his breath about Shinra but otherwise looked happy to know his fallen friends had made it out after all.
     There was a lot more on their plate now than just Shinra.
     While her teammates expressed their relief and joy over Jessie’s (and Bigg’s) survival, Cloud stood off to the side with Red, who was sitting on his haunches next to him. His arms were folded across his chest and he was staring down at his boots when Jessie approached. She leaned in, bringing her face close to his and he lifted his gaze to make eye contact with her. ‘We should go out on a date. An official one.’ This was the first thing she wanted to say to him? Letting out a snort, Cloud gave a little shake of his head and had to look away from that grin she had plastered across her face. There she was, making him smile again. Maybe the third time really was the charm because Jessie wasn’t met with reluctance and him groaning like before. “Sure,” he said, giving a shrug as if to keep up his aloof demeanor. “We can go on a date.” Truth be told, Cloud would have shown up at her place for that pizza she promised him, had things turned out differently. They were being given a second chance—not everyone could be so lucky.
     He shifted his weight from one foot to another before adding, in a voice so quite that only she’d be able to hear, “... Glad you made it out, Jessie.”
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〚 ❣ 〛 If nothing else, Jessie’s good at being unexpected, and on seeing her friends enter Cosmo Canyon, she worked her way to them, let Barrett lift her off the ground while she greeted everyone - everyone except Cloud. Always good at sticking to the edges, that guy, but he didn’t escape her notice. There’s a bit of a debt she feels she owes him, too. She can’t remember exactly what her last moments on the tower were, but she remembers the comfort of him holding her hand and the tinge of sadness to his words. She knows she can be a lot to deal with, and even he had seemed frustrated with her at times, but she saw those smiles, knows that at least some of that was a front.
So when she gets a moment with him when the others aren’t hovering close and making sure she’s alright (she isn’t, but she’s better than she was, and that’s something), she lands a date request on him right away. It makes her laugh because she doesn’t expect much from it; she gave him enough shit to last a lifetime, this is probably just another layer of it to add to the irritation she knows she can inflict on others far too easily.
But he agrees, then proceeds to tell her he’s glad she made it out, and something about that hits a little too close, and her hands grip his shoulders a little tighter as if to keep her from falling. She doesn’t, but weeks of recovery still haven’t healed the fear that maybe she was the only one who made it out, that she had feared for her life in a way she knew could happen but didn’t think would hit her so soon. The nightmares still haven’t left, the creaking of metal can have her flinching, her body is still in pain from it all. But even with all of that, with the injuries and the trauma and possibly being one of so few survivors, she’s also glad she made it out.
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“Thanks,” she says, tries to sound normal but her voice breaks a bit at the end and the burn in her eyes threatens tears to fall, and she doesn’t think she could stop it now even if she wanted to. “I’m glad you guys did, too. I don’t know what I’d have done if...” A catch in her throat and she shakes her head, tries to just smile at Cloud. “Anyway, I’m glad you’re all okay.”
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