holespoles · 11 months
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Henri Jacques Bource "Eye spy"
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figureskatingcostumes · 11 months
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Tomoki Hiwatashi skating to The Artist for his free program at the 2022 MK John Wilson Trophy.
(© Wilma Alberti)
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marisol-holme · 3 months
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"I went to Paris, with a suitcase in my hand" - Paris, Texas (Lana Del Rey)
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bkenber · 2 years
'The Artist' - Best Picture Winner at the 84th Academy Awards
Believe it or not, “The Artist” is only the second silent film in cinematic history to win Best Picture at the Academy Awards. The first was “Wings” which itself was the first film to win this particular award. I figured there were several other silent films which took home this award, but I guess the Oscars came about as the movie business was quickly transitioning to what was once called…
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rabidline · 8 months
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2024 Prince Ice World: Tokyo - January 19, 2024 Koshiro Shimada → Music from "The Artist" by Ludovic Bource: The Artist Ouverture, George Valentin, Comme Une Rosee de Larmes, Peppy and George, choreographed by Stéphane Lambiel
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jean Dujardin and Bérénice Bejo in The Artist (Michel Hazanavicius, 2011)
Cast: Jean Dujardin, Bérénice Bejo, John Goodman, James Cromwell, Penelope Ann Miller, Missi Pyle, Malcolm McDowell, Elizabeth Tulloch, Beth Grant, Ed Lauter. Screenplay: Michel Hazanavicius. Cinematography: Guillaume Schiffman. Production design: Laurence Bennett. Film editing: Anne-Sophie Bion, Michel Hazanavicius. Music: Ludovic Bource. 
There are two classic movies about the effect of the arrival of sound on films and the people who were silent-movie stars, Singin' in the Rain (Stanley Donen and Gene Kelly, 1952) and Sunset Blvd. (Billy Wilder, 1950). Neither of them won the Academy Award for best picture. Coming half a century later, Michel Hazanavicius's The Artist, which did, looks oddly like an anachronism. It is certainly a tour de force: a mostly silent film with a few witty irruptions of sound in the middle when the protagonist George Valentin (Jean Dujardin), having learned that his career as a film star is ending, suddenly begins to hear sounds, even though he seems incapable of producing them himself. (At the end of the film, Valentin speaks one line, "With pleasure," revealing his French accent.) The project grew out of Hazanavicius's admiration of silent films and their directors, and it fulfilled his own desire to make one himself. The title and the central predicament of George Valentin are an acknowledgement of the fact that silent film is a distinct art form, one lost with the advent of sound. At the expense of his career, Valentin insists on preserving the art -- much as Charles Chaplin did by refusing to make City Light (1931) and Modern Times (1936) into talkies, long after sound had taken hold. But Valentin is no Chaplin, and his effort, an adventure story in the mode of the films that had made him famous, is a flop, coincidentally opening on the day in 1929 when the stock market crashed. Meanwhile, a younger fan and something of a protégée of his, Peppy Miller (Bérénice Bejo), becomes a huge star in talkies. From this point on, the script almost writes itself, especially if you've seen any of the versions of A Star Is Born, which is why some of us wonder how this undeniably entertaining film became such a hit and a multiple award-winner. It was nominated for 10 Academy awards and won half of them: picture, actor, director, costume design (Mark Bridges), and original score (Ludovic Bource). To my mind, Hazanavicius's screenplay is at fault for not making Valentin's supine reaction to sound entirely credible: Is it actor's ego? A fear of the new? Embarrassment at his accent? And the decision to play Valentin's suicide attempt as comedy feels like a failure of tone on the part of the writer-director. That said, the performances by Dujardin, Bejo, and the invaluable John Goodman as the studio boss keep the movie alive. I just don't think it belongs in the company of Singin' in the Rain and Sunset Blvd.
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1otte1ook · 2 years
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tadao ando / bource de commerce
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furiousreviewhologram · 2 months
Penyebab dan Pencegahan kematian akibat serangan Hiu
TOTOXL Teman teman, Hiu merupakan seeekor predator puncak di lautan yang sering kali menimbulkan rasa takut pada banyak orang. Walaupun serangan hiu sangat jarang terjadi, beberapa insiden yang tercatat menjadi bukti betapa berbahayanya hewan ini. Berikut adalah beberapa serangan hiu paling berbahaya di dunia yang telah mengguncang publik.
1. Serangan di Gansbaai, Afrika Selatan
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Gansbaai, sebuah kota di Afrika yang dikenal sebagai "Shark Alley," adalah salah satu tempat paling terkenal untuk menyelam bersama hiu putih besar. Pada tahun 1998, seorang penyelam bernama Henri Bource mengalami serangan brutal saat menyelam. Hiu putih besar menggigit kakinya, menyebabkan luka parah. Henri berhasil diselamatkan, tetapi kehilangan satu kakinya akibat serangan tersebut, sangat mengerikan bukan?
2. Jersey Shore, Amerika Serikat
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Pada musim panas tahun 1916, serangkaian serangan hiu terjadi di sepanjang pantai Jersey, New Jersey. Dalam rentang waktu dua minggu, lima orang diserang oleh hiu, empat di antaranya meninggal dunia. Serangan ini dianggap sebagai salah satu inspirasi untuk novel dan film terkenal "Jaws", serial serangan Hiu yang fenomenal.
3. Praia do Recife, Brasil
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Pantai Recife di Brasil memiliki reputasi sebagai salah satu tempat dengan tingkat serangan hiu tertinggi di dunia. Pada tahun 2013, seorang turis berusia 18 tahun, Bruna Gobbi, diserang oleh hiu saat berenang. Hiu tersebut menggigit kaki Bruna, dan meskipun dia segera dibawa ke rumah sakit, dia tidak dapat bertahan karena kehilangan banyak darah.
4. Insiden di Sharm El-Sheikh, Mesir
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Serangkaian serangan hiu terjadi di perairan Sharm El-Sheikh, Mesir pada tahun 2010, dalam rentang waktu satu minggu, lima orang diserang oleh hiu, dengan satu korban meninggal dunia. Serangan ini menyebabkan kepanikan di kalangan wisatawan dan memaksa otoritas setempat untuk menutup pantai-pantai di daerah tersebut sementara waktu.
5. Insiden Maui, Hawaii
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Hawaii adalah surga bagi para peselancar, tetapi juga rumah bagi banyak hiu. Pada tahun 2013, seorang peselancar berusia 20 tahun, Jana Lutteropp, diserang oleh hiu macan saat berselancar di Maui. Hiu tersebut menggigit lengan Jana, dan meskipun dia segera diselamatkan, dia meninggal beberapa hari kemudian karena luka dan infeksi yang dideritanya.
Mengapa Serangan Hiu Terjadi?
Tahukah kalian bahwa sebenarnya Hiu tidak suka menggigit manusia sama sekali? serangan hiu biasanya disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor. Beberapa di antaranya termasuk:
Kesalahan Identifikasi: Hiu sering kali mengira manusia sebagai mangsa favorit mereka, seperti anjing laut atau ikan besar.
Perilaku Eksploratif: Hiu menggunakan gigitan untuk mengeksplorasi objek yang tidak mereka kenal (agak berbahaya ya eksplorasinya)
Kelaparan: Hiu yang kelaparan mungkin lebih agresif dan cenderung menyerang apa saja yang bergerak, oleh karena itu selalu ada peringatan agar penyelam tidak bergerak jika berada di dekat hiu, karena pergerakan sekecil apapun akan menarik perhatian hiu tersebut .
Pencegahan Serangan Hiu
Lalu bagaimana caranya agar kita dapat menghindari serangan hiu? untuk menghindari, tentunya kalian tidak boleh berenang ke perairan tempat ikan hiu hidup, namun untuk mengurangi risiko serangan hiu, ada beberapa langkah pencegahan yang dapat diambil:
Hindari berenang saat senja atau fajar: Waktu-waktu ini adalah saat hiu paling aktif berburu, apalagi di saat-saat seperti ini, perairan cenderung gelap dan tentunya penglihatan ikan hiu didalam perairan akan lebih baik daripada penglihatan manusia.
Jangan berenang sendirian: Berenang dalam kelompok untuk mengurangi risiko diserang, jangan terpisah dari kelompok ya.
Hindari memakai perhiasan berkilau: Kilauan perhiasan dapat menarik perhatian hiu, oleh karena itu, hindari hal hal yang dapat menarik perhatian ikan buas ini.
Perhatikan peringatan: Jika ada peringatan hiu di daerah tertentu, hindari berenang di sana, jangan mencoba untuk uji nyali ataupun sekedar iseng, karena lebih dari 80% penyebab kematian akibat gigitan hiu berawal dari orang yang tidak memerdulikan peringatan.
Meskipun serangan hiu jarang terjadi, mereka tetap menjadi ancaman berbahaya. Adanya artikel ini, diharapkan agar pembaca mengerti tentang apa saja penyebab dan resiko akibat serangan hiu agar dapat diminimalkan. Penting untuk selalu waspada dan mengikuti panduan keselamatan saat berada di perairan yang diketahui sebagai habitat hiu ya teman-teman!
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andreachadimova · 6 months
hraješ si se vzduchem jak roztoč v peří na vějíři
bereš mě s sebou na cestu bažantí pestrostí
prosím tě o další a další vůni
když mluvíš slyším jak se housenka bource rozpouští v kukle
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guinevereblom · 6 months
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Henri Jacques Bource
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Tomoki Hiwatashi skating to The Artist soundtrack for his free program at the 2021 NHK Trophy.
(Source: sn_figure)
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444names · 2 years
male french and portuguese forenames
Aacami Abien Acquiasco Adamunede Adani Adannard Adefan Adritore Adrósi Aijaan Aince Airmano Albaptino Alberaud Alberjas Alcian Alcideão Alcisani Aldidée Aldomin Aldous Aldovi Aleve Aleão Alfro Almin Alour Alppaola Altére Alvichrio Alèrennu Amana Ambrothil Amile Amirc Amircio Amire Amundrick Amândo Anacque Ancio Andão Annime Anteu Aphric Aptião Ardio Arinatho Arjas Arjato Arlono Armikki Audeão Augue Aulissiro Aullautta Aurbaundo Auste Aílixo Aïdas Aïdastão Balfon Barce Barlos Basta Basílteu Batric Baustão Belsarsi Benrick Berrei Bertinho Bervéris Bource Bredrea Bruien Brund Brune Caina Cainathie Caist Calben Casco Chile Chiljac Chilo Chricolen Cirène Clauguin Clazáric Cleão Cléano Coaquino Colaudo Cricior Crico Crito Cyric Cyrick Cyrien Cyrieno Cyriine Cyrissent Cândidon Cândon Cécia Cécio Cédéo Cédéréjea Célond Céphona Damirenta Damândra Daméra Dansohani Dieno Dinício Dualvio Duarcilja Duard Duaro Duraulla Dérégos Edmuno Edoldo Eemino Eerja Eianare Eirjario Eirmernão Elian Eliaques Elien Elião Ellana Ellerjon Elomão Emikki Eminício Emião Enton Ertin Ezephilja Ezeque Ezequie Fabené Faberósio Fabin Felou Firen Flaux Flácio Frainnal Fraou Frémy Fábino Fábião Félia Félinar Féloussi Gabien Galdo Gasami Gascordão Gasido Gaule Gaétia Geodrose Geofirkka Germaul Ghierja Ghipe Gilheu Gilli Gilves Girger Girjaino Gironsão Goise Gonço Gréjervo Gualèren Guelma Helmiinto Hennieni Hennue Henriljä Hentin Herent Heris Hernéstin Hervarmi Hetan Hiasla Hibas Hilasiria Hilisido Hiltavi Hilva Hisla Honso Horen Hurbano Hurce Iguisu Iiance Illeon Ilmiago Ilont Ilphen Iredeão Irpas Isaan Isano Isilie Istin Istêvão Jacard Jachrico Jacque Jacquelce Jaimão Jaina Jaini Jardo Jennide Jerme Jerné Jerósi Jojore Jonset Joradro Jordo Joren Jorgilben Josco Jouthuben Judefra Julta Julte Justa Justilte Justinck Jéregídie Jéren Jério Jónicasa Jónick Júlieu Júlilo Júlipólio Júlis Kaisce Kergerna Kirenck Kylvi Kylviel Laino Lascel Lecis Lenio Lessetas Liance Liastão Liernéléo Lipólivi Livien Loivi Loutinoît Lucaino Lucart Lucieu Lucio Lucius Luciuste Lumiito Lumiro Lyydin Lyydinho Lyyni Léodósimo Léopondre Lúcide Lúcila Macquothé Mairia Manique Mannick Mantin Mardamuno Mardoud Maricha Maricid Marino Marnés Marsidèle Marta Marteux Matalo Matienord Matrino Mattu Mattuukko Maulileno Maurd Maximigna Maximon Maximu Maximune Maxis Mentino Miano Miasa Miliel Milio Mirkkaaco Mirkki Mirmeu Mirosé Márico Máximi Máximon Nalvitan Nardo Nazarnaul Nikka Nimer Niston Ocleon Ocque Odias Odrio Odósidovi Oives Oloistião Olpiogo Oudamu Paolio Parmaximo Parme Patomi Phien Pienria Pient Piervaldo Plário Quotário Rafabróni Randovi Ranid Ranttu Raolaimon Remile Remmaxim Renio Renraino Rentina Rianti Riceu Ricomé Rique Roben Rodian Rodienatu Rodre Rodricto Rodrique Rodros Rogédé Rolor Romarco Rédédére Rémeoric Rétin Saachien Saard Saaren Saija Sailla Samiloisé Samuno Sandrian Sarda Saredsona Sariirio Sathartor Saílivin Sevarja Silio Silácias Simick Sisalfo Soffre Sterja Stime Stonarce Sulia Sulienaz Sylli Sylvi Sésandre Séstric Sévra Tastiano Tepho Thane Thilhel Thilva Théli Thélivi Thélo Tinhonse Trick Turioutin Tutintião Tuukki Tyneu Tyydio Téonrand Térino Ulipede Varan Varmil Vartonser Vidèleão Viintin Vistóvão Ximonrie Yoalcio Yoandão Yohvien Yveerto Zinho Zéfim Zéfirkka Áltomailo Élian Éliano Émico Émiin Étine Évraisto Évras Óriguarme
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mrrightnowbourcs · 6 years
RIGHT NOW ENTERTAINMENT PRODUCTIONS PRESENTS EXCULSIVE NEW PREMIER RIGHT NOW MR. BOURCS #CONTACT IF YOU NEED #DM ME🏦🎹🎤🎧💲💰🌍🥁🎻🎺☎️📞 #DATBAG💲💰🏦#MUSICLIFE🎹🎤🎧 #ART #UPFRONT #RIGHTNOW #ENTERTAINMENT #NEEDIT #GETIT #BEATS #SHOWS #BOOK #ALL #https://www.soundclick.com/members/default.cfm?member=Right+No+Ent #[email protected]#soundcloud@rightnowentertainmnt#Upfrontentertainment#Bourc
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rabidline · 8 months
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2024 Prince Ice World: Tokyo - January 19, 2024 Koshiro Shimada → Music from "The Artist" by Ludovic Bource: The Artist Ouverture, George Valentin, Comme Une Rosee de Larmes, Peppy and George, choreographed by Stéphane Lambiel
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equatorjournal · 3 years
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Theodor Bource painting his mural of Simon Bolívar for the El Silencio, Plaza Caracas, Venezuela, 1963.
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setdeco · 4 years
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TADAO ANDO, Bource de Commerce, Paris, France, 2021
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