#bout betties
dreamaruu · 1 year
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Rewatched “I Remember You” & when I tell you I SCREAMED
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*Screenshot from Fionna & Cake episode 8 “Jerry”- 11 years later & we actually got to see this moment in full 🥺
Bonus- In the news paper clipping you can see the opening line “Silly man returns from expedition with a marginally exciting discovery”, then proceeds to roast Simon’s area of research & the “ratty looking leather bound manual” he found.
We can see in “Jerry” that people weren’t too fond of his research. A man dedicating his life to the discovery & study of magical artifacts (that at the time seemingly had no source power) in a society of very normal people. A very normal world mirroring our own. He is straight up disrespected in his guest lecture. Mocked by journalist. Despite all that, Betty is interested in his work & seemingly the supernatural as a whole. Simon already had published work, had a kick start to his career & several expeditions under his belt. While it’s implied that Betty is still trying to find her footing, potentially not even accomplishing the first step to the goals she personally aspired to. We know they eventually become an archeologist duo uncovering old artifacts that were once powered by magic. I wonder if that was her dream area of study all along ? Or if she decided to join Simon on his rough career path given the opportunity, because it’s what was offered to her. If her desired path was sacrificed in pursuit of Simon’s, thus making her a joke in the eyes of archeology as well. (I personally believe she did have an interest in his area of antiquities being a fan of his work even before meeting him ??? But who knows if that’s where she wanted to end up or if it was just a side interest of hers)
In hindsight too, Simon is also an interesting parallel to Fionna. They craved nothing more than a sense of magic & whimsy to exist in their realities. Simon through the study of lost magic, Fionna through the dreams & desperate longing of something more exciting✨
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shit ton of fluff w young mobsters n co bc i deserved it 1) henry, betty and eleonore 2) serafina, frank and lauretta 3) rich scumbags 🙄🙄🙄being happy🙄🙄🙄ew🙄 (i need it so bad fr i need it so bad)
that one scene w the lost book inspired by @mwwktn 's tag: “do you think they have to distract him from lingering in the magazine corner before their flights”
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From A Bout Face, Archie #117 (1961).
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emerald194 · 1 year
I think Betty Jetty and Ned Noodlehead's sibling dynamic is underutilized. Just. In general.
Ned kept the hero from knowing Betty was stealing his comic books. He also never told the player they were siblings. They both compete on RealityTV Island. Betty stole his stuff and distributed it among other criminals. She started working at Ned's comic book store. He knocked her out cold with one punch. They are siblings.
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jezco-incorporated · 19 days
ough ow my tummy hurts what the fuck
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ineedaslurpee · 2 years
I’ve been compared to Angelyne 3 times this week, and the whacky inflatable arm guy once (”cause you’re so smiley when you’re dancing”) 
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colsons-baker · 16 days
Property of Benny
The inspiration for this one-off came from a photo I saw of the real Kathy. First time writing for The Bikeriders and Austin so if you would like more then let me know!
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Benny never was one for jewellery stores, god knows he had never step foot in one until that day, looking for an engagement ring. He thought it would be easy, just walk in and pick the ring and leave just as quickly. He had been saving up the money for it since the day he first met Y/n, he had known right away that he couldn’t have anyone by his side but her.
Benny Crosss had never done anything the proper way in his life, but he wanted to do this right. Y/n deserved a ring and a proper proposal, she deserved the heavens and the earth and he would go through hell to give it all to her. But nobody had told him that hell would be a snobbish jewellers in the middle of town. He felt eyes on him the whole time, he was being followed as he looked at each piece. Sure, he was a Vandal and he had a reputation, but he didn’t like being treated like a criminal when he had done nothing wrong. Benny let out a sigh as he looked at one of the rings and then glanced towards the door. His jaw clenched slightly before he looked down at the ring again. Y/n deserved the best, but no ring in here would be good enough if he remembered this experience every time he looked at it. Y/n didn’t deserve his bad memory associated with something like this. So he walked back out again, what a waste of time that had been!
Benny let go of a little chuckle as he sat with Johnny and Betty at a table in the club, a beer bottle in one hand and his free arm resting over the chair. Suddenly, a detail on Betty’s jacket caught his eye. “What’s that?” He nodded towards the patch as he leaned forward, elbows on the table. Betty looked down to where Benny had nodded to, at her patch with Johnny’s name on it. “Oh that?” She asked with a laugh as she shook her head. “Just somethin silly.”
“Let’s everyone know she’s my girl.” Johnny said, wrapping an arm around her before placing a kiss on her head. “I made it myself, thought it would be somthin nice.” Betty shrugged. Benny looked at the patch for a moment, feeling like a lightbulb had just come on in his head. “Can you do me a favour?” He smiled. “Sure! What do ya need?”
“Hey…” Benny said quietly as he walked into the empty club. He had just gone round to Johnny’s to collect the surprise Betty had helped him with as the other members cleared out, knowing that the place would be empty, bar Y/n, when he got back. “Hey! Where did you disappear to?” She smiled over at him from the table she was wiping down. “Oh, just had to pick up something from Johnny’s.” He motioned to the denim jacket draped over his arm. Y/n nodded and went back to her cleaning, telling him she wouldn’t be long more.
He wanted to do it here, in the club. This place was his second home, it had been his home until he met her. The bright-eyed barmaid that Johnny had hired to make the place somewhat respectable looking. He had stared at her across the bar and he knew it was over for him, that his heart was no longer his own.
“Leave that for a minute baby girl. Come ere.” Benny was smiling but he had never been so nervous. He watched her as she walked over, her laugh like music to his ears as she asked what was wrong. His eyes scanned every bit of her face as they stood in front of one another. He was already the happiest man alive just having her in his life. He took a deep breath. “You deserve somethin proper…” He began before shaking his head, a little chuckle escaping his lips. “God knows I wanted to do this proper, but you know me baby girl, I ain’t proper.” Y/n laughed some more. “What are you on bout Benny Cross?” Benny took the jacket in his hands. “You stole my heart the moment I set eyes on you, y’know that? I’ve wanted you to be mine since that very first look.” He unfolded the denim to reveal Betty’s handy work; the Vandals logo with ‘PROPERTY OF BENNY’ sown in. “So be mine.” Benny looked at Y/n expectantly. “Be my wife.”
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frogspond200 · 1 year
𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚂𝚒𝚖𝚘𝚗
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Requested by: Anon
Ask: OMG I DIDNT KNOW U DID YANDERE and i love a good love triangle if u want to write that BUT CAN U DO YANDERE WINTER KING AND SIMON 🙏🙏😼
Warning: None
Winter King and Simon Petrikov have a complicated relationship. They strongly dislike each other due to their mutual affection for the reader, but this hatred is usually ruled out when the dear reader decides to run, they'll bond over how they will punish the reader. their feelings towards their reader intensify their rivalry.
Winter King sees Simon as a threat to his possession of the reader and resents him for any attention the reader gives Simon. He may plot ways to keep the reader isolated from Simon, becoming more controlling and possessive over time.
Simon, on the other hand, may perceive Winter King as a danger to the reader due to his icy and possessive nature. He becomes protective and worries about the reader's safety around Winter King. However, he does bond with Winter King over their feelings for the reader.
Their rivalry and animosity are fueled by their obsession for the reader.
But one thing they both have in common is becoming stern it aggressive when the reader tries to escape, I mean what would be the point? We give you everything you want. Do you hate us? You can't do this. I already got over bet I don't wanna lose you next. COME BACK!
Simon, despite his quirky and sometimes unstable mental state, expresses his love through acts of compassion and preservation. He is distressed about the reader’s safety and well-being, often acting as their guardian. His cuddles are hospitable and soothing, like a security blanket, and his kisses are filled with genuine devotion. He may occasionally slip into bouts of insanity, but he always returns to protect and care for the reader.
Winter King is fiercely possessive of the reader. He showers them with gifts, often extravagant and ice-themed. He leaves notes and messages everywhere, professing his love and obsession for the reader. His touch is cold, but he tries to make it gentle, despite his overpowering desire to keep them close. When cuddling, he insists on a freezing palace, but he wraps the reader in warm furs to keep them comfortable.
If Winter King catches the reader attempting to escape, he would likely react with a mix of sadness, anger, and desperation. He’d use his icy powers to create barriers and prevent their dear from leaving. His words would be a blend of possessiveness and longing, expressing how much he needs them by his side. He might promise to make their surroundings more comfortable and lavish to entice them to stay. Winter King would insist on cuddling, holding the reader tightly, trying to manipulate their emotions into staying with him.
Simon would react with anger and worry if he discovers the reader attempting to run away. He’d would most likely start rambling about Betty and how they were the only hope left for him, that they were the reason he was still alive today. He might apologize for any unintentional pressure he put on them and reassure them that he only wants what’s best for them. Simon would offer emotional comfort, telling stories or singing songs to distract and calm the reader. His cuddles would be warm and protective, as he tries to convey a sense of safety and security. He’d promise to be more mindful of their feelings and boundaries, hoping they’d choose to stay because they want to, not because they’re forced to.
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storiesfromafan · 9 days
Look Who's Jealous Now - Benny x Reader
A/N: I was surprised by the amount of interest in the sneak peak I posted got. Thank you all!! Forgive any grammer or spelling mistakes 😅
Previous part: Jealousy Does Look Good On You 😊
Also, I posted this challenge. Feel free to check it out and make a request 😊😊
Tag list: @strayrockette @thegabbyh
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Being Benny's girl meant being by his side, arm around you or his jacket. His stormy blue eyes seeking you out in the bar, sparkling when finding you sitting with Kathy or other Vandal women. Him picking you up after work. And taking you for rides on his bike.
Which led to today's Vandal ride. A group of you going to a car show. Those that didn't ride, gave the bikers looks of disgust or distaste. All the while, other biker clubs gave some sign of recognition. You found it all fascinating, how bike owners and car owners didn’t get along. But there were a few exceptions.
You were sitting on a blanket with a few other women, Benny was standing near by with Johnny in conversation. Both men drink in hand and laughing at something Johnny said. You smiled at your man, admiring the boyish smile on his face, or when he'd laugh. Then those eyes were looking at you, as if he'd felt your gaze on him. Benny gave you a soft warm smile, which had you melting.
“Give it a rest, will ya" jested Betty, pushing your shoulder.
Braking eye contact with Benny, you looked back to the older woman, as well as Kathy and Gale as they laughed at you. After that night a month ago, hearing what happened with Benny after you took off. The women had teased you on and off. And every time you and Benny gave each other the goo-goo eyes, one of them told you to give it a rest. You couldn't help it, you were in the early stages of this relationship.
“Sorry my happiness offends ya" you retorted sticking your tongue out.
Once more the women laughed, this time you joined in with them. You felt light and happy. From both the women around you, but also because of Benny. If someone had told you a month ago this was what was install for you, you wouldn’t have believed them. Right now you were happy, even if the road to get here was crazy.
Benny watched how you laughed with the other women. Smiling happily that you were having a good time. For him this month has felt like being on the open road, content and freeing. Finally making you his girl made him feel complete. But also, part of him still felt bad for upsetting you that night. It wasn’t his intentions when being around Angela. But he didn’t feel bad for using her to bait your outburst. He liked that you’d been jealous, made him feel good to know you wanted him, just as much as he wanted you.
“Stop it with the goo-goo eyes, will ya” Johnny said with a roll of his eyes, bringing Benny’s attention back to the older man. “Ya makin’ me sick, kid”. He joked with a laugh.
Benny laughed, sticking his free hand in his jeans pockets. “Whatever old man".
Johnny smile warmly at the younger Vandal. “Nuh, I’m happy for ya, both of ya. It was ‘bout time ya made her ya girl. You’d both been tippy-toein’ around it".
Benny felt embarrassed hearing those words. Because it was true. But you were different to all the other girls – women – for Benny didn’t want to show off and take you just on a ride of his bike. That would have been to easy. That’s why he spent the time with you, talking with you. He wanted to know you. And he did. But then he got nervous and somewhat shy to ask you out. He found himself second guessing himself.
Benny told you that, opening up to you as best her could. And since then you have done everything to reassure him that you wanted him. If you could tell Benny was starting to doubt or second guess himself, you’d be there, doing everything to show him he was good enough or right. Then when it came to you, Benny was pushing you out of your comfort zone also. The best example of that was when you’d ride with him. He’d go so fast on the open road that you would be cursing, telling him to slow down. But he’d always say you’ve got nothin' to worry about sweetheart, I won’t let anythin' happen to ya. And you would believe him. You always will.
“Yeah...she’s really somethin'" Benny said with pride, his eyes going back to you.
You got up from your spot on the blanket, along with Kathy. You both needed to use the restroom. The short walk was filled with conversation and laughter. Kathy being one of the women you were closest too. You thought she was nice and honest, no beating around the bush with her.
After doing what you both had too, you began to walk back to the others, only taking your time to look at the cars in passing. Neither of you knew much to do with cars, but you admired their looks.
“Such a nice colour" Kathy commented on the current car you were both looking at.
You nodded. “It really is, bet she sounds good too".
“You should see her on the road" came a familiar male voice from behind you.
You turned around in shock to see your old family friend Victor. You smiled brightly, taking in how he had changed since you had seen him last, which was before he went back to college. He looked fitter, and tanner. No doubt from playing football. He was the boy next door mixed with jock.
“Victor! My gosh!” You said with amazement, before moving to give him a quick hug. “How have ya been?”
Victor laughed as he hugged you back. You stepped back and looked at him with amazement. Remembering Kathy by your side, you apologized and introduced the two. Victor shook Kathy’s hand with a warm smile, as he said hello. Kathy looked between you too, finding it all to amusing to see you both reuniting.
Unfortunately for you, someone else had been watching. Benny had seen you and Kathy making your way back, but stopping to admire different cars. He smiled at how cute you were. He was making his way to you when he saw the athletic young man step up. And then watched the surprise on your face before you both shared a brief hug.
It left a sour taste in Benny’s mouth, seeing you smile and talk to this guy. And usually he’d find your sheepishness cute – when it’s aimed at him – but he strongly disliked it when it came to this guy. He asked himself who was this guy, anyways?
Slowly Benny crept forward, catching the end of whatever you’d been saying to Kathy.
“...our families have been so close, especially after Victor" – so that’s his name, Benny thought – “and my brother played together on the football team. Guess you went on to play college ball, huh?” You softly laughed, looking to Victor.
Yep, Benny didn’t like this guy. He did not like the preppy look of him. And he really didn’t like how you were all smiles and giddy. Dare he say, Benny Cross was jealous of the guy you were with? Yes, a hundred percent he was.
Stepping up to you, as your back was to him, Benny put his arm around you. Drawing you close before putting a kiss to your temple, all the while staring down Victor. “Hey sweetheart" he greeted with his deep voice.
You jumped before realising who it was. Relaxing, you turned to Benny with a bright smile. Leaning up to place a peck to the corner of his lips. “Hey".
Once you moved your head back you noticed that Benny’s gaze was focused on Victor, his eyes drawn in and sharp on the young male. Whom was standing there looking at Benny, with a smile upon his face, not a care in the world. You shot Kathy a confused look, which she shrugged at. Though you both could feel some kind of tension between the two males.
“Ah, I think I’ll head back” Kathy slowly said, deciding to remove herself from the situation.
You shot her a sour look before she took off. Leaving you with the two males from and in your life. Neither male looked away from the other. You guessed Benny was staking his claim to you, as he probably didn’t know who Victor was. And Victor, being like a big brother, was working out if Benny was good enough.
“Well...” you said clearing your voice. “Benny, this Victor, an old friend to my family. Victor, this Benny, my boyfriend".
You looked a little shock after calling Benny your boyfriend. That word never leaving your lips before. Sure, you’d called him it in your head. You felt a warmth rise in your chest after voicing what Benny was to you. As you were known as Benny’s girl. With a silly smile upon your face you turned to your boyfriend, placing a hand on his chest. Which seemed to get Benny’s attention.
Looking to you, he was greeted to the sight of you smiling up at him. Seeing that silly smile warmed his heart, almost making him forget the man who’d hugged you. He could see a twinkle in your eyes, like something perked you up more. Whatever it was, Benny liked it and always wanted you be like this.
Victor cleared his throat. “It’s nice to meet you".
Both you and Benny turned to face Victor. “Yeah, nice to meet ya". That pointed looked back on Benny's  face as he looked to the man before him.
Victor nodded his head. “Well, as I mentioned before, this car" – he moved to stand by his car – “is amazing on the road. I’ll have to take you for a ride, hey cupcake".
You rolled your eyes at the old nickname, but bashfully smiled. “Vic...not that nickname. Let it die, please”.
Victor laughs at your words. “I will never let it go, cupcake”.
You moved forward and swatted Victor’s arm, making him laugh more. And then you laughed as well. All the while Benny watched the playfulness between you too, and not liking it one bit. Especially when Victor put his hand on your arm, holding firmly to stop you once and for all. The way this guy looked at you, the familiarity and warmth. It was off putting for Benny. This guy, even if he’s an old family friend, having his hand on you and looking at your warmly, ticked him off. That green eyed monster rising.
“How about that drive sometime?” Victor’s voice brought Benny back to the matter at hand, the male speaking.
“Ah, yeah. That would be” – you looked to Benny, but am surprised to see the unfriendly look directed to Victor – “...great". Great coming out unsure.
Your old friends face lit up when you agreed, not noticing the uncertainty in your voice. Going on about where you both should take a drive too. All the while you were unsure on how Benny was taking all this. Though with every passing moment that look seems to get darker, and getting annoyed.
That’s when it hit you. Benjamin Cross was jealous. Jealous of your old family friend Victor. Turning back to Victor, you couldn’t help the wicked little smile that crossed your lips. Now would be the best time to give your boyfriend a taste of his own medicine. Finally you could show him how you felt when he spent time with Angela.
“I don’t mind where we go" you replied, placing a hand on Victor’s arm. “As long as you can open that car up".
Benny’s gazed moved to you, not impressed with your reply.
“Of course! She’s made to go fast" Victor laughed.
You continued to smile, looking at Victor. You both talk about his car, you asking any and every question you can think of. All the while feeling the dark cloud that was Benny behind you.
And oh Benny was not enjoying the attention you were giving this guy. Nor did he like the way Victor was smiling at you. He knew he was an old family friend, friends with your brother. But a small part of him wondered if you had ever had a crush on him. If Victor had liked you. Did either of you act on it. Was there hand holding and cuddling. Or did you ever kiss. Every thought making the jealousy in him grown.
Then he did it. Victor held your hand as he led you around behind his car. Leaving Benny standing there seething. This guy had the audacity to take your hand and lead you away from him. Benny’s hands clenched for a moment, before he unclenched them, for he had to control this anger, to control the want to lay hands on this man. He wouldn’t – couldn’t do that, for you would not forgive him if he did.
Next minute he heard your loud giggle. That was it. Snapping out of it Benny made his way to you both. You were leaning against the back of the car, still in conversation with Victor, who stood too close to you with that charming smile. With a small growl, Benny walked over between the two of you. Victor taking a few steps back.
“Benny?” You asked confused and concerned at the annoyed look on your boyfriend’s face. “What’s wrong?”
“Everything alright?” Asked Victor, which made Benny turn and glared at him.
Without a word Benny pulled you from your leaning position. And without an ounce of trouble, he picked you up so you were over his shoulder. You let out a surprised yelp. After realising what had just happened you started to hit at Benny’s back and saying for him to put me down. But it fell on deaf ears, as your boyfriend then stomped off, back towards his bike.
“Ah, sorry Vic!” You called, throwing him a slight wave.
The man you’d just called to looked at you with a shocked expression, returning your wave awkwardly. With every step you continued to hit Benny’s back and repeating your demand to be put down.
“What is ya problem!?” You practically yelled, now gaining an audience as you both moved on.
Benny huffed. “Had enough of him" was his gruff reply.
You blinked, taking a pause from hitting your boyfriend. “Come again?” You asked in confusion.
“I said, I had enough of him" Benny stated, like it was fact.
“Hmm" you hummed.
You took a moment to let his words sink in. As well as his actions. You smiled at your jealous boyfriend, before starting to laugh. Your plan looked to have worked. You got under his skin. You practically cackled, which had Benny questioning you on what’s up with ya?
You smiled brightly. “My, my, my. Looks who’s jealous now, huh?” And again you laughed.
Benny huffed, jostling you on his shoulder, silencing you. He smirked at that. Though it didn’t last for long. As you began to sing that he was jealous. Reaching his bike Benny planted you back on your feet, met with a big grin on your face.
“Admit it, you were jealous~” you sang.
Benny rolled his eyes, but feeling embarrassed by the weight of your attention on him. Yes, he was jealous. And a small part of him feared it could be the start of loosing you. You noticed how Benny looked away, his eyes looking worried. Your smile dropped. You stepped closer seeing how worried he was. You brought your hands up, cupping his face and turning his gaze back to you.
“Hey, you have nothin' to worry about" you said softly, eyes boring into his beautiful baby blues. “If ya think I’d want Vic, no chance. I want my bike riding Vandal any day".
Hearing those words, Benny let out a breath he didn’t realise he’d been holding. His eyes softening, the worry slowly leaving. Replaced with warmth and endearment for you, which is everything you had for him.
You pulled Benny’s face towards yours, the Vandal not putting up a fight. You brought his lips to yours in a soft, tender kiss. A reassurance he needed, and felt from you. Wrapping an arm around you, Benny drew you in close. You smiled at how needy he could be at times. But you wouldn’t push it away or say no.
Pulling back you looked at your man. “I still can’t believe ya got jealous" you giggled.
Benny groaned, hiding his face in your crook of your neck which only made your giggle turn into a laugh. Retaliating, Benny began to nip at your neck. Which earned him a small squeal from him, and a playful slap to his shoulder. You both laughing at it all.
“Yeah, I’ll admit I was jealous, happy?” Benny muttered against your skin.
Smiling triumphantly you said, “good...now ya know how I felt".
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eternal-moss · 1 year
Good Lord I cannot stop Simonposting
Anyway. The Golbetty shrine. Is incredibly messed up and delightfully feels like the sort of thing someone would construct after comprehending the god of chaos.
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It’s clearly not Simon’s first time doing the ritual in vain (we’ve already seen him try many times in the montage at the end of the show to get her back, including consulting the Cosmic Owl and Prismo), so there’s holes in the wall that correspond to Golb’s symbols. The Enchiridion is also there, which was the main source of power for summoning elder gods like the Litch (used to resurrect himself) Golb (used by Magic Man and Betty) and (attempt to) time travel (by Betty). But before the apocalypse, the Enchiridion was owned by Simon himself, and both him and Betty studied it. So it has the twofold power of being a very strong magic battery and has the emotional link to Petrigrof.
The empty bottles and whatever those terrifying lamprey looking things are in a makeshift statue, harbouring a cleaner looking idol (which he probably created himself) out of clay. Making a statue of a god at least twice? Does that mean that even if one gets broken or damaged he has the other one? Or does it make the rituals stronger?
We know that Simon knew a bit about Golb before the apocalypse- in the final episode of the main series we have a flashback of him and Betty, where he says “I keep seeing reference to this mysterious entity that embodies chaos” and “his presence is felt in every crevice where chaos lurks”. To which Betty replies “well it’s a good thing he isn’t here then.”
She sacrificed herself to keep him safe and away from the god of chaos and madness, by fusing her soul with his. Golb being this sort of god means that he’s probably the originator of MMS (Magic, Madness and Sadness) which is a canonical condition where insane/depressed characters will have a higher propensity to magic, and magic users are more prone to bouts of mania, amnesia and depression.
The crown was basically a catalyst of MMS, which caused Simon to have unnatural elemental powers (unlike the elementals which don’t experience default MMS) as well as effecting his body and mind.
Betty is pretty much the only character to have ‘diagnosed’ MMS, recognising it in most magic users, and in Simon, hoping to undo its effects on him. Her theory is proven correct in the episode ‘Betty’ by Bella Noche undoing all the magic in Wizard City and the effects of the crown are nullified, and retracts its influence from Simon, causing him to become ‘normal again’ and regain his clarity and memories.
Grief is shown to be a strong natural catalyst to MMS, which also happened to Magic Man (after his wife Margles was ‘taken by Golb’ which still has an unclear meaning, she definitely didn’t fuse like Betty, although wishing her back at Prismo’s did the exact same thing as Simon wishing Betty back which is really unusual), and Betty herself after the ‘You Forgot Your Floaties’ episode (which by the way is like one of the best episodes in the show).
Betty’s whole motive was to save Simon and free him from madness, which she did at the cost of her soul. But now, ironically, Simon’s grief is causing him to develop it again, which is how he channels the Golb rituals (like how Betty and magic man did) and also probably how the Fionnaverse portal even opened up in the first place.
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Something about about Simon having panic attacks in his house and just generally getting triggered by a lot of stuff (Ice, the books he wrote as Ice King, etc) but then gently stroking the clay idol he made of the god of madness because that’s his wife is just heart breaking
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Look at that expression :( it’s longing followed by guilt because he knows this is exactly what she would never want him to do.
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falcone polycule + la javanaise
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1951 falcone polycule + la chanson de prévert
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semperamans · 3 months
i'm going to hell bc all i can think about is attendin' a picnic and betty is there :( and you like her, you really do, she's pretty and nice but she's johnny's fucking wife n'that's a problem because johnny is yours :( doesn’t johnny know that it breaks your heart to see the two of 'em together? johnny is supposed to be holdin' onto you :( dropping kisses on your knuckles as you tug him toward your tent :( but no. he’s doing it with betty. you really don't wanna be toxic, don't wanna be mean, but it does make you feel better when you see johnny's smile splat on the fuckin' ground when he and betty rejoin the group and he sees that you're sat on danny's lap. so you decide two can play this game.
everything becomes about danny. danny. danny. danny who extinguishes your on-fire marshmallows. danny who licks his thumb and swipes your lower lip to get the sticky residue off. danny who poses you here and there for photographs because "m'gonna need somethin' to show my ma and pa when i tell 'em 'bout the girl i'm gonna marry." and oh! johnny is mad, but this is what he wanted, right? wanted you to pretend like you weren't madly fucking in love with him. who wanted to parade his wife around in front of you. so you enjoy yourself! you avoid benny's confused looks! dodge johnny's furrowed brows! slip past him on the way to danny's tent with a smile and a petulant wave because this! is! what! he! wanted!
but now it's gotta be three in the morning and betty is sound asleep, snorin' softly in his ear, and Johnny can only imagine the things danny is doin' to you. to his baby. he lets out a sick-sounding sigh that stirs the woman at his side, but she doesn't wake and he's left to fight with his fucking brain until he can't stand it anymore. he shuffles into his shoes, slips his jacket over his pajama shirt, and ventures into the night searchin' for you. he doesn't know what he's gonna do - what he can do - i mean it's not like he can cause a fuckin' scene without betty gettin' suspicious, but he thinks about what would happen if he were to stroll by danny's tent and hear those precious little mewing sounds you make when you're close to cumming and god, he knows he'd tear the world apart - tear danny apart at the very least.
it's quiet, though. when he presses his ear to the nylon he hears nothing, which is good, he supposes. but fuck, he's not going to be able to sleep - not gonna be able to close his eyes without seeing you and danny. you and danny. you and danny.
"benny? y'wake?"
johnny doesn't wait - unzips benny's tent and let's himself in - and that's when he finds you. his sweet angel curled against a barely conscious benny.
"she came in 'bout two hours ago. right after y'went to bed." benny mumbles, rubbing his ringed fingers down your arm. "s'real upset at ya." johnny knows. he fucking knows and wants to kick his own ass but what is he supposed to do? he didn't know you or benny existed ten fucking years ago when he married betty. if he had... if he had then things woulda been different. so that's what he tells him. tells benny all that and how he doesn't know how to fix it - doesn't know how to make it right - just knows he loves you so much it hurts and that he doesn't feel the same for betty, not anymore.
so that's what you hear as you pretend to sleep in benny's arms.
n'that's what turns betty's stomach as she presses her ear to the canvas.
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drawlody · 10 months
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BB I'm so excited u couldnt even telllllllllllllll here's the announcement
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My reaction to this is one of the thing that make my suspision of me having autism grow bigger lol like fr
Things i expect to be touch on:
The deal with Jay and Lil Destiny like they didnt just ditch their fam to go here especially Jay he got lil siblings
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Marceline like omg Simon got 2 very important people to him they cant just ditch 1 completely
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A bit more info bout Betty outside of their relationship
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Simon make some friends or reconnect with old ones honestly he need someone just anyone
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that's all i could think for now i would add more later:3
Edit : oh yeah and we better see that arm chop off its canon event (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧
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mushroomnoodles · 4 months
THATS SO HILARIOUS TO THINN BOUT LMAO imagine simon looking for morri to fed him his bottle or baby food and be like
simon: how weird... Betty have you seen Morri? I'm starting to get worried.
betty: oh idk man I haven't seen them since morning and I have just been there (she is laying on the couch)
simon: help me look for them pls
betty: k. (she gets up and morri was squished under her like this ":P")
mans WOULD have had a heart attack
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redrobin-detective · 11 months
Simon Petrikov headcanons
Only child, had loving parents who supported him but often left him alone for long stretches of time. An eager, empathetic child, he craved relationships with others and struggled to find them. The people he cares for, he loves completely and with everything he has.
He and Betty were such an obnoxious couple. They were each other's first everythings and became attached at the hip from the moment they started dating. They did everything together, mostly because it was Betty helping Simon with all his books and expeditions and research. Dated 2 years before proposing and things fell apart not long after. Simon had his doctorate while Betty was finishing hers, they planned the wedding for after she got her degree.
Was in his mid-late 30s when he first put on the crown. He'd just gotten his PhD and proposed to Betty and was at the happiest point in his life. Secretly believed but never really acknowledged that the reason Betty disappeared is that he accidentally killed during during his first bout of crown induced madness. That lingering grief and guilt was a major driver of his later princess kidnapping mania, seeking out the princess his heart knew was gone. He calmed down again once he realized Betty was alive.
After Betty disappeared, he became a hermit to avoid hurting others and the War happened a few years later. He was affected enough by the crown's magic to not suffer from the radiation sickness. He met Marcy a few years after.
Always wanted children, even when he'd been a child. Was somewhat resigned to it never happening until he met Betty. One of their first big discussions as a couple was about their mutual desire for kids. They both wanted a big family.
Has a somewhat addictive personality which is one reason why he could never truly abandon the crown. Goes through phases with food where he'll only eat a certain thing for months on end. Smoked like crazy, he was trying to quit because it bothered Betty but never quite managed. Even a thousand years later, he still wakes up sometimes craving a cigarette.
Is actually quite different physically from modern humans. Future humans only have 4 fingers and toes, they also have a slightly different internal organ structure that evolved post-war. Simon and humans give each other slight uncanny valley vibes, facial/skeletal shape is mostly the same but a bit tweaked that they can tell something is off slightly. Oooans live longer, are more durable and have more flexible bones. Simon nearly faints when he sees Finn bend his arms in ways that's impossible for him.
Simon retains some effects of the crown. His dark brown eyes became a piercing light blue after that first time and never went back. While he loses all magical ability, he has a higher sensitivity towards it. Has a crazy high physical cold tolerance and can survive temperatures that would harm a normal person. However, his mental tolerance for cold is low. Hates being cold and bundles on layers whenever it's chilly.
He didn't keep memories well while as Ice King. When he came back to himself he found he remembered cold hard facts he learned as IK (names, events, general history of Ooo) but personal memories were only 'dreamlike impression'. People will tell him things he did and Simon will not remember, he finds it very upsetting. Every now and again, a memory will bubble up and no matter what he's doing he'll need to hide away out of embarrassment.
A musical prodigy, someone who can pick up and learn instruments quite easily. Could have done music professionally if he'd been so inclined but preferred it as a hobby. In order of proficiency it was piano -> keyboard -> harmonica -> acoustic guitar -> fiddle -> violin -> ukulele*. *Can only play his and Betty's song which he sang when he proposed.
Drums was never an instrument he learned pre-crown, it was never something he wanted. He learned as Ice King, a way to express his innate musical talent in a medium that fit the cursed king. Plays intermittently after being freed but it takes him years before he becomes comfortable with them.
Taught Marcy the basics of guitar while they traveled together. She'd already expressed an interest in music and he was happy to teach her and sing to her as a way to keep up her spirits. Often joked guitars weren't his specialty but they were easier to find/more portable in an apocalyptic world.
Every couple of months, he and Marcy will pick a venue and play together. Its never announced, they just show up someplace and start playing. The audience goes wild but they're just having having a little family jam session.
Goes grey early. He has a massive panic attack when he first noticed streaks of white in his hair. He thought he was turning back into Ice King before he realized he was just getting old. Its a concept just as foreign and frightening.
It took a long time for Simon to admit what Marcy was to him, it felt presumptuous to think of her as his own when he could barely provide for her and was slowly losing his sanity. Meanwhile Marcy saw him as a parental figure right away. They've since talked about it and acknowledge it but just call each other Marcy and Simon for simplicity's sake. Sometimes, when she's feeling fond she'll call him 'old man' and it makes him feel like a king.
Marcy has a serious fear of Hunson taking offense to Simon filling in the father role. Its one reason she doesn't call him dad even if she feels it. Hunson is cruel and apathetic and possessive. She won't risk Simon falling victim to his petty whims.
Worked hard to make up his past behavior to the people he'd hurt. Many were forgiving but some weren't and he had to learn that some people would never accept his efforts. Took a long time for he and PB to get on good terms. Bubblegum holds grudges and Simon was so ashamed over his actions he would've avoided her if not for Marcy. For her sake, the two of them painfully, awkwardly made peace with each other. They're now quite friendly and even hang out occasionally without Marcy.
Is super uncomfortable around Gunter/Ice Thing for a while. Takes him awhile to work up the nerve to go back to the Ice Kingdom. Ice Thing thinks of Simon as his father and refers to him as such which initially flusters Simon but he gets used to it. They're friendly, but not really close. Ice Thing houses the majority of Simon's book/artifact collection until he donates it to museums. Simon visits every now and again for research purposes and to see the penguins who mutually miss him. The more Simon feels separated from Ice King the easier time he has with Ice Thing.
Everyone but Finn realizes that Simon has basically adopted him. Finn continues to live with Jake until he dies then alternates between crashing at Marcy's, PB's and Simon's place and disappearing on quests for months at a time. Simon worries and dotes on the young human: making meals, keeping his place clean and generally being supportive until Finn is a bit more stable. Finn's obliviousness to Simon's paternal feelings makes him back off a bit more into friend territory but he still worries.
Simon not only moves out of his museum apartment but also out of the floating human city. It isolated him up there, being so unrelatable to the other humans. Moves back down to Ooo and Bubblegum gets him set up with a big house with plenty of extra bedrooms for his friends kids to stay in.
After the events of F&C, he throws himself into his third chance with a gusto. Still has bouts of depression and anxiety the rest of his life but its more controlled. He helps formalize education across the board and creates the first higher education institute in Ooo. Teaches not only about pre-war history but becomes the historian on the history of Ooo. Keeps records, writes books and does interviews that help capture the world which are referenced far into the future. While he will always be associated with Ice King, Simon makes a name for himself as well.
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