borgjaneway · 5 years
boyjadzia replied to your post “All the "it was Voq and not Ash" reasoning aside, it's wild that...”
Does section 31 really seem like they would give a fuck about anyone’s trauma
They still operate under Starfleet at this point, who is very aware that Ash has been put on Discovery
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@boyjadzia let a boy be gay
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dare-i-say-asexual · 7 years
just wanna add that plenty of nonbinary people have dysphoria and medically transition— like, I'm not doubting that you know this but from the way you've been bringing up nonbinary people in your argument that you don't need dysphoria to be trans, it makes it sound like nonbinary automatically = no dysphoria. You can transition as a nonbinary person, like you don't have to even be binary-aligned you might just want that body type, or only certain elements (like, top surgery but not T for ex.)
no yeah i know! its just in most argumentation truscum often use nonbinary folks as a chip to say theyre not trans. im saying that being nb whether or not your dysphoric still considers you trans. i hope this cleared things up!
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Erika Moen is the comic strip equivalent of Joss Whedon
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kaijudick · 5 years
boyjadzia replied to your post “[standing on a crate banging a bucket with a ruler] the treatment of...”
Oh don’t even get me started on research science
please do get started actually
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warrenkoles · 7 years
boyjadzia replied to your post: i feel so invalid as an autistic person and...
Wow huge mood, I tick every damn box and even my best friend growing up used to call me “spas” but I’m still like “idk what if I’m faking”
yeah it’s the worst to always be so unsure/feel this way....i’ve been invalidated in literally all of my disorders so my Imposter Syndrome is sooo bad
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jinlian · 7 years
boyjadzia replied to your post “there’s a post going around like WHY ARE ALL “”ANTIS”” MINORS and all...”
Omfg I've gotten into discourse with foxnewsfuckwit just block him tbh like it's not even worth it
yeah i dont engage with any of these ppl it’s not worth it and i don’t have the energy to deal with assholes. the block button is my best frand 
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consultingwives · 7 years
@boyjadzia replied to your photo
!!! Omfg wait ok but I wanna be there when you watch Korra then
i’m not waiting ari but i’ll hold off watching the finale 4 u 
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safeyoiart · 7 years
So, I'm trans and I honestly prefer genderbend to cis swap? Because "genderbend" doesn't... specify that they're cis like a trans headcanon is a genderbend imo. Idk just my analysis, if a particular thing explicitly makes trans people uncomfortable that's something to consider but I don't think the entire concept is bad.
it is something that makes trans people uncomfortable, though . . . 
actions aren’t “gendered”(plus you almost only see genderbends refer to a cis male becoming a cis female or vice versa--it implies the char can be any gender but it’s only ever used to make one cis character another cis character, reinforcing the untrue “gender binary”)
anyway, yeah, some trans people might not be uncomfortable with it, but most are
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thewoesofyaoi · 7 years
throwin' in my 2 cents about the twink discourse, as, well, a twink, I don't think cishets have any reason to use it bc they aren't part of our community and they don't know what it means, they can't really understand the history and culture behind it, so I'd be hella wary of a cishet using it esp in like a fic or something where they're trying to make a point about how a mlm presents sexually? but I don't take issue with wlw using it, I mean it's similar to wlw terms like "butch" in context so
sorry for taking time to answer! i definitely think there’s a difference in using “twink” and “butch” in non-joking contexts and that it’s not wrong per se for a wlw to use the term “twink” to use in a serious conversation
 but if i started calling female characters “my butch babies”, or as the discussion started with, “my space butches” (my space twinks), i’d 100% understand that wlw started to feel uncomfortable, despite me being lgbt myself you know?
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gayphichit · 7 years
boyjadzia replied to your post “soulffles replied to your post “;;;;” literally...”
(I'm @heterophobeviktor) ugh honestly I wish I had the same courage as y'all, one of my mutuals/irl friends is into k/s and it's absolutely vile but like, he's an irl friend? I feel like I should bring it up with him rather than just cutting him off but I'm a wimp
imo irl friends are kinda a different situation. its much easier to hit a unfollow/block button than it is to talk to them abt something irl. its a tricky situation and it sucks bc theres no easy way out of it. you should do whatever makes you most comfortable tbh you dont owe anyone anything!
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harocat · 7 years
boyjadzia replied to your post: You know that like Victor’s skating is going to be...
this is literally the most harmless post. what even.
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ofbullterriers · 7 years
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boyjadzia reblogged your photoset “He unimpressed”
#I love the little bruises they get on their snoots from pushing things around I love them ahhh
that’s his ‘I can open the baby gate that I’m not supposed to’ snoot bruise! A talented but mischievous snoot, that one :>
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eriexplosion · 7 years
boyjadzia replied to your photo: also he’s totally slimy which is like, apparently...
I hope you’re making this post with full knowledge of the fact that this character is voiced by vince from the shamwow and slapchop infomercials
I am.
I am.
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kaijudick · 6 years
boyjadzia replied to your post “god there is SO much ugly crying in torchwood…relvolutionary….”
its good until like... the end of season 2
i cant lie i havent seen anything past season 2 because i couldnt handle the insane plot ouroboros of doom AND killing off my favorite characters (tosh and ianto, sue me)
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chekovsphaser · 7 years
boyjadzia replied to your post: do you have a favorite type of bread
wow what a good answer I woulda just said like wheat or smth but this has opened my mind to Possibilities
Honestly I have no way to tell whether or not you are being sarcastic, but in either case *dwayne johnson voice* you're welcome
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