#bozo's circus
chaptertwo-thepacnw · 24 days
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bozo and cooky
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sansthespectrumdeux · 2 years
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wizzo and bozo
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littlewalken · 8 months
You can't look away
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tacky-and-wacky · 1 year
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Vintage clown buttons
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emperorofthedark · 1 year
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they're pulling at me it's coming true creeping in from shadows what can i do?
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ravengards-rogue · 6 months
i am genuinely interested in the fact that astarion clings onto being apathetic when he is like literal ceo of losing the idgaf wars lmao
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parasitecat · 9 months
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My first post on this site, I'm kinda scared but here goes nothing lmao. Here's what I think would have happened if Jax and Caine saw Pomni trying to save Kaufmo. Gotta bully the newbie, right?
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barleyo · 2 months
day 172737492973 of everything i've ever done being worthless and insignificant. yay, celebrating my complete mediocrity! yippi!
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marokra · 10 months
The circus was quiet, after the dinner. Far too quiet. So quiet, that the recently-dubbed Geminitay was left alone with her thoughts. Which, for the record, was not a very favorable situation given the dangers of mentally spiraling in the digital plane.
She hoped that this was some sort of messed up nightmare. That she’d wake up in a cold sweat, and return back to her dead-end job. A job she hated, really, but she’d rather take that over this.
Gem pinched her arm, and then held her hands in front of her face. Yep. Not a dream.
She sighed and pulled up a mental checklist. Pretending this was a dream would get her nowhere. Might as well begin to process it all, right?
Can’t leave? check.
Trapped in a body that is most definitely not her own? check.
New name because her memory got messed up and she can’t remember any of the important details of her life? check.
Yep. All the signs were there. This was Geminitay’s own personal nightmare, and she was stuck living in it.
Earlier today when she went to check on Ren, Martyn had called this place Hell. and Gem was starting to think he was right. Everything she had seen today, The Void (with the eyes so many eyes that were all watching they were watching-), The Circus that was covered in deceivingly happy colors, the abstracted (unnatural, horrifying, dangerous) form of the so-called “Red King”, the fact that she couldn’t even remember her own damn name-
Not to mention how that “exit” from earlier seemed to be mocking her. Laughing at her feeble attempts to escape. And hell, if Gem’s theories were right, said “exit” was the thing that drove Ren to insanity. The thing the ringmaster had created to try and appeal to everyone’s desire for a way out drove one of his own to Insanity. Pretty messed up if you asked her.
Gem sighed, sinking down into the chair. Honestly, she should have expected this. You can’t be that surprised when the circus’s ringmaster is an AI that has no foresight.
A similar sigh was heard next to her, and she whipped around to see Scott sitting on the floor, the two making eye contact for a moment before he looked away. The plush glanced her beady button eyes to the side, and sure enough, Martyn was sitting across from her. Right. She wasn’t alone. This was fine.
She should say hi, right? She barely knew these people, hell, she had just met them, but it wouldn’t hurt to say hi. This was awkward. The silence was awkward. She was awkward. The tension could easily be cut with a knife. So, Gem did the most logical and reasonable thing to do in this situation. She grabbed the knife and started cutting.
“soooo. What’s the deal with Scar and Grian?” Worst icebreaker ever, Gem! this is the worst one you’ve ever used in your entire life! And sure, you can’t remember most of your life, but still!
Scott seems a bit caught off guard at the question, but recovers quickly. He plucks a star out of his hair, twirling it between his fingers absentmindedly. “Nobody knows. There’s been theories, yeah, but we’ve never figured out what’s going on with those two. Something about a previous adventure. A desert monopoly and a cactus ring, we’ve gathered that much.” the celestial replies, not bothering to spare a glance at Gem as he answers the question.
Martyn sighs. “Scar’s been making sad wet cat eyes at our,” he pauses to do air quotes. “‘ringmaster’ ever since we were thrown into this mess.” The marionette adjusts his position on the bean bag chair, sinking down to Gem’s eye level. “If you’re asking me, i’m tired of it.”
“So something happened with a past adventure and now they’re being all weird about it?” Gem tilts her head slightly, celebrating a little in her mind. You managed to start a conversation with the worst icebreaker known to man! Score!
“They’ve been weird about it for years, but sure, let’s go with that.” the marionette shrugs.
“Maybe it’s trauma. With Scar, at least. Not sure about Grian, is it even possible to traumatize AI?”
“Oh no no no,” A previously unseen jester poked her head over the edge of the balcony above, earning a surprised screech from Gem. “Grian isn’t an AI. He’s human. from our world.” the jester—Pearl, Gem’s mind supplied—hummed.
“Wait, what? but i thought he was-” She felt something hit her plushy body, glancing over to see that Scott had flicked a star into the side of her head. Ow.
“A lot of us thought that, when we first arrived here,” He paused, “Mainly because of his involvement with the circus itself. But over time, his more human mannerisms became glaringly obvious. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t noticed yet.”
“No AI starts wars for no reason.” Martyn commented. “And no AI has an inexplicable fear of being watched.”
“He started wa-??”
“-AI don’t take in other circus members as their own either!” Pearl cuts her off mid-sentence, the jester’s bells jingling as she jumps down from the tower, landing a bit to the right of Gem with an unceremonious fwoomph. “Grian saw us as family, siblings even, when we arrived. Well, me and Jimmy anyways.” Her voice drops to a low whisper, her uncovered eye darting around, making sure that nobody was eavesdropping. “Which was why he was so devastated when Jimmy. uh. abstracted.”
Gem could only nod. She noticed Martyn and Pearl have some silent communication for a moment, Martyn’s expression asking if he could continue. Pearl nodded, and the marionette turned back to Gem.
“It was something we hadn’t dealt with before. Nobody knew how to handle it. we didn’t even know it was possible.” Martyn added, frowning as he did so. The plush deer glanced over at Pearl, who sat in silence. Her gaze returned to Martyn.
“We tried everything we could to bring him back. Nothing worked.” Scott took in a deep breath before he continued. “He became too dangerous. People were getting glitched out left and right. The circus was a mess. And we had to put Jimmy in the cellar because of it.”
Well. That’s quite a bombshell to drop on somebody. Gem couldn’t even begin to imagine what everyone in the circus has gone through. And judging by Scott’s voice and the amount of crossed out portraits in the hall of doors, Jimmy was hardly the only one. Just how easy is it to lose your mind in the digital plane? How easy would it be for Gem to lose her mind? To actively harm the people she’s stuck with, no mercy involved? To be seen as a threat, and get thrown in a cellar with countless others? To experience a fate worse than death? She had to be careful. She had to be careful to never get too close, to always keep tabs on her mind. Because she’d never know when someone would get “abstracted.” She’d never know when she loses someone until it’s too late. She’d never know when she loses herself. Just one more thing to add to the list of reasons why she hates this place-
“Hello! Earth to Gem! Yoo-hoo! Hi! Hello!”
Pearl’s hand was flying in and out of Gem’s vision. The plush shakes her head. Better snap out of it. Dwelling in the possibilities would only make everything worse. Plus, this wasn’t even about her! This was about Jimmy!
“Right! Sorry. What were you saying?” Gem tilts her head as much as her stuffed animal body would let her. Which wasn’t much.
Martyn sighed. “As i was saying, Abstraction has become pretty normal for us nowadays. Yeah, I was a little bit caught off guard by Ren-“
“Extremely caught off guard.” Pearl chimes in.
“Extremely caught off guard, but someone getting abstracted is far from abnormal at this point. We’re used to it.”
“Mm.” Gem nods. “So, Jimmy was the first, right?”
“Yeah. Canary call, first to fall, forever caged in different walls and all that. That’s what They say about it anyways.” The marionette shrugs.
“Who’s They?”
A pause. Pearl, Scott, and Martyn immediately tense. A deafening silence blanketed the room, all eyes on the deer who asked the question.
A few seconds pass.
“Soooo, who wants to go drown in the digital lake?” Scott panickedly proposes. He glances behind himself, seemingly trying to make sure nothing was Watching him.
“Ahaha, I sure do love drowning! Come on guys let’s go like right now-” Pearl blurts out, a fake laugh tumbling from her lips.
Martyn nods. “I can’t wait to go dr-aha-own, byegemseeyoulater-”
The trio of circus members all but ran out of the tent, leaving Gem alone in a confused daze.
“Huh.” Weird.
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pilmyeol · 10 months
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biggest loser on the fucking planet.
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dummy-energy-drink · 11 months
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Tee hee new brainrot
Anyways have old doodles and a Digital Circus sona name Bzzby (bees-be) whos based on a pillow pet :]
Also yeah i realize I drew Kinger wrong, im sorry i did the wet cat wrong 😔
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pbscore · 2 months
I just think it’s weird that so many of you grown adults with terminal fanfiction syndrome are so quick to guilt trip literal minors into violating their own boundaries against p*dophilic and other abusive content being glorified in media (especially in mediocre fanfiction circles) by blaming said minors for the faults of powerful cishet white men in power who are censoring whatever they want to for reasons beyond your weird obsession with Good Omens…
Like…y’all know that those homophobes were already shitty people way before these recent events of book banning right? Y’all are aware of the fact that most of the time, the first red flag in these types of people is the fact that they’re often racist (which y’all will casually ignore until it effects non-black queer people 🤔)?
Idk…i just find it funny to see the AO3 toe-sucking crowd act high and mighty in any way when they have consistently failed to actually make any tangible social changes in their own circles to make those spaces safer for minors and/or people of color. But the moment they’re called out on it, suddenly they’re ‘heroes against censorship uwu’….except for when people are critical of their own behavior… 🤔
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yuthana · 6 months
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Circus boy bozo - Tin toys News club. Wind up tin Japan. Vintage retro tin toys robot litho Japanese. ​ Toys​ Teruhisa Kitahara brand. made in JAPAN. Buy now! On the eBay website, click here>>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/226076000102
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scrambler · 2 years
El Santo and Bozo the Clown form an alliance.
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hyzenthlayroseart · 1 year
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So with my Circus Story, I have the beginning and the end in my head but still haven't got the middle (just one of the many pains of having lots of stories, I end up neglecting some while focusing on others). Anyway, I decided to draw the ending.
So to recap, the story starts in 1910 with Steven and his pet monkey Rambo, two poor penniless friends making a living on the streets as peanut vendors. One day when the circus comes to town, Steven gets hired to travel with the circus to continue being a peanut vendor at shows. While in the circus he falls in love with the trapeze artist Dolores, the sad, abused niece of the cruel and greedy ringmaster James. 
Among the other performers he meets are:
Sydney and Carolina, the conjoined twin daughters of Dolores
Adonis, the lovable strongman who is a big brother type figure to Dolores and becomes one to Steven
Norman, a legless man and Adonis's closest friend
Helga, a warm and loving bearded lady who is an adoptive mother to Dolores
Madame Eugenia, a fortune teller with a pet monkey of her own named Esmerelda
Charlotte, an albino African-American woman who is a sister figure to Dolores
Lydia, a snarky, chain-smoking tattooed lady who is Charlotte's girlfriend and best friend to Dolores
Mina and Harold, a married dwarf couple
And Danny, a hyper and friendly 10 year old boy with hypertrichosis 
At some point in the story when Steven and Dolores fall in love, Dolores confesses to Steven that she has a fantasy of one day stealing all of her uncle's money and running away to retire in a big house with all of the other performers to live in together. Well sometime after that there's a climatic uprising against James which ends with James and Steven fighting each other which leads to James dying in a way I haven't thought of yet (I do know I want it to be a "Disney Villain Death" as Tv Tropes calls it (tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php…) because I can't imagine Steven as a murderer).
Anyway, the story ends with Dolores's fantasy coming true as everyone buys a big house to live in, Steven and Dolores get married and he becomes Sydney and Carolina's adopted father, and the two of them even have a son together named Benjamin.
Oh, and Rambo and Esmerelda end up falling in love and having three babies, Bobo, Bozo and Mimi (yes I reused previous drawings of Rambo and Esmerelda, I was tired once I got to them, sue me).
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truegeorge · 5 months
Bozo For President
J.Y Provocative Question#29: Which celebrity do you think should be elected US President in 2024?  It is not unheard of that occasionally some sort of entertainment celebrity decides to become a candidate for the highest office in the nation. Most recently Dywane “the Rock” Johnson, revealed that he was approached by members of the Republican and Democratic parties and asked if he’d like to run…
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