#brain leakage blog
howtofightwrite · 10 months
How effective is clapping (boxing?) someone's ears in a fight? Like on a scale from like mild annoyance to taking someone out of a fight entirely. Something about it always seemed childish but I swear I've read something about the pressure change really messing up your eardrum and inner ear.
Boxing the ears works very well.
Your sense of balance is regulated by a fluid filled organ in your inner ear. Sensory hair cells track the way the fluid moves, or more accurately, fails to move, when your head and body move around. This is the fundamental, physiological basis, for your ability to tell up from down.
Unsurprisingly, when you get that fluid moving and doing things it's not supposed to, your body's ability to maintain your balance starts to experience some “difficulties.”
The inner ear works off some fairly reasonable expectations for how things will behave. Unfortunately, when those expectations are no longer true, for example if someone just delivered a shock of air pressure down both ear canals, it becomes surprisingly difficult to override that information.
So, when you box someone's ears, you can temporarily disrupt someone's balance, and if executed correctly, it can even cause them to crumple to the floor. Now it doesn't actually incapacitate them, and you can power through your inner ear getting slightly stirred from a hit (though, it's not going to be a fun experience. Especially if your body stumbles across the idea that your balance issues are from a poison you consumed, in which case expect to throw up. Though, if you have the ability to weaponize that, being able to literally throw up into your opponent's face is one way to offer a very clear opinion on getting your ears boxed.)
However, that's the shallow end. Boxing the ears can, as you mentioned, cause an ear drum to pop. This isn't quite as simple as it might first seem, as there are a lot of ways this blow can cause temporary or permanent damage to the ear and your ability to hear, ranging from the membrane itself being perforated (though, that's more likely if there's a sharpened object getting driven into their ear, or “ossicular dislocation,” where the bones you rely on to make the ear drum work become separated (and fixing this will require surgery.) However, it can get muchworse if enough force is applied.
There are a lot of delicate bits of bone in this part of the skull (including the malleus, incus, and stapes mentioned in the previous paragraph.) A lot of these are part of the temporal bone as a whole, but breaking parts of that can have some really unpleasant side effects including, and I'm not exaggerating (much), your brain leaking from your ear or sinuses. (Though, it's far more common that this leakage is cerebrospinal fluid, rather than the brain itself which is usually non-life threatening, and those injuries dotend to heal on their own, but in rare cases surgery is necessary to deal with CSF leakage.) Which is to say, it can get reallybad.
So, in a word, “yeah.” Boxing the ears works. A fairly light tap to both at the same times can completely scramble someone's sense of balance for a few minutes, and if you can land the hits, it is a valid way to create an opening for a hasty exit. The more catastrophic outcomes are extremely unlikely unless you're driving a lot more force into their skull, or get supremely unlucky.
Now, “supremely unlucky,” can still happen, and you are battering someone's skull, so boxing their ears isn't exactly, “safe,” but as intentional strikes to the head go, it's one of the less dangerous options. Then again, it's also not trying to do much to your foe.
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since landing is closing down soon, i decided to take a quick break from SUPERSTRUCTURE (although i will be back don't you worry two fans) and made some fashion moodboards for the 14 fears from the magnus archives to accompany this post there will be some notes and insight on each collage under the cut.
the buried: the buried was really underutilized in the podcast imo. some of my favorite episodes revolved around the buried like lost john's cave and we all ignore the pit. i really hope this did it justice since jonny sims did not.
the corruption: oh my god this one was so hard to make. my google search history is full of terms like "bug infested dress", "moldy clothing" and "yucky fashion" the corruption girlies really seemed to like my last post so i felt obligated to get it right. i think i did okay.
the dark: making a black on black collage look decent is really hard 😭 I was originally going to go victorian for this one but ended up doing nu goth instead since I thought victorian fit a lot better with the end.
the desolation: this is one of my favorites. there's somthing so satisfying about combining ashy greys and black with orange it just tickles my brain. other than that, i don't really have any notes
the end: as mentioned earlier, i went with victorian mourning wear for the end. i mean queen victoria herself was in mourning and only wore black for forty years. that era is so synonymous with death it only felt fair to work its customs and fashion into my end board.
the eye: eye avatars are legally required to wear academic fashion. it just comes with the job description. i don't make the rules. have fun being jonathan sims
the flesh: this one really took me down a rabbit hole. first:, i could only find those anti-vegan shirts that your unemployed uncle wears to the family barbecue and then i came across this fashion designer and spent like an hour on her shop trying to figure out how she got her clothes to look like that. after that it took me another two hours to find all of the accessories. pinterest has been both my best friend and worst enemy over the course of this project.
the hunt: i am so sorry the supernatural gas leakage returned to my home when i made this and I age regressed into being 15 again. when i was making this i pictured it more as the trevor and julia flavor of the hunt instead of say, daisy. god breast america.
the lonely: this one was pretty easy to make once i got a handle on the color scheme. the aesthetic of the lonely has always striken me as a romanticization of the melancholy. think wanderer above the sea of fog. So i gave this one all the things i would romantasize about my life at my loneliest, which is why there's a teacup and a heart locket. the book was also a part of that, but it also doubles as a recreation of a leitner by theponderingalpaca on reddit.
the slaughter: yeah yeah i know the slaughter is supposed to be about war as well as murder, but forgive me for not making a fashion collage about military uniforms. that's really boring. i had just watched woodstock '99 before i made this though and decided to go more for that angry punk/metalhead fashion that korn was wearing in that concert. them and limp biskit are the closest we'll ever get to irl grifters bone.
the spiral: i made this moodboard twice. i know its crazy that the fear meant to represent insanity is hard to pin down, but i think i did it better the second time around. the first one read too much as regular kidcore/decora for my taste.
the stranger: i had to do this one last. i could not for the life of me figure out how to make a circus/uncanny fashion board without just doing clown fashion. i'm still not entirely sure how i feel about how it turned out, but at least the masks are cool.
the vast: vast avatars rise up!! this is a mike crew fan blog and i only wanted to base the fashion around him. he's in the top three list of guys i'm autistic about with elliott stardew valley and daniel powell from archive 81.
the web: not much to say here except if you are a web avatar you have to wear a cunty dress. it is simply non negotiable
thank you to @artmadval for giving me the idea to do this with your amazing fashion archives art, along with everyone else who went through all my yapping to get here. love yall!
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probiotics-blog · 4 months
Cultivating Calm: Probiotics and Stress Relief
In today's fast-paced world, stress has become an almost constant companion for many. While there are numerous strategies to manage stress, one emerging area of interest is the role of probiotics in promoting relaxation and mental well-being. This blog explores the connection between probiotics and stress relief, highlighting the different types of probiotics that can support a calmer, more balanced life. For additional resources and information on probiotics, visit Nook.
The Gut-Brain Connection
The gut-brain axis is a complex communication network that links the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. This bidirectional communication system allows the gut and brain to influence each other's functions. Probiotics, the beneficial bacteria in our digestive system, play a crucial role in this interaction. By maintaining a healthy gut microbiome, probiotics can positively impact our mental health and stress levels.
Types of Probiotics for Stress Relief
Lactobacillus rhamnosus: This strain has been extensively studied for its potential to reduce anxiety and stress. It works by modulating the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and enhancing the production of neurotransmitters like GABA, which have calming effects.
Bifidobacterium longum: Known for its ability to alleviate stress-related behaviors, Bifidobacterium longum helps maintain a balanced gut microbiome and supports overall mental well-being. It can also improve sleep quality, which is often disrupted by stress.
Lactobacillus helveticus: This strain has been shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in both human and animal studies. It helps maintain a healthy gut barrier, preventing the leakage of harmful substances that can affect brain function.
Recent Research on Probiotics and Stress
Recent advancements in probiotic research have shed light on the specific mechanisms through which probiotics can help manage stress. Some key findings include:
Modulation of Inflammatory Responses: Chronic stress can lead to inflammation, which negatively impacts mental health. Probiotics can help reduce inflammation by promoting the production of anti-inflammatory compounds and strengthening the gut barrier.
Regulation of Neurotransmitters: Probiotics influence the production and regulation of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, which play crucial roles in mood regulation and stress response.
Enhancement of Brain Function: Probiotics can improve cognitive function and memory by supporting the gut-brain axis. This can lead to better stress management and overall mental clarity.
For more insights on the benefits of probiotics, visit Nook.
Practical Tips for Incorporating Probiotics into Your Routine
Integrating probiotics into your daily routine can help manage stress and promote mental well-being. Here are some practical tips to get you started:
Consume Fermented Foods: Incorporate foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso into your diet. These foods are rich in naturally occurring probiotics and can significantly boost your gut health.
Choose a Quality Probiotic Supplement: Look for supplements that contain specific strains known for their stress-relieving properties, such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium longum. Ensure the supplement has a high CFU (colony-forming units) count for maximum efficacy.
Maintain Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to probiotics. Make them a regular part of your diet to experience sustained benefits.
Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps probiotics thrive in your gut, enhancing their effectiveness.
Monitor Your Gut Health: Pay attention to how your body responds to probiotics. Adjust the type and dosage based on your digestive health and overall well-being.
Probiotics and Women’s Health
Probiotics are particularly beneficial for women’s health, especially in maintaining a healthy vaginal microbiome. They can help prevent and manage conditions such as bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections. Regular use of probiotics can support vaginal health and overall well-being.
To learn more about probiotics tailored for women's health, visit Nook.
Probiotics for Immune Function
A significant portion of the immune system resides in the gut, making probiotics crucial for immune health. Probiotics can enhance the activity of immune cells and improve the body's natural defenses against infections. Regular consumption of probiotics has been shown to reduce the frequency and severity of common illnesses like colds and flu.
Probiotics for Skin Health
Probiotics can also benefit skin health by enhancing the skin's natural barrier function and modulating the body's inflammatory response. This can lead to improvements in conditions such as acne, eczema, and rosacea. Incorporating probiotics into your skincare routine, either through diet or topical applications, can promote healthier, clearer skin.
By understanding the different types of probiotics and how they can help manage stress, you can take proactive steps towards a calmer, more balanced life. Integrate these beneficial bacteria into your daily routine to support your mental well-being and overall health. For further information on probiotics and their benefits, visit Nook.
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Why don't nurses perform bladder rehabilitation on stroke survivors?
In her fourth blog post for the week, Jo Booth, a professor of rehabilitation nursing at Glasgow Caledonian University, focuses on one of the more serious problems that stroke survivors deal with over time: urine incontinence. She also encourages nurses to accompany stroke survivors as they regain bladder control.
Chang stated that "AI can be used by researchers in the field of paediatrics to deal with complex data sets; AI algorithms can analyse data sets that may be challenging for humans to discern." #callforpapers In order to attract potential authors, it's crucial to provide concise and understandable information while announcing a Call for Papers for an academic 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference from July 25–27, 2024 in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual. Submit here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
Stroke and urinary incontinence
About half of all acute stroke survivors experience urinary incontinence (UI) in the first month, 40% do so at three months, and a third do so after a year. Stroke survivors with UI had worse outcomes and are more likely to pass away, become seriously incapacitated, or be transferred to a care facility. A terrible aftereffect of stroke is urinary incontinence for the individual and their families. Stroke survivors with UI are twice as likely to experience depression as those without UI, suffer severe embarrassment and confidence loss, and this negatively impacts their ability to socialize, work, travel, and maintain healthy family ties.
But as a target for therapeutic treatment, UI is often disregarded. The ability to rehabilitate bladders is something we don't seem to have understood. Our brain and spinal cord control our bladders, and while this control is mostly automatic, we also have voluntary control, which is how we can control our bladders until we determine when and where to use the restroom. Additionally, the pelvic floor muscles that support the sphincter's closure and hold the bladder in place are striated muscles like the ones in the legs and arms, thus we have voluntary control over them. This implies that, like walking, swallowing, and speaking, bladder function might be the focus of rehabilitation efforts.
What then can nurses do to help patients regain bladder function?
In a report I published ten years ago, stroke nurses from three different nations (the UK, China, and Sweden) focused on stopping bladder leakage by using pads or catheters, but they did not think to employ bladder rehabilitation approaches to address the underlying causes of the problem. This problem seems to be the same in my experience.  Why is that so?
The supporting data
The Cochrane review, released in March 2019, demonstrates that there is just a very little amount of data to guide stroke practice—only 20 studies, totalling just 1338 stroke survivors, are included. Unsurprisingly, it came to the conclusion that there is not enough data to support stroke-specific bladder therapy after a stroke. However, there is proof that behavioural treatments for urinary incontinence, like bladder training and pelvic floor muscle exercises, are generally effective, and they are universally advised as first-line treatments across all guidelines, including the National Clinical Guidelines for Stroke (2016).
So what should stroke nurses do if we want to give stroke victims the best opportunity to regain bladder function? We should "do" bladder rehabilitation; that is, we should accept responsibility for it as a nursing duty and learn how to instruct and encourage our patients to engage in a bladder rehabilitation program that includes targeted toilet assistance programs, pelvic floor muscle exercises, and bladder training. We might be able to transform the bad aspects of incontinence into the advantages of effective bladder control if we shift the way we think to view urine incontinence as a rehabilitation opportunity.
Considerations for acute stroke
Trish Elder-Gracie, a stroke nurse specialist in NHS Lothian, provides her perspective on current priorities in the acute management of stroke in the UK in our third blog post of the week for Action on Stroke Month.
Stroke continues to be the leading cause of disability in the UK, but stroke medicine has changed dramatically since I was a wee student nurse over thirty years ago when we tucked the stroke patient up in bed usually a distance away from the nurse's station thinking nothing could be done. So what is some of the beam evidence that we now strive to provide high quality care to improve patient outcomes?
Working in acute stroke, our goal is to reduce impairment, and we work incredibly hard to do this by encouraging people to act fast and go to the hospital so that we can assess their needs and provide prompt care. Basically, we only thrombolysis 15% of stroke patients who satisfy our criteria; in the other 85% of instances, continuing rehabilitation is also necessary.
The percentages of patients who will be suitable for thrombectomy are not yet known, however some believe that between 5 and 15% may be. Some patients will receive thrombectomy but not thrombolysis as a result of the increased time window for those who qualify for thrombolysis.
Additionally, there is evidence that "wake up" stroke patients may also qualify for thrombolysis but will need additional brain imaging to do so. Once more, the evidence is convincing, but the source is difficult.
Nurses play a crucial role in the delivery of EBM; all improvements in critical care outcomes previous to Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) were largely attributable to better nursing practices for implementing EBM. It's critical to understand that strokes share this characteristic. Evidence is being established for thrombolysis, thrombectomy, intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), and atrial fibrillation (AF) detection, however due to NHS infrastructure, few locations are able to consistently provide patients with treatments and therapies that adhere to the gold standard of
Great opportunity for students. If you want to work in the healthcare business and are interested in nursing, healthcare, or patient safety, sign up right away to present at the CME/CPD accredited 14th International Healthcare, Hospital Management, Nursing, and Patient Safety Conference that will be held in Dubai, UAE, from July 25–27, 2024. WhatsApp: https://wa.me/442033222718 Register here: https://nursing-healthcare.universeconferences.com/registration/
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How Motorcycle Safety Earplugs Protect Your Hearing
Riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience that offers freedom and adventure on the open road. However, the intense noise produced by motorcycles can pose a serious threat to our hearing health. Riding without proper hearing protection can lead to irreversible hearing loss over time. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of motorcycle safety earplugs in protecting your hearing, the potential risks of noise exposure, and how these specialized earplugs work to protect your ears on the road.
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Effects of Motorcycle Noise on Hearing
Motorcycle enthusiasts are often exposed to high levels of noise while riding. The combined effects of engine noise, wind turbulence, and traffic noise can easily exceed safe noise levels. Prolonged exposure to such sounds can lead to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), or tinnitus, a constant ringing in the ears. Even short bursts of loud noise can cause immediate damage, making it imperative to take preventative measures.
Understanding Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Noise-induced hearing loss occurs when the fine hair cells in the inner ear are damaged by exposure to loud noises. These hair cells are responsible for transmitting sound signals to the brain. Once damaged, they cannot regenerate, resulting in permanent hearing impairment. NIHL can be gradual, accumulating over time with repeated exposure to loud noise, or it can occur suddenly from a single, intense noise event.
Introduction of Motorcycle Safety Earplugs
Motorcycle safety earplugs are specially designed to protect the rider's ears from harmful sounds while preserving essential sounds like sirens, horns, and approaching vehicles. Unlike regular foam earplugs that block out all sound, these specialized earplugs use advanced technology to reduce noise levels without compromising situational awareness.
How Motorcycle Safety Earplugs Work
Noise Reduction Rating (NRR): Motorcycle earplugs are assigned a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) that indicates the level of noise reduction they provide. The higher the NRR, the more effective the earplugs are at reducing noise. When selecting earplugs, it's crucial to choose a pair with an appropriate NRR to suit your riding environment.
Frequency Filtering: Advanced motorcycle earplugs use frequency filtering technology to target harmful low-frequency sounds while allowing important sounds in the mid and high-frequency range to pass through. This ensures that vital auditory signals are not masked, improving overall safety on the road.
Customized Fit: Motorcycle safety earplugs are available in various shapes and sizes to provide a comfortable and secure fit for individual riders. Custom-molded earplugs, made from your ear impression, provide an optimal seal, preventing sound leakage.
Advantages of motorcycle safety earplugs
Hearing Protection: The primary benefit of motorcycle earplugs is to protect your hearing from the damaging effects of loud motorcycle noise. By reducing noise exposure, these earplugs help prevent long-term hearing loss.
Improved concentration: Noise can be distracting, affecting a rider's ability to concentrate on the road. Earplugs reduce distractions, allowing motorcyclists to stay focused and alert while riding.
Fatigue reduction: Continuous exposure to loud noises can cause fatigue and sensory overload. By reducing noise levels, motorcycle earplugs help riders experience less fatigue after a long ride.
Better Riding Experience: By eliminating wind and engine noise, motorcycle safety earplugs make the overall riding experience more enjoyable and comfortable.
Tips for Using Motorcycle Safety Earplugs
Choose the right NRR: Select earplugs with the appropriate NRR to match your riding environment. For noisy highways, choose a higher NRR rating.
Proper Insertion: Ensure proper insertion of earplugs for an effective seal. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to achieve the best results.
Keep them clean: Clean and maintain your earplugs regularly to prevent dirt and earwax build-up, ensuring their longevity and performance.
Combine with helmets: Motorcycle safety earplugs work well with full-face helmets, creating a safe environment for your ears.
Motorcycle safety earplugs are an important investment for every rider concerned about their hearing health. By effectively reducing noise levels without compromising situational awareness, these specialized earplugs provide a safer and more enjoyable riding experience. Don't let your love of motorcycling get in the way of noise-induced hearing loss; Protect your ears, invest in high-quality motorcycle safety earplugs, and enjoy the open road with confidence and peace of mind.
If you want to know more about this topic you can also check other blogs.
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skye-farer · 1 year
what the fuckin bingle?
i don’t know how to use this site. honest to god everything here makes zero sense and perhaps that is a side effect of my serotonin-fucked brain glancing away from the vapid, algorithmic warzone permeating a culture of self-masturbating vitriol that ultimately amounts to very little and choosing to take that obsession to - oh, look at it - another blue app where i and everyone aboard are the product
it feels good!
opening this text tab was like a jolt of energy - zeus himself frying the discourse-fattened neurons and weaving out the creases of my cerebellum; a release. i like to express every nuance in what i say, and Two-Hundred and Forty Characters wasn’t on the best of terms with me as a result. writing is something i’ve done since i was about three. a blog format seems like something i want to tussle with. did you know for my irish exams years ago i had to write a blog in said language? it was terrible! 
the point: twitter (and really, any social media) was/is a delicately woven spiral of infighting, spite, doomscrolling and What Have You. it is a bondage that is decimating lives; an addiction we’re only now starting to blame the company for as the products. you don’t need me to tell you this, dearest nonexistent reader, you know. really channeling the will wood song “You Liked This (Okay, Computer!)” right about now. i hate that song. it is not a song, it is spoken words by Bev Standing that incoherently spouts truths of the machinations before spiraling into a sampling of the subway jingle all the while a man makes sweet love to the dissonant side of a piano and synth nonsense wails away
i like getting sidetracked. i have room to think. i have room to express nonsense
know not does anyone if that darned muskrat will backpedal when he observes the steady leakage in the fluid that is twitter blue subscribers and active users but perhaps that damage is already done, or not, i don’t know. that man is a chaotic neutral creature and quite frankly i don’t care at this point. i’ll probably look again over there if it fixes. i don’t know, all my friends are there. it is a lot easier to respond to a fun life post than it is to crash on someone’s digital couch in a DM. i guess i’m a victim of the words i’ve said before, hm?
i’m not trying to really say anything, i am simply trying to speak
maybe i’ll stay here. i don’t know how to “reply”, what “notes” are, or how this site’s algorithm really works, yet something feels welcoming, as though i stepped into my late-grandmother’s living room again after all these years. it’s ephemeral, and for once perhaps i feel like i have the words to describe my feelings of.. anything.
i don’t know. i simply felt like releasing thoughts in a way that i actually can tonight now that the shackles have been shattered. like, two of my friends follow me here. i’m screaming into this anechoic chamber for an audience consisting of myself. i’m staring upon the moonlight above as though a horse lost in a mundane shorefront, wondering where the herd has gone. bless the torpedoes
no more real than you are
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monochromayhem · 2 years
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We are a non-DID related traumagenic system. As such, it isn’t appropriate to call us “traumascum” nor is it right to fakeclaim. We did not choose to experience what led us to this point.
We are endo-friendly and support our fellow systems of all origins. There is literally no reason to be so hateful when that’s exactly what neurotypical folks want in order to keep us complacent. We are stronger together and if we share our experiences we will be able to better tackle shared troubles.
Do no fakeclaim the things our system is diagnosed with. It’s extremely ableist to assume that a diagnosis is uniform across all brains as no human brain is the same as others.
We shouldn’t have to say this, but MOGAI: LGBTQIA+ hatred is a no fly with us. Not only is our system a wide range of sexualities including both queer and straight people, as well as a lot of gender spectrum related identities, it’s extremely screwy to be hateful.
We do not and never will support harmful paraphilias. If you are a zoo or a MAP, do not interact with us. We don’t care if you are for or against contact, it’s illegal. That goes quintuple if you are a zoosadist, you’re fucking sick.
If we open the submission box, we will delete anything that doesn’t suit this blog. If submitted works are illegal, we’ll report you. We reserve our right to.
We don’t support hate speech. This includes slurs, racism, antisemitism, ableism, etc
If you think the world runs on a social currency system, don’t follow me. It’s a major trigger that makes us feel as though our interactions have to be transactional, and it’s antithetical to my/our recovery.
Accidental pet death
Eye trauma
Head trauma resulting in cranial fluid leakage
Transactional social situations
R*pe and M*rder
Child S*x Ab*se
Animal Ab*se of ANY kind
Final Fusion/ Forced Fusion
Anything pro-ana or eating disorder related
(This list is subject to change for better or for worse.)
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What are diabetic eye disease and its symptoms?
A diabetic eye disease is a group of many eye problems caused by diabetes. You will face diseases like diabetic macular edema, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and maybe many others.
After some time, diabetes may cause serious eye damage. It can cause poor vision or even blindness. However, you can protect your eyes from diabetic eye disease with a few sobrieties. So consult with your regular doctor about what you need to do before it gets worse, by taking care of your diabetes.
In this post, we are going to discuss it. If you want to know about it, you can read the blog:
Diabetic retinopathy
The most common reason for adult blindness in America is diabetic retinopathy. It happens when changes in the retina’s blood vessels cause either leakage of the vessels or the growth of abnormal new blood vessels on the retina’s surface. You need to choose the best treatment for diabetic retinopathy. You need to visit regularly for eye examinations so that your doctor can offer you the best treatments as soon as you might need them. "
Diabetic macular edema (DME)
It is noticed that over time, for every 15 people, 1 person is suffering from diabetes and may develop DME. It happens when the blood vessels in the retina leak fluid into the macula (a part of the retina needed for sharp, central vision). It may cause blurry vision.
The optic nerve, the group of nerves that connects the eye to the brain, can be harmed by glaucoma, a type of eye illness. Glaucoma, which if left untreated can result in visual loss and blindness, is twice as likely to develop in those with diabetes.
Also, consider that the symptoms vary depending on what type of glaucoma you have.
The internal lens in your eyes allows you to see and focus on a particular image. If you notice the lens getting blurred or cloudy, like a dirty or smudged window that means a cataract has formed. It may happen to every patient, but people with diabetes tend to get them earlier, and they get worse faster.
If you feel the cloudy lens issue, you will not be able to focus on a particular thing. You would not see as well. Symptoms include glare and blurred vision.
Maybe you need surgery to remove a cataract or something else. If you visit the doctor, they will replace the cloudy lens with an artificial one.
These are diseases that may affect your eyes if you are a diabetes patient, so we must suggest you get a cure soon if you don’t want to make it a severe issue. Having a full eye examination is the best way to diagnose eye problems resulting from diabetes. Your doctor will tell you the best way to cure all these issues. They will go through with the dilated exam, and it may blur your vision after the examination.
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brain-leakage-blog · 6 years
The Sword and Sorcery Rosetta Stone
Sword an sorcery is a genre that's devilishly hard to define. Ask ten people to lay out their personal guidelines for what is and isn't S&S, and you're likely to get twelve different answers. 
Examples are easier to come up with, if somewhat less helpful. And like definitions, you're rarely going to get many people that agree. Sure, some examples are more-or less a given. Robert E. Howard's Conan. Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd and Gray Mouser. Michael Moorcock's Elric. But disagreement tends to crop up when people throw up examples outside that established core.
In an old SF Signal Mind Meld, several writers were asked to define what "sword and sorcery" meant to them. Answers were, predictably, all over the board, most of them boiling down to lists of common tropes. But the first answer came from Michael Moorcock himself, and it touched on something elemental:
"Basically I see it as a good old-fashioned sword and sandal or cloak and dagger drama with strong supernatural elements. Captain Blood meets Cthulhu." 
Folks, that quote may be the closest thing this genre has to a Rosetta Stone. It explains why so many of the "borderline" examples people disagree about feel wrong to those well-read in the genre, even if they seem to contain most of the tropes. 
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First, re-read Moorcock's statement. Notice the order he puts the two components in. It's no accident that "old fashioned sword and sandal or cloak and dagger drama" gets precedent. The story has to function purely (or almost purely) in those terms, absent any fantastical element. 
Conan sneaking into the Tower of the Elephant. Elric of Melniboné leading a pirate fleet against the impregnable port of Imrryr. Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser running headlong through the labyrinthine halls of the Thieves' House, one step ahead of their murderous pursuers.   
Any of those moments could be dropped into a historical adventure story, while retaining 100% of its excitement and impact. They speak to something primal in the reader, something that exists independent of the story's magical elements: Courage in the face of certain death. Wit and steel against overwhelming odds. The chase. The hunt. 
The fight.
Next, notice Moorcock's carefully chosen word, supernatural. There's a reason he didn't say "cloak and dagger fiction with magic." Or "sword and sandal drama with elves and dwarves."
Supernatural implies the weird, the unknown, and the dangerous. Supernatural is the fantastic. But it is the unfamiliar fantastic. 
In sword and sorcery, magic is rare and terrifying. Monsters are a violation of the natural order. Dwarves and elves, if present, aren't simply another culture in a fantasy melting-pot world. They're a freak survival of some ancient and forgotten age, like Howard's stooped, serpent-like "Worms of the Earth." Or Moorcock's vaguely etherial, Chaos-bound Melnibonéans. 
What I like about Moorcock's definition is that it's not just descriptive. At the risk of paraphrasing Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, Moorcock's definition doesn't just describe what a sword and sorcery story is. If it did, it wouldn't be much more than a genre dowsing rod. 
Rather, Moorcock's definition describes what a sword and sorcery story needs. It can be a map for building one from the ground up. 
Sword and sorcery 101. Start with historical adventure. Add the supernatural. It's as simple (and as complex) as that. 
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madshade · 2 years
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and The Leaky Brain: A Proposed Mechanism for Neurodegeneration Via the Intestine-Hippocampus Pathway
Blog 2
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Figure 1. The hippocampus lies in the temporal lobe of the brain, highlighted in the purple box, and is described as having a seahorse-like shape. Microglial immune cells, colored in purple, are abundant in the hippocampus, and they are an active mediator in intestine-induced neuroinflammation. 
            The hippocampus is a tiny organ most popular for its role in memory. It adopts a seahorse-like shape in the temporal brain lobe, near the bottom ear (Figure 1). The hippocampus is abundant in neurons, which make it sensitive to incoming immune signals. Recent advances in gastrointestinal (GI) research aim to decode the physiological mechanism on how inflammation in the gut, caused by intestinal diseases, can travel to the hippocampus. Neuroinflammation is a response to activated microglial cells, which are immune cells in the brain that kill foreign cells through the process of phagocytosis. Microglial cells can be activated by psychological stress, disease, or a variety of other health problems. Once activated, microglia can induce inflammation in the brain. A proposed mechanism for the neuroinflammation seen in gastrointestinal diseases involves a leaky blood-brain barrier. 
The blood-brain barrier is in place to protect the brain by preventing entry of harmful molecules, but it has an immune defense mechanism in the case of attack. Inflammatory bowel diseases have shown brain pathologies consistent with neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Although studies about early development of GI tract diseases never report a complete physiological mechanism on the pathogenesis of neuroinflammation, the collaborative work of biologists and pharmacists from Korea and the United States propose a complete pathway of the inflammation signalling events from the intestines to the hippocampus.
Previous brain studies on inflammatory bowel diseases fail to propose a mechanism on how inflammation in the gut can spread to the brain and cause physiological changes. Gastroenterologists agree on the hypothesis of how increased intestinal permeability can cause a stronger immune response in the gut, but Dr. Mitchell’s research group suggest that inflammatory bowel diseases can cause disease in the brain because of a leaky blood-brain barrier. If harmful molecules have a higher chance of crossing the epithelial barrier lining the intestinal wall in inflammatory bowel diseases, then the brain is more susceptible to neuroinflammation by encountering those toxins via the circulatory system.  
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Figure 2. Leaky blood brain barrier in colitis mouse model visualized using Evan’s blue dye and immunofluorescence staining.
To measure brain physiology changes, Dr. Mitchell’s team use immunofluorescence and extraction techniques on colitis mice models as representative organisms with inflammatory bowel disease. Colitis entails intestinal inflammation and abdominal pain as a response to hyperactive immune cells in the intestines. Chemical dye and immune cell markers can be used to pinpoint each step in the intestine-hippocampus pathway leading to neuroinflammation in colitis mice. A chemical marker, Evan’s blue dye, is visible in the brain when injected into the tails of colitis mice, and it shows the leakage of molecules from blood vessels into brain tissue (Figure 2). Furthermore, immunofluorescence with antibody probes for high-mobility group box 1 protein (HMGB1) highlight the translocation of HMGB1 from the intestines to the brain. HMBG1 protein triggers an immune response in the hippocampus by activating inflammatory cytokine IL-1ß in microglial cells, which ultimately leads to pyroptosis. Pyroptosis is a form of programmed cell death induced by a hyperactive inflammatory response. Immunofluorescence with inflammatory cytokine antibody probes also shows leakage of molecules into the hippocampus of colitis mice brains. In each case, inflammatory cytokines activated in the intestines induced neuroinflammation in the hippocampus due to a leaky blood-brain barrier and an overactive immune response. 
The exact mechanism of how intestinal permeability and blood brain barrier selectivity is altered remains elusive; however, penetration of the blood brain barrier can induce an immune response in the hippocampus that originated in the intestines. The hippocampus is abundant in phagocytic microglial cells, making it susceptible to hyperactivity during an immune response. HMGB1, a protein that activates phagocytic cells, passes through the epithelial barrier that lines blood vessels and enters the surrounding tissues. Activated microglial cells display HMGB1 on their outer surface to signal the immune system for help. Inflammatory mediators, including cytokine IL-1ß, are then produced to destroy the HMBG1-infected microglia via pyroptosis. The proposed physiological mechanism of neuroinflammation induced by intestinal inflammation relies upon a leaky blood brain barrier. 
Review of:
Mitchell J, Kim SJ, Howe C, Lee S, Her JY, Patel M, Kim G, Lee J, Im E, Rhee SH. Chronic Intestinal Inflammation Suppresses Brain Activity by Inducing Neuroinflammation in Mice. Am J Pathol. 2022. 192(1) 72-86. 
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unionplumbing · 4 years
It’s remodeling project of a building or you are just finished with a construction of your house or maybe you are just facing some other problem regarding sewer and drain cleaning, there are so many reasons when you hire a plumber.
There are times when one needs a plumber on urgent basis to deal with some emergency problems like leakages. At that time one needs a reliable and experienced plumber in order to avoid waste of money, time and much more. Wrongly repaired leaking pipes can cause a disaster in one’s house.
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Either you need sewer and drain cleaning services, sewer line repair, fixing broken pipes or leakages or planning and building plumbing system for a new building. Plumber is always required to perform all these activities. However the plumber you hire must know his work properly, one must have knowledge about blueprints. General plumbing work can be done by any plumber but if the work is more complicated one must always consider master plumber.
One cannot call himself a plumber just by fixing few taps and pipes; he must gain a license in order to be called as professional plumber. There are different kinds of requirements according to different states that how many hours does a plumber requires to be trained under a master plumber, how many hours does one have spent in schooling and so on. After spending months working under master plumber as a trainee one have to appear for state exam to get the license and after clearing that exam one can be called as professional plumber. In this modern society where everyday world is working towards building new buildings with latest technologies, building high tech infrastructures and architects are introducing new designs and ideas a plumber with higher education, license and a good amount of experience is required.
It is most important thing to know while hiring a plumber that how knowledgeable is he and do he has required licenses? Cost plays an essential role while hiring one as the plumber having low skills and experience might ask for less money than other whereas an over smart experienced plumber can quote unnecessarily high amount. That’s when one needs to be smart and think wisely look for the third option.
There are hundreds of blogs and articles available online suggesting hiring plumbers who ask more money than others. The reason which they give is that these plumbers have more knowledge and experience that’s why they ask more money but it’s not same in all cases so I strongly suggest using your own brain and do research before hiring.
If you are facing sewer and drain cleaning problems or sewer line repair in Union County NJ, you can always contact Command Corp., they are providing best drain cleaning in New Jersey and also providing outstanding plumbing services.
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kairaverma · 5 years
The World of iOS and How it Develops Today
Since the last 70 years or so, mankind has seen a significant leap in the field of technology. It was in 1946 that the ENIAC (the first supercomputer) opened its eyes into this world) and by 1970 we already had a Personal Computer – a desktop PC as we know it today, available. The coming years saw the advent of mainframe and mini computers. Though the Internet has made its presence felt as early as 1969 at DARPA, it became a household name only when Windows 95 came into being. That is when a new technology came into being parallel – the Mobile (somewhere towards the end of the 20th century).
It was the turn of this technology now to occupy the brain and mind of us humans. The mobiles within just two decades have progressed from just a telephone to almost being a palmtop computer. The content that I am typing now may as well be provided as an input to some application which can read it for you, in a voice you prefer.  
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It was the Symbian mobiles in the beginning, but with Android as an option, the masses forgot the operating system soon that had brought new technology to this world. With Google at its back, Android powered devices took over the world as anything and people loved it. As the users demanded more and more from the hand-held sets, it was the Apple powered devices that proved a threat to the Android. According to a survey Android alone accounts for 51.1 % of the market share but iOS users are loyal to it more than perhaps the Android users and that is the reason why iOS is seeing an increase in its market share since 2017. Today there are a lot of iOS App development companies in India, US, UK and elsewhere that are loyal to this OS. Although, other mobiles are also having their followers who are loyal to them the iOS app  development companies  in India are flourishing as they are well supported by the elite of the Indian high class. Let’s see what’s new about iOS in the market as of now:
Apple could launch 16-inch MacBook, new iPad Pro this month: Apple is scheduled to host this month's launch event where new MacBooks and iPads are expected. Apple has scheduled a number of products that it plans to introduce to the user during its October 2019 event. These comprise of a 16-inch MacBook Pro with a scissor keyboard, refreshed iPad Pro model along with Apple Tags items trackers. The company hosted an event on October 30, 2018 at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, New York City, and is expected to host the event again this year around the same time. The 16-inch MacBook Pro is rumored to be the same physical size as the 15-inch MacBook Pro, but for a larger display it will feature smaller bezel sizes. While the existing11-inch and12.9-inch iPad Pro models debuted in October 2018, these high-end tablets could be upgraded this time by the manufacturer. Also, Apple can release its item tracker similar to ' Apple Tag ' famous tile items. It's a tiny device attached to items to make them easy to find, it's combined with elements of augmented reality to help users find their lost items easily.
iOS 13.1.3 is the latest software update from Apple to fix iPhone and iPad bugs: With new bug fixes and performance improvements, Apple is releasing iOS 13.1.3 to the public today. The update, in addition to iPadOS 13.1.3, is now rolling out to iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch users. Apple says the Mail app's update address issues for Bluetooth connectivity, and more. A summary of what has changed in iOS 13.1.3 follows. iOS 13.1.3 contains bug fixes and iPhone enhancements. The update
fixes an issue that might prevent an incoming call from ringing or vibrating phone.
Helps fix a problem that may prevent the opening of an invitation to a meeting in Mail
Solves a problem in which data in the Health app may not show correctly after adjustment of daylight savings
Solves a problem where Voice Memos recordings may not be downloaded after restore iCloud Backup
Addresses a problem where apps may not be updated during iCloud Backup
Fixes a problem that can stop Apple Watch from successfully pairing
Resolves a problem where alerts may not be received on Apple Watch
Fixes a problem where Bluetooth may disconnect on certain vehicles
Improves the reliability of Bluetooth hearing aids and headsets
Addresses release output for applications using Game Center
Recently, Apple released new versions of iOS 13 at a rapid pace. Apple released iOS 13.1.1 last month and just two days later followed up with iOS 13.1.2. The updates focused on improving reliability and addressing bugs for items like the Camera app, iCloud backups, and more. Finally, one would agree that the users can expect general performance improvements, squashed bugs, and more thanks to iOS 13.1.3. Apple is also currently involved in testing a beta version of iOS 13.2 with its new Deep Fusion camera technology . 
iPhone users complaining about iOS 13.1.2 issues: The reportedly rushed release of the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system has posed major problems.  Apple support forums and Twitter account contain hundreds of iPhone user complaints about both making and receiving calls. Although the update was intended to bring a range of new features to type, including dark mode and swipe, a number of disruptive bugs have also apparently been introduced. One of the most frustrating is the inability to make calls, though users usually complain about battery drain and overheating.
One of the iPhone users complained about the company’s support forum: "After updating, the telephone is heating, batte ry draining, the worst incoming calls don't sound. What's the worth of a ' mobile ' if it doesn't sound like it?". Reports suggest that after a number of critical security issues that have arisen recently, Apple has been forced to rush the release of the new iOS version. A vulnerability found by the clandestine and prestigious group of security researchers known as Project Zero was among the most troubling.Apple had said at that time that it will not announce, discuss or confirm security issues for the safety of their customers until an investigation had taken place and updates or changes have been made generally available.
The transition to iOS 13.1 is intended to fix many of these vulnerabilities, and the security risks that a known code bug that presents to users once a patch is available is so severe that it is never considered reasonable to postpone upgrading. But the downside of widely reported vulnerabilities may prevent users from downloading the update, leaving hackers and cyber criminals at risk. Apple quickly pushed out another update to resolve the new bugs and patch those in the previous release of iOS version 13.1.1, but this rush seemed to introduce more bugs again.
The process seems to have been replicated with iOS 13.1.2, with users complaining about calls, Face ID, Mail, Messages, and battery leakage problems. How fast these issues will be addressed is not clear. Apple was unable to respond to a request for comment immediately.
Apple slams Google for raising the false alarm on iOS security: Apple has blamed Google for making a false perception that its iPhones are at risk due to security bugs that allegedly penetrate many malicious websites into its iOS operating system. Researchers working in Google's Project Zero team had discovered multiple hacked websites that used iPhone security flaws to attack users who visited these websites, exposing their personal files, emails, and location data in real time. The websites distributed their malware indiscriminately and have been active for years, according to Google. "All evidence indicates that these website attacks were only operational for a brief period, about two months, not ' two years ' as Google implies," according to the iPhone maker. Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) found that there was no target bias because visiting the compromised site was enough for the exploit server to attack the iPhone and mount a monitoring implant if it was successful. "We predict that thousands of visitors per week are visiting these pages," the Google blog post said.
Google researchers also said they found a vulnerability that used end-to-end authentication applications such as WhatsApp, Telegram and iMessage to access all the server files on the victim's iPhone.
Apple said it patched the bugs in February working extremely fast to solve the problem just 10 days after hearing about it.
When Google came to us, we were already addressing the exploited bugs," the company said, adding that its software security teams around the world were continually iterating to introduce new defenses and vulnerabilities for updates as soon as they are discovered.
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White, Yellow Fungus, and Aspergillosis
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The world was hit by the first wave of the Covid19 virus in the year 2020, and as the spread increased through various countries, it was declared a global pandemic. The first wave infected many people and most of them lost their lives too, but the second wave that hit the world in 2021 has been a brutal one. There is a spike in the number of cases being registered daily and it has affected more people than the first wave in terms of fatality. The virus mainly affects the lungs and the immune system of the affected patients. The use of steroids to stop the inflammation in the lungs increases sugar levels and further weakens the immune system. Due to this, even after a person has recovered from Covid, the weak immune system and high glucose levels can be attacked by different other fungal infections. The majority of these attacks on the immune system of the recovered Covid19  patient can be seen in India due to the excess use of steroids. The first fungal infection, affecting a majority of people, is known as a black fungus. The black fungus was recently declared as an epidemic in more than five states. You can read more about black fungus by clicking the link below:
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White fungus
After the black fungus was declared an epidemic in Rajasthan, a couple of days later, cases of a new fungal injection were being registered. This new fungal infection is said to be not as deadly as the black fungus and is known as white fungus. White fungus scientifically named candidiasis is caused by Candida yeast.
- Cause
It is a common yeast infection that can be seen in the armpits, groin, and skin folds. Candidiasis can become invasive when it enters the bloodstream and overgrows. It can severely affect vital organs like the heart and brain.
- Cure
Initial antifungal treatment is recommended as echinocandin. But, Amphotericin B is generally used to cure invasive Candidiasis.
- Symptoms
1.Oral thrush
2. Tiredness and Fatigue
3. Recurring genital infections
4. Digestive issues
5. Sinus infection
6. Joint pain
7. White patches and flakiness in affected areas
- Precautions
1. Cleaning and disinfection of the environment
2. Hand hygiene
3. Check with a doctor if seen any symptoms
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Yellow fungus
The first case of yellow fungus was registered in Ghaziabad. A 45-year-old man was detected with 3 types of fungi, black, white, and yellow in Ghaziabad. Yellow fungus is also known as mucor septic and is generally found in reptiles like lizards. Just like black and white fungus, the yellow fungus infects only people with weakened immunity but its mortality rate is higher than black fungus.
- Cause
Unlike other fungi, the spread of the yellow fungus starts internally and goes undetected. The growth of the fungus depends upon the external environment. Consumption of stale food, staying in unventilated rooms or humid rooms, and an unclean environment lead to severe growth of the fungus in the body.
- Cure
Just like black fungus, the only cure for Yellow fungus is Amphotericin B.
- Symptoms
1.Weight Loss
2. Reduced appetite
3. Lethargy
4. Internal puss leakage
5. Organ failure
6. Sunken eyes
7. Low  healing of wounds
8. Necrosis (cell injury)
1. Hygienic lifestyle
2. No consumption of stale food
3. Checking humidity of the room constantly
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Aspergillosis is caused by aspergillus, a type of fungal mold naturally present in the environment.
Most of the aspergillus mold grows indoors as well as outdoors. The spores of the mold are present in the air and are inhaled by everyone every day. Among the 180 species of aspergillus, only 40 of them can cause infections to human beings. These molds only affect people with weak immune systems. Ranging from mild to serious effects aspergillus can be differentiated as Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis (ABPA), allergic aspergillus sinusitis, Aspergilloma, and chronic, pulmonary disease Aspergillosis, Invasive Aspergillosis, cutaneous(skin) aspergillosis.
It can be severely life-threatening for diabetes, cancer, HIV/AIDS-affected people, people who have undergone transplants, or are on immunosuppressants.  
- Cure
Aspergillosis can be cured with the medications of Itraconazole, Corticosteroids, Voriconazole, Lipid Amphotericin, posanconazole, caspofungin, and micafungin. In severe cases, the affected tissues have to be removed from the body with the help of surgery.
2. Shortness of breath
3. Cough
4. Fever
Allergic Aspergillus sinusitis
2. Headache
3. Runny nose
4. Reduced ability to smell
1. Cough
2. Coughing up blood
3. Shortness of breath
Chronic pulmonary Aspergillosis
1.Weight Loss
2. Cough
3. Coughing up blood
4. Fatigue
5. Shortness of breath
Invasive Aspergillosis
2. Chest pain
3. Cough
4. Coughing up blood
5. Shortness of breath
6. And other infections depending on the spread
Cutaneous(skin) aspergillosis
1.Skin lesions on the body
1. Wearing masks
2. Inhaling steam
3. Avoiding touching nose and mouth
4. Maintaining hygienic lifestyle
5. Staying away from garbage, rotting food, and construction sites
6. Taking Antifungal medication
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Crowdfunding platforms act as a bridge between people who need help and those who can help. During these tough times of the spread of Covid19, black fungus, white fungus, yellow fungus, aspergillosis, and various other infections these platforms have proved to be helpful and saved hundreds of lives. Not only the infected people but also the needy who are struggling to feed themselves and their families.
We hope that the spread of the virus and infections get over soon and we get back to our normal safe lives. Stay home. Stay safe.  
“Black, White, Yellow, or Aspergillosis fungus  we just have to hope we get through this tough time together.”
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I Wish My Body Wouldn’t Do That
One of the greatest feelings there is comes when you relieve your bladder after holding it shut for a prolonged amount of time. The sense of relief is incomparable to most. In my personal opinion, that is why morning pees are the best, as you free yourself of ten pounds of water weight in one powerful, continuous stream.
What I don’t agree with is when my bladder reschedules its release time right smack in the wee hours.
Specifically on the days I have to wake up early for work.
During the sacred moments when I’m in my deepest of sleeps.
Yet, at five-fricken-thirty in the morning, the lower belly starts to feel pressure. I can no longer spoon my pillow without threatening leakage. I cannot risk lying on my back as the spread out form of my body worsens the sensation. Keeping my eyes shut is now the only thing simulating sleep but now my dream has faded and all I can think of is the fact that I must concentrate on not pissing myself in bed.
There is no way to continue my slumber like this.
So I get up, stumble through my darkened one room house, and slump heavily over the beckoning porcelain bowl. I keep my eyes shut as much as possible, squinting at the most to fool my brain into thinking it’s still asleep. When all is done, I stumble back to bed, glancing at my clock and growling at the fact it’s five-thirtyseven. Almost six. Little more than two hours of sleep. However, it takes me about an hour on average to actually fall asleep, so now, I only have an hour. One hour to suffice me with enough rest to last the day.
Of course once I finally drift off to sleep and continue where I left off in my dream, my alarm goes off. From the midst of my dreamstate I am thrown into the waking world feeling exhausted as though I never slept. I drag myself out from my covers already thinking about when I can go to bed again. My eyes sting throughout my shift, wanting to close. Beneath my mask, numerous yawns are trapped. The hours slog on and all I want to do is go home and sleep. And finally the night comes and off to bed I go. Only to wake up in the wee hours to take a wiz all over again.
This will plague me for several days straight and then end suddenly for months. Once I find myself waking up a couple hours before my alarm, I know I’m stuck living this repeated purgatory for a week or so. The day I wake up realizing I made it through the night without the urge to pee makes the rest of my day. I wake up gleeful solely because my bladder survived the window of absolute unconsciousness. I must say, I’m longing for that moment to come soon because holy shit I’ve been so tired all week!
(This is a strange post as it is of two topics this time. This is mainly because neither of what I want to say in it is enough for one entire addition to the blog. Nevertheless, may it be enjoyable all the same.)
Calves. We all have them. The leg ones. Maybe not some amputees, but for the most part, we all have calves. There isn’t much to think about when it comes to that part of the leg generally...until it commits mutiny.
Do you ever find yourself sleeping and wanting to reposition yourself and in doing so you straighten out your leg but it gives this ever-so-slight warning feeling but since you’re half asleep you kind of ignore it even though in the back of your head you know exactly what that sensation means and then two seconds later when you fully extend that leg you suddenly find yourself praying for death? Does that ever happen to you?
I don’t get calf cramps unless I’m in bed trying to sleep, currently sleeping, or in that weird inbetween stage of slumber. And when they emerge, boy do they make their presence known. When I feel that slight strain of muscle I know what is destined to follow and yet every time I try to finesse straightening my leg despite that. But what do you know, in seconds the entirety of my calf muscle seizes up to what feels like the size of a hamster. There is nothing to do to end the teeth-gritting pain but to hoist yourself out of bed and try to stretch it out. This of course also hurts like hell and you’re left to stand in a stupid lunge, decked out in a twenty-year old t-shirt and boxers, whisper-screaming every profanity you can think of because you ignored your brain like a idiot.
Even after the agonizing minutes of stretching out my knotted mass of muscle, I’m left with the facts that now I am fully awake, it will take me forever to go back to sleep, and I’m scared to lay down in any position because my leg might explode again. I also get to look forward to it feeling terribly sore in the morning. Just what I need to spice up my day’s existence.
All in all, regardless of how much I always want to call it a day the moment I wake up and go back to bed, my sleepytime hours are equally as dreaded, for, if they are interrupted, that’s it until the next night. It’s downright stressful and I find myself often enough not being able to find peace in woken times or slumber hours and thus live in a constant state of fatigue. So if you ever run into me and I look like I’ve been awake for years, it’s due to one or both of these things that my body torments me with.
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mnmroofingllc · 3 years
How Come Normal Roofing Assessment Tobyhanna PA Essential?
Roofing Company Scranton PA
Houses are constructed at the expense of life-time cost savings. Regular evaluation, routine maintenance, and improvements of major elements of your home are important to detect probable potential risks on the early on period. Numerous Roofing Company Scranton PA gives experienced experts to inspect the rooftop thoroughly and advise further strategy. The complete routine maintenance and Roof Fix Scranton PA solutions are directed towards overall customer care. Aside from this several of the some other reasons to choose standard roof inspection are given beneath.
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•Funds Saver:
A minor repair can avoid the problem from getting larger and hence can help to save a lot of money in the long run. In-degree viewing by noise professionals can detect modest cracks, leakages, and damage from the roof structure.
•Raise Longevity and sturdiness:
Rooftops are definitely the most vulnerable part of a property in contact with severe weather conditions and natural disasters. Low-servicing of the same can reduce the lifetime of roofing. To increase Longevity and Durability experts give suggestions after comprehensive Roof Evaluation Scranton PA.
Regular maintenance of roof structure by a well-known company offers a piece of brain. Simply and Relax and allow the most important section of the house be inspected and managed by Best Roofing Company Scranton PA.
Aside from monetary ramifications quitting loss and moisture inside your home can prevent different health risks and pollution. The difficult task can be produced straightforward by hiring the best industry experts. A number of companies offer a totally free evaluation of roofing.
To know more about, MNM Roofing LLC ,visit –
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brain-leakage-blog · 6 years
DM Lessons: Working with What Your Players Want to See
Below is a photo from our last D&D session. Yes, that's a giant frog on the table. The hair elastic around its neck is a lasso, and the miniature on its back represents one of the PC's riding her newly tamed gargantuan monster, and now I'm questioning all of my life choices as a DM...
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Joking aside, that picture represents something any DM who wants to keep his or her players engaged needs to consider: what type of fantasy stories have your players been consuming prior to sitting down at your table?
Case in point: I'm a big fan of the pulpy, Weird Tales type fantasy that makes up most of Gary Gygax's famous Appendix N. As such, my campaign's cosmology is ripped straight from Michael Moorcock. My game's elves owe more to his doomed Melnibonéans than to Tolkien's ethereal forest dwellers. I like Vancian Magic. One of my players is currently under a curse inspired by an unfinished Robert E. Howard fragment.
In other words, I sit down to the DMs chair with some pre-loaded assumptions and preferences about the flavor of fantasy I want to imitate in-game.
What most newbie DMs forget is that the players sit down with a similar set of assumptions and preferences. They're looking to experience a certain flavor of fantasy, too. And the success of the game depends heavily on whether or not those flavors are compatible.
For example, one of my campaigns was loosely based around the Crusades, set in a world where most of the Arthurian Myth cycle was historically verified fact. It was a great fit, because I had players that had been reading Ivanhoe and Le Mort de Arthur playing alongside devoted fans of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Mists of Avalon series. 
Another group I ran enjoyed Dante's Inferno, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Steven Brust's brilliant novel To Reign in Hell. I crafted a game where the PCs had all died on the Prime Material Plane and had to adventure through the Nine Hells, which I populated with snarky, sarcastic demons and modern pop-culture references.
So, what about my current game? How closely do my assumptions match up with theirs?
Short answer: not at all. I'm not just the only one who's been reading Howard, Moorcock, and Vance recently. I'm the only one who's read them at all. 
So, what have my players been consuming that I haven't? And more importantly, how did I work that into the game to keep them satisfied and engaged?
First up is my wife, Vanessa. While not much of a fiction reader, she absolutely loves visual works of fantasy. She's an avid fan of artists like Brian Froud and Daniel Merriam. Two of her all-time favorite movies are The Princess Bride and Labyrinth. In short, she prefers a light, whimsical take on the fantasy genre, and when our friends proposed a D&D group, her first question was "Can I play a fairy?"
I did some research, looking for a homebrew race that would be somewhat B/X compatible. I ended up using a variation of the half-pixie Phaerim, detailed in R. Kevin Smoot's New Races: A Basic Fantasy Supplement. Since B/X uses race-as-class, I decided to run her as a winged Halfling, for purposes of level advancement and saving throws. 
The other two players in the group are another married couple, Leah and Aaron. While they've both read the standard genre classics like Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter, a huge part of their recent fantasy intake has been in anime and manga form. In particular, they're both fans of isekai shows like That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime and Overlord. 
That anime influence was obvious less than halfway through the first session, with the sheer number of called shots and crazy maneuvers both of them attempted in each combat encounter. The problem is that B/X D&D doesn't really support that style of combat, at least not when using Rules as Written. On one hand, the players' options tend to be more open, since not much is spelled out in the rules. The flip side is that the players' power level is pretty low. 
The likeliest result? Lots of dead PCs, and a table full of players who take fewer risks with their newly-rolled replacement characters. And while that gels perfectly with my gritty, Appendix N-flavored sword and sorcery style, it's not really what the players sat down wanting to experience.
In other words, I had to do some adjusting.
One of the first things I did was bump the characters' power level. I introduced the optional Cantrips list from The Basic Fantasy Roleplaying Game, so Leah's Elf could cast more than one spell per day. I also introduced some optional combat maneuvers for Aaron's fighter, like a once per combat Shield Bash that does no damage, but knocks a human sized opponent prone on a successful strike.  
I also entirely re-vamped the game's combat mechanic, which I'll detail in an upcoming post.
The last thing I did was more of a situational call:
When the PCs were crossing a marshland via an ancient causeway, I had them encounter a pair of giant frogs. But instead of my little plastic pogs marking the monsters' position, someone grabbed that stuffed frog off the shelf and dropped it on the mat. 
I quickly changed the encounter to one gargantuan frog, which (based on the stuffed animal's cuteness) my wife's character immediately decided that the party needed to tame. Everyone else was instantly on board with the idea.
I could do one of two things at that point: run it as a standard combat encounter, forcing the players into a fight they didn't really want. Or find a way for them to try it their way. 
Looking over Leah's spell list, I quietly scribbled out the word "person" next to her first level Charm spell.
"This is now an all-purpose Charm," I said. "It still doesn't work on undead or magical creatures. But anything in nature is susceptible. Including giant animals."
If you could only have seen the smiles around that table, folks. 
What followed was a zany, over-the-top combat encounter, in which the PC's weakened the frog enough to lasso it, rode along as it dove into the water and tried to swim away, and then climbed up onto its head in order to look it in the eye and cast Charm.
In other words, it was pretty much the polar opposite of the gritty, sword and sorcery-inspired combat encounter I'd had in mind. My players couldn't have been happier.
As their DM, neither could I.
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