#brain puppy
nobigneil · 4 months
Neil Bow'ee blocked Asra from releasing Us, arguing that because they're a paladin they'll probably do something stupid like kill it.
... I'll let you guess what happens next.
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No thoughts, just Brain puppy
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10/10 adorable, would let devour my intellect
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jasperyourmutt · 8 months
One word demands are sooooo hot. Sit. Bite. Down. Lick. Bark. Suck. I’m a dumb mutt. Make it as easy as possible for me to obey
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nocturnowlette · 5 months
it's so funny when people are surprised that they can be clicker trained like a dog. of course you can, you're an animal too. thing is, when you clicker train dogs it's actually harder to.
dogs don't know they want it already, after all. you could be trained in a week.
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tickleepuppy · 1 month
Kiss my worries away? Fuck my worries away? Choke my worries away? Sloppily makeout my worries away? Pound into my worries away? Tie me up my worries away? Breed me my worries away? Edge me my worries away? Overstimulate my worries away? Make me cum my worries away? Use me my worri-
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urb0ytoy · 6 months
you know what would fix me right now? therapy? hahah no. mating press.
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Tell me what to do. Let me please you. Tell me exactly what you want. I don’t want to think. Tell me I did a good job. Tell me how you want my body. Tell me how to make you happy. I can’t be better unless you show me how. I want to be good for you. Tell me what to think. What to say. What to wear. When to crawl. When to beg. Please teach me how to serve you and I promise I’ll do everything you ask.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 months
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oughhhhh i put them all together with duck tape and autism
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 271
“Grandmother is visiting,” Damian suddenly said with no warning and with his usual not-quite demanding tone. 
“Who?” Tim wasn’t the only one to startle, seeing as Bruce had practically froze, a downturn to his lips in a silent show of confusion. 
Damian scowled. “Are you deaf Drake? Grandmother is coming to Gotham to, quote, make sure I am being properly cared for.” None of them had known that Ras was with anyone actually. At least Tim was pretty sure that would have been in the files. 
“Oh?” Dick didn’t quite crouch to Damian’s height but it was a near thing. “She-” “He,” Damian corrected, interrupting him. They all exchanged a glance before Dick continued. 
“Is he coming to the Manor or…” 
Damian scoffed again, a tiny bit of a flush against his face. “No, Grandmother will most likely be staying with Akhi-”
Now wait one moment-
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mangymvtt · 3 months
what can i do to be called a faggot while getting absolutely railed
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puppybr4ined · 6 months
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
clicker training thoughts
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another little barn for us all while we Anticipate <3
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jasperyourmutt · 7 months
I love being a FREAK OF NATURE. i love being a QUEER. i love being a FAGGOT. i love being a SEX FREAK. i love being a DOG FAG. i love being TRANSGENDER. i love being SO NORMAL <333333
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nocturnowlette · 10 months
If you wanna feel like a puppy for a bit, read this. Trust me.
Hello. There's a fun little visualization and focus exercise you can do to feel a bit more fluffy/fuzzy for a bit, if you'd like to follow along, but read slowly and in a private environment (preferably lying down). Focus on my words and read them carefully, as if you're listening to someone speak them.
In fact, I'd like to teach you something neat about focus.
Us creatures have quite a powerful sense of focus, however, most of the time, it's distributed to everything around us at once. We need to focus on our surroundings, our task in front of us, the music we're listening to, the senses we're feeling, and on and on. However, there are times where our focus gets directed entirely on just one thing.
Most of the time, the word we have for this is "immersion". Those times where everything around you seems to disappear and you find yourself lost in some world. In those moments, nearly your entire mind is focused on just one thing. As a result, you feel the things you're immersed into quite strongly.
Focus on your right hand. See how easy that is? Suddenly, you can isolate that specific part of your body very, very easily.
Focus on your left foot.
Your neck.
Your hair.
Your left forearm.
Both of your calves.
All of your fingers and toes.
Now just your pinky fingers.
Not only is our focus quite powerful, but it can be directed, not just you, but by others. This is a concept used in many things, but among them is meditation, guided meditation, hypnosis, and self-hypnosis.
What you may find interesting about hypnosis, specifically, is that one of the best ways to direct that focus is through visualization.
Focus on your head.
Now your forehead.
Now your brain.
Your brain is where the magic happens. If you read my words, and if you focus on your mind, you might find that it's hard to think your own thoughts while you're reading something. I've been guiding your focus for so long already that it is very, very easy to focus on my words.
With this newfound focus, it's quite easy to let my words relax you. Let's, for example, imagine that your body is turning into liquid.
Focus on your feet and calves.
You notice that they feel quite tired. They're so used to being flexed, being tense, but you have no need for that right now. Focus on the muscles in your calves. Feel them melt, a bit. So long as you're following what I say, you're doing it correctly. The tension you are so used to easily relaxes, and relaxes, and relaxes. It melts more and more.
Focus on your thighs.
The liquid seems to be spreading upwards. Your thighs relax effortlessly. They melt, and melt, and melt. So effortless.
With every bit of tension that disappears, feel your focus on my words only get more intense.
Focus on your hips, and stomach. They relax even easier than your legs. They melt so easily.
The feeling spreads up through your chest to your shoulders. They melt so easily. Like gravity is simply pulling all of the tension right out.
Every part of your mind and body is directed to me.
The feeling spreads to your arms, normally so active. Its so tiring to move them around all day. Feel them melt for me. Everything below the neck is turning into a melted, gooey mass.
Focus on your hands. You will need these to scroll. They move automatically whenever you need to scroll further, and every time you do so is just more proof that you want to focus on my words.
You only get more and more fixated on my every word.
All of this focus can be a lot for your brain to handle. Your brain feels dense, heavy from all of your focus being pushed up, up to the top of your body. Don't you feel so heavy? You'll find that you can hardly keep your head up the more you read, holding it just high enough to keep reading. It's all you want to do right now. Your focus is mine.
With all this pressure on your brain, it may start to feel very, very tired. Being so, so focused on me is a lot on your mind. You might feel that liquid creep up, up into your head. It rises up through the neck, up through the bottom of your skull, filling higher and higher and higher, up up and up until it has finally filled your skull completely, It's surrounding your mind.
Focus even more on my words.
This liquid seems to melt everything it touches. Normally, your mind would be strong enough to protect itself, but it seems too preoccupied on me. The liquid starts to find it's way in.
You feel your mind begin to melt.
The walls of your brain soften, the wrinkles so easily disappearing. The liquid seeps in through every tiny crack, and your brain gets heavier and heavier. So heavy. Your thoughts can't seem to stay together. Some try to pop up, but they're already surrounded. They melt so easily. All of your thoughts melt so easily.
Feel your mind melt more and more.
Focus on how hard it is to think.
Focus on how heavy you feel.
Focus on my every word completely and absolutely.
The next time I say the word "Melt", your mind will be completely gone. Your heaviness will double, and your focus will grow even stronger. Your entire being will devote itself to my words.
Mind collapsing,
filling with liquid,
thoughts disappearing,
nothing left,
This is a mental state called trance. It feels nice, doesn't it? So hard to think. You don't want to think. So dumb. You love that.
You began reading this to be a puppy, a dumb little puppy. That's adorable.
Bark for me, in your head or out loud.
Good puppy.
You were so eager to feel this way, so fuzzyminded. Your brain is just a big pile of fuzz, just like the rest of you. Too fuzzy to think anything but puppy thoughts.
Bark again.
Good puppy.
Every time you bark, your mind just gets fuzzier and happier.
Good puppy.
Every time you're told "Good puppy." you feel so happy, so so happy that you're following orders. Every time you hear it, you feel your ears perk up and feel so, so happy and so, so dumb.
It can be from me, from your owner, or from anyone you trust.
Good puppy.
And just like that, you're trained.
Good puppy.
You just wanna bark your mind away.
Good puppy.
Good puppies follow orders from their owners. it's what puppies do. You want to be a Good Puppy, right? Of course you do.
Bark your mind away.
Good puppy.
I will bring you back up from trance in a moment, but you are allowed to stop reading here for as long as you wish. You can leave here and will eventually rise out of trance, but slowly. You'll feel happy and very very dumb. If you have an owner, you'll message them and act like the cute puppy you are. Or, you can just lie down and live in this feeling. Once you're ready to come back up, read ahead.
Focus is quite easy to return to normal. In fact, it's natural. I will count up from the numbers 1 to 10, and return every bit of your mind and body back to you. Once I say "Wake Up", you will feel completely returned to normal. Let's begin.
Feel your brain begin to reform, thoughts becoming possible again.
Feel your mind solidify, able to think now, but finding it very hard.
Feel your body start to solidify again, feeling your muscles return to normal.
The liquid drains out of your mind, giving your thoughts some room to breathe and connect, and making your brain feel lighter.
You find it easy to move your legs again. Move them.
You find it even easier to move your stomach, chest, and shoulders.
You're becoming more and more aware of your surroundings.
Your arms become easy and light to move.
Mind speeding up, up, and up. Feeling happy and refreshed. Your head becoming so, so light.
Wake up.
Welcome back. I hope that was both fun and informative. This was a bit of an experiment, so I am genuinely curious if it was effective. If it's not too much to ask, perhaps reblog this with a comment on how it felt. Or just bark, puppy. I'd be happy either way.
I do hypnosis stuff, puppy stuff, and anything else I wish. Follow if you're interested.
Regardless, have a nice day.
Update: I have two new scripts currently.
If you want to enter a Puppy Mindset whenever you wish, read this post. I assure you that it's worth it.
If you wanna fall into a puppy mind space much, much easier from now (especially to me), read this post.
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naturecalls111 · 1 year
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versedyke · 1 month
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