#bram if u squint
viscerax · 1 year
How to never stop being sad
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(Repeat to yourself that they're not really gone)
Tim opens the door to his home, practically throwing his jacket to the floor. He calls out, announcing his arrival. For just a moment he thinks he hears a response. A call from another room. Jay greeting him. Brian welcoming him home. He doesn't really hear it. He knows its not real. But it doesn't matter.
(Time has proven
That fooling yourself into believing a lie
Is the most effective way
To deal with things you have no control over)
(Keep listening to the mixtapes they made you)
Tim pops the tape into the radio of his shitty car. A compilation of all the songs he and Jay listened to on their 'road trip'. Sometimes it made him sad to listen to them, to think about the bittersweet memories of the man sitting next to him and dumbly singing along, or when they would yell at eachother as the music filled the background.
(Stay up every single night staring at your phone, Either attempting to gather up the courage, To turn these demons, these constant reminders, Of your loneliness into nothing more than a bad dream)
Tim clutches his phone with conviction. He plays the voice-mails over an over again, as if hearing their voices would bring them back. He listens to Jay's grainy voice asking for a call back, and he let's out a shuddering breath. He knew the man for such a short amount of time, most of which was spent at eachothers necks in an argument. And yet, he felt closer to him than he had with anybody since Brian.
(Or praying just for one second you could feel
The warmth of equally returned love)
Tim remembers the feeling of Jay's hand slotting into his as he drove. He remembered that look that Jay had in his eyes whenever he was staring at Tim. That look that made Tim feel like he was the most beautiful thing in the whole world. It filled him with a bitter weight. How could he have ever punched this man, this man that looked at him like he was a precious jewel?
Tim remembers the feeling of Brian pressed against him as the two sat on his sofa, away from the publics watchful eye. He remembers Brian's arm around his waist, and his lips on his. He remembers how Brian looked at him the same way that Jay did. He remembers that sweet smile and that adorable tooth gap, and he remembers the feeling of Brian's mustache rubbing against his upper lip as they kissed.
Sometimes he can still feel it, for a fleeting moment he feels a hand in his, or an arm around his waist. And for a moment he thinks 'this is nice.' And then he remembers. And its not nice anymore.
(Go out for coffee four times a week by yourself)
The baristas have got to think he's the weirdest guy ever. He sits there for hours on end on his days off. The shop is so far away from his home, but he pretends like it isn't. Tells himself he was going to come down here soon anyways, so he might as well. The coffee isn't even good. But he drinks it anyways. He thinks back to when him and Brian were filming that god-forsaken film. He remembers the shoddy dialogue they exchanged out on the wooden steps.
He stays there until closing sometimes. He doesn't even do much. Sits there, spaces out, tries to imagine he's there with Brian, or with Jay, or perhaps both. And the illusion lasts for a bit before its broken by the sound of the bell ringing over the door. He always looks back, always thinks for a moment that he's going to see them standing there. It never happens, but that doesn't stop him from hoping.
(Talk down on yourself whenever possible
My life is shit because I deserve it, right?)
Your fault. He hears whispers in the night. He knows its his own brain. He knows its himself. He thinks its funny how the human mind betrays itself. He thinks, it must be true, though. To hear it so often.
Tim tried to distance himself from anything to do with the channel. But on particularly lonely nights, he would visit the Twitter page, see the tons of people who made comments, who were trying to solve the whole thing along with them like it was a game.
"I think Tim is responsible for Jay's death. If he hadn't left Jay, he still would've been alive." He read that comment and let out a laugh. At least he wasn't the only one who thought so.
"That was cold of Tim to let Brian fall like that." That one hit Tim. He knew it wasn't true. He knew there was no way to catch him, and he didn't even know it was Brian then. Still. It hurt.
(You must have done something real bad
Its nearly impossible for you to cry now)
(Avoid your friends for weeks even though
They're the only sense of consistency you have)
He let's the phone ring a few times before finally picking up.
"Hello?" He answers, sounding not-so enthusiastic to be talking to whoever was on the other line.
"Hey, Tim!" Oh great. One of Tim's work friends, Eric's, voice came out of the phone. "You still down to watch the game tonight?" Tim was invited to some football watch party. Tim didn't like football, but the concept of being invited to hang out was nice enough. He said yes at the time, but here he was, sitting on his floor, tears still remnant in his eyes.
"Oh, uhm, no thanks. Got caught up with something. Maybe next time?" There won't be a next time. He knows he can only cancel on so many plans before they get tired of him. But he hears Eric hum in agreement and the two part ways.
(Allow yourself to lose interest in the things you love)
Tim sets the ukulele down with a discontented sigh. The instrument no longer rested neatly in his hands. He could no longer play the chords so fluidly like he used to. Now, whenever he picks it up, it feels more like a chore. He plucks the strings a bit, but nothing more. He thinks about Jay, and how when he found out that Tim could play the ukulele, he told him that it was "basically a guitar but gayer".
(Watch as you begin to take a backseat
To the world around you, don't fight it
Become a secondary character in your own motion picture)
His days go by in a blur. Every single moment passing by him like he's watching a film. Every day at work feeling like nothing but a mundane task that he's forced to watch someone else do. At this point, he's not sure he even wants to fix things. He stops seeing his counselor after a few months. She wasn't any help, bless her soul. It's not like it was her fault. You can't fix someone who keeps breaking themselves down.
(But most importantly
Drown every single one of your feelings
In old stolen rum)
If Tim were at a bar, he surely would have been cut off by now. He was almost done with the bottle. He could barely see straight, and he knew he was going to have one hell of a hangover tommorow.
(Learn to love the taste of it dripping down your throat)
It burns. And it tastes gross. Tim is reminded why he never drinks everytime he takes a shot. But it doesn't matter. The burn is good, right? It makes him feel good, his brain fuzzy. It clouds his mind and yet makes him feel so much at the same time.
(Find comfort in the warmth coming from your stomach
You're drinking bottled love now)
(You don't need other people to drive away your loneliness
You just needed to find a way to talk to it)
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spierfics · 6 years
Can u do a fic where none of them r out yet but Bram asks Simon to go to prom with them and they say yes and then there is a kissing scene sry that this is so specific
Love is the Prize - Spierfeld Fic
Simon rustled uncomfortably in his seat, trying to find a suitable spot while tightly packed between Leah and Abby. Their group, along with Bram and Garrett were having dinner at Waffle House before heading to prom.
The six of them had decided to do a group thing, given that all of them were miserably single. But that wasn’t exactly true.
Bram and Simon had been together for a few months, ever since Bram had told him he was Blue. This was a fact that only Garrett and Leah were aware of. Nobody else knew.
It was a mutual decision to keep it private and it had worked out pretty well for them. Simon knew the horrors that Ethan faced on a daily basis, and Bram was still figuring out how to tell the rest of his team.
Simon felt a small nudge on his ankle and looked up to see Bram giving him a soft smile that made his heart skip a beat. Perhaps they wouldn’t be able to have the idealized teen-movie prom night together, but Simon wouldn’t trade that smile for anything.
Bram checked the time on his phone, the time displayed as 8:28 p.m. He sighed, wondering what to expect from the night ahead of him. He’d never been to a school dance before, opting to stay home marathoning films rather than awkwardly slow-dance with a girl he knew he’d never want to kiss.
Even now, Bram wondered how Simon was feeling. Going to a party where everyone around him could openly be themselves, enjoy their time without a care and not give a second thought to who was watching. Bram knew it was unfair, and he also knew that he’d drive himself crazy wondering about all the injustice he and Simon had to face. 
He sat back against the linoleum seat and sighed out loud, trying not to be too obvious and sneak a glance at Simon yet again. Bram couldn’t help himself though, Simon looked outrageously good in his suit and topped it off with an adorable bowtie.
Just thinking about Simon, and Bram could feel his expression soften and turn into a smile.
“Everything okay, Bram?” Nick asked, pulling Bram out of his thoughts.
“You had a goofy smile on your face,”
“Oh! Yeah, I’m fine…I’m just excited about tonight,” Bram said, trailing off near the end of his sentence.
“As you should be!” Garrett called out from the driver’s seat, winking at Bram through the rearview mirror.
Simon shuffled awkwardly near a corner of the gym, watching his friends attempt to dance in beat with the song the DJ had selected. He and Bram had taken part in a few of the group dances, but Simon noticed that Bram seemed a little off. 
He wondered if Bram was feeling uncomfortable, even though Simon had made sure this was something they both wanted to do. After a few minutes, Simon decided not to wait any longer, he reached for his phone and opened the texts between him and Bram.
‘everything ok?’
He looked over and watched Bram take his phone out and Simon smiled at the involuntary squint Bram always did when he read something on his phone. He waited for Bram to type out his reply, hoping that tonight was going well, all things considered.
‘well, it could be better if I’m honest’
Simon glanced upwards, giving Bram a look which was a mixture of sadness and acceptance. He expected Bram to return with a similar expression, however, Bram seemed to be typing something on his phone.
Simon received another text from his boyfriend.
‘i have an idea. meet me at the entrance near the chemistry lab in ten minutes’
Simon didn’t even have time to process the text when he noticed Bram dash out of the gymnasium. He waited a few minutes, taking the time to tell Leah his plan, and ensuring that she’d cover for both of them.
Bram noticed Simon approaching from a distance, a curious smile on his face, wondering exactly what he was headed into.
“Hey,” Bram said quietly when Simon was close enough.
“You look incredible tonight,” Simon said, gently caressing the lapel of Bram’s suit. Bram couldn’t help it, he blushed in response, resisting the urge to kiss him then and there.
“So why are we out here in the decidedly creepiest section of the school?” Simon asked.
“Because this is the only room in the school to which Garrett has a key,”
“And why in the world would Garrett have a key to an obscure room?”
“Because he swiped it from Coach,” Bram explained. “And before you ask why he did so, let me show you the answer,”
Bram unlocked a room, and Simon tried his best not to gasp out loud. The desks had been moved aside to clear a space for a picnic blanket. Upon that blanket rested a basket and a Bluetooth speaker.
“I know it isn’t prom, and if you don’t like it we could always go back…” Bram started to explain, so Simon interrupted him.
“I am so in love with you,” Simon said with a bright smile.
That left Bram speechless. For a moment he didn’t know how to react, and eventually fumbled his way into the room, closing the door behind them.
Simon lay with his back against the wall, his head resting on Bram’s shoulder as they calmly swayed to the soft music playing in the background.
Simon thought back to when Bram had asked him to prom. It wasn’t a huge affair, and he’d done it in the rare moments they got alone. They were in the library, and Bram had reached forward and lightly brushed up his hand against Simon’s, a gesture which was almost never done on school grounds. He had nodded his head towards the non-fiction books, and when Simon followed him there Bram handed him a book.
Simon had been incredibly confused but noticed a bookmark near the end, and upon opening that page he saw a note asking him to prom. It was signed Love, Blue and Simon had almost teared up on the spot. Only he knew the strength it took not to jump into Bram’s arms and shout out his love to the world.
But this, sitting here together with the boy who held his heart, Simon wouldn’t trade it for anything.
He looked over to Bram, and from the distance, they heard loud cheering. Simon was certain they had just announced Prom King, and he couldn’t care less. They were lost in their own intimate occasion.
After a while, Simon and Bram packed up, knowing they’d been gone a good while. It would be suspicious, but neither one of them could find it in themselves to care. Just as they were about to exit the room, Simon paused.
“Everything okay?”
“Mhmm, but something’s missing,”
Bram frowned, looking around. “No, I think we got everything,”
Simon took that moment of distraction as leverage, reaching forward to pull Bram into a kiss. Bram dropped everything that he was holding, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend’s waist and kissing him back. It was absolute perfection.
Simon couldn’t think of a better way prom could have ended, and at that moment he didn’t care who saw them. He knew he’d be able to face anything, as long as he had Bram by his side.
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couchcushings · 6 years
I was tagged by @majora-the-trekking-hobbit who knows I enjoy them and likes to Ask The Real Questions
1. What is your favorite horror movie romance (either human/human or monster/monster or even human/monster)? UH WELL idk can I pick my own? (Rosie/Bram OTP 5LYFE!!!!) But for reals Thomas Sharpe/Edith Cushing is the only one I can think of rn and tbh they deserved better!!
2. What is the most annoying song you ever heard? there are so many!! basically anything that the top 40 plays over and over and over again.
3. Coke or Pepsi? Or neither?
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4. If you were going to make a movie, what would it be? Would it be animated or live-action? What genre would it would be? Who would you cast in it? *eye squint* did u write this question for me? A horror/comedy mashup starring Hiddles and Peter Serafinowicz tbh (@rynnwolfe V vs. Sandru)
5. How do you like to spend your summers? trying 2 find the perfect work/sleep/sunshine balance
6. What is your favorite musical, and why? i don’t have one D:
7. What video games did you like to play as a kid? Console games? Computer games? Online games? computer games! zoo tycoon was the SHIT. still is.
8. Were you more of a Disney kid or a Warner Bros. kid growing up? Have your tastes changed? both c:
9. What’s one hobby you want to take up someday? drawing tbh
10. Do you prefer sweet, spicy, sour, or savory foods? spicy tbh!!
11. When it comes to older movies, do you prefer them to be in black-and-white, color-tinted, or in early Technicolor? black and white!
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
kunikida doesn't deserve this shit
Yohei: *asleep, Toru sleeping on his chest* chie: *smiles and snaps a pic* Yohei: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Motojiro: *taps glasses with Tachihara* Tachihara: -_- "Just don't get the appeal of this season..." hirotsu: just enjoy it. *sips* Motojiro: =w= "How very zen." Tachihara: -_-; "Can't even find anyone around today..." leo: *entering with tea* is there anything else you would like today? Motojiro: owo "Do you have lemon for the tea~?" leo: i think so. i'll go and check, sir. Motojiro: "No problem--I'll handle this!" *pulls a lemon out of his pants* leo: ._.; hirotsu: that's just.....unsanitary. Motojiro: "I promise you, I kept the lemon hermetically sealed. My pants double as a sterile environment--" Tachihara: *spits up his drink, laughing hard* Motojiro: ._. "???" leo: ._.;;;;; hirotsu: *mortified* Motojiro: "..." *light bulb* "Hey! I didn't mean 'sterile' like that! I promise you, I am fertile!" leo: .... *blink* ????? hirotsu: *pinches nose* oooh dear lord... Tachihara: *laughs so hard he has fallen backwards in his chair* Motojiro: >\\\\< -elsewhere- Takehisa: *looking outside* maki: ? Takehisa: "Oh. Hello." *small smile* maki: hey. ^^ Takehisa: "Hmm...New sweater?" maki: yep! *it's a pusupusu sweater* ^u^ Takehisa: "It suits you." -elsewhere- Touma: *tosses slop into the jail cell* gil: eyyyyyyyyyyy Touma: "Eat up. Merry Christmas." gil:.... can we order pi-zza~? OwO Touma: *tosses a phone at him* "Try..." gil: *dialing* hello- *No signal* gil: D8 ray:.... that's just mean. gil:....im keeping the phone! Touma: "Have fun with that...I left some photos on it." gil: ???? *checks photos* *They show certain vampires being tortured...* gil: .___________.;;;;;;; *checking* boss lady and una arent in these. *phew* Touma: "Just a matter of time~" gil: YOU FIEND!! -elsewhere- Chuuya: *playing with Mito and her new toy* "You want the mouse? Catch it! Catch it!" mito: *tackles* *mreow!* Chuuya: "Hee hee..." *checks his phone* -messages from kouyou, kajii, and hirotsu- Chuuya: *pulls up Kajii's* Motojiro: [TELL THEM I'M NOT STERILE] Chuuya: "..." *deletes* *pulls up Hirostu's* hirotsu: [how was everything at home?] Chuuya: [peaceful day. sonia liked your gift] hirotsu: [glad to hear] Chuuya: [how were things on your end?] hirotsu:..... -he explains what all happened- Chuuya: "..." [keep the liquor cabinets locked. please] hirotsu: [noted] Chuuya: *checks Kouyou's message* kouyou: [merry christmas, chuuya ^^ how's sonia?] Chuuya: [same to you! she's happy] *sends a picture of Sonia hugging her new plushie* kouyou: ^^ Chuuya: [how was today?] kouyou: ... [eventful. leo tended to guests today] Chuuya: [so i heard. LOCK THE LIQUOR CABINETS] kouyou: [already done] Chuuya: [thanks. when u heading to shrine? new year?] kouyou: [yes. i got a new kimono for sonia to wear ^^] Chuuya: [excellent! can't wait for her to see it] -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Here you go, little one..." *sets the plant down in her new indoor butterfly garden* akaderu: ...cute. Kepuri: *beaming* "Of course--because I'm the genius that added a greenhouse when everyone said I couldn't!" *dramatic pose* -elsewhere- Gin: *washing dishes* naoya: *asleep on the couch* zzzz Gin: "..." *puts a blanket over Naoya* naoya: =w= Gin: *sighs* *looks out the window* -elsewhere- otogiri: *reading* ... Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "Beware the wolf: that scent was not normal." otogiri: ?? Letter: "I spotted something outside where I am staying. When investigating, I smelled a wolf--but there was something off about it. I have only encountered that scent around certain individuals: they call them Ability Users. Keep our family safe from them." otogiri: hmm.... Letter: "Take care of yourself, especially at this time of year. I know it is difficult--but I also know you are the level-headed one." otogiri: ... Letter: *the letter is signed with a fox pawprint* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *knocks on Nozomi's door* nozomi:....its open... Akitaru: *enters* "Hey. We sliced up a piece of Christmas cake for you." *holding the plate* nozomi:....*sad nom* Akitaru: *small smile* "Your aunt helped Relan and Iris with the recipe. She seems to know her way with chemistry." nozomi: ..... Akitaru: "...How did you spend last Christmas?" nozomi: .....dr i- ....aunt karin and i went to a light show. Akitaru: "You liked it?" nozomi:...it was nice. Akitaru: *nods* "That's good...Your aunt really cares about you. And I think she appreciated your gift." nozomi: .....im glad... Akitaru: "You should be. You make her happy...And she worries about you." nozomi: .....*shaking* Akitaru: "..." *pats her shoulder* -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Feel okay?" lisa: y-yeah... Vulcan: "You need some tea?" lisa:...*nod* Vulcan: *strokes her head* "I'll be right back..." *puts on a shirt, steps out to the kitchen* lisa: ..... Vulcan: ("...Maybe a doctor...") -elsewhere- Kid: *shudders, sighs* stocking: *panting* f-fuck... Kid: "Amazing..." *presses his lips to her side* stocking: *shudders* Kid: *smiles, rubbing her hip* "D-Did you like your present?" stocking: oh you know it *kiss* Kid: *smooch* ^\\\^ "Thank you for that...Stocking? Do you..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "...I know this is a lot to discuss...Children." stocking: kid... Kid: "Because...we haven't used protection, and I..." stocking: *hug* Kid: "...I want to be the father of your children, whenever you're ready..." stocking: i would like that ^^ Kid: *smiles* "Okay..." *smirks lightly* "I think we got in a lot of practice already." stocking: hehe~ Kid: *cuddles with her* "Can you keep me warm tonight?" stocking: of course~<3 Kid: *pulls the blanket over them, resting his head next to hers, massaging her side* -elsewhere- Izuku: *sets his new shirt over his chair, sets up his new All Might Funko figure* ^^ -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *looks at a photo of his child* mary: mr fitz? Fitzgerald: "Hmm? Yes, Mary?" mary: *hug* shelly christmas! Fitzgerald: "...Um...'Shelly'?" mary: um, hello? *points to herself* Fitzgerald: "...Shelly...Mary...!!! Oh!" *claps* "How clever!" mary: ^u^ Fitzgerald: *pat pat* "Shelly Christmas to you, too." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: >3< oscar: so you've been intimate with another man, so what? i've done it plenty of times. Steinbeck: "I don't even know what happened! I just woke up with him in bed with me..." oscar: do you feel anything in your bum? Steinbeck: O_O "No!" oscar: how about you, marky? twain: *shrug + 'i dunno' sound* Steinbeck: -_-# "What, you just go into random people's beds?" twain: it was cold and i had a few many eggnogs. Steinbeck: "And that's a fine excuse?! What if you ended up in someone else's bed, like Ebie, or Oscar--" oscar: not that i'd mind~ emily: you're shameless... Steinbeck: "If you're going to be like this, we're not having you drink that much in the future." twain: =3= mean. -elsewhere- Dazai: "Zzz..." atsushi: .... Odasaku: ("How's he holding up?") atsushi: (i think he's doing better...am i doing a good job? looking after him?) Odasaku: ("Do _you_ think you're doing a good job? Have you noticed a problem for him?") atsushi: .... Odasaku: ("I mean, it's not like you know what it's like to be a future potential father...although you've done well caring for others, haven't you?") atsushi: ... (i mean, i _think_ so?) Odasaku: ("...Kyouka looks like she's doing well. And Dazai is handling this news better than I thought he would...") atsushi:... (i guess) *lays down and sighs* Odsaku: ("...Things will make more sense after you get some sleep.") atsushi: ...right.... night. -a few days later- atsushi: *fixing up his bowtie* Dazai: "...Bowties are in now?" atsushi: i just decided to go with this... y-you dont have to if you dont want- Dazai: "I'll stick with the regular tie..." *looks at his pants* "...Are these 'dad jeans' now?" atsushi: i dunno. ^^; -elsewhere- yana: everyone ready for this? lydia: <yes> Ivan: *picks up a radio* yana: alright... *puts on a cape and rat mask* <all soldiers, move out...> -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "And make sure to stand up straight, don't move unless commanded to, and no making a mess on anyone's feet." Mr. Tsubaki: Q_Q mary: yessir! *in a stitched green dress* Fitzgerald: "I leave the pet in your care. Where are the others?" *finishes his tie* bram: here... Fitzgerald: "Miss Alcott?" louisa: h-here sir! Fitzgerald: "Eckleberg?" eckleburg: i'm here as well! Fitzgerald: "Ah, very well." *turns on the lights* "Now, we party!" *The disco ball descends--and smashes on the floor* louisa: ._.; Fitzgerald: OWO; "...I knew I shouldn't have installed that myself." -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *tugging his collar* naomi: *has her hair up in a bun* yosano: all set? *she wore a pantsuit* Kyoka: *in a dress* "..." *nods* atsushi: you ready, lucy? Lucy: *hiding behind him, curled up into a ball* "I can do this. I CAN'T DO THIS. I can do this. I CAN'T DO THIS." atsushi: *holds her hands* it's ok, lucy. Lucy: .\\\\. "..." *gulps, slowly walks forward* "What will he say..." atsushi:...i think they'd be happy to see you. ^^ Lucy: "I hope so...I just don't know--" *looks* "...Is that a doggie door?" atsushi: huh... aya: this is gonna bo soooo coooool! *A fox pops out of the doggie door* Mr. Tsubaki: "???" atsushi: woah! aya: awww how cute! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *leaps out...sniffs at Aya* aya: hehehe~ ^^ *holds her hand out* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *doesn't smell like the wolf* *nuzzles into her hand* aya: aww ^^ eckleburg: please, do come in. -inside is quite the fancy shindig, they even have a full orchestra- Dazai: "..." *stares at Eckleburg* "Oh! Look! They have their own Kunikida!" *points at Eckleburg* eckleburg: *blink blink* um...hello? ^^; Kunikida: *facepalm* "Just...be quiet." atsushi: (wow, i feel like i just stepped into an entierly different world....) Fitzgerald: "Welcome, former enemies!" ^w^ atsushi: YEEP! kenji: howdy! ^^ Fitzgerald: "Howdy!" *holds out his hand to Fukuzawa* "No hard feelings, right?" fukuzawa:...*squint* *shakes hand* Fitzgerald: "Very good. And how are your subordinates after your nasty poison incident?" fukuzawa: on edge. *squint* Fitzgerald: "Like a sword's edge?" *beat* "..." *laughs at his own wordplay* fukuzawa: .... atsushi:.... >->;; *takes lucy out onto the dancefloor* Lucy: owo "??? O-Okay?" atsushi: ok, i think i got this *puts a hand on her hip and dances slowly* .///.;;; Lucy: .\\\\. "...Okay...This is nice." ^\\\^ Fitzgerald: *turns, spots Lucy* "???" atsushi: ^///^.... *notices fitzgerald* OwO;;;; (MMMMMMMM!!!!) Fitzgerald: *points to his eyes, then at Atsushi* *deathly serious face* atsushi: *SWEATS* Dazai: "Mmm...The cheese is excellent!" louisa: *she nods* the highest quality in the city. Dazai: "You got some Ritz crackers for these?" waiter: *walks up to kunikida* champagne sir? Kunikida: "...Yes, thank you." waiter: enjoy yourself. ^^ *walks off* .....*he is in a secluded area* *over earpiece* he's here. yana: good, make the request. Kunikida: *sniffs his glass* waiter: *mushitaro* *walks up to the conductor* may i make a request? Conductor: "Hmm?" mushitaro: i would like to request 'polovtsian dances?' Conductor: "Hmm...Sure, we can play that..." *informs the band* mushitaro: thank you~ *vanishes into the crowd as the music begins playing* -in the basement, several figures with rat masks and capes ascend up the stairs as the music begins playing- -in the ballroom- atsushi:.... *tiger senses* !!! Lucy: "???" atsushi: something...feels bad... Lucy: "..." *looks around* atsushi: come on, we have to warn the others. i think the rats are about to make a counter attack... Lucy: *whispers* "Around here, I can't recognize where they can be coming from--" -the doors swing open and several of the rats have secured the exits as people scream- aya: !!! naomi: !!!! shit! Kunikida: "!!!" *pushes Aya behind him* fukuzawa: *he has his sword* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *looking around, then dives under a table* Dazai: *looks up, mouth full of cheese* "???" O_O -someone in a rat mask and cape steps up onto the podium, their voice distorted by the mask- Conductor: *still conducting* O-O;;;; yana: {GoOd EvEnInG, dEaR pAtRoNs. PlEaSe, Do NoT bE aLaRmEd. ThIs WiLl OnLy TaKe A mOmEnT oF yOuR tImE.} Tanizaki: *standing in front of Naomi* "..." louisa: oh dear. ._.;; Lucy: *looking at the windows* "..." yana: {yOu SeE, oUr LeAdEr, Mr DoStOyEvSkI hAs ReCeNtLy BeEn DeTaInEd. So We HaVe TaKeN iT uPoN oUrSeLvEs To PaY eViL uNtO eViL.} Kunikida: *narrows his eyes* ("Interesting phrasing...") yana: {wE oNlY hAvE oNe, SiMpLe ReQuEsT; fOr DoPpO kUnIkIdA tO sUrReNdEr HiMsElF tO tHe AuThOrItIeS.} atsushi: ???!!! fukuzawa: what? aya: kunikida? Kunikida: "!!!" yana: {iF hE rEfUsEs To CoMpLy, WeLl, InNoCeNt PeOpLe ArE gOiNg To GeT hUrT...} *looks at one rat* {<you know what to do.>} Jordan: Q___Q *tries to make a run for it* rat: *shoots him in the leg* daisy: !!! rat 2: *drags her onto the stage at gunpoint* Jordan: *screams, howling in pain* Kunikida: "!!!! Stop this!" yana: {tIcK tOcK, mR kUnIkIdA. oR tHeIr BlOoD wIlL bE oN yOuR hAnDs. JuSt LiKe ThAt ChIlD's...} Kunikida: "..." *shivers* "Is this...what that is about?" *looks at the Rat* "...Will you let me use that phone in the corner?" rat 3: {gOoD lUcK.} Kunikida: "..." *holds his hands up, walks to the phone* "..." aya: h-hey, kunikida? atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "..." *looks back at Aya* aya: *she looks worried* Kunikida: "..." *puts on a smile* "It will be okay." atsushi: what are you- Kunikida: *picks up the phone...dials 911* atsushi: !!! operater: yes- Kunikida: "I am calling to make..." atsushi: kunikida, dont do it! Kunikida: "...To make a confession. I was the one who killed the child discovered in the mines on the outskirts of town." aya: !!!! fukuzawa: !!! yosano: what the hell are you- atsushi: but that's wrong! you know you didnt do it! Kunikida:…….. rat: <quiet you! let him talk!> Kunikida: "...I am willing to surrender myself to police custody." operater: ...we'll transfer you over now. aya: *teary eyed* kunikida.... Kunikida: "Thank you. ..." *holds Aya's hand* aya: why? why would you let them get away with this?! Kunikida: "Because I have faith in my ideals..." aya: .... Kunikida: "..." *hands his book to her* *looks at the Rat* "We done here?" yana: {gOoD} Kunikida: *nods* "I fulfilled your request. Now uphold your obligation: release your hostages and let the others get medical attention..." yana:... {vErY wElL} -smoke fills the room as the rats exit- Kunikida: "...Doctor, please tend to the man with the bullet wound." yosano: ...right... atsushi: *tries to run after the rats....but they're long gone*...dammit! Jordan: *crying in pain* yosano: it's ok. it'll only hurt a little bit more, then it will be alright. aya: kunikida, you cant let them take you to jail! you know you didnt do it- Kunikida: "My ideal...of protecting you all outweighs even the truth." aya: *tears falling* louisa:....lord francis, should we- Fitzgerald: "Let the police in upon their arrival." atsushi: what?! fukuzawa: ....kunikida- Kunikida: *lowers his head, holding back tears* "I am sorry, sir..." fukuzawa:...are you certain you want to do this? Kunikida: "Sir...I cannot let this hang over my head...My presence here after what happened could taint our...your agency." atsushi: ...... Lucy: "...This is stupid...Isn't anyone going to say something?" Dazai: "..." *turns his back* yosano: you cant just let the rats win like this, you idiot! naomi: you didnt have anything to do with- Kunikida: "I didn't save the child, now did I?!" naomi: ...... -the authorities soon arrive- Kunikida: "..." *holds up his hands* jack thompson: a thorough investigation will have to take place before a conviction is made, for now, you'll be in holding. aya: you cant let them do this!! Ivan: <How do you think it went?> yana:..... *removing her mask*...........*sigh*.....*making a call* gonch, give me a moment. Fyodor: *over the phone* <Yes?> yana: <good news, you'll be getting a new cellmate soon.> Fyodor: <...> "Happy New Year, then." <I look forward to the company.> yana: ..... Fyodor: <How do you feel?> yana: <what does it even matter? after all...> *fake smile and dead eyes* <im just your puppet, right?> Fyodor: <An extension of my will...Very good tonight, Yana.> yana: ... <alright, so what's our next move?> Fyodor: <Allow me to speak with our guest. I need something to be thrown away as well.> yana: <and that would be?> Fyodor: <Mushitaro knows: just let him know to proceed.> yana: <understood> -elsewhere- Katai: *reads the text message* "..." *shakes* keek: we have to bail him out somehow! he wasnt the one who did it! Katai: *shakes his head* "Kunikida is stubborn: his ideals won't allow it..." keek: t-then the agency just has to prove he is innocent! Katai: "..." *nods* "That would be up to Ranpo, then." keek: i'll do what i can to...true, i did use to do jobs for the mafia...but after the agency saved my life, the least i can do is repay them! Katai: *weak smile* "They'll appreciate that..." *pulls up footage* "...B-But I think we'll need protection...I don't want us to get hunted again." Q_Q -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." grimoire: .... Alone: *stares* "...Can I try on your glasses?" Kunikida: "..." Nals: "..." *dramatic hair flip* grimoire:......not very chatty, is he? Kunikida: "...Officer?" sancha: yes? Kunikida: "I would like to request paper and something to write with...like a crayon?" sancha: how do we know you wont try to escape? given your ability... Kunikida: "You can ask my supervisors at the Agency: my ability only works on a particular type of paper..." -elsewhere- madoka: happy birthday, guys. ^^ kyouko: happy birthday! Rin: *blows a party favor* "Thanks!" Yukio: "Um...Yes, thank you." konekomaru: we got your presents here. ^^ Rin: "Sweet!" *grabs one for Yukio, tosses it to him* Yukio: "H-Hey! Careful! It could be fragile..." shiemi: ^^ nee: ^o^ Yukio: *opens his gift* -elsewhere- Yumi: "What do we know about his confession?" lord death: it's only that, thus far. there isnt any evidence to prove or deny it... Yumi: *points to the report* "Look at the residue left on the remains--confirm what makes up that explosive." nygus: right. -elsewhere- Mori: *shaking under his covers* secretary: .....so creepy....what do you think, mii? Mii: "..." *gets under the bedsheet, cuddles against Mori* Mori: Q~Q *tentative pet* secretary: ._.;;;; Mii: =w= *purrs* Mori: *his eyes start to close slightly...* "Zz..." *falls onto the bed in front of the Secretary* secretary: eep! .-.;; Mori: *his head falls right at her legs--he's out cold* Mii: *rests on Mori's head* ^w^ secretary: ._.;;;;; Mori: *snore* Mii: *lowers his head to the Secretary* secretary:... *pet pet* im not sure how you arent scared of him... ^^; Mii: *purrs, gets off of Mori's head, lies on the bed* secretary:.... *gives mori a pillow to hug onto* Mori: "E-Elise..." -elsewhere- *Mr. Tsubaki's letter sits opened in front of Tsubaki* tsubaki:..... *The letter informs her that he has only told her and Otogiri about the Wolf, and to take care of his family--* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "There is not a moment where you are not on my mind. I want you protected..." tsubaki:...*hands shaking* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "I admire and appreciate your care to keep my family away from these C3 bastards. But I won't rest peacefully until I find how to keep them away forever. When I do, I will come home to our family." tsubaki: *tears falling* Mr. Tsubaki's letter: "I love you." *pawprint signature* -elsewhere- Kid: "How do you feel?" stocking: =~= stupid cramps... Kid: "..." *sets the warm water bottle down* stocking: *sniff* thanks Kid: *nods* "You're welcome..." *opens a box of chocolates* stocking: *mouth open* Kid: *feeds one to her* stocking: ^u^ Kid: "Which flavor did you get?" -elsewhere- Lucy: *holding her hands, sitting on the couch, nervous* mary: you're lucy, right? it's so nice to meet you! ^^ Lucy: "Yes? And you are?" mary: mary shelly! im new to the new guild! and this is my buddy, bram! bram: h-hello. Lucy: *waves* "Hello. ...How do you like it here?" mary: it's been sooo fun! they even have a foxy! *holds up mr tsubaki* say hi, toby! Mr. Tsubaki: ._. Lucy: *shiny eyes* "May I pet him?" mary: sure! ^^ Lucy: *pets 'Toby'* 'Toby': ^w^ -the next day- Dazai: "...Damn it." ango: we'll see if there is anything to do regarding the investigation. Dazai: "How will you explain this to your boss if he asks why you're helping defend a friend of a frenemy?" ango: i think it will go well. Dazai: "Until then, we have our best investigator checking for evidence, too." -elsewhere- ranpo: *in a bear suit* Patty: "Want a balloon, Julie?" julie: *she nods* ranpo: here ya go! -elsewhere- Kyouka: "...Aya?" aya: *punching a pillow* this sucks! they cant just do this when he didnt do anything! i'll beat those jerk rats into next week! Kyouka: "Your time will come. But until they show themselves, you can either keep punching a pillow, or train to eliminate them." *assassin's stare* aya: ._.; kenji: for now, lets keep looking for clues! ^^ Kyouka: "The police would have the mines shut down. We could sneak in there, or search elsewhere." aya: hmmm.... Kyouka: *pulls up a map on her phone* "Here is Death City. We are here. The mines are there. We can trace paths they took to get to other locations..." aya: hmm, so we're around the slums still... Kyouka: "We could interrogate potential witnesses..." aya: alright! let's go! Katai: "Wh-What are you all talking about in there?" *he's rolled up in his futon* aya: EEK! kenji: hi mr katai, are you trying to become a butterfly in the spring? Katai: o_o; "...I don't...think so?" *shakes his head* "Wh-Where do you think you're all going? You can't just go through the slums alone..." aya: we're investigating, duh! Katai: "Not alone!" *whips the futon off of him in a dramatic pose--and it hits him in the face, knocking him back* aya: ._.; Katai: "...Help me up, and let's interview some suspects." -elsewhere- Ivan: <Was Master pleased~?> yana: <sounded like it. mushitaro's already hard at work.> Ivan: <Usually is...> *sets down a map* <Which is the next tunnel to create?> yana: *takes a look* hmm. <this 'nether' seems of interest...think we had a guy there that didnt come back...> Ivan: <Send a scout first?> yana: <sounds good...> -elsewhere- Haumea: "Okay, I finished erasing our path out of the old site...It would've gone faster if I had had some time-manipulation help, Little Bro." Sho: "..." Jonah: "Did you get that thing I asked you to retrieve~?" Haumea: -_-# guruna: you're shameless. =3= arrow:.... assault, are you awake? Assault: X____X Haumea: "..." *sniffs* "Is he dead?" guruna: *fire tornados him up* WAKE UP!! >3< Assault: O___O "AAAAAAAH-" *smashes against the ceiling* Haumea: ._.; Jonah: *giggles* arrow:.... *siiiiigh* *A loud thump is heard from the room next door* Haumea: O-O; "...The Preacher is displeased..." arrow: .... -elsewhere- Vulcan: *sets down apples sliced like bunnies* "Hungry?" lisa: *nom* Vulcan: ^^ "I can put some peanut butter and raisins on them, like we used to do..." lisa:...*small smile* t-thanks, vul. Vulcan: *smiles* "You're welcome." *takes a sip of the milk* "...You see what Iris has done to her garden?" lisa: ...havent seen it. Vulcan: "I know it's kinda cold out, but with the snow, it really has to be seen in person." lisa:...r-right. Vulcan: *small smile* "You could try on that new sweater..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "You got someone housesitting while you're on your mission?" soul: kilik said he'd cover. Black Star: "That'll be good." *passes a drink* "You still going solo on this one?" soul: yeah. stein said he'd help me out if need be. Black Star: "...Keep mace on you." soul: noted. -elsewhere- pushkin: um... we maaaay have a small problem. Chuuya: "Specify." pushkin: well, kati and i were at the in-base bar, and she thought to mix vodka, white wine, and redbull together and......the regret is instant. Chuuya: "...What has to be cleaned?" katya: *completly wasted* EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK~ EVERYWHERE, THERE'S A FACE~ OR SOMETHING-SOMETHIN-SOOOMETHIIIN~ Chuuya: "...Coffee. Lots of it." katya: *climbing onto pushkin's shoulders* heyyyyyy whos my soft pillow boy with a baby head, hehehe~ =w= its so soft *pats his head* how you even doin' that? pushkin: yes, i have a soft head, kati. Chuuya: "..." *snaps a photo* katya: *blink* pushkin are we dead? pushkin: no, we arent dead. Chuuya: "Get her to bed. Now." pushkin: <no need to tell me twice> katya: MUSH! MUSH! Chuuya: "And keep it down--some people are working. And I--" *SLIP* *SPLAT* katya: *peeeek* Chuuya: *he slipped on vomit* Q___Q -elsewhere- Mephisto: "How was your Christmas, sweetie?" stocking: it was great~ *smiles at kid* Kid: ^\\\^ felisia: oho, do anything naughty~? stocking: m-MOM! >///<; Kid: O\\\\\\\o Mephisto: "Dear, please, you're embarrassing them." *turns to Stocking* "So, are you pregnant yet?" stocking: DAD. Kid: *all color has faded out of his face and suit* Mephisto: "There are techniques--" stocking: *covers ears* FALALALALA IM NOT LISTENING. Kid: *still pouring tea into a cup--until it overflows* X____X felisia: ^-^; -elsewhere- Shotaro: *making a bed* "I'll be done with them in another few minutes! Can you check on the soup?" kyouko: ok! Rin: *stirring the soup* "Should be about done..." *looks down* "You got the spices?" Ukobach: *thumbs up* "Eeep!" kyouko: good job, uko. ^^ Ukobach: ^o^ *mixes the spices, dropping them into the soup* Shotaro: "???" ("Who the heck they talking to?") -elsewhere- Joker: "Think you can sneak into where the Hoods were before?" scarlet: it's a possibility. Joker: "Try it. Or we can send Ivy or Victor as a test-run--" scarlet: after victor's _last_ excursion in the nether? Joker: "...I mean, he'd know the area. I'm sure he's not that traumatized--" Victor: *curled up in the corner* scarlet: *sweatdrop* Victor: "Can't sleep...Preacher will eat me..." Joker: -_-# "Fine. Get a Hazmat suit for Ivy." -elsewhere- Sakuya: *lays out a kimono* tsubaki: getting ready for new years already? Sakuya: "Someone has to. If I lay it out, I'm hoping it'll get the others to get ready--" Belkia: "I lost my kimono in a fire." Higan: "I started a fire." otogiri: .... im not even shocked. Black Star: *sighs* "You're going to have to shop for more..." *hands Otogiri some money* -elsewhere- Crona: *looks out the window* mami: *making lunch* Crona: "...What do you want for the new year?" mami: hmm. hard to say. Crona: "...Yeah...Maybe just peace?" mami: *nod* yeah... -elsewhere- Kyouka: *holds up an image of Rat graffiti* "We know you know where they are. Talk." mrs uraraka:...is this deadmau5? Kyouka: "That is not the correct answer. Answer it correctly, or I unless our martial arts experts." ochako: eh? kyouka? what's going on? Kyouka: "Oh. Hello. I was interrogating this hostile witness regarding the location of an enemy troop suspected to be in this area. Could you help me getting a statement from this person?" ochako:..eh? ^^; *looks at her parents, confused* Mr. Uraraka: O_O; "...Young lady, we haven't seen that graffiti--" Kyouka: *holding a taser* Mr. Uraraka: "!!!" *stands in front of his wife and daughter* kenji: *holds onto kyouka's hand* it's ok kyouka, i dont think they mean trouble. if you've seen anything, let us know, ok? ^^ Mr. Uraraka: OWO;;; "Tha-Thank you, young man." *pushing his wife and daughter along* "L-Let's get the heck out of here now..." Kyouka: "..." *looks at Kenji* "..." kenji: i think if we ask nicely, they'll help us out better. ^^ Kyouka: "Hmm...You try the next one." *points* "Like that one." kenji: ok! -elsewhere- Emine: "Target acquired." *aims snowball* mono: *humming* Emine: *toss* -BWAB- mono: ACK! Emine: "Bad deed complete." *BAD DEED GET* mono: im trying really hard to like you guys more, BUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU MAKE THAT DIFFICULT!! DX< Emine: "...Then fight back. Throw a snowball." mono: *grumble* fine! -elsewhere- Relan: "One step...There you go." shinra: t-thanks. iris: ^^ Relan: *smiles* "Easier with two to lean on, huh?" shinra: yeah, haha ^^; Relan: "How about we try that waffle mix the Commander bought?" shinra: sounds good! Relan: "Iris, what fruit we got?" iris: i bought strawberries and blueberries. Relan: "Sounds good!" *opens the cupboard--and a random Yuu falls onto him* yu: woah! hi. -elsewhere- Mifune: *knocks* tsubaki: yes? Mifune: "Hello." *holds up a bag of oranges* tsubaki: oh, thank you. ^^ Mifune: "You're welcome. How is the end of the year going?" tsubaki: busy. Mifune: "Preparations for the new year ceremony?" tsubaki: ..y-yeah. Mifune: "...What is the threat?" tsubaki: ?? Mifune: "You seem nervous. Is there a threat inside?" tsubaki: oh, no, they arent that bad- naho: *peeeeek* Mifune: "???" *waves at Naho* naho: hiya! Mifune: "Hello." *looks at Tsubaki* "How many do you have here again?" tsubaki:... a lot. Mifune: "Hm. Big house, then--" -elsewhere- Kunikida: *staring at his meal* "..." grimoire: ... Alone: "...You two gonna eat that or what?" *already licking his own plate* prisoner: *nom nom* Kunikida: "..." *sips his milk* Alone: "So..." *slobbering* "What you in for?" Kunikida: "..." Alone: "...Overdue library book?" Nals: -_- *trying to fix his hair in the plate's reflection* prisoner 2: he's just under suspicion, unlike that guy....*points to fyodor, who is in a corner by himself* Fyodor: *humming* Alone: "...So, what's his deal?" Nals: "He could use a haircut." Kunikida: "!!!" prisoner 2: *whispers* i think he's some kind of cult leader, i'd avoid talking to him if i were you... Fyodor: *looks up at Prisoner 2...winks* prisoner 2: *she backs away, uneasy* Kunikida: "You're right. Do not go near him. Do not touch him. Do not talk to him--" Alone: "That just makes me want to touch the girly-hair man more." Fyodor: ._. ("...'Girly'?") prisoner 3: didnt you hear? he killed a guard just from touching him! Alone: "I mean, maybe it was something the guard ate--" Nals: "We're still cleaning the remains off the floor." -_-# Fyodor: *smiles at Prisoner 2 and Kunikida* prisoner 2: *she's shaking* Kunikida: "...Stay back from the bars. Do not do what he requests. Do not touch him." -elsewhere- Katai: Q_Q "No luck finding new information today..." *rubs his shin* "And that one old person kicked me so hard." aya: that just leaves-....*gulp* _that_ house... Kyoka: "..." *knock knock* man: yeah? what? Kyoka: *holds up a drawing of the Rat symbol* "Greetings, citizen. Have you seen this symbol before?" man:.....s-sorry, i dont know....*shaking* Kyoka: "Kenji, hold the door open." kenji: ok. aya: ??? Kyoka: "Sir, we just want to know whether you recognize this symbol. Yes or no." man: p-please, g-go easy on us, we just lost a family member- Kyoka: "We are not here to hurt you. We are investigating criminals and murderers. Your information can assist us." man: ....... -he tells him all he knows, though it’s not much- Kyoka: *nods* "Thank you for your information." *hands him a card* "Call with any new information." man:...o-ok.... Kyoka: "..." *stares intently* child: .... Kyoka: *spots the child* child: *he and several others just stare at them* Katai: Q___Q "So many...kids..." aya: ..... kenji: *waves* ^^ Kyoka: "...Are you the father of them all?" man: w-wha no! they're my siblings, i look after them... Kyoka: "Ah..." -elsewhere- Dazai: *looking at the canal* atsushi: .....*pats his back* Dazai: "...This is where we met." atsushi: it was only a few months, but it feels like it was years ago... Dazai: "No kiddin'. Time's weird..." *falls back into the grass and melting snow* "...You ever think about kids?" atsushi: ._.; im still 18?? Dazai: "Yeah, but I'm trying to teach you to put a hat on your jimmy, or else you'll have a child before you're ready." atsushi: .____________.;;;;; Dazai: "But seriously, you've thought about whether you want to have kids in the future, right?" atsushi: i guess? ^^; Dazai: "...I didn't think I'd live long enough." atsushi: .... Dazai: "...What do I do? I can't just go away..." atsushi: i guess be there for your child? if it were _him_, i think that's what he'd do... Dazai: "...Yeah. He would've." atsushi:..... Dazai: "...He used to play this game with the kids..." *small laugh* "He'd try to get them to try to assassinate him." atsushi: ^-^; really now? Dazai: "Yep. Made a game of it. He usually won." atsushi: i guess he was a lot taller than them... Dazai: "He was a full-grown adult. They were just...little kids." atsushi: ...... Dazai: "...Am I going to die?" atsushi: no, you're going to be fine, i think. Dazai: "...Dying before your kid is even an adult...I...have not wanted to live..." atsushi:.....*awkward hug.....it feels....comforting, somehow* Dazai: "..." *small sob* atsushi: come on, lets get home... Dazai: "O-Okay..." -elsewhere- Iida: *walking through a park* "..." momo: hey tenya. Iida: "...Momo?" momo: mind if i walk with you for a while? Iida: "...Okay." momo:....*holds his hand* Iida: "..." *looks down at the ground* momo:...*hug* Iida: "..." *he doesn't move...a tear falls down his face* momo: im here, ok? Iida: "..." *slight crack* "O-Okay." -elsewhere- Emine: *covered in snow* Yohei: "...The heck happened?" mono:... .-. we went overboard. Yohei: "...It looks like you won, at least. Congrats, Mono." *hands her a shovel* "You two can now shovel the walk." mono: =3= -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." *turns the radio louder* "..." <When?> lydia: ?? Ivan: <Isn't Master going to give us future instructions?> yana: <give him time. he's gonna need it.> Ivan: <But I want to know noooooooow...> *whine* yana: <ok, i got the next order.> Ivan: OWO "Yes?" yana: bosses orders. chill the fuck out. Ivan: <I'LL DO IT! I'M THE BEST AT CHILLING, MASTER~> lydia: ...*sweatdrop* -SCREAMING- Ivan: "Eep!" mushitaro: I AM GOING TO KILL EVERYTHING!!! TT~TT Ivan: O_O; "...What happened?” mushitaro: I AM IN PAIN AND I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT FUCK FUCK FUCK FUUUUCK!!! *he is screaming and crying* yana: need us to pick up some discount christmas chocolate- mushitaro: DO IT!! Ivan: *puts on fuzzy hat* "On it!" *runs--into the wall* yana:....lydia? lydia: <understood> *exits* Ivan: X_X zoey:....i'll be treating you now~ Ivan: *dazed* "Master? When did you get so ugly?" zoey: *jabs a scalpel into his shoulder* HOW DARE YOU INSULT MASTER YOU FILTHY WRETCH!! yana: play nice you two! -elsewhere- leo: .... Akutagawa: "Thank you for the tea." leo: you're welcome. *bows* Akutagawa: *nods* "How has your day been?" leo: alright, mostly. been busy with working around the estate. Akutagawa: *nods* "I can imagine the work here must be exact..." *stabbing his fork into a stale gingerbread man cookie* leo: ... Akutagawa: *stab stab STAB STAB* "Why won't you die?!" leo: s-sir, please calm down! Akutagawa: "How much longer will this go on?!" *smashes his fist on top of the cookie* leo: !!! -squeaky- -someone threw a plush tiger- Akutagawa: "..." Q_Q leo: ?? *looks up* Gin: "..." leo: ah... -elsewhere- Lucy: T__T "I was so worried he'd hate me..." naomi: well, looks like things turned out well ^^ Lucy: *nod nod* "I'm just so happy..." *ugly crying face, Izuku puddle of tears* kirako: *hands her a bucket* Lucy: "Th-Thank you..." *catching her tears* -elsewhere- Mori: "Zzz..." {Rintaro: "Where are you going, Father?"} {ougai sr: hm? oh, im just tending to a patient. they're very sick...i dont think they're going to make it.} {Rintaro: "...That's very sad."} {ougai sr: *pets his head* it is, but even though doctors save lives, we cant save them all. *out of rintarou's view, he smiles a dark smile*} {Rintaro: "What if we could?"} {ougai sr: ...*hands him some money* here, why dont you buy yourself something nice? papa has to work now. *small forehead kiss*} {Rintaro: Q_Q "O-Okay..." *turns* *walks away*} {ougai sr: *enters the operating room* … *looking at the woman strapped to the operating table.....looks at his medical tools*} {Woman: *trying to scream*} {ougai sr: shhh, it's alright ma'am. it will only hurt for a moment~} Mori: *shifting in his sleep* "N-No..." fukuzawa:..... Mori: *mutters something in...German?* fukuzawa: ??? -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "What a mess...When is Jordan coming back to work?" louisa: sometime after the new year. bram: .... Fitzgerald: "This is all embarrassing...Eckleberg, how did they even get inside?" eckleburg: they must have had someone hack into the system. i'll have to work on an update to the system then. Fitzgerald: "Do it, Old Sport--quickly and correctly." eckleburg: understood! -elsewhere- Poe: *has cut up and laid out newspaper clippings* rowena: ?? *Clippings show Kunikida's arrest, Fyodor's capture, and some other random items--with one having a raccoon ink-print on it* rowena: investigating something? Poe: *small yelp* .\\\\. "Y-Yes? I just thought I noticed something..." rowena: like what? Poe: *points at a photo behind Kunikida, when the news photographed the handcuffs being put on him* "This photo was from December 27th. Why does the calendar behind him show December _28th_?" rowena: ?! Poe: *nods* "Someone tore it off...Was it Kunikida? If so, why?" rowena: we'll just have to investigate further, right? Poe: "Yes! ... 'We'? You're up for this?" rowena: *she nods* i can invite one of the new club members to assist us too! Poe: "??? 'New club member'? Who?" rowena: it's a surprise~ ^^ Poe: "Oh, well then, let's see it when the time comes." ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *still frozen and all color faded out of him* o_o kirika:.....*rips one of his sleeves* Kid: *wakes up* "HOW DARE YOU DEFILE MY ATTIRE WITH YOUR AWFUL SYMMETRICAL FOOLISHNESS! SHAME! SHAAAAAAAME!!!!" kirika: he's alive guys! liz: oh thank god. Patty: *holding a coffin* "...Nuts." *Hugh pops out of the coffin* Hugh: "THIEF!" tetsu: kidnapping, technically. Hugh: >3< -elsewhere- Haumea: *has a slap mark on her face* -_-# "I changed that brat's diapers, and this is the thanks I get? Rotten little rugrat..." arrow: as a _child_? Haumea: "I was a child prodigy at my age! What, older sisters change their baby brothers' diapers all the time!" guruna: werent you like, 5 or something? Haumea: "You all calling me a liar?! Lying's a sin! I'm no sinner!" arrow:.......do you want a polite answer or an honest answer? Haumea: "YOU LIE, YOU'RE GOING TO HELL!" guruna: oh haumi, we're _in_ hell, and we've _been_ in hell 8D Haumea: "..." *forehead flick* guruna: *twitching on the floor* HFJK<FNJLJDKNVKJNDJKVOKL -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Zzz..." sonia: *drawing* Chuuya: *turns over...yawns* *looks around* "???" sonia: *drawing a picture of the people in the mafia, including rain, but mori has horns and demon wings* Chuuya: "...Sonia? You been playing?" sonia: *holds up her drawing* Chuuya: "...It looks good." *points at Rain* "Is that Mommy?" sonia: *she nods* Chuuya: "It looks good...I'm sure she'd like it." sonia: ... Chuuya: "..." *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "...I love you." sonia: i love you too, papa. Chuuya: *smiles* "...Let's get you some dinner." -elsewhere- chie: *rocking toru* toru: zzz Yohei: *puts batteries back into the security camera* -elsewhere- PlushFix: *grumbles* kinuta: gooooood, it feels like we havent done _anything_ =3= *letting him rest between her breasts* PlushFix: =\\\\= "No kiddin'...The va-cay was good and all, but can't we do some thievery?" hina: fuck yeah! PlushFix: *muffled voice* "Rob some mansions!" hina: murder some fuckers! PlushFix: *more muffled* "FUCK YEAH!" -elsewhere- Asura: "..." *fanning himself with a scarf* mikan: feeling hot? Asura: "...Yes." mikan: hmm. *puts an ice pack on him* Asura: =\\\\= "Thank you...Why do I feel so warm in winter..." mikan: perhaps you have a fever? Asura: "I don't feel sick..." *unwraps some scarves* -elsewhere- Kid: *sighs* stocking: you ok, kiddo? *in the bath with him* Kid: *smiles at her* "Much better now." stocking: glad to hear~ *leans against his chest* Kid: *strokes her head, kisses her forehead* stocking: hehe, strokes circles on his chest with her fingertip* Kid: *small gasp* ^\\\^; *rubs her shoulders* stocking: so handsome~ Kid: "So beautiful..." *cheek smooch* -elsewhere- {Mrs Kusakabe: "All done!" *holds up a mirror* "What do you think of your Halloween costume?"} {shinra: cool!} {-he pokes her stomach-} {shinra: what do you think?} {Mrs. Kusakabe: "Hee hee!" *holds her belly, impersonates a silly voice* " 'I think your costume looks great, Big Brother!'"} {shinra: i cant wait to see you!} shinra: *yaaawns* *looks at the window* morning already? *The room is quiet* shinra:....*looks to his side* Relan: *sleeping* shinra:....*kisses his forehead* Relan: =w= *yawns* "Sh-Shinra?" shinra: morning rel. *hug* Relan: ^\\\^ *strokes his back* "Morning...Up early?" shinra: yeah. sleep ok? Relan: "Pretty well...Felt snug." *smiles* shinra: ^///^ .....i wasnt...._too_ hard, was i? Relan: .\\\\. "...I didn't think so?" shinra: ah...*hug* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." lin-kimpur:.......*hugs him* Emine: *yawns* "..." *looks into her eyes* "...Morning." lin-kimpur: *sniff* m-morning.... Emine: "...What's wrong?" lin-kimpur: j-just sad i guess..... Emine: "..." *hug* "Talk?" lin-kimpur: can i just lay here for a while? Emine: "...Of course." *shifts to rest his arm under her* -elsewhere- Todoroki: *rings the doorbell* ochako: hey todoroki! ^^ Todoroki: *waves* "Hello. How are you?" ochako: feeling old =3= Todoroki: "??? You don't look any older than when I saw you last..." ochako: yeah... ^^; Todoroki: "Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize your birthday..." ochako: it was two days ago? on the 27th? though to be fair, i dont remember you asking... ^^; Todoroki: "..." *nods* "I'll remember it, then. And treat you..." ochako: aw, thanks. *hug* Todoroki: ^\\\^ "You, um, have breakfast yet?" -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *studying the other inmates* prisoner 2: *she's uneasy* Kunikida: "...You." prisoner 2: ??? w-what? Kunikida: "What are you accused of?" prisoner 2: ...m-murder of a coworker.... Kunikida: "Oh..." *steps back* prisoner 2: i-it wasnt me! i didnt kill her! Kunikida: "...Who was the victim?" prisoner 2:....her name was noriko shirono. Kunikida: *nods* "I'm familiar with that case...So you're..." prisoner 2: kanae minato. Kunikida: "...I remember your public defender was shoddy." minato: well, it's my fault for going with 'dewey, cheetum, and hao.' Kunikida: *already writing in chalk along the walls* "The alibi you gave was flimsy yet not unbelievable." minato: im telling the truth though! Kunikida: "...Have you gotten a lawyer to appeal your case?" *still drawing a diagram on the wall* minato: no such luck.... Kunikida: *drawing diagrams of angles* "No...Angle is wrong." *holds a hand up to her head* minato: eh- Kunikida: "Wrong height. And furthermore--" *Creepy laughter echoes in the jail wing* minato: *shudders* Kunikida: *trying to stay calm...* Fyodor: "Child...His truth will _not_ set you free..." minato: ....... Fyodor: "Do you think this punishment is fair?" minato:........... Fyodor: "...It may be. After all...maybe you're guilty of something..." minato: ........ Fyodor: "What if you _did_ do it, but suppressed--" Kunikida: "Shut your mouth this instant!" guard: alright, you're going back to solitary... *using a stick to guide fyodor to his cell* Fyodor: *slight giggle* "Careful--I'm ticklish..." guard: ..... Fyodor: *goes to his cell...after turning his head to smirk at Minato* minato: *shaking* Kunikida: "...That man is a sociopath. Block out his words. Just--" {Kunikida: "I killed the child."} Kunikida: "..." *shell-shocked* minato:...... {*staring at shirono's crumbled body, with blood all over her*} .... Kunikida: "..." *falls back against the wall...covers his face* -elsewhere- Ivan: <Is he pleased~?> yana: <sounds like it, he's making some new friends.> Ivan: <...Just friends?> yana: <yeah, 'friends' maaaay be pushing it. this _is_ fyodor we're talking about> Ivan: *loud sigh of relief* <Oh, thank goodness--I thought he had replaced me!> yana: <gonch, you're one in a million.> Ivan: "..." QWQ "Thank you.” -elsewhere- Poe: *walking nervously, looking around every corner* bear: *staaaares* Poe: O_______o;;;; bear: hey poe! Poe: *covers his face* "DON'T EAT ME, GIANT BEAR!" -the 'bear' removes it's head, revealing....- ranpo: yo. Poe: ._.; "...Oh. Hi. ...Is this a punishment?" ranpo: sorta. -he explains what all happened- Poe: "That's...rather humorous. Hee hee..." ^^ "Have you seen anything interesting?" ranpo: it's a work in progress....*notices someone* oh, hey mr fancy hat and fancy hat junior! Chuuya: "...Walk faster, Sonia--" sonia: *glaaaaares at them* Poe: ._.;;; *whispers to Ranpo* "Do you think they're still mad--" *A shoe smashes into Poe's face, knocking him back* sonia: *kicks him in the shin* ranpo:...i'll take that as a 'yes'. Chuuya: "Sonia, you know that's inappropriate--without also kicking him in the other shin." Poe: *scrambles away--leaving a bag behind* "Have mercy!" ranpo: ?? *examines the bag* *Inside is a small jewelry box* ranpo: *about to peak* *Snatch* ranpo: ?? Poe: >\\\\< "No!" ranpo:....*realizing* oooooooOOOOH poe you dog! 7w7 Poe: "YOU KNOW NOTHING! YOU'RE JUST A BOY IN A BEAR SUIT!" ranpo: *innocent whistling* Poe: *grumbles* "Tell no one..." ranpo: hey, if you arent gonna say anything, neither am i. sonia: ??? Chuuya: -_-# "Give me back my shoes" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zz..." Katai: ._.; "How long has she been out?" atsushi: she must be exhausted... Katai: "She was really going all-out detective style..." *hands Atsushi a blanket* atsushi: well, we are a detective agency. *chuckles and covers her* Katai: "...Most of us..." atsushi:....r-right.... Katai: "...How was everyone when I wasn't there?" *hugging his futon* atsushi: maybe ask fukuzawa? Katai: *nods* "H-He just seems...serious lately. And busy." atsushi:.... >->; Katai: "Maybe I could bring him his favorite tea--and those sweets he liked." atsushi: sure, go with that ^^; Katai: "Yay!" ^^ "..." o_O "I would have to go outside to get treats..." kenji: we'll go with you. ^^ Katai: *loud sigh of relief* "Oh thank God..." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Maki, tell the Captain I'm not asking her." Takehisa: "Any information about the Hoods--" Vulcan: "No! Just back off..." maki: what's going on? lisa: *shaking* Vulcan: *glares at Takehisa, holding Lisa's hand* Takehisa: "The longer we wait, the harder it will be to locate the Hoods. Maki, if you knew where they were, you'd tell us, yes?" maki:...i mean, of course i would....but lisa...her circumstances are different. Takehisa: "..." *sighs* "Just...give us whatever information you have--" lisa:........ Vulcan: "...You don't have to...Take your time." lisa:......s-shapes.....e-everything's just shapes....*shaking badly* Vulcan: "Okay, that's enough..." *holds her* "It's okay..." Takehisa: "..." lisa:....*her breathing steadies* Vulcan: "Let's go...Take a walk..." Takehisa: "..." lisa: o-ok.... -elsewhere- Dazai: "You sure a prison break isn't still a viable option?" yosano: that will only make matters worse. Dazai: "Not if we do this gradually..." *takes out a pair of chopsticks* -chop- yosano: do not. Dazai: >3< "At least I'm thinking of an idea. I don't see anyone else. Oh, I know!--Let's ask Kunikida! Oh, right--HE'S NOT HERE!" kirako: *hug* down boy. Dazai: TT\\\\\TT kirako: better? Dazai: "A-A little...This is all just so much all at once." -elsewhere- Mikuni: "And then we'll get you a new dress, and maybe design your hair--" Jeje: *stuck on Mikuni's shoulders* -_-# "Kill me..." metsu: ... ?? there's a customer. Mikuni: "???? Welcome, to our little curio shop--" rowena: um, h-hello. .///w///. Mikuni: "Well, howdy, missy!" rowena: i wanted to give you something for the holiday! >///< *hands him a heart shaped box of chocolates* please enjoy it! Mikuni: OwO "Ooooo! We love chocolate, don't we, Jeje?" Jeje: *judgy snake face* -_-# metsu:.... Mikuni: "Did you make these?" *takes a bite of one* rowena: myself? oh goodness, im not that skilled. .///.; Mikuni: "D'aw, that's a shame. You should try--making chocolates can be fun!" *holds one up to Jeje* Jeje: *shakes his head 'no'* -elsewhere- Hyde: *searching through online streaming videos* "...Shit. I remember this film. I was at its premiere." licht: didnt you kill the lead actor? Hyde: -_-; "...Let's watch something else." -elsewhere- Yumi: "..." marie: whats up? Yumi: "Just trying to figure out a few cases. How are you?" marie: busy, there's a mjolnir family reunion coming up. Yumi: "So you're traveling?" marie: and little christa too~ ^^ Yumi: *smiles* "She'll be the center of attention." marie: >u< Yumi: ^^ "I hope you have fun there. Is everyone going?' -elsewhere- Anya: "Classes will begin again soon." tsugumi: yeah. Meme: "Picked your classes?" tsugumi: *she nods* Anya: "I'll be in history, public speaking, and more combat courses. You?" tsugumi: hmmm. i guess i want to learn more about this whole 'grigori soul' thing... Meme: "So a 'soul studies' class?" tsugumi: yeah, that. Anya: "I heard that course is intensive. Maybe talk to the teacher?" tsugumi: noted. mio: how about you, meme? Meme: "I'm not sure...I was looking at combat classes and...some advanced studies." ao: oh? Meme: *nods* "Maybe, I don't know, pursue some more intellectual studies?" mio: that's great. ^^ Meme: ^^ "How about you, Mio?" mio: not sure just yet. i might see if there's some kind of coding class or something. Meme: "Oh, you'd be great! I know they want to add more of those classes." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "??? What happened to you?" Poe: *has a shoe imprint on his face* Q_Q "I don't want to talk..." karl: *chitter* *pap pap* Poe: TTWTT *pat pat* *sets his bag in his locker* -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *tending to his grapevines* dorothy: *staaaare* Steinbeck: "??? Yes, Dorothy?" dorothy: can i watch? big brother's being a buttpain. Steinbeck: "Sure...What's wrong?" dorothy: he's just a bit much when it comes to brotherly affection. not in a weird way, mind you. Steinbeck: "...Okay? Um...What boundaries do you want him to practice?" dorothy: he needs to learn to chill the heck on out. Steinbeck: "I could send him out on errands. Or--" baum: JOOOOOHN!!! Steinbeck: "?!!!! Wh-Whhat?"at?" baum: *holds dorothy close* dont lust after my sister you sick bastard! i should have you fined and arrested! dorothy: =_=; Steinbeck: o_O "I...wasn't...?" baum: you better not have been. T_T Steinbeck: "I assure you, I wasn't...Um...Do you need to take a break? Get a snack?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *trying on his formal kimono* "..." kirei: getting ready for new years festivities? Benimaru: *nods* "Thought I should check to make sure it still suited me." *holds out his arms* "How is it? Good size?" kirei: *she nods* ^^ Benimaru: "Thank you. How is festival organizing going?" kirei: the sisters are all working hard. Benimaru: *nods* "Your kimono?" kirei: i already have it set out. -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs* mary: whats wrong, toby? Mr. Tsubaki: TT3TT mary: *brushing him* Mr. Tsubaki: =\\\\= *fox sigh* -elsewhere- Belkia: "Tah-dah!" *he's in a Bedazzled kimono* Sakuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "I have gone blind." tsubaki: it's certainly...unique. ^^; Belkia: "Thank you! They called me mad for daring to sequin a kimono!" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his tea* "...I just remembered, I'm not a big fan of tea. But you were, weren't you?" fukuzawa: yes. Mori: "...Very traditional...Samurai..." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "...I remember...milkshakes." fukuzawa:....should i have someone picks something up for you? Mori: *nods* "And lemon cookies." fukuzawa: .. Mori: "Maybe...chocolate. Rainbow stickers..." fukuzawa: .... --# Mori: "..." *finishes his tea* "..." *stares at the tea leaves* "...I want to get better." fukuzawa: ... Mori: "..." *holds up the cup* "Do you read tea leaves?" fukuzawa: not normally. Mori: "...Oh. Was hoping someone could predict these." fukuzawa: ...... >->; (i dont want to let that girl near this lolicon.) Mori: "...Well, I better sleep..." -morning- Kid: =_= stocking: rough night? Kid: *nods* "Migraine..." stocking: aww. Kid: "Maybe some medicine and water..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *yawns* -...- Kunikida: "..." *looks at the wall...picks up his chalk* -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *claps his hands* "Line up! We continue inspections." -staff lining up- Fitzgerald: "...Eckleberg! Fix that tie!" eckleburg: *doing so* Fitzgerald: *walks by--then leans down* "And you. Where were you at 11:59 PM the night of December 27?" worker: i was home! you can ask my mother! Fitzgerald: "HOW DO I KNOW YOUR MOTHER WASN'T INVOLVED IN THIS EVIL PLOT OF EVIL?!" worker: Q_Q daisy: sir, he's pissing himself. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...The self-urination is a rather convincing piece of evidence. Very well. Jordan, clean this mess up." jordan: -_-; -elsewhere- Steinbeck: -_-##### twain: that seriously happened? Steinbeck: *small growl* "Unfortunately..." twain: what's his deal? Steinbeck: "He has a sister fixation. And as someone with sisters--that's pretty messed up." baum: its not anything weird or lewd! keep your perverted ideas away from us, freak. twain: ._.; Steinbeck: "Just...keep him occupied. Like, a jigsaw puzzle, or compare beauty tips." twain: can do! -elsewhere- Ivan: -_-# <Such noise...> yana: hmm? Ivan: <Tell that cow to stop her groaning...> yana: oi, medic, you ok? zoey: ah.....h-hungry....my baby needs to eat..... lydia: <vachenka, i know you dont like her at all, but it wouldnt kill you to be less of a dick.> Ivan: <No, it actually would. It's a medical condition. Tragic.> lydia: ... T_T; Ivan: <Why don't _I_ prepare her meal?> *innocent smile* lydia: <i will handle it.> Ivan: -3- yana: (boss, please get home soon before i lose what remains of my sanity...) -elsewhere- minato:.... Fyodor: *humming* minato: *tenses and tries to walk away* Fyodor: "Still running?" minato: w-what do you want from me? Fyodor: "To free this world of sins..." minato: but why are you targeting me? i didnt do a single thing to you! Fyodor: *smiles* "If I seek to eliminate this world of sin, I have to make every person I meet be honest with themselves." minato: i-i didnt murder her! Fyodor: "So why are you here?" minato: i.....*shaking* i didnt mean to.....i-i had to....i-i was......*her eyes are wide, tears falling* Fyodor: "...Child..." minato: *hyperventilating* {minato: *asleep*} {-someone sneaks into her apartment and enters her room....and starts choking her-} {minato: !!!!!????} {shirono: this is for your own good. you're going to bring us all down if you keep living... *she seems unstable*} {minato: *kicks her off before grabbing scissors, and in a fit of panic, stabs her to death* ah......ah...... *screaming*} minato: ....... Fyodor: "...You had to do it, didn't you?" minato:....*crying and trembling* Fyodor: "And like any murderer, now you are here." minato: ...............*catatonic* Fyodor: "The truth...shows you why you are here. But the truth...can also set you free." minato:...w-what should i do? Fyodor: "Do you think this punishment is appropriate?" minato:.....i...i dont know..... Fyodor: "Which sentence did they give to you, when they locked you here?" minato:.....i dont remember.....7 months? Fyodor: "Seven months? That is all for killing?" minato:........ Fyodor: "It is said that, to take a life, only one thing can be done to make up for that sin...An eye..." minato:....for an eye.....*glances to the door leading to the stairs* Fyodor: "Shall I help you?" minato:....please.... Fyodor: *looks at Alone* "You. Wolfman." Alone: *Scooby 'Huh?' noise* Fyodor: "What if I offered you freedom?" Alone: "...Like, escape from here?" Fyodor: *smirks* Alone: "...Yo, Grimoire? You--" grimoire: dont trust this man. i get a bad vibe from him. Alone: "But Grim--freedom! He's offering--" Fyodor: *already talking to another prisoner* "--if you just do as I ask." grimoire:.... !!!! Prisoner #1: "AAAARG!" *picks up a metal tray--and smashes it into Alone's face* Alone: "OUCHIE!" *knocked down* grimoire: hey! what the hell are you doing?! guard: hey-HEY! Prisoner #1: *kicks at Grimoire's face* Fyodor: *stares at Minato* minato: *makes a beeline for the stairs, running up them* -Outside- Kunikida: *lifting a weight...in view of the roof* prisoner 2:....eh? whazzat? Kunikida: *looks up...squints, to see the distance and against the bright sun* minato: *stumbling to the roof's edge, staring down below* ............................. Kunikida: "That's...!!!!" minato: *closes her eyes.......and leans forwards.....almost falling in slow motion........* -crunch- -the prisoners are screaming and running away- Kunikida: *just stares...so shocked, he drops his weight* -the guards are doing all they can to handle the situation- Kunikida: *looks at the fence between the yard and where Minato...* "..." *runs...and jumps, crawling over the fence* guard: h-hey! GET BACK HERE! Kunikida: *runs to where Minato is* ("What am I doing? I'm not Yosano. I'm not...I'm not able to do anything...But I have to try...") -she's already gone....just a crumpled form laying in blood, with a few bones sticking out- -the top of her head had caved in from the impact- Kunikida: *stares wide-eyed* "..." *he's just standing...staring* -silence, save for a ringing in the ears...- -THUD- guard: get back in your cell! Kunikida: *knocked to the ground* -elsewhere- liz: *watching tv*.....!!!! *horrified* Wes: "...God..." julie: liz? uncle wes? what's going on? liz: !!! hey kiddo. why dont you and riley get the gamecube set up and we can all play mario party? julie: for real? ok! *goes to do that* Wes: "..." *holds her hand, shaking* -elsewhere- yuma: happy birthday, mifune. ^^ Mifune: *small smile, nods* "Thank you." angela: we got you mochi! -there is a little box with mochi shaped like rabbits- Mifune: "Oh! Looks good..." *hugs* angela: *huuug* ^u^ yuma: ^u^ Mifune: "Well...let's dig in." -elsewhere- Lucy: *washing plates...turns on the radio* -seems some christmas music is still playing- Lucy: *sighs* "Corny, but familiar..." *turns up the volume* -the door opens- atsushi: hey lucy. *wave* Lucy: "Oh, hey." *waves* "On break?" atsushi: yeah. school starts up next year. *yawns* pulled an all nighter last night.... Lucy: "On studying?" *dries her hands* atsushi: yep. Lucy: "That's some commitment...You try a nap, or do you want some coffee?" atsushi: yes please. -elsewhere- Yohei: *sets down GET* "Alright. Get to it." get: *salute* chie: *chuckles* booo. Yohei: *smiles* *pats GET* -elsewhere- PlushFix: =w= "If I could smoke again, this'd be heaven..." hina: *giggling* shaula: yeeep dats da good shiiiit. mimeca: =w= saku:..... <idiots> PlushFix: *stares at Shaula* "...Pretty hair, BT-dubs." [[as in BTW]] shaula: magic, bitches, lul. beatrice: =-=; (lady shaula i love you but you're so strange sometimes) -elsewhere- Johannes: "..." *sighs, tears a page out of his notebook* metsu: doctor? Johannes: "What?" *ripping the page in half* metsu: ...nevermind. Johannes: "..." *returns to his writing...the torn up page is next to Metsu's feet...One word is legible: "Sister"* metsu:....... -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Looking forward to the festival?" sonia: *nod nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "We'll get some treats, Grandma will want to look at the lanterns..." sonia: ok. Chuuya: "Any games you want to play?" -elsewhere- Hyde: *setting up a booth* kyouko: im here! sayaka: *was dropping her off via scooter* Hyde: "Yo! There are some boxes to unpack." kyouko: ok then. Hyde: "Getting here a problem?" kyouko: i got a friend to help. sayaka: *waves* heyoo. Hyde: *waves* "Hey. I'm Hyde." -elsewhere- Poe: "...Ghastly." lana: *holding him close*..... Poe: *shivers* "Just...I've written things like this..." lana: *listening* Poe: "B-But I wrote those things so that...because I thought they _wouldn't_ happen...or that I'd be st-stronger when they could..." lana: *rubs his back* Poe: "...What if I did those things..." lana: you know you're not that kind of person, edgar... Poe: *covers his face* "Have you read what I wrote? I trapped...you and Ranpo and that doctor in my book..." lana: you have dark thoughts. but it was technically all fiction, right? ^^ Poe: "Sucking people into that fantasy...was to get Ranpo killed..." lana: .... Poe: "..." *shudders* "You don't recognize how awful death is...until you face it..." *rubs his arms* lana: ....*she hugs him* Poe: *weeping* lana: *kisses his forehead* it's ok. im here, karl is here, your sister is here, we're here, ok? Poe: *nods...shivers* -elsewhere- Kunikida: *groans...opens his eyes* "Wh-Where..." -he was back in his cell- Kunikida: *feels his head--winces* "Ow!" guard: i see you're awake now. Kunikida: "...She is..." guard:....miss minato sadly didnt survive. Kunikida: "..." guard:..... *walks away* Kunikida: "...Another...Another...Another...Anoth--" *sobs* "Another...Another..." guard: *walking down the hall* Kunikida: *lying on his back, just crying* -elsewhere- Katai: Q~Q blair: *in cat form, sleeping on his lap* Katai: *strokes Blair* T\\\T -elsewhere- Ivan: *giggles* mushitaro: well _you_ seem chipper, whats up? Ivan: "Master just keeps making his glorious plan work..." mushitaro: ah. Ivan: "Soon, his glory will bless this entire world~" -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Kenji, lift it." kenji: *liiiift* Kyoka: "Now. I will ask the question again..." guy: ._.;;; Kyoka: "Have you seen this man?" *holds up a photo of Fyodor* guy: h-he's that guy who got arrested, right? Kyoka: "Correct. Have you seen him before his arrest?" guy: i-i saw him at the cafe when he got arrested! Kyoka: "Why were you there?" guy: i-i was getting my coffee like i always do in the mornings when i go to work! Kyoka: "For whom do you work...?" *holding a blade* guy: Q-Q i-i work at an insurance firm! aya: *examines his id card* he checks out! Kyoka: "...Okay. You may go on your way..." *reads the name on the ID card* -elsewhere- Dazai: "..." ango: so you chose _here_ of all places? Dazai: "A reminder of who has been lost--and a promise not to let that happen again." *smiles* "Because I intend to end this." ango: ?? Dazai: "You and I know the Rats are behind this. Now, I've been patient with you getting the evidence..." ango:...something seems wrong....someone's been tampering with evidence. perhaps via an ability? Dazai: "??? How can you tell it's altered?" ango: call it instinct....*showing him some photos* Dazai: *looks at them* "...From a distance, nothing looks too out of the ordinary..." ango: but up close? Dazai: *holds it closer to his eyes...* -elsewhere- Tuhl: *shivers* saki: you ok? Tuhl: "Just feels chilly in here." saki: *hands him a coat* Tuhl: "Thanks..." *puts it on* "You okay with this weather?" saki: yeah....smore? Tuhl: "Please." ^^ saki: *setting it up, heating the marshmallow with a finger lighter* Tuhl: "..." *sits across from her* "Any spices to add...?" *staring at her finger* saki: tuhl, you dont add spices to a s'more. ^^; Tuhl: "Well, not even some cinnamon?" saki: hmm, well maybe a little. -elsewhere- Lucy: *puts a blanket over Atsushi* atsushi: zzzz.... =w= Lucy: "..." *sits by him on the cafe couch...rests her head on his shoulder* "..." waitress: *snaps a pic* ^^ Lucy: .\\\\. *puts a finger over her lips to say "Don't make noise, please..."* waitress: *nods* Lucy: =\\\\= *small cuddle* -elsewhere- Mephisto: "Comfy?" felisia: =u= *nuzzles* Mephisto: "I'll take that as a yes~" *pours more hot chocolate* -elsewhere- Motojiro: ^wX *he has a black eye* leo: ah! what happened? ayako: *bruised* X3= Motojiro: "A minor workplace accident FOR SCIENCE!" leo: you really should be more careful... Motojiro: owx "??? We were wearing goggles..." leo: *getting him ice* Motojiro: "Thanks, ma'am." ^wX *elbows Ayako* "Isn't that nice?" ayako: yeppers! Motojiro: *contented sigh* "So lovely...Like lemons." ayako: xwO ~?? Motojiro: "Sweet lemons...Pretty lemons..." =\\\\x leo: ? Motojiro: "She even smells like lemons..." *he's...floating...* leo: s-sir, sir! ayako: WOAH! Motojiro: "..." *opens his eyes* "...Oh! Sorry." *turns off his air-belt, landing on his feet* ayako: SUCCESS! leo: ^^; Motojiro: "So, we got the air-belt to work, I didn't lose my eye--Ayako, you're hair is still on fire." ayako: *licks her fingers and puts the flame out on her hair antennae, going out with a 'tssss'* Motojiro: *thumbs up--then blood squirts out the top of his thumb* leo: *bandages him* Motojiro: .\\\\\. leo: you really should be more careful, sir... Motojiro: "I-I guess? I mean, have to have a little danger for an experiment..." leo: but what if you died? what then? Motojiro: owx "Well...I'd get to know how the brain operates near death?" leo: ......*sigh* just look after yourself, ok? Motojiro: .\\\\\. *nod nod nod nod nod* -the next day, new years day- Black Star: ^w^ tsubaki: everyone ready? Black Star: *nod nod* Belkia: "Ready!" Higan: *fanning himself* -elsewhere- Patty: *dressing up* "Almost ready!" liz: yep! Patty: *steps out...she has makeup on* liz: oh wow, nice job! Patty: ^\\\^ "Thanks. I thought I'd get all pretty-ified..." julie: ^u^ Patty: "How you like your kimono, Jules?" julie: ^u^ *she's in a pink one with flowers on it* Patty: "So cute..." *holds up the phone to take pics* -elsewhere- Tanizaki: *adjusting his sash* fukuzawa: is everyone ready? Kyoka: "...I'm used to this attire anyway." atsushi: yep, all set. aya: mmhmm! Lucy: *blinks* "...Dazai...What are you--" Dazai: *he's wearing a ski mask* kenji: are you cold? aya: ROBBER! *kick to the balls* Dazai: .________O *collapses* Lucy: "...Well, if he was going to have kids--" atsushi + ranpo + fukuzawa: !!! *clasping their junk* yosano: oh, even _I_ felt that. Tanizaki: o_o;;; *hides behind Naomi* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "!!! ..." *smiles* sonia: hiya grandma, hi miss leo. Chuuya: *waves* -elsewhere mushitaro: that Q-ball kid braided the medic's hair.... ^u^# looking at it pisses me off. Ivan: "Then un-braid it." mushitaro: ooooor~ *holding scissors* mushishishishi~<3 Ivan: "...Doooooo iiiiiiiit..." mushitaro: *sneaks over to her room*..... *grinch grin* zoey: *resting* mushitaro: *griiiiins* -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Hee hee...So pretty." mana: .///. um..t-thanks... Shotaro: "??? Hmm?" *turns back, holding rock candy* "Oh, Mana. Didn't see you there." *holds one stick out* mana: ...... -_-; Emine: *smirk* nea: the festival is really kicking off, eh? Shinoda: "Indeed. Comfortable?" nea: mmhmm~ ^^ Yohei: "Liking the cold's got to help with that..." *holds Toru* Assi: *munching on tako* mono: 737 ..... Assi: "??? Want some?" mono:..*nom* =n= *kimono flip* mono: h-HEY!! Emine: "Bad deed complete..." Assi: .\\\\. mono: I'LL KILL YOU! D8< -elsewhere- Rin: "Madoka!" *waving* madoka: *hug* Rin: ^\\\^ "Glad to see you..." tatsuya: hey rin! Rin: "Hey, Big Guy!" *holds up his hand for a high-five* -high five- tatsuya: ^^ Rin: "So, what you two up for? I really want to play the fish game." tatsuya: that sounds awesome! Rin: "Let's go then!" ^W^ -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *smiles* "It looks good." kim: yep. Jacqueline: "..." *brushes her hand* kim: *holds her hand* ^///^ Jacqueline: ^\\\^ *small squeeze* "L-Let's walk..." -elsewhere- Arthur: *nom nom nom nom nom* tamaki: ^u^ Arthur: "Tasty, right?" *hands a napkin* tamaki: yeah! Arthur: "..." *smiles* "That's good news..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "Lookin' good~" vivian: hehe, why thank you~ huang: *glaaaare* Kishiri: owo;;;; *keeps an arm's length away from Vivian* -elsewhere- Kid: "Another anpan?" stocking: yes please! Kid: *unwraps it, offers it to her* stocking: *nom* <3 Kid: *smiles...* "You look happy..." stocking: i am~ ^^ Kid: *smiles...brushes her hand* stocking: ^^ Kid: "...Let's make this a good year..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looks at the lanterns* hirotsu: a lovely sight. Akutagawa: "Yes..." *taps one lantern* "...It's light." higuchi: it sure is. Akutagawa: "...Did you go to these festivals often?" higuchi: yeah. Akutagawa: "With your sister?" higuchi: *she nods* Akutagawa: "...We didn't." higuchi:...*pap pap* Akutagawa: "..." *nods* "...Can you make this time good for her?" higuchi: i will. -elsewhere- Izuku: "Looks cute." ^\\\^ tsuyu: thanks. ^^ Izuku: "...Y-Your family seems to be having fun!" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "...I had a problem finding a kimono in my size." miwa: ^^; Takehisa: "At least it covers you--and we are all grateful for that. -_- Hibana: "Still surprised they let gorillas into the festival--" Akitaru: -_-### Karim: *rolls his eyes* pearl: ^^; Konro: *sets down the tray of drinks* "Here you are." shinra: thanks for inviting us. ^^ fang-hua: glad to be back, sir. Benimaru: "Good to have you back, Fang-Hua." Tsukiyo: "And me~?" Benimaru: "..." Tsukiyo: D:< kirei: ^^; glad to see you're back as well, miss usada. Tsukiyo: *bows* "Thank you." TWT -elsewhere- Sakuya: *sneezes* naho: are you cold? Sakuya: "A little..." naho: *huuug* Sakuya: "..." *pat pat* ^^ -elsewhere- Black Star: *nom nom nom nom nom--* tsubaki: ^^; mahiru: hey guys! Kuro: *carrying snacks...that he is eating* "Hmmm thmmm." ("Hey, there.") tsubaki: enjoying the festival? Kuro: "Yes--but the walking is tiresome." -_- mahiru: -_-; what _isnt_ tiresome for you... Kuro: "Sleep..." tsubaki + mahiru: *sweatdrop* Black Star: *grabs a bit of Kuro's cotton candy--* *GRAB* Kuro: *death glare* "Bad move..." Black Star: "..." *death glare returned* tsubaki + mahiru: *sweatdrop x2* -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and the damn thing won't change no matter how many times I wash it!" *his hair is still styled* itsuka: ._.; Bakugo: "I might as well just shave it--BUT I CAN'T FIND A BLADE TO CUT THROUGH IT." -elsewhere- Victor: "...This is fun, right?" nozomi:...i-i guess... Victor: "...You like rides?" nozomi:...y-yeah... Victor: "How 'bout that one?" *it's a caterpillar kiddie ride* nozomi:..... tamaki: i'll even ride with you. nozomi:...o-ok... Victor: ^w^ "Three tickets, please--" -elsewhere- Shima: ^\\\w\\\^ "So many cuties..." izumo: *side punch* shameless! Shima: "Ow! Oh, what, you think I'm the only person who appreciates fine human form with stylish outfits?" izumo: shush. konekomaru: come on guys, lets try to get along. ^^; Shima: >3> Bon: *eyeroll* "Come on, Konekomaru--let's go for the games, leave the lovebirds alone." izumo: w-what?! D8< Shima: "It's not like that!" ):< konekomaru: take care you two. ^^; Bon: *waves* Shima: >3< izumo: *grumble* just great... Shima: "...Want a soda?" izumo:...fine. -elsewhere- Kyoka: *holding binoculars* kenji: *nom nom nom* Kyoka: *sighs* "Nothing..." *picks off one of Kenji's tako* kenji: did you want one too? Kyoka: *nods* kenji: here! *hands her some* ^^ Kyoka: "...Thank you." *nom* nankichii: um...h-hi... gon: *fox chitter* Kyoka: *waves* "Hello, Kenji's friend." kenji: hey kankichii! are you here with the others from your place? nankichii: y-yeah.... ???: nanki, these your friends? Kyoka: *stares* man: hi, im Eiji Yoshikawa. i work at salamander publishing too. nice to meet ya. ^^ Kyoka: "Hello. Are you an editor?" eiji: *he nods* i also write a few samurai stories in my spare time. ^^ Kyoka: "...Do you need someone to model for painted covers of your books?" -elsewhere- Katai: *holding his futon...which is also dressed in a kimono* aya:....i have no words for this. Katai: "I-I just wanted to match..." Q~Q higuchi:... D8 YOU! Katai: Q______Q "Oh shit..." *hides behind Aya* aya: oh, its your ex and her girlfriend. Katai: Q_____Q "Sh-She's not my ex--she wasn't into me..." -elsewhere- Yumi: "How are you feeling?" lord death: content~ ^u^ Yumi: "Good." *smiles* "Because you still have to read your opening remarks..." lord death: right. Benimaru: "Death? This way..." *hands him the microphone* lord death: alrighty then! -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Having fun?" yuuji:...i guess so. Aizawa: "Hmm." *nods* *points to a building* "Go for a tour in the game house?" yuuji: um, sure. Aizawa: "I wonder if it's a haunted house, or..." -elsewhere- Burns: "...This seems like a waste of time--" foien: well, the others seem to be enjoying themselves. Onyango: "Indeed..." *sampling the ramen* ruby: yeah, let loose once in a while! >3< Burns: "...What would you suggest?" ruby: face painting! >u< Burns: "...Wha?" x_o; ruby: *pushing him along* Burns: "...This will not end well..." Onyango: *small smile* -elsewhere- Shamrock: "..." himawari: are you alright? Shamrock: "Just...reflecting." *stares at the water* himawari:....*small chuckle* Shamrock: "..." Xw^ "Just thinking about...the next steps." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *holds up Sonia* "Can you see now?" sonia: yeah. Chuuya: *smiles* -elsewhere- Stein: "..." *lights up* nygus: figured i'd find you here. Stein: "You found me. What's up?" nygus: havent gone on your mission yet, huh? Stein: "No...Delay after delay after invasion after delay." nygus: ah. Stein: "I'll be leaving after the New Year--unless more delays." -elsewhere- Gopher: =w= kirika:.....*awkward lean* Gopher: o\\\\\o "...Is this reality?" kirika: *pinches his cheek* easy there, goph, dont have a heart attack on me. 7///7; Gopher: "Ouchie!" ^\\\\^ "O-Okay...Is-Is this comfortable?" kirika:...i guess. sorry, affection aint one of my strong suits. 737; Gopher: "It's fine...No one's perfect...Not even someone perfect." *smiles* kirika: =///,///=; Gopher: "If that...you know, makes sense..." *looks into her eye, smiles* kirika:...t-thanks. =///=; -elsewhere- Vulcan: *holding dozens of animal plushies* lisa:....*small smile* Vulcan: ^^; "Guess I got overly enthusiastic..." *spots some children* "Maybe they'd like the ones you don't want?" lisa:.....i-i guess.....um....h-hey...? Child #1: "??? Yes, ma'am?" kurome: ?? lisa: here, you can have these. Vulcan: ^^ Child #1: o___o "Wow..." kurome: thanks lady! papa, look! "Kurome's Father": "That's adorable." ^^ Vulcan: "..." *whispers to Lisa* "Jeez, that guy's voice is deep..." yu: ^^; "Kurome's Father": "Did you thank the nice lady?" kurome: *nod nod* "Kurome's Father": "That's good. Let's keep looking around..." -elsewhere- Mikuni: *has set up a booth for the shop* "Can I interest you in one of our curios?" lana:...?? edgar? Poe: *death glare* "No jury in the world would convict me..." Mikuni: *looks around--spots Lana* "And what can I do for this happy coup--" *sees Poe* OWO;;;; lana:.... ^^; should i give you two some space? ^^;; Mikuni: D: "Don't leave me alone with him!" Poe: "Yes, please give us some space~ I'll need no witnesses." *slasher grin* Mikuni: O_________O "JEJE! SAVE ME!" Jeje: "No." Mikuni: "YOU TRAITOR!" Poe: *leans forward, still smiling* "...How much for the volume of love poems~?" Mikuni: "FREE! JUST TAKE IT!" *throws the book at Poe* Poe: *one-hand catch* ^^ "Thank you." *offers it to Lana* lana: ^^; aww. *smooch on the cheek* Poe: ^\\\\^ Mikuni: *crouching in the corner* Jeje: *draws -_- on his brown paper bag* -elsewhere- Meme: *rings a bell* mio: *making her wish* ao: *in her miko garb* thank you for your patronage. Meme: *nods, smiles* "Tsugumi, you're next!" tsugumi: *making her wish* Anya: "..." ao: what will you wish for? Anya: "...Just keep it simple, I guess." -elsewhere- Steinbeck: *sips his tea* oscar: how's it going in here, johnny boy? Steinbeck: "Quiet..." oscar: ah....missing your family? Steinbeck: "A bit...I wrote again." oscar: i see. something on your mind, hun? Steinbeck: "...I don't know. Just feeling listless, like I'm waiting..." oscar: still shook up about the twain incident? Steinbeck: *spits up his tea* *cough hack cough* oscar: ohoho, its alright. i wont judge~<3 Steinbeck: "J-Just, no, okay? I don't even..." oscar: johnny boy, its alright. if things did happen, how would you feel about it? Steinbeck: "I-I don't even know that I said it could happen..." oscar: hmm... twain: *peeek* you still mad? Steinbeck: *throws tea cup at him* twain: *dodge* no hard feelings, buddy! *runs* Steinbeck: >~< oscar: *pap pap* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles* stocking: to the new year. Kid: "To the next year." *clinks glasses* -elsewhere- atsushi:.... Odasaku: (How you hanging in there?) atsushi: alright, for what it's worth. Odasaku: (...Worried about something?) atsushi: *lays on his back* just everything that's been going on, i guess.... Odasaku: (Such as Kunikida?) atsushi:.....yeah... Odasaku: (...Have they let you visit?) atsushi: *shakes his head* Odasaku: (...Have they scheduled a trial?) atsushi: it's still under investigation. Odasaku: (...And Dazai looks depressed by it all...) atsushi:....should i talk to him? Odasaku: (Please?) atsushi:...ok....*knock* dazai? Dazai: "Hmm?" *opens the door* "Oh, hey! You're back?" atsushi: you ok? Dazai: "Eh, alright. You?" atsushi:.....*awkward hug* thought you needed that. Dazai: "..." *pat pat* "Yeah. Thanks..." atsushi: here's hoping next year gets better.... Dazai: "...No kidding...For us all." -beginning of Y6-
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ao3feed-spierfield · 6 years
by nic_96
Simon remembers kissing in the club, he remembers hands on his neck and chest and back, he remembers a hand on his hand as they left early. Remembers fingers and a mouth on him, remembers flipping them over. He remembers how hard he had gripped Simon when he did so.
But he still doesn’t remember a face, or a name or a voice. He still doesn’t remember eyes or a nose or even his mouth. He doesn’t remember if he’s tall or short or white or coloured. Simon remembers how he felt, remembers the touch of his skin but not the skin itself.
The one where they are Just FriendsTM in college. Simon has no idea what he is doing. Bram is far too well adjusted. Notes are left behind after one night stands, too much tequila is drank and everything seems to fall into place.
Words: 14767, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Simon Vs College AU
Fandoms: Love Simon (2018), Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Bram Greenfeld, Simon Spier, Abby Suso, Leah Burke, Garrett Laughlin, Nick Eisner, Nora Spier, Alice Spier, Jack Spier
Relationships: Bram Greenfeld/Simon Spier, Bram Greenfeld/Original Character(s), Simon Spier & Abby Suso, Leah Burke & Simon Spier, Nick Eisner/Abby Suso, Nick Eisner & Simon Spier, Garrett & Bram Greenfeld, Simon Spier/Original Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, One Night Stands, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Notes, this is a mess, simon is kinda a slut, Sex, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, College, Friends to Lovers, Angst, slight depression, standard college student depression, this is honest, the emails never happened, Drinking, Recreational Drug Use, kinda reflective of a semi noraml higher education experience, Simon is a Mess, bram is well adjusted, Origional Characters, leah is bi, bram is gay, Simon is gay, everyone else is straight sorry, Although, garett could be pan, but its not important to this story, just a head canon, talk of kinks, and toys, and spanking, simon is kinky af, so is bram, dont judge my head canons, Threesome, If You Squint - Freeform, three way relationship mff, if u proper squint, this is totally self indulgent, Getting Together, Swearing
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