#brazil elections 2022
otomelavenderhaze · 2 years
Lula is the new president of Brasil.
Bye Bolsonaro.
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Ress in piss you wont be missed you asshole.
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movinginelliptical · 2 years
There are 11 days left for the second round of the presidential elections here in Brasil and for some states, governor elections as well.
Here's the thing, the numbers are infinite, family, but it's just 13, okay? Go and start thinking, 11 days to make 13 happen.
Lula made himself as a metallurgist coming from the labor class. The guy represents 90% of the brazilian population.
I know how my life would be without the 14 years of government between Lula and Dilma.
In my house, we only had one meal per day and sometimes not even that. I remember giving to my brother my dinner several times because it was so little food and with 6 years apart, he couldn't understand what was going on. Today, on the wall of my own place, I have a doctor's degree and a master's degree hanging.
It's obvious that a lot has happened between the child who went hungry and the adult with these degrees - but that's a story for another day.
My intention is for you to think about your past, your present and your future. It's in this reflection that the difference between the victory and defeat of one of the candidates of this election lives.
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schumaquinho · 2 years
this is a message to all my brasileirinhos and brasileirinhas for the sunday ahead of us
this october 2nd is quite possibly one of the most important dates in our history, one of the most important elections to date. I feel it, you probably feel it, the whole country feels it. this is the most polarizing i’ve seen this country be, and it’s the polarization that’s driving me insane from anxiety, from the fear of what could happen to the country, and more specifically my friends and loved ones.
Please, for your own safety, don’t wear any party related colors to the voting booths, avoid wearing politician’s stickers, avoid telling people who you’re voting for. If asked about it, remember that our constitution gives you the right ti a secret vote, nobody needs to know, and if they insist, LIE. Only in this past month I’ve heard of at least TWO KILLINGS by the hands of certain supporters, and so many other assaults including one of a heavily pregnant woman. so please, do as the saying goes “entre mudo, saia calado” (enter mute, leave quiet) for your own safety.
I know that after four agonizing years under someone who undermines a whole pandemic, makes fun of those affected by it, willingly gets in the way of a whole population getting the much needed vaccines as well as spreading misinformations about them, spreaders fake news and conspiracy theories and has been doing shady stuff and hiding them from us for a hundred years, we just want to scream fuck this guy and feel proud to be brazilians once again. But who the hells knows what he and his supporters are capable of doing might do in case he hopefully loses in this election. I don’t want to see a repeat of January 6th in our lands, so please, once again, be careful, be safe.
And for you foreigner that’s reading this, who doesn’t know or cares for our politics, or doesn’t even know where Brazil is on the map, I kindly ask you to send love, prayers and positive thoughts to all of us who might be in a position of danger tomorrow (today?). all us women, black, pardos, the poorest, the lgbtq+ community, pray we can all go, vote and come back to the safety of our homes, unharmed, unchallenged, exercising our rights and ready to get back the country we once had.
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msrandonstuff · 2 years
i need to watch something funny to *disassociate* from all this shit
does someone have any indications?
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What a terrible day to be brazilian
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imagineyneyjr · 2 years
Something tells me to say:
Vai tomar no cu neymar😂😂😂
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shinidamachu · 2 years
Now that Brazilian news went back to being more funny than tragic again, I think Tumblr should know that defeated candidate Jair Bolsonaro and his wife just unfollowed each other.
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amysteryspot · 2 years
If anyone wants to understand the Brazilian elections a little better, there you go:
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chiharuackerman · 2 years
Elections second round is coming and the anxiety increases more and more... Hopefully we will be free of this psychopath
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BREAKING: Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazil National Congress
Hundreds of people appear to have overcome security and stormed the National Congress building. Bolsonaro backers have refused to accept leftist Lula's election victory.
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Supporters of former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the National Congress building in Brasilia on Sunday.
According to news agency LUSA, hundreds of people invaded the building, calling for military intervention to overthrow President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Lula was inaugurated one week ago. 
LUSA said the group crossed a police barrier and climbed the ramp that gives access to the roof of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate buildings.
Continue reading.
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cupcake-de-abacaxi · 2 years
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fireheartwraith · 2 years
Guys I think I'm living a coup.
It's voting day here in Brazil. Right now it's 16:05, people can only vote until 17:00.
And all day the police has been stopping people from the northeast from voting. Buses that were supposed to be free aren't coming. People can't go vote. Most of the affected are black, brown and indigenous
The northeast holds a large percentage of left wing voters. We had been counting on them to carry us through this election.
I'm queer, afab, brown and I study in a public university. The government hates me. I'm genuinely scared of what might happen to me if bolsonaro is allowed to remain in office. These four years he has been praising the military dictatorship, saying that 'it didn't kill enough people', and now the military police is stopping people from the region with his largest opposition from voting.
You cannot tell me this isn't an attempt at a coup. Please talk about this. Tweet "deixem o nordeste votar". With enough pressure, they may extend the voting time. Please, I'm begging you
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movinginelliptical · 2 years
Brasil, agora faltam 8 dias até o segundo turno. Os números são infinitos mas só vamos considerar o 13.
Eu venho pensando muito sobre o passado do Brasil, especialmente a história que as pessoas esquecem ou negam, como: a ditadura militar de 1964. E a primeira música que veio na minha cabeça não foi da tropicalia ou Elis Regina, foi Cazuza "O tempo não para".
A ditadura me provoca diferentes emoções, nenhuma boa, porque, assim como a maioria das ditaduras da América Latina, foi financiada pelos EUA, a nossa pelo governo Johnson (LBJ), e a verdade é que nunca vamos saber de toda a verdade. Quantas pessoas foram mortas ou apagadas ou torturadas? Mesmo que haja transparência nas informações, muitos dados não foram produzidos ou foram destruídos. A ditadura, em sua maioria, matou a juventude, gente da nossa idade, na faixa dos 20 até 30 e tantos anos. Quantas mães e pais ainda tão aí sem saber sobre suas filhas e filhos? Bom, eu sei de uma coisa: eu não quero ter que ler "O guerrilheiro urbano" de Carlos Marighella como um manual de sobrevivência e andar com uma pílula de cianeto no bolso.
Eu só vou falar de coisa boa quando dia 30 de outubro nossas vozes em uníssono gritarmos: é Lula. Até lá, eu vou trazer alguns recortes do Brasil que podem não estar tão distantes de acontecer novamente se esse governo for perpetuado no poder. Inclusive, Lula foi torturado e perseguido pela ditadura.
Não se abstenha de votar. Não de novo. Se você não votou no primeiro turno, você pode votar agora no segundo. Se você não mora no Brasil, vá até uma embaixa brasileira e vote. Se você tá longe da sua residência eleitoral, faz uma força e veja se é possível ir votar. Vamos mudar o jeito como as coisas estão.
Lula é 13. Lula é presidente.
Vamos de Cazuza pra fechar isso aqui.
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schumaquinho · 2 years
the lines in FUCKING PARIS!!!! people legit woke up this sunday and went to vote even miles away from home. LET'S MAKE THIS COUTRY WHAT I ONCE WAS LET'S GOOO
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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What if Brazil had an Electoral College like the USA?
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a-person-passing-by · 2 years
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