#brb drawing foolish
purity-in-heart · 2 years
[Please Read] I should not have to explain this
People, if you're going to chat with me, please, for the love of god, tell me your honest age. And don't lie, either, cause that's just worse in some ways.
Ok, so, I wound up chatting with somebody who I will not specify by as much as I can. We were having a cardiophile chat and we decided to take it to video so I can hear her heartbeat with a mic. Now, the thing is, I feel incredibly stupid right now. I mention wanting to see her chest, but only out of the expression of a wish cause I know a lot of people aren't always comfortable. To my surprise, she says yes and, her face, I won't give a single detail about especially of what made me tilt my head a bit but something made me think, 'wait, how old is this girl?' only to settle on the idea of, 'oh, maybe she's older than she looks', and for the love of god, I don't think that lightly, I had a reason to think that. Later she goes brb. She admits her parents caught her.
Jesus- alright, read carefully, yeah? I'm not gonna shift or place any full-on blame. At least by a little bit, this girl was the victim of being young and dumb, however she should not have done anything that would expose her identity or herself. And admittedly, I was stupid for not seeing the first potential sign. Don't ever even slightly think you could be wrong if it could mean the person on the other end is actually under 18. This girl never explicitly gave a sign or hint that she was underage, either, but that's not always a good excuse. Meanwhile, last I had a chat, I unintentionally made somebody uncomfortable as far as I can tell and I felt so guilty that I took a small break to sit on what I had made somebody feel. I finally get back into the swing of things with a new rule of only having a cardio-chat if somebody messages me first and this is what happens. I was really wrestling on how or even if I should post about this, but one thing I realized was that not saying a thing is probably worse.
I won't take another break for being just as foolish but I'm definitely gonna sit on this for a minute. I hate how it took me a minute to accept that she was a minor. I found myself thinking of every possible reason to tell me she was actually an adult at first, including if I should not think about it at all.
Again, for god's sake, be honest, responsible and tell your age first. I will not chat with minors. I will, however, post this under the risk that I'm not relaying my sincerity well enough (That's really one of my biggest fears when making a post like this, that I won't be able to verbally explain and show that I'm legit being serious and not trying to cover my own ass with a fake sense of remorse or something - but it's a fear we all have to face). I don't wanna look like a liar or like I'm shifting the blame or anything. But my final message in this post is about more than about taking responsibility for your actions and to tell me your real age before chatting with me or frankly, anybody: People who are growing up need to know that it's ok to explore and experiment, it's part of growing up, and of course it's fun - Hell, even I did it a little, I wasn't always an adult, you know, it's how I found the rest of my rhythm as a cardiophile - but Jesus H. Christ, we need to educate and teach them that there are lines to draw, like, don't chat with strangers - especially on anything sexual, be careful, make sure they know which lines not to cross or cross yet, and seriously: DO. NOT. SHOW. YOUR. FACE. The internet isn't the safest place yet. What's more important? How hard you drive the message home or what you relay and how you do it?
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dykebeeduo · 2 years
okay so i started playing fortnite earlier this year.... and i'm so recently ive been thinking c!foolish, what if he looked LIKE cc!foolish with some/all gold skin and.... um and then i realized that i'm... i'm just am thinking of Midas
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like this is just what im thinking of.
And the midsummer midas skin.... THAT'S LITERALLY C!FOOLISH BABY!!!!!!
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^^^^^ look at him!!!!! thats c!foolish at the summer home!!!!!!!! and it's a reactive skin so the more elems the more gold he becomes.
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LOOK AT THIS DAPPER MAN that's literally red banquet foolish.
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moss-honey-and-sage · 3 years
so lots of dream smp members have been assigning their chat as things in canon, ex: phil's crow,s ranboo's particles, etc., and foolish has now assigned his chat to be doozers from fraggle rock
yes, these little guys:
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we are just little unhelpful construction worker
now i must draw myself as a doozer brb lol
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tommyinnitdaily · 3 years
How do you draw foolish and also brb for pizza break
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swordmaid · 4 years
brb making a foolish attempt to draw the lion jb in lion kings artstyle
but the audience would like to see it
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
10x21: Dark Dynasty
Welcome to Hell! I feel dirty recapping this episode, but we’re completests here at Shirtless Sammy. Enjoy hating with us!
Omaha, Nebraska
A young woman arrives for a completely legit, totally true eyesight research study interview. Styne Brother #? looks over her credentials and then examines her eyes. Well, he swoops her hair behind her shoulder and grabs her face and it’s THE WORST. But then he pulls a fancy knife and slits her throat, so there’s also that. As she dies, he gets a melon baller and scalpel and scoops out those perfect blue orbs #bucklemingfanficwedonotwant. 
A maintenance guy hears the commotion and knocks on the door. Styne Brother #? puts the eyes on ice and jumps from the third story just as the janitor busts into the room. 
Sam and Rowena have started their dance of enemies to...something more. Rowena is chained and tasked with cracking the codex for the Book of the Damned. Sam wants results but tells her she can’t use witchcraft. 
For Holy Hell Science:
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Shreveport, Louisiana
Styne brother #? gets a dressing down by Father Styne. He was sloppy with the eyeball harvest. 
Whoa, they talked and talked and I kind of zoned out. Words were said.
Um, Styne brother #? has to track down the Winchesters and kill them. Styne cousin #?!@! Is tasked with finding Charlie. 
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Sam arrives back at the bunker. Dean asks if Sam’s been sneaking around with a woman he hasn’t mentioned. <EYEBALL EMOJI> (Listen, I LOATH this episode with all the fiber in my being and NEVER rewatch it. Gotta find fun where I can with this recap.) 
Sam gets tired of Dean’s interrogation and asks about what Dean’s been researching. He’s been learning more about the Styne family. That’s funny, because I want to know as little about them as possible. 
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Dean wants to check out the Omaha case. Dean heads to bed. Sam heads to pick up Charlie. He fills her in on his plan to break the codex to read the Book of the Damned to help Dean. He tells her that he saved the book before burning a fake. Charlie wants to know how Dean feels about all this.
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Charlie is a little upset with Sam’s actions. He then tells her she’ll be working with “one of the most dangerous witches in the world.” LOLZ. 
Charlie sets to work on her SURFACE PRO. 
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Rowena and Charlie banter back and forth a bit. 
Rowena gifts us with a reaction that should be used for everything that’s wrong and unholy about this episode. 
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Sam is pleasantly humored by Rowena’s attitude.
Cas arrives. (God, I know I said there was nothing redeeming about this episode but Rowena, Sam, Charlie, and Cas all in one scene???!?? OKAY THEN.)
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Sam’s apparently brought Cas in to babysit. Rowena sees right through Cas to his weak spot and reveals that Sam hasn’t told Dean about this plan. Cas is livid. Sam gives a rousing speech and they all agree. “For Dean.” Well, not Rowena. “I barely know the man.” (AND NOW I HAVE StUPID SEASON 15 FEELS ABOUT ROWENA. This show is THE WORST.) 
Crowley gets word that his mother is missing. He’s mad. 
Sam and Dean head to Omaha to check out the crime scene. They watch a security video of Styne brother #? jump to the ground and start running. Sam notes the tattoo of the Styne family and then gets a call from Cas. He tells Dean it was a telemarketer. The brothers head out but the guy they were talking to gets cornered by Styne brother #? and gets knifed in the stomach. 
Charlie gets to work breaking the codex but taking pictures with her iPhone and running code on her Surface Pro. Hrmph. I find this VERY ANNOYING product placement the second most offensive thing about this entire episode. 
Cas brings snacks. Rowena is not impressed.
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Rowena talks a bit about Agnes, the rogue hermit nun who wrote the codex. She understood the need for balance between good and evil. Also, the church burned her at the stake. And now let’s wallow in this pain:
Charlie: Poor Agnes. Ahead of her time.
Rowena: Much like you and I.
And now they’re both dead, killed by the church show hierarchy. 
Rowena continues to press her point about their similarities. I LOL at her drawing the line at blind devotion to the Winchesters. ROWENA, YOU’RE KILLING ME. “You’ve made them the family you don’t have. Foolish.” 
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Back in the Impala, Dean and Sam discuss the Stynes as well as the Mark. Dean glosses over a list of maladies he’s been enduring including dark thoughts and creepy visions. But that’s water off a Winchester’s back, right? While they drive, Eldon Styne trails them. 
Later, at the bunker, Dean picks up Sam’s phone while it rings. It’s Cas! 
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Cas is I N C R E D I B L Y awkward and hustles off the phone in record time. This sets Dean’s spidey sense to tingling. When Sam swears that he hasn’t talked to Cas in ages, Dean knows something’s up. 
Crowley interrogates Olivette, who is still a mouse. They talk about cheese pairings…I mean, they chat about Rowena including, presumably, her weaknesses. I kind of love that demon powers include talking to magical mice.
Dean picks up pizza and gets jumped by the Stynes. He kills one of them and captures Eldon.
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Cas and Charlie talk at the weird cathedral warehouse in which they’re holed up. Charlie can’t concentrate under Rowena’s constant interruptions and begs to be set free for a couple of hours so she can think. I do 100% get that. Why is it easier to plan on my couch than at a desk? And people making noise around me? So aggravating. 
Dean locks up Eldon for a little Q&A. Eldon tells them that the Styne family is huge and powerful. They’re war and disaster profiteers who’ve amassed tons of wealth over the centuries. They want the book to help enhance their power.
Cas interrupts the interrogation by calling Sam, who steps out to talk. While Dean’s alone with Eldon, the Styne bro tells Dean that they surgically enhance their bodies by stealing parts from other people. Eldon reveals the Styne secret: they’re the FrankenStyne family. Excuse me while I roll my eyes eight THOUSAND times.
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Sam tells Cas to get control of the volatile Charlie and Rowena situation, and to under no circumstances let Charlie go off alone. Eldon reveals to Dean that the book can’t be destroyed. When Dean realizes that Sam lied to him, he storms after Sam. The Most Awkward Winchester looks like a bug under a magnifying glass, but he’s saved by a bang from the dungeon. Eldon ripped his arm off and escaped the bunker. Shoulda tied his feet, friendos. 
Cas locks up Rowena in another room.
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Rowena reveals that Crowley is her son. “That explains a lot. I'm sure that was quite a challenge,” Cas muses. Parenting, amirite? It's a good moment of levity! Let’s quit this recap right here.
Fine. Whatever. 
Eldon and some other dumb Styne talk about Charlie’s whereabouts. She’s at the cutest, most adorably named motel and I wish it hadn’t been used for this. 
For PLEASE for the love of god design my house, Wanek Science:
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At the bunker, Dean and Sam talk about the Styne family. Dean brings up the book, and Sam starts to crack like a raw egg. Cas calls him and reveals that Charlie’s missing. 
At the motel, Charlie cracks the code juuuuust in time for the Stynes to pound on her door. She calls Sam in a panic. 
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Sam tells her to give them the book, or anything she has in order to survive. She refuses, sending a packet of information to Sam. Eldon bursts in and she smashes her computer. 
The next time we see her, it’s when Sam and Dean find her…dead in a bathtub. BRB, off to burn this episode in a trash can under the grim light of the waning moon. Pretty sure that’s how you rewrite cursed endings. 
Natasha: This episode will forever be in my EXTRA HATE BANK because it killed Charlie. Confusedly, it also has a very cute Cas and Rowena! I have actually rewatched this before and just stopped it before Charlie dies la la la it didn’t happen fingers in my ears.
None of These Quotes are Real and We Have All Just Had a Bad Dream:
I'm not a witch. I'm a nerd. And I know all the great centers of nerddom
Just for once, I wish you trolls would bring me some good news. "Sire, Missouri has boils." Something cheerful
This call is pointless
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
Oprah must of bought Yugioh!, because the feels level was too damn high!
Credit to :DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 292
Himika: The real fun is just getting started?
Yusho: Yeah. It’s pretty enjoyable, right?
Yusho: The way he can command his monsters as he desires, No matter how ferocious they are…
JACK: A true Duelist is one who guides himself to victory!
Yusho: This is a trial to determine whether Yuya really has what it takes to be a Pro Duelist.
JACK: Now! Show me, Yuya!
Yusho: Your resolve!
JACK: Your power!
Yusho/JACK: Show me the entertainment you believe in!
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Yuya: I know. You guys want to become the Supreme Dragon King! You feel that you’ll be powerless once again when Ray revives, right?
Yuya: Even so, I can’t allow you guys to become the Supreme Dragon King! I won’t let Zarc’s soul awaken inside Reira!
Yuya: I want you to fight without fusing!
Yuya: I won’t let your powers be used to hurt other people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smiles! (Egao Count: 292+1=293)
Yuya: I activate Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s effect!
Yuya: It can steal all of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight’s Monster Effects until the end of this turn!
Crow: Stealing all of its effects?
Sora: That’s not all.
Yuya: I activate its other effect! Starve Venom can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my opponent’s Field to its own ATK!
Crow: It stole Scarlight’s 3000 ATK and Tyrant’s 3500 ATK as well!?
Sora: Yeah. This is Starve Venom’s… Yuri’s dragon’s power.
Asuka: Yuri uses its power to turn many Duelists into cards… But…
Yuya: I activate the effect that Starve Venom took from Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! All Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than Starve Venom’s 9300 ATK will be destroyed. And you will receive 500 damage for each destroyed monster!
Melissa: Wow! Yuya is destroying both his own monsters and Jack’s in order to inflict heavy damage! Isn’t that a bit excessive, though?
Crow: Jack probably already saw that one coming.
JACK: That won’t be enough, Yuya!
JACK: Continuous Trap, Invalid Insensitive! During this turn, monsters on the Field can’t be destroyed by effects!
Sora: See?
JACK: Using an effect you stole from your opponent to obtain victory is simply preposterous! Go all out! Show me the four dragons’ powers by battling!
Melissa: As expected of the City’s pride, Jack Atlas! As if being able to read Yuya’s mind, he activated his Trap at the right moment and splendidly evaded the effect!
Yuya: I knew that he’d have a counter for it. And also… I can’t afford to lose and let those three down.
Yuya: Let’s do this! I will now join the powers of our dragons together! I detach all of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon’s Overlay Units, and activate its effect! Treason Discharge!
Yuya: Until the End Phase, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant’s ATKs will be halved, And Dark Rebellion will gain ATK equal to the lost amount!
Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Melissa: If this attack succeeds, Jack will…
JACK: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Melissa: Whoa! It’s the card Yuya set with Stargazer Magician’s effect!
Yuya: But can you survive the next one? I use the 5750 ATK Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to attack Tyrant! Rebellious Lightning Disobey!
Melissa: If this goes through, it’ll be the end for Jack!
JACK: Action Magic, Miracle! Tyrant won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved!
Melissa: Jack protected Tyrant once again with an Action Card! But Yuya still have two monsters left! What will Jack do to evade them?
Yuya: I’ll take down Tyrant this time and cut down Jack’s Life! I attack with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher!
JACK: Not yet! I send the Continuous Trap Invalid Insensitive into the Graveyard, And halve the battle damage! You’re commanding those dragons pretty well. However!
Himika: Reira!
Reiji: Zarc is experiencing Yuya’s Duel through the dragons?
Yuya: All right, it’s your turn! Let’s settle this, Odd-Eyes! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst!
JACK: Action Magic, Rejuvenation! A battling monster won’t be destroyed in battle, and it will gain 800 ATK!
Yuya: Action Magic, Assault! When a monster battles, it will gain 600 ATK during that battle!
JACK: The dragon helped him!?
Yuya: Odd-Eyes’s effect! When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage will be doubled! Reaction Force!
Shuzo: All right!
Ayu/Tatsuya: He won!
Futoshi: I’m shivering!
Melissa: Finally…It’s finally over!
Melissa: It was an intense battle that transcended the boundaries of the dimensions! The winner is… Sakaki Yuya!
Melissa: He defeated the former King once again, And delivered an exciting and thrilling experience to the residents of every dimension! Thank you, Jack! Thank you, Yuya!
Yoko: See? You can do it if you actually try.
JACK: I’ll acknowledge it, Yuya. You are the master of those four dragons. However… I still can’t hear it. I can’t hear the roar of your soul!
Yuya: Huh?
JACK: Farewell!
Yuya: What does Jack mean?
Yuya: Reiji?
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Yuya: Did Reira…Did Reira smile? (Egao Count: 293+1=294)
Reiji: It’s just as you can see.
Reiji: When you summoned the four dragons, Zarc’s evil spirit was awakened but…
Himika: She’s back to normal for now.
Yuya: But she still didn’t smile. (294+1=295) Then Zarc’s evil spirit is still…
Reiji: It’s still inside Reira.
Yuya: Jack told me… That I still lack something. But what am I supposed to do now!?
Reiji: As you have cleared all the tasks I assigned you, I’ll approve your promotion from Junior Youth to Youth.
Reiji: A Youth Duelist is qualified to take the Pro Test.
Yuya: Pro Test?
Yuya: Can I take it right now?
Yuya: No! I can’t just sit around and wait! Let me take the Test right now, Reiji!
Reiji: Hmph. I thought you’d say that.
Reiji: Sakaki Yuya’s Pro Test shall now commence! His opponent… …Will be me!
SAW/GON: Reiji is his opponent!?
Yoko: There’s no one more fitting!
Shuzo: Oh yeah! Get fired up, Yuya!
Kids: Be hot-blooded!
Reiji: Since I’m the examiner, I’ll choose the Action Field. You’re fine with that?
Yuya: Of course.
Reiji: Well then… Action Field, Entertainment Colosseum, activate!
Tatsuya: Isn’t this…
Futoshi: The Field used in Big Bro Yuya and Akaba Reiji’s first Duel!?
Ayu: They didn’t finish that Duel, though…
Shuzo: Is Reiji-kun planning to continue that match on this big stage!?
Yuya: Back then… I still thought that Pendulum Summon is mine alone… I didn’t even think about why I’m the only one who can use it…
Yuya: But I know now. The reason behind Pendulum’s birth… And why I’m the first one to use it…
Reiji: A Pro is someone who is perfect in every aspect. If you can’t get me to see why you’re worthy of the title, You won’t be able to pass. In order to save Reira and the world… You must surpass me!
Reiji: The Duelists have gathered in the hall of battle!
Yuya: They will kick against the earth and dance in the air alongside their monsters…
Reiji: …as they storm…
Yuya: …through the Field!
Reiji/Yuya: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling! Action…
Reiji: Since you’re the challenger, I’ll let you have the first turn.
Reiji: Take your time and set up your Field as perfectly as possible.
Reiji: I will tear all of it down in an instance!
Yuya: We’ll see about that. It’s my turn! I summon Entermate Duck Dealer from my hand!
SAWATARI-SAN: Why didn’t he start with Pendulum!?
GONGENZAKA: Are you trying to play it safe, Yuya?
Yuya: When there is an Entermate on my Field, I can Special Summon Entermate Card Bird from my hand!
Yuya: Duck Dealer’s effect. When an Entermate Pendulum Monster besides this card is summoned or Special Summoned, I can draw one card from the deck!
Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy two Pendulum Monsters on my Field, And draw two cards!
Yuya: Using the Scale-3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest and the Scale-10 Entermate Ignition Eagle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 9!
SAWATARI-SAN: Is he going to use Pendulum now!?
GONGENZAKA: Do it, Yuya!
Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters!
Yuya: First off, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Next up, Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! The Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Now, be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Duck Dealer and Entermate Card Bird!
Tatsuya/Ayu: He summoned five monsters at the same time!
Yuya: There’s more! The fun has just begun!
Yuya: As long as I’m with you guys, I can do it. The Duel that will make Reira smile! (295+1=296)
Yuya: I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect! I can use this card and the Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest in the Pendulum Zone as Materials for a Fusion Summon! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the other pair of dual-colored eyes, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon!
Yuya: Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use it and another card in the Pendulum Zone as Materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Ignition Eagle with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron!  Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!
Yuya: Finally, I overlay the Level-4 Duck Dealer and Card Bird! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon!
Allen: You did it, Yuya! You summoned four powerful dragons on the first turn!
Yuya: Using the effect of the Entermate Card Bird that was destroyed on this turn, I can draw one card during the End Phase. I end my turn.
Reiji: You gained enough confidence to use the four dragons during your battle against Jack. And now, you’re using them to fight me? I’ll test whether that confidence is the real deal or not.
Reiji: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 D/D Savant Copernicus and the Scale-10 D/D Savant Newton, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 9! Immense power that shakes my very soul! Become the light that rends the darkness residing within me! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourselves, my monsters! The three transcendental deities who rule over all kings! D/D/D Doom King Hell Armageddon!
Shuzo: Those monsters are…!
Tatsuya: That was when Akaba Reiji first Pendulum Summoned…
Futoshi: He summoned those three at the same time!
Ayu: They’re just as creepy as before!
Reiji: Battle! I attack Starve Venom Fusion Dragon with the first Hell Armageddon!
Allen: Get an Action Card! Use the skates to run around, Yuya!
Yuya: Over there, Starve Venom!
Allen: EH!?
Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated!
Reiji: Then, I attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with the second Hell Armageddon!
Yuya: Over here, Clear Wing!
Yuya: I activated the Action Magic, Miracle! Due to its effect, Clear Wing won’t be destroyed, And the damage is halved.
Yoko: Well done, Yuya!
Reiji: It’s not over yet!
Reiji: Then, I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with the third Hell Armageddon!
Yuya: Action Magic, High Dive! Dark Rebellion gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase! Rebellious Lightning Disobey!
SAWATARI-SAN: Awesome! He retaliated!
GONGENZAKA:  The dragons and him are acting as one! It’s like he can communicate with the monsters!
Yuya: Thank you, Starve Venom. Clear Wing. Dark Rebellion.
Yuya: Yeah. I’m happy as well. We’re able to understand each other…
Yuya: Sorry, sorry. Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, Odd-Eyes.
Yuya: This feeling… It seems familiar… That’s right… I’m… Zarc wanted to entertain people with Dueling! Not just the spectators, but his opponents and the monsters as well! But the spectators wanted our Duels to be more intense. They cheered even when people were getting hurt… That’s why we Dueled more violently than before. And then… we turned into a demon.
Himika: Reira is crying…
Yuya: I… Zarc didn’t really want to destroy the world. He wanted to entertain the spectators, the monsters, and his opponents with Dueling. He wanted to make people smile with Dueling! (Egao Count: 296+1=297)
Reiji: Then, why don’t you try it? Try and make me smile! (Egao Count :297+1=298)
Yuya: Reiji!
Reiji: But don’t think that it’ll be easy!
Reiji: I activate the Magic Card, Contract with Underworld Insurance! I can draw as many cards as the number of opposing monsters that were targeted for attacks but weren’t destroyed during this turn!
Tatsuya: He drew three cards in one go!?
Reiji: Behold! This is the ultimate portfolio I have prepared! I activate the Magic Card D/D/D Fusion! I can use this card and one Hell Armageddon as Materials to Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Purplish Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Next, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Synchro! I can treat this card as a Level-2 Tuner Monster, And tune it with the Level-8 Hell Armageddon! Synchro Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Then, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Xyz! I can Special Summon two Hell Armageddons from the Extra Deck! Then, I overlay the two Level-8 Hell Armageddons! Xyz Summon! Reveal yourself! Rank-8! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Darkness Hell Armageddon!
Reiji: Then, I activate that monster’s effect! The Hell Armageddon in my Extra Deck will be attached to Darkness Armageddon as an Overlay Unit!
Reiji: If you want to make me smile, (Egao Count: 298+1=299) Then try and break through this impenetrable formation that I’ve planned!
(Preview for Episode 148)
Yuya: I’ve made up my mind! I’ll definitely make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 299+1=300) So, lend me your powers one more time! Yuri! Yugo! Yuto!
Yuri: Our powers are already yours.
Yugo: We were originally one person, after all.
Yuto: If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too!
Yuya: I won’t let you guys down!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum The fun has just begun!
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 147 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Debut of Doomy-Doom-Doom Doom King
Last Time’s Egao Count: 292
Himika: The real fun is just getting started? Yusho: Yeah. It’s pretty enjoyable, right? Yusho: The way he can command his monsters as he desires, No matter how ferocious they are… JACK: A true Duelist is one who guides himself to victory! Yusho: This is a trial to determine whether Yuya really has what it takes to be a Pro Duelist. JACK: Now! Show me, Yuya! Yusho: Your resolve! JACK: Your power! Yusho/JACK: Show me the entertainment you believe in! Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Yuya: I know. You guys want to become the Supreme Dragon King! You feel that you’ll be powerless once again when Ray revives, right? Yuya: Even so, I can’t allow you guys to become the Supreme Dragon King! I won’t let Zarc’s soul awaken inside Reira! Yuya: I want you to fight without fusing! Yuya: I won’t let your powers be used to hurt other people or destroy the world! I will use them to protect everyone’s smiles! (Egao Count: 292+1=293) Yuya: I activate Starve Venom Fusion Dragon’s effect! Yuya: It can steal all of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight’s Monster Effects until the end of this turn! Crow: Stealing all of its effects? Sora: That’s not all. Yuya: I activate its other effect! Starve Venom can add the ATKs of all Special Summoned monsters on my opponent’s Field to its own ATK! Crow: It stole Scarlight’s 3000 ATK and Tyrant’s 3500 ATK as well!? Sora: Yeah. This is Starve Venom’s… Yuri’s dragon’s power. Asuka: Yuri uses its power to turn many Duelists into cards… But… Yuya: I activate the effect that Starve Venom took from Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! All Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than Starve Venom’s 9300 ATK will be destroyed. And you will receive 500 damage for each destroyed monster! Melissa: Wow! Yuya is destroying both his own monsters and Jack’s in order to inflict heavy damage! Isn’t that a bit excessive, though? Crow: Jack probably already saw that one coming. JACK: That won’t be enough, Yuya! JACK: Continuous Trap, Invalid Insensitive! During this turn, monsters on the Field can’t be destroyed by effects! Sora: See? JACK: Using an effect you stole from your opponent to obtain victory is simply preposterous! Go all out! Show me the four dragons’ powers by battling! Melissa: As expected of the City’s pride, Jack Atlas! As if being able to read Yuya’s mind, he activated his Trap at the right moment and splendidly evaded the effect! Yuya: I knew that he’d have a counter for it. And also… I can’t afford to lose and let those three down. Yuya: Let’s do this! I will now join the powers of our dragons together! I detach all of Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon’s Overlay Units, and activate its effect! Treason Discharge! Yuya: Until the End Phase, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant’s ATKs will be halved, And Dark Rebellion will gain ATK equal to the lost amount! Yuya: Battle! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant with Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Melissa: If this attack succeeds, Jack will… JACK: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Melissa: Whoa! It’s the card Yuya set with Stargazer Magician’s effect! Yuya: But can you survive the next one? I use the 5750 ATK Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to attack Tyrant! Rebellious Lightning Disobey! Melissa: If this goes through, it’ll be the end for Jack! JACK: Action Magic, Miracle! Tyrant won’t be destroyed, and the battle damage will be halved! Melissa: Jack protected Tyrant once again with an Action Card! But Yuya still have two monsters left! What will Jack do to evade them? Yuya: I’ll take down Tyrant this time and cut down Jack’s Life! I attack with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Whirlwind Hell Dive Slasher! JACK: Not yet! I send the Continuous Trap Invalid Insensitive into the Graveyard, And halve the battle damage! You’re commanding those dragons pretty well. However! Himika: Reira! Reiji: Zarc is experiencing Yuya’s Duel through the dragons? Yuya: All right, it’s your turn! Let’s settle this, Odd-Eyes! I attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst! JACK: Action Magic, Rejuvenation! A battling monster won’t be destroyed in battle, and it will gain 800 ATK! Yuya: Action Magic, Assault! When a monster battles, it will gain 600 ATK during that battle! JACK: The dragon helped him!? Yuya: Odd-Eyes’s effect! When it battles a Level-5 or above monster, the battle damage will be doubled! Reaction Force! Shuzo: All right! Ayu/Tatsuya: He won! Futoshi: I’m shivering! Melissa: Finally…It’s finally over! Melissa: It was an intense battle that transcended the boundaries of the dimensions! The winner is… Sakaki Yuya! Melissa: He defeated the former King once again, And delivered an exciting and thrilling experience to the residents of every dimension! Thank you, Jack! Thank you, Yuya! Yoko: See? You can do it if you actually try. JACK: I’ll acknowledge it, Yuya. You are the master of those four dragons. However… I still can’t hear it. I can’t hear the roar of your soul! Yuya: Huh? JACK: Farewell! Yuya: What does Jack mean? Yuya: Reiji? (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Yuya: Did Reira…Did Reira smile? (Egao Count: 293+1=294) Reiji: It’s just as you can see. Reiji: When you summoned the four dragons, Zarc’s evil spirit was awakened but… Himika: She’s back to normal for now. Yuya: But she still didn’t smile. (294+1=295) Then Zarc’s evil spirit is still… Reiji: It’s still inside Reira. Yuya: Jack told me… That I still lack something. But what am I supposed to do now!? Reiji: As you have cleared all the tasks I assigned you, I’ll approve your promotion from Junior Youth to Youth. Reiji: A Youth Duelist is qualified to take the Pro Test. Yuya: Pro Test? Yuya: Can I take it right now? Yuya: No! I can’t just sit around and wait! Let me take the Test right now, Reiji! Reiji: Hmph. I thought you’d say that. Reiji: Sakaki Yuya’s Pro Test shall now commence! His opponent… …Will be me! SAW/GON: Reiji is his opponent!? Yoko: There’s no one more fitting! Shuzo: Oh yeah! Get fired up, Yuya! Kids: Be hot-blooded! Reiji: Since I’m the examiner, I’ll choose the Action Field. You’re fine with that? Yuya: Of course. Reiji: Well then… Action Field, Entertainment Colosseum, activate! Tatsuya: Isn’t this… Futoshi: The Field used in Big Bro Yuya and Akaba Reiji’s first Duel!? Ayu: They didn’t finish that Duel, though… Shuzo: Is Reiji-kun planning to continue that match on this big stage!? Yuya: Back then… I still thought that Pendulum Summon is mine alone... I didn’t even think about why I’m the only one who can use it… Yuya: But I know now. The reason behind Pendulum’s birth… And why I’m the first one to use it… Reiji: A Pro is someone who is perfect in every aspect. If you can’t get me to see why you’re worthy of the title, You won’t be able to pass. In order to save Reira and the world… You must surpass me! Reiji: The Duelists have gathered in the hall of battle! Yuya: They will kick against the earth and dance in the air alongside their monsters... Reiji: ...as they storm… Yuya: …through the Field! Reiji/Yuya: Behold! This is the greatest evolution of Dueling! Action… DUEL! Reiji: Since you’re the challenger, I’ll let you have the first turn. Reiji: Take your time and set up your Field as perfectly as possible. Reiji: I will tear all of it down in an instance! Yuya: We’ll see about that. It’s my turn! I summon Entermate Duck Dealer from my hand! SAWATARI-SAN: Why didn’t he start with Pendulum!? GONGENZAKA: Are you trying to play it safe, Yuya? Yuya: When there is an Entermate on my Field, I can Special Summon Entermate Card Bird from my hand! Yuya: Duck Dealer’s effect. When an Entermate Pendulum Monster besides this card is summoned or Special Summoned, I can draw one card from the deck! Yuya: I activate the Magic Card, Pendulum Card Burst! I destroy two Pendulum Monsters on my Field, And draw two cards! Yuya: Using the Scale-3 Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest and the Scale-10 Entermate Ignition Eagle, I set the Pendulum Scale! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-4 and 9! SAWATARI-SAN: Is he going to use Pendulum now!? GONGENZAKA: Do it, Yuya! Yuya: Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth, my monsters! Yuya: First off, the one who bears heroic and beautiful dual-colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Next up, Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver! The Tuner Monster, Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron! Now, be revived from the Extra Deck! Entermate Duck Dealer and Entermate Card Bird! Tatsuya/Ayu: He summoned five monsters at the same time! Futoshi: SHIVEEERRRRS! Yuya: There’s more! The fun has just begun! Yuya: As long as I’m with you guys, I can do it. The Duel that will make Reira smile! (295+1=296) Yuya: I activate Entermate Odd-Eyes Dissolver’s effect! I can use this card and the Entermate Odd-Eyes Priest in the Pendulum Zone as Materials for a Fusion Summon! Dual-colored eyes that illuminate the dark night! Become one with the other pair of dual-colored eyes, And show us a new path! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Starve Venom Fusion Dragon! Yuya: Entermate Odd-Eyes Synchron’s effect! I can use it and another card in the Pendulum Zone as Materials to Synchro Summon! I’m tuning the Level-5 Ignition Eagle with the Level-2 Odd-Eyes Synchron! Spread your beautiful and majestic wings! Strike down our enemies at light speed! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon! Yuya: Finally, I overlay the Level-4 Duck Dealer and Card Bird! Raise your fangs of rebellion formed from the pitch-black darkness, and fight against the foolish oppression! Descend now! Xyz Summon! Come forth! Rank-4! Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon! Allen: You did it, Yuya! You summoned four powerful dragons on the first turn! Yuya: Using the effect of the Entermate Card Bird that was destroyed on this turn, I can draw one card during the End Phase. I end my turn. Reiji: You gained enough confidence to use the four dragons during your battle against Jack. And now, you’re using them to fight me? I’ll test whether that confidence is the real deal or not. Reiji: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-1 D/D Savant Copernicus and the Scale-10 D/D Savant Newton, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-2 and 9! Immense power that shakes my very soul! Become the light that rends the darkness residing within me! Pendulum Summon! Reveal yourselves, my monsters! The three transcendental deities who rule over all kings! D/D/D Doom King Hell Armageddon! Shuzo: Those monsters are…! Tatsuya: That was when Akaba Reiji first Pendulum Summoned… Futoshi: He summoned those three at the same time! Ayu: They’re just as creepy as before! Reiji: Battle! I attack Starve Venom Fusion Dragon with the first Hell Armageddon! Allen: Get an Action Card! Use the skates to run around, Yuya! Yuya: Over there, Starve Venom! Allen: EH!? Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! The attack will be negated! Reiji: Then, I attack Clear Wing Synchro Dragon with the second Hell Armageddon! Yuya: Over here, Clear Wing! Yuya: I activated the Action Magic, Miracle! Due to its effect, Clear Wing won’t be destroyed, And the damage is halved. Yoko: Well done, Yuya! Futoshi: SHHHHIIVERRRS! Reiji: It’s not over yet! Reiji: Then, I attack Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon with the third Hell Armageddon! Yuya: Action Magic, High Dive! Dark Rebellion gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase! Rebellious Lightning Disobey! SAWATARI-SAN: Awesome! He retaliated! GONGENZAKA:  The dragons and him are acting as one! It’s like he can communicate with the monsters! Yuya: Thank you, Starve Venom. Clear Wing. Dark Rebellion. Yuya: Yeah. I’m happy as well. We’re able to understand each other… Yuya: Sorry, sorry. Of course, I haven’t forgotten about you, Odd-Eyes. Yuya: This feeling… It seems familiar… That’s right… I’m… Zarc wanted to entertain people with Dueling! Not just the spectators, but his opponents and the monsters as well! But the spectators wanted our Duels to be more intense. They cheered even when people were getting hurt… That’s why we Dueled more violently than before. And then… we turned into a demon. Himika: Reira is crying… Yuya: I… Zarc didn’t really want to destroy the world. He wanted to entertain the spectators, the monsters, and his opponents with Dueling. He wanted to make people smile with Dueling! (Egao Count: 296+1=297) Reiji: Then, why don’t you try it? Try and make me smile! (Egao Count :297+1=298) Yuya: Reiji! Reiji: But don’t think that it’ll be easy! Reiji: I activate the Magic Card, Contract with Underworld Insurance! I can draw as many cards as the number of opposing monsters that were targeted for attacks but weren’t destroyed during this turn! Tatsuya: He drew three cards in one go!? Reiji: Behold! This is the ultimate portfolio I have prepared! I activate the Magic Card D/D/D Fusion! I can use this card and one Hell Armageddon as Materials to Fusion Summon! Fusion Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Purplish Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Next, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Synchro! I can treat this card as a Level-2 Tuner Monster, And tune it with the Level-8 Hell Armageddon! Synchro Summon! Reveal yourself! Level-10! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Whitest Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Then, I activate the Magic Card, D/D/D Xyz! I can Special Summon two Hell Armageddons from the Extra Deck! Then, I overlay the two Level-8 Hell Armageddons! Xyz Summon! Reveal yourself! Rank-8! D/D/D Ultimate Doom King Darkness Hell Armageddon! Reiji: Then, I activate that monster’s effect! The Hell Armageddon in my Extra Deck will be attached to Darkness Armageddon as an Overlay Unit! Reiji: If you want to make me smile, (Egao Count: 298+1=299) Then try and break through this impenetrable formation that I’ve planned! (Preview for Episode 148) Yuya: I’ve made up my mind! I’ll definitely make everyone smile! (Egao Count: 299+1=300) So, lend me your powers one more time! Yuri! Yugo! Yuto! Yuri: Our powers are already yours. Yugo: We were originally one person, after all. Yuto: If you have fun, I’m sure everyone will have fun too! Yuya: I won’t let you guys down! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: The Miracle Drawn by the Pendulum The fun has just begun!
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moss-honey-and-sage · 3 years
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I posted 11,287 times in 2021
212 posts created (2%)
11075 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 52.2 posts.
I added 233 tags in 2021
#liveblogging - 47 posts
#dream smp - 42 posts
#sage writes stuff - 36 posts
#psych - 20 posts
#mcc pride liveblog - 19 posts
#ranboo - 19 posts
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#mutuals my beloveds - 12 posts
#liveblogging i guess - 12 posts
#tubbo - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#welp at least its not gonna be another musical i constantly listen to for 3 months and by the end of the year i forgot about its existence
My Top Posts in 2021
Midwestern Gothic
- You have spent hours rolling past these copy-pasted cornfields and, as the sun sets, you start to wonder why they all look the same as if it was a mirage hiding something that these small towns and billboards were keeping from you. that's when you need to stop for the night, find a well-lit motel room, and shut the blinds, because the mind is easily influenced to change it's course while tired.
- Stepping outside of your house in the morning was always so routine. just get ready and get out the door; you know you have a long drive ahead. somehow today was different, fog gathering in the valley and slowly seeming to move closer and closer. You heard stories of this when you were young but you have never thought you would see the day it slowly overtook you.
i have more but brain can't do more writing rn
47 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 03:07:27 GMT
ranboo's stream really went from semi-lore to pizza discourse as soon as tubbo joined the call, and i love that.
58 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 00:13:14 GMT
listen i am a lesbian and i dont understand why people are upset about ranboo say that he dressed like a lesbian. like, for one thing, he does, and two, it's not hurtful. twitter is a goddamn cesspit and he even deleted the comments.
84 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 20:17:58 GMT
this stream is unhinged. minx and puffy are tired and making the strangest jokes. quackity and george are just showing random memes. dream is running around in creative. elaina is confused and antfrost is barely talking. and last but not least theres bbh drawing dnf fanart-
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268 notes • Posted 2021-08-04 07:00:52 GMT
so lots of dream smp members have been assigning their chat as things in canon, ex: phil's crow,s ranboo's particles, etc., and foolish has now assigned his chat to be doozers from fraggle rock
yes, these little guys:
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we are just little unhelpful construction worker
now i must draw myself as a doozer brb lol
1098 notes • Posted 2021-05-16 17:28:54 GMT
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 138 Translated Script
Script and Translation from DMC3444 on NAC
Last Time’s Egao Count: 252
GONGENZAKA:  As we left Academia’s underground training facility and headed for the surface, Sawatari and I found Edo and Sora, both wounded, in a city of the Fusion Dimension, which has been torn apart by a cataclysm that no one expected. GONGENZAKA:   According to the two of them, this cataclysm was caused by Akaba Leo merging the four dimensions together. GONGENZAKA:  We learned that the one who destroyed the city was the fusion of Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, and the four dragons, Supreme Dragon King Zarc. He was resurrected when they became one. GONGENZAKA:  Edo and Sora believed that Yuya’s soul is still residing inside Zarc, and fought against him. But they were defeated by his overwhelming power. And now, even Kurosaki and Kaito… Captain Falcon: Action Magic, Miracle, activate! Kaito: Action Magic, Evasion, activate! Zarc: Using my power, I can negate and destroy cards added to the hand outside of the Draw Phase! Captain Falcon: Even the Action Cards… Zarc: Get out of my sight! Captain Falcon: AAAAHHHH! Kaito: AAAAAHHHHHHH! GONGENZAKA:  But we must not give up. Just wait. Yuya. GONGENZAKA:   If your soul is locked inside Zarc, I… JACK: And I, Jack Atlas, will set it free! Let’s do this! Narrator: The world is divided into four dimensions. Across these dimensions, there are four boys, who all share the same face, And the dragons they possess call out to one another, As if seeking out each other… (Opening Sequence) JACK: It’s my turn! When I have no monster on my Field, I can Special Summon Red Gargoyle from my hand! JACK: Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Red Resonator! JACK: Red Gargoyle’s effect activates! Red Resonator’s Level is doubled! I’m tuning the Level-4 Red Gargoyle with the Level-4 Red Resonator! The king's roar shall make the heaven and earth tremble! Let the power of the one and only supreme ruler be carved into your soul! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight! Tokumatsu: Are you all right, kids!? Frank: What on earth is that giant dragon!? Tanner: Red Daemon's looks like an ant in comparison! Amanda: Is that the Fusion Dimension? SAWATARI-SAN: Damn it! I’m left behind while this big showdown is going on...! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, CROW! Sora: Crow? SAWATARI-SAN: Yeah. He saved me in the underground facility, and… (BB flashback) SAWATARI-SAN: If it’s Jack and Gongenzaka, They can deliver our feelings to Yuya for sure! SAWATARI-SAN: Let’s watch over this match together, okay, Crow? JACK: Sakaki Yuya! If your soul still exists, listen to me! JACK: Wherever you are hidden right now, I will find you and drag you out! JACK: That’s right…Just like when you dragged Battle Beast out when he was hiding in his fortress! JACK: I’m going to bring you back my way! JACK: Once per turn, Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight can destroy all Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than its ATK, and inflict 500 damage for every destroyed monster! I… Zarc: Foolish Synchro user! The moment you summoned a Synchro Monster against me, your fate is already sealed! JACK: What!? Kaito: What does he mean? Captain Falcon: Don’t tell me…Just like when he Xyz Summoned on my turn… GONGENZAKA: Is he going to do it without a Tuner? Zarc: I release the two Supreme King Servant Dragon – Darkwurms on my Field, and perform a Synchro Summon! My trusty servant and bearer of the wings of light! Tear our enemies asunder with the sharpness of your deadly wings! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing! Tokumatsu: That’s the Yugo guy’s…! Frank: It resembles it, but it’s not the same! Tanner: Besides, Yugo, Yuya, Yuzu, and… What was he called again… Some other guy! Amanda: Sawa…Sawa… Tokumatsu: Is it someone we’re supposed to know? Tanner: Anyway, Yugo is an ally! He’s not an enemy! SAWATARI-SAN: Damn it! If only I could fight somehow… I could have told Yugo to remember our Entertainment Duel! Zarc: When Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing is Special Summoned, It will negate the effects of all opposing monsters, and destroy them! JACK: I send Brutal Red from my hand to the Graveyard! Until the End Phase, the destruction of Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight will be negated, and it gains 1000 ATK! Frank & Tanner: All right! He protected Red Daemon’s! Tokumatsu: It also got a 1000 ATK boost! As expected from Jack! JACK: Let’s do this, Yuya! Battle! I attack Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing with Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight! Zarc: Once per turn, Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing can negate the battle, and destroy my opponent’s monster! And then, I can inflict damage equal to the monster’s ATK! JACK: Due to the effect of the Brutal Red I sent to the Graveyard, During this turn, Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight won’t be destroyed! Kaito: He repelled it again! GONGENZAKA:  Red Daemon's Dragon is Jack’s soul. As long as Jack is with it, he won’t ever let it be destroyed! Captain Falcon: But the only thing that Jack can do on this turn is… JACK: I set one card face-down, and end my turn! At this moment, Brutal Red’s effect ends, The ATK of Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight returns to normal. JACK: I won’t ever give up! No matter how hard you fight back, I will keep going down the road ahead of me! And if there is no road ahead, I will forge a new one! Until I can reach you! GONGENZAKA:   I, the manly Gongenzaka, shall forge that road for you! It’s my turn! I summon the Tuner Monster, Superheavy Samurai Battleball! When there is a Superheavy Samurai on my Field, I can Special Summon Superheavy Samurai Rokka-ku(9) from my hand in Attack Position! (Note: Rokkaku literally means hexagonal, and 9 is an inverted 6, so there) GONGENZAKA:    I’m tuning the Level-6 Rokkaku with the Level-2 Battleball! Temper the battle-scarred blades, and let your iron hammer echo across the field! Arrive to this scorched battlefield, filled with searing flames! Synchro Summon! Take the field! Level-8! Superheavy Samurai Katanaka-G! (Note: Katanakaji literally means swordsmith) Zarc: Hmm…The other one is also a Synchro user, huh? But summoning it in Defense Position is kind of cowardly. GONGENZAKA:     Did you forget, Yuya? This is my Dueling! Steadfast Dueling! Zarc: Steadfast Dueling? GONGENZAKA: If you’ve forgotten, I’ll remind you! When Katanaka-G is successfully Special Summoned, I can Special Summon as many Superheavy Samurai as possible from my hand! First off, Superheavy Samurai Swordsman! Next, Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler! And Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei! Shuzo: Over here! Tatsuya: That’s…! Futoshi & Ayu: Gongenzaka’s monsters! Tatsuya: What on earth is that giant dragon? Shuzo: Has the Fusion Dimension finally begun the invasion that LDS warned us about!? GONGENZAKA: Look, Yuya! These monsters are the battle-hardened heroes that have fought against you! GONGENZAKA: You wanted to polish the Entertainment Dueling you inherited from your father, While I wanted to refine the Gongenzaka Dojo’s teaching, Steadfast Dueling! The two of us fought against each other many times ever since we were kids, And worked hard together to improve our skills! Those intense days are still carved deep in my heart! GONGENZAKA: It’s the same with you, isn’t it!? Yuya! Zarc: Entertainment…Steadfast… GONGENZAKA: That’s right! Recall your entertainment spirit, Yuya! And then attack me, just like back in the old days! GONGENZAKA: I’ll catch that attack with my Steadfast Dueling! I end my turn! Zarc: Hmph! Nonsense! GONGENZAKA: Even if you attack Jack’s Red Daemon's Dragon Scarlight, I will protect it! Even if my body will be broken! JACK: Even if your body will be broken? GONGENZAKA: Yeah. With Katanaka-G’s effect. We will protect Red Daemon's! JACK: Then, I can defeat him with the Scarlight that you protected. So this is what you meant by forging a road for me… Zarc: HAHAHAHAHAHA! GONGENZAKA: What’s so funny!? Zarc: You two are cooperating with each another? How foolish… JACK: You’ll find out whether we are foolish or not by attacking us! GONGENZAKA: Now, come at me! Zarc…No, Yuya! Come at me with your entertainment! Zarc: Very well. But my entertainment can be a bit violent, just so you know. Captain Falcon: What!? Kaito: Zarc is conducting his entertainment…? Edo: Did he respond to it? Sora: Yuya, who is inside him… Zarc: It is my turn! Zarc: From my hand, I activate the Equip Magic, Supreme King Violent Spirit! I equip it to Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing! Zarc: Since you asked for it, I’ll attack your monsters! Battle! I attack Big Benkei with Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing! Zarc: At this moment, due to Clear Wing’s effect, the battle will be negated, and Big Benkei will be destroyed! I can then inflict damage equal to its ATK! Zarc: Due to the Equip Magic, Supreme King Violent Spirit, Clear Wing’s effect will affect all of your monsters! GONGENZAKA: What!? All of them!? Captain Falcon: At this rate… Kaito: They’ll be wiped out… Sora: This is Zarc’s… Edo: Entertainment… SAWATARI-SAN: Please, Crow! Protect them! (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) GONGENZAKA: When my cards would be destroyed on the Battle Phase, I can release a Superheavy Samurai on my Field, And Special Summon Superheavy Bushin Fudomyo-O from my hand, in Defense Position! GONGENZAKA: Protect Jack’s soul, Fudomyo-O! GONGENZAKA: , Fudomyo-O can negate the destruction of two monsters! SAWATARI-SAN: Jack…Gongenzaka… Futoshi: Gongenzaka… Ayu: What happened to him!? Tokumatsu: I don’t know. But Jack is the former King. Something trifle like this… Amanda: Look! JACK: We received damage equal to the 1000 combined ATK of the three destroyed monsters, but… GONGENZAKA: Due to Fudomyo-O’s effect, I was able to protect us and Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! And Due to Fudomyo-O’s effect, the Battle Phase will also end. SAWATARI-SAN: Did you see that, Crow!? He did it! Gongenzaka was able to protect Jack’s dragon in that kind of situation! You’re awesome! Gongenzaka! Tokumatsu and kids: He did it! Huh? Amanda: What is that? Tokumatsu: What the hell is this!? SAWATARI-SAN: T-That’s… Sora: The City… The city in the Synchro Dimension has showed up! Tokumatsu: What in the world was that… Tokumatsu: AAAAH! Zarc: AHAHAHAHA! This is getting interesting! You gave a good response to my entertainment! You have my praises. JACK: Laugh while you can! Gongenzaka sacrificed his monsters to protect me. I’ll definitely smash through your thick armor, with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! Captain Falcon: Jack is going up the highway… Kaito: But is the highway even physical? Edo: The dimensions’ fusion is not complete yet… Sora: But Jack is not hesitating! SAWATARI-SAN: I’ll believe in you as well! Keep charging toward Yuya, Jack! Edo: He’s going up! JACK: It’s my turn! I activate the Trap Card, Vision Synchro! With its effect, I can send Red Sprinter and two Tuner Monsters, Dark Resonator and Net Resonator, from my hand to the Graveyard, in order to Synchro Summon! GONGENZAKA: Synchro Summoning with monsters in his hand!? JACK: Listen to the throbbing of my soul! Can you feel it? Can you feel the vigor of my life!? Behold, Yuya! This is my Dueling! Remember! Our Duel, which set the entire City on fire! I’m double tuning the Level-4 Red Sprinter with the Level-3 Dark Resonator and Net Resonator! The king and the devil shall now merge together! Feel the soul of the Crimson Dragon, and let out a war cry that shakes all creation! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level-10! Red Daemon's Dragon Tyrant! Tanner: Amazing! He Synchro Summoned from the hand! Amanda: And a Double Tuning, to boot! Frank: He has two Red Daemon’s Dragons now! There’s no way he’ll lose! JACK: I activate the effect of the Net Resonator that was used as Tyrant’s Material! As long as Tyrant is around, I won’t receive effect damage! GONGENZAKA: I activate Fudomyo-O’s effect with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant as the targets! Due to this, until the End Phase, those two monsters won’t be destroyed! GONGENZAKA: This is the best that I can do. I’m counting on you, Jack. Awaken Yuya’s soul with your soul, that dragon! 3 kids: Go for it, Jack! SAWATARI-SAN: Please! Settle it, Jack! JACK: Battle! I attack Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! Zarc: No matter what you do, the outcome will not change! Once per turn, using its effect, Clear Wing can negate the battle and destroy your monster! GONGENZAKA:  Due to Fudomyo-O’s effect, Scarlight won’t be destroyed! Zarc: But that monster won’t be around for long. Due to the effect of the Equip Magic, Supreme King Violent Spirit, Clear Wing’s effect will affect all monsters! Fudomyo-O will be destroyed, and you’ll receive damage equal to its ATK! GONGENZAKA:   But due to Net Resonator’s effect, Jack won’t receive damage! GONGENZAKA:    AAAHHHHH! SAWATARI-SAN: Crow! Damn it! Where did he go!? Hey! Crow! GONGENZAKA:    AAAHHHHH! SAWATARI-SAN: Gongenzaka! GONGENZAKA: Go, Jack! JACK: Yuya! Your friend sacrificed himself in order to give me a chance! I’ll deliver his feelings to you with my attack! Take it, Yuya! The strike of my soul! JACK: I attack Clear Wing with Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant INFERNAL CRIMSON HELL TIDE! Tokumatsu and kids: He did it! Sora: But then, due to this… Edo: Zarc’s Life will… Zarc: As long as there are Supreme King monsters on my Field, I won’t receive damage due to Supreme King Gate Zero’s Pendulum Effect. JACK: What!? Zarc: Then, due to the effect of Supreme King Gate Infinity, I will gain Life Point equal to the damage I would have taken. JACK: I end my turn. At this moment, Vision Synchro’s effect ends, And Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant returns to the Extra Deck. Frank: To think that he has an effect that can increase his Life… Amanda: Why are Crow and Yuya not coming to help him out of this pinch? Tanner: Where are you, Crow!? SAWATARI-SAN: Hey! Are you all right!? Pull yourself together! GONGENZAKA: He…reacted to the word “Entertainment.” Yuya is in there. Bring him back! SAWATARI-SAN: Gongenzaka… GONGENZAKA: You’re the only one left! I’m counting on you, Sawatari! Save Yuya… Crow: There’s still one more person who can fight, you know! SAWATARI-SAN: You’re…! Zarc: It is my turn! You’re the one who has entertained me the most so far! So, I will personally grant you a reward! The reward known as DESPAIR! SAWATARI-SAN: We’re joining in as well! Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty, 2000 points. Zarc: Battle! I will attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! JACK: AAAAHHHHHHH! JACK: You two, huh…Then, I’ll leave the rest to you. SAWATARI-SAN: Sure! I’ll handle the rest! I, the Super Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist, Sawatari Shingo the Great, will put an end to this! Crow: Hah! You think I’ll let you hog all the spotlights? Frank: That’s…! Amanda: Crow! Tanner: I knew he was there! Crow was there as well! Sora: Crow… He was resurrected? How? Edo: When the new utopia is born, the people will also be revived there… Reira: No way…Father is…! Reiji: What is Akaba Leo doing? Did Ray say something? Reira: Father is trying to split the world back again… Using the four cards that were brought back in my place… Reiji: Four cards?
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
The manliest duel you'll ever see. For just 5 cents a day you can help prevent D-Wheel homocide. And for more than that you can buy blackwings.Every dollar counts...
Credit to: DMC3444 Last Time’s Egao Count: 252
GONGENZAKA:  As we left Academia’s underground training facility and headed for the surface, Sawatari and I found Edo and Sora, both wounded, in a city of the Fusion Dimension, which has been torn apart by a cataclysm that no one expected.
GONGENZAKA:   According to the two of them, this cataclysm was caused by Akaba Leo merging the four dimensions together.
GONGENZAKA:  We learned that the one who destroyed the city was the fusion of Yuya, Yuto, Yugo, Yuri, and the four dragons, Supreme Dragon King Zarc. He was resurrected when they became one.
GONGENZAKA:  Edo and Sora believed that Yuya’s soul is still residing inside Zarc, and fought against him. But they were defeated by his overwhelming power. And now, even Kurosaki and Kaito…
Captain Falcon: Action Magic, Miracle, activate!
Kaito: Action Magic, Evasion, activate!
Zarc: Using my power, I can negate and destroy cards added to the hand outside of the Draw Phase!
Captain Falcon: Even the Action Cards…
Zarc: Get out of my sight!
Captain Falcon: AAAAHHHH!
GONGENZAKA:  But we must not give up. Just wait. Yuya.
GONGENZAKA:   If your soul is locked inside Zarc, I…
JACK: And I, Jack Atlas, will set it free! Let’s do this! 
Narrator: The world is divided into four dimensions. Across these dimensions, there are four boys, who all share the same face, And the dragons they possess call out to one another, As if seeking out each other…
(Opening Sequence)
JACK: It’s my turn! When I have no monster on my Field, I can Special Summon Red Gargoyle from my hand!
JACK: Then, I summon the Tuner Monster, Red Resonator!
JACK: Red Gargoyle’s effect activates! Red Resonator’s Level is doubled! I’m tuning the Level-4 Red Gargoyle with the Level-4 Red Resonator! The king’s roar shall make the heaven and earth tremble! Let the power of the one and only supreme ruler be carved into your soul! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight!
Tokumatsu: Are you all right, kids!?
Frank: What on earth is that giant dragon!?
Tanner: Red Daemon’s looks like an ant in comparison!
Amanda: Is that the Fusion Dimension?
SAWATARI-SAN: Damn it! I’m left behind while this big showdown is going on…! THIS IS YOUR FAULT, CROW!
Sora: Crow?
SAWATARI-SAN: Yeah. He saved me in the underground facility, and…
(BB flashback)
SAWATARI-SAN: If it’s Jack and Gongenzaka, They can deliver our feelings to Yuya for sure!
SAWATARI-SAN: Let’s watch over this match together, okay, Crow?
JACK: Sakaki Yuya! If your soul still exists, listen to me!
JACK: Wherever you are hidden right now, I will find you and drag you out!
JACK: That’s right…Just like when you dragged Battle Beast out when he was hiding in his fortress!
JACK: I’m going to bring you back my way!
JACK: Once per turn, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight can destroy all Special Summoned monsters with ATKs equal to or lower than its ATK, and inflict 500 damage for every destroyed monster! I…
Zarc: Foolish Synchro user! The moment you summoned a Synchro Monster against me, your fate is already sealed!
JACK: What!?
Kaito: What does he mean?
Captain Falcon: Don’t tell me…Just like when he Xyz Summoned on my turn…
GONGENZAKA: Is he going to do it without a Tuner?
Zarc: I release the two Supreme King Servant Dragon – Darkwurms on my Field, and perform a Synchro Summon! My trusty servant and bearer of the wings of light! Tear our enemies asunder with the sharpness of your deadly wings! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing!
Tokumatsu: That’s the Yugo guy’s…!
Frank: It resembles it, but it’s not the same!
Tanner: Besides, Yugo, Yuya, Yuzu, and… What was he called again… Some other guy!
Amanda: Sawa…Sawa…
Tokumatsu: Is it someone we’re supposed to know?
Tanner: Anyway, Yugo is an ally! He’s not an enemy!
SAWATARI-SAN: Damn it! If only I could fight somehow… I could have told Yugo to remember our Entertainment Duel!
Zarc: When Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing is Special Summoned, It will negate the effects of all opposing monsters, and destroy them!
JACK: I send Brutal Red from my hand to the Graveyard! Until the End Phase, the destruction of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight will be negated, and it gains 1000 ATK!
Frank & Tanner: All right! He protected Red Daemon’s!
Tokumatsu: It also got a 1000 ATK boost! As expected from Jack!
JACK: Let’s do this, Yuya! Battle! I attack Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight!
Zarc: Once per turn, Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing can negate the battle, and destroy my opponent’s monster! And then, I can inflict damage equal to the monster’s ATK!
JACK: Due to the effect of the Brutal Red I sent to the Graveyard, During this turn, Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight won’t be destroyed!
Kaito: He repelled it again!
GONGENZAKA:  Red Daemon’s Dragon is Jack’s soul. As long as Jack is with it, he won’t ever let it be destroyed!
Captain Falcon: But the only thing that Jack can do on this turn is…
JACK: I set one card face-down, and end my turn! At this moment, Brutal Red’s effect ends, The ATK of Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight returns to normal.
JACK: I won’t ever give up! No matter how hard you fight back, I will keep going down the road ahead of me! And if there is no road ahead, I will forge a new one! Until I can reach you!
GONGENZAKA:   I, the manly Gongenzaka, shall forge that road for you! It’s my turn! I summon the Tuner Monster, Superheavy Samurai Battleball! When there is a Superheavy Samurai on my Field, I can Special Summon Superheavy Samurai Rokka-ku(9) from my hand in Attack Position!
(Note: Rokkaku literally means hexagonal, and 9 is an inverted 6, so there)
GONGENZAKA:    I’m tuning the Level-6 Rokkaku with the Level-2 Battleball! Temper the battle-scarred blades, and let your iron hammer echo across the field! Arrive to this scorched battlefield, filled with searing flames! Synchro Summon! Take the field! Level-8! Superheavy Samurai Katanaka-G!
(Note: Katanakaji literally means swordsmith)
Zarc: Hmm…The other one is also a Synchro user, huh? But summoning it in Defense Position is kind of cowardly.
GONGENZAKA:     Did you forget, Yuya? This is my Dueling! Steadfast Dueling!
Zarc: Steadfast Dueling?
GONGENZAKA: If you’ve forgotten, I’ll remind you! When Katanaka-G is successfully Special Summoned, I can Special Summon as many Superheavy Samurai as possible from my hand! First off, Superheavy Samurai Swordsman! Next, Superheavy Samurai Blue Brawler! And Superheavy Samurai Big Benkei!
Shuzo: Over here!
Tatsuya: That’s…!
Futoshi & Ayu: Gongenzaka’s monsters!
Tatsuya: What on earth is that giant dragon?
Shuzo: Has the Fusion Dimension finally begun the invasion that LDS warned us about!?
GONGENZAKA: Look, Yuya! These monsters are the battle-hardened heroes that have fought against you!
GONGENZAKA: You wanted to polish the Entertainment Dueling you inherited from your father, While I wanted to refine the Gongenzaka Dojo’s teaching, Steadfast Dueling! The two of us fought against each other many times ever since we were kids, And worked hard together to improve our skills! Those intense days are still carved deep in my heart!
GONGENZAKA: It’s the same with you, isn’t it!? Yuya!
Zarc: Entertainment…Steadfast…
GONGENZAKA: That’s right! Recall your entertainment spirit, Yuya! And then attack me, just like back in the old days!
GONGENZAKA: I’ll catch that attack with my Steadfast Dueling! I end my turn!
Zarc: Hmph! Nonsense!
GONGENZAKA: Even if you attack Jack’s Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight, I will protect it! Even if my body will be broken!
JACK: Even if your body will be broken?
GONGENZAKA: Yeah. With Katanaka-G’s effect. We will protect Red Daemon’s!
JACK: Then, I can defeat him with the Scarlight that you protected. So this is what you meant by forging a road for me…
GONGENZAKA: What’s so funny!?
Zarc: You two are cooperating with each another? How foolish…
JACK: You’ll find out whether we are foolish or not by attacking us!
GONGENZAKA: Now, come at me! Zarc…No, Yuya! Come at me with your entertainment!
Zarc: Very well. But my entertainment can be a bit violent, just so you know.
Captain Falcon: What!?
Kaito: Zarc is conducting his entertainment…?
Edo: Did he respond to it?
Sora: Yuya, who is inside him…
Zarc: It is my turn!
Zarc: From my hand, I activate the Equip Magic, Supreme King Violent Spirit! I equip it to Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing!
Zarc: Since you asked for it, I’ll attack your monsters! Battle! I attack Big Benkei with Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing!
Zarc: At this moment, due to Clear Wing’s effect, the battle will be negated, and Big Benkei will be destroyed! I can then inflict damage equal to its ATK!
Zarc: Due to the Equip Magic, Supreme King Violent Spirit, Clear Wing’s effect will affect all of your monsters!
GONGENZAKA: What!? All of them!?
Captain Falcon: At this rate…
Kaito: They’ll be wiped out…
Sora: This is Zarc’s…
Edo: Entertainment…
SAWATARI-SAN: Please, Crow! Protect them!
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
GONGENZAKA: When my cards would be destroyed on the Battle Phase, I can release a Superheavy Samurai on my Field, And Special Summon Superheavy Bushin Fudomyo-O from my hand, in Defense Position!
GONGENZAKA: Protect Jack’s soul, Fudomyo-O!
GONGENZAKA: , Fudomyo-O can negate the destruction of two monsters!
SAWATARI-SAN: Jack…Gongenzaka…
Futoshi: Gongenzaka…
Ayu: What happened to him!?
Tokumatsu: I don’t know. But Jack is the former King. Something trifle like this…
Amanda: Look!
JACK: We received damage equal to the 1000 combined ATK of the three destroyed monsters, but…
GONGENZAKA: Due to Fudomyo-O’s effect, I was able to protect us and Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight! And Due to Fudomyo-O’s effect, the Battle Phase will also end.
SAWATARI-SAN: Did you see that, Crow!? He did it! Gongenzaka was able to protect Jack’s dragon in that kind of situation! You’re awesome! Gongenzaka!
Tokumatsu and kids: He did it! Huh?
Amanda: What is that?
Tokumatsu: What the hell is this!?
Sora: The City… The city in the Synchro Dimension has showed up!
Tokumatsu: What in the world was that…
Tokumatsu: AAAAH!
Zarc: AHAHAHAHA! This is getting interesting! You gave a good response to my entertainment! You have my praises.
JACK: Laugh while you can! Gongenzaka sacrificed his monsters to protect me. I’ll definitely smash through your thick armor, with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight!
Captain Falcon: Jack is going up the highway…
Kaito: But is the highway even physical?
Edo: The dimensions’ fusion is not complete yet…
Sora: But Jack is not hesitating!
SAWATARI-SAN: I’ll believe in you as well! Keep charging toward Yuya, Jack!
Edo: He’s going up!
JACK: It’s my turn! I activate the Trap Card, Vision Synchro! With its effect, I can send Red Sprinter and two Tuner Monsters, Dark Resonator and Net Resonator, from my hand to the Graveyard, in order to Synchro Summon!
GONGENZAKA: Synchro Summoning with monsters in his hand!?
JACK: Listen to the throbbing of my soul! Can you feel it? Can you feel the vigor of my life!? Behold, Yuya! This is my Dueling! Remember! Our Duel, which set the entire City on fire! I’m double tuning the Level-4 Red Sprinter with the Level-3 Dark Resonator and Net Resonator! The king and the devil shall now merge together! Feel the soul of the Crimson Dragon, and let out a war cry that shakes all creation! Synchro Summon! Come forth! Level-10! Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant!
Tanner: Amazing! He Synchro Summoned from the hand!
Amanda: And a Double Tuning, to boot!
Frank: He has two Red Daemon’s Dragons now! There’s no way he’ll lose!
JACK: I activate the effect of the Net Resonator that was used as Tyrant’s Material! As long as Tyrant is around, I won’t receive effect damage!
GONGENZAKA: I activate Fudomyo-O’s effect with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight and Tyrant as the targets! Due to this, until the End Phase, those two monsters won’t be destroyed!
GONGENZAKA: This is the best that I can do. I’m counting on you, Jack. Awaken Yuya’s soul with your soul, that dragon!
3 kids: Go for it, Jack!
SAWATARI-SAN: Please! Settle it, Jack!
JACK: Battle! I attack Supreme King Servant Dragon – Clear Wing with Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight!
Zarc: No matter what you do, the outcome will not change! Once per turn, using its effect, Clear Wing can negate the battle and destroy your monster!
GONGENZAKA:  Due to Fudomyo-O’s effect, Scarlight won’t be destroyed!
Zarc: But that monster won’t be around for long. Due to the effect of the Equip Magic, Supreme King Violent Spirit, Clear Wing’s effect will affect all monsters! Fudomyo-O will be destroyed, and you’ll receive damage equal to its ATK!
GONGENZAKA:   But due to Net Resonator’s effect, Jack won’t receive damage!
SAWATARI-SAN: Crow! Damn it! Where did he go!? Hey! Crow!
SAWATARI-SAN: Gongenzaka!
JACK: Yuya! Your friend sacrificed himself in order to give me a chance! I’ll deliver his feelings to you with my attack! Take it, Yuya! The strike of my soul!
JACK: I attack Clear Wing with Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant INFERNAL CRIMSON HELL TIDE!
Tokumatsu and kids: He did it!
Sora: But then, due to this…
Edo: Zarc’s Life will…
Zarc: As long as there are Supreme King monsters on my Field, I won’t receive damage due to Supreme King Gate Zero’s Pendulum Effect.
JACK: What!?
Zarc: Then, due to the effect of Supreme King Gate Infinity, I will gain Life Point equal to the damage I would have taken.
JACK: I end my turn. At this moment, Vision Synchro’s effect ends, And Red Daemon’s Dragon Tyrant returns to the Extra Deck.
Frank: To think that he has an effect that can increase his Life…
Amanda: Why are Crow and Yuya not coming to help him out of this pinch?
Tanner: Where are you, Crow!?
SAWATARI-SAN: Hey! Are you all right!? Pull yourself together!
GONGENZAKA: He…reacted to the word “Entertainment.” Yuya is in there. Bring him back!
SAWATARI-SAN: Gongenzaka…
GONGENZAKA: You’re the only one left! I’m counting on you, Sawatari! Save Yuya…
Crow: There’s still one more person who can fight, you know!
Zarc: It is my turn! You’re the one who has entertained me the most so far! So, I will personally grant you a reward! The reward known as DESPAIR!
SAWATARI-SAN: We’re joining in as well!
Duel Disk: Intrusion Penalty, 2000 points.
Zarc: Battle! I will attack Red Daemon’s Dragon Scarlight!
JACK: You two, huh…Then, I’ll leave the rest to you.
SAWATARI-SAN: Sure! I’ll handle the rest! I, the Super Ultra Hyper Strong Duelist, Sawatari Shingo the Great, will put an end to this!
Crow: Hah! You think I’ll let you hog all the spotlights?
Frank: That’s…!
Amanda: Crow!
Tanner: I knew he was there! Crow was there as well!
Sora: Crow… He was resurrected? How?
Edo: When the new utopia is born, the people will also be revived there…
Reira: No way…Father is…!
Reiji: What is Akaba Leo doing? Did Ray say something?
Reira: Father is trying to split the world back again… Using the four cards that were brought back instead of me…
Reiji: Four cards?
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