#breaking the truce
Au Concept time!
25 yrs later Dark Mobius storyline except in addition to becoming the hero of Mobius when Sonic mysteriously disappears, Shadow also ends up forming a sort of rivalry with Scourge, who continuously antagonizes him and tries to take over Mobius as well. However, instead of Sally marrying Shadow to "fix him", Shadow gains more influence and following than any royalty on the planet, Scourge extends the "twin Kings of our worlds" offer to Shadow, and Shadow and Scourge develop a truce between their universes by getting married.
The former King Sonic returns to "his timeline" to find himself as a barely remembered figure, and to find monuments of King Scourge and King Shadow.
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teeo-sherry · 2 months
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“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it Markus”
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somegrumpynerd · 5 months
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Back to working on the truce au!
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lexiepiper · 5 months
Happy Christmas Truce to @purpleruletheomiverse with their prompt (Post AGIT) Vlad, Dan and Dani attempting an incredibly awkward and angst-filled family Christmas. I toed the line a bit between angst and fluff, but hopefully it worked out okay!
Ao3 link
Summary: Who knew that decorating a tree could cost so much?
Warning for AGIT spoilers.
“You know I hate Christmas, right?”
Vlad paused, looking up from the morning news and trying to keep his expression blank. “You know who I’m doing this for.”
Dan shoved his hands in his pockets, continuing to loiter in the doorway. “You think it’ll be any different for her?” he asked. “She’s a clone, genius. She has his memories. Or have you gone senile?”
Vlad took a calculated sip of his coffee, trying not to look at the creature stuffed into the body of a boy. “You’re the one who dragged her back into my life and told me to make amends.”
“And what, you think a stinking old tree’ll do that?” He huffed, but finally stalked into the sitting room and motioned for the ghostly servant that hovered at the peripherals. “Coffee,” he said when she turned towards him.
Vlad raised an eyebrow and clicked his tongue at the rudeness.
Dan’s eyes snapped to him, literal red flames flickering where his irises should have been. “What?”
He pressed his lips together and took a deep breath through his nose. “I hardly want to fight before I’ve finished my morning coffee.”
Dan grumbled incoherently, but slouched into one of the plush armchairs. “You’ll be lucky if I don’t burn it down by the end of the day.”
Vlad made a show of looking back at his phone and taking a long sip of coffee before answering. “She said she wanted it, you know.”
“Did she actually say that, though?”
He sent Dan a sidelong glance. “Perhaps you should talk to her about it, before deciding to burn anything. She wants the three of us to decorate it together.”
He would have sworn that he could hear the grinding of teeth from halfway across the room. “No way, old man.”
Vlad sniffed delicately, turning back to his coffee. “The deal was that we improve together, was it not?”
“I never agreed to a Christmas tree.”
“Would you really pass up the opportunity to make her happy?”
Dan snarled, pushing himself to his feet and stomping out of the room.
Vlad bit back a smirk. It wasn’t much, but a disagreement that didn’t end in violence? Maybe there was hope after all.
Dani had woken a while ago to the sound of a door slamming, which really wasn’t that uncommon in the Masters household. When there had been no further noise that indicated a fight she’d snuggled back into the blankets of her - her! -  giant, comfortable bed, and dozed back off.
She hadn’t fully fallen back asleep when her door was thrown open, and she groaned theatrically and pulled the duvet over her head.
“Did you really ask for a Christmas tree?” Dan snapped.
She mumbled wordlessly, pulling the blanket tighter in a clear message for him to piss off until she was more awake.
“Hey.” She heard him walk over to her bed, and then his hand gripped her elbow through the duvet. “What’s the big idea?”
Giving up on sleeping through this, Dani groaned again and pulled the blanket back, shaking him off and giving a sleepy glare.
“We hate Christmas,” he insisted.
She huffed, rolling over to face him. “No, Danny hates Christmas. We just have his bad memories.”
She rolled her eyes. “ So, don’t you wanna be your own person? Try things for yourself instead of focusing on memories that may or may not actually be yours?” She yawned. “Isn’t starting fresh what we’re all trying to do here?”
He was standing beside her bed with his mouth wide open, hands loose at his sides. “But… with a Christmas tree?”
“Yes.” She sat up, stretching her arms above her head with another yawn. “All the two of you do is nitpick over little things, without actually doing anything good. You won’t get better if you don’t do good things, you moron.”
The way his jaw twitched was immensely satisfying. Serves him right for waking her up.
“I draw the line at a Christmas sweater,” he forced through gritted teeth.
“I’ll buy you the most sparkly one there is,” she retorted, flopping back into her pillows and closing her eyes. “Shut the door on your way out.”
He huffed and disappeared, leaving the door wide open so she’d have to get up and close it herself.
Dan perched on the bannister, legs morphed into a ghostly tail that looped and wrapped around the support spokes despite being in human form as he sipped his coffee and glared at the tree. It was in the grand foyer, since the ceiling here was tall enough for the tree to reach from the ground floor up to the second story.
A team of professionals were already hard at work. He didn’t know exactly what you had to be a professional in to decorate Christmas trees, but Vlad was a billionaire, so  it made sense that he’d be able to find all kinds of strange professionals that normal people would never even dream existed.
They weren’t exactly decorating the tree. Just… putting on the lights, which looked incredibly tedious and much more difficult than Dan remembered it being. Still, as with all of Vlad’s professionals they were paid more than enough to never disclose anything they might happen to see while in his mansion, so. He just sat there. Legs morphing into a misty, somewhat-incorporeal tail as he watched them from above.
“You’re a menace,” Vlad said from behind him.
Dan didn’t bother looking. He didn't want to give him the satisfaction. “That just makes two of us.”
“Must you terrorise my contractors?”
“Yeah. You never know when one of them’ll hide in that massive thing like it’s the Trojan horse and try to assassinate you for your unethical business practices when you get close.”
Vlad said nothing, and Dan entertained himself by imagining the incredulous frustration on the man’s face.
He waited for a long moment, and when he finally glanced back, Vlad was gone.
Excellent. If he was needed to keep the peace tonight, they’d all better leave him alone to get the brooding out of his system. And if it made the workers nervous, well… Dan smiled, wide enough that the ones on the ground floor would easily see his fangs. It’s what they got, for taking stupid jobs like this.
And if their nervousness made him feel even a teensy bit better, well… it’s not like he was hurting anyone.
The tiny knock on his office door was almost too quiet for him to hear. “Come in,” he said without looking away from the document that had been faxed through this morning. Because clearly, these investors needed to not only fax documents, but on Christmas Eve. If anyone was going senile, it was them.
Dani walked through the closed door, a lumpy mass of red and green in her hands. “Um… this is for you.”
He raised an eyebrow, putting the document to one side. It was late in the day anyway, and the investors could wait until after the break. Their poor timing did not constitute an emergency on his part. “What is it?”
She bit her lip, shyly holding it out. “I… I got us each one, though Dan’ll probably burn his as soon as he sees it.”
Vlad took the knitted lump, forcing himself to smile as he unfurled the ugliest christmas sweater he’d ever seen. “Why, Danielle, this is truly something.”
“It even lights up!” she exclaimed, some of the shyness melting away as she bounced forward on her toes and fumbled for the box sewn into the hem. “Look!”
Sure enough, the sweater lit up with tiny flashing lights interspersed along the branches of the garish knitted tree.
“Do you like it?” she asked, eyes wide with hope as she looked up into his face.
Vlad swallowed and forced his smile wider. “Absolutely,” he said, immediately pulling it on over his business shirt. “Thank you.”
She grinned, the freckles on her cheeks and the bridge of her nose lighting up into tiny constellations. “You look amazing! I can’t wait to give Dan his!”
Vlad sat back at his desk, opening the top drawer and sweeping the papers into it. “Even if he burns it?”
Her eyes sparkled, glinting as her smile turned sly. “If it stops him from burning the tree then won’t it be worth it?”
He smirked. “That’s true.”
“Glad you agree,” she chirped, heading back for the door. “I mean, I used your credit card to buy them all anyway, so yeah. Glad you think it’s worthwhile!”
Vlad froze as she slipped out of the office, glancing down at the sweater and hoping that she got it out of some bargain bin at the local mall. Though, judging from the softness of what felt far too high quality to be plain acrylic… It was a good thing he was a billionaire, but still, someone should probably talk to her about budgeting.
But still, the way she’d lit up like that had warmed his soul.
Damn it, the kids really were turning him into a pushover.
She found Dan lying on a couch in the parlour adjacent to the foyer, eyes closed and looking like he was asleep.
“You’re enjoying listening to them talk about you,” she accused.
“Whatever gave you that idea?” he drawled without opening his eyes. “It’s not my fault they started talking about me as soon as I left.”
“You’re a menace.” She threw the sweater at him. “Here. Wear this tonight. If you burn it before we get a group picture, I’ll replace all your snacks with toast.”
He squinted at her. “You wouldn’t.”
“Or would you rather I invite the Fentons over for Christmas dinner tomorrow?” she asked, as sweetly as she could. “I’m sure you’d love an evening with them all, right? Jack can tell us all about Santa, and -”
He sat up, pinching the sweater between his thumbs and forefingers as he lifted it to glare at the light-up knitted tree.
“It’ll look great on you!” she chirped, gesturing to the one she already wore.
He raised an eyebrow. “Do you feel better, then?”
“A little,” she admitted, flopping onto the couch that mirrored his over an opulent wooden coffee table. “It beats being miserable, right?”
“I’m always miserable,” he grumbled, lying back down with the sweater draped across his stomach.
“You’re really not though.” Dani turned her head, watching as he grimaced and closed his eyes. “Come on, you’re not.”
“Name one thing that makes me happy,” he said.
She smiled. “Oh, that’s easy, you idiot. Flying.”
His breath hitched, and then he snorted in a clear attempt to wipe away the smile that had touched the corners of his lips.
Spurred on by her success, Dani continued. “There’s also ice cream, coffee, lime and vinegar chips, Dumpty Humpty music, puppies when you think no one can see you…”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, turning away from her, but not before Dani saw his smile.
She laughed, pushing herself into the air and floating toward the ceiling, flipping herself so she was looking down on him. “We’ll decorate the tree at five.”
“You’d better be wearing the sweater,” she threatened, “or I’ll tell Jack you know how to find Santa.”
He glared at her with a flash of red. “You wouldn’t.”
Dani stuck out her tongue and phased through the ceiling, leaving him alone to wonder.
He traipsed into the grand foyer at five past five. They were there waiting for him, and Dan wondered if he’d be berated for his lateness, but Dani was too engrossed in flitting from one tiered display of brand new decorations to the next to care about his tardiness.
Vlad looked over at him and Dan gave him a withering glare, likely damepend by the fact that he was, indeed, wearing the same flashing sweater that they all were. “Don't you dare say anything,” he growled.
“Can we really use all of these?!” Dani shouted from across the room, hovering above a display of ornaments that glittered like crystal. Knowing Vlad, they probably were.
“Of course.” Vlad swanned over to her, gesturing for Dan to follow. “You tell us where to start.”
Dani hummed, looking between all of them with her finger to her lips before turning back to the probably-crystal ornaments. “Let’s go colour by colour,” she said. “Then it can be balanced.”
“Who cares what it looks like?” Dan huffed.
She scowled at him. “Stop being so sour. Can’t you at least try?”
He rolled his eyes. “It’s our tree, right? It just has to look how we want it to. It’s not like it’s for a competition.”
Dani sniffed and picked an ornament from the display. “Yeah, but a picture’ll be nice, and I can make a tiktok.”
“I’m not being in a tiktok,” he deadpanned.
“Not you, ” she huffed. “Just me. Going from the homeless girl barely trying to get by to the reclaimed daughter of a bachelor billionaire’s been wild for my channel, so I’m trying to do a mixture of chill ones for a while. The tree’ll be nice, and I’ll do cookies, and also maybe one at the fundraiser carols later.”
“What are you fundraising?” Vlad asked, choosing an ornament and following Dani as she moved to the tree.
“Homeless kids,” she said, hanging her ornament. “I tried to donate a hundred grand from us, and researched the best organisations, but apparently I’m not allowed to donate that much without your consent. So I figured I’d drum up interest online and at the fundraiser to get more people involved, and then announce your donation in front of everyone.”
“Sneaky,” Dan observed, crossing his arms over his chest and watching the two of them.
Vlad hung his ornament, expression pensive. “It really means that much to you?”
She shrugged, turning back to the display and examining it maybe a little too closely. “Homelessness is hell. Sure, there are a lot of other personal hells, but… not having a bed at the end of the day, or clean clothes, or enough food… Feeling like nobody cares and you could just die alone without anyone even noticing…” She wiped her eyes. “Yeah, I care about it a lot.”
Vlad stood by the tree, blinking with his mouth open.
Dan huffed when Dani sniffed. “So wouldn’t it be better if Vlad ended homelessness?”
She turned to him, eyes wide and wet. “What?”
Vlad started forwards as well. “It’s not that simple -”
“Then start small,” Dan snapped, grabbing the ornament closest to him. It was a crystal icicle, and he brandished it in a casual flourish that didn’t quite rule out a threat. “Amity Park’s a small city, but there are plenty of empty buildings. I’ve been thrown through enough to know. Pledge to clean it all up in the next year, and house the homeless. Kids and families first. Aren’t you on a self-improvement kick, Vladdie? ”
“But the social infrastructure -”
“Build it up, then.” He practically flounced over to the tree, not bothering to hide his glee at Vlad’s clear panic. “Kids needs social services if they don’t have guardians. People need health support, and money for necessities. Why don’t we fix the housing crisis and universal basic income? It’s worked overseas, after all, and you have more than enough to sponsor it for the first year. Pull some strings, see if you can’t get even more tax write-offs for it, and get the ball rolling.”
Vlad spluttered incoherently.
“You’d really do that?” Dani asked, and the sheer hope in her voice would have melted any glacier.
Vlad wilted. “I… Yes, Danielle. I’ll give it a try.”
Dani squealed, throwing herself at Vlad. He stiffened as she hugged him, hands fluttering as though uncertain of where to place them, but before he could decide she’d pulled away again, and launched herself straight at…
Dan froze as she hugged him, arms tight around his middle as she sobbed into the shoulder of his stupid ugly sweater.  “Thank you,” she wailed. “Thank you, thank you, thank you…”
He placed a hand in the small of her back, angling his chin so that her head tucked beneath it, and smirked over at Vlad. “Like I said, we’re all on a self-improvement kick. It’s about time we actually did something good.”
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dying-acc-idk-man · 2 years
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“something something like 3rd life desert duo” you clearly have not seen s6 and s7 /lh
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noodleblade · 24 days
how do you feel about g1 soundstar and do you have any fic ideas for them?
(sorry for the week long delay haha)
I think they are interesting! But I admit, any interest I have for them is just an off-shoot of my love for them in tfp and their dynamic there. I don't know if I have any g1 specific fics in mind for them, mostly just tfp/continuity soup ideas....
I think a funny g1 idea for them would be them already together and having to break the news to Rumble/Frenzy and Skywarp. The comedic potential there....is enough for me to put that in my "maybe one day" list.
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lesbiradshaw · 1 year
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- for you.
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luisleyyaoi · 2 years
Batdr au where sammy and henry are cellmates and they fucking hate each other
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riddleredcoats · 1 year
tell me about celene and mythal. please.
I- well, I assume this is about that fantastic Morrigan post that @ammoniteflesh did that I butted in with my ceaseless love about Orlais? I can do that. Settle in, it's a long boi.
Spoilers for The Masked Empire, if you haven't read it (and you should) then this probably won't make much sense. And spoilers for pretty much everything else in DA, tbh.
More under the cut.
The Andraste parallels.
Basically, just copy-paste everything that links Mythal and Andraste in this section. This is a great post/example, though I don't think they are the same, rather just the same story repeating. But TLDR: Betrayal, Heartache, Justice, etc etc etc. I think this is a popular theory I am not going to go much deeper into it.
Celene is compared to Andraste multiple times throughout The Masked Empire. In the play (End-ish of Chapter 5), by Briala (early-ish Chapter 5), and the whole Empress of Fire (both song and the Burning of Halamshiral) debacle. Not only that, but Celene has some genuine thoughts, intentions, and actions about reforming Orlais that are close to what Andraste was doing; they are both trying to reform an imperialist power, granted in different ways (of course) but the parallels aren't meant to be exact.
Fun add-on: Hilarious that Celene basically destroys herself/her image by (in the Fandom, at least, while in Universe is intact for the most part) setting a fire. Because being set on fire was what finally elevated Andraste. It’s still a point for the parallel, just a contrasting parallel rather than a direct one.
Fun add-on, #2: Andraste is described as being a redhead, even in DAI by Cass I think, but is depicted as a white blonde (like Celene in The Masked Empire’s cover or Flemythal's white hair) in multiple paintings throughout Dragon Age. I don’t know what this means, but it’s a fun detail, nonetheless. 
Justice! (But not really)
Both Celene and Mythal are arbiters of Justice, technically.
Celene as empress doles out justice as she wishes (more or less, see Halamshiral), but more specifically she wants to create a more just society for all Orlesians. Yes, of course, there is still that delightful imperialism there, but it just do be like that sometimes. Mythal is described several times as someone who doles out justice, throughout the games by Codex and Solas. She passes judgement, solves conflicts and was ‘the good one’.
Like the story of Elgar’nan and Falon’Din, where she solved it by each having champions and stopping the start of a devastating war. Sorta like Celene solved the Gaspard/Teagan conflict at the beginning of The Masked Empire (end of Chapter 1).
They can both be fair and reasonable but are also known for taking more harsh paths (i.e.; the slums of Halamshiral and the sinner who took divine form and went to Elgar’nan). They both promised to help the elves, yet they both seem to have ditched that idea; Mythal has done arguably very little for centuries, and Celene, while helping, without Briala is less than radical about it.
The Vengeance thing is here too. Celene is, after all, no saint and actively cannot forgive Gaspard for anything he does. Ever. And is definitely on a ‘war path’ by the end of TME. Mythal, similarly seems to be on a warpath forever for ‘a reckoning that will shake the very heavens’, whatever the hell that means. Also, everything Flemythal says in Origins just screams bitterness and vengeance.
Both of these women have been betrayed by those closest to them.
Celene by her court, her champion (The Masked Empire), her nobles (The Masked Empire and Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts), and both of her cousins (Gaspard and Florianne). Also, arguably, Mantillon betrayed her by ‘manipulating’ her into killing her own servants, but that is a whole 'nother bag to untangle. Oh, and Briala of course, by using Celene’s feelings for her and stealing the ruby during a kiss at the end of The Masked Empire.
FleMythal by her daughter (Morrigan), her husband (Elgar’nan, though if you want to include Flemeth’s here it is also applicable, I guess), her sons (if that’s what Dirthamen and Falon’Din really were?), her fellow ‘Gods’. Oh, and Fen’Harel at the end of DAI, too.
Funny is that both Celene and Mythal when it comes to Briala and Solas’ betrayals are fine with it. Celene completely understands Briala by the end of The Masked Empire, as does Mythal at the end of DAI. And they are both betrayed by Solas and Briala in front of Eluvians Which… yeah.
Another parallel; both Briala and Solas say they must do it for ‘The People’, aka, the elves.
The Rebels
Solas and Briala parallel a lot on their own, but their relationships with Mythal and Celene are fascinating too, as is seeing how Solas/Briala view Mythal/Celene.
Obviously, both of these pairs parallel Shartan/Andraste. Actual mention of this is in the play in The Masked Empire for Celene/Briala (Chapter 5 of TME).
Each pair is obviously fond of one another, likely in different ways - but perhaps not.
Interestingly enough if Solas really was in service to Mythal first (like Cole seems to imply in Trespasser) before he rose to ‘Godhood’ then, like Celene/Briala, the relationship likely started privately and then grew into the public like once Briala became Marquise and Solas became Fen’Harel.
If we take what Cole said, ‘He did not want a body. But she asked him to come. He left a scar when he burned her off his face’, as it really being about Solas/Mythal then we have another interesting parallel between Briala/Solas and Celene/Mythal.
Celene, arguably, makes Briala into what she is by sending her away after having her parents killed. Felassan helped and, of course, Briala herself is the way she is because she is herself, but Celene is the catalyst for her more abrupt change. Briala does not get a scar when she separates herself from Celene; at least not a physical one. Mythal makes Solas into what he is by asking him to come to her.
Interestingly, it is a contrasting parallel – because Celene lets Briala go while Mythal beacons Solas into her service. Which is super interesting, but that is more about the relationship between Briala/Celene than anything else.
The way both Solas/Briala describe Mythal/Celene in-game;
Briala, if you ask about Celene during the peace, but before you go to the servants' quarters, says: ‘Celene is the voice of reason in the empire…’
Solas, in that final Trespasser cutscene: ‘She [Mythal] was a voice of reason, the best of them, and in their lust for power they killed her.”
Granted, Solas is fonder while Briala is a bit harsher in her assessment, but Solas did ‘kill’ Mythal, and whatever wounds Mythal may have caused (which we will get there) have long passed while Celene and Briala’s breakup is more recent. This means very little but i suspect that much like Celene, Mythal also betrayed Solas twice. Once in the times of Arlathan - like Celene killing Briala's parents. And another in recent times - with the burning of Halamshiral. We don't know about it yet, but that's my bet.
Both Mythal (or Flemythal) and Celene have a protective relationship with Morrigan.
Celene is more of a patron and offers financial support and protection. And the protection seems to be mutual (or supposed to be, if Morrigan didn’t bail in WEWH, lmao). Mythal/Flemythal is well, her mother, who is supposed to protect her but who is trying to possess her.
Both of these relationships seem to range from a little contentious (Celene/Morrigan, if you believe the rumours of a palace servant) to very contentious (Flemythal/Morrigan).
Celene seems to not be as intense as Mythal. Morrigan speaks well of her, and Celene does not try to control her like Mythal did, Celene even ‘lets’ her go out into the world – something baby!Morrigan wanted – with her blessing and her protection. I legit find the relationship between them interesting, despite the arguments that apparently took place, lmao. (I also sorta lowkey ship it, but that’s another conversation).
To give the benefit of the doubt; we don’t know how much Mythal was ‘in charge’ of Flemeth (or if they can even act separately) so Morrigan’s abuse might not be Mythal’s fault. But there is no denying that she was abused and that whatever aspect of Mythal, The Mother there was, it absolutely did not act in Morrigan’s favour.
But that is yet another that has nothing to do with Celene/Mythal and all to do with Morrigan.
Symbols matter (or not)
Mythal fought with the Evanuris and the Valmonts fought the Drakons. A bit more *tinfoil* and a lot more thin, but if the Dragon is the divine form like we suspect from Codex Entry in the Temple of Mythal, then the Valmonts having gone to war with the Drakon line could be another interesting parallel. After all, the Drakons are represented by dragons. There is also, technically, the 'full' title of the quest where Celene appears in:
The Old Gods will call to you, From their Ancient Prisons they will sing. Dragons with wicked eyes and wicked hearts, On blacken'd wings does deceit take flight, The First of My children, lost to night. - Canticle of Silence 3:6
Finally, and this is really silly and not really a parallel and most likely it’s just a fun coincidence, but the name Celene, which comes from the root word ‘Selene’, means ‘Moon’, which, of course, Mythal is the Goddess of.
Unimportant sidenote: I am pettily annoyed that most characters pronounce it ce-LI-ne when it should be ce-LE-ne. Because Celine is a legit different name and Celine-Celene have different meanings and root words, but okay I’ll allow it because I do like the pronunciation ‘Celine’ better, lmao.
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orphilos · 2 months
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Now that I have managed to properly put into my own thoughts and feelings on reload and these new canon materials. My post does contain spoilers for some of the materials, so be warned if you are actively playing through reload.
The hangout events with male party members will be acknowledge, since they don't conflict with other past materials thankfully.
(an update to an old Headcanon) In the topic of Ryoji's social link and the whole confession that he give to Minato. I am still keeping it, in one of my oldest headcanon, I had said that Minato would realize he's bi/pan after spending time with Ryoji but never confess his feelings to him (alongside his romantic feeling for aigis). I am still keeping that, even when Ryoji confesses his feelings to him. He does go from being shock at first, but as anyone who has played / watched. The two get interrupted by Fuuka, so he didn't get to give Ryoji a proper answer and unfortunately he never goes through with giving Ryoji an answer, due to the news of who Ryoji is and what will be happening within a month.
Minato never bump into Takaya, I was really disappointed with how reload handled it. I felt that It didn't add much into the grand schema of things. I thought that maybe it'll be almost to the same level as adachi's social link, so I was disappointed when that wasn't the case. I simply don't think it's worth it for my character's portrayal.
The new OST reload has, will be acknowledge too, alongside the original OST. The only difference, is that he may prefer one version of a song over another but overall he may be seen talking about them or listen to them.
With the topic of the new gear S.E.E.S receive. I debated over it whether or not I will accept them into my portrayal, I don't dislike them anymore, as I had gotten used to them when I playing the game. However, after thinking over it more, they didn't bring much to the table in term of lore. ( It was clear, they were there to give a new gameplay like P5R had going with the show time. ) Cause of it, I'm not going to accept it into my canon.
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lawrencegarte · 1 year
that "satire requires clarity of purpose lest it be mistaken as genuine" post but it's about e/delgard being an empirical dictator that kills everyone
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bleedingectoplasm · 1 year
I absolutely think that Sam is envious of Star and Paulina’s friendship, especially because she has no close female friends in canon.
I imagine that, sometimes, Sam spends her lunch hour studying the interactions between Paulina and Star. She props her elbow up on the table, places her chin in her hand, and observes. She watches Paulina and Star giggle together after looking at something on Star’s phone, watches Paulina smooth out the collar of Star’s shirt, watches Star take Paulina’s fingers in her hand to study her new manicure.
Whenever Sam watches them, she gets this funny little ache in her chest. It opens up like a cavern inside of her, and it comes with an overwhelming feeling of loss. It’s confusing. If she didn’t know any better, she would say that the black hole inside of her is jealousy. But that can’t be right. She doesn’t want to be Star, and she certainly doesn’t want to be Paulina. She can hardly tolerate either one of them.
Despite her best attempts to logic the emptiness away, the jealousy persists. She can’t help but wonder what it would be like to a friendship like they do. She wonders why no other girls want to hang out with her. She wonders if she drove them away. Or, even worse, she wonders if they all stay away because they know that something is wrong with her, something that she can’t see for herself.
She loves Tucker and Danny to the ends of the Earth, but they screw up their faces in disgust when she asks if they want to go to the mall, and barely mask their boredom when she talks about her crushes, and make fake gagging sounds when Sam talks about being on her period. They’re good friends, of course, but it’s just...different. The guys and Sam definitely don’t share mascara or swap romance novels or braid each other’s hair like Paulina and Star do.
Sam tells herself that she doesn’t want to be friends with other girls, that she likes being one of the guys, that other girls aren’t with her time. But the quietest part of herself, the part of her that loves the feeling of a dress swishing against her knees and the sticky feeling of lip gloss, knows that she’s lying.
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spookyvalentine · 1 year
these pics from kasumis loyalty mission have FLATTENED me I’m sorry I can’t shut up
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and the cherry on top!
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arnold-layne · 1 year
anybody got any advice on how to wage war against your roommate without direct confrontation
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enderspawn · 2 years
also this pd episode made me remember this one art idea I had and want to do but also……… art <full of disdain
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scarybong · 2 years
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It’s taken over 400 years but I’ve finally become emperor
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