#breast cancer detection
gwmac · 1 year
Tech Pioneers: The Unseen Revolution of Emerging Technologies in Developing Countries
Introduction: Emerging Technologies in Developing Countries “Technology,” Bill Gates once said, “is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.” While Gates’ perspective centers on education, the sentiment holds true across multiple domains. Nowhere is this more evident than in developing countries, where technology – a tool –…
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The Role of Diagnostic Radiology in Breast Cancer Diagnosis
Diagnostic radiology plays a vital role in the diagnosis of breast cancer. This field of medicine uses various imaging techniques to visualize the internal structures of the body, including the breast tissue. Radiology is an important tool for detecting breast cancer at an early stage, which can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and survival.
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The most common imaging modalities used in breast cancer diagnostic include mammography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Mammography is the most widely used and recommended screening tool for breast cancer. It uses low-dose X-rays to produce detailed images of the breast tissue, which can help detect abnormalities such as lumps or calcifications.
Ultrasound is often used as a follow-up imaging tool when a mammogram shows an abnormality. It uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of breast tissue, which can help distinguish between solid and fluid-filled masses.
MRI is a more sensitive imaging tool that can be used to evaluate the extent of cancer within the breast tissue. It uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the breast tissue, which can help detect cancer at an early stage.
In addition to these imaging modalities, diagnostic radiology also plays a key role in breast cancer biopsy procedures. Image-guided needle biopsies use ultrasound or mammography to precisely target the area of concern and remove a tissue sample for analysis. Diagnostic radiology is an essential component of breast cancer diagnostic. Imaging techniques can help detect breast cancer at an early stage, while image-guided biopsies can help confirm the diagnosis and guide treatment decisions. Women should discuss their breast cancer screening options with their doctors and schedule regular screening appointments based on their individual risk factors.
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pinkcore-png · 4 months
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larimar · 15 days
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diavolaangelica · 1 year
October is breast cancer awareness month. Understand, women are not the only ones to get breast cancer. Men, if you feel a strange lump in your breast tissue see your doctor as soon as possible. Early detection is your best chance at beating breast cancer. Notice the skin for any changes like rashes that won't go away, discoloration with orange peel looking appearance, indentations, leaking from nipples, or nipples appear like they are starting to invert. For breast examination: 1) In the Shower With the pads/flats of your 3 middle fingers, check the entire breast and armpit area, pressing down with light, medium, and firm pressure. Check both breasts each month, feeling for any new lumps, thickenings, hardened knots, or any other breast changes.
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health-life-news · 2 years
PET scans have become a commonly used diagnostic tool for detecting breast cancer. But how accurate are they? 
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bunathebunny · 2 years
had a scare recently but i think we should normalize touching our breasts
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drchmohanavamsy · 5 days
Breast Cancer in Young Women: Battling the Disease Early
Breast cancer affects women of all ages. Early detection and awareness of its complications are key to successful treatment and improved outcomes.
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pathologylab · 11 days
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townpostin · 2 months
Breast Cancer Awareness Sessions Sweep Tata Steel Mining Areas
Over 500 attend informative meetings in Joda and Noamundi Tata Steel’s mining division and Tata Trusts collaborate to educate employees and community members about breast cancer prevention and early detection in Jharkhand and Odisha. JAMSHEDPUR – Tata Steel’s Ore, Mines & Quarries Division partners with Tata Trusts to conduct breast cancer awareness sessions in Noamundi and Joda. The awareness…
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jcmarchi · 3 months
AI enhances breast cancer screening efficiency
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-enhances-breast-cancer-screening-efficiency/
AI enhances breast cancer screening efficiency
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A recent study featured in the journal Radiology presents a compelling view on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing breast cancer screening.
The study, conducted by researchers from the University of Copenhagen alongside the Capital Region of Denmark’s program, illustrates a notable increase in the detection rates of breast cancer cases coupled with a reduced workload for radiologists.
AI boosts detection and reduces false positives
The research focused on implementing AI in breast cancer screening over nearly three years. It revealed that combining AI and expert breast radiologists significantly improves breast cancer detection rates while simultaneously reducing false positives. This advancement represents a major step forward in medical diagnostics and patient care.
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Enhanced screening for Danish women
Denmark offers biennial breast cancer screening for women aged 50 to 69, with continued mammogram services available to those who have undergone breast cancer surgery up until the age of 79.
With the integration of AI, the annual examination of tens of thousands of X-rays has become more efficient. Before AI, radiologists detected 70 cases of breast cancer per 10,000 screenings. With AI, this number has increased to 82 detections per 10,000 screenings, marking an improvement of 12 additional cases detected per 10,000 screenings.
AI finds more small tumors
The study compared two groups of women aged 50 to 69 in Denmark’s Capital Region who underwent mammography screenings. The group screened with the assistance of AI showed not only an increased detection of breast cancer cases but also a higher percentage of small invasive tumors measuring 1 cm or less.
The rate of small tumors detected with AI assistance rose to 44.93%, up from 36.60% before the introduction of AI, highlighting the technology’s ability to enhance early detection and subsequent care.
Reduction in radiologists’ workload
The adoption of AI has led to a significant decrease in workload for radiologists in the Capital Region of Denmark, with a 33.4% reduction reported. Traditionally, radiologists would double-read thousands of X-rays, most of which would turn out normal. With AI’s assistance, the process has become more focused, allowing radiologists to concentrate on screenings that the AI system flags as suspicious.
Despite AI support, the final decision in breast cancer screenings remains in the hands of skilled breast radiologists. In cases where two radiologists disagree, a consensus meeting is held, or a third, more experienced radiologist is consulted to reach a decision. This ensures that the final diagnosis is accurate and reflects expert medical opinion.
The findings from this study demonstrate AI’s effectiveness in medical imaging and suggest a scalable model for other regions and medical conditions where screening plays a crucial role in early detection and treatment.
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euronoxxmedicalgroup · 5 months
Early Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer and Best Koning Vera Breast CT Diagnostic Intervals
Breast cancer is a major concern for many women, and early detection is crucial for successful treatment. While a breast lump is the most commonly known early Signs and other various symptoms should not be ignored. 
A research study titled "Symptoms of Breast Cancer and Their Associations with Diagnostic Intervals: Evidence from a National Audit of Cancer Diagnosis" sheds light on the importance of recognising these symptoms and the potential impact on diagnosis intervals.
The study highlights that although a breast lump is the most common symptom among women with breast cancer, around 1 in 6 women had symptoms other than a lump. This finding suggests that women need to be aware of a broader range of breast cancer symptoms. The study also indicates that, on average, women experienced longer intervals between experiencing such symptoms and seeking medical help than intervals between primary care consultations and diagnosis.
According to the study, of women with "non-lump" or "both lump and non-lump" symptoms 31.4% of respondents delay seeking medical help. This delay may be attributed to various factors, such as the misattribution of symptoms to non-malignant causes like hormonal changes, trauma, or breastfeeding. It is crucial to address these misconceptions and increase awareness of non-lump breast symptoms.
Some of the symptoms associated with breast cancer!
In addition to a new lump in the breast or armpit, include breast skin texture changes, such as a rash, redness, or dimpling. 
Swelling in the armpit or near the collarbone may also be a sign that breast cancer has spread to lymph nodes. 
Pain and tenderness, although lumps don't usually cause discomfort, and a flat or indented area on the breast may also indicate breast cancer.
Other symptoms to be aware of include changes in the breast's size, shape, or temperature. 
Changes in the nipple, such as Inverted Nipples or pull hard, Breast dimpling, burning, itching, or the development of sores, should also be taken seriously.
 Unusual nipple discharge can also be a symptom, whether clear, bloody, or colour changes. 
Additionally, epidermoid cysts (or epidermal inclusion cysts) a marble-like area under your skin, which feel different from any other part of the breast, can be a sign of breast cancer.
It is important to note that breast cancer symptoms can vary from person to person, and some women may not notice any signs at all. Regular self-examinations and being aware of these symptoms can greatly help in the early detection of breast cancer.
Improving both the treatment outcomes and overall experience for breast cancer patients!
Cancer is a global health concern, and its incidence and mortality rates are rapidly increasing, especially in emerging economies. 
Breast cancer, in particular, is a prevalent and deadly form of cancer among women worldwide. According to a report from 2018, breast cancer accounted for 25% of all female cancer cases globally, with 2.1 million cases diagnosed [1]. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among females in over 150 countries and the leading cause of mortality among all female cancers in 100 countries.
For surprising breast cancer incidence rates, the recent GLOBOCAN 2018 report reveals some interesting findings. 
Age-specific breast cancer incidence rates per 100 thousand females were particularly high in Australia (94.2), Western Europe (92.6), and Northern Europe (90.1) [1]. 
On the other hand, South-Central Asia recorded the lowest incidence rate at 25.9. However, it is important to note that the mortality rate in South Asian countries is similar, if not higher, compared to other regions, highlighting the need for early detection of cancer and access to quality healthcare in developing nations.
Early Signs and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Recognising the early signs and symptoms of breast cancer is crucial for early detection and improved treatment outcomes. However, many women may not exhibit any symptoms at first, underlining the importance of regular screenings such as mammograms, especially for women over the age of 40 or those with a family history of breast cancer.
Breast lumps
One of the most common early signs of breast cancer is a breast lump. It is important to note that not all breast lumps indicate cancer. Cysts, fibroadenomas, fibrocystic breasts, breast infections, clogged milk glands, and even injuries that form scar tissue can all cause lumps in the breast [2]. 
However, if a lump has irregular edges or is hard, it may be more likely to be cancerous. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the underlying cause of any breast lumps.
 Ductal Carcinoma Symptoms
Ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer, accounting for approximately 1 in 5 new breast cancer cases [2]. 
In the early stages of ductal carcinoma, known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), there are often no symptoms. Over 90% of DCIS cases are detected through imaging tests such as mammograms. 
A breast lump
Galactorrhea or Milk discharge from your nipple
Itchy breasts
However, in some cases, individuals may experience symptoms such as a lump, nipple discharge, or itching in the breast area. It is important to note that ductal carcinoma can also progress to become invasive, spreading beyond the milk ducts and potentially causing more severe symptoms.
Revolutionising Breast Cancer Early Detection with Koning Vera Breast CT!
The Koning Vera Breast CT (KBCT) medical imaging, innovative technology continues to reshape the landscape of healthcare, improving both patient experience and diagnostic capabilities. 
The Koning Vera Breast CT (KBCT) is a prime example of cutting-edge 3D imaging that is transforming the early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. 
This state-of-the-art system provides crystal clear 3D images of the breast without the discomfort of compression, low doses of radiation effects, and rotates around the breast, offering a more patient-friendly experience while significantly enhancing the accuracy of tumour detection, especially in women with dense breast tissue.
A New Era for Breast Imaging for Early Diagnosis!
Community Radiology NY, renowned for its commitment to leveraging advanced technology to provide the best care for its patients, has highly acknowledged Koning Vera Breast CT with open arms. 
Charles Piccinnini, the Executive Administrative Director of Community Radiology, emphasises the impact of this Koning Breast CT technology on breast cancer early detection, stating, "The addition of the Koning Vera Breast CT to our diagnostic instrument allows us to provide our patients with the latest in medical imaging. This addition in healthcare driven new fold of breast cancer hope, we can detect and diagnose breast cancer more conveniently and devote treatment protocols for better breast cancer recovery." 
The integration of this technology is aimed at empowering patients to access mammography without apprehension and marks a major leap in breast imaging capabilities.
Euronoxx Medical shares in this vision, expressing confidence that the Koning Vera Breast CT will revolutionise the visualisation and evaluation for mapping breast tissue types. With a focus on optimising early cancer lesion detection, diagnosis, intervention, and treatment.
The potential impact of this advanced imaging technology extends beyond borders. The hope is for improved survival rates and outcomes for millions of patients across the United Kingdom, the United States, UAE, Africa, Asia, and the Caribbean. 
In addition, the adaptability and cost-effectiveness of the Koning Vera Breast CT diagnostic hospital Instrument is a viable alternative for traditional imaging applications.
Significance of Early Detection Of Cancer and Diagnosis!
The significance of early detection of cancer cannot be overstated, as it has a direct impact on the prognosis of breast cancer patients. 
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Traditional mammogram diagnostic instruments, have limitations, missing a substantial percentage of cancers, especially in women with dense breast tissue. 
The introduction of the Koning Vera Breast CT presents a transformative solution, equipping physicians with value-based care with the ability to detect cancers as early as stage 0 and stage 1, identifying cancer lesions <2mm and calcifications as small as 200 microns. 
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These capabilities hold the potential to significantly improve five-year survival rates for individuals diagnosed with breast cancer in its early stages.
Joining Forces for Improved Patient Care!
The collaboration with Euronoxx Medical, and healthcare providers worldwide heralds a new chapter in breast cancer Signs and symptoms detection and diagnosis. 
We are dedicated to connecting with UK hospitals, UK medical institutes, and USA healthcare systems to deliver this state-of-the-art Koning Vera Breast CT Patient Monitoring Diagnostic Instruments, set to promote the global standard breast cancer patient care. 
This collective effort signifies a shared commitment to leveraging innovation in Patient Monitoring Diagnostic facilities to make proactive initiatives toward the Early detection of breast cancer and positively impact individuals facing the challenges of breast cancer.
The Koning Vera Breast CT represents a pivotal advancement in breast imaging, offering a compassionate and accurate approach to early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer. 
With its potential to drive revolutions in healthcare standards, this Patient Monitoring Diagnostic Technology stands as a sign of the possibility of getting the outcomes from difficulty for improved patient experiences in the fight against breast cancer.
While a breast lump is commonly associated with breast cancer, it is crucial to recognize other symptoms that could indicate the presence of this disease. The research study highlights the need to raise awareness about non-lump breast symptoms and encourages women to seek medical help promptly if they experience any concerning changes in their breasts. Early detection is key to improving both the treatment outcomes and overall experience for breast cancer patients.
1..GLOBOCAN 2018: Global Cancer Observatory, International Agency for Research on Cancer.
2..Breast Cancer: Symptoms and Signs
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melanieseahsg · 5 months
Singapore's Breast Cancer Screening Program: An Essential First Step in Early Detection and Prevention
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kauveryblogs · 6 months
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vaidyaslaboratory · 8 months
Advanced Breast Cancer Screening with Thermalytix in Thane
Revolutionizing Breast Cancer Screening in Thane: Introducing NIRAMAI's Thermalytix at Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory
In our commitment to providing the most advanced healthcare solutions, Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory is proud to introduce Thermalytix by NIRAMAI, a groundbreaking innovation in breast cancer screening. This state-of-the-art technology, leveraging Artificial Intelligence and thermal imaging, is a game-changer, especially for women in Thane seeking "nearby breast screening" and "nearby breast cancer screening."
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Why Choose Thermalytix for Breast Cancer Screening?
Non-Invasive and Safe: Thermalytix offers a contactless, radiation-free screening process, making it a safe choice for the "nearby breast cancer screening centre" in Thane. It's particularly suitable for women of all ages, including those with dense breasts or at higher risk of breast cancer.
Enhanced Accuracy with AI: By harnessing the power of AI, Thermalytix interprets thermal images with exceptional precision, increasing the likelihood of early detection, a crucial factor in successful treatment outcomes. This makes it an ideal choice for "breast cancer screening in Thane."
Comfortable and Accessible: The screening process is quick, comfortable, and accessible, addressing the common discomfort associated with traditional mammograms. This ease of access is vital for encouraging regular check-ups, a key factor in early detection.
Global Acceptance and Validation: Thermalytix's widespread adoption and validation across continents underscore its reliability and effectiveness, making Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory a preferred nearby cancer screening centre in Thane.
Embrace peace of mind with the most advanced breast cancer screening technology at Dr. Vaidya’s Laboratory. Our adoption of Thermalytix is a testament to our dedication to providing the best in healthcare, right here in Thane. For those searching for "nearby breast screening in Thane" or "breast cancer screening in Thane," look no further than Dr. Vaidya's Laboratory, where innovation meets care.
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
Empowering Women: The Importance Of Regular Self Breast Examinations
Breast health is an issue that should never be overlooked by any woman. The statistics are sobering – breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women globally. However, there exists a powerful tool that every woman can wield to enhance early detection and improve survival rates: regular self breast examinations. In this article, we will delve into the pivotal role self breast examinations play in empowering women to take charge of their health and potentially save lives.
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