#brennan sorrengail imagines
marvelsmylife · 4 months
What could’ve been
Pairing: Brennan Sorrengail x reader
Prompt: “Being around you physically hurts”
a/n Here's a little angsty story for you. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part two. Also, I am accepting fourth wing requests.
warning: angst angst ANGST ! ! ! ! !
Fourth Wing Masterlist
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Having a crush on your best friend’s older brother is normal, right? That is what you told yourself growing up. You’ve been best friends with Mira since you were children, and you’ve had the world’s biggest crush on Brennan for just as long. She knew about your crush on her older brother and would switch between teasing you about it and being grossed out at the thought of her best friend and brother dating.
Your world came crashing down when you got the news that Brennan was killed during the battle with the rebellion. You spent years mourning his death and found yourself regretting not telling him about your feelings towards him. You often found yourself wishing you could see him one last time so you could at least confess your feelings.
So seeing him alive after assuming he was dead for six would bring you joy right? Nope. Not in the slightest. “Y/n, it’s good to see you again,” Brennan said your name with such ease it caused you to feel physically sick.
He could tell as well and started approaching you. “Don’t,” you held up your hand to stop him, “I-” but you left running before finishing your sentence.
Against his better judgment, Brennan followed after you. A part of him thought you would be happy to see him after so long. Then again, he also had to remind himself that you might be mad at him for lying about being dead for six years.
After a few minutes, Brennan finally found you sitting in an empty hallway. “Y/n,” Brennan called out and caused you to tense, “I know this is a lot to process, but please let me explain.”
Brennan took you into his office, where he proceeded to explain to you how he was still alive and why he didn’t return home after he healed. While you were still furious about him not informing you or his family that he was still alive, you understood.
By the end, you were still a crying mess, but you weren’t as angry with him as before. “I’m sorry, but missed you,” you cried into his chest.
“It’s ok,” Brennan reassured you before pulling you back and wiping away your tears. That’s when he decided to lean in and kiss you. His fingers disappeared into your hair and deepened the kiss. 
You allowed yourself to enjoy the kiss you so desperately wanted growing up until you came to your senses and pulled away. “Why did you do that?” You whispered.
“Do what?” Brennan asked in a confused tone, his eyes looked at you concerned. He was going to lean in and kiss you again, but you moved your head to prevent him from trying again. 
You felt like you were going to throw up while you processed everything that happened within such a small timeframe. Looking into his eyes, you could see he was concerned, “Why did you kiss me? Why now?”
Brennan remained silent for several minutes while he thought of a response, “I don’t know. I just thought that since you had a crush on me growing up-“
“Wait, you knew?” You looked at him stunned.
Brennan remained silent, realizing he fuck up. “Yes, I knew,” Brennan answered, “You weren’t subtle with your crush.”
Brennan thought that would bring a smile to your face, but all it did was make you more upset. “If you knew then, why didn’t you say anything? Why did you make me suffer by wondering if you liked me or not?”
“I was too old for you,” Brennan replied, even though he knew that was a lie. You and Mira were the same age, and Brennan was only three years older than her, “Plus, you’re Mira’s best friend. I couldn’t date her best friend.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Brennan’s explanation, which caused Brennan to wince, “Yet you’re ok with kissing me now? Gods, I have to get out of here.”
“Don’t go,” Brennan begged as he tried to reach for you, but you just shook him off, “Please don’t go. I need you here. I need to know you’re safe.”
“I can’t. Being around you physically hurts right now. Of course, I'm not leaving Aretia, but I can’t be around you right now. Please don’t approach me until I’m ready.”
All Brennan could do was nod as he watched you leave his office. As soon as the door shut, he started shaking uncontrollably. Brennan didn’t even realize he was shaking until he felt Violet’s hands on top of his. He wanted to ask her how she managed to enter his office without him noticing, but all that came out was: “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me for not telling her that I knew she had a crush on me growing up?”
“I don’t know,” Violet answered honestly, “She really loved Bren. She kept telling us she regretted not telling you how she felt about you. It took her three years to recover, and even then, I feel like a part of her died with you that day.”
Brennan knew he needed to give you space to process everything that was going on. He hated himself for not confessing that he knew about your crush on him. What he hated the most was that he couldn’t tell you that he loved you as well because you would assume he was saying it out of pity. The only thing Brennan could do now was wait for you to come around.
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scorpioriesling · 4 months
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I (Almost) Don't Believe You
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Pairing(s): Brennan x reader
Warnings: mutual pining, tiny mention of injury
Summary: It was already bad enough to find out your father and brother invaded your best friend's privacy; but sending you on a mission where it nearly killed her? Unbelieveable. What else is unbelieveable? The boy you'd fallen for so long ago would only be waiting for you on the other side...
SR’s Note: Um okay, as I am progressing through Iron Flame rn... like, Brennan is... ooh okay I am liking him quite a bit. He's helping ease the pain of loosing Liam (': Jokes, jokes... I don't think I'll ever get over that reality. Enjoy, lovelies.
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The hours you'd been counting seemed to blur together as exhaustion weighed heavily on your shoulders. Was it exhaustion? Maybe it was just guilt. After everything you'd seen and gone through today, differentiating the two was... well, near impossible.
Your dragon has been all but silent, giving you time as thoughts race through your mind. Would your best friend wake up? If she didn't, the male sitting to your left would be all but gone too. A male you've come around to, especially seeing the way your closest friend reacts in his presence.
Gods, you wished for something like that.
Violet stirrs, her brow furrowing and shoulders moving on the cot where she lay. Both you and Xaden lean forward instinctively at the same time, and he huffs a small laugh as he glances sidelong at you. The two of you haven't spoken much since the arrival, and you're sure his mind is racing just as yours is.
"Vi... I hope you wake soon, you have people who've been waiting forever to see you," Xaden whispers. Your heart warms at his words -- long gone is the fearsome Wingleader you'd met only a year ago, and his familiar warmth is graciously returned in Violet's presence. She rolls to her side, eyes squeezing closed as she lets out a wide yawn. Xaden is on his feet in an instant -- you're quick to follow, flanking to her bedside.
"Violet?" You whisper. Xaden extends his hand, brushing hair from her face as she slowly blinks her eyes open. You can practically count the emotions swirling in her green eyes -- the one she registers and lands on quickly though, is confusion.
"Xaden... Y/N..." She pushes to a sitting position, Xaden clutching her shoulders and helping her readjust. She rubs her eyes with the back of her hand, and looks around the room in confusion.
"Where... what is this?" She asks. Xaden sighs, hanging his head low. Her eyes meet yours in silent question, and you shrug. "Hey, I could ask the same thing. The more important thing right now is that you're awake..." You say.
"Awake and healing quickly," Xaden adds. His fingers have threaded through hers, and her confusion quickly turns to anger.
"Don't... don't think I've forgotten-" She yanks up the side of her shirt, revealing a dull purple bruise on her side. Angry black veins thread from the injury, and her gaze flicks back to Xaden.
"I haven't forgotten." Is all she says, and you feel sorry for Xaden. Sure; you're grateful your spitfire of a best friend is alive and well, but her gaze could cut right through him.
"I know." Is all he says, so hushed that you barely hear it. You nod once, and begin backing away from the bed.
"I'll... leave you guys for a while." You say. Xaden nods, and Violet shoots you a pleading glance. You can see her asking you not to leave her alone with him, but you know they have a lot to talk about.
You decide instead to head down the hallway outside the door, finding a kitchen shortly along your way. If you were going to give your friends space, you might as well do something productive. A million thoughts raced through your mind; where were you? Where were the others? How far from Basgiath were you? Not to mention the millions of thoughts plaguing your brain about your father, your brother; knowing what they were sending not only this section, but their own family into...
You shake your head. Productive. Rifling through the foreign cabinets, you look for something to make.
✧・゚: *✧・゚
The afternoon sun is dipped low beyond the horizon, painting the sky in streaks of violet and navy as night falls. It didn't take long for the others to find you -- perhaps it was the smell of the dinner you'd scraped together that drew them in.
The first two days, Garrick or Bodhi were sent out to retrieve food for the group, and you decided by day three that you should lend a hand. After all, you'd been shown many house-chores like this over the years; your father never expected you to become a rider rather than a housewife, that is. Neither did your brother, and you knew he didn't like it one bit.
Your older brother Dain had always been protective over you; but his overprotection only intensified when your best friend's brother died, and he practically treated the two of you as though you were made of glass. When you'd braced the parapet, he looked ready to hurl, never expecting his little sister (or her fearless best friend, for that matter) to dare entering the rider's quadrant.
But, your appreciation for his overprotection died the moment he used his signet to send your section to certain death. Not only did he send you, his only sibling; but the girl he'd oogled over, swore so many times he loved with all of his heart, right along with you.
It didn't matter now. Everything was different.
"I don't know how you did it," Garrick smiles, sitting on the bench seat near the small dining table in the kitchen. "But you've got some skill, Y/N. I mean seriously, who scrounges all this up in a place they've never been, and produces such a delicious meal?" He shakes his head, shoveling a huge bite of stew into his mouth. You smile as Imogene makes her way into the space.
"Gods, I could simply kiss you for this," Bodhi follows her in, snatching up a bowl and waiting behind Imogene for his turn to scoop from the pot. You chuckle.
"You mean to tell me that you don't enjoy going out and hoping to return with food for us all?" You raise an eyebrow playfully, and before he can answer, Violet enters the kitchen. You instinctively make your way to her, and her pained smile emerges as she pulls you in for a light hug.
"How are you feeling?" Imogene chides, perching in a chair across from Garrick and looking Violet over. You let go of her, and she glances around to everyone.
"I'm... I'll be alright." She says, and you nod. Her eyes meet yours, and she quickly whispers, "We need to talk."
Your eyes widen, and you glance to the stove where the awaiting pot sits. "Violet, you haven't eaten in days-"
"It can wait." She rushes, taking hold of your wrist and all but dragging you into the hallway and out of earshot from the others. You glance around, and she sighs.
"Violet, I know you have questions; I mean, so do I, but-"
"Brennan is alive." She stares straight into your eyes, and a wave of adrenaline rushes over you at her words.
"Violet, what are you-"
"He's alive. He's here. Brennan. He's..." She fumbles, her hands clasping and releasing frantically. You place a hand on her shoulder lightly. "He's alive, Y/N." She says in finality. You shake your head, a small smile appearing on your lips.
"Violet, you might be thinking some wild things, they did give you a lot of medicine-" She grasps both of your shoulders with her hands, holding tight and giving you an incredulous look.
"Would I lie about something like this?" She whisper shouts. You furrow your brows at her.
"No! Gods no, I don't think you're lying, I just..." You shrug defeatedly. "He's been dead for six years, Vi. The last time we spoke of him..." Your throat tightens at the memory. "His soul was being condemned to Malek." The way the fire sparked as his belongings were thrown in. The way Violet cried for weeks, you sleeping in her room with her for sheer comfort. The way your heart tightened every time you thought of the way he used to look at you; his soft voice, so contrasted against his mother's uniformed nature. The way he'd lend you his books, sitting and talking with you for hours on end...
"Fine. Go see for yourself." She gestures down the hallway, the countless doors fading to dark as it stretched on. "Fifth door on the left. He's probably still in there." She says. You sigh, looking to her once more.
"I'm going in to eat." She walks through the kitchen entryway once more, leaving you alone in the hallway. You sigh, wiping your clammy hands on your pants. You head down the hallway, counting the doors as you go. One, two, three... four...
You stood, face-to-face with the fifth wooden door, the only sound this far down the hall was your ragged breaths. You swallowed, raking your fingers through your hair as you remembered you'd been wearing the same, disgusting leathers for three days. If he really was on the other side of this door, you hated that the first thing he'd see of you in six years was... well, not your favorite look.
You knock softly, and the door creaks open. You hastily shove it open, breath catching as you peered around the room. The empty room, that is. Moving inside, you took in various things; tons of papers, many books, quills and ink pots upon the desk-
Your breath catches in your throat as you spot a tome that you'd recognized. It was one Brennan gave to you all those years ago, when you were nothing but a teenager with a crush. Your heart still fluttered at the feeling, the ache in your heart as fresh as it was the day he died.
You huff, not sure why you expected anything but this. VIolet was on many remedies, and there was no world in which a man that had died would come back to life, no matter how convincing your best friend sounded.
A small knock sounds on the door behind you, and your head whips around from the papers you'd begun staring at. Your heart immediately seizes as your eyes meet those familiar brown irises you'd longed for, for so, so long.
"Y/N?" Brennan whispers, and you can't help the immediate sting of tears behind your pupils as you look him up and down. It felt surreal; his cream-colored button down is only buttoned up half way; his fitted trousers outlining every muscle along his masculine legs. Your hand flies to your mouth as you gasp, the words choked behind a sob rising in your throat.
"Brennan?" You stutter, and his eyes widen as he immediately surpasses the door way. You don't stop yourself from stepping quickly toward him, throwing your arms around his neck as a soft cry escapes your lips. He was real. He was really real, he had to be. The ends of his brown curls, longer now than when you'd seen him last, tickle your forarms as you pull him close. His arms wrap tightly around your waist, lifting you on to your tip toes as he stands at his full height.
You can't contain the tears flowing from your eyes as you breathe him in deep; his familiar scent of cedar and cotton bringing you back to all of those special moments you'd shared before; sitting close, sharing stories and thoughts. All of those almosts.
Before he …died, anyway.
You pull back to look up at him, but he doesn't release you. Instead, his fingers card through your hair, stroking lovingly as he continues his embrace. You shake slightly, allowing every emotion taking over your mind to run free. You never thought you'd see, feel him again. All of your greif receeding as you accept the reality that you had only ever dreamed of.
"Y/N I'm... I'm so sorry." He whispers. You cry harder, only wishing he'd keep talking and convincing you this was real. But, you forced yourself to believe it was; the boy you loved, now in front of you once more, holding you, physically touching you-
"Gods, I missed you so much." You retreated from his hold, his hands still braced on your hips as your watery eyes bore into his. Taking him in, you realized he was different. Older. No more was the boy you'd been in love with six years ago; now before you, was a man. A handsome one, nonetheless.
"I... I don't..." you stutter, and a small smile braces his lips as his soft hands brush the few stray tears from your cheeks. "I... I don't know what to say." You admit, and his thumb brushes along your cheekbone.
"Well... at least you're saying something," he says, chuckling softly. The sound is like music to your ears, a sound you hadn't heard in so long. "I was afraid Violet would shread me with one of her daggers when I tried talking to her." You swallow, your gaze drifting to his mouth as he spoke.
"I... I don't say I could blame her," you say softly, your eyes reconnecting with his as shame takes over his expression once more. He sighs, the hands on your waist falling as he takes a step back. You immediately wish he wouldn't have, already hoping to be back in his embrace as soon as you could.
"Look, Y/N, I..." his eyes peer at the wall above you, as he seems to contemplate his words. "I never meant to hurt anyone, alright? I had to do it because-" You step forward, taking his hand in yours. You stare up at him longingly, shaking your head that this was all truly real.
"You can explain it all later," you say, and his mouth closes. You can't help but take in the familiar slant of his nose, his more defined jawline, the golden planes of his skin...
"You can't keep staring at me like that, Aetos." His voice has dropped so low it’s almost gravelly, as his gaze darkens upon glancing toward your mouth. You grin, your deft fingers unlacing his and moving to slide thorugh the mass of curls on his head softly.
"I'm just... I'm really, really happy you're okay." You whisper. His hands slide around you, finding purchase along the small of your back. You suck in a breath as he pulls you against him once more, and you spot the tears pooling along his waterline at your words.
"I thought you'd hate me," he whispers, his breath a gentle caress down the slope of your nose. His perfect lips, ones you'd pined over for years were so, so close. So... real. His chest lets out uneven breaths pushed up against yours, and your nerves threaten to eat you alive as you raise to your tippy toes once more to be eye-level with him.
"I don't think I could ever hate you, Brennan." He smiles, the motion only growing as your eyes search his once more. His perfect teeth are still the same; the sparkle in his eye, the way he chuckles softly. It's as if you're transported back in time.
"I didn't think I could love you more than I did the last day I saw you." A single tear slips, and your quick to catch it with your finger. As you retract your hand, his fingers are quick to curl around yours, holding your hands against his heart. Your brows knit in confusion as you lower your heels, but his grasp on you does not falter.
"You're..." you start. His hand caresses your cheek, guiding you as close to his lips as you could get without touching. Your heartbeat races as his thumb traces soft circles on the back of your hand pressed to his heart. His heartbeat picks up at the closeness, and you can't help but smile. Whether its anxiety, fear, pure love... you've never been quite the expert at sorting out your feelings anyway.
"I'm …what?" He whispers, and you can't stand it any longer. You lean up, pressing a hesitant kiss to his lips. He stills, and you pull back, eyes as wide as his in shock.
"I'm so sorry, I-" He tugs you close again, your mouth colliding with his as he kisses you more forcefully. He keeps kissing you, both of his hands now cupping your face as yours grab onto the unbuttoned collar of his shirt. His lips part, allowing you access at your own pace; but you're quick to oblige, sliding your tongue along his bottom lip. A soft groan escapes his throat, and you inhale through your nose sharply at the sound. He's definitely more grown up than he was six years ago; more confident too. Gone was the shy, 19 year old who’d been deemed “too old” for you back then — now, he didn’t seem to mind the 5 year age gap now that you’d finally turned 20.
You continue indulging, before the strike of the clock from the hallway sounds. He doesn't seem to care as he explores your mouth; hands continuing their exploration, too. As the quiet overtakes the room once more, you finally pull back, gasping for air as he smirks down at you.
"I've waited… so long for that," he says, and your face heats. Little does he know, so have you. “Not coming back to find you, tell you I was alright was so hard, Y/N.” He leans back in for more, but you turn so his lips connect with your cheek instead.
"Oh, nuh uh," you hum. "You've got some explaining to do first before any of..." you motion between the two of you. "...this, continues." He rolls his eyes (glad to know he hasn't changed all that much), and backs up, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Okay, okay." He says. "I have to be in a meeting, uh..." He glances quickly at his watch. Your eyes track the movement; wishing his delicious fingers were holding you close again. "Uh, now, actually." He laughs sheepishly.
"Better get to it, then." You fold your arms over your chest, tilting your chin up in mock confidence. His hand slides along your jaw one more time, and he gazes down into your eyes.
"Later, we'll talk. I promise," he says. You continue your confident expression as his hand retreats, and he heads for the door, leaving it open behind him. You wait a few seconds before you follow behind him, but freeze as you enter the hallway and are met with a familiar stare you've come to know all too well. Leaning against the wall is your best friend, a smirk so similar to her brothers plastered on her face as she pins you with an accusatory look.
"I told you he'd be in there."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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angstywaifu · 20 days
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist.
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Welcome to my first ever Kinktober. Over the course of the month of October I will be posting some spicy fics of our favourite fantasy boys from either requests or from ideas of my own. Everything posted below will be 18+, and will be tagged with appropriate trigger warnings. If anyone would like to be tagged in the below fics please let me know. Happy to do a taglist for those who want it. Thank you to all who submitted requests.
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Kai Azer
Mirror Sex
Garrick Tavis
"Feel this? It's just for you.” & "My tongue still remembers the way you taste.”
Xaden Riorson
"Don't act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.”
Brennan Sorrengail
"Don't act innocent when we both know where your mouth was two minutes ago.” & "I told you, you would eventually start begging.”
"Your eyes are already saying yes, now I just need your mouth to tell me the same.” (enemies to lovers vibe)
Bodhi Durran
Shower Masturbation
"I want to ruin you.” & "A little biting never hurt anybody.”
Garrick Tavis x Brennan Sorrengail x Reader
Sharing is caring.
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tearsaura · 4 months
Didn’t go as planned // Brennan Sorrengail x reader
A/N: based on this request. Hope you enjoy it! It kind of turned into a blurb
Word count: 693
Warnings: mentions of blood
Picture is from Pinterest: horevapolina2
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‘My love, as much as seeing you makes my day better, I don’t want you as a patient’ Y/N sighed as she spotted Brennan sitting up on one of the patient beds, one hand holding a bloodied cloth to his nose, but the glint in his eyes suggested that he was grinning beneath said cloth.
Y/N stopped in front of him and took the cloth from his hand. She felt his nose carefully, her eyebrows furrowed as she wore that look of concentration that Brennan loved so much.
Breaking his nose had its advantages.
'Hmm... it's slightly broken. It would still take a few weeks for it to heal on its own. You can't avoid healing yourself, but you surely knew that before you came to me.’ She said with a teasing smile that he returned.
‘Yeah, Mira’s punch is half as mean as she likes to claim it, but I wanted to see you.’ He replied and Y/N’s grin grew even wider. She sat down next to him and squeezed his hand.
‘You don’t need to break your nose to see me. I can give you something to stop the blood. The family reunion didn’t go as well as you hoped.’ Brennan sighed.
‘I knew she would be mad. She has every right to do so. And the fact that she broke my nose has something familiar about it. Feels like being sixteen again' she burst out laughing, which he joined in.
‘It’s a shock for them. She's certainly happier than she's showing right now.' He nodded and pulled her closer to him by her hand until her face was just a few inches from his.
‘You know what will help me heal? A kiss’ ‘Oh really. I’ve never learned that during my training.’
'Well they probably wanted to keep some things to themselves to create a power imbalance. But I need a lot of energy to heal myself and the best resource for energy is a kiss from you,” he replied. ‘Mmhkay but let me clean your face first and stop your bleeding, you’re covered in blood.’ Brennan picked up the cloth again and wiped his face roughly, hissing when it caught his nose.
'There. Clean. Now I want my kiss.’ Y/N rolled her eyes but obeyed him. She cupped his cheeks in her hands and gently placed her lips on his. Brennan smiled into the kiss and buried his hands in her hair.
Their moment alone got interrupted by the sound of the door, and both turned their heads towards the door.
His sister Mira walked in, closely followed by Violet. The two of them froze when they saw their brother. Mira raised her eyebrows and Violet grinned. Y/N wanted to pull away from Brennan, but he continued to hold her close and sat up straighter.
‘Well, that's not how I imagined I'd introduce you to each other, but it is what it is. Violet, Mira, this is Y/N, my girlfriend’.
‘It’s nice to finally meet you,’ Y/N said with a shy smile, and Brennan could kiss her again because of that.
Violet smiled back, but Mira’s facial expression remained unchanged, her eyes fixed on Brennan.
‘Don’t you want to say something?’ Brennan asked his sister.
‘The Mender goes to the healer? Really?’ she asked, and Y/N busted out laughing.
‘Right?!’ she said amidst her laughter, infecting Violet with it. Even Mira smiled.
‘I wanted to get a professional’s opinion!’ ‘Well, I suspect you just want to see the healer,’ Violet teased, sitting down on the bed next to Y/N.
'I'm not commenting on that,' Brennan countered. Mira strolled over to the other side of his bed and plopped down on it. She turned to Y/N: 'Is this the moment we tell you embarrassing childhood stories?' 'I've been waiting too long for this' his girlfriend said and turned completely to her. Brennan groaned.
He leaned back and even though his sister completely embarrassing him in front of his love, he felt more at home than ever before.
The three most important women in his life were here with him, safe and he will do everything to keep it that way.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 8 months
Maybe brennan x witch reader that help eachother all the time but at some point she gets really hurt and brennan just goes ballistic trying to get to her on time and the fluff afterwards of him being a mother hen
Don’t die
When Brennan had first come to the Riorson house he never imagined that the first thing he would be greeted by would be a hurdle of females. All visibly drained. All way paler. The silver lining their eyes. That was the first of many times you had hissed at him. Back then he had misjudged the situation. His understanding of what was going on was murky. Brennan had little to no knowledge of what else was used to power the wards. Too many scrolls were in languages he couldn’t read.
That day he had simply attempted to pick up a little girl that had been crawling across the floor. Brennan had barely bent over when a sharp knife dug against his neck. “Move and I will cut you open”, that was when he first laid eyes on you. You were younger than him. At least that’s how it looked. But even if your hand wasn’t shaky Brennon saw the fear in your eyes. If not that then the scars all across your body did.
That was also the day when a new side of anger was born. They were using witches as power outlets. Dragging innocent children to the borders. But Brennan was going to change that.
“So what does this say?”, Brennan leaned over your shoulder, pointing at the paragraph he had been struggling to translate. You were in his room. The hour was edging towards the early morning but you both couldn’t seem to put the work aside. “I’m not one hundred percent sure”, you admitted, frowning softly. As yet another yawn threatened to slip past your lips. “But it looks like a sacrifice ritual”, you tapped your finger against the illustration above, “Basically the best way to use us as outlets”. Brennon shook his head, “Then we do everything against that and make sure that everyone is prepared to see signs of someone who might try to…”, “We could help”, you cut him off. For some months now that the revolution had kicked off in full swing the question of witchcraft had been raised in almost all meetings. For the most part, witches could uphold simple powers. But where they could shine if they gave away their powers to others.
“No, not like that”, Brennan protested as he stepped away from you. “This would give us the upper hand”, you pushed on further. He had never asked anything of your kind. But his protectiveness had harmed the progress of the revolution. “I will not allow that”, his sharp features deepened even more. The dimples on his cheeks wiped off with no trace. “But I am offering. A lot of us are”, you stated, turning to face him now. “Most riders don’t know how to safely use your power”, he pointed out in a huff. You knew that he understood what the offer implied. You knew the outcomes too. You crooked your head to the side watching the male in front of you.
“Don’t”, Brennan pleaded softly, his tired eyes meeting yours. “We will be fine”, you stepped closer to him, “I will be fine”. Your fingers softly brushed across his jaw. One that he flexed out of reflex before his lips softly touched your neck. You two hadn’t given time to discuss the situation brewing between you two. At first, it was a mutually needed distance. But now with you spending almost all nights in his bed and all the little touches. It had to be more. It felt like more. “I can’t…”, Brennon breathed out, his fingers digging into your hips just a thing stronger. “We already lost so much”, his desperate eyes met yours. But you didn’t let his fears reflect in your eyes, “You won’t lose me”, even if promises like that were so wrong to make in battles like that.
Brennon had triple-checked your daggers, flying leathers. Even the pins in your hair had been fidgeted with. You had caught his hand when he moved to recheck the straps of your other weapons, “I got it, Lieutenant Colonel”, you nudged his shoulder, hoping to suffocate his nerves for him. But he only frowned, “You never call me that, don’t call me that”, he grumbled, leaning his forehead against yours. “You are sleeping in my bed tonight”, he muttered after a couple of minutes of silence. “Is that a suggestion?”, you chuckled, letting your arms sneak across his waist. “No, an order and you know how much I love when you follow my orders”, he muttered, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Kinky”, you muttered as you two watched the horizon, waiting for the signal you all dreaded most.
Through it all. All you could think of was Brennan. And rule number one was to not get distracted but you worried. Worried for all of them. The cadets that for the most part were stepping into their doom. You had just helped to carry the injured flyer to the healers when your eyes landed on Violet and the venin that now surrounded her. It took you a second to make up your mind as you darted through the field. Summoning illusions as you ran in hopes of winning more time for her.
“Use me and get to Tairn”, you ordered her, as you threw one of the daggers, her confused eyes watching you. “You shouldn’t be here”, she stared but you quickly cut her off, “You’ll be able to aim right”, you growled out as you watched another cloud of wyvern approaching. “Now, Violet”, you hissed out, right as her hand reached for you and you fully lowered your shields, allowing her to dip her mental shields into yours.
It all was going right as you hoped it was until you eyes caught a glimpse of venin. “Traitor”, it hissed, “trading our secrets and for what?”. You turned, throwing another dagger before launching yourself off the closet building as you ran in hopes of reaching a dragon that you could use as leverage. You needed to get off the ground. See it all from the air. But your jumps had gotten sloppier, and with your powers running through Violet too, you knew your time was running out quickly.
You leaped off yet another rooftop. Eyes falling on orange scales. Marbh. It had to be him. Meaning that Brennan was here you only needed to get his attention but you needed to get rid of the venin that was chasing you first. “Pathetic little witch”, the venin snickered as you dodged another blow. You only had one dagger left. If you threw it you would be left defenseless. You looked back up, whistling in the tune you and Brennan used to identify each other with while raiding. But it was Marbh’s eyes you met first. And his claw was close enough so if you just jumped now. You leaped. A pained roar sliced the chaos as Marbh quickly changed his position but you saw something in the dragon’s eyes. Something that meant…
And then you felt it, a sharp claw digging into your flesh. Wyvern. Sadistic laugh. And the claw that was meters away from crushing your body. You managed to twist yourself, plunging the last dagger that you had right at the center of the claw welcoming the felling off free fall. Until your eyes caught Brennon’s mortified ones. His lips were moving but you no longer could make out what he was saying.
It felt as if someone had ripped Brennon’s heart out of his chest as he watched your body fall. It’s like every part of him froze for a moment. And it’s Marbh who’s working on his own accord as he plunges reaching out his claw to catch your limp body. Everything else feels equally as if it’s not him. Not him getting off his dragon. Not him watching Marbh slowly letting your blood-covered body hit the grass.
“No”, and it’s share panic. Blinding panic. Not real. Brennan kept telling himself. If he blinked. If he could only make himself blink it would all go away. You would be here. His knees hit the ground as he reached for you. Pulling your body to the side so he could examine the cut. “Yn”, he calls out, eyes scanning your face. “Come on, love, open your eyes for me”, slowly he mends the fresh cut, watching the flesh come together but your limp form remained.
“Come on”, he pulled you closer to him. Not safe, Marbh growled assessing the surroundings, flashing his teeth at anyone who got too close. “Please”, Brennan brushed some of the hair away from your forehead, “You can’t die. Don’t die”. His eyes were burning with tears he refused to weep just yet. He couldn’t. Never in his life had he had anyone he loved so much. You had become part of him. Letting go wasn’t an option. Marbh let out a pained roar too no doubt feeling the same emotion his ridder was feeling. Brennan felt his mending powers flailing. He was exhausted himself and with him not knowing what exactly he was healing and what other damage had been done most of it was wasted.
He didn’t care that he was covered in blood and grime as he pressed you closer to his chest. Swaying from side to side. Trying to suppress his sobs. And then he felt a light twitch. The feeling of fingers brushing against his side. Brennan pulled back, wide eyes looking down at you. Your own eyes were barely open but he could see the slight rise and fall of your chest. “Oh, thank you, thank you”, his eyes darted up to the sky before his attention was fully back on you. “Brenn…”, you muttered, bloody lips cracking as you spoke. “I’ve got you, you will be okay”, he reassured you, “I will never let anything happen to you, darling”.
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feelingtheaster99 · 1 year
I just finished Fourth Wing and I realized that the reason that Xaden never really hated Violet is because he knew about her from her brother and already knew she was a good person and I want to CRY
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marshmellowrio · 5 months
Semblance of Control | Masterlist
A Fourth Wing fanfic.
A/N: Here's the aesthetic for my new fanfic on Fourth Wing along with a sneak peek preview of the dialogue. When I post a new chapter, you'll also be able to find them here. I'll also update my Masterlist to include both this story and Flight of the Night.
Disclaimer: I do not own these pictures, nor do I own Fourth Wing. Those rights go to Rebecca Yarros. However, the story of my character and how she is interwoven into the story is all mine.
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"Are you insane?" My breath catches in my throat. I can almost hear the laughter in his voice as he responds, "Do you really want me to answer that, love?"
I gasp at the quiet. The void. And drop to my knees, not caring Xaden is right beside me, trying to hold on to me.
"Oh, so I'm second choice? All right, I see how it is." She winks and the two of them laugh.
"If you want to fight me, just say so. You don't have to be mean about it."
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Last update: 09/13/2024 Total chapters: 4
Chapter 1 05/08/2024 Chapter 2 05/25/2024 Chapter 3 06/10/2024 Chapter 4 09/13/2024 Chapter 5 - in progress
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callsign-rogueone · 7 months
allies - b.s.
cadet!Brennan Sorrengail x cadet!reader (part of my Brennan and Duchess series!) ✉: Would you mind telling us how they got each others attention in Basgiath? What made them fall for each other in the first place? words: 801 🏷: no book spoilers and no triggers! just bb bren and duchess meeting in year one at gauntlet training + a little happy moment from threshing day (and some info that will be relevant later in their story hehe). italics are spoken in Tyrrish!
Your foot slips out from underneath you, and there’s no recovering from it -- you’re falling. You manage to grab onto the nearest rope, the rough fibers burning your skin as they slide through your hands. Your descent slows, but you still hit the ground hard enough to wind you. You lie flat on your back for a moment as you attempt to catch your breath, just grateful to be alive.
A familiar face enters your vision; a boy in your wing whose name you can’t remember. He’s cute, his hair falling over his forehead in soft waves as he leans down, light brown eyes watching you with concern. “Are you okay?”
You blink at him, stunned at the sound of the words you’ve only ever heard from your parents. How hard had you hit your head? “You speak the old language.”
He nods in confirmation that you’re not losing your grip on reality. “My father taught me. The ancient languages are a passion of his.” His pronunciation could use some work, but he’s got the vocabulary down. 
He extends an ink-stained hand, and you take it, letting him pull you to your feet. 
“How did you know I was Tyrrish? That I spoke the language?”
He blushes, suddenly shy. “I saw you use it to write your notes for Battle Brief. And your hair. I’ve only seen braids like that on portraits of the old queens in history books. It’s beautiful.”
Your cheeks warm at the compliment -- Tyrrish doesn’t have the same parts of speech or grammatical structure as Navarrian, so his use of it, likely referring to your intricate hairstyle, could have very well been him calling you beautiful in your entirety.
“Thank you,…” you hesitate, trying to remember his name — he keeps to himself, and he’s never been a threat to you, so you had never learned it.
“Brennan,” he offers. A good name. Strong. 
You smile at him. “Nice to meet you, Brennan.”
The crisp accent you say his name in stirs something in his chest.
For a moment, everyone else ceases to exist. You’re the only people out here, the only two who can understand this conversation, who are aware of the magnetism between you.
You still can’t look away, both of you locked in place as you commit every detail of the other to memory; the small scar on his chin, the way his eyelashes move as he blinks at you, the light wash of freckles across his nose… the pattern of your braids, the impeccable neatness of the stitches holding your patches to your uniform, the soft curiosity in your eyes…
Something tells you to trust this boy with the soft voice who knows your language and recognized your traditions, who is looking at you like you'd hung the stars in the sky. 
“Allies?” you ask.
“Allies,” he agrees.
You whistle across the flight field, and Brennan’s head snaps toward the sound, every muscle in his body relaxing as he spots you.
There’s a massive black dragon behind you, the largest of the group you’d seen at Presentation, the one that had taken interest in you from the start of the term. She stands with the same regal posture as you as she surveys her surroundings, appraising the rest of the freshly bonded cadets and their dragons.
You’re grinning from ear to ear, unable to contain your joy. You want nothing more than to run to Brennan and embrace him, but you keep your feet planted to the ground until you’re told to line up to have your names recorded by the scribe.
“Banriondorcha,” you state to the group of officers. A few pairs of eyebrows raise, including the General’s, but they quickly replace the concern on their faces with flat disinterest.
Professor Kaori is the first to speak, the only one who smiles at you. “I was wondering when she’d finally decide to bond. She has chosen well. I look forward to seeing your signet manifest, cadet. I have no doubt that it will be strong.”
“Thank you.”
Brennan had been ahead of you in the line; he’s already returned to his orange daggertail. They look right together, the afternoon sun bringing out the red in Brennan’s hair to compliment the dragon’s scales.
You stop ten yards away from them and lower your head in deference, not daring to speak to him directly, but it’s clear what you’re saying: you come in peace.
He steps back, allowing you to move toward Brennan.
You’re both freezing, having been wholly unprepared for the chill of the air at 3,000 feet above ground, but there’s warmth between you as you embrace, laughing in relief.
“We did it,” you breathe.
He leans down, resting his forehead against yours, a soft smile on his face. “We did.”
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nickeverdeen · 28 days
Iron Flame masterlist
Nothing yet
Being in a secret relationship with the Iron Flame characters
Sorting your dragon:
Nothing yet
Sorting your quadrant:
Nothing yet
Violet Sorrengial
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Mira Sorrengail
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Brennan Sorrengail
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Aaric Graycastle
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Xaden Riorson
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Rhiannon Matthias
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Sloane Mairi
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Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
Nothing yet
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azrielsbabyg · 2 years
Hey, guys!! So just felt like saying that my requests are open, and I will be writing for the following characters:
Xaden Riorson
Garrick Tavis
Bodhi Durran
Ridoc Gamlyn
Brennan Sorrengail
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intrestingstff · 10 months
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I accept constructive criticism. Drawing after so long is hard. But i liked the books so much it made me want to draw again :>
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marvelsmylife · 3 months
Pairing: Brennan Sorrengail x reader
“Because you haven’t chosen me. Not in a very very long time”
Plot: Brennan sees someone from his past and doesn’t know how to act.
A/n Because of how I ended this, I’m going to be writing a part two. Also, I couldn't help but use this gif of Sebastian Stan.
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For years, Brennan had fantasized about seeing you, his beautiful girlfriend, one last time. You were the light of his life, and would have done anything to make you happy. That’s why it pained him to let you believe he was dead for so many years.
Now that you are in front of him again, Brennan has no idea how to act. Especially when a little boy who looked exactly like him had his face against your leg. The world seemed to have disappeared for Brennan the instant you walked in with the little boy until Mira snapped her fingers in front of Brennan's face. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“We need you on standby in case anyone needs mending,” Mira told her big brother before turning her attention to you and your son, “Y/n, you and Bren need to get out of here. Keep the little guy safe until this is all over.”
Brennan couldn’t keep his emotions in check the moment Mira said your son's name. “When were you going to tell me I had a son?” Brennan asked, and everyone in the room looked over at you, waiting for a response.
“I’m sorry, I was going to tell you sooner, but you know, you supposedly died, remember?” you replied, causing your son to glare at his father for making his mom upset.
Brennan felt embarrassed at your response and walked over to you. “Please, can talk to you in private?” Brennan begged.
Against your better judgment, you agree and kneel down to talk to your son, “Go with Auntie Mira, I’ll be right back”. You kissed the top of your son's head before following Brennan to an empty corner of the room. “Ok, what do you want?” you asked, a cold expression was now on your face.
Brennan began to explain everything that happened in the six years he’s been gone and how much he missed you. By the end, a dry laugh escaped your lips, “I find that very hard to believe.”
A pained expression appeared on Brennan’s face at your words and prompted him to ask, “What makes you say that?”
“Because you haven’t chosen me. Not in a very, very long time. You chose to go out and fight in that war after I told you not to.” You had to pause for a few seconds because you noticed your voice was getting high, and you didn’t want your son to hear what you were saying. “I will not subject our son to the type of pain you’ve already inflicted on me.”
Brennan was ready to beg for your forgiveness for all the pain he had caused you when his mother's voice cut him off before he could ever speak. “Y/n, you need to go now,” General Sorrengail’s voice broke you out of the trance you were in. Kneeling down, General Sorrengail hugged her grandson, “Protect your mommy, ok?”
Bren nodded his head repeatedly. He gave his grandmother a kiss before running over to you and escorting you out of the room. “What?” General Sorrengail asked when Brennan stared at her in confusion.
Shaking his head, Brennan replied, “Nothing, I’ve just never seen this side of you before. You actually showing love to someone other than dad.” 
Brennan's words stung his mother, but she quickly masked her hurt and went back to general mode. “Whatever plan you guys have, make it fast. I don’t want innocent civilians hurt.”
Everyone agreed and began to work to get the wards back up before the wyvern showed up.
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crisalidaseason · 2 months
Fourth Wing/Iron flame spoilers
Lilith Sorrengail: fucking complex character rant.
Warning: This is not a defense post for Lilith, this is merely my observations about her. I do not condone her actions at all!
So, despite many people hating her I think Lilith is a really interesting character. I can hate her actions, but not her entirely.
First of all, she is clearly a badass motherfucker that comes from a huge line of badass motherfuckers. The fact she is a storm wielder says a lot about her as a person. Storms are ruthless, destructive, but also necessary for nature.
She clearly has a very difficult position, one that makes her do things that goes against her own morals but also guarantees the protection of her loved ones. Unfortunately, regarding the bad shit, she does have to suck it up for the benefit of their country - and going against what leadership wants is clearly dangerous. In a way, her years in the military shaped her to become the current person we meet in Fourth Wing.
Lilith is not an affectionate parent to her children. She loves them very much, but she never thought about them as human beings in need of love, only protection and training. For her, making sure her children live and succeed has been her only objective. Her husband seemed to be the one to fill the role of raising them in a more affectionate manner and I think she thought that was enough. Therefore, she treats them like soldiers and her husband attends to other necessities.
Her relationship with Violet is by far the most hearbreaking. I don't think she necessarily hates her daughter, she hates herself for failing to protect Violet from the illness. There is a lot of self-hatred on Lilith's behavior and I think she runs away from it by building this huge wall between her and Violet - which is not nearly as thin as the wall of distance she built for Brennan and Mira. At the same time, Violet is the child she is most paranoid about protecting - in her own manner.
Something that I theorize: The possibility that Lilith was actually very similar to Violet in the past. The fact Lilith wield storms and her daughter wields lightning makes me think they had very similar views at some point, hence why they manifested similar signets (though I think Violet is not only capable of wielding lightning, but this is not a theory for this post).
Because Lilith distances herself even more from Violet, her daughter ends up being fully raised by the father. This is what breaks my heart even more. \when Violet mentions that her mother ingored her completely after her father's death, I can imagine that not only Violet became a reminder of Lilith's younger self, but also the copy paste behavior of her husband - whom she loved dearly. Violet is a painful walking reminder of her failures, her past self and her husband.
Lilith sending Violet to the riders quadrant was downright cruel, but I understand her reasoning. Violet would end up questioning too much within the scribes and possibly end up killed as a traitor - something that puts Mira and Lilith herself in danger too. Sending her to the riders allows Violet to focus on her survival more than the bullshit they are hiding - which fucking backfires but Lilith had no way of knowing that.
In the end, Lilith would do whatever she could to ensure Violet survived within the quadrant, and she did. Asking Xaden - the son of the man who 'killed' one of your kids, the boy you tortured - to protect your youngest is a fucking desperate move. Yes, sending Violet to the quadrant was cruel, but she had all bets that this girl would survive. Or at least die what Lilith would consider a 'honorable' death, though I don't think she actually planned to bury Violet, she would have moved more pieces on her chess game.
In iron flame, when Violet is rescued from the torture chamber, not only is Lilith ready to murder everyone on the path to her daugher, but she actually aids Xaden to get her out of there. At that point, she could not give a fuck if her daughter running away puts her and Mira in danger, she wants Violet out of harm immediatly and consequences be dealt with later. She could have forced Xaden to leave Violet there, Varrish was dead already and she could monitor the college to not have that kind of situation happen again, but no, she lets them go!
When Lilith meets her children alongside Melgren and other leaders, her only reason to have all of her kids there was for solely seeing them a last time and hand Lyra's journal. She did not know where, but she knew Violet was raising wards and needed to make sure the wards were fully powered. That book should have returned to the king's library, but instead she stole it and gave it to her children as a last action. It was a desperate measure when she felt completely powerless knowing that they were exposed to venin.
Finally, the moment of her death. Lilith proved her loyalty to her children - to Violet of all children - that moment. No way she was going to loose a child for a problem Lilith caused alongside leadership. Her death was her ultimate act of protection, even if it meant breaking her child's heart yet again.
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tearsaura · 4 months
Hello and welcome.
A little bit about me:
I am twenty one, a leo, full time student and speak english and german. I primarily write in english but am also open to write german fics.
Here you'll find a list of my works. I am currently taking requests.
Here are some of the fandoms I’d write for:
- The Empyrean
- Marvel/MCU/X-Men
- Acotar
The only rule I can think of right now that I have is I do not write smut.
I just want to mention it here that, whilst I can speak and write in english for practically my whole life, I still have difficulties with grammar and tenses, so I do wanna warn you that, allthough I do check through my writings at least once, you‘ll probably find mistakes. I have these difficulties even in german, which is my mother tongue.
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The Empyrean
Bodhi Durran:
• Until the end and beyond
Brennan Sorrengail:
• Didn’t go as planned
Garrick Tavis:
• Holding the enemy in my arms
Liam Mairi:
• Tha gaol agam ort
• I love you
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 4 months
Heyyy if you still take requests:
I would like to request a Brennan Sorrengail x reader reunion where she finds out that he‘s still alive and it‘s all angsty.
It’s sad…
How to bring you back?
Nothing can prepare you for losing the people you love. Even if you repeatedly tell yourself that it will come. Even if there are signs. An early warning of the doomsday coming. When it does hit, it feels equally as earth-shattering. But then some people have no right stepping over to the other side. No right to exhale the last breath. Too soon. Too fast. Too late. They go, ripping your heart out of your chest. Pulling it with them down into the grave. While you’re forced to move on. Go day by day. Feeling your heart rot six feet under with no hope of ever getting it back. Of feeling whole again.
“Here you are”, a voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “Been looking all over for you”, Bodhi’s bright eyes met yours as he and Imogen climbed up the hill, joining you in the green field. “Xaden said that you just left”, Imogen pressed her hand onto your shoulder, a silent question in her eyes. One that you knew there was no way of denying. “It’s his birthday… tomorrow”, the lump dubbed in size making it hard to breathe for a moment. “Here”, Bodhi shoved a paper-wrapped bottle into your hands. You frowned at him slightly so he quickly added, “I stole a bottle and before you say anything i don’t regret it”. You shook your head, this kid was reckless, to say the least. “As a wing leader i do not approve”, you pointed a warning finger but still unscrewed the cap.
“Good thing we are family then”, he winked at you before plopping down by your side and while the field soothed you before now with your friend next to you a pain-laced memory slipped past your walls.
“Why are you looking at me like that”, you shoved at Brennan's shoulder. The evening was warm the fields in full bloom. “Like what”, he smirked, eyes never leaving you. “Just like that”, you waved your hand in front of him, “your eyes are sparkling like crazy”. He let out a low chuckle, hands reaching out to pull you even closer to him. “It’s cause I'm looking at the most beautiful girl on earth”, he mused and you instantly rolled your eyes, “You’re a shameless flirt”. Yet your fingers moved to twist his curls over your finger. Watching the mess of them on top of his hair. Thar careless side of him. That untamed side. He turned his head slightly, “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me”, he muttered, reaching out to cup your cheek. “Careful or I will start assuming that we’re the endgame”, you pointed out but Brennan simply tacked you to the ground, eager kisses finding you in the sea of affection as he muttered “mine”, over and over again.
“Can you leave your second in charge tonight?”, you blinked, slightly taken back, only to see Xaden standing in front of you. “Why?”, there was no need for that usual unless something really serious was happening. “Do you trust me?”, he threw that question so casually making you shake your head, “No, not when you go all mysterious shadow hunter on me”. The male rolled his eyes before shooting you another serious glance, “I want to… Need to take you somewhere”, he stated. “Xaden”, you hissed, not at all loving this mysterious side of him. “Trust me on this one”, he clapped your shoulder, “I’ll explain once we’ll get there”. And even with your gut telling you this was a bad idea, you still nodded your head.
“What is this place?”, the dark corridors you walked through were unfamiliar. You two had left your dragons in the field by the big slightly abandoned-looking building. “My home”, Xaden stated, leaning against a wooden fence. You turned at him, gaping, “Riorson house? Xaden…” This place was supposed to have been run over. Burnt at best. That was what everyone believed in.
“Now it’s turning into something so much bigger. The rebellion is forming within these walls” as if reading your thoughts Xaden added. “What…”, you ran a frustrated hand through your hair. First, a building that was not supposed to be here? Now a rebellion? “You’ll understand soon”, Xaden muttered. “You can get fucking killed are you insane”, you hissed at him, fully turning to face him, “You’re leading a rebellion?”, and you prayed and hoped the answer to that would be a no. But he didn’t get to open his mouth before another voice sounded.
“He’s not but I am”, your body froze. Eyes burning into Xaden who now had a sympathetic look on his face. “No”, you breathed, because there was no way. You were imagining it. Yes. That’s what it was. “Y/n”, the sound of your name nearly made you topple over. Because no one ever made it sound so beautiful like… “No, no”, you pressed your hands to your ears. “My love”, and it’s barely a mumble but his amber curls are right in front of you and it’s as if your whole world is tilting. Shifting. Changing.
“No no no”, you repeat over and over, backing up till you hit something solid. “Easy”, Xaden mutters, hands coming to support you by your elbows. “Take me back, get me out of here Xaden”, you don’t even recognize your voice anymore. You don’t recognize anything. It all seems to blur.
“Y/n”, warm and familiar fingers wrap around your hand and you screech, pulling back. “Yn i can explain it all”, Brennan mutters, eyes glassed over with tears. “Brennan, I think this is not a good idea…”, Xaden shakes his head. “Don’t call him that that’s not him. Not…”, you cry out, hands coming up to hold your head. “It is me dammit”, Brennan grunts in frustration, “look at me turn to me and take…”, he pleads. And it’s as if his words break something with you as you turn to him in frustration.
“I buried you, I watched you burn”, you hiss, showing him backward. “They took everything that belonged to you”, you sobbed, fist hitting his chest over and over again. “I’m so sorry, my love”, Brennan whispers, carefully reaching for you once again. “I grieved you, I….”, you hiccup, the pain so deep it feels as if someone was burning you from within too.
“Y/n…”, he pleas, running his fingers up and down your arms. “All this time”, you grunt, showing his hands away. “It wasn’t safe for anyone to know, I only told Xaden a couple of months ago”, Brennan stares, clearly getting fed up slightly. “Months?”, you chuckle bitterly, “Months! Why didn’t you tell me first?”, you demand, stepping forward once again. “Y/n”, Brennan shakes his head.
“I was a second thought”, your voice is barely a whisper. “You were never my second thought. You were the only thought. One I went to bed and woke to”, he leans it, fingers twirling between the ends of your hair. You shook your head, “And yet you let me die inside all this time. To starve. To wish it would have been me”, you say through gritted teeth.
Brennan opens his mouth but you lift your hand silencing him but he doesn’t seem to understand the power of distraction with you. “Baby”, he muses. “Fuck you”, you lash forward, “I hate you, i hate you”, you scream over and over again. “You asshole”, grunting your palm comes in contact with his cheek, “you killed me, I died on that field with you”. He doesn’t even move from your hits. Standing there like a statue. Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry, please forgive me”, he practically begs. “Brennan, maybe you should step aside”, and it’s Xaden’s voice that wraps almost a blanket of comfort around you. “Xaden, I can’t”, you whimper, sinking to your knees. And while Brennan moves to get to you, Xaden gets there first. “It’s okay, we will go back. We will talk when everything settles, yeah?”, he gently brushes away the hair from your face. “He’s not here is he?”, you look up at him with almost hope. “He is. And I'm sorry that I kept it away from you”, genuine regret flashing in his eyes. “Y/n”, Brennan’s broken cry falls over you. “You’re dead to me…”, you cry, looking back at the person that shouldn’t be here, “I don’t know how to bring you back…”, your voice breaks. Sob slipped past his lips then. Right as Xaden lifted you carrying you out into the open field. Two souls crying into the depths of night.
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justallihere · 4 months
Dain and Violet are meant to be besties and only besties.
“To you,” Dain said, and Violet laughed harder at the affronted look on his face. “He’d kill me and chop me up in tiny pieces to sprinkle at your feet if he thought it would make you happy.”
That line was so fucking funny bc its so true. Everyone and their mother knows who whipped Xaden is for Violet
Does Liam actually want to be squad leader or is he only saying he wants to, so Sloane has competition?
Sloane and Dain 👀👀👀👀 I can imagine Sloane is giving Dain the biggest stink eye and Dain is just 😊 BC EXCUSE ME THAT LINE????
Dain smiled at the back of her head indulgently
The motherfucking consequences of your actions Xaden 😊
“I wish you would have stayed home,” Xaden said. “Did you come by yourself?” He sounded tense, though not quite angry. “I’m doing what you married me to do,” she replied, and he made a sound that might have been a growl 
I love how Vi can actually aim and she doesn't have to be stressed out figuring it in the middle of a battle. Canon had me stressssed
WE GOT TO SEE MIRA 😭 Will the 3 siblings be seen together anytime soon? I need to punch Brennan
For a split second, I thought Xaden became a venin when Sgayel screamed but he has to know better in SITQ?? riGHT ???? RIGHT???
Now its Vi's turn to be concerned for her husband 😊. We love equality. Xaden has watched Vi be mended twice now right (stabbing and torture)?
Seeing strong women in charge and being COMPETENT will always be a kink of mine
“You know,” Xaden said unexpectedly in a low, hoarse voice “You make a very good queen.” 
Xaden is such a smartass, never change shadow boy. One of these days, Xaden's going to smooth out her furrowed brow and warn Vi against wrinkles LMAO
They are so in love, just kiss already jfc (and i saw this not in a pressuring way but in a disgusted way LOL)
She spat it out, and it rolled across the grass, bouncing once, twice, three times before it came to a stop. 
This was so funny though 💀 I'm imagining the head is bouncing like a soccer ball
“I believe your husband is about to lose consciousness, Violet.”  
Andarna is so snarky I love it
Vi is such a good queen!! I can't get enough. I noticed she always asks for people's names and thanks them for any help they've given. THATS MY GIRL!!!!
Listen Xaden Riorson is not fucking subtle and it's so funny that even DAIN knows it. Poor guy never stood a chance against him and he tried to get with Vi before she ever even knew Xaden in this world
Liam wouldn't mind being squad leader! And he'd be very good at it. He also just likes to push his baby sister to be the best she can be (and annoy her in the process)
If Dain can put up with Violet, then Sloane is nothing. The man...has a type
Vi's aim still isn't perfect, but it's better (two-thirds, so we'll take it). Her training with Felix works!
It's gonna be another second before all the Sorrengails are back together!
your honor they're in love (derogatory)
Andarna my baby girl!! Saving the day and being insufferably smug about it forever!!
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