#brett talbot fan fics
moonnotfound13 · 2 years
Hello Beautiful Peoples!!
I've just started writing fan fics/headcannons, I've always loved writing so I decided to give it a try.
Here is a list of all the people/fandoms I'll be writing for:
Teen Wolf:
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Derek Hale
Allison Argent
Lydia Martin
Malia Tate
Liam Dunbar
Kira Yukimura
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Isaac Lahey
Cora Hale
Jordan Parrish
Erica Reyes
Brett Talbot
The Maze Runner:
Jacob Black
Bella Swan
Edward Cullen
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
Esme Cullen
Carlisle Cullen
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Leah Clearwater
Seth Clearwater
Sam Uley
Embry Call
Quill Aterea
The Last of Us:
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Joel Miller
Once Upon A Time:
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Snow White
Prince James "Charming"
Peter Pan
Drizella Tremaine (I freaking love Adelaide Kane)
Liv Moore
Major Lilywhite
Peyton Charles
Blaine DeBeers
Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti
Chase Graves
Lowell Tracey
Levon Patch
Elena Gilbert
Stefan Salvatore
Damon Salvatore
Caroline Forbes
Bonnie Bennett
Matt Donovan
Tyler Lockwood
Alaric Saltzman
Jeremy Gilbert
Kai Parker
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Cami O'Connell
Davina Claire
Marcel Gerard
Jackson Kenner
Kaleb Westphall
Hope Mikaelson
Josie Saltzman
Lizzie Saltzman
Landon Kirby
MG (Milton Greasley)
Jed Tien
Rafael Waithe
Ethan Machado
Cleo Sowande
Finch Tarrayo
Stranger Things:
Eleven (no smut!)
Mike Wheeler (no smut!)
Will Byers (no smut!)
Lucas Sinclair (no smut!)
Max Mayfield (no smut!)
Dustin Henderson (no smut!)
Steve Harrington
Jim Hopper
Nancy Wheeler
Joyce Byers
Jonathon Byers
Robin Buckley
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Dmitri (Enzo)
Kali Prasad (8)
Henry Creel/Peter Ballard
Sam and Colby:
Sam Golbach
Colby Brock
Seth Borden
Jake Webber
Corey Scherer
Katrina Stuart
Kris Collins (KallMeKriss)
Stas Siver
Amanda Raye
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Ajax Petropolus
Bianca Barclay
That is all for today my people! I do take requests, so please tell me what you would like and I'll try to get to it!
Have a good morning/day/night❤️🫶
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Because I Had You.
Prompt: Brett Talbot; “Because I Had You” – Shawn Mendes // @deepblueo-cean
Author’s Note: Whoa. This one’s a doozy. Enjoy! :)
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Because I Had You.
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I think it's time that I be honest Should've told you not to go Thought I knew just what I wanted I didn't know myself at all You're with somebody I can't be, yeah But I can tell that you're happy
Do you ever say or do something and instantly feel the regret because you know you can’t take it back? Like posting a racy picture on social media for the world to see? Getting trashed the night before a big game? Lying to your best friend? Telling someone you’re in love with them when they clearly don’t feel the same way? Or worse, telling someone you love to leave?
That last one is a doozy because sometimes they actually listen to you. Then you’re left with this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Regret gnaws its way through and you wonder what the hell you were thinking. You try to convince yourself it will be okay, she knows you didn’t mean it. She’ll come back.
Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months, and she’s still gone.
With a deep sigh, Brett ruffles his hair a little before leaving his head in his hands. He knew this was coming. He’s had a gut feeling for weeks now. He just wishes it was wrong. Scratch that, he wishes he could go back in time.
Six Months Ago
“You’re joking, right?” (Y/N) questions as she stares at Brett in disbelief.
Brett shakes his head slowly as he avoids eye contact with her, “I just think it’s the best for both of us. It’s going to –“
She cuts him off, “you seriously want to break up just because we’re going to different colleges?” Brett opens his mouth to say something, but she keeps talking. “They’re not even two hours apart, Brett!”
“I know that, but don’t you think we’ll both be missing out on some college experiences because we’re so worried about each other?” He tries to reason.
“What? Like hooking up with random sorority girls?” (Y/N) responds with an arched eyebrow.
Brett meets her glare, “you know that’s not what I mean.”
“No, actually I don’t, Brett. Just the other day we were talking about our plans to see each other on weekends, and now you’re completely done because you want to ‘experience’ things?” She pauses, getting more heated by the second. “Sounds like an easy out if you ask me. Oh, but wait, you’re not asking me how I feel about this.”
Brett sighs, “come on, (Y/N). You’ve heard all the stories about couples staying together when they go to different schools. It puts one hell of a strain on the relationship.”
“Yeah, but I also know us. I know that we’re not those other couples. I know that we’re stronger than them. Well, at least I thought we were.” At this point, a mix of anger and despair radiates from her body as she continues, “and I also know that love doesn’t come easy for anyone. It takes hard work and struggle sometimes. You must be willing to go through that together. I am, but I guess you aren’t.”
He could see the disappointment and hurt on her face. This was the last thing she was expecting. They’d been together for three years, and now he’s suddenly breaking up with her? Hell, he’d be upset if the shoe was on the other foot. If he’s being honest, he’s not even sure this is the best idea for either of them. All he knows for sure is that he’s had this gut feeling that they need to experience life on their own for a while.
“I don’t know what you want me to say…” He lets the sentence hang, unable to even look her in the eye.
(Y/N) scoffs, “I want you to say this is some stupid, sick joke.”
“It’s not like I’m saying we have to end things right now. Just before we leave.” Brett knew how stupid that sounded as soon as it came out.
“Oh! You mean four more whole months? That’s so nice of you.” Her response dripped with sarcasm, and he knew this was the end. “Screw you, Brett.” She states before finally storming off.
Brett slowly looks back up at his laptop screen. There, in an enlarged photo, is (Y/N) smiling bright with who looks like her new boyfriend. They’re on the beach at sunset with the Santa Monica Pier in the background. She’s holding on tight to a purple stuffed monkey, one arm around him as she smiles at the camera. He has his eyes on her with a smile just as big as hers. Brett knows that smile. It’s the “how the hell did I get so lucky” smile. The one he used to wear all the time around (Y/N).
Not anymore, though. Now, he sits two hours away at UCSD feeling that pang of regret.
For months, he and (Y/N) managed to avoid each other before they left for school. Once he was at UCSD and she was at UCLA, it got easier. The last two months have been so jam-packed with classes, lacrosse, and meeting new people, he’s been able to keep himself from checking her social media. They weren’t friends on the accounts anymore, but she also didn’t have him blocked. So, when he was scrolling through his Facebook feed and her post popped up, thanks to an old, mutual friend getting tagged in it, it wasn’t that much of a surprise. But it still stung.
It's time for me to finally meet somebody new Take her to all the places that I took us to And she might help me forget But loving her is something I could never do Because I had, because I had you
Ever since seeing that picture of (Y/N) and her new boyfriend, Brett’s made it his mission to try to move on as well. It’s been kind of difficult, though, because he keeps finding himself comparing girls to her. He admits it’s a pretty dick move on his part, but it seems impossible not to. Every girl he thinks to ask out, he gets in his head and starts listing all the reasons not to. The girl is either too much like (Y/N) or not enough like (Y/N).
Clearly, he has a type.
Which is why he’s decided that he’s going to have to step out of his comfort zone and maybe go for someone he typically wouldn’t. Instead of petite girls with dark brown hair and big doe eyes, it’s time for something new. Who knows, maybe he’ll realize that girls like (Y/N) aren’t his type at all. She’s just all he’s ever known to be interested in.
So, here he is on a date at the beach with a pretty red-head with emerald eyes and fair, freckled skin. She’s beautiful by every definition of the word. Brett didn’t miss the way other guys did double-takes when they walk by. Rachel doesn’t seem to care, though. Either that, or she’s just oblivious to it because her focus has stayed on him. Even when a guy blatantly asked for her number while Brett was sitting right beside her, she brushed the guy off. It was nice to have that kind of attention again.
The surprising thing is that she’s kept his attention as well. Not once has he thought about (Y/N) in the last two hours. They’re so wildly different, it’s easy not to. Rachel is more cheery and social, whereas (Y/N) tended to keep to herself. He’s learned that Rachel is a math and science major, whereas (Y/N) always loathed the subjects. Rachel comes from a large family in the city, while (Y/N) is from the small town of Beacon Hills and only has a younger sister. They couldn’t be more different.
And Brett really kind of loves it.
“I’ve had a lot of fun today,” Rachel states with a smile as they start walking back to his car.
“Me too.” Brett responds honestly. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a good, relaxing beach day.”
“Really?” Brett simply nods. “Why?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “Once I got to UCSD, I sort of buried myself in school work, lacrosse… anything to keep me busy and my mind off things.”
“What were you trying not to think about?” She asks, trying not to seem too nosy.
He hesitates for a minute and rubs the back of his neck, “an ex.”
Rachel nods in understanding but takes a deep breath before asking another question. “Are you still just trying not to think about her?”
“No.” He mentally kicks himself for answering so quickly.
“Hey,” she stops them from walking by grabbing his hand and looking him in the eyes. “It’s okay if you are. I get it.”
Her green eyes stare up at him, and with the sun, he can see specks of gold. The sun has also brought out more freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her hair has those perfect beach waves after drying in the California heat. There’s no denying that she’s gorgeous, even after spending the day in the sun, ocean, and sand. He could also tell that she’s being sincere. She did understand what he’s going through, even though she didn’t know the whole story or anything about his past relationship.
“You don’t care?” He questions with knitted brows.
She shrugs with a small smile, “of course I care, but I’ve also had to move on from a past relationship. So, I understand the need for a distraction sometimes.”
“You’re not just a distraction, you know.” Brett states with a shake of his head. “I do really like you.”
Her smile broadens, “good. I really like you too.” She leans up on her tip toes and pulls him down a little by the hand before kissing him.
Rachel is just what Brett needs – beautiful, smart, understanding, carefree. And yet, as their fingers interlace, and her lips met his, he felt a sudden pang in his chest. Not over the kiss or even her. Just that she isn’t (Y/N), and she never would be. It made him wonder if he’d ever be able to love her at all, much less the way he loved (Y/N).
I remember when I told you That you and I will go down in history together, yeah And does your sister ask about me? And you and I, what we had, is it gone forever? You're with somebody I can't be But I can tell that you're happy
It’s Halloween night. Most of the dorm is at the biggest frat party of the year, including Brett’s roommate. In fact, Rachel will be here any minute to go also. They’re going as Pebbles and Bam Bam from The Flintstones. It was her idea, but he agreed because it’s pretty good. Not many people their age know the classic, so he was surprised and happy that Rachel did. It’s always been one of his favorites.
Rachel’s surprised him with a lot of things. Turns out, they have a lot more in common than he originally thought. For example, she knows a lot about lacrosse because both of her brothers and her dad grew up on the sport. She loves video games, another side effect of having brothers. Most people perceive her as a typical girly-girl, but she actually prefers comfy clothes and no make-up. She still loves waking up on Saturday mornings and eating a bowl of cereal while watching old cartoons. She’s into comic books and all the shows and movies that go with them. The list goes on.
She’s actually been really good for Brett. He hasn’t thought about (Y/N) as much the last few months, but today is different. Halloween is was their day.
He taps a pen against his desk repeatedly as he stares at the search engine on Facebook. (Y/N)’s name is already typed in, all he has to do is hit search. He knew that once he did, though, there’s no going back from what he knows he’ll see. He doesn’t even know why he felt enticed to look on her page. It’s obviously just a way to torture himself. But he just couldn’t help the urge to check in on her today. If he doesn’t hurry, though, Rachel will probably show up.
So, he finally hits the search button, clicks on her profile and waits in nervous suspense. Once loaded, (Y/N)’s most recent post – literally from an hour ago – hits him hard. She’s still with the new guy and they’re dressed up as Alvin and the Chipmunks – (Y/N) and Maggie’s favorite cartoon. The boyfriend is Alvin, (Y/N) is Simon, and Maggie is Theodore. Alvin is grinning mischievously while the girls roll their eyes on either side of him.
As Brett keeps looking at the picture, he can’t help but remember that used to be him. Last year they dressed up as Tigger, Pooh, and Piglet. They used to go all out because Halloween also happens to be Maggie’s birthday. She’s grown up so much since the last time he saw her. She’s as tall as (Y/N) now. They could almost pass for twins.
“Damn it.” He mutters, wondering if he should wish her a happy 14th birthday. He also wonders if she ever asks (Y/N) about him, or if she hates him just as much as (Y/N) probably does.
Just as he picks up his phone to shoot Maggie a simple “Happy Birthday” text, there’s a knock on his door. He quickly exits out of (Y/N)’s Facebook page before answering it.
“Hey!” Rachel greets cheerily before standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. She looks cute in her costume.
“Hey backatcha. You look great!” He responds, trying to be as chipper as her, but still thinking about Maggie and (Y/N).
A grin spreads across her face, “you don’t look so bad yourself, Bam! Bam!” Brett chuckles a little as he holds out his arms, showing off his costume. “You ready?”
“Yup. Let’s party.” He shoves his phone in the make-shift pocket Rachel added to his costume and closes the door behind them.
It’s time for him to be fair to Rachel and stop thinking about his ex. She’s clearly happily moved on. Even Maggie seems to like the new boyfriend. It’s time for Brett to accept that he can’t be that guy anymore.
It's time for me to finally meet somebody new Take her to all the places that I took us to And she might help me forget But loving her is something I could never do Because I had, because I had you
Brett’s not exactly sure how he ended up in this situation. One minute he and Rachel were talking about New Year’s Eve plans, the next they’re in the McCall house for their annual party. Everyone came, including (Y/N) and the new guy, which Brett is kind of surprised about. He didn’t volunteer to come here, so he wonders if (Y/N) felt the same way. If she did, she wasn’t showing it. Maybe he should attempt to do the same instead of sulking.
“Your friends are so nice!” Rachel exclaims as she comes back from the bathroom.
He nods in agreement, “yeah, they’re not too bad.”
Just as he says it Liam, Mason, and Corey walk up. “Who? Us? Yeah, we’re pretty great.” Liam states smugly.
“Except for these guys, they’re losers,” Brett jokes with a grin.
“Whatever. I can still kick your ass on the lacrosse field.”
“HA! Okay. Whatever you say, Liam.” Brett says as he pats Liam on the shoulder.
“You guys play lacrosse too?” Rachel asks curiously.
Brett shakes his head, “Liam and Corey try to play.”
“Well, at least I didn’t bring my girlfriend to the same party my ex is at.” Liam tries to throw another punch in the game, but the group goes silent. Brett glares at him hard as his hand curls into a fist.
“Awkward…” Mason states as he looks back and forth between his friends.
Rachel has a look of shock on her face, but she quickly composes herself. “Excuse me.” The guys watch as she makes her way through the kitchen and living room and out the front door.
Brett turns with a glare at Liam again, “thanks for that.” He says sarcastically before storming off after Rachel.
He finds her standing behind his car, her suitcase and backpack for the week on the ground beside her feet. Her back is to him, but he could tell she’s upset by the way her arms are crossed over her chest. With a deep exhale, he prepares himself for the conversation to come before making his way to stand beside her. He stands in a similar position as her but shoves his hands deep in his pockets instead.
“An Uber will be here any minute to take me to the airport.” She states stoically before he has a chance to say one word.
“You don’t have to leave. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
At this, Rachel turns to face him, “are you still in love with her?”
Brett swallows hard, to which she scoffs and shakes her head. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”
“So, you aren’t still in love with her?” Her eyebrow arches and her eyes don’t leave his.
“You can’t just get over someone you were with for three years, Rachel.” He tries to get her to understand.
She shakes her head, “unbelievable.”  She sucks in a deep breath and releases it slowly as she looks around, obviously trying to calm herself. “So, what the hell was this? A rebound?” She asks, gesturing between them.
Brett shakes his head quickly, “no. I’ve been trying to move on.”
“What do you want me to say, Rachel? You knew on our first date what I was going through and said you understood. You even called yourself a distraction!” He throws his hands up in frustration but wasn’t expecting the slap that came across his face.
She glares at him with tears forming in her eyes, “screw you, Brett.”
Her words stung harder than her slap. Suddenly, he was taken back to the day he broke up with (Y/N) and she said those exact same words. Rachel doesn’t know the details of his break up with (Y/N). Hell, she doesn’t even know her name or which girl inside she is. She’s never asked, and he’s never voluntarily talked about it. The way he saw it, the less he thought of or talked about (Y/N), the easier it would be to move on. Clearly, he was wrong.
Brett was so lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even see the Uber pull up or Rachel get in the car. He didn’t even get to apologize for his stupid comment. So much for that relationship, he thought with a heavy sigh. He walks back inside and tries to avoid any conversation about where Rachel went and why. He also avoids (Y/N) like the plague.
At least for now.
There's nothin', no There's nothin' left to lose Because I had you, babe There's nothin' Nothin' that I could do I wish I had you But I think it's time I finally found somebody new And tell myself that she's the one that get me through And she might help me forget But loving her is something I just couldn't do Because I had you
The new year came and went, and the spring semester of Brett’s freshman year is in full swing. Since the New Year’s Eve party, he’s tried talking to Rachel, but she’s mastered the art of avoiding him. She even somehow switched classes he knew they were supposed to have together. Clearly, he royally screwed up that relationship.
It’s for the best, though, really. The whole ordeal helped him come to terms with a few things. One, he’s not ready to move on to a new relationship. Why? Because of number two: he’s still in love with (Y/N). If he’s being honest with himself, he’s known that fact for a while, but wanted to try to get over her since she was obviously over him.
Now, with spring break starting, Brett wonders if (Y/N) will be back in Beacon Hills again like him. Even though she’s still with the new guy, at least last he saw on New Year’s Eve, he needs to tell her how he feels and that he made a mistake. She’s liable to just slap him across the face like Rachel did, but that’s a risk he’s willing to take. At least she would know.
At this point, he really has nothing left to lose.
Brett’s been back in Beacon Hills for a few days now and still hasn’t seen any sign of (Y/N). Embarrassingly enough, he’s even driven by her house, but her car isn’t there. He refuses to creep on her social media to see if she’s even town, though. He doesn’t want to come off as too desperate, although admittedly, he is a tad desperate.
If it’s meant to be, it will be. That’s what he keeps telling himself at least.
So, as he walks into the coffee shop and spots (Y/N) sitting at a corner table with her laptop out and sipping on what he’s sure is a chai latte with a bit of honey, he knows this is his chance. As he glances around the small shop, he notices it’s pretty busy for a late morning. In fact, the only empty seat is across from her – another sure sign this is his chance.
He orders himself an Americano and keeps stealing glances her way as he waits to make sure she doesn’t leave. She doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. She seems engrossed in whatever she’s doing on her computer. Hopefully it’s not anything too important so he won’t feel guilty about interrupting her.
Once he gets his coffee, he nervously makes his way over, mentally preparing himself on what to say. All this time he’s wanted to talk to her, but he’s never actually thought of the right words. With his luck, he’ll get word vomit and say something completely stupid.
“Is this seat taken?” He asks after clearing his throat.
(Y/N)’s head instantly pops up from her screen at the sound of his voice; a look of surprise evident on her face. “Um… no.”
He pulls out the chair and takes a seat all the while (Y/N) eyes him questionably. “Thanks.” She just nods slowly. “I’m not stalking you, by the way.”
She laughs a little, “I didn’t say you were.”
“Right.” He rubs the back of his neck nervously, suddenly unable to make eye contact with her, but he can still feel her eyes on him.
“Are you okay?”
This causes him to finally look back up at her and nod. “Yeah. I just, uh… this isn’t awkward for you?”
“The guy who dumped me now sitting across from me acting weird? No, not at all,” she answers with a grin full of sarcasm.
He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck again. “Guess I asked for that one.” (Y/N) just nods. After a beat of silence, he speaks up again, “do you maybe wanna take a walk with me?”
She eyes him curiously, “why?”
Brett shrugs, “to talk.”
She thinks about it for a minute before closing her laptop, “don’t make me regret this.” She states seriously before putting her computer in her bag.
He shakes his head feverishly, “I won’t.”
“So…” (Y/N) lingers after five minutes into their walk and nothing has been said.
“Brett, you’re the one who wanted to talk,” she says with a small laugh.
“Oh, right.” Brett rubs the back of his neck again. This is harder than he thought it would be. He hasn’t been this nervous around her since they first started dating. “You know I’m sorry, right? For how I ended things…”
She exhales deeply as she looks straight ahead, “I’m not going to lie, being blindsided like that hurt like hell.” He nods his head and digs his hands in his pockets. “But if you think I’m holding a grudge against you or something, I’m not. I got over it and moved on.”
He nods again, “I saw.” She looks at him skeptically. “At the New Year’s Eve party.” He wasn’t about to confess to creeping on her social media yet.
“Oh. Yeah.” A beat of silence passes before she speaks again, “I saw that you moved on too.” Her tone was indifferent, almost as if she were trying not show how she felt about him being with someone else.
A sort of bitter chuckle escapes from him, “yeah. That ended that day.”
She looks at him confused, “why?”
“Honest answer?” He asks looking at her with raised eyebrows, and she nods. “You.”
(Y/N) lets his response sink in as they walk in silence again. How is she supposed to respond to that? On one end, she’s honestly kind of happy they were over because there’s still a teensy bit of her that was jealous when she saw them together. She also isn’t too mad about him getting dumped. On the other end, she does still care for him and wouldn’t wish heartbreak on anyone. Even if they broke her heart.
“Listen, don’t feel bad about it or anything.” He suddenly breaks the silence as if he was reading her mind. She looks over at him. “It was inevitable.”
“Why?” She asks again, suddenly feeling like a curious five-year-old.
He shrugs his shoulders, “because I was lying to myself.” Time to get real honest, Brett. Don’t hold back. “I saw on Facebook that you were moving on, and I thought I needed to try too. At first, it was hard because I just kept comparing every girl to you. I even did it with Rachel, but sometimes I was able to not think about you or our relationship. And I thought, okay, I can do this. I can move on with her.”
(Y/N) listens intently as they walk and he talked. Granted, it’s difficult to hear him talk about another girl. “So, what happened?” She asks, swallowing her ego to hear what he had to say.
He exhales before continuing, “there were moments when I just knew I couldn’t be what she wanted. Like when we kissed, and I didn’t feel that spark. Or when we held hands, and they didn’t seem to fit perfectly together. Or the way we never bickered… over anything. It was just too easy with her.”
She looks at him confused, “usually easy is a good thing.”
“I guess,” he responds with a shrug. “But easy is boring.” Glancing over at her, he could see that his words hit a chord with her somehow. Maybe she was thinking about her own new relationship.
After a few minutes of letting her think, he interrupts her thoughts by clearing his throat again. “Anyways, I pushed my own feelings aside because I still wanted to try to make it work. I had to. If I wanted to get over and move on from you, then I had to try.” He pauses for a second, “but then New Year’s Eve rolled around. I didn’t want to go to the McCall’s party, but I couldn’t convince her not to without being honest about why I didn’t want to go. Not long after we got there, Liam let it slip that I brought her to a party my ex was at. She walked away, and I followed her. She asked me questions I had been asking myself for the longest time, but she already knew the answers to them. Then she left.”
“What questions did she ask?” (Y/N) asks even though she was pretty sure she knew.
Brett looks over at her incredulously, “what do you think?”
She sighs deeply in frustration and uncertainty. This whole confession was so unexpected. She’s not sure how to feel about it. Brett’s the only one that’s ever had the capability to break her heart, and she never thought he’d do it, but he did. He shattered it, and it took her so long to get out of the depression that it put her in. She forced herself to move on by burying her feelings for him to the depths of her heart. Then she met Jason and started to feel happy again, even in love. At least, that’s what she thought.
Now, her heart is conflicted. If she’s being really honest, it’s always been conflicted. Ever since New Year’s Eve, though, her feelings for Brett have come back full force. So much so that even Jason noticed. A few weeks after the party, they got into a huge argument that ended things between them. Like Brett, she realized that it was inevitable.
However, she’s not sure she’s ready to go there with Brett again. He’s always had her heart, but now it’s tattered and torn, and she’s scared.
“Can we stop for a minute?” Brett asks suddenly.
They’ve been walking for a while now, and she hadn’t even realized how far they’d gotten from the coffee shop. Now they were at the park a few blocks away. He guides her over to a bench nearby and they take a seat.
“What are you thinking?”
(Y/N) laughs ironically and shakes her head, “so much.” She puts her head in her hands and runs her hands through her hair. “What do you expect me to do with all this, Brett?” She asks, turning to face him.
“I don’t expect anything really.” She laughs again and shakes her head. “Really, (Y/N). I just wanted you to know.”
“Know what exactly? That you realized you made a mistake after you tried to be with someone else?” Now she was just being mean and bitter. How else was she supposed to react, though? Just run back into his arms? Tempting, but also terrifying.
Brett shakes his head, “I didn’t realize it after Rachel broke up with me. I just wouldn’t admit it to myself before then.” He pauses to take one of her hands in his and stares right into her big, brown eyes. “What I realized is that I couldn’t love her, or anyone for that matter, because I had you, (Y/N).”
A tear slips down (Y/N)’s cheek and he quickly wipes it away. “Jason broke up with me.” She confesses. If he was being completely transparent, then she probably should to.
Brett tries to contain the joy that ran through his veins at that confession. He hates that she got her heart broken again, but he’s hoping it will work in his favor. “He’s an idiot.”
She shakes her head, “no. He’s actually pretty smart. He and Rachel should meet. They have a lot in common.”
He looks at her confused, “like what?”
“Like they’re both footnotes in someone else’s love story.” Her brown eyes stare into his blue ones as she offers a small smile.
As bad as that fact is, Brett couldn’t help but smile a little about it. (Y/N) basically admitted to still having feelings for him too. He didn’t want to jump the gun, though. So, he leaned in a little until their faces were mere inches apart. When she didn’t pull away or turn her cheek, he took that as a good sign to kiss her. So, he does. Their lips meet, her hands instantly go to the nape of his neck, and they kiss like no time had been lost.
The End.
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kareniliana · 3 years
Teen Wolf Masterlist
Okay I decided I will transfer my wattpad works over here because I am just in love with my Teen Wolf book. I'll be editing and revising them. I will not publish the ones that were a personal request, just so I can keep some semblance of respect for privacy between the apps.
I will be adding the links as they are posted
Stiles (season 1)- New Hale in Town
Scott McCall
triple date with a bet
A walk down Memory lane
you’re here
Stiles Stilinski
Awkwardly confessed
Wolf Moon
Not to Fall
Derek Hale
With My Teeth
Say you won't let go
Liam Dunbar
A thing
He gets jealous
Teaching lacrosse
cheesy seven minutes in heaven
Isaac Lahey
You have me
not too cramped but awkward
please don’t go
Go to hell
be careful
wait, what?
you’re here
Jordan Parrish
Ride along
That was badass
drunken night pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5
idle I wait
Brett Talbot
Coach's office*
Heartbroken pt 1 pt 2
take it back
In vitro
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bobbersb-fandomfun · 3 years
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First of my two fics for @teenwolfficfest is NOW REVEALED! Thank you so much to @edge0fmydesiree for being an awesome beta reader! Name: the place between asleep and awake Rating: Explicit Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Pairing: Nolan Holloway/Brett Talbot Prompt: Stop growling back at my dog! Summary: It wasn’t that Nolan had spent his whole life dreaming about leaving Beacon Hills as some had. He’d always heard some story about wanting to get out of their hometown, make it big in the real world, in some suffocating city when everyone and their dog knew each other’s secrets. Of course, then it came out that there were some pretty fucking BIG secrets in the town of Beacon Hills, well, wouldn’t you know. So no, it wasn’t that Nolan had always dreamt of leaving, but by the time he’d come to the end of his years at high school, it was that he couldn’t bring himself to stay. A fresh start, that, was what he needed, but he never expected it to come with the most beautiful, perplexing man, he’d ever met!
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kpopgirlbtssvt · 3 years
Does anyone know any Teen Wolf blogs that take requests?🥺💜
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amylillian22 · 7 years
I’m Nothing Without Her – Part 3 - Liam Dunbar Imagine
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 1,674
Warnings: curse words
Author’s Note: I’m so sorry this took forever! I’ve been extremely busy, but here it is. The final chapter to the mini I’m Nothing Without Her series. I hope you enjoy it. Also, this wasn’t beta-proofed, so sorry for any grammar errors.
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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[Part 1] [Part 2]
I watched Liam and Brett from the sidelines, standing next to my teammate Nolan. The team was completely quite as Brett ran towards Liam. Brett tricked him into thinking he was running to the left side before he changed his mind and ran to the right side. Liam missed Brett completely and ended up falling to the ground. Brett pulled his lacrosse stick back before he flung it forward, letting the lacrosse ball fly straight into the net, scoring a goal. The guys on the sidelines “Oooh-ed”, completely impressed by Brett’s trick.
“Perfect split dodge,” Brett explained the play to us with a smirk on his face. He walked backwards until he reached the middle of the lacrosse field. He picked up the ball with his stick and started running towards Liam again. Liam charged towards Brett, only to be shoved to the side with Brett’s shoulder, making him stumble to the ground again. Liam quickly looked up and saw Brett make another goal.
“Perfect rocker,” Brett said as he walked by Liam. The guys were impressed by Brett’s lacrosse skills.
“Just remember to cover your back, especially if your opponent’s a dick,” Liam explained to us as his eyes never left Brett’s.
“You got some pretty big cleats to fill with Scott leaving. You ready for all of this?” Brett asked Liam.
“I managed all summer,” Liam answered, causing me to roll my eyes as I let out a small scoff.
“Summer’s over.”
With my werewolf hearing, I could hear Liam panting heavily as he stared at Brett. I didn’t need my werewolf senses to know he was getting angry. Everyone on the sidelines could see it. Liam was pissed Brett was kicking his ass on the field in front of everyone. As captain, he shouldn’t be this bad. Maybe if he got his head out of his ass and used his werewolf powers, Liam would give Brett a challenge.
The entire team stayed quiet as we watched Brett running towards Liam again. Brett shoved Liam to the ground, his legs flying in the air before his back hit the hard ground again. The guys “Oooooo-ed”again. Liam grunted and huffed as he slowly got up from the ground. His anger was only getting worse by the second. I had no doubt he would be shifting any minute. Even though we weren’t speaking to one another, I knew he was having trouble with his shift with everything going on in his life.
I turned around and saw Mason and Brett’s sister, Lori, sitting on the stands, watching Brett and Liam on the field. They were talking about the first game starting in a couple of weeks before I looked back at Brett and Liam on the field. They somehow ended up inside the goal’s net with Corey. When they untangled themselves and got up, Liam’s breathing was getting heavier by the second. He walked back to his position and if looks could kill, Brett would be a dead man.
Brett was back at the center of the field. He picked up the lacrosse ball with his lacrosse stick again and ran towards Liam. Except this time, Liam bent down and threw Brett over his shoulder, instantly sending him to the ground. Liam picked up the ball and ran towards Corey, whose eyes grew wide with fear. Liam flung the ball to the net, making Corey fall back and the ball going inside the net.
Brett quickly got up and ran towards Liam. “There he is! There’s that IED I remember. What’s it stand for?” He asked.
I heard Liam’s heart racing against his chest. My eyes flickered from his chest to his eyes, which turned gold as he gripped the lacrosse stick tight in his hands. He was seconds away from shifting and I knew I had to do something before anyone on the team would notice.
"Intermittent Explosive Disorder?" Brett asked Liam.
Suddenly, I was mad as I walked towards them. I don’t know what Brett’s plan was, but him taunting Liam wasn't helping. Being a werewolf himself, he should know better than to try and provoke an angry beta with anger issues.
"That's enough, Brett," I said as I shoved him back and stood between them, creating some distance between the two.
"Aww," Brett cooed, "Liam's little girlfriend is here to protect him."
"She's not my girlfriend." "I'm not his girlfriend," Liam and I said at the same time.
"Oh, that's right. She's your best friend," he smirked before his eyes landed on me. "In that case, can I ask her out, Dunbar?"
I crossed my arms to my chest as I stared at Brett. I had no idea what he was doing, but I didn’t like it. I could practically feel Liam's anger radiating off of him. Even though I should have played along with Brett and purposely hurt Liam, because he deserved it, I couldn’t do it. Deep down, a part of me didn’t want to hurt him because I still cared about him.
"No," Liam gritted between his clenched teeth.
"Why not?" Brett asked.
"Because I said so," Liam answered as he took a step forward.
"Liam-" I said as I placed my hand on his chest, stopping him from getting any closer to Brett.
"What are we in 3rd grade?" Brett chuckled at Liam's childish answer. "That's not a good enough reason."
Liam let out a low growl, his eyes turning yellow once again. I turned around and placed both my hands on his chest, holding him back. "Liam-"
Liam looked over my shoulder and ignored me as he stared down at Brett. "Because I'm in love with her!" He snapped loudly.
"Oh snap!" Someone from the sidelines whispered, but us three heard it loud and clear with our werewolf hearing. Soon the guys were talking about how they’ve always known Liam and I had a thing for each other. Some assumed we had already been dating or sleeping with each other.
My hands dropped from Liam's chest before I turned around to look at Brett. I hated him for taunting Liam and making him admit how he supposedly felt about me in front of everyone when I knew deep down nothing was going to happen between us. Now the guys were starting rumors about our “friendship”.
"You know what? Fuck you, Brett, and your need to always push our limits just to try and prove a point!" I snapped before I walked off the lacrosse field. I quickly brushed the fallen tears from my cheeks, hoping no one saw them.
"Y/N!" Liam called after me. I could hear him chasing after me, which only made me walk away from him faster.
"Go away, Liam," I said over my shoulder once I reached the double doors to the locker room building.
"Y/N, please," he begged as he stopped the door with his hand, preventing me from going in.
"What?! What do you want?!" I snapped as more warm tears formed in my eyes.
"You!" He answered without hesitation and with complete honesty.
I shook my head, letting him know it wasn't that simple. "Liam-"
"I want you, Y/N," he said more softly, yet with a hint of pain in his voice. "You have no idea how fucked up I am without you. I thought," he paused for a second and let out a deep sigh as he ran his hand through his sweaty matted hair. "I thought Hayden moving was the worst thing that happened to me, but it wasn't. It was you walking out on me. I'm literally nothing without you, Y/N."
"Liam-" I whispered as tears fell down my cheeks and my heart racing against my chest with his words.
He stepped forward before his hands gently cupped my cheeks. He wiped my tears with the pad of his thumbs. I tried not to crave into his warm touch, but I couldn't help myself.
"Why else would you defend me from Brett? Huh?" He asked as he lifted my chin and looked directly into my tear filled eyes. "Because I know deep down you still care about me," he whispered.
I bit my lip before I spoke, "I'll always care about you, you jackass... I'm in love with you."
Liam's lips formed a small smile, "And I'm in love with you."
I shook my head. "Liam, I would be a rebound-"
"No, you wouldn’t be," he leaned in and captured my lips with his. This time it wasn't forceful like the other day in the locker room, where he seemed like he was trying to prove a point. It was gentle, nice, and slow. The kind every girl wished her first kiss would be like, pure bliss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sunk into the kiss as he released the butterflies in my pit of my stomach. He pulled me in closer as I deepened the kiss before he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. His lips were so soft and gentle as our lips moved in perfect sync. It wasn't rushed or rough. It was sweet and slow, just like how I imagined our first kiss would be like. It was perfect.
When the burning sensation in our lungs was too much, we broke the kiss. Liam rested his forehead against mine, his warm breath fanning against my lips as his chest quickly rose and fell against mine, trying to catch his breath. "Now tell me that didn't feel like a rebound. Tell me what you felt was real," his lips ghosted against mine.
My heart was still racing against my chest as my hand slid down to his chest, just above his rapid heartbeat. I look down at my hand and traced a heart with the tip of my finger.
"I love you, Y/N. I always have. It just took me a while to realize that," he whispered, almost in a apologetic tone.
I took a deep breath before I looked up at Liam, immediately locking my eyes with his sapphire eyes. "I love you, too, Liam... Just..." I trailed for a second, "Please don't break my heart again."
"I promise if you promise to do the same," he whispered back.
"Promise," I sealed with a kiss.
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usermischief · 3 years
Had to pick from one I didn't already know about 😂 number 18 please ❤
Thank youuu! 💖
"Are you sober?" - "I'm moderately functional" - "I'll take this as a no" - Briles (with Stira Bros)
Oh, damn. That's a kinda old WIP I found while going through my folders. It’s kind of a Model AU? More or less. Well, Brett is a model, and Kira is a photographer/fashion blogger. One of the models she hired cancelled at the last minute, and now she needs a replacement. So, naturally, she calls Stiles who's gotten home after a long night of fun (read: clubbing & sex). Kira knows that, but she begs him to come anyway (and tells him that Lydia is going to do his make up, so he'll look brand new).
Stiles is a great friend, so he agrees and kicks out the guy he hooked up with (who is not a fan). A couple hours later, Stiles rolls up to the place of the photo shoot... and guess who the second model is?! Correct, Brett Talbot, who he's just spent the night with. Of course, they don't have to fake any sexual tension at all. (And if they happen to see each other again and again, it's nobody's business but their own.)
(un-started fic list / asks)
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Jealous - Brett Talbot x Reader
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(gif source)
Summary: y/n’s car breaks down and a classmate of hers gets a little flirty while helping her. Brett is Not A Fan.
Word Count: 2004
Warnings: cursing & a cute lil fluffy ending
a/n: this is my first brett x reader fic (i’m having quite a few firsts, aren’t i?), requested by @anamxleetuan​ . i’m currently open for requests, so feel free to send some in! also, this is a wee bit dialogue heavy, i hope ya like it anyway.
“Crap” y/n muttered to herself as she unsuccessfully tried to start her car for the fourth time. Her little sedan was about twenty years old and had definitely seen better days, but it got her from point A to point B so she couldn’t complain too much. Until now, when she was stranded in the school parking lot. She groaned and rested her forehead on the steering wheel in between her hands. Of course this had to happen in the middle of August, when the lovely California weather was resting at a not-so-comfortable 88 degrees. 
She was about to dial her boyfriend, Brett, when she remembered that he was at lacrosse practice and probably wouldn’t see any calls or texts for at least another hour. With the exception of herself and a few of the lacrosse players’ cars, the parking lot was completely deserted. y/n tried for a fifth and final time to start her car, the vehicle sputtering and going silent once again. She huffed out an annoyed breath before mustering up the will to get off of the surprisingly comfortable seat and try to find out what was wrong. 
No one was ever able to make the mistake of thinking y/n y/l/n couldn’t take care of herself. She made sure she always knew at least the basics for responding to accidents and emergency situations. She practically knew enough first aid to tack an M.D. to the end of her name, she knew how to replace her own flat tires, and had proved on multiple occasions - much to Brett’s surprise - that she had good enough survival skills to last in the woods for a few days on next to nothing. Yet, here she was, frustration growing with each additional minute she spent out in the sun as she tried to figure out why her car wouldn’t start. After studying the contents underneath the hood for a solid five minutes and finding nothing out of place visually, she cursed under her breath. It’s the damn battery. Of course that dash light isn’t working, either. Conveniently enough, she had no jumper cables, however, the more obvious set back was that she was lacking another car to jump hers with.
y/n groaned as she threw her head back and rubbed a hand over her face. She was weighing her options - wait for Brett to finish practice and catch a ride home with him or call a repair service that she definitely didn’t have the money for - neither of which seemed ideal. She was interrupted mid-thought when she heard someone clear their throat behind her and she jumped, her heart practically beating out of her chest. She turned to look at the source of the noise, a hand delicately resting over her chest in attempts to calm her racing heart. Part of her was prepared to encounter the latest supernatural villain to grace Beacon Hills when she turned around, so she was pleasantly surprised when she was met with a boy she recognized from her biology class. He wore a bright smile that would make any girl weak in the knees and his honey brown eyes twinkled in the sunlight. Max, I think his name is… Just before she was about to open her mouth to introduce herself, he spoke first.
“y/n, right? From biology?” he asked. y/n shook her head with a smile, a little bit surprised that he knew her name considering the fact that she didn’t really talk to anyone in her classes. He cleared his throat after not-so-discreetly checking her out for a moment. “I’m Max. You need some help?” he offered. In that moment y/n found herself thanking everything that was holy for the unexpected encounter with her classmate.
“Actually, yeah. Do you have any jumper cables?” she asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. Max smiled back and nodded.
“I do. I’ll go grab my car and meet you back here,” he finished as he began to walk away. y/n nearly squealed in excitement. Okay, so maybe getting her car jumped wasn’t as big of a blessing as she was making it out to be, but it meant she didn’t have to shell out hundreds of dollars to a repair service that probably wouldn’t do anything anyways, it also meant she didn’t have to wait out in the sun for her boyfriend to finish lacrosse practice.
Max pulled his car into the spot next to hers and y/n had to admit that she was impressed. She let her eyes roam over the contours of his sleek black mustang as she bit her lip and he smirked a little to himself at her reaction. The sound of the car door shutting snapped her out of her trance and she looked up with a grateful smile. Max returned her smile as he moved towards the trunk of his vehicle, pulling out the jumper cables. He popped his car’s hood and began hooking up the cables. y/n offered to do it but Max declined, insisting on doing it himself. Ah, would you like at that, chivalry isn’t dead. After he hooked up the cables and started running his car, he leaned against his hood and they started talking about different things, mostly school though. If y/n wasn’t mistaken, the tall, deep brown haired boy who she’d never formally spoken to was flirting with her.
y/n was so wrapped up in her conversation with Max that she didn’t see Brett coming out of the locker room with his lacrosse duffel bag thrown over his shoulder. Max checked his watch and figured enough time had passed for y/n to be able to start her car. He gestured for her to do so and she excitedly walked towards the driver door, swinging her key ring around her index finger. She slowly turned the key in the ignition, crossing her fingers as she did so. When the car hummed to life she cheered out loud, pumping her fist into the air. Before she knew what she was doing, her excitement took over and she wrapped Max in a bone crushing hug. Brett raised his eyebrows from afar and picked up his pace as he walked towards the pair.
“Oh, shit,” y/n murmured once she realized what she was doing and quickly pulled away. “Oh, God, I’m so sorry. That was probably so awkward and out of line- I’m just- I’m just really excited, thank you so much,” she rushed out sheepishly, wringing her hands together. Max simply looked down at her smugly before turning to unhook the cables.
“I don’t mind, sweetheart,” he smirked in her direction. Though Brett was still out of normal earshot, his heightened senses picked up every word of the conversation. He normally didn’t consider himself to be a jealous person, but he’d be lying if he said that the way Max looked at y/n and the way he called her “sweetheart” didn’t set him on edge. It wasn’t until Brett stood only a few parking spaces away from y/n car that either of them took notice of his presence. 
“Oh! Hey Brett!” y/n beamed as she turned towards him. Her bright smile and the innocent glint in her eyes was almost enough to tame his jealousy. Almost.
“Hey, babe,” Brett replied, placing special emphasis on the pet name. He approached her and wrapped an arm around her back, letting his fingers rest firmly on her hip as he kissed her cheek. Max watched the exchange between the two, suddenly feeling a little deflated. His Adam's apple bobbed while he swallowed thickly as Brett shot daggers at him with his eyes. y/n noticed the look Brett was throwing Max’s way and internally rolled her eyes. He’s acting like a territorial dog, she thought. In attempts to diffuse the situation, she cleared her throat, interrupting the one-sided staring match.
“Brett, this is Max from my bio class. Max, this is Brett, my boyfriend.” she introduced the boys. Max coughed, assumedly choking on his own spit, and offered a nervous smile to Brett, who simply gave a curt nod of his head. This time when y/n rolled her eyes she didn’t try to hide it. Knowing that her boyfriend’s mood wouldn’t improve while Max was still with them, she decided to wrap things up for everyone’s sake. She lightly elbowed Brett’s side, feeling bad for Max, the confident boy appearing a little frightened now (and probably rightfully so).
“Well, I really appreciate all your help, you’re seriously a life-saver,” y/n thanked him. Brett bit his tongue and turned his head to the side, trying to keep his cool as Max seemed to become more relaxed while y/n spoke to him.
“Yeah, yeah, of course,” Max cleared his throat. “I should, um, I should- I should probably get going,” he stammered out in a questioning tone. “See you in biology,” he finished, smiling warmly but nervously before he got into his car. Brett stared at Max driving away until the black mustang pulled out of the parking lot. When he turned back, y/n was looking up at him with a disappointed look on her face.
“Really?” she gestured to where Max’s car was once parked. In all honesty, she found his antics more amusing than she did annoying, but that didn’t mean he had to scare her classmate. Brett shrugged his shoulders shamelessly as he pulled her into him, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the top of her head. y/n let out a semi-frustrated huff but nonetheless relaxed into his arms and wrapped hers around his shoulders.
“He was being too friendly,” Brett argued as he brushed some of his girlfriend’s hair out of her face. 
“He was being helpful. You scared him,” she replied, her chin resting on his chest as she glanced up at him. Brett smirked before leaning down to give her a sweet kiss.
“Good,” he murmured against her lips, the smirk still plastered across his face. y/n rolled her eyes and lightly swatted his chest, before pulling away as a smirk of her own slowly spread across her face. Brett’s smile faded as he took in her mischievous look.
“What,” he asked blankly, not entirely sure he wanted to know what had her grinning that way. She slowly began walking backwards, poking his chest as she distanced herself.
“You’re jealous,” she teased, a devious glint in her eye. He let out a short laugh, throwing his head to the side in amusement.
“I am not,” he bluffed. The moment the words left his lips y/n knew she was right, she could read him a little too well.
“Oh man, you totally are,” she laughed as she turned to walk towards the driver door to get in her car. She added a bit of swing to her hips as she walked away to seal the deal and it didn’t take long before Brett cracked. He was on her in seconds, pressing her up against the side of her car as he breathed down her neck.
“So maybe I am. I can’t help it that you’re so damn hot,” he whispered in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She turned around in his arms so her back could rest on the car as she wrapped her arms over his shoulders. Her eyes danced over his face as she took in his sharp features and warm eyes.
“No need to worry, babe. I only have eyes for you,” y/n assured with a wink and small grin. She continued to stare up at him, love swirling in her eyes as she took in the way he practically glowed in the afternoon sunlight.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Brett replied, resting a hand on the back of her neck as he leaned down to capture her lips in a slow, loving kiss.
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tag list: @linkpk88​
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pitch perfect x teen wolf headcannon i came up with at 3 am ,, someone write me a crack-fic
for some context:
okay so picture this your me, queer & mentally ill and as one person with this criteria does i am reading fanfic & listening to the pitch perfect sound track.
now as any sane person does i take a minute and think wow, how can i combine this to make a cursed headcannon this…
…boy band,, like treble makers style accapella group but it’s just the pack
like please tell me you don’t see this group of like scott, stiles, mason, issac and like theo being in a fucking accapella group togther
it’s so funny
also for my pitch perfect fans bumper is def peter, this doesn’t make sense in actuality but it makes sense to me so it’s okay.
and yes theo can sing, i’ve convinced myself of this.
the whole storyline of the movie is the same expect it’s like theo and liam are becca ( theo ) and jesse ( liam ) — tell me you see it
and some of the other characters work ,, lIKE BRETT TALBOT IS SUCH A TRACEY the “my hobbies include cuticle care and e-network” gIRL !!
coach finstock is the acapella announcer guy-
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jimmy12427 · 3 years
Cory Saintgnue is reading Brett Talbot fan fictions on his tictok I saw via Instagram. He's not reading the RIGHT ones tho. @msmischief101 & @voidstilesplease & @mercheswan you guys need to send him links to the Stiles/Brett fics.
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bewaretheundead91 · 4 years
Missclic in there ! : Hey how are you ? Anyway, it took me courage to send you this ask. Ive read your last part ? of Devenford Prep long time ago. An amazing part as always. I was kind of scared because of the tag under it... You seems so... done ? With that fic, almost annoyed. So ,Sorry if I bothered with my enthousiasm in there 😔. To quote Captain America (or Bucky Barnes XD) 'till the end of the line pal'. Guess its the end for my interventions in this blog. Have a nice life. Stay safe !🧡
So I’m doing okay as far as being furloughed and in self isolation can make me. So I see this is about Devenford Prep and I’m sorry I haven’t updated that story in quite a while. I understand that most of the people who even followed me on this page only did so for my Brett Talbot content and a few for my Isaac Lahey fits (which often times confused a lot of people). I also understand that Devenford Prep is probably my most popular fic on here and that it’s actually been taken from me and published on wattpad without my permission (my anxiety makes me check wattpad frequently to make sure someone hasn’t done that again). While I was writing my Brett fics I noticed several things about myself during that time and those things about myself basically crushed my motivation to continue the fic.
I’m really sorry about the lack of updating and I’m really sorry if I’ve disappointed you or any of my other readers out there. I’ve thought about taking my devenford prep fic and actually making it into something original, but sapphic instead of hetero. Nothing against my characters of course.
A) I’m gay and only sometimes have an attraction to men (sometimes). This actually really affected my ability to try and write good content between Brett and Y/N. Also I was exploring the character Michael Langdon form AHS and found that my content was really flat and boring.
B) I’m really into writing original fiction and I’m actually trying to get something actively published at the moment.
C) writing imagines has actually harmed my ability to write characters and non imagine fics and the current market on tumblr pretty much only wants self insert fiction and I’m straying away from that. I understand why people love self insert fiction and love writing it. Trust me I have a lot of newer things on this page that are self insert. Writing self insert fics sort of rewired my brain to create characters to be as plain as possible so people could self insert and that shouldn’t be the goal in non self insert fiction. 
D) I’ve sort of lost my writing voice by writing self insert fics.
E) I’m sort of over teen wolf and the fandom. I actually didn't watch the last season.
F) I don’t enjoy reading fan fiction and self insert as much as original fiction now.
G) no one is genuinely reading my content anymore, the teen wolf fandom does not care for Brett or is no longer interested in the character since he is dead.
I seem to be annoyed in the tags because I was, no one was reading the story so I just don’t feel like working on it anymore. I’m really sorry for that and I didn’t mean to upset anyone. I hope this doesn’t come off as rude or mean either. I’ve tried to revisit my Brett content over and over again because face it I want Brett and Y/N to end up together and their relationship is so strong and evolved over time so much. And they work, they just do. I really wish MTV could have done a perspective of Brett Talbot and how it was growing up as a werewolf.  but we didn’t get that.
I’m honestly really sorry. 
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dr0wning-in-hell · 8 years
I started a new book called ‘The Phoenix’! It is a Teen Wolf fanfic based during season three of the show, the show where a pack of Alphas and a dark Druid are causing trouble and death in Beacon Hills. If you enjoy reading my imagines, then please go read it, vote on it, comment on it, and SHARE IT. OMG PLEASE JUST READ IT.
link to book here.
Thank you my lovely followers.
xoxo - Jillian
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bobbersb-fandomfun · 4 years
Fanworks Masterpost
So, now that I’ve been dipping my toes into creating myself, and I have a few things I’ve got in the pipeline to come, I decided to start up a masterpost! Here is links you’ll find to my work, most can straight up be found on my AO3, but not always.
** fic has explicit rating.
Firefly Fandom: Fan Art:
Teen Wolf Fandom:
a little less by the book a little more hands on
that one time a speed trap turned into a thirst trap **
turn and face the strange **
it takes two to tango **
Sterek Kinktober Masterpost ** Kinks listed inside
Drag Charm - Stiles centric
What's Cookin' Good Lookin' ** All Human, Social Media to all the boys i've loved before - fanfiction by me, fanart by @go-catch-a-chickn
There is no separation between the fallen and the stars Teen Wolf/All American crossover
How do I say I love you? - OTL Valentine’s Event.
It started with a NYE kiss - Teen Wolf Fic Fest work ** Thiam Kinktober Masterpost ** Kinks listed inside Theo & Liam - Holiday Fic, Netflix show Dash & Lily Thiam’d Just one more, always just one more chance... -  5 + 1 
Strange things are afoot at the circle K
Surprise Drabble w/ Moodboard
Road Trip Drabble w/ Moodboard
Other Pairings:
Family Isn't Always Blood - Isett -  Isaac Lahey/Brett Talbot
Your Hurt Is In My Heart - Isett - Isaac Lahey/Brett Talbot
It's not what you look at, it's what you see - Nolec - Nolan/Alec
the place between asleep and awake - Nett - Nolan/Brett **
Stiles Stilinski's Guide to Mistletoe for Idiot Werewolves - Steo
Fan Art:
Theo Raeken Moodboards:
Demiromantic, Demisexual & Non-binary
Liam Dunbar Moodboards:
Hufflepuff Moodboard
(Art) you only feel one emotion at a time  Art inspired by the fic  you only feel one emotion at a time by  likelightninginabottle
Moodboards for  It started with a NYE kiss Six in Total. Aesthetic Moodboards for Theo & Liam Eight in Total
Banners for Alphas of a Feather , made for fanfiction for FandomTrumpsHate
Surprise Moodboard & Drabble
Road Trip Moodboard & Drabble
Strange things are afoot at the circle K fic inspired art
the place between asleep and awake, Moodboard 1 & 2
Paranormal Games: Ouija Board - Steo Spooktober Moodboard Ghost Stories -  Steo Spooktober Moodboard Stiles Stilinski's Guide to Mistletoe for Idiot Werewolves
Other Pairings:
Family Isn’t Always Blood - Isett - Isaac Lahey/Brett Talbot, fic inspired art.
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chasingthepoguelife · 7 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Liam Dunbar & Brett Talbot, Briam - Relationship, sterek - Relationship Characters: Liam Dunbar, Brett Talbot, Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Derek Hale, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, Sheriff Stilinski, Mason Hewitt Additional Tags: Gay, Homophobia, Violence, BoyxBoy, Gay Sex, Canon Gay Relationship Summary:
Liam has just moved to Beacon Hills after a difficult 6 months. He’s been recovering well and thinks he’s found a new home in Beacon Hills until he meets a tall curly haired boy that changes all of that. (this description is so cliche, but its Brett and Liam as a romance from Teen Wolf)
PEEP my Briam fan fic
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amylillian22 · 7 years
The Proposal - Brett Talbot
Requested by Zeronix (on Wattpad) – Hi *grins* Could I please request a Brett x reader (cause you’re doing amazing with Cody Christian/Theo stuff and are satisfying that pretty face’s need) where you two have been dating for a while and go on a trip to England or something and he surprises you with a proposal and maybe a promise to get a cute cottage there (in wherever they vacationed) one day? Please, and if Brett is too hard for you to write, maybe Derek or Theo works too.
Word Count: 1,250
Warnings: None, just fluff.
Author’s Note: I rarely write Brett imagines, so enjoy this one! Also, I’m back with new imagines!
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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For their fifth anniversary, Brett and Y/N planned a trip to England for two whole weeks. It took a lot of planning and saving a lot of money, but the two managed to make it happen. Luckily, their anniversary was during the summer and they didn’t have to worry about missing any classes or having to wait to celebrate during a break from school.
During their vacation, they visited a lot of touristy places like Big Ben, Stonehenge, Tower of London, Hyde Park, River Thames, and the London Zoo. Of course, they tried every restaurant and cute cafe Y/N saw. She was a foodie, especially with Italian since it’s her favorite. She loved wine and she couldn’t help but try different kinds every night for dinner. Brett didn’t care where they went or what they did, as long as Y/N was happy. Coming here was on her bucket list and he wanted everything to be perfect. He let her plan the entire trip, with the exception of him planning their last night together.
He told her he wanted to do something special for their last night, a romantic dinner. This was no surprise to Y/N as Brett has always surprised her with romantic surprises. However, Brett was about to pull the biggest surprise ever. One she would never forget and would tell their future grandchildren someday.
Y/N let out a small sigh with her eyes closed after taking the last bite of her favorite dessert. “This entire dinner was amazing.”
Brett chuckled as he nervously put his hand in his pocket; double-checking the ring box hasn’t suddenly disappeared into thin air. “I’m glad you loved it, baby.”
She fluttered her eyes open and immediately locked them with Brett’s. She placed the fork down on the plate and pushed it aside before reaching out for his hands as she spoke, “I’m serious. Everything about tonight was perfect. A romantic candlelight dinner on a rooftop that has an amazing view of, not only the country side, but the stars too,” she looked up with a huge smile on her face. She lost count how many stars shined so bright, but she didn’t care. She was happy. She was in love and in one of the most beautiful places in the world with her best friend. “Tonight couldn’t get any better,” she whispered as she saw a shooting star. “Make a wish, babe,” she whispered. Brett saw her close her eyes and make a wish. He didn’t feel the need to repeat her actions to make a wish. He already had a wish and he hoped she’d say yes.
When she rolled her head back and looked at Brett, she gave him a sweet smile. “Did you make a wish?”
“Yup, did you?” He asked.
“Of course,” she squeezed his hands.
He brushed his thumb across her knuckles. “What did you wish for?”
“I can’t tell you that, silly! Then it won’t come true,” she giggled. “Besides, it’s not like you’re going to tell me what you wished for.”  
“I wished that you would say yes,” he admitted.
Her heart skipped a beat. For a spilt second, she thought maybe he was about to ask her to marry him. She immediately pushed that thought in the back of her mind. He wasn’t going to propose tonight. They had a plan; the typical and safe plan. They would finish school first and then get married once they had careers.
“You know I’d say yes to you anytime about anything,” she smiled. Then she shook her head, “I take that back. I say yes most of the time,” she chuckled.
Except Brett didn’t laugh with her. He was completely nervous and her pervious statement made him more nervous. What if she didn’t say yes? After all, they weren’t done with school. They had student loans. They didn’t have stable careers. They each had a part time job that was enough to pay rent for their little apartment, and had to work extra shifts to make this trip happen.
“Brett?” She whispered, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked extremely nervous. She had never seen him like this before. “What’s wrong?”
He cleared his throat, pushing back the tightness, and took a deep breath. He squeezed her hands and looked into her worried eyes. “Y/N, I love you. You know that, right?”
She nodded slowly as she eyed him carefully. He was scaring her. Her heart was beating like crazy. The sound of her heartbeat was echoing in her eardrums. “And I love you…” she trailed nervously.
“These five years with you have been the best years of my life. I fell in love with a woman who became my best friend, and I can’t imagine living my life without her, her laugh, her touch, her sweetness, her kisses, her love…” he trailed. As he spoke, tears formed in Y/N’s eyes as her heart continued to pick up its rapid pace. She knew what was happening and she was ready for it.
“I know we had a plan,” he pulled out the small black box from his pocket and knelt down on one knee. Y/N gasped as her hands flew to her mouth. Her heart was racing, as the tears in her eyes fell down her cheeks. They’ve talked about having a future together, but she couldn’t believe it was finally happening. Their forever would start sooner than expected.
“But I can’t wait another second,” Brett continued. “I want my best friend to be my fiancé, then my wife, and someday the mother of my kids. I want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he paused and took a deep breath. “Will you marry me, Y/N?”
She nodded repeatedly before she wrapped her hand behind his back and pulled him in for a kiss. “Yes,” she mumbled between kisses. “A million times yes!”
Brett chuckled as he pulled back. He pulled out the ring from the box and grabbed her left hand. Y/N watched as he slowly slid on her new diamond engagement ring. Brett held her hand and admired the view for a few seconds before he kissed her wedding finger.  
“I promise to fulfill every promise I made to you. We’ll get married like we planned. I promise to buy you your dream house, no matter where it is. If it’s back home or here, as long as I’m with you,” Brett promised.
“It’s absolutely beautiful here. I would like to move here someday,” she turned to see the view from the rooftop in the night sky. “Maybe after we retire, and we’re old and gray,” she giggled as she looked back at Brett. “This would be a nice place to live after a long and happy life together.”
Brett’s lips formed a huge smile, knowing they would have a long and happy life together. “Whatever you want, baby, I’ll make it happen.”
Y/N cupped his cheeks and leaned her forehead against his. “I love you, Brett, and I can’t wait to be your wife.”
Brett smiled as he leaned in and kissed her. “I love you, too.”
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amylillian22 · 7 years
Favorite Couple – Brett Talbot Imagine
Requested by Anon: Could you write a Brett imagine where him and the reader have a relation like maya and lucas of gmw,like her is always calling him names and making fun of him, and he likes her but he doesn't knowshe likes him too and he thinks she doesn't like him back because all that stuff, so the packdecide set them up together in a date and they confess their feelings? just a lots of fluff.
Word Count: 1,650
Author’s Note: Okay, I really struggled coming up with an idea for this. I changed things about and decided to have the cast of GMW be the pack since we don’t know Brett’s pack at Devenford Prep. I hope you like it.
[My Teen Wolf Master List]
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"And one more thing before I end our morning announcements," the principal spoke through the intercom. "If you purchased a yearbook, they will be distributed sometime during this period. If you bought a yearbook and didn't receive it during your homeroom period, please see our yearbook teacher, Mr. Rod, in room 108. That is all. Have a great day students!"
"Brett?" Mrs. Cruz called out. "Can you please help me with the box?" 
"Sure thing, ma'am," Brett got up from his desk and effortlessly lifted the heavy box beside Mrs. Cruz desk. Our English teacher looked at him in disbelief as if he lifted a big box filled with yearbooks like he's picking up a feather. If she only knew about his werewolf strength.
"Please come up and get your yearbook when I call your name," Mrs. Cruz instructed.
When Brett sat back in his desk next to mine, I looked over to the other desk next to me and saw Sabrina repeatedly drumming her fingers on her desk as she bit her nails on her other hand. I furrowed my eyebrows, as her chemosignals were reeking with anxiety. "Sabrina, are you okay?"
"No," her leg began to bounce up and down. "I'm scared to see what our class voted me as. What if they labeled me as most likely to fail after high school? Or ‘geekiest nerd’? Is that even the proper way to say it?" She asked, starting to doubt herself.
I sighed. "Sabrina, you are one of the smartest girls in our class. Hell, you're in the Top 10 percent of our class! There is no way you'll fail after high school."
"And if anyone calls you a nerd, tell me and I'll kick their ass," Brett added.
"See? We have your back. Don't let what our classmates label you as, define you. You're an amazing person." 
"I got your back." Brett smiled at Sabrina before he looked back at me, "if someone calls you a geek or a nerd, you're on your own," he teased as he ruffled my hair.
I slapped his hand away from my hair before I rolled my eyes at him. "Like I need you to come to my rescue. I can defend myself."
"You two are so cute," Sabrina giggled. "When are you two finally going to get together?”
I tried not to react to her question. It's a question we often get, I know I did. The truth is Brett is my best friend, and I'm in love with him, but he never showed any interest in me other than a best friend. So I kept my feelings to myself.
"We're just best friends, Sabrina," I said as I noticed Brett shifting uncomfortably in his desk from the corner of my eye.
"Well, would you look at that!" Peyton exclaimed from the back of the classroom, grabbing everyone's attention. "This year's favorite couple is Brett and Y/N." My eyes widened as my heart dropped. 
Why would our classmates vote us Favorite Couple if we're not a couple? I thought to myself.
"That's impossible," I stood up quickly from my seat and rushed to Peyton's desk. I yanked the yearbook out of his hands, completely ignoring his "hey!" remark and looked at the page. Sure enough, on the bottom right side of the page was a heart shaped photo of Brett and I facing each other with huge smiles on our faces. I had just hugged him for making the winning goal on his last lacrosse game. We did look like a couple in the photo. Anyone who didn't know would assume we were. Maybe that's why people always asked us if we're together.
My eyes drifted up and noticed the picture above ours. Corey had his arm around Rowen's shoulder as they smiled for the camera. They were labeled as the ‘Class Favorite Best Friends’. My jaw dropped. "How in the world did they get Favorite Best Friends and we didn't?!"
"Oh relax, Y/N," Brett said from across the room. "So what if we're labeled as favorite couple. Don't let that define who you are," he mocked my words back to me.
"Oooohhhh," I shuddered and curled my hand into a fist, trying not to let him get the best of me. "So not the point!"
"Y/N? Brett?" Mrs. Cruz called out. "Why don't you two take it outside and not argue in my classroom." 
"Sure thing, Mrs. Cruz," Brett walked over, grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the class. While walking out, with my werewolf hearing, I overheard a kid in our classroom whisper to his friend, "Mrs. Cruz practically gave them a free pass to feel each other up in the janitor's closet." Brett held me back from beating the kid's ass and gently pushed me out of the classroom.
"What the hell is your problem?" Brett asked once we stepped outside into the courtyard.
"Nothing," I yanked my wrist out of his hand. "It's just annoying."
"What is?" He furrowed his eyebrows. "People thinking and asking us if we're a couple?"
"Why?!" His voice rose to match mine. 
"Because we're not together!"
"Would it be such a bad thing if we were?" His words paralyzed me. In the four years we've known each other, we never talked about this. We never showed an interest in liking each other more than best friends. I made sure to keep my feelings to myself.
"Yes." I finally answered.
"Why?" The tone in voice sounded sad, almost as if I broke his heart, but that wasn't possible. He wasn't in love with me like I was with him.
I wrapped my arms around myself and looked away from him as tears brimmed in my eyes. Brett stepped closer until he stood in front of me. He lifted my chin up, making me look directly into his eyes, which were begging for some answers.
I let out a shaky breath. "Because I don't want to lose you, Brett."
He shook his head, completely disagreeing with me. "You're not going to lose me." 
"Yes I am. There's so many ways I can lose you, Brett. If we give this a shot and it doesn't work out, I'll lose my best friend. If we do work out, I could lose you against the supernatural world. They'll all know we're together and the next supernatural villain that waltzes into town could easily kidnap one of us as bait or kill one of us knowing how much it would kill the other..." I trailed as my tears finally made their escape.
"Y/N..." Brett trailed as he brushed away the tears with the pad of his thumbs. "Can you be honest with the next question I'm about to ask you?" I swallowed hard before nodded my head. "Do you love me?"
"Of course I do."
"No, not as a best friend, as something more," he whispered as his face came closer to mine.
I bit my lip before answering, "yes."
Brett's lips meshed against mine and everything we've been holding back was put into that kiss, making up for lost time. Brett's arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me to his chest. I sunk into the kiss as I wrapped my arms around his neck. My head was spinning up in the clouds, butterflies had escaped from the pit of my stomach, and an electric tingle made its way down my spine to my toes.
My lungs were begging for air but I didn't care. Nothing was better than my lips on Brett's. It was as if they fit perfectly together like a puzzle.
Brett pulled back, pressing his forehead against mine as his lips ghosted over mine. His warm breath fanned over mine, making me crave his lips on mine again. "Y/N?" He whispered.
"Yeah?" I whispered back.
"I love you, too, more than a best friend," he smirked. My lips formed a huge smile. I slid my hand behind the crook of his neck and pulled him in for another kiss. Our kiss was cut short when we heard a round of applause and some cheering. We pulled away and turned around to see members of our pack walking towards us with smiles and smirks on their faces.
"I told you our plan would work," Peyton smiled.
"Wait a minute, what plan?" Brett asked.
"We set this up," Rowen answered. "We all knew how you two felt about each other and we decided to do something about it."
"You guys planned this? The whole yearbook thing?" I asked, both surprised and confused at the same time.
"Of course," Corey smiled cheeky.
"We told everyone to vote you guys as favorite couple," Peyton added, as if he had threatened our classmates if they didn't.
"It wasn't surprising to find everyone agreeing to it," Sabrina smiled.
"Oh my gosh! What if this didn't work out? What if your plan had backfired? Don't you know you shouldn't play with people's emotions?" My anger began to rise.
"Easy, babe," Brett whispered softly as he placed his hand on my shoulder. His new nickname for me, and the tingle Brett's fingers sent through my body, easily calmed me down.
"Calm down," Corey said. "Ten years from now when we all come back for our reunion, you'll be married and have little wolves running around."
"And you'll be thanking us for this exact moment," Peyton added.
"They have a point, babe," Brett wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest, my back against his chest. "Who knows how much longer we would have kept our feelings from each other."
"Exactly! Besides, we all knew this was going to work," Sabrina said.
"How do you know that?" I asked.
"You two have been best friends since freshmen year. We've all seen you two grow up together. There's nothing more romantic than falling in love with your best friend," Rowen smiled.
Brett turned me around and looked into my eyes as he cupped my cheek. "What do you say? Wanna give this a shot?"
"Okay," I smiled as I leaned forward to kiss him again. "There's no one I’d rather take a chance with than with my best friend."
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