#brett talbot fanfics
Can I request a Brett talbot imagine where him and the reader have been dating long term (4 years ongoing) and they are at a high school party where Lori is being left out so the reader and her sisters drag Lori to the dance floor to cheer her up, maybe ends in smut where brett shows her how amazing she is? If your comfortable with writing smut for them if not then I 100% understand 💗
You're Amazing
Pairing: Brett Talbot x Fem!Reader
Summary: Brett shows you just how amazing he thinks you are.
Warnings: Alcohol consumption (implied), smut, oral sex (f receiving).
A/N: Thank you so much for this request. I was totally okay writing smut but if you're ever unsure I have a post that tells you all the things I will and won't write. Hope you enjoy this fic! <3
Also, after I finished writing this, I realised you asked for the reader to have sisters and I forgot to include that in the story. So if you'd like, I'd be happy to rewrite this, just DM me and let me know, or send another ask.
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You were unable to pull your gaze from the familiar face standing alone across the room, the bustling crowd of teens seeming to ignore her as she stood there awkwardly.
You'd come to this party with Brett, and you were currently standing in a corner, him lazily hanging off your shoulders as you held your beer.
"What're you staring at?" He asked, his head turning to face you so that you could feel his hot breath on your cheek.
You shrugged, letting out a heavy sigh as you continued to stare at the girl across the room. "Your sister, she's all on her own."
"I'll go talk to her." He immediately said as he started to move from where he was draped across your shoulders.
But before he could walk away, you reached up to grip his arm, stopping him. "No, no. I've got it."
He just flashed you a small smile as he leaned back against the wall, taking your beer from you before you ventured off into the crowd in pursuit of his sister.
When you'd managed to push through the crowd, you tapped her on the shoulder. "Lori?"
She gave you a nervous smile, her hand coming up to tuck her hair behind her ear. "Oh, hey (y/n). What's up?"
"You wanna dance?"
"Oh, I dunno."
"Come on." You urged, flashing her a grin as you reached out to grip her hand in yours, slowly guiding her towards the dance floor.
She quickly obliged, following close behind you as you made your way over to the the space where mostly couples were glued together, lazily swinging their bodies back and forth.
You could tell that Lori was still a little doubtful so you turned to her, securing your other hand around hers as you urged her to start moving with you.
At first, your movements were awkward, uncoordinated as you both struggled to find your footing.
But soon Lori was smiling, bouncing along with you on the dance floor as the music blared in your ears.
"Having fun?" You asked, your hands still entwined with hers as you danced around.
"What?!" She yelled, leaning closer to you to hear you better.
"Are you having fun?!" You repeated, your voice straining a little as you shouted.
She nodded then, a wide grin expanding across her features. "Thanks for this! My brother really picked a good one huh!"
"Yup!" You smiled, slowing your movements down as the song started to come to an end.
All the couples that were pressed together were still clumsily swaying around when you let go of Lori's hands, inviting her back to come and stand with you and Brett.
Again, she followed you through the crowd and when you finally got back to your original corner, Brett was waiting for you.
"Hey." He smiled, handing you back your beer and then directing his attention towards his sister. "You okay?"
She nodded, giving him a small smile as she stood beside you. "Yeah I'm good. Your girlfriend's a keeper by the way."
"She's amazing isn't she?" He grinned, slinging an arm over your shoulders as he leaned down to press a light kiss to your temple.
"Shut up." You smiled, shrugging him off.
"What? I mean it." He said, pretending to be offended by your response.
You all probably only stood there together for a few more minutes before Lori spoke up. "You know, you two don't have to stay here with me."
"You sure?" Brett asked.
"Yeah, I'm getting kinda tired anyway. I might just go home."
"You want me to walk you out?" He asked her, standing up straighter now.
Lori just shook her head, offering him a small smile. "Thanks, but you know I can take care of myself."
"Alright, then I guess I'll see you later." He answered, giving her a small wave as she wandered off into the crowd, leaving you both alone now.
Brett leaned closer to you then, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke. "You wanna go upstairs?"
"Sure." You smiled, threading your fingers with his as you followed him towards the stairs.
You both managed to find an unoccupied bedroom, and Brett quickly led you inside, locking the door behind him.
"You know I meant what I said back there." He started, a small smile on his face as he leaned against the door, watching you. "You're amazing."
"I only did what any other person would do." You excused, attempting to shrug the compliment off.
"Well thank you." He smiled, stepping closer to you. "For looking out for my sister."
"It's no problem." You answered, your breath catching in your throat when his hands found their way to your hips.
He leaned down to you then, his lips gently brushing against yours, and if he wasn't holding onto your hips right now you swore you probably would've collapsed right there.
"I love you." He said softly, pure adoration in his eyes as he stared down at you.
"I love you too." You smiled, reaching up to cup the back of his neck, pulling him toward you to reconnect your lips with his.
You felt him smiling against your lips as his arm curled around your waist, pulling you closer.
And as he guided you both towards the bed in the centre of the room, you both never broke away from each other, his arms still secured tightly around your waist.
You gasped when your legs hit the edge of the bed, earning a small grin from Brett before he lowered you down onto the mattress.
He carefully lifted your t-shirt over your head, a wide smile expanding across his features as he stared down at you.
"You're so beautiful." He marvelled, seemingly breathless as he took you in.
You immediately brought your hands up to cover your face, unable to stop the stupid grin forming on your lips.
But Brett was quick to pull your hands away, forcing you to look up at him. "Don't hide your face from me."
You smiled then as he ducked down to press a kiss just below your jawline, your breath hitching in your throat as he continued to drag his lips down your neck, towards your chest.
"You're amazing." He mumbled against your skin, his mouth trailing closer to your stomach. "I got so lucky with you."
"Shut up." You giggled, meeting his eyes when he slipped his fingers underneath the waistband of your jeans, silently asking for permission.
You offered him a small nod in response, smiling down at him as he swiftly removed your jeans, leaving you in just your underwear now.
"I mean it ya know?" He spoke softly, his fingers carefully wrapping around your ankle. "I really do."
He gently lifted your leg off the mattress sightly, beginning to leave a trail of kisses from your ankle to the inside of your thigh, each gentle press of his soft lips sending chills up your spine.
And you watched as he dragged his lips all the way up to your clothed cunt, pausing to look up at you for a moment.
You offered him a small smile before he returned his attention to between your legs, slipping the thin material of your underwear down your thighs.
You shivered when he positioned his head between your thighs, his hot breath fanning over your bare pussy.
And when you felt the first swipe of his tongue, you were unable to hold back the loud moan that fell from your lips.
Brett hummed against your flesh, his hands coming up to grip your thighs, keeping you in place as he swirled his tongue over your throbbing clit.
"Oh." You moaned, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of his mouth on you. "Jesus."
"God you're so beautiful." He mumbled against you, the vibrations of his voice sending a jolt of pleasure through you.
"I love you Brett...so much." You panted, reaching up to desperately grip the sheets in your hands.
You were helpless beneath him, and you almost jumped off the bed when he thrust his tongue inside you, his grip tightening around your thighs to keep you still.
He was no longer muttering compliments againt you now, instead he was moaning along with you, his face still snug against your pussy as he continued to eat you out.
And it wasn't long until you were reaching your release, heat beginning to pool in your belly as he pushed his tongue into you harder.
"Oh my god!" You cried out when you finally came, pleasure wracking through your body as Brett continued to lap at your clit, groaning against you.
He pulled away then, smirking at you as he wiped his mouth, before crawling back up your body to meet you in a desperate kiss, his hands tangling in your hair.
And when he pulled back to look down at you, he had the biggest smile on his face. "You're amazing."
A/N: Just gonna say, if any part of this is innacurate to his character it's because this is my first time writing for him (same with Lori too). But I really tried to make it as accurate as I could so I hope this is okay! Also, sorry this took so long aha😅
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[Main Masterlist] [Brett Masterlist]
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singitoutgirl26 · 1 month
Hey, can anyone send me some Thiam fic recommendations? Or even Theo Raeken x OC or Liam Dunbar x OC? I'll even take Brett Talbot or Nolan Holloway fics, Brett x Nolan, or Nolan x Alec fics too. I need more new stuff to read, I've just been reading the same stories over and over to the point I've almost memorized them. I'm fine with pretty much any fanfic site. I'm getting really desperate here 😅 thanks in advance!
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puppy pack || thiam centric || completed || 5 chapters || 11k words || fluff and humor and a smidge of angst with a happy ending
Brett hosts a house party for the Puppy Pack. Liam and Theo get their clothes all wet.
“Whatever happened to all your brain cells, anyway?” Theo continues.
“My dad beat them out of me,” Liam answers without hesitation, several seconds before his brain-to-mouth filter in its current intoxicated state can keep up.
holy shit i finally finished this gargantuan (by my standards anyway) monstrosity. the first chapter is up!! and the rest is coming over the next few weeks.
this fic is pre-relationship because, although there’s a lot of cute thiam scenes (i hope), they are drunk, so i didn’t want to make them do anything too crazy. also this fic is kind of written so you can imagine slotting it in somewhere in a larger, slowest-of-slow-burns, overarching thiam story, so it’s not the right timing in my mind for them to get together just yet. this fic would be like a b-plot to an episode somewhere towards the end of the theoretical 7a that i like to imagine, intercut with scott and the older pack members Doing Plot Things like a bunch of losers.
if you want to know what sort of ride you’re getting into, this fic is mostly fluff and humour, just a happy little snapshot of the puppy pack being stupid kids and having fun. we take a brief dip into angst for chapters 3 & 4 but it has a happy ending and the angstiness doesn’t outweigh the shenaniganness too much imo. i wrote it to feel like some of the drinking experiences i have had as a youth, so hopefully it’s an authentic mix of dumbassery in a good way and dumbassery in an oh-my-god-you-could-have-died way. 
this fic is dedicated to
@thiamsxbitch for leaving a lovely comment on “i lost my heart under the bridge” a few weeks ago that got me thinking about writing again, and for encouraging me all throughout, inspiring me with her own writing, validating my choice to post it in chapters even though the poll said no, being a lovely ray of sunshine, and making this fandom a more welcoming place🖤
@pearlspouch for  gifting me a work that i decided to link this one to very slightly… it doesn't line up perfectly but at one point i mention liam and mason making a bet about skirts. if you want to know how that goes, you should read “You Look My Way And I Lose My Breath” by issawhatevah on ao3!!! i absolutely adore it, and it’s a brilliant read especially if you’re unsatisfied with thiam not (officially, anyway) getting together at the end of this. thanks again to sina for being an absolute legend🖤
@nuxmediocre for saying she would read this fic if i left it with its draft title (“weredickheads part four: why are you buying clothes at the soup store”). i did end up with a proper title, but i was just glad that someone appreciated my sense of humour, so thanks for that🖤
and to my real life friend and housemate who drank too much on the day i had literally just started planning to write this idea, for giving me first hand experience about dealing with someone who’s so sick from alcohol that you consider calling an ambulance. glad you survived bud, and your sacrifice contributed so much to gay fanfiction🙏
if you subject yourself to reading this, please leave me a comment with your thoughts and i will be eternally grateful🔥🖤🔥 tell me a song or songs that you think the puppy pack would absolutely thrive to (no, we do not care that it’s supposed to be 2014 in the timeline so don’t worry about that)
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ksbbb · 8 months
So I missed writing Brett. I have a love-hate relationship with that dude, but I think we’ve worked it out. Mostly because I have a soft spot for Nolan so now I find myself incorporating Brett.
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Thoughts of stories and the never ending struggle to stop myself from writing 85 stories a week .
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mmoosen · 8 months
Spooktober 2023 - Day 15
Spooktober Prompts by @wolfboy88
It's Spooktober!!!☠️🎃🔮🪄🩻🍬
The prompt for today is Halloween Party, which I edited into Halloween Costume Party. Below the cut is the prompt and a couple pics as my inspo
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Brett and Nolan have been dating for a couple months when Mason and Corey announce they are hosting a Halloween costume party because Mason’s parents are leaving for a fancy Halloween themed charity gala in LA. All of the lacrosse seniors and juniors, and anyone who Mason vaguely trusts to not get too drunk, is invited with the caveat: costume required.
So as Brett and Nolan are walking down the halls to their next class of the day, Brett asks,
“Lori already ordered all my stuff to be her matching angel for Mason’s party. Any idea what you’re wearing next week?”
Nolan had not thought much about it, so he responds, “I don’t know. I might just wear my Jack Frost costume from last year. It’s kinda plain though.”
“No slutty maid costume?”
Nolan nearly trips over his own feet, fumbling with the notebooks held in his right hand as Brett tightens his grip on Nolan’s left hand to prevent him from fully tripping on his face. With a bit more control over his balance, Nolan tries to get an explanation for that comment. “W-what?”
“You know? It’s Halloween and every twink is in some sexy maid costume. Just like how every straight dude who hates costumes is just gonna wear a jersey. And all the girls who think they are better than you dress in…"
Nolan lets Brett lead the conversation away from the maid costume comment into the other stereotypical Halloween costumes before they stop at his classroom. Brett gives his hand a quick squeeze before leaving him to head to chemistry, but Nolan cannot focus during his history class, always coming back to the comment. He hides his phone behind some of his books to make a quick Google search for what Brett was talking about.
The next Friday night, Brett and Lori rush out the door in their matching costumes, already ten minutes late to Mason’s party. Brett may have taken too long getting the halo in his hair to sit right and Lori’s devil makeup took her forever. The drive to Mason’s is a bit frantic but as Brett pulls around the front, he lets Lori jump out at the door so Brett can drive back to the spot Mason designated for Brett and Theo to park. By the time Brett makes his way into the living room, Lori has disappeared from sight and Brett cannot see any of his friends past the packed living room of drunk dancing teens. He had heard the loud music from down the block; being in the same room as the speaker, Brett had to turn on his werewolf senses to hear Lori talking in another room. Brett quickly makes his way through the crowd, waving to a couple acquaintances until he finds Lori in the kitchen, already with Alec.
Alec has his head almost buried in the snack table, but Brett can recognize the attempts of Alec’s karate fighter costume. Alec barely looks up to tell Brett, “Hey, nice costume.”
Brett simply nods to Alec’s back and turns back to Lori, who is sporting a much bigger smile than he was prepared for. She is reeking of mischief as she asks,
“You found Nolan yet?”
“No, why?”
“I just love his costume; how much did you pay him to dress that slutty?”
Brett immediately turns his head to frantically scan the crowd again; He didn’t hear Nolan the first time, but his interest was piqued now. A second after searching for Nolan’s voice, he hears the quiet whisper of his boyfriend asking someone to ‘stay still’ upstairs. Without giving Lori a second look back, Brett heads for the stairs with his attention focused on the area around Mason’s bedroom. He catches the whispers of Theo and Liam’s voice around Nolan as he quickly pushes through to get to the open doorway.
Finally, Brett glances into Mason’s bedroom, and he immediately stops in his tracks when his eyes catch a glimpse of skin as Nolan is slightly bent over. A pair of tall white socks go up his calves leaving a long stretch of Nolan’s pale thighs exposed before the frilly white edge of a maid’s dress stops him from being able to look any further up. The shorter skirt connects to a partially laced up corset and Brett finally sees what has Nolan bent forward. Theo is sitting on Mason’s bed as Nolan is giving him an eyeliner cat nose and whiskers. But Brett isn’t giving Theo a second look with all there is to see of his boyfriend’s ass peeking out of a maid costume.
Even hearing Liam hype Theo’s costume up and Theo laughing does not stop Brett from using all the precious time he gets to check his boyfriend out -without Nolan trying to slap his arms at least. His eyes only leave from the vast chunk of unblemished skin on Nolan’s thighs as he watches Nolan turn towards him. Brett finally sees the full costume complete with little bows and lace as Nolan brightly greets him.
“Hi, you finally made it.”
“Hey.” Brett can’t hide his awe in his voice as he finds it hard to rip his eyes away from Nolan’s costume to see everyone in the room. Nolan had presumably just finished Theo’s cat makeup to go with his fake ears, Liam is some kind of gladiator, and Mason and Corey are dressed as the popular couple from Adventure Time.
“I… I love the outfit.” Words are barely forming in Brett’s mind but he’s genuine in his compliment.
“Well, you said it’s what everyone wears.”
Nolan’s attention moves back to the small pile of makeup on the bed, so Brett whispers to himself “Thank god for that.”
Nolan finishes capping the eyeliner and quickly puts the makeup into the little bag as he asks, “I like your angel outfit, where’s your other half?”
“Lori’s downstairs with Alec.”
“I’m done with Theo’s makeup now. Wanna get me a drink?”
Brett hears the rest of boys talk about finding Hayden and Gwen before they all start heading out through the doorway, so Brett simply nods and motions for Nolan to follow out behind them; but as Nolan walks past Brett, he immediately steps right behind Nolan and stays right in his space as they head back to the kitchen.
Brett tries to casually stand in Nolan’s space without getting too handsy for a public setting, so he simply starts to play with the strings of Nolan’s corset as they wait for their turn at the drink table. Nolan seems to enjoy the silence as he leans back into Brett until the table opens. As Nolan moves towards the table, Brett is right behind him. And as Nolan shifts to the right to grab a cup, Brett shuffles with him.
He must have confused Nolan since he quickly asks over his shoulder,
“Why are you stuck to my back?”
“I can practically see your ass in this,” Brett lets his fingers graze the empty skin he’s been drawn to, emphasizing his point, “I’ll be behind you all night if it means no one else is getting my view.”
Brett watches Nolan’s hands shake and slightly spill the alcohol onto the table as Nolan turns and shouts as quietly as he can with the loud music,
“Jesus Brett!” but as with most of their flirting Nolan hits back with a sassy response. “Possessive much? What am I, your chew toy?”
Brett moves his hand to rest on Nolan’s waist as he starts to laugh through his answer,
“Only my favorite one, doll.”
Brett finds himself leaning back to not get elbowed in the gut.
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kingofangst · 1 year
wow, u have so many! it's hard to choose! but, um, okay. here's some (if u don't mind)
4. Good for wolves, bad for trauma (Isaac/Theo au)
10. Holes of sorrow (Lydia Martin time travel au)
21. Redeeming the villains of teen wolf
22. An electrifying kind of love (Josh/Brett)
30. That is a firm handshake you got there (Stiles/Brett slow burn)
i still want to know about the good theo one, but since u told me a lot already (same for THG thiam au one too) i'm cutting these off of this :)
Oh Wow! I wasn't expecting this but I don't mind at all😁💯 I will be debriefing them
4) This was started off by an idea of a rarepair. Which was then crafted with moodboards of these two. (Credits to you @thiamsxbitch) Basically this is an AU where Isaac doesn't leave to France with Chris. Instead he stays with Scott and Melissa as he battles against the Deadpool while being a mentor and beta to Liam. When he is a senior and someone from Scott's and Stiles's childhood crosses path, Isaac is skeptical but intrigued. He finds it mysterious that Theo wants to join Scott's pack out of nowhere which makes him hold the chimera at arms length. But Theo is interested in the tall beta werewolf who is not just one of Scott's best friends but is also the former lover of Allison. As these two cross, they find out more about themselves and are drawn to each other, not realizing the severity of the situation or Theo's deception before it's too late.
10) Holes of Sorrow became a huge creation of mines since I have seen a few time travel fanfics of Scott, Derek, Chris, and one from Allison. But Lydia (who happens to be one of my favorite characters too) goes from being a Queen Bee to becoming of the most trusted friends and allies in the series by season 6 and her banshee and intelligence is what makes her into a sophisticated badass.
But I decided to have this idea where the war is over but at the cost of her life and a majority of the pack. Rather than her soul passing on to the afterlife she is sent back in time to season 1 on the first day of school back from winter break. Which will not only confuse Lydia and give her a second chance, but also change the outcomes now that she has developed and become mature within herself and her banshee powers.
21) This fanfic or sets of one shots/mini series will be dedicated to the villains of Teen Wolf had their traumas played differently, had they made a different decision, or had they been saved by someone. (excluding Gerard and Kate because those two are psychotic murderers, Corinne because she is a cold blooded assassin, the Dread Doctors because technically they are corpses and the Nogitsune who is an entity of pure evil).
It would comprise the tragic villains of Peter Hale, Matt Dahler, Victoria Argent, Jennifer Blake, Kali, Ennis, Decaulion (even if he became a pacifist in season 6), Garrett, Violet, Sean Walcott (he wasn't a villain really but he went rogue as a Wendigo), Halwyn, Gabe Valet and Tamora Monroe. Each of them in a one shot or mini series to what if scenarios or how would it impact them and the story differently. I may add in Theo as an AU too. Mr. Douglass I will not add because he is a Nazi and he wanted to take the power of the Wild Hunt. Dr. Valek I am uncertain about due to his agenda for the supernatural and what he did to Lydia.
22) This one I am actually still brainstorming but I am actually planning out their dialogue and how they meet. These two are seen paired in fanfics I have read with this pairing and I decided to pair them up in this fanfic. From Strangers to Lovers, and while I do intend to add fluff (and adult content so rated E🔞🔞) I also intend to not make it easy and allow angst and darkness into his fanfic considering what Josh goes through and what he becomes.
They both will meet at Sinema and drawn to each other by their looks and their appeals. Of course while Josh can act carefree and edgy, he would be having a hard time to keep up with the smug, charming, and daring Brett who will be the cause of Josh's racing heart. While at the same time Brett's feelings for Josh will be claiming his own heart as he acquires the fuzzy feelings around the cute Latino teenager.
30) So how did this come into play? Well I got into Stiles/Brett ship (known as Briles) due to a fanfic called Summer Daze by emsittens which intrigued this spark. Then I went into a Briles brain rot which I still ship completely and began reading some Briles fanfics. There are many Briles fanfics on AO3 but my favorites aside from Summer Daze are the ones written by my dear friend @amatchinwater who has many fanfics of Briles. (I applaud you💙💙💙😎😎😎)
But in this WIP, Stiles meets the 8-pack Devenford Prep Lacrosse captain after getting Liam away from him but after trying to play "polite" and use his wits, Brett tells him something that is a mixture of an insult and a flirtatious compliment. "You really are a talkative mouthy one. A hot, talkative mouthy one at that😏"
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crackedmultifandom · 2 years
why can’t you see, you belong with me | thiam
i wrote this in the middle of the night, while I was falling in and out of sleep. so pls forgive me if it’s not as perfect as I wanted it to be.
i imagined giovanni as jacob elordi while writing this.
no warnings except for theo’s past being mentioned and talking about bones breaking (nothing graphic described), if you notice something pls feel free to contact me! 🫶🏻
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Liam liked seeing Theo like this. Open. Joking around. Smiling and laughing. He loved it, not only because Theo looked so pretty doing all that, because happiness looks really good on him. But also because Theo is finally letting himself be free, letting himself be a teenager, letting himself be happy. Something that was taken away from him when he was only nine years old. But something was stopping Theo. He was happy, yes. But Liam could see that there was something missing. That Theo didn’t allow it to fully consume him. Happiness. It took Theo a long time to get to that point. To let himself be accepted in the Puppy Pack. To let himself have fun. And even now, he still has his moments. Still has nightmares that take away his breath, makes him want to stop trying. But he doesn’t. He doesn’t stop trying, because Liam, and his friends (Theo’s friends), are there to catch him whenever he falls. Liam never regretted getting Theo out of hell. At first maybe, when all Theo did was getting on his nerves, always appearing out of nowhere and saving him. It made Liam mad. Made him feel weak. But the more it happened, the more it filled his chest, his heart, with warmth. It all shifted in the elevator. “I’m not dying for you”. That was a lie. Because when Liam noticed Theo looking at his lips, even if it was just a split second, he knew that he would die for the broken boy who saved him countless times before. A part of him hoped that Theo would kiss him. Would hold his face and whisper those words he desperately wanted to hear. That he liked him too. That he feels it too.
But that didn’t happen. Instead they fought together and when Theo took away Gabe’s pain, that’s when Liam knew. Something in Theo changed that night. Something between them changed in that hospital. They didn’t talk about the elevator. Liam asked if Theo was okay, because he knew how overwhelming it can be to take away someone’s pain for the first time. Theo never took away someone’s pain before. Never cared enough to do it. Always ever cursed someone’s pain. So after that night, he vanished. Three days of not hearing from Theo drove Liam up the wall. When Theo came back, he didn’t offer an explanation. Said he didn’t want to talk about it. Liam respected that. Theo stayed with Liam after that. Sorted out the guest room and made it his home. Their home. It took Theo some time to adjust to the love and affection of the Dunbar-Greyer family. And when he eventually came around, he opened up.
“I never really cared for anyone. I never even thought about taking away someone’s pain. And now, every time I think about it, it makes me feel like I’m drowning. Drowning in guilt for all the pain I caused”. That night, Liam just listened. Didn’t say much, too afraid he would scare him away.
“I’m proud of you. You’re trying. You’re changing. You’ve come so far and I’m glad that you trust me enough to open yourself up to me. Thank you”.
After that came the flirting. Stupid nicknames Theo would use to address Liam (Babe, Sweetheart, Darling). Soft touches on Liam’s part and just overall flirty and friendly moments. Only that Liam didn’t want it to be friendly. He pretends that he hates Theo’s nicknames for him, because he knows he can’t have that. Theo is a natural flirt. Not once did Theo hide his attraction for men. So Liam is confident enough to know that there could still be a small chance. But then he looks at Theo. Perfectly structured face, forest green eyes that sometimes look grey, big strong arms that he oh so often dreams about. Everything a guy wants. So why would perfect Theo, be with angry, clumsy, messy Liam?
Insecurities are a bummer. A really annoying, stupid bummer. It can hit anyone. Liam knows he’s pretty. Men and woman liked to flirt with him, compliment his eyes, his body, how athletic he is. And some guys really like his height. It’s cute. But is that enough for Theo? Does he think the same when he looks at him?
“Liam!” Scott’s loud voice pulls him out of his sad thoughts and pushes him back to reality. “This is Giovanni. He’s a first bitten beta, like you! I thought you guys could talk and be friends. He and his pack are going to be around a lot from now on” Scott had that puppy smile on his face and was talking louder than usual. Probably had a little bit too much of that wolfsbane laced beer. They where all gathered around Liam’s house. A new pack in town that came to stay and contacted Scott to talk. Having allies in a town like Beacon Hills doesn’t sound so stupid. The pack is nice. Their alpha, a beautiful woman named Julia greeted them with a warm smile and a bottle of wine when she first arrived. So far everything was going good.
Giovanni stepped forward from where he was hiding behind Scott and held out his hand. “Hey Liam, pleasure to meet you. Scott hasn’t stopped talking about you since I first meet him an hour ago”. That made Liam laugh. Scott truly acted like his father sometimes.
“Did he tell you the story about how he kidnapped me after he bit me” Giovanni’s eyes widened at that but he quickly chuckled when Liam started laughing as Scott tried to defend himself. “Stiles was on it too! I panicked okay, I never did something like that before”.
After that Liam and Giovanni took off to sit in the garden and have a drink. Liam liked Giovanni. He was nice, funny and charming. Short black hair, nice deep brown eyes and tall. Liam was a sucker for tall. There’s a reason for Brett being Liam’s first real crush. After two hours of joking around, telling crazy story’s and some flirting (mostly from Giovanni’s part), Mason came over, gave Giovanni a quick once over before he excused himself and Liam.
“I don’t know what’s going on but Theo is not in a good mood right now. He’s been grouchy for a few hours now. Can you please talk to him, he’s fuelling our vibes!” Mason cries out, dramatic as ever. With a sigh and a eye roll, Liam went over to Giovanni, told him he would be gone for another few minutes and wandered off to find Theo.
Theo, who was currently sitting on the couch in Liam’s living room, smushed between Brett and Alec. And yeah, he was in a bad mood. His mouth showed a frown and his eyebrows (his perfect, perfect eyebrows) practically touching each other with how hard he was glaring at the wall. Liam pushed Brett to the side and let himself fall next to Theo.
“What’s got your panties in a twist huh?” Theo looked over, his face relaxing a bit. But only a bit. “Nothing Liam. I’m fantastic, absolutely great. I’m having the time of my life, can’t you see?” And maybe Liam would’ve believed him, only if there was Theo’s monotone voice talking to him. Liam just stared back at Theo. “Liam it’s nothing alright? It’s stupid, just go and have fun.” With that Theo turned to Alec and started a conversation with him. And that kind of hurts Liam. Was he the problem? Did he do something to make Theo mad? He waited for another two minutes before standing up and going back to Giovanni.
“I hope your boyfriend isn’t mad that we’re-” “He’s not my boyfriend” came Liam’s immediate answer. Giovanni didn’t even finished speaking.
A smile made its way onto Giovanni’s lips. “Okay, so I can ask you out on a date?” Liam stopped there for a moment. Does he want that? Does he want Giovanni to ask him out? He looks good, is nice and charming, has a great humour. And Liam really needs to get over Theo or else, he will end up lonely forever, waiting for Theo to love him back.
“Yes you can” Liam’s smile was genuine. Maybe he could finally start moving on. “So, do you want to go on a date with me?”
Liam pretended to think about it, tapping his chin while looking up and making a soft “mhhh” sound. “I don’t know, are we going bowling?” “We’ll do whatever you want to do” “Okay, then it’s settled. Pick me up Saturday, 5pm and then we’ll go kick some balls”. He didn’t mean to say it like that, but it made Giovanni laugh so he didn’t really care how it sounded.
Theo was, once again, in a bad mood. And Liam didn’t know why. But he knew he was the reason for it. Saturday morning Liam woke up excited for his date. His first date since Hayden. That was a big deal for him. He spent a long time in the shower and went over to Theo to ask him for advice on what ti wear. And that’s where it started.
“I don’t know Liam and I don’t care what you wear ti your date. Just wear whatever you want”. It pissed Liam off. All he wanted was some support, some help with his outfits. What he got was a grumpy chimera who refused to even look at him for the rest of the day. He didn’t say goodbye, or wished Liam good luck or told him to have fun when Giovanni picked him up. It made Liam sad if he was being honest. One of his best friends, one of the most important person in his life can’t even pretend to be happy for him. For a split second, Liam thought that maybe Theo was jealous. Maybe he liked Liam too and didn’t want him to go on that date. He quickly threw that thought out of Giovanni’s car window and concentrated on his bowling partner.
The date went great, Liam had fun, found out some instresting stuff about Giovanni, who’s currently working with Scott and Deaton and hasn’t thought about Theo once. After bowling, Giovanni took him to a old diner in Beacon Hills, they laughed and flirted over some milkshakes and ended the night with a soft kiss, unitard by Liam, on Giovanni’s check. The smile Giovanni gave him made Liam blush.
Four months later and Theo distanced himself more and more from Liam. His relationship with Giovanni got stronger, while his friendship with Theo got weaker. Giovanni and Theo didn’t like each other. Constantly glaring at each other. Always talking about each other behind their backs, trying to make the other looks bad in front of Liam. And god was Liam done with it. At first Giovanni tried to befriend Theo, he really did. But Theo’s cold demeanour and rude remarks made Giovanni cold and distant when it came to Theo. It all went to shit at Brett’s birthday party. Liam asked him if he could bring Giovanni and Brett excitedly told him to bring his “super hot werwolf boyfriend”. Si he did. And Theo did not like that. At first they ignored each other, but when Giovanni’s hands wandered down Liam’s back as they stood with Corey and Mason, a voice behind them boomed.
“Do you really have to do that in front of everyone?” Theo’s voice dropped with venom.
“Shut the fuck up Theo. Stop being a child just because you want something you can’t have”.
A crunch, then another and another. Brett eventually pushed himself between them, grabbed both of their necks and kicked them out. “You two, grow the fuck up and talk about it like adults. Don’t talk to me until you guess settled everything”. And with that Brett went back in and left Theo and Giovanni standing in his driveway. Brett sudden change in demeanour kind of scared them. But what scared them more, was Liam’s pissed if face as he stormed out of the house seconds after Brett kicked them out.
“What the fuck is wrong with you too! One night, one fucking night, for our friends birthday!” Both boys were silent. After a few minutes of silence and staring at each other Giovanni spoke up first.
“I like you Liam and I know you like me too. But you don’t like me enough. And that’s fine. I guess I just wanted to hold on for as long as I could until it would all blow up.” Liam knew he was right, didn’t even try ti correct him. He just looked at him, tears filling up his eyes. “I’m so sorry”. It was a whisper but Giovanni still heard it.
“Don’t be Liam. We’re still friends and we’re still gonna hang out, eventually. Maybe. I just need to distance myself first and take some time to heal”. And with that, Giovanni, Liam’s now ex boyfriend was gone.
A few seconds go by. Liam pushing himself to ask Theo what he so desperately wants to know.
“What did he mean back there. When he said that you want something that you can’t have. What was he talking about?” A small part of Liam hoped it would mean, what he thought it means.
“I love you Liam. I’m so fucking in love with you and it makes me want to scream. I want you so bad that it makes it hard to breath. It want all of you, your good and your bad days. You weird humour and your clumsiness. I want to hold you, caress you, treat you like you deserve to be treated. You’re the prettiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life. I can’t be without you Liam. Ever” Theo took a moment to breath.
“I respect it, if you don’t feel the same. And I’m sorry that I ruined your relationship with Giovanni. Jealousy isn’t a great look on me, I know that now”.
Liam nodded his head.
“I love you too Theo. But I’m still mad at you. I really like Giovanni and he didn’t deserve the way you treated him” Liam paused “but he also didn’t deserve me not giving 100% in this relationship so I guess, it’s not all your fault”.
For a few minutes no one said anything.
Theo stepped towards Liam.
“Can I kiss you?” Liam shook his head.
“No. Not now. Not after what just happened with Giovanni.” Theo nodded and took a step back.
After Liam and Theo apologised to Brett, they drive home in silence. The next few days consisted of deep late night talks and soft touches.
And when Liam asked Theo to kiss him after a few weeks, Theo finally let himself be truly happy for once.
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yikeshereiam · 10 months
The McCall Way by yikeshereiam
“Whatever you’re thinking,” Mason says, settling on the seat at the front that the last of the reporters had vacated. “Stop. You were at that club for me, I’m not going to let my favourite client lose like the only thing he has to live for. I’m not a terrible human being.” “I have things to live for,” Liam defends. The jersey he’s wearing feels tight against his biceps. A little suffocating, even. “I’m your only friend,” Mason argues. “And you pay me.”
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themadhalewrites · 2 years
I'm Sorry
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Character/s Includes: Brett Talbot and Reader
Word Count: 110
I had went to Brett’s place thinking he would be home from lacrosse practice when i arrived however Brett wasn’t but Lori was so she invited me in. As I sat on the sofa I started to rub my not there tummy. Lori didn’t realise until she joined me on the sofa after getting some water.
“Is that why you came over? To tell him?” Lori asked to which i shook my head.
“I’m leaving” I answered.
I hadn’t heard the door open or close but I did hear Brett ask “Where? When? Why?” sadly.
I replied “Washington, tonight and because Uncle Raf is taking over as my legal guardian.”
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Ok I loved your Brett imagine and I have a request if you are taking them still where the reader is studying to be a doctor and working alongside Melissa at the hospital maybe during med student experience and they bring in a member of the pack and they’re all amazed at how calm and level headed the reader is and Brett is so proud when he hears members of the hospital calling her Dr? 🥹
Pairing: Brett x Fem!Reader
Warnings: brief mentions of blood.
A/N: Thank you so much for the request! I'm so glad you liked my other fic and I hope you enjoy this one. Also, I'm always taking requests but if you're ever unsure, it'll tell you on my pinned post whether my requests are open. (y/l/n = your last name)
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It had been a slow day at the hospital. People had been filtering in and out every so often with minor injuries but nothing too serious had happened thus far. A sense of restlessness crept over you as you slumped over the front desk, watching Melissa McCall tending to a patient. You'd been working alongside her as part of your med student experience, and needless to say, she was brilliant. You admired her.
But as much as you loved it here, you had to admit that you did wish things were more hands on. Most days, you were confined to the front desk, filing papers and arranging appointments. It was pretty rare that you were able to deal with patients. But you didn't mind much, because the times that you did deal with patients, it was gratifying.
However, it seemed things were about to get a little more 'hands on' when paramedics came crashing through the doors with someone on a gurney. And when you heard the name of the new patient, you immediately sprung into action.
"Oh my god, Liam?" You called, slipping out from behind the desk and making your way over to him.
When you saw the blood, your first instinct was to freak out, because he was your friend and it seemed like he was severely injured. But then you remembered, he was your friend, which meant you had to stay calm. You had to keep your composure if you wanted to do this the right way.
Voices seemed to clash together in all the commotion, but you were able to discern the voice of your attending as they asked you a question. "Doctor (y/l/n), taking into account the patient's injuries, what do you suggest we do?"
You quickly swept your gaze over him, desperately racking your brain for a response. You could see clear head injuries, which gave you only one answer. "We need to take him down to neuro for a CT."
"That's right. Well done, Doctor (y/l/n). Are you going to accompany us down to neuro?"
You gave your attending a quick nod, before helping them escort Liam down to neuro for a head CT.
"Is he gonna be okay?"
You turned to look at Scott, who was watching you nervously from the other side of Liam's hospital bed, offering him a small smile in response. "Well his healing seems to have kicked in, so I'd say he's gonna be just fine."
Scott released a breath then, relief washing over him as he stared down at his friend. He was pretty beat up, but he was going to be fine.
You gave Scott a reassuring nod, before leaving him alone in the room with Liam. And when you approached the front desk, you were surprised to see Brett leaning against it, a small smile appearing on his face when he saw you.
"Hey." He grinned, his hand immediately reaching out to tangle his fingers in your hair.
"So uh, I hear you're a doctor now." He smiled, his fingers still absently trailing through your hair.
"Oh, so you heard about Liam huh." You assumed, considering that was probably the only reason he was here right now.
"Is he...is he okay?" Brett finally asked after a moment of silence. "I heard it was pretty bad."
"Yeah, he's fine. Do you...wanna go see him? Because Scott's with him right now, but I'm sure you'd be okay to go in."
"No, no, I'm...I'm good." He paused for a moment then before his lips twisted into a smile. "Doctor (y/n)."
"Shut up, I'm not technically a doctor yet."
"Yeah, well you're a doctor to me." He smiled, his fingers coming to brush along your cheek. "I'm proud of you."
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[Main Masterlist] [Brett Masterlist]
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theheartbrokenones · 2 years
Songs of You (Trials & Tribulations)
Warning: Suicide attempt, Suicidal thoughts, Substance abuse and Self-Harm. Read at your own risk this will be your first and only Warning
This is a story I have been working on and it has turned into a Thiam story with some One sided feelings. It is not nice and fluffy like I tend to do but it will have some light moments.
Little Theo, you're a diamond in the rough and I know that you don't hear this all enough. And I'm sure that's why your wrists have tons of cuts and I'm sure that's why you think you're not enough.
He was so tired, so tired of surviving on borrowed time. Tired of holding the kids before the doctors take them. Of holding them and comforting them in their last moment. Cause a piece of him goes with them when they leave. 
He knows he should push thru it and keep fighting trying to get someone to listen, but he sees the looks and hears the whisper. He knows they think he is crazy, they think he is bad news and that means they will be moving soon.
That means more kids to add to his list, more bodies to add to his collection on his soul. Because while he is their “Success.” He wasn’t enough for them, they needed perfect and Theo… He was far from perfect.
At least he not alone, even thou he was the only one who could see her and hear her. She never left him, she understood. She comforted him when it became too much, when he dug a grave that was to small.
She promised him that soon it would be all over and that she will be there to take him and that he won’t be alone. And that’s all he wanted so he found the dwindling strength to get up. But he wished he didn’t, not when he found out where they were going and he knew he pushed to far and they wanted to punish him with his mission.
On your nineteenth birthday you thought that you were done tons of people in your home, but it only felt like one. 'Cause your brain can only think about the waiting loaded gun, But your friends are all still Here, so pretend you're having fun.
He felt empty inside with a chill that just wouldn’t go away. Maybe it was for the best because if he didn’t feel then he wouldn’t fall apart and give them the satisfaction of knowing they have finally done it. They finally broke him and maybe then he would be the perfect monster they wanted.
He looked around looking for her when he left them, heading to his fake parents they never could find ones that looked like his real ones. He didn’t blame her, he bet it was hard for her to see them. If He was in her shoe, he wouldn’t want to be near them either.
“Theo soon…”
Freezing in the spot between the doorway before a smile for once a real one, grace his lip before nodding. He couldn’t agree more, soon it will be all over with. He was glade at least he would be with his family and they would be whole again.
He didn’t know what to expect when he arrived, when he learned that one of his childhood friend was the True Alpha, that the other was possessed, that one of his other classmate was a Banshee. That he was the only one to bother remembering them, bother thinking of them and holding on. He should of known that he wasn’t important, wasn’t enough for them to remember.
He hid the pain, the disappointment within but he saw something so bright, something that him feel warmth for the first time. The bluest of eyes that could put the sky to shame, Brown hair that made him think of forest and freedom, soft tan skin showing he has been outside. Theo couldn’t help but want to lean into the other to see if he could feel the warmth the other oozed out. 
He realized he has been staring a little to long before looking away, he smiled even when faced with the suspicion of Stiles and moved on. He wouldn’t let the Doctors have this, he won’t let them ruin this. 
He couldn’t, he couldn’t let them take this from him too as his eyes wander to the boy he saw. He didn’t want them to know the truth of what he was, what he hated that he became so he lied because who would believe him? He didn’t want to be known as the crazy kid anymore, the loner, the freak.
All your friends they wanna drink 'cause it's your birthday but you've been drinking straight probably since last Thursday. Drinking is the only thing that makes you feel just okay It keeps the trigger finger off the trigger and at bay.
Theo's stomach rolled as he looked up at the ceiling and wondering if he can keep going, he knew why today was harder, why it hurt so much more than the other days. It was her birthday. The Day he loved and hated more than any other, his no not his her heart beat skip and maybe it knew too. Maybe it was just as tired as he was and wanted to give but it continues to still beat even when he wanted it to stop.
He moved out of bed and grabbed his truck keys and left, not even saying anything to the other people in the house. He wonder if they hoped every time he left that he wouldn’t come back, he didn’t blame them if they did. He turned the key in the ignition and sped out not caring, he drove as his mind wander, was he the only one who remember what day it was? Did everyone forget her too? Did they forget her smile, her laugh, her warmth?
He hoped not, she deserve to be remembered. She protected him not only from their parents, but the world. She would crawl in his bed and place her hand over his heart and tell him that she’ll keep watch. She always had words of comfort and was there when the attack were hard.
He used a fake ID and got what he needed before stopping to get her favorite flowers and some to convey what his words failed. He didn’t care to pay attention that he was being followed, let them see because in the end it won’t matter. He followed the path seeing them running around, he can hear their laughter and see that smile and for a brief second he swore she was looking back at him instead of the memory of him.
He finally made it to the place that he lost the one person that cared for him, that showed him love that their parents couldn’t. When their mom would burst into tears and weep when she thought he couldn’t hear, how their dad fell to his knees and beg God not to do this to them. They were already grieving as if he was already gone but not her, she had faith he would pull thru that he was going to make.
Isn’t it funny he did but she wasn’t here to see it, her faith wasn’t misplace but it took everything from him and it was bittersweet. He opened a bottle and started to drink listening to the two heartbeats that were watching. He didn’t have it in him to care not right now, maybe later but he needed to feel the burn of the alcohol so he chug. 
And open more and more till he could feel it taking effect and the lightweight feeling was addictive and he though maybe he can keep drinking. He pulled the flowers out and let them fall one by one each one he could catch glimpse of her falling in them. Each one taking his regret and words as they fell.
I’m sorry
                                                                                         I love you my sister
 Forgive my weakness
You’ll never be forgotten with me
I carry you always
Each flower carried a piece of him as they fell into the cold water, he wonder briefly if he could just end it all now. But he knew he couldn’t. Not till they were gone and no one else would suffer like him. Not like those forgotten kids, no they weren’t forgotten he remember them, their names, their birthday and where they were buried. He carried them with him and in a journal.
With that he finished the bottles that laid at his feet just looking at the river, before cleaning up and walking away. Feeling more hollowed than whole and drives. He knew it was reckless but he ended up getting more and kept drinking to get by till it didn’t work anymore.
He threw the bottle crying as he slid down the wall all while screaming in anger and pain. He heard the spike heartbeat of the people pretending before the silent door opening and closing and the start of a car. Once again he was alone and She wasn’t here. He started to clean and the one of shard cut him and it hurt but he felt a relief as he watch the blood flow and the wound start to heal slowly.
Your mind can only think about the things it shouldn't. Your brain is filled with thoughts of wishing that ya didn't.
He didn’t know when they got Tracy, or who she was but he held her before they would come to take her. Giving her the comfort that wasn’t offered to him, not then anyway. He learned her name, when her birthday was, if she had anyone that cared for her.
He watched helplessly as they took her and listen to her scream as they worked on her before the silence. The only hope he had was her heart was still beating but he knew that didn’t mean anything when she could still end up as a failure. And he knew what they did to failures.
And like he knew she was a failure. It didn’t help that she read the book and was remembering. She wasn’t alone, just like he did for everyone that graced the Doctor table he comforted everyone. Josh, Hayden, and Corey each one of them he held, comforted and would carry with him.
Each one he begged and pleaded for their life and each one snuffed out by the Doctor or him because it would be more merciful for them if he did it instead of the pain of dying from an overdoes. But the guilt was there and he knew Stiles though he was helping with a motive.
Maybe he was because he wanted their help taking the doctors down to show what they did to everyone but it was getting harder. It was getting harder to fake a smile, like he wasn’t dying inside and Laughing when all he wanted to do was cry. He felt the mask cracking and he didn’t know how long he could continue.
Little Theo, perk your ears up try to listen, but He can't hear a sound because He's locked in a prison. He can barely see the pavement, He can barely read the signs. People think He's complicated but never wanna look inside. 'Cause He's a little too R-rated and they're a little too damn blind, He's just looking for His angels, but they're a little hard to find.
He moved with grace but to him he was walking thru sludge the day was no longer bright, he was losing a battle and he hasn’t seen her in days, he hasn’t heard her words. It was the worst punishment and briefly he wonder if she was disappointed in him, anger that he killed but he couldn’t. He begged at night for her to come even if she didn’t speak or to yell at him because he couldn’t be alone but she never appeared.
He wasn’t sleeping anymore because if he did all he saw was the kids that died staring at him accusing him for not saving them, for not getting help. He pleaded with them that he tried, that no one was listening and he was sorry. But they just stared looking at him as if it was his fault and a little more of him broke because in the end he survived and they didn’t.
He failed again and again early on and he didn’t want to fail, he didn’t want to carry Scott, Stiles, and their pack's name on him as well. But most of all he didn’t want the little sunshine he found to disappear. He didn’t want to lose the last connection to a happier time, a better time in this world.
He could give those in this town a chance the one who lost and a part of him feeling guilty of not doing this earlier but he couldn’t fix those mistakes. He stole from the Doctors when they were distracted. Not that they have been too much attention to him since they got here.
He tried to explain to Liam not to be angry at Scott but inside he was disappointed in Scott he has a chance to save someone and yet he hesitated and it was hurting Liam. But his words were like chalk and his head was hurting so instead he just stopped and pulled Liam to him trying to give him comfort and he found out he really was warm and the numbness was chipping away. 
He felt more cracks on his mask and for a moment it was like he was standing outside his body. As if watching someone else wearing his face talk, he wonder if this is how Stile felt being possessed.
Still he tried to keep Scott pack together because he needed them whole to fight the Doctors, but the work was becoming harder and harder. Each member fighting against the other but he needed them to stop. And Stile was still not trusting him and it was becoming harder to fight and care anymore.
Little Theo, you've been skipping out in class and any minute now your friends are gonna ask. Why the hell you're always acting sorta sad? Why the hell your weed just never seems to last?
He didn’t care anymore he didn’t go to school, not wanting to till with the looks from Stiles. Not wanting to see what looked Scott was giving him. The suspension from Lydia when he was near her but he couldn’t ignore the text from Malia and Liam forever they wouldn’t allow that to begin with. 
He was still watching the cuts heal before reaching over to take a hit, he found a pack far off that was selling something that would let a Were-creature get high. He has been smoking since last Sunday. He just wanted to escape for a bit. To feel something other than this never ending misery. 
He closed his eyes and drifted away. He felt like he was in an Ocean and nothing to could touch him, He felt the warmth of the sun. Could hear laughter and someone was calling his name, then more and more people were calling his name telling him to join them. 
For a brief moment he knew those voice and faces flash before his eye and he went to lift himself to look only for his Phone ringing to rip him away. Blinking feeling drowsy and light head. He could barely get his hand to move as he felt around knocking over his ashtray before finally grabbing his phone.
Seeing the name he felt dread fill his stomach before hitting answer. “Hello?” He words were slurred and he knew the other was annoyed thinking he was drunk probably but for now he couldn’t care.
But the truth is you don't wanna let your secret out 'Cause they think it's wrong for you to take a different route. All except your sister too bad that She's just not around and don't get me wrong those words you've tried to get them out. But their views been skewed by their plastic news from their plasma tubes.
They did it, they finally destroyed the Dread Doctors and even tho they found out Theo was part of them but a victim. Stile look like he was proven right, that Theo was no good Liam and Malia defended him. But he shook his head because it wasn’t worth it, they didn’t need to fight for him.
He had brought the others back, Tracy, Josh, Hayden, and Corey to give them the chance of living because their life was cut to short. He sent them to Scott pack telling them that Scott would help him more than he could. He had only known surviving, Stiles still was suspicious of him even though he didn’t do anything that the Doctors wanted. 
He didn’t touch Scott or his pack didn’t follow the plan, the only reason he found the nempton was because he was restless and he thought he saw her and he knew what she wanted. He knew it wasn’t fair to them that they deserve the chance at life.
He was just done and he was ready, so ready. He pulled the Journals out, all the name and location and secrets he kept. He pulled out a new one and started to write, he wrote everything down his life story down tears streaming and kept going not moving as he wrote down everything till there was nothing left to tell.
So they won't fit in your shoes. Except for Sunday blues, but you got Monday blues, You got Tuesday blues, damn every day ya might lose.
Liam, Mason, and Malia started to hang around him more and more, and so did the other Chimera because they remember him holding them. Giving them comfort and even though Josh had every right to hate him. He admitted to seeing Theo grief of doing it, how he didn’t want to.
He knew they felt something around him, like they were trying to show him something that he couldn’t see. How Malia would hug him tighter, How Liam would bug him to hang out, Hayden and Corey would always tell him he could talk to Them. Tracey and Josh would just sit with him in silence or listening to Music and he didn’t understand.
They should be fine, there should be no reason they should want to hang out with him but it seemed like Every Friday to Sunday one or all of them was around him. Running in and out of his home bring chaos and food. 
It would be so much easier if they left, ignored him or hated him but they didn’t and he couldn’t understand. Yet here they were and he couldn’t find it in him to push them away even though he knew.
 Stiles was still looking at him waiting for him to fuck up. I know, I know I’m a fuck just please stop.
Scott was looking at him with those eyes. Please don’t look at me like that… I can’t… I can’t be what you want not now. Not anymore… I’m broken I can’t be saved not anymore. I’m sorry.
Lydia was frowning rubbing her neck. I know you never wanted to scream for someone you know again but I can’t hold on anymore.
All your friends they wanna smoke 'cause it's a Friday, But you've been smoking straight probably since last Sunday. I know you know you shouldn't say that you are okay, But you still look 'em in the eye and lie then go to use your ashtray.
Here they they were his friends, or at least that what they keep insisting they are. He was smoking by the window blowing it out as some of them didn’t like the smell. he watched them laugh, shoving each other as they ate the food they brought.
He watched them act like the teens they were, even Malia was laughing at something Corey said with his arm wrapped around Mason. His birthday was coming up but it was never important not right now. But somehow it got brought up and they were planning it.
He didn’t flinch having heard Hayden walk up next to him. “Are you okay? You seem different these past few days?” He looked at her before taking a long drag, thinking before looking out the window. “I’m Fine.” Turning back to her he flashes a smile before leaning to flick his blunt into the ashtray.
He knew she was struggling to believe but she put it to the side because he has been spending more and more time with them. Laughing and smiling even going in as far to give them hugs and helping them. So maybe that was why she let it go because his cracks were smoothing and he wasn’t feeling raw.
He can barely see the pavement, He can barely read the signs. People think He's complicated but never wanna look inside 'Cause He's a little too R-rated and they're a little too damn blind. He's just looking for His angels, but they're a little hard to find
The party was going off without a hitch everyone made it seemed and he smiled. This was good it would give them a good memory of him. Well it was till Stile and the others showed thinking they were up to something. Lydia looked annoyed at Stile and Scott seemed embarrassed as did Kira.
Malia and Liam didn’t seem as amused when they saw them, “Sorry we didn’t know Birthday parties were evil Stiles.” Liam mutter and Theo’s eyes flickered to Scott and he saw the confusion and wow that hurt worst. He didn’t forget theirs yet it seemed he really was that forgettable. 
Theo just slid off the counter he was sitting on. “It’s Fine Li, Mal. Come on let's continue to celebrate you only turn Nineteen once.” He ignored Stiles grumble, Scott sorrowful eyes and Lydia apology. He turns the music up to hide the shake in his eyes before going to his normal spot sitting on the edge of the window.
He lights another and relish the burn of his drink going down. He feels someone staring at him so he glance around and sees Scott watching him, he just takes another drink and ignores the feeling. He just wants to give his friends a good memory that they can look back on and laugh.
Little Theo, last night you got it bad. In that moment you could barely even add up two or three reasons why you're glad and I guess that's why you grabbed your pen and pad. 
Here he was laying on his bed, everyone had left as it was getting late with promises to meet up in the morning. He was feeling anxious, rolling over he looked and yet she still hasn't come back. He runs his hand through his hair before sitting up he wasn’t going to fall asleep tonight.
He was almost ready, just a few more things he needed to do so he might as well get on with it. For a brief moment as if he was coming up from under a wave he felt a guilt. For what he didn’t know, but that wasn’t true he thought of his friends, how they would feel.
But he was sure they would understand. Yeah, they will be sad and hurt for a while, but they would be able to move and soon he would be a memory. Someone they will think of and the happy times they had. He let a sigh out and just walked over to his desk and open Spotify. 
He carefully picked songs, till the feeling of needing to move came over him again for two different Playlist. Where he would go he didn’t know what but as he added the last two songs he got up and grabbed his keys walking out the front door not caring if he locked it or not. He hopped into his truck and just drove for a while, not really paying attention to where he was going just driving around when he ended up outside of Scott’s house.
He saw the lights were still on, he didn’t know why he stopped there but as he watched the light and movements he knew he didn’t want to stay not when he heard three heartbeats. He moved on, not noticing the door to the house opening nor the eyes watching him drive away. He didn’t know why he was bothered so much but he kept going until he ended up at Liam’s home.
As soon as he put the car in park across the street, trying to get his heart and breathing under control did he see his phone vibrating. Looking thru it, he saw a message from Scott but he ignored it when a new one this time from Liam pop up. Looking up at the other window he Saw Liam looking across at him holding his phone before disappearing into his room.
/Wolfie: Be out in a sec./
He smiled a little reading the message, while they hadn’t really texted much beside for the pack things and when they were dealing with Doctors. It still made him smile against all odd it is like Liam and Malia could sense him, and always came even when he couldn’t or wouldn’t say anything. Still he felt guilty he knew the other must be tired and probably just got home an hour or so ago from the party but he just didn’t want to be alone right now.
He felt so damn tired and a little selfish and he didn’t want to leave with regret and words unspoken, actions not taking. So he shoved the little voice that said not to do this away and let himself fall just a little. He wanted something to think of that he did of his desire and want. Sooner than Theo was ready for Liam appeared hopping into his truck as if done it a hundred times and he probably has with how much they and everyone in their group hang out since they met.
“Hey, T. I am so sorry about the others crashing the party, believe me when I say Mal and I made it very clear how pissed we are so they will back off for a while.” He smiled a little, at Liam, leave it too on him to be angry on his behalf. It sent a warmth throughout his body removing some of that chill that was always there.
“It’s fine, I understand why. Sorry for disappearing when they came…” He tried to think of a reason that wouldn’t seem like he was actually like he was hiding anything. “You and everyone planned it for me and I guess we all figure they wouldn’t do something like that.” 
It fell flat because there really wasn’t a reason, maybe it was because his heart broke a little more each day when he was around Scott or Stiles. Maybe they saw how each interaction made him a little more hollow or how Stiles stares and words cut into him, how Scott made him withdraw into himself and it takes hours for them to coax him back out instead of wearing his mask like armor, so his soft spots wouldn’t be targets anymore. Who knows truly but he was thankful.
“Still I’m sorry they shouldn’t have done that and if they were your friends they would of know.” Liam looked at Theo with those eyes that made him feel like he was drowning in the ocean, that stripped him apart and could see everything. They made him feel so vulnerable and bare. He looked away before he could break, clearing his throat and pulled his phone out. 
“I figure we could spend the last few hours of my Birthday together just the two of us since tomorrow is the weekend.” He could still feel those eyes staring at him, before they finally stop looking. “Yeah, yeah that would be nice. Do you want to just sit out here or go somewhere else?” 
He relaxed when he was no longer under Liam’s eyes, “We can sit here unless you have a spot.” He chanced a glance and saw Liam think, his tongue poking out from the corner of his mouth. “Yeah, there is this spot in the Prez. You would like it.” With that he flashed Theo his smile that always made him feel a little closer to human than he was.
Theo nodded connecting his phone to the Bluetooth and hit play. The car was filled with the gentle singing. “My heart has a little crush on you, so immature…” Playing in the background as they drove into the night.
It was 6:14 and you could barely even read all the words you'd written down of why it was time for you to leave.
The night was perfect they overlooked Beacon Hill just talking and laying in the bed of his truck looking at the stars as music played on between. He ended up taking Liam back home and he didn’t know what possessed him but as the other rounded the truck he leaned out his window and kissed the other before pulling back. He looked at Liam and his heart stutter thinking that he made a mistake but the other pulled him back and kissed fighting for dominance that he gladly submitted to the other touch.
He drove home to an empty house and unwelcoming walls that taunted him, the whispers were stronger guilting him. He walked into his room and sat on his bed pulling his phone out and scrolled till he found who he was looking for. “Hey… About those two favors… I’m calling them in now.” 
He smiled a little once the called ended and he laid back. He knew they would get the things he needed to him no latter than tomorrow night. She understood even if they didn’t like it but they understood and they would be there for him one last time.
With that he closed his eyes hoping tomorrow would be better as the feeling of Liam’s lips on his filled his dream. He curled up and almost could feel her fingers running through his hair and the brush of her lips against his forehead.
They just won against a big bad, and his side was killing him as it burn and he could feel the cuts slowly healing as he lean against Liam who wasn’t fearing much better but less hurt. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT THEO!” 
Stiles yell as he marched to him, looking up in confusing, Malia appeared next to Theo side, as did the puppy pack and the other Chermia. “What-?” Before he could say anything Stiles hit him. “LET ME GO THAT ASSHOLE LET LYDIA GET HIT! I KNEW HE COULDN’T BE TRUSTED! WHY THE HELL IS HE STILL AROUND ITS NOT LIKE ANYONE WOULD CARE!” 
Theo's heart stutter and he felt the burn in his eyes even. Liam was growling getting in Stiles face as Malia was helping him up the others ready to fight with Stiles. Scott was rushing over as Kira was helping Lydia around.
He didn’t remember being anywhere near Lydia let alone letting her get hit, he was near Liam like normal fighting with the other. He could hear Mason shouting that exactly at Stiles but the other was filled with anger and hatred.
Hayden took Theo from Malia, guiding him to his truck saying he doesn’t need to hear this but Stiles words were already stuck in his head. ‘ITS NOT LIKE ANYONE WOULD CARE!’ 
The words kept repeating over and over again. Why was he still here? He knows Liam cares about him but he could move on, so can everyone it's not like he deserved anything. His life was made on blood and bones, lies and pain. He looked at Hayden seeing her lips moving and concern, but the words sounded so muffle and far away from him.
“I’m just going to go home Hay, tell the others… I just want to heal up in my den and not deal with aggressive McCall pack.” He mumbles and before she could stop him let alone say anything he got in his truck. Pealing out fast and driving even faster so no one could stop him.
He stumbled in from his truck feeling the shakes and tears gathering faintly he noted it was 6:10. He climbs the stairs before busting through his bedroom door flinging his jacket off, he stumbles to his desk. Pulling out sheets of papers he stares at them for a second mind all over the place, he can hear his phone ringing none stop, he looks to see his friend came through as a box sat on his bed.
Nodding to him self he started to carefully write each one of them letters each detailing how this wasn’t their fault. How he was so thankful for them that he honestly didn’t expect to live this long that he never planned for a life after the doctors.  It was hard for him as the tears started to blur his words and he was sure to smudge his words as he wrote.
Your phone was on the ground and you could barely hear it ring. Couldn't even hear a sound, couldn't feel a single thing…
Once he was done he took the box and opened it, inside was a note and a vial, the liquid was Lilac colored but he knew what it was. He flipped the note over, they wrote that it would stop his healing and would make it painless for him and that they would carry out his last wish. Opening it he quickly drinks it making a face before heading to his bathroom. 
He felt dizzy still but he crawls into his tub, he didn’t want to leave a mess before flicking his claws out. He starts to cut, it shouldn’t take to long he knew his side was still bleeding badly. Taking a shaky breath, he filled the tub up letting it run as he leaned back.
He faintly hears the ringtone he said for Liam play, smiling a little as he thinks of the other. “Li… Thank you.” He mumbles feeling more and more relaxed as the water starts to turn pink. He cuts more and more till he felt weak as he looks at the door seeing his sister standing there smiling at him.
Now, it's 6:15 and you're on your knees, blood is on your sleeves and your lungs won't breathe, eyes are watering, body's shivering. And you're wondering what is happening?
“Tara… Tara your back.. Missed you.” She moved not making a sound as she sits down looking at him. “Theo… It’s okay. Soon we will be back with them.” She lifted her hand up and ran it through his hair comforting him. 
He closed his eyes taking the comfort as his body starts to shiver, causing him to slips down, and the water was already covering his body. He felt a little guilty knowing he was going to have water for the next people. Tara leaned over the tub smiling at him, “It’s just like falling asleep Theo, just go to sleep I’ll be right here.” 
His heart was pounding in his chest as if it knew what was happening and a shiver racked his body as he tried to breathe only getting a mouth full of water. Eyes burn as he filled his lungs burn with the water in them, slipping farther till he was submerged. Slowly he let go no longer fighting as the darkness came over him, he wished he see Liam one last time.
Now, it's 6:23, and they're on their knees, begging Jesus please can you make Him breathe.
Liam, Malia, and the others rushed to Theo house they knew something wasn’t right when Hayden came back running for them. Saying Theo just left in a rush. Liam's stomach filled with dread as they rush leaving Scott and the others behind calling out for them. Liam apologize to Theo as he kicked his front door down.
They could hear water filling up, but the feeling something was off and they all could smell fresh blood. Running up the stairs and into Theo room he turns around looking and sees it water pouring out from the under a door. He slams it open and god did he wish he didn’t.
He sees Theo in bloody water and submerge, he could hear the others behind him and a scream from Hayden. Liam wanted to throw up but he pushed through it as he turns the water off and gets on his knees as he lifts Theo up from the bloody water and feels. He wasn’t breathing but he felt it a barely there beat. 
He starts doing CPR, “Why isn’t he healing!?!?” Mason cried out as he joins Liam taking his hoodie off as he pressed it against the cut in Theo side. Malia and the others looking around  trying to find anything to tell them what happen. 
“I-i don’t know fuck! Theo baby please! Please breathe.” Liam begged as he kept going. Hayden was on the phone for ambulance they said they would be there in thirty minutes. “WE DON’T HAVE THIRTY!” Liam screamed still working hearing Theo ribs break under him and they weren’t mending. 
“We are going to have to take him Liam!!” Mason shouted, there wasn’t a choice he lifted him up “Someone search see what you can find!” He rams out with Mason behind him as they Theo truck speeding out of his home to the hospital. 
“Come on baby, come on stay with me.” Liam begged Theo, as he listen to his heartbeat get fainter. Mason was driving with silent tears falling. He pressed the hoodie close to his side, he couldn’t believe this was happening.
'Cause they finally see what was happening underneath their nose and underneath your sleeves.
Malia, Tracey, Corey, Josh, and Hayden were standing there shaken. “How did we miss this..?” Hayden whisper looking around as if for the first time they could finally see it. Nothing in the room showed a teen room if anything it looked fake. There was no poster, award nothing to show who the room belong to.
“H-he looked like he was getting better but…” Corey started swallowing his words as if unsure, “He always had a faint scent of blood on him…” He whisper and now he knew. 
Theo would laugh it off saying he had nicked himself when cook or something and Corey let it go because Theo would bring up how him and Mason were doing. Now more than anything he wished he could go back and insist what was really happening. Show Theo how much they all love and care about him and fuck what everyone though.
“It’s caus he didn’t want us to see and we didn’t want to see or believe lets face it! We all saw the signs and warning but we ignored it cause no way Theo would do it! We believe he was to strong and couldn’t break fuck..” Josh snapped before falling to his knees with Tracey holding him rubbing his back. Malia just looked around, she was crying but determined to find something to help when she sees it the vial with a bit of Lilac liquid taking a sniff she pull back. 
“I think I found out what he took, it might explain why he wasn’t healing.” She held it up in front of all of them. Corey moved over and notice a box on Theo’s bed. He lifted it to see the note, he covers his nose smelling Theo’s emotional pain. He quickly snatched the note before sitting the box down. 
“Yeah I think it is, it said it will stop his healing and be painless… He was planning this, that why he was hanging with us.” Corey bent over feeling sick to his stomach, now seeing all the signs. “Fuck, fuck, fuck we were so damn blind.”
Malia wanted to crush the bottle in her hands but Hayden gentle touch stopped her. “W-we should get this tested maybe we can reverse it. W-we can save him, we have to save him. He is our friend.” 
Her words coming out between heavy breath as she pushed back the urge to sob. “Let's go, Denton can help us.” Tracey looked at her unsure, “What if he doesn’t?” She whispered the fear getting to them. 
“Then we make him.”
He can barely see the pavement, He can barely read the signs. People think He's complicated but never wanna look inside.
Mason didn’t slow down as he kept pressing on the gas, the trucks hazard blinking. He looked at Theo in Liam arm and pressed down more. He swore he could hear the ticking of  a clock in his head.
He saw the headlights of a cop flashing behind, normally he would be scared but right now he doesn’t care. His best friend is holding their other friend in their arm while they are bleeding out. Liam had been falling in love with Theo and right now he refuse to stop not for anyone.
“Fuck them, fuck all of these backward fucking assholes!” He cries out and speed up, his heart pounding as he pushed the truck to the limit. Ignoring everything as he hurries them to the place to save Theo. More cops joining behind them with their lights, He can hear something being called out to them.
He pulls under the Emergency entrance blasting the horn three times, as he threw the truck into park. He jumps out and open the door for Liam and runs in screaming for Help. He knew he looked crazy he was covered in Theo blood and tears rolling down his face.
One of the Nurses come to him hesitating but, “P-please help my friend is dying!” He cries out and rushes back out and Liam finally came in carrying Theo in his arms. “Please help us, please.”
When they saw Theo and Liam they finally jumped into action, They took Theo from Liam who wanted to follow. They were paging Dr.Greyer to surgery, Liam was held back as he wanted to follow but the only thing he could hear was Theo already fading heartbeat get fainter as they rushed him to surgery.
'Cause He's a little too R-rated and they're a little too damn blind. He's just looking for His angels, but they're a little hard to find.
Melissa was passing through when she saw the two boys waiting covered in blood and for a moment she felt scared thinking of Scott or Stiles. “Liam? Mason? What are you two doing here?” Liam just kept looking at his hands, frozen as a statue, Mason looked up at her, tears still falling. 
“T-theo… He is in surgery…” He swallowed still not wanting to say the words. “H-he tried committing s-sui– he tried to end his life… Corey said he took something that prevents himself from healing.” 
She felt her heartbreak, looking at these boys. He was hurt while she may not have seen Theo alot she always though he was a good kid. “Does Scott and Stiles know?” It was like a trigger as both boys got angry. 
“Why should we tell them!’ “STILES IS THE REASON!” They both shout, eyes blazing in rage. Melissa took a step back in shock, “Stiles hit him and accused him of letting Lydia get hurt when Theo was with me! He doesn’t even try hanging out with them cause Stiles is always accusing him of doing something and Scott just lets it happen and apologize after!”
Liam just deflated falling back into his chair feeling Mason place a hand on his shoulder, “Mrs.McCall, No offense but we don’t want the older pack here. We and the others are Theo’s friends, his family. We have been there for him, we tried to help him because we felt something wasn’t right and tried our best. I-if Theo makes it we are going to do better and that is by putting boundaries on the others and make sure he gets help.”
Before she could say anything the doors open, and Liam dad came out looking around, spotting his son who jumped up making his way to him with Mason. Melissa could only watch as Liam and Mason walk and she could see the tension and stress as if preparing for the worst news of their life.
“H-how is he dad? Is Theo…” Liam looked into his stepdad brown eyes, noting the tension in his shoulder and the sadness in his eyes when he realize that his son and best friend was here for the kid he was working on.
“I’m Sorry Liam, Theo is…” His dad took a breath, seeing the young boy on his table flashing before his eyes, god that could have been his own son. “Theo is in a coma, we lost him a few times. It was touch and go but if you didn’t do what you did he… He would of died. Now it's up to him.” He pulled Liam into his chest seeing his son shake.  They fell to the floor as Liam cried holding onto his dad tightly as he shakes, wondering how did it get like this but he wouldn’t give up they still had a chance to save him. He could see a memory of Theo looking at him, eyes sparkling as he smiled at him as they looked to the sky. “If you could have one wish, what would it be?” He hears Theo whisper to him, he didn’t have an answer then but now he had one.
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puppy pack || thiam centric || completed || 5 chapters || 11k words || fluff and humor and a smidge of angst with a happy ending
Brett hosts a house party for the Puppy Pack. Liam and Theo get their clothes all wet.
chapters two AND three are up now!!!
thanks again to everyone who has supported me here and over on ao3 with this fic. i hope you enjoy as the puppy pack descend further into chaos🖤
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You're back
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52065421 by Rashell77 Stiles didn’t really care how this looked at the moment, didn’t worry about how he was going to explain it, he just wrapped his hands around Derek’s neck and buried his face in his fur. Stiles felt like he could cry with how happy he was. Five minutes ago he couldn’t say for sure that Derek Hale was alive, and now he was holding him in his arms. Well more like being pinned down by his wolf form, but still. or After years of no contact, Derek finally returns to Stiles. Words: 1577, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Brett Talbot, Lori Talbot Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Derek Hale Returns, Getting Together, First Kiss, Wolf!Derek, Fluff, blatantly ignores most of the canon, My First Fanfic, My First AO3 Post, Not Beta Read read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52065421
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Battle for Royalty
Caroline Salvatore has come back to New York City to run her company full time but her father had other ideas and tries to overthrow his daughter. Meanwhile she was not looking for love but that's when she meets Conrad Fisher who gives her a piece of herself she had long buried. A relationship that heals both of them and gives the other what they truly want.
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Caroline Salvatore: she is the youngest of a set of triplets, she has two older by minutes brothers Damon and Stefan. Caroline has been in California for the past four years attending Stanford. She started Royalty at 17 she loves and is proud of the company. Something happened to her before she went to Stanford that she tried to repress but is giving her panic attacks. She also has pushed down feelings and it’s only until she meets Conrad do those feelings surface.
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Conrad Fisher: is Caroline’s love interest. Their scenes are very intimate and soft. They have this instant chemistry. While it does start off as one night stand then booty call and then Into a real relationship. You see that feelings were there since that first night. Conrad teaches sailing lessons. His mom died of cancer and it’s still a sore topic for him to talk about. Like Caroline he has repressed emotions too and when they find each other the emotions they have repressed come out.
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Zero and Jude: they have been with royalty since the beginning, Zero was her first model and one of the highest paid models at the company. Since they have been there since the beginning they have a deeper relationship with Caroline then she does with other models. Jude is a lawyer and was prompted to Vice President and when Caroline is not there he is interim CEO. They have been married for seven years.
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Brad Simon: the second highest paid model at Royalty, he is Australian. Like zero and Jude brad has a deeper relationship with Caroline too.
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Nora: is Caroline assistant,they went to high school together but Caroline doesn’t remember her and Nora doesn’t bring it up. Nora is married and her wife is Mary Louise. Nora tries to be the best assistant she can be and help Caroline keep her company.
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Patrick Blanco: Caroline’s new best friend they met over the summer in Madrid. They both love a good party and fashion. They often call each other, or text. For special occasions they will fly out to see each other. Patrick lives with his boyfriend Ivan in Madrid.
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Katerina Petrova or Katherine: is Caroline’s oldest and dearest best friend. They consider each other sisters. Katherine also works at Royalty and is with one of the models Brett Talbot. While Patrick is the first to hear Caroline mention Conrad, Katherine is the first to meet him and she sees what is going on between them clear as day. Caroline and Katherine also live together.
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Viscount Tewkesbury: is another model at Royalty and becomes friends with Caroline. He’s from south London and is big in London and Caroline helps him crack into the American market.
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Dorota and Vayna: Dorota is the Salvatore family home manager. She is the head of staff at both their penthouse and their mansion. She basically raised Caroline and her brothers, she is treated like a member of the family. She just had a baby Ana with her husband vanya who is the receptionist at the penthouse building. She might be paid by the Salvatore’s father but she is loyal to the triplets she has always been Caroline’s right hand woman.
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Giuseppe Salvatore: Caroline’s father who does not think she is right for the position of CEO and want to replace her with Colin but really he is mad that Caroline did not tell him she stated a company he had to find out from a client of his and then spin it to sound like he knew all the time.
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Because I Had You.
Prompt: Brett Talbot; “Because I Had You” – Shawn Mendes // @deepblueo-cean
Author’s Note: Whoa. This one’s a doozy. Enjoy! :)
Master List | Wattpad 
Because I Had You.
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I think it's time that I be honest Should've told you not to go Thought I knew just what I wanted I didn't know myself at all You're with somebody I can't be, yeah But I can tell that you're happy
Do you ever say or do something and instantly feel the regret because you know you can’t take it back? Like posting a racy picture on social media for the world to see? Getting trashed the night before a big game? Lying to your best friend? Telling someone you’re in love with them when they clearly don’t feel the same way? Or worse, telling someone you love to leave?
That last one is a doozy because sometimes they actually listen to you. Then you’re left with this sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Regret gnaws its way through and you wonder what the hell you were thinking. You try to convince yourself it will be okay, she knows you didn’t mean it. She’ll come back.
Days turn to weeks and weeks turn to months, and she’s still gone.
With a deep sigh, Brett ruffles his hair a little before leaving his head in his hands. He knew this was coming. He’s had a gut feeling for weeks now. He just wishes it was wrong. Scratch that, he wishes he could go back in time.
Six Months Ago
“You’re joking, right?” (Y/N) questions as she stares at Brett in disbelief.
Brett shakes his head slowly as he avoids eye contact with her, “I just think it’s the best for both of us. It’s going to –“
She cuts him off, “you seriously want to break up just because we’re going to different colleges?” Brett opens his mouth to say something, but she keeps talking. “They’re not even two hours apart, Brett!”
“I know that, but don’t you think we’ll both be missing out on some college experiences because we’re so worried about each other?” He tries to reason.
“What? Like hooking up with random sorority girls?” (Y/N) responds with an arched eyebrow.
Brett meets her glare, “you know that’s not what I mean.”
“No, actually I don’t, Brett. Just the other day we were talking about our plans to see each other on weekends, and now you’re completely done because you want to ‘experience’ things?” She pauses, getting more heated by the second. “Sounds like an easy out if you ask me. Oh, but wait, you’re not asking me how I feel about this.”
Brett sighs, “come on, (Y/N). You’ve heard all the stories about couples staying together when they go to different schools. It puts one hell of a strain on the relationship.”
“Yeah, but I also know us. I know that we’re not those other couples. I know that we’re stronger than them. Well, at least I thought we were.” At this point, a mix of anger and despair radiates from her body as she continues, “and I also know that love doesn’t come easy for anyone. It takes hard work and struggle sometimes. You must be willing to go through that together. I am, but I guess you aren’t.”
He could see the disappointment and hurt on her face. This was the last thing she was expecting. They’d been together for three years, and now he’s suddenly breaking up with her? Hell, he’d be upset if the shoe was on the other foot. If he’s being honest, he’s not even sure this is the best idea for either of them. All he knows for sure is that he’s had this gut feeling that they need to experience life on their own for a while.
“I don’t know what you want me to say…” He lets the sentence hang, unable to even look her in the eye.
(Y/N) scoffs, “I want you to say this is some stupid, sick joke.”
“It’s not like I’m saying we have to end things right now. Just before we leave.” Brett knew how stupid that sounded as soon as it came out.
“Oh! You mean four more whole months? That’s so nice of you.” Her response dripped with sarcasm, and he knew this was the end. “Screw you, Brett.” She states before finally storming off.
Brett slowly looks back up at his laptop screen. There, in an enlarged photo, is (Y/N) smiling bright with who looks like her new boyfriend. They’re on the beach at sunset with the Santa Monica Pier in the background. She’s holding on tight to a purple stuffed monkey, one arm around him as she smiles at the camera. He has his eyes on her with a smile just as big as hers. Brett knows that smile. It’s the “how the hell did I get so lucky” smile. The one he used to wear all the time around (Y/N).
Not anymore, though. Now, he sits two hours away at UCSD feeling that pang of regret.
For months, he and (Y/N) managed to avoid each other before they left for school. Once he was at UCSD and she was at UCLA, it got easier. The last two months have been so jam-packed with classes, lacrosse, and meeting new people, he’s been able to keep himself from checking her social media. They weren’t friends on the accounts anymore, but she also didn’t have him blocked. So, when he was scrolling through his Facebook feed and her post popped up, thanks to an old, mutual friend getting tagged in it, it wasn’t that much of a surprise. But it still stung.
It's time for me to finally meet somebody new Take her to all the places that I took us to And she might help me forget But loving her is something I could never do Because I had, because I had you
Ever since seeing that picture of (Y/N) and her new boyfriend, Brett’s made it his mission to try to move on as well. It’s been kind of difficult, though, because he keeps finding himself comparing girls to her. He admits it’s a pretty dick move on his part, but it seems impossible not to. Every girl he thinks to ask out, he gets in his head and starts listing all the reasons not to. The girl is either too much like (Y/N) or not enough like (Y/N).
Clearly, he has a type.
Which is why he’s decided that he’s going to have to step out of his comfort zone and maybe go for someone he typically wouldn’t. Instead of petite girls with dark brown hair and big doe eyes, it’s time for something new. Who knows, maybe he’ll realize that girls like (Y/N) aren’t his type at all. She’s just all he’s ever known to be interested in.
So, here he is on a date at the beach with a pretty red-head with emerald eyes and fair, freckled skin. She’s beautiful by every definition of the word. Brett didn’t miss the way other guys did double-takes when they walk by. Rachel doesn’t seem to care, though. Either that, or she’s just oblivious to it because her focus has stayed on him. Even when a guy blatantly asked for her number while Brett was sitting right beside her, she brushed the guy off. It was nice to have that kind of attention again.
The surprising thing is that she’s kept his attention as well. Not once has he thought about (Y/N) in the last two hours. They’re so wildly different, it’s easy not to. Rachel is more cheery and social, whereas (Y/N) tended to keep to herself. He’s learned that Rachel is a math and science major, whereas (Y/N) always loathed the subjects. Rachel comes from a large family in the city, while (Y/N) is from the small town of Beacon Hills and only has a younger sister. They couldn’t be more different.
And Brett really kind of loves it.
“I’ve had a lot of fun today,” Rachel states with a smile as they start walking back to his car.
“Me too.” Brett responds honestly. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a good, relaxing beach day.”
“Really?” Brett simply nods. “Why?”
He shrugs his shoulders, “Once I got to UCSD, I sort of buried myself in school work, lacrosse… anything to keep me busy and my mind off things.”
“What were you trying not to think about?” She asks, trying not to seem too nosy.
He hesitates for a minute and rubs the back of his neck, “an ex.”
Rachel nods in understanding but takes a deep breath before asking another question. “Are you still just trying not to think about her?”
“No.” He mentally kicks himself for answering so quickly.
“Hey,” she stops them from walking by grabbing his hand and looking him in the eyes. “It’s okay if you are. I get it.”
Her green eyes stare up at him, and with the sun, he can see specks of gold. The sun has also brought out more freckles across the bridge of her nose. Her hair has those perfect beach waves after drying in the California heat. There’s no denying that she’s gorgeous, even after spending the day in the sun, ocean, and sand. He could also tell that she’s being sincere. She did understand what he’s going through, even though she didn’t know the whole story or anything about his past relationship.
“You don’t care?” He questions with knitted brows.
She shrugs with a small smile, “of course I care, but I’ve also had to move on from a past relationship. So, I understand the need for a distraction sometimes.”
“You’re not just a distraction, you know.” Brett states with a shake of his head. “I do really like you.”
Her smile broadens, “good. I really like you too.” She leans up on her tip toes and pulls him down a little by the hand before kissing him.
Rachel is just what Brett needs – beautiful, smart, understanding, carefree. And yet, as their fingers interlace, and her lips met his, he felt a sudden pang in his chest. Not over the kiss or even her. Just that she isn’t (Y/N), and she never would be. It made him wonder if he’d ever be able to love her at all, much less the way he loved (Y/N).
I remember when I told you That you and I will go down in history together, yeah And does your sister ask about me? And you and I, what we had, is it gone forever? You're with somebody I can't be But I can tell that you're happy
It’s Halloween night. Most of the dorm is at the biggest frat party of the year, including Brett’s roommate. In fact, Rachel will be here any minute to go also. They’re going as Pebbles and Bam Bam from The Flintstones. It was her idea, but he agreed because it’s pretty good. Not many people their age know the classic, so he was surprised and happy that Rachel did. It’s always been one of his favorites.
Rachel’s surprised him with a lot of things. Turns out, they have a lot more in common than he originally thought. For example, she knows a lot about lacrosse because both of her brothers and her dad grew up on the sport. She loves video games, another side effect of having brothers. Most people perceive her as a typical girly-girl, but she actually prefers comfy clothes and no make-up. She still loves waking up on Saturday mornings and eating a bowl of cereal while watching old cartoons. She’s into comic books and all the shows and movies that go with them. The list goes on.
She’s actually been really good for Brett. He hasn’t thought about (Y/N) as much the last few months, but today is different. Halloween is was their day.
He taps a pen against his desk repeatedly as he stares at the search engine on Facebook. (Y/N)’s name is already typed in, all he has to do is hit search. He knew that once he did, though, there’s no going back from what he knows he’ll see. He doesn’t even know why he felt enticed to look on her page. It’s obviously just a way to torture himself. But he just couldn’t help the urge to check in on her today. If he doesn’t hurry, though, Rachel will probably show up.
So, he finally hits the search button, clicks on her profile and waits in nervous suspense. Once loaded, (Y/N)’s most recent post – literally from an hour ago – hits him hard. She’s still with the new guy and they’re dressed up as Alvin and the Chipmunks – (Y/N) and Maggie’s favorite cartoon. The boyfriend is Alvin, (Y/N) is Simon, and Maggie is Theodore. Alvin is grinning mischievously while the girls roll their eyes on either side of him.
As Brett keeps looking at the picture, he can’t help but remember that used to be him. Last year they dressed up as Tigger, Pooh, and Piglet. They used to go all out because Halloween also happens to be Maggie’s birthday. She’s grown up so much since the last time he saw her. She’s as tall as (Y/N) now. They could almost pass for twins.
“Damn it.” He mutters, wondering if he should wish her a happy 14th birthday. He also wonders if she ever asks (Y/N) about him, or if she hates him just as much as (Y/N) probably does.
Just as he picks up his phone to shoot Maggie a simple “Happy Birthday” text, there’s a knock on his door. He quickly exits out of (Y/N)’s Facebook page before answering it.
“Hey!” Rachel greets cheerily before standing on her tiptoes to give him a kiss. She looks cute in her costume.
“Hey backatcha. You look great!” He responds, trying to be as chipper as her, but still thinking about Maggie and (Y/N).
A grin spreads across her face, “you don’t look so bad yourself, Bam! Bam!” Brett chuckles a little as he holds out his arms, showing off his costume. “You ready?”
“Yup. Let’s party.” He shoves his phone in the make-shift pocket Rachel added to his costume and closes the door behind them.
It’s time for him to be fair to Rachel and stop thinking about his ex. She’s clearly happily moved on. Even Maggie seems to like the new boyfriend. It’s time for Brett to accept that he can’t be that guy anymore.
It's time for me to finally meet somebody new Take her to all the places that I took us to And she might help me forget But loving her is something I could never do Because I had, because I had you
Brett’s not exactly sure how he ended up in this situation. One minute he and Rachel were talking about New Year’s Eve plans, the next they’re in the McCall house for their annual party. Everyone came, including (Y/N) and the new guy, which Brett is kind of surprised about. He didn’t volunteer to come here, so he wonders if (Y/N) felt the same way. If she did, she wasn’t showing it. Maybe he should attempt to do the same instead of sulking.
“Your friends are so nice!” Rachel exclaims as she comes back from the bathroom.
He nods in agreement, “yeah, they’re not too bad.”
Just as he says it Liam, Mason, and Corey walk up. “Who? Us? Yeah, we’re pretty great.” Liam states smugly.
“Except for these guys, they’re losers,” Brett jokes with a grin.
“Whatever. I can still kick your ass on the lacrosse field.”
“HA! Okay. Whatever you say, Liam.” Brett says as he pats Liam on the shoulder.
“You guys play lacrosse too?” Rachel asks curiously.
Brett shakes his head, “Liam and Corey try to play.”
“Well, at least I didn’t bring my girlfriend to the same party my ex is at.” Liam tries to throw another punch in the game, but the group goes silent. Brett glares at him hard as his hand curls into a fist.
“Awkward…” Mason states as he looks back and forth between his friends.
Rachel has a look of shock on her face, but she quickly composes herself. “Excuse me.” The guys watch as she makes her way through the kitchen and living room and out the front door.
Brett turns with a glare at Liam again, “thanks for that.” He says sarcastically before storming off after Rachel.
He finds her standing behind his car, her suitcase and backpack for the week on the ground beside her feet. Her back is to him, but he could tell she’s upset by the way her arms are crossed over her chest. With a deep exhale, he prepares himself for the conversation to come before making his way to stand beside her. He stands in a similar position as her but shoves his hands deep in his pockets instead.
“An Uber will be here any minute to take me to the airport.” She states stoically before he has a chance to say one word.
“You don’t have to leave. I’ll tell you anything you want to know.”
At this, Rachel turns to face him, “are you still in love with her?”
Brett swallows hard, to which she scoffs and shakes her head. “It’s not what you’re thinking.”
“So, you aren’t still in love with her?” Her eyebrow arches and her eyes don’t leave his.
“You can’t just get over someone you were with for three years, Rachel.” He tries to get her to understand.
She shakes her head, “unbelievable.”  She sucks in a deep breath and releases it slowly as she looks around, obviously trying to calm herself. “So, what the hell was this? A rebound?” She asks, gesturing between them.
Brett shakes his head quickly, “no. I’ve been trying to move on.”
“What do you want me to say, Rachel? You knew on our first date what I was going through and said you understood. You even called yourself a distraction!” He throws his hands up in frustration but wasn’t expecting the slap that came across his face.
She glares at him with tears forming in her eyes, “screw you, Brett.”
Her words stung harder than her slap. Suddenly, he was taken back to the day he broke up with (Y/N) and she said those exact same words. Rachel doesn’t know the details of his break up with (Y/N). Hell, she doesn’t even know her name or which girl inside she is. She’s never asked, and he’s never voluntarily talked about it. The way he saw it, the less he thought of or talked about (Y/N), the easier it would be to move on. Clearly, he was wrong.
Brett was so lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even see the Uber pull up or Rachel get in the car. He didn’t even get to apologize for his stupid comment. So much for that relationship, he thought with a heavy sigh. He walks back inside and tries to avoid any conversation about where Rachel went and why. He also avoids (Y/N) like the plague.
At least for now.
There's nothin', no There's nothin' left to lose Because I had you, babe There's nothin' Nothin' that I could do I wish I had you But I think it's time I finally found somebody new And tell myself that she's the one that get me through And she might help me forget But loving her is something I just couldn't do Because I had you
The new year came and went, and the spring semester of Brett’s freshman year is in full swing. Since the New Year’s Eve party, he’s tried talking to Rachel, but she’s mastered the art of avoiding him. She even somehow switched classes he knew they were supposed to have together. Clearly, he royally screwed up that relationship.
It’s for the best, though, really. The whole ordeal helped him come to terms with a few things. One, he’s not ready to move on to a new relationship. Why? Because of number two: he’s still in love with (Y/N). If he’s being honest with himself, he’s known that fact for a while, but wanted to try to get over her since she was obviously over him.
Now, with spring break starting, Brett wonders if (Y/N) will be back in Beacon Hills again like him. Even though she’s still with the new guy, at least last he saw on New Year’s Eve, he needs to tell her how he feels and that he made a mistake. She’s liable to just slap him across the face like Rachel did, but that’s a risk he’s willing to take. At least she would know.
At this point, he really has nothing left to lose.
Brett’s been back in Beacon Hills for a few days now and still hasn’t seen any sign of (Y/N). Embarrassingly enough, he’s even driven by her house, but her car isn’t there. He refuses to creep on her social media to see if she’s even town, though. He doesn’t want to come off as too desperate, although admittedly, he is a tad desperate.
If it’s meant to be, it will be. That’s what he keeps telling himself at least.
So, as he walks into the coffee shop and spots (Y/N) sitting at a corner table with her laptop out and sipping on what he’s sure is a chai latte with a bit of honey, he knows this is his chance. As he glances around the small shop, he notices it’s pretty busy for a late morning. In fact, the only empty seat is across from her – another sure sign this is his chance.
He orders himself an Americano and keeps stealing glances her way as he waits to make sure she doesn’t leave. She doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. She seems engrossed in whatever she’s doing on her computer. Hopefully it’s not anything too important so he won’t feel guilty about interrupting her.
Once he gets his coffee, he nervously makes his way over, mentally preparing himself on what to say. All this time he’s wanted to talk to her, but he’s never actually thought of the right words. With his luck, he’ll get word vomit and say something completely stupid.
“Is this seat taken?” He asks after clearing his throat.
(Y/N)’s head instantly pops up from her screen at the sound of his voice; a look of surprise evident on her face. “Um… no.”
He pulls out the chair and takes a seat all the while (Y/N) eyes him questionably. “Thanks.” She just nods slowly. “I’m not stalking you, by the way.”
She laughs a little, “I didn’t say you were.”
“Right.” He rubs the back of his neck nervously, suddenly unable to make eye contact with her, but he can still feel her eyes on him.
“Are you okay?”
This causes him to finally look back up at her and nod. “Yeah. I just, uh… this isn’t awkward for you?”
“The guy who dumped me now sitting across from me acting weird? No, not at all,” she answers with a grin full of sarcasm.
He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck again. “Guess I asked for that one.” (Y/N) just nods. After a beat of silence, he speaks up again, “do you maybe wanna take a walk with me?”
She eyes him curiously, “why?”
Brett shrugs, “to talk.”
She thinks about it for a minute before closing her laptop, “don’t make me regret this.” She states seriously before putting her computer in her bag.
He shakes his head feverishly, “I won’t.”
“So…” (Y/N) lingers after five minutes into their walk and nothing has been said.
“Brett, you’re the one who wanted to talk,” she says with a small laugh.
“Oh, right.” Brett rubs the back of his neck again. This is harder than he thought it would be. He hasn’t been this nervous around her since they first started dating. “You know I’m sorry, right? For how I ended things…”
She exhales deeply as she looks straight ahead, “I’m not going to lie, being blindsided like that hurt like hell.” He nods his head and digs his hands in his pockets. “But if you think I’m holding a grudge against you or something, I’m not. I got over it and moved on.”
He nods again, “I saw.” She looks at him skeptically. “At the New Year’s Eve party.” He wasn’t about to confess to creeping on her social media yet.
“Oh. Yeah.” A beat of silence passes before she speaks again, “I saw that you moved on too.” Her tone was indifferent, almost as if she were trying not show how she felt about him being with someone else.
A sort of bitter chuckle escapes from him, “yeah. That ended that day.”
She looks at him confused, “why?”
“Honest answer?” He asks looking at her with raised eyebrows, and she nods. “You.”
(Y/N) lets his response sink in as they walk in silence again. How is she supposed to respond to that? On one end, she’s honestly kind of happy they were over because there’s still a teensy bit of her that was jealous when she saw them together. She also isn’t too mad about him getting dumped. On the other end, she does still care for him and wouldn’t wish heartbreak on anyone. Even if they broke her heart.
“Listen, don’t feel bad about it or anything.” He suddenly breaks the silence as if he was reading her mind. She looks over at him. “It was inevitable.”
“Why?” She asks again, suddenly feeling like a curious five-year-old.
He shrugs his shoulders, “because I was lying to myself.” Time to get real honest, Brett. Don’t hold back. “I saw on Facebook that you were moving on, and I thought I needed to try too. At first, it was hard because I just kept comparing every girl to you. I even did it with Rachel, but sometimes I was able to not think about you or our relationship. And I thought, okay, I can do this. I can move on with her.”
(Y/N) listens intently as they walk and he talked. Granted, it’s difficult to hear him talk about another girl. “So, what happened?” She asks, swallowing her ego to hear what he had to say.
He exhales before continuing, “there were moments when I just knew I couldn’t be what she wanted. Like when we kissed, and I didn’t feel that spark. Or when we held hands, and they didn’t seem to fit perfectly together. Or the way we never bickered… over anything. It was just too easy with her.”
She looks at him confused, “usually easy is a good thing.”
“I guess,” he responds with a shrug. “But easy is boring.” Glancing over at her, he could see that his words hit a chord with her somehow. Maybe she was thinking about her own new relationship.
After a few minutes of letting her think, he interrupts her thoughts by clearing his throat again. “Anyways, I pushed my own feelings aside because I still wanted to try to make it work. I had to. If I wanted to get over and move on from you, then I had to try.” He pauses for a second, “but then New Year’s Eve rolled around. I didn’t want to go to the McCall’s party, but I couldn’t convince her not to without being honest about why I didn’t want to go. Not long after we got there, Liam let it slip that I brought her to a party my ex was at. She walked away, and I followed her. She asked me questions I had been asking myself for the longest time, but she already knew the answers to them. Then she left.”
“What questions did she ask?” (Y/N) asks even though she was pretty sure she knew.
Brett looks over at her incredulously, “what do you think?”
She sighs deeply in frustration and uncertainty. This whole confession was so unexpected. She’s not sure how to feel about it. Brett’s the only one that’s ever had the capability to break her heart, and she never thought he’d do it, but he did. He shattered it, and it took her so long to get out of the depression that it put her in. She forced herself to move on by burying her feelings for him to the depths of her heart. Then she met Jason and started to feel happy again, even in love. At least, that’s what she thought.
Now, her heart is conflicted. If she’s being really honest, it’s always been conflicted. Ever since New Year’s Eve, though, her feelings for Brett have come back full force. So much so that even Jason noticed. A few weeks after the party, they got into a huge argument that ended things between them. Like Brett, she realized that it was inevitable.
However, she’s not sure she’s ready to go there with Brett again. He’s always had her heart, but now it’s tattered and torn, and she’s scared.
“Can we stop for a minute?” Brett asks suddenly.
They’ve been walking for a while now, and she hadn’t even realized how far they’d gotten from the coffee shop. Now they were at the park a few blocks away. He guides her over to a bench nearby and they take a seat.
“What are you thinking?”
(Y/N) laughs ironically and shakes her head, “so much.” She puts her head in her hands and runs her hands through her hair. “What do you expect me to do with all this, Brett?” She asks, turning to face him.
“I don’t expect anything really.” She laughs again and shakes her head. “Really, (Y/N). I just wanted you to know.”
“Know what exactly? That you realized you made a mistake after you tried to be with someone else?” Now she was just being mean and bitter. How else was she supposed to react, though? Just run back into his arms? Tempting, but also terrifying.
Brett shakes his head, “I didn’t realize it after Rachel broke up with me. I just wouldn’t admit it to myself before then.” He pauses to take one of her hands in his and stares right into her big, brown eyes. “What I realized is that I couldn’t love her, or anyone for that matter, because I had you, (Y/N).”
A tear slips down (Y/N)’s cheek and he quickly wipes it away. “Jason broke up with me.” She confesses. If he was being completely transparent, then she probably should to.
Brett tries to contain the joy that ran through his veins at that confession. He hates that she got her heart broken again, but he’s hoping it will work in his favor. “He’s an idiot.”
She shakes her head, “no. He’s actually pretty smart. He and Rachel should meet. They have a lot in common.”
He looks at her confused, “like what?”
“Like they’re both footnotes in someone else’s love story.” Her brown eyes stare into his blue ones as she offers a small smile.
As bad as that fact is, Brett couldn’t help but smile a little about it. (Y/N) basically admitted to still having feelings for him too. He didn’t want to jump the gun, though. So, he leaned in a little until their faces were mere inches apart. When she didn’t pull away or turn her cheek, he took that as a good sign to kiss her. So, he does. Their lips meet, her hands instantly go to the nape of his neck, and they kiss like no time had been lost.
The End.
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kingofangst · 11 months
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So...this moodboard here is introducing my Teen Wolf OC who will be the love interest of Brett Talbot. My OC has two names:
Dylan Castle
Nicolae Albesçu
(The faceclaim is the amazing Josh Hutcherson who goes very good with my OC and his aesthetics)
Here is this intelligent, witty, grim but cute guy's moodboard. I will be posting this fanfic in mid August. Now...how does a human who was the former heir of a Romanian mafia become the love interest of a hot, lacrosse werewolf captain?
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