#brian my beloved <3
snowaftermidnight · 2 months
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brian doodle from class :3 idk which one i like more so im posting both
lyrics are from wine red by the hush sound (transcribed under cut) ignore that i wrote some of them wrong lmao
repeating in pencil: Who shot that arrow in your throat? Who missed the crimson apple? It hung heavy on the tree above your head.
border: This chaos, this calamity. This garden once was perfect. Give your immortality to me, I'll set you up against the stars.
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vampirehayfever · 2 months
emily screaming "that's my husband!" after murph said "you gotta honor the cock" makes them the most married couple ever in my opinion
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stone-stars · 3 months
Murph, mid thought: --it's like, you can keep the stakes up without… Caldwell: M-hm? Murph: … are you coming up with a new? [Everyone else laughs.] Murph: E--Emily's face was right up against the mic. Smirking? Caldwell: Are you-- Emily: (defensive) I wasn't gonna say anything! Murph: I guess came up with a new spell? Caldwell: You gotta say it now! Murph: Well what do you-- how are we supposed to look at you and not respond? [Emily groans.] Jake: Say it. Murph: What was your new spell? Emily: I turned Geas into peas. [The others laugh.] Murph: (laughing) You turned… Geas… into peas. [Emily laughs.] Caldwell: That's so good. Every time you disobey, peas come out of your mouth. Murph: Peas come out of your mouth when you-- when you say the wrong-- Emily: (defensive) I wasn't planning on sharing! Murph: (laughing) Okay. [Jake laughs.] Emily: Murph called me out! Murph: This is a show! You have to share! [Emily and Caldwell laugh] By definition! It's a show, you have to show! Caldwell: See-- [Emily continues laughing as they talk.] Murph: You have to show your thoughts! You have to participate! You can't just quietly think of three cases ago, and come up with fun things in your own head! Then smile at them while not commenting while the rest of us speak! Caldwell: Yeah, Emily, we're always thinking Fred Flintstone and his delicious cereal! Murph: Yeah, always. Caldwell: But we're not interjecting constantly with that! Murph: Yeah. Caldwell: Only every fourth or fifth case!
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 3 months
You can not fathom the degree to which i am currently vibrating on.
My friend. My dear friend, @atidingofmagpies , who i'd love to shake rn. Got me a mechanisms CD. i think the last time kofi and tim did a smol drop. Guess what arrived today. I am. I. I indeed feel emotions. All of them. LOOK AT THIS I-- AAAAAAA/VPOS
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Sadly the thingy keeping the CD in place is broken but i think its okay enough :>
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Pages of the booklet!
TS' rank is mascot, n that's incredibly funny to me for some reason. Jonny looks like a bastard...as he should. Perfect.
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And this sprinkle in of putting smth funny in yer work. Fucking- amazing. Make me giggle.
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spellboundcities · 1 year
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A hodgepodge of Them Shenanigans before I proceed to vanish for another month due to the ongoing war that is in fact artfight
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thechaoticdruid · 4 months
This Bites (5)
Astarion x Chubby! F! MC
Plot: Astarion gets Winnie out a tight spot with a new power of his! Our two lovers continue to bond and get closer as Winnie searches for the cause of her vampire's appearance in the modern world. They also go shopping! YAY!
Content/Warning: Dog attack, Sexual humor and suggestive content, tooth rotting fluff, night terrors?, Astarion being soft, mention of dead animals, Brian being an asshole as usual..
Chapter 4: Back here
Chapter 5: Hold still.
Chapter 6: Shit.
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Winnie looked out the window, eyes wide as she saw Brian and Vanessa outside. Nessa was holding Ollie tightly to her chest as the little dog growled. The three of them were standing their ground as the same beastly dog from before approached. It was snarling with its lips lifted upwards to expose its sharp teeth, drool dripping from its jaws and onto the rope around its neck.
“Astarion, go to my room and hide in my closet I'll, I'll think of something.” Winnie stated.
“You want me to just let you go out there with that deranged beast!? Are you insane! That mutt will gnaw your leg off!” The vampire spawn snapped.
“We don't have time to argue! Go hide!” Winnie huffed before grabbing a broom off the nearby wall. The dog was huge and appeared to be a mix between a mastiff and Pitbull. Brian stood in front of Vanessa, shielding her from the dog as he shouted at it, trying to scare it off.  Astarion gritted his teeth. He didn't want Winnie to get hurt but following her out into the sun was a horrible idea. There definitely wasn't any way he could protect her as a pile of ashes. But he had to do something! That dog had a vicious look in its eyes, lunging with an intent to kill. Brian was able to kick it in the face and make it back up momentarily, but the beast was not backing down. 
Panic flooded over the elven vampire’s mind as he was frantically trying to think of what to do, if he had still been alive his heart would be pounding!  Then suddenly he felt odd…. There was this poof and everything around him got bigger.  No, he was smaller. His hands were replaced by these white little bat wings…
What in the hells!?
Unfortunately, there wasn't enough for Astarion to ponder his new form as Winnie had opened the door, holding the broom close to her as she prepared to try and help her family. Without thinking the small bat leapt up and grabbed onto the back of her shirt with his little claws, crawling under the back of her hoodie to protect him from the sun. Winnie didn't even notice him, too focused on the scene in front of her.  Her mother was safely locked in the car, away from the dog while Brian was doing his damndest to try and scare it away. It was safe to say that the canine was not the least bit intimidated as it snarled, slobber dripping from its jowls. 
Winnie soon rushed over, using the broom to separate herself from the aggressive mongrel. The dog lunged forward, biting into the broom with a bite so strong it threatened to break the wood. Winnie let out a startled squeak at the sight of the dog’s teeth.
“The fuck are you doing, Winnie!? You're making it worse!” Brian shouted. Though his voice didn't even register to Winnie as she was much too terrified of the dog to give a damn about what he said. The dog’s teeth clashed against the broom before it pulled back preparing for another attack when it noticed something peek out of the brunette-haired female’s hoodie. Keeping the hoodie over his head to shield him from the sun, Astarion peaked out at the dog with a tiny glare. 
The dog blinked in confusion before getting a whiff of Astarion's familiar undead scent and letting out a whine, tail dropping between its legs as it let out a bark.
“Smells wrong!” Astarion could hear the dog speak while in his new animal form. The dog suddenly turned and ran off, whimpering along the way. Winnie blinked in utter bewilderment. 
He just….Left? What the fuck was that about?
“Oh, thank goodness. Winnie scared it away!” Vanessa let out a sigh of relief. 
“I had it completely under control.” Brian huffed as Winnie’s mother suddenly opened the car door and got out. 
“Oh my God, that was close. Brian, we need to call animal control! That dog is dangerous!” She exclaimed, stepping out of the car. 
“It would probably be better if I shot that damn mutt.” Brian muttered. 
“Brian!” His wife crossed her arms. 
“Alright, alright woman! I'm getting my phone!” The brunette haired man huffed.
“Uh…. It might be best to go inside…? In case the dog comes back I mean.” Winnie suggested.
“I ain't afraid of no fucking dog…” Brian muttered under his breath as he fumbled with his cellphone.
“You're right, Winnie. Come on Nessa, let's go inside.” Winnie’s mother said before leading the young girl inside. Winnie quickly followed after them and moved ahead of them, hoping Astarion had gone and hid. The plump female was completely unaware Astarion had changed his form and hitched a ride inside her hoodie. The tiny white bat stayed completely still as his tiny claws stayed hooked into the back of her shirt.
“Winnie! Winnie! Can I play the new video game you got?” Vanessa asked, setting the dog down on the floor. Her eyes grew round as she looked up at the young woman pleadingly.
“Ah no kid, it's for adults. And I don't want your dad to get mad at me if you see something…inappropriate.” Winnie coughed and rubbed the back of her neck. 
“Ugh! It's not fair! I'm almost thirteen and this boy from my class is playing it!” Nessa huffed and crossed her arms.
“No means no. Goodness' sake, you're too young to play adult games.” Winnie replied sternly.
“And you're too old to watch cartoons but you still do it!” Vanessa sassed before storming off to her bedroom. Winnie rolled her eyes, muttering ‘brat’ under her breath. She turned to head back to her bedroom, but unfortunately Brian had come back inside and had her in his sights. 
“The hell did you say to my kid!?” He snapped, getting really close to Winnie's face, his nasty tar smelling breath hitting her like a brick.
“I just told her she can't play my new game because it's for adults.” Winnie huffed, eyes glancing back over to her room as she flinched away from him. 
“I saw her run to her room! You better tell the truth right now!” Brian raised his voice.
“Brian! Calm down! Winnie is telling the truth, I saw everything.” Winnie’s mother suddenly stepped in and stood between her husband and daughter. Brian muttered under his breath.
“Catherine, the girl is dangerously close to becoming a delinquent! I've seen those vile games she plays! They're not right!” Brian barked.
“You’re being dramatic. Winnie would never hurt a fly. Look, we've all just had a scare outside so why don't we calm down, go to our rooms and try to relax?” Catherine said before pulling Brian along. The middle-aged sack of piss continued to mutter under his breath, but inevitably gave in and followed his wife to the bedroom.  Winnie sighed in relief before quickly rushing to her bedroom, locking the door behind her. 
“Astarion?” She suddenly whispered out and looked around her room. “Astarion?” She called again before slowly stepping towards the closet, only to freeze as she felt tiny claws climbing up and down her back.
“What the hell is on me!?” She panicked, shivering in disgust before suddenly throwing her jacket off and onto the ground. Winnie looked in the mirror and checked herself but found nothing.
Brown eyes glanced down at her purple hoodie before noticing a little fuzzy white head poke out from underneath her coat. A little albino bat crawled out and looked up at Winnie with round red eyes. It immediately began to let out panicked sounding little squeak-like chirps and scurry towards Winnie.  She backed up a bit in utter confusion.  
" A bat? How did I get a bat in my jacket?” Winnie asked aloud. The bat continued to squeak at her as if trying to speak. He didn't try to flee or fly away which was very unusual. 
Then suddenly Maddie poked her head out from under the bed, slowly creeping towards the small animal. The bat turned to look over as the black cat prowled towards him, pupils enlarged and tail swatting back and forth as she prepared to pounce.  The bat let out a frightened squeak before attempting to crawl away as Maddie galloped towards him, pinning him down with her paw.
“Maddie no!” Winnie said trying to get her cat's attention, but the feline didn't acknowledge her.
She looked ready to bite down on the little creature until she got a whiff of his scent. Maddie sniffed him curiously before ultimately removing her paw from his little body. 
“Mew!” The cat began to purr before rubbing her face over the tiny bat. All the while Winnie was slowly trying to comprehend what was happening. 
An albino bat that Maddie seems to recognize as a friend?
Winnie had a gnawing suspicion, but it was so ludacris that she didn't know whether or not to trust it. Eventually the young woman knelt down on the ground and held out her hand. 
“Astarion…?”  She spoke up. The small bat immediately turned his attention to her before crawling over to sit on her hand and squeak. 
“This feels utterly insane…. but could you nod if it's you?” She asked. The little bat immediately nodded in response.
“How is this even possible? Spawn aren't supposed to be able to transform into bats.” Winnie sat down on the armchair, holding Astarion in her hands. He squeaked a few times as if trying to speak to her. “Star, I don't understand whatever you're trying to say…. All I hear are squeaks on my end…” 
Astarion’s ears dropped before Winnie scratched his head with a single finger. “You are very cute like this though.” The brunette-haired woman smiled.  “This could actually come in handy, but it would probably be best if you figure out how to change back…. Preferably when I'm not holding you of course.” Winnie stated before setting the small bat down on the bed.  
Astarion made a few little bat noises as he appeared to shake and strain a little in an attempt to turn back. When he changed before he was in a panic, so he wasn't sure exactly what he did that caused his transformation. Was it the fear of something happening to Winnie? No, that didn't seem right. 
Winnie sat on the bed beside him as she pondered exactly how this was possible. In the game he was only able to take the form of a bat if he ascended. And everything she'd seen indicated that Astarion was a spawn. Hell, he was even soft on her like he was with Tav in his spawn romance route. Could being in her world really give him new abilities? Winnie held her chin in thought before a theory formed in her mind. Astarion said that he fell in love with her over and over, and that he'd been reliving the games storyline repeatedly. That would mean that he's basically been experiencing all her save games .... maybe .... But Winnie never went through a playthrough where she ascended him…except oh….
There was this one time she saved before checking out the ascension route and it might have autosaved. Winnie was eventually broken out of her thoughts by a flash of red around the tiny bat before suddenly he grew back into his normal vampire elf form.
 “Gods below.” Astarion let out a sigh of relief. “I am certainly not accustomed to being so small and hairy….eugh…It felt unnatural.” Astarion shivered. 
“Oh, you figured it out! That's great.” Winnie smiled before looking over Astarion as he took a moment to compose himself. 
“This world of yours seems to get more interesting by the day. Although I'm not entirely sure what use this new form would have. Well other than allowing me to seek shelter from the sun from under your coat.” Astarion hummed.
“Bats can fly! It would probably be very useful if you needed to get somewhere quickly at night.” Winnie stated. “And the smaller you are, the easier it is to hide.” 
“Perhaps there may be some use to this form then.” Astarion smirked a couple ideas of sneaking around the house to torment Brian began to cook in his mind. 
“I'm still a tad concerned about how this happened…. It worries me a bit.” 
“What's to worry about? Obviously, my presence in this realm has opened up some wonderful possibilities.” Astarion chuckled with a smirk.
“I don't know how to feel about this…” Winnie looked off to the side. “Astarion, I should probably tell you about something I've been looking into. I've been quiet about it because I don't want you to get the wrong idea, but I've been trying to figure out what caused you to be well…Here…But I'm not trying to send you back! I promise!” Winnie stated. 
“Well, I do appreciate you telling me this. Although I'm not entirely sure why it's a concern of yours if you're not trying to send me back.” 
“Something caused it and I want to know why and if it's dangerous. Things like this just don't normally happen here. This isn't a magical place like the one you're used to.” Winnie sighed. 
“There you go worrying again. My poor paranoid darling. You know we should probably work on finding ways to relieve your stress.” Astarion grinned.
“Astarion.” Winnie pouted with an annoyed expression.
“What? I was just going to suggest a massage, perhaps a hot bath. Hells bellow, not everything I say is about sex, you naughty thing.~” Astarion crossed his arms but looked at Winnie with a mischievous grin. 
Winnie blushed darkly before rolling her eyes.
“We're getting off topic. The point is whatever caused this was not normal for my world and I want to know if it will affect us. That's why I've been trying to get to the bottom of it.”  Winnie huffed before falling back on the bed. 
“And what have you found?” Astarion, asked as he loomed over her. 
“Not much. I found the alias of someone who might be involved, but I'm having trouble finding more information about them.” 
“I know little to nothing about this portal device thing, but I'm willing to help well…somehow…” Astarion hummed and looked over Winnie with a sweet gaze.  
“Thank you. Though I'm not sure what would help.” Winnie hummed and stared up at the ceiling in thought while Astarion watched her, eventually laying down beside her.  
“Perhaps you could ask someone else for help? Someone from here.” The vampiric elf suggested.
“That would be a good idea, only I don't want to risk exposing you or looking like a complete lunatic…No one is going to believe that a fictional character came out of my computer….Ugh…” Winnie huffed before suddenly her cell phone went off in her pocket. She got a message from Becca asking if Winnie could cover her shift tonight since Becca had to babysit for her mother. 
Wait….Becca mods her games all the time. Maybe she'd know who ShadowMommy69 was at least…Or something about them anyway.
It wasn't a very strong lead, but at least it was something. Winnie probably wouldn't be able to actually talk to Becca in person until this weekend, but maybe she could figure something out. She needed to take Astarion to get some clothes soon anyway and stopping by to talk to Becca on the way wouldn't hurt. 
Winnie glanced over to see Astarion looking at her, eyes soft as his mouth stretched into an odd Grinch-like grin. “Eh…What's up with your face?” Winnie asked. Astarion blinked, broken out of his little dreamy daze. 
“Uh what? Is there something on my face!? Did I get a scratch while turned into that winged rodent!?” Astarion sat up, beginning to freak out and feel over his face.
“No, no, Astarion calm down. Nothing's wrong with your face, honey.” Winnie sat up and cupped his cheeks. His ears turned slightly pink at her pet-name. “It's just as pretty as always…” Winnie said, looking to the side with a blush.  “You just made a funny face is all.” 
“Oh…” Astarion calmed down, placing his hand over one of hers. His chest felt tight as he stared at her soft round face. He wanted to kiss her so badly. Winnie moved a stray curl out of his face before pulling her hands back and looking off to the side with a nervous cough. Her heart was racing. 
“Ah…So uh…We could continue watching a movie in here ... .I locked the door so no one should be able to barge right in and see you.” Winnie said as she twiddled her thumbs.
“That sounds wonderful, love.” 
A few days passed. Winnie filled in for Becca and had to deal with the usual, stocking shelves, cleaning and occasionally dealing with a Karen or two. When she was home she had to stay on her toes to make sure that neither Brian or Vanessa ended up walking in to see Astarion, luckily his new little form came in handy. He was able to quickly change and hide under the blanket or in Winnie’s pocket. He also may have begun using this form to sneak around the house when Winnie wasn't home and secretly torment Brian. Because if he wasn't allowed to kill the bastard he'd at least make sure his life was a living hell. He'd toss random spices or sometimes even dirt or garbage into the man’s coffee.  He also tossed Brian's phone onto the floor, allowing Ollie to get it and chew on it. The pale elf certainly kept himself entertained while his beloved was away, but Winnie of course always had something that would stick it's ugly head around the corner to terrorize her. 
“Where is everyone?” Winnie looked around, finding herself lost in the woods. She couldn't remember how she got here or what happened last. It was cold and dark. And something was very, very wrong. There was this sharp panic shooting throughout her body. She took a few steps through the forest before stepping on something.  A human skull. Winnie looked around her seeing scattered bones all over the ground. His breath quickened and she felt purr dread wash over her as this peculiar eerie noise filled her ears. It was almost like a mixture between scraping chalkboards and some really high off key piano being played super fast.  She held her head at the noise, eyes glancing around for an escape route from the forest before suddenly it went silent and there was this shadowy figure staring back at her.  She quickly turned to run, but her feet seemed to take her nowhere. Trees kept passing and passing but the figure was still the same distance away and if anything was getting closer. Winnie opened her mouth and let out a silent scream as the shadow suddenly lunged at her, quick as lightning. 
“Oh God…” Winnie gasped as she shot up from her bed, panting as a bead of sweat dripped down her brow. 
“Darling?” Astarion’s voice suddenly brought her out of her terrified state as she looked over to see him sitting criss-crossed on the armchair with Maddie curled up in his lap. He looked at her with worried eyes and a soft frown. “Are you alright?” 
“Mew…” Maddie suddenly piped up, eyes opening as she looked over at Winnie before hopping out of the elf's lap and stretching.
Winnie was still panting a little, heart pounding as Astarion got up and took a seat on the side of the bed.
 “My love?” Astarion placed his cool hand over one of Winnie’s. Winnie took a deep breath and tried to slow her breathing.
“Sorry I just had a bad dream…. Something was chasing me and I couldn't get away.” Winnie said, taking a few more calming deep breaths. “I-I’m sorry if I disturbed you…You should probably get back to your meditations.” Winnie turned to face away from him. Despite her trying to brush it off Astarion could feel her heart pounding in fear. He bit his lip as an idea came to mind.
“Would you like me to lie with you?” The vampiric elf asked softly. Winnie looked back at him curiously, a blush forming on her cheeks. 
“If you want to…” Winnie stated before shifting and scooting over closer to the wall. Astarion wasted no time getting in and under the covers next to the human female. Winnie stared over at the pale elf as she laid on her side. Astarion looked back with a soft smile forming as he tucked some hair behind her ear. 
“I'm here. I'm not going to let anything hurt you.” He said softly as he ran a thumb over her cheek.
Winnie smiled a bit, eventually allowing herself to move a little closer to him, shifting around to get comfortable. Astarion snuggles up against Winnie, wrapping his arms around her as she shyly lays her head against his chest. It's completely silent but there's somehow something comforting about it. Winnie nuzzled her face into the cool skin of his neck before closing her eyes. 
They stayed like this up until morning. By then Astarion was curled up around her rather possessively, even had one of his legs hooked around her hip. Winnie could feel his hand gently rubbing along her back, cheek resting upon the side of her head as he snuggled against her soft cushy form. Winnie’s face was still nuzzled into the crook of his neck, nose gently pressed against his faded bite scars. His body felt firm, not as cushy and comfortable as her own, but she didn't seem too bothered by it. Astarion wasn't even trancing anymore, his elven nature only required him to need four hours of rest. He was simply blissfully soaking up Winnie’s warmth, eyes half lidded as he hugged her against him. 
Winnie eventually let out a yawn as her eyes slowly blinked open. She pulled back from Astarion's neck just enough to see his face.
“Good morning, beautiful.~” He purred at her softly, voice barely above a whisper.
“Morning…” Winnie yawned out before attempting to sit up, but Astarion still had his arms wrapped around her.  “Astarion, it's time for me to get up.”
“Just stay with me a little longer. You're so soft and warm.~” The vampire cooed, nuzzling his face into her chest and making Winnie turn deep red.
“Brian’s probably going to get up and tell me to do some chores or something…Star…” Winnie huffed.
“I'll gut him if tries to take you from me.” Astarion murmured, face buried in Winnie's plump bosoms. 
“I do believe you'd have to let go of me first to do that silly.” Winnie hummed, absentmindedly playing with Astarion's ivory curls. “Come on, I need to get up.” Winnie stated before pulling herself out of his arms. Astarion let out a displeased sound as Winnie sat up in the bed. The pale elf begrudgingly sat up and looked back at Winnie and pouted with round puppy dog-like eyes. The messy haired female took a moment to stretch out before looking back at the pouting elf.
“Uh…Thanks again for this…I'm honestly surprised you'd want to comfort me over it…..Kinda seems childish needing someone to crawl in bed with me because I had a nightmare.….”
“Darling…Of course I'd comfort you…I know better than most how terrifying your own mind can be.” Astarion cupped Winnie’s cheek looking at her lovingly. “And…I love you…” 
“How can you be so sure of that?” Winnie asked with a sad smile. Her voice is melancholy and full of doubt. 
“Because you're you. You've went out of your way to help me without gaining anything from it and that's how I know you're the same person I fell in love with over and over.” Astarion said, slowly leaning in a little. Winnie smiled with a deep blush. She was honestly rather speechless and a little skeptical, wondering if she was actually dreaming at the moment. If she was, she didn't want to be woken. The brunette haired female found herself leaning in as well, their noses now just barely brushing against one another. Astarion puckered his lips, moving in to kiss Winnie.
“Hey Winnie!~” Footsteps were heard followed by her door knob turning. 
“Shit!” The brunette haired woman’s eyes widened. Just as the door bursts open Winnie quickly shoves Astarion off the bed and behind her dresser before zooming over to the door, making sure most of her room was blocked from sight. 
Nessa stood outside the room seemingly dressed and ready to head out somewhere. The twelve year old stood at about a little over four feet with long sandy blonde hair and brown eyes. 
“What is it, Ness?” Winnie asked, looking down at the young girl as she messed with a few strands of her messy brown locks.
“Dad said that you're supposed to take me out walking today since I'm gonna take Ollie for a walk.”  Vanessa stated.
“Ugh….Why can't he take you?” Winnie huffed in annoyance.
“Because he wants to take a nap and watch his superhero show.” Vanessa explained, “Come one, you can even bring Maddie.” 
“I’m pretty sure your dad said you couldn't be around Maddie?” Winnie hummed.
“We don't have to tell him.” Vanessa said mischievously. 
“Heh, okay. Just give me a few minutes to get dressed and get Maddie ready.” Winnie said, gesturing to her clothes. She was still dressed in the red boxers and black tank she always slept in. 
“Okay! But hurry please!” Vanessa said before Winnie quickly closed the door. Winnie turned and looked back at Astarion who was sitting on the floor rubbing his head with a glare on his face.
“You didn't have to push me.” He grumbled, quietly.
“I'm sorry…I panicked…” Winnie moved over to look at his head with concern. She didn't see any wrong, not even a red spot.
“So…You're going out? Off on a leisurely stroll with your little sister, hm?”
“Stepsister and yeah…I'd rather not put up with her running off to Brian right now.”  Winnie looked off to the side.   
“I suppose I'll just remain here and nurse my poor head and wrist you so cruelly injured.”Astarion said dramatically, gripping his right hand with a sad pitiful pout. 
“I said I was sorry and I really am.” Winnie looked back at him with a pout, grabbing his hand glancing over his wrist before kissing it. Astarion couldn't help but smile almost immediately at the sweet gesture. The softness of her lips pressing against his hand made his ears turn a little pink.
“Mm, I quite like that actually.~ Oh alright, I forgive you.” He said in a sweet tone before ruffling her hair.  “Now go on, it's probably not a good idea to keep the girl waiting.” 
Winnie nodded before grabbing some clothes from her closet and heading into the bathroom to change. Astarion sat on the bed as Maddie crawled out from under it and turned to him with a small meow, as if to say hello. The vampire just hummed as scratched the cat on her little head, eliciting a soft purr as her tail slowly flicked about.
Winnie exited the bathroom, dressed in a black and white t-shirt with a skull and some torn skinny jeans that hugged her thick thighs rather tightly. Astarion lounged about on the bed, red eyes admiring the voluptuous female’s legs and backside as she bent over to pick up her shoes off the ground before getting some socks and continued to get ready. Once she was fully dressed she grabbed a backpack before getting the cat harness and hooking it onto Maddie, who purred happily at the attention. Winnie hooked a leash onto the harness before leading the cat out the door, leaving Astarion to his own devices.
Astarion let out a sigh, a little regretful he didn't just change into bat form and go with her, but he had something he wanted to do.  He waited for Winnie to leave the house before sulking about the single story, three bedroom home. Winnie’s mother had long gone off to work, while Brian slept lazily on the recliner in their bedroom. Astarion crept onto the room, grinning sadistically. He slowly made his way over to the sleeping man before reaching into his pocket and pulling something out.  Astarion's brows knit together as he raised his hand high over the sleeping human, preparing to do his worst.
He then uncapped the marker in his hand and drew a well detailed sketch of a penis on the unpleasant man’s forehead. The vampire bit his lip suppressing a giggle before stopping to admire his masterpiece. He then proceeded to glance around the room, noticing some thumbtacks on a nearby dresser. He grinned ear to pointy ear before grabbing hold of them and placing them into Brian's shoes. He then casually strolled out of the room before returning back to Winnie’s room.
“GODDAMNIT!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!” Brian’s voice was suddenly heard.
Winnie walked along the sidewalk as Maddie padded behind her on a leash, inquisitive blue eyes scanning about for any sign of a tiny creature to prey upon. Vanessa walked ahead with a skip in her step as Ollie happily trailed behind her, tail wagging as his tongue hung out making it look almost as if the little dog was smiling. They stopped a few times because Ollie wanted to sniff a specific patch of grass a few hundred times or because Maddie got distracted by a bug, but eventually they approached the end of the street.
“Ooh! I have an idea! Let's go to the gas station around the corner! Please!” Nessa begged. 
“I guess we could, since it's not too far.” Winnie said before continuing up the road. The air was warm, but there was a cool breeze gently brushing through her hair. She could hear the ringing of wind chimes as they passed a couple of houses before spotting two men in their yard.
“Another dead possum. This is the fifth one we found in the last three days, Bill! And my wife said she found three dead raccoons in the backyard! I'm telling you something is out there killing all them critters!” One of the men said. 
“Oh fucks sake Daniel, it's just some coyotes! It's their breeding season, they're everywhere.” 
“Bill, coyotes would have dragged off and eaten the bodies! These possums don't even look like they have any bite marks on em. They're just dead…” Daniel insists. 
Winnie tensed up a bit as she overheard their conversation. Vanessa however seemed to just ignore the two men and continue along the sidewalk.
“So what? You think this is some monster roaming around at night?” Bill laughed.
Oh God…..I hope that's not my monster…
Winnie bit her lip nervously as she continued down the road with Vanessa. She took a deep breath and tried not to worry about it too much. She'd talk to Astarion about it later. Everything would be fine as long as no one saw him outside while he was hunting. Eventually the two females led their pets around the corner and to a small service station that sat just outside the suburbs. Winnie scooped Maddie up and let her hitch a ride in her backpack before entering the air conditioned filled shop. Maddie stayed curled up in Winnie's pack, but occasionally poked her head out to look around.   
“They always have good pizza here. We should get some!” Vanessa suggested, holding Ollie in her arms.
“Hmm….The adult in me says we should probably go home and eat to save money….But…The pizza lover in me is telling the adult to shut up.” Winnie grinned before they walked over to get two small large single slices. Oddly, just as Winnie went to pay for the food she noticed a man watching them out of the corner of her eye. He looked so familiar, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. He had combed back brown hair and was dressed in a rather stylish looking suit. He was looking at the two from outside the window of the store, smiling with a smug almost devilish smirk.
“Ma’am! That'd be 10.99!” The cashier said, breaking Winnie out of her trance.
“Oh sorry! I got distracted!” Winnie said before pulling out her debit card and paying for the pizza. Winnie and Nessa took their food before turning to leave. Winnie’s brown eyes immediately scanned outside for the man from before, but he'd completely vanished. 
It was almost as if he'd never been there at all.
“Okay….Brian, mom and Vanessa are asleep. Now we need to sneak out as quietly as possible.” Winnie said, running a hand through her hair as Astarion slipped on the black hoodie she had generously gifted him. 
“I am rather excited for our second date.” Astarion said with a grin. 
“We're just going shopping…It's not much of a date activity.” Winnie said bashfully.
“Of course it can. I'm spending time with you, that's all that matters really.” Astarion replied before opening the window and climbing out, stealthily and skillfully. Winnie grabbed her pack and purple hoodie before looking down out the window nervously. She really wasn't in the best shape for sneaking out of the house by her window. 
“Come on, love.” Astarion whispered from down below. The drop from Winnie’s window to the ground wasn't exactly far enough to be dangerous, but it was enough to be intimidating.
Winnie shakily stepped out and onto some pipes that ran along the house. She closed the window on her way out before attempting to climb down the rest of the way, nearly stumbling and falling on her face only to be caught by her vampiric companion. 
“Oh, look at you, trying to fall into my arms.~” Astarion teased with a wink before setting Winnie down. 
“Let's just go before I end up dying by tripping or something.” Winnie said, face turning pink in embarrassment. The two set off, getting onto Winnie’s motorcycle and driving down the street and out of the suburbs. Astarion wrapped his arms around Winnie's soft plump waist. He was a little annoyed by the backpack wedged between them, but tried to hold tightly onto his darling to the best of his abilities. 
Winnie zoomed up towards the city on her bike, slowly down as they reached the CornerStore. Winnie parked her motorcycle before getting off. The night sky was clear and the stars were shining brightly. Winnie walked into the store with Astarion trailing after her, red eyes curiously scanning the store. As Winnie went over to speak to Becca at the cash register, Astarion snuck over into one of the isles. He poked around at some of the merchandise for sale. The elf spotted a small colorful object that somewhat resembled the strange contraptions the people of Winnie’s realm traveled in. Astarion poked it inquisitively before nearly jumping five feet up as the tiny device released a loud repeating honking noise. Astarion quickly got away from the device in case it was some kind of magical explosive, backing up against the other isle in fear. Eventually the device went silent. Astarion let out a sigh of relief before continuing to inspect the isles, eyes growing wide with excitement as he spotted what looked like a dagger! Gleefully he snatched it up, hoping to swipe it and keep it for himself, but as he looked at it closely he realized something was off about the blade. It was quite dull and didn't appear to even be made of metal. The vampire pouted before tossing the fake dagger off to the side with a huff.  
Hells below, they don't even sell decent weapons at this place. 
Meanwhile, Winnie walked over and greeted Becca. “Hey Becca! I was hoping I'd catch you on your shift.” 
“Oh, Hey Wyn! What's up?” Becca greeted with a cheerful smile, long red hair done into a pair of  twin braids that hung over her shoulders. 
“Okay so um….You modded BG3 right, I mean I remember you saying you modded most of your games so I was just wondering?” Winnie said, nervously messing with a piece of her hair. 
“Yeah I did. I added some hair mods, got that anti-abs mod for some of the male characters…A cheat engine and the romance-” 
“Cheat engine! That's it! Do you remember who made yours?” Winnie said, excitedly placing her hands on the conveyor belt as she looked over at Becca. Becca had a confused look on her face as she noticed Winnie's enthusiasm when she mentioned the ‘cheat engine’.  She was about  to speak when she suddenly noticed Astarion sneaking around the isles. 
“Uh…. Winnie, is that your friend from the other day?” The redhead asked. 
“Ah crap, sorry about him. Star! Get over here!” Winnie huffed a bit. 
“Coming lover!~” Astarion said with a mischievous grin as he winked at Winnie. The pale elf sauntered over to his embarrassed human love who was glaring at him slightly.
“I knew he was your boyfriend! Winnie, why didn't you tell me?” Becca whined.
“Well….I-I…I-I…” Winnie sputtered nervously, trying to think of what to say when Astarion wrapped an arm around her. 
“My darling, wants to keep me a secret from her step-father.  She's afraid he wouldn't approve if he knew.” Astarion added. 
“Oh shit, I didn't think of that. Brian has always been a bigot. He'd probably pitch a fit if he found out Winnie was dating a British guy!” 
“Ah yes….That's exactly what I am….”
Whatever the hells British means…?
“Becca, the cheat engine?” Winnie pressed, looking at her friend with pleading eyes. 
“Oh yeah, hmm let me think…..”Becca held her chin for a moment. “Ah, Shadowsomething69…Yeah they deactivated their account. The mod’s gone now.” 
“It's…. ShadowMommy69….” Winnie cringed at the sound of the name coming out of her mouth.
“And I've been trying to find them and maybe get in touch with them.” 
“Oh? Is this person a friend of yours?” Becca asked.
“No, I've never spoken to them, but I need to. Kind of a private thing though…” 
“Hmm…My boyfriend Anthony might be able to get in touch with them. He's a modder and he's pretty active in the modding community, he might be able to tell you more. I think he's actually talked to them, but I'm not sure.” Becca hummed a bit before her eyes lit up as an idea popped into her head. “Ooh! Me and Anthony we're gonna go out to the carnival when it comes to town in two weeks. You two should come with! It'll be a double date! Then you can ask him there!” 
“Two weeks? I don't know-” Winnie began but was quickly intercepted by Astarion.
“That sounds like a wonderful idea! Don't you think so, my sweet?” Astarion asked, looking at Winnie with pleading puppy dog eyes.
“I guess…so…” Winnie sighed.
“Awesome! I'll text you the details later and come pick y'all up in my truck.” Becca smiled before suddenly some old lady walked into the store.
“Excuse me! I need help finding some cat food!” The old woman asked.
“Of course, right this way.” Becca said before leading the old lady off.
“Well, I guess we should go now.” Winnie huffed before walking out of the store with Astarion following after. 
“What's the matter, love? I thought you'd be thrilled to go on another date?” Astarion quizzed.
“What if something happens between now and then? Like some world ending bullshit happens because I can't find the idiot that made a vampire pop out of my computer.” 
“Sweetie, you're making me look optimistic. And that's worrying.” Astarion placed his hands on Winnie's face.  “I'm not going to let anything happen to you, my love. I swear it. And besides I've dealt with the end of the world once already, surely the second time won't be as bad as the first.” 
“Alright….But you do realize there are clowns at the carnival?” Winnie rose an eyebrow with a slight smirk.
“I…uh…Of course I do! But I'm not bothered by it! And I am certainly NOT afraid if that's what you are implying!” Astarion crossed his arms with a scoff.
“Okay….If you say so…” Winnie said with a mischievous giggled, “anyway we should get going. We've got shopping to do!” The human female said before hopping onto her motorcycle.
Astarion made a ‘hmph’ noise before getting on after her. The two drove into the city, being greeted by all the lights and noise of modern civilization. Astarion was still memorized by it all.
“These metal contraptions your people ride in, are they dangerous?” He asked as they zipped down the road, slowing down as they came to a red light. 
“They can be. But we got rules to help keep people safe when we use them. Different sides of the roads you're supposed to be on and places you have to slow down. It's all systematic I reckon.” Winnie mused, feeling Astarion grip around her waist. “Of course not everyone uses them.” Winnie murmured glaring at a small car that just drove out in front of the red light. Astarion continued to ask a few questions as they continued deeper into the heart of the city. Winnie tried to answer to the best of her ability while keeping her eyes on the road. 
About twenty minutes later they arrived at a large building titled ‘SuperStore.’ Winnie parked off to the side, taking a deep breath as she got off her bike. He'll, even at 8:00 at night this place was packed.  Astarion got off Winnie's motorcycle and quickly grasped the pudgy female’s hand in his as they walked into the store. 
“Hells!” Astarion squeaked as the doors suddenly automatically opened, squeezing Winnie’s hand slightly. 
“It's okay Star, just doors.” Winnie teased with a grin. Astarion rolled his eyes.
“I can see that now.” He huffed before the two ventured into the store. The ‘SuperStore’ had everything you could possibly need, clothes, food, furniture, toys, electronics, you name it. Though this was pretty much the reason it always had people packed up like sardines inside. 
Winnie didn't care too much for the crowds, they made her anxious, but she had to clothe her vampire so sacrifices had to be made. Thankfully his hand wrapped around her smaller one made her feel a little more at ease.  Winnie glanced up as she noticed the security camera and television screen that was on the security camera. She blinked for a moment noticing it looked as if she was holding onto thin air on screen. 
Huh, I guess vampires don't show up on camera.
Winnie immediately took Astarion to the clothing section and immediately smiled from ear to ear as she noticed him searching through the clothing with the giddiest of grins.
“Hm what about this?” Astarion purred and held out a black cropped tank and short leather jacket on a hanger. Winnie grabbed some jeans to go with the outfit.
“Here, try it with this. There's a room you can change in over there.” Winnie said before pointing at the men’s fitting room. She waited as he went to try it on, a shiver going down her spine. 
Winnie could feel eyes on her, as if she was being watched. Hunted maybe. However when she looked she only saw what appeared to be regular old SuperStore shoppers. No one particularly intimidating, unless you count some dude walking around with saggy pants that look like they were about to fall off. But Winnie still felt this uneasiness in the pit of her stomach. 
Just nerves. You're alright.
She mentally told herself. Eventually Astarion walked out of the fitting room in the outfit. He looked rather stylish and the cropped shirt exposing his abdomen was rather enticing. 
“Well, what do you think?” He asked.
“You look good.” Winnie said, shyly with a blush. 
Astarion crossed his arms with a pout.
“Just good? Really, you can do better than that!” He whined.
“More beautiful than all the stars in the sky. There, satisfied?” Winnie replied.
“A bit sappy for my tastes, but it'll do I suppose.” The vampire sassed, playing with one of his curls. 
“Okay okay, now go and get redressed. We've got more outfits to look for.” Winnie hummed, waving the vampire off. The process repeated a few times Astarion got an outfit he liked before changing into it and demanding satisfactory praise from Winnie. And if he didn't get it he'd act like a drama queen until she said something he liked. This continued until they had at least five different outfits that were to Astarion's taste. 
Dear God, I'm about to spend 200 dollars on this man….
Winnie mentally whimpered, already feeling the stinging pain of her bank account getting lighter. 
She pondered the possibility of eventually pleading with the vampire to get a night time job, but then the idea of all the chaos he could cause completely squashed that idea. Winnie sighed and pushed the dreadful thoughts out of her mind as she continued to look around with her vampiric love. The two eventually came up towards the jewelry counter as the elf’s red eyes scanned over some earrings. Studs and small hoops in particular. The ones he appeared to be interested in were gold naturally considering his rather painful silver allergy.   
“See something you like, Star?” Winnie asked. 
“I've always wanted a pair of these. Unfortunately my..ahem… previous occupations never allowed it.” Astarion explained.  Winnie sighed a bit, probably about to regret what she was going to offer.
“Would you like me to buy them for you?” Winnie asked begrudgingly.
“Yes please!” Astarion giggled before planting a kiss upon Winnie's cheek.  Winnie blinked, face turning red as the biggest dopey grin spread across her face. Her annoyance about the money completely vanished. She then proceeded to ring the bell at the counter and summon the jewelry department worker.
“Hello, how can I help you?” A middle aged blonde haired woman stepped up to the counter. 
“Yeah uh ... .my…. partner would like his ears pierced please…Also some earrings.” Winnie said shyly. The woman immediately looked Astarion over, eyes widening as she noticed his teeth.
“Goodness are those fangs? Crazy things you kids will do these days.” The woman said. Astarion looked as if he was about to say something, but Winnie quickly spoke up.
“Well you know fashion can be pretty crazy sometimes! My boyfriend definitely had a wild goth phase a while back.” Winnie chuckled nervously, “anyway let's just get the ear piercing over with…Gotta get home before it gets too late.” The brunette rambled on.
“Alright, take off the hood, son.” The lady said. 
“Winnie my hair.” Astarion murmured to her. 
“Alright I'll get it, just hold still, I'll get it!” She said, pulling down his hood and fixing his pretty white curls. 
“Oh, good lord those ears!” The woman gasped, “Are they real?”
“Yes, he had a birth defect as a baby. He's real sensitive about it though.” Winnie whispered out the last part and the woman just gasped and nodded. Astarion glared over at Winnie with an unamused expression. A little peeved she wasn't letting him talk. Winnie just smiled and laughed nervously. The lady approached him, taking out the earring gun as Winnie stood by, watching nervously.
Unfortunately elf ears were extremely sensitive.
“They look good, Star. Honestly you look really good.” Winnie complimented as they arrived home. Astarion was dressed in one of the outfits he'd picked out while Winnie had the rest packed into her trunk. 
“Everything looks good on me, darling.~” Astarion smirked, wind blowing through his snowy white curls as they rode home on Winnie's bike. Winnie let out a yawn, her eyes feeling a bit sleepy.  Winnie was so ready to get home and sleep.
Maybe even cuddle up with her vampire boyfriend again who knows? If she could just work up the courage to ask. Astarion had a pair of blood red studs in his elven ears which matched rather well with his eyes.  Eventually they reached the suburbs, slowing down as Winnie’s house was in sight. Slowly they pulled into the driveway, getting their bags out of the motorcycle’s little trunk and sneaking back around the house to Winnie’s window.
Astarion climbed up first and pulled the window open.
“Clothes, love.”  He whispered, before Winnie tossed him the bags. The vampire tossed them in before climbing back down. “Now you, precious thing.~” He purred, ushering for Winnie to climb up next. 
Winnie took a deep breath before climbing up, struggling a bit as she attempted to wiggle her way through the window, legs flailing a bit. Red eyes were glued to her plump rear end. 
As delicious as this sight is, I should probably assist.
Astarion placed his hands on the chubby female’s backside, pushing her up suddenly. She let out a squeak and dropped into her room, falling onto the floor with a huff.  Astarion swiftly climbed up after her, slipping in through the window with ease.
“And here we are, safe and sound!” Astarion sighed and stretched out while Winnie still laid on the floor, face down, ass up, as she tried to catch her breath from the climb up, panting like she had just run a marathon. 
“Um….Who are you?” A small voice suddenly asked from the other side of the room. Astarion looked over to see Winnie's twelve year old step sister, eyes wide with shock.
“Shit.” Astarion breathed out.
Man, I did not mean for it to get this long! So, what did you think? Did you know who the mystery man following Winnie is? Any concerns about Astarion making the neighborhood's critter population go down? Are you mad I had Astarion and Winnie's kiss interrupted? Oh, what am I saying everyone gets triggered by that trope lol.
Taglist: @astarioffsimpmain , @marcynomercy , @iamsexytrash , @gaymistakeboi , @divineknightmare , @tinyfreakgirl , @tiedyedghoulette , @misscrissfemmefatale, @gianchan-de , @jaksfanficsaver , @the-disaster-in-waiting , @hp-art-studio , @im-just-a-simp-le-whore , @dajeong , @iamnotokei
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rocksanddeadflowers · 6 months
The influx of Hanged Man fan art I've seen the past week or so has made me thoroughly appreciate Brian's thighs. Post made by an asexual so truthfully I mean this like aesthetically but...... thick thighs save lives man.
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muzaktomyears · 1 year
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Unique sketches by Paul McCartney to go on display for the first time
In 1966 Paul McCartney was invited by Epstein to design the stage backdrop for the upcoming appearance by Tamla Motown artists the Four Tops.
Paul proceeded to draw 12 intriguing designs that would cater for a variety of entertainers.
Design number 8 was used by the Four Tops for their performance in November of 1966.
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transjackfairy · 2 years
morrissey could never understand how joan of arc felt. only me, gerard way, and brian molko get it. he doesnt even come close
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sillentless · 2 years
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"I glanced behind me and stretched out my arm to him and cried, 'Come along!' and he did; he reached out and took my hand and we ran like that through the countryside in the rain, and then he laughed, and it reminded me of a child's laugh, and I wished people could always laugh and run like that."
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itbeleeeee · 1 month
it's near 3am, i just finished sense8, and it's shows like this that make me want to be in film. seeing how much love people put into this show, how much both the cast and crew are shown to have loved working on it, how much the fans loved it, how much the message meant to people... it's just so amazing how watching something can make you feel so much emotion. sense8 is like Lost for me, i will never find anything like it again---it's once-in-a-lifetime---and i'm so glad i have it, in whatever way i can.
someone said a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts... and... yeah. would have loved for this show to go on for several more seasons, but i'm glad it's here nonetheless. love you and all your flaws, sense8 <3
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eatsteas · 2 years
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screenshot redraws >:) + a couple side profile studies
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vampirehayfever · 2 months
murph coming up with gerard neigh is why they are the married couple ever
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stone-stars · 5 months
Emily: Between finches and Jack Skellington, those are my favorite things to accuse Murph of loving! [Caldwell and Murph laugh] Murph: Yes, that was-- [Emily laughs] Murph: Did we talk about that on the podcast ever? When we were at-- (laughs) When we were at Disneyland one time, and it got super cold, and I was just in a t-shirt and I had to buy a (barely able to get the words out) Jack Skele- Ske-- a Jack Skellington long-sleeve t-shirt? [Emily and Caldwell laugh] Murph: (through laughter) And Emily-- And I-- I was so embarrassed-- 'cause I didn't wanna be one of those-- I didn't wanna-- it was-- Emily: And I made us go in line at the Haunted Mansion so he looked like a super fan? Caldwell: Wait. Murph: (high-pitched) Yeah. Caldwell: Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. It was a long sleeve t-shirt? Murph: Right, right, okay! So, it was the cheapest thing I could buy! [Caldwell and Emily laugh] Murph: Because-- Everything at Disneyland is very expensive! Caldwell: Yeah. Murph: So I was like, I'm not gonna buy, like, a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, because I'm never gonna wear it. I'm gonna buy a 20 dollar long sleeve t-shirt, 'cause I don't wanna spend 30 or 40 on a hoodie, right? Caldwell: Sure. Murph: So I'm like-- We happened to be by the Haunted Mansion. Caldwell: Natch. Murph: So I bought a Jack Skellington long sleeve t-shirt. But that's kind of a type of dude at Disneyland-- Emily: Didn't you try to wear it inside out? Murph: I did-- I wore it under my t-shirt. Caldwell: (laughs) Was it like a half-turtleneck? I feel like they sell those there and only there. Murph: I was kinda pulling like a Tom DeLonge, from Blink-182. Emily: It was one that had like-- It was-- Caldwell: Okay. Emily: It was one that had like, slightly too-tight of a neck. Caldwell: Okay, yeah. Yep. Murph: So I wore-- I went in the bathroom, I put on the Jack Skellington long sleeve t-shirt, and then I put my t-shirt over it. [Caldwell and Emily laugh.] Caldwell: That's smart! Murph: But then while we were on line for Haunted Mansion, Emily kept lifting my shirt up-- [Everyone laughs] --and telling Jack Skellington that I was a fan! Every statue we saw of him! So-- Caldwell: "My husband loves you." Murph: --Yes, my wife-- my wife does bully me. Both publicly and when it's just us. Emily: I mean, I gotta be honest, in line, there were people who definitely respected you. Caldwell: Right. Can I get, like, a full description of the shirt? Like what are we working with graphic wise? Emily: Like, we're talking-- Okay, all I can talk about is how ill-fitting it was. Which is like: too tight in the wrists. Too tight around the neck. Baggy everywhere else. Murph: It was a real-- It was a real K-Mart fit. Emily: Yeah! Caldwell: This seems like a shirt that was designed to be tucked in. Murph: Yeah, it was-- it's-- it's a shirt for dads with attitudes. Emily: Like, into like some-- I was gonna say, into some baggy dad jeans! That is what it deserved. Caldwell: A baggy daddy. Yeah.
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 4 months
Finished commission for @em-cosplay42!
The brass drumbot man and a certain inspector are on a cute garden date!
[Tap image for better quality. And info to my open commissions <here>]
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emoweeb-the-simp · 5 months
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i have two sides
(right image is my first time using halftones so pls dont be rude </3)
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