rudyhermit · 3 months
sorry for spamming your notifs but i can't help it if your art is ALL bangers. Your style is absolutely stunning! The shadows? The anatomy? The rendering? THE RENDERING? I am in awe of your skill
Thank you so so much! ^^ No need to apologize! It always means a lot to read such nice comments about my work, it brighthens my day! I appreciate you and everyone else that takes some of their time to write to me, weither by asks, comments or notes :] Wishing you all the best!
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sswfl · 2 years
"my beloved star"
by Angela Sollano
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In this world of uncertainties you are my only certain
You were a ray of sunshine during my lowest
You give me comfort and assurance like a captain
But you choose to leave me without being honest
Your smile always brighthens up my mind
Sings for me to end my exhausting day
Motivates me to eat my favorite food
These are the memories I wish I could replay
When I was in blue you were cheering me up
You made me feel I am worth to risk
And gave me something to look up
Never thought you'll end up leaving me so brisk
For now allow me to love you from afar
I will continue to adore you my favorite star.
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enginexrider · 2 years
Forever || Genshin Impact
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Warnings‼️: Fluff, Hurt comfort, OOC, Yandere! Dottore
A/N: This was a request from a mutual of mine on Twitter that I forgot to do (sorry Gun that it took so long). Think of this as a follow up to my last headcannons about him right here. Hope you guys enjoy!!
PS: Yes I guys I know Dottore wouldn't give af about you but just imagine he actually did
Even after Dottore telling you lies about your family and friends, trying to separate you from the people you loved, he actually genuinely cares about you and loves you so much.
Seeing you cry from being in pain from the lies that he told, that he claims your loved ones were the ones who told these horrible, wretched things about you, hurts him on the inside, because technically he was the one who said horrible and wretched things about you, but of course he didn't mean that, it was all part of his plan. He had get you one way or another.
He would hug you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and nuzzle your neck while he says sweet and loving things about you, about how he wouldn't leave you and you were the only one that brighthens up his sad and pathetic world.
He would treat you like a god
He would give you anything you want
You want to travel somewhere? Pack your bags were going there in two days
If you lay eyes on something and he noticed it he would immediately buy it for you
He would sometimes bring you to his lab, he would of course hide all of the very deadly chemicals and unsettling creations he made in the lab, to keep you from being uncomfortable and scared
You would sometimes look over his shoulder when he's doing work out curiousity and he would notice this and starts explaining about which does what, what happens is you mix this and that etc.
He would talk so passionately about his work, his skills, his achievements, but the one thing he talks so passionately the most is you
He would start rambling about how you gave meaning to his life, how you were the reason he kept going, how beautiful and nice you are and you start to feel a bit embarrassed
While he takes you out on dates to get you to fall for him and be more comfortable around him, he hasn't completely forgotten his duties
On dates with you he would be cautious making sure nobody is watching both of you and making sure your safe
His job is very dangerous and just one mistake could lead him to his doom, now he wouldn't really care if he died but now being with you he doesn't want to leave you, he wants to stay by your side forever
If ever the day comes that he will be hunted down by his colleagues or the world is about to end, he prepared a a secret chamber for both you deep underground in a very remote area, it's been set to freeze both of you using one of the chemicals that he's been working on and can last for a very long time
He's all planned this from the very moment he layed eyes on you, he's been very patient, doing very careful procedures to making sure he doesn't put both of you in harm, to put you in harm
"Don't worry my dear we'll be safe here. I know your confused and scared but trust me were safe here as long as we're together. You know before were in cased in ice I just want to say thank you for being here with me, thank you so for loving me and caring me, now we don't have to be separated were going to be here together forever. I love you my dear sweat dreams "
After he said those words he pulled you near him, his hands on your waist as he kissed you in the most passionate kiss he ever gave you a kiss filled with so much love and emotion. The temperature of the chamber that you both were in started to drop, you were freezing but Dottore didn't pull out of the kiss, he pulled you closer to him trying to warm you up.
You both stood there standing in the ice cold chamber, both of you holding onto each other for warthm waiting to be encapsulated in ice so both of you could be with each other forever.
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simonghostrileys · 4 years
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For all it brighthens, love casts long shadows.
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yumeriroll · 3 years
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Ginji-san from Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi. He made inari sushi for you to brighthen your day.
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V my beloved. Could you please brighthen my day with ghost hunter ZITS, or some phasmophobia Tango, Impulse, Skizz and maybe Joker?
this one was inspired by the latest phasmo stream :D (27/05)
Impulse sits bolt upright with a gasp, but the cold, terrifying hands have already done their job. He’s see-through and his whole body is chilly. Against his best wishes, he seems to have died.
He groans and gets to his feet. This isn’t the first time he’s died to a stupid ghost but it hasn’t happened for a while, so it’s more embarrassing than anything else. And every time it does happen, Impulse gets a little nervous that he won’t come back to life. Of course, he always has so far. But he never knows when it might be his last time.
After a while, Impulse heads back outside, picking up a worn basketball on his way. He sees the rest of his team just entering the van, having fled the house as soon as the hunt that killed Impulse ended.
“Oh no!” Skizz yelps loudly, staring at the board. “Impulse is dead! Nooo!”
“Relax, he’ll be fine,” says Tango, collapsing in the chair. “He’ll come back when we’re done with this mission.”
“Why are you so grumpy?” Skizz snaps.
“Because we’ve been in that stupid house twenty times and we still don’t know what type it is. I’m tired and I’m hungry and I just want to go home.”
Huffing, Skizz turns and storms out of the van.
Outside, Impulse is morosely bouncing the ball on the ground, unable to do anything else. His friends can neither see nor hear him, but what he’s forgotten is that they can see any items they pick up.
“Impulse?” Skizz says hopefully. “Are you there?”
Impulse continues bouncing the ball. There isn’t much else he can do; Skizz can’t hear him, after all.
“Hey, Impulse,” Skizz says after a moment. “Stop bouncing a sec.”
Impulse does so.
“Let’s do code. Bounce the ball once for yes, twice for no. Okay? You understand?”
Nodding approvingly, Impulse bounces the ball once.
“Okay, good. First question: are you okay?”
Impulse rolls his eyes. “No, buddy, I’m DEAD. And pretty scared that I’m not gonna come back to life after all this is over.”
But he knows Skizz is worried about him, so he bounces the ball once again.
Immediately, some colour returns to Skizz’s pale face, so Impulse knows his semi-lie was worth it. “Thank god. I mean, I know you’re dead, but…” He clears his throat. “Anyway, um… Are you mad at me? For running away and leaving you to die?”
Impulse considers this for a moment, before deciding to tell the truth. He bounces the ball twice. He’s not mad at his best friend; he can’t blame Skizz for being scared and wanting to get out of that situation.
But Skizz doesn’t seem happy with that answer. “I wouldn’t blame you if you were,” he says sadly. “I’m so angry at myself. The four of us are a team and we should never have left you behind. I should never have left you behind. I’m so sorry.”
Impulse moves closer to his best friend and tries to hug him, but of course, his arms go right through Skizz. Looking around for any other way to express himself, he spots the salt Joker spilled over the ground a little way off. Bouncing the ball to get Skizz’s attention, he floats over to the spillage and uses the ball to spread the salt out into a makeshift canvas. He can’t touch it directly because it will hurt him so his task is harder than normal, but he manages to draw a wonky heart in the spilled salt.
Tears spring to Skizz’s eyes but he manages a smile. “I love you too, buddy. See you soon, okay?”
Impulse bounces the ball in response.
He watches Skizz return to the truck with renewed vigor. “Right!” He claps his hands, startling Joker and Tango. Jump up, guys! It’s time to get our butts back in there.”
“You’re chipper all of a sudden,” grumbles Tango. “In case you forgot, those butts got themselves kicked the last time we went in there.”
“And we lost a member of our team,” Joker adds from his place on the floor.
“All the more reason to go back in and avenge him so he comes back to us as quickly as possible. Come on, idiots. We got one more clue to find so we’re gonna do that and we’re gonna get back here and we’re gonna get Impulse back.”
Tango and Joker watch him blankly.
Rolling his eyes, Skizz tosses the EMF reader at Tango. “Come ON, people! We’ve got ghost writing and freezing temps so there’s only two options for which ghost it could be: Revenant or Spirit. You look for EMF, you-.” He throws the spirit box at Joker. “-get spirit box, and I’ll take the camera. Let’s GO.”
Impulse watches the rest of his team leave the van and head back into the house. He quickly gets ahead of them, keeping an eye out for the ghost. Even though he’s dead, he can still keep watch. Thankfully, the group decides to stay together in their search for the last clue.
Then their flashlights start to blink.
“Run!” Skizz yells.
“Don’t run!” Impulse yells, though he knows they can’t hear him. “If it’s a Revenant, it’ll outrun you! Hide! GO HIDE!”
But of course, they can’t hear him, and the group takes off running.
“HIDE!” screams Impulse, trying to hit Skizz with his ball in a desperate attempt to get his attention. “Skizz, HIDE!”
Skizz stops dead in the middle of the hallway and darts to the left, leaving Tango and Joker to continue fleeing. Impulse follows his best friend into the next room and watches him take refuge in a corner.
In the distance, they hear Tango’s voice screech, “I GOT EMF! EMF 5! THAT’S IT, LET’S GO!”
Impulse knows what that means. “Oh god… it IS a Revenant…!”
He dashes to the doorway and peers out, still hearing that heartbeat sound. Skizz switches off his flashlight, plunging them into darkness. All Impulse can hear is the heartbeat and the sound of Skizz’s quiet but panicked breathing.
After a good few seconds, Impulse spots the figure of the ghost coming at him remarkably fast.
“No!” Impulse yells, immediately tossing his ball at the ghost, achieving absolutely nothing. He spreads himself out in the doorway, blocking the ghost from going inside. “Get away from my buddy! You leave him alone!”
When this also doesn’t work, Impulse pulls the door shut and holds onto the handle. The door shakes and rattles as the ghost tries to open it but Impulse stands firm, managing to hold on against the ghost’s surprising strength.
“I-Impulse?” croaks Skizz through the darkness.
“Hang on, buddy,” Impulse whispers. “I got you. I won’t let him kill you.”
Finally, after what feels like hours, the pressure on the other side of the door lets up, and the heartbeat fades away to nothing. Skizz switches his flashlight on again to find a steady beam; no more flashing.
The hunt is over.
Impulse lets out a sigh of relief, before pushing the door back open.
Skizz scrambles to his feet and dashes out of the room. Impulse follows him all the way outside and back to the truck.
“Oh my gosh, you survived?!” Tango gasps.
“We thought you were done for, man!” says Joker, wide eyed. “How did you survive?”
Skizz exhales slowly, glancing around the van. His eyes land briefly on Impulse, though of course he doesn’t see him. But he knows his best friend is there. “I had Impulse looking out for me,” he replies quietly.
Tango gives him a quick hug. “Hey, at least we know the ghost type now. Let’s enter it in the book and get our friend back.”
Skizz nods, blinking back fresh tears. “Y-Yeah. Lets get Impulse back.”
Impulse smiles, wishing he could hug his best friend too.
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witnessourescape · 3 years
On Omega's origins
I'm trying to make some posts on Omega so I don't lose track of what I think about the funny robot. :) What we know about Omega's planet:
It was in a war against the Dragonstar;
It considered Midgardsormr a threat;
It completely destroyed the Dragonstar;
It's presumably gone, having seen a Calamity.
I'll talk about each point. I believe there are already clues to what Omega's original planet is in the game.
1. It was in a war against the Dragonstar
Contrary to common belief, what happened in the Dragonstar was not that Omega alone randomly attacked it for no reason (or to get stronger) -- Omega and its planet were locked in an interplanetary war. We don't know why -- yet.
Midgardsormr: Foolish machine. What hast thou to show for all the years that have passed since the culmination of our war? Naught save thy continued existence. Hast thou no thought for what befalleth thy home star…?
2. It considered Midgardsormr a threat
Omega's objective was to kill Midgardsormr. Not to enslave, not to colonize the planet: to kill the Father of Dragons, paragon of wyrms, because it was a threat.
Omega: Prepare to face Midgardsormr--red-maned wyrm of the Dragonstar, and nemesis of my world.
3. It completely destroyed the Dragonstar.
"By thee and thine was my home laid waste". The Dragonstar as we see in Alphascape 2.0 seems devoid of life, aetherically unbalanced. If those are aether geysers, then something must have gone really wrong. Omega's planet didn't enslave the dragons or something like that -- they killed the Dragonstar itself.
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4. It's presumably gone, having seen a Calamity.
Let's get back to this piece of dialogue.
Midgardsormr: Foolish machine. What hast thou to show for all the years that have passed since the culmination of our war? Naught save thy continued existence. Hast thou no thought for what befalleth thy home star…?
What did befell Omega's home star, after all? Why does Midgardsormr knows of it and why does he uses it to try to provoke Omega? Could it be related to their war? Could Midgardsormr have been responsible for Omega's planet's destruction?
The answer probably lies in From the Heavens, Final Omega's theme.
Our shadows lost in light, this life A fleeting kiss Hark! Temptation rings! Virtue slips through hands a-clenching wicked fruit Passion festers, black’ning sinless souls to root Sink’neath dark waters Drink deep, we suffer Drowning, drowning, drowning, drowning Irons sundered Paradise plundered Come welcome this Come welcome this Destiny Virtue slips through hands a-clenching wicked fruit Passion festers, black’ning sinless souls to root Sickles grate on heaven’s gate their fields ignored Seeking sinners deathlessly they reap discord As two become one Here ends this, our journey Never-ending, onward march! Witness our escape This our escape, this our escape This our escape, this our escape This our escape, this our ascension
From the Heavens tells the story of a society falling to hubris, temptation and sin, their paradise destroyed. Isn't that familiar?
Still on From the Heavens, it's strange that the first sentence is "our shadows lost in light": ascian means literally shadowless -- this is why the Heroes' Gauntlet set is called the Shadowless set. Then, "[sink] 'neath dark waters" is literally Amaurot's theme.
So, is there any other evidence Omega could be an Ancient machine?
Lots of them.
1. Omega and the Ascians got similar designs: both heavily use black and silver, and gold and purple as accents (Omega has a purple undertone and Final Omega has gold accents).
2. Omega and the Ascians share abilities: creation magicks and interdimensional travelling. It's not because they're both unsundered beings: I can't remember dragons having creation magicks or travelling interdimensionally. Midgardsormr enters Omega's rift in his Big form at the cost of his life energy. It isn't something that he does naturally and with ease.
3. Omega and the Ascians share a neighborhood at the Aetherial Rift, which is where ascians hide when they need to.
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4. The Passionate Amaurotine NPC has weird dialogue about death-defying autonomous figures.
Passionate Amaurotine: Oh, did you want to ask me about my latest concept again? The autonomous figures I told you about before? They are utterly without feeling or fear, and will without hesitation or objection carry out their master's orders regardless of any injury or death they may suffer as a result. Truly magnificent, wouldn't you agree?
5. Both Amaurot the Dungeon and Omega quote the biblical Book of Revelation. This one may be the most important yet: the Final Days are akin to the christian Apocalypse as seen in the Book of Revelation. In the end of the Book of Revelation, Christ makes His Second Coming, saying:
12 Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Meanwhile, Final Omega's dialogue in O12SP2 is:
Final Omega: Experiment concluded. I am the Alpha. I am the Omega. Final Omega: <blip> <bleeeeeep> Witness...my coming... I bring...reward...and retribution...for all!
The dialogue in Japanese makes it even clearer that Omega is quoting Revelation 22:12 and Revelation 22:13. I'll make a post on it later. Why would the Ancients develop a war machine like Omega? Weren't them pacifists? Everybody is a pacifist until eldtrich abominations start banging at your door!
Research Report on the Akadaemia Anyder: High-ranking phantomologists have since been dispatched to afflicted areas, where they conducted the capture and transport of a single entity. This specimen, characterized by a disproportionately large maw, was dubbed “Archaeotania,” and investigations into its aetheric composition are ongoing. A theory posited by the esteemed Lahabrea suggests that the shape these fiendish beings assume is not random, but rather an amalgamation of the fears which lurk beneath our rational minds. As of this writing, researchers have begun pursuing methods by which potent guardians of deliberate design might be engendered to stand against this mounting threat.
Emet-Selch says Zodiark was summoned to rewrite the laws of the star because they went haywire with the creation magicks going wild, not to halt the monsters themselves. The Ancients also took time to develop the concept of Zodiark. Something must have been keeping the monsters at bay while the Convocation worked, and as we see in the Passionate Amaurotine NPC, there is some precedent that the Amaurotines could develop a death-defying autonomous figure ready to sacrifice itself for its masters if needed. How does the Dragonstar War enters the scenario, then? First, let's go back to Archaeotania. Archaeotania is a dragon.
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It looks like a dragon-dinosaur mix, it attacks with Megaflare and Gigaflare, it has lots of Shinryu's -- who is a Midgardsormr-based primal -- attacks like Tidal Wave and Ice Boulder. Archaeotania, being one of the original fears that were birthed by creation magicks going haywire, must have been influenced by a dragon. Meanwhile, Omega ignores other primals on Hydaelyn but only bleeps and bloops when Primal Bahamut appears:
Magitek Terminal: Even with its stasis systems activated, Omega retained a measure of autonomy. Deprived of mobility, the weapon continued to scan the world around it, searching for a threat to engage. It was at the time of Bahamut's resurrection when Omega emitted a unique signal -- a signal which appeared to indicate the acquisition of a target -- and we first discovered that the machine had retained some degree of awareness.
So, for some reason, when Sophia, Zurvan and Sephirot appear, Omega ignores them: it only bleeps and bloops when Primal Bahamut is born. It could be that its aetherical signature is so similar to Midgardsormr's Omega thinks it got its original target. But it could be that Omega was built to hunt beings similar to Archaeotania: artificial, dragonlike and presumably drawing aether from the ambient like even Midgardsormr does. Now let's take a look at this dialogue in the lvl 50 The Rising Chorus quest:
Lucia: Last night, the dragon star burned with an intensity not seen in fifteen summers. Not since the Dravanians engaged the Empire in the Battle of Silvertear Skies. Urianger: "The northern sky doth burn full bright upon the wyrm lord's call. The red behemoth beckoneth, and flame consumeth all." Lucia: The old Coerthan rhyme, aye. The brighthening of the dragon star is said to accompany the roar of a great wyrm. The astrologians believe that it was Midgardsormr himself who cried out in this occasion.
So we know that the telepathic roar of a great wyrm can, from Hydaelyn, activate and make the Dragonstar shine bright in the sky. As the Dragonstar is a dead rock floating in space now, we can only imagine the roar messed with its aether enough to physically make it shine. Could the Sound be an echo of Midgardsormr's roar? Why would Midgardsormr roar? We still don't know. But Midgardsormr is in some kind a harbinger of doom. I'll make a post on it later. What could be the timeline? The [?]s are because I don't know when or the exact order it must have happened.
Midgardsormr, for some reason, roars.
The Ancient's planet gets destabilized, the Sound starts.
The Ancients get scared, leading to their creation magicks going haywire.
The Amaurotines capture Archaeotania and develop Omega to halt the monsters and to give the Convocation time to act.
Zodiark is summoned, rewriting the laws of the star.
Omega leaves for the Dragonstar.
Hydaelyn is summoned.
Midgardsormr flees from the Dragonstar.
[?] Hydaelyn sunders the planet.
[?] Hydaelyn calls upon Midgardsormr.
Omega, while hunting for Midgardsormr, loses both its homing coordinates and contact with its home star.
Omega crashes onto Hydaelyn and doesn't realize it's back home because it is lost and the planet is way different than it was when it left.
I don't like that even Omega and the Dragonstar would be "Ancients/Ascians again". That's okay. I get it. But it would explain a lot of things, such as: 1. Why would Hydaelyn accept Midgardsormr but ignore Omega? Because Hydaelyn saw an opportunity to neutralize the greatest threat to Herself, Midgardsormr, but recognizes Omega as native from the pre-sundering Planet so doesn't see anything wrong with letting a wayward child come back. Omega was wrong in trying to go back home: it was always home, but it doesn't realize it. 2. How would the Allagans have found Omega? It's very interesting, even Deus ex machina (hehe) like that the Allagans coincidentally found a super-advanced, ready-to-be-reverse-engineered, easily-turned-off machine that was the basis for their technological revolution that led to at least two calamities. But we know Emet-Selch was responsible for influencing the Allagan Empire. What if Emet-Selch, or even Lahabrea, or both, were working together on this? They would know Omega was back, how to activate it, how to work with its technology and, most important, how to turn it off so that Allag would never be threathened by it. Why wouldn't Emet-Selch talk about Omega, then? Because Omega is a symbol that his people weren't as perfect and pacifist as he wants to believe. The fact that his people could only be saved by a violent war machine, and not by their peaceful, elegant creation magicks and debate, must be abhorrent to Emet-Selch. This is why he must have chosen, like Mitron, to leave Omega to suffer at Allag's. In the end, Allag triumphed both against the Dragons -- the Ancient's planets nemeses in this scenario -- and against Omega -- the stain in the Ancient's peaceful history. Anyway, isn't Final Omega non-canon? Not exactly, not as I see it. For some reason, Alphascape Savage is the only Savage tier that isn't the Menestrel making things up: it's Omega itself that gives you the data it messed with. Final Omega is a form of Omega made by Omega. Is there anything else about this crazy theory? Both Omega's and the Ancient's planet's name have been mysteriously omitted. Omega physically cannot speak the name of its planet in any of Hydaelyn's languages, and Emet-Selch never gives us the original name of the planet. I think this is it. I'll keep updating this post and doing more posts as I think about more things about the robot. Thanks for reading.
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spidergirl3145 · 3 years
some kawaii pictures to brighthen up your day 🥰
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awwflycat · 3 years
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A little animation of a bird and it's hat, hope it brighthens your day!
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
I now read the last chapter for SY and i loveeed it. Really glad to see that things started to be easier for the beautifull couple eg. with the house. The character of baekhyun was really cute i loved how he was so understanding even though he had lot of things going on with school. I would love to read a sequel dealing with triplets would be funny. And how the person stated below dilf baekhyun would be exiting🙈wish you a Happy New Year thank you for brighthening us with your stories😊
Thank you for this kind message! I just had to resolve their troubles because having three kids when you’re so short on money would be so difficult - I actually looked this up and got it confirmed by my business friend: korean government really gives out apartments for young families 🤭
Thanks for mentioning Baek and his school duties. I also didn’t mention it much in the story since it’s centered around our OC and the relationship itself but he IS working hard in the background too! ❤️
I counted your vote for sequel! Haha yes if I am to write a sequel it will be much more exciting in many aspects, ehm ehm. Prequel would be super innocent, SY is in the middle between innocent and sexy and sequel would be much more crazy (given the triplets will grow too and will drive both of their parents up the wall and their parents having their own issues huhu) sooo yeah! 😈
The last sentence... 🥺☺️💕 thank you so much. You brighten me with your comments ❤️🧡 it means so much to me so thank you ☺️ happy new year!🎈
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heyitsyn · 4 years
I have yet to read the new dad!seijoh fics (or maybe i have? my brains a mess atm gomenn) and the new part to timetraveler!son, but I read the Among us inspired one, AND IM JUST HDHSNDL>KAND, MA"AM MY HEART IT HURTS, my poor babie, iwa chan i love you for defending my child and tooruu whyyy, ALSO KYO-CHAN IS DEAD NO MY BB, i wish I have more time to read fics but i've been burning out again lately and starting to get sick but this brighthened my day, thank you, stay safe and take care always ok?
uwu its okay!! ive been slacking recently so its okay if youre still catching up bc you have your own life and im always going to be here so you can come back any time :D OWO IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT YOU 😭 ive kinda hinted that yanno,,,,, reyna is yours and iwa’s baby O_O bc if youve read both iwa’s route and iwa’s dad fic, reyna is the oldest daughter so hehe >:) LMAO I KNOW OIKAWA WOULD TAKE KYO FIRST LIKE I CAN JUST FEEL IT IN MY BONES 😭😭 oh no!! please try and rest and just forget about everything and take some time to yourself and make sure to eat and drink :( but im happy this at least made you feel better and ill pray for you to get better soon :) ill promise to stay safe and take care but you have to do the same!! 
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auliaplaza · 4 years
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Flek hitam dan perubahan warna kulit di wajah adalah kondisi yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan kadar melanin. Dibalik keberadaan flek hitam pada kulit, inilah 6 penyebab dari munculnya flek hitam di wajah : -Hipermentasi, terjadi ketika area tertentu di kulit wajah rusak. -Ketidakseimbangan hormon, seperti yang terjadi saat hamil, dapat memicu hiperpigmentasi -Paparan sinar matahari yang berlebihan -Gangguan kulit, Bintik atau flek hitam pada kulit biasanya akan muncul karena usia -Dapat juga kerusakan hati karena tubuh tidak bisa menghilangkan semua racun dari sel-selnya. -Bekas jerawat atau luka seringkali meninggalkan bintik-bintik gelap pada kulit. Tidak ingin kan kulit wajahmu mengalami masalh flek atau lebih banyak lagi ? Lawan flek hitam dengan menggunakan Paket Basic Flek. Bermanfaat mengurangi flek diwajah, mengecilkan pori-pori, menyamarkan noda diwajah, mengangkat sel kulit mati, dan regenerasi sel kulit wajah. HALAL NO : 07150021030814 BPOM : -Serum Brihgthening : NA18181900319 -Day Cream : NA18180101682 -Night Cream : NA18180101696 -Brighthening Cleanser : NA18181202872 -Face Soap : NA18181202199 EXP : September 2022 Berat : 600 gr https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIUnFAnRti/?igshid=4488lohx7hxb
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jinlily01 · 5 years
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Sometimes you just need to brighthen your day even at night😉 📸: 15.August.2019🇺🇲 #amateursalbum #2019 #mobilephotography #travelphotography #mobile_photography #usa #cute #goodvibes #like4likes #likes4follow #instagram #instafame #mobile_photography3 #followme #followforlikes #followforfollow #likeforlikes #shotononeplus #capture.io #bokehcity #mobileclicks #mbclickz #instacool #beconberlin #photographical_soul #_ipc #_ipcmobile #enticing_gallery #travelislife #family (at San Jose, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1NmSfdFlfY/?igshid=1836ea0cnp5xa
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jadereaas · 8 years
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I was bored today, so I drew some Blueberry sunshine to brighthen my day
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melviiiis · 8 years
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So, I have never actually posted anything on Tumblr before and I’m not an artist, but I really really wanted to do something for Jack’s birthday, so here you go @therealjacksepticeye (I added in some glitches ‘cause I’m pretty sure Anti is gonna show up tomorrow somehow. Well, I hope so, anyway, it’d be pretty cool) I don’t know if you’ll see this, but if you do I just wanted to say thanks for everything you’ve done for me and for everyone else in the community. You really brighthen up my day, eveyday! I hope you like this and HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3
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cheartoric-customs · 8 years
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Brighthening your day one minion at a time <3 #minions #theme #design #handpainted #espadrilles #customized #affordable #paintednotprinted #koovs #shoeu #cheartoriccustoms #cforcustomized #follow #shoeart #instagram #igers #india #mumbai #instalike #instalove #instaminion #instafever Painted with love <3 Dm for orders (at Military Road, Marol, Mumbai)
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