damnsahrii · 1 year
Attempting to bring tumblr back 🤭
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madiisonj · 2 years
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anothergirlyblog · 2 years
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What should I post here in tumblr?, I mean I haven’t use this app since 2016, but now that I download it again I still think is a really cool app. Everybody should use tumblr again this is such a vibe ⚡️🪐🌚 #bringtumblrback
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emptysuitcase · 5 months
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#coolroom #bringtumblrback
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fxckmanuka · 8 months
tryna make a change :/
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lexgasm · 3 years
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hi hello i am back
my country is currently in lock down and i figured what better way to spend it than to check in with my followers on here. i feel so bad for leaving you all and neglecting tumblr a little bit but i was pleasantly surprised to see i have actually gained followers!? you guys are the best! 
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serpentinelair · 5 years
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tharealhvk · 4 years
Im tired of social media
Im tired of everything Being performative or competitive. Im tired of everything being done for marketing and promotion.
I miss the days when I could just express myself, openly and freely. I miss reading and seeing things that spoke to me. I miss when the internet was fun, and liberating.
A place I could come to escape the reality of my life and feel connected. I could feel understood.
Like I wasn’t alone.
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ayooalexisss · 7 years
Hi Tumblr. Recording some old writing I found (:
Alexis Oviedo
Professor Freeman
Love Letter Through the Cosmos
Dearest Clarisse,
I sit here gazing at your planet. Wishing. Pretending I see you. Pretending you see me too. Pretending this touch of a keyboard is at all comparable to the touch of you.
You’re probably in the Tube right now, heading to work. Remember to keep your hands at your side. We don’t have a Tube here. The committee on this planet stopped sponsoring transportation and reordered war funds. It is grim here.
Must be Spring on your side right now huh? I miss the 10 hour days there. I watch your planet rotate.
And here the day drags on.
Making your hours of missing me triple my hours of missing you.
When the sun has set for me, please don’t forget. That all of me is devoted to you.
Your Sun looks extra fiery today too. Must be at least 300 degrees. Remember when your Sun was once the same color as mine? That was really something. We were in the same temperature for once.
Our Sun is dying soon. I’ll have to migrate again. Hopefully the Commission sends us to your planet. Oh, what a wish. A literal crossing of stars. One can dream.
Such an expanse that divides us.
And our Space is ever-expanding. Our great treachery.
At least we are in the same galaxy. Your System is set to drift past us. We should schedule a time to look at each other’s. It’ll be the closest we’ve been in eons.
Our orbits seem as if they’ll never collide.
How was your sister’s 5th 100 year anniversary? Boy, is she getting old. Did you tell her I said Happy birthday? Makes me miss my siblings. Scattered all around this Universe of ours. People don’t keep in touch like we still do. You’re more special to me than even my family, Clarisse. I hope you know that.
I feel letters are sometimes more intimate that video. Reminds me of the far past.
So ancient.
I get sick of this celestial space sometimes, don’t you? The earlier peoples were so close. Compacted and intimate. Close-knit. Together. Not like we are.
I yearn to be in those times. With you.
Now we are in the ultimate divide. An infinite darkness between us.
We are star crossed lovers.
I remember in the books they say everyone was once living together on one planet. How happy they must have been! So spoiled with company. Delighted to see so many different faces all the time, how many friends they must have all had! All together, visiting each other’s side of the planet. Loving, laughing, helping one another. Must have been so pleasant. It all seems like a fantasy.
Their clothes were so free, too. I hate this grey we wear now. And they’re so constricting! They took ‘air-tight’ too seriously when designing these.
There are days when I’m too closed to even let your light in, Clarisse. And those days are the heaviest.
My love is entirely dependent upon you.
But your love… Your love is who you are. You just love.
You have peace in your soul. So wherever you go you are already in your Palace.
You open more and more through our world’s betrayal. But I am shriveling from this pain.
And that is why I call for you through the planets and dust and suns and ice and stars.
I hope you feel my love through the belts of broken planets, the black holes, the asteroids and comets, and clouds of gases where stars are born.
It probably sickens you. Loving someone who would fall apart if you walk out the door. That is my fatal flaw. A blessing and a curse.
But I guess there is nothing more fascinating than being desperate.
And nothing more unhealthy than apathy.
I refuse to choose the safety of indifference over the vulnerability of love.
I don’t feel enlightened after morning Ritual like the others do.
Like we’re supposed to.
I no longer gaze at The Rings in admiration. My heart doesn’t beat swiftly during the televised implosions of nearby systems anymore…
It seems as if I’ll die with more dreams than memories.
I was lost in the fire. While you were built from it.
I am incomplete without you.
But you… You complete you. Yet you still want me along for the journey.
You don’t need anyone. Even if we were together, you wouldn’t really belong to me. You don’t belong to anything. You’re off in your own world. You are your soul mate.
I hope your love can fix me. I know your love can fix me. But it cannot fix my past. Your tenderness cannot stop making me hate my parents. Your passion cannot get me my brothers back.
And I am just warning you now.
Alone and lonely are two different things. But I feel both, I feel them so deeply.
If you remember me, I don’t care if everyone forgets.
But stars have died so we can live.
It’s that time of night when it’s too late for yesterday and too early for tomorrow so,
I shall close my eyes and look at you.
I shall sit in the silence and listen for you.
I shall reach out and feel for you.
I shall clear my mind, and leave only you.
I shall take another breath.
For you.
Take care of yourself. Clarisse, my Love,
‘Till our next correspondence,
May 17, 4079
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glilmore · 9 years
What does ‘paratus sum imbre bullae’ mean?
I’ve been gone for so long and I nearly had a heart attack when I saw the new tumblr...BRING HER BACK
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cumplicated-blog · 10 years
I do not like the new tumblr
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sincerelymeike · 12 years
okay so i slacked off on tumblr..
for almost a year .___. sorry gaiizzzz <3 i'm back now :D i have time for all of youuuuu <3 FOLLOW ME BITCHES >:3
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