#bro thxxx so much for the ask i was gonna make this 10 times longer by adding all 20+ ocs and everything abt them but i refrained and
dapper-nahrwhale ยท 3 years
The first of asks, 14 19 28 fir your character of choice
(Thxxx so much for the asks! Just know I am gently handing you an entire peeled orange just for you) I'm gonna do all 4 of my main ocs with this cuz why not ok here we go!
14. What smells or tastes do you associate with them?
Casey- the smell of small dasies in the spring they are new and fresh and will not last forever but for now they are sweet and for now you believe they will stay, the scent of rain on the pavement reminds you of home and your heart aches for a time you didn't have to fight with these newly calloused hands and these tired bright eyes and these hopeful faces staring at you and for now you must smile and tell the lies that it will be okay, the taste of sunshine fresh upon your face in this new and exciting place there is so much to look at so much to find so much to discover so much to be, the taste of salty tears as they run rampant down your face you regret ever waking up in that flower field you wish and hope and want only of a home so far away it might as well not exist anymore.
Wisteria- the swift scent of little gardens of windowsill flowers left to wilt in your continued deliberate absence, the smoke of the charred remains of last nights campfire that had been a mistake to light when on the run they will find you quickly and you must fight fast you are tired of running but it's all you know how to do, the taste of honey on your lips coating the swift lies you so very easily tell, the taste of iron so strong on your tongue it burns with the deceit you are so used to it you do not even flinch at it.
Curtis- the scent of death follows you everywheres you cannot escape it no matter how many times you run and run and run it will always follow you, the smell of growth in the newly tilled dirt you have not yet begun to grow but you will eventually one day you will be more you know that now, the taste of decay and nothingness everything tastes like the hollow bones you wish you could have saved, the taste of cucumbers fresh picked they taste much better than they did before when they were rotten and old.
Enmity- the longing scent of your mother's perfume a smell you intricately learned to hate more with every whiff, the scent of old crisp dusty books poured over for hours and hours endlessly searching for the answers you will never find, the taste of liquid gritty stardust that runs through your veins you know you will never be whole you can never fulfill the destiny the stars demand it wasnot supposed to be you they scream, the taste of loss ashy on your tongue it wasnt supposed to be like this not this time next time you will get it right you have to.
19. What would they prefer to do for their birthday? Do they even celebrate it at all?
Casey- if she had a calendar in this odd place maybe, but as it is, she cannot be sure how long has passed and how long will pass enough to tell. She would attempt to bake a little cake and share it with her friends and try to let the small good things last, no matter how temporary it would be.
Curtis- for a long while he did forget that birthdays were a thing people did, then he found reason for celebration again.
Wisteria- ageing along with the years that pass is a foreign concept to the fae, but she finds the birthday rituals fascinating to want one of their own.
Enmity- not anymore now that theres no one to share it with.
28. Is there a place that reminds them of their childhood? is that good bad or bittersweet?
Casey- the grassy flower field she awoke in this realm is not her home. When she thinks of home she is flooded by happy memories now tinged in sadness, she us unsure she will eve be able to go home. It certainly is not in this place, with these magics and these creatures from fairy tales. But she cannot return home, at least not now. There is much to be done, and she has no way of knowing how to get home anyways. But she misses it with all her heart and all her soul does she wish she could leave this fantastical place and just rest. At first, she relished this new and grand and unexpected adventure into this world, but now she just wishes it had been anyone else that had been Chosen instead of her. She does not know what to do who is worth saving who is worth leaving to die she is a child left making the choices adults refused to. They call her their Chosen from the Other world. They say she was brought here because the Prophecies demanded it to be, that she is supposed to be here as their last resort. She never asked for this. All she wishes is to go back to her home off this long gone realm, to go home. This adventure is what steals what vestiges are left from her childhood.
Wisteria- they were never allowed a childhood. She had to be alone. That was just how the pixies were after all, you are born of a flower, you die of a flower, that is how it goes. You will die for this, traitor. They disagreed on that with the fae. She only wanted to get out of this endless war, not be put into another one. They only wished to leave behind that brutal past, to not relive the present.
Curtis- he sees his old family home abandoned and moss overgrown and wild on this once idyllic place (it never was, your nostalgia decives you, it was alway your own personal hell). It hurts too much to think of his childhood taken too short from him, he desperately misses his sister but doesn't believe he deserves to miss her it was all his fault after all who could ever forgive him for that.
Enmity- the now empty palace that held her less lonely childhood is something if a safe haven and a prison all in one. It's the only place she belongs, it's the only place she doesn't want to be. But she cannot leave this palace of the gone and forgotten. She must stay and complete this work, if not for herself then for the stars. All this pain, all these tears, all this suffering will be worth something in the end. It has to be. Otherwise why else would it all happen? The answers are to be found in the stars. They must be. Why would the stars lie to her?
[Ask from here! Send more please!]
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