#gone forever casey
kathaynesart · 6 months
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The eye of the hurricane. I like to think Cassandra sometimes called the brothers by the nicknames their dad used, given they were probably pretty close before his passing.
Man oh man, this one was way messier and off model than my last few updates but whatever, we got to keep this ball rolling! Life's been crazy so I've had to take some unwanted breaks in between updates. Thanks everyone for your patience as always!
One thing I wanted in this flashback was to really get a sense of how the brothers worked as an experienced team with Leo at the helm as a proper leader. It's something we never got to see much of in Rise and I felt it was important to include since half the team is already gone by the time of Replica. Team Dynamics Ted Talk under the cut!
We know from Casey Jr that Leo stressed the importance of listening to your team. A big part of that also means knowing how to communicate with them in general.
With Michelangelo, he keeps it short and succinct, trusting his brother to know what he's doing when in his element. This trust goes a long way with Mikey, having spent years of his youth as the baby striving for the respect he felt he deserved. Leo knows it's best to not bog Mikey down with details, allowing him to improvise as needed. This unspoken freedom has only grown over time as Mikey has dipped deeper into spiritual arts that, frankly, go completely over Leo's head.
The greatest sacrifice Leo has ever made was read Donnie's Big Book of Bad Guy Codes. While he doesn't remember ALL the numbers, he has memorized the ones that matter and it has helped tremendously in avoiding miscommunication with his genius brother. More importantly it silenced any of Donnie's usual belly-aching. As Leo's "twin"/"equal" the two still butt heads from time to time. Donnie respects his brother's authority (mostly) but will still push the boundaries of what he's allowed on a semi-regular basis. Give Donnie an inch and he will take the mile and then find a loop hole that allows him to go twenty miles more. This is partially due to him often being the one left behind at HQ, making the turtle just a TAD stir crazy. Leo does his best to keep him in line regardless.
Big brother Raph will forever and always be big brother to Leo. As such he holds a place of authority in Leo's heart and is someone he still regularly seeks counsel from in both the ways of leadership and more. Raph is always happy to support his younger brother and does a surprisingly good job (albeit after years of practice) of walking the line so as not to step on his brother's toes in the process. At least not since the secret of "the Key" blew up in their faces several years ago. They don't talk about that anymore. Leo is the leader now and he's done a great job in recent years as far as Raph is concerned. He trusts him to make the right call. The two have a close bond and regularly use mind meld to quickly communicate rather than speak ...this will be important to remember for the future.
Hope that overall feeling came through for this group!
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
I am sooooo super excited for the Future Turtles to be meeting the Present Turtles, but I wanted to take a moment and tell you how much I really loved and felt the latest update.
Having F!Leo criticising Leo's decisions and openly stating "this dude makes nothing but really fucking dumb decisions"- like, he's so mad at this kid for getting it so consistently wrong, when Casey is completely capable and they're the same age.
Then the "they made it about me when they took my brother" and F!Leo just... freezes. That resonates with him. And then he thinks about the fact Leo voluntarily trapped himself in the Prison Dimension, and that gives Casey the opening he's been waiting for.
Twice. TWICE he watched Leonardo sacrifice himself for the world. TWICE Leonardo took Casey's choice away the portal shut between them. TWICE Casey thought Leonardo was gone forever. And Casey is FURIOUS about it. He gets it, of course he does, but it doesn't change the fact he lost Leonardo twice.
Then F!Leo listens to Casey's rant and his demeanor towards Leo shifts again.
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He seems to contemplate the kid, not judge. And I wonder if that's partially because- and this might just be my interpretation- Casey is somewhat defending Leo. F!Leo is all set for passing judgement on the kids terrible choices, but in the end they both made similar self-sacrificing decisions for the benefit of others.
Idk, it just seems like this interaction was a nice balance between F!Leo being thoroughly disappointed in Leo for making bad decisions (as the Leader of a Resistance would be), and realising Leo (and himself back then) was just a kid thrust into war he wasn't ready for.
Oh, yeah. Future Leo is judging little Leo. And he has every right to do so. Because the things that little Leo has done and made others do are stupid and dangerous.
"They made it about me when they took my brother" makes him kinda freeze, y e s. Because that's the first hint. The first moment he looks at the small version of himself and realizes. Shit, it sounds awfully fucking familiar. It resonates.
And Casey's next words. It's not just about both Leos' penchant for self-sacrifice. It's that despite their differences, they share the same core. The past you is still you. He's stupider, he's more inexperienced, but your ideals and your values are also his. Face it.
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imababblekat · 2 months
Scars That Bind
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**WARNINGS**: implied ptsd, scarring, angst (but w/ happy ending)
@httpvomitello ,"Hi Hi, how are you? So I was wondering if you could do a one shot with Donnie x f! reader who is his girlfriend. It would be after the event of the second film, where she helps with the fight and everything. However, she ends up with a big scar on her back, but she never got around to revealing it to the others because she was ashamed to show it, and because of that, in those weeks she almost didn't let Donnie touch her, whether it was a hug or a kiss. Until one day, he accidentally sees the scar, and after her explanation, he comforts her and things get better.
A/N: oh boy this is much longer than i had planned it to be! hope y'all still enjoy though! im just gonna go cry in a corner after having written this ╮(T▽T)╭
It had been weeks, and yet the events of the Kraang attacks still effected you. Effected your life. It hadn't been as often as early on, but you still had nightmares. Still awoke sweaty and fearful from a nightmare that played out way differently and more devastating than how the real battle had ended victoriously. Well, mostly victoriously. Yes, the four ninja brothers you had helped and fought alongside went home with some new scars that they would no doubt proudly brandish, but the one you took home made you feel anything but proud. Anything but strong like how the turtles felt about theirs.
The large, healed but still freshly ugly wound across your middle back would be a forever reminder of how things could have gone terribly wrong for you that day. You were lucky to make it out alive in the end, but you had not only been physically scarred, but mentally as well.
What if you hadn't made it out of that slippery situation? What if it had happened and then Donnie, your everything, wouldn't have even known, to busy off fighting the big bad boss? How could you leave him, leave everyone, so suddenly in your foolishness to be more than what you were? A fragile human, trying to be a hero like her mutated boyfriend who had been training to fight his entire life?
The near death experience left you thinking and imaging the worst nearly every waking moment, and it seemed to effect more than just your lonesome. It had started to effect your relationship with Donnie. You can't remember the first moment it happened, but you remember every other time you had rejected his touches. The poor man couldn't get a kiss from you, much less a hug, and he had no idea why. The hurt in his eyes always tugged at your heart strings, but not as much as if he were to find out about the permanent alteration to your body.
If he found out, he would surely blame himself for not being there to protect you. Something you wanted him to not do. He along with his super brothers had more pressing things to be worried about, not a single human when they had the whole of New York on their shoulders. Your horrific dreams of death had also instilled in you that very great possibility of just how much danger you truly were in being with them. Yes, it was something that you had all known. April, Casey, and even Vern were just as in likely danger simply by being friends with the turtles, but no one really realizes the weight of something till it comes crashing down on them. Like it had to you.
If one day something happened to you, you didn't want to leave behind a deeply heartbroken and changed Donnie. Making distance would surely make such a casualty easier to deal with if there was nothing no longer there right?
You chocked on a sob, eyes screwed shut with clasped hands against your reddened face. The staggered cry quietly echoed off your bathroom walls, the only other sound being the slight slush of water in the tub you had planned to get into before you had caught a glance of the cursed marking on your back in the mirror. Now, you sat on the edge, trying your best to reason with your recent actions, but your heart and subconscious knew the truth and would not let you get away so easily.
Images of Donnie's hurt face only a couple hours ago still projected freshly in your mind. The pain in his eyes when you stepped back from his open embrace and rejected his goodbye kiss before you departed for home. You've seen the genius sad before, but never had you seen him so dejected. Knowing that you were the cause, hurt even more.
"But it's for his own good.", you sobbed aloud.
Than why did it feel so wrong?
Suddenly, something had fumbled and hit the tiled floor loudly, causing you to nearly jump out of your skin as you swiftly turned on the edge of the tub to see the last person you wanted to in this exact moment.
There, standing in the entrance straight as a pillar and eyes so wide they might pop out of his head, was Donatello. He had come to return back your phone, that of which he had called deciding it was finally time to talk about your standoff behavior towards him when it rang from the lair lounge. Now though, a call to work out the reason was no longer warranted, the off color patch of new skin and flesh on your back still crystal clear in his mind.
"I. . .", Donnie faltered, one usually a dictionary of speech, now speechless.
You on the other hand, were much more reactive. Your heart picking up pace, as you were quick to grab your towel and wrap it around, stepping out of your forgotten bath and racing to get out of this situation.
"I-I wondered if I had forgotten that, thanks Don, you can go-"
You had tried and failed to push your way past Donnie after swiftly grabbing your phone off the bathroom floor, but the turtle in purple was much faster and had grabbed hold of your arm just as you entered the hallway.
"How. . .how long have you. . .", Donnie swallowed, still struggling to find the words.
You felt your heart drop in your chest seeing the agony in Donnie's knowledgeable gaze.
"Donnie, please. . .", you mutter barely above a whisper, lip beginning to quiver.
"When you said you went to the hospital to check on a friend, did you really go for yourself?", he questioned, brows furrowed as he looked down at you, but you were careful to avoid his gaze.
You tried to pull your arm from his grasp, but Donnie held firm. He wasn't letting you go this time.
"(Y,n), please, I'm just trying to understand."
"There is nothing to understand.", you gritted out, angry with yourself for the tears that threatened to spill once again.
"How could you say that? You have a-"
"I know!", you finally snapped, glare flashing up towards Donatello.
Said turtle was stunned, but soon relaxed his expression, slowly letting go of your arm to take a step back. You cursed yourself internally, looking back to your hallway's carpet and holding yourself tight. A moment of tense silence befell the both of you, neither speaking and both refusing to look at the other. Your heart ached, and so did his, but it was not you who apologized first.
With a tight throat, Donnie was first to speak quietly.
"I'm sorry. . ."
"Don't say that.", you thought to yourself, another stinging pang shooting straight through your chest. Fighting back the urge to cry, you shook your head, chancing a glance at your slumped boyfriend.
"No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled. It's just. . ."
Donnie looked up just as you looked down the hall, but your gaze was else where. It was a look he was all to familiar with, one he'd seen after terrifying incidents he and his brothers had experienced.
"Is that why you've been so distant?"
By that, you knew Donatello meant your scar.
The reference broke you, nodding as you started to sob and weep, new tears making new streaks down your face. Donnie muttered a quiet 'oh', opening his arms as you quickly crossed the short distance to fall against his plastron. The moment his strong arms wrapped around you, your heart had exploded, cries racking your body as you sobbed loudly, not caring if the neighbors heard. It had been so long since you had embraced each other, since you had been this close to the person you fell so deeply in love with, that the sensation of Donnie holding you felt as though you had finally returned home after an arduous journey across rough seas.
The entire time you cried Donnie stood cradling you, rubbing your arms softly and murmuring quiet whispers of "its okay" and "let it out" against the top of your messy hair. Neither of you knew how much time had passed, Donnie undoubtedly willing to hold you up if your legs no longer could, but soon you had calmed, only letting out shaking breaths and a few soft sobs here and there. Once you felt you had regained enough strength you gingerly used Donnie's strong plastron as leverage to push your self back, just enough to still remain close but also peer up into his worried gaze.
"I'm sorry Donnie. I never wanted to hurt you. I was so scared about how something happening to me would effect you, when I've been causing you that pain this entire time. I'm so, so sorry Donnie.", you choked out, feeling as though you were ripping off a band-aid and at the same time having heavy weights lifted from your shoulders.
"Oh, (y,n).," Donnie muttered, reaching up to move a strand of hair from your sticky, tear stained face. "I only wish I had realized sooner what you were going through. You shouldn't have faced this alone. I should have been there to help."
You bit your bottom lip, shaking your head slowly.
"No Donnie, that's exactly part of why I acted the way I did. I don't want you to blame yourself for what happened."
Donnie's grip on you tightened, a pit forming in his chest. That scar. It grabbed him by the throat and had him in a choke hold the second he stepped into your bathroom. When had you gotten it during the Kraang attack? Were you alone the whole time? How did you get such a wound?
Donatello had to be quick to stop his thoughts before they spiraled into picturing unsavory images of just how exactly you had been hurt. He hated it, this revelation that something seriously bad had happened to the person he loved and he wasn't there to do anything about it. If he'd lost you, he'd surely would have lost himself.
Leaning forward with tightly shut eyes, holding back his own tears for your sake, Donnie's lips pressed firmly to your forehead before slowly pulling back. His beautiful gold eyes found yours, a comforting smile gracing his features as you tiredly peered back at him inquisitively.
"Sorry, dove. I can't say that I won't, but I promise I'll try to as long as you promise me something."
"Anything, Donnie."
"Promise me that you'll always remember I'm here for you. That you can come to me about anything, and to please let me help fight your battles with you, just as you so bravely have done for me."
Your lips formed into a smile, the first genuine one in who knows how long. Your head fell against Donnie's strong chest once more, your arms squeezing him this time and feeling your soul being filled with a warm, positive feeling for once as the tallest ninja turtle returned your embrace with just as much love.
"I promise.", you spoke just above where Donnie's heart lay protected by plastron, the feeling of another gentle, loving kiss being placed against the top of your hair.
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spncrscasey · 3 months
Mine (m.c.)
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Fandom/Characters: Chicago Fire - Matt Casey x Fem!Reader, Sylvie Brett, Stella Kidd, Kelly Severide, Blake Gallo, Wallace Boden, Christopher Herrmann, Joe Cruz, Darren Ritter
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: You and Matt Casey had been secretly dating for a while, and it had gone smoothly since you worked at different firehouses. However, you were offered a job at 51 which despite seeming like a great idea, only made everything complicated.
Warnings: hurt/comfort, a bit of angst, a bunch of fluff, pet names, mention of anxiety, protective matt, kissing, happy ending
a/n: my first fic!!!!! (on tumblr that is lol) i used to write a lot on another platforms but haven't written for fun in forever (other than for school, ew lol.) so i might be a bit rusty so just yk excuse that until i get back into my flow :) anyways i hope you guys like it <3
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For the last three years, you've been working as a paramedic at Firehouse 20 alongside Violet Mikami. During that time, you've come to know Blake Gallo as a result of his on-and-off relationship with her. Although he's a great guy, what made him even greater is the person he introduced you to about a year ago— your boyfriend, Captain Matthew Casey of Firehouse 51.
Where could you possibly start? His mesmerizing, smile and his charming personality drew you in in an instant. You never realized how the occasional encounters, transformed into intimate late-night conversations. And before you knew it, those late-night talks grew into romantic dinners and memorable dates.
After months of both of you dancing around one another, he finally masked up the courage to ask you to be his girlfriend. Without a moment's hesitation, you instantly said yes.
Six months have passed since then. Both of you had mutually decided to keep it private for some time in order to prevent any interference with your jobs. The only individuals who had known were your respective Chiefs, just in case something happened.
Your Chief also knew you could handle a busier station such as 51. So, he had just offered you the vacant paramedic position that was left after Foster left for Med School.
Initially, you were excited about the offer because it meant working with your boyfriend. However, now you're uncertain about accepting it as you're not sure how he’d react. While you believe he'd be as thrilled as you are, there's this nagging feeling that it would complicate things.
So you decided to call him.
"Hey Matt," You said once he picked up.
"Hi babe, everything okay? You rarely call me during shift." He replied, voice laced with concern.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine." You assure him before nervously adding, "It's just... I have something to run by you...”
"Go ahead sweetheart, what's up?"
"You know how Foster left and ever since then there's been an open paramedic spot at 51 for a while now?"
He hums encouraging you to continue.
"Well, my Chief spoke to Boden and they both agreed that I could fill that spot if I wanted to."
"That's fantastic news!" He said excitedly. "Do you want to?"
You sighed. "I do want to. I think it would be nice to work with you and the experience of working at a busier station? That would benefit me, by a lot. I’d be able to learn so much."
"Then what's there to run by me? This is your decision Y/N." Matt questioned.
"It's your house! I don't want to interfere with the little family you all have built and make things complicated considering we'd be working together while dating and what if they take it the wrong way thinking I only got the spot because I'm with you-"
"Hey! Y/N, sweetheart, breathe." He says cutting off your rambling, trying to calm you down.
"What?" you ask, voice exasperated.
"Baby, no one's going to think anything like that. You're an amazing paramedic and you earned your spot because you're good at your job. Also, no one knows that we're together so they won't suspect a thing. We don't even have to tell them yet if you don't want to.” He said reassuringly before continuing, “And you wouldn't be interfering with anything, I can assure you that we'd all love to have you at 51. This is completely your choice though, so whether you want to transfer over here or not, you have my full support, regardless of what you decide."
You smile at Matt's words. "Thank you." You pause for a moment before resuming happily, "Okay I'm going to go tell Chief that I'm accepting the position! I'll talk to you later Matt."
"That's my girl." He says smiling before hanging up.
You swiftly head to your Chief's office and let him know that you completed the transfer paperwork and are ready to begin at 51 as soon as possible. He nods, smiling, and assures you that he will push the request forward.
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It was now Monday. Which also happened to be the same day you started your first shift as the new paramedic of Firehouse 51.
God were you nervous.
You had spoken to Matt multiple times and he continuously reassured you that you had no reason to feel anxious because everyone would adore you. So why were you still panicking?
Matt liked you, Gallo liked you, and so did Boden after the short interview you two had.
You had also heard a lot about each of them through Matt, and they all sounded like wonderful people. So the odds of your new coworkers welcoming you with open arms were pretty high.
Yet despite your best efforts, you couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety that was coursing through your veins, leaving you a nervous wreck.
You let out a sigh, trying to calm your nerves as you approached the Firehouse. You bumped into Gallo on the way which instantly relieved your worries. Seeing a familiar face put your mind at ease, melting your fears away, even if it’s only for a moment.
The two of you engaged in an easy conversation as you walked into the building together.
Upon entering, you spotted a table near the rigs with several individuals seated around it. Gallo eagerly ushered you towards them, quickly introducing everyone.
"Squad, this is Y/N Y/L/N, our new paramedic!" He said as you smiled, waving at them.
Gallo then pointed at a tan, blue-eyed man who was sitting at the head of the table. "That's Lieutenant Kelly Severide. Head of Squad and those are his Squad members."
He quickly got up and shook your hand. "Nice to meet you Y/L/N."
You recognized him now. He was Matt's best friend, they'd been through thick and thin together. It was sweet actually, finally getting to put a face to the name you've been hearing so much about.
Gallo took his time introducing you to the other members of Squad, all of whom greeted you with kindness and respect.
As he slipped into conversation with them, you took the opportunity to excuse yourself and find your partner, Sylvie Brett, who you’d be spending most of your time with.
She stood out easily, being one of only two women in the house. You spotted her in the kitchen, chatting with another girl who you figured must be Stella, Severide's girlfriend. Matt had spoken to you about how amazing they were as a couple, and it always made you happy to hear about them. With a deep breath, you made your way over to them.
"Hi!" You smiled. "I'm the new paramedic here working with... Sylvie Brett?" You ask unsurly, turning your head to glance at the blonde hoping you're right.
"Yes, that's me! Hi!" She answered enthusiastically, hugging you. Matt had mentioned how sweet she was but the embrace still caught you by surprise. Regardless, you hugged her back, accepting the kind gesture. Once you pulled away you waved at the other woman who smiled back at you, introducing herself as Stella Kidd.
After conversing with them for some time and getting to know one another, you headed off to the officer quarters with the hope of seeing your boyfriend.
Once you approached the office that was referred to Matt Casey, you knocked.
"Come in." You heard so you stepped inside, closing the door behind you.
"Hi baby," You said, smiling at him. He looked up from his desk, features softening as he noticed you.
"How's my favorite girl doing?" He asked standing up to give you a brief kiss on the cheek.
"I'm great! Everyone here is so nice and fun to talk to. They've all been so welcoming." You answered excitedly.
"See, I told you everyone would love you. What's there not to?" He asked rhetorically, making you smile as he placed his hands on your waist pulling you in closer. Matt's inability to keep his hands to himself never fails to make you laugh. It was all quickly forgotten though when he drew you in for a more passionate kiss when he noticed that there weren't any prying eyes on you.
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As time passed, days turned into weeks, and before you knew it, you had seamlessly become a part of them. Each member of the group welcomed you with open arms, and it felt like you had found your place within the close-knit family they had formed at 51. It seemed like you had found a lasting bond and a sense of belonging with everyone there, envisioning a permanent future among them.
You became good friends with Sylvie and Stella, established a nice mentorship with Hermann, and created a sibling-like bond with Severide.
Most importantly though, to your knowledge, no one had suspected your relationship with Matt.
You wanted to say something, you really did. You didn't want him to think you were ashamed of being with him. But you didn't want the people you had grown so close to to think that you were only offered the position because of your relationship with him; even if you were confident that they weren't the type of people to believe that.
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It was an ordinary day. You and Sylvie had just returned from responding to a call— nothing too serious, just tending to a man who had been cut by a broken mirror. Together with Sylvie, you bandaged him up and sent him to Med for stitches, wishing him a speedy recovery.
You were restocking the ambulance when Sylvie spoke up, "So, did you see the way that guy looked at you?"
You almost choked on your spit at her statement, not expecting it. "How did he look at me?"
"Oh c'mon- there were literally hearts in his eyes every time you spoke up while bandaging him!" She exclaimed a bit too loudly making you shush her.
"Who had hearts in his eyes?" Matt chimed in as he walked up to you and Brett, joining your conversation.
"No one," You say brushing him off but Sylvie interjects. "This guy we were helping earlier, he totally had the hots for our new paramedic over here." She said, nudging you with her arm in a teasing manner.
"Oh, did he?" Matt asked in a tone that sounded like he was joking but you could see the way his body tensed.
"It's whatever, nothing serious. It's not like I'm going to go on a date with him." You roll your eyes trying to dismiss the situation.
"You should!" Sylvie replies happily, "You're pretty and single. He wasn't bad on the eyes either, if you know what I mean. Go have some fun girl! Who knows, he could be the love of your life." She adds, winking.
Matt gave a half-hearted smile and walked away without acknowledging Brett, leaving her looking up in confusion. "What was that about?" She asked.
"No idea," You say shortly, despite knowing exactly what was going on.
Matthew Casey was jealous.
It was quite surprising because he had never shown signs of being the jealous type. In the past, if another man approached you in his presence, he would politely ask them to leave you alone, making it clear that you were already taken. Or he’d simply put his arm around you in a protective, not-so-friendly manner, letting everyone know that you were his. It never bothered you. You found it cute, actually.
But this? This was different. He had never acted this way, which concerned you.
After you were done restocking the ambo you made your way to his office, hoping to ease the tension.
You sighed as you knocked, hearing a quick come-in before stepping inside. You noticed he had his head buried in paperwork, not even acknowledging you as you came in.
"Matt, honey, what's wrong?" You asked, worried when he still didn't look up at you. You waited for a moment before continuing once he didn't reply, "Baby talk to me."
He sighs before finally looking into your eyes. His ocean blues never failed to make you weak in the knees. So intimidating but beautiful nevertheless.
"I don't want to keep this a secret any longer." He eventually replied, motioning between the two of you.
"I don't want to either but you know we can't."
"Why can't we?" He said, tone a bit sharp, causing you to flinch for a second.
"Because-" you were cut off by a knock on Matt's door making you straighten up.
"Sorry to interrupt, but there's someone here to see you Y/N." Said Severide as he poked his head into Casey's office letting you know before heading out.
You quickly glance at Matt sighing before leaving his office, silently apologizing. You hated leaving mid conversation but this could be important. You noticed him trailing behind you as you walked out but chose not to comment on it.
Once you were outside, you recognized him as the man you had sent to Med earlier. The same man who had 'the hots' for you apparently, according to Brett.
This was going to be a long conversation.
"Hello!" He said, way too ecstatic for someone who had just been discharged from a hospital.
"Hi there, how are you feeling?" You asked, keeping the conversation polite.
"Better thanks to you, you saved my life."
"Oh, you know, no big deal! Just doing my job."
"Well, I was hoping to take you out on a date as a way of saying thank you." He said with confidence, catching you off guard.
"I'm very flattered sir but you don't need to thank me, let alone take me out on a date. I'm happy to help, love what I do." You say, hoping that gets rid of him.
By now, you were fully aware that most of the members of the firehouse were watching the interaction occur from behind you. Hence why you were aiming to wrap it up as soon as possible.
"No, no, I insist. We'll have a great time together!" He pushes.
"Like I said, thanks for the offer but I'm going to have to decline. Feel better." You say, turning around.
Before you had a chance to walk away, he grabbed your wrist harshly. Pulling you backward, making you lose your balance, and almost causing you to fall.
"Woah woah woah-" "Back off!" You hear the men hurriedly interject pushing him away from you before Matt yells, in a tone that sends shivers down your spine. "Get your hands off of my paramedic before I call the authorities. You have no right to touch her, especially after she said no."
Boden hears the commotion and steps out of his office. "What's going on over here?"
"This man put his hands on Y/N after she rejected him Chief. He was just leaving though weren't, you?" Matt replies, glaring at the man making him quickly walk away.
The second that he was out of sight, everyone turned to you. Stella speaks up, "Are you okay?"
"Don't worry guys, I'm fine." You say looking around at all of them, reassuring them that you're okay. "Thanks for the help. I'm sure he won't be coming back any time soon, especially after the way Casey glared at him." You add chuckling, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere around you.
"You'd almost think you guys were dating with the way he attacked him to defend you," Severide commented casually, using a tone that sounded like he knew something. Which you decided to ignore for the time being.
At the mention of your boyfriend though, you looked up hoping to catch a glimpse of him but noticed he was nowhere to be found which alarmed you.
As the crowd dispersed and engaged in their own conversations, you discreetly slipped away and made your way to visit Matt in his quarters, marking this as your second visit there in the last half hour.
This time though, you didn't even bother knocking and simply walked in.
When he noticed it was you, he quickly stood up concerned, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?”
“Oh, I'm alright. Don't worry, it was nothing I hadn't dealt with before in this line of duty, you know how men can be sometimes.” You answered, nonchalantly.
You both stayed quiet for a moment, not knowing what to say. Finally, you decided to break the silence, “I'm sorry, Matt. I don't want to argue with you, so if it'll make you happy, we can go tell them right now.”
He sighed, turning around in his chair to look at you, “Y/N, this isn't just up to me, we’re in this relationship together. We have to make decisions like these as a team. I love you and I want everyone to know that but if you're not taking this seriously and want to go on that date instead then-”
“No! This is serious to me Matt, I love you and you know that.” You cut him off before he's able to finish the sentence. “I have eyes for you and only you, no one else matters to me but you, Matthew Casey.” You add firmly, making sure he understands that.
“Then what’s the issue here?” He asks, tired of the constant back and forth you've been having today.
You sigh and sit down on the edge of his bed before replying, “I just- I've become so close to everyone here in the last few weeks and I don't want their opinion of me to change after they find out that you and I are together. I don't want them to think that I'm only here because of you.”
“Baby…” He says in a softer tone, getting out of his seat to come sit next to you.
You don't look at him once he's sat beside you, opting to look at the floor instead.
“Hey, look at me.” He gently says taking your hands in his, grabbing your attention.
You hum as you bring your eyes up to meet his.
When he's sure you're not going to look away, he starts speaking, “Listen to me, everyone here? They're the most amazing and supportive group of people you'll ever meet. They won't dare say anything of the sort because they'd be beyond happy for us. And if they slightly even think about it, I won't hesitate to go all ‘Captain’ on them.” He says, making you chuckle.
“Besides, I don't want idiots like that guy who can't take no for an answer, hurting you again for a nonexistent chance of taking you out.” He adds.
You lean forward, pressing your forehead against his, and after a moment passes, you mutter a simple, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Matt questions.
“Yeah, okay, let’s tell them.” You reply, nodding enthusiastically.
“I want everyone to know that this handsome man right here,” You say pointing at his chest with a teasing tone, “Is of the market and mine only.”
“Yeah?” He grins.
“Mhm,” You say with an even bigger smile, before leaning in to press your lips against his.
As your lips finally touch, a wave of stillness washes over you. It feels as though the entire world has come to a halt and all that exists is the shared connection between the two of you. At that moment, nothing else matters except for the feeling of his lips against yours.
His delicate hand caresses your face, making you smile into the kiss as you pull him in closer, wrapping your arms around his neck. There's no need to hide your love for each other anymore, allowing your affection for one another to be expressed freely without the fear of secrecy. The rush of emotion flowing through you is intoxicating and God, it is an exhilarating feeling, one that you had never felt before.
Before the kiss could progress any further, you heard cheering outside making you pull away. You glance out the window to understand what the fuss is about when you notice that the blinds were left open, meaning that all of 51 just saw you kissing Matt.
Your cheeks flush with warmth, causing you to bury your face in Matt's shoulder as he laughs at your reaction. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you closer in a tight embrace.
You look up at him, mouthing an ‘I love you,’
He whispers back, “I love you too.”
He quickly leans in for one more peck against your lips, before bracing himself for all the questions you're about to receive once you head outside.
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“You guys were betting on us?” You asked amused, raising your eyebrows at the exchange of money happening right in front of your eyes.
“Well, what were we supposed to do!?” Cruz exclaimed defensively, earning a giggle from you.
“I mean, we all knew you guys were head over heels for each other, that was obvious. We just didn't realize you had been together prior to all of this.” Added Ritter, shrugging.
“I can speak for everyone though when I say that we are all very happy for you two.” Said Herrmann, making everyone nod in agreement.
As soon as the initial stage of shock died down, Stella and Sylvie rushed over to you, enveloping you in a group hug, requesting all the juicy details. While Kelly simply gave Matt a supportive pat on the back, smiling at his best friend.
Soon, the questions regarding your relationship began pouring in. Matt drew you closer, wrapping his arm around your waist as he answered each of them one by one. You rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes briefly, basking in the serenity.
And at last, you found yourself finally feeling at ease. Your family knew, and they were happy for you. Which is all you could ask for.
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acewithapaintbrush · 1 year
@somerandomdudelmao s latest update for the Cass apocalyptic series has given me mental damage so I'll make it everyone's problem
Donatello remembers falling asleep. It's a generous word for dying, but that's what it felt like. Closing your eyes and just drifting off, just a feeling of contentment and peace. As peaceful as dying can be. 
It was painless at least. That's a plus if you ask him. The constant heaviness in his bones, the itching at the back of his eyes, telling him to close and never open them again, the constant buzzing in the back of his head. It all just went away the moment he let go. 
For a second he'd felt weightless. Free. He'd felt young again, had imagined himself jumping over rooftops with his brothers and feeling the wind on his skin. The battle shell a comforting weight on his back instead of the crushing burden it has become during the last few weeks of his life. He'd imagined himself jumping and landing, jumping and landing, effortlessly. Had imagined himself looking to the left and seeing Leo, keeping pace, grinning and whole. Looking to the right and seeing Mikey and Raph, happy and laughing. He'd imagined looking forward again and seeing April and Dad and so many others, standing there, waving at him, their silhouettes stark against the sun lowering behind New York's skyline. 
He'd thought "Ah. This must be heaven" 
And then nothing. 
And then too much, all at once. Like a computer going into overdrive, a hard drive rewriting and deleting itself over and over. He feels torn apart, his body rearranging itself constantly, nothing but a mist of energy one second and in the next blink of an eye a solid mess. When he has eyes and he can look down, he sees hands and arms glowing and glitching, but before he can panic or make sense of anything, he is gone again, just shadow and clouds, scattered across what his world has turned into. 
This is nothing like what Raph described. Donnie expected some mystical mumbo jumbo, thanks to their ninpo and their connection to their ancestors. But what he'd expected had been Gram-Gram and Dad, waiting for him with open arms. 
Not whatever the shell this is! 
Figures! Even in death this mystical stuff manages to screw him over. Paint him surprised. NOT! 
Time seems to be meaningless here. It feels like forever and it feels like just a second before something changes in his new world. The light changes, the texture of his surroundings solidifies. His body is as stable as it ever is, glitching and oozing with overflowing ninpo, but here and real. 
There is a figure in the distance and Donatello can't make out who it is but he knows, knows as instinctively as he knows himself, as he knows his brothers. 
The figure comes closer and they collide and Donnie feels himself rip apart AGAIN, but this time it's different. This time it's like coming home, like breathing in after years of holding it all in. 
And then there is nothing and then there is a lot again. Not too much this time, just the right amount. But confusing and dizzying. Donatello is still not quite back yet, still feels alien to himself, but he's as whole as one can probably be after dying. 
There are many new sensations pressing down on him. All of it familiar yet unfamiliar. The ninpo of his brothers, but much too young. The familiar energy of Casey Jones surrounding him, in contrast older and much more burdened than it should be. 
But no time to panic. Assess and analyze Donatello, it's what you do best. There will still be time to freak out once you have figured out what the hell is going on. 
"You know, I think I might need to invent a new scale to rate this rescue experience."
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mollycabot · 5 months
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Casey x Olivia X Reader Collapse
It was a tense time in court Casey going at it trying to put Y/N attacker in prison and showing all the evidence attached to the crime and as Casey called for Y/N to the stand to tale her side. As Y/N got up Olivia place a hand on her back “you alright hun you like pale”. Olivia said the girl just nodded and got up as she was walking to the stand and past Casey. Casey had a worry look watching the girl stumble her way over to the stand. As Casey was asking her questions Casey noticed how Y/N was struggling to from her words and became very pale and sweaty
“Y/N are you alright?” asked the judge as Y/N nodded, then all a sudden Y/N’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and went to fall but Casey was quick on her feet and caught the girl helping her to the floor. “It’s okay Y/N it’s ok, I’m here you’re going to be fine.” Casey said gently as she lowered Y/N to the floor Olivia ran to join Casey “what happened?” Olivia asked and Casey said she didn’t know and then they heard someone call for an ambulance and Y/N was taken to hospital and the judge declared a miss trial and rescheduled for a other date when the witness was able to testify. Casey rode with Y/N holding her hand and comforting her as she laid there unconscious. Once at the hospital she was rushed to along side Y/N then was told to wait in the waiting room as they ran test and Olivia came to join and they sat and waited. As they sat there what felt like forever the doctor came out and told them.
“Y/N test has shown that she hasn’t been eating or drinking and we are giving her fluids to help and also it seems that she been under high levels of stress and anxiety which hasn’t helped,” the doctor said as he showed them to where she was resting. “Thank you” Olivia said as Casey sat net to Y/N and the doctor to her leave. as Casey and Olivia where chatting they saw Y/N eyes slowly opening and Casey was quick to respond and she that she ok and she safe and that she in hospital but Y/N’s flight or fight responded and she tried to get up but Casey was quick to stop that by placing her hands on Y/N shoulders and pushed her gently back down.
“It’s ok love your safe and your in hospital you fainted and we rushed you here to make sure your ok.” Casey said gently taking Y/N hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. After Olivia and Casey explained what happened after the three of them chatted Casey got up and put the doctor records into her case, “Casey what you up to,” Olivia asked “I’m going to put a case forward to just to sentence him with all the evidence and that we convict him with out Y/N testifying.” Casey said “it’s in our favour and I don’t want to put Y/N under any more stress.” Casey said as they turned around to find Y/N sleeping. And Olivia nodded and Casey took her leave to go and fight this case.
After the judge signed off and they can proceed without Y/N and the people found Y/N attacker guilty and sent him a way for a long time. With the good news case went to the hospital to share the good news.
Once she got there she found Olivia sat on the chair and Y/N in the bed playing uno, “hey Casey” Y/N said happy to see Casey and Casey took her seat as Olivia dish out some cards for her. “How did the case go?” Asked Olivia and Y/N looked at Casey with hope.
“Really well we found him guilty and he has gone away for a long time and that your now safe Y/N and you must promise to look after yourself now and if you need anything don’t hesitate to get in touch here’s my Ada card” and Olivia gave her card as well
“Thank you both of you for everything” Y/N said happily and later that day when she was discharged Casey and Olivia helped her home. And after said there goodbyes Y/N closed the door.
As Casey and Olivia headed to the car Casey said “I hope she calls some time she a nice person and I want to become her friend.” Olivia agreed and they drove back to the office.
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tmaynt · 4 months
The month of May is gone, but all the amazing art and contribution by the amazing people of the fandom ill be here forever! Here you go,
See all the posts for each day's prompts!
(also there are a lot of people who aren't done with the prompts yet, as long as you keep tagging me ill keep reblogging and your post ill be added to the corresponding day's tag, so keep it up guys!)
Your Favorite Turtle
Favorite April
Favorite Henchman!
Baby Turtles!
Best Leo (From All Incarnations)
Favorite Mutant Ally!
Best Turtle Gadget
Favorite Turtle+Ally Dynamic
Best Raph (From All Incarnations)
Favorite Turtle Curseword!
Favorite Splinter
Best Turtle Vehicle
Best Donnie (From All Incarnations)
Favorite Turtle Movie
Best Karai!
Favorite Episode (From Any Series Or Comic)
Best Mikey From All Incarnations
Human Version Of The Turtles!
Best Casey Jones
Favorite Turtle Merch/Toy That You Own
Favorite Shredder
Favorite Turtle Duo
Favorite Human Ally
Favorite Turtle+Villain Dynamic
Your Turtlesona!
Favorite Series
Favorite Mutant/Alien Villain!
Favorite Turtle Intro/Song
Favorite Alternative Outfit Or Design
Favorite Human Villain!
The Turtles In Your Favorite Style
Don't forget to reblog this post so everyone can see it!
Thank you so much to all of you guys it as a lovely experience to see so much love, i hope you all had as much fun as i did! See ya around shellheads 💕
- Mikasleaf
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maximoffcarter · 3 months
Pairings: Casey Novak x reader, Casey Novak x Alex Cabot.
Summary: Alternative ending...after finding out that Alex was still alive and after having the chance to talk to her, something changed in her once again, unsure of why life had taken Alex from her and when she found happiness again, decided to bring her back. Once again, things don't always go as we want them to...
A/n: ✨SURPRISE✨ So, I did not expect a lot of you to actually be upset that Calex wasn’t endgame, I thought people would like that Casey ended up with reader🥴 So, sweet and genius anon sent me another request and here you have. So please let's all say "thank you sweet and genius anon", thanks to them, we have an alternative ending😌 I hope I don't disappoint with this one haha. More to come guys, I'm working on everyone's requests. Hope you guys enjoy this, leave comments, hearts, whatever you like and reblog so this gets some love🫶🏻
Part 1.
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*not my gif*
It had been a few months since Casey and Alex had seen each other again. Casey couldn’t deny that after being upset and hurt that Alex had lied and had just left Casey to think that she was really gone, part of her was happy to know that she was still alive. She had tried to go back to her life and act as normally as possible, but her mind couldn’t help but wonder what would’ve happened if she hadn’t moved on. If she had closed herself to the possibility of being alone for the rest of her life, then Alex walking back into her life. But then her mind was clouded with guilt. There was no denial that she was happy, everyone noticed it, everyone commented on it, she had seen the change in her life, and she couldn’t deny the strong feelings she had for y/n. She was thankful that even in the darkest time of her life, y/n had been able to light it up at some point. And her mind and mind being split in two made her feel guilty and upset at herself.
As for y/n, she noticed the way Casey had turned quiet. She could sense the change in her attitude and the way she acted around the squad and y/n. Yes, she was still pretty much clinging to her, she was still pretty much being her silly self around y/n, but she could also tell that there was something bothering Casey, and she couldn’t help but think about Alex. After Olivia told her who Alex had been for Casey, she couldn’t help but feel guilty for persuading Casey, and also hurt to think that what they had was something special, something that no one could replace. Their time together had been everything, y/n hadn’t been this happy in forever, and Casey had confessed the same thing, but y/n still couldn’t take off her mind that maybe, just maybe, there was still a part of Casey that deeply loved Alex, after all, y/n could tell that Alex had been her first true love…
“Earth to y/n.”
Y/n snapped out of her trance and looked up at Olivia, offering a small smile as she saw the coffee in her hand. “Thanks.” She said softly as she grabbed the coffee and took a sip of it.
Olivia sat on the desk and looked directly at y/n, sensing that there was something wrong. “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Nothing.” Y/n simply said as she focused back on her computer, taking another sip of her coffee.
Olivia sighed softly. “You know better than to lie to me, y/l/n. So, are you gonna tell me or will I have to get it out of you?”
Y/n sighed as she looked back at Olivia, putting her coffee down. “Why do you think Casey actually accepted to go out with me?”
Olivia was taken aback by the question, but soon enough understood what this was about. “Well…she was really into you. It had been a while since I had seen Casey acting like that for someone. So, I’m sure she accepted because she wanted you.”
“Or she was just trying to get over Alex.” Y/n snapped all of a sudden, feeling a pang of sadness.
“Is this about Alex coming back?” Olivia asked softly.
“I know she was your friend. That she was loved by everyone here but…” y/n shook her head as she looked at her coffee. “…why did she have to come back?” She whispered softly.
Olivia looked away for a moment before she looked back at y/n, placing her hand on her shoulder and squeezing it. “We needed her. It was a surprise to all of us that she was still alive.”
“Casey was so upset, and then she just…accepted it, I guess. And now she’s…” y/n’s voice broke slightly. “…she changed.”
“I know it’s hard to think that Alex was someone important in Casey’s life. And like I said, it was really hard for Casey, she had some awful days. But you made it all better, y/n.”
“And what guarantees me that she won’t regret being with me and she’ll try to find Alex?” Y/n snapped again, her eyes getting teary as she looked up at Olivia. “I feel…bad. I feel guilty to think that I persuaded Casey when Alex was still alive. And the thing is…that I can’t even hate Alex because she’s so nice.”
Olivia huffed a little, nodding her head. “She mentioned how nice it had been to talk to you when you took her to the hotel.”
Y/n nodded. “I knew about her already, and even if I wanted to be upset, I couldn’t. She was so nice and so sweet.” She sighed.
Olivia placed her hand on y/n’s cheek, making her keep staring at her. “Casey loves you, y/n. I can tell. Casey wouldn’t just pretend. It’s not her.”
Y/n nodded softly. “I want to believe you, Liv. But it’s…hard when I see that she’s not acting like herself.”
Olivia nodded, but before she could say anything else, Elliot walked to them letting them know that they had a case. Y/n wiped away the tears that had left her eyes, taking another sip of her coffee before she followed Elliot. Olivia noted that she’d have to keep an eye on y/n, hoping that things wouldn’t get hard from here.
Y/n closed the door behind her and leaned her head against it for a moment. She took a deep breath before she dropped her bag on the floor and walked to the kitchen. She slowly walked to the kitchen as she rubbed her temple but stopped in her tracks as she found Casey sitting on the kitchen island on one of the stools. Casey turned to look at her and offered a smile, y/n returned a small smile and walked directly to the cabinets to grab a glass. Casey frowned as she saw each move y/n made. She took a deep breath and tilted her head slightly.
“Y/n?” Casey whispered softly.
“Yeah?” Y/n whispered back as she got the glass full of water, drinking all of it in one sip.
Casey sighed softly as she stood up and walked around the kitchen island to get to y/n. She wrapped her arms around her waist, pulling her close to her and kissing her shoulder. “Are we okay?” She whispered softly, there was a slight hint of sadness in her voice.
Y/n sighed softly and closed her eyes as she felt Casey kissing her shoulder. She placed her free hand on Casey’s arm and leaned back against her. “We are, Case.”
Casey sighed softly as she buried her face on y/n hair, closing her eyes as she breathed in her scent. “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry about what?” Y/n whispered softly.
“About Alex.” Casey said softly, the name feeling weird as it left her lips but so familiar at the same time. “I really didn’t think this would affect me.”
Y/n sighed softly, leaving the glass on the counter, and turning in Casey’s arms. She rested her forehead against hers and placed her hands on Casey’s cheeks. “I get it, Casey. Alex was someone important to you. Maybe…everything to you.” She whispered the last words with a hint of sadness and jealousy. “I can’t blame you.”
“But it’s not fair to you.” Casey whispered back, pulling away enough to stare into her eyes.
Y/n nodded as she offered a small smile. “It’s not like you’re running back to her. You’re still here.”
Casey offered a small smile. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Y/n smiled. “You better not. Or I’ll sue your ass.”
Casey couldn’t help but chuckle softly. “Oh, really? And who would represent you, huh?” She grinned softly as she pulled y/n closer.
Y/n shrugged as she grinned back. “I’ll probably get Donna or Sophie to represent me.”
“Now that’s rude.” Casey couldn’t help but chuckle softly before she leaned in and pressed a sweet and tender kiss on her lips. “You know I love you, right?” She whispered against her lips.
Y/n nodded softly as she pecked her lips repeatedly. “I love you too.”
Casey smiled and kissed her nose softly. “How about we go out for dinner? My treat.”
“Sounds good to me.” Y/n smiled softly as she kissed her lips one more time before she grabbed Casey’s hand in hers. “Let’s go because I’m starving.” She chuckled softly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Casey snapped as she crossed her arms, staring at Elizabeth. “Is this some sick joke or something?”
Elizabeth sighed as she sat back in her chair, shrugging. “It’s Moredock we’re talking about, Casey.”
“Not like I haven’t gone against him before. Why is it so important now?”
“We’re against a goddamn white suprematist. We know how Moredock pushes and tries to get what he wants. He might be able to actually win this if we don’t get ahead of him.” Elizabeth tried to keep her voice as low as possible, already sensing that Casey was about to start yelling any time soon.
Casey scoffed. “And what? I’m not capable of doing this in my own?”
Elizabeth sighed as she looked at Casey. “Casey…I know this is ideal for you. That this…” she shrugged. “…this is still a hard topic for us. But we need Alex.”
“No. You need Alex. I don’t. I’m capable of continuing this trial without her.”
“I’m not doing this to get on your ass, Casey. Both of you can actually win this case. She’ll be your second chair. That’s all.” Elizabeth leaned back in her chair as she sighed. “Have you had some…trouble with y/n?”
Casey sighed as she sat on one of the chairs, nibbling on her lip for a moment. “We are okay…but I did have my moments.”
“You cannot help it.”
“That’s what she said too.” Casey sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I…I love her, Liz. There is no denial in that.”
“Oh, I know that. But you also loved Alex. And it’s not like you guys ended things. She died.”
“She left.” Casey snapped. “I know it was for her own safety. But she didn’t die. She left.”
“I thought you had forgiven her.”
“I did. Which is why this is hard, and I cannot just…work with Alex as if nothing happened.”
“You and y/n are professionals, Casey. Act like one.” Elizabeth put her glasses on and returned her focus to her paperwork. She then sighed and looked back at Casey. “I’m sorry. I truly am. But this is to get justice.”
Casey nodded. “I know.”
Casey didn’t say anything else, she simply got up and left her office. Her mind was spinning as she tried to think what she was going to tell y/n. She felt bad enough about this whole situation, she had spent the last weeks trying to show y/n that it was her she loved, that it was her she wanted, and the things she did, and her feelings were genuine. But she knew y/n was still insecure, and honestly Casey couldn’t blame her. As she walked to her office, her heart dropped at the sight of a blonde-haired woman standing by her desk.
“Alex.” Casey simply said.
Alex turned to look at Casey and smiled softly. “Guess Liz broke the news to you.”
Casey exhaled as she nodded, walking to her desk, and trying to avoid eye contact with Alex. “She did. I was just going to pick up my stuff and head to the squad room.”
Alex nodded. “Can I come with you?”
Casey wetted her lips anxiously, turning to look at Alex for a moment, feeling like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. “Maybe you should stay this one out. I need to…” she looked down at her briefcase trying to come up with an excuse.
“Talk to y/n?”
Casey looked back at Alex, the mention of her girlfriend making her feel guilty all over again. “Yes.”
“I’m sorry that I’m making you go through this.”
“It’s not…” Casey sighed as she shook her head. “Alex, it’s complicated. It’s not like I hate you or don’t want to ever see you again. I told you that you’d always have a special place in my heart. And I meant it. But…it’s hard.”
Alex nodded as she shrugged. “I don’t want to come between you and y/n.”
“I know.” Casey said softly. “I don’t want that either.”
Alex sighed. “I’ll check the files with Liz. And you can find me there once you’re back.”
Casey nodded. “Sounds good.” She said before she left her office, sighing loudly as she walked to the elevator.
Casey felt like she was between two walls, she felt even more confused and upset about this whole thing, more so with herself, how she was debating about this whole thing when she was sure that she loved y/n. But seeing Alex again…fuck. As she arrived at the squad room, her eyes landed on y/n rapidly, and she felt her heart dropping at the serious look on her face. Y/n walked to her and tried to offer a small smile before she grabbed her hand and pulled her into an empty office.
“You heard, didn’t you?” Casey asked softly.
Y/n sighed as she closed the door, turning to look at Casey. “Cragen cracked the news just now.”
Casey sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair. “Yeah, I just had a meeting with Liz.”
Y/n tilted her head as she pulled Casey close to her. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded softly as she smiled. “I am, I just…” she sighed. “I don’t want things to be weird between us.”
Y/n sighed softly as she placed her hand on Casey’s cheek. “My love…we talked about this. I trust you and I know what Alex was for you.”
Casey nodded again. “I know but still.”
Y/n nibbled on her lip for a slight moment as she stared at Casey. “Do you think maybe…we should take a small break?”
Casey’s heart dropped as she stared at y/n. “What?”
“I don’t mean this in a bad way. I just mean this…for you to clear your mind, and don’t feel pressured because of me.” Y/n said softly.
“No, I…” Casey shook her head. “Y/n…”
“We are okay, Casey.” Y/n smiled softly as she stroked her cheek. “I still love you, and I always will. But I know you’re debating with yourself in that pretty head of yours.”
Casey sighed as she looked down at the floor. “I’m sorry, this is just…hard.”
“I know.” Y/n smiled softly. “I gotta stay today going through the case. I’ll text you anyway, okay? And if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
Casey felt her eyes getting teary but nodded softly. She placed her hands on y/n’s waist and pulled her close to her, kissing her lips softly. “I love you…I really do.” She whispered softly against her lips.
“I know.” Y/n smiled as she kissed her lips again.
“Hi, have you seen Liv?”
Y/n looked up and her heart stopped for a moment as she stared at Alex. “Oh, uh…she went for lunch, it was her turn to go.”
“Oh, got it.” Alex cleared her throat. “I’ll uh…come back later then.”
Y/n nodded softly. “Alright.” She said almost in a whisper.
Alex sighed softly as she turned to look at y/n. “I’m sorry.”
Y/n looked back up at Alex as she furrowed her brows. “Sorry for what?”
“Because I know that I messed things up with you and Casey. And I didn’t mean to. I really didn’t. I didn’t expect this to happen. I don’t really know what I expected but I am really sorry.” Alex said rapidly, almost running out of breath as she spoke.
Y/n sighed softly as she shook her head. “Alex…I…know. And I know you didn’t do this on purpose. None of this was planned or anything, and I don’t hate you or anything.” She licked her lips anxiously, sighing again. “I’m just…I do wish things could’ve stayed the way they were. And I’m also…sorry.”
Alex shook her head. “She had a right to move on.”
“I know. But still.” Y/n offered a small smile. “Everything is okay, Alex. I promise.”
Alex nodded as she offered a small. “Good. I don’t want us to be in bad terms or anything.”
“We’re good. And…happy to have you back. I know you and Casey will do amazing.”
Alex smiled. “Thank you.”
Y/n watched Alex go and she took a deep breath before she exhaled, feeling her body relax not even noticing that she had been holding her breath and that she was tense. She shook her head softly as she went back to her computer and tried to focus back on what she was doing, but she still couldn’t get out of her head everything that was happening. What if the universe really didn’t want them together and Alex kept coming back because they were supposed to be together? The way Olivia had talked about Casey and Alex the first time…it sounded like they were meant to be and there had been an inconvenience that had stopped them for a moment, and then there she entered…was she an inconvenience too?
Casey nibbled on her lip as she stood outside the courtroom, she had already talked to Elliot, Alex and even Moredock had joined the conversation. But there was no sign of y/n, and for a moment she feared that she wouldn’t show up anymore, or maybe she had been distracted with Olivia with something about the case, or…maybe she just didn’t want to see her. Casey sighed softly as she leaned back against the wall, looking at her watch over and over again. And then just as she turned to look at the elevator, her heart started beating hard as she noticed y/n walking to her. Casey smiled softly as she walked to y/n, meeting her halfway.
“You came.” Casey said softly.
Y/n nodded as she smiled. “I told you I’d come.” She placed her hand on Casey’s shoulder. “Are you okay?”
Casey nodded. “Yes. I mean…it’s stupid if we lose to be honest.”
“I really believe you could’ve won this on your own.” Y/n grinned softly.
Casey chuckled softly as she nodded. “Thank you.” She wetted her lips anxiously as she stared into y/n’s eyes. “Y/n…can I…” she sighed. “Can I please-“
“Case, we’re starting.” Elliot called out for Casey as he walked inside with Alex.
Casey turned to look at them before she groaned softly and turned back to y/n. “Well, I guess-“
Y/n placed her hand on Casey’s cheek and leaned in to kiss her lips softly. She took a moment, not caring that they had to go inside already. She then smiled softly against her lips, pulling away enough to look into green eyes. “You got this, Case.”
Casey smiled softly, leaning into y/n’s hand for a moment. “Thank you.” She whispered softly before they walked inside the courtroom.
The squad could feel the tension in the whole courtroom, it wasn’t unusual for this to happen, but this case specially had taken a toll on everyone. Y/n’s eyes were fixated on Casey the whole time, something in her mind telling her that something was wrong. She suddenly started feeling anxious, her leg bouncing and her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her blazer. She kept staring at the defendant’s side and back to Casey and Alex, something didn’t sit right but she couldn’t quiet tell what. Elliot noticed this as he sat beside her, furrowing his brows as he looked over to where y/n kept looking at and then looking back at her. At first, he didn’t say anything, focusing on the trial and what they were saying, but he couldn’t help but worry about the way y/n’s demeanor had suddenly changed. He carefully and slowly placed his hand on her bouncing leg, getting her attention and helping her snap out of her trance.
Elliot leaned in so he could whisper in her ear. “Everything alright?”
Y/n sighed softly as she leaned in too. “I don’t know. I feel like something is not right.”
Elliot furrowed his brows. “About what?”
Y/n looked back at the defendant’s side, and then back at Elliot. “Maybe it’s just me but…I don’t know.”
Elliot nodded. “We’ll keep an eye, okay? Don’t worry.” He grabbed her hand in his and squeezed it, offering a small smile.
Y/n returned the small smile and looked back at Casey, sighing softly. She tried to focus back on what they were saying, happy that the judge had taken Casey and Alex’s side but also trying to keep her eye on everyone around. The time seemed to slow down at some point, feeling the whole tension around, making her anxiety increase even if she was trying to hide it. She kept looking around with Elliot, making sure to also let Munch and Fin know that they were keeping an eye on everyone. But then, what had felt like time had slowed down, suddenly changed when she caught Kyle standing up, and before she knew, he pulled a gun out of his pocket.
“Race traitor!” Kyle screamed, and suddenly the whole courtroom was filled with screams and shots.
Y/n stood up rapidly, getting her gun out and trying to get to Casey as soon as possible, but Kyle had gotten there first, holding the gun against Casey’s head. Y/n felt like once again, time had stopped, and everything was in slow motion as she screamed for Casey. She pointed the gun at Kyle and heard Munch telling him to drop it but then another shot went off, making y/n turn to see they had hit Munch. Next thing she knew, Kyle pushed Casey to the floor and fired another shot directed at Elliot, and then he saw the way he turned directly to Alex who was about to walk to Casey. Without even thinking, y/n moved Alex out of the way and dropped to the floor as she got hit, groaned at the burning pain coursing through her body.
“Y/n!” Casey yelled as she crawled to y/n. “No, no, no. Y/n. Baby.” She cradled her head in her lap, and tried to find where she had been shot, gasping as she noticed it had been near her heart. “No, no. Baby, you need to stay with me.” Her hand went to y/n’s cheek, trying to get her to look up at Casey. “Alex, I need help!” She screamed desperately as she felt tears rolling down her cheeks.
Alex got on y/n’s side rapidly and pressed on the wound, earning a guttural scream from y/n. “I know, I’m sorry! I need to stop the bleeding.” She looked at Casey and tried to look back to find anyone who could help, when she figured out, they were down, she started yelling. “Someone call 911!”
Casey looked back down at y/n, feeling a knot in her throat and her chest heaving. “Y/n, please stay with me. Please. I need you to stay with me. Help is coming.”
Y/n coughed, blinking rapidly as she tried to keep her eyes on Casey. “C-Case…”
“I’m here, baby. I’m right here.” Casey’s voice broke as she stared down at y/n, stroking her cheek softly. “Keep your eyes open for me.”
“I can’t…” y/n whispered softly. “Hurts.”
“I know it hurts. But you need to stay with me.”
Y/n did everything in her power to smile, her eyes locked on green ones. “I-I love you, Casey…s-so much.”
Casey’s eyes widened as she shook her head. “No. Don’t do that. Don’t you fucking dare do that.”
“M’sorry.” Y/n felt tears rolling down her eyes, trying her best to not close her eyes. “You…you are the l-love of my life.” She smiled softly. “And don’t…don’t say I am too.” She huffed a weak chuckle. “I’m okay with…knowing that I…that you l-loved me.”
Casey nodded. “I love you…so much.” Her voice broke as she spoke, sobbing quietly as she kept stroking her cheek.
Y/n nodded, turning her head to look at Alex. “S-Stop.” She placed her hand on top of Alex’s.
Alex shook her head, trying to keep y/n’s hand away. “What? No! Help is coming! Y/n don’t give up! Stay awake for Casey!”
Y/n smiled weakly, trying not to choke as she started coughing blood. “Alex…t-take care of Casey. P-Please.” She said softly.
Alex looked at Casey for a moment, blue eyes meeting green ones, before she returned her stare to y/n. “Y/n, don’t say that. Don’t-“
“Promise me.” Y/n pleaded as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Alex took a shaky breath before she nodded. “I promise.” She whispered softly, offering a small smile.
“Good…” Y/n smiled weakly before she turned to look at Casey again, finally letting her eyes closed.
Casey shook her head, sobbing loudly. “No! Y/n wake up! Please! Someone help!”
Alex felt tears rolling down her eyes as she stared at y/n. At Casey’s screams, she moved beside Casey and wrapped her arms around her. “Casey…she’s gone.”
Casey sobbed uncontrollably as she held onto y/n but leaned over Alex. She was living in a nightmare…again.
Alex knocked on Casey’s door softly, offering a small smile as she leaned over the doorframe. “Hey.”
Casey looked up at Alex and smiled sadly. “Hi.” She whispered softly, looking back down at her hands. “How did you know I was here?”
“Olivia and Elliot went over your place and didn’t find you there.” Alex shrugged. “You always stayed longer in your office if you needed to. Or I’d find you at the cages.” She grinned a little.
Casey huffed a weak chuckle. “Not really in the mood to go to the cages, but eventually.” She said softly, nibbling on her lip as she tried to hold back her tears. “Y/n always said how she wanted to die as a hero.” She shook her head. “I always told her she was an idiot for saying that. And…she did die as a hero.”
Alex nodded as she sighed, walking inside Casey’s office, and leaning over her desk, looking down at her. “I should’ve paid more attention.”
Casey shook her head. “She would’ve done it for anyone. Don’t blame yourself for that.” She looked up at Alex, offering a small smile. “You tried to help.”
Alex nodded. “You know that…I will…keep my promise, right?”
Casey only stared at Alex, not sure what to say or do. She then looked down at her hands again, fidgeting with her fingers. “I know.”
“I’m gonna be a pain in the ass.” Alex said a little playfully, trying to lighten up the mood even if she knew Casey was heartbroken.
Casey couldn’t help the small smile that appeared on her face. “You were always a pain in the ass.” She looked back at Alex and stared at her for a moment again. “You won’t…leave?”
Alex shook her head. “Liz offered me a spot here. My…old spot.” She smiled. “Well…you’re the main ADA, but…I’m gonna be helping you.”
Casey felt her heart stopping for a moment but couldn’t help the smile on her face. “Good.”
Alex nodded and then stood up, offering her hand. “C’mon.”
Casey furrowed her brows. “What?”
“I’m 100% sure that you haven’t eaten anything.” Alex raised her brow. “So, c’mon.”
Casey sighed softly as she grabbed Alex’s hand. “Your treat?”
“Of course. Anything you want.” Alex smiled softly, squeezing her hand before she dropped it.
“It’s gonna be a big bill then.” Casey grabbed her stuff and followed Alex. She turned to look at her office for a moment and sighed softly before she closed the door.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late!” Alex yelled as she grabbed her stuff, cursing under her breath as she noticed she now had her hands full of bags and she still needed to put on her coat.
“Alex, it’s 7:15 am. We have time to get there.” Casey chuckled softly as she looked at Alex and grabbed some of the bags she had in hand. “Go get your coat on, nerd.”
Alex furrowed her brows. “How am I a nerd for wanting to leave early?” She scoffed.
Casey shrugged. “Still a nerd.” She grinned as she leaned in and kissed her lips softly. “What is she doing anyway?”
Alex shook her head as she sighed, walking to the stairs as she grabbed her coat. “Harper Grace Cabot! You better get down here or no ice cream after school!”
Casey chuckled as she stood beside Alex, leaning in and kissing her cheek softly. “You know that’s not true, you’ll take her anyway.”
“She’s my little princess, how can I not?” Alex grinned softly, turning her head to the stairs as she heard footsteps.
“Comin’! Comin’!” Harper suddenly jumped and skipped the last two steps, standing right in front of Alex and Casey, smiling softly at them. “Mama, d’you like what mommy did to my hair? I look like a real princess!” She said as she turned to show Alex, showing her soft redhead curls falling perfectly on her shoulders.
Alex chuckled softly as she leaned down to kiss her forehead. “You always look like a princess, babygirl. But specially today! You look beautiful. Mommy did a good job.”
Harper giggled as she nodded, grabbing her coat and then her backpack. “Mommy, I know you say not to go to the closet, but I was lookin’ for my blue dress and I…found this.” She got a picture out of her pocket and handed it to Casey.
Casey took it and her heart dropped as she noticed it was a picture of y/n with Casey, one of the first times they went to the bar with the squad, Olivia had taken the picture. She turned to look at Alex, unsure if it was right or not to talk about y/n. After y/n’s death, Casey felt once again that she had lost herself, but this time, she let everyone around her help her, not letting her sadness take over her like last time. Unsure at first, she let Alex back in her life, the started having a routine again of going out for lunch, spending time in each others' offices just going through their files, and every now and then going for a drink. It wasn’t Alex’s intention to try again with Casey -at least she didn’t want Casey to think that was her purpose- but she wanted to keep her promise to y/n.
After a year or so, they both had finally agreed that they wanted to see where things could go, Casey hesitated a lot, but eventually, she let her heart open one more time, and thankfully…this time, was the right time. Now, seven years later, they had bought a beautiful house, had tried to get pregnant, which at the end, it was decided that Casey would go through the procedure, and had their beautiful baby girl with beautiful red hair and blue eyes. Casey had felt bad and guilty when she had started dating Alex again, but she knew in her heart that it was the right decision. In Casey’s heart, she admitted that she loved y/n endlessly, she had been her lover, her sunshine through the darkness, but she figured out that at the end of the day…Alex had been the love of her life. It took her a while to accept it, but eventually, she came to terms with it.
Alex smiled softly as she looked back at Harper. “She was someone special for mommy. A very special person.” She turned to look at Casey.
Casey smiled softly as she looked at Alex, her whole body warming. She then turned to look at Harper and nodded. “She was part of my life for a few years, and she was someone very special. I keep her close to my heart.”
Harper smiled softly. “I wish I could met her.”
Alex chuckled softly as she knelt down and fixed her coat. “I could have met her. But yes…she was a nice and kind person.”
Casey stared at both of them for a moment, as if she wanted to take a mental picture of this very moment. Y/n would’ve loved her name…she always mentioned that Grace was her favorite name, and Alex was happy to give it to their daughter. Y/n would’ve loved to meet her too. Casey took a deep breath before she put the picture in her briefcase, kneeling down too and wrapping her arms around both Alex and Harper.
“Well, princess. We gotta get to school now. If you want to walk in the park for a bit, we gotta go now.” Casey grinned softly.
“The park! Yes! Lessgo!” Harper ran to the door and opened it, waiting outside and yelling for her moms.
Casey stood up along with Alex, smiling softly at her. “Thank you.”
Alex smiled, wrapping her arm around Casey. “She was someone special. And that’s how she should be remembered.”
Casey nodded softly, leaning in, and kissing her lips softly. “Let’s go.” She said softly as she grabbed Alex’s hand and pulled her to the door, laughing as she saw how excited her daughter was.
Casey thought she could never open her heart to anyone else after what she had gone through in the past, but she was lucky enough to say that she had been loved by a sweet and kind person, and now, she was still being loved by the love of her life. Even if sometimes things don't go the way we want them to, there’s always a chance that things will be for the better.
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katanablue · 29 days
Hey there. I absurdly love your blog and your writing style, it’s amazing. I wanted to ask I I could perhaps request a Raphael x reader where it’s kind of an enemies to lovers. Reader and Raphael don’t get along at first because of their similar personalities but after a while they realize that they overplayed their feelings for each other with hate.
I’m not sure if this made any sense at all ;-;
You didn’t request a spef Raph, so I’m going with 07 I hope that’s okay ❤️
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Stupid idiot.
Annoying prick.
Hotheaded jerk.
You had a few more insults for the red clad turtle but you’re sure if you kept thinking about it, you’d accidentally say them out loud.
Not that it would matter, it’s not like your distaste for him was a secret. Just like his wasn’t hidden from you.
It’s like two bulls in a China shop whenever you two are together, always butting heads and arguing opinions over the simplest things that can be easily discussed over a cup of tea. But not you two, you two would rather point fingers and get into petty arguments like 5 year olds.
You’re not sure what exactly caused you dislike Raphael, but you’re more than certain that it was him who started it. Probably countered an opinion you had about something so minuscule that you honestly would have let it go if it weren’t for the smug and cocky attitude he was displaying.
Thus, your rivalry with the turtle started.
Raph feels the exact same way about you; complaining that your temper is too short, you can’t take or follow direction and all he gets are snorts and fake shock from his brothers and Splinter.
“You don’t say?”
“That is so funny that you feel that way.”
And all Raphael can do is scoff and roll his eyes because he’s not stupid, he knows you’re similar to him. Maybe that’s why you clash, because he’s never had someone to combat his bonehead personality besides Leo and Casey but even then he was used to it, he’s known them forever.
Now you, having just met you a few months ago because April insisted that you, her friend, and he would get along splendidly.
Clearly she was wrong.
Currently you were over for a game night, sitting in between Don and Mikey while he and Leo sat across. April and Casey temporarily stepped out to grab food for everyone, leaving you with the mutant turtles. But you were having a wonderful time; good games, good vibes, good company…
You roll your eyes when you catch Raph scoffing to himself after your turn, crossing his arms and grumbling to himself.
“Problem, Raph?” You ask, painting an innocent vibe as you lean back in your seat to glare at him. He looks at you with a bored expression, shrugging and then gesturing towards the game board with his chin.
“Dumb move, should’ve gone left instead of right.”
You can see from your peripheral how Don shakes his head and how Mikey tenses in the slightest. Leo rubs at his forehead, knowing what was coming.
“Yeah that’s why you got sent back to the start of the board right?”
“Maybe so, but I’m winning with the most money.”
“Doesn’t matter numb nuts, now you have to go past the scammer and pay the debt—“
“Oh I got more than enough, sweetheart—“
“Okay you know what—“
“Enough!” Leo shouts, standing up and looking back and forth between the two of you. “You two, get out. You’re banned from the rest of the game.”
Your mouth drops open in shock and Raph and scoffs again but harder, slapping his palms on his lap.
“She started it!”
“You should’ve just shut the fuck up!”
“Out!” He says again, pointing his finger towards the entrance of the Lair.
You suck your teeth and stand up, walking past Don in sheer annoyance. Raphael isn’t far behind you, muttering under his breath and kicking at Mikey’s skateboard which earns him an irritated ‘hey!’.
You step outside the Lair, wishing you could slam the door in Raph’s face but the entrance unfortunately didn’t work like that. With a heavy sigh you lean against the wall, digging into your pocket to grab your phone only to realize you left it inside. You suck your teeth, ready to head back in when Raph suddenly tosses you something. You catch it, clutching it close to your chest and when you look down you realize it’s your phone.
He only grunts in response, leaning on the opposite wall and crossing his arms over his plastron. You look down at your phone to check the time and any notifications, about to just waste time on social media before deciding otherwise. You shove it into your pocket, pursing your lips a bit and look at Raph.
“…So you think I should’ve gone left?” You mumble, feeling oddly anxious to see if he’d respond.
He raises an eye ridge at you, an insult ready on his tongue before he drops it and decides it’s not worth it, especially considering you two just got kicked out of game night.
“Woulda been better. Cuz now you gotta go the long way to get to the end.”
“Yeah but this route has better chances of getting a treasure chest.” You try to keep your voice calm, surprised at how… quiet, your conversation was so far.
He shrugs and straightens his posture a bit. “Jus’ tryin to help.”
You can’t help but laugh, bewildered that he just say that.
“By calling it a dumb move?” You huff and roll your eyes, feeling that faint flicker of anger start in your chest.
“Well. It was.” He retorts but there’s no hint of hatred whatsoever.
There’s a silence between the two of you now, Raph avoiding your gaze but you looking at him straight on.
“You know, you’re somewhat pleasant to talk to when you aren’t being a dick.”
Now he laughs, shaking his head a bit and finally making eye contact with you.
“Yeah well, you ain’t so half bad when you’re not being crazy.”
“I am not—“ You catch yourself, taking a moment to breathe in. “I am not crazy. You bring out my crazy.”
“Only because you bring out mine!”
You bite your tongue, trying really hard to not fight because it’ll always end in the same way; the both of you repeating yourselves, throwing insults, and then ruining everyone else’s good time. Well, that last part seemed to have already happened.
“You don’t hate me as much as you make it out to be, right?” You couldn’t help but ask, seizing the opportunity to test if there was something more that just this supposed hatred.
He sighs heavily, reaching to scratch the back of his neck and awkwardly shift around. He sucks his teeth and lets out a huff before finally answering you.
“Nah, I don’t. Jus’ hate that there’s someone who’s too much like me.”
You squint at him, a confused smile crossing your lips.
“You mean hotheaded, short tempered, argumentative—“
He waves you off with an exasperated groan but nods.
“Now I see why my brothers are always gettin’ pissed at me.” He chuckles quietly.
You smile, finding his laughter a bit endearing and with the way it warms your chest, you know you want to hear it more. Especially if you can be the one to cause it.
Another silence follows. Raph fidgets with one of his arm bands as a sort of distraction.
“Hope that means you don’t actually hate me that much either…” He murmurs under his breath.
“Well, you get on my nerves and sometimes I wanna pop your head off but, no, I don’t actually hate you…that much.”
He smirks at you and extends his hand out.
“Start over?”
You smile back and clasp his hand, giving a gentle squeeze.
“Start over.”
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eclipsedrgn · 1 year
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲'𝐫𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·. Pair: Bay!Donnie x reader Summary: You survive the accident, but unfortunately you lost an ability that changes your life forever. Note: DC crossover lol
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YOU REMEMBER waking up from your coma feeling cold, your lips dry from lack of liquid and your tongue dry. You look at your surrounding, noticing the white color ceiling and the annoying beeping by your left ear, you sighed realizing your at the hospital. You turn your head to look around for anyone only to spot Casey by the couch with his eyes close, pressuming he's taking a nap, you try to get his attention.
"Casey?" you whisper, your voice hoarse from lack of water.
The vigilante snorted out of his sleep as you threw the pillow, painfully, at him. Casey turned to you, mouth wide before running out of the room yelling for the nurses that you awoken.
A nurse comes running in, she greeted you with a smile. "I'm Kaylee, your nurse, how are you feeling?"
"I-I'm a little confuse" you whispered, "How did I get here?"
"You were shot by a cop by accident" your nurse explains, "Do you need anything?"
"W-Water" you said coughing.
The nurse took a cup filled with water and gave it to you, as you chugged down the liquid, you felt relief at the feeling of your now moist throat. Then the doctor walked in, Dr. Todd, he gave you a sad smile as he opens the folder he holds in his hands.
"Ms. (L/n), I understand that you were shot?" Dr. Todd asks gently, you nodded hesitantly at his reaction. "We were able to successfully take the bullet out, fortunately there was no vital organs hit"
"That's good" you said, gaining strength.
Dr. Todd smiled sadly, "Although it was a successful surgery, we weren't able to save your child..."
"My child?" you asked confused, "You must have mistaken- I'm not pregnant"
"You were 11 weeks pregnant" Dr. Todd replies, "The baby wasn't able to handle the stress your body was feeling, you miscarriaged in the ambulance. I am very sorry for your loss"
You teared up at the news, in disbelief, you couldn't even talk. You hear Casey thanked the doctor and walk him out the door. Casey took his phone out to text April when you called out his name.
"Who else knows?" you asked shakingly.
"Just April and I, we figured you'd want to tell Donnie about it" Casey says.
"N-Not a word, Casey Jones" you said harshly, not accepting the reality. "I need time to think about it"
"Of course. I'm gonna let the guys know your okay" Casey says.
You nodded. As the door shuts, you quickly take off the blanket, carefully peeling the needles off your body while setting the machine to as if it was still in your body. You quickly change into your leggings and tank top, wincing at the wound, you opened the window and climbed out.
As you ran across the rooftop in the daylight, you tear up at the thought of your unborn child as you sobbed. You stealthfully hitch a ride, as you hid yourself. Passing by the designation board, you see the letters of entering your home.
Gotham City.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Casey walks in the hospital room as he talks to April, only to drop the phone at the sign of an empty bed, he quickly alerted the nurses and pressed the emergency signal for the turtles.
Casey placed the phone to his ear as one of the guys answered, "What the hell happened?"
"They're gone! I walked out to let you guys know and I come back and they're gone"
"Casey, what do you mean they're gone?" Donnie asks, in an eerily calm tone.
"I'm sorry Don, but (Y/N) just up and left. Where? I'm not sure, but you guys can't-" Casey winces at the crash across the line, Donnie's scream and then a dial tone.
Casey shook his head as police from the police scanner on his phone say your description.
Why would you run?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Eight months later.
You sighed as you watched your youngest brother chase his older brother with a katana. You slam the book shut and leaned forward, "Damian Al Ghul Wayne if you do not drop that katana right now, I will take it and your bench for tonight"
"But sister-"
You gave him the infamous batsis glare, the one that all brothers are terrified of. Even though your the middle child. Your brothers are more immature than you.
Damian, the youngest, huffed in annoyance. "Fine. But only because you have asked"
Bruce Wayne, their father, marches out of the household announcing to have a meeting. You look at Damian and Tim, the second youngest before following Bruce to the cave. Upon walking down, your heart stops at the sight of four mutant turtles standing there talking to Babs like their catching up and Dick who's more socially than others ask them questions.
"We are all here" Bruce announced, "Now, tell us why the sudden visit?"
Visit?! You thought to yourself, you stood behind Jason who stood at the far corner with his arms crossed.
"We believed that the Foot are at it again with your villains, we just don't know which one" Leo reports, showing Bruce the proof.
"And I assume you want intel on our villains?" Bruce asks, reading the files in the manila folder.
"Yes. And of course, your help. It is your city"
Bruce nods, "We appriciate that. Red Robin, Donatello your in charge of city search, see if you can find anything suspicious. Red Hood your in the streets, use your persona. Nightwing, Robin and I will be patrolling regularly just to throw off the villains, make sure your not suspicious Hood"
"Got it" they all respond.
You were about to turn to go back up the stairs when you hear your name being called, you take a deep breath and turned to see the orange clad looking at you with glossy eyes.
"Hi Mikey" you softly replied.
"You were here. The entire time?" Mikey asks loudly catching his brothers attentions.
Donnie who barely glanced at you is now fully looking at you, his hands clench in anger at the thought of you running away and his nightly search for you coming to nothing. Turns out he doesn't know much about you.
"I do live here" you smiled, "I can explain"
"You better" Raph responded, "Where the hell- why did you come all the way here? You woke up from your coma and you just-"
"What coma?" Tim asks, now fully turned to his older sister.
You bit your lip, "Can we talk about this later?-"
"Why?" Donnie asks harshly, "So you can run again?"
"Donnie..." you whimpered, "I'll explain but we need to focus on the matter first"
Donnie scoffs, "Avoidance. Should've been the first red flag"
You take a sharp breath as you felt pain in your chest, anxiety spiked up as you placed your hand on your belly rubbing slowly. You turned quickly and ran up the stairs, passing Alfred and to your room.
You let out a sob as you paced around your room, your hands combing through your hair and gripping tightly as you yell out a heartbroken sob. You collapsed onto the ground as you remembered the reason, the reason you never recovered, why you never bothered becoming Batgirl ever again, the lost of your child. All trauma piling up on you.
You sniffle as someone knocks on the door.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
As you ran up the stairs, Donnie's face softens as he saw your mannerism when you get anxious.
"Shit" Donnie curses as he runs after you.
After asking Alfred for directions, he excuses himself from the group and went up the Manor. He follows the direction which led to a hallway of bedrooms, the farthest door he sees is a double door, probably the masters where Bruce is and the other doors have different decorations which tells him which brothers room is who.
He stops by the neon pink stickers decorated door, about to knock when he hears a heartbreaking sob.
Donatello hesitates, but he knocks anyway.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
You dry your tears and take a deep breath as you opened the door, your eyes widen seeing your ex standing there. Is he technically your ex? You didn't exactly break up, but you shake that out of your thoughts for now.
"Can we talk?" Donnie softly asks, itching to reach out to you to calm yourself down.
"Sure" you said, opening the door wider.
You guys stood there awkwardly until you move to the bed to sit, Donnie took it as a sign to follow.
"I'm sorry" you spoke quietly, "You didn't deserve the hurt I gave you"
"But why did you?" Donnie asks, fiddling with his hands.
"I wasn't suppose to go for so long, I was gonna come back... everytime I felt a trauma I always run home to my family, my brothers because they're my safe haven" you explained.
"Did... Did we really know you at all?" Donnie asks, standing up. "When you left, it gave me time to think things through. You barely mention your family, you have so many scars, and you blank out on certain subject. I should've known"
"Would you really?" you asked, "I didn't tell you of my past because I didn't trust you. I didn't tell you because I couldn't accept it"
Donnie finally looks at you, soaking up the figure in front of him, he licks his bottom lip gesting you to continue.
"I'm not normal, I'm not just a civilian Don" you said, "I was expose to things a child shouldn't have, I experienced death, I-"
"Death?" Donnie exclaims.
"I'm Batgirl" you confessed, "I've been Batgirl since Jason became Robin... when Jay..."
"Take your time" Donnie says kneeling in front of you, "Take a deep breath, your okay"
You nodded, "Jason Todd died in the warehouse that exploded by the Joker. The news spread like wildfire. Batman's sidekick, dead"
"I remember, Mikey and Raph was upset"
"What they didn't know is that (Y/n) Wayne died that night, in the explosion as well" you confessed, "Batgirl died, trying to drag her brother out of the warehouse when it exploded. I was unrecognizable"
"Dad never knew because one of his lovers took me and dipped me into this pit called the Lazarus Pit. I recovered and was revived. She never tend to keep me to train me, she kept me to raise Damian because she knew she couldn't" you explained, "Talia wanted the best for Damian, mentally and physically, so I practically became his mom. That's also why I'm always angry, the pits madness within me is controlled but I can only do so much"
"You... you raised the little kid back at the cave? Did I tell you he almost killed Mikey?"
You laughed, "That's Damian. I only raised him till he was 7. Talia thought I was making him soft so she dropped me off at Gotham where my family discovered I was alive"
Donnie nods silently.
"I found out that Jay was alive and tried to bring him back as Batgirl but everytime I put on my uniform, I get flashbacks of Joker and fire. I couldn't do it anymore. So I became (Y/n) Wayne, or (L/n) to be more normal with you guys"
You sighed, "The day we fought about the ooze is when I found out that Damian was dropped off at the Manor. I was peeved I couldn't come home because of the Kraang. I took my anger out on you"
"And when you woke up from your coma, you took the chance to come home?" Donnie confirms as you nodded.
You grabbed his hands, as you sobbed out, "I-I'm so sorry"
"Baby" Donnie coos, "It'll be alright. I'm sorry I didn't consider-"
"I was pregnant" you sobbed out, "When I was shot I was pregnant. I lost our baby Donnie"
"You... you were pregnant..." Donnie sighs out sadly as he engulfs you in a big hug. He kissed the top of your head as you kept sobbing. Donnie, letting a few tears out, finally knew why you ran.
The pain.
The trauma.
You couldn't handle it anymore.
So you just ran.
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Could we maybe get a part two of TLR Mikey x reader where she confesses her love to him as he’s dying and they have one last kiss 👉👈
Even Better: part 2 (Angst) (18+)
TLR!Michelangelo x reader
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Part 1
A/N: You certainly can!🧡 But given the nature of the first part, I just had to add smut into this one as well, and once again, my smut breaks weren't working. I was all cuddled up in bed, but then had to turn my heating off, only to start crying right afterwards. Anyway, hope you enjoy, even if you cry😭🖤
The reader is at least 20. Mikey is in his 40’s.
Warnings: Loss of loved ones, age difference, groping, mutual masturbation, pornstar-ish fingering, dirty talk, manhandling, hard sex, suicide mission, description of blood and death, reader my experience what can only be described as an emotional rollercoster.
After that first night with Michelangelo, everything had so much better than you could have ever dreamed of. Sure, Mikey was still his gloomy self during the day, brooding and training, talking to himself, laying a plan for the day he would take down Oroku Hiroto. Heck, he even became your sister’s sensei, training her in the ninja arts that he and his brothers had been brought up with.
But that was what happened during the day. Night was much different. Every night, once you were sure that your mother and sister had gone to bed, or left for the streets of New York City above your head, or gone to black market during the night, you would make your way to the Splinter’s old room, which Mikey now called his. That or he would already be standing outside of your door, waiting for you to let him in.
Every night was the same. Mikey would hold you close, and ask you about the dreams you used to have about him. What thoughts had been through your mind, as you touched yourself with his name on your lips. He wanted to know. And once he knew, he would make sure that it would become reality, doing anything you asked him to do, his big hand covering your mouth as he fucked you through out the night, drawing one earth shattering orgasm from you after another.
Each night, after Mikey had made sure both of you had been more than satisfied, he would rest down beside you and hold you close, his thick fingers running circles on your skin as he looked at you. In this position he would slowly open up to you, and tell you all the things that had been plaguing him the past 20 years. The faces of those he had lost, and the many things he had to do in order to survive. You would forever remember that night, where he wondered out loud, how his hands, the hands of a monster, that had taken so many lives, was able to bring such a beautiful creature like you so much pleasure. That comment had stuck with you, in a way that you had not expected it to, running through your head, whenever you saw him walk through the lair.
But as the days passed by, and you and Mikey’s nights became more and more. You could not deny the feelings you had been growing for him. It was more than just physical attraction, stemming from an old fantasy. No, it was stronger. On a short period of time, you had developed strong feelings for Michelangelo, and with each passing day, they only seemed to blossom further.
Then came the day he, your sister and your mother went to Stockman’s island. You hated every minute of it, staying back with a few resistance members, trying to keep up the communications, while making sure the base of operations stayed hidden. But when you lost communication with your mother you almost broke down, and in the short time you lost contact with Mikey and Casey Marie you almost fainted. You feared the worst, remembering how Mikey had said he hated the plan.
And then the power went out, leaving all of New York City in darkness. Whatever they had done, it had worked. And once you heard their voices on the intercom once more, you were overjoyed to know that they were alive.
“I think we won”, Casey Marie said.
“The battle, not the war”, your mom answered her.
“And not at a price I’m willing to pay anymore”, Mikey growled, his voice vibrating through the intercom. At that moment you were too relieved, knowing he was alive, to think about what his words meant. Looking back, you wished you had taken the time to think about what they meant…
You raced to the lair in order to find your family, wanting to celebrate their safe return home in some shape or form. But they were nowhere to be found. Your sister was not in the dojo and your mother wasn't in her lab. But what you did find was a bunch of water, creating small puddles on the floor.
You stared at the water in confusion, wondering where it came from, when you heard a familiar low vibrating sound from Mikey’s room. Your heart started beating fast, as you ran to his room, bursting through the door to find him standing by the bed, wearing his overalls, his body covered in small bandages. He showed no reaction when you came in, instead moving some of his things around, his shell turned to you, walking through the small puddles that had formed on the floor, as if they never were there.
“Mikey”, you breathed out, holding back a sob from pure relief, watching as he slowly turned towards you, his face as scolding as it normally was. “Oh, Mikey, I’m so happy that you’re alive! I was so scared, I thought-”.
He caught you off with his hand wrapping around your neck, before pulling you in for a hungry kiss. You gasped, fumbling to grab onto his overalls as his tongue made its way into your mouth, his other hand roughly grabbing onto your ass, pulling your body against his large firm one, with such ferocity, that you would not think that he had ever touched you before.
“Mikey!”, you gasped, pulling from the kiss, your breathing heavy. His eyes were dark, so deep and dark. “My mom could be here! Casey too!”
“Like I care”, he growled, moving his hand from your throat to your chin, forcing you close to him once more. You yelped as he smacked your still clothed behind, making him growl at the sound that left your mouth. “I need you now, (Y/N)”.
You shivered at his words as they shot straight to your core, all thoughts and worries about your mother and sister disappearing, leaving only the thought of Mikey back. He noticed the effect his words had on you, feeling as you subconsciously started rubbing your thighs together, coupled with the strong aroma he had grown familiar with, ever since that first night with you. You smelled just as amazing, as the day he caught you staring at him, and the night he walked in on you touching yourself to the thought of him.
Mikey pulled you in for another hungry kiss, and this time you returned it with just as much need and hunger. Your lips moved together, as if you had thirsted for years, and the only way to quench the scorching desert in both of your mouths, was by the tongue of the other.
Any other night, Mikey would be calmer, almost back you shiver in anticipation as he asked about your dreams of him. But not tonight. His hand on your ass groped you, pushing you up against his clothed cloaca, grinding onto you. But you could not complain. It was exciting to have him growl and groan against your lips.
Suddenly Mikey let go of your neck, in order to place both of his hands on your rear, roughly lifting you up off the ground. You instinctively tried to wrap your legs around his broad torso, your arms hanging on to him for dear life, still deeply engaged in the wet and sloppy kiss.
Without looking or letting go of you, Mikey moved towards the metal spring bed. He stopped just before the bed, once again moving your hips against him, drawing a needy moan from you. Then suddenly, once against catching you totally off guard, Mikey dropped you onto the bed. The old springs creaked under you as you hit the mattress, falling onto you, staring up at the large terrapin, as he towered over you. You bite your lower lip at the sight of him. Even when he just stood there, still clothed, the very sight of Mikey just did something to you, making your stomach tingle in ways you had never felt before meeting him. And now as he stood over you, it reminded you of that night, where he pulled your blanket off, revealing your naked lower half to him. It did not matter how many night you and Mikey had spent together, that one would always remain at the forefront of your mind.
“Take it off”, Mikey grumbled, nodding towards your clothing. You were stunned for a moment, shocked by how three words could get you so hot and bothered. The way his dark hooded eyes watched you, made your skin feel as if it was on fire. It was becoming too hot with your clothes on. You stared into his eyes as you started undoing your top, another rush of excitement washing through you as you saw his own hand move towards his clothed crotch, slowly tracing over his cloaca as the fabric left your skin.
Mikey hummed as your shirt hit the end of the bed, watching as you started opening your pants, his hand now flatley rubbing against himself. “That’s my girl”.
You sucked a breath in as you pushed your pants down your hips, before throwing them next to your shirt, seeing the vein in Mikey’s neck becoming prominent as he was hit with the strong wave of your arousal, almost making his mouth water. As you sat up on your now naked knees and reached behind your back to undo your bra, Mikey started undoing the straps on his overalls, a growl escaping him as your nipples emerged from their hiding place, becoming hard in the cold air of the lair. That was when Mikey stepped out of his overalls, his hardened member already fully exposed from his cloaca, small droplets of pre-cum gathered at the opening. You reached you for him, wishing to touch his shaft, the inside of his mouth begging you to take him in, but he slapped your hand away. He then grabbed a hold of your legs, pulling them forwards so hard that you fell back onto the bed once more, your legs now spread wide open for him, your dripping core still covered by your underwear.
“Touch yourself”, he demanded. “Show me what you used to do when you thought of me”.
You whimpered at his request, before thinking back to all the times you had touched yourself in your room, fantasizing about the mutant that stood in front of you right now. One of your hands slowly went up to your breast, circling your nipple, while the other went down to the waistline of your underwear, your fingers slowly dipping in. You sighed out loud in pleasure as your fingers found your clit, letting you index finger and middle finger rub slow circles over your little bundle of nerves.
Mikey watched as your hands slowly began to work on yourself, his own hand making its way to his erection, where his thumb started rubbing the top of his spongy head.
The fingers on your breast started pinching your nipples, and the fingers in your underwear moved in faster circles. Mikey let go of himself momentarily, in order to pull your underwear down in one swift move, making you scream out in surprise, before being left bare in front of him.
You watched as Mikey’s hand wrapped around his length, just as your own fingers were finding your entrance. Pushing two fingers into yourself, you let out a pleasurable moan, the hand on your chest grabbing on to your round form. Mikey in turn started moving his hand up and down his shaft, matching the speed of your fingers, small but deep groans escaping him.
Resting his knees against the bed, he leaned over you, his lust blown eyes staring into yours. “Does it feel good?”, he asked, his voice raspy and deep and his eyes strained in focus, making you clench around your own fingers. “Does it feel as good as me?”
“No, Mikey”, you whimpered in response, speeding up the movement of your fingers, curling them inside of you. “This doesn't feel as good as you do”.
“That’s right”, Mikey growled, the speed of his hand increasing to match yours. “Because I can do better than that. So much better”.
“Mikey”, you moaned, letting go of your chest in order to reach out for him. But with a roar like groan, Mikey grabbed a hold of you once more, lifting you up from the bed and holding you against him. He quickly laid down on the bed with his shell resting against the wall, bringing you down with him, pressing your back up against his plastron. One of his hands kept your legs open, while the other sneaked up between your boobs, before grabbing onto your neck, using the forearm between your mounts to keep you pressed against him. Instinctively you held onto his arms, gasping as you felt his large member poke against the small of your back. So many nights had he fucked you with rod poking against you, but here you were, still finding yourself shocked at how big he was.
You turned your head, trying to get a better look at the handsome hold turtle, but he turned your head forward, his hot breath fanning over the side of your face. You shook in anticipation, as you felt the hand that had kept your legs open, glide from your thigh and down towards your yearning center.
“From now on”, Mikey grumbled against your ear, his big fingers getting closer and closer to your core, your hips scooting forwards in order to meet them. “When you touch yourself, you’ll always think of what I’m doing to you tonight”. With those words, two of his fingers found your now overly sensitive clit, rubbing them just like you had shown him. You moaned out loud, letting your head fall back against his shoulder. It was no surprise to you that his fingers felt better than yours. Even though he did almost the exact same thing as you, he did it even better.
On instinct, your legs tried to close your core off from the strong stimulation Mikey’s fingers provided your clit. But that was not passing by the old turtle. Hooking his legs around yours, he forced them apart once more. Your hips started to buckle as Mikey inserted one of his thick fingers into you, curling it upwards, before thrusting it hard and fast into you, making you moan louder than you ever had before. Your mouth wide open in an O shape, as you watched his fingers work on you. The wet sounds from your cunt were lewd, along with the sounds that escaped your lips.
“You love this, don’t you, (Y/N)?”, Mikey groaned into your ear, nibbling on your earlobe. “All those times before we met, you’ve wanted my hands instead of yours, didn’t you?”
“Yes!”, you practically screamed. “I fucking love your hands, Mikey!”
As if that had been a code word, Mikey removed his hand from your tight cunt, letting go of your legs, before throwing your back onto the bed. You moaned, not expecting that Mikey throwing you around like a rag doll would turn you on so much. He climbed on top of you, positioning himself between your legs, keeping them wide open for him.
“We both know you love my dick more”, he growled, lining himself up with your entrance, not waiting for your permission before he started moving. You almost screamed out in pleasure, holding on to his broad shoulders as he started fucking you, harder than he had ever done before. You were moaning so loud that you were sure that if anybody was home, they would have heard you long ago. You wondered if the streets of New York could hear it. How good Mikey was fucking you and how you begged him not to stop. The bed was creaking and moving so wildly, to the point where you were sure it would break at any moment. But Mikey did not hold back. Instead his big hand found your chin, holding your head still, making sure you were facing him, while his other hand found way down between the two of you, his thumb working furiously on your clit. You closed your eyes, feeling your high coming closer and closer, threatening to take over your body at a moment's notice.
“No”, Mikey growled. “Look at me, (Y/N). I want to see your eyes when you cum”.
You opened your eyes and held on to Mikey with every fiber of your being. You were so fucking close, and you knew this one was going to be big. The biggest and hardest one Mikey had ever given you.
“What’s my name?”, he growled.
“What’s my name?!”, he roared, the bed hitting the wall with each thrust into you.
“Mikey! Oh my god, Mikey! Fuuuuck!” Your moans came out as screams as your body shaking orgasm took over. You cried out as Mikey held your spassing body against him, riding out your high and chasing his own as fast as he could. He came with the loudest moan you had ever heard from him. Your name falling from his lips, so loud and clear you would never be able to forget it. And you never wanted to forget it.
Normally, this was where Mikey would hold you close, taking sweet care of you and making sure that you were okay, before the two of you would talk about whatever was on your mind. But like said before, this night was different.
Mikey took care of you, cleaning you up as needed, before pulling the blanket over you. You didn’t think much of it, expecting him to lay down beside you at any moment. But he didn’t. Instead he just sat down next to you, looking at you with an unreadable expression. Quietly he placed a soft hand on your cheek, tilting your head towards him, before placing a soft kiss on your lips, his lingering against yours for what felt like an eternity and a short time, all wrapped up in one. No hunger, no tongue, no frustration. Just… sadness.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N), but I have to go”, he said, getting up from the bed in order to put on his overalls.
“Mikey?”, you asked in confusion, watching him as he wrapped up his arms, before taking on his gear. Sudden realization hit you, as he pulled the black bandana down over his eyes. “Where are you going?”
Mikey stopped in his tracks for a moment, wondering if he should tell you. No, he couldn’t. You were only 20. He could not let you know, and ruin the bright future you had ahead of you. Or at least, whatever bright future that was possible in a world like this. Maybe it was his own emotions holding him back. The fear of not being able to do it if he told you. Or maybe it was the fear of the hurt there would be in your eyes. But he had to tell you something. That was the least he could do before he would go on with his plan.
“Too many innocents are gettin’ hurt”.
That was when it hit you. Like a wall of bricks. You knew what he was going to do. You yelled, tears forming in your eyes, telling him not to go, but Mikey did answer. Instead he looked down towards his feet, took a deep breath, before turning and walking out the door. You jumped from the bed, your hands and legs shaking as you struggled to put on your clothes. You yelled out the door, screaming and begging him to come back. But he didn’t. And now the water was rising throughout the lair.
Your legs were hurting as you and Casey Marie ran down the sewers, with your mother’s tracker in hand. Both you and Casey had wanted to find him. Either help him or get him back home. But with the power outage and the rising water levels, you had to stay back and help your mother.
“We’re almost there!”, Casey yelled over her shoulder. And she was right. You were almost there. But just a little too late.
You and Casey jumped out of the sewer and onto the rocky beach. In the brown water you saw the white and partly silver body of Oroku Hiroto floating around with his face down. And on the beach, you saw the unmistakable shape of a mutant turtle. The sight of him laying there, almost unmovable, made your stomach turn and your knees buckle. It took you a moment to gather your senses.
“Sensei!”, Casey yelled, running ahead of you. She fell to her knees next to him, tears running down her face as she pulled out his journal from her backpack. Reality finally managed to catch up with you, as you ran to his side, tears falling down your face as you crawled to his side, your sister already crying.
“Mikey”, you whispered, trying not to choke up, watching the blood run from his mouth.
“I’m… sorry, (Y/N)”, he whispered back. “Had to… do it… it was… my duty… my… destiny. For my family”.
“But we’re your family now. I’m your family now”, you said, fighting the tears that was pushing their way forwards. “And… and I love you, Mikey”, you choked out, watching his dazed eyes become more and more blurred. “I love you so much”.
Mikey’s hand lifted from the ground, before letting it rest against your face, as he forced his last will to look at you. To admire your every feature. The face that had provided him with the last bits of hope he had needed. The only face that had made him feel truly happy for these past 20 years. He felt your warm hand on his, holding him close to you, just like he had held you close all those nights.
“I love you too, (Y/N)”, he whispered back. “Thank you… My time with you… has not just been amazing… but even better”. A tear rolled down your face as slowly let your lips meet, feeling him use his last powers to kiss you, with a tender soft kiss. This time there was no sadness in his soft kiss, but a small bit of happiness and gratitude. Mikey finally knew peace. And with that peace he took his final breath, his hand becoming limb in your grip, and his eyes becoming black. You broke down in tears, cradling his hand against your face. Michelangelo, the last of the ninja turtles, and the man that you had fallen in love with, was gone. His spirit now living peacefully with the rest of his family.
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somerandomdudelmao · 1 year
Cass please cass wait cass CASS I’m DYING AHH GOD the idea of Leo having been the last to die, to have died thinking (knowing) he was directly responsible for at the very least Raph and Mikeys deaths, and that he KNEW he'd be dying with essentially no ninpo, no spiritual connection and thus no real hope of joining his family in any sort of afterlife, that all those goodbyes were forever — the idea of him waking up and just ...everyones home, home and healthy and whole UGH CASS IM CRYING 
(would he even believe it? would he think its a krang trick? god how do you heal from that kind of end? he ran towards it, he got his kid out and then turned back to continue a fight he already lost. everyone was dead, Donnie and Raph and April and Mikey, everyone else had given up everything— Mikey burned away for the slightest hope and Raph gave the resistance his heart and Donnie wore himself down to nothing, not even a ghost left— and Leo wanted to go that way too i think, giving everything, fighting for time like he wasn’t the last one standing, like there was anything left to fight for. Because to do anything less would be to discredit his brother’s sacrifices. How do you wake up from that? How can anything ever be okay again? How do you believe that you can wake up to a happy ending, hug your brothers, hold your son, see your father? A krang trick? It must be. Which means he was captured. Which mean did not die. Which means he failed. The world is dead, the krang have won, and Hamato Leonardo was not even able to match his brothers in death. He asked his baby brother to burn, and he has failed. How do you move on from that. How do you believe anything except the echoing certainty that there is quite literally nothing left to lose, and your own wretched, wailing anger?
Well. If he cannot honor the price he made his family pay, maybe he can at least make the memory of Donnie (not a spirit, there is no spirit, you cost him his soul) smile by finding the nearest Krang and unleashing Hell upon the sorry bastard. Yeah. i just. Cass i am STRESSED.)
I..uh..fuck I can't talk about this because of spoilers kvdkbf
But in general
Mikey and Leo went through the same hell, but at the end, when all they could hope for was gone, Casey showed up. And he said he could help them. Save them.
The difference between Mikey and Leo is that Mikey heard and understood him. So Mikey has a strange time too, realizing that everything is okay again. But he knew it would get better.
While Leo remained in a state of lostness and fear
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devilish-parrot · 4 months
Tally Hall themed names for pets:
you can also use this to name your children (or renaming yourself)
If you own a tally hall themed zoo(bin), then you know where to look for names
these are all of course only sugestions. im not forcing you to name you dog zirconium pants.
Most of this isnt serious but if you see some good ideas, go for it. youre welcome in advance
(this has been sitting in my drafts for months and ive lost motivation to finish it but you can roughly guess how it goes)
peoples names:
Electric guitar
Acoustic guitar
Roland Amp
Pair names:
What, When
Circles, Spirals
Birds, Bees (unfortunetly most people will think its a sex ed reference)
Mary-Kate, Ashley (most ppl will think its a direct reference to the olsen twins though)
Juno, Sun
Good, Evil
T, A-L-L-Y
Case, Bass
Click, Flick
Collectable, Delectable
No Answers, No Questions
Bubmle, Mumble
Once, Twice
Where, There
Here, There
Twice, Thrice
Direction, Voice
Double, Bonus
Bung Vulchungo, Zimbabwe Songbirds
Laugh, Kick it back
Rythm, Rhyme
Whether, Whatever
Whether, Anything
Bungalay, Bungalow
Too much, Not enough
Back, Forth
One Thing, Another
Spring, Storm
Enthusiastic, Alive
Silent, Explosive
Over Again, Never Again
Laugh, Clap
Serious, Delirious
Gallows, Ghetto
Town, Meadow
Billows, Over the Sun
End of a time, Another Begun
sky, all the land
Song Lyrics:
Good Day
Id like to say hello and welcome you good day
Glass eyes
Cardboard houses
Xray Vision
Silly Rhymes
Silly games
Question Marks
2. Greener
Breaking me slowly
Greener shade of envy
3. Welcome to Tally Hall
Mini Mall
Mega Mart
Eddie Thatch (most ppl will think youre directly referencing blackbeard)
Tizzy Hizzy
Tally Hall (not the most creative but whatever)
Automated Players
Suave Fellow
Heterophonic Tunes
Proud Loud Guy
Sipping 'gnac (or Cognac)
Bill Laimbeer
Unpredictable Games
English Chap
Robo-Electronic Ebonics
Quick Distraction
Mechanic Attraction
Good Old-Fashioned Puppet Show
Marionette Quintet
We think we're playing in a band
4. Taken For a Ride
Helpless land
Sadistic Mystic
Fifteen Flights
Painted Whispered Light
Forgotten Hill
Stranded Senate
White Brick House
Lonely Papaerbacks
Wooden Sign
One Secondary Smile
Extra Mile
Chemistry (is gone)
Taken for a Ride
World Renowned
Last real day of silence
Picture of a Letter
No Secrets (In the door)
5. The Bidding
Mmm-mmmmm-mmmm-mmmm (you have to hum the tune)
Cardboard Box
Liqor shop
Pavlov Dog
(Activate my) Bell
(Not a) Single Lady
I graduated at the Top
(I like to take advantage of the) Bourgeoisie
Couple bucks
Four Times a Lady
Dont shop Around
The Bidding
He's Sold
6. Be Born
Quite Content
Swimming Pool
Pink-Skinned Babes
Forever Young
See the Sun
Six Inches
Dozen People
(Follow my) Instruction
Little Ball
Bah/ Dah/ Baheyah
7. Banana Man
Colonel P.T Chester Whitmore
Bung Vulchungo
Zimbabwe Songbirds
Banana man
White Hot Sand
Banana Tree
Banana Flow
Mm mm mm mmm
Spirit Game
Spirit Names
Spirit Cloud
Fire light
Little Fun
Bumping of the drum
Go with the Flow
Whatever you may never know
Beckoning Man
Nine o clock
Busy Town
8. Just Apathy
Just one state of mind
Something better
(no) Perfect find
Why i bother
Consider the Possibility
Im so tired
I feel bad
I made her sad
I need to learn
Step blindly
close my eyes
Acting kindly
9. Spring and a Storm
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Please stop complaining
Clouds growled overhead
Drained my soul away
Mr moon
Eternally high (great name for a giraffe)
Over and over and over again
Never again
10. Two Wuv
little thing
just a fling
solely mine
great eyes
enrolled in your school
im calling from tally hall
say that again slowly
lovliness blossomed
11. Haiku
ancient asian poetry
lost in the sauce
formulaec verse
tried attempts
lah da dee diddum lah dah dah dum ditto dum doo lah dee doh
12. the whole world and you
pretty people
passing letters
questions answered
la la la la la la la la la la la la
distant cities
revealed the truth
not about me
13. Ruler of everything
juno was mad
shot at the sun
wily one only friend
mechanical hands
ruler of everything
zurconium pants
standing so tall
side of the hill
observing the birds
circle in for the kill
detective undercover brotherhood
objective obscene
flibbity jibbity jibber jabber
word to sell story to tell
ringing the bell
you resemble a fool
bumbling dragon
14. Hidden in the sand
playing in the sand
found a little band
bid adieu
buy a pony
15. Mucka Blucka
mucka blucka
mucka ba-ba
jerk chicken
Good & Evil
Never meant to know
lay of the land
feather in cap
sun in the sand
together again
the earth can stay below
meat from the bone
perfectly equal
being alone
outermost clime
parts combine to one
around the sun
the sun the shadows cast
reasons on the other hand
2. &
love of the s*n
martyr claiming friends
either perspective of &
weak, strong
wet, dry
right, wrong
live, die
sane, gone
love, not
we forgot
hear it
dont deny it
high, low
new, old
stop, go
hot, cold
john, yoko
dark, light
good night
lesson fron their fathers
same command
lives stuck beside
words, numbers
sound, silence
stop the peace, keep the violence
no, yes
we digress
sad, hapenis (i know how to spell happiness i just cant unhear "ha penis oh god")
big bad betty
golden rule
jungle meet
nothing to love, no one to beat
thungs we know, things we dont
think, cant, will, wont
loath to gather
together, bereft
capitalists, communists
hokey pokey
hate eachother, love yourselves
heaven, hell
3. you & me
starting out a road
carefully unload
another seed to sow
getaway undone
divine, circular design
do do-do do-do
time, place
points along a line
keep on turning
sitting in the park
carefully remark
better when youre learning
in the dark
keep on turning
turn away and around
ive been coming down
4. cannibal
place where she can stay
need to feed
willing victim
rips out my bones
blood is drained
calls it a game
dig up the skeletons
corners disguised
phantom of glammer
5. who you are
sitting, waiting, hoping
air, night, airplane
flight overcame
emmiting a glow
holding the thoughts
thinking too often
little aloft
not enough heart
armed to the teeth
falls down
rose up, rode underground
finding found
6. sacred beast
service of the king
in control of everything
queen decides
lives, dies
tonight we will sing
love, *humming and whistling*
easiest thing
slay the sacred beast
claim our innocence
wont return
riding high
easisest thing
claim our innocence
it knows its only truth
made of lies
auht, ever-wise
other sides of our disguise
seperate peace
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toasttt11 · 3 months
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private instagrams
luciathemoose - lucia hughes
rowdykcaj - jack hughes
qballer - quinn hughes
johnny - john marino
dyldylpickle - dylan duke
papaestpa - mark estpa
ethannnnnnn - ethan edwards
mattyb - matty beniers
adamooooo - adam fantilli
lucafants - luca fantilli
fridgey - rutger mcgroarty
sheamoomoo- seamus casey
franky - frank nazar
gavooo - gavin brindley
natethebaster - nate bastian
hisch_13 - nico hischer
dawsie - dawson mercer
nemofishy - simon nemec
lexholtzy - alex holtz
chicken - cole caufield
zmoney - trevor zegras
luciathemoose posted
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liked by rowdykcaj, dyldylpickle, johnny and 20 others
luciathemoose paris ✔️
posted july 8, 2024
tagged: johnny
chicken i knew😁
chicken how did you not know?
zmoney shut up cole.
johnny 🫶🏻
luciathemoose 🙃
papaestpa i guess he isn’t to bad.
luciathemoose told ya
dyldylpickle he’s okay
ethannnnnnn he’s okay for now.
mattyb hello! what have i missed! text me everything you brat
luciathemoose maybe
rowdykcaj better be treating her right @johnny
johnny always.
natethebaster FINALLY!!!! i thought you guys would never get together
hisch_13 they got together a few months ago….
luciathehughes whoops.
nemofishy i knew!
dawsie me too
lexholtzy me three
natethebaster i’ve been betrayed.
fridgey A BOYFRIEND!!!!!!!!!
dyldylpickle has started following johnny
ethannnnnnn has started following johnny
papa estpa has started following johnny
adamooooo has started following johnny
mattyb has started following johnny
lucafants has started following johnny
sheamoomoo has started following johnny
fridgey has started following johnny
gavooo has started following johnny
franky has started following johnny
luciathemoose posted
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liked by mattyb, zmoney, johnny and 19 others
luciathemoose london ✔️
posted july 10, 2024
tagged: johnny
zmoney you are just everywhere baby hughes
luciathemoose so are you z
qballer 💙
luciathemoose ❤️
rowdykcaj ❤️
rowdykcaj i felt left out.
qballer we know
luciathemoose we know
sheamoomoo is that our new dad?
gavooo new dad?!?!??
luciathemoose no.
franky but new dad?
luciathemoose no new dad for you three rascals.
fridgey was the food good?
luciathemoose yes rut. the food was good.
luciathemoose posted
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liked by qballer, chicken, johnny and 21 others
luciathemoose spain ✔️
posted july 15, 2024
tagged: johnny
johnny ❤️🥰
luciathemoose 🫶🏻🙃
rowdykcaj watch those hands marino.
luciathemoose shut up rowdy.
qballer for once i agree with jacky
luciathemoose 😶
rowdykcaj HA!
ethannnn pretty prettyyyyy
papaestpa pretty prettyyyyy
dyldylpickle pretty prettyyyyy
luciathemoose shush you three
dawsie russsttttyyyyyyyyyy!
luciathemoose dawsie
nemofishy did you see more nemo’s there?
luciathemoose yes nems we saw plenty of your kind
nemofishy cool!🐠
luciathemoose posted
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liked by johnny, rowdykcaj, mattyb and 19 others
luciathemoose italy ✔️
posted july 19, 2024
tagged: johnny
fridge was the pizza good?
luciathemoose yes.
zmoney is baby hughes smiling for a photo?!?!??
chicken maybe she’s smiling at someone!
rowdykcaj 🤔 @johnny
johnny maybe :)
luciathemoose dorks.
rowdykcaj come homeeeeeeeeeee you have been gone forever. 😔
luciathemoose i’m home tomorrow you big baby
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fandomz-brainrot · 1 year
Serial Savior (Stu Macher x Male Reader)
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Lowkey a vent fic ngl 😭
TW: drugs (weed), panic attack, mentions of gore and murder, mom yells at reader :(
The killing of Casey Becker had just been announced, and your mother couldn't be more over protective. As soon as it made the news, you were locked in your house. The school hadn't even shut down yet, and you were trapped. You sat on the couch as she searched your room, as for some reason she was suspecting YOU. Your clothes were strewn across the floor, all your little hiding spots ransacked. She marched down the stairs to where you had curled up. She shoved the items she was holding in to your face; a pack of cigarettes and a small bag of weed. Shit.
"What is this?!" She asked angrily, and you swore you could see a vein bulge in her forehead. "Why the hell do you have this kind of stuff in MY house! Do you want to end up like your father, hm?" She lectured. You clenched your teeth to try and control your fear and anger. You closed your eyes and gave her a weak shrug. She scoffed, crossing her arms. "Go to your room." "But-" "NOW!"
And that's where you are now. Locked in your room. Trapped. You pressed your back against your bed frame and dragged your palms down your face with a groan. You looked around your destroyed room, upset by the mess but with no motivation to clean it up. And the words she said-- she made you sound like the devil for just having fun. It's not like you were hurting anyone; you just liked to smoke and have fun, that was all. Made life a little less boring...
...Well now the rest of your senior year is gonna be a total drag. And boring. Miserable, even. You let your head hit the frame with a soft thud, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt as your breathing quickened.
Oh my god. She's going to lock you in here forever. You won't be able to see your friends, you'll fall behind on school, you probably won't even graduate this year, you're going to be so bored and so goddamn alone, but you're always alone, right? "Forever alone Y/n", that's what you say to yourself. God she's never going to trust you again, she hates you, everyone FUCKING HATES YOU-
Your longer-than-you-thought spiral was interrupted by a small tap on your window. You wiped a tear from your face with shaking hands and looked over at the alarm clock next to you, moving a clothing item that your mom had thrown out of the way so you could see the time; 2:00 a.m. Jesus Christ.
Two more thuds, slightly louder than the one before we're heard from the window again. What the hell could that be? Your thoughts start racing again as you shakily stand. You slowly walk closer, more taps and thuds being heard. You squeezed your eyes shut as you anxiously opened the window. It's going to be the killer, I swear he's going to get my attention and as soon as I open the window he's gonna stab and gut me just like Casey Becker and then my name will be on the news as everyone views my bloodied corpse--
"Why do you look so freaked out, man?"
Well that certainly wouldn't be the voice of the killer.
Your eyes shoot open as you stare down from your window. Standing below is none other than Stu Macher-- known for his unhinged personality and killer parties. Looks like you're safe after all...
You had known the guy since freshman year. You spent some time with Stu and Billy outside of school, occasionally going over to Stu's to watch horror movies with the two. You've even gone to a couple of parties, usually being the one to supply the booze and weed. Not to mention the small crush you've had on the guy since the year you met. What could you say, he was cute and goofy, so what more could you want?
So, you definitely felt safe with him. Didn't change the fact that he was apparently throwing pebbles at your window like some cheesy movie. At 2 in the morning.
You sighed in annoyance placed your face in your hands. "Stu, what the hell are you doing here?" You asked, your voice muffled by your hands as you drag them down your face.
"To rescue you from your prison, of course!" He said with a lopsided smile, rustling the handful of pebbles in his palm before dropping them. "Besides I needed to make sure you weren't gutted, ya know--" he clicked his tongue and made a slice gesture over his throat with his thumb "--throat to groin, insides on the outside, that kind of thing." He said, his smile never dropping.
You shut your eyes tight, pinching the bridge of your nose as your annoyance only grew. "Ew, man, gross, terrible visual." Stu's smile faltered, narrowing his eyes at you. Something about that made your hair stand on end. His gaze was more uncomfortable. "But I mean... you love all that cheesy horror movie gore, right? So what's the difference?" You looked at him with wide, uneasy eyes. His words didn't sit right with you. "That's... that's a lot different. That's a movie, man. This is real life. We KNEW her. Quite honestly it's terrifying." You said slowly, crossing your arms over your chest.
A look you can't describe crossed his face before quickly disappearing. He smiled at you again with a shrug. "Whatever man, just hurry up and get out here." He said, beckoning you with his hands. You leaned hesitantly out of the window, an eyebrow raised. "Is it really safe to go out this late? I mean... how do you know that I'm not the killer?" You said with a smirk. His grin only widened, and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I highly doubt that. Plus, no one will hurt us with me around, I'm too intimidating." He looked back at you while flexing his lanky arms.
You chuckled, shaking your head at him. "Yeah yeah whatever, just make sure to catch me when I jump out of here." You said, beginning to climb out the window. He held his thin arms out for you as you fell from the window. He stumbled as he caught you, your larger frame knocking the wind from him slightly as he nearly fell. The jump was far from graceful, but at least you didn't make too much noise or break your legs.
Stu tried to steady himself, since his thin frame wasn't well equipped to support yours. "Jesus Christ, just crush me while you're at it, huh?" He said sarcastically, earning another eyeroll from you. "Whatever, it's not my fault you're a literal twig."
"It's hidden strength, okay!"
You gave him a dead stare as you wrapped all of your fingers around his slender wrist. You couldn't quite tell in the dim lighting, but his face seemed to tint a dusty pink. "Get your hands offa me!" He whined, prying your hand off with a chuckle. "Just- get in the car before we get caught." He said with a grin as he dragged you off to where he had left his car. "Since when were you worried about that? Did I knock some common sense in to that little skull or something?" You teased as you ruffled his hair. He swatted your hand away with a quiet "shut up" coming from his lips.
You smiled fondly as he dragged you along. A couple houses down, in some random driveway, Stu had left his car. He opened the door for you with a dramatic bow. You got in with another roll of your eyes (If you had a dollar for every time you had done that tonight...)
"You're such a gentleman!" You said sarcastically. He gave you a playful wink as he got in on the driver's side. "I try, I try!" His tone was light, and the joy in it was infectious. You let yourself grin-- a genuine, full, happy smile-- and leaned back in the seat as Stu started the car.
You were free. Maybe only for a few hours, but still...
You were free.
You had only been in the car for around 5 minutes, and it had been surprisingly peaceful. Stu had started playing his mixtape, and you were just... relaxed. Your eyes were closed as you just enjoyed the freedom, feeling the wind on your face and in your hair from the rolled down window.
Then Stu broke the silence.
"Sooo..." He started slowly, tapping his slender fingers against the wheel. "Why were you locked up there like a prisoner?" You sighed, not opening your eyes.
"Well, there was a double homicide on the news dingus."
"Yeah, I'm aware, but you were in there crying for a while--"
"Were you watching me?! Ew, dude, what the hell-"
"Well it would be kinda weird to interrupt you!"
"How long were you even out there man?"
His eyes widened slightly, as he glanced at you quickly before returning his eyes back to the road. He rubbed the back of his neck with an awkward smile. "Uhhh... no comment?"
You looked at him with a face of playful disgust as you gently swatted his face. He glanced at you again with even wider eyes than before as he gently shoved you away. "If we crash, its not my fault."
You smiled at the brunette again, before leaning back once more. "Fine. If you HAVE to know..." you exhaled slowly, buzzing your lips as you stared at your feet. "My mom found my drugs... and she said a lot of really like... hurtful things... pretty scary..." you pursed your lips. Ugh, now the vibes feel ruined... You click your tongue, looking back at Stu. "So yeah, not very cool, BUT--!" You point at him with a lopsided smile. "Being here with you IS actually cool."
He chuckled, a small smile on his face. "Thanks for the flattery, really good for my ego!" His tongue poked out from his mouth, and despite the playful expression he showed, you saw his knuckles turn white as he put the steering wheel in a death grip. "But I do now have a personal issue with your mother." You let a small, amused "hmph".
You noticed where your knight in shining armor was pulling in, quirking an eyebrow in confusion. "Uh, why are you pulling in to a gas station, you don't need gas right now?" You asked, tilting your head in confusion. He parked, turning to face you with a huge grin. "Becauseeee I have a gift for you that'll make it all better, buddy!" he said enthusiastically. You crossed your arms, but couldn't fight the smile tugging at the corners of your mouth. "Oh boy, what is it?" You say sarcastically, watching as Stu slings half of his body in to the back seat, rustling around for God knows what.
After a bit of searching, he pulls out two items with a proud "aha!" before presenting them to you; a glass bong and some weed that he had already grounded. "Now you can smoke again!" Stu announced with a wide grin.
You felt your lips tug in to a large, toothy smile. You looked back at him. It may seem stupid, but this meant a lot. This was how you coped, and he was willing to share his precious stash with you. And just you. It felt... personal. To you, this was peak intimacy.
"Dude... you- you don't have to, ya know?" You said, fingers brushing against the glass of the bong. Stu raised an eyebrow at you, already beginning to pack a bowl. "Uh, I want to though? I just wanna give you a good time man." He stated plainly, fishing a lighter out of his pocket when he was done. You leaned back in the seat, a content smile on your face.
Stu turned back to you, bowing dramatically the best he could in these cramped conditions before he presented the bong to you like it was a trophy. "First hit for you, my liege!" His words were laced with a shitty English accent. His eyes looked at you through his lashes, a huge toothy smile full of sharp canines gleaming up at you. His tongue poked from between his teeth, as he bit it to prevent himself from laughing at his own antics. He looked absolutely ridiculous. It was enticingly adorable.
You tilted your head at him, ruffling his short hazelnut colored hair. "Thank you, my knight." You replied, the same shitty accent coating your voice. You could've sworn his face darkened slightly as you took the bong and lighter from him.
You held out your fist to him, sparing a glance at the car's clock. It was 2:30, but it felt like the middle of the day, you just had so much energy and excitement. So much joy. You held out your fist to him, a smirk on your lips. "Cheers. This'll be the start to a great night, I'm sure." He bumped his against yours, letting your knuckles rest against his for a few moments as he met your eyes again. "Cheers, man."
(Word count: 2212 words)
I'll prolly make a few more parts, I just wanted to get something out soon lmao
I had this idea rattling around in my brain for like ever and I just didn't know how to make it in to writing so sorry if it's bad :(
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fluffytriceratops · 2 years
𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐁𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔]
Notes: the gif makes me think of the "i got it" moment between Mike and Leo. You'll understand when you read it. My writing is rusty and this is unedited because I'm lazy, so it might be shit. :D Possibly part one? I might write a part two- idk yet. I was in the mood for angst and this has been sitting in my drafts for literally ages so I figured I'd finish it up and post it since it's also been ages since I've posted a TMNT imagine! ALSO- REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY OPEN! If you would like to submit a request, please do so via asks, and please read my rules on my blog before hand, thank you! &lt;33
Warnings: mature language, ANGST, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, mental/emotional abuse, mentions of depression, brief mentions of self harm, etc.
Tags: @thelaundrybitch @rheawritesforfun @digitl-art-monstr @leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @mysticboombox @drowninghell @squirrelfurs @lec743 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @bibiz82 @raphslovemuffin80 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl
(If you would like to be tagged in my future TMNT realted posts (let me know if you want just reader insert stuff or if you want OC related content included) feel free to lemme know and I'll happily add you!)
Thank you for reading! Have a lovely day/night! Stay safe and make sure to take care of yourselves! I'm sending all the virtual hugs to you~! <3
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Her gaze was locked onto the screen of her phone. She had opened her camera app to double check her appearance before going in, but what she saw caught her off guard. The large purple bags under her eyes, the paleness of her skin. All the weight she had lost was visible in her face alone, no matter how hard she had tried to hide it under baggy clothes. She didn't need anyone worrying about her. She could take care of herself... Y/n knew she hadn't been sleeping well. Not at all, actually. The only time she got the chance to get some rest was when she passed out from sheer exhaustion. Was it unhealthy? Oh absolutely. But she couldn't help herself. It didn't help that she worked two jobs. Ever since her father got fired, she was the one who had to keep everyone afloat. It was driving her mad.
Taking in a shaky breath, she shoved her phone back into her sweater's pocket and began to walk the rest of the way to the lair. It wasn't far. It didn't take long at all for her to get there. Once she stepped inside, she was greeted by the smell of pizza. Her stomach turned and she felt nauseous immediately. Y/n hadn't told anyone that she had gone on a diet. Not yet, anyway. Nor did she tell them she had stopped eating much at all. She was fine, they didn't need to know.
Y/n tucked a few strands of loose hair behind her ear, she took in another shaky breath before walking up to where they were. Their voices were loud and expressive. Raphael let out a bark of laughter, slapping Mikey on the shell in amusement. Leo was busy talking with April, and Casey was stuck chatting with Vern. It was Donatello who had noticed her first. "Hey, Y/n! We were starting to think you wouldn't make it!" He greeted with a cheerful smile.
She tried not to flinch under their sudden gazes. Pulling her lip between her teeth anxiously. God, she felt like vomiting. She needed to leave. "Yeah! You're late dude! What took you so long!?" Michelangelo whined, walking over and moving to sling an arm across her shoulders. She ducked under him before he got the chance.
"N-Nothing, really. Just took my time." Y/n shrugged, shuffling over towards the rest of them hurriedly. She had been dodging their embraces recently, and they were starting to notice. Mikey pursed his lips in a pout, missing the skeptic look on his brother's faces. They had all been brushing off her behavior, but this had been going on for what felt like forever. She was starting to look worse each time they saw her. There was one turtle who knew more than the other's. One who had suspected something was off a lot sooner than everyone else. Leonardo watched Y/n closely. Blue eyes practically glued to her.
"What kind of pizza would you like? We got meat lovers, cheese, veggie-" she cut Donnie off. "None, thanks. I'm uh, dieting." She shrugged, rocking on the balls of her feet nervously. Y/n could feel his eyes boring into her. Her heart rate increased rapidly. Pounding against her rib cage in a desperate plea to flea. Don looked at the other's briefly before turning his gaze back to the female. He nodded slowly, "Okay. Um, would you like something else?" Y/n's hands tightened in her pockets, curling into fists. She simply shook her head. "No thanks.. Not hungry.."
The room grew oddly silent for a few beats. Vern coughed obnoxiously into his elbow just to clear the silence. Leo had yet to look away from Y/n. It made her feel more nervous than anything else. Why was he starring at her? Couldn't he look somewhere else? Just when she was about to say or do something she'd definitely regret, Casey had spoken up. "So, uh, Y/n- I saw your dad today." Her head snapped towards him in a matter of seconds. It was a wonder how she didn't get whiplash. "You did? Where?"
She sounded nervous, and the other's picked up on it immediately. Raph and Donnie caught each other's gaze before the red clad turtle looked towards their leader. Leo was silent and observing. He stood still with his arms folded over his chest. Lips pressed into a flat line and brow ridge lightly furrowed. Raphael watched his brother closely, but his attention was moved else where as the conversation continued.
Casey, who was glad to get away from Vern, stepped forwards. Snatching himself up another slice of pizza. "Convenience store, on West Street. I was grabbing the drinks for today and bumped into him. His hand was all bandaged up, apparently he went to the ER today." He said before taking a merry bite out of the delightful pie. Y/n's gaze darkened.
Stop talking. Shut up. Don't say another word. Please. She all but begged, starring at him numbly. She knew this already. She was the one who dropped him off at the hospital. If it were possible, Y/n felt sicker than before. Her hands began to shake, she was just glad they were hidden in the pockets of her hoodie. She bit her tongue to stop from bolting. Everyone else was quiet, listening to Casey's story. Looking between the both of them as he spoke. She wanted to cry. "I know." She said, barley managing to get the words out.
Casey didn't seem to catch on. Or if he did, he continued to speak about it anyway. "So you know he put his hand through a window?" He was looking at her intensely, hell everyone was. Especially Leo. His gaze felt like fire, burning holes into her skull. She wanted to combust into flames. Right then and there.
"Yeah. Anything else." Y/n's tone grew bitter, and she couldn't help but glare at him. Hoping, praying, that he would just drop it and leave her alone. Casey ignored her. "Well, I know it's your mom's birthday. And I know it's been hard for the both of you. So y'know, we just wanted to check in." He gestured towards all of them, and she barley managed to peek towards them. Had they been talking about her?
"Casey-" April warned, shaking her head subtly at him. Either he didn't see it, or he ignored her as well. "And he was very charming. But he seemed kind of sad. I'd hate to see it happen again, so maybe you should keep a better eye on him." Was he serious? He couldn't be fucking serious, right? Y/n felt like she had swallowed cotton balls. Her nails punctured her skin and she igno red the light stinging. She was staring at a random crumb on the table. Gazing at it as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Completely and utterly silent.
Leo's arms unfolded and he took a step towards her, but she quickly turned her gaze back to Casey. "Everyday is my mother's birthday.." She started, gaze icy, voice venomous. Leo stopped in his tracks, everyone was looking at her, but she focused on Casey solely. "My mother was born in December. He lied. He's a liar." Tears glazed at the corners of her eyes but she's refused to let them fall. Voice rising in anger.
"And I'm glad- really, I'm glad that you found him charming. I'm sure he was delightful. He's a blast after five drinks. Not so much after nine though, he get's a little weepy and mean." Mikey's eyes widened and he looked towards his older brother's worriedly. She hadn't uttered a word of this before, it was the first time anyone was hearing it. Leo's jaw clenched but she hadn't noticed it. Too busy focusing all her pent up anger on Casey. "He's a drunk. He probably came in and told you how wonderful you are. How he wished he could have a son like you. And how sad he is because he doesn't get to spend more time with me." She hadn't meant to cry, but the tears had started to slip down her pale cheeks. Y/n wiped at them angrily.
Casey stood there in shock, taking in her angry words carefully. He didn't dare say anything, all he did was look at her and take it. "Yesterday he said that I was his favorite daughter. The day before, I was an ungrateful bitch. The week before- he wrote me a check fortwenty thousand dollarsbecause he said I deserved everything life had to offer. Because he was so proud of me. A lifetimes worth of proud..." her voice cracked and her bottom lip trembled. Y/n looked down, forcing her hair to partially hide her face. She tried to collect herself as she wiped at her tears with her sleeve. "You can't listen to a word that man says. Everything that comes out of his mouth is about as many bottles as he can stomach before he either vomits it up or passes out."
"But thank you for telling me to keep a better eye on him." Y/n shook her head and turned on her heal. Storming out of the room and out of the lair altogether. She was tired of all this bullshit.
"Y/n! Wait!" Mikey moved to go after her but Leo clamped a hand down onto his shoulder. "I got it..." He muttered, casting an annoyed glance at Casey from over his shoulder before he chased after the h/c female.
"Well that was a train wreck." Vern muttered, wincing at the glare Casey shot in his direction. "How was I supposed to know." He hissed. "It's not like Y/n's a very open person."
"We all knew something was up, I'm sure Casey just wanted to make sure she was okay." April said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Case smiled at her briefly in thanks.
"I wish she would have said something..." Donnie whispered, twiddling his 'thumbs' nervously. "Maybe we could have helped her somehow."
"Y/n's stubborn. She doesn't wanna rely on anyone else. She doesn't wanna be a burden." Raph grumbled, shrugging his shoulders. "Still. I wish she would lean on us a little more. I'd like ta give her father a piece of my mind." He huffed.
Michelangelo's lips pulled into a frown. "You.. You don't think he hits her, do you?" The room fell silent, and everyone turned their gazes towards the area she had left.
"Leo'll make sure she's okay." Don spoke quietly, hands clenching each other desperately.
She knew he was following her. But he didn't approach. Not in the sewers, and not outside of them, either. He was waiting for the right time. Giving her a chance to cool off. If anything, the fact that Leo had come after her only pissed Y/n off more. She didn't want to get a lecture from him. She didn't want to rant. She wanted to lay in bed and cry. And she wanted to do it alone.
Y/n managed to hold herself together pretty well. She only let a few tears and sniffles slip out on her way back home. She lived in a sketchy part of the city in a small and dinky apartment. It was her, her two sisters Lucy and Amelia, and their father. Her mother had died a few years back. Her father was never the same after that. He ended up losing the job he had since before he met his wife. He couldn't keep a job afterwards, either. And he started drinking. He drowned his sorrows in alcohol. Any little bit of money he made went straight into alcohol. Lucy was the youngest, she had yet to start high school. Amelia was the oldest. She spent most of her time at her home with her fiance and their newborn son. She couldn't stand to even look at their father. She refused to see him. They always fought, too. Amelia wanted to take Y/n and Lucy with her, but Lucy was in custody of their father. And Y/n refused to leave him to rot.
Y/n's keys jingled as she pulled them from her pocket and jammed them into the deadbolt on the door of her apartment. She knew Leo would already be inside when she entered. And if not, then he was waiting on her fire escape.
The door slammed shut behind her, she kicked her shoes off by the door and walked further inside. There was no sight of her father, so he must be out. Most likely at the bar down the street. It was within walking distance and it was the weekend. There was no way he wouldn't be there. Lucy was sleeping over at Amelia's for the weekend, which meant she was home alone.
The thought would have been extremely comforting had Leonardo not been lurking around the corner.
She passed through the kitchen and walked down the hallway that lead to the bedrooms. Amelia's old room was first, it was completely empty now. Y/n shared a room with Lucy. She was supposed to move into Amelia's room after Amelia moved out, but Lucy didn't feel safe alone. And it wasn't just her father making her feel that way. Y/n was comforting to her. Knowing she was sleeping in the same room kept her calm. Their father's room was the last one. The door was always closed. No one was ever allowed in. He slept on the couch more than his own bed.
The second Y/n pushed her bedroom door open she saw Leonardo standing at the foot of her bed. Patiently waiting for her.
Y/n's gaze hardened, but she said nothing. She kicked the door shut behind her and walked past him to her desk. She needed to do something. Anything. She just needed to keep busy. So she started to organize her college assingments.
Leo remained quiet, simply watching her. After a few minutes of Y/n shuffling papers and slamming drawers he opened his mouth. "Y/n."
"Don't." She snapped, tensing at the sound of his voice.
"You don't even know what I'm going to say..." He breathed, blue; blue eyes glued to her. Scared that if he looked away she would crack and break into a million pieces.
"I don't want you to say anything." She mumbled, voice strained. Her movements had seized. She simply stood there, back facing him. Honestly she was afraid that if she turned and caught sight of his ocean colored eyes, she'd burst.
The room grew quiet again. Y/n knew he was looking at her. She could feel his intense gaze plastered to her back. Studying every small movement she made. The light tremble of her hands. The slight shaking of her shoulders. The wobbling of her knees. Y/n tried to hold herself together. Keep the tears at bay. It was a fools wish.
She could feel his presence. Feel him walking closer. Till he was just a few meesly inches away from her. Leo was so close she knew if she took the tiniest of steps backward his chest would connect with her back. His hand grazed her arm and she broke the silence with a sharp inhale.
And she crumbled.
Tears blurred her vision as she gasped out a shuddering sob. A sob that shook her entire body. One that stole the breath from her lungs and broke her heart into millions of microscopic pieces. She collapsed against him and he held her tightly against his plastron. Strong arms hooking around her waist and pulling her flush against him.
Leonardo said nothing as she cried. It wasn't the first time she cried in his arms. And it most certainly wouldn't be the last.
Nothing was said or done. Neither of them moved. He just held her tight as she let out everything she had been holding in. By the time her cries had quieted, and tears dried on her skin. The sun had started to set. Basking the room in its warm fading glow through the window. Painting the two of them in a lovely array of yellows, oranges, and pinks.
Leo slowly turned Y/n around. Even when she was crying, she was utterly beautiful. Achingly so. He placed his hand under her chin and slowly tilted her red face upwards. Her e/c dewy eyes met his own. There was no longer a wall between them. He had managed to break it down in a matter of seconds. And now, all her pain was visible to him in her eyes.
There was a reason they say eyes are the windows to the soul.
Leo had built his own wall. One he kept up at all times. Around everyone. Everyone except her.
No words needed to be expressed between either of them. They already knew exactly how the other was feeling. With one simple glance. That's all it took. All it ever took.
Leonardo leaned down instinctevly, slowly and cautiously. Waiting and watching to see if she would pull away. Y/n never did. Instead, she slowly and hesitantly moved closer. That's when their lips connected.
A soft and deseperate kiss was shared. He held her face delicately, as if she would crumble into dust in his arms. Y/n clutched at him desperately, afraid he'd see how truly broken and damaged she was and pull away. Leo wasn't going anywhere. Something he told her with his lips as he peppered her skin with kisses. And when he reached her mouth again, he kissed her hard. He poured his soul into her. She drank him up.
As they parted for air. Y/n gasping for a whole other reason. He grabbed her hand and pressed a few more tender kisses to her knuckles. Eyes locked. Chests heaving. Hearts pounding.
Their souls danced the same.
"You don't have to hide around me. There's no need to barricade your feelings anymore." Leo whispered, brushing his thumb against the back of her hand. "You can show me the darkest and scariest parts of yourself. I'm not going anywhere."
A few more tears slid down her tender red cheeks. They caught the light of the sun and shone like tiny falling stars. He brushed them away with his lips.
"Even if I'm destined to crumble into nothing?" Y/n breathed, placing her hand on his chest. Fingertips tracing the markings engraved into his plastron from years of battle and training.
"Even if you're destined to crumble into nothing." Leo whispered, pressing a loving kiss to each rosey cheek. "I'll always be here. Right here. In your arms, where I belong."
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