#bro was forced to touch grass and it killed him. rip
givehimthemedicine · 7 months
house arrest and boarded up homes
I was thinking about how the only times we ever see Vecna anywhere except at the Creel house (I mean literally in Vecna form) it's in visions, right? which he's conducting from the UD attic, really? can he leave the house?
so then I got thinking about all the "trapped at home" themes on ST and especially the boarded up exits in visions. far from a new revelation, there's not really gonna be anything "new" in this post - but I never realized how extensive it is (this isn't even attempting to be a complete roundup due to photo limit) or thought about what that means for him
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OKAY Creelers, your homes are prisons... we got it... smth smth Karen trying to trap her kids at home and in turn being trapped there herself by allying with Brenner...
anyway onto the actual horror boards thing - not all Vecna visions have them.
Fred's visions, Chrissy's clock and bathroom visions, and Max's clock, mom and Billy visions do not have the boards imagery. those are also all the ones which happened outside of or not involving their homes, both in terms of the vision's setting and where the victim physically was while experiencing it.
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but the visions set inside of homes got boards [and those are all also the ones experienced while inside of homes irl, though not necessarily those same homes] - the Cunningham house in Chrissy's final vision, the lab in Nancy's (not a house but was technically his home for most of his life, and is referred to as home by Brenner), and ofc Max's in the Creel house.
(honorable mention for Victor's war vision, which wasn't boarded up in the sense of the others, but it was both experienced from and set in a home, and there is some very similar blue-lit-boards imagery in the bombed house. I know there's some question as to who actually did this one but it sorta works)
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and when we get to the actual Creel house, whoooboy do we go hard on the boards thing. both in the sense of the IRL house being all boarded up so that the kids have to pry plywood off that door to get in, and of the actual horror boards vision being so much more extensive than Chrissy's or Nancy's.
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btw guess how many different boarded up exits Max encounters in her vision? 4. teehee get it
ok, any more homes/boards stuff outside of the st4 visions?
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this is kinda Will trying to escape his house, the UD of it anyway. and depending in what way Will's UD experience was affected by what went on in the RU, consider the impys of Lonnie "repairing" that hole, from Will's pov. even if Will didn't literally get the horror boards treatment in there, as a result of this, still. Themes TM
and then much later we have Jon and Nancy boarding up the broken cabin window. yeah I know this is to stop bad guys getting in, not good guys getting out. but is it giving "horror boards but from the wrong pov" again? is this any support for the idea of the final scene being Will's Vecna vision?
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and then of course there's the way that that cabin was El's former home, yet also very much a place she wanted to escape from - as was every other place El has ever called home, however briefly. in most cases the word "prison" actually does pop up eventually:
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and then there's the mind lair being the fubar Creel house, and the fact that in no mind lair scenes do we ever see Vecna set foot outside of the bounds of the house, right?
in the Dear Billy vision, when it was Vecna in Max's head, he was able to chase her all around the graveyard when she ran. but when Max somehow got into his head, and then Kate Bushed it outta there, he just stood there looking grumpy and tried to stop her by making house parts fall on her, like he couldn't follow her.
[side note: if he HAD scored a direct hit, what then? send a vine out to drag her back? he stopped her that way before, why didn't he just do that again? can his vines not reach beyond the bounds of the mindscape house either?]
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even the Piggyback moment where El comes-to and sees him carrying Max in (which. WHY?) he's already well within the house area.
thematically it makes sense that he would be trapped in his own mindscape. psychologically stuck in his trauma... prison of his own making type of thing.. etc etc
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image limit. go on without me:
"they're still with me (taps head) in here"
Vecna getting trapped against one of those pillars in his own mindscape by El
boarded up doors imagery vs Flayed Billy and VecnaChrissysmom "open the goddamn door" (not to mention a trillion other instances of "open the door" and door imagery)
Victor telling the story of their home and his trauma from in an actual prison cell (nvm the whole Hopper prison plot)
Kali / Brenner / festering
Pennhurst "can't they just escape?" "they could, but the vast majority choose to be here"
leave your train station
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and the only time I can think of that we see Vecna physically outside his house in the UD is when Nancy shoots him though the (boarded up) attic window, after which he disappears somehow. was whatever happened there (at least in part) a consequence of having gone out-of-bounds?
lab duels / if you leave your circle, you lose
Terry stuck reliving her trauma in her dream circle
you have already lost / no you have... etc etc
on first watch I figured he could do whatever and go wherever he wanted but chose to stay at home (like how Will hid at home in the UD)(actually ig I'm basing that on a lot of assumptions) but actually I don't see support for that unless I'm missing something huge.
anyway. just me rolling in the themes like a dog in poop 👍
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catzula · 4 years
Bakugou isn’t afraid of bees
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Request: Would Bakugou with an s/o the complete opposite of him be a better request? Like he has a partner whose shy, soft, doesn't curse, cute,etc?
A/N: soo, this is long overdue, and I'm really sorry for that! But I have a lot going on, family drama, school and I'm just going through a lot, and I love writing, it helps me cope with stress, but all these things happening just make me slower, I'm sorry for that :(
Thank you for requesting this, btw, I'm not tagging you because last time I tagged anyone I got shadowbanned 🤡 so I'm avoiding tagging people like the plague, but thank you so so much for requesting! Hope you like it 💕
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Synopsis: going swimming with the Bakusquad seemed like a good idea, but it was always guaranteed to end with some kind of a disaster, also, Bakugou is afraid- ow, sorry! Bakugou dislikes bees.
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Bakugou had told you, he had told you that it was a bad idea to go.
He knew it, they did, and even you did too, but you went anyway.
But it wasn't your fault that you just wanted to spice up your summer break, and going swimming with the Bakusquad seemed like a perfect idea!
And you knew Bakugou wouldn't make you go there alone, especially if you wore your go-to swimwear that you knew just looked good on you. The one he liked oh-so-much.
"No fucking way, Y/N." He told you the moment he saw you standing at the entrance of the room with your beach bag hanging from your shoulder.
"Oh, it's going to be fiiine," you told him with an innocent smile, emphasizing the last word. "Kami-kun told me that they found this small cliff we could jump from and- h-he told me its only 5 meters tops, not even a cliff, really!" You corrected yourself when you heard a growl you were a bit too familiar coming from him.
"Kami-kun?" He repeated. "Kami-kun's gonna be there, huh? And when you're wearing that?" 
"Well, yeah! He even told me they'll make camp if the weather allows it, if not, he told me not to worry cause he'll make a fire and have a drink of two, you know." You kept talking with an innocent smile he usually adored, but it only made him want to shake some sense into you at the moment.
"No," He told you through his teeth, voice dropping an octave and sending chills down your spine, his blood boiling with something he didn't want to name (jealousy), his right eye started to twitch as he thought of the many memories he had of lightweight Kaminari.
He started walking towards you, the look in his eyes reminding you of a wolf that was looking at its prey.
"Don’t fucking go there, especially without me." He was suddenly too close to you, well aware of the widening of your eyes as he hovered on your frame purposefully, making you feel small underneath him. He smiled when you inhaled a shaky breath when he smiled, his lips almost touching yours, but not quite.
"That's no good, I already told them I'm coming." You whispered with a smile, your eyes fixated on your hands, "Kami-kun was so happy to learn I was coming, though he did sadden a bit when he heard you couldn't." Bakugou was well aware of how your eyes widened when his hand touched your cheek, sliding down to your chin to tilt it towards his face. He knew you couldn't maintain eye contact when he looked at you like that and that caused a warm feeling to spread in his chest, Bakugou would never admit it, but he adored your shyness.
"Well then," he told you as he backed up just a bit, "tell him he doesn't have to be all that sad since I changed my mind."
To say that Bakugou was protective of you would be an understatement. His hand was attached to your waist, sometimes even sliding down just a bit to tease you every now and then, causing your face to heat up.
He didn't even let you go when Kirishima and Kaminari had hugged you to greet you, growling threateningly when he thought Kaminari hugged you a little too long.
Despite the act he had on of the threatening, scary boyfriend, though, you knew all he would do was glare and frown till you kissed him on the cheek and told him he was your one and only.
Still, you were grateful he actually came with you since you knew he wasn't a big fan of the sea and what came with it.
He especially despised mosquitoes, something he had named 'the curse', and he was right to do so, too, making it the most hilarious thing you had ever seen.
An 'unnatural phenomenon' as Kiri liked to call it, was that the mosquitoes loved Bakugou. Even though he always had a mosquito spray on him and renewed it almost every hour, it never worked, and he often got bitten at least 20 times a day. He did everything he could to try and stop them from biting him (except for killing them since he hated killing mosquitoes) Bakguou always had you applying cream to his bites he often turned into wounds because he couldn't help himself but itch them.
(Still, you had to admit that the curse came in handy time to time since whenever Bakugou was around, nobody else ever got bitten.)
He also hated sand, hated getting wet, was too pale, and usually got burned very easily, and most of all, he hated bees. He wasn't afraid of them, Bakugou Katsuki wasn't afraid of anything, but it was safe to say that he disliked the black-yellow striped creatures with every fiber in his body.
So even though he said he was just there because he didn't trust his dumbass friends, you knew it was because he could tell you wanted him there, and he came, despite hating almost everything. But he didn't hate you, and that was enough.
"Get the fuck away from me you little shit!" He screamed right next to your ear, making you wince and giggle. "Did you spray your-"
"Of course I fucking sprayed the bug repellant." He grumbled as he itched the newest bite, his voice was harsh and words hard, but you knew he wasn't mad at you and that it was unintentional.
"Don't itch it, Katsu." You told him, putting your hand on the bite to stop him from itching it anymore, and he could swear he felt the itch went away with your touch.
"I'll get back at you, you know, for forcing me to come here." He whispered into your ear, but you chose to play dumb and smile at him innocently. "But I didn't do anything, you said you wanted to come."
"Y/N, you know very well that-" His speech was interrupted by the joyful way your name was announced, a blonde skipping your way with a charming smile. "Y/N, hey, Y/N, come on, let's swim!" Kaminari cheered, holding you by the wrist and pulling you up to your feet, away from your fuming boyfriend.
"If you fucking touch her again-" He started to threaten but closed his mouth when he saw a frown forming on your lips. "Be careful, dumbass." He told you instead, trying and failing to suppress the smile that forced his lips upwards when you flashed him a cute smile.
"Don't' you wanna swim, too?" You asked sweetly, and he scoffed. "Of course, I don't wanna fucking swim." He muttered, playing with the grass he ripped from the ground. "Ah, the weather is so hot, a shame, Bakubro." Kaminari smiled and shrugged, but Bakugou noticed how his eyes widened when you took your beach clothes off and stood with your swimwear.
"Wh- Woah, Y/N, you look... really nice!" He told you, his cheeks turning into a rosy color, the interaction making the others turn to you, too. You felt your cheeks starting to heat up, not used to getting so much attention as you felt your boyfriend rise to his feet, his arm wrapping around your waist with a scoff.
"I thought you didn't want to swim." You told him with a giggle. "You seemed really opposed to the idea just then."
"I changed my mind, shitty woman." He growled. "Dunce face is right for once in his life, the weather is really fucking hot."
"Soo," Kaminari muttered, looking at his friends' faces. "Who's gonna jump first?"
He sighed when no one answered him. "Oh come on, you guys are no fun! Kiri? The manliest of our group, won't you be brave and-"
"Nope, sorry bro, I choose to live." He told him with an apologetic smile. "I'll go in second, though." He grinned cheekily, and Kaminari sighed. "How about you, Mina?" He tried his chance with the girl who avoided his eyes with all she had. "You're the most adventurous and the craziest, I'm sure only you can pull this off." He sent her a wink but was answered with another apologetic smile.
"Nope, same as Kiri here. I'll agree to jumping when I see somebody can survive."
"How about you, dunce face? Trying to force people to jump, but not brave enough to do it yourself?" Bakugou teased him, causing Kaminari's cheeks to take a red color. "I-it's not that I'm scared, but I just- just..." He looked at his friends for any kind of help, but they liked watching him squirm instead. You couldn't help but take note of just how close he stood near the edge, almost a push away. But, of course, you wouldn't push your boyfriend, would you?
"Huh, you have to be more clear, Kami-kun," he kept teasing. "Why won't you-"
"Ka-katsuki!" You suddenly interrupted the panic written on your face making his heartbeat to double. "Y/N, what's wrong?" He asked as he started to come towards you.
"N-no, don't move!" You told him, trying to ignore everyone looking at you like you lost your mind. "Katsuki, don't panic but there's a bee-" before you got to finished your sentence, Bakugou had already thrown himself off the cliff, a splash sound following it not long after.
Your friends watched you silently, trying to understand what the fuck just happened-except for Kirishima since he was well aware of Bakugou's dislike of bees-, it was your and Kirishima’s simultaneous laughs that caused Bakugou to understand you tricked him into jumping in.
"You know he's gonna get back at you for that, though, you know that right?" Kirishima asked with a mischievous smile and you bit your lip. "If he can get his hands on me, of course." You went near the edge, slightly leaning forward to take a peek at your boyfriend.
He looked so utterly annoyed, it was pure comedy for you, so you didn't notice Mina and Kirishima sneaking up on you as you kept teasing Bakugou. "And how is the water, Katsu?" You asked him with a teasing smile, though his answer was the last thing you heard before you were also wet.
"See for yourself!" He had cried out with a grin. The first thing you knew after you fell was the warm body of your boyfriend's. He had pulled you to himself almost immediately before you even got the chance to run away.
"So you think you can play with me like that and run away?" He asked, voice low on purpose to make you flushed. His face got closer to yours, his lips millimeters away from your trembling ones that didn't get used to the cold water yet. "Wh-what are you doing?" You exclaimed since you knew he hated PDA more than he did the sand, and he grinned, the kind of grin that caused your breath to hitch in your lungs. You combed back his heavy, spiky hair that fell on his face now instead.
"I'll-" you didn't get to hear what he was going to do since his little teasing game was interrupted by another loud splash that came from right next to you, making you scream with how close it was, Kaminari who had tried to jump right on top of you two. "That little shit-" Bakugou muttered as he swam towards him, his hands finding Denki's head the second he came out to surface, pushing him back in before he got the chance to breathe, and you felt bad for laughing at his screams that were coming from the underwater.
Thankfully, Kirishima didn't take long to jump and save the dumb blonde from your boyfriend's hands.
Mina was the last to jump, falling with a loud cry of victory, falling right on top of Kaminari, who was just rescued by Kirishima from Bakugou's hands, their odd friendship making you giggle and secretly long for something similar.
"So," Kaminari spoke when he was done coughing water, "who's ready for round two?"
"Ah, to have someone as adorable as her rub sunscreen to my back." Kaminari sighed loudly before he got Karate-chopped on the head. "Shut up if you don't want to get killed today." Kirishima told him, his eyes turning to the angry blonde that sat in front of you, taking a relieved breath when he realized Bakugou hadn't heard him.
Since Bakugou had jumped earlier than expected -thanks to you- he hadn't worn enough sunscreen, and it was your job to rub it on his skin and try and stop him from complaining about it the whole day.
"Ah, it fucking burns, dumbass." He hissed when your hand touched his bright red shoulders. "Oh, stop being a ba-" You bit your tongue before you got to finish that sentence when he glared at you. "I'm sorry, Katsu." You grinned cheekily, leaving the smallest peck on his shoulder. "There, feel better?"
He did, in fact, feel much better.
"Shut up." He told you, turning his face in front of him so you couldn't see his smile. He had the smile the whole time you rubbed soothing circles on his back and arms, smile turning to an immediate frown as you did his chest, but you knew how he was feeling, if not because you knew him well, his heartbeat gave it away.
He bit his lip, trying to suppress the sigh of relief as you massaged his muscles along with the sunscreen. "Okay, we're good to go." You told him when you finished, moving to stand up, but were held back when he got ahold of your wrist and pulled you back, making you fall on his lap.
"K-katsu, what are you doing?" You whispered, face burning with embarrassment. "I couldn't get my kiss back there." He told you with a smirk, his face getting closer to yours.
You held your breath, afraid his friends would see, but also longing for a kiss. You tilted your face upwards to receive his kiss, jumping in your place when you heard a loud whistle. "That's my boy!" Mina cheered, clapping, "get the girl!"
"For fucks sake, we can't even get a minute alone." He muttered angrily, standing up without kissing you. You held the hand he offered as you stood up, but he stopped you before you could even take a step.
"Watch where you're going, dumbass!" He told you angrily, his eyes locked on a shiny piece of glass right next to your foot. It wasn't the only one, either, big and small pieces of glass were scattered on the beach, some even being pushed back and forth by the waves.
"Don't swim anymore." He told you suddenly, eyes still on the pieces of glass. "Oh, I'll be fine!" You told him with an encouraging smile, but he didn't seem so persuaded. "I'll be careful, okay?" You told him one more time, knowing he couldn't resist your smile, and he gave in with a sigh not long after.
"It's getting dark already," he told you, "just one more jump."
You smiled with glee, running back to the water to tell them to go for another round of jumping.
What happened after that wasn't Bakugou's fault. He had told you not to go many times, but you did anyway, and now he had to deal with this.
You had jumped too close to the shore, the water wasn't as deep as it was supposed to. He could tell it wasn't the moment you touched the water and heard your muffled scream of pain. You surfaced the water with the look of pain on your face, and he hadn't missed a beat before he jumped down.
"What is happening? What happened?" He heard Mina's voices as he surfaced, his crimson eyes looking for your figure. "I think she hurt her leg." Kirishima answered, also getting ready to jump in. Bakugou spotted you trying to get back to the shore, holding your left leg as you pushed yourself with your arms and one leg.
He swam to you as fast as he could, his arms wrapping you and stopping your sloppy movements. You stilled as soon as you felt him pulling you to his chest, carrying you out of the water.
You were out of breath, and he could see the tears in the corner of your eyes. "What happened, baby?" He asked, concern laced in his voice when he saw the drops of blood dripping from your foot to the sand. "I- is it bleeding?" You asked, trying to hide the tremble in your voice. "I think I jumped on a piece of glass, or maybe a shell? I don't know."
"Okay, it's okay, don't worry about it, I'll take care of it." He soothed you, finding a good spot to put you. He felt your grip on him tightening when he tried to put you down. Thankfully, Kirishima had reached you as well, Bakugou nodded at him, receiving another nod from his best friend.
"I'll look at your leg now, okay?" Bakugou told you, and you nodded, biting your lip and trying not to cry. "Hey, Y/N?" Kirishima spoke, shielding your vision from seeing your leg. "Remember those brownies you made for us once? Did you know Mina tried to do them for us too, but ended up burning the kitchen?"
"Hey!" You heard Mina protesting as you laughed, she had also jumped and came to see what was happening. "You promised not to tell anyone!"
"Where's Kami?" You heard Kirishima whisper, and Mina smiled faintly. "You know he can't see blood."
"Should we go to a hospital?" Kirishima asked, and you whimpered. "No, no hospitals, I can't-"
Bakugou shook his head. "The cut's not that deep, we don't have to go to a hospital, but I have to clean and bandage this." Ksirihima finally moved away and you saw the cut on your leg. It was true, it wasn't very deep, but it still hurt a lot.
"We have to go back now," Bakugou told them as he swept you in his arms in bridal style and smirked at you. "'Im sorry," you told his friends, feeling bad about the fun ending because of you. "No, please don't say that!" Mina told you. "Yeah, we can do this again after you're well again!"
"Oh fuck no!" Bakugou growled, making you chuckle.
"Promise." Kirishima mouthed with a wink, and you chuckled again.
"You idiot." Bakugou muttered as he cleaned and finally wrapped the wound on your leg, pressing a kiss on your forehead. "I was fucking worried back there."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump on a glass." You told him with a pout, making him sigh. "Whatever, I’m just telling you to be fucking careful." He sat on the couch you were laying on, careful not to disturb you, the way he was acting as if you were a fragile doll making you roll your eyes.
"Can you get under the blanket already?"
"You're just trying to cuddle, you needy idiot." He told you grumpily, snickering when you didn't protest. "Yeah, I might be a needy idiot, but I'm a wounded needy idiot."
"Don't call yourself an idiot, dumbass." He told you with a light flick on the forehead and making you laugh, smiling when you laughed, doing as you said and getting under the blanket, his arms wrapping you and pulling you on top of his chest.
"How are you feeling?" He asked after a few minutes. You snuggled deeper into his chest, eyes already heavy with sleep. "It hurts a bit." You admitted, knowing he could tell if you lied.
You felt a soft peck on your lips.
"There," he muttered, recalling the way you soothed his burns earlier that day. "Any better?"
You grinned. "Much better."
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kiribaku-queen · 4 years
Home [8/10]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader
Fluff, angst, werewolf!au
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! Let me know what your predictions are for the end! 
Summary: Being called the beauty of the clan isn’t as nice as it sounds. The beauty of the clan is supposed to exude confidence, power, and well, beauty. You were quite the opposite, only possessing one of those traits. Yet, the older you got, the more you fit into the role you were given. After your brother and all the boys of age come back from their training period, it was time to find a mate. But who will steal your heart? Is it Bakugou, the rising leader of the pack, or is it Kirishima, the personal guard and the strongest in the pack?
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
17 year old Kirishima was ecstatic. It was his first time exploring the clan’s boarders. Usually, teenagers aren’t allowed to help patrol so early, but since Bakugou was going to be the next alpha and Kirishima was supposed to be his personal guard, this was an exception. Bakugou didn’t show it, but everyone could tell that he was just as excited. As they were all in their wolf forms, Kirishima couldn’t help but show how excited he was by his wagging tail. Even if he wanted to stop, he couldn’t. It was annoying Bakugou because his tail kept hitting him so he had to physically hold his tail down with his paw.
Patrolling the boarders was fascinating to Kirishima. He learned where not to cross and what parts were their territory. He learned different scents to look out for and what to do if you do see something. But going over boundaries once wasn’t enough for him. No, he needed to do multiple rounds so that the trail is embedded within his memory. So, he snuck out in the middle of the night to go over the tracks again.
The grass felt good under his paws, the cool, night breeze tickled his muzzle, and the view of the whole clan light up in his eyes. Now he could get used to this every day. All he had to do was train for two years, get a ripped body for all the ladies and he would live his dream out. Kirishima was so immersed and excited that he forgot all the basics that he learned earlier that day. He didn’t even notice or smell two others that were watching and following his every move. While he was too distracted by everything around him, the two mysterious strangers who were way bigger and way stronger than him attacked him from behind. They pounded on his back, making Kirishima unable to react properly. It all happened to fast. By the time that he knew what was going on, it was already too late. They were taking him far… far away. Farther way from the town. Far enough where the lights started to dim out and can no longer be seen. Far enough where even if he screamed, no one could hear him.
He was doomed, he thought. They were either going to cut him up and kill him, even worse eat him! Or they were going to sell his body to a slave trade and his friends and family would never see him again. The two strangers tied his hands behind his back and put a muzzle around his mouth to prevent him from attacking. Not like he could do much to them anyway. He didn’t know how to fight yet. At least not for serious occasions. There was a feeling of nervousness in the pit of his stomach that just would not go away. He was getting anxious and fidgety not knowing what was going to him. The strangers weren’t even talking. Just silently dragging him to wherever they wanted.
It wasn’t longer until Kirishima could spot lights up ahead. Hope started glimmer in his eyes. Perfect, they weren’t taking him somewhere shady or taking him somewhere to kill him. At least, he hoped. They were entering another clan. This clan had a whole different vibe compared to his. His clan was always bright with lights. No matter what time of day it was, buzz and chatter was always happening. Everyone was so friendly with one another and it was almost like the clan never sleeps. This clan was like the opposite. Although there were lights lit, it was very dim. No one was out and about. The aesthetics of this clan was more sophisticated than what he was used to back home. The strangers took him inside this gigantic building, bigger than Bakugou’s house. But how could anything be bigger than Bakugou’s house? His house was the biggest in all of the clan? And to know that someone here has an even more massive house, they must mean business.
The strangers took him to this room and pushed him forward, causing him to fall straight on his face. He was going to feel that in the morning. He got up and rested on his knees. He looked up to see a girl, probably around his age, sitting on a throne-like chair with her legs crossed and a bored expression on her face.
“Kirishima Eijirou?” she questioned. Kirishima cocked his eyebrow in confusion. She knew his name? How? He had never met or seen her in his life. He couldn’t speak due to the muzzle that was still on him. Without saying another word, the girl on the chair gestured with her finger to the two strangers. They went up to him and set him on his feet, taking the muzzle away but still keeping his hands tied together.
“Do I know you?” Kirishima questioned back once the muzzle was taken off.
“No,” she replied curtly. “But I know you. Upcoming personal guard of Bakugou Katsuki, son of the current alpha of your clan.” Shit, how did she know all of that? Before anything could makes sense, she continued. “I have a proposition for you.” Oh, he knows where this is going.
“I will not kill my best friend!” Kirishima screamed determinedly. He’s seen this in movies. The villain kidnaps the one closest to the main character and forces them to kill them or else they would do something horrible like kill their family, torture them or take their loved one! How pitiful. It was a shame that he had to go like this.
“Cute. But that’s not why I called you here,” Kirishima looked even more confused. And not gonna lie, a bit disappointed. Look like he wasn’t going to be a part of a real life movie. “I’m going to marry Bakugou Katsuki and I need your help.”
“Uh sorry to burst your bubble but Katsuki is taken.”
“Hmm,” the girl faked a pout and went to dig for something. She took out a picture of you and then Kirishima was on high alert. “I’m assuming by this? (y/n), was it? Yeah she’s going to get in the way, but that’s where you come into play. And it’s as easy as pie, make her fall in love with you.”  When she showed him that picture of you, panic and anger started to rise in him. But when she told him to make you fall in love with him, then he got flustered. What kind of demand was that? Sure he had a bit of a crush on you for like a 12 years but never in a million years would he backstab his friend to get the girl… right? And even if he did, you were head over heels over Bakugou so he didn’t even have a chance. She got sense how hesitant Kiri was by the slow response which ticker her off. Rolling her eyes, she threw your picture aimlessly on the floor.
“Well if you don’t, I’ll just have to kill her myself,” she smirked when Kirishima finally reacted in pure rage. He leaned forward but was pulled back by the same people who kidnapped him and served him a few punches to the face to calm him down.
“You’re going to kill her all for some guy?!” Kirishima yelled even though he was in pain. She laughed out loud, obnoxiously and over the top.
“Aw you don’t get the big picture. See, when I marry Bakugou, I’ll be the alpha’s wife and our two clans will be united. And all I have to do is get rid of him and I will dominate both clans and have all the power!” The brown haired girl laughed and smiled at her own, devilish plan. So no matter what he chose, one of the two people he cares most about is going to get hurt. “Help me and you’ll also get the girl. It’s a win-win situation really. But if you don’t, your precious little love will be dead by sunrise.” she made it seem like it was an obvious choice. She didn’t him much time to answer because she was already beckoning for those two guys to do the deed.
“Wait!” he managed to get out. This was all too much for him. All he wanted was to do his job to protect his people by going over the clan’s boarder but now he had to chose who he wanted to protect: the girl he likes or his best friend. Bros before hoes but it seemed like your life was in more serious danger at the moment. “Fuck…FUCK! Fine, I’ll help you. Just, don’t touch (y/n) alright?” he said, defeated. She smirked, having known she won and her plan was coming along.
“I knew you’d see it my way.”
 And so from then on, Kirishima worked on trying to make you fall in love with him. He knew you loved eye candy, no matter who it was. So throughout those two years off at training, he tried his hardest to have the best body at camp. It was easy to work out with a goal in mind but hard because he had to compete with Bakugou. Everything he did, he matched that or tried to one up him. And it never got noticed because Bakugou loved a challenge. It was also common for the two to do everything little thing together cause they were so close. Shredded body? Step 1 complete. Step 2? In progress.
If Kirishima wasn’t in this dilemma, he would still admire you from afar while Bakugou has you all for himself. Of course, he wouldn’t miss the opportunity to flirt with you once in a while, but that’s as far as he could go. And if you fell for him on the way, then a plus for him. He wouldn’t intentionally try to steal you away from his best friend. Now this was a different story. Although his feelings towards you never changed, his intentions did. It didn’t feel right at first. But the more and more he purposely tried to make you fall in love with him, the more he wanted.
When you were crying when you first heard about the engagement to Uraraka, he comforted you like a friend. And only as a friend because he didn’t know how to flirt with someone who he had a major crush on. But he knew he couldn’t chicken out because if you were still in the picture by the time Uraraka and Bakugou were to be wed, then she would come after you herself. That’s the last thing that he wants. So he got more bold with his actions.
The first time, it was the promise. He pulled you in for a kiss to seal the deal, but backed off. Push and pull and they will always come running back to you. His heart jumped when you blushed at his actions. Did you really just get flustered with him? His confidence level surged. But he was going to go step by step to not scare you off. So he spent as much time as possible with you. He followed you around and did things together so that you could be comfortable around him. He would touch you here and there so that you could get comfortable with his touch. He sat on your bed and did your laundry so that he could leave his scent wherever you are. When he saw that your reactions were going to become a regular thing, he bumped it up a notch. Staring at you until you noticed and smirking when he got caught. He was told that really got the ladies. He tried it and what do you know? It worked like a charm. You stared at him right back. He got lucky that day too because he had the perfect opportunity for a kiss. He leaned in to kiss you because he knew that you would get flustered. But god, how he really wanted to kiss you. But he had to remember the push and pull method.
As days go on, he was falling for you deeper and deeper each day. Honestly, forget about the deal that he had with Uraraka. It really looked like you were forgetting Bakugou and started having feelings for him. Even if he was treated as a rebound, if it turns something pure then it would have been worth it. Hell, even if there was no deal, he would try to protect you at all costs. At the market, it was pure coincidence that they were there at the same time as Bakugou and Uraraka. Kirishima knew that Uraraka smelled them a mile away and wanted to take this opportunity to mess with them. But he avoided that to protect you.
When he goes to kiss you again in the kitchen, he wasn’t going to take advantage of you like that. He wanted to do this properly and wanted for you to make the first move. Because if his suspicions were right and you were falling for him, you kissing him first would confirm it. He get up boundaries and restrained himself. He was going to make you fall in love with him, with or without this mission.
 Back to present day, Kirishima has to sneak out once a week to meet with Uraraka to give her updates on his progress. It was dangerous and risky but if he didn’t comply, Uraraka always manages to threaten something. Not only did he almost get caught a few times by you sneaking out in the middle of the night, but Uraraka wanted to meet at Bakugou’s place. She was too lazy to meet him anywhere else and whatever she says, goes.
“Hes so easy to toy with,” Uraraka is satisfied that her plan is almost complete. “Tell me, have you made her fall in love with you yet?” she raises an eyebrow but Kirishima stands there tall, arms crossed behind his back.
“No,” very blunt and straight to the point. Uraraka knows that Kirishima isn’t very fond of her but who cares? He was hired for a job not to be friends.
“Still? I’ve given you enough time. How much long do I have to wait?” she massaged her temple with one hand. She was running out of patience and was getting more irritable by the second. “Where do you two stand?”
“Just a… just a kiss.” He was shy to admit it to someone who wanted to kill you.
“Well, speed up the process! Our time is coming to a close and you know what will happen if this wedding fails, right?” Kirishima gulped because he knew what was ahead of him if this mission didn’t succeed. You could die. Or Bakugou. Even worse, both of you could. Hell, he could too if he didn’t play his cards right. But it started to feel wrong. He was feeling guilty about forcing you to love him when he knew you were in a difficult position. But it was too late to back out now because they were already too far in.
It was hard sleeping that night. You were confused. You thought you were doing so well without him but then he shows up in your life again, telling you how much he missed you and that he still wanted you? Dumb feelings. You don’t even know what you want anymore.
You woke up feeling groggy. Even if you went to bed early, your mind was up all night. Thinking about the past, the future. What could have been. What would have been if you two were still together. But it broke your heart every time because you knew you couldn’t be together. He was engaged. You would just get in the way of his success and his bright future. There wasn’t a better match for him. Sighing, you finally got out of bed and the first thing in sight was a red rose sitting on your windowsill. You were surprised and all thoughts of Bakugou were gone. Your mind drifted off to Kirishima and the kiss you shared. Did he do this? How sweet of him. You blushed and pulled the rose to your nose to give it a good sniff. A smile grew even wider on your lips. How did he know that roses were your favorite? This didn’t just happen once. It happened day after day after day after day. Every day you woke up in the morning, a new rose would be sitting there, waiting for you. And every morning you would gush at how cute Kirishima was for doing such a romantic gesture. Day after day, your collection of roses was just getting bigger. You didn’t confront Kirishima about it because you knew he would get shy. And you were afraid that if you did, he would stop doing. So you secretly enjoyed it while going about your day like usual.
Kirishima was getting bolder ever since you gave him that little kiss on the lips. He was pulling you in closer and being more handsy but you didn’t stop him this time. You enjoyed it and actually flirted back. He was giving you more attention that ever but at the same time, he looked distracted. Like something was eating at him. But you were sure that was just your imagination. It’s been a long time since you felt comfortable around someone that made you feel like you were on top of the world. Like you were the only person who mattered. And it felt really good to be wanted again.
Your dad needed help with chopping up fire wood so of course, manly Kirishima comes in hand. You were setting out plates for dinner while your mother was finishing up the food and Sero was setting out napkins and utensils. Standing side by side with your brother while setting up the table, Sero nudges you with his elbow.
“Hey,” he whispers. Weird, why was he whispering. It’s only us that are listening. What did he not want people to hear? Pushing your initial thoughts out of the way, you elbowed him back because damn, his elbow poking hurts because of his stupid quirk. “Hey (y/n)! Are you and Kiri… you know,” he was making weird hand motions and you slapped him on the shoulder.
“Stop that. If you’re asking if we are together, no we’re not.” You firmly state.
“Yeah? Well do you like him?”
“Eh? Uhm… Yes? No? Maybe?” you side eyed your brother and he was just nodding his head slowly, a small frown could be seen on his face. “What’s with that look?” you asked, little concerned about that face he was giving you.
“Nothing,” he simply says but you know that’s a lie.
“No, what is it? Why are you looking at me like that?” Sero sighs and thinks a bit before speaking.
“Just… make sure you are 100% of your feelings for him before you guys are official, kay?” You tilt your head to the side, confused. “I don’t know! I just don’t want you using Kirishima as a rebound, you know?” he continues.
“I am not using him as a rebound,” you tried to defend yourself but Sero thinks otherwise.
“Not intentionally. But from what I see right now, you kind of are,” he admits and goes to put food on the table. Before you could retaliate or even think about it, Kirishima and your dad burst through the door ready to be fed.
“Who’s ready for food because I’m starving!” your dad erupts, kissing your mom on the cheek and sitting down at the table. Kirishima follows suit, glancing up at you, giving you a charming smile. You smile back. You weren’t using him as a rebound, were you?
 Bakugou made it his mission to get you back. After that night, he knew he approached it the wrong way. He was too forward and too aggressive. You didn’t like that. You like romantic things. Things that are seen in TV shows and movies. He was going to do just that.
Every morning, he would tag along with the morning pack to patrol boarders because that would give him an excuse to visit you. But from afar. On the way, he would pick up a rose and lay it on your windowsill while you were still sleeping. Then he would wait in a nearby tree, where he could see your room clearly, to see your reaction when you woke up to a rose waiting for you. He knew he scored the jackpot with that move because the way your face brightened up at the sight of something so romantic told all. So he continued to do that everyday until you physically couldn’t hold any more roses in your room. He was determined to make you his again and do anything to make you gain his trust again.
Tagged: @goodpop9 @superblyspeedydragon @tspice283 @marvelobsessedteen @rosetheshapeshifter @cabbagesquadfam @bnha-iamhere @theartsydoodler @taehyungbbe
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iamlordmeatwad · 7 years
Mama Mia!
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“Alright, we need to get this done quick and easy. No foul-ups.”
Waluigi cackled as he coolly pulled up the collar to his trench-coat, leering at his brother, Wario.
Wario smiled, twirling his mustache, as he gazed at the Poison Mushroom Gun a shadowy figure had just handed him.
“You got dat?” the shadowy figure wheezed.
“Oh yeah!” Wario cheered. Waluigi laughed softly under his breath and offered polite applause for his brother.
“Good,” the shadowy figure smiled, lazily tossing a Poison Mushroom Gun to Waluigi. “Let’s ice this pesky plumber.”
“Come enjoy our natural wonderland! To which we’ve added the world’s finest resort facilities, spectacular amusement parks, and…succulent seafood.”
Mario moaned in his sleep as grandeur visions of fine fish swarmed his mind. His sweaty arms clutched his body tighter, smearing black greases and oils on his pink silk pajamas. The brothers had to resort to plumbing once again to keep their house afloat.
Peach had done a marvelous job at hiring a new guard that could better defend her from Bowser. But what that also meant is that Peach rarely went by Peach now. Say that name in front of her and Toadsworth was sure to chew you out. It was Princess Toadstool 24/7 now.
At long last, she possessed a firm control over the whole Mushroom Kingdom and was too busy to hang out with the Mario Bros.
And aside from the occasional threat from Fawful or Wart, there was no commercial need for an adventuring duo, hence the plumbing gig. It took a long time for the brothers to adjust to normal life. Luigi spent most of his time gardening.
Mario however, had a secret obsession. Traps. He couldn’t get enough of them. Reading about the exploits of others birthed a love he never knew he had in him. Luigi knew what Mario was really up to but chose not to say anything as Mario rigged traps all around their home. For Luigi had a secret obsession too: his brother’s happiness.
Awwww…how wholesome.
But dear reader, this is unfortunately not a wholesome story. What you are about to read observes death as a cold-hearted “fuck your parents, fuck your friends, fuck everybody” truth.
Are you ready? Alright then, well fuck your parents and fuck your friends, let’s-a-go!
Mario turned over in his sleep.
F =A ==L ===L ====I =====N ======G
=======P ========E =========N ==========G ===========U ============I =============N ==============S
“That is no son of mine,” Mama Penguin told Mario as he shivered at the base of Cool Cool Mountain. He had vaulted across broken bridges, scaled up a mountain, murdered countless evil snowmen, and sacrificed his very being to find Mama Penguin’s baby son who had gotten lost on the mountain.
“Mama Mia,” Mario forced through blue lips. Placing the incorrect penguin at his side, he implored the mother for better details as to which penguin was hers for they all looked the same to him.
“My son is my son,” Mama Penguin scolded. “I know him.”
Mario scratched his head. This was no help at all.
And then he heard it.
The bird had flown the coop. Or rather, walked to its deathbed by accidentally sliding off the mountain. Mario ran to the edge of the floating island, watching the baby penguin throttle into an endless abyss. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Mama Penguin staring blankly ahead of her.
“You find my son,” she ordered.
This was not Mario’s first scrape with death. He had stomped many a Goomba, stomped them so hard in fact that the coroner wasn’t able to properly ID them. Yes, Mario had done many fucked up things in the past, but this was a baby!
Hm. Okay, Petey Piranha was a baby too and he kinda killed him a few times but still! This was a bonafide “goo goo ga ga” styled baby!
What was a plumber to do? Rescue the baby? Impossible. He needed Mama Penguin’s Power Star so he could access the upper floor of the Castle and rescue his dearest Peach.
His Peach who no longer spoke to him…
Mario snapped awake. Something was wrong. Three shadows were taking up space in his bedroom, two of them stooped over the third. Looking down from his top bunk, he saw a Poison Mushroom Gun being pointed at the head of his brother.
Mario grimaced and jumped off the bed, pivoting in midair until his butt faced straight down, and plummeted into the head of the tall shadow.
“WAAAAAAAAH!” the tall shadow yelped in a sharp voice. Of course. Walugi. Who else would stoop to such tremendously low levels?
Mario swung his bare foot into the air, kicking the stouter shadow in the nose. The pesky plumber’s sheer strength managed to send the shadow lumbering backwards into the wall. As he slammed into the wall, light danced across his face, revealing him as the ever vicious Wario.
What a surprise.
Wario pinched his nose and aimed his Poison Mushroom Gun.
Mario jumped over Luigi’s cowering body and punched Wario right in the gut. The greedy glutton groaned and doubled over, accidentally firing his Poison Mushroom into Luigi’s bed. Worthless.
“D’oh, I missed!” Wario cried out helplessly.
Mario considered taking out the gangly creeper behind him, but instead launched into a backwards long jump through Waluigi’s legs. As Mario soared over Luigi’s body, the two brothers grabbed hold of each other and flew backwards together.
Hitting the staircase to the living room with pinpoint accuracy, Mario was able to launch into a stream of backwards long jumps that warped them through the whole house in a second.
Mario could never explain these sorts of events; he just knew that if he did the right thing at the right thing, some sort of seam would be ripped throughout reality that he could take advantage of.
Mario swung open the front door, scanning the front lawn for signs of danger. Nothing out of the ordinary except that the Warp Pipe that could have lead them to Toad Town had been blocked by the head of a massive snowman.
They wouldn’t be leaving here any time soon, that was for sure.
Mario felt the ground move from under him as he was suddenly swept away, tossed to the grass beside the porch. He struggled to free himself for the clammy grip around him, but found himself being tugged under the porch.
“Shhh…” Luigi urged, rubbing Mario’s stomach. Mario cooed and let himself sink into the moist earth below their porch.
Luigi looked up as two pairs of feet stumbled across their porch, little bits of dust and dirt flying down like snowflakes.
Mario patted Luigi on the back and pointed between the cracks of the steps.
Waluig’s Poison Mushroom Gun was still loaded.
Luig’s eyes widened. He shook his head at Mario, hunching his shoulders, dipping his chin into the dirt.
Mario crawled up to Luigi’s spot in the muck, tracing out a strategy with his finger. Mario would come from the West side, Luigi from the East, and they would both Long Jump past Wario and Waluigi, confusing them, then spin jumping to the center where they could—
Luigi slapped a hand against the mud, turning Mario’s magnificent bastard strategy into two dimensional space, and shoved off of the ground, blindly charging at Waluigi.
Mario gritted his teeth, boosting himself up so his back was against the floor of the porch, but he couldn’t leave his spot. He couldn’t be as bold as Luigi.
It happened so quickly.
Wario and Waluigi gasped as they saw Luigi.
Luigi wildly leapt into the air, soaring through the darkness.
Luigi’s feet firmly planted into Waluigi’s smug face.
The two of them rolled about in the grass like lovers reunited.
And as Luigi stood up from the tussle and brushed himself off.
Waluigi aimed his gun at the back of Luigi’s head.
And Mario got out from under the porch.
And Luigi heard Mario shuffling and turned to face him with a smile on his face.
A smile that shone even from underneath his gigantic mustache.
And then Waluigi fired.
And Luigi died.
More specifically, Luigi’s eyes widened as his body shot six feet into the air only to intangibly drop through the Earth below them.
Mario tried thinking of something that could adequately express his grief, but only managed to come up with the war cry of “MAMA MIA!”
Mario vaulted across the lawn and landed at Waluigi’s feet. Waluigi arched his arm to snap the empty gun against Mario’s neck but he was too late; Mario grabbed ahold of Waluigi’s foot.
That was all he needed. Mario twirled Waluigi around in huge rotations by the ankle, gritting his teeth as he prepped his aim. Just outside of the perimeter of his property, Mario had set up some spiked bombs he saw being sold at low, low prices in a magazine he liked.
Releasing Waluigi with tremendous gusto, Mario watched the purple man fly out into the distance only to collide with a spiked bomb and explode.
Waluigi fell at the feet of Mario, screaming and writhing in agony, until he began twirling. Twirling so fast Mario couldn’t keep track of what he even looked like. Twirling so fast he blended in with the air around them.
Twirled so fast it was hard to notice when he disappeared from this world completely.
Mario licked his lips to taste the innards of his mouth. He needed proof that he was real and that this had just happened. He had just murdered Waluigi. A vile man though he was, and undeniably great at Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix, this still didn’t feel right.
But soon Mario found himself licking dirt and grime from his lips as he caved into the weight of Wario. Mario struggled and writhed, but he couldn’t combat with Wario’s sheer strength. Maybe if Mario had eaten more garlic he could have competed.
Or maybe if Mario didn’t have to look into Wario’s tear-streaked eyes as he rubbed Mario’s face into the dirt.
“Waaaaaaah!” Wario whined in his usual manner.
Mario clamped his eyes shut, a tightness building in his chest; he was going to die but he was okay with it. Luigi and him could do some good plumbing for the Big Toad Up in the Sky.
Then lightness, a lightness that Mario had never known.
He reached up to touch his head but all he felt was hair. That wasn’t right. Where was his cap? Looking across the lawn, he saw Wario leaning against a tree and with the oil of Michael Jordan, casually spun Mario’s famous cap on his finger.
Hark! What a wretched fiend!
What was a man without his heart?
What was a plumber without his trusty cap?
Wario knew this chink in Mario’s armor and was being a cheeky garlic-ball about it!
That’s okay. Wario was only a long jump or two away. He could reach him.
Mario crouched down to launch into long jump, but screamed as his body pinched together. Nerves snapped all over. His vision faded.
He took one step towards Wario and groaned as the life was sapped from him, becoming vacuumed away by some phantasmal force. Dragging one foot behind him, Mario grimaced, the distance between him and Wario being larger and larger.
Falling again…the chest emptied itself, crumbling away into dust. A heart beat becoming slower and slower…
A baby penguin screaming for its mother as it fell to its death.
Chunks of cake sloshing about his mouth. Moist frosting sticking to the roof of his mouth.
Dear Mario…Please come to…
Piantas and Nokis dancing in the sunlight. An entire paradise bathed in glory, Shine Sprites twirling around Shine Sprite Tower.
…the castle. I have baked…
All the galaxies in the world united into one. A baby Luma making one last effort to let him live and succeeding. Sacrifice.
…a cake for…
After seven bad runs with different castles, finally the one that she truly resides in.
…you. Yours truly, Princess Toadstool.
Soft lips pressed up against his plump cheek. All the trouncing faced by Goombas and Koopas and Chain Chomps vanished as if they had never even touched him.
Mario looked up, tugging down his imaginary hat, and threw himself on the spot of ground before him, bones cracking as he did so. He covered the spot as if he were trying to protect others from a grenade. And then he vanished.
“WAHAHAHAHA!” Wario laughed, wiping a happy tear from his eye having witnessed the death of his nemesis. And now good fortune was on his way; a whole mountain of gold had been promised to him for this bounty.
“It’s a-me! Mario!” a cheery voice decreed beside him. Wario raised an eyebrow in response and turned to face the source. Mario smirked as he yanked his precious cap from Wario’s weak grip, slapping it on his head.
While the pain did not go away, the gradual loss of life did. Mario was going to need to heal up with some coins after this battle, but his sheer force of will was going to carry him through this.
He had used a hidden warp pad hidden on his lawn you see, for Mario had a fascination with traps now. It was sort of his thing.
Maybe he would have to take up gardening now.
Because Luigi was dead after all. Wario killed Luigi so now Mario had to kill Wario I guess.
Mario grimaced and punched the tree beside them. Holding out his hand, a Mega Mushroom dropped into his waiting palm.
Wario gasped and tried to make a break for it, but Mario’s foot easily sunk Wario’s squishy behind into the grass. Holding Wario down with ease, Mario tossed the mushroom into his mouth and grew ten times his size.
As he grew, he made sure to lighten the strength of his stamping so as to not kill Wario. Yet. For Wario’s death needed to be a masterpiece.
“NO!” Wario shouted, trying to push Mario’s foot off of him, but as he became a mere ant to the gigantic Mario, Wario threw his hands in the air and shouted, “Don’t do this! He’ll kill you! Let me live and I’ll help you kill him!”
Mario blinked.
How strangely coherent of Wario.
Then spasms all over. A giant ball of ice had crashed into his head, cracking like a coconut on him. Mario fell from the sky, shrinking back to his normal size. And as the green grass rushed towards him, he saw a white painting getting curiously closer and closer to his face…
Mario tumbled into Snowman’s Land like a lazy no-good husband cast into the streets. The giant living Snowman Mountain stared down at him. While surely the mountain had no desire to hurt him, Mario still felt uncomfortable under his gaze. He plodded softly to the right, looking around at the old familiar terrain.
Before him was a lake of ice so cold it would scorch the bottom of the man who dared hop in for a swim. And directly above that lake was a sheet of ice that the Big Ice Bully used to challenge people on. But now the Big Ice Bully was dead and gone and hopefully, no adventurer had come here since and accidentally got stuck in the death trap below the ice.
Wario had materialized behind him suddenly, scrambling across the snow. Shoving Mario to the side, he pinched his nose, leaping into the lake.
Mario tried to stop him but it was too late. Once one’s keister made contact with that ice, you were done for. Wario howled as he rocketed up into the sheet of ice only to bump his head and fall back into the burning lake.
This continued until Wario’s lifeless body made it to the other side of the lake, only to then slink back into the lake and dissolve slowly.
The night had begun with four. Now there was only one.
Then a pain like no other seared the side of his skull.
Mario’s eyes fluttered open to see a stretch of thin ice supporting him. He knew this place all too well, the bridge that hovered before the mouth of Snowman Mountain. Mere yards behind him were the lips of the Snowman who would blow a mighty gust of air that would sweep Mario right off the mountain.
And if he was there…and the giant Snowman was there…that could only mean…
“You!” Mario painstakingly pointed, voice cracking from such foreign vocabulary.
Two flippers slapped against each other softly.
“So you finally figured it out,” Mama Penguin sneered. “Yes, I hired Wario and Waluigi to eliminate you and of course, they failed.”
She gazed off the mountain, taking a quiet moment to embrace the amount of distance between them and the ground. That was fine. Mario needed time to think…
But he had no traps at his disposal and he was even weaker than before.
“You killed my son, Mario Mario,” Mama Penguin shook her head.
Mario froze mid-planning. What? he wanted to say, but such foreign words to him were too much of an effort to spout.
“Yes, I realized it years later, I was looking at my child and I realized that—he was no son of mine,” she said stoically.
But this was ridiculous! She told him that was the wrong penguin! She didn’t even care when he throttled to his death.
Oh if only Mario said more than “Mama Mia!” and “It’s a-me, Mario!” It would make this situation much simpler to navigate. His throat tightened as he tempted to explain his side, but lost all gumption as Mama Penguin began waddling towards him.
If he stayed put, she would push him into the Snowman’s breath and he would be hurled off the mountain. If he were to jump off the mountain to escape, he would surely perish.
He leaned to his left, right shoulder falling slack.
“Now I will kill you for what you did to me and my son, Mario Mario,” Mama Penguin explained coldly as she pushed Mario closer and closer to the wind.
Mario tried pushing her back but it was no use: she was too big for him.
Then it hit him. He had one last trick left. Running away from Mama Penguin, he approached the wind quickly and just as he was about to collide with the torrent, he turned on his heel, banged a U-ie, and charged at the deranged mother, ducking into a crouch and sliding right between her legs.
As she slowly turned to face him, Mario rolled to the edge of the bridge, his body failing him. It didn’t matter that he had his cap back on him; too much damage had been done.
Mario jumped as high as he could and crashed back into the ice with a mighty Ground Pound.
Fortunately his butt still had enough strength left in it to shatter the bridge and send Mama Penguin tumbling to her death.
As Mama Penguin throttled to the ground below, she felt the cold wind rush past her, brushing her cheek. This was how Junior must have felt.
Her son was but a baby when he died; she knew nothing of him beyond his demise.
Finally, she shared something with her son; the agony of having to helplessly watch your death unfold before you. At least Mario had given that to her in her death.
Mario strained to spit one of his catchphrases out as he watched Mama Penguin explode into bloody guts, but his chest prevented him. His whole body was caving inwards. He gritted his teeth and tried to pull himself up the cliff but it was no use. There was no getting out of this.
Remembering the taste of Peach’s cake in his mouth, he let go of the cliff, falling into his beloved’s arms, and she carried him to the spiky rocks down below.
Rolling green, twirling, thundering, screaming, spiraling all around. A sudden thud, his brain’s rotation lagging behind, reorienting itself with this new gravity.
Mario got to his feet, feeling completely rejuvenated, and saw Luigi touching up the lawn.
Mouth dry from screaming, Mario walked over to Luigi and put a hand on his shoulder.
How could this be? How could he still be alive?
He died. He remembered seeing the sky get farther and farther away.
Yet at the same time, he only knew he died. He couldn’t remember what it felt like.
His eyes narrowed in deep focus.
War. Death. Legacy. Rebirth.
Another Mario.
That wasn’t him that watched Wario burn to death. That wasn’t him that held Luigi’s hand so tightly.
That was someone who gave his life so that he could be.
Somewhere out there, Wario and Waluigi were out there scheming again. They would be back.
Mama Penguin was a goner though. Surely she had no access to the Extra Lives System like the brothers did.
Luigi gently punched Mario in the jaw, taking off his sunhat to better look Mario in the eyes.
Mario saw the pain in Luigi. He must have felt it too.
Luigi reached out and grabbed Mario’s hand and squeezed it tightly.
“Mama Mia,” Mario finally let out.
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Day 2: Cat Person
Oh, heeey, signal boost! There’s more ML months to be celebrated! I can do like... two Ladrien June prompts. Day 2 and 11 to be specific. Not gonna force everyday, but if someone wants to see a certain prompt done on the fly, I can happily provide some kind of Ladrien content~~
FF.net // Ao3
Because Ladybug Becoming a Ladybug isn’t as Incriminating
“This is so stupid!” Ladybug roared. But her tiny body only expelled a noise to match her state, and an elderly woman sitting nearby cooed an aww.
Ladybug turned an unimpressed look upon the citizen. “Ma’am,” she snipped. “I’m doing my level best to care for Paris and it’s inhabitants, so if you could look away from my current predicament, I would be glad to—”
“Absolutely precious.” The woman gathered herself, and walked closer. “Here kitty, kitty.”
Ladybug’s hackles rose and she bolted. Currently standing she couldn’t summon a Lucky Charm, and who is going to notice the akuma anyway?! It was a cat! An honest to kwami cat, she witnessed, that became an akuma.
The butterfly went to it’s collar, of course. So Marinette transformed, underestimating, and therefore not waiting to catch its powers before it scratched her hand. Changing her into a cat. And leapt atop a freaking skyscraper before she could pursue.
She spared the school a glance, lamenting her already shoddy attendance, before she went to the Boulangerie Patisserie. It’s lunch and the least she could get was a snack. She may be a cat, but maneuvering secretly about her home shouldn’t be too hard. And her parent’s do love pets if she’s caught. But it is still a food-service, who’s to say they won’t chase her out with a broom?
Marinette paced outside until the bell dinged, and she had no choice but to trail in on the customers heels for lack of hands to open the door.
“Welcome!” her parents chimed.
Marinette crept along the edge of the display case. Mostly invisible. Not many look down. Marinette’s eyes traveled up. And up. Except her father. No question there, he looks down at everything, and she’s never had a problem with his height before now.
Chat Noir. Channel Chat. Chat's the picture of stealth - she cringed to think of him preening over that thought - but how many times has he snuck up on akuma let alone her?
She crept to the next display, ducking between flour bags when the bell dinged again.
“Hello!” Alya waved a bag to the counter. “Marinette forgot this. Again.”
Sabine sighed, a hand to her cheek. “Thank goodness she has you.”
“Yeah well, she did lay on a promise to treat me today. Something about homemade dumplings?”
Sabine smiled. “Marinette's not here yet, but there’s enough to share, trust me, she got a bit excited.” She giggled. “Oh! Is Marinette still staying over at your home for that project?”
“She better.”
Marinette gulped.
“Alright.” Sabine smiled. “You can go up and wait for her with your friends.”
Marinette peeked around the flour. Friends?
Nino and Alya darted up to the living area, while the last leisurely waltzed past, lingering by the pastries. Marinette readied herself to dash in after the last visitor, but they stopped. She stared at the feet by her nose, willing them to move.
“I didn't know you had a kitten,” Adrien's words floated on a laugh.
She froze. Head turning straight up to his beautiful dazzling smile. Perfect hair... flawless skin... A trance fell over her just watching him.
Until her mom raised a concerned brow. “Our job doesn’t allow pets.”
Adrien’s eyes widened on Marinette, smile faltering slightly. “O-oh. Sorry, must be something in my eye.” He knelt down with all the finesse of a wave on the horizon and swept her around the middle, straight into his bag. It took her a minute. Sitting on Adrien's notebook, next to Adrien's pencils, in Adrien's bag to realize.
Kidnap- catnap? He took her! She curled her paws around the notebook’s edge to keep in place with his steps. Every shred of self-restraint high tailing it as she tried and failed to keep her claws from leaving marks. Soon the bag ceased swaying, and she had no choice but to face the eight long claw marks defacing his property. She cupped her eyes. Jumping slightly when her tail curled at her hind leg. She’s not ready for this! Whatever this is! Why would Adrien catnap her! He can’t be in his right mind. Right. He’ll let her down, apologizing, because Adrien’s perfect and wouldn’t take animals that aren’t his. Marinette’s not wearing a collar per se, but a reflection in the shop window showed a ribbon at her neck. That’s enough to prove she’s not a stray for him to take. Momentary lapse of sanity. Yes. Everyone’s prone to those, and she’s certainly no stranger.
A light pressure at her back through the bag assured her that, yes, he’s is fully aware of what he’s doing.
Adrien what in the world?! She wanted to hiss out of pure mortification.
“Are you sure Marinette won’t mind?” Adrien asked.
Yes! She minds a mountain-ton!
“Nope,” Alya’s voice swooped. “Marinette cooks with her mind, not her stomach. Girl could feed an army with how hungry she thinks she is.”
They chuckled. Marinette grimaced. Thank you, Alya.
“Ah, man, free meal!” Nino cheered. “These are chicken dumplings, right?” He asked around a mouthful. “Sweet!”
A few beeps later, followed by Marinette’s automated voice via voicemail, Alya sighed. “Gone again.” Then more chipper. “She’s getting scraps if she doesn’t get her butt home soon.”
They’re eating her food. Adrien’s in her home, eating her cooking, and she’s in his bag. Mariette let loose a dreamy sigh. Situation aside, it’s perfect. Even if she’s not there there, Adrien is.
“This is great!” Adrien praised.
The table clattered. “She’ll be glad to hear that,” Alya replied.
Thank you, Alya! Marinette felt a happy tear gathering.
The fabric of his bag rustled. And she watched with rapt attention as Adrien’s hand snaked inside. Giving her a peek of the outside, and Adrien’s jeans. A dizzying reveal that means she’s sitting on his lap. His hand twitched and she jerked back to reality. Curious. He opened his hand to offer a chunk of dumpling.
Adrien’s a saint! She wanted to cry. All too eagerly she bit at the piece, hesitating only when she had to chew. Because it wasn’t chewing. It was messy chomping that sent bits of food falling from her mouth with every attempt. Given enough time she managed to lick the crumbs clean. Tongue hanging out, she gasped with a start. Adrien fed her- she- she’s going to have a cat heart attack. Is it okay for a cat to get this flustered this often? Would she die?
Adrien offered another piece. As she ate it she resigned herself to believe, yes, she’s lived a good life. Ladybug certainly assured her a good spot, because heaven is inside Adrien’s bag, and death is a nice state to be in.
They talked about homework, local events, the Ladyblog. Her ears perked to hear Nino gushing over Chat Noir for saving his dude here. Marinette could feel Nino harshly patting Adrien’s back. And Adrien thanked him, praising Chat himself as the hottest cat in town. Her eyes strained not to roll.
Two more helpings later Marinette was forced to swat Adrien’s kindness away. Her stomach is only so big, apparently. Except he persisted, she pawed him, enough. He opened his hand to prove it’s emptiness. Confused, she watched his hand hover over her head, holding her breath when she saw how big it was in comparison to her entire self. It landed between her ears. Then stroked down her back.
She reacted instantly. Craning her head, following his every touch longingly, and only craving more. Drunk on it all, she didn’t catch her purr before it rumbled to its loudest.
“Adrien,” Nino chuckled. “I know the food’s great, but dang, bro.”
“What?” Adrien asked. “Oh! That’s- I’m not-!”
“His bag, Nino!” Alya accused.
“Wait, don’t!”
“Ah-ha!” Nino ripped open the bag. Marinette blinked rapidly into the blinding light.
“Oh my gosh, Adrien!” Alya squealed, and cupped Marinette into her arms. “She’s so cute! Her fur makes her look like a little Ladybug!”
Marinette knew her fur was spotted in places, but still, she felt giddy to know Alya would point it out.
“I wanna hold her next!” Nino begged.
Marinette wobbled out of Alya’s hold and used her arms as leverage to leap onto her shoulder. From there Marinette went to the table, and flicked her tail at them. She’s her own person, thank you very much.
Nino’s giant hand tapped her head down anyway. “She’s got mad Ladybug moves too! Dude, why didn’t you tell us you got a cat?”
Adrien sheepishly shrugged. “‘Cause I didn’t. She snuck into the Patisserie.”
“Oh, man, then I want her!” Alya hugged her close. Adrien looked torn, jaw clenched shut, as if forcing himself back. Alya took a picture of them together. “The blog will love this!”
“Yeah, right. Even with this cat’s crazy skills, your sisters will smother this little Ladybug into a fur pile.”
“You’ve killed three goldfish in the past month!” She shot back.
“Listen...” Adrien cut in. Marinette stole their lapse in attention, and pounced into his chest. Adrien wrapped his arms around her and grinned. “I’ll make sure she finds a good home, don’t worry.”
Alya tilted her head, amused. “Seems she’s got her favorites all sorted anyway.”
“You’re gonna force the kitten through school?” Nino asked.
Adrien sighed and extracted Marinette from his bag. “Guess not.”
He set her onto the grass outside school.
“Maybe she’s got a home to go back to, and she’ll just,” he shrugged. “go,” Nino encouraged with a hand on Adrien’s shoulder. “If not, you can do your rescue effort.”
Marinette’s ears folded back. Once Adrien got to the steps he gave her a little wave. She raised her paw in return, dread bubbling when his jaw dropped. In her panic she pawed the air, pretending to pounce nothing. When Marinette glanced back, he was gone, and she put her forehead to the concrete repeatedly to scold her stupidity.
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