#bro’s descendant is the only one to never smile in comic
Thinking about the ancestors and how we really know next to nothing about most of them. Like we have their professions and how they died but save for the lowbloods we don’t really know how any of them acted or interacted with others.
The case of this that interests me the most is actually Dualscar, because while I can imagine Latula as Redglare and (vaguely) Horuss as Darkleer, Dualscar just evades me.
Of course he was likely stuck up, and apparently one sided flushed for HIC. Blah blah blah typical highblood stuff. But he was also Cronus, and an Orphaner. I am so curious to get any relative glimpse into his head. Especially because I don’t see a lot of him in the fandom in a more serious/headcanon-ish light.
Like how does Cronus translate to a life on Alternia? Being a hunter of lusi is likely emotionally damaging during younger years, but we don’t even know if he was doing that his whole life like Eridan was because there were other adults on the planet. We know that he met his end because he couldn’t tell a joke, but was that really it or was it speculation because HIC wanted him dead or something? I doubt she’d just let him die otherwise, GHB or not. He was an orphaner, that’s an important job, even if he could be replaced.
I’m starving to know more about this troll-
Did he have previous connections with the grand highblood? The interactions between Gamzee and Eridan as well as Cronus and Kurloz kind of suggest this.
Was he just another violet or did he know Condy when the two of them were younger like Eridan and Feferi?
Did he have Cro’s need for attention? Was he as violent as Eridan? Did he like history? Did he have a secret interest in magic? Where did he get ahab’s crosshairs from? After all, he owned it first.
Did he ever feel like something in his life was missing? He was a hope player after all, did he have anything to believe in?
Did he ever have a moment, perhaps before he died, where he wondered if all of it was fair? After all, he played his cards and lost anyway. Trying to be the best highblood he could be only got him an early grave. So was it worth it at all?
As far as I can remember, Dualscar’s tales were documented by mindfang, who’s an unreliable narrator, so I take her reasonings and explanations with a grain of salt.
I just wonder what Dualscar’s story would be like if we got to see a little more.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
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Alan was bored.
It wasn’t often that he found himself with a lack of things to do. Life was generally busy with Thunderbird maintenance, rescues and backup duties.
Of course, he could always kill some zombies, but he was feeling restless. Gordon was off the island with Grandma so that didn’t help. Scott was buried in paperwork and John was still hiding on Five. Virgil had disappeared.
Wandering out onto the balcony, Alan eyed the pool a moment before throwing the idea out. Without Gordon it wouldn’t be anywhere near as much fun.
Maybe he could go for a walk. Scott had been nagging him to get into a more regular exercise routine and, hey, he hadn’t seen the other side of the island for a while.
Darting up to his rooms, he threw on some loose clothes, decent shoes and a hat. A quick note to John to say where he was going and he was out the back door and crunching gravel up the side of the mountain.
While he had no objection to the great outdoors, Alan had no particular preference for sun, surf or bush walking. Not that he didn’t love a splash in the ocean with his brother, or even a jog around the island with Scott, it was just that many of his interests lay in the confines of the virtual world.
Or space.
Part of him didn’t want to admit he was like Johnny, but he was in many ways, but where John adored seclusion, Alan loved people. Basically, Alan was happy doing pretty much anything as long as it was with someone, preferably someone he loved.
So, he would really be lying if he said he took his route at random. It wasn’t a conscious decision, more just what he knew was going to happen regardless.
Virgil had some favourite places on the island to sit and just be. Alan didn’t quite get it any more than he got John’s love of solitude, but he knew his brother liked it and he stored the information for when it was needed.
Today Alan wanted company, so he used the information he had at hand.
Clambering around on the rocky island was not for the faint-hearted. There was no doubt that he was getting a good workout just by going for a simple walk. His first stop was a small cliff beyond Thunderbird Two’s runway. It was Virgil’s favourite, just on the other side of the mountain. He could often be found here just staring out into the ocean thinking who knew what. The scene had been painted, scribbled and, in one case, mosaicked onto a table. This was definitely Virgil’s favourite place.
He wasn’t there.
But Alan still had his list.
Two more Virgil spots proved empty and Alan had managed to work up quite a sweat. He was beginning to wonder why he was even bothering when he caught sight of a figure almost completely hidden in a grove of palm trees.
Virgil sat on a rock, his sketchpad on his lap, completely absorbed in his art. He was up a cliff overlooking a good chunk of the island, the twin peak at an angle even Alan could appreciate.
Alan eyed the climb and with a deep breath began the trek to reach his brother. He kept quiet. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb him. That would be a good way to get his head ripped off. But if he approached from just the right angle, he should be able to see what Virgil was actually drawing.
It took actual rock climbing in a couple of places, but Alan eventually found himself situated behind his brother on top of the cliff, and as expected the view was breathtaking.
It was late afternoon and the entire side of the island was lit up by the sun. Gulls were wheeling in the air above the forested slopes, catching rising air. Far below, raw Pacific collided with the rocky shore in places and wrangled with reefs in others.
Virgil had certainly found a spot.
Quietly Alan made his way closer to his brother. Virgil drew on, showing no sign of knowing Alan was there. The cliff was a slope that had Alan descending towards his brother. Virgil was facing away towards the scenery, slightly hunched as he drew. Because of that slope, Alan was actually able to see his brother’s hand, this time his right, sketching pencil lines on the paper.
For a moment Alan was content to simply watch, but if he was honest with himself, he hadn’t come all this way just to spy on his brother.
“You do know it is rude to stare.”
Virgil’s voice was always soft yet possessed a strength that could be startling. Alan stiffened, annoyed at being caught so easily.
“What? Do you honestly think all that rock clambering would go unnoticed?”
His brother had yet to look up at him, simply continuing to sketch as he spoke. You gonna come and sit down?” Virgil held up a hand. “Just be very quiet, I don’t want you to disturb them.”
Alan frowned. “Who?”
But that hand didn’t answer, just beckoned him over.
Alan did what he was told and found himself sitting on that rock beside his older brother.
Virgil was scratching lines furiously onto the page, but the subject wasn’t what he expected. All that beautiful scenery and Virgil was drawing a haphazard pile of sticks?
Whispered. “They’re sea eagles. I’ve never been so close.”
Alan’s eyes darted from the sketchpad to a slither of rock a stone’s throw away from the edge of the cliff. The pinnacle stood alone and defied gravity almost to the point of disbelief. On its very top sat a huge nest. From this angle he could see the two chicks waiting for their parents to return.
Breathed out quiet. “Cool.”
Virgil was sketching madly and under his practised hand, one of the chicks slowly came to life. Simple line instinctively placed, shaded and shaped. It was a little mesmerising.
Alan, of course, had watched Virgil draw before. Amongst all the other things. His brother was usually fiddling with something. He had to have something in his hands, whether it was a pencil or paintbrush, piano or Thunderbird, Virgil tended to always have something playing between his fingers.
When Alan was little there had been many a Kansas winter night snuggled up by the fire, curled up beside his brother watching him draw. Sometimes he would dare him to draw outrageous things like Pedro the Peanut-Killing Pickle. There had been odd stories and scribbled down comics. Alan had even tried his hand under a little encouragement from his brother, but he didn’t have the enthusiasm that Virgil had for the art.
Besides, Alan was quite happy to just sit and watch. Rare quiet moments shared with his artistic brother.
They had been getting rarer and rarer.
“Can I sit with you, Virg?”
A brown eye with an arched eyebrow peered at him. “You’re already sitting.” The curve of a smile. “But sure. Just be quiet and don’t make any sudden moves.”
Respectfully whispered. “Okay.”
So, they sat for an unknown length of time. Virgil drew the second chick, and as one of the parent birds landed with the evening meal, its strong wings, talons and beak appeared on the page. Alan watched as the pencil lines grew darker, surer. Virgil switched pencils and they grew darker still, the birds emerging out of the page into three dimensions.
Down below the two chicks guzzled food from their parent.
A loud, awkward screech from above and another eagle was circling overhead, likely the other parent.
In the corner of the page, the bird quickly appeared, wings spread wide, soaring.
The quiet was amazing. Alan wasn’t one to sit still for any length of time, so perhaps he was missing the obvious, but the sound of Virgil’s pencil, the tease of the breeze and the call of the eagle above had only to compete with the waves far below and the rustle of the scrappy forest.
And a pair of squawking, complaining eagle babies.
Gordon would probably have loved this. His fish brother loved the sea, but he loved all the creatures contained in it even more. Despite this preference for water breathers, if you shoved a puppy or a panda in front of him, the man melted into a gooey puddle. Eagle babies would definitely be on the goo list.
“This is nice, Allie.”
“Bit like old times, you sitting and watching me draw.”
Alan shrugged. “I’ve always liked to watch you draw. Guess we haven’t had as much time lately.”
The pencil paused. “Yeah.” His brother turned to look at him. “Well, it is good to see you out here. Nice to have your company.” A gentle smile.
“Anytime, bro. Kinda nice out here anyway.”
That smile grew a little before softening. “Well, unfortunately we have to head back now.”
“I’ve got to pick up Gordon and Grandma.”
Alan checked his watch. Where the hell had the time gone? He’d been out here…three hours! “Wow, didn’t expect it to be so late.”
Virgil didn’t comment, just smiled a little more as he packed up his sketchbook and pencils.
Alan stood up and stared out across the ocean. A flicker on the surface of the water and he caught sight of a pod of dolphins frolicking in the swell. He stared.
“It’s amazing what you can see if you stop and look.” His brother’s soft voice so close to him made him jump.
“Virg, personal space.”
His brother snorted and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I don’t think such a thing exists on this island.” That smile again. “Probably why John hides on Five.”
Alan grinned. “You’ve got a point.” And despite his earlier protest, he dropped his head against Virgil’s shoulder and for just a few more moments, they both tracked the dolphins as the cavorted past the Island.
“Can we do this again?”
“Sure.” Virgil slung his pack over his shoulder.
Silence fell, and they stood there a moment longer until Virgil squeezed a little and let go. “C’mon, sprout, time to clamber down the mountain.”
Virgil took the first few steps and Alan followed, throwing one last glance back at the nest now full of the entire family of sea eagles. A sharp beaked head turned in his direction and glared at him.
Alan couldn’t help but smile at the bird before he hurried after his brother.
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a-blue-secret · 3 years
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Chapter XXXI | Chapter XXXII | Chapter XXXIII
GENRES: royal au; fantasy au; magic au; friends-to-enemies-to-lovers; king!beomgyu, vizier!taehyun
PAIRING: taegyu
WARNINGS: swearing, mentions of blood
SUMMARY: Best friends turned enemies, Kang Taehyun has managed to trick Choi Beomgyu into his service, and to rule for a year and a day, until his youngest brother would be old enough to take the throne. Choi Beomgyu has no intention of being obedient however, and tries to thwart Taehyun’s orders at every turn. With a growing amount of distrust and lies within the court, will Taehyun manage to keep the kingdom of Gojongja from falling apart?
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Taehyun didn’t leave Beomgyu’s side for even a second. He wasn’t alone in this: Yeonjun and Hueningkai stayed with him too.
After Beomgyu had passed out, Taehyun had stayed with him. Surrounded by all the broken fragments of marble and gold, he’d lifted Beomgyu out of the rubble and, while he was contemplating whether to carry him out of the ballroom, several medics came rushing into the room, laying Beomgyu on a stretcher to take him to the infirmary right away.
One of Beomgyu’s fingers was indeed broken. The rest of them, along with his ankles, were just sprained, and he had a long gash on his left forearm which the doctors had had to stitch.
Since passing out, Beomgyu had not woken up. Taehyun, Yeonjun and Hueningkai waited patiently by his bed, and even after two days they were not worried. Seokjin had told them that, since his body had to recover from the huge amount of stress it had been under, Beomgyu would wake up when he was ready. Whenever that was.
“What were you guys even doing?” Taehyun asked on the second day. “When you went on your ‘heist’, I mean.” The Aruyeonan spies, though having returned covered in dried blood, were thankfully not harmed during their trip, and sat with him beside the sleeping Beomgyu.
“Oh, that. It wasn’t really a heist, but we called it one because it sounded cool.” Hueningkai smiled, turning to Yeonjun. “It was your plan. Wanna explain?”
Yeonjun grinned, and leaned forward confidentially. “We reinstated Queen Erajin back onto her throne. And we got rid of the impostor.”
Taehyun raised his eyebrows, intrigued. “Woah. How did you manage that? You were gone for, what, only two weeks?”
“Oh, that was all Hueningkai’s doing,” Yeonjun said proudly, ruffling Hueningkai’s hair. “My little bro is incredible.”
Hueningkai laughed, and reached forward to playfully pinch Yeonjun’s cheeks. “And my cute elder brother created the best plan ever, didn’t you? I never doubted it for a second.”
“Hold on, hold on– '' Yeonjun let Hueningkai squish his cheeks for a few moments before pushing his hands away, jokingly glaring at him. “I’m pretty sure I recall you complaining about its ‘questionable’ foolproofness on more than one occasion, though?”
Hueningkai’s eyes went comically wide in an exaggerated look of innocence. “Really? I did? Unfortunately, I don’t think I recall,” he said thoughtfully, sighing sympathetically. “Your memory is not what it used to be, it seems.”
Yeonjun jokingly slapped Hueningkai’s arm and the younger spy yelped, laughing. Taehyun smiled. He’d missed them.
Yeonjun and Hueningkai carried on their bickering while Taehyun laughed at them.
“How dare you say such a thing?” Hueningkai gasped, pretending to be offended. He clutched his chest dramatically. “And I thought you loved me!”
“Alright, stop, stop,” Taehyun laughed, before Yeonjun could leap out of his chair to tickle Hueningkai yet again. “Stop. You’ve only just got back, I don’t want to have to send you out of the palace for fighting too much.”
“Ha, take that!” Hueningkai grinned, sticking his tongue out childishly at Yeonjun. Yeonjun just rolled his eyes, smiling.
“I think you guys grew happier,” Taehyun said. “You used to bicker, sure, but not this much.”
The two spies looked at each other curiously, before turning back to Taehyun.
“Do you think so?” Yeonjun asked.
“Yup,” Taehyun said. “I don’t know, you just look… brighter?”
Yeonjun smiled, pinching Hueningkai’s cheek again. “My little bro got to meet up again with his sisters. His blood sisters, I mean. They had quite the reunion.”
“I may or may not have cried,” Hueningkai admitted. “But I hadn’t seen them in ages, so I guess it was normal.”
“Oh, how did you find them? You were adopted at a young age, right?” Taehyun asked curiously.
“They found me,” Hueningkai smiled. “They found us, and helped us in our mission. Not sure when I’ll be able to see them again, if ever, but it was nice to see my sisters after so long.”
Yeonjun ruffled Hueningkai’s hair. “Your sisters are the best, really. Without them, I don’t think we would have been able to overthrow Soobin’s sister.”
“Ah, where did you put Arin?” Taehyun asked
“Oh, I think she’s in the dungeons with Soobin,” Hueningkai replied.
Yeonjun looked at Hueningkai. “We should go and... you know.”
Hueningkai tilted his head, before widening his eyes. “Wait… now? But… are we allowed?”
Yeonjun turned to Taehyun. “Do you know what you’re going to do with Soobin yet?”
Taehyun shrugged. “We’re not sure. I’m thinking of waiting for Beomgyu’s verdict.”
“Right, okay. Do you know if Beomgyu would have him killed?”
Taehyun thought for a moment. Then he shook his head. “I don’t think he will.”
Yeonjun and Hueningkai looked at each other.
“Let’s do it still,” Hueningkai said finally, and Yeonjun nodded.
“Alright. Let’s go.”
He turned to Taehyun, both of them standing up.
“If you’ll excuse us, there’s something we need to do.”
Taehyun looked at them curiously, but nodded his head. “Alright. If Beomgyu wakes up, I’ll call you.”
Yeonjun smiled. “Thanks.”
Hueningkai waved as they retreated from the room. “Bye!”
Taehyun waved back, smiling as the door swung closed on the spies.
The door gave a soft click, before there was silence in the room. Taehyun turned his gaze back to Beomgyu, who was still fast asleep. His smile turned fond.
It felt like it had been years since he’d seen Beomgyu in the flesh, and at that moment everything felt like a dream. It felt strange to see Beomgyu as himself, after so many days seeing him as the beast. Taehyun propped his head in his hands, gazing adoringly at Beomgyu. The joy he felt from seeing Beomgyu, alive, was indescribable. After everything that had happened, after everything they’d been through, they’d made it. They’d succeeded.
The sun sparkled merrily, casting an angelic glow across Beomgyu’s sleeping face. All was calm and quiet. And most importantly, it was relieving.
Throughout all the other times he had kept vigil by Beomgyu’s bed, way before the curse had fully begun, there had always been a slight fear and sense of uncertainty, but now there was only relief. Relief, and reassurance that everything would soon be okay.
Taehyun took Beomgyu’s warm hand in his own and pressed a kiss onto its soft palm, and smiled.
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Hueningkai laughed. “Yeonjun, look!”
Yeonjun descended the steps into the dungeons after Hueningkai, locking the door as he did. “What?”
“It’s the infamous Wolfsbane! He’s here!”
Yeonjun gave a mocking gasp. “Oh my, really? Gee, I never thought we’d be able to meet him!”
Hueningkai chuckled, and Yeonjun crouched down in front of Soobin. Soobin, in his cell, glared at them through the bars, but Yeonjun just laughed.
“I have to say, now that you’re all up in chains, I have no idea why we were scared of you at all.”
Hueningkai smiled, crouching down next to Yeonjun. “I never knew the great Wolfsbane could be subdued so easily.”
“Neither did I,” Yeonjun said, regarding Soobin amusedly. “And yet here you are, in your cell all alone. Powerless.” Soobin rolled his eyes, turning his head away.
“What do you want?” he snapped.
“Hey, hold back on the attitude,” Yeonjun grinned. “Remember who’s in chains here.”
Soobin sighed. “What do you want?” he repeated.
Yeonjun leaned closer, so that his nose was touching the bars. “Surrender.”
Soobin scoffed at that, lifting his hands covered by metal mitts, and gesturing at his feet which were chained together. “I’m pretty sure I’ve done that already.”
Yeonjun just laughed, standing up without taking his eyes off Soobin. Then the smile dropped from his face.
Quick as a flash, Hueningkai slammed someone into the wall as they tried to run past him.
They made a choking sound, and Hueningkai released them as they slumped onto the floor. The person lifted their eyes, brown irises melting away to reveal bright purple. Soobin gave a croaky laugh.
“It was worth a shot.”
In the cell, Soobin had transformed back into Arin, who looked tired. Yeonjun tutted mockingly.
“Wow, I think you spies are losing your touch. That was a much too obvious trick.”
Hueningkai knelt down, flipping Soobin onto his back before pressing Soobin’s shoulder with his knee to prevent him from getting up. “Did you forget we were the ones who put you into the same cell? The fact that one of you was not in it was already a big clue as to what you were doing. The lack of guards, too. There is literally no one else here.”
“And the poorly welded together lock on the cell was also a huge indicator,” Yeonjun added, prodding it with his finger. “I don’t know how you managed to melt it in the first place, but you should at least know how to meld it back properly if you’re going to break it.”
Arin just rolled her eyes. “Can’t blame us for trying.”
Soobin, pinned under Hueningkai’s knee, gave a rough sigh, purple eyes burning with hate. Hueningkai gave a smile, leaning forward so he could look directly at him.
“Are you tired?” he asked sympathetically. “Oh dear, you must be feeling awful right now. Maybe you should just stop all of this, and surrender. Maybe Beomgyu will be kind enough to let you live.”
Soobin coughed weakly, glaring at Hueningkai. “I’d rather die,” he said. “You must be truly idiotic to think we’ll stop. This is our duty, as the last of our clan, to carry this out.”
Hueningkai blinked at him, before giving a soft chuckle. “You have no idea how weak that sounds,” he said, “when you’re slumped on the floor, barely able to lift your head. Carry out your plan? Please. You can’t even carry yourself.”
Now, don’t get them wrong: Yeonjun and Hueningkai aren’t bad people. Far from it. They may sound bad from how they constantly teased and mocked the spies, but their friends had been hurt tremendously by Soobin and Arin. They had a right to be mad.
“Do you have any idea,” Hueningkai said, “do you have any idea what you did to Taehyun and Beomgyu? The amount of pain you put them through? Even though he never said it, Taehyun was terrified for Beomgyu’s life. Whenever his letters came to me, I could feel the fear radiating from them. He was so scared. And yet he still managed to face you and all your threats. Do you feel no shame? No guilt? For putting an innocent person through so much?”
Hueningkai’s voice was shaking. “Do you not care?”
Soobin chuckled weakly. “No. I don’t.”
Suddenly, he lunged forward, hands reaching for Hueningkai’s neck. Hueningkai fell backwards, unprepared for the sudden attack.
“I don’t care,” Soobin hissed. “And I won’t. Now, do you think I’ll care about killing you? Maybe then your dear brother can feel the same grief Taehyun and Beomgyu felt.”
Hueningkai gasped, clawing at his throat.
But then Soobin was forcefully dragged off Hueningkai, his hands prised from the Aruyeonan’s neck. Yeonjun held Soobin by his ruined collar, shaking him fiercely.
“We said surrender,” he hissed. “We were being polite. But you try to attack us? Attack Hueningkai?” He gave a scoff. “I don’t think I’m in the mood to be polite anymore.”
Hueningkai was still on the floor, rubbing his throat. Throughout all the commotion, Arin had somehow managed to undo the lock on her cell door, attempting to escape. But Hueningkai quickly sat up, throwing his sword so that it landed centimeters from her feet.
“No escaping,” he coughed, standing up.
Yeonjun still glared down at Soobin. “Perhaps you don’t care about dying. Fine. I guess I understand that: honour to your name and all. But…” He lifted his head, nodding at Hueningkai.
Hueningkai immediately stepped forward, drawing a dagger and pressing it against Arin’s neck. His eyes were cold, mouth set in a thin line. “You said you don’t care. What about now, then?”
Yeonjun and Hueningkai were spies, and had been spies for practically their whole life. They gained protection and status through this role, and gained many other things too. A profound sense of duty, and the urge to correct all wrongs that were done to the people they loved. Whether that be Queen Erajin, Aruyeo, and their friends who were now added to the list of people close to them, they were determined to avenge them and protect them. And if it had to be done through extreme methods, then so be it. It was what they were trained to do.
“Surrender, Soobin. If you surrender, I’m sure that your sister will follow your example.”
Soobin’s face was tight with pain. He’d rarely ever shown any emotion other than smugness before, but to see his elder sister in chains before him, blade pressed against her skin, had broken his mask. He looked desperate. Terrified. Helpless.
He flicked his gaze to the prison entrance. Yeonjun saw him looking, and spoke.
“The door is locked. All the windows are barred. There is no one else here apart from us. So what are you going to do?”
“Don't you dare surrender,” Arin whispered hoarsely. She could see that Soobin was seriously thinking about it. “Binnie, don’t do it.”
Hueningkai pressed the dagger harder against her skin, and she hissed.
Panic was clear on Soobin’s face. Any shred of calm he’d had was long gone, replaced with pure fear. But before he could say anything, Hueningkai gave a yelp.
Arin had transformed into another woman, with warm brown eyes and smiley eyes and a high nose. A woman who looked a lot like Hueningkai. Arin looked up at Hueningkai, smiling.
“S– stop that,” Hueningkai said. His voice shook, but his hand was firm. “Stop it!”
Arin looked down again, chuckling, her transformation melting away. “Siblings are always a weakness,” she said.
“Exactly,” Yeonjun said. He looked down at Soobin who was still kneeling on the floor, Yeonjun’s hand tight on his collar. “Why do you think we’re using it right now?”
Soobin coughed again. “It’s immoral. Dirty. Cruel.”
Yeonjun chuckled. “No, it’s not. If you use it against me, then I can use it against you. So we’re even, aren’t we?” He leaned closer to Soobin, mocking him. “I’m a spy, Soobin,” he said. “You didn’t expect me to be all righteous and good, did you? I was trained to exploit people. I was trained to be sly, to be undermining. Both you and I lead those lives, Soobin. But the difference is that I do it for the good of others, while you just do it for the good of yourself.”
Soobin’s purple eyes flashed, and suddenly Yeonjun was being flung against the bars of one of the cells as Soobin lunged towards him. The sound of body against metal echoed throughout the empty dungeon.
You forget that I am a spy too,” Soobin said. “And I am far more experienced than you. And also far more superior. Why? Because I work for my clan. Whereas you work for a stupid crown.”
Yeonjun hissed as Soobin’s hands closed in around his neck. “You sure like choking people,” he said hoarsely. “But if you– kill me,” he choked out, “if you kill me, you’ll be killed for sure. Both– both you and your sister.”
“Oh, I know,” Soobin hissed. “That’s why I’m not going to kill you. I’ll curse you instead. I’ll curse you in a way that looks like you’re dead, but you’ll be alive. Alive, but never to be woken up again. I’ll curse you to sleep forever.”
And that was when something strange happened.
When he cursed, Soobin needed to be directly looking at them, and the curse had to leave his hands. That had always been the case. Any other method had always failed. When he’d placed the Beast Curse on Beomgyu, it had been done when he’d stared into his eyes and held his hands. When he’d attempted to curse Taehyun, he’d been staring at the vizier with his hand thrust out towards him. Of course, at that time Beomgyu had intercepted it, but the curse had already left his hands which was why Beomgyu was still cursed, though Soobin had not been looking at him.
Maybe it was because he was scared. Maybe it was because he was furious. But for whatever reason, this curse radiated from Soobin so powerfully that it hit every person in the room.
Yeonjun gave a gasp, and Soobin let him go, the Aruyeonan sliding to the floor. The dagger slipped out of Hueningkai’s hands as he stared in shock. Soobin stepped back, breathing heavily. He gave a small smirk.
Hueningkai, letting go of Arin, scrambled over to Yeonjun, whose head lolled against the bars of the cell he was slumped against, eyes closed.
“Yeonjun, hey,” Hueningkai said, shaking him. “Hey. Come on, open your eyes.”
Soobin smiled, some of his usual smugness filtering into his tone. “He won’t be opening his eyes any time soon,” he said calmly.
Hueningkai ignored him. “Come on, Yeonjun, it worked for me so it has to have worked for you.”
Soobin laughed. “What are you talking about? He’s asleep forever now. There’s no waking him.”
There was silence. But then Yeonjun lifted his head, staring in wonder at Hueningkai.
“Holy shit, the potion really worked,” he said incredulously. “Your sisters are amazing.”
Hueningkai smiled in relief, holding out a hand to help Yeonjun up. “I know. They are.” He turned to Soobin, grinning. “What was that about Yeonjun not waking up ever again?”
Soobin’s eyes were wide. “I– what–”
Yeonjun nodded his head towards Arin, who was slumped on the floor. “Your curse hit all of us in this room. We all felt it. Hueningkai and I were protected, but your dear sister? Well… I’m not too sure about her.”
Soobin turned his gaze towards Arin, and fear rose in his face. “Arin? Oh, god, no, you weren’t meant to be cursed!”
Yeonjun and Hueningkai grinned at each other, fist bumping.
“One down, one more to go,” Yeonjun smiled.
“With Arin gone, I think Soobin’ll surrender much more easily,” Hueningkai said.
“Definitely,” Yeonjun said.”
Hueningkai smiled. “Would you like to do the honours?”
They walked over to Soobin, who was kneeling on the dirty floor, bent over Arin’s body, shoulders shaking.
Hueningkai approached him curiously, kneeling down next to him. He gave a startled laugh. “Are you… actually upset? You’re upset?”
Soobin looked up, and it was startling to see such vulnerability in his eyes. There were no tears, but his violet irises seemed more humane. Like they were capable of more than just holding cool smugness in that moment. Like they were the eyes of a real person.
Yeonjun scoffed, folding his arms. “For the record,” he said, “you look pathetic.”
Something in Soobins eyes flickered at that. “Is family not important to you?” he asked. “Wouldn’t you be upset if someone you loved turned like this?”
Yeonjun raised his eyebrows,folding his arms. He stood behind Hueningkai, looking down at Soobin. “Seriously? You’re asking me that? Now do you understand the fear and grief Hueningkai would have gone through if you’d managed to curse me properly?”
He shook his head, scowling. “You can’t ask something like that, Soobin. Because that shows you didn’t know the consequences of your own actions, and how they’d affect the people involved. It shows you have no empathy. Which is pretty pathetic.”
“You don’t deserve our pity, Soobin,” Hueningkai said, voice soft. His words, laced with anger, sounded sweet and gentle when they were said in such a reasonable tone. “After everything you’ve put us through, you really don’t deserve it.”
FInally, after everything, Soobin had finally broken. He’d lost what was most important to him: his sister, Arin. Now, with his plan scattered into the winds and his only relative doomed to never wake up again, he was truly alone and powerless.
He looked down at Arin, before looking up at Hueningkai. His eyes were dull. “What do you want?” Soobin whispered.
Hueningkai looked at him for a long moment, before giving a smile. It was kind, and gentle, and some of the tension in the atmosphere began to ease.
“We just want you to surrender,” Hueningkai said, still with the same soft and reasonable tone. “We’ll let you take Arin, just get away from Gojongja. Forever.”
Soobin looked down at his sister, before looking up.
“I get to take Arin, and I can leave, no charges pressed?”
Hueningkai nodded, smiling. “Yep.”
Yeonjun added, “Because we’re feeling merciful right now, we can help you leave without Taehyun knowing because, just between you and me, he doesn’t know that we’re here right now.”
Soobin nodded. “Alright. We’ll leave.”
Yeonjun smiled, satisfied. “That’s good. Alright.”
Soobin visibly relaxed.
Yeonjun gave a relaxed sigh, kicking his feet casually. Hueningkai looked up at him, and the both of them nodded.
Yeonjun grinned. “Oh, but what’s this?” He ruffled his hair, confused. “Oh, this is strange. But for some reason… my mercifulness… it’s gone!”
Soobin stiffened, looking up. Before he could launch himself at Yeonjun, however, Hueningkai grabbed his hands and folded them behind his back, forcing him to his knees.
Yeonjun chuckled, giving a rueful smile. “Oh dear, my mercifulness is completely gone, I’m afraid.” His smile became more sinister. “But now that I think about it, I don’t think I was ever merciful in the first place. Did you really think we’d let you go that easily?”
Soobin’s eyes were wide. “You… you…”
“You almost drove Beomgyu to insanity, and almost destroyed Taehyun.”
Yeonjun was walking towards Soobin now, drawing his sword. He raised the sword over Soobin’s head, silver blade glinting menacingly.
“I’m a spy too, you know,” Yeonjun said. “Just like I told you. I can be ruthless as well. Perhaps, instead of letting you go, why don’t I kill you instead?”
“Yeonjun, that’s enough!”
Taehyun’s authoritative voice rang out in the dungeons. The two Aruyeonans froze in place, looking up at Taehyun’s voice.
The vizier strode up to them, boots echoing in the emptiness of the place. Taehyun’s eyes widened when he saw Arin’s limp body, but then he folded his hands behind his back, posture stoic and professional.
“Yeonjun, show some mercy. Soobin has agreed to surrender. Let him do that.”
“But he-” Yeonjun gestured to Soobin with his sword.
“I know what Soobin did,” Taehyun said calmly, “and no. You will not be executing him.”
When the two spies still protested, he looked at them sternly, and Yeonjun guiltily sheathed his sword. Hueningkai let go of Soobin, stepping away like a sheepish child.
Taehyun tsked, shaking his head. “You don’t think I had no idea you’d come down here to threaten them, did you? Your suspicious looks were more than enough to let me know what you were going to do. There will be no killing here.”
He turned to Soobin, staring down at him with a look similar to disgust at his bowed down frame. “As for you, be grateful I’m not killing you. But you’ll be staying here forever. Though no decision is definite right now, I’m sure you will not die.” He nodded at Yeonjun and Hueningkai. “Get Soobin and his sister back into the cell.”
Yeonjun and Hueningkai blinked.
“But, he no longer has his chains,” Yeonjun said.
Taehyun shook his head. “I don’t think he’ll need them,” he said. “Soobin has been broken enough.”
Soobin’s head was bowed. He refused to look at any of them.
“Oh, and when you’re finished, come back up to Beomgyu’s room, will you?”
Hueningkai tilted his head. “Oh? Is everything alright?”
Taehyun smiled. “Beomgyu’s awake.”
taglist: @my-moarmy-heart @arohabangtan @a-fragmented-world
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #5: Favorite Fish-Man
1.)    Abe Sapien (BPRD)
Good old Abraham Sapien. Been with us since the fist arc of Hellboy. Abe’s come a long way since then; met his mom, found his wife, subsequently lost her, reunited with his old steampunk buddies, got elected as antichrist after Hellboy and Liz, went into a coma, mutated a couple of feet taller, and so and so on. Into Abe is thrown a lot of bigger themes that inform us of the Mignolaverse’s overall composure. On the aesthetic side, Abe always brings the ocean, fish, and water with him. Lovecraft’s fear of the ocean, Verne’s fascination, and Melville’s awe of it are all wrapped up in Abe Sapien. In his past life, he even came from a whaling family, and he was part of a secret society of ocean-worshiping spiritualists. That’s the other aesthetic cue in Abe; Victoriana. Even when in body armor and running across the flooded remains of the Gulf Coast, Abe never loses a certain gentility. But as a character theme, more than anything, I think Abe represents tragedy. He’s lost more than anyone; Even Liz can still say she has her humanity. Abe can’t even remember his past life, and now he’s becoming a little more monstrous every day.
But through all that, Abe is still maybe the most relatable member of the BPRD for me. (Well, the superpowered ones anyway.) Abe isn’t really sure of who he is or his place in the world, and he’s still looking for those connections that root a person. At the same time, Abe sticks to the middle of the road, acting as the voice of reason even in unreasonable circumstances. He’s capable of emotional outbursts and faults, but for the most part, Abe succeeds at being a good person. Abe might be the strangest core member of the BPRD, but that he’s never inhuman. We don’t need to be super heroes; just basically good people are enough to keep the world running.
2.)    Davy Jones (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Man, I just love how cool this guy is. Sea monster octopus pirate; that’s a character description that makes my inner ten year old want to jump and down. Davy Jones’ whole character design is just so nifty; tentacle beard, organic peg-leg, crab-claw hook hand, a sweet pipe and a giant hat. Hat’s also important for the other reason I love Jones; plays into so many mythical archetypes. Costumers for PotC explicitly stated they picked Jones’ hat because it looked like horns, and they really wanted Jones to fit his role as essentially the pirate devil. As the PotC spans out, Jones is revealed to have been even more legendary characters; he’s the Old Man of the Sea that Odysseus had to wrestle to go to Hades, and Charon guiding souls over to the underworld. I’ll be honest, Davy Jones’ pathos with the lost love never really struck a chord with me. Bill Nighy’s performance of it was great, though, so props are definitely in order for that. And last, but certainly not least, I can’t not love a man who keeps a kraken as a pet.
3.)    Deep Ones (H.P. Lovecraft)
The classic. The first. Your one and only. It’s beginning to look a lot like fish-men. The blue-collar workers of the Cthulhu Mythos. H.P. Lovecraft’s fear of the ocean and corrupted bloodlines all wrapped into one beautiful, horrible fish creature. Nothing quite beats Lovecraft’s originals; he goes out of his way to describe them as alien, foul, and horrible. They’re another one of those monsters you can practically smell through the pages. I think it’s safe to say that half the other fish-men on this list wouldn’t exist without the Deep Ones. People are still scared of the ocean and the alien things living in it, and the Deep Ones give that fear a face. All the while they call to some primal part of us, an archaic memory that remembers when our species used to be fish, and they tell us to come home. Just as angels call us to come to God, the Deep Ones call us back to the sea. (Also; fat and hunchbacked Deep Ones only. I’m sorry; I wish I didn’t have to make that call. If it was up to me, all Deep Ones would be valid. But these are the times we live in, and sacrifices have to be made, preferably to Father Dagon.)
4.)    The Creature from the Black Lagoon (Universal Monsters)
Deep Ones lite. There’s actually a lot I like about the Creature on its own merits. It’s such a natural creature, as far as monsters go. It lives in harmony with its ecosystem, and its design really conveys that its simply a fish that has evolved into a humanoid shape. You can say the same thing about humans, though, and that ultimately is where we connect with the Creature. He’s also kind of charming in his own way; wide eyes, smiling face, no big pointy teeth. He’s practically a goldfish compared to the Deep Ones. And of course those underwater ballet sequences are still just absolutely beautiful. I think more than the Deep Ones, the Creature can probably be compared to King Kong; a primal, more innocent creature so strange that humanity wouldn’t leave it alone. Mankind’s desire to know more about the mysterious ultimately destroyed that mystery, conveying the paradox of how destructive discovery can be.
5.)    The Asset (Shape of Water)
We’ve come full circle now, I suppose. Centuries ago, sailors dreamed up half women/half fish creatures to ease their loneliness, and now we’ve made a half man/half fish to do the same for women. The Asset is pretty explicitly a makeover of the Creature from the Black Lagoon, even coming from a distant part of South America. There’s also clearly some Abe Sapien in there, which is only to be expected coming from Guillermo del Toro. This might sound weird, but I think the details I appreciate most are the spines and the fangs. I know this whole movie was supposed to be about how the monster was less dangerous than the Creature, but the spines and fangs just make it feel like a more believable creature.
6.)    The Creature (Monster Squad)
But before the asset, there was another Creature from the Black Lagoon reboot in The Monster Squad. This movie is just the gift that keeps on giving. I’d say that the Creature here is the strongest individual design out of the whole batch. He didn’t really do much in this movie, but he made one heck of an impression. Designed by none other than the late, great Stan Winston, this version of the Creature looks like its ready to kick ass and take names. I distinctly get the impression of a piranha from it, and you can just imagine a mob of these guys rising up out of the Amazon and pulling down a river boat.
7.)    Sahuagin (Dungeons and Dragons)
There are a lot of different fish people to choose from in D&D. Kuo Toa, Skum, Locathah, mermaids, Atlanteans, and the list grow longer every year. But my personal favorite are the Sahuagin; brutal, murderous raiders living in a strict tribal hierarchy, worshiping a giant shark, and prone to mutations. While most fish men draw from Lovecraft, I got the distinct impression that the Sahuagin were more pulpy, a bit more Edgar Rice Burroughs. Even their other name, the Sea Devils, sounds like something Conan or Tarzan would fight in a comic book. Their designs are just so cool; fin ears, bullet heads, shark teeth, long tails. Before ‘scary’, these were sea monsters made to look intimidating. They are the most organized antagonistic force under the waves, threatening everything from merfolk to sailors. Their goal? Nothing short of supreme domination of the sea.
8.)    Shark Giant (Bloodborne)
Another Deep One descendent, and this one hits like a truck. There’s a lot to be said for the shark giant on its own merits. It’s lack of eyes make you think that it senses by scent, and remind you of how a shark can sense a drop of blood in water a hundred miles away. There are, of course, the teeth, and how they seem to take up more space than there is for the mouth. The barnacles on its back are both a crest and a fin. Its paleness makes it seem to glow in the dark, like its bioluminescent. It really reinforces the feeling in the Fishing Hamlet that you’re underwater, like the boundaries between land, sea, and sky have been blurred. More than any other monster in the Fishing Hamlet, the shark giant is what reminds me of Lovecraft’s Dagon; a huge, deformed figure skulking over the mud of a submarine nightmare-scape.
9.)    The Children of the Thing That Drifted Ashore (Junji Ito)
The Thing That Drifted Ashore isn’t even really my favorite Junji Ito sea monster story; that would probably be Gyo. But the things that come crawling out of it are some of the first fish people I find genuinely disgusting, evoking that same feeling Lovecraft wanted from his Deep Ones. The Thing had apparently swallowed dozens of people that fell into the sea over the years, keeping them in its stomach. But rather than being digested, the people changed. It’s subtle, but you can still see it; webbed fingers, widened eyes, transparent skin. Inside the Thing, the people were witnesses to the abyss of the deep sea and driven mad by it. I’m reminded of an old version of the story of Jonah I was read as a child, where Jonah looked through the great fish’s eyes and saw the fires of Sheol and the Leviathan at the bottom of the ocean. The people swallowed are reborn, now children of the Thing, belonging only to the deep sea.
10.)    Otto Aquarius (The Venture Bros)
I just love this cute little guy. He’s only a minor character on the Venture Brothers, but he still made an impression on me. A half Atlantean that became a Mormon missionary, he’s just so earnest and eager. He’s an obvious play on superheroes like Namor and Aquaman, but they can’t hold a candle to this sweetheart. He’s clean, he’s polite, he’s socially conservative, he’s useless in combat; Otto’s just endearing. Dump the Asset and get with the real catch, folks.
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How Sometimes, A Little Meddling Goes A Long Way - A CrissColfer Fic
Anonymous asked: Are you still taking promts? I was wondering if you would write an early CC one- them being extremely flirty and the rest of the cast has had enough of them being oblivious
Here you go! AO3
Word Count: 1807
“So,” begins Lea as she flops down on the couch next to Chris, resting her chin atop her propped hand expectantly. “What’s all of this I’m hearing about you and a certain special man?”
Chris peers at her over the top of his glasses, his fingers still typing out the last of a sentence on his laptop. “I don’t know where this rumor’s coming from, but by all means keep going- a fictional love life might make up for my lack of a real one.”
“I’m being serious, Colfer!” she replies indignantly. “And I can’t believe you haven’t told me!”
“I haven’t told you what?”
“You and-” she drops her voice down to a low whisper. “Darren?”
Her dramatics are verging on comical, and Chris laughs. “We’re literally in my trailer, Lea, no one’s going to hear us. Not that there’d be anything to hear anyway, since me and Darren are nothing but friends?”
“Uh-huh,” Lea nods like she’s entertaining him. “You said that like a question, by the way.”
Chris rolls his eyes and shoves at her. “I’m not questioning anything. Besides, he’s straight.”
Lea just smirks like she knows something Chris doesn’t, and gets up to leave. “Surehe is,” she says, before winking exaggeratedly and descending the trailer steps.
What was that supposed to mean?
It’s Naya who confronts him next. Chris is at one of the Craft Services’ food trucks, making a rather difficult decision between sweet and savory bagels, when she threads her arm through his and says, “Hurry up and pick something because we are going to have a talk.”
Chris stares at her in terror- Naya’s talks usually involve his sex life and whether it’s fulfilling enough, and whether he needs help finding hook ups (since he’s too young to go to bars) because she has totally got contacts. She is remarkably like her character in that sense, and it’s quite terrifying (or useful, depending on how you see it) for anyone who has to experience it.
He hastily chooses a plain bagel, (“Boring, Christopher,” Naya admonishes), and he finds himself being dragged off behind one of the trucks, away from the picnic benches where the rest of the cast and crew sit for lunch.
Chris has taken one bite of his bagel when he hears, “So, how big’s his dick?” Immediately he chokes on said bite of bagel, and looks up at Naya through his watering eyes. She’s smiling slightly smugly, though her eyes are warm.
“Whose dick?” he asks petulantly. “What is this sex life I’m having that everyone’s apparently talking about?”
“Nuh-uh, Christopher, you don’t get to play all innocent with me,” Naya says. “I’ve seen enough of your exotic dancing to know exactly what those hips can do.”
“Doesn’t mean I’m getting any!” Chris fires back, and wait, why is he trying to prove that he’s not having sex?
“Okay, so explain to me what’s going on between you and Darren, then. Don’t try and tell me you’re just bros.”
“Yes, we’re just bros,” Chris says grumpily. Naya raises an eyebrow. It’s true, though. If bros stay the night at each other’s houses, and nap together, and like to kiss each other on the cheek and occasionally end up spooning on the couch when they’re too tired to go to bed and-
Naya apparently sees the recognition in his eyes and she punches his arm in congratulations. “Damn, Chris! Those sweatpants of his hide like, nothing- you are one lucky bastard!”
“We’re not fucking!” Chris yells after her, but she’s already stalking off in her flouncy Cheerios skirt, smacking his ass as she passes him by.
A PA nearby clutches her clipboard and eyes him confusedly, and he hurriedly makes his way back to the picnic tables before his face can burn up any more.
Darren likes Chris. As in he likes Chris. He totally wants to kiss him, and wake up next to him, and do stuff with him, and just be the one Chris comes home to, but all of those feelings are kind of terrifying because Chris doesn’t seem to want him back. And Darren’s not good with dealing with feelings that aren’t returned. They kind of leave him open and vulnerable and kind of dejected, really.
It’s also not fun seeing Chris flirt with the hot sound guy, his eyes crinkling every time he laughs at something the the guy’s said. Like, that’s totally a downer. Only Darren should be allowed to make Chris laugh like that- so much that you can see a hint of his cute little teeth.
And that’s what he’s doing on a Tuesday morning- sitting in one of the chairs in their makeshift auditorium, glaring peevishly at the sound guy, who has the audacity to smooth the lapel of Chris’ costume suit.
Dianna’s voice cuts through Darren’s grouchy reverie. “If looks could kill, Martin would honestly have dropped dead by now.”
“Who’s Martin?”
Dianna snorts, and somehow, because she’s Dianna, she manages to make the sound elegant and dignified. “The boom operator. The one who’s currently talking to Chris.”
Darren huffs and tries to be noncommittal, but Dianna sees right through him. “You’ve just got to ask him, you know. He’ll say yes.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Di.”
“Sure you don’t.” She pats his knee sympathetically, and pulls out her phone and the conversation’s over.
Darren goes back to staring at Chris.
Kevin’s the next one to tackle him about Chris. Darren’s friends are cool and all, and he loves them to pieces, but they can be ridiculously persistent.
“Ya’ll are dating, right?” Kevin asks from across the empty seat. Chris has gotten up from sitting between them to grab a drink of water, not before giving Darren’s hand a squeeze.
“Nah, man, we’re just friends.”
Kevin raises an eyebrow skeptically. “You do realise that’s what they all say?”
“I’m serious, dude! Besides, he doesn’t really want me like that anyway,” Darren concedes, stopping himself from running a hand through his Blaine hair.
At that moment, Chris comes back, handing Darren one of those adorable mini bottles of water. He leans across Darren’s lap to give one to Heather as well, and in that movement his hand grips Darren’s thigh tightly. Not knee thigh, but like close-to-crotch thigh. Darren can feel his face heating up as he blushes.
Damn his father’s super white genes.
Kevin laughs. “Either you’re blind, or I’m seeing things, Criss.”
When Chris arrives at the restaurant, there’s no one there. A solid chunk of the cast has agreed to meet up for dinner at one of their favorite places, surely not everyone’s late? The room is like, barren. Sure, it’s not uncommon for them to book out the entire place- because there’s so many of them and it’s easier to avoid the paps, but Chris definitely isn’t early- they’d said 8 and it’s now 8:30.
Suddenly Darren’s walking into the restaurant, sweating slightly with the humid L.A. air.
“Heya, Chris,” he says amicably, leaning up to press a kiss to Chris’ cheek. “I’m not too late, am I?”
Chris ignores the swooping sensation in his stomach. “Not at all. It seems like we’re actually early compared to everyone else.”
“Not even Jenna?” Darren asks, peering around Chris to stare at the quiet dining area. Even the desk at the front of the restaurant, where your name gets ticked off for reservations, is empty. “Jenna’s never late.”
“Even Jenna,” Chris confirms. They then both startle as a waitress appears seemingly out of nowhere beside them, holding a notepad.
“Chris Colfer and Darren Criss?” she asks, eyeing them both.
Darren breathes out a shaky, “Holy shit, that was scary as hell…” while clutching his heart as if he’s just had a stroke.
Chris rolls his eyes and addresses the waitress, who looks nice enough. “Yep, that’s us.”
“We’ve got a table for you two. Come with me?” She sets off quickly- probably to get away from Darren, who’s still breathing heavily and staring at her like she just teleported.  
“Did she just say, us two?” Chris asks Darren (once he’s calmed down), as they follow her through the restaurant.
“Uh, yeah? I mean, we’re here for dinner aren’t we?”
“Well, the way she said that was like it’s just us two.”
Chris’ suspicions are confirmed when they arrive at a quaint little table for a pair, adorned with delicate cutlery and flickering candles. “Oh my god…”
“Wait- what?” Darren stares at the table confusedly, and then back at the waitress who’s pulled out their chairs for them and stalked off to get their menus. “Why are we at a table for two? The place is empty- there’s a twelve-seater like, right there.”
“What do you think, Darren?” Chris breathes. His eyes are wide and he’s slightly paralyzed.
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you- ohh.”
Darren turns to face him, eyes a million times brighter in the dim light of the room. “Are we- did we just get set up? On a date?”
“I’m pretty sure we did.” Chris feels the blush rise with the implications of what’s just happened. “Oh my god, I am going to kill Lea. Or Naya. Or whoever the fuck it was.”
“I thought it might’ve been Kev or Dianna,” Darren laughs. “Could’ve been all of them, actually. They’ve all been on my tail about asking you- oh.”
He drops off prematurely, apparently finding something interesting in the designs on the tablecloth.
Chris feels like his stomach might fall out. “Asking me what?”
Darren waits a moment before looking back up at him, eyes glowing amber. “If I’d brought you here, and gotten us a table like this, in an empty restaurant, would you sit down with me?”
“Like-” Chris’ throat feels dry. “Like on a date?”
“Like on a date,” Darren confirms.
“Would you have meant it?” Chris whispers.
“With everything I have.”
Their hands have somehow met between them, and Chris stares at them, pale against tan, the way their fingers connect.
“Good thing we’re in the exact situation you just described, then.”
“Exactly.” Darren tugs Chris down to sit opposite him and they kind of just look at each dazedly other for a moment.
Chris remains shellshocked, until he’s suddenly laughing, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. “I can’t find it in myself to be mad at those meddling assholes.”
Darren snorts. “I reckon we’ll have to send them flowers or something.”
“Yeah, we will. After this date, though.”
Darren’s resulting smile lights Chris up inside for the rest of the night.
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makku-ruko · 4 years
Background scenes from various arcs
Lie lie lie
Akumu akumu akumu akumu aa Namida nagasu dake uso ga tamaru
Ruru ruru ruru ruru-
Ikita ashiato wa koukai no katachi
Ruru ruru ruru rara-
Kowashite, ah-
Kowashite, ah-
Rairairai rairairai rairairai rai-
Tsuita uso tsuita uso zenbu zenbu CHARA ni shite
Rairairai rairairai rarara ra-
Omoide wo omoide wo zenbu zenbu keshisate
Rairairai rairairai rairairai rai
Tsuita uso tsuita uso zenbu zenbu ZERO ni shite
Rairairai rairairai rarara ra-
Omoide wo omoide wo zenbu zenbu tokashikitte CHARA RIRA RIRA RU-
Saigo saigo kyou ga saigo guruguru ruru ruru
Moushi mekara moushi mekara souki meruto sugasuga shii kara
Kowashite ah-
Owari ni shitekure ah-
Rairairai rairairai rairiarai rai-
Kiesate kiesate zenbu zenbu owaraseyou
Rairairai rairairai rarara ra-
Nigeran nai nigeran nai donna donna bashodate
Rairairai rairairai rairairai rai-
Tsuita uso tsuita uso zenbu zenbu ZERO ni shite
Rairairai rairairai rarara ra-
Rarara rarara rarara rarara
Rairairai rairairai rairairai rai-
Rarara rarara zenbu zenbu owaraseyou
Rairairai rairairai rarara ra-
Rarara rarara donna donna omoide mo
Rairairai rairairai rairairai rai-
Rarara rarara zenbu zenbu ZERO ni shite
Rairairai rairairai rarara ra-
Rarara rarara rarara ra-
((This is a recurring theme song for Liar. It makes sense when his mental state begins to deteriorate.))
Liar: //In the forest, looking up at the leaves.//
Mahogany: ...//also there. Picking some herbs. He looks behind.//....
Liar:...! //Short stare.//
Mahogany:...//Opens arms.//
Liar: //Immediate hug.//
Mahogany: //Strokes his hair.// it’s okay..
Liar: //cling//....do you...blame me for leaving?
Mahogany: Never.
Liar: Is it....my fault..? Could I really have done more..? Did I give up?
Mahogany: It isn’t. And most likely....if you weren’t plagued by so many other things....you did give up..but I understand why..
Liar: mm...I ....want to stay cursed...until the end...
Mahogany: //tighter hug.// I know why but...I can’t allow it... even if it means you’ll have to suffer with your internal problems...but I just can’t risk losing you..
Liar: Guess I’m just being selfish...
Mahogany: You have your reasons, Tsuki..somehow. One day. You’ll stop struggling...and I’ll be right there waiting to see your true smile... stay...if not for the others, stay for us.
Liar: I always did...
Mahogany: We’ll figure it out one way or another. Just...don’t listen to the people who say they know you...We know you. You can trust that. We’ll never blame you for something that wasn’t your fault. We know your story...and we’re your support...if you felt you couldn’t talk to me about anything before, you can...
Liar: You go through...enough already...I don’t want t—
Mahogany: I’m not burying my little brother because he felt like no one understood or no one would listen. I’m here. No matter what, I am. And I’ll always be...you aren’t alone...
Liar: //tighter cling. Tears up.//...mm...
Mahogany: I love you.
Liar: //sniff//...I love you too...
((This took place after Liar returned from being kidnapped by Xekiel.))
Xekiel: //Descends behind Liar.// Hey.
Liar: AAA—!!! ...d...DONT DO THAT Ò0Ó!
Xekiel: //Chuckle. Pat pat.//
Liar: //jingle jingle.// •^•?
Xekiel:...//Smoll blush. Ruffles hair.// Why are you so cute to me....I don’t get it..
Liar:...are you hitting on me dude? 0^0
Liar:..//stands at attention.// So..? What’s up..?
Xekiel: //Scratches back of his head. Mumbles.// If....if that thing with demon dude and Mikhail doesn’t work out...just...I’m here....I know how much it...plagues you..
Liar:...I’m not falling for you again.
Xekiel: ...Thought so...//Smile.//..You close up really easily...but...//Caresses cheek.// Even so....didn’t stop me..
Liar: •^•....(//////)....can’t. Don’t do that.
Xekiel: //Cups face// you’re precious to me...so I only want you to be happy... //Releases.//
Liar: >\\\\\< how tf do I attract attention aaaaaaa!...hhhhhh...I mean...idk what’s gonna happen. I’ve chosen Mikhail but still love Oni. He’s reciprocating more now I guess to test and tease me...but I think it’ll end with Mikhail. I don’t wanna let him go..
Xekiel: I know...But the offer is there. I’m not necessarily going to back off though.
Liar: w-what’s that supposed to mean??? Ò0ó
Xekiel: Nothing plushie.
Liar: p...plushie..?
Xekiel: Yes. Plushie. Deal with it.
Liar: S-shut up edgelord!
Xekiel: //Grin. Pat pat. Thoughtful expression.// Alright...
((After the kidnapped saga, Liar and Xekiel became friends...but Xekiel ending up falling for Liar during his captivity.))
Omo: ...//staring. The dark aura still repels him.//....Tsu...ki?
Liar:..//He’s hugging his knees. Seemingly not feeling anything.// mm?
Omo:..are you oke?
Liar:...I guess...I should be shouldn’t I..?
Omo:....imma get Maho! ò0ó //runs off.//
Liar: //He stares at the sheets. Thoughts merely floating in and out of his head. His eyes devoid of life, somewhat temporary. Nothing major. Just dull.//
Liar’s arc progression:
-Villainous Joker (comic relief)
-anti-hero (Mikhail added)
-Lovestruck (double realisation)
-suffering sanity
-Cursed darkness (kidnapped saga)
-Last chance for good= empty/acceptance
-Chosen Darkness (final resolve)
-Questioned existence. (Need for power. Under the Goddess’ light)
Mahogany: //enters the room.// Tsuki...
Liar: //same place//...mm?
Mahogany:..I heard what you did..//sits by him.// And...I want to say that it’s an incredible thing to do for somebody...but what about you...?
Liar: ....I feel nothing.
Mahogany: Are you sad? Grieving? Heart broken?
Liar: No. I finally got rid of him...so I don’t want to see him anymore. Not like it’d matter now. She’s back. She can take fucking care of him.
Mahogany: So...you’re mad.
Liar: //wry chuckle.// hahah, I don’t even know. I feel like....why the fuck would I do something like that for somebody else? What’s the point of trying to be that good??? What’s the point in trying to give someone the happiness that you never got???
Mahogany: Do you...miss him?
Liar: I just...I don’t want it. To think about those feelings again. To get close to somebody again and to CARE that much. I...I don’t deserve Mikhail and I sure as hell need to forget Oni...I just...wish it was back in the beginning...when I was the problem child that bullied everyone. I’m not a good person. That was it...my last chance to decide whether or not I want to be a prick or not...this internal struggle....//croaky voice.// I’m tired bro.....I’m just so tired....of not feeling like I fit into my skin anymore. I had a dynamic. I never opened up....now I have. And I can’t go back. What do I do??? //looks at him, teary-eyed.// I can’t run anymore! I can’t ask someone to erase the memories. So what? Am I supposed to just deal with it??? I don’t even know how to feel!
Mahogany: Tsuki—
Liar: Heh...I’ve always been drawn to darkness and power. It makes me happy. It makes me feel like myself....this...this shit about being concerned and putting myself in harm’s way for people??? Not doing that again.
Mahogany: But what about Mik—
Liar: Stop fucking asking me about Mikhail! You think I don’t feel guilty enough that he’s aware of how hard I’m taking trying to get over loving somebody that wasn’t him??? That’s why I brought her back. To sever ties. And Mikhail....this final choice...when I’m finally where I’m supposed to be...that’s the last chance to prove whether he really will love me through whatever..
Liar: I’m going to change Maho. I’m done feeling discomfort and being obligated to be a better person — fuck that. Maybe in ten years but certainly not now. You can be disappointed in me afterwards..
Mahogany:....//hugs him tightly.// I just....want you to be happy...//sniff.//
Liar: //tighter hug.//....same here...you suffer too much as it is...let me protect you this time...
Mahogany: by doing what...?
Liar: Taking care of myself...I won’t kill anybody but I won’t leave them unscathed either...I envy Cyan and how he can switch....I want that...
Mahogany: Tsuki...
Liar: I’m not okay Maho...so why should I pretend to be? I’m a natural villain. My internal turmoil being kept in only makes me unhappy...I just...want to be me again..
Mahogany:...All I know is the inner you...it’s that’s the best part about you...please don’t change it..
Liar: it’s remaining under lock and key, don’t worry.
Mahogany:...you’re loved Tsuki...never forget that...
Liar:...//softens. Buried face in shoulder.// mm.....
Mahogany: if only the others could see...
Liar: All they’d do is make fun or ask questions...I still don’t trust them...to be careful with it...I wish I could though...show them... or at least let it out for longer..this constant guarding business is so tiring...I want to be soft and devoid of anything....emotionless...
Mahogany: Soon Tsuki...soon...you’ll get a break...
((This took place after Liar resurrected Oni’s wife, shortly after returning from being kidnapped.))
0 notes
elainesknight · 7 years
The Sulla/Marius story you’ve been waiting for
I don’t know. I have no excuses. Just some Romans being bros and talking about their feelings and stuff. 
What have I done?
Sulla had lost count on how many cups of wine he’d had. Sure, he had seen his fair share of wild parties in his youth (he chose to ignore that his so called youth had ended only a few years ago), but this was unlike any other. Their victory against the Germans was a final one and the legions were drunk on glory, but also on wine. Whenever he had emptied one cup a legionnaire seemed to appear out of thin air to hand him a full one. And Sulla found that he was not complaining at all. He was their hero and it was their right to celebrate him. It was obvious, at least to Sulla, that his (well, and Sertorius’) efforts had tipped the scales in their favor. Not that, he thought with a too well known edge of bitterness, anyone would acknowledge it. Sure, for this night he was their idol, the man who had dressed like a German and lived among the barbarians. But, in the end, the glory would go to the general and this general was Marius. Numidia all over again. Sulla stopped drinking and searched the area for the great man. There he was. Of course, it was difficult to overlook Gaius Marius who seemed to take up the space of two lesser men. Not that he was overly broad – of course he was tall and well-muscled- but there was some sort of radiance about him, especially in victory. He laughed, he drank and he patted the backs of his soldiers like he was one of them. No, Sulla thought with sour envy, he is one of them. He was just a soldier who had the luck to get filthy rich and live in a time where incompetent fools like Silanus and Caepio seemed to spawn like vermin. 
Well, Sulla thought, let’s see what the great man has got to say to me. When he came closer, Marius looked up, met his eyes and gave him a broad grin. “There he is! Our favorite barbarian! Let’s hear it for Lucius Cornelius Sulla!” he shouted and lifted his cup. The soldiers around him followed suit and chanted his name. Sulla could not help but grin and mimic their gesture. As soon as he was within reach, Marius threw an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close. Sulla suddenly felt very thin and very half-suffocated. But it was not like him to show weakness, so he playfully elbowed Marius in the side, but the great man did not even feel it. Instead the general took another deep gulp and suddenly leaned down to him. For one surreal moment Sulla thought that Marius was going to kiss him. But instead he whispered in his ear. “I would not have won without you.” Wow, thought Sulla. I am really drunk. “I wrote about your deeds to the Senate. Do you want to read it?” Wow, thought Sulla. He is really drunk. Or irrationally generous in victory. Marius smiled down at him and the warm spark in his dark eyes deeply unsettled Sulla. Marius had a certain role to play in his life and now he was certainly out of character. Normally a fatal fault in an actor but Sulla was strangely intrigued. “Sure”, he replied. Marius made a barking sound and shoved him into the tent behind them. Sulla had not even realized that they had been standing in front of the general’s tent. The folds flapped shut behind them and in the silence Sulla felt very sweaty and very drunk. Marius, on the other hand, seemed to be able to drink rivers of wine without so much as getting tipsy. The general strode to the only desk in the room and produced a letter he then presented to Sulla like his firstborn son. “Here”, he proclaimed. 
Sulla took another sip of wine and placed his cup on the desk. Marius watched him like a child eager to present a gift to their parents. Against his will, Sulla smiled at little. Maybe the old oaf wasn’t as bad as he thought. He started to read. At first it was pretty much standard, how many soldiers they’d lost, how many Germans they had killed and so on. Then came the part about him. Sulla read it, blinked, and checked again. Marius had described his deeds somewhat like a Greek epic. Who knew the old man had it in him? Maybe alcohol sometimes did bring out the good in people. (Sulla thought it was safe to assume that Marius had not really been sober when he had written the letter or at least this part.) “So? What do you think?” asked Marius and comically raised one enormous eyebrow. Sulla struggled. “It’s…I like it. Thank you” he finally managed and Marius beamed at him. “I knew it! And all true!” the great man exclaimed and patted Sulla’s back. For one fleeting second Sulla felt like Marius actually acknowledged him. But why should he do that? For all he knew he was a potential rival. Or did Marius not even take him seriously in that regard? With some alcohol-induced streak of empathy Marius seemed to guess what he was thinking about. The general sat down on a chair and patted on his legs like he was expecting Sulla to sit on his lap like a child. Sulla was definitely not drunk enough for that but came closer nonetheless. Marius’ eyes suddenly seemed very sober. “I mean it, Lucius Cornelius. You’re good. Talented. You’ll get far. And when I’m an old man, I am going to annoy my grandchildren with stories about how you’ve learned everything from me.” Marius laughed wholeheartedly. Sulla was confused. This went against everything he had ever thought about Gaius Marius and he wasn’t so sure if it was only the alcohol at play. Besides, deep inside he had a lingering feeling that he was not good enough. Not really respected by the patricians, not really a plebeian. A man who had only amounted to anything because he murdered two women who had loved him or had at least been convinced that they did. He stared at the wine in his cup and resisted the urge to just lift the cup and leave. In the very next second he could not even think of escaping anymore because Marius pulled him in for a bone-crushing hug.   “This is it” thought Sulla dramatically. “This is how I am going to die.” 
But eventually Marius released him, even though he kept his hands on Sulla’s shoulders. His eyes gleamed almost red in the torchlight and Sulla was confused. If this was anyone but Marius he would at this point suspect that something was expected of him. But Sulla was very sure that Gaius Marius of all people was not inclined that way. Marius grinned down at him. “I am not inclined that way, Lucius Cornelius. Though, if your ego needs it, I’ll admit you’re a handsome fellow.” Sulla made a mental note to never challenge Marius when he was drunk. Apparently the wine had given him all the empathy that he usually lacked, effectively granting him godlike mindreading capabilities. “Um…” said Sulla helplessly until he came up with the wittier: “How can you be so sure?” Marius winked at him and Sulla was very sure that this must be a particularly weird dream. “Oh, I’ve spend the most of my youth in the military, you know? So…, after a while you come to know a thing or two.” Sulla was shocked. Now he finally gave in and emptied his cup in one go. Miraculously Marius managed to refill his cup with some wine he produced seemingly out of thin air while simultaneously not letting go of him. “How do you know? I mean about me? Why haven’t you…?” Marius grinned. “I’m not stupid” he said as if that explained everything. Then he shrugged. “I don’t care what you do privately, Lucius Cornelius. As long as you fight like a true Roman, you can be as Greek as you like in bed.” “I see” said Sulla who was rapidly losing his grip on reality. Was he actually discussing his sexual preferences with Gaius Marius? “And, I mean looking at your performances in war, I can just say that you have more than enough Roman in you to make up for a lot of things” declared Marius and threw one massive arm around him again. The great man really got touchy when he drank. But right now Sulla was actually thankful for it as he was not sure if he could even walk in a straight line anymore. 
“You can say these things because you think that you’re better than me” said Sulla before he could stop himself. Marius made a strange sound and when Sulla looked up he could see the general staring questioningly at him. But he said nothing and so Sulla was getting ready to free himself and leave. Marius drew him back as soon as he tried to escape. “I’m thinking” said the general and Sulla took another deep gulp of wine. “Well” began Marius and Sulla readied himself for the blow that was sure to follow. “I don’t think I’m better than you. In fact I feel…hmpf…like an Italian hayseed with no Greek. You’re a patrician Cornelius. Far above me. I mean, as far as I know my grandmother could have been a cow.” Marius gave a barking laugh. Sulla smiled. “But of course I think that I’m a great general. Of course I think that I’m pretty good at a lot of things.” Sulla felt the well-known bitterness well up in him. “Because it’s true. I am good. Maybe even great. I have saved Rome.” Marius suddenly pulled him in front of him and Sulla felt slightly dizzy. “But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t good. Or that you didn’t save Rome. I am the general so the triumph will go to me. But you will have your own. And I will make sure that everyone knows what you did here, Lucius Cornelius. And in Numidia.” Sulla stared at Marius. He did not understand. It made absolutely no sense. “Why are you saying this?” The general did not seem to understand. “What do you get from telling me these things?” Marius’ enormous eyebrows drew themselves together. There was something in his face that Sulla could not read. “I don’t know. Should I get something from it? It’s the truth.” Marius seemed lost in thought. But still he had Sulla’s shoulders in an iron grip and so he waited for the great man to come to a result. “Sometimes I think that I am too close to the earth. I mean, Julia is the descendant of a goddess. I am just…a man who happens to know how to lead armies. But because I am so close to the ground I have a safe footing. And so I can afford to reach out to others and help them get up.” Sulla blinked, Marius grinned. “That was a metaphor.” “I’m impressed” said Sulla to gain time. “But you don’t want me to climb higher than you.” “No” answered Marius and his honesty moved something deep within Sulla. “But then again, I don’t even want my own son to surpass me. I think I am not a good person.” “Oh, I don’t think good people get as far as we did” said Sulla lightly, suppressing the urge to tell Marius that he probably was completely innocent compared to him.   Marius shrugged in agreement. It was easier for both of them to think that way. 
“So, you don’t think I could ever surpass you?” asked Sulla putting his finger in the wound. “Hm. I’m not sure. Maybe you could. You’re a strange man, Lucius Cornelius. But I know that you’re a determined one.” Marius shrugged again. “Why do you risk it then? You could just claim all the glory for yourself and be done with It.” “But that would be a lie. I could not have done it without you. I meant it.” Sulla tried to think of a way to get his message into Marius’ thick peasant brain but the general continued. “You helped me get to where I am. It would be wrong to not do the same for you.” “But why?” thought Sulla frantically. “What do you want?” And then Marius crushed his world view like he had crushed the Cimbri. “I’m your friend, Lucius Cornelius. I’m on your side. As you are on mine, I hope.” Something bitter within him told him that he would destroy the old fool who thought him a friend. The rest in him craved Marius’ respect and friendship with an intensity that threw him off balance. “I am, Gaius Marius” he said and Marius smiled warmly at him before pulling him closer for another bone-crushing hug. “Too…much” gasped Sulla and Marius loosened his grip. “Sorry” he said and Sulla laughed. Despite the wine they both had been drinking Marius stood solid and reliable. Sulla found out that the world spun less before his eyes when he leaned his head against his general’s shoulder. “Safe footing indeed” he thought and smiled. Marius was drunk but could still detect a person’s weaknesses with the analytic mind of a general and so he went in for the final blow. “I think you’re good enough” he said with finality. You don’t know me at all, thought Sulla but he felt strangely warm nevertheless. “I think the same about you” he said instead and was almost sure that he meant it. In an attempt to dissolve the tension he felt within himself he added “Shall we kiss now?” Sulla heard the laughter rumble in Marius’ chest and smiled with a strange fondness that he did not know he possessed. “This” thought Sulla as he closed his eyes “is what madness must feel like.”  
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annabelle--cane · 7 years
Zoe asks Evan to hang out at her place while her folks are gone. They plan on watching a movie, turns out to be a scary movie and the scariest part is. Connor is still home, watching them. Brooding.
(idk set in some all-purpose Connor Is Alive au where Zoe and Evan met under better circumstances)
Evan walked cautiously through the front door. Despite having been given a key to the Murphy house a good three months ago, he still felt like he was doing something wrong whenever he came in without knocking. Shutting it behind him quietly, he saw Zoe peek her smiling face out through the door to the kitchen.
“Hey! I’ll be with you in just a sec, I’m adding peanut butter to the popcorn,” she called out before ducking her head back into the kitchen.
“ ‘Kay!” he responded. He took a deep breath, enjoying the oily smell wafting through the house. Looking down, he noticed the pile of shoes by the door and slipped off his own. He was startled by a snicker from the direction of the staircase, looked up quickly, and saw Connor lurking on the top step.
“Dude, Mom isn’t home, you don’t have to do that.”
Evan felt his heartbeat slow down again. “Connor, don’t do that!” He put his hands on his knees, comically exaggerating needing to catch his breath. “Cynthia Murphy is a very powerful woman, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she knows everything happening in her house even when she’s not around.”
Connor facial shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
Zoe walked out of the kitchen with two big plastic bowls of peanut butter popcorn. “Connor, stop being mean to my boyfriend, he’s delicate,” she said casually.
Simultaneously, Connor and Evan said “I’m not being mean!” and “I’m not that delicate!”
Zoe chuckled, passing Evan one of the bowls. “Do you have any movie ideas?”
He shrugged. “Nah.”
“Shoot, neither do I.” She looked up at her brother, still chilling on the staircase. “Do you have any recs?”
Connor smiled, which, looking back on it, should have clued Evan in that he was about to say something he thought to be evil. “Have you ever heard of Signs?”
“No,” she replied.
“Sci-fi, aliens, all that shit. I think we have a DVD.”
Zoe looked at Evan, and he nodded. “Okay, thanks bro.”
The couple descended to the basement to watch in privacy. Connor remained on the stairs for another moment before retreating to his room. He’d never been happier that the vents in the house meant he could hear every word spoken in the house.
Evan huddled into Zoe’s side, and she rested her head on top of his. This was a creepy movie. The protagonist guy was attacked by an alien hand in a cupboard, and Evan nearly jumped out of his skin. Quietly, Zoe whispered “You wanna switch to something else?”
“No!” he said quickly, “No, I’m fine. This is cool, I’m just jittery.” He paused, and then added, much softer. “Thanks for asking though.”
Instead of responding verbally, Zoe booped Evan’s nose.
“Ugh you SAPS!” said a voice from somewhere in the room. Faster than lightning, Zoe paused the movie, turned on the lights, identified Connor’s location in the room, and threw a pillow directly at his face. Evan blinked and he nearly missed all of it.
“What the fuck, Connor?” shrieked Zoe.
“I second that,” said Evan, sitting up properly.
Connor was folded up in a wooden chair at the back of the room. “I’ve been here for the past hour. I needed you guys to notice me before you got too sappy.”
“No, why are you down here at all?” Zoe clarified, seething.
“I was going to wait for the tensest moment and then scream, but you both seemed to be handling this really coolly and I was not running the risk of being in the room while you guys kissed.”
Evan could only imagine what his expression looked like, because Connor took one look at him and dissolved into laughter. Zoe threw another pillow.
“Hey, that was uncalled for!”
“You’re uncalled for! Now get out.”
Connor got up from his seat and mosied around the room but made no move toward the staircase.
“Connor, please,” added Evan. The other boy merely inspected his nail polish like he didn’t hear a word.
“Well what if I just,” Zoe put her hand on Evan’s cheek and turned his face her her direction, keeping her eyes on Connor. He moved a few feet towards the exit. “No, no, don’t you dare Zoe.”
She turned her gaze back to her boyfriend and inched her head forward slowly and heard Connor scuttle up the stairs and the door slam shut.
“That worked,” Evan breathed, about an inch-and-a-half from Zoe’s face.
“It did,” she responded, closing the small gap. The kiss broke apart after a few seconds, and Evan leaned his forehead against hers for a moment, their noses touching.
“Now, what were those aliens doing?” he asked.
“Let’s find out,” she said, pulling back and pressing play.
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for the honesty hour thing, do all the even number ones 😎
AAAAAAA ily thanks for all the questions, now hopefully all my answers make sense pff
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Depends on who I’m with! If it’s a small group I can be really outgoing, and especially around my friends. In school I tend to be really quiet and hardly talk at all.

4. Are you easy to get along with?I like to think so? Sometimes I could see myself being a little overbearing or disagreeable.

6. What kind of people are you attracted to?NICE PEOPLE, if you’re nice to me I’ll cry.

8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?Hmmm dunno, my ex I guess tbh.

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?My best friend Talia! We hung out at lunch today which was rad bc we hardly have time, and we talked abt feelings.

12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?-Cry Wolf— The girl and the dreamcatched-Howl— Florence and the machine (Oh my gosh wolf theme here jeez)-Rainclouds— The arcadian wind-No guts, no glory— Cassio monroe-Jump into the fog— The wombats

14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?Kinda, yea!

16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?Bruh

18. Do you still talk to your first crush?HOoh man who even was my first crush? Nah i dont think so

20. Do you like your neighbors?OMG my neighbors are a nice elderly italian couple whos son still lives w them, and he talks rlly loud and gruff and loves comic books and is like a friendly lumberjack and theyre great

22. Where would you like to travel?Anywhere sounds nice w friends! Road trips are def my style, just place to place yknow.

24. Favorite part of your daily routine?The couple hours before my sister and I go to bed, when we just chill in her room and draw or talk!

26. What do you do when you wake up?Bathroom probably lol

28. Who are you most comfortable around?My sister 100%

30. Do you ever want to get married?Maybe, idk

32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?NAH

34. Do you play sports? What sports?I dont play sports lol

36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?YA

38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Idk, someone nice who makes me smile and I can make smile. Idc

40. What do you want to do after high school?cry

42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m probably in a mood, sometimes I just detach bc something minor upsets me and it takes me a while to find a voice/personality again

44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?BOTH SOUND TERRIFYING but im gonna say ocean yea ill stay on earth thx

46. What are you paranoid about?My dad finding my blog or hearing me talk abt really personal stuff he wouldnt approve of

48. Have you ever been drunk?Nupe

50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?Grey

52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?Make my voice normal lol

54. Favourite store?BARNES & NOBLE OMg

56. Favourite colour?
ALL maybe pastel purples/pinks??!!

58. Last thing you ate?
Pasta lol

60. Ever won a competition? For what?Cant remember asdffg. I won a camp competition and the trophy was an old icee machine theyd spray painted silver. my teams names all got written on it.

62. Been arrested? For what?NO OMG

64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?I have two tbh. My technical first kiss was this girl who sprung it on me w/o asking, i was still dating another guy at the time. it was surprising and a little intense, it freaked me out and i hate remembering itWhat i like to call my real first kiss was w the guy id been dating at the time, he kissed me after band practice and both our dads were in the room but it was really cute and sweet

66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS and i love them all so much. All my real friends ive known for so many years, and most of my tumblr friends are pretty new but i have so much love for all yall

68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr. twitters cool but it confuses me haha

70. Names of your bestfriends? Katie, courtney, chris, stef, & talia !

72. What colour are your towels?Uuuuh is it bad i cant remember? Red? We have a few colors cuz their all old and dont rlly match

72. How many pillows do you sleep with? (??? theres two 72s omg lol)HELLA

74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?I have a pillow pet and a toothless build a bear lmao, and theres probably like 4ish other merch plushiss that i love

76. What colour is your underwear?pink pff

78. Favourite ice cream flavour?coffee!!

80. What colour pants?Dark blue denim!

82. Favourite movie?Hmm Descendants probs heheh. Or HTTYD!

84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?Ive only seen mean girls, and that was like years ago hahaha

86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?NEMO

88. Last person you talked to today?My sister ;3;

90. Name a person you love?YOU BB

92. In a fight with someone?Na bro

94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Like 5ish that i use regularly, probably more tho

96. Favourite actress?

Hummm Dove cameron lol

98. Do you tan a lot?YES in the summer yea

100. How are you feeling?Tired & a little anxious

102. Do you regret anything from your past?YA always

104. Do you miss anyone from your past?A friend i used to have in middle school and freshmen year lol, but he moved

106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Not that i know of. maybe.

108. What should you be doing?ENGLISH HW ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ WHAT CAN YA DO

110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Mmm

112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?Katie (My sister), I bet. Yikes.

114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?YA

116. Are you listening to music right now?Radio in the car! Idk the song, its pop but its new so i dunno it yet

118. Do you like Chinese food?Yea

120. Are you afraid of the dark?SOMETIMES BRO

122. Is cheating ever okay?NO??? NO!!!

124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Not really

126. Are you currently bored?Luckily anxiety is occupying me idk if “bored” is quite the word for it

128. Would you change your name?Hmmm maybe maybe not, idc. 
If I changed it it be to something like peter or even nico
130. Do you like subway?Eeeeh

132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?This questions repeated i think but my friend Talia!

134. Can you count to one million?WH i mean theoretically… ye..s?

136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?Open, so the cat can get in/out

138. Curly or Straight hair?Mines p straight

140. Summer or Winter?Summer

142. Favourite month?March

144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?MILK CHOCOLATE

146. Was today a good day?It was pretty good yeah!!

148. What’s your favourite quote?
“Comparison will kill you” idk who its by

150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line“He didn’t have the time to dawdle here like this now”
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Not So Alone (repost)
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This is a shameless repost because I haven’t written a thing today. So I poked around in my archive and found some fluff. I chose Alan fluff cos that is what I’ve read a bit of today :D I think this may have been one of the first times I wrote Alan’s POV. I know I remember being a touch terrified :D
Apologies to those who have already read it, I’ll try to write some new stuff tomorrow ::hugs:: My brain has just been mush today :(
Title: Not So Alone Author: Gumnut 21 Jun 2019 Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS Rating: Teen Summary: Alone time is sometimes better shared. Word count: 1767 Spoilers & warnings: None. Timeline: Standalone Author’s note: This is for @ak47stylegirl​ who wrote me the first part of this little fic, Alone Time, which can be found on her profile on Ao3. She wrote Virgil, so I stepped out of my comfort zone a little and wrote her some Alan to keep her Virgil company :D I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it :D Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
Alan was bored.
It wasn’t often that he found himself with a lack of things to do. Life was generally busy with Thunderbird maintenance, rescues and backup duties.
Of course, he could always kill some zombies, but he was feeling restless. Gordon was off the island with Grandma so that didn’t help. Scott was buried in paperwork and John was still hiding on Five. Virgil had disappeared.
Wandering out onto the balcony, Alan eyed the pool a moment before throwing the idea out. Without Gordon it wouldn’t be anywhere near as much fun.
Maybe he could go for a walk. Scott had been nagging him to get into a more regular exercise routine and, hey, he hadn’t seen the other side of the island for a while.
Darting up to his rooms, he threw on some loose clothes, decent shoes and a hat. A quick note to John to say where he was going and he was out the back door and crunching gravel up the side of the mountain.
While he had no objection to the great outdoors, Alan had no particular preference for sun, surf or bush walking. Not that he didn’t love a splash in the ocean with his brother, or even a jog around the island with Scott, it was just that many of his interests lay in the confines of the virtual world.
Or space.
Part of him didn’t want to admit he was like Johnny, but he was in many ways, but where John adored seclusion, Alan loved people. Basically, Alan was happy doing pretty much anything as long as it was with someone, preferably someone he loved.
So, he would really be lying if he said he took his route at random. It wasn’t a conscious decision, more just what he knew was going to happen regardless.
Virgil had some favourite places on the island to sit and just be. Alan didn’t quite get it any more than he got John’s love of solitude, but he knew his brother liked it and he stored the information for when it was needed.
Today Alan wanted company, so he used the information he had at hand.
Clambering around on the rocky island was not for the faint-hearted. There was no doubt that he was getting a good workout just by going for a simple walk. His first stop was a small cliff beyond Thunderbird Two’s runway. It was Virgil’s favourite, just on the other side of the mountain. He could often be found here just staring out into the ocean thinking who knew what. The scene had been painted, scribbled and, in one case, mosaicked onto a table. This was definitely Virgil’s favourite place.
He wasn’t there.
But Alan still had his list.
Two more Virgil spots proved empty and Alan had managed to work up quite a sweat. He was beginning to wonder why he was even bothering when he caught sight of a figure almost completely hidden in a grove of palm trees.
Virgil sat on a rock, his sketchpad on his lap, completely absorbed in his art. He was up a cliff overlooking a good chunk of the island, the twin peak at an angle even Alan could appreciate.
Alan eyed the climb and with a deep breath began the trek to reach his brother. He kept quiet. The last thing he wanted to do was disturb him. That would be a good way to get his head ripped off. But if he approached from just the right angle, he should be able to see what Virgil was actually drawing.
It took actual rock climbing in a couple of places, but Alan eventually found himself situated behind his brother on top of the cliff, and as expected the view was breathtaking.
It was late afternoon and the entire side of the island was lit up by the sun. Gulls were wheeling in the air above the forested slopes, catching rising air. Far below, raw Pacific collided with the rocky shore in places and wrangled with reefs in others.
Virgil had certainly found a spot.
Quietly Alan made his way closer to his brother. Virgil drew on, showing no sign of knowing Alan was there. The cliff was a slope that had Alan descending towards his brother. Virgil was facing away towards the scenery, slightly hunched as he drew. Because of that slope, Alan was actually able to see his brother’s hand, this time his right, sketching pencil lines on the paper.
For a moment Alan was content to simply watch, but if he was honest with himself, he hadn’t come all this way just to spy on his brother.
“You do know it is rude to stare.”
Virgil’s voice was always soft yet possessed a strength that could be startling. Alan stiffened, annoyed at being caught so easily.
“What? Do you honestly think all that rock clambering would go unnoticed?”
His brother had yet to look up at him, simply continuing to sketch as he spoke. You gonna come and sit down?” Virgil held up a hand. “Just be very quiet, I don’t want you to disturb them.”
Alan frowned. “Who?”
But that hand didn’t answer, just beckoned him over.
Alan did what he was told and found himself sitting on that rock beside his older brother.
Virgil was scratching lines furiously onto the page, but the subject wasn’t what he expected. All that beautiful scenery and Virgil was drawing a haphazard pile of sticks?
Whispered. “They’re sea eagles. I’ve never been so close.”
Alan’s eyes darted from the sketchpad to a slither of rock a stone’s throw away from the edge of the cliff. The pinnacle stood alone and defied gravity almost to the point of disbelief. On its very top sat a huge nest. From this angle he could see the two chicks waiting for their parents to return.
Breathed out quiet. “Cool.”
Virgil was sketching madly and under his practised hand, one of the chicks slowly came to life. Simple line instinctively placed, shaded and shaped. It was a little mesmerising.
Alan, of course, had watched Virgil draw before. Amongst all the other things. His brother was usually fiddling with something. He had to have something in his hands, whether it was a pencil or paintbrush, piano or Thunderbird, Virgil tended to always have something playing between his fingers.
When Alan was little there had been many a Kansas winter night snuggled up by the fire, curled up beside his brother watching him draw. Sometimes he would dare him to draw outrageous things like Pedro the Peanut-Killing Pickle. There had been odd stories and scribbled down comics. Alan had even tried his hand under a little encouragement from his brother, but he didn’t have the enthusiasm that Virgil had for the art.
Besides, Alan was quite happy to just sit and watch. Rare quiet moments shared with his artistic brother.
They had been getting rarer and rarer.
“Can I sit with you, Virg?”
A brown eye with an arched eyebrow peered at him. “You’re already sitting.” The curve of a smile. “But sure. Just be quiet and don’t make any sudden moves.”
Respectfully whispered. “Okay.”
So, they sat for an unknown length of time. Virgil drew the second chick, and as one of the parent birds landed with the evening meal, its strong wings, talons and beak appeared on the page. Alan watched as the pencil lines grew darker, surer. Virgil switched pencils and they grew darker still, the birds emerging out of the page into three dimensions.
Down below the two chicks guzzled food from their parent.
A loud, awkward screech from above and another eagle was circling overhead, likely the other parent.
In the corner of the page, the bird quickly appeared, wings spread wide, soaring.
The quiet was amazing. Alan wasn’t one to sit still for any length of time, so perhaps he was missing the obvious, but the sound of Virgil’s pencil, the tease of the breeze and the call of the eagle above had only to compete with the waves far below and the rustle of the scrappy forest.
And a pair of squawking, complaining eagle babies.
Gordon would probably have loved this. His fish brother loved the sea, but he loved all the creatures contained in it even more. Despite this preference for water breathers, if you shoved a puppy or a panda in front of him, the man melted into a gooey puddle. Eagle babies would definitely be on the goo list.
“This is nice, Allie.”
“Bit like old times, you sitting and watching me draw.”
Alan shrugged. “I’ve always liked to watch you draw. Guess we haven’t had as much time lately.”
The pencil paused. “Yeah.” His brother turned to look at him. “Well, it is good to see you out here. Nice to have your company.” A gentle smile.
“Anytime, bro. Kinda nice out here anyway.”
That smile grew a little before softening. “Well, unfortunately we have to head back now.”
“I’ve got to pick up Gordon and Grandma.”
Alan checked his watch. Where the hell had the time gone? He’d been out here…three hours! “Wow, didn’t expect it to be so late.”
Virgil didn’t comment, just smiled a little more as he packed up his sketchbook and pencils.
Alan stood up and stared out across the ocean. A flicker on the surface of the water and he caught sight of a pod of dolphins frolicking in the swell. He stared.
“It’s amazing what you can see if you stop and look.” His brother’s soft voice so close to him made him jump.
“Virg, personal space.”
His brother snorted and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. “I don’t think such a thing exists on this island.” That smile again. “Probably why John hides on Five.”
Alan grinned. “You’ve got a point.” And despite his earlier protest, he dropped his head against Virgil’s shoulder and for just a few more moments, they both tracked the dolphins as the cavorted past the Island.
“Can we do this again?”
“Sure.” Virgil slung his pack over his shoulder.
Silence fell, and they stood there a moment longer until Virgil squeezed a little and let go. “C’mon, sprout, time to clamber down the mountain.”
Virgil took the first few steps and Alan followed, throwing one last glance back at the nest now full of the entire family of sea eagles. A sharp beaked head turned in his direction and glared at him.
Alan couldn’t help but smile at the bird before he hurried after his brother.
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