#brock faber imagine
cuttergauthier · 1 year
Flowers & Breakfast
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Female reader x Brock Faber
Warning: fluff Brock
word count: 0.2k
let me know what you guys think🤍
My alarm woke me up at 7 a.m. today I have to be at class for 8:30 a.m. to complete my last ever exam before I graduate.
Brock slept over last night so he could help me study, when I turned around to cuddle before I had to get out of bed to get ready he wasn’t there. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen so I lazily got out of bed and made my way to the kitchen.
When I got there I saw a bouquet of flowers on the counter and Brock cooking breakfast. I quietly made my way behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his back.
“Good morning” I said softly.
“Good morning babe, go sit down, I’m almost done cooking breakfast.” He said smiling softly at me. He turned around and kissed me on the forehead before pushing me toward the island so I could sit down, making me chuckle.
“You didn’t have to do this” I said smiling.
“Of course I did, you’ve been stressed out lately about this exam, so I thought I would help make it better, the flowers are for you” he said smiling.
“Thank you babe”
“Always, you’re going to ace that exam today, I just know it” 
“I hope so” 
“you will, don’t doubt yourself, you’ve been studying non-stop, you’re ready” he said before setting down a plate with breakfast in front of me.
“Now eat and go get ready, I’ll drive you to class” he said kissing my forehead again.
“I love you”
“I love you more” he said smiling.
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hockybish · 4 months
l Brock Faber l Brock Faber x Dancer l masterlist l
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"Five, six, seven, eight." Maggie Walker counted out loud to herself as she spun around.
"Knock, Knock" A voice called into the studio she was renting. Brock popped his head in. "Hey Mags" he smiled.
Maggie ignored that man standing in doorway, continuing to work on the big turn sequence, it needed to be perfect. She needed to be perfect. She wasn't going to be the one that messed up by falling out of a turn or hesitating on the aerial. The dance team had a legacy to uphold.
"Hello? Maggie? I brought dinner, you want some?" Brock interrupted her concentration by holding up a bag full of their favorite foods from Chipotle.
"What you and Sammy not want to cook again?" She chirped noticing what he had brought along to share with her.
"Something like that or maybe we don't have any clean dishes." He joked along with her. He started to unpack the bag. Setting up a makeshift picnic on the side of the room. He looked up at her when he was finished expecting her to come eat.
"You go ahead start eating. Gotta keep working on this." Maggie began again.
She pliéed deep, pushing off the floor, going into the same turn she been working on. She went into that side aerial. She must have place her foot in the wrong spot because instead of flipping over she slipped and fell.
It was whatever. Maggie got back up, prepping to do the sequence one more time. The result same as before. She hesitated before the flip and help. Slamming her fist on the ground in frustration.
"Take a break Margret Walker. Eat something, you can try again afterwards" The rookie defenseman rushed over to help the dancer up.
Maggie nodded letting Brock guide her to the food that for sure had cold by now. Nonetheless she still began to eat the chicken, rice, bean, cheese and salsa burrito bowl. She used a chip to scoop up a chunk of the mixture for a bit of added crunch.
"Feel better?" Maggie nodded with a toothy smile. She made sure not to eat too much of the filling meal, she had to get back to work and she had a late night class to teach.
The elite dancer got into place. She taking a deep breath, she pliéed and began to spin but it was short lived. She started felling the nerves again. Getting into her head, Maggie lost count and fell out.
"Do you think you could count for me?" Brock agreed and Maggie instructed him on the tempo.
Maggie got back into her starting position as Brock started to count. "one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight" Split jump down to a roll, formation change, roll again, pirouette á la seconde times 10, aerial into three more pirouette á la secondes, and finishing off with two regular pirouettes.
"I got it!" "You did it!" The two friends cheered jumping towards each other in excitement. They ended closer than they thought with their noses practically touching and his hands on her waist.
Brock's eyes were focused on her lips. He felt as though he should kiss her. It's not like her hasn't ever thought about it before. It was more that, her brother's one of his good friends and teammates. And you don't date your teammates sisters. But she was so pretty and funny, kind and -
"Oh my god, is that the time? I'm gonna be late for class." Maggie slipped away, hurriedly collecting her things. Her feet were out the door before she turn back to him. Standing on her tip toes she kissed him.
Pulling back she grinned at him "We'll finish this later"
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pettypiastri · 1 year
matthew knies x reader
wc: 1.5k
warnings: hurt/comfort, swearing, crying, self deprecation, general sad, one moment where matty sort of punches a wall but reader is never on the receiving end of any aggression
a/n: can i write more than hurt/comfort? yes, but a bitch has a favorite. i have never written explicitly with a gn reader before but re-reading this i dont feel like i make any overt references either way so can be read as gn i think (lmk if i missed anything tho!). i wrote this in i think a single hour right after the 2022 usa wjc qf loss and have decided to post it now for no good reason. just a quick lil ficcy only minorly edited: she is beautiful to me as she is :) p.s. let's normalize typically sexual positions between characters as being the most comforting sometimes..
The team is finally given reprieve to undress from their sweaty uniforms and stand face first in a cold shower. As guys towel off, there are soft rumblings of interest in spending the night at respective significant others' hotel rooms rather than the team designated ones. Landon speaks quietly with his Captain on behalf of the room chatter. To those paying attention, Brock slips away and returns a few minutes later. Shortly after, Coach enters the room. The player’s spines shoot up straight, bracing for the impact of a verbal lashing about their poor performance. Instead, Coach Leaman barely lifts one corner of his lips.
“I’ve heard some of you are hoping to spend some time with girlfriends and families… Just make sure you’re back in your team designated hotel rooms at 10am. The bus is leaving for the airport at 10:30am sharp.” 
Bated breaths are released in relief.
Matthew’s eyebrows have been knitted together for at least an hour. Whether out of genuine frustration or a constant effort not to cry, you’re unsure. You’d have to guess it’s probably both. Your fingers ache to smooth the crease and chastise him lightly for encouraging wrinkles in the space between his strong brows.
You already know what he’ll be trying to convince himself of in his head; they’re failures, poor representations of Team USA, an embarrassment given last year’s first place finish, he didn’t do enough, try hard enough… From your position on the outskirts of postgame media and the shuttling around the players are forced to do, you’ve not made contact with Matthew yet. Haven’t told him how proud you are and how much you love him. How everything in his head is wrong. 
Just when your patience is wearing thin and your arms are starting to ache from being denied holding your love, there starts a steady trickle of players out of the dressing and media rooms. Matthew emerges, shoulders hunched forward and eyes shadowed by the hair he’s too dejected to push out of his face. His eyes scan slowly from behind his wet locks until they land on you. On instinct you smile softly and walk toward him. Your arms slip up his broad chest and around his thick neck, encouraging his sore body to fold into your smaller frame as much as possible. 
You’re not sure if there’s anything fitting to say in this first raw moment together so you stay quiet. Your fingers thread through Matthew’s damp hair just how you know he likes. A huge breath collapses Matthew’s chest against yours. His face drops into your neck as his next inhale hitches.   
“Let’s go… to uh– to yours.” Matthew mutters against your skin, a small sniffle betraying him. 
“Okay baby, let’s go.” Your tone is soft as your hand slides equally gently down his arm to lace his fingers with yours.
The walk is quiet. The streets of Edmonton are nearly desert as it’s half midnight on a Wednesday. Matthew’s stride is normally a workout to try and keep up with but today you find yourself gently tugging him along.
“C’mon big guy… almost there.” Your encouragement seems to break Matthew out of a wordless trance, his pace increasing just slightly. 
Through the lobby and up the elevator you lead him until you're able to get your door open. As the lock clicks shut behind the both of you, Matthew’s final walls break in the safety of your hotel room. He pulls you against his body almost desperately as he heaves a first sob. You cling to him as tight as you can to let him know you’re there but his hands are still restless; he can’t seem to hold you close enough. Matthew hoists you up, your legs moving to wrap around his waist as he presses you against the hotel wall. Now eye level with you, Matthew fits his head firmly into your neck and his arms constrict around your waist; the pressing of his body against yours meaning his exhausted arms don’t have to hold you up.
The tears are free flowing as he sobs quietly into the ‘Knies’ Minnesota jersey adorning your body. You feel your own eyes heat with emotion seeing your love so distraught. 
“It’s okay Matty, I’ve got you. I love you so much. It’s okay to cry, it's just me.” With your reassurance, Matthew balls his fists in the material of your jersey and tries his hardest to bury his face even farther in your skin, seemingly trying to, futilely, escape his own. “I love you Matty… I love you baby.” Is the mantra you settle on as you stroke his hair and his back and his shoulders, never giving him an opportunity to forget that you’re right there. 
“We’re– we’re a fucking em– embarassment!” Matthew spits as his shoulders shake beneath your palms. You feel your heart break a little more. “Out in the fucking… the fucking quarters!” His cry of dismay is punctuated by his palm slamming the wall beside your shoulder. You don’t worry for your safety; you know out of everything, Matthew is the most mindful of you, especially in this moment of heartbreak. 
“Shh Matty shh… don’t talk like that, come on honey.” He shakes his head against your shoulder. 
“What h-happened? We- we were so g-g-good before t-tonight.” 
“I know my love,” you console, “I’m so sorry.” His self deprecation declines as his cries of agony take over again. It’s some while before his tears slow too. 
As his breathing returns, you gently urge your sweet, broken boy to set you down. Having lost your eye level position, Matthew’s bloodshot eyes stare down at you for the first time since entering your hotel room. His face has swollen from so many tears and his upper lip is stained with snot. He wears an expression that you’ve only seen twice before; Frozen Four loss and when his Dad told him he was disappointed in him. You raise your hand to caress his cheek, sagging under the weight of self loathing and grief.
“C’mere…” With a gentle tug you guide him toward the bed in the center of the room. Matty follows without resistance. “Let’s get this off,” you say, lifting his team hoodie over his head and discarding it somewhere unimportant. You try to slip away for just a moment, but Matthew’s hand catching on your thigh protests the separation of your bodies. You're able to just barely reach for a pair of sweatpants.
“Change for me please, big guy.” He does so wordlessly and you take the second he's occupied for to slip to the bathroom. When you return, Matty is drooping again, elbows on his knees to support his head in his hands. Soft hands guide him to sitting again and before he can refold himself, you move to straddle him. His hands wind around you, face returning to its safe space in your neck. 
“Lemme see your face Matty, please.” Reluctantly but compliant as always, Matthew raises just enough for you to cradle his cheek in your hand. You swipe a tissue around his under eyes and most importantly his nose. He sniffles with a pitiful pout. A cool, damp washcloth finds his forehead, urging Matthew’s eyes to flutter closed. It’s a few seconds before you move it to cover his right eye. You stamp a kiss on his forehead. The washcloth travels across every inch of his face, each contact point proceeded with a kiss before you lay it lastly against his sternum hoping the cold will ease his anxiety. 
After tender hands are done cherishing, Matthew finally raises his head on his own accord. His beautiful green eyes find yours. The flecks of sadness in them have begun morphing into exhaustion. You lean forward and press your lips to his in a gentle kiss. Slowly you pull away.
“I love you,” he murmurs, staring deeply in your eyes, the intensity of his admiration comparable to his previous anguish. 
“I love you,” you echo. 
You place the washcloth to the side and stand up to pull back the covers so you can encourage Matthew to lay down. He does but reaches for you immediately. Without hesitation you join him, allowing him to settle atop you. When he finishes shifting into a comfortable position, you embrace him with arms around his back and legs woven with his. You finally find the right words.
“I’m so sorry Matty. I know you wanted to win gold but it’s not your fault. Everyone looked off out there from the start and Czechia fought tooth and nail. You’re an amazing hockey player and the most deserving guy. I’m so sorry but I’m still so so proud of you, always. I love you Matty.” 
Matthew sighs and cuddles further into you in acknowledgement. 
“Thank you. I love you too.” 
You listen to his breathing even out after a while, knowing he finally feels grounded enough to think of sleep. 
“You’re everything to me. I want you forever.” It’s muttered languidly, preciously, against your neck as your fingers continue running through his soft brown hair. His vulnerability makes you blush.
“You already have me… forever.”
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can someone who knows how to make fan videos make me a fancam of brock faber set to “speed drive” by charli xcx. yes from the barbie movie. do you see my vision
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puckbunnyera · 4 days
♡ Minnesota Wild ♡
key: fluff- ♥ angst- ☁ smut- ✗ smau- ❁
Matt Boldy
♡ Enough ♥☁
summary: to him, you will always be enough
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jimmyssnuggs · 4 months
oh my goodness imagine just lounging in bed and admiring brock faber in his glasses
oh yeah.
you always make him put them on when he’s not playing hockey, because he looks so good. often, you find yourself staring at unintentionally.
“babe? do i have something on my face?” he furrows his eyebrows.
“no, you just look really good.”
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girldewar · 2 months
im so glad someone else on wildblr watches jet lag! ben and brock faber have the same vibe. to me
omg yes they share a very specific Little Guy Shape. i like to imagine that if ben ever for some godforsaken reason got buff they'd be nigh indistinguishable. but yes !!! so good to know other ppl on here like jet lag, it's such a fun show :3
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lukeevangelista · 2 years
brock faber’s chipped tooth is the cutest thing in the world to me right now. like imagine if y’all were making out and you cut your tongue on it and he would feel so bad about it and apologize profusely 😭😭
he’d be threatening to shave it down so it’s not pointy but you’d be telling him to go to a dentist for that as you swallowed the blood in your mouth.
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thesportssoundoff · 7 years
They’re doing another TUF so we might as well find some coaches, right?
The UFC is doing another TUF and maybe two whether we like it or not. With December 12th being the day where auditions will take place and with a known gimmick (undefeated fighters only) set up, we're all hunkered in for MORE TUF.  Historically TUF's for the summer are announced relatively early in the winter judging by recent history (in 2015, it was in early February, 2016 was in early November and this  year they announced it on December 30th) so there's no real rush or pressure at this point to find coaches. That said, there's plenty of potential options for the role but first, let's touch on the basic idea of the TUF coach:
1-  While it seems like it's a more consistent thing, it's more myth than reality that TUF coaches are always injured champions. In the modern era (FS1 or FX),  7/12 TUF coaches have been champions at an even 5/50 clip:
Rousey/Tate, Jones/Sonnen, Melendez/Pettis, McGregor/Faber, Joanna/Claudia, Cody/Dillashaw Nelson/Carwin, Edgar/Penn, ATT/Blackzilians, Alvarez/Gaethje, Cejudo/Benavidez
So there's clearly a preference to use a champion to sell a fight but it's not a lock.
2- The TUF coaches are basically gimmick coaches. They bring in teams who do the heavy lifting and the rest of the gig focuses primarily on being TV characters. They give speeches, act like the heel and etc etc etc. At least 8% of their appeal isn't in whether or not they can coach, it's in whether or not they can be amusing on TV while coming off like a coach. It's why Brock worked for TUF In theory; dude was a charismatic figure who built a team to do the hard work.
3- The number of fighters who have coached multiple American TUFs going back to 2008? Faber (vs Cruz, McGregor), Penn (Edgar, Pulver), Bisping (Hendo and Mayhem Miller), Rampage (Forrest and Evans), Liddell (Tito and Couture?) and Tito (Liddell and Shamrock). Coaching TUF multiple times just doesn't happen much.
Cyborg vs Megan Anderson
With filming scheduled to begin probably after UFC 221, I imagine Cyborg and Megan Anderson would both be available for the spot. Off the bat, I feel like this is a pretty good use of both ladies. For one, 145 lbs for women is so weak that maybe if you gave Cyborg something to do for a while,, you can TRY to find some talent. Try being the key word here. Anderson trains with James Krause so you'd just assume she'd be able to collect a team of names and faces and Cyborg has the Parillo crew with her. It could also be a chance to introduce Anderson to a new audience since I doubt the average UFC fan has any idea who she is at this point.
Mike Perry vs Darren Till
It would be a WASTE of Darren Till to put him on TUF with six months  on the shelf but Perry/Till being jerks to one another seems like high level entertainment to me. It keeps you away from a title fight, gives Till and Perry something to do, exposes Perry's ability to make an ass of himself over a span of six months and sets up a big fight in January for both guys. Could also put Colby Covington in Perry's place as well.
Michael Bisping vs Forrest Griffin
The heat for TUF is usually on the fight at the end of the show when the coaches clash in the cage. Maybe you can get away from that by doing something a little bit more unique. Obviously there'd be no fight at the end of the season BUT if BIsping retires in February or March, I feel like his next best use WOULD be in a role like this. Forrest Griffin has coached it before and fits best in this kind of a role. Giving two retired fighters the opportunity to milk a little publicity and get a nostalgia pop might not be a bad idea.
Kevin Lee vs Michael Chiesa II
Chiesa has been out since June and he's not doing much these days seemingly. This Kevin Lee and Michael Chiesa beef doesn't quite seem to be over and I figure you could at least have some fun with these two in close quarters colliding.  Plus if I remember correctly they turned Kevin Lee down for TUF and Michael Chiesa WON the LIVE season so there's even a built in storyline there.
Joanna Challenger vs Rose Namajunas
I mean I GUESS.  It sounds like the rematch could happen anywhere from February to May so I assume these are all options on the table.
Dominick Cruz vs Jimmie Rivera
I mean if they're doing Mighty Mouse/Dillashaw (which it SEEMS to be) then this is the only other option that makes sense for RIvera. If he's not fighting in December then he's gotta be prepared for a looooong lay off since Mighty Mouse/TJ Dillashaw probably happens closer to March-ish I guess.
Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Tony Ferguson
McGregor's camp is talking like April to May is when he'd like to be back plus I get the feeling this is Nate Diaz vs Conor before long. Maybe this keeps everybody busy and happy although Ferguson should be fighting more than once a year at this point.
Tyron Woodley vs Colby Covington
I don't want this and neither should you.
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cuttergauthier · 2 years
Let Me In
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Female reader x Brock Faber
Warning: against, fluff, toxic parent, unwanted, trust issues, bully parents, mention of covid
word count: 2.7k
Reader doesn't have a good relationship with her parents, If this triggers you in someway i suggest not reading!
let me know what you guys think🤍
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She's broken, she grew up with parent's who didn't care about her. She couldn't talk to them when something was wrong, they just told her to go away. They would make fun of her if she ever talked to a guy or did certain things, if she did something embarrassing, they wouldn't help her they would laugh or ground her if other people told them she did something that would embarrass them. They could care less about her all they cared about was themselves. They always told her they didn't want her, the only person in her life who really cared about her is her grandpa. When she was 5 years old, he put her in hockey, she fell in love with the game. Hockey became her safe space, when she couldn't stand being with her parents she would go to the rink and play hockey.
When I was 18 years old, still in high school I got recruited to commit to Minnesota university to play hockey. I was born in Larchmont New York, so when I got the opportunity to commit at a university that was around a 10-hour drive away, I took it, it meant I was going to be far away from my parents and that was exactly what I wanted.
The only person who meant the world to me was my grandpa, he was always there for me when my parents weren't, he was a big hockey fan he used to play when he was a kid, he tried teaching my dad, but he never wanted to play, so when my parents had me, he thought me.
My grandpa and I always bonded about hockey, when I got the chance to commit a small part of me didn't want to because I would be leaving my him, but he was so proud, he wanted me to think of myself and what I wanted, not about him, he wanted me to follow my dream, told me he'd visit every chance he got, so I did.
Once I graduated high school and moved to Minnesota my parents didn't even say goodbye to me, they were happy I was leaving because they didn't have to see me anymore. My Grandpa had a lot of money, he had his own real estate business, so when I moved to Minnesota, he helped me find an apartment so I wouldn't have to live in a dorm.
The apartment was close to campus, which was great, I have a car which I drove down when I first moved. There was a chance I wouldn't be going back to New York during the summer except for when I wanted to visit my grandpa. The last thing my parents told me before I left was that they hoped I'd stay in Minnesota.
Because of everything with my parents, I have trust issues, when I started at Minnesota, I made myself a promise that I wouldn't tell anyone about my past, the only friends I had back home were my teammates on my high school hockey team. I didn't want anyone to think any different of me because of what I went through with my parents.
I was friends with the girls on my team, but we weren't best friends where we tell each other everything. I got invited to parties which were a lot of fun, I even became friends with some of the guys on the men's hockey team.
The summer after my freshman year I went back to New York to spend some time with my grandpa before coming back to Minnesota.
After my sophomore, I started living in Minnesota full time only going back to visit my grandpa, he was glad I was finally happy.
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Senior year
Today there was a party at the sophomore's house on the men's hockey team. Everyone on campus was invited, since I was friends with the boys, I thought I'd go. The only guy I didn't really like on the team was Brock Faber, he was staying for his senior year instead of going to the NHL.
Brock had always tried to get to know more about me, but I didn't want him to know about my past which is why I can't stand him. He never leaves me alone, always tries to get me to talk about my life back home. I never told anyone, the other boys on the team don't pry, I think they know I might have gone through something so they didn't want to ask me about it in case it might be something bad, they tried to get to know more but when they realise, I didn't want to say anything they let It go except for Brock.
The boys are great, and I can tell they care about me, I care about them too. I like Brock. I've always had a crush on him since the minute we first got introduced by his Teammate Jaxon Nelson. Jaxon and I had a class together when I was a freshman, so we became friends. I just really wish he wouldn't try and dig into my life.
I got to the sophomore's house with one of my friends Allison, she's also a sophomore, we both play on the women's hockey team. I've been captain since Junior year, when she was a freshman, so I took her in when we first started playing together. She was a sweet girl.
As soon as we walked in, we made our way to the kitchen to get drinks. Logan Cooley saw me, he's a sophomore, he's sweet. He smiled at me and made his way over.
"There's are favourite girl" he said happily before throwing his arm around me
"Wow feel the love Logan" Allison scoffed
"Oh, don't worry Alli, I know a guy who is going to be really happy to see you" he replied smirking, which made me chuckle.
It was obvious that Ryan Chesley has a crush on her, and she had one on him.
"Shut up Logan" she said before going to grab a drink, leaving me alone with Logan.
"So are we planning on getting drunk to the point we don't remember the next morning? Or drunk where we still remember tomorrow?" I ask him
"Drunk where we still remember tomorrow, I don't think we need a repeat of what happened with briss last year" he replied making me throw my head back laughing
"Good point" I replied still chuckling
"let's go get you a drink" he said dragging me to the fridge. He grabbed a white claw and give it to me.
"Here you go, drink up" he said
"Thank you" you replied before taking a big drink
we continued talking, a few other boys joined us, after a while all the boys left except Brock. I hate being alone with him because I know he's going to try and ask me question about my past.
"So, what was so bad about you're past that you never want to talk about it?" he ask smirking
"I don't want to talk about it Brock, leave it alone" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed my hand to stop me
"I just want to know more about you"
"Well just stop okay!" I said snapped getting out of his grip and going somewhere else where he wouldn't bother me.
I saw Allison talking with Ryan making me smile. I made my way over to her to tell her I was heading out, I didn't want to have to deal with Brock again tonight.
"Hey, I'm going to head home I am starting to get tired" she looked at me curiously
"I can come with" she said
"No don't worry about it, stay I can tell you're having fun" I said winking
She gave me a hug before I headed home.
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Once I got home, I change into some shorts and a hoodie and sat down in the living room to watch some tv.
About 30 minutes later there was a knock on a door.
I opened the door only to find Brock.
"Seriously Brock, I don't want to talk to you right now"
"Can I just come in and talk to you? Please" he pleaded
I opened the door wider so he could come in.
I made my way to the kitchen with him following me. If I must listen to him again, I need something strong. I grabbed the bottle of tequila I had in the cabinet and took a drink out of the bottle.
"Seriously I can't talk to you sober?" he asked in disbelief
"If you're going to ask me about my past again or why I am the way I am, I need the tequila" I said making him scoff
"My god Y/n, what is going on with you, we all care about you, yet you keep secrets from us, you never tell any of us anything!" he said losing his patience
"It's not keeping secrets when it's my personal life. God what is so wrong with wanting to keep some personal things to myself without having everyone know!" I argue before taking another drink of tequila
"Because we care...we can all tell there is something wrong, you never share anything. You like to keep to yourself, it's like we barely know you"
"You know what I want you guys to know, some things I like to keep to myself, you're the only one who kept bothering me about this, everyone else let it go, so you need too if you can't then we just won't be friends anymore." I said softly
"Fine then I guess we are not friends anymore." He said before storming out with the door slamming behind him.
I let out a quiet sob before sinking to the floor crying. Why did my parents have to ruin me from trusting someone.
I really like Brock, he was my favourite on the men's team. I have a crush on him, I just wish he wouldn't ask me about my past.
I decided to call my grandpa because I knew he would listen and give me advice, and I really need that right now.
The phone rang once before he answered.
"hey sweetheart is everything okay? You don't usually call this late." He ask me worriedly
"No, Grandpa why can't I open up to anyone other than you?" I said crying
"Oh y/n you can't let what your parent's did to you ruin you're friendships, What they did to you wasn't right in so many ways, not everyone is going to be like them. You might get hurt, but that's a part of growing up. You never know what opening up to someone what do. But you can't live in fear of not knowing if something good will come from it"
"Thank you, gramps, I really needed that"
"that's what I'm here for, I love you kid"
"I love you too gramps"
"try and open up to someone kid, you never know where it will lead you"
With that we both hung up.
I wiped away my tears and went to the bathroom to see how I looked. I looked like a mess, but I didn't care I needed to talk to Brock. It now close to midnight and I didn't know if Brock went back to the party or if he went home, so I thought I'd try and call him, but he didn't answer.
I decided to leave it for now and go to bed.
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The next morning, I woke up with a headache I didn't know if it was from the tequila or because of all the crying.
I made myself some breakfast and when I was finish I got a shower and got ready for the day.
Once I was done there was a knock on the door, I opened it to find Logan, Matthew and Jimmy.
"What can I help you sophomores with?" I asked
"Well we heard about last night" Logan said
"so we wanted to know if you were okay" Matthew said
"Don't worry boys, I'm okay. I was planning on going to talk to him today so I could apologies" I told them as they made their way in my apartment.
"oh okay that's good" Jimmy said
"you don't seem to sure about that" I ask him curious
"Logan why don't you tell her" Matthew said, pushing Logan forward. Making me look at him raising my eyebrow
"Brock's pretty pissed off at you, I don't know if talking to him is a good idea" Logan said
"Which is why I want to apologies, I shouldn't have talked to him the way I did"
"Fine just if you go talk to him, can you let us know how it goes, or If you need anything?" Jimmy asked
"I promise I will"
They nodded and headed out.
I started crying again, I felt bad I didn't want to piss him off last night.
After I wiped my tears away I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way to Brock's place. He got his own place this year instead of living with more teammates.
When I got there I knocked on the door, I was hoping he was there, I didn't know if he had plans or not today.
He opened the door groaning when he saw me.
"seriously why are you here? You made it pretty clear last night" he said angrily
"can I come in?"
He took a few minutes before he let me walk in.
"so what do you want know?"
"I want to apologies, I shouldn't have talked to you the way I did last night"
"But you did, and you made it clear that you didn't want to be friends anymore! Now you can go" he snapped pointing to the door
"I have trust issues okay!" I snapped back at him, he was shocked I snapped back at him.
"so 4 years of knowing you and you still don't trust me, or the boys?"
"You have no idea what I went through Brock" I said softly with tears forming in my eyes. He started coming closer to me.
"Which is why I wanted to know more about you, I never did anything for you not to trust me" he calmly said
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and made my way to his couch to sit. I wiped a tear that fell. He came and sat down next to me
"the one thing I heard daily when I was a kid was that they didn't want me... that they didn't care what happened to me" I said before looking at him. He was looking at me confused
"what do you mean? Who said that?"
"the two people who should love you no matter what... my parents"
It took him by surprise, you could tell that was the last thing he expected. Which made me continue, why stop now.
"Everything I did was a disappointment to them, like a girl playing hockey... When I got my first boyfriend, they literally embarrassed me in front of him, which made him broke up with me. When I was 16 one of my dad had some business partners at the house, my dad had left his shoes in the hallway and I tripped spraining my ankle, you want to know what my parent's did that night after they left? They grounded me for 2 weeks, they said I embarrassed them" I said crying
Brock got closer to me and wiped away my tears.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through that, no one deserves what you went through. But the boys and I aren't like your parents, I am not like you're parents. I care about you Y/n...fuck y/n I love you, you mean everything to me, I would never make you feel like you aren't worth it, because you are worth everything" he said softly to me
"You love me?"
"I've loved you since the minute Jaxon introduced us"
"I love you too Brock... I'm sorry I pushed you away, I never should have talked to you like that"
"I get it Y/n, but you have to know not everyone is going to hurt you"
"Thank you"
"Can I kiss you?" he asked me
He leaned in a kissed you softly
After a minute, you both pulled away breathing heavy
"Any chance I could take you out sometime?" he asks chuckling nervously
"I'd love that" I replied
"good" he said before kissing me again.
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cuttergauthier · 1 year
Things Change
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Female reader x Matthew Knies
Warning: Bad jokes, Fluff Matthew
word count: 0.5k
let me know what you guys think🤍
I am currently hanging out with the boys on the hockey team, we are currently at the Seniors hockey house, my best friend Morgan invited me, she’s dating Brock Faber the captain of the team. I’ve known her for a long time since I grew up being best friends with her sister, her sister decided to go to a different college so when I first got here last year, Morgan took me under her wing and introduced me to some of her friends and the guys on the team. 
I became good friends with everyone, except for Matthew Knies, for some reason I can’t stand him sometimes. Morgan hates it, her and Brock tried to set Matthew and I together last year, but it didn’t end well. 
Matthews a great guy, I see how he is with his teammates, I think I’m the only one he doesn’t get along with. 
Morgan and I were talking with another girl.
“I’m going to go get something to drink, I’ll be back in a little bit, do you guys want anything?” I asked them.
“No I’m good, thank you though” I nodded and made my way to the kitchen.
Brock and Matthew were there talking and laughing. I passed by Matthew. 
“I’m going to go back to the living room” I heard Brock told Matt.
I opened the fridge and took a water bottle. When I turned around I saw Matt look at me.
“What?” I asked rolling my eyes.
“You know you’re not completely useless, you can always serve as a bad example.” He joked.
I raised my eyebrows looking at him for a second before laughing.
“I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh at one of my jokes before,” He said surprise with my reaction.
“Yeah well, things change, plus that was actually a good one, even if you insulted me.” I replied.
“I didn’t mean it, you would never serve as a bad example” he said smiling.
I gave him a small smile. As I started walking out of the kitchen, he stopped me.
“Can we talk for a minute?” he asked.
I looked at him for a second before nodding and walking back over to him.
“What’s up?”
“I wanted to apologies for what happened between us, I never met to treat you like crap… I really like you, and then Brock and Morgan set us up after I told Brock, and I was really nervous that I came out sounding like a jerk, and I’m sorry for that” he said, I could tell he was telling the truth. I never thought he liked me though which surprises me. My eyes widened as I looked at him.
“You like me?” I asked surprised.
“I do, I have since the day Morgan introduced you to the team last year” He said, I smiled up at him.
“I felt the same way Matt, even after you were a jerk to me. I saw how you were with everyone else, you’re a good person.” I said genuinely.
“is it possible for you to forgive me?” he asked 
“You are forgiven” I said smiling.
“Any chance I could take you out? Turn a bad date into a good one?”
“I’d love that” I said smiling.
“Perfect, are you busy tomorrow night?” 
“Not at all”
“Perfect, I’ll pick you up at 6” he said
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cuttergauthier · 11 months
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Hockey Fanfiction Masterlist Part TWO
You can find the Imagine/blurbs/Insta edits i've written for each player under their written below!
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Quinton Byfield
→Insta Edits
Quinton Byfield x Female Hockey Player
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Brock Boeser
→Insta Edits
Brock boeser x Spring time
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Tyler Duke
Secret Relationship 0.5k
→Insta Edits
Tyler Duke x Female Fantilli Reader
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Rutger Mcgroarty
Summer Time 2.4k
Take Care Of Me 0.3k
→Insta Edits
Rutger Mcgroarty x Naurato daughter
Rutger Mcgroarty x Sister's Best Friend
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Hughes sister AU’s
→Insta Edits
Conner Smith x Hughes sister 
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Adam Fantilli
→Insta Edits
Adam Fantilli x Childhood best friend
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Alex Turcotte
L.A. Living 0.7k
→Insta Edits
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Kirby Dach
The Story Of Us 2.0k
→Insta Edits
Kirby Dach x Female Strome Reader
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Gavin Brindley
→Insta Edits
Gavin Brindley x Casey Twin Sister
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Arber Xhekaj
→Insta Edits
Arber Xhekaj x Female Dach Reader
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Gabe Perrault
Treated Like A Princess 1.3k
→Insta Edits
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Brock Faber
Let Me In 2.7k
Flowers & Breakfast 0.2k
→Insta Edits
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Owen Lindmark
Shy Girl 1.0k
→Insta Edits
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Nick Granowicz
Proposing 1.0k
Cheering Up 0.3k
→Insta Edits
Nick Granowicz x Msu Reader au
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Jacob Truscott
Snowed In 0.6k
Sick 0.1k
→Insta Edits
Jacob Truscott x Blankenburg Sister
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Jimmy Snuggerud
Protector 0.2k
→Insta Edits
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Matt Boldy
Mr. & Mrs. Boldy 0.8k
→Insta Edits
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Charlie Stramel
Stop hogging the blankets 2.0k
→Insta Edits
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Will Smith
Tossing & Turning 0.2k
→Insta Edits
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Mason Lohrei
2 a.m Cuddles 0.3k
→Insta Edits
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Timo Meier
Family Snow Day 0.8k
→Insta Edits
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