brosif40 · 9 months
Me: i want to draw my blorbos/literally anything!
Art block:
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blogginaturfuneral · 1 year
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ig brosif
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fle4floves · 6 months
YOU!! sillies 4 you <3
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SILLIES FOR ME??☹️ /positive THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN AND ALWAYS <33 so much sweet art augh
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Inspired by the "The Thundermans Return" pre-view (part 1)
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Hank: Son, I'm sorry, but this whole influencer thing has to stop Max: Why? Hank: Don't get me wrong...do you know what a parasocial relationship is? Max:... Nora: Dad, he's been living with a talking bunny for the last seven years -trust me, HE KNOWS! Phoebe: So as I said: Mom and dad don't allow superpowers at school or in public places Billy:... Phoebe: Ahem, are you even listening to me!? Billy: Yes, but while you finished that sentence I already used my powers. Twice. Nora: I've just been using my powers this whole time Billy: Three times now. Max: Hello everybody! =) Oyster: Hey bro, what's up? Max: Not much. How you're doing? Oyster: Brosif, you know that we saw all your live streams, right!? Gideon: *whispering* even the crazy superhero stuff! Max: I...wow...I mean...*looks around frantically* Max: Why don't we talk about how Wolfgang here is supposed to be an exchange student, just stayed here for the last FIVE years and can't speak a SINGLE word of our language!? Wolfang: Wolfgang? Max: Yeah, so WHO IS SUSPICIOUS NOW! Mrs. Wong: Thundermans, if you work for me, couldn't you use your powers to help my restaurant? Phoebe: I guess we could freeze the food and heat up the pizza with our heat breath. Mrs. Wong: Really? Could that work? Phoebe: I guess so...what do you think? Max: Sorry, for the last few minutes all I thought about was how COOL flying pizzas would be!!! Max: Now I'm really hungry =/ Phoebe: This is WHY WE NEED A JOB Dark Mayhem:*watching Max's live* Dark Mayhem:*screams* AHH Strongdoor: You okay, boss? King Krabs: Did you finally find the Thundermans' weakness, master? Dark Mayhem: No, it's ANOTHER AD Billy:School was fun Nora, but don't you think we should continue what Max and Phoebe started? Nora: Nah, I can't really sing that well Nora: Also we haven't even been at school yet, what do you mean - where did you go!?!?
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rabidwerechihuahua · 2 months
For the Memento Amori:
Please, please Danny (Ghost Face) with [me//hhhyou know me so i hope deets aren't neededddd]~ mwaaaaa <3
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Oooh ok ok thanks brosifer I know what I’m doing with ol Ghosty here!
Ghostface ‘Memento Amori’x GNC/Insert’
[NSFW- mentions of hardcore stuff, but all consensual]
There may be typos, lol. I am gleed to say I had fun writing this!!!
Read under cut!!
“Ohh, you are such a gem, Y/N. I know all about you.~” The Ghostface quivered, longing excitement in his chords, hands tight around your shoulders as he looked you over with a vicious hungering. He could feel the connections that the two of you shared, easily driven by a lust for more than just death in an ended chase.
“You’re one of those freaks aren’t ya? Kind that wants to be thrown around and used as a tool-for me to fuck and play with? You’re already squirming at the mere mention of such an act. Well I guess I’ve sprung on just the right meat for this occasion.~”
He leaned into your clavicle, the Ghostface’s warm ragged breath and sweat whipped against your bruised and muddied skin. The entity was generous with him this go around. He’d never been given such a reward before. Then again, he’d never been matched with a hunt that evoked such feelings within him either.
This ‘memento amori’ seemed like a fitting way to expressed the need for flesh in this particular situation. He hungrily tore at your seams, greedy gloved fingers pulled the cloth from your warm, shivering sweat-glossed skin.
The chilled atmosphere left your sensitive body feeling exposed, yet you wanted him to see this. You yearned for him to see your weakened, vulnerable body. You brought yourself to this broken state for him. And you wanted everything he had to give. Mewling beneath his weight, you could only bare to utter these words, pleadings uttered from your dry, thirsting lips.
“Danny..I- want you to, finish me, please.”
Danny looked down upon you, a hue of redness emanated from his eyes as though some kind of magic had been unleashed by your very presence of voice.
“Ohhh, oh you’re going to get exactly what you deserve for being so good for Danny. You’re such a good little fog-pet huh?”
Without hesitation, he dropped his arms over your head, pants already unfastened amidst your spoken pleas, and you spread your gate for him to advance. He lowered his pelvis to yours with the contact you quivered. Your moisture melding with his own was intoxicating at best. He looked into your eyes as his hips charged forward, your hands now pulled up to clasp his. With a few heavy drops of his thighs, he turned your guts to mush. He wasn’t afraid of roughing you up inside or out, and his size was generous. He hit every right spot within you as your pleasured cries echoed throughout the fog of the emptying match.
His grunts and whimpers were enough to cause a tremble in your core. You were extremely close as the burning urge to climax rang ever closer.
He pulled you to his knees as he balanced your weakened love-beaten body against the nearby rock formation, and began to thrust inside you once more. His gloved hands held your bottom with such a greediness. He was hungry for a finish. His fingers pried you apart further to force his way to your deepest and most sensitive spots. Now dripping with mixed fluids of his own and yours, he was in and out with precision, pressures causing a blissful friction of impact and mind numbing euphoria. The both of you cried out in ecstasy, and you finally felt the last moments of your own chase to a finish. He could tell that you needed to feel your climax first, so he pushed himself to hilt, and stimulated your raw, pulsing flesh to an egregious degree, but effective.
You could only elicit a gasped mewl before the frenzied spasms took hold of your function. The frenzied feeling whipped you hard enough that you’d hardly noticed the entity’s binds cradled around your beaten form.
“Shit I’m gonna-“ the Ghostface choked out a rasped groan of pleasure as fervid chills struck his entire being. You’d never felt such a sensation before, and it was just as good as the last. Filling your core with such an adrenaline-packed vocal crescendo left you feeling both full and intoxicated.
You smiled, even in your weakened state. Nothing else would be exchanged by either of you in words. He looked at you with warm amorous eyes. The appreciation was mutual, as your smile elicited similar effect, eyes also seeming to hold a glow of reddish, amorous light. You weren’t aware such things existed in the real of fog and fear, but it certainly was promising to have a good time for once. As the entity swept you up from the ground and into a new realm, you only hoped to see this moment again.. sooner than later.
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elswif · 1 month
dudesif brosif (is that alright?) How do you hate chalk, it's delicious!
No. Disgusting. Chalk is disgusting.
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footemoji · 10 months
maao I know who you are tuxedo cat anon... I know.......
-angel black cat NOT ANON .
shwhatever brosif
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ceterisparibus116 · 2 years
Part 1
So I essentially live-blogged the new She-Hulk episode in one of my discords, and thought some of you might be interested:
I'm so late to this party but I'm finally watching the episode
and first of all, I think she got all of Leapfrog's potential claims correct!
except strict liability and manufacturer's defect might be redundant but I'm not sure bc that's civil law and I hate civil law
oh my gosh oh my gosh
her boss calling her out on being more upset over suing the guy who makes her nice clothes than she was over representing the guy who almost tried to kill her cousin?
"watch the show for Jen," they say, "love Jen," they say, "Jen is a great character," they say
she's funny but wowwww
"I do not make suits that malfunction" - I believe him
is...is Matt late to court
in another person's show
welp yeah he's clearly in good hands, they are clearly keeping him 100% in character ad;lkajdsk;as
also his voice
also Jen not-so-discretely checking him out the second he appears smh
"trouble finding parking" bruh
oh my gosh OH MY GOSH her asking for his entire client list
she's overtly going on a fishing expedition with her discovery request for the whole client list
"a gross invasion of people's privacy based on a very shaky what-if" MATT TELL HER
it's not material to this case whether the malfunction has affected other people? It's not - HOW?
she has the burden of proving that the malfunction occurred in this case. Unless there's some kind of bizarre chain reaction, there's no way that malfunctions in other cases (if they even occurred) would affect whether a malfunction occurred in this case
oh my goshhhhhh Matt demonstrating how the privacy concern is higher here bc of the nature of the work is so perfect, although technically that would...hmmm. That wouldn't actually determine the relevance issue, and he really should make clear that he's not ceding the point of relevance
what the heck WHAT THE HECK. She's bringing up the public figure argument - that's for slander and libel, not for product liability????
anyway, legal issues aside
at a meta level, it is so glorious seeing Matt vehemently defend the importance of anonymity of superheroes
ooh and he's claiming Leapfrog misused the suit? That's a defense to any products liability claim
aaaand he used jet fuel. Okay. Yep
also this is so unrelated but having been on an LOTR kick where the ringwraiths constantly sniff things, my first response to Matt sniffing things was horror
okay so the only issue here is that Leapfrog wasn't under oath when he admitted to using jet fuel
but I can forgive that for the sake of pacing
"am I gonna go to jail" lololol dude
aside from them getting the letter of the law more right than they have so far, I really appreciate that they're also touching on the legal issue of when and to what degree you can actually ever...believe your clients
even if your clients aren't straight-up lying, they might just make dumb decisions, or even if they're not dumb or lying, they might just not mention something that's important bc they don't know it's relevant
and I know pacing is a thing, but like...come on, Jennifer
[discussion from others in the discord about whether it's Jennifer's fault for ending up with a dumb client since she didn't want to take the case in the first place]
it's one thing to say "I don't want this case bc there's a conflict of interest" which doesn't help if the client signs a waiver. It's another thing to say "I don't want this case bc I looked into it and I don't believe my client, either give me more time to investigate or give the case to someone else because I can't ethically pursue a case that I don't believe I can prove"
okay the flirting tho
this flirting is actually good writing?
I like how they both are clearly trying to figure the other out, but they're doing it by asking questions sort of...sideways and not always giving clear answers
like there's a whole layer of conversation beneath what they're actually saying
"as someone who works for 'them' full time, I really don't have any gas in the tank for anything else." See...I feel bad for Jennifer, I do, but like...* sigh * this is what gets me about her character. No one forced her to take the job. Is it bad that I wish she'd somehow been blackmailed into it? Like, literally no choice?
"you can if you choose / be the best of both worlds" - IT'S NOT THAT GROUNDBREAKING OF AN IDEA BUT OKAY DISNEY
"we're all feeling this right, it's not just me" - best fourth wall break in the whole series lol
he's so awkward ad;lkdsak;ads
his laugh 🥺
gosh I LOVE that they introduced him as lawyer!Matt before introducing him as DD
"I'm billing you for the whole hour" - let's go
"I think I'm being attacked!" / "Legally or physically?" why is that so funny to me
"my famous secret lair"
oh is this the first time she wears her suit? The first time she wears her suit is after talking to Matt?
I'm sorry, Jen, Matt is the real hero of this show if you couldn't even -
never mind I've already ranted about that 😆
Matt: * jumps off a building*
I love him
okay the CGI is definitely not as grounded but the whole show isn't as grounded so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
she just - threw a car at him
that could kill him???
Matt conceding that her assuming he's a bad guy bc of his costume which he specifically chose to be scary is a fair point is so good
[extended back-and-forth about the fact that we got a tiny hint of whump]
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a-very-tired-raven · 2 years
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Ft. The rather uncartoony version of my cartoon sona, and @meatygutsy
Thanks for being such an amazing friend to me brosif!!!! Youve been nothing but kind and funny, and its been an absolute honor seeing your amazing art, and getting to watch you(and your art) grow. I hope you had an absolute banger birthday broski!!
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ogcrazylizard · 17 days
As a dumb ass once told "Fuck Liz, you got yourself in this situation get yourself out of it"
Brosif I did. I didn't surround myself in Idiocracy.
Hope your shit life burns down.
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brosif40 · 26 days
I cast the spell of forget all of the embarrassing shit you've done on everyone forever
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Those thoughts will now be replaced by thoughts of your favorite silly characters or whatever
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blogginaturfuneral · 1 year
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@brosif on Ig
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the-smallest-star · 10 months
Aye yo just a friendly anon dropping by to say the your characters all seem super lovely and the way you portray them is top notch! :D, which may or may not be part of the motivation I got to salvge my ol rp blog and try and DO A THING with it and have fun again soooo yeah keep up the cool stuff brosif :'>.
//awwww I'm glad you got motivation to come back!
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esthxio · 2 years
why didn't u tell me u were sick. 😾
Bc u were busy 🥹
Nah, m lyin, I'm not sick the anon was just asking how I was and they're somehow checking on me daily now because they've been asking how I was three times in a row dude 💀
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