#brother …. what if I don’t 😭
el-buzz · 5 months
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📚 Cg! Clay HCS!!! 💚🎶
Aggagaggaggag first hc list I do EVERRR (so please be kind (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) /💗💗)
Cg! Clay x Agere! Reader!!
pretty much gender neutral!!
Cw: caps lock (just me having happy outbursts), um lotsa author notes and commentary I just wanna talk about him and about how he would be as a cg :ccc, also this is incredibly self indulgent
Also there was no proof reading ☠️
(Crossposted on ao3 @Soft_Buzz!! oh and I’ll update this if I get a new hc idea)
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Anyways here you go 💚:
•nicknames for you: kiddo, baby, bubba, bubba wubba (he’s squeezing your cheeks and baby talking you 😭😭), prince/princess/ lil highness/royal, and a number of other sweet nicknames or any that you prefer!
•he would be suuuuuch a sweet and doting caregiver waaaaaaah but he would definitely ensue rules for you! Calm and Strict(ish) cg! Clay would pull up to make sure you are safe and healthy even if you are feeling big!!
•he’d hate to see you hurt or sick, but he’d do everything thing in his power to nurse you back to health :]!
•Clay would definitely provide his kiddo with healthy snack or with fruit or veggie cups!
•Although Clay’s sorta strict he can be soooo soft he always want to hold you, whether it’s your hand/pinkie or cuddle up with you.
•You are his battery and he wants to recharge.
* HE WOULD SOOOO READ TO YOUUUU AHHH he loooooves reading so ofc he’d love to share that interest with his little one
• (please it’s the cutest thing ever)
• imagine him beside you with a book open (he has his reading glasses on :3) and as he reads, he gives all the different characters different voices and will always put emotion into his reading voice, which always leads to you giggling or you gasping in surprise.
• One time you insisted that you were big enough for his sad book club and that you wouldn’t become a big puddle of tears so he gave you Charlotte’s Web to read.
• You were a mess. You didn’t stop being sad for the next couple of HOURS (yes this is a reference to that JD fan art ifykyk☠️)
• Clay had to give you so many hugs, cuddles, and kisses to make up for it. He thought it’d be funny, but he sorta forgot how emotional of a little one you can be.
• “I’m so so sorry baby.” *kiss* “How can I make it up to you?? I’ll do anything”
• oh you’d grin a that. You choose to either do dress up WITH make up or draw on his face and mess around with his hair. AND ice cream.
• You took soooo many pictures (and you may or may have not shared them with Viva, Poppy, and his brothers) Clay says he hates you for it, but secretly believes it was so worth it to see that sparkle in your eyes
• he bought you a piggy and a spider (with little bb spiders) stuffie. Even if you have arachnophobia, you hugged those stuffies while crying happy tears. You gave him a tight hug which he softly returned and gave you a forehead kiss.
• (This whole event was also the birth of your happy scrapbook club!! (even though it just you :} ) )
• You and Clay will just sit together while reading different things. Him with some well recognized and praised novel or book and you with a happy lil scrapbook in your hands!
• I’d also like to think he has a puppet character like Bandit does with unicorse! (Maybe a dragon but that just me :])
• (Clay and Branch be matching with their ventriloquism skills lol)
• If you seem to be clumsy or fall often he starts to develop a sort of spider sense for it and will catch you before disaster happens
• OKOK I know this is gonna sound random buuuut I believe Clay is the type to carry lollipops, and sometimes other candy, around. Idk like I can just picture him a with a lollipop in his mouth trying to look all serious/mysterious and nonchalant LOL
• ANYWAYS back to the Agere stuff
• I think that after completing a task or being good, Clay would def give his kiddo a lollipop as a treat!! that orrrrr if his kiddo seems to be regressing in public and they really want/need a paci or just something to fixate on then boom!!! Lollipop! :D
• Talking about rewards
• This man would sooooo spoil you!! you’re his treasure and he wants you to know it!!
• He’ll either get you food you’ve been craving or a stuffed animal/little gear orrrr both!!
• (Because of the two of you, you now have a chest fuuuull of stuffies Woops💧)
• You always try to show your appreciation by giving him small handmade gifts!! A lil pop up card, bead bracelets (you definitely have matching bracelets), even something crocheted/knitted, and pretty much any arts n crafts you can make!
• Now onto funny business ( •̀ - • )!
• so ofc when it first came to having fun and being playful with you he was bit scared
• can you blame him???
• He’d spent A LOT of time trying to get rid/away from the tittle of being the fun boy
• Ofc through lot of reassurance you let him know that he can have fun and play with you and still be a very serious caregiver!
• you help him understand that being funny and silly every once in a while doesn’t hurt and that he should try to find a balance that work for him! Which he eventually does :D!!
• I like to believe that he’d be great at playing pretend and hide and seek!
• “Worry not your highness!! You will protect you from the dragon!” (It’s one of your plushies)
• “Wherever could my kiddo be?? They must have turned invisible!!” (he can hear your giggles which just makes his smile wider)
• Although he really tries to be there for you, he’s a reaaaally busy man :((( but he still tries to spend time with you through parallel play! While he’s doing his grown up paperwork, you get to colooor!! (or draw or scrapbook or anything really) as long you promise to be good and not distract him
• (plus the sooner he’s done the sooner he can give you all his attention! so it’s a win-win situation :D)
• Actually if you were feeling extra lil you’d just get a paper and scribble on it with crayon trying to copy Clay’s mannerisms (when he sees this he’s physically holding himself back from just picking you up, cradling you, and just babying you waaaah you’re gonna be the end of him)
• oh and he would sooo keep your little artworks in his working area (they bring a sweet smile to his face and warm his soul you’re the best kiddo he could have ever asked for)
• You also get to have cuddles while he works! Sometimes he’ll just sit you on his lap with a stuffie or two while he wraps an arm around you and litters your head or face with kisses!
• Now onto not so funny business ૮๑ˊᯅˋ๑ა
• sometimes Clay’ll have a rough or tiring day :((
* and that’s okk caregivers have their moments too!
• He’ll usually want to cuddle with you and hold you close. (You are his stuffie :D)
• He might even tickle you or blow raspberries on your tummy (if you give him permission ofc!!) which often leaves you with a giggling and squirming fit.
• He just loves seeing you laugh and smile (especially if it’s him who made you happy :] you just brighten his day so much sometimes)
• One time he was just so tired and just laying down on the couch and then you brought one stuffie to him and then two till you pretty much had him buried under almost all of your stuffies!!
* You then proceeded to lay on top of him, and Clay just sticks both arms out from under the pile while smiling softly with his eyes closed.
• Let’s just say you guys woke up with stuffed animals scattered eeeeeverywhere
• If you’re a kiddo/baby who tends to get overwhelmed easily, he’ll get you some noise canceling/dampening headphones and just wraps you in a soft blanket like a little burrito.
• He’ll also either get you an eye mask or will lower the lights if he can. (And if you’re feeling lil enough then a paci too!!)
• After doing any of this, he’ll just bring you onto his lap and whisper sweet lil nothings to you till you feel better or seem to fall asleep :D!
• would enforce a bed time >:( (he is a very very veeeery serious guy after all)
• but luckily bedtime means a bottle or sippy of sweet sleepy tea and a storyyyy :D!!
• Forehead kisses!! (CALL ME BIASED CAUSE I LOOOOOVE FOREHEAD KISSES but I stand by what I say.
• Oh and if he’s ever gonna to be very busy for the day and he won’t be able to take care of his kiddo, he’d ask Viva to help him take care of you!!
• Plus who doesn’t love babysitter Viva??? She’s so energetic and fun with you, but she’ll definitely tone it down for you 💛
• she’s also super strong so she’ll definitely carry you or give you a piggy back ride if you ask :>!
• She also give you lots of candies and sugary foods but shhhhh don’t tell Clay itsa secret (but I think the sugar rush/crash you have when he picks you up from Viva’s tells him more than enough
• (I feel like he would trust all his brothers with you (especially Bruce) except JD 😭😭)
• He would sooooo grab your cheeks and squeeze them like he did to Branch when first seeing him again
• Expect him to do that whenever he just wants to dote on you and baby you even if you’re feeling bigger than usual he just loves youuuu! 💚💚💚
In summary: I need this man bc he is the bestest boyfriend and caregiver ever!!
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Final notes!:
I love likes but comments and reposts are greatly appreciate (I love to talk if you can’t tell) type something out and let me know what you think 💗💗
If anybody would like to use any of the hcs/scenarios for a fanfic tots fine with me just don’t forget to tag me for credit and so I can see it :DD!!
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moonilit · 9 months
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Aww the side story of the barbie (not date) but from Shouta’s POV, this is the cutest by @cyanoscarlet
Alliance in Pink - Side Stories, First art
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eqan · 7 months
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we had such a nice morning and then dewey guarded a sock from ryker
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fyorina · 3 days
wow i’m actually in such a foul mood right now
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joonbuggiie · 1 year
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Early morning, After 🐺 hunt 🌙
OML this took like 2 weeks to make, lots of trial and error but ultimately I’m very happy with it!
I found a crew members post that mentioned Travis likes Romance books and uses them as an escape from his current life- so I’d imagine after a night of hunting- and subsequently failing to end his family’s curse he just heads back to the station and Cope™
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starredforlife · 5 months
THE goal for holidays 2024 is to show up to the family jacked and tatted like I’ve wanted to for the past 2 years
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diorsbrando · 5 months
i am having fun rewatching bleach, and i honestly don’t remember it being this emotional & deep so early on?????????
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kitsuna21-alt · 1 year
When I have to listen to my parents stance on drug addicts, mentally ill people, and homeless people
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sammygender · 1 year
obviously every roy sibling is incredibly cisgender but can you imagine if they weren’t. trans connor roy, so irrelevant that his dad probably forgot he was ever a girl? trans kendall roy, worlds first transmasculine absent father? trans sioban roy, determined to out-do her brothers via transitioning to female? trans roman roy— yeah i actually don’t have much to say about him i dont think his character would meaningfully change. notice i say ‘roy sibling’ because greg could theoretically be trans. like i don’t think he is but technically we’d like never know. idk. it’d kind of work. except for the fact that he’s 6’7
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sunmisbf · 7 months
i need to go outside n smoke i am losing my mind rn x
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queerbuckleys · 1 day
i want my cat but I don’t know if i can go get her :(
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porcelainvino · 3 months
okay but what obscure music do you listen to 🤔🤔🤔 i’m curious (it’s okay if ur gatekeeping LOL i understand. one of my fav obscure bands is REDACTED so i get it 🩷)
the most obscure and my FAVVVVVV ARTIST EVER is sopor aeternus & the ensemble of shadows 😄 idk her music is described on google as “neoclassical dark wave”… like idek what that means…….. also i tried listening to other music in that genre and i hate it all its literally only her 💀
also my music may not be completely obscure, but it’s like definitely a weird combination??? like i go from glee covers to goth music to new wave to gangsta rap.. i found that the only common factor in the songs i like is that i need it to change every 5 seconds whether it’s the beat of the song or the instrumentals or the way the person is singing i need it FUNKY!!!!!
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spyderschaos · 1 month
The other day I finished watching every final destination movie with my friends, this is how I would rate them
Final destination 2
Final destination 1
Final destination 5
The final destination
Final destination 3
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fizzytoo · 7 months
i remember being 10 years old and my tio taking my brothers and i to street races ,,,, why were we there
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kavehater · 1 month
Laughing at the fact DB asked me to “come over” like okay first of all we’re on the other side of the world from each other second … literally WHAT would we do if I went to America I know exactly what would happen and there is little to nothing else that could stem from such a trip other than that. That’s a lot of money and effort spent travelling just for that bro get a girl in your own country goddamn 😭
#everyone knows there would be nothing friendly going on if I went LMFAO boys are so obvious you just have to play along to give them the#satisfaction of them *thinking* they’re tricking you or taking advantage but you’re just sitting there cause they help you take up time and#they can be entertaining sometimes#they’re so daft istg like bro you think you’re using me ? you’re not I’m *letting* you use me there’s a difference 😭#dora daily#keep in mind we had been taking for a consecutive couple of days and he says this#like if we were talking for some months or a year I’d get it but bro#you know nothing of me literally what would we do over there together#his reaction to me telling him the Eris story was also telling cause he didn’t react at all because he was doing the exact same to me LMFAOO#I’m so funny guys he’s funny for that too#yk what he asked after? he was like are you into girls ? that was his only concern 😭#like bro I bet you if I was into girls he would try to change me too#it would be a challenge in his eyes#because he knew I was aroace yet he still said things implying I’ll grow out of it#brother …. what if I don’t 😭#anyways funny story time yay#like brother I am not going to that shit ass country only to come back bearing a discord boy junior LMFAO I’m sobbing that’s foul#also I’m not gonna be with a computer science major nuh uh have you not seen the stereotype that’s nasty 😭#I’m only with an architect :3#I’m already in a relationship :333
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soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
Ok I think I’ve discovered something better than topical ibuprofen for rope burn…. paraffin wax!
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