pokeshipping · 2 years
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fuzzychildchopshop · 7 months
Misty and her red string of fate by Bruedance
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sykilik101 · 2 years
All of you genwunners are invited to the amourshipping wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳🎊🥳
Best man- @dchan87
Groomsmen- @themattress , @ultraericthered , @illustrious-rocket , @pepsi-al , @starlineninja, @zchaotic, @zdbztumble , @sykilik101 , @pokeshipperryan , @pkmncoordinators , @fcomk513 , @beewinter55, @thessultimategoku, @dbzebra , @texansman20 , @johnnyd2 , @echidnapower , @n-i-n-t
Maid of honor- @hollylu-ships-it
Bridesmaid- @warlordess , @miyatoriaka , @neica-chan-92 , @shitirishaterssay , @azelmaandeponine , @lovingtheshow , @wiseabsol , @mokkemusic , @nebli , @cbcanime , @cosmicheartz , @gouthepro , @anotherworldash , @bruedance , @chibigamer1992 , @mockguffin , @fairywinds , @planethunter , @kamiflorsart , @kamiflor
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!
(I wish this could be better, but when it's currently 2 in the morning, I'm just kinda rolling with whatever my brain pumps out and hoping it's cute enough.)
Ash hadn't made it two steps out of the ice cream shop, a cone in each hand, before he saw a boy trying to flirt with Misty.
He could probably count on his free fingers how long it took for her to turn him down.
Leaning against the shop, he lapped at his ice cream as he watched the boy try to persuade Misty into a date. His smile was practiced and refined, his movements were cool and collected, and he even had the guts to rest his fingertips on Misty’s shoulder. Ash wasn’t much of a flirt, but he’d seen enough guys hitting on Misty over the years to know that if it was any other girl, he might have succeeded.
Unfortunately for him, Misty was far from any other girl.
The boy was in the middle of some impassioned sentence when Misty suddenly bundled his perfectly ironed collar into her fist. That smirk of his had melted away in favor of a regretful scowl, his eyes quivering as he held his hands up. Ash could see him mumble something that looked like an apology, but before he could finish-
“I said no, so go away!”
The same strength she’d used many times on Ash was on full display as she shoved the boy backwards. He nearly stumbled to the floor, managing to regain his balance before bolting in the opposite direction. Misty watched him flee with her palms on her hips, and Ash grinned as he waltzed over to her.
“Nice one, Misty.”
His voice piqued her attention as she turned to face him, grinning with a cheekiness that belied her previous vehemence.
“It’s about time!”
This most recent instance of some guy trying to ask Misty out was seemingly forgotten as she practically ripped the ice cream from Ash’s hand, taking an immediate lick. She closed her eyes tight, grinning as her body swayed side to side. “This ice cream is so good! I knew it was worth taking a detour to come here!”
Ash smirked, having another taste of his own before gesturing to where her failed suitor had been. “I was right, wasn’t I?”
Misty rolled her eyes. “You were only gonna be gone for a few minutes, so I didn’t think anyone would try.”
Ash glanced to the side, using his cone to hide his face. “It’s ‘cause you’re so pretty.”
Her glare didn’t quite match her blush, but it was a cute combination that Ash hadn’t gotten tired of yet. “It’s not like I can make them stop.”
Ash cocked his head to the side, a sudden inquisitiveness etching into his face. Misty mirrored him, unsure of what the boy was thinking. Before she could say anything his eyes lit up, and he set his ice cream down to the side. His now free hand reached up to her hair, and with a quick yank he pulled her hair band out, letting her tresses cascade down to her shoulders.
“Ash, what are you-”
His focus was not on her words, but instead on twisting and rolling the band in half. Seemingly satisfied, he took her left hand and, with a bit of effort, worked the band over her ring finger. It held snugly, and Misty admired it in awe as Ash reached for his ice cream once more, his cheeks seared from ear to ear.
“Hopefully now the other guys will leave you alone.”
Her face now matched his, her mouth hung open as Ash strolled past her. “Ash, this is-”
“Come on, let’s get back to the Pokémon Center already!”
His walk turned into a jog, and he laughed as he heard Misty trying to catch up, yelling for him to wait up. He didn’t dare turn back; dense as he may be, he knew exactly what he’d done, and he wanted a few minutes to clear his head, to come up with the words to express to Misty what he intended behind his actions.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
A list of delusional genwunners out here:-
All of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You genwunners!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations for wasting 25 years of your life shipping abuseshipping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
I'm going to laugh at all your miserable and cold faces when Ash and Serena marry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So suck it up losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(My favorite part of this Ask is that he tagged me, despite it being sent to me, which implies that this is a copy/paste job and not something that was written specifically for me. Let me tell you all, that just up and broke my damn heart. I dunno if I'll ever recover from this. My fellow Genwunnershippers, lend me your aid so that I might eventually return from this stronger than before. FANFIC TIME!)
It was as if Ash suddenly lost control of his body. There was only impulse, driven by a desire and curiosity that had welled up within him out of the blue.
He pressed his finger against the tip of Misty's nose.
"...what are you doing?"
Misty remained unmoving from her sleeping bag, eyes still closed, but her voiced was snippy, mixed with a touch of frustration at having missed the train to dreamland.
"I just suddenly felt like smushing your nose."
Smushing? Misty giggled, seemingly in spite of herself. Her eyes fluttered open, turning to her side to face him. He kept his fingertip glued to her, though his heart skipped a beat when her own finger smushed against his nose.
"Like this, right?"
"Fun, right?"
Her eyes crinkled in the dark, though the moon offered enough light to make out their viridian gleam. Misty wiggled her way out of her sleeping bag, inching her face closer to his until their hands gave way, and the tip of her nose pressed against his.
"I kinda like this better."
"It's not as fun if you don't use your-"
Her breath had felt hot against his lips in the small second before their mouths made contact. They sighed into the kiss, with Ash resting his palm in her hair. The orange tresses tickled his fingers, though his attention was diverted to the way Misty gently nibbled his lower lip. His face went flush as she backed away, only to return to touching their nose tips.
"Are you sure it's not as fun?"
A half-lidded stare that didn't match her voice's glee pierced into his own, and he wasn't sure if it was her exhaustion or her little victory. In either case, he was more interested in continuing this game, and he softly dragged his fingertip along her shoulder and down her arm.
"You'll have to convince me."
Misty, as she would later regret the next day, missed the next few trains heading to dreamland.
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sykilik101 · 2 years
@themattress , @ultraericthered , @illustrious-rocket , @pepsi-al , @starline-ninja , @zchaotic , @shitirishaterssay , @azelmaandeponine , @dchan87 , @cosmicheartz , @gouthepro , @fairywinds , @wallflower-koharu , @mockguffin , @dbzebra , @mokkemusic , @pokeshipping , @pokeshipping-archive , @pokeshipping-love , @pokeshippingweek , @pokeshipping-is-pokemazing , @warlordess , @hollylu-ships-it , @anotherworldash , @chibigamer1992 , @ashandpikachu , @wiseabsol , @scrawlers , @planethunter , @yamujiburo , @yoshi12370 , @zdbztumble , @lightningenergy , @echidnapower , @n-i-n-t , @lovingtheshow , @fuckyeahpokeshipping , @pokeshipper08 , @pokeshipper-fan , @pokeshipper24-blog , @pokeshipperftw , @fcomk513 , @johnnyd2 , @otnesse , @miyatoriaka , @neica-chan-92 , @bruedance , @trainer-frisk , @driftloon
All of you!!!!!!!!!!!! Pokeshipping is dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You pokegenwunner4kidsshippers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amourshipping is canon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Everyone, I'm no longer a Pokeshipper. I'm now a Pokegenwunner4kidsshipper. I'll kindly ask that you refer to me as such from now on.
(Damn, it's too bad this trolling is happening NOW instead of a while back. "Pokegenwunner4kidsshipping" could've been a GREAT April Fools bit.)
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dartheames · 8 years
OC quiz
(Also I literally never ask stuff like this but I’m super bored at work. Send me some asks based on my answers in this quiz?)
I was tagged by @the-emerald-halla, and I appreciate it fondly and love you so much :3
Here’s for Elena Shepard. It’s gonna be hard not to go for details. 
Asked someone to marry you? - Innocent
Kissed one of your friends? - Guilty
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern? - Innocent
Ever told a lie? - Guilty
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have? - Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex? - Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? - Guilty
Kissed a picture? - Innocent
Slept in until 5pm? - Guilty
Fallen asleep at work or school? - Guilty
Held a snake? - Innocent
Been suspended from school? - Guilty
Worked at a fast food chain/restaurant? - Guilty
Stolen something? - Guilty
Been fired from a job? - Guilty
Done something you regret? - Guilty
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - Guilty
Laughed until liquid came out of your nose? - Guilty
Kissed in the rain? - Innocent
Sat on a roof top? - Guilty
Kissed someone you shouldn’t? - Guilty
Sang in the shower? - Innocent
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - Innocent
Shaved your head? - Innocent
Slept naked? - Guilty
Had a boxing membership? - Idek what that is (??)
Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? - Guilty
Been in a band? - Innocent
Shot a gun? - Guilty
Donated blood? - Innocent
Eaten alligator meat? - Innocent
Eaten cheesecake? - Innocent
Still loved someone you shouldn’t? - Guilty
Have/had a tattoo? - Innocent
Liked someone, but will never tell who? - Guilty
Been too honest? - Guilty
Ruined a surprise? - Guilty
Eaten so much that you can’t walk after? - Innocent
Erased someone in your friends list? - Innocent
Dressed in a man’s clothes? - Guilty
Dressed in a woman’s clothes? - Guilty
Joined a pageant? - Innocent
Still have communication with your ex? - Innocent
Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who meant it? - Guilty
Cheated on someone? - Innocent
Gotten totally drunk and missed an exam? - Innocent
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare? - Guilty
Got so angry that you cried? - Guilty
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? - Guilty
Thought about suicide? - Guilty
Thought about murder? - Guilty
Actually murdered someone? - Guilty
Thought about mass murder? - Guilty
Actually committed a mass murder? - Guilty
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle? - Guilty
Stalked someone? - Innocent
Had a girlfriend? - Innocent
Had a boyfriend? - Guilty
Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? - Guilty
Tagging @cactuarkitty, @stuffedpartridge, @bruedance, @danceswithturians and @seigl. I hope you all are tired of this already :D 
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dartheames · 8 years
I was tagged by @bruedance​ for this “get to know you better”. Thank you! 
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better.
Relationship Status: Single (but mostly in love with Garrus these days so yeah :Dc)
Lipstick or Chapstick: I don’t use make up on a daily basis but when I want to have some fun I use lipstick.
Last Song I listened to: Total eclipse of the heart by Bonnie Tyler
Last movie I watched: Star Wars: Rogue One. Loved it! Darth Vader, am I right? <3
Top 3 shows: Good Mythical Morning, Brooklyn 99, Steven Universe.
Top 3 characters: Ahh I need more than 3 for that! Garrus Vakarian, Aria T’Loak and Hanzo Shimada. 
Top 3 shipping: Shakarian, McHanzo and most probably Solavellan. It’s hard.
Feel free to drop me an ask/message if you feel like talking about those things :D
I tag @cactuarkitty, @thranduilsausage, @stuffedpartridge and the rest of you who wants some :)
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