#eames rambles
sara-likes-things · 2 months
Love me a ship whose dynamic is this
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i cant stop thinking about my favorite eames angst trope its so
and i like it when arthur makes it better. when he grounds eames back to reality. and also make sure he is on a forever vacation (w arthur ofc)
but i also like it when arthur is horrified and he cant do anything. eames is just stuck like that forever. and its CONSEQUENCES. and maybe eames feels like he deserves it when hes feeling clearer yknow.
i also like this in a smaller scale like if eames adopts the traits and habits of the ppl hes forged. this way doesnt have to be angsty either.
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cheebuss · 8 months
Big fan of jaded or aloof characters going from being immature/not giving a shit at the beginning of the narrative to stepping up to the plate and absolutely giving it their all for the cause by the end of it. Gotta be one of my favorite tropes
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valerileygreen · 2 months
You know when you dream up the most amazing scenarios and then lose them as soon as you wake up? You're never going to get them back and it's just. so. frustrating!
I rarely dream and when I do it's generally nothing worthwhile, but this time for once I was having a nice dream. It was about Arthur & Eames and somehow in it Eames had convinced himself Arthur wasn't actually real or something, because he was just too perfect and so he must have dreamed up his ideal man tailored perfectly after the image of JGL, the actor he has the biggest crush on. At the end Arthur managed to convince him back that he was real and that their life was real, and I remember perfectly Eames saying or thinking something about being able to finally appreciate Arthur's smile for the first time in months without any shadow of doubt clouding it and how much sweeter it was.
I just can't remember any of the finer points of this plot. I don't know if Eames thought Arthur was just a figment of his imagination, or a projection in a dream or in Limbo (though that's what seems most probable from a logical point of view), and I don't know how he came to think that or how Arthur proved to him everything was real. But I just know I dreamed more than just this, it's just out of reach.
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natasha-barton · 1 year
i still think about this one inception/dream husbands fanfic that i read about a year ago in the middle of the night and it feels a little hazy and like a fever dream but that’s how it should be i think and it went like this : imagine if Arthur and Eames had known each other for a long time . They’re in love, they’re together but unbeknownst to them, Eames has a teenage daughter ! She and her mother randomly show up at their Apartment (which is located in a very hot country i think, i only remember talk of beaches and short sleeved shirts) for whatever reason (I’m sure there was a good one I just don’t remember) and then they get pissed that Eames is together with Arthur. The teenage daughter is very angry at Arthur for taking away her dad and they constantly write each other letters and she insults him (???? I think??? Bc she hates him) but in the end I think they like each other and I don’t even remember how it truly ends but I also wouldn’t know how to find it again on ao3 but I just wanna say how much i love dream husbands fanfics in general bc i always have weird memories connected to reading them
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i-maybe-exist · 1 year
unfriendly reminder that if you support dream or still watch him or like him or whatever get the absolute FUCK off my blog
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stridingseer · 9 months
cant say i have any specific asks about inception ships but i am more than happy to hear you talk about rarepairs because there is simply not enough content here <3
Okay this uh, admittedly might get long (I am going to do this in point form for the sheer rambles). Very Long Thoughts Under the cut!!
Eames/Robert Fischer
One thing that keeps on swinging around to me every time I write them or read about them is this one constant theme, aka the idea of Identity.
Who is Robert supposed to be after the inception? How does he reconcile with breaking up his inheritance? Who is he outside of his father? Who is he besides being the son of Maurice Fischer?
For Eames, it's a bit funkier but Eames is a forger. His identity is anything that the job needs him to be. But then, who is he really? Is he a combination of his forges? Yes he plays a role for the others but what are his thoughts about it?
(I recently got a reply back from another writer for this ship that pointed out that Eames got to deal with the psychological aspect of the inception and I can't help but wonder: how does he feel about having to do this to Fischer in the first place?)
What happens post canon between these two is SUCH an oasis for writing ideas. Have them meet years later at a bar! Maybe Robert chooses to break up his empire and then go AWOL before running into Eames (maybe Eames steals his wallet for the THIRD FUCKING time, admittedly it'd be funny)
Similarly: what did Eames see at Fischer-Marrow while he was there? The two of them probably did meet which means the first meeting is one of infinite possibilities. I just love the idea of Eames introducing himself, calls Robert by Fischer, and then Robert corrects him to use his first name. (names as intimacy and trust!! NAMES AS INTIMACY AND TRUST)
I do have this headcanon that Eames also has like similar-esque issues as Robert which is why he's the one who more or less starts digging in from the angle of the father-son relationship. In a way it's him getting his own catharsis when Robert gets his but again, it can get really messy. It's also why he keeps on bringing it up. Anyways they both have family issues and they're foils your honor.
Would like to thank This Fic for getting me into the pairing though there are som Very Good Ones in the tag. I love them all dearly.
Anyways I have a cannibal + shapeshifter roadtrip fic in my drafts and it's actually an exploration on identity. And also a second person fic from Robert's POV that tackles his relationship w/ his father like my relationship with both of my parents. Consider it an alternative reading of sorts
Arthur/Dom Cobb
Basically they're inception's reasonable right hand man/mastermind who has Big Ideas (aka Rusty and Danny from Ocean's 11 though admittedly their dynamic is way different)
Read them as exes who can't leave each other alone and it suddenly becomes quite funny to watch the movie in that way. Cuz then it makes Arthur's constant :/ funnier but he's STILL hanging around.
I like the idea of the two of them living together to take care of Cobb's kids at the end of inception! Arthur comes to visit and ends up staying way longer. They are now common in laws.
And given his logical brain, if any of the kids needs him w/ history or math or geography, Arthur is There because his whole job
One thing that does rotate in my head is just the sheer loyalty that Arthur has for Cobb? Like the Fischer job goes wrong on the first layer in and he, like Eames, can say that he can voice that he's walking off the job. The Thing is his choice to Not to. Tiny thing but it speaks volumes. Also if they go to hotels, these two basically live together even on the job.
So Arthur 100% knew Mal which means that I imagine that it's Cobb who first dragged him into dreamsharing. I just like the idea of the three of them testing limits and whatnot (it's very Ocean's 11 in its parallels but it also gives more depth and food to think about. Of course Mal and Cobb get married and Arthur is not bitter about it, not at all)
I also raise you the idea of Eames calling Arthur a 'nanny' for watching over Cobb's kids. And then Eames gets called 'gold digger' for getting with Robert. Neither of them are wrong about it technically but it could be that it's a fun in joke/dig at each other.
MORE FICS ABOUT THEIR FIRST EXTRACTIONS TOGETHER AND WHATNOT!! There is so much food for thought about how they managed to find their place in their extraction world.
On a similar note: their first adventures in the dreamscape. Basically the question of 'how many times has Cobb shot Arthur to wake him up'.
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possuminnit · 2 years
I just remembered the time I was on twitter and one of my mutuals was a beeduo main but fucking Hated Tommy and always was like "inniters STOP following me I hate ur streamer" like Brother In Christ what do you expect
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apfelhalm · 2 years
Fun fact zum Spatort Inception AU: Eigentlich wollte ich noch eine Szene zwischen Pia und Esther unterbringen, die es leider nicht reingeschafft hat. Beide sind in einem Traum, irgendetwas läuft nicht so, wie es soll, und Esther meint so beiläufig: "Was würde ich jetzt für einen Kaffee geben." Pia schmunzelt nur und meint: "Wir sollten keine Angst haben, von Größerem zu träumen, Spätzchen." Und dann zaubert sie mit einer Handbewegung nicht nur zwei perfekt gebrühte Cappuchinos her, sondern auch noch eine Tüte voller Hörnchen und süßer Teilchen vom besten Bäcker aus ihrer Erinnerung.
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The thing is, Goren loves Eames. He has for years, even though he has never spoken it out loud. Over the past ten years, she had gone from yet another partner that he tried to push away, to a friend, to someone he trusted more than anyone else. He knows he has screwed up repeatedly, hurt not only her feelings, her trust, but also her career chances. By being his partner and sticking up for him even when the upper Brass thinks he is nuts, she has torpedoed any chance of getting promoted to Captain like she had always dreamed of. That’s why he doesn’t fight it when after Ross’s death, she pulls him into their Captain’s former office and tells him what the Brass wanted her to do. He hates the thought of being separated from her, but he contents himself with a kiss to her cheek and a long hug before he leaves. He can’t bear to see her lip quivering, even with how strong she has always been, he can see the tears in her eyes and he hates it. He hates that he has caused this.
He hates it even more being separated from her for months until the new captain John Hannah brings the pair of them back in return for him getting mandatory therapy sessions. Goren resists as long as he can before he eventually gives into the inevitable, knowing that the captain’s hands are tied in this manner. If he wants to be Eames’s partner again, he has to at least make an effort. And he does, slowly.. Until the Doctor asks him about his feelings for his partner. He blusters, knowing that he cannot tell the truth for a few reasons: one, because Eames herself doesn’t know, two, because he doesn’t think at his age that it is possible for her to love him back, and three.. she’s his partner. If the Brass found out that he loved his partner, and the two of them started a relationship, their partnership would be over. Permanently this time.
He’s already lost his mother, lost his brother Frank, and even his former mentor. He cannot lose her, the last person that he completely trusts, the one person he loves. So he lies, blusters and tells the doctor that she’s like his sister, hating every word of what he is saying. He almost doesn’t go back, he’s so angry about it. But he does, knowing that if he doesn’t, he’ll lose Eames again. 
When the mandated sessions are over, he decides he really wants to try this time. He wants that chance with Eames, but he isn’t fully ready yet. When he sees his partner waiting outside for him with a smile on her face, he knows that he has made the right decision. 
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mossfriendly · 5 months
there are so many things i have to do and my course starting up again is helping nothing. i’d only just learned how to cope with living with zero external responsibilities, and now i’m supposed to get a degree? while meeting new people? fostering my relationships? maintaining the body? being happy? be fr
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moonandris · 2 months
If you're struggling with breathing life into your OC's, try this funny yet stupidly simple trick/writeblr tag game I just came up with. I call it the 'Roast Your OCS and Make It Into a Title' tag game. 🤣
So, we've all heard of fictional character archetypes and stereotypes that are often present in fiction, right? We all know it's not good to have shallow, surface level characters that have no complexity or nuance to their personalities, because real life humans contain multitudes, contradictions, and are in general very complicated beings.
Throw all that shit out for this exercise and toss it into the trash! 🗑️ In this tag game, we're gonna be reducing all our OC's to the most basic, mundane, stereotypical/archetypal renditions of themselves and making it Fit Into a Title!
Here's an example of my main character + his besties from my Science Fantasy WIP:
Cold and Stoic Pretty Boy Loaner With Social Anxiety and Unhealed Trauma Tries to Save His Sister
Disowned Goth Femme Fatale With Bitchy Yet Gentle Attitude Is Socially Neglected and Cries A Lot
Occasionally Serious Himbo City Boy Cop Tries and Fails to Fight Crime With Therapy and Rehabilitation
Snobby Know-It-All Imperial Man Who Somehow Has Both A Superiority and Inferiority Complex
Protective Amazonian Lesbian Sadist Who Will Absolutely Step On You and Ruin Your Life Forever
Gifted Slutty Bisexual Boy Genius Is Hiding a Dark Secret and Is Very Zesty (Rude) About It
For this tag game I'm gonna be tagging A LOT of people but mainly people who've interacted with me recently. Free to reblog if you see this on your dash, even if you're not tagged. I find this shit HILARIOUS and I would love to see what everyone manages to come up with! No pressure at all if you don't wanna participate, this is all just for fun. ❤️😊
@in-heavens-trenches @revenantlore @cupandquillcafe @fattybattysblog @eames-with-a-rose
@gailynovelry @kestalsblog @dru-reads-writeblr @druidx @indigowriting
@diabolical-blue @writercoracain @tildeathiwillwrite @craig-h-stuart @illarian-rambling
@coarsely @rjcopeseethemald @jackiezenauthor @squarebracket-trickster @kaylinalexanderbooks
@pen-of-roses @flock-from-the-void @sarandipitywrites @buffythevampirelover @imsaanvikhanna
@songsofsomnia @shadow-of-tea-and-tea @owlsandwich @faeriecinna @hauntedluminarybbq
@sarahlizziewrites @ayzrules @rickie-the-storyteller @janec23
If you want some extra help you can also look up character stereotypes/archetypes like I did. There's hundreds of blog posts about this topic but here's some helpful links so you can judge/roast your OC's to your heart's content:
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cheebuss · 1 year
watching tumblr queers clambering over my Eames posts like the sickos "YES HA HA YES" meme!! target audience reached!! >:)
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 5 months
from whispering “paradox” before throwing a man into his death to spontaneously coming up with itty bitty details about air crafts, with what @mister-eames pointed out Arthur being so proud of being Ariadnes teacher, I’d like to imagine him being someone who’d love to spiel in to ramblings about things he knows about. It could be how a certain flower propagates or how a certain explosive creates a softer sound, if there’s someone willing to listen, he would just share anecdotes about it.
And eames always has an ear out for him. Love is stored in soemone who is listening to you in a group and silently encouraging by paying attention and eames finds himself doing that, initially passively and later quite actively when arthur talks. eames finds himself being in love with being that always present ear to arthur. And may be eames also finds himself being in love with excitedly dancing brown eyes and smile slowly tugging at lips and steadily reddening cheeks arthur rewards him with.
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mister-eames · 7 months
sitting here thinking what made eames snap at arthur “your condensation AS ALWAYS is much appreciated arthur thank you” what’s the back story what’s the hidden angst I’m dying here
This, reeks to me of at least one significant incident in the past of one of them shooting down the others idea shall we say 'gently, with a chainsaw.'
Maybe their last job together, before the Fischer job. Arthur was having a bad day, you know, like a rare and real Bad Day. His brain was too loud, his back was in pain, he had a burgeoning migraine, their extractor had fucked off so now Arthur was trying to fill two roles, his mom is very sick, and he has calculations of her medical bills interfering with actual calculations for the job. You know when you're at peak stress? Like you have 18 things to cross off your list before you can even think about a food break, and you just don't have the time to consider taking a breath, or delegating the tasks, you just have tunnel vision, your blood sugar is low, you just need to get through this and you need a radius of silence around you? I think Eames got in the way of that. He was probably trying to help Arthur out and volunteered an idea for the job and was shot down gently, with a (metaphorical) chainsaw. Arthur probably felt bad for it by the time the job was done and paid Eames some pithy compliment like, 'you did good' and Eames, who has been subjected to a terse and surly Arthur for a week thinks the compliment isn't genuine, is forced, hence the 'condescension' remark. Eames shrugs it all off. He doesn't need Arthur to stroke his ego, he knows his worth. It'd just be nice, is all.
Also, this may sound weird, but I also think it's also a very cute kind of thing that they do. They pick something to attribute to one another and it almost becomes a game. "Your sarcasm, Arthur, as always, is much appreciated." "Your inane ramblings, Eames, is much appreciated, thank you." "Your lack of enthusiasm, is much appreciated." "Your tardiness--" 'Your stubornness" -- and perhaps it slowly, slowly it starts to get kinder. There's a few "Your resourcefulness is---" and "Your creativity is---" until, until.....
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