#bruno's room
thebrunoarchives · 1 year
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glitternightingale · 2 years
Shower Thoughts
Bruno's Stone Hand: Your Future Awaits
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I've been thinking about this statue and trying to get into Bruno's head in case he decided to put it up, and it didn't just appear as a result of Casita's magical rooms. What was the motivation behind it? How long has it been there? And most importantly, what does it mean?
Meaning 1: "Climb all those stairs to get a vision from me."
The most on-the-nose interpretation is that this was simply meant to be a signpost to his Vision Cave for the villagers or other visitors. I can imagine it was set up when there were already a decent number of stairs in Bruno's room. At least, it would make the most sense at that point in time.
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Meaning 2: "The way to Heaven/God in Christianity."
So, I saw some gravestones with a similar engraving: a hand with its forefinger pointing up to indicate the deceased's soul has risen to Heaven.
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This was a prevalent symbol in the Victorian era (1837 - 1901). Of course, this concept doesn't have to apply to 19XX's Colombia, but it's an interesting thought, especially when one considers the heavy Catholic themes in Encanto and, perhaps, that Bruno might be a little old-fashioned/traditional in one way or another.
Also, most references of these headstone images I found feature the right hand as the "correct" hand for this symbol, regardless of if it's shown from the front or back. Bruno's possible left-handedness shown throughout the movie and his rock statue subverts this theme. He is different, and he is "wrong" in the eyes of the villagers.
Meaning 3: "Now listen up, the Prophet is speaking."
Bruno's expressive hand gestures often come into play when he tries to share his thoughts with other characters (Mirabel and Alma, for example.) I imagine their intention has changed from "Please, listen to me." to "May I just… please… say some–– Okay, never mind." over the course of his life.
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prophetic-hijinks · 2 years
Bruno and Elena’s bedroom in the Hijinks universe.
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Small Encanto Details (pt 6)
Okay, this time we’re going with the Mirabel-meets-Bruno part of the movie.
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Kicking it off with this poor little rat that tripped on his way up the stairs. It’s okay little fella! Bruno has an arepa for you back at the hideout. :)
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Okay, I never noticed that after Camilo gets struck by his mother’s lightning during the chase scene, he also gets a pot of boiling hot tea spilled on the small of his back. No wonder he was jumping around. (Also, the fact that after this he briefly transforms into Agustín, who is known as the klutz of the family is something I find hilarious).
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When Mirabel catches Bruno, he looks so dang relieved. Like “Oh, wow, you really saved me! You’re so nice!”
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And then she lets go, and he looks so terrified. Poor Bruno! Guy just can’t catch a break.
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I find the fact that he’s been growing plants back here kinda sweet. They resemble the plants kept outside the walls in the main house, so I wonder if he didn’t grow them for nostalgia. Also, how do these things get sunlight?
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Can we also take a moment to talk about how Bruno has en entire homemade rat playground? This guy is living in an armchair in a literal hole in the wall, but makes sure his little buddies have a place to run around and have fun.
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Also, all the pictures up on his wall look like drawings of rats in various poses.
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Bruno’s coffee cup in the bg matches the bowls you see in the first song of the movie.
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They’re from the same set. So Bruno might’ve taken ‘his’ cup with him. A somewhat sad and also kinda sweet detail.
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Of course, we all know this scene—that heartbreaking moment when we realize that Bruno left, but still longed to be part of the family. Here’s the sad thing...
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At the beginning of the movie, you can see everyone’s plates all lined up nice and neat. And while it’s too blurry to read the names, there’s only five plates up top—Abuela, Julieta, Pepa, Agustín, and Félix. There’s still space for Bruno’s plate, even though it’s been long since put away—out of sight.
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Just noticed for the first time that, when Mirabel asks him why she was in his vision, Bruno isn’t just staring off into space. He’s fiddling with a loose piece of thread on the arm of the couch.
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Bruno’s hidden house of cards. Damn, he’s better at it than me. How have his rats not knocked that over yet??
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Mirabel looks way too thrilled to be kicking in that door.
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Giorno "I spawned trillions of flies inside Coco Jumbo just because I could" Giovanna
(This comic was made at work using the OneNote drawing tool over the course of many Teams meetings of the "this could have been a email" variety.)
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undy1ngumbrage · 1 month
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The Story in Your Eyes
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ilikebobcuts642 · 2 months
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“I’m never sharing a bed again.” -Bruno, who will share his bed another fifty times
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Education headcanons:
Although some of these are canon
Giorno: is still in highschool, but stopped showing up for class when he joined passione. He still makes a point to always be learning, but only focuses on subjects he is interested in. He knows lots of information about the biological world, but has no idea what certain historical figures have done, unless they were particularly interesting to him. Also he sucks at spelling words correctly. In elementary school he wrote a research report on different types of bugs and accidentally released a bunch of bugs into the school and that apparently bothered some of the teachers and other students.
Bruno: he has like half of a middle school education, and his grades were never super high because he would spend time helping his dad with work instead of completing his homework. Up until his parents divorce, then his dad wanted him to focus more on school. But that stopped after his dads incident, and he started providing for him and his dad and protecting him. He asked Fugo to teach him some math, and Fugo reluctantly agreed. But Fugo will go out of his way to try to avoid having to tutor the man because Bruno has a rough time understanding simple concepts and it makes Fugo want to resort to violence. But Fugo respects Bruno and doesn’t want to snap at him because he knows he isn’t trying to piss him off, Bruno’s just dumb as fuck sometimes.
Abbacchio: has a highschool education and went to the police academy. He also has a few basic college courses under his belt. He had a “have to learn in order to get the job I want” mentality towards school, opposed to being super interested in it. He failed PE in middle school and was bullied for it so badly that he started working out everyday so that would never happen again. Also I kinda think he has a photographic memory, which his stand reflects well. He went to a Catholic highschool and his parents were upset that he hadn’t met a nice catholic girl by the time he graduated highschool.
Mista: has a highschool education and wasn’t really interested in getting any degrees, kinda just wanted to fuck around in his young adult years. Math made him cry, and not because he didn’t understand it, he was actually good at math. But the number 4 would haunt his papers. Asked a lot of questions during class. were they ever relevant? No. Did he ask them? Yes. “Hey teach, so gravity. Like what if instead of the earth having a gravitational pull some rando named, uh, Seth did. But ONLY Seth, and everyone was constantly being pulled towards Seth and if you jumped you’d land back on Seth. How would we survive as a species if that were the case?”
Narancia: elementary school dropout. Gets distracted super easily. Would rather do anything but school, however he is very sensitive about having not even finished elementary school. He will pep talk himself into wanting to learn math and things, and then he will start again and will remember why he hates school. But it’s worse when he actually goes to school and sees eight year olds that understand things better than him. opposed to Fugo tutoring him and only having to feel stupid in front of the smartest person he has ever met, like everyone else feels stupid around Fugo too so.
Fugo: you know, the gifted child that went to university super early. Smartest one in the group. He was the kid that would use his pencils entirely until they were sharpened into tiny little things you could barely hold. Also he bites his pens and pencils. He thinks the pencils are more flavorful. Oh and erasers, those tasted good too. The other kids never wanted to play with him because of his short temper, but that didn’t matter because his parents told him that only stupid kids use recess time to play. Classrooms were super overstimulating for him, with that stupid LED lighting that made him feel like he needed to blink his eyes a hundred times. And then doing that would make him feel dizzy and irritable. Like the lights were the worst amount of bright and the worst shade of the color white, and if one of the bulbs flickered he would feel like throwing up. His parents thought he had been drinking once after being in a classroom for too long, but no it was the lights.
Trish: she isn’t stupid, but she was definitely the type to get others to do her homework for her. Is in the middle of highschool. she would spend all of study hour planning elaborate schemes to skip class with her and her friends. Wanted to go to college but wasn’t sure how she was going to pay for it, her new plan involves passione money. That or she is going to become famous, if Bruno and co. would actually let her live instead of saying things like “it’s too dangerous with other mafia members knowing your name”.
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figcookie01 · 8 months
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another death loop i guess
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rebouks · 1 year
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Ivan: C’mon Dourpuss, it’s just you n’ me now-… Bruno: I don’t want to talk about it. Ivan: Pfft.. it’s non-negotiable, same as you being a good person.
Bruno: Tch. Ivan: I ain’t lettin’ you beat yourself up about the past forever n’ ever. Bruno: [sighs] There’s so much that I regret though.
Ivan: Listen.. y’care about those closest to ya, y’good with kids n’ animals, y’help people who’re goin’ through what you’ve been through, even though y’not much of a people person-.. y’care about me, more than anyone else ever has. Bruno: None of that cancels out the things I’ve done.
Ivan: I ain’t sayin’ it cancels anythin’ out, shit ain’t as black n’ white as that.. y’know? No singular choice makes someone bad; it’s everythin’ mashed together, right? My Pa was a good example; complete asshole, couldn’t raise a kid for shit-.. but he wasn’t all bad, he just got lost n’ never found his way again. That’s why I still loved him, took care of him n’ stuff.
Ivan: [sighs] Would y’rather turn yourself in, risk goin’ back t’prison? Bruno: No, but it’d be nice to get it all off my chest-.. like you said. Ivan: So, do it…
Bruno: I hate how easy it was. Ivan: Yeah? Bruno: Like in a film? The good guy stands there; hands shaking, agonising over pulling the trigger-.. but I just fucking did it.
Ivan: Why? Bruno: One was an accident, but the other-.. I knew who he was, what he was like; he was an abusive rapis-… Ivan: Okay, so the world’s better off without him.
Bruno: Nothing gives us the right to take away someone’s life like that. Ivan: Leah killed Arturo, was she a bad person? Bruno: [pauses] No.
Ivan: What about war veterans n’ stuff? Bet they’ve killed a bunch o’ folk, some get medals for it an’ all. Bruno: How the hell is that comparable? Ivan: They’re just followin’ orders, right? Who’s t’say I wouldn’t have ended up killin’ someone if I stuck with the Navy?
Bruno: You’re making this difficult on purpose. Ivan: Yeah, ‘cause I’m challengin’ your logic. Bruno: You’re biased, it doesn’t count.
Ivan: Okay, I don’t much care for Wyatt, but I wouldn’t have judged him if he shot Arturo-.. hell, I would’a choked the shit outta him if he’d actually shot you… Maybe we’re more violent than some, but our intentions are good. Bruno: I still feel guilty about Silas…
Ivan: I know. Bruno: I should’ve made sure he got away safely. Ivan: Why didn’t you?
Bruno: [sighs] I was still mad at him; annoyed with myself for letting him walk all over me, again… So, I brushed him off n’ said staying any longer would be dangerous-.. which it was, but I was happier to spend the night with you n’ Oscar. Ivan: It was his decision not t’leave sooner, wasn’t it? I don’t want you blamin’ yourself anymore.
Bruno: [sighs defeatedly] Alright. Ivan: You’re a package deal, B; I love you and your past, okay? Bruno: [nods] I love you too…
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mlimby · 1 year
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sl0wdiver · 3 months
New update to my football mural. I have been too persuaded by Kai Havertz's donkey ears celebration and his malnourished Victorian child lookin-ass. Welcome to the collection mister.
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Willow our cat takes a look.
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Back on the wall again!
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prophetic-hijinks · 1 year
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Comic 23: Teasing
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Sand curtain idea was written into a fanfic by @bitsy83 called “Prophetic Noir”, and always liked the concept link
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cloudiurmoon · 4 months
you guys won't believe it
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Another encanto art? In two days?? This skrunkly little rat man is getting me out of art block
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randomminty · 3 months
blease gib johto e4 hcs and dynamics chart its the only thing I have I love em sm I need sparks to put immmmm fanficc bc the situation is so dire. (nothing exists in this fandom for my interests, this is one of the only bigger things that get. some attention.)
Absolutely here you go please enjoy. This is insanely self indulgent
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wintercorrybriea · 1 year
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Bruno Mathsson, Villa Prenker, 1953
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