#bryon x reader
hxney-lemcn · 2 months
Should I? — Bryon (AFK Journey) x gn! reader
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summery: Bryon saves you after you get into a bit of trouble, and you find yourself unable to hold back your feelings.
tw: none
a/n: this isn't the best but I had to get it out of my system. This is for all my Bryon lovers.
wc: 1.6k
Master List
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You watched on in awe as a dark colored falcon swooped down and attacked the enemy in front of you. You knew the forest was getting more dangerous, but you refused to let that hinder your research. At least that’s what you wanted to believe as you had been researching the animals in the dark forest for years, yet you were quickly proven wrong. 
You had tried to walk around the hypo-fiend who had managed to get into the forest, yet it had caught on to your presence quickly and went to attack you, which led to your current situation. Your heart jumped for more than one reason as Bryon stepped up and stood in front of you, sending an array of sharpened leaves towards the enemy. 
He had managed to quickly down the enemy, sustaining some small scratches. Elona flew over to us, landing on his shoulder. It was hard to understand how Bryon felt (that is if he didn’t outright state it), his blindfold blocked the view to his eyes, and his face would tend to remain stoic. That was the only reason you’d ever feel anxious in his presence, as otherwise he was a sense of comfort for you. 
You had met Bryon the first day you arrived in the Dark Forest. You had been incredibly anxious as it was your first big step on your own, thankfully, the wilder’s had been extremely kind. You first met Lyca, debriefing her on your situation and she quickly brought you to Bryon. She explained how as a Windwhisperer, he could help you find the perfect spot for the animals you wanted to observe. At first you were intimidated, he was stoic and looked no-nonsense. Not to mention he was the most beautiful man you had laid eyes on. 
Quickly, you learned that he wasn’t as scary as he looked. Both him, and his falcon, you learned to be called Elona, were quite sweet. When he brought you to a river clearing where all kinds of animals stopped by for a drink, he had offered you an abandoned cottage just a few meters away. You were flabbergasted to say the least, as you hadn’t expected such an offer. You had fumbled, offering money or some form of way to pay for the place, but Bryon had merely shook his head. He simply stated, “No one is currently using it, no reason not to let you stay there for the time being.”
That had been three years ago, and you found yourself running into Bryon more often than not. He had checked in on you after a few weeks of your move, stating that “You are my responsibility.” You weren’t sure what he meant by that, as other lightbearer refugees hadn’t spoken of having wilder companions. Of course the wilder’s would help them if needed, but otherwise the two factions would just let the other be. Of course you weren’t opposed to making friends, but you weren’t sure how to react to such a statement. 
Over time, you realized that Bryon seemed a bit lonely, and you had started to go out of your way to give him things. Whether it would be making a pie or giving him a sketch of an animal you thought he’d like (you only started doing this when he revealed he could actually see things). You both had quickly become friends, as when Bryon had free time, he would join you in your watch party and point out facts of the animals that you might’ve missed. 
You found yourself quickly falling for the reclusive man. You caught yourself thinking things you’d never thought of before, wanting things you hadn’t cared about before. It felt embarrassing, wanting such things with someone who showed no interest. He had been kind to you, he had cared for you, he didn’t judge you, and when prompted, he gave good advice. It felt wrong to care for him in such a way. He was a pillar of perception, someone who would listen to emotions and the facts to make correct judgements. Yet you couldn’t help yourself. The wish to tuck his hair behind his ears, the wish to hold his hand and hold him. It all felt wrong.
So the moment he stepped in to save you, you felt a mix of emotions. He had warned you of the dangers a few days ago, but you had foolishly ignored them. You felt ashamed, embarrassed, but also happy and lovesick. Bryon had gone out of his way to save you, even if you were being dumb. Does that mean he listens for you? Does he check in on you even if he’s not around? You felt yourself swooning at the thought.
“Haven’t I warned you to be careful?” Bryon asked, turning around to face you. Even though he had only lightly scolded you, you felt like you had done the worst possible crime.
“Yes,” You replied, looking down to avoid facing him. Once again you felt intimidated as his lips curved down into a slight frown.
“You could’ve been seriously hurt,” He continued to lightly chastise you. “You’re lucky I was coming to visit you today.”
You pouted, wanting to stand up for yourself slightly, “I thought I could sneak around it.”
“You’re louder than you think,” Bryon muttered.
“It’s not my fault you have such good hearing,” You replied back, crossing your arms. “Besides, I still need to do research, I’m close to a breakthrough!”
“Then I’ll be your guard,” Bryon concluded. “Lead the way.”
It wasn’t fair how easily he managed to fluster you. You weren’t sure if he did it on purpose or if he even realized the effect he had on you, but you hated it. You stumbled forward as his words kept repeating in your head. He’ll be your guard…that felt like such an intimate position. You weren’t a noble, you weren’t someone important, but Bryon had deemed you important enough to protect. Dura above you just wanted to kiss him to get these feelings out. 
“Are you alright?” Bryon asked as you both had walked a little. “Your breathing is rapid.”
How you wished the ground could just swallow you whole. One thing you found out rather quickly is that Bryon caught on to things quickly, but he knew when to back down thankfully.
“I’m fine,” You replied, feeling your face warm. Imagine him finding out your feelings now of all times…
“...” Bryon paused, contemplating his next words carefully. “Do not be afraid to come to me with anything. I’ll be by your side no matter what.”
He just won’t stop. The more honeyed words he spoke, the more you felt yourself wanting to confess. You had kept these feelings to yourself for so long, you were close to bursting. It didn’t help that the way he spoke towards you gave you an inkling of hope that he may reciprocate. You hadn’t ever heard him utter such things to Lyca or Solise. Of course he was friendly with them, but he was a bit more quiet with them.
“I know,” You replied softly, glancing at him as you neared the river bed. Dura, how did he manage to look at you so softly with cloth covering his eyes? You paused as the blue river came into view. The gentle tinkling of water was heard along with the cries of birds. A rabbit froze, before continuing to eat the leafy greens in front of it. A sudden longing filled you. The need to get these stupid feelings off your chest. To free your heart from the cage you entrapped it in. As always, Bryon seemed to read you perfectly, keeping his attention on you as you fully faced him.
“Bryon,” You called out, causing him to tilt his head cutely. “I hold romantic feelings towards you.” Not exactly the most romantic confession, but you didn’t want to say love so soon, as you needed more time to process your feelings. You had managed to catch Bryon off guard, as he wasn’t expecting a confession from you. He knew that people found him attractive, but they always ended up being put off by him somehow. No one really stuck around long enough. Yet you were different, you stuck by his side, you gave him your friendship, and now you were giving him your heart? 
Yes, he found himself liking you more than most. He liked the sound of your laughter (it sounded even better when he was the cause), he liked the warmth of your touch, he liked the smell of the berries you always carried on you. He liked your compassion, he liked your passion, he liked your stubbornness. Most of all, he liked you. Bryon isn’t completely sure when his feelings had shifted from friendly to more, perhaps it had always been more and he was just now realizing, but the fact remained the same. He felt the same way, and he was more than relieved to hear you felt for him in such a way. 
You, on the other hand, had become a nervous wreck the longer the white haired man stayed silent. His face gave away nothing as he faced you, Elona made it all the more intimidating. Perhaps you shouldn’t have said anything. He probably couldn’t even have a relationship due to his role as Windwhisperer. He was probably thinking of a nice way of rejecting yo-
“I feel the same way,” Bryon said softly. Oh what you would give to see the look in his eyes. 
“You know,” You started, shifting back and forth on your feet. “I could use a break from research, maybe we could go on a date instead.” You couldn’t see it, but Bryon felt like he was on fire. He was still wrapping his head around the fact that you liked him, and now you two were going on a date? He wasn’t prepared at all, but he couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste. 
“Okay,” He agreed, a small smile taking over his features. “Lead the way, I’ll be right by your side.”
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obsessedwrhys · 1 month
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ just fluff, reader is gn!! (I've been meaning to do him lol)
Let's be honest, if you were to become his significant other, you would need an awfully lot of patience.
That's because he's not much of a social person, he knows who are his people and that's enough for him.
Personally, I think the only way you'd be friends with him is if you knew someone close to him. Maybe Lorsan or Lyca being the one who introduces him to you.
He doesn't like loud people. No hate. He just finds it stressful as it overwhelms his senses easily.
That's why it comes easily that he prefers someone's who's gentle and kind. Call it cliché but he appreciates beauty when he sees it.
Once your friendship starts to blossom, you'll start to notice the little things he does for you.
How he'd always be there for you if you needed some company, how he would provide you the book you had told him just the other day and how he would listen intently to your opinions even when he doesn't agree with them.
It all made you fall for him just that easy.
However, you didn't expect him to return those feelings because well, you just felt that he was way out of your league. He was too good to be true you know? So when he confessed it turned your world upside down.
Scenario ↴
You'd find yourself seated on a hill, enjoying the sunset with your eyes closed as the cold breeze blew on your face. It was nice to catch a break after finishing a handful of tasks. Suddenly you heard sounds of footsteps approaching from behind, you looked over your shoulder to see it was no other than Bryon.
"I hope I haven't disturbed you, would you mind if I share this view with you?" He'd ask politely.
"Not at all, go ahead" With your approval, he sat himself beside you. The absent of his falcon caught your attention.
"Where's Elona?"
"She's getting her rest. The battles these days have been draining" He said and you nodded to his words before turning to stare at the orange sky.
Neither of you said anything but you both found comfort in each other's presence. Due to his acute hearing, you had a feeling that he enjoyed this peaceful moment just as much as you was right now.
"May I say something?" He said which caught your interest.
"Of course, you don't need to ask" You said and it had him at ease a bit.
Though the way his jaw clenched as if he was debating on what to speak made you wonder if it was something serious.
"(Y/N), I'm afraid I have fallen for you..." He said. You had almost forgotten how to breath properly when you heard him.
"I don't know when it began... it seems like the feeling was always there. But I don't mind it. I choose not to fight these thoughts... because I love that I'm in love with you" He smiled softly at you, the blush on your face making you look ever more adorable to him.
"I wouldn't mind being yours as there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you...ah... my apologies, I'm getting ahead of myself... I didn't give you the time to speak" He said by the time he noticed that your lips were parted in shock. You quickly gained back your composure once the attention was on you.
"I uh... wow... okay..." You rubbed your arm awkwardly. Eventually you were able to think straight after calming yourself down.
"I actually feel the same way Byron... I just didn't think you'd think of me like that" You looked at him, your eyes sparkling with joy.
"Oh (Y/N)... you're all that I think about..."
When the relationship was settled, everyone congratulated you two. Especially Lorsan, he was quick to wish you both endless happiness. You had to admit, from the village's reaction, it almost felt like you two just got married.
His companion, Elona would definitely see you as her owner after a few weeks into the relationship. If he trusts you, she trusts you as well.
In the relationship, Bryon is very loving and observant. The reason why I say observant is because he'll always be fast to know what are your likes and dislikes.
Oh someone offered you a fruit you don't like? He'll simply just take it for you. There's a sale going on at the market and they have one of your favourite things on display? Watch him be the first to be in line to get it.
He also knows when you're lying about something. He hates it however when you lie about not being sick or not being cold because taking care of you is LITERALLY his job!! Besides he doesn't mind babying you, he adores you!
That's why I think his kisses are delicate and soft, most of times he'd hum when kissing but he does it unconsciously because he's completely lost in the moment, if you placed your hands on his chest, you could feel the vibrations from his voice. In a way it's like he's purring.
He loves it the most when you run your hands all over his chest when kissing. It makes him fall even harder than he already has.
If we're talking about PDA, I think he's not that against it but he's also not that crazy about it. He's willing to hold your hand, having hugs and kisses but if you initiate anything that's crossing the line or could make anyone uncomfortable then he'll simply give you a soft smile and shut your thoughts out with a simple forehead kiss.
He enjoys cuddling by the way. He enjoys it the most when you both are like covered in layers of blanket. You once teased him for it, calling it his bird nest which ended becoming an inside joke.
Like you'd be having a conversation with Lorsan and he's trying to be as patient as possible waiting for you to finish but knowing his friend, he's most likely never gonna stop talking so he'd politely invite himself into the conversation.
"Darling... can we go back to the birds nest?" He'd say, meaning he's in desperate need of cuddles. You would smile at his cute request and nod.
"BIRD'S NEST!? (Y/N), is he holding you captive???"
Expectedly, his pet names would be more of the lovey dovey stuff. He'd call you things like darling, sweetheart, baby, and even pumpkin. He enjoys your reaction each time cause you never know which one he'll use.
"You're adorable when you pout darling... oh alright, I'll buy you the candy you want. Only if you promise me a kiss after"
He's a romantic. There's no denying it. This man's love language is 100% act of service.
He's the type to light up dozens of candles at the entrance of the door so that the first thing you are greeted when coming home would be a fancy candlelit dinner prepared just for you.
He also happens to run the shower for you just as you're about to arrive home, he even places flower petals to add some scent to the mood. Anything to help you relax.
He's more of a giver than a receiver but if you ever showered him in love. He's positive that he'll faint. Even a simple "I love you" can cause him to smile all cheerfully.
You also happen to be one of the few people to see his eyes. Obviously he doesn't wear the blindfold to sleep so that's how you were able to get the chance to see him without it.
His eyes are beautiful. A perfect shade of light green and yellow, almost resembling eyes of a bird. They were pearls that entrapped you in a daze that you couldn't help but stare into them each time you cuddled with him.
He didn't mind but rather find it cute how you were in awe from his irises.
Another thing I want to point out is he enjoys holding hands with you, whatever it is, he just finds your hands fascinating.
You two could be cuddled in bed and he'd just have your hand placed on his, his fingers gently trailing against the skin of your palm.
"I love the way your hand fits in mine... it's almost like destiny..." He'd utter.
Since it's canon he has a soothing voice, you can expect him to sing you lullabies or just any song to help you go to sleep if you ever had trouble sleeping.
If you did have a nightmare, trust him to be there to hold you in his arms as he hums you a melody.
Honestly? He's just like Prince Charming but better.
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httpsbearily · 17 days
18+ request! :)
Reader as Merlin, and basically, the whole Dark Forest gang (Lyca, Eironn, Lorsan, and Bryon ofc) are having drinks. Lorsan gets a lil bit toooo affectionate to reader for Bryon, and plus he's starting to get annoyed of Lorsan being a yapper.
And so, Bryon just ends up deciding to fuck reader in the mirror, but he has his blindfold off just bc he wants reader to look at him in the eyes <3
☆*: Reflection
[Tags]: smut | bryon x reader | GN Merlin!reader
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: anon you mf--affectionately--you're so real for this holy shit. so real. Obviously I had to stop everything because I have sm to say about this; School is temporary but Bryon is forever. arches back.
Edit: this took longer than expected im so sorry anon, wuthering waves came out and I may have spent too much time on it already…btw this isn’t proofread so I’m sorry for any grammar/spelling errors
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As the sun glimmered off the horizon, illuminating the world around you a pinkish-orange hue and the sounds of your friends filling the warm atmosphere, you couldn't remember when you'd last felt so serene. It been a while since you had had the opportunity to reunite with all the friends you had made during your time in the Dark Forest; What felt like yesterday was, in reality, already a year ago. Since it's saving, all who were currently present had gone their own way in continuation of playing their role of supporting the forest.
Lyca, who had been officiated as a leader of the forest by Eironn himself, could not say it'd been easy but, still, held no regrets even during the most overwhelming of times. Eironn, who had continued his journey to seek betterment of his swordsmanship, had only returned to celebrate the anniversary of the group's success but carried the most sentiment of you all. Lorsan of course was also in attendance, pausing his travels to return to his home with more than a million stories. And Bryon, who had remained the same throughout the passing time, but reconvening with the gang with more passion…so to say.
As the great magister, you couldn't deny that you had your own fair share of reminiscencing to give the group. The sentimental feeling could be felt in each person, and it showed in the way you all enthusiastically interacted with each other. Sitting together around a circular table situated just outside the wood-built eatery, the five of you conversed enthusiastically--even your hamster familiars had partook in the joyful reunion before falling asleep a few feet away in a pile of leaves. You didn't blame them, the three of you had traveled here all the way from Holistone after needing to meet with General Hogan and his top knight Valen. Although a little tired yourself, you didn't restrain yourself to not accepting the drinks offered up by a waitress.
"--And then, as if I were some mouse instead of rabbit, they told me they me 'rodents weren't allowed'! Could you believe the nerve?! I almost used my skill to summon a gust of wind and blow them off the bridge!" Lorsan exclaimed, holding onto his ears in exasperation as he recounted an event from his wandering. You chuckled at his words, looking towards Eironn as he spoke: "Wait...You mean to tell me you've been a rabbit this whole time? Oh. I was so certain you were some type of chinchilla."
Lorsan made a noise of betrayal, lowering his hands into fists on the table as he leaned forward to the elf across. "Eironn, of all the people here, I never expected you to treat me like this!"
But Eironn only hid his smile behind his cup of tea. The bunny turned towards you, who sat to his left, and pouted, "magister, you don't think I'm a rodent, right?"
You played along with the eldest wilder, retuning a confused, wide-eyed look to the windwhisperer, "I thought so too...Bryon is always calling you a pest, so I assumed..."
At the mention of his name, everyone turned to look at him, including you. You bit back a smile, wanting to laugh especially when Lorsan had called out to the older man in complaint. Bryon remained his normal, calm self, not even flinching as he lifted the teapot to refill his teacup; "I have never, nor will I ever, tell you a lie."
You laughed loudly, not able to hold it back when Lorsan gave a downright confounded look to the older windwhisperer sat on the other side of you. Even Eironn and Lyca snickered in their seats, not offering any defense for the youngest of the group. Slightly inhibited by the alcohol running through your body, you raised a hand to ruffle Lorsan's hair between his ears good-heartedly. The bunny crossed his arms over his chest with the turn of his head so that your hand would fall away; "Don't condescend me! Perhaps I was better of on my own enjoying the world around me. I won't miss you, really!"
"Your promises are fallible," Lyca responded, teasingly deadpan, "You would be the first one crawling back when you miss us."
"Hmph. As if. And even if that were so, then I would really only come back for the magister. The rest of you have been a bad influence so I don't fault them for their behavior and know that in their heart there is kindness! Isn't that right, magister Merlin?!"
You only hummed with a smile, which was all the bunny needed to continue his debate. His tendency to run behind you when the others bullied him with their teasing was nothing new to you, and after so much time witnessing it, you had even grown to view the youngest wilder as your little sibling. Although, it couldn't be said that the perspective was shared by all the others.
To your right, Bryon silently drank his tea with not even a crack in his demeanor. All throughout the evening the antics had been like this; You had refused any more drinks after your second so as to not become inebriated, but Lorsan continued which resulted in him becoming even more emotionally involved with the group. He picked battles with everyone at the table just for fun it felt and had taken to scooting closer to you so he could whisper [read as: yell] into your ear little comments about all the others during his squabbling as if you were on his side. You weren't, you were just here for the show which is why you never pushed him away but instead leaned in, highly entertained.
"If you ask me, Bryon could do to take some of our advice. Walking around barefoot like that has to be a kind of fashion statement," Lorsan snickered to you with a hand cupping his mouth to speak in your ear.
"Lorsan, all of us are barefoot. Even you," Lyca countered.
"I don’t count, and neither do you. If you haven’t noticed, our feet aren’t exactly like theirs. Eironn and magister Merlin wear boots. Bryon, doesn’t it hurt to walk around like that?”
“I feel quite fine,” Bryon responded.
Lorsan huffed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “You must now. I don’t think I have never not seen your toes.”
Bryon stood suddenly, “I’ll be heading in for the night”. Stepping around his stool and pushing it in after himself, he regarded the older two wilders with a nod.
“Alright. It is getting late, we’ll be heading back ourselves shortly,” Eironn said, but at the same time, Lorsan made a noise of protest. The bunny wrapped both arms around your shoulders, hugging onto you from the side; “Nooo! We just got here! I’m not even tired, look, even the magister is still wide-eyed!”
You pat the little brother wilder on his back soothingly to calm his drunken theatrics. Bryon, however, did not appear impressed by the display, and with a twitching ear held out his hand to you.
“Dearest,” he called curtly, “would you accompany me to the room?”
His tone drew your attention—to many others, he would appear normal, acting with his usual reserved speech, but you caught the subtle annoyance laced in his words. Surprised by his mood, you accepted his hand and moved to stand, but Lorsan protested again loudly at your side.
“Magister, don’t leave me! They’re going to bully me again! I’m more fun than that old bird brain,” he protested with an accusing finger pointed at Bryon.
You laughed lightly, once again patting between his ears, saying, “Sorry, Lorsan. I’m a little tired as well. We can continue our celebration tomorrow.”
Bidding the other two a good night as well, you were led away by your partner. Once the two of you were a good distance away, you inquired about his mood; “Is something bothering you, Bryon?”
He didn’t spare a glance at you even as he hummed in discontent. Confused, you tilted your head to think about everything that transpired…was he mad about Lorsan teasing his bare feet? The thought made you chuckle, something that caught the man’s attention.
“What are you laughing about?” He asked you.
“Just about what Lorsan was saying. He really is quite the character,” you mused, linking your arm with his so that you could walk closer to him while leaning your head on his shoulder.
“If there are boundaries then he is the last person to find them”. There it was again, the agitation weaved in his voice. What exactly had sparked that irritation in him? He hadn’t responded when you asked him about it…does that mean it’d been something you’d done?! Concern leaked into your mind as you relived every moment that had lead up to where you were now. To your misfortune, however, you didn’t have much time to reflect because the two of you had reached the room you stayed at. Bryon took care of opening the door, letting you walk in before closing it behind the two of you.
Already adjusted to the night light you made your way to your closet to hang the accessory clothing you wore without bothering to turn the lights on. Thoughts on how to get your windwhisperer to open up to you filtered through your mind, distracting you to the way the person in your thoughts locked your door and closed your blinds before coming up behind you. You were in the middle of removing a hair ornament when Bryon gently grabbed your wrists in his hands, pulling them down to cross behind your back. A questioning look made your expression.
“Bryon…?” You asked, turning your head to the side to watch the other. But he offered no words of explanation, only leaning forward until his lips ghosted over the shell of your ear. The warmth of his soft breaths made a shiver run down your spine.
“What’s wrong?” Bryon finally whispered, “Do you feel uncomfortable with me so close?”
His words tickled were spoken directly into your ear and his honey smooth voice murmuring so close filled you with something you couldn’t describe; You only pushed down the feeling to focus on the situation at hand. With a shake of your head, you responded, “No, it’s not that—”
“Good.” Bryon interrupted, “Because it didn’t seem like much a problem when Lorsan behaved the same.”
That statement caught you by surprise; Perking up, you attempted to turn around to face him only for Bryon’s hands to tighten around your wrists, keeping you in place.
“Is that what has you grumpy?” You asked incredulously, “Why, you know more than any of us how affectionate he is—much more so when he’s drunk.”
“Too much so,” Bryon corrected, “I’ve found that there is something more grating than his ceaseless prattling…”
He pressed a soft kiss to your ear—an action that you had not realized at the time to be falsely calming. A small smile formed on your face as you listened to his words, understanding him to be sulking. The last time you had seen him this way was quite some time ago when Elona had taken to playing with your hamster familiars instead of accompanying him in his free time. That novelty had not lasted long, however, when eventually Chippy had gotten a little too frightened by the bird’s play hunting and called the quits in hanging out with her. Bryon had assumed an air of attached indifference when the bird returned to him, but you could see the hidden smile on his lips as he stroked her feathers. The memory made you want to laugh a little, but that urge was quickly replaced by breathlessness when the wilder spoke the end of his sentence with a pitch deeper tone: “Him touching you like you are his.”
Saying that, he moved his kiss to press it behind your ear before moving down to plant another near the hinge of your jaw just below your ear. You sighed at the feeling; “I don’t think he meant any harm. He’s just full of emotions.”
“Even so, that does not discredit what I say. Being near to you, touching you like this, is a privilege that only I have. He could never do so, even if he dreamt it, do you agree?”
His words were spoken against your skin, heating the expanse of his trailing kisses. The grip on your wrists never waned, even when he used only one hand to hold them together while his other lifted to caress your neck.
“Even if he could, that doesn’t mean I would let him. He’s nothing if not my family—like a little brother,” you said back, not really sure why you were defending the rabbit when there was nothing to defend. You knew there were no intentions behind Lorsan’s behavior tonight, and his overly affectionate tendencies were only heightened with alcohol.
“Oh? Is that so? You think he could make you feel the way I do? Hold you like this—kiss you, like this?” To show his question, Bryon moved his hand from your neck to your chin to turn it towards him so that he could kiss you deeply. Already one to be weak to the windwhisperer, you folded quite quickly but held yourself in check to see where it got you. The angle made the kiss messier than normal causing your breath to be lost to you more quickly as you put effort into returning Bryon’s kiss and holding your head to the side. Deep interest drenched the kiss as Bryon licked your lips in askance to be let in; Of course you had no obligations, letting his tongue massage against yours.
The atmosphere heat up fast with the kiss alone leaving you gasping for breath after only a couple of minutes like this. When he finally broke the kiss, you had a light flush on your face from the lack of air. If Bryon was affected by the kiss he didn’t show it because his next actions found him replacing his tongue with two fingers so that his kiss could linger down along your jaw.
“Do you think he thought of you like this when he was whispering in your ear? How you look flustered and out of breath?” Bryon prodded your tongue with his fingers in instruction for you to close your lips around them, so you did. You sucked lightly, moving your tongue around them as Bryon focused his attention on the pulse point beneath your jaw. He mimicked your actions only much harsher in order to leave his mark—no one would be able to deny that you were his with it shown.
You couldn’t respond to his words with his fingers in your mouth, so you only made little noises in your throat. Those noises, however, seemed to have been misinterpreted; “If you have tricked yourself into believing it true, then I must show you the answer.”
He removed his fingers, pulling his hand away completely to undo your top as he walked you to your bed, never moving from behind you. After your top, he stripped you of your bottoms, leaving behind a trail of clothes until he finally had you against your bed, bent over the edge with your face in the sheets. Leaning over you, he bent down to nip at the back of your neck before kissing down your spine. His free hand moved to hold the inside of your thigh from the back, using his hold to spread your legs wide enough for him to work.
When he reached the base of your spine, he lowered himself onto his knees, saying, “My dearest, I should make you forget any names other than my own. Be good for me and don’t hold back.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond because suddenly his tongue was on you. You twitched stay the pleasurable feeling, already enraptured by the feeling of his warm, wet tongue licking at you entrance. It was unlike him to dive right into it considering he was so fond of foreplay, but his emotions had gotten the best of him. With a mixture of jealousy and annoyance filling his heart, Bryon couldn’t help but chase relief for his emotional stats. Even if that relief came in the form of fucking you to tears.
His ears were attentive to all the sounds filling the room, searching most desperately for the ones you made. You squirmed under his hold, your fingers clenching making your nails dig into your palms as you panted in effort to sort through the sensations flooding your body. The hand holding your thigh rotated to relieve the pressure on his wrist but didn’t slacken the push to elevate your leg—in fact, it pressed into you harder to raise your leg higher, exposing more of yourself to his avid mouth. If you listened close enough, you could almost hear the slick sound of his tongue teasing your nerves, his saliva mixing with your falling juices. You whimpered out quietly, enjoying his actions but feeling like it was not quite enough when his tongue only prodded without entry. When you tried to shift your weight closer to his face, he squeezed your wrists, pulling away to say, “You seem to be enjoying yourself. Tell me, darling, who is it that has you this eager?”
You sighed at the loss of his mouth on you, taking a moment to gather your thoughts as his question registered in your mind. Breathily, you responded, “you do.”
“‘You’?” Bryon parroted, “I see.”
He stood up completely, pulling you up to follow him with gentle hands but firm guidance. A noise of surprise left you when he first moved you, but it didn’t take much more than a few seconds for him to situate you in front of the body-length mirror placed against the wall. Looking at your reflection, you grew shy at the sight of you fully naked before Bryon who still wore his light-colored over robe. You didn’t even notice when he’d undressed himself, ridding himself of his wing-like half cloak and pants.
The wilder lowered the two of you to your knees in-front of the mirror and you felt his blindfolded gaze persistent on your reflection. Pulling your wrists back, he made you lean against his front so that your your weight would be shifted off your knees and distributed throughout your legs instead. Like this, he moved his unoccupied hand to bluntly cup your slick heat instead. You shuddered at the feeling.
“I’m afraid you still don’t understand,” leaning over your shoulder, he kissed the underside of your jaw, “When I ask for a name, I expect it to be mine. Who else if not me? Lorsan?”
“No, if I think of him at this time it’s only because you bring him up. There’s none other that I would think of, being like this.” You spoke honestly, gathering the confidence to look back at him in the mirror. You didn’t expect the sight to be at steamy as it was—him holding you in his hand, your essence leaking through his fingers making them glisten. The look on your face was dazed, your chest heaving slightly bringing attention to the erect buds on your chest. Despite how steady Bryon looked in the mirror, you could tell that it was not true; With your back pressed against his front, you could feel his anticipation. His member was hidden behind the robe he worse, but you felt the stiffness of it on your back and you had the fleeting thought of wanting to rub against it.
However, the wilder didn’t let you indulge yourself because he tsked at your response. “Someone as smart as you, great magister Merlin, should know it’s unwise to make comments like that. You only make me believe another is really, truly on your mind. I don’t consider myself to be possessive, but dearest, you make me want to claim you. To let everyone else know that you chose me to be your partner. That only I have been ordained to your most secret pleasures.”
He pulled his hand away from your groin to resume his hold on your inner thigh, pressing into it so that you would spread it open. Like this, even the most hidden spots on your body were vulnerable to the cool air of the room. Still watching your reflection, you gazed down lower to see his hand trace a light path up to your entrance. He looked up from your neck, “And I realize there is nothing stopping me from doing just that.”
Firmly, he used two fingers to collect your dripping fluid. You believed he was going doing so with intent to use it as lubricant for his entry into you, but had your breathe knocked out of you when he lifted his fingers to his mouth instead. As if craving it, Bryon licked his fingers clean, humming deeply as he savored the taste of you; You had even felt his member twitch against your back. You bit the inside of your lip, committing the moment to memory and feeling your hole clench around nothing. Bryon didn’t rush himself to enjoy your presence which is a fact that made you melt but also slightly frustrated you. Why did he chose now of all times to initiate foreplay?!
Squirming against him, you spread your knees open more—throughly avoiding looking at yourself in the mirror knowing you most likely looked like a desperate mess—in hopes that he would be enticed enough to act. He was. Your movement took his attention away from his fingers and you heard him breathe deeply against the back of your neck.
“So impatient…” he murmured, “But you’re right. You still have a lesson to learn.”
With that, he lowered his hand between the two of you, shifting behind you to hoist the front of his robe to the side. Immediately, you felt the heat of his member and the precut leaking out of it as the tip rubbed against the skin of your back. A whine you couldn’t control slipped out of you, more following when he had softly begun to slowly rut against you.
“Look at you, still only the beginning and already so deliciously ready. Tell me who the only one to make you feel like this is?” Bryon murmured into your ear.
“You are, only you. Please, now, hurry up.” Slightly arching your back, you fidgeted against him. But the windwhisperer only held you still. There was a momentary silence to which only heightened your need, but Bryon’s discontent with your response had him considering his actions. Stubborn, he thought…No matter, he was a patient man.
So he chose to indulge you; He wrapped a hand around his shaft and slid it down between your legs. Try as you might, you couldn’t look away from the scene reflected before you; Bryon’s dick already wept with his own juices and all it took was his hand rubbing it to create a coat of lubricant that would help him ease into your aching hole. He grunted at his quick self-induced pleasure before aligning his tip to your entrance. Moving his hand out of view, he gripped your thigh, tensing his fingers into the soft skin of it as he finally slid himself into you.
You moaned loudly, transfixed by the sight of him bottoming out and the feeling of him stretching you out. Taking a couple seconds to adjust, you dropped your head against his shoulder—an action that he was quick to correct.
“No, darling. You must watch. Since you don’t seem to learn by feeling alone, you must use your sight. Come on, look straight ahead. Look at the way I fit inside you so perfectly; Look at how much your dripping. Look at your expression,” as he spoke, Bryon began to move his hips slowly and shallowly, “So overwhelmed already. Have you been expecting this all night? Behaving so coquettishly with others just to rile me up?”
You shook your head, “No…I didn’t mean anything…”. The words you spoke were hard to focus on when he pushed himself in so deep it felt like his tip brushed your stomach. Soft moans spilled from your tongue as you struggled to keep your attention on the mirror’s image. Dazedly watching the way Bryon’s member pulled out of you before pushing all the way back into you at a pace that was slower than a snail. Your fingers flexed in urge to hold onto him, the skin of your wrists slightly irritated after being held so long in a tight grip. His speed—or lack thereof—was killing you; He was going so slow that you could only think of all the pleasure you should have.
Your cries of exasperation made Bryon smile subtly as he enjoyed working you up; If you knew the tension he inflicted upon himself by moving slow then you’d almost feel better for yourself. But he kept his composure, “What’s the matter, dearest?”
“When you,” you breathed, “said I’d learn my lesson…I didn’t think you meant it in this way.”
His open hand moved to your front, dipping a finger into your weeping slit and massaging it passively, making your hips twitch. “Not enjoying yourself? But your body is telling me different, look at how it responds,” he told you with added pressure of his fingers.
“I’d—hah—I’d enjoy it more if you went faster. Please,” you said, conflicted on wether you should wiggle you hips up into his hand or down onto his cock.
“And I would enjoy it more if you appeased my tormented heart, yet here we are,” Bryon said, his tone full of feigned dismay, “One of us is bound to relent sooner or later. I wonder who it’ll be? Wouldn’t it be so fulfilling if you simply called out my name—loud enough for all others, for Lorsan himself, for head?”
Your eyes shifted to his blindfolded ones in the mirror, “Perhaps, but how could I if I’m not feeling it?!“
Bryon’s hips snapped into yours suddenly with a newfound force, knocking the air out of your lungs. Giving you no time to adapt to his brutal pace, Bryon pulled your wrists down to make you lean further into him. Slapping noises filled the room, mixing with the wet sounds of his thrusts and you struggled to catch your breath. His fingers continuously massaged the area around your slit, focusing primarily on the area with the most sensitivity. The depth of his thrusts was numbing, the pace making his tip rub over the spot that made you see stars faster than you could cope with. Burning waves over pleasure coursed through your body, forcing loud, crying moans to fall from your lips.
“Oh gods,” you moaned, letting your head fall back against his shoulder once again. Just as abruptly as he started, he stopped and you almost sobbed out at the sudden cut of flowing pleasure.
“Look at me, darling. Don’t take your eyes off the mirror,” he scolded. Desperate to reach your high you lifted your head, dazedly looking at the mirror. He began his movements again with the same rhythm as before.
“Does this make you feel better, my dear? Do you remember who the only one who could make you feel like this is?” He asked you, voice low in your ear, the grumbling tone mixing with his heavy breathing. You could’ve came with that alone.
You nodded your head quickly, “yes, yes. You, Bryon, only you make me feel this good.”
“That’s a good magister, hmm? Come on, let the others know as well.”
Giving in to what he wanted, you increased your volume, moaning out his name as wantonly as you could—whatever you needed to do to keep him going. Bryon didn’t object, reveling in your cries. His balls slapped against your skin, adding that extra stimulus in tandem with his fingers; Looking into the mirror, you could practically see the mess the two of you were making on the floor, soaking it with a mixture of sexual fluids. You watched his dick disappear into your hole, clenching around him at the sight causing him to groan. His own pleasures noises caught your attention, making you look back up at him through the mirror. Bryon caught your eye.
Without pausing him thrusts, he released one of your wrists, telling you, “take it off”, and you understood immediately. With an unsteady arm, you reached up to his face, using the mirror to guide you as you hooked a finger around his blindfold before pulling it down.
Beneath it, his eyes shone, glimmering with dark lust. His focus was sharp, and already he was staring straight back into your eyes. The rare view of his eyes, the direct eye contact, it made your head spin. You almost cursed him for wearing the blindfold in the first place, but chose to attend to the sensations at hand. With his blindfold off, Bryon was exposed to so much more than just the sound of you falling apart under his lust. He was absolutely entranced by how you looked, face flushed, eyes glazed, neck littered with his marks, heaving chest covered with a sheen layer of sweat, and a sopping mess in between the legs—he couldn’t be blamed if he orgasmed on the spot. Unable to look away from the sight of you being fucked right, he didn’t even mind that you had not returned the hand that he released. With it, you held onto the back of his neck.
“‘m close,” you panted, torn between rushing towards your peak of running away to keep this moment lasting forever. Your eyes fell shut momentarily, relishing in the overwhelming tension in your core.
“Open your eyes, darling. I would regret stopping now. I want to see you,” Bryon gave a particularly deep thrust to make you open your eyes again. The action, however, was all you needed to be pushed over the edge.
With fluttering eyelashes, you tried hard to keep his gaze, but your orgasm crashed into you. Your legs spammed as you came, hips stuttering against his thrusts, and you felt that you were leaving scratches all along his neck. You changed his name like a prayer as you arched your back, wanting to both escape the onslaught the sensation of him still filling you and chase it. Even your hole convulsed around him, making him moan in effort to continue through the feeling.
Wet eyes stared back at him in the mirror, your voice begging him—what for, neither of you weren’t exactly sure. He took in your wrecked appearance in the mirror, and the urge to big down onto your neck to leave one more mark controlled him. While he never regret his decision to hide his vision, he did wish he could see you like this forever. You looked so good, so divine, so seductive that it made his dick twitch with want. The thought of any others seeing you like this filled Bryon with a bitter feeling—one that he took out on you.
The closer he got to his high, the more relentless he became, his tip abusing your oversensitive bundle of nerves even as you came down from your high. It took you looking at him with a downright sexed out expression to make him tumble over the edge. With a quick speed, he pulled out of you just in time to blow his load onto the mirror surface. He took his hand from you to fist his cock, milking it dry as he groaned out your name, his own eyes falling shut.
It was the hottest sight you might ever see; Although you were exhausted, you couldn’t help the flash of lust that shot through you. Watching him breath heavily, and his seed splattered all across the mirror, you leaned your weight against him.
“You should keep this off more often,” you joked weakly, tugging the the blindfold around his neck.
“What would you have to look forward to if I did?”
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imagine how different the drive in scene wouldve gone if it didnt take place in the 60’s, like i bet cherry valance wouldve been STRAPPED with some pepper spray and one of those loud alarm thingys kgjfkgfhhf
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yorhanic · 5 days
there is a severe lack of valen and bryon content like give me my beautiful gorgeous men
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merakiarchives · 17 days
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kyleoreillylover · 5 months
Anger Management
Summary: Sami is sick and tired of you and Kevin's temper tantrums. He decides to do something about it.
pairings: Kevin Owens x Fem!Black!Reader x Sami Zayn
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff!!
word count: 3,651
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant
a/n: I love zowens. they are so babygirl and have been my brain rot for so freaking long. Hope ya'll enjoy!
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"And joining me are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens, and the WWE Women's Champion, Y/N!"
You walked over to Byron with your best friends on either side of you, the three of you wearing a smile to the camera. Albiet, at least a forced smile on your face. You had too much shit on your plate and an interview was the least important thing on your list.
"Thank you for having us Byron." Sami sensed that something was bothering you and rested his elbow on your shoulder, his touch conveying comfort as Kevin wore a similar forced smile on his face. He knew the two of you were on the brink of snapping as you had over the past couple weeks, but he hoped he didn't have to call you out in front of the cameras.
"No problem. Now, I have to ask you guys, how are you feeling with the Bloodline implosion that happened and we all knew would happen." The fake smiles dropped from you and Kevin's faces ,replaced with scowls that could melt steel.
"Oh my god Byron! Who cares about the stupid Bloodline? Cause I don't care! Don't you get sick and tired of asking these stupid questions about the stupid Bloodline, cause I am!" Kevin quite literally screamed in your ears, his face already flushed red with the force of his frustration.
"Kevin, calm down," Sami said, placing a hand on his arm and attempting to diffuse the situation as the tension in the room escalated.
But you thought Kevin was right. These stupid interviewers should be asking questions about things that actually matter, like I don't know, your championships? 
"No, why should he calm down! Every time we're here, it's the same damn questions. 'How do you feel about the Bloodline? What are your thoughts about the new thing happening with the Bloodline?' It's like they don't care about anything else, even though we are the champions!" You glared at Byron, frustration boiling over as you vented your pent-up irritation.
"Y/N, calm down!" Sami was like a broken record, now grabbing your shoulder and trying to ease the rising tension.
"I-I'm sorry, I just asked because of the impact that the Bloodline has on the WWE since their inception-" Bryon's apologetic crap was cut off by Kevin, who was unable to contain his frustration any longer.
"Impact? Impact? You wanna talk about impact? How about the impact we've made as champions, huh? Y/N here is the Women's Champion, and Sami and I are the Undisputed Tag Team Champions! Doesn't that matter to you guys at all?"
"Yeah, doesn't that matter instead of this constant obsession with the Bloodline?" You  chimed in, huffing at the repetitive nature of the interview questions. Byron, visibly taken aback, attempted to salvage the interview.
"I-I apologize if it seemed that way. We just thought that given the recent events with the Bloodline, it'd be relevant to—" Byron stuttered, trying to justify his line of questioning.
"Both of you, calm down!" Sami's loud voice echoed in the room, finally making you and Kevin be quiet and stop losing your shit. He took a deep breath, looking at each of you with a calming yet worrisome gaze.
"Look, I didn't wanna talk about this in front of Byron." Your eyebrows furrowed and you exchanged confused glances with Kevin, unsure of what Sami was about to address.
"No no, don't hold back for Byron's sake. Say it." You urged Sami, expecting another defense of both your frustration.s
Sami let out a sigh, looking between you and Kevin. "Alright, fine. You guys have an anger problem."
"What?" both you and Kevin exclaimed simultaneously, your voices dripping with disbelief.
"Yeah, right!" Kevin snorted, shooting a disbelieving glance at Sami. "I don't have an anger problem. I just don't tolerate nonsense, especially when it comes from idiots."
"Exactly," you chimed in, crossing your arms. "I don't have an anger problem either. I'm just passionate and talk loudly, Sami. You know this!"
Sami shook his head, his voice calm but assertive. "Guys, come on. Remember last week, Y/N, when Shayna accidentally spilled water on you? You nearly went off the rails, ready to take her down."
"She did it on purpose!" you exclaimed defensively, crossing your arms.
"The janitor accidentally pushed her! You saw it!" Sami countered, frustration creeping into his tone.
Turning to Kevin, Sami continued, "And you, Kevin, remember when you nearly went after Vinci for simply walking past you?"
"That baldie shouldn't have been walking past me all smug!" Kevin defended, his agitation evident.
Sami shook his head, a mix of concern and exasperation on his face. "See, that's what I'm talking about. You both have a tendency to overreact to minor things."
"That's ridiculous!" you protested.
"Yeah, we're just passionate about what we do!" Kevin added, crossing his arms defiantly.
Sami sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Alright, here's the deal. If you both can get through the rest of tonight without snapping at anybody or anything, I'll drop it. But if either of you loses your cool, you have to admit to me that you both have a problem."
You exchanged a glance with Kevin, both of you wearing expressions torn between determination and skepticism. You guys totally did not have a problem, and you were gonna prove Sami wrong.
"Y'know what, fine. This is gonna be so easy anyways, you know why Y/N?" Kevin asked, a smug smile on his face.
"I know why. Because we don't have an anger problem in the first place!!" You paused with a smug grin on your face as you caught sight of Sami's knowing expression, the challenge set before you. "Let's get through this night without a single outburst, and then we'll see who's right."
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The evening progressed, and Sami remained by your sides, observing the situations with a subtle smirk, occasionally looking at his watch as if counting down to something. You and Kevin did your best to keep your composure, but as the night unfolded, it grew increasingly challenging.
The three of you were walking down the hallway, when a technician accidentally bumped into Kevin, spilling water on him. You and Sami looked at each other in bated breath, anticipating Kevin's reaction. Surprisingly, Kevin's jaw clenched, but he managed to keep his cool, wiping the water off his jacket and giving the tech a fake smile.
"Oh, and it's ice water! You hate being wet and cold!" Sami's words seemed to make Kevin's eye twitch as you grabbed a towel, handing it to Kevin. 
"Nah, it's all good! You're all good, dude." Kevin wiped the water off his shirt and forced a smile, much to the surprise of both you and Sami. You exchanged a glance with Sami, impressed by Kevin's composure.
 Riddle strolled up to the three of you, flashing his trademark grin. Internally, you groaned, knowing Matt's tendency to spark off conversations at the most inconvenient times. As expected, he turned his attention to you, his relaxed demeanor exuding a laid-back vibe.
"Hey there, champs! Y/N, you're looking absolutely fabulous tonight. How about after the show, we grab some pizza and talk about the universe, man?" Ride flashed a grin in your direction, his relaxed and carefree attitude making your nerves jump.
"Umm, I'm good, Riddle." You tried to give Riddle the hint that you didnt wanna talk to him, but he didn't seem to catch it.
"Bro, c'mon, we can hang out, chill, and vibe together. It'll be totally awesome!" Matt continued, undeterred by your attempts to politely decline his offer.
"I'm really good, Riddle." You tried to signal your discomfort, but Riddle's obliviousness persisted.
"And then we can just kick it, grab a slice, and-" You cut Matt off mid-sentence, unable to take it anymore.
"Riddle, shut your mouth before I-" , Before you could say more, you glanced at Sami's expression, your words faltered mid-sentence. Panic flashed across your face as you realized what you were about to say.His raised eyebrow and warning look stopped you in your tracks. God, the hold this man has on you.
"I, uh, mean, shut up! I was just thinking of grabbing a bite with Kevin and Sami, thanks but, uh, never mind," you stumbled, trying to salvage the situation. Matt, oblivious to the tension, simply chuckled and shrugged, sauntering away in his usual carefree manner.
Sami looked at you with an amused yet knowing expression, clearly enjoying the struggle you were facing to keep your cool. "Smooth recovery there, Habibti. Real smooth."
You rolled your eyes as Kevin patted your shoulder, reassuringly. "You did the best you could with Riddle. That man does not know when to shut up." At Sami's look, Kevin shot his arms out and said defensively,
"Hey, it's true!"
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Then, when you were busy doing your makeup backstage, Sami and Kevin sitting with you gossiping with themselves, Vinci and Ludwig Kaiser walked in, their smug expressions instantly causing a change in the atmosphere. You continued to focus on your makeup, hoping they'd leave without any confrontation. But that was just wishful thinking.
“Well well well, look who it is, Vinci sneered, glancing at Sami and Kevin before his eyes fixed on you. "The so-called champions, huh? How's it feel knowing that your reign is coming to an end soon?"
You clenched your jaw, internally cursing their timing. Sami linked both his hands with yours and Kevins, leaning closer as if trying to create a barrier between you and the duo. “To what do we owe this pleasure, Vinci?" Sami replied, trying to maintain a composed tone, though a hint of annoyance slipped through.
Vinci and Ludwig exchanged smug glances before Vinci continued, "Oh, just thought we'd remind you lads and the pretty lady here," Vinci smirked, his gaze lingering on you, "that our time is coming. The Undisputed Tag Team Championships are practically ours for the taking."
“Pretty lady?” Kevin muttered under his breath in disbelief, face scrunching up at the thought of someone like them flirting with you in front of him.
"You two again," You grumbled, visibly frustrated but trying your best to keep your mouth shut.
Vinci chuckled, clearly enjoying getting under your skin. “Oh, that reminds me, I got you a gift, darling.”
Kevin’s eye twitched when Vinci brought his arm out from behind his back and presented you flowers with a mocking smile, his tone dripping with condescension.
“A little something for the lady, you know, before I take your championships and her too."
You clicked your tongue sarcastically, refusing to take the flowers. “I’m good, baldie.”
Sami’s eyes darted between Vinci, Ludwig, you, and Kevin, sensing the tension thickening in the room. He moved swiftly, stepping closer to you and placing a hand gently on your shoulder, attempting to stop the escalating situation.
"Vinci, enough. Take your gifts and your talk somewhere else," Sami interjected, his voice firm trying to steer the conversation away from an inevitable explosion.
But Vinci persisted, pushing them closer to you. "Come on, don't be rude. A lady always accepts a gift."
That was the final straw. Kevin's patience snapped like a stretched rubber band. No one talks to you like that. He lunged forward, snatching the flowers from Vinci's hand. With a glare burning with fury, he threw the flowers onto the ground, stomping on them without any remorse.
“You wanna know how she feels about you? This is how she feels about you!” Kevin stomped on the flowers, his voice raised with anger as he directed his fury at Vinci. “This is how we all feel about you!”
Sami immediately stepped in between Kevin and Vinci, trying to defuse the situation before it escalated further. "Kevin, stop!"
But Kevin was seething, his chest heaving with anger. “No! I’m sick of these guys! I just wanna punch them in the face! So you know what?” Kevin grabbed his titles, pointing a finger in Vinci’s shocked face. “I am gonna punch you in the face! Me you, in that ring, right now!” Kevin left angrily, huffing and puffing. You and Sami watched in disbelief as Kevin stormed off, his frustration palpable, taking your titles and chasing after him.
At least Kevin waited until the bell rang to unleash his rage. This didn’t count, right?
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As the night wore on, you both managed to navigate through various situations that tested your patience. However, the ultimate test came when Rhea, your long-time rival, interrupted you and your best friends promo in the ring.
Everyone knows you hate being interrupted!! She made her way to the ring with a smirk on her face, and her presence alone was enough to spike your blood pressure.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the overrated Women's Champion and her two sidekicks," Rhea sneered, eyeing you with disdain before turning her attention to Kevin and Sami. "And you two, still sticking around with her? Pathetic."
You bit your fist, and it was almost comical the way you were trying so hard to hold your frustration and anger bubbling beneath the surface at Rhea's derogatory remarks back. You exchanged a tense glance with Kevin, who clenched his fists but managed to maintain his composure. Sami stood between you and Rhea, sensing the rising tension.
"Rhea, there's no need for this," Sami interjected, attempting to defuse the situation.
"No need for what? To state the truth?" Rhea shot back, her words laced with venom. "It's quite clear, isn't it? Y/N here is a paper champion, and you two," she gestured dismissively at Kevin and Sami, "are just carrying dead weight. Champions? Ha!"
You struggled to keep your cool, your fists tightening at your sides. Sami shot you a warning look, silently urging you to maintain control. You tried to hold back the boiling rage at Rhea's words, but you were barely hanging on. Rhea got in your face at your lack of a response, smirking smugly, her words laced with malice.
"You know, you're just proving everyone right by staying silent. Can't handle the truth, can you?" Rhea taunted, her voice dripping with condescension.
"Shut up, Rhea." She ignored you, smiling devilishly. 
"You are nothing but a fake champion."
"Shut up Rhea."
"You and your boys are nothing but a joke."  Rhea's voice raised an octave, emphasizing each word with deliberate malice.
That was it. The last straw. No one talks about your boys without getting their ass kicked.
 In a split second, without thinking, your hand swung, delivering a resounding slap across Rhea's face. Rhea quickly punched you in retaliation, causing chaos to erupt in the ring as Kevin and Sami tried to separate the two of you, but it was like trying to separate wild animals.
Hair pulling, name-calling, and nail scratching ensued before Sami and Kevin latched both your arms and finally grabbed you, dragging you out of the ring as security rushed in to separate the brawl between you and Rhea. The backstage area was a frenzy of commotion as Sami and Kevin struggled to restrain your boiling anger. 
"Let me go! She had it coming!" you shouted, struggling against their grasp, your rage still uncontainable.
"Y/N, stop it!" Sami's voice was firm, but there was a hint of concern. "This is exactly what I was talking about."
"I don't have an anger problem! She insulted us!" you retorted, trying to break free.
The security guards stepped in, helping to separate the chaos. Rhea was being escorted in another direction, both of you yelling insults and threats back and forth.
"You psycho bitch!" Rhea screamed at you as she was being escorted away.
"Takes one to know one, bitch!" You yelled back, trying to break free of Sami and Kevins' grip, but they literally dragged you out of the arena, the camera capturing the chaotic scene as the broadcast switched to another segment.
They finally let go of you once you were outside, breathing heavily, seething with frustration, and the adrenaline still pumping through your veins.
"I can't believe she said those things about us! She had it coming," you muttered angrily, pacing back and forth. Kevin was equally as angry for you, pacing with you, and Sami just about had enough. 
Sami sighed, rubbing his temples, clearly disappointed but not surprised by the outcome. "Y/N, that's exactly what I was afraid of. We need to talk about this."
"Talk about what? I defended us!" Your voice raised defensively, refusing to accept the possibility of having an anger issue.
"Y/N, you lost control. And so did Kevin, with Imperium. We can't keep denying this," Sami explained, his tone firm yet understanding.
Kevin crossed his arms, looking away with a stubborn expression. "I don't have an anger issue. That was just... Imperium being Imperium."
"Guys, come on," Sami pleaded, trying to reason with both of you.  "It took you both one night to prove my point."
Sami's expression was a mix of disappointment and concern. "Y/N, Kevin, this is what I was afraid of. You both need to admit that this is a problem."
"No! She insulted us! She had it coming!" you protested, grabbing Sami's hand and  trying to make him see reason. 
"Yeah, you know how annoying she can be, Sami. You can't expect us to just stand there and take it!" Kevin interjected, his frustration evident in his tone.
"Guys, this isn't about her. It's about us," Sami said firmly, trying to make you both understand. He squeezed your hand, his thumb gently rubbing your knuckles in an attempt to soothe your agitation.
"Look, I understand why you both reacted the way you did. But it's not about just this one incident. It's a pattern. We've had multiple instances where both of you have almost crossed the line," Sami explained, his voice filled with concern.
You sighed, feeling the weight of Sami's words sinking in. "I just... I hate when someone talks trash about us. I can't help but react."
"I get it, habibti. I really do." Sami put his arm around your shoulders, trying to comfort you. "But we need to find a way to handle situations like these without losing control. And the same goes for you, Kevin."
Kevin sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Fine. Maybe... maybe I overreacted a little."
Sami let out a little smile, it wasn't often the two of you admitted any fault.  "That's a start, Kev." He brought him into a tight hug, rubbing soothing circles into his back as a silent thank you for his admission  before turning to you, his expression softening. "Y/N, what about you?"
You sighed, not wanting to admit it but knowing deep down that Sami was right. Sami sensed your hesitation and gave you a tight but relaxing hug that left you momentarily speechless. When he pulled away, he looked at you with a gentle yet firm expression, waiting for your response.
"I... maybe I did overreact," you admitted, reluctantly conceding to Sami's observation. "But she was out of line."
Sami nodded understandingly, a small smile making its way onto his cute face at the way you were trying to come to terms with it. "I know she was, habibti. But that's what she wants. She wants to get under your skin, and when you react, she wins."
Sami paused, his eyes meeting yours, his gaze gentle yet firm. "I know you are protective of us, and I love you for that. But I don't want it to be at the cost of your well being. And my ears can't take any more screaming."
You chuckled at his attempt to lighten the mood. "Okay, okay," you relented, leaning into Sami's embrace. "Next time I'll just think of ripping of the face of whoever annoys me instead of actually doing it."
"That's all I'm asking for," Sami giggled, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek. He then turned to Kevin, who stood there with a thoughtful expression.
"Kevin?" Sami's tone was encouraging, yet serious, awaiting Kevin's response.
Kevin scratched the back of his neck, his expression softening. "Yeah, alright. I'll work on it too." Sami smiled at him and leaned down to give him a platonic kiss on the cheek as well,, Kevin's anger melting away with every touch.
There was a peaceful silence until you and Kevin exchanged a glance, both of you having the same train of thought.
"But what if Rhea-"
"But what if Vinci tries to-"
"But what if-"
"No buts, guys!" Sami stopped your questions, laughing at your predictability. "Nothing is gonna happen tonight and if it does, we'll handle it together, calmly." Sami emphasized the last part, looking between the two of you with a serious look, as if daring you to object.
Kevin and you exchanged a knowing look, both of you thinking how this adorable puppy dog of a man could scare you more than any opponent in the ring when he's serious. You nodded in unison, accepting Sami's terms, knowing he wouldn't allow anything else.
Sami beamed, pleased that you both agreed. "Thank you. Now, if the two of you don't fight in the car, we can get Waffle House on the way back. Deal?"
"Deal!" You and Kevin chorused, sharing a smile at the thought of enjoying some delicious waffles after the intense night. You linked your arms with Sami and Kevin, walking to the rental car, ready to put the night behind and embrace the comfort of waffles and each other's company.
The two of you knew you'd have to eventually work on your anger, but you ignored that with the promise of delicious waffles in store for you tonight. (And maybe you'd break your promise to Sami by fighting over the bill, but that was future you's problems).
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kylietellin · 3 months
dallas winston x shepard!sister (not angela), but she’s the second oldest, with curly and angela being her little siblings and tim being her big brother. reader is basically an older version of angela whos just a little less hot headed. same good looks and allat stuff. tysm!
This is so late :(
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Oh boy
You were tired of having to watch Curly and Angela and make sure they didn't get into shit.
Those two love causing trouble
Tim never really hangs around which made you their keeper
Since your mom and stepdad were drunks.
Curly wanted to be Tim
Angel wanted to be you
Sometimes she went too overboard with it
At first, Dallas started to go for you to piss off Tim
However, he saw how hot you were and decided to keep you around
It's not like he was the chooser and decider to "keeping around"
You told him "fuck with me and I'll kick you to the curb, Tim'll have a blast doing it too"
Going steady with him is interesting..
You're an attractive girl, lots of guys have their eyes on you nd Angel
Most of them went for you though, less trouble.
Other's learned the hard way.
Dallas sometimes gets jealous and lets it take over him
You break up so many fights damn.
Tim wasn't really happy when he found out
He found out from other people
You were caught makin' out at Frosty's diner...
He wanted beat Dallas to a pulp
You begged him not too, you'd been goin steady with Dallas and wanted to keep it that way
Curly went on Tim's side
Angel was indifferent
"He's cute I guess, but there's much better" "Bryon is not better." "Yes he is!"
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hxney-lemcn · 2 months
Loved your Bryon piece he's one of my favs too! I hope you're inspired to write more sometime :)
I’m so glad!!! We need more afk journey/arena fics! I have an idea for Lorsan so keep your eye out!
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obsessedwrhys · 1 month
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httpsbearily · 1 month
☆*: Mischievous Tendancies
You wandered off just a little too far into the forest and played just a little too much; Bryon is a man of only so much patience.
[Tags]: Smut | bryon x reader | GN reader
[Author's note]: mmmm bryon content yippie
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“Aw, come on, won’t you humor me for just a bit?”
“I’m afraid not, darling. Justifiably, your mischievous tendencies have proven to get us both into situations that are not ideal. I would prefer if you could behave yourself just this once."
"Uhm, rude. I don't seem to recall you complaining during one of my "mischievous tendencies" escapades. In fact, I clearly remember you enjoying yourself."
Bryon gave a disapproving hum but offered no rebuttal to your words, a sign that he truly was no longer indulging you. You pouted in dismay, letting yourself fall back against the tree you were currently sat under. It was the middle of spring and all the world around seemed to be in bloom, even the people behaved more cheerfully. With such sights, you had naturally yearned to travel about the forest to soak in the beauty of the flowered bushes and fruitful trees that littered the land. Although you were no experienced traveler, having resided in the comforts of Lunadorf all your life, you fully believed that you could take care of yourself should you ever need to--a thought process that had led you away from the town and into the winding paths of the forest.
Unexpectedly (read as: completely expected), you had gotten lost...But you hadn't feared for the worst because you found a stream of water! Even the most rookie of adventurers knew that where there was water, there was civilization--there wasn't. You ended up wandering deeper into the forest for over an hour before Bryon found you. Still, you were not downcast about your exploration failure because you had found a swimming hole secluded behind a walls of trees and shrubbery. It was no surprise that you had gotten the idea to swim in it, more so when the tall figure of your romantic partner appeared from the shadows like a sign from Misarte herself.
So, instead of explaining yourself to Bryon, you had went to work on convincing him to join you for a swim. He declined, and in addition, he didn't allow you to go in either ("We don't know what lies beneath the surface" he reasoned blah blah blah). A truly heartbreaking turn of events, he would've looked stunning in the luminescent waters; But you didn't give up! While he may have shot down your attempts at swimming[hole sex], you still had him completely alone in the middle of the forest. There were too many possibilities, you simply needed to find the best plan of action!
"Bryon," you called out innocently, "I'm tired. Could we stay here for the night?"
Bryon, who had been waiting for you patiently a few feet away ready to make the trek back to Lunadorf, shook his head. "I don't believe it may be safe for us to do so. Not with so many hypofiends wandering around. Why don't I carry you on my back instead?"
"On your back?! Won't you get tired?!" You asked incredulously, sitting back up.
"I won't. Come on."
With that, he helped you climb onto his back and began the walk home. You smiled devilishly behind his fluffy hair, all was going according to plan. Now, with him focusing on holding you up and staying on path, you had unlimited power to do as you pleased...including touching his very soft, very sensitive ears. You waited a couple minutes to get him to lower his guard before you moved one arm from around his neck and pretended to sneeze into the inside of your shirt. If he had any suspicions of your sudden movement, he made no comment.
With one arm free, you quickly raised it up to his ear and lightly pinched the pointed tip of it between your fingers. Bryon tensed beneath you, saying: "My dear, behave yourself for me."
"I am behaving! I'm only keeping myself from boredom, is that so wrong?” You harrumphed in act, hiding your coy smile as you continued to slowly twirl his ear top in your fingers. Your other arm, that had so far been wrapped around his neck to hold you steady against his back, had slid down over his chest where your fingers began to trace random shapes into the fabric with enough pressure for him to feel it. “You’re ears are so soft.”
Bryon tightened his grip on you, his fingers digging into the skin of the underside of your thigh and you could feel his ear flicking in your hand. No response escaped him though and it spurred you on—what would it take for him to break, you wondered. Growing bolder, you took ahold of his ear, your hand fully wrapping around it and letting out a breathy laugh when Bryon hummed in agitation. You could feel the vibration of his chest with your hand that rested against it and squirmed in his hold.
It took you pressing your body further into his back and the press of fluttering kisses to the back of his neck that had Bryon abruptly stopping and letting go of your thighs. With a yelp, you began to drop to the ground, completely taken off guard by his actions--but Bryon didn't let you fall. Instead, with incredible speed, had somehow managed to turn himself to face you in the split second that you were [quite literally] hanging from his shoulders. He wrapped an arm around your waist to pull you flush against his front and with low voice, he said, "Perhaps I've been too lenient with you, dearest. I had thought letting you believe yourself to be coy would help relive you of your impish desires, but it appears I was mistaken. Shall I show you what it means to behave?"
You looked up at him in surprise. Dominant Bryon?! Holy shit that's new...
Without letting you gather your thoughts, Bryon lifted your chin up towards himself to press a deep and steady kiss to your lips. He walked you backwards, not once faltering, until you had bumped into a rough surface. Your heart began to race, the lack of air making you feel lightheaded which intensified all your sensations. You didn't know how much time had passed when Bryon finally released your lips, letting you catch your breath while he opted to trail his kisses further down the expanse of your neck. To keep you steady, he pressed one hand into your waist--pushing you against what you realized to be a boulder--and slotted his leg in between yours.
"Oh," you gasped when his thumb began to run circles into your hip and his mouth latching onto the spot at the base of your neck that made you particularly weak. It took the feeling of his teeth grazing the spot to bring back some awareness to your mind; You realized you had gone limp between his body and the boulder behind you. Unwilling to be put in place too easily, you moved to reposition back up around his neck--this time reaching up to toy with the edges of his blindfold.
"Don't," He suddenly said without even lifting his head, "I prefer listening to you."
You understood immediately. With his eyesight blocked out, his hearing ability only increased...an idea popped into your head; You went to work on silencing yourself, trying to dampen even the sounds of your pleased sighs. Bryon caught on immediately.
"You only dig yourself into a deeper hole, dearest. But if that's how you wish it to be, then so be it," he said before finally lifting his head to give you another deep kiss that was short-lived. When he pulled away, it was only so that he could lower himself down on his knees. You bit your lip at the sight of him before you, looking up at you still blindfolded, his strong hands trailing down the sides of your waist to hold your hips.
However, your admiring of him was interrupted when he pulled at the hem of your pants and letting them fall to your ankles, along with your undergarments. With ease he moved his hand under your right knee to move it over his shoulder, effectively pushing himself closer to your heat--so close that you could feel his speak against you.
"Is there anything you'd like to say before we begin?" He asked you.
"Bryon," you sighed, "you're making this sound like a homework assignment."
"Hm." Was all he said before flattening his tongue against you with pressure. Instinctively you raised a hand to cover you mouth in attempt to muffle yourself--you wouldn't give up on your silent game so easily! But, Dura above, did he make it so hard.
Just like with his words, his tongue was skilled and sharp in its movements. It lapped at your dripping hole as if in attempt to not spill a drop of your juices, and prodded at the most sensitive spot. The wet heat of it made you shiver, your free hand reaching to his hair to tangle your fingers into it. At some point he closed his lips around you to suck lightly which caused your hips to stutter against his hold.
Holding back your moans proved to be harder than you realized--in fact, it was near impossible to do especially when he removed one hand from your hip to gently rub against your opening. It was a stark contrast, his mouth sucking firmly but his fingers prodding you open gently. It almost made your knee buckle when he swiped his fingers to collect your juices, using it as a lubricant for his fingers so that he could thrust them into you.
At a particularly harsh suck, you pulled on his hair a little harder than you'd intended and, causing his ears to twitch and he detached his mouth from you to say, "Behave."
You whined at the loss of contact, your hips moving forward to chase the warmth of his mouth. "Okay," You told him breathlessly, "I'll behave. Please keep going."
And he did. He moved his mouth back to your heat with renewed interest, moving his fingers against the inside of your walls skillfully. Silent game forgotten, breathless moans fell from your lips in the form of his name. You felt the way his fingers curled inside you, overwhelmed by his tongue lapping against you and frustrated by the grip of his hand on your hip that prevented you from full on riding his face. The heat in your core began to grow and you tried to vocalize the occurrence but when he found the sweet spot inside you he rubbed against it full force. You let out a squeal at his ministrations, pulling at his hair to get him closer to which he emitted a groan and--oh Dura above, the vibration of it felt divine.
"Bryon--" You whimpered, feeling the peak of your pleasure near. He hummed, once again detaching his lips from your heat to look up at you with a satisfied smile.
"That's it, you're doing so well for me. Keep going," He said to you, his voice gravely and deeper than usual. His praise shot right through you, and mixed together with the sound of his voice [perhaps he was onto something when he said hearing was better?!], you felt the knot in your core tighten. You hazily opened your eyes, not having realized you closed them in the first place, and were met with the mesmerizing sight of Bryon's lightly flushed face underneath his blindfold, his lips glistening with your essence, and his hand moving between your legs as his fingers thrust inside you. It was all too much.
Bryon seemed to sense your impeding release and immediately went back to kissing your overly-sensitive heat. At that, you felt your orgasm wash over you strongly enough that you struggled to hold yourself up. You cried out Bryon's name, your hand in his hair pulling on it harshly while the other held onto his free shoulder for dear life. Bryon continued his ministrations even as you came all over his face, only slowly stopping after you had ridden out your high. By the time you were left panting in recovery, Bryon pulled his fingers back and gently moved your leg from his shoulder back down to the ground. When he stood up he had lifted his clean hand to caress your cheek, checking on you in your daze.
"Well done, my dear. It seems the vixen inside you has finally been satiated." He said to you gently, kissing your forehead before letting you rest your head against his shoulder.
"Shut up..." You mumbled against his shirt, genuine tiredness creeping up on you.
The two of you stayed like this for a few moments, Bryon thumbing the back or your neck comfortably whilst you simply soaked in his presence, until you realized a pressing matter--literally pressing. You pulled back slightly and looked down to confirm that there was indeed a bulge confined by the fabric of his clothes.
You looked up to find him already gazing at you and you smiled lazily. Without hesitation, you moved a hand down to grasp the length. "It turns out I may not be as satiated as I thought," you said lowly to him. You wasted no time in moving your hand slowly, squeezing occasionally to rile him up as much as possible.
"Why don't--" The sound of a birds call interrupted you, starling you. You paused your actions when Bryon sighed almost regretfully, pulling away entirely when a familiar blueish bird appeared overhead. Bryon lifted his arm for the bird to perch on and together the two of them seemed to converse with each other. You stood there, a little dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events and a little disappointed you were interrupted right at the good part.
"Mh, I see. Thank you," Bryon told the bird, letting her fly off back into the sky before facing you. "It seems Granny Dhanie is quite concerned over your absence. We should make our way back before she send all of Lunadorf after you."
"What?! Doesn't she know you're here with me?" You asked.
"It seems half a day was simply too long for her. Come on, darling, lets get you back to safety.
And with that, the two of you set off back on the path to the town. You pouted in discontent, but thought that it couldn't be as bad as he had it. Walking all the way back with a stiff member couldn't be comfortable...You supposed you would just have it make it up to him later at home then.
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im so freaking happy you're punjabi too because this has been sitting in my brain wayy too long, but could i request a punjabi!reader x dallas winston except shes sassy asf and has hella nakhre except he handles it perfectly. thanks!
desi/punjabi!reader x dallas winston hc's
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A/N : yes, yes, and yes.
firstly, dallas winston is not racist. some of yall are insane with your headcanons
dallas winston could truthfully care less about any background his partner is
now that ive established this, let me continue
he finds it so incredibly hot whenever you say something, ANYTHING in a different language.
you could call him a 'bandar' (monkey) and he would still find it hot
"what does that mean, huh? you callin' me handsome?"
not much to do except roll your eyes in dismay as well as secretly find it cute
one time, he saw you wearing a suit/lengha/sari (whatever you like)
he almost went insane
like gen jaw dropped and everything
"when'd you start wearing stuff like that?"
"y'should wear it more often, doll."
as far as nakhre goes, he finds it attractive, and he learns over time how to shut it down
he doesnt understand how to shut it down if your really cussing him out in punjabi
“bhonkana band karja.”
“love you too.”
i have a whole other hc that johnny is punjabi (or desi in general)
so, it is a common occurence to see dallas asking johnny what random stuff means
johnny cant translate half the time bcs dallas cant pronounce half of it correct
whenever you do say something nice, it flies over his head
the only thing he understands is nice is ‘meri jaan’ (my life / my beloved)
he likes that one
one time, he came over to your house during winter, probably to hang out cuddle but dallas winston doesnt ‘cuddle’, and your bed had one of those thick floral kambals
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(one of these bad boys right here)
he swears hes never slept better in his whole life
he probably stole one of those blankets from your mother
speaking of parents
if your parents are immigrants, hes borderline scared of them (even if he’d never admit it)
hes realistically horrified of your dad, even if your parents allow you to date
hes probably cool with your mom, however
your mom would probably sit there and hand feed him roti and refer to him as ‘beta’ / ‘puthar’
punjabi/desi moms are soo sarcastic its not even funny
dallas winston has the exact same humor as your mom its insane
hes definitely attended at least one family function
got forced to try and dance at some point before he totally swore off dancing
he really likes gol gappe but hes really bad at eating it in one bite
got forced to sit at the kids table
got drunk with all the chachas and mamas (lets be fr)
overall your family likes him
thinks its absolutely stupid how you only wear gold jewelry
although, you make an exception for the st. christopher necklace, to which he is grateful for
if you have a hard to pronounce name, he’d spend too much time trying to say it right
realistically he finds food wayy too spicy, but he’ll tolerate some things
he wouldnt like chai
which you find insane
overall you two are so cute and happy together 10/10 couple right here
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dustedmagazine · 2 months
Dust Volume 10, Number 4
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Alena Spanger
For one day in April, we were transfixed by the sun’s brief disappearance, marveling again at our smallness in the universe, our dependence on a fiery ball in the sky which might, it seems, not be as reliable as we had always assumed.  It was pretty cool, even if you weren’t in the path of totality (what an excellent phrase, by the way), and it distracted everyone for a couple of hours from all the bullshit flooding over the transom.  Which is also one of the main functions of the music we consume so voraciously.  We are always hoping for one or two or many transcendent experiences in these CDRs and tapes and mp3 folders that bombard us, and sometimes, dear reader, we find them.  Here’s this month’s report with Tim Clarke, Bill Meyer, Andrew Forell, Alex Johnson, Jonathan Shaw, Jennifer Kelly, Ian Mathers and Bryon Hayes contributing.
Adult Jazz — So Sorry So Slow (Spare Thought)
Hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Adult Jazz’s stunning debut album, Gist Is. Perhaps the title of the Leeds band’s second full-length can be interpreted as an apology to those who have been eagerly awaiting a follow-up. So Sorry So Slow has not only been a long time coming, but also unfolds in fits and starts, as if unsure of the best way forward. It’s convulsive art-pop in the vein of Dirty Projectors or Bjork, with shades of hyper-pop in the digital sharpness of some of its edges, and chamber pop in the prominent employment of strings and horns. The album is most successful when the songs are straightforwardly beautiful, as in “Suffer One,” with its Owen Pallett string arrangement, and closer “Windfarm,” which has a pure, aching, almost New Age glow to it. Elsewhere, the overall lack of focus proves frustrating, and ultimately rather exhausting, across the album’s hour-long runtime. There’s plenty of beauty to be found, you just have to be patient.
Tim Clarke
Jeb Bishop / Tim Daisy / Mark Feldman — Begin, Again (Relay)
Begin, Again welcomes a couple of revenant Chicagoan musicians. Trombonist Jeb Bishop came back to the city after roughly ten years away, and violinist Mark Feldman after about 40. Drummer and vibraphonist  Tim Daisy invited them both to workshop some material in his home studio, and this session resulted. While both Bishop and Daisy wrote pieces, there’s an authentic ensemble feel; this music is very differently balanced than Daisy’s other chamber trio, Vox Arcana. Quick changes in direction and two-on-one dynamics abound, and it’s all enacted with a lightness that gives this music a feeling of floating even when the players are bearing down with serious intent.   
Bill Meyer
Cadence Weapon — Rollercoaster (MNRK)
The first thing you hear on Rollercoaster is a warm strum of acoustic guitar and the mellifluous voice of Bartees Strange. Then Canadian rapper/activist Rollie Pemberton AKA Cadence Weapon takes aim at technological saturation on his new LP Rollercoaster. The hectic production (there are 11 producer credits) mirrors the overwhelming chaos of social media flooded with bots, trolls, ads and misinformation overseen by the bloodless founder of Facebook and X’s fatuous head jester. Hip Hop, electro, RnB and manic hyperpop provide the backdrop to Pemberton’s diatribes which, although they occasionally have an odor of fish-filled barrels, say what needs saying with a maximum of snark and wit. Strange reappears periodically to offer a more organic musical and lyrical counterpoint to the hyperactivity. Pemberton has the awareness to embrace the paradox of working within the system he excoriates which adds an edge to his lyrics. If no-one is innocent and everyone’s throwing stones, Cadence Weapon is at least slinging the sharpest slates.
Andrew Forell  
The Children… — A Sudden Craving (Erototox Decodings)
Michael Wiener describes the music of The Children…, his long-running collaboration with Jim Coleman, Phil Puleo and others, as “gothic blues ambient.” At the height of my concern for tidy iTunes taxonomies, I would’ve been thrilled to think of that. And I’m not being glib: it is apt. One might be tempted to flip the last two words to get the more genre-y “Gothic Ambient Blues,” but Wiener, a Dusted contributor, has the order right. Their latest release, A Sudden Craving, may lead with a loose-hinged “gothic blues,” complete with eerie electronics, possessed voices, disturbed drums and alternately ghostly and shearing guitar chords, but it’s the way the band plays in the looming ambience, the engagement with the persistent presence of space – traced, occupied and ruptured – that ties together the album’s unsettling visions. In its haunted volatility, this can be a viscerally entertaining record and easy to get into, just make sure to carve out enough headroom.
Alex Johnson
Ciro Vitiello — The Island of Bouncy Memories (Haunter x Hundebliss)
Italian producer Ciro Vitiello’s work plays out like a reverie in the liminal space between dream and memory. Ethereal vocals and impressionist lyrics from Russian born singer Zimmy and Italian musician CRÆBABE float on warm wisps of synth and closely miked acoustic guitars. The instrumental tracks have a fractal, dislocated feel as Vitiello layers keyboards and sound effects of water, birds, child’s play and the odd menacing sounds one images hearing in the beast filled fairytale forests of childhood. The mood darkens further on “Sell Change of Heart for a Crocodile” or “Living in a Bouncy Castle” as scratchy disruptions like misfiring synapses interrupt the former as the keyboards swell crepuscular in the background. On the latter, titular castle seems to be deflating slowly, closing in on the occupants in slow motion, the air escaping in big wet bubbles. CRÆBABE closes the album steeped in a lonely haze of romantic and erotic nostalgia. Altogether as lovely and disquieting as the misty maze of memory can be.        
Andrew Forell
Coral Morphologic & Nick León — Projections of a Coral City (Balmat)
Miami duo Coral Morphologic (marine scientist Colin Foord and musician JD McKay) have worked together since 2007 producing projects that raise awareness of threats to marine biodiversity. Their new collaboration with producer Nick León soundtracks a multimedia installation which imagines the rising ocean reclaiming their city and enabling its colonization by resurgent coral reefs. The trio imbues this five-track suite with the tenacity and generative power of coral. An aqueous flow of somber tones dominates, but within them minute lifeforms take shape, coalesce, and spread with a quiet majesty that evokes the fragility of the reefs and inexorable process of survival and regrowth. Projections of a Coral City feels like a requiem, as much for Miami as the damage it has wrought on its environment. Poignant and hopeful it is a fitting tribute to the worlds we are in danger of losing for ever.    
Andrew Forell
Critical Defiance — The Search Won’t Fall (Unspeakable Axe)
Chilean thrash specialists Critical Defiance have delivered the metal record equivalent to a day at a theme park — absent all the waiting around in long lines. There are some long-ish tunes on The Search Won’t Fall (the title track runs close to eight minutes, and album closer “Critical Defiance” clocks in over nine and a half), but you never have to wait, for the next shift in rhythm, usually from fast to really, really fast; the next solo; the next crunching, athletically paced riff. Rollercoaster-scaled ascents and descents? Yep. Tilt-a-Whirl passages of dizzying axe-craft? Check. And the whole thing has the sort of so-bad-for-you-it’s-good sensibility of that extra-large bucket of French fries that came out of a huge bag of frozen shards of spuds, or the funnel cake you watched some tatted-up kid squeeze into a viscid pool of boiling oil of indeterminate age. It’s all hugely entertaining. This reviewer loves it when the songs get short; check out the sequence of “All the Powers” (44 seconds) to “Full Paranoia” (85 seconds) to “Margarita,” in which the record suddenly bottoms out into power-ballad mode. The move is delightfully goofy, a stolen kiss in the Tunnel of Love. It’s an open question if listening to The Search Won’t Fall has any sort of enduring significance, but when the ride is this much fun, who really cares?
Jonathan Shaw
Hässlig — Apex Predator (Sentient Ruin Laboratories)
Hässlig makes an unhealthily ugly sort of noise that the metal underground has insisted on calling “blackened punk” — a strangely provoking phrase that we seem to be stuck with. This specific iteration of the sound renders the relative kinship to punk neutral (wouldn’t “raw black metal” suffice here?), or perhaps a bit more worrisome. We should note that sole member DB also makes an especially bleak variety of depressive, sometimes doomy black metal under the name Negativa, the band logo of which does an irritating nod-and-wink in the direction of the swastika. So: A Spanish dude who records under a German-sounding band name and makes a record titled Apex Predator? Do we have to do some digging on the internet’s expanding communities of fash-hunting metal listeners? Likely we can take some consolation from Hässlig’s relationship with Sentient Ruin, a label that doesn’t fuck with NSBM nonsense. Unhappy song titles like “Psychopathic Triumph” and “Raping the Exoskeleton of Life” are likely meant to communicate equal-opportunity misanthropy: DB hates everybody. But “Slaves” and “Watch Them Hang” are a more unsavory combo, and it doesn’t help that DB claims Bone Awl and Ildjarn as influences. One wonders if associating the project with punk is a sort of semiotic gambit, hoping to temper some of the more troubling language DB uses (and maybe gets an edge-lord charge out of). It’s all becoming a bit tiresome. This reviewer really enjoys the music on Apex Predator, but by saying so, what is he validating?
Jonathan Shaw
Hour — Ease the Work (Dear Life)
Michael Cormier-O’Leary leads an ensemble of 10 through pensive instrumental reveries in this third full-length as Hour. You might know Cormier-O’Leary from the bands 2nd Grade or Friendship, or from running Dear Life Records. Others playing here have done time in various ambient, folk or mildly experimental outfits, Jason Calhoun, the synth player, in Paper Armies, Elizabeth Fuschia, a violinist in Footings and on the last Bonnie Prince Billy album, Peter Gill from 2nd Grade and drummer Peter McLaughlin from Dead Gowns among others. But the players meld in a very seamless, ego-less way, supporting brief, lovely bits of melody in guitar, strings, percussion, keyboards and, occasionally, electronic samples. The title track ambles nonchalantly, a skittery beat pacing tremulous washes of strings . “Dying of Laughter,” shades a little darker, pitched somewhere between conventional Americana and David Grubbs’ languid improvisations. None of these tracks last very long or stick very well in the limbic system, but Ease the Work is, regardless, a very pleasant way to spend three quarters of an hour.
Jennifer Kelly
Paul Lydon — Umvafin Loforð​un (Píanó)
Paul Lydon is an American who has lived in Iceland since the late 1980s. Throughout that time he’s kept up persistent but low-key recording under the names Blek Ink, Sanndreymi, Paul & Laura and most recently his own name. Over time, the music has changed from brittle, miniature songs to deliberately paced piano instrumentals. As befits a guy who lives his life within cultures, the music on Umvafin Loforð​un (translation: Wrapped Up In Promises) doesn’t slot easily into any genre. While spare, it lacks minimalism’s interest in repetition, and in its quiet way it remains to assertive to be ambient; and while his articulation brings to mind Mulatu Astatke and Alice Coltrane, there’s really no jazz or Ethiopian influence, just a similar respect for the qualities of individual notes. It does give the impression of reflection, as though he’s conversing with himself when he plays, but each piece has a lucidity which suggests that any spontaneous processes are tempered by some compositional pruning. It’s companionable stuff, at the service of those who could use some quiet company.
Bill Meyer
Mandy — Lawn Girl (Exploding in Sound)
Sugar pop melodies nestle into blistering onslaughts of fuzz guitar in this first solo outing from Melkbelly’s Miranda Winters, and maybe what’s interesting here is how a mature artist uses the basic rock and roll tools of her youth.For instance, though a new mom and well past the acne years, Winters casts a jaundiced eye on teenage love in “High School Boyfriend.”The song ends in a drum churning, guitar-busting, cheerleader shouting finale that kicks the whole experience to the curb.Sludgy “Forsythia,” by contrast, acknowledges the distance that Winters has travelled, the experiences she’s had, though that knowledge comes couched in muscular guitar blare.The one cover, of Jimmy Webb’s “I Am a Woman Now,” is acoustic and soft enough that you can hear Winters taking a sniffly breath, but also searing.“Now that I’m a woman, everything has changed,” she murmurs.The sentiment, maybe, but not so much the sound.
Jennifer Kelly
Orgöne — Chimera (3 Palms)
A chimera is a monster constructed of various parts—body of a lion, wings of an eagle, tail like a snake, etc.—and while by no means a monster, this latest LP from the West Coast soul collective Orgöne melds disparate threads into a slinky, funky groove. You can hear, for instance, futuristic fusion jazz, polyrhythmic Latin percussion, Afro-beat, way out soul positivity and psychedelic rock in these cuts, some instrumental, some with chanted vocals. An organ trembles with flickery vibrato, a bass slaps the off beats, a drum cadence saunters shambolically; it’s hot and cold at the same time. Blues-funky “Parasols,” blurts low-end and oozes chill, like Booker T & the MGs, but looser and more discursive. The groove rears up and you expect an old-style soul chorus—Charles Bradley maybe—but the work is done by the instruments, a nattering guitar and a flaring soaring keyboard. “Basilisk” twitches with wah wah and shudders with blasts of bass, not so far off from what the Budos Band does, but “Tula Muisi (Dance with Them)” adds torrid, Afro-beat style vocals. This stuff is fine on the home speakers, but likely much better in the room.
Jennifer Kelly
Polar Inertia — Environment Control (Northern Electronics)
There’s a lot of obscurity surrounding taciturn Parisian techno… artist? project? collective? Polar Inertia, but after a self-described “eight years of silence” they’ve reappeared with a full-length LP (a full hour, even) after previously only releasing EPs and live recordings. As with those EPs, there’s one track with a grim, foreboding spoken word accompaniment and if it puts one in mind of Annihilation at the South Pole, well, following it up with the brain-frying fuzz and throb of “Smothering Dreams” cashes that check immediately. The rest of the album ranges from beatless, dense noise (“Modeless Singularity”) to darkly insistent techno (“Arctic Singularity”) but all with enough of a shared vocabulary and similarly overwhelming, totalizing effect that it all lives up to the end of that opening monologue: “You will soon conceive what polar inertia is. What we do, at our scale, is environment control.”
Ian Mathers
Tomeka Reid / Isadora Edwards / Elisabeth Coudoux — Reid / Edwards / Coudoux (Relative Pitch)
This hour-long, completely improvised performance was captured in August 2021. The trio had played together a few days previously at the third iteration DARA Festival, a gathering of female string players organized by Biliana Voutchkova, so this was not a first encounter, but the trio’s interactions express a still a freshness that could come from players newly falling into a sympathetic union, or simply from the good vibes that tended to suffuse gatherings that post-vaccination, pre-Delta variant surge summer. Tomeka Reid (USA), Isadora Edwards (Chile/UK), and Elisabeth Coudoux (Germany) all play cello, and there’s sufficient consonance within the collective’s approach that time spent trying to figure out who’s who would be wasted. Rather, appreciate the spontaneous counterpoint, astute support, and uncluttered clarity of these four improvisations, which flow easily from rustling quietude to bright, bold cross-hatchings.
Bill Meyer
Sam Rubin — Bullet (Pleasure Tapes/Michi Tapes)
Two bullets, labeled “Bullet” and “Bullet 2” rip through the air on scuzzed-out guitar tone, like shoegaze but dirtier, as a rapturous chaos of drumming erupts and a noxious fog of noise envelopes high wistful vocals.You can taste the grit and sulfur in the air. Sam Rubin raises a lo-fi racket out of Kent, Ohio, letting factory effluents run through fragile melodies, corroding them, poisoning them and coaxing a poisoned beauty from the wreck. From the heart of Red America, Rubin launches “Trump,” a slow-motion, gut-shock of lumbering chords and feedback, but the best songs are about firearms.“Sniper Rifle” closes things out with Swans-ish clangor, guitar, drums, bass, all jumping on the downbeat, repeatedly, like a metal stamper gone amok in a post-apocalyptic heartland. Good stuff.
Jennifer Kelly
SAICOBAB — NRTYA (Thrill Jockey)
Japanese quartet SAICOBAB douses Indian raga in accelerant and showers it with sparks, creating an amorphous and fiery mix of traditional and contemporary sounds. Vocalist YoshimiO (Boredoms, OOIOO) both leads and chases the melodies proffered by sitarist Yoshida Daikiti. The two are engaged in a whirling quickstep (NRTYA is Sanskrit for “dance”) over the polyrhythmic pulsations of Motoyuki Hamamoto and Yojiro Tatekawa (Boredoms). The four musicians apply a hyperkinetic avant-rock slant to the traditionally placid raga format, emphasizing both rhythmic and melodic movement. YoshimiO’s extremely broad vocal range helps the music leap into the fourth dimension, and subtle electronic flourishes offer a glimpse into SAICOBAB’s futuristic worldview. With NRTYA, SAICOBAB challenges tradition, as the group’s infectious energy fractures the boundaries of both time and space.
Bryon Hayes
Alena Spanger — Fire Escape (Ruination)
Fire Escape by Alena Spanger
Alena Spanger’s voice is small, soft and very brave, as she ventures out of the shelter of prettiness into the wider world of dissonance and experiment. The singer made her first mark in Tiny Hazard, a Brooklyn art-music ensemble that similarly tested the boundaries of pop. Here in her debut solo album, she coos and hums and trills against a shifting background of baroque experiment; she lets us in, engagingly, into strange and wonderful places. “All that I Wanted,” for instance, pits a wild splatter-beat of tonal percussion, against a wispy pop anthem. “All I wanted is to dance with you,” she declares, in true diva pop style, against surging synths—but wait for it, the tune disintegrates into a soup of off-kilter fragments and spasmic beats. Spanger has some of Joanna Newsom’s wiry fragility, a way of infusing melody with intelligence and conflict, and she surrounds herself with Brooklyn avant-garde-ists, like Kalia Vandever on trombone in “My Feel,” Kitba’s Rebecca El-Saleh and harp and the critic Winston Cook-Wilson on keys and percussion. Ryan Weiner, who was also in Tiny Hazard, plays, engineers and mixes. But in the end, it comes down to one Alena Spanger, with the girlish voice and the voracious appetite for innovation. She can make a Satie reference sound like a sweet confessional ditty and a fire escape stand in for the soft, comforting edge of experiment.
Jennifer Kelly
Sunburned Hand of the Man — Nimbus (Three Lobed)
Nimbus by Sunburned Hand of the Man
Nimbus is Sunburned Hand of the Man at peak fidelity.Imagine Ken Kesey’s Furthur bus tuned up, cleaned up and given a fresh coat of DayGlo.The album also spans multiple iterations of the ever-mutating Sunburned line-up.Original member Phil Franklin returns after a multi-year hiatus, bringing his Franklin’s Mint songcraft with him; long-time associate Matt Krefting appears, offering a sinister spoken word monologue as the band writhes beneath.Poet and new Sunburned member Peter Gizzi unravels his verses over a pair of synth-heavy tunes: both the loping title track and the intense “Consider the Wound” benefit from his wry deadpan.The rest of the tracks are fare for those yearning for the Sunburned of yore, full of lysergic introspection and hedonistic grooves.Even at their cleanest, Sunburned Hand of the Man are weird and wild to the very core.     
Bryon Hayes
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merakiarchives · 2 months
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Finding your Roots
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౨ 🌾 ⋆゚ ⊹ ˚ ✦ 🪷 ৎ
Characters: Bryon x Wilder!GN!Reader x Lorsan
Genre: Fluff, Fic
Warnings: None
A/N: Part 2 is here!
౨ 🍃 ⋆゚ ⊹ ˚ ✦ 💚 ৎ
“Oh my god.. I didn’t know there was other wilders that traveled to Holistone!” A voice yelled, carefully you put down a sword and turn towards the voice. Scrunching your eyebrows as the person quickly ran up to you.
“Hi! I don’t think I’ve seen you before. My name is Lorsan!” The man introduced himself, “Did you live on the outskirts of the Dark Forest? Is that why I haven’t seen you? You seem like someone who wouldn’t live near the waters though.” He rambled, looking at you.
“Uh.. what? I’m not a wilder..? And I have never been to the Dark Forest.? Sorry, but I think you must have mistaken me for someone else. And if this is your attempt at trying to sweep me off my feet, it’s not working.” You laugh, picking up the sword and going back to work. Leaving the man, whose name is apparently Lorsan, confused and muttering gibberish.
“But you’re literally a Wilder! Have you not seen your ears? They’re obviously elf-ish! A-and your hair color!? Wait! Get back over here!” He yells, following you as you awkwardly try to return the repaired sword to its original owner.
“Ah.. no charge, please. It was just a nick. Keep the money.” You smile politely at the older adventurer. Only sighing when he insisted to keep the money he gave you. Ruffling your hair before parting ways from the forgery. Rolling your eyes as you turn around, “look. Again, I don’t know what you’re talking about. My hair color? Anyone can have this hair color. Have you seen Mirael? Or Valen? Maybe even Cassadee?” You try to reason, quickly walking towards the doors of the forgery and pushing him out. “I really hope you find who you’re looking for, but it’s not me.” You explain sternly, shutting the doors behind him.
The next morning, walking down the streets of Holistone. You almost grimace as you see the same wilder as the day before, waiting infront of the forgery. His ear flicks towards you, quickly walking over and smiling. “So, what to tell me your name? And what your doing in Holistone?” Lorsan chuckled
“Uhm.. no, and I live here..? I’ve lived here for my whole life?” You shrug, moving towards the forgery doors a bit timidly.
“All your life? So you’ve never been to the forest?” He pipes up, continuing to follow you into the forgery.
“Uhm.. yes. Now, if you don’t mind. I need to get to work.” You sigh, carefully pushing him away and putting on your apron. Waving to Bowa as you help him open up the forgery. Taking your time to help pick up certain weapons from the already growing line outside.
“Can I at least know when you’re free? Or have a break?” He yelled as Bowa gently pushed him out of the forgery.
“Uh.. at dawn..?” You shrug, only to laugh when Bowa sighed as he finally got Lorsan out of the building.
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Sins & Amends Chapter 35
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Billy Russo x Female Reader (60 part story)
This follows pre- the punisher into the storyline of daredevil, punisher season 1 and beyond
This is NOT Canon Billy. This is decent human being Billy left with bad options over worse decisions
This was also posted to A03 under: WaywardGaPeach. That account and this one is the only place you'll see me post this. If you see it on any other platform/account know it's not me.
Chapter Summary/Warnings: while Frank works to hunt down Agent Orange it appears Madani has gotten too close as well [Canon going bye bye with some things like Sam Stein dying]
"Jesus Christ! Get down now!" You had walked into Micro's hideout to find Frank not only doing pull ups but he had a chain around his waist with a cement block attached for extra weight. 
He grinned at you and said "Five more minutes kid" you shook your head because you knew there was no arguing him and walked into the kitchen where Micro was cooking.
You sat the bag of equipment he'd asked you to pick up on the counter and peeked into the pot "What are you cooking?" "Pasta, want some?" He offered and you shook your head "Naw I ate on the way. I've got a shift in an hour" 
You heard Frank's feet hit the floor and looked up to see he was pulling a hoodie on. "Nu uh. Let me look" he rolled his eyes but pulled the hoodie back off nonetheless and sat down next to you. 
You peeked over his shoulder at the map that was spread across the counter once you were through making sure his shoulder was healing correctly. Micro cut his eyes at you then asked Frank "Want to give it one last shot?" Frank nodded "Sure"
"Colonel Morty Bennett Fort Bryon" Frank pointed to the corner of the map "I infiltrate here" he followed a path with his finger and pointed to a group of buildings "make my way to his quarters which are here. I do what I got to do" Micro nodded so Frank continued "I head to the extract point which is here, where you'll be waiting in the van" "That's about it" Micro said with a small smile as he handed Frank a plate of pasta.
Frank stood and walked across the room as he took a few bites "Agent Orange knows I'm alive. He knows I'm coming for him. It was him watching the feed up on that mountain, i know it" "So if Gunner was right Bennett knows Orange's real name?" You asked and he nodded "Most important thing is that Bennett has to be where David says he will be"
You looked back at Micro who said "One hundred percent. I've accessed his credit cards, bank statements, phone records. He entertains every saturday night like clockwork. Trust me, he's gonna be tied up with company when you arrive"
"Good. Sooner we find him sooner I can put the guy down" you glanced back at Frank at his words and didn't try to hide your flinch when Micro said "You mean Agent Orange?" "What's that?" Frank asked and you knew that tone of voice so you moved from standing between them to a vantage point where you could watch.
"I wanna make sure you mean Orange not Bennett. Because that's not the plan" "He knows the plan David. Hell I know the plan" you tried to diffuse any argument but Micro gave a small laugh "I'd just hate for you to get confused Frank. You know you got Bennett in front of you, you hate the guy and have a gun. Your blood gets up. You know how it goes"
Frank scoffed "How does it go David?" I'm just wondering is that how it goes for you? Huh? When your blood gets up, you just boom,boom, boom room full of dead guys?" "I've never killed anybody" Micro admitted and you saw a ghost of a smile that was purely sarcasm flick across Frank's face "No? Cause I was thinking maybe this time I wait in the van, send you in. Seeing as you know the plan so well. I got the bad arm and all"
Micro looked at you presumably for help but you shook your head so he looked back at Frank "I'm under no illusion that I can do what you can. I'm grateful and appreciative of what you're doing and the choice you made" Frank nodded then said "Whole thing's crazy" "What's that?" You asked and he pointed back to the map "sneaking into a military base. Y/N I keep thinking what if one of those guys try to stop me. Am I supposed to kill a soldier for doing his job?" "Let's hope it doesn't come to that" you offered. Your phone started ringing and when you saw the number you let out a string of curses "Who is it?" Micro asked so you held it up "That's Homeland"
You quickly turned the phone off and pulled the battery out. You'd put the battery back in when you were far from the hideout. You glanced at the time and let out a breath "I gotta get going. Happy hunting Frank. Be safe and Micro let me know he's in one piece how about it?" Frank stood and pulled you into a quick hug "Stay safe and stay away unless we call. I got to make sure it's safe before you pop up here" "I'll be fine Frank" you promised and waved at Micro on your way out the door.
The end of the night you got a message on your phone that simply read "He's fine. Tracking, talk later" you let out a breath when you read it and didn't realize how loud you'd been until Alice leaned up off her bunk "You good Y/N?" "Yeah. I'm good" you replied with a smile and laid back yourself.
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Thanks to Frank's scope now having a camera all of you now knew the actual name of Agent Orange. Williams Rawlins the third. Director of CIA field ops and covert ops. Apparently from what Micro had told you the Rawlins were old Virginia money, practically royalty. 
You didn't give a damn about the man's standing. You wanted to see Frank get the privilege of putting him down. You hadn't see Frank in nearly a week since he didn't want to risk you coming by the hideout too often. Knowing him and Micro had eyes on your apartment helped your feelings slightly.
You'd also been dodging Madani at every turn. You didn't want to face another line of questions. If she'd went to that mountainside in Kentucky, she had proof Frank was alive. She was smart and knew if he was hurt you were one of the top candidates of who he'd get to patch him up.
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A part of you considered calling Matt to see if purposely dodging a special agent in charge could be anything that could bite you in the ass legally but god you didn't want to deal with the can of worms that would open. He worried about your safety enough.
You and Karen had decided to have a night in. Both of you had been working your asses off and needed a breather. You were walking through your living room in a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt. She would probably end up staying with you so there was no reason to dress up.
You heard a knock on the door and went to open it then laughed when you saw she was similarly dressed "Well Ms Page. That's not office attire" she looked you up and down before saying "And that's not a standard paramedic uniform either" "Fair enough" you agreed with a laugh stepping back to let her inside.
"You wouldn't know anything about Colonel Bennett would you?" She asked halfway through a bottle of wine and two movies in. You shrugged then said "I can say with certainty he didn't do it" she smiled "Good" then her whole face lit up even more "Alice told me you got a new rig?"
You nodded "Apparently our station house was the only one that had not only a brand new, fully equipped ambulance donated but new equipment for the firefighters and new furniture for the common room" she let out a low whistle then said "Maybe I could write a small piece from all of you thanking the anonymous donor?" You nodded "Sounds good to me but Chief Michelson and Jason would have the final say"
You went back to watching the movie but then she asked "Have you thought about dating anyone since you and Matt reconsidered things?" You laughed and turned to face her "Have you thought about dating since meeting a certain someone?" Her nose scrunched up when she laughed "Well how about we skip over our love lives or lack there of, is Kenzie still cooking Thanksgiving dinner for everyone?"
You laughed and nodded "Yes ma'am. She's getting two turkeys" "That's a lot of bird" "She wants to make sure we all get fed. She's gonna have a second table for drive by dinners too" you knew Kenzie's family was coming into town too. You were going to try to make it but if something came up or if Curtis needed help with the soup kitchen you were glad there was an option to participate without hurting feelings.
You and Karen ended up going to the diner the next morning to grab some breakfast before your work days started. After her reminding you to get Chief Michelson to give her a call you went your separate ways.
You were almost to the station house when your phone rang. You pulled it out to see it was Sarah Lieberman. You'd forgotten you'd gave her your number "Hey Sarah, everything ok?" You answered and heard her sniffle "Y/N is there any way you can get Pete to call me back" you felt your stomach knot up. Had something happened. "Is everything ok? Do I need to come over" "No. I mean no one's hurt. I'm just worried about Zach. Hoping maybe Pete would be willing to talk to him"
"I'll call him now and if you need me call ok?" You told her and she agreed before you said your goodbyes. You hit the number for Frank's burner which was saved under the name of one of the women you'd went to school with. He answered on the first ring "Have you talked to Sarah..Pete?" There were times you still had to bite your lip. "I'm on my way now" was his response so you let out a breath "Good. Let me know if the kid's ok?" "Sure sweetheart. Shouldn't you be at work though?" You laughed and said "walking in now" he said goodbye then hung up.
Alice spotted you walking in and stood to walk behind you to the locker room. "Who was that?" She asked with a grin. You rolled your eyes and lied faster than you were comfortable with "Curtis" she visibly deflated a little "Well shit. That isn't juicy" you grinned at her "My apologies that I'm not more entertaining"
It was mid afternoon when a call came through to respond to an officer down. You ran through the station house and out to the bays.
You weren't sure what to expect from the address alone. It was a supposedly abandoned warehouse. You slowed when you turned into the lot then threw the rig into park when you spotted Dinah holding a motionless and bloody Sam.
Alice chunked your bag to you and you ran to their side with her close behind. "Agent Madani, are you hurt?" Alice asked while you tried to triage Sam as best as you could. "I've got a pulse. It's weak but there. Appears to have multiple gsw's and a knife wound to the shoulder" you looked across at Dinah while Alice ran to grab a gurney "Are you hurt?" You hadn't heard her answer Alice. She shook her head "Is he going to live?" You were bandaging Sam up as fast as your hands could move and told her the best truth you could "If I have anything to say about it"
Alice had called for backup units and they were rolling on scene along with a few patrol cars when you were loading Sam.  You looked at Dinah "Are you good? You might be going into shock. I wish you'd come along to get checked out" she shook her head numbly "Help Sam. I'll get checked out after I see if anyone is still alive" "ok" you agreed and slammed the back doors shut then ran to the driver's seat.  You hit your lights and sirens as you pulled out onto the road and couldn't help but wonder if whatever had happened to Madani's team was tied into her digging in Cerberus and Rawlins not wanting that.
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sophie-i-guess13 · 2 years
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I posted 5,587 times in 2022
That's 5,587 more posts than 2021!
2,767 posts created (50%)
2,820 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,376 of my posts in 2022
Only 40% of my posts had no tags
#soapie’s stuff - 2,782 posts
#asks! - 1,881 posts
#lee! - 936 posts
#lee this is a blessing - 765 posts
#the outsiders - 384 posts
#the outsiders fanfiction - 183 posts
#james! - 130 posts
#dillo’s replies - 110 posts
#sophie i guess13 - 109 posts
#tim shepard - 102 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i actually have a walkman from ‘92 but it broke (and i don’t have the materials to fix it just yet so i might as well keep an eye out for
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
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45 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Buck : this is the fourth time I’ve had to bail you out this month. Keep this up, and I’ll have to start stripping to keep the lights on.
46 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
Hello hope you doing well :) #8 With Steve? Sorry it's late
8. hugging while walking
Hi! Hope you’re doing well too! I’m gonna assume you wanted an x reader for this one :)
Elongated shadows paint the sidewalk as they move down the street, hand in hand. It’s a warm afternoon in October, the perfect time to slip away during the lunch hour and walk the six blocks over to the DX. Now that lunch was almost over, Steve was walking Y/N back.
“Y’know what, Steve?” Y/N asks suddenly, “I think I’m gonna try and get a job this month.”
They freeze in the middle of the sidewalk, Steve’s large hand still fully incapsulating Y/N’s. “You don’t want a job,” he chuckles. “They’re so much work-“
“That’s the point, Steve. I don’t see what the big deal is, you have a job-“
“I have a job because I have nothing else goin’ for me, Y/N. If my old man wasn’t all over me, I woulda dropped out by now.” His voice is much lower now; quieter as his arm slides around Y/N’s waist and holds them close, willing their steps to synchronize as they walk. “Just focus on school, yeah? You’re plenty smart. I’m saving up to take care of you already.”
53 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Curly Shepard loves photography. Specifically, candid shots of his siblings. He keeps a secret album beneath his bed, all with a little blurb on the back.
He kind of uses them as a diary - things he’ll never say to them out loud.
There's one of Tim asleep on the couch, it's obvious he fell asleep waiting for Curly to get home. So, on the back, Curly’s written “I know you worry about us. I'm sorry.”
There's one of Angela doing her makeup, getting ready for a date. “Bryon Douglas is a douchebag who doesn't deserve you- I dunno why you're getting all dressed up for him. You look pretty without all that make up anyway.”
His favourite ones are when they're both smiling, he has a specific page dedicated to those ones.
74 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
12 year old Dallas, fresh outta NYC: you’re a hillbilly. I don’t have to listen to you.
A 17 year old Buck, wondering why he just let this kid in his car: I prefer the term redneck, you fucking orphan.
285 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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