#bsdz answers
bungoustraydogz · 7 years
Can I have either a drawing with Atsushi under an ace pride flag headcanons for asexual Atsushi?
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Here’s a little Atsushi for you! I was going to trace it with my tablet but decided just to keep it this way, I hope you’re fine with traditional art!
I am sick and my head isn’t working properly so sorry, I can’t come up with headcanons now, but if someone else could add some or maybe adding it later would be great.I hope you have a great day anon! 💙
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lovingnikiforov · 7 years
Once you get this you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, you have to send this to ten of your favorite followers. (Non-negotiable, positivity is cool~)
damn annie coming at me with the hard hitting questions
my nails look cute 2day holla
my writing is pretty chill
my sense of humor
not 2 b conceited but i can rock a selfie
i’ve got a really good memory for details
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bungoustraydogz · 7 years
(im the anon w/ the snzfic q.) Ok thx for letting me know! Dont worry about ur writing!! (My attempts are the worst thing ever so ur probably good :D) an example of a snzfic? The site wont let me send a link but there is one called "Fives" (a yoi fic). If u look up "Yuri on ice fives" it might come up. Sorry to bother btw...^^'
Ahhh don’t worry sweet anon, you’r not a bother, you can always send messages, it’s lovely to get them 💙 I’m so sorry this took a while! I’ve been busy with school and catching up with drawings! I hope you’ll like it!
“Achoo!” Atsushi sneezes behind hisdesk. He’s looking through some files to try and finish the case he’s workingon, but his head is just not there with him. He’s been trying to concentrateall day already, but all the words he’s reading, just don’t get into his head.
He puts his hand against his head as ifthat’s going to make his ability to concentrate better. As he does so he yetagain, trying to concentrate on reading, he can feel his head bonking. He knowshe should’ve stayed home, but he wanted to at least finish this one thing.
Atsushi looks up at Tanizaki.
“Are you alright?”
“Hehe, it’s nothing, it’s nothing. Don’tworry about it!”
“O-okay… if you say so.”
Atsushi just lets outhis small laugh as to try to comfort the worried Tanizaki. Tanizaki turns backto his screen and Atsushi does so as well, as he feels yet another sneeze comeup.
“A-a-achoo, achoo,achoo! Urgh…”
Atsushi’s head isgetting worse every time he sneezes. He looks at his screen and decides to justlook through the files and go home afterwards. No work is getting done nowanyway.
“I’m back-“
“Welcome back!”everyone replies as Kunikida walks in. Atsushi sniffles, he tries to do it asquiet as possible as to not worry anyone else. Kunikida gives Atsushi a concerninglook from the corner of his eyes, but Atsushi doesn’t notice. Kunikida walks tohis own desk and puts his stuff down. He walks back to get himself a cup ofcoffee.
As Kunikida walks backinto the office with now a cup of coffee in his hand, notebook in the other, hecan hear Atsushi sneeze again, two times at that. He sees Tanizaki giving him aworried look, but he doesn’t do anything but that and just goes back to work asAtsushi regains himself and gets on to reading the next file.
Kunikida decides toignore it for one last time. As he is walking towards his desk, he decides togive a glance at Atsushi, just to be sure. As he approaches Atsushi, he getsinto another sneezing fit, “ack, acho- ACHOO, ngh. Urgh…” Atsushi snifflesagain but this time Kunikida lies his notebook down on Atsushi’s desk, toAtsushi’s surprise. Atsushi looks up at Kunikida as Kunikida lies a handagainst his forehead.
“Hmmm… Atsushi, tellme, why are you here?”
“EUHWM!” Atsushistarts to panic as he sees Kunikida’s serious look. “I… just… euhwm… work…” Hepoints at the files he has opened on his screen in a hope to prove his pointand not to anger the other man toppling above him.
“You are sick, youmoron.  Why are you still trying to work?Are you even getting anywhere!?” He asks, frustrated, letting his hand go fromAtsushi’s forehead.
“THAT’S UHM-“ Atsushitries to look for a good answer but gives in, “no…”
“That’s precisely as Ithought it would be. Anyway, where is Dazai, wasn’t he working on this casetogether with you?” Kunikida looks around the room as if hoping he will findhim sitting somewhere.
“He… already left anhour ago.”
Kunikida just looksangry now, not saying anything to Atsushi, whom is trying to get back to thefile he was busy reading through.
“Ack- achoo, achoo.”Atsushi gives a look of pain for a second and grabs his head with one hand. 
“Okay, that’s enough.Tanizaki, tell Fukuzawa-san I’m bringing Atsushi home, he needs to lie down. 
“Okay!” Tanizakistands up and walks towards Fukuzawa’s room. “Oh and another thing-“ he saysbefore Tanizaki disappears. He screeches at Kunikida’s face-
“When Dazai comesback, tell him he’s dead if he hasn’t finished this case by tomorrow morning.”
“A-alright…” Tanizakitries to get away as fast as he possibly can. 
Atsushi looks down athis desk, by now he feels totally out of it. “Come here.” Kunikida holds out ahand to Atsushi, “you need to rest.”
As the two finallyarrive at Atsushi’s place, Kunikida holding him tight around his waist andAtsushi’s arm over Kunikida’s shoulder as to support him, Atsushi opens thedoor and Kunikida guides him to his bed.
Once lying down,Atsushi lets out a sigh. “Thanks Kunikida-san, I guess I don’t know my limitsyet hehe.” Atsushi lets out that small laugh again.
“Moron,” Kunikida hitshim softly against his head, “just stay home when you’re sick and rest. Nowstay here, I’m going to make soup to warm you up.” Kunikida lets Atsushi liedown and gives Atsushi his blanket.
When Kunikida getsback, Atsushi’s hurled up in his blanket, still awake, but eyes closed.
“Oi Atushi.” Atsushilooks up at Kunikida, appearing tired. “Get up, you need to eat something.”
Atsushi sits up andtakes the bowl of soup from Kunikida’s hands. “… thanks.”
“Don’t worry aboutit.” Kunikida sits down on Atsushi’s bed and looks around the room.
“… you really shouldlook after yourself more.”
“I know. I’ve justbeen busy…” Atsushi blows on the spoon and eats the soup.
“It’s good, thanksKunikida-san.”
“No problem, I’m justtaking care of you.”
The two sit in silenceuntil Atsushi finishes the bowl of soup, looking like he’s about to fall asleepany minute now. Kunikida grabs the bowl again and tells Atsushi to lie down.Atsushi listens to what Kunikida tells him, lies down and pulls the blanket upto his chin, already closing his eyes.
Kunikida gets up toput the bowl away and lets Atsushi rest. As he puts the bowl away he can hearAtsushi cough and sneeze in his room.
“Are you sure you’regoing to be alright?” Kunikida looks at Atsushi.
“Yes, no problem,you’ve done enough, achoo, for me, ack achoo, already.. ACHOO! Urgh…” Atsushisniffles again and Kunikida smiles at the younger man trying to maintainhimself.
“Sure. I’ll check upon you tomorrow, I should be going back to the office by now. Get some rest, Iwill set Dazai to work.”
“Mhm.” Atsushi isalready dozing off and Kunikida decides to leave him be and get back to theoffice. He gives one last glance at Atsushi, whom is already about to sleepwhen he closes the door.
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bungoustraydogz · 7 years
Hey there! Lovely to see this blog running again, it was my favorite BSD blog from the very beginning 😙💜 So thank you and good luck with it! ❤ I'm curious, how many new admins are you? And how is the old admin doing? (If you have contact that is, also, if so, please tell her a few people miss her and wish her well! It would be nice if she came back one day)
Thank you!! The old admin is doing fine, just dealing with university and her many jobs (seriously, she does so many things, I respect her a lot)! Me and another friend were supposed to take over, but right now it’s only me that’s active! I will send her a screenshot of your ask, I’m sure she will be happy to see your message 💙
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bungoustraydogz · 7 years
Is there any chance you could write a short sneezefic where the victim is either Kunikida or Atsushi? (i sTARVE for one of those...>//
Hi there, thank you!!! 💙 Euhwm, I am not the original admin, she will not be coming back any time soon, maybe in the future.I do write fics sometimes, but I don’t know if you’d enjoy my writing as much as hers since she’s been writing for a long time. If you could refer me to a link with what kind of fic you mean, I can give it a go maybe?
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bungoustraydogz · 7 years
(im the person who requested the Atsushi snzfic) OH MY FRIKING PRIMUS THANK YOU SO MUCH I AM WITHOUT WORDS THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! YOU WROTE IT SO WELL!! YES!!! *rolls all over the floor* YAAYYY!!!😻 ALSO HYPE FOR THE MOVIE!!! IT COMES OUT TOMORROW!!! :) (ok gnight X3)
Ahhhhh thank you!!! 💙 I’m so glad you like it! Yesssss definite hype! I saw my friend has already seen it, I will see if I can watch it today but I’m helping my brother move out, so maybe another time~ gnight lovely anon 💙
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lovingnikiforov · 7 years
Thank you for existing. Send this to 10 people, who, in your opinion, deserve such a sweet message in their inboxes ❤️❤️❤️
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bungoustraydogz · 6 years
It’s not a problem, dear! Take your time! We can wait patiently. :)
Ahhh thank you anon, that’s very kind of you
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