#bts halloween aus
girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Virgin Sacrifice
⭐️ Currently #1 Post On My AC ⭐️
word count: 7.7k
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Summary: Since the day you were born, your parents prepared you for your sacrifice. The whole village knew, and with that everyone stayed away from you. Thinking even just looking at you would make the demon in waiting mad. The demon that has been praying on you since birth, but not for what you expected. 
Paring: Demon!Jungkook x Virgin!Reader.
Genre: demon!au, virgin sacrifice, smut, angst
Rating: 18+
Warnings: neglectful parents, grooming, minor character death, jealousy, loss of virginity, vaginal sex, vaginal fingering, big dick!jk, marking, biting, rough sex, one-sided love, stalking, murder, blood
A/N: In the spirit of Halloween coming up, I’ve written this story. By that I mean the scenario has been in my head for months and I finally decided to write it out. It’s different than what I usually write, but I really like the scenario of demon JK being in love with the person he’s meant to eat. I know I’m weird, but I guess it’s better than being normal and boring. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this fic. Comment below if you want or message me through the request/ask button. I love to stay connected with you guys, and I’m sorry I haven’t been heavily active a lot lately. i’ve just been really busy with work, school, as well as an internship. I’m trying to be more active. Okay… I’ll stop talking now… Enjoy the fic! 😊
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You always dreaded turning eighteen. You always dreaded turning the age that meant your death.
It was on the day of your birth that you were chosen. Chosen to be your village's sacrifice to the demon that stalked your town for decades before you were born. He came in a puff of smoke and chose you. Saying you were the next human he would take, so your village would stay unharmed for another hundred years. You never saw the demon, and even if you did at the time, you were only an hour old, so how would you remember it if you did? But the whole village saw him. Heard him cast you as the next sacrifice for their prosperity. 
You've been told since day one what you need to do and how you could ready yourself for him. Not understanding half of the measures, but also never getting answers. Your parents always treated you neutrally in the family since they knew what would happen to you one day and not really caring what you did with your life because of it. 
Well... they did care about one thing. 
You had to stay a virgin.
This was a request from the demon himself, but it was never asked from him before. You were the first. 
The sacrifices were always female and cast when the girl was born, but making sure you were a virgin was a first. And this first was also promised by the demon to be his last casting.
You will be the last sacrifice ever taken from your village if you stayed a virgin until the day of your reaping. And you did stay a virgin, although no one in your town gave you a choice on the matter. 
Everyone knew who you were because of the demons declaring, so no one pursued you. You were close to defying the rule one day when some travelers came into the village. They didn't know who you were or who you were meant to be. One traveler took your first kiss. You would have let him take more because you were always angry at age sixteen. Always mad at knowing you will one day die, and you'll never be able to enjoy the act of lovemaking. 
So, you were going to let him do whatever he wanted to you out of spite, but the second his touches became more intimate. Just when his hands caressed the sides of your breasts. His eyes, once as blue as the sky, turned as black as night, and he ripped himself away from you like you were on fire and left you there bewildered. 
He died the next day. Suicide they say. Jumping off a cliff into the pile of jagged rocks, they say. Killed by getting stabbed by a sharp rock into the stomach at the bottom of a trench. 
You didn't see the massacre, but you didn't need to. You could smell the blood from a mile, and that's how you knew his body was not just simply stabbed, and there was no way it was suicide. You saw it in his eyes that night. He was murdered.
Since then, you knew you were being watched. Not just by the people in the village, or your parents, but by the demon himself. You weren't sure why he cared so much that you stayed a virgin, or why he looked after you the way he did, but it angered you for a long time. It angered you until your seventeenth birthday. One year before your death.
You would think at least your parents would cry at the fact that you were dying soon, but just like yourself they groomed themselves to accept your fate. The fate that you will die by the hands of a demon in one years time.
And that years time... was today. 
The exact date you were born, on the exact time you were born, they prepared you. Prepared you to look your best for your death. Garnishing you with flowers in your hair with braids, and making you wear white to signify your still standing purity. It was a simple white wrapping of fabric, but there was nothing underneath. Making everything easy for the demon to access for when he decides to eat every last bit of you.
You didn’t cry. You cried too much over the years to not have to on the actual day. Even while the priest prayed over you, rubbing holy water on your forehead, telling you to have safe travels to heaven after your death, you still didn't cry. Even when two men in all black strapped your arms and legs to a stone alter, making you all spread out and be in the position of an ‘X,’ not a single pass of tears crossed your eyes. 
You were completely done with it all, and were opening your arms to death. At least your village would be safe for eternity now, you told yourself. At least another girl wouldn't need to go through this in the future, you told yourself. Anything to ensure that this will all end up okay... for everyone else but you.
It wasn't until a whole hour had passed that you knew the demon was in the same room as you. There was no one left in the alter room besides you, and the only light you had was from a few candles left on the floor surrounding the alter. You only knew he was there by the smell.
It was a smell you have never smelt before. You couldn't even describe it if you were asked, but it was almost other worldly. Like a smell that was only made in his dimension, and no mortal would ever be able to copy it. But, in a way, it was comforting. Everything reminded you of death in this room, so the one outlying thing gave you this comfort. You grasped onto that comfort, and continued to stare up at the ceiling. Not caring enough to look for the demon who's about to devour you whole.
Your suspicions of him being there were confirmed, when he spoke. 
“What a lovely set up. You mortals really outdone yourselves this year.” The demon then chuckled at his own comment, and you felt your heart stutter. You’ve never heard such an enchanting voice in all your life, and it almost had you turning your head in search to find out who owned that enchanting voice, but you stayed still. Only twitching when the bindings around your arms began to itch. 
“It’s all for you, mighty demon,” You said simply. You were couched early on how to act, and what was okay to say to the demon. Saying anything course to him would just invoke a painful death, so you followed the instructions from the town folk that you thought knew the most information about this ritual. 
The demon laughed this time. You raised an eyebrow, confused on what you could have said that made him laugh, but finding your ears perk at the sound too. Everything about this demon so far was pulling at your senses, but your eyes stayed trained on the ceiling. 
“All mighty demon, you say? Funny thing to call me especially since you believe I'm here to eat you up.”
His last three words made you shiver, and you tighten your arms on your retrains, holding onto the tattered rope. You can tell he’s getting closer to you by the distance of his voice echoing around the room, and you're not sure what to do with that information. 
“But that is what you are, and what you will do. I-… I have accepted that, and I'm happy to be your sacrifice.”
All of sudden, a gust of wind was felt. Making your stray hairs not in the braids move, and your skin crawl with goosebumps. 
“Lies,” The demon hisses close to your ear.
This time, you can’t help it. Your defense mechanisms kick in, and your bindings hurt as you pull at them, but once you turn to face the demon—you freeze.
Your not sure what you were expecting. Never seeing a demon before has rendered you speechless because out of all the things you expected him to look like, you weren’t expecting that. You weren’t expecting him to look like the most handsome man you’ve ever set your eyes on.
His once static expression turns into a smirk like he can read your thoughts, and knows that you’re thinking about him right now. You feel a soft hand caress your cheek, and twitch at the cold contact. Not expecting his skin to be soft either.
“My dear, you can’t still think after all this time that I’m here to eat you, do you?”
Your eyes go wide at this. Not understanding what else he could possibly want from you besides eating you. You’ve been prepared for it. You’ve finally accepted - although still not completely - that your death was going to be by this demon. What else could he possible want besides-
Your thoughts are cut short when you watch his eyes cast down your body. He bites his bottom lip and suddenly the cold hand on your cheek turns warm. It slowly moves down your cheek, across your jaw, and settling on your collarbone. Mapping out your features.
No… fricken… way.
“Yes, way.”
“What?” You blink up at him. Not only has all your worries been flipped upside down, making everything you’ve learned being completely unless, but he just read your-
“Yes, I can read your mind. How do you think I knew you didn’t accept this whole ordeal?” He waves his hand around like the prospect of eating or… making love to you, was such an easy one. “Did you really think I just wanted you to stay a virgin for the fun of it?”
You blink a few times, take a moment to process his words, then shout out, “Yes!”
The demon starts to cackle like a hyena. Like you thinking anything other then his cruelty was a joke. But he is cruel.
“Such a cruel devil,” You say without thinking, and instantly regret it. His laughter ceases altogether, and his smile completely falls. The eyes that once made you think the world was full of became black as night. His hand traveled up your trembling skin until it wrapped around your neck, applying slight pressure to your throat.
“First off, sweetheart. Names Jungkook. Not demon, not devil, Jung-fucking-kook.” His breathe fans your face as he talks. The demon now known as Jungkook is so close to you that he can probably see your hairs standing on end. “Secondly, your lucky I choose you instead of some other cunt with a death wish.”
Your once fearful state turns back into confusion. Jungkook backs away from your face, hand still wrapped around your throat, staring down at your defenseless form and making your squirm.
“W-what do you mean lucky?”
It’s a understandable question. In which way did any of this render you lucky? Your whole life you thought you were going to killed by a demon, and never able to enjoy any part of life including intimacy with others. Now, you were told you’re going to lose your virginity to a fucking demon that’s probably eaten girls like you for breakfast.
Yeah… no luck here.
Jungkook bites the corner of his lip, thinking over your question, but he decides to ignore it altogether. “Enough talking.”
Well, fuck me!
“I will soon,” Jungkook says, reading your mind, with a smirk. You gasp, surprised by his vulgar words.
His eyes linger running down your body again. Him licking his lips like your the most delicious thing he’s ever seen. He lifts his hand, going to touch you, and you struggle in your retrains.
“D-don’t touch me!” You say, but your words fall on deaf ears. All Jungkook does is squint at you, and continue to smirk. He slowly places his hand on your stomach over the white cloth you’ve been dressed in. The cloth you originally - and was planned - to be so he could eat you with no barer, but now there’s no barer for other things.
His hand slowly travels up your stomach to the valley of your breasts. You feel your face heat up when he brushes the sides of one of your breasts. He glances at your eyes one more time before gliding his singular finger around your breasts like he’s mapping out an infinity symbol. Teasing at what he’s going to do.
“P-please… don’t.” Even as you say those words, you don’t believe your own plead. This whole day has been about the complete opposite of what you want. The complete opposite of what you’ve wanted out of your life.
In all honestly, your done with trying for anything. He’s also a very beautiful being. Would it be the worse thing to just… let him? Maybe he’ll even let you live after. Even if, you would have let the traveler do anything he wanted to you. Why not let the person you’ve been preparing for to do the same?
His hand pauses on your sternum, his eye’s flash even darker than before, and his smirk becomes sharper. “Thinking about your last conquest, are you? How you almost let some vile man fuck you out of spite?”
Your eyes widen, and you feel his other hand travel up your leg. You start to struggle again, but not as much as before. Only moving because the feel of his hand on your knee surprised you.
Then it dawns on you that you were right. He knew about the man you gave your first kiss to. A guy that you barely even remember, but was significant enough in your life to remember what happened to him.
“You did it, didn’t you?”
Jungkook doesn’t need clarification on what you mean. Of course, he was there. You knew he was, but you just wanted to hear the demon say it himself.
“If you only heard his thoughts about you that day, you would be thanking me instead of giving me that death look. You should actually be thanking me.”
In no way were you going to thank him. Instead, you set your jaw tight and once again yell, with more urgency this time, “Don’t touch me!” Not wanting to feel the hands of a murderer on your skin.
Instead of doing what you ask, his hand travels further up your leg until it reaches the inside of your thigh. Making your core clench when his hand touches a part of you that no one, but you had ever touched before. You swallow, hating your bodies reaction to the new feeling.
“Enough talking about him,” Jungkook hisses at you. “Enough talk altogether. I’ve waited far to long for you, and I’m not waiting any longer.”
Before you could figure out what that meant, you gasp when his fingers touch your mounds for the first time. You don’t even realize how wet you were until he does. Maybe it was something he did to you. He can read minds, after all, but you have to bite your lip super hard to stop yourself from moaning when his fingers start to work you over.
You keep wanting to tell him to stop touching you, to stay away from you, but all that comes out is whimpers. His, clearly experienced, fingers working your neglected pussy over without even entering you yet. Flicking at your clit, rubbing at your entrance, and applying pressure in all the right places.
You feel a tear fall down your face, and you look away from him. Shutting your eyes, and trying to think that you’re anywhere else but here. His hand that was placed on your sternum then suddenly lands on your face. Gripping your chin and turning your face back to him. Jungkook’s face is once again inches from yours, and the heat of his breathe makes your eyes go wide open.
“None of that,” He says. And then his fingers are entering you roughly. Making you see stars and arch your back up into him. Your chests hitting, and you don’t even register that his lips are on yours until a minute has passed.
Soft lips colliding with yours roughly and impatiently. Like he wants to consume your entire being with one kiss. You moan into his mouth when his once singular finger turns into two, and this reminds you of all the times you were too afraid to do just that. Now looking back at all the times you pleasured yourself at night, maybe your body knew this would come.
That you would need to stay clean even from your own touches for the demon above you. Stealing your breathe away with kisses, and plunging his fingers inside you on repeat. It’s all so overwhelming. The smell of him, the taste of him, the feel of him. It has you tipping over the edge faster than you ever thought possible, to the point you almost shout out his name as you orgasm. Luckily, you had some composure to hold yourself back from doing so. Not wanting to give him complete satisfaction that his name was what you wanted to scream in euphoria.
Jungkook could tell, though. That you held yourself back. Even though watching you come undone was quite literally the sexiest thing he’s ever seen, it’s clear by the way his eyes twitched that he wanted to hear you say his name. That he’s been waiting for you to scream out his name as you cum.
Suddenly, and with no warning, he rips the cloth covering your entire body right off of you. Making you completely bare, and your nipples perk up when a gust of cool air that came from his action hits your body. Your checks were flush before from your orgasm, but you’re completely red in the face now. No one has ever seen you this bare before, especially the way Jungkook is now.
Jungkook drinks up your naked body with his eyes, and wets his lips. He’s been waiting for the chance to see you bare up close, and have the ability to touch any part of you. Fingering you was his appetizer, but the rest of you is his dinner.
He climbs on top of you, straddling your stomach, and smooths his two hands up your arms. You watch in embarrassment as he continues to gawk at you to the point you whimper. His eyes shot back to yours when he hears that sound. Smirk returning.
“By the end of tonight, beautiful. I’ll make sure the only name you’ll ever be able to think about is my own.”
“Why wou-“
Before you could finish your question, Jungkook resumes kissing you. Not as rough as before, but it once again steals your breathe away. Any words you were going to say in return, were sucked right out of you. Dizzying you further when you feel his tongue attack your own.
A moan is heard echoed in the room, but it’s not from you. Your eyes shoot open at the sound from the demon above you, and you're surprised with yourself when you want to hear it again.
His lips then detach from yours and travel south. With each kiss to your skin you quiver, and moan at the contact. Surrendering yourself to him, and giving up the victim act. You can’t deny that you want this. It’s always been a tease on your life, and always been a want of yours to feel like this. Wanted and praised by a man.
Maybe that’s why he wanted you as a virgin. To tease you from the very start and make this experience a hundred times better, and you a hundred times wetter on top of that. He smiles against the top of your chest, and you revel at the feel of his teeth against your skin.
Jungkook licks a stripe from the top of your chest back to your neck, and you receive a singular kiss there. Your feeling ten times lighter then before, and you think it’s because his lips alone have cast a spell upon you. Making every movement from him above you feel like electric coursing through your bones.
One second your feeling amazing, the next second a earthshaking painful bite gets driven into your neck. You open your mouth to let out a silent scream, and you look to see Jungkook is biting into your neck. His eyes rolling back when blood starts to pool in his mouth.
For a millisecond you think he’s going to eat you. That all his words of not wanting to kill you were lies, but then he’s detaching his lips from your skin and licking at the bumpy surface.
“Mmm - I knew you would taste sooo good.” He blinks up at you, rubbing his nose across your own. “Your everything I’ve ever wanted.”
You force out your question before, not wanting to be distracted again when he suddenly moves south on your body again. “Why did it matter that I was a virgin?”
His movements south stop at your words. His face right above your breasts, but his eyes on you. Widening for a second before he can compose himself. He cocks his head to the side, and smiles the most innocent smile that shouldn’t be on such a devilish face.
“Because I’m the only one that can have you.”
You get about five seconds to process his answer until his lips attach themselves to your left nipple. The sucking along with his tongue has your back arching up into him. His other hand finds purchase on your other breast, and you roll your head back. How is it that his hands feel so much better than your own?
It’s then, before you can stop yourself, that you let out his name him in a whimper. Unable to control the full extent of ecstasy you're feeling from his mouth and hands, and you think you’ve somehow lost a battle. But then he’s moaning against your breasts, and rutting himself against you... then your suddenly realizing your position.
He’s very hard, and very big. And that very hard and very big thing is going to enter you soon. Your nervousness doubles, but you moan again at the thought of him being inside of you. You feel crazy by just enjoying that thought, but don’t bring yourself to care.
Especially when he lifts himself off of you and strips himself of his shirt. Leaving himself bare from the waist up, and you feel your face redden again by the sight. Of course, he’s got fucking muscles. Of course, he’s cut like a god instead of a demon. He’s already handsome in the face, so why wouldn’t the rest of him make you wetter then a fucking fountain?
You bite your lip, trying and failing to look away from him and drinking your fill of this beautiful man in front of you. He smirks, the devilish way he has been all night, and looks you straight in the eyes in silence for a moment. You wonder what he's thinking, and wished you had his ability to read others thoughts. That way you could smile and smirk the way he's doing right now. As you think up all he ways he looks good. Boosting his ego by accident. 
“If I knew all I needed to do was take my shirt off to make you want me, I would have did that from the very start.” You roll your eyes at him stroking his own ego, which makes Jungkook chuckle at the fact that you just rolled your eyes at a demon, and him taking it as it was - funny. 
Jungkook bends forward, putting both of his hands on either side of your head, staring down at you. He slowly inches his face back down to you until both of your lips reattach into a gentle kiss. Each kiss has been so different.
Rough. Smooth. Gentle.
Almost like Jungkook can’t decide how to treat you. How to behave with you. You’re not sure how you feel about that, but then again you weren’t sure how to feel about all of this. Your head still spinning from it all. 
More caresses are given, and each time you get into the kissing enough, you move your hands to touch him or bend your knee to get comfortable, and then remember what you are to him. Just a virgin sacrifice. A virgin sacrifice that is now getting frustrated at the lack of action. It feels like it’s been an hour since you orgasmed last. You still feel the coating of your cum dripping down your leg, but besides Jungkook’s hands roaming your entire body he hasn’t even went down there since.
It gets to the point where even the kissing is making you ache. Is this how teasing is done? Is this how it feels when someone prolongs the inevitable? You guess so, since you’ve never been in a situation even close to this one before.
“J-Jungkook,” you say his name and it feels like your tongue is fat in your mouth. Jungkook just got done ravishing your neck and breasts to the point they are purple and red all over. The bite mark on your neck being only one of many now littered down your body.
“Yes, sweetheart,” He says with a drip of dark lust coming across his words.
Your eyes feel heavy, and your chest is heaving with air. You try your best to say what you want without completely embarrassing yourself. “When are you going to - you know?”
Jungkook bites his lip, trying to contain his laughter. He sobers quickly and fakes innocence as he cocks his head at you. “Do I know? I think you need to be a little more clear.”
You blow hot air out of your mouth in frustration, and wiggle in your restrains. “Come on, stop teasing.”
Jungkook raises a pointed eyebrow at you. “Teasing? I would never.”
Now who’s the lier.
He smiles.
“Fuck you too then.” He laughs at that. When his laughter ceases all of a sudden the aura in the room has changed. Like what was once a room full of sex and heat has turned infertile and cold.
You stare up at the demon and see something pass through his eyes. An emotion you can’t quite understand. Jungkook leans down to be close to your face again, but doesn’t touch your nose or lips this time. He pushes your sweaty hair out of your face, and pets the top of your head. Staring at you now like it’s the first time, and he's using new eyes to see.
Your stomach swirls as he does this. Like he’s looking at a lover that he’s been missing for years, and not someone he just met and is using for his own needs. Nonetheless, you drink up the loving look he’s giving you. Never being able to have that look aimed at you before, especially by someone as enchanting as him.
“I finally have you,” Jungkook whispers in between the two of you. Placing another gentle kiss on your now swollen lips. You don’t know what he meant by “finally.” You know it was always planned for him to take you, but it almost seemed deeper for him. Like he’s been waiting decades instead of eighteen years. You’re not so sure what he’s feeling, and your mind goes blank on the matter when you feel him start to rut against your core. Drawing out a long moan by you that is being swallowed by him.
Everything moves fast after that. He removes his boots, then goes right back to kissing you. He removes his pants, and you gasp when you feel the appendage that’s had your nerves spiking since the first time it rubbed against you through his clothes touch your thigh. Without even looking, you know he’s huge. Bigger then what’s considered average, and the thought has your core clenching once again at knowing someone as experienced and lucky wants you. Has wanted and waiting for you for eighteen years.
He says, “Breathe,” against your lips. And you do. You breathe through the pain that accumulates through you when he starts to enter you. Your body stretching to new heights it’s never expected to stretch to. By the time he’s bottomed out, his eyes still looking down at you with the same look as before, lips inches from touching yours, you’re feeling so full. So elated. So womanly. A feeling you never expected to be allowed to have.
Your breathing is harsh, and it takes you a moment to get adjusted to him. By the time you have, you realize he’s waiting for you. That you didn’t expect at all. Although he’s given you more reasons to like him then hate him this past hour, you can’t help but admit you thought this was always going to be a painful experience, but it isn’t. It wasn’t. Nothing even close once you’re fully accustomed to him.
Without words, you tell him, I’m ready. His eyes widen ever so slightly when he reads your mind, and once that second passes he starts thrusting into you at a slow pace. Making sure your body doesn’t feel any pain from his movements. You’re greatful for it but still confused. Innocence are like a demons favorite snack. Yet he treats you like fragile glass in this moment.
By the time you’re feeling so good, him hitting a spot inside of you that you could never reach before, you’re saying his name like a prayer, and that’s all Jungkook needs to be allowed to do what he’s been waiting for. What you’ve been expecting from the very start.
He fucking ravishes you.
Holding the end of the alter in one hand and your hip in the other, to steady himself, he piston fucks you into oblivion. You didn’t even know hips could move that fast, but then again, you’re not fucking a human… you’re fucking a demon… and you’re loving every second of it.
You wail, scream, and moan out so many profanities as Jungkook’s cock fucks into you with earnest. Your mouth not closing as each thrust pounds the life out of you. All the while his face is in your neck and only some grunts can be heard.
“Fuck- Jungkook - Shit! God!”
Your last plead somehow has Jungkook smiling against your neck.
“Trust me, love. There’s no god here.”
Maybe it’s him calling you love, or the way he explains how there’s no god in this situation. Only you and a demon. But it has your second orgasm of the night rippling through you. Your restrains tearing at your wrists, you want to hold him so badly, especially when he’s not letting up on you whatsoever. Thrusting into you like your not currently close to blacking out from how good your first orgasm since losing your virginity feels.
Losing your virginity. You’re no longer a virgin. That thought alone has you moaning to the heavens. Or maybe even hell. Your not sure since the only thing right in this world to you right now is the being on top of you.
Jungkook moves his hands so there on top of your hands still in your restrains. He only slows down to adjust himself to the new angle, then he’s back to fucking into you - faster then before. Your screaming from the overstimulation, but there’s no pain coming from your screams. All pleasure. All want, and need, and lust, and fuck!
“Fuck your so sexy, Y/n.” Your realize then that he just said your name for the first time tonight, and that has your mind coming out of the fuzz for just a moment. If he said anything else before that, your mind wouldn’t have been able to register a single word, but just your name alone has you focusing on the man above you even more.
Every sharp line on his torso. How his hips flex when he thrusts into you. The way his arm muscles jut out as he holds himself above you. Everything about his body is so erotic, not to mention his face is like the word sex was reincarnated into a being.
Jungkook’s licks his teeth, chuckling as he looks down at you. “Am I better then him?” Your heart stops. “Am I better then you imagined him to be?” You wiggle in your spot, barely moving besides when his hips thrust into you so hard they move you upwards. “I wish I could kill him again. Knowing he touched you first. Knowing kissed you first. But he never got this.” Jungkook thrusts into you extra hard to make sure you know the extent of his words. “He never got to feel how good you feel.”
Suddenly, your wrists are free. You don’t get a chance to feel relived on the matter, though, because then Jungkook is picking you up into the air and thrusting up into you twice as deep as before. Your arms are wrapped around his neck tightly, and your screaming into his shoulder as each earth quacking thrust gets driven up into you. Even his name from your lips is coming out as jumble because of the way he’s fucking you.
You scratch at his back as your third orgasm rips through you. As good as it feels, going though the roller coaster of emotions this man - demon - is putting you though, you realize he hasn’t even cum once, but you’re to much of a sweaty mess to contemplate that until another moment of rough fucking has passed.
Jungkook’s hands are full of your ass cheeks and he’s squeezing onto them so tightly that only that little bit of pain makes you come out of your dizzying post orgasm state. You take your face out of his shoulder, look at the demon that’s been making you see stars, and see something you haven’t expected or seen before.
You thought just the small grunts we’re what he does when he feels good, but his face is an entirely different story when it comes to pleasure. He must have been hiding it before, but the way his eyes are screwed shut, and his jaw is slack you can tell Jungkook is feeling just as good as you have been.
That’s why, for the first time, you kiss him first. You kiss his open mouth and hold onto his face as best as you can while still moving with each of Jungkook’s thrusts. He moans into your mouth, and it’s music to your ears now. You feel him grown even bigger - which is somehow possible - inside of you. All of this indicating that your demon is close to spilling his seed inside of you. Officially claiming in all senses.
First the orgasm by just his fingers. Then the multiple bites. And now he will claim you by pouring his cum as deep as possible inside of you.
You whisper against his cheek, wanting to drive him as crazy as he has you the entire time, “Fill me up, Jungkook. Make me yours like I was born to be.”
Jungkook hears you, widening his eyes, and then he’s slamming you back onto the alter, arms wrapped around your middle and head so you don’t get hurt by the impact, and thrusts into you so deep it's like he’s trying to split you in two. Then you feel it. The overwhelming heat inside of you as he spills every last drop into you. You start to tear up, it feels so good. Overly stretching you as each spurt goes inside of you.
Jungkook is praying it sounds like near your ear. In a different language you have never heard before. The only thing you’re able to decipher is your name being prayed along with whatever else he’s saying. By the time he’s completely emptied himself inside of you, your eyes have dried out too. Both of you breathing into each other’s necks, and looking like a mess of limbs. Your arms still wrapped around his neck, as his only get tighter around your waist.
It takes both of you a moment to look at each other, but when Jungkook makes the first move to exit your neck and look down at you again, you could cry all over again. That same look of pure love is clear as water now on his face. A look you’ll gladly see every day.
A bunch of thoughts cross Jungkook eyes that he wants to say. So many things you think he should say. But out of all the things he’s planned to say in this moment, only three words seem right. 
“You’re finally mine.”
Jungkook has looked over this small village since the beginning of human existence. Even before God was a known being to the mortals, Jungkook was always there. Feasting off of their prayers, until someone like God was born in their lives. That’s when Jungkook had to get creative when it came to getting praise from the mortals.
He cursed the village with his presence. Destroying it with fire until it was nearly gone, and eating up all the villagers that stood to fight against him. Each person tasting even more vile than the last. Eating humans was never a necessary thing, but it was entertaining to watch them beg for mercy before he bit a huge chunk out of their bodies. The ones that were meant to die young we're the only ones that tasted appetizing enough to have Jungkook’s gums itch for more. 
That’s how the ritual started. Every hundred years, Jungkook would search for a soul that was meant to die young, and let them live up until their eighteenth birthday. Stopping them from drying young since their paths would be changed. Each time he came to claim a victim, it was scary for the living to the point they would make their sacrifice have a terrible life, ignoring their existence, but that’s not what Jungkook wanted. He wanted to save them for awhile, but still get his praise and delicious feeding out of it.
It wasn’t until you were born, that he even considered stopping. Every hundred years he would view every mortal women that gave birth, and wait for the one that’s soul was meant to die before they turned eighteen. You had the worst way of dying. Dying by losing your virginity to the man, in fact. Him fucking you then murdering you at the age of sixteen. Some sick fuck you gave your purity too, indeed. 
But that’s not what changed his mind about the ritual, wanting to finally stop his torment on the village. Your soul was. He watched your entire life play out in a flash. Every time you laughed, cried, smiled, he watched it all.
By the time he blinked your world away, Jungkook was in love.
An emotion the demon never knew was possible for him, was suddenly fully opened up when he looked into your life. He wanted to hold you through every sorrow, laugh along with you to every joke, and hurt every person who hurt you. He wanted you to watch the world burn and then be reborn again with him. Things he never expected to want with another person, he wanted them all with you. 
To wake up next to you at daybreak, and fall asleep next to you at night fall. To watch the wars go through the motions, and be there when a new religion was created. He wanted you as his partner, his lover, his everything. 
That’s why, instead of his usual “she’s the sacrifice, see you in eighteen years” bullshit speech he’s always given, he added something new. That you were to stay a virgin until you were sacrificed to him on your eighteenth birthday, and that would be the last sacrifice the village would ever need to give.
You’re all he needed, after that. Although making sure you stayed a virgin has some selfish reasoning to it, since Jungkook didn’t want you to get any physical affections - especially like that - from anyone but him, but also, the fact that the person that was meant to kill you was also the person that would take that gift away from you.
He watched your entire life play out in front of him, and he watched every second of it in real time too. From your first steps, to your first successful grade, even your first skinned knee. Times he saw you cry were always the hardest for him. Even if you were a child, all he wanted to do was reveal himself and hold you close. Keep you safe, and promise you protection forever. To at least tell you everything was going to be okay. He did sometimes. Revel himself to you, but each time he sobered you he would have to make you forget him. That made Jungkook’s own heart hurt. Knowing as soon as he had you out of his arm, you would forget his face and that he existed. 
You knew there was a demon coming for you one day, and the thought of him like that only served to radiate hate from you. Something he never wanted you to feel against him. 
But nothing, and I mean nothing, was more painful to Jungkook than to watch you be with another man. The man that stool your first kiss was a traveler from another village. He had brown hair and tanned skin. He was handsome. So handsome that no one would expect him to secretly be a ripper of the night. He would have sex with desperate women, and then kill them right after with any object he could get his hands on.
Any other person, Jungkook wouldn’t even bat an eye at him for what he did, but because he set his eyes on you, Jungkook had no problem using his powers to kill the man in the most gruesome way possible. At first, Jungkook let you play out your little spiteful game with the man. Clenching his jaw so tight his teeth almost broke as he watched and heard you feel so good by someone else besides him. 
Unlike all the times he watched you pleasure yourself, Jungkook was not smiling. He was not wishing for the day to join you. He was not happy to hear you moan or whimper as the man kissed you. And when the man went to touch your breasts, he couldn’t take it anymore.
He consumed the man’s mind with his darkness, and had the man peeled himself away from you. The look of shock soon fell from your face when you saw his eyes. It upset Jungkook a little that you were angry. That you knew it was he who stopped you from going further with this man, but you didn’t know what Jungkook knew. You didn’t know that this man would have killed you as soon as he was done with you.
Although you only knew the barest of details about this man’s death, Jungkook ripped him to shreds. Throwing his body away in a deep trench, and making it look like a suicide. It was clear by the mass of blood that it wasn’t a suicide, but your village wasn’t as advanced yet to think anything else but suicide.
Jungkook continued to watch you closely after that. Even closer then before. He was surprised you didn’t feel him somehow. Since his love for you was so strong. But you never knew he was there, at least not a hundred percent. You had your suspicions after the man you wanted to give your everything to died.
But you still didn’t know a hundred percent until your eighteenth birthday. It angered Jungkook that the village people continued to make your life feel so lonely like they did all the other sacrifices, but he also knew you weren’t going to die today. After today, you were going to be treated like a queen in his kingdom. Both of you descending back into hell together after he claimed you as his.
Claimed you as his.
That thought alone had Jungkook stretching your wait for him. Usually the second the other mortals left the room, the one you were currently in, he would devour the girl on the alter. Instead, knowing what was actually going to go down, what Jungkook actually had plan for you, had the demon feeling nervous.
Nervous that you wouldn’t let him do anything. He could force you, but as someone who was actually in love with you he could never. He would never. He would butter you up and make you see and feel his love. The challenge was… well, that. Jungkook has never needed to seduce someone before. Women would always just flock to him when he reveled himself. But you’re also not just any other women crossing his path. You’re the one who stole his heart, and locked it away as forever yours.
He knew you hated him right now. Hated, but somewhat accepted your fate with him. A fate that was never going to come. You were never going to die tonight. You were never going to feel lonely ever again.
That’s why, after pining and waiting all this time, Jungkook says the first thing that comes to mind when he enters the room you’re in.
“What a lovely set up. You mortals really outdone yourselves this year.”
Because what else would a nervous, madly in love, reputation of being god awful, demon say for the first time when seeing the love of his life? It wasn’t until you spoke to him next, that Jungkook really breathed in the situation. 
“It’s all for you, mighty demon.”
And although you meant the room, Jungkook’s cock jumped in his jeans for what he took your words as.
You — being all for him.
And by the end of the night, you were exactly that.
The End.
4K notes · View notes
blueberryarchive · 11 months
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Were you move in to Montenegro Hills. A peaceful neighborhood with caring neighbors and walking dogs at 6pm.
The night of the welcome party, you meet Park Jimin: the president of the neighborhood committee. After a few shots and a little bit of flirting, he makes a proposal you thought you'll never hear from anyone in your life.
▶pairing; stalker!jimin x fem!reader
▶word count; 13.4k
▶genre: 80's au, enemies and lovers, thriller
▶tw; grammar mistakes (english is not my first language), horny!jimin all the way, your boy Hoseok it's a freak too, gore scenes (blood, wounds, death, descriptions of pain and bodily fluids), toxic relationship, smut (dub-con/non-con, penetration, knife play, degrading names, manhandling, spanking, fingering, choking, mating position) everyone in here is a piece of shit ngl, misogyny, mentions of drugs and alcohol.
▶playlist; 📼
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Record, the verb, comes from the word cor or cord in Latin, which means heart or remember, which in itself is beautiful. To repeat over and over again, to keep track of it, to save it in the memory. Save is one of his favorite words to describe what he does. Salvus as in to keep safe, in both senses. 
There's nothing more precious to him than his collection of VHS tapes in the little room in the hall. All were put in alphabetical order and cleaned every Friday when he was free from work.
To watch every movie again and again, to remember the little details to heart, the dialogues, the gestures; he loved it. He loved taking care of it.
Now, it was Friday and, you see, as he was in the row from D to H, he heard one of the most precious pieces close the door abruptly of her Ford Cortina, just right outside of his house. He walked slowly through the hall of the rather dark place, the curtains were closed most of the time. His neighbors took it for privacy. 
Jimin was a very quiet and sheltered man, but he was very polite and helpful. Always there in Montenegro's activity programs, charity funds, birthdays, and Christmas parties. He helped with the food, made the kids laugh, and the wives adored him. Jimin was the best neighbor, and he worked hard for it. 
As he moved closer, his finger brushed the hem of the curtain in the living room, letting the sunlight paint a streak across his face. His eye settled on your feet, more like the heels. Who moved in with heels on?
You were wearing slingback pumps and a little pencil skirt, coming straight from work. Tired and all sweaty in the middle of the summer, when people remember why they don't like the heat in the first place. Jimin enjoyed it. It made people come out of their houses and forage for a little bit of shadow and conversation.
The white blouse you wore, had a little white bow that made you look like a dainty Victorian doll. The translucent blobs forming under your armpits were beginning to drip sweat down the sides of your ribs. You took a small carry-on suitcase from the co-pilot and closed the door putting on your dark, cat-shaped sunglasses. Chanel, so you also had money. The prices in Montenegro are not cheap by any means, but the people here are all so subtle in the ways they show it, with guilt and tight lips. But you weren't afraid to show that you could afford things, that maybe you loved the sound of pearls on your wrists and the sweet smell of Angel by Mugler on your clothes.
If he wasn't in his pajamas, Jimin would have opened his door to introduce himself just to let his nose feel the pleasure of your aroma in that heat.
Jimin knew that you were going fast and that you didn't want anyone to know about your arrival until you were in better condition. He looked at his wristwatch, it was barely five in the afternoon, and he didn't know if there was time. 
One way or the other.
He grabbed the corded phone near his couch and plopped down crossing his legs. With one hand he dialed a number so quickly that his fingers seemed to move automatically.
With the other, he searched for a roll in his work suitcase. It took less than the ringing of the call to put the film into the camera, a '72 Olympus, a beauty that belonged to his mother.
"Mm." answered a scratchy voice, Hoseok wasn't in the mood and that wasn't a good start.
"Hoseok, I need you to convince Nancy to have a party tonight, well, maybe not tonight but-." he put the phone between his shoulder and his ear, walking to the window. You were still inside, but the Cortina door was still open.
"What do you want me to do? She won't do anything until she's six months in." Hoseok exhaled. "Why a party? Who is it this time?"
Jimin wrinkled his nose, focusing the camera just as you went out to close the door. A single suitcase of clothes, your Chanel glasses, and your blurred lipstick. You were a work of art, he had to convince Hoseok to create an excuse.
"Park," Hoseok mumbled as the bustle of his office sounded on the other end of the line.
"Let's meet the new neighbor."
"Neighbor? I haven't heard Nancy speak of a neighbor at any time."
Click, just as you close the door. Click, the strokes of your hands and your quick steps.
"I'm seeing her now."
"Now? Is she already with you?" Hoseok sounded hurt, offended. His annoyance changed to a muffled, nasal voice.
"No, I wouldn't meet anyone without you, Jung." Jimin chuckled, his cheekbones popping with the jeer in his voice. "She's in front, where the Jimenez used to live."
"Yeah, okay—You better not." Hoseok interrupted.
Jimin closed the curtain and looked at the door at the end of the hall, three locks keeping it secure.
"So will you talk to Nancy?"
"Let's see, the hormones have her in a frenzy and she still forbids me to even drink, smoke or fuck her. I'm going insane." Nancy was Hoseok's wife, she was a sweet and calm girl, she always smiled and her voice reminded Jimin a lot of Shelley Duvall. A sheep with deep black eyes, like two dark lakes. She was Hoseok's jewel. Park didn't believe how sweet Hoseok could be with her, knowing how he could be outside his bubble, he pampered her fervently and always saw her like searching for scrapes and bruises.
Jung Hoseok was the perfect husband. Handsome and caring, made everyone light up with his contagious laughs.
They were one of the most beloved couples in Montenegro. Nancy was in charge, not officially but popularly, as the person who organized the parties. They were always the best. The best-grilled meats, iced tea, and the best conversations after a mojito or two. It was in these places that Jimin caught the big fish. But since Nancy's pregnancy, things have been quiet in the Jung household.
Nancy had become paranoid, barely leaving the house, walking around the patio of her house barefoot and in nightgowns. The women of her family tended to lose pregnancies easily, and every time she had a pregnant friend, or anyone for that matter, she treated them like porcelain, hundreds of tips on how to take care came out of her heart-shaped lips.
Now that it's her turn to be the pregnant one, she doesn't wear tight clothes and doesn't go upstairs. She eats hot things if Hoseok cooks because she's afraid of the stove. She thinks that her body, due to an uncontrolled impulse, will throw itself into the flames.
Convincing her wouldn't be easy, but Jimin hadn't seen her neighbors in a while, and seeing you caused his chest to shrink with curiosity. You were attractive, even when you thought you weren't.
Hours passed without any sign of life, dead hours in which Jimin decided to work on developing the photos he had taken of you. The pungent smell of vinegar and chemicals in the small room bathed in red light. His hands covered in black latex immersed the piece of paper in the water until the image appeared like a cloud of grays: your face, your hands, your hair sweating. Such a recent memory and he had already missed it.
He held the photo closer to the hanging light bulb, it was perfect. Even though it had come out a little blurry, he told himself that it made him want to have it more, the two minutes it had taken you to get there, close the windows, take out your suitcase, and look around you were fleeting. So having a small detail, like a photograph of a bird that was believed to be extinct or that of a very distant planet. He began to be fond of your nebulous figure.
His first frame of you.
Two clamps held the material on the cord so it could finish drying. The ringing of the phone brought Jimin out of his hedonism, he didn't wait for it to ring twice. Now, the words Hoseok said as he picked up the phone made the man smile.
"Saturday, 6 p.m. At my house." God bless Hoseok's convincing tactics. He must have made up an article in the newspapers about how Boston University theorized that a lack of communication with the outside world could cause hormonal problems and even affect the psyche of the fetus.
"You say tomorrow? It's too early, I don't have anything prepared yet."
Hoseok laughed. "No, moron, next week."
Jimin took off his gloves, disappointed with how little effort his partner had put into his work.
"That's a whole week away."
"You should suck my dick for getting something in the next four months."
"If you weren't as useless and ate her out, you would have had it by this Sunday, at least."
Hoseok bit the inside of his cheek, twirling a pen in his fingers. His eyes were arranged in a corner of his office, and with a sigh, his legs spread out. "Describe her to me."
Jimin smiled searching for a cigarette in the kitchen, the phone in his hand, the cord jumping a little by his steps. He switched the phone to his other ear as he turned on the tip. "She's not a Maeve, she's not your typical Montenegro mom, maybe more like a workaholic like Charlie."
"Any children?" Hoseok interrupted excitedly.
"No, I don't think so. She has a very… disorganized style for being a mom."
"I don't think this woman spent more than six months with the same man." Both men laughed, Jimin brought the cigarette to his mouth but stopped mid-action when he saw a shadow pass through the living room window. "Wait." Jimin put down the phone and walked into the hallway. The VHS were arranged, shiny and neat, on the right shelf.
They hadn't knocked on the door.
Knock, knock.
Jimin raised his shoulders tensely. It was you? Could it be true that Jimin was lucky enough to not have to poison you with chemicals until he dragged you into his bed? That he didn't need Hoseok's charms to convince you that what they were doing was sick, but he just needed a little alcohol, a little bit of will from you, too.
He walked quickly to the door and opened the handle with so much pressure that it made noise. The young girl on the other side of the door flinched, opening her eyes like a frightened bird before smiling at the man who was sweating at the front door. 
This is Cosette, for the second time this week.
If Jimin didn't know how to control himself, Cosette would have been planted in the garden serving as fertilizer a long time ago. He fervently hated teenagers, of all types: athletic ones, Star Wars fans, those who went to his movie theater to make out with their boyfriends for the three hours of the Gone With the Wind special, those who drove in their parents' Chevelle speeding through the streets; all of them. Especially those from Montenegro.
Cosette wasn't part of any of the groups mentioned, but don't let her think that Jimin hated her any less. Cosette, who had a strange taste in everything, including her social circle, was at her door. Her hair was always in a high bun, her bangs covered her forehead, a jean jacket that hid her body, and bright pink lips that made Park's eyes water.
She always carried something new with her, something for Jimin to notice and talk about. This time, she had a kerchief tied around her head colored in a nauseating green. She smiled even more when she saw that Jimin was only wearing an unbuttoned t-shirt.
He looked in the direction of your house, the curtains still closed. Shit.
"Cosette," he greeted her, pressing his lips into a smile. He refused to look at her bow so she wouldn't mention it either.
"Mr. Park, today is Friday. I wanted to bring you the films you lent me so you can clean them up and keep them organized." Her voice was tremulous as she blatantly looked at Jimin's arms and chest.
"Thank you," his eyes narrowed as he held up the stack of rectangular drawers his neighbor handed him. "I'll definitely have something by Cronenberg or Kubrick for you next week."
Cosette blushed aggressively. "Dad says Kubrick is just an excuse to watch women being-"
Her words stuck in her throat as Jimin's dark pupils sat on her features, lips slightly parted.
"It's sex, Cosette." Jimin exhaled, leaving the VHS on a table. "Nothing is going to happen to you if you see it, much less if you say it." His hand went to the girl's shoulder, her fingers curling around themselves anxiously.
"Yes, obviously. I know that. " The girl looked down, letting silence cover time. "Do you think I can help you with cleaning your collection this week?"
Jimin smiled sweetly and denied. This was Cosette's way of wanting to interfere in his life or maybe she thought something would happen if she stood in the middle of his living room and closed the door. What a poor fool, she really made him feel sorry for her. That's why he tried to find a healthier and legal connection.
Jimin lent him five movies to watch from Monday to Friday. They all had a theme: Italian horror, neosurrealism, buddy films, western, romance…
She watched them all religiously. Sometimes she even took advantage and went to the cinema to watch it even when she had the same movie at her house. Just to see Jimin.
"Sorry, darling. I already finished doing that this morning."
"Oh, I understand." Cosette nodded stupidly quickly, taking a step back. "It's okay, Mr. Park."
"See you on Monday."
Colette did not respond, raising a hand as she turned her face away to get away as quickly as possible from the shame that consumed her. A small mocking laugh appeared on Jimin's lips and he took out his hidden arm from behind the door, revealing the disintegrating cigarette.
His heart dropped to his stomach when his eyes flicked to your porch and there you were, in the same position as him. Cigarette hanging from your lips, your damp hair combed back and eyeliner singed into your dark circles.
Not at all a mother from Montenegro, not a daughter, not even the whores that the divorced men brought in looked as broken and disoriented as you. Jimin’s heart pounded when your eyes never left his as you took a drag. Smoke billowing out of your nose. You didn't smile or extend your hand to say hello like a good neighbor, instead, you looked at Jimin suspiciously, closing the door seconds later.
Jimin raised his eyebrow. What had he done? Worried, he closed the door quickly, head resting on the wood. He cursed Cosette under his breath as he walked to the phone in the kitchen.
"Don't tell me. Marcus' little girl."
"I get a headache every time I hear her babbling."
"Don't be so cruel, she admires you a lot."
Jimin closed his eyes, your gaze had hurt his fragile ego, and he had to know why you were so hostile between two and a half puffs of your cigarette.
That week was about to be lethargy, hell, Dante's tenth circle.
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Day 1
Movie in theaters: Ghostbusters The curtains are still closed, I can see your silhouette at night, and the lights you use are dim. Halogen, you like calm environments, corners covered in soft shadows. You play music from the moment you get home from work, 5:15 without fail; you usually leave it on when you leave again.  Every day, you come back with a paper bag, I assume with groceries. 5.45. You are wearing a leotard in one of those colors that Cosette likes so much. Perky titties bouncing while you take down the porch stairs;; couldn't help but take some pictures. You exercise until 6:40, then, ironically, smoke a cigarette or two in the yard. Smiling at people while pearls of sweat dribble down to your cleavage. Zuri is the first one of the committee to see you and waves her hand with curiosity. You two talk for a little. I'm here wishing I could read lips, but even with a thorough education, yours will need a whole degree only for me to concentrate on not kissing them. I go to sleep at 11:30, one glass of whiskey and half a joint I stole from Marcus months ago. I dream of eating you out through a small cut in your leotard, sweat dripping down your body to mine. You whimper, but I can't hear you.
Day 2
Movie in theaters: Friday The 13th: Part IV At 6:25 in the morning, I wake up to the sound of your heels going down the stairs to get to your car. I can't get up fast enough to see what you're wearing for me today. You accelerate quickly, you don't care if you wake up the neighbors. You don't come back all day. After work, I watch one of my films on TV until I fall asleep, Birdie's laughter drowns out my curiosity as I doze. 5:15, you're not home from work. Maybe you went out of state, considering how you dress, you seem like a busy woman. I thought about the clicking heels and imagined your foot stepping on my erection. I go outside to calm my thoughts. One thing led to another, and without knowing it I find myself in your backyard. You're not stupid, all the doors and windows are closed; curtains included. But you don't know who I am still, what I need about you.
Day 3
Movie in theaters: The Evil That Men Do 4:55. I'm at the Millers' house, they've invited me to check out their new screen and sound system. Watching a movie with them, but due to August Miller's silent decision, we ended up at the outside bar, drunk on mojitos and pina coladas that Lou Miller learned to make with a cassette he bought at the supermarket. The cocktails are very sugary, but they help clear my head. I find myself sitting steps away from Mr. Miller. I tell him I'm writing notes for a new review in the newspaper, but all I can think about is your absence all day. There is no news from you, and I am afraid that you have decided to leave the house. I don't understand, the house is adorable. Too big for one person, but the Jiménez filled it with pets and children in less than two years. It has off-white floors and large windows to let in the light. A huge patio and pool so you can indulge in leisure activities such as gardening and nudism. 00:13, you appear with your car lights off and your arms down. You carry the same paper bag in your hands, and I accidentally smile when I have your presence. I knew having a garden in your yard would convince you to come back.
Day 4
Movie in theaters: Footloose Something that my drunken brain from yesterday had forgotten to write down, that was overlooked, or that the mojitos simply erased from my memory. I managed to open a window in your backyard. Around 6, Lou Miller, in her forties, was no longer the same when drinking and it seemed she had forgotten because getting out of the pool she vomited every cocktail and every appetizer she had made for her husband and for me. Mr. Miller, due to his age and lack of exercise, had to leave the task of helping his wife up to the room to me. There, lying on the bed like some kind of rag doll passed out and with her vomit leaving a trace in her mouth, I thought of you. Maybe because this wasn't the first time a drunk and unconscious woman was in front of me or because she simply couldn't think of anything else. I went downstairs and said goodbye as decently as I could in my tipsy state. How strange it was to be drunk in the middle of a sunset. The days seem long and with you absent, God knows I need to at least get something that reminds me of you. You made things so difficult for me but I appreciated the detail, seriously. It's been a while since I enjoyed taking out my tools to open doors. People in Montenegro take security so lightly that I don't know how there hasn't been a massive burglary in every house. My arms wobbled and my cheeks burned. Half an hour later, I could hear the click that took me to your kitchen. I didn't do anything else, things had to go little by little between us, and I was willing to take it slowly for you. You're worth it.
Day 5
The night passed me like a breeze, it hit me like a stone on my temples. The nauseating taste of alcohol and sugar on my palate. Surely my face was swollen and that wouldn't help my next plan. The mirror showed me dark circles and short red marks on my ribs and chest. Going over your fences left me like shit. I put on some sunglasses and walked to my garden, I had been negligent with my roses and grass since your arrival. I had to make a good impression, and that was the first thing you saw of me. And this is where my conversion to religion begins. The first thing I hear is those low heels, the red ones you wore the first day, then Poison by Dior collided on my sensitive, hungover nose. That aroma was so familiar, maybe Zuri or maybe on Marcus's ex's boudoir. The conversation was like out of nowhere passing through the thin fresh humidity of a cloud, I remember nothing but the white and the voice of a seraphic being speaking to me.
"Don't you think it's pretty cloudy?" It was the first thing you let out of your angelic lips. Jimin closed his eyes and let a small shy smile appear as he turned around.
You had your hair back, revealing your entire face while you squeezed your eyes shut looking at the sky. A steaming mug in hand, a floral dress that almost reached your knees.
"Good mor-"
"For sunglasses, I mean." You interrupted, bringing the cup to your mouth. Chocolate, he smelled. You weren't one to drink coffee in the morning, noted.
"I try not to let my neighbors understand how hungover I am this morning."
You weren't one of the shy ones, he knew it from the moment you looked at him talking to Cosette and he loved that. You weren't wearing a ring either, noted.
You laughed at your neighbor's confession, Park's chest widened as he inhaled the sweet melody of your laughter. What if he confessed more things to you and you ended up fucking your hungover neighbor in the garage?
"Park," he raised his hand, and you raised yours squeezing lazily while still looking at him. "Jimin Park, I'm the president of the neighborhood committee, I also write reviews for The Hours."
"Good representation of what awaits me on Saturday."
Jimin raised his eyebrow at him. He was supposed to be the one inviting you, he would come to your door with good wine and his expensive perfume on to ask you to crash a party a couple of doors down, something "impromptu."
"Ah yes, that." Park licked his lips turning off the sprinkler.
“Aren’t you going?” Was that disappointment in your voice? Oh, honey...
"It wouldn't be a party without me"
"I see that." You pointed to his glasses again. The third joke about his hangover, you were nervous.
You just looked for an excuse to see him closer, and he had to respect your courage, it would have taken him a few more weeks, and after that, he ended things quickly after convincing his... how to put it? Muse? To leave it as it is.
"Well, I have to go, Park, but it was a pleasure. See you Saturday night."
"At the Jung's house, at 8."
You smirked, your eyes taking one more scan of the boy's body before turning around and walking to your car. Your hips moved soft and firm with each step, you worked for it and he appreciated it.
Continuation of Jimin's diary. Day 5: Page crumpled and torn from the small notebook. Attached with adhesive tape.
Yes, yes, yes. I know I should have waited at least half an hour for you to leave the area to go to the back door, but seeing you up close, smelling you, and hearing your voice. They were simply the last stop on my patience. I was walking through the small forest behind your house, the path was muddy under my boots and the sky threatened to break into thick drops. I prayed that it was true so that it would cover up the evidence of yesterday and today. I opened the door again with ease and entered your kitchen, closing the door softly. You still had things in boxes and my hands were tingling to open them, but I'm smarter than that. I didn't waste time and went up to your room. I came for something, then when you invite me to dinner or watch a movie I can have the pleasure of admiring your home. I looked in the drawers, under the bed, and in the closet. Here is the list of things I took that I know you would only assume were lost in the move: a red lipstick from the Besame brand, some used black panties with a small bow in the center, a white photo of you and black, a key that I found under a chest full of rings. I have no reason to take a key without knowing what it is for, but the ribbon covered in river pearls from which it hung was so delicate that I smiled thinking of you decorating something so simple. Now, I write these pages because I have arrived safely at my desk, with all things in hand. But I must say that you gave me a tremendous scare when you arrived at the house without the vehicle. I heard banging downstairs, and the hissing of keys. Luckily I was able to escape out the window that looked right into the pine trees behind the neighborhood. I spent another hour walking around the steep path, admiring how the thick, century-old trunks swallowed me up. As I predicted, the sky turned black. The last rains of September cleaned everything I left behind. I put my hands inside my pocket and took out the panties that I had wrapped delicately. I opened them like a letter as the rain soaked my body and the fabric in my hands further. I brought its center to my face and inhaled deeply, letting my back fall onto a log. Pungent and strong was your taste, I gripped the material in my teeth as I desperately undid my pants. It's the first time I've tasted you and I couldn't contain myself for long, the rain drowning out my moans as whitish streams fell on the wet earth.
There is no collection from day 6, a simple crumpled sheet, previously wet with an unidentified liquid (among the possibilities tears, stolen perfume, human remains), marked with a lipstick that Jimin wrote with hearts in the 'i's.
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If there was something that surprised Jimin every time, it was the way Nancy could prepare a party in such a short time. Her backyard became a show under incandescent light bulbs and freshly cut grass.
Jimin stepped on the silage with guilt because of how perfect it was. He looked at his white suede shoes, removing a leaf that settled on them. He wanted to be impeccable. He had cut his hair past his ears and was wearing jeans and a T-shirt tight on his arms and chest with the words: 'LOVE 1984' by Yves Saint Laurent. His biceps were something to talk about and Nancy didn't let it go unnoticed.
"Is there anyone special coming today, Park?" Her honeyed and soft voice approached Jimin, offering him the first cocktail of the night. Unlike Mrs. Miller's, Nancy's coconut mojitos were the best.
"I don't know, that's the wonderful thing about your parties. The last one the Bee Gees didn't come through that door because Jung wouldn't let you pay for it." They both laughed.
"Well, I wouldn't say the Bee Gees." She thought about it, maybe he would bring them next summer. "Cher, I love Cher. I know a friend from college who has her number."
"For God's sake, Nan."
Jimin smiled again, looking at Nancy's profile: her face was as delicate as her voice. Her hooked nose curved gently and her lips pursed, seeing what else he could arrange before the others arrived. Her hand unconsciously caresses her visibly bulging stomach.
"Do you know what it is?"
Nancy's eyes sparkled at the mention of her fetus. She denied it.
"Zuri is planning to hold a small celebration for me to tell me my gender in a few days."
"Ah, another party. This is where Sonny and Cher show up to say she's a girl."
Hoseok came out wearing an apron that blatantly said 'Kiss the Cook' and a pile of bloody, seasoned meats on a plate. The grill in front of him waved a nice heat as the first piece sizzled.
"You know I can't live without a good celebration." Nancy stepped back, gravitating away from the heat of the fire. "I'm going to see if I can help Lucy with the canapes."
Nancy turned around smiling an apology at Jimin who reciprocated. Without wasting time, he pulled a Marlboro out of his jeans and approached Hoseok, enjoying the warmth that covered his torso. Hoseok held a piece of bright red charcoal and brought it close to his partner's cigarette until he lit it.
"She did it again, the patio is beautiful."
"You know my Nana just needed a good excuse." Hoseok smiled, holding up the cigarette to take a drag. "Ever since I mentioned there was a new single woman in the neighborhood, they went crazy."
"Have you seen her yet?" He was somewhat suspicious that Hoseok had beaten him to invite her to his barbecue. Make no mistake, the party was the Jungs', but the purpose of the party was so that Jimin could meet you. The plan didn't work unless Jimin said it was going to happen, Hoseok was part of them but only as a proxy.
Luckily for Jimin, Hoseok shook his head in disappointment, looking at the grill.
"I heard she looked like a slut waiting to get paid for a blowjob on the sidewalk in a yellow leotard."
"Pink." Jimin interrupted, irritated by the words, sipping the mojito until he finished it. "Who told you that? Zuri?"
The day Jimin saw them talking, Zuri was wearing a friendly smile and you two had a small conversation.
"No, of course not. Zuri just said that she came home from the gym and the others-"
"Maeve," Jimin mumbled, setting the glass aside.
Hoseok smiled. "You know this happens to everyone who arrives, it happened to me and Nancy, to Marcus, to the Espositos for being Catholic in a place like Montenegro."
Christopher Esposito was a father at St. Eliam's Chapel, a small white building where few in the neighborhood went. It was California and people only believed in themselves. But, of course, Nancy had to invite them. Well, religion is not religion at the end of the day, but status.
Coming back to you.
"She is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. But not beautiful in the aesthetic sense, there is something about her eyes."
Like you know something Jimin doesn't.
Hoseok raised his eyebrows at him flipping the cuts.
"Fuck, she has you in the palm of her hand."
Jimin denied listening to the commotion coming in and talking inside the house. "Tonight I will be the one who will have it in mine."
There you were, in a black high-necked dress and black boots. You smiled at everyone and shook your hand.
For a second, when Jimin brought his cigarette to his lips, you looked at him. He to you. Both smiled before each one went back to his work.
Let the show begin.
Glasses slowly piled up on the wooden table that Nancy had impeccably decorated about four hours ago, plates with bones and half-eaten vegetables.
The music was loud but the voices shouting stories from the past about alcoholism and deranged adolescence were even louder.
Jimin was sitting next to the unlit grill, the subtle smell of burning charcoal and meat had him nauseous. He brought his knuckles to his lower lip as he watched you talking to Hoseok and Nancy, an impeccable smile on your lips, you looked like a little angel; anyone would steal you from that place. 
Several of the husbands had taken a glance or two at your legs and swallowed your flirtatious, drunken laughter. You only drank wine and the tinted mark of alcohol covered your lips. So kissable and unattainable.
Hoseok had already taken a look at your hands, they were one of his favorite features. Luckily for him, your hands were decorated with rings and varnish the color of the wine you drank.
Nancy laughed at a joke you said, you blinked slowly looking at the woman in front of you with the concentration that only being drunk gives you. Hoseok looked back and nodded at Jimin. It was time.
"Could you get our guest another glass of wine, love?" Hoseok took your glass and Nancy nodded still laughing at the story you told her about your childhood.
Hoseok placed a hand on your back guiding you through the people. You let him, who knew that a couple of drinks could give you so much fluidity?
Still, you felt this tickling in your neck since you arrived.
"Are you enjoying the party?" Hoseok was one of those men that you watched your friend marry and sometimes you wished you had that kind of stability. Nice, he made you laugh, he protected you.
You nodded to the question.
"I'll introduce you to a few committee members, they're excited to meet you."
They both made way for a blonde woman with eyes so blue that you couldn't stop looking at them throughout the conversation, the green shadow on her eyelids was so singed that it looked like a healing bruise.
"This is Maeve."
"Oh, dear, welcome." Her body felt tense in the hug she offered you.
When she let you go, she once again engineered that smile that seemed to hurt her to extend. You looked where her gaze was guided: two children dressed alike were running around near the pool.
"Come back here." She murmured, pointing to the area where the other children were.
"Maeve is in charge of children's events and birthdays. She is an artist."
"Oh, Hoseok, please." Maeve rolled her eyes at her enjoying the compliment. "Why didn't you bring your children, dear?"
"I don't have any, work won't let me." You smiled. Maeve raised her eyebrows.
"And your husband, he also works a lot? He should have at least stopped by to say hello-"
"There is no husband either."
Hoseok licked his lips enjoying the shock on Maeve's face.
"Oh okay." She laughed softly, fixing his pearl necklace. "I mean, things aren't like they used to be." Maeve sought support from Hoseok. You also looked at the man next to you who almost choked in his drink.
"America," Hoseok explained, taking a swig of brandy that made his nose wrinkle.
"God, yes. It's like it doesn't belong to the man anymore." You laughed hard, you didn't know where so much energy came from but you were static, you could feel every look and every touch.
Every look.
"California has become Sodom in just ten years."
"Oh, there's Zuri and Charlie!"
Hoseok grabbed your arm and dragged you away from Maeve's quips. Two women were sitting near the pool, the black woman fixed her glasses and continued the conversation. Her hands were intertwined with the brunette's in front of her. You didn't want to interrupt but Hoseok didn't give you time.
"This is Zuri and Charlie Munson."
The hairs on the back of your neck perked up as you heard another voice behind you. You couldn't tilt your head because the two women stopped to shake your hand. He was just who you wanted to see.
"You came," you mumbled to Jimin as you squeezed the taller girl's hand. She was beautiful.
"Charlie, this is our new neighbor." Jimin placed both hands on your shoulders, massaging discreetly. You were breathing hard as you tried to hide a smile. The pads of his fingers hit the tense spots.
Charlie was tall, the square glasses covering half of her face. Seeing Jimin, her calm expression soured. You gave her your hand and smiled at Zuri who stood behind her like a little girl.
"Charlie's a lawyer, in case you one day end up getting a DUI like me." Jimin laughed, you didn't know if it was a joke. If you saw Zuri's reaction, yes. If you saw Charlie's, well he had simply said that he ran over a child or something.
"Zuri is-"
"I already met Zuri on one of my outings to my patio."
"Oh perfect." You smelled divine and the brandy was starting to feel like the plan could go well without the help...no, in fact, without Jung's presence.
"I work for Martines & Sons," Charlie spoke again.
Your eyebrows raised in surprise still with Charlie's hand in yours.
"Martines & Sons, you're not just any lawyer then. I know one of the sons, David has told me a lot about you." You responded. Charlie smiled proudly, fixing her glasses. Was that blush Jimin saw on Charlotte Munson's cheekbones? Oh, you were a top whore, you flirted with Charlie in front of her own wife and poor Zuri didn't notice.
You and Charlie lasted a short silence smiling at each other.
"Zuri is a piano teacher." his wife stammered, letting the woman with the long, poorly dyed hair shake your hand. She wore necklaces of different colors and a ring that almost covered her index finger with a purple stone. "She graduated from Stanford."
Barely, Jimin told himself.
Before they can continue the conversation, Maeve calls out to the two women. Perfect.
The music was loud enough for Jimin to have the excuse of brushing your ear with his swollen lips from biting them so much.
"That's Marcus," he murmured, letting the warmth of his breath caress your lobe. You closed your hands into a fist, wetness pooling instantly inside your silk underwear.
Marcus was like a Jesus if he had become a writer. His hairy knuckles held a cigarette about to burn his skin, he didn't talk to anyone but instead admired the water of the pool in silence.
“That's his daughter, Cosette,” Jimin's palm guided your hip to the kitchen window. You were so drunk that Jimin didn't have to do much to make your physiognomy move, like wet clay between his calloused fingers.
"Victor Hugo fan?"
"Don't even try to do it, he'll spend hours talking to you about Les Misérables." They both laughed in a drunken stupor. Like two boys gossiping.
Cosette was wearing a plaid skirt and blue eyeshadow. To attract attention this time she had put on red lipstick.
Seeing Jimin, she raised her hand and smiled, revealing her silver braces.
No, she was too shy to greet Jimin like that.
You greeted her with both hands so he could see you better in the darkness on that side.
"Ah, you know her."
"Yes, I almost crashed into the poor thing at midnight when she was running away from her house." Monday the 17th, you arrived at 12:13 that night. Anyway, it wasn't logical for you to be out at midnight.
"I didn't consider her one of those who ran away at night."
"Sometimes it can get lonely, doesn't it?" You both looked at each other at the same time, your cold knuckles pinching your lips.
Hoseok was nowhere to be found and Jimin's cock was already starting to hurt under those tight jeans.
Fuck it.
"You don't need to go to be with little Cosette to feel accompanied." Jimin rolled his eyes, the iridescence of the water reflecting on his face and you felt the wine line your blood. The tickling behind your neck subsided and you could only think about those high, rosy cheekbones that you wanted to nibble on ever since you saw them.
"I don't feel alone now."
"And in your house?"
You squeezed your eyes shut.
"Surprisingly, at home, I feel like I have someone else. In the hallways behind me, behind the curtain when I shower, in the corner of my bed when I go to sleep."
A cheeky smile spread across your face, Jimin swallowed, pulling out a cigarette.
"Ghosts," he rolled his eyes playfully. "The worst plague."
You stole the cigarette from Jimin's hands and lit it with the lighter you had inside your left boot.
"What do you say, Park? Do you have ghosts in your hallways while you go to pour your coffee?"
If you only knew, love.
"Unlike you, no one loves me enough to haunt me even in my dreams."
Your eyes fell after two drags, on the third you stopped at your chest and held the cheeks of the boy next to you, your crimson nails squeezing gently letting Jimin's lips bulge allowing you to pass the cold smoke to his lips.
"Hmm," Jimin groaned, letting the air come out of his nose in frustration. He closed his eyes and opened them gently until he looked at your pupils dilated and determined for the next step.
This is the first time Jimin has asked the question instead of Hoseok, who from his mouth didn't sound so creepy. But the unfortunate man was busy playing a game of poker with the other parents. Now that little Jung came to the family, Jimin, and his hobbies were something that Hoseok apparently wanted to put behind him, he wanted to become a suburban father.
"Have you ever been recorded...um-" Jimin swallowed hard, moving closer to hide in the shadows of the night. "Doing it?"
You tilted your head back to look at Jimin again, he wasn't playing around. You lifted the corners of your lips, a husky laugh on your part.
“You fucking freak” You scoffed.
"I can show you my films if you want to."
"Yeah, sure-" you huffed, taking a step back.
"Pick one." Jimin took your arm, the look in his eyes was daring. "Pick someone here. Anyone."
Your gaze rolled around the party until it stopped at the sweet Maeve who was singing karaoke next to her husband, a martini in her hands. Surprisingly, Maeve was a crowd favorite.
Jimin smiled evilly. "Do you want to know if Mrs. Johnson enjoys being recorded?"
No, you wrinkled your nose.
Your eyes softened at the thought of Jimin arranging the camera to focus on Maeve's cobalt eyes, curiosity flowing faster than alcohol.
"I thought so." Jimin offered you his hand and surprisingly, yours landed on his before he could say no. "Be like the one she's had too much to drink, we need an excuse to get out of here."
In the end, Jimin was right. The only thing he needed to get you into his bed was a little alcohol and a little bit of you.
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Jimin's house had so few lights that when you entered it took you a few seconds to adjust to the darkness. The lamps illuminated the corners, the pieces of newspapers with his reviews on the living room wall, his photo on several of them.
Leaving the party wasn't as difficult as they both thought because everyone was so drunk that they didn't even notice his absence, even Hoseok who was winning his useless poker game.
Now you were with your legs crossed on the leather furniture, your boot clattered on the floor waiting for Jimin who was in the hallway, he had put on reading glasses that made him look older than he was but you loved thinking about that little girl. fantasy that he was about to give you a class.
Jimin muttered the letter M over and over again until he found Maeve between Mad Max and The Magnificent Seven. Handwritten with a green marker it said: Maeve: June 3rd, After the Twins' Birthday.
"Here it is." A nostalgic smile appeared on Jimin's face. You followed his steps with your eyes until you reached the small VCR in front of the television.
"It bothers you?" You took a joint out of your purse, but Jimin denied it, crawling to the furniture and positioning himself between your legs, his glasses reflecting a certain emotion that you couldn't decipher. But he looked comfortable, happy to be able to present one of his works, his hand caressing your thigh while he lit the joint.
"On the contrary, I believe that substance use enriches the experience." Now it was Jimin's turn to take your breath into his, but his hand was rough and he clenched your jaw to get you off. You didn't complain, that's how you liked it. "Speaking of substances, brandy?"
“Please,” you coughed, your eyes stinging. You looked around the room as he stood.
Jimin went to the open kitchen that joined the living room, his gaze and body were already adapted to the blackness of the apartment. There was only the light from the television and a small lamp at the end of the hallway that led to his study.
"Are you going to explain to me how you got frigid Maeve Johnson to let you do this or..."
"Of course, I just let Hoseok do the hard work of casting and convincing."
"Hoseok? Your neighbor Hoseok?"
"Yeah, he's like my producer if you want to call it that." The coppery liquid settled in the glasses, leaving a pleasant woody smell in the air.
"And what do you gain from that?"
Jimin turned around and looked at you impatiently.
"Have a drink before you start, it will surely be strong for you."
"You don't know me, Park." You responded, sitting closer to him to take the glass he offered you, a small drink.
It was enough.
Your swollen and tinted lips closed with his in a tender and passive kiss, Jimin breathed deeply without closing his eyes. He placed both glasses on the table without taking off his eyes of the screen and put his hands on your waist. The tips of his fingers touched your curves above the silk of his dress, turning from a caress to a rapture.
"Mphmf" You took off laughing a little, the weed had you smiling and Jimin loved that. He loved it when his girls started laughing sheepishly at their own fantasies.
"Shall we begin?" Jimin held the controller in his hands and pressed the button.
Hoseok is the first image you make out on the screen, his lips pursed as he fixes the camera.
"You're sure?" Could be heard behind the sudden movements of the camera.
"Mhm, it's just something I like to keep in case I want to see your face moaning my name again."
Hoseok takes off just as Maeve blushes and rolls her eyes at him. His movements were light, and his shoulders didn't seem as tense as those of the woman at the party.
"Is she on drugs?" Asked.
"No, she only drank two glasses of wine before starting. The three of us were a little tipsy."
A pale figure approaches Maeve and removes the low tail she has, surprisingly, this makes the woman relax even more. Seeing the hands massaging her shoulders you realize it's Jimin.
"Is she ready yet?" she murmured.
"The only thing missing is the boom," Hoseok responded by teasing Maeve about her beauty.
"Quickly, I can't wait any longer." Jimin laughed flirtatiously, approaching Maeve's neck to leave a couple of chaste kisses. Johnson closed her eyes.
"Almost there," Hoseok complained before the sound changed from a crisp sound to a sleeker one. Now you could hear Jimin's lips smack.
"Action," Maeve laughed and the two boys laughed at her. Hoseok was no longer in front of the screen. But you could hear the dragging of a chair and a belt being removed. Voyeurism, interesting.
What happens next is just what you thought, but you still couldn't stop watching Maeve being completely devoured by a man who was, surely, her first experience fucking her and having her be the center of attention.
The camera focused on her and her alone. But you couldn't stop watching Jimin in the corners, he was a damn artist with his body. He was not the protagonist but without him, there was no dance.
Hoseok was breathing hard behind the camera throughout the entire movie.
When Maeve was sweating and panting on the furniture right where you were sitting, the screen went black.
You looked at Jimin, his mouth resting on his knuckles. The light from the static emitted a pale light on his body, you could see how seriously he had taken the film, he had only moved to take a couple of sips of brandy without taking his eyes off the screen.
"What do you think about it?"
There were no words that could describe the feeling Jimin had when he heard the three words that left your lips.
"I want one." You had a feline smile. Jimin knew you were sick, but you looked like you had fallen from the sky that summer afternoon.
Park's head shook, nodding quickly.
As he stood up from the furniture, he felt as if his body was going to lean forward, perhaps he had drunk too much brandy.
"Woah, are you okay?" You held his arm, but he nodded instantly.
"Yes, sorry is the excitement." He laughed walking down the hallway, each step echoing off the walls of his brain. Something was wrong, but he couldn't stop now. He had to look for his camera.
He searched for the keys in his pocket until he found the key to the study, turned on the lights, and looked for a tool in the corner of the room. Upon entering the studio, it surprised you how many plants, lamps, and furniture of different sizes and shapes there were.
Maeve had surely been something improvised, but now Jimin and Hoseok had vast resources to create something first-class.
"You can take a seat wherever you like, I'll take care of the rest." The man stammered, putting the batteries in the camera.
"What camera is it?"
"It's a Sony BetaMovie, I love how the colors look in the image." He swallowed hard because when he got up, the room seemed to spin. "Shit."
"Come, I'll help you. Take a seat." Your voice guided Jimin to a white piece of furniture near a window. Your hands brushed the hair from his forehead and he smiled. You really were everything he needed.
"I'll put the cassette on while you rest. You hit the joint too fast." You laughed before placing a sweet kiss on his lips, Jimin's cock throbbed as he felt the softness and heat emanating from your body.
“Quick,” he whispered, watching you put the device on the tripod.
His eyebrows rose at how quickly you set up the camera and sound. Even better than Hoseok, he dared to say.
Where was Hoseok?
Jimin's heart started to beat fast as you let your ass fall into his lap, a hiss coming from him as he put both of his hands behind his head. Your hips began to move back and forth, and the fabric of his jeans rubbed roughly against his cock.
"Fuck." He mumbled, looking up, lips parted into an oval. The room stopped moving when you started playing with his hair. "You're s-so fucking cute. I like you so much, I-I don't want to share you w-with that bastard Hoseok."
You laughed at his babbling. He was so excited that if you touched his cock he was sure to cum in seconds. You flattened your tongue against his jugular and felt the growl he made.
"You're so fucking cruel. C'mon, take my fucking cock out."
"Do it yourself, you lazy fuck." You whispered, leaving a hickey on his collarbone.
Jimin obeyed as fast as his clumsy hands could, he didn't know what was happening to him but he didn't care. Maybe what he smoked wasn't weed but if you were in the same state, things were fine.
Everything was perfect.
"Take that fucking dress off. God, I wish you had that pink leotard on."
With both hands on the edges of the dress, you lifted it until your naked body was visible.
"You're breathtaking, baby."
"I know." You kissed him with so much hunger that the taste of blood began appearing between your tongues, but none of you knew whose. You raised your legs to remove the wet panty, you held Jimin's cock in your entrance, and your fingers felt the veins that were pulsing frantically. "Don't you dare cum without me"
"Just ride me, baby, please. I feel like I will die if you don't." He sounded desperate, on the verge of crying. "Nice and slow, let the camera see how good you can take it." Jimin gasped with every inch you let into your tight pussy. Both hands went to his mouth muffling his moans when you sat straight up on his cock, leaving nothing out.
You bit your lower lip in a smile, you pulled him closer to your body and he buried his face in your neck. Right where you wanted it.
"I know you have my key." You whispered.
Jimin pressed his fingers on your hip to make you stop. Fuck.
"What are you-?" The air was forced from Jimin's lungs as his rib bent in pain. The warmth of his blood damaged the new T-shirt.
You had stabbed him, he didn't know what it was but he could feel the thin edge moving menacingly inside him. A guttural sound came from him as you rotated the handle of the knife.
"You were the one who entered my house."
Jimin laughed, the lightness that losing blood caused him ecstasy.
"I didn't tell you to stop moving, you slut," he growled in your ear, your pussy clenched around him, he noticed and smiled even more. You were so done with him. You grabbed a fistful of hair from his head to get a better look at him.
He was a fucking liar, you told yourself as you held his head, his eyelids fluttering with the errant movement of your hips. If you had drunk the brandy that he offered you, you would be in that state, the same one that Maeve was in, the same one that everyone on every cassette in the hallway was surely in.
"Where is the key?"
Jimin couldn't stop smiling, he grabbed your chin and pulled you closer to leave wet kisses on your lips. His tongue playing with yours. A fight of teeth and saliva.
"What do you need it for"
"It's not your damn problem."
"Then I don't have the key."
You were sick of his games, you bit his bottom lip so hard it bled. That along with a sit on his cock made him so sensitive.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK." He hissed on your chest, he did not know if it was for pleasure or because you were taking out the blade from his body. Thick, white cum pouring down your legs.
"Okay, then. I'll just do it myself."
The last thing Jimin remembers is your head smashing his to unconsciousness. Bliss, pure heaven after the torture of having to love and deal with you.
He was fucked.
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And here was Jimin, his eyes were like two black bullets pointing in your direction.
And there you were, helping Nancy arrange the gifts on the Baby Shower table. You dressed so casually and sweetly. You smiled as if nothing had happened.
Jimin inhaled sharply and felt his rib sting under the gauze protecting the wound. By luck, or rather experience, you didn't hit a vital organ. Which to him is surprising.
"This is what you get for not telling me to go with you," Hoseok served Jimin the punch filled with cubes of fruit, it was too sweet but since it was Maeve's party it had to be kid-friendly.
Hoseok didn't know about your act, he only knows that there is a tape of what happened, and what hurts Jimin the most is that he doesn't even have it. You took him away, you left his house in a mess looking for the key, and all the tapes scattered on the floor. It took full days to fix them.
"Now you're dedicated to being a full-time dad."
"Sorry, I have to do my job."
Jimin looked up at his partner, he wanted to tell him to go to hell, to him and to everyone else. But Park Jimin was always a sweet, calm, and helpful neighbor. Today he gave the excuse of having a migraine so he could sit and be quiet, so he could see you through his sunglasses.
"Did you at least fuck her?"
Jimin looked at his empty glass, a small smile threatening to tug at his corners.
"It's the best work I've done so far." He responded after a long silence.
"Fuck, man," Hoseok complained, thinking of all the possibilities.
"I can't take this anymore, I'm going outside for a cigarette."
"Don't stay too long, we almost announce the gender."
What a weird fucking sentence, Jimin thought taking, his pack out of his pockets.
"Care to share one?" You said and Jimin's body hair rose like static.
You wore sunglasses just like him, and you carried two glasses of rum and soda.
"You can take that fucking drink and choke with it."
“Mm,” you smiled. "Someone is not in a good mood."
"Do you know I can sue you for what you did?"
You laughed heartily covering your lips, Park's stomach altered. Of course, he couldn't, you already knew about his deepest secret, and you had the evidence. God knows Jimin was in your hands and you didn't need much to close it and crush him.
"Where's the tape?"
"Where's my key?"
"I don't have your fucking key."
"Then you can forget about your tape, sweetheart." You mumbled under your breath before stealing the cigarette from him. Jimin's hand turned into a fist.
You walked languidly down the sidewalk, Jimin following slowly behind you. You knew.
When they arrived at the house they both stayed at the entrance door. Your hands are arranged behind your back.
"Open the door."
"I thought you were going to come in through the window like you did before."
"ENOUGH!" Park shouted, scaring you, luckily there was no one around. "This is not a game."
"It is."
"No, it's not. You came to ruin my life."
"And you don't help solve it."
"The only way this problem will be solved is if you get out of Montenegro."
"Or if one of us ends up dead."
Jimin frowned, and you smiled. You were playing again. What a fucking tease.
Before the staring game continued, a noise inside the house caught both of your attention. To Jimin's surprise, it seemed like you didn't know what the noise was either.
No, quite the opposite.
"What's that?"
“Fuck,” you muttered before pulling out your keys and opening the door as quickly as possible. "Do not enter." You were frantic, scared. Jimin did the complete opposite.
"I told you not to come in,"
"Please help."
"Jimin Park, if you want to stay alive I swear-"
The man pushed you aside to follow the trail of blood that ran from the basement door to the living room and kitchen. When he got to the door, there was a woman tied up trying to open the door with a knife. Her hands were tied with gray tape, she was wearing dirty work clothes and she smelled horrible.
When the girl saw Jimin she became alert and she went to him on her knees, hands above her so that he could help.
"JI-" you swallowed hard, entering the kitchen. "No."
"Shh. I'll take care of it."
In the blink of an eye, Jimin's gaze changed to that of a monster. The woman noticed, got up on her weak legs, and ran through the kitchen to the stairs where she stumbled so hard that her knees couldn't take it anymore.
"No Please!" the woman screamed into Jimin's hand muffling her cries, Jimin's free arm chaining itself to her weak neck squeezing tightly. She moved like a fish out of water for a few seconds until only small spasms remained.
"Shh, I have a migraine. God."
You watched from the start of the stairs, your body trembling and your heart beating in your esophagus about to vomit it up. When he turned to see you there was a smile on his face, red with effort.
This was the card Jimin needed to match.
"The time I came into your house, you weren't the one making all that noise." He gasped, releasing the lifeless body from his arm.
"I do not know what are you talking about." You stuttered, taking a couple of steps back.
Knock, knock.
If you could, your racing heart would have already been on the ground.
"Hello, are you there? Nancy wants you to be there for the reveal."
Zuri's voice chilled your blood. You looked at Jimin and then at the body on the stairs.
Jimin trapped you between the door and his body, you looked up into his eyes.
"Let me guess, my little girl doesn't know how to hide a body."
It hurt you to say it but: "Help me, please." You whispered into Jimin’s lips and didn’t have to say more.
"Be like the one who was leaving the kitchen in ten seconds, wait for the second ring."
You nodded, watching Jimin lift your victim's body until he disappeared through the basement door. You fixed your hair and your dress, and you walked around the bloody kitchen.
"Are you there?" Said Zuri again.
"Yes, one second." You walked quickly trying not to slip on the red liquid on your heels. You opened and closed the door as quickly and subtly as possible. "Sorry, work."
"Oh, no. I understand, sorry." Zuri said with the sweetest smile on her lips.
"I'll be there in about ten minutes."
"Ten, of course. I'll inform the boss." She winked before walking down the sidewalk to the other row of houses.
You sighed before walking back into the mess, Jimin was standing with his shoulder covered in someone else's blood, hair fluttering, and cheeks flushed from the effort.
Your angel.
"There's blood on you... everywhere," your voice trembled.
"What an insightful observation, darling." He laughed, cleaning his hands with his jeans.  
When you both saw each other, there was something undeniable between, and as if pulled by threads, both were attracted to each other until they collided in a kiss with arms intertwined in your bodies. Jimin knew in your arms that heaven was in the middle of chaos.
Jimin's hands traced the lines of your body until he reached the back of your thighs and lifted you so that you were chained to his waist. His rib burned with pain and he was sure the wound was opening again, but it did not matter now.
You two were even.
You gasped as you felt his hands squeeze your ass with anger.
"Shut the fuck up, I'm done with your bullshit."
Your eyelids drooped as you felt his soft lips leave kiss after kiss until your lips did not come away, the undeniable taste of weed and rum. Sweet and dangerous. His tongue entered your mouth, playing with yours, circling until he sucked it, a docile bite that made you moan.
Why did he still want you even after you stabbed him and made him ejaculate, intoxicated?
"Look at you doubting yourself." You said right in time when the silence became evident.
Jimin's blood boiled at your mockery and he led you to the furniture in your small living room. The sofa was still wrapped in plastic and the crisp sound of your body falling into the cushions excited you. A hand on your neck squeezing enough for you to open your mouth for air, the blood of your victim staining your pretty dress and skin.
Out of nowhere, Jimin took out a knife from his pocket and your hair stood on end, your pussy getting wet when he slowly ran it over your chest until he broke your bust and left your nipples exposed.
"Where's the tape?" He asked bringing the sharp tip to one of your nipples, the cold of the metal making your toes curl.
"There's no tape." You smiled biting your lip. Jimin let go of your neck to slap you so hard that he took away your smile.
"Say that again." He was fuming, his wide nose searching for air to calm himself, teeth biting the inside of his cheek.
"There. Is. No. Tape. Park. I just prepped the camera and left it off."
He didn't understand why you felt so proud when it was clear that he could push the blade through your chest, but your nipples were getting hard and saliva was pooling in his mouth.
"Why is there no tape, you fucking cunt?" His fingers squeezed your chin so you would stop watching him play with your tits.
"Because I want to be the one who has it."
Jimin frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Open that box." You pointed at the table next to the couch. It was the only box that looked used and worn. With the same knife, Jimin opened the box and felt a rush throughout his body, almost like vomiting.
A Sony BetaMovie, new in the box. His dazed and disoriented gaze went to yours.
"It arrived this morning."
"Oh, you didn't."
"I want my own film. No Hoseok, no drugs, just you. I saw you in the other ones while you were drugged and God," Your pupils shone with such grace and prayer that Jimin didn't understand.
"N-no, this is not how it works." The only thing he could do was laugh.
"But it can."
You began to kiss his fingers, one by one, giving him the necessary attention. "You just need to let me put the VHS inside and we can start."
Jimin denied it as he let his guard down. You got up and improvised a tripod out of boxes until the camera was right in the center where you could see the couch and Jimin sitting, without understanding what the hell was happening.
Having the VHS and pressing 'Rec', you turned back to Jimin. You kissed his cheeks and his neck, he moaned a few times, closing his eyes.
"In this one, you're my main star." You whispered in his ear and his cock hardened until it hurt. "Use me, please."
A growl from him.
He snatched your body from his side until he had you in his lap, your chest pressed against his knees. With the edge of the knife, he spread your legs and spat on his fingers.
"I wish I could kill you right now." He murmured entering two slender fingers inside your sopping cunt.
"I wish you would just shut up and fuck me like you hate me." You whimpered as his fingers collided with your entrance with pure blows. Your juices were making noise throughout the room, you grabbed a cushion, pressing your face into it.
Jimin didn't like that. "No, no, lift your face. Let me hear you cry." His fingers fisted into your hair as he thrust two more fingers in, the knife threatening to cut the inside of your thigh at any moment.
Your body trembled as his index and ring fingers curled into the gummy walls of your pussy.
"That's it, cum you fucking slut. Flirting with all the husbands at the party, smiling at Charlie Munson in front of her stupid fucking wife, all that with your perky tits bouncing. Showing Zuri your pretty body in that leotard."
His pinky started to play with your throbbing nub until your pee came out, making a mess out of the plastic-covered furniture. Jimin laughed without stopping until he saw you trying to crawl away from him. He took his wet hand and smeared it in your mouth, you spit out the excess watching him with drooping eyelids.
"Look at the mess you made, how dare you ruin my jeans."
A rough hand collided with your right ass cheek.
"Say you're sorry." Another one, this time the left one.
"S-sorry, sir."
The name caught his fancy. You were really hanging on his hands, you were the dirtiest whore for him, and he could play with you no matter how. You were so fucking sick and he loved it.
"Sir?" He laughed, caressing the reddened skin. "That's so cute, keep doing it." He spanked you again and again.
"Please, sir, it hurts."
"Good, now come here and make me cum until it comes out of your nose," he smirked putting you between his legs. 
Your trembling and useless hands took a moment to remove Jimin's pants, revealing his defined legs that made your mouth water.
You felt the tip of the knife on your chin and you raised your head. "Take off the underwear, too."
You hurried until you found Jimin's thick cock throbbing on top of his stomach. You licked your lips unconsciously and got to work right away.
Jimin's moans were drawn out like he was going to curse and drowned it out in a grunt at the end, you loved every second of it as your tongue circled until you reached the base. The air cutting from your throat.
"Kiss it until you can taste the saltiness down your throat, angel"
"Yes, sir." You whispered, letting Jimin fuck your face, covering your ears with his hands so that you could only hear the saliva lubricating the exit and entry of Jimin's cock into your abused throat.
You closed your eyes when you felt just what he promised you. His cum enters directly into your esophagus.
His hands lifted you up in a rush, your lungs flaring for oxygen for the first time in what felt like hours.
"Open your mouth." He have demanded and you obeyed. He spit into your mouth and then closed it with his fingers. "You belong to me, slut."
"Yes, sir." Your words seemed like blurs of what you wanted to say.
Your body was arranged on the furniture with your legs on your chest and Jimin squatting on top of you. He was going to hurt you but it was going to feel so good.
Your juices lubricated your entrance and your asshole, shining with the afternoon light that was scattered through the curtains. Jimin wanted to break you so bad that he grabbed the back of your ankles and spread you even wider until your pussy revealed your dark, hot insides.
Aiming the tip of his cock he rammed you hard until you screamed, biting Jimin's arm. The blood of others staining your bodies, Jimin's wound hurt so deliciously that the stain on his tissues became bigger and bigger.
You couldn't hold it in and you dug your finger into the gauze making Jimin's eyes widen, a roar came out of him and he held your neck squeezing so hard that your face started to turn red. However, you smiled, going dumb with his dick.
Jimin's eyes threatened to go black with pleasure and pain. Your pussy felt like wet silk. It was warm and cozy. He could die fucking that tight hole until the last spurt of semen was also his last breath.
Damn succubus, that's what you were. You smiled like a demon and fucked like an angel.
The angle ended up making you cum a second time, making your walls throb.
"Oh my God, keep doing that." Jimin grabbed your body in a ball until he covered you completely with his body and fucked you with short, desperate strokes, like an animal in heat.
As he came he felt like his soul was ripped out.
"Fucking love you, love your-...I hope you get pregnant with my warm cum deep inside your stomach."
You rolled your eyes.
"Oh, honey. If this ain't the one, we can try again." You promised.
"This is the last time you'll see me," Jimin promised back.
And there it was, oh the gods must have blessed you with such a perfect smile because even though he knew he was screwed, he was still in love.
In a quick and agile movement, you were now the one holding the knife and pointing it directly at the bleeding wound.
"I have a game." You smiled slowly positioning yourself to ride him.
The cum bursting out, warm and viscous to his pelvis. Jimin kept looking at you with a tense stomach.
"Let's play Guess who accidentally gave Cosette one of his movies instead of giving her A Clockwork Orange."
No no no. No.
"No." Jimin tried to get up but you raised the knife to his throat with menacing eyes.
"Knowing Cosette, it will be the last one she watches because of the explicit themes. But you must be on time."
They both looked at the clock on the wall. It was 4:55. Cosette always started the movies after coming home from chess club.
Five minutes or it was going to be a total disaster. Chaos. Jimin had shown Cosette porn, his porn.
"Here's the solution: I give you my car key and you either leave to stop her or let the whole neighborhood know that you traumatized Marcus's poor little daughter with your sick hobby."
Park's eyes stung as two tears fell to his temples.
"If you say the first, that means you will take the key on my conditions."
And this was where Jimin knew that he had made the wrong move.
He was trapped everywhere. Checkmate.
"Fuck you," his voice trembled.
You lowered the knife disappointed, and you sighed.
"Well, if you wish."
The handle of the knife collided with Jimin's forehead letting the pain dissipate with a deep sleep.
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The first thing Jimin could smell was artificial pine, then the selage of your perfume. His eyes struggled to open as the blood from his forehead had dried onto his eyelids. It was dark, it was night around him and he could only see the road along until it plunged into darkness. He doesn't remember going out anywhere, much less somewhere so barren. His neck moved little by little until he reached a small market illuminated by white and purple lights.
Jim's Stop Sign, read an old, disused sign.
A bell rang as a woman was let out, it was you.
Jimin tried to lift his sleepy body but he was tied to the seat. His body shook with every step you took towards the car. Now that Jimin realized, it was your car.
As you got closer he realized that you were wearing Jimin's t-shirt and the bright green leotard underneath, despite the night you were wearing sunglasses.
When you opened the door, his body was twisted with tension, waiting for you to do something.
"Oh, you woke up." You turned on the dome light, the pungent smell of blood and rotting flesh suddenly filling the car until it completely drowned out the smell of pine. Park tried to vomit but stopped himself. "I see your stomach is still sensitive, you should eat something." You pointed to the paper bag full of snacks and odds and ends like glasses and hair dye.
There was a tingle on Jimin's back but he was afraid to look at the back seat. You put the keys in and sped through the quiet night. The putrid smell subsided as you opened the window for Jimin.
"We had to leave without saying goodbye to Hoseok, I know you probably wanted to see him one last time but the body was starting to decompose and there was no remedy."
That was it, Jimin guided his eyes to the back where a long black sheath tied up who he assumed was the girl you kidnapped.
"She was the girl who had bought the house." You explained when you saw that Park didn't take his eyes off the cover that was shaking with the car. "I convinced her to have a cup of coffee when I met her at the gym and hit her in the face with a bottle of wine. I didn't know how to get rid of her, she just didn't want to die, and spent days feeding her and trying to find a solution." You bit your perfect nails with your other hand on the steering wheel.
Jimin was trying to breathe slowly.
"The solution was you all along." You smiled caressing his thigh. That made Jimin strangely relax.
"We need to find a place to bury them."
"When we get to the outskirts of Las Vegas we will be more suitable."
"Them?" Jimin’s raspy, tremulous voice touched you.
You looked at him worried, he doesn't remember.
"Cosette's body is in the back." You explained sweetly.
The vomit that his stomach held back came out when he heard those words, the viscous liquid falling on his sweater and his seat.
"Oh, Minnie, this is the second time you've done this on the trip."
"I want to go home." He cried while you stopped to clean his mess.
"We're getting there, don't worry."
"No, I want to go back to Montenegro."
"But you can't. You killed Cosette in her room, don't you remember?"
"You're a fucking liar, I'll never do that to her," he yelled so loud spit came out of his mouth. You just stayed there taking paper towels to clean his chest.
"She said very offensive stuff to you when we went to get the tape. She didn't like that a man was with her dad." You tensed your mouth in a strange smile.
"I didn't do it." He repeated it again and again.
But then again, He hated her guts. The only thing he needed was for her to snap at him once. But he couldn't, he wouldn't.
The night fell again into the silence of the car mechanics accelerating down the deserted highway toward Las Vegas. Jimin looked to the side of him: your hand was resting on the open window while your hair was fluttering in the wind, you looked tired but still murmured the lyrics the song in the radio.
Feeling Jimin's gaze, you looked out of the corner of your eye and smiled tenderly.
You got him out of a huge mess, he was grateful for that. Your hand went to the back and you removed the knot from Jimin's wrists. Looking back at Jimin you kissed the back of his hand and continued looking at the road.
The sweet act confused Jimin so much that he could only stand there looking at your profile, it reminded him of Nancy's. Appeased, away, and scheming things. His stomach was burning with love and he didn't understand it, but thinking about your furrowed eyebrows while you helped him lift Cosette's body made Jimin take you more than just appreciation.
"Did you bring a shovel?" He asked.
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kpopfanfictrash · 11 months
The Horrible Un-Haunting of Elliot House
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Genre: Ghost!AU / Romance / Comedy (?)
Pairing: Seokjin / Reader (she/her)
Synopsis: Some houses are harder to sell than others but you, Y/N, are determined to find the (supposedly) haunted Elliot House a new owner. That is, until it's very real and very hot exceedingly well-dressed ghost decides to make himself known. If only you didn't find yourself enjoying the knowing.
Rating: PG-13 (kissing but nothing beyond that)
Word Count: 6,214
Author's Note: hope you enjoy this random Halloween "drabble"! This got oddly angsty? I suppose that happens with ghost love LOL
[ Cross-Posted to Wattpad ]
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“Through here,” you say, leading the Gundersons through an arched door. “You’ll find the most adorable sunroom.”
The Gundersons both gasp, appropriately awed by the tall walls of windows. Each panel is topped with stained glass, casting colorful patterns across the checkered floor. Technically, the sunroom isn’t part of the original house – it was added in 1975 during a brief period the address was owned by a cult – but you rarely disclose this fact during tours. Most people don’t care which parts of the house are original, so long as they can say they bought a 19th century Tudor.
Not that you blame them. Most people (or at least, sane people) appreciate the romanticism of an old structure without actually wanting to live in one. Modern amenities are the top benefit of progress, after all. The government couldn’t pay you to live without modern heating, plumbing, or refrigeration.
“Margaret, did you see?” Arthur Gunderson, a slightly rotund lawyer, and husband of said Margaret, gestures emphatically. “I’ll be damned if this stained glass isn’t Tiffany! See there, see that stamp in the corner?”
“Good eye, sir!” you chirp, barely glancing up from your clipboard.
Truthfully, you aren’t sure whether the glass is authentic. The cult that installed could hardly be called profitable (they sold the house at a loss after less than ten years, although this likely had more to do with crimes committed on said property than their income, but you digress), so you’d be hard-pressed to believe they could afford real Tiffany.
If this is what convinces the Gundersons to buy though, you’re hardly a realtor to look a gift horse in the mouth.
Ticking a box in the upper right corner – sunroom – you look up. “Right, well. That’s most of the lower level.” Pivoting on your heel, you head towards the corridor. “If you two will follow me upstairs, we can –”
“What’s that?”
Steps slowing, you stare at the plaster wall. A moment passes, then two before you convince yourself to turn around. When you see where Arthur Gunderson points, a relieved breath leaves your lips.
“Oh, that?” Floorboards squeak as you cross the room, sounding almost like laughter. “That’s the cellar. I’d offer you a look but unfortunately, the staircase isn’t quite up to code. You’ll need someone to look at that ASAP if you buy.”
Hovering at the wooden door, you grasp its bronze knob and pull. Tugging the cord for the light, you briefly scan the stairs but spot nothing unusual. Mostly convinced, you dutifully step aside.
“Feel free to look,” you say brightly.
The Gundersons crowd the landing you vacated.
“Careful, honey,” Arthur warns, holding Margaret’s elbow. “These stairs are steep.”
Standing on tiptoe, Margaret peers beyond him into the basement gloom. It could be your imagination, but she almost seems disappointed. A few cobwebs and shadows line the staircase, but nothing more sinister.
Hiding a smile, you check the next box. Cellar. Sometimes, people request to see this house not because they’re interested in buying it, but for the thrill. Entering the haunted Elliot house and surviving will make a great tale to tell their friends over cocktails.
Lowering your clipboard, you glance upward. So far, everything has gone to plan, which is partly the problem. You must’ve shown this house thirty times and always, something has gone wrong by now. Before being assigned its realtor, you believed in the paranormal, but only in a theoretical way. Not because you’d witnessed anything spectral.
Your opinions since then have changed.
Turning sharply, you plaster a smile on your face. “Shall we?”
Stepping back, Margaret pulls wiry frames from her jacket pocket. “I must admit,” she says with an embarrassed laugh. “Based on what our last realtor said, I was expecting far worse from this property.”
Although your smile tightens, you nod. The other realtor had a point – Elliot house could be temperamental, at best. Downright petulant, at worst. You glare again at the ceiling.
“We get that a lot,” you say, ushering them down the hall. Best not to linger. “Whenever a house sits too long on the market, you know – people talk. Lots of rumors!”
“Oh, sure,” Arthur says, passing you with a chuckle. “We’re not superstitious, don’t worry.”
“Oh?” you say lightly, remaining behind. “That’s good to know. Now, if you head down the hall, you’ll reach the foyer. All the crown molding you pass is original. The house’s first owner and builder, Daniel Baker, was something of a craftsman. He –”
Abruptly, you cease talking and stare at the stairwell. Halfway down the steps, where before there was nothing, sits a perfectly ripe orange. Eyes narrowed, you stare at this a long beat before yanking the light cord down and shutting the door.
Glancing upward, you hiss, “Not today, I swear to – well, whatever hellish being you worship.”
The wind sounds almost like laughter, but you don’t stick around long enough to find out if that’s true. Shaking your head, you traipse down the front hall in search of the Gundersons. Luckily, they’re too busy taking pictures of the aforementioned crown molding to have noticed your absence.
“Shall we?” you say, gesturing at the front stairs.
Pocketing their phones, they begin their ascent. You wait at the bottom, giving them space to discuss the house. From personal experience, buyers tend to appreciate when you don’t hover.
Besides, the grand staircase is your favorite feature – equal parts artwork and functionality. From your place at its bottom, you admire the craftsmanship. Starting the climb, your fingertips skim whorls in the wood and for a second, you feel a phantom hand rest over yours.
Scowling darkly, you yank your palm away. Reaching the landing, you clutch at your clipboard tighter and walk forward.
“This way!” you say, practically shoving the Gundersons into the first bedroom.
While they ooh and ah about the bay windows, you tick another box on your spreadsheet. Master bedroom.
The second you’re done, the pen slips from your grasp and hovers in mid-air. It then turns, point-down, to scrawl something in the margin.
‘Master’ bedroom? Kiiind of racist, don’t you think?
Teeth gritted, you snatch your pen back. “I wasn’t the one who created the spreadsheet, okay?” you whisper. “And while, yes, I agree, and other realtors are moving away from that language, I don’t–”
“Pardon?” Arthur Gunderson peers, confused, over his shoulder.
Somewhat manic, you smile. “Oh, nothing,” you say, the words sounding high-pitched, even to you. “I was just reminding myself to show you the main bathroom. Beautiful claw-foot tub.”
“Oh. Sure,” says Arthur, returning to his wife.
Head whipping sideways, you glare at the most likely place Seokjin would be. A chuckle drifts past your ear on the other side, and your scowl deepens.
Once an appropriate amount of time goes by, you usher the Gundersons into the next bedroom. Hovering outside, you calculate how quickly you can convince them to leave. The longer they stay, the worse the so-called haunting will be.
You should have known better than to show them this house, but they were insistent. Or at least, Arthur was. Margaret seems reasonably paranoid, which you deem a positive quality. Everyone within a hundred-mile radius has heard of the haunted Elliot house.
Even the name is confusing, since it doesn’t bear the name of its builder, Daniel Baker, nor its longest resident, Mr. Josiah Whitley. Instead, it’s named for Nathaniel Elliot, the cult leader who murdered a man on its premises in 1978. Obviously, this fact wasn’t known to the public until after the cult sold the house and moved far away.
Eventually, Mr. Elliot was tried and found guilty of murder, but this was much later. Wincing a little, you glance at the ceiling. Seokjin has said many times that ghosts can’t read minds, but you wouldn’t put it past him to lie for a punchline. Even if he can’t read your mind, the faint scent of cedar lets you know he’s nearby.
Quickening your stride, you show the Gundersons the next bedroom. “This is one of my favorites,” you say, pulling hard on its warped door. “The view from that window is stunning. You can see all the way to the brook!”
Taking the bait, Margaret crosses the room. “Oh, look, Arthur!” she exclaims, leaning forward. “There’s a gazebo!”
He follows at a more leisurely pace, frowning when he spots a lone cobweb in the corner. Sighing, you swipe at this as you pass, almost certain the web wasn’t there this morning.
While the two converse, you pull out your clipboard and run down the list again.
Most days at your job are like today – running down lists and waiting for other people to make their own life decisions. Becoming a realtor wasn’t so much a choice as it was thrust upon you. When your mom got sick your senior year of grad school, you returned to take care of her and finished your coursework remotely.
There were only so many jobs with flexible hours, and you ended up getting your realtor’s license to support her on the side. When your mom passed, you stuck around to sort out her paperwork and affairs. Two years later, everything is in order and still, you remain. Stuck in a holding pattern, showing houses and too afraid to try your hand at anything different.
The sudden noise from above plunges the room into silence. Both Arthur and Margaret swivel, wide eyes landing on you.
Margaret’s glasses chain trembles. “What was tha–”
“My assistant,” you blurt, backing towards the door. “He mentioned he would stop by to drop off some keys. That must be him – I’ll go and check!”
“But…” Arthur stares. “The noise came from above.”
“Be right back!” you call, stepping into the hall.
As fast as possible without raising suspicion, you rush down the hall. “Seokjin,” you hiss, hand skimming the banister as you descend. “Stop that right now!”
No one responds – not that you thought he would. Crossing the foyer, you reach the cellar door and yank it open. Flicking the overhead light, you see the orange has disappeared. Rolling your eyes, you shut the door.
“This isn’t funny,” you huff out loud to no one.
Far above you, a low groan shakes the house. Honestly, it sounds more sexual than scary, but you suppose that only makes it more sinister. Reaching the foyer, you slow your pace and set down your clipboard. Suppressing a sigh, you glance at the clock. This has happened enough times that you can predict things to the minute.
Crossing your arms, you tap your foot and count down in your head.
One – increased groaning. Sometimes from the cellar, often the attic and, during one memorable visit, from behind a locked bathroom door.
Two – shuffling feet while the Gundersons (insert buyer’s name here) debate whether to run or wait it out. They hastily whisper, wondering if it’s their minds playing tricks.
Third – laughter. Seokjin will say it sounds lilting but to you, his laughter is more akin to a car’s windshield wipers. Today, said laughter drifts from the main bedroom, immediately followed by the Gundersons’ screaming.
Directly above you, Margaret’s heels pound wooden floors. Wincing, you make a mental reminder to buff the scuffs from the wood.
“ARTHUR!” she calls, her voice pitching upward.
“Right behind you!” he bellows.
When the lights in the foyer flicker, you lean against the grand railing. In your experience, there’s nothing you can do now to save the showing. As soon as Seokjin reveals himself, it’s only a matter of time.
“Whoooo dareeessss to disturrrrrb meeeee!” he wails, and you try not to laugh. “This is MYYYY homeeee and you are nooooot welcomeeeee! OoOOOOooooOOo!”
Arthur is first down the stairs. Reluctantly, you step forward – as their realtor, you’ll try to calm them down and get them out. All part of the plan. What’s not part of the plan is Arthur’s blind panic, elbowing you – hard – in the stomach as he runs past.
Concaving, you stumble, your foot catching on a loose floorboard as you fall backwards. Suddenly, a pink cushion slides between you and the floor. You land in the middle of it, shocked but unharmed.
Arthur yanks open the front door. “You!” he blurts, whipping around to point. Blinking, you fight the urge to glance over your shoulder. “Yes, you,” he scoffs, spittle flying as Margaret runs past. “I don’t know if this is your idea of a sick joke or what, but your manager will be hearing from me!”
Before you can formulate a response, Arthur is out the front door. You hear the sound of their car starting, exhaust billowing behind them as they speed down the street.
Propping yourself on one elbow, you release a sigh. The house has fallen silent, almost sheepish in its total lack of sound. Head lolling back, you glare at the ceiling.
“You are so annoying,” you groan, well-aware you sound crazy. “I honestly don’t know what you’re looking for, Seokjin. The Gundersons were fine.”
The front door slams.
An outline of a person materializes between you and the living room, seeming composed of dust motes and sunshine. Turning your glare in their direction, you tap your fingers against the oak floor.
Seokjin solidifies fully, rakishly leaning against the paneled wall. He’s dressed in the same navy three-piece suit he wore when he died, albeit with his hair styled in this century’s fashion. Seokjin once said ghosts are able to change their appearance, but most choose not to. There’s little point to it, and it wastes precious energy.
Sadly, he shakes his head. “See, that’s where you’re wrong,” Seokjin says, his deep timbre resonating through floorboards beneath you.
“Show off,” you mutter.
Lips twitching, he crooks a finger. The foyer light ceases to flicker, and Seokjin straightens. Dusting invisible dust from his shoulders, he walks forward.
“The Gundersons were tiresome,” he says. “I would’ve been bored of them in months, started haunting again, and this house would’ve gone right back on the market. Really, I saved you trouble in the long run. You can thank me later.”
“Oh, no,” you deadpan. “Two commissions on the same property. What a horrible fate.”
“Exactly. You’re welcome.”
Fighting an eye roll, you push yourself upward with cushion in hand. At least Seokjin was kind enough to break your fall, even if he caused the circumstances which led to it in the first place.
Brushing the dirt from the cushion, you shake your head. “You do know that eventually, someone will buy this house and you’ll have to make peace with that fact. Right?”
When Seokjin doesn’t immediately respond, you look up. His dark gaze lingers a second longer than necessary, briskly looking away when he catches you watching.
“I know,” Seokjin says, turning around. “Might I point out though, that I don’t have to make peace with anything. Ghost,” he adds, pointing at himself. “Not making peace with things is our bread and butter.”
“People have owned this house before, though.”
“Boring people,” Seokjin mutters.
“That didn’t seem to bother you back then!”
Seokjin enters the living room. “Ugh,” he groans, dropping onto a chaise. Dust motes spiral around him, as though he were solid. “If I must be trapped on the material plane, Y/N, the least the material plane could do is provide some entertainment. And the lovemaking of two seventy-year-olds doesn’t count,” he adds, fixing you with a glare.
Stifling laughter, you follow him into the parlor. Fluffing the cushion, you replace it on its chair and survey the room. Seokjin lounges dramatically and it could be your imagination, but he almost looks solid. More so than the first time you met, anyways.
He nearly scared the shit out of you, back then. Everyone at the firm warned you this house was haunted but were purposefully vague on the supernatural. The warnings they gave you were borderline mundane.
Oh, yeah, that house has been on the market forever. People say that it’s haunted, but I’d honestly be more worried about rats. Or asbestos – popcorn ceilings didn’t age well for a reason. And I don’t know if it’s true, but I heard a convict once lived in the basement for three months before the cops caught him. Watch out for that!
You entered this house with more than your usual trepidation, pepper spray in one hand and a flashlight in the other. Apparently, the wiring wasn’t all up to code – something you’ve since rectified with the city.
The sound of the door creak could’ve been written by the Brothers Grimm themselves, textbook gothic. Your flashlight swept over dusty floors, faint footprints remaining to remind you of its past. Spine steeled, you forced yourself to continue.
Finding a light switch, you flicked upward, and the chandelier came to life. The lighting was dim, barely enough to see by on a rainy day. Keeping your flashlight, you wandered into the parlor and came to a sudden stop. Forest green wallpaper lined the walls, remarkably intact for its age. Stunned, you turned in a slow circle.
Moody maximalism was one of your favorite design styles, and this room was made for it. With a slightly better attitude, you resumed your walk-through, discovering a hidden cupboard in the kitchen and a dumbwaiter to nowhere. The second-floor entry point had been boarded up, but that could be rectified.
Some of the woodwork of the house was scuffed, and a few corners held fallen leaves, but overall, it was in great condition. None of the realtors had prepared you for that – you arrived expecting a war zone and were pleasantly surprised.
On the second floor, you found a library – or what had once been the library, given the shelving was empty – that made you audibly gasp. Blue-black custom shelves extended along three of the walls. Closer to the door, a bright square of color remained from where a painting had hung.
Curious, your fingers traced the edges. “This place is unreal,” you murmured to yourself.
“I know, right?” said a voice directly in your ear.
Like any sane person, you screamed and jumped skyward. Your flashlight fell, its beam rolling over and over until it hit a baseboard. You didn’t stick around to find out, turning fast on your heel and bolting into the hall.
Thundering down the front stairs – wincing as the wood groaned – you nearly reached the foyer when Seokjin appeared.
“Boo,” he said calmly, between you and the door.
Coming to a shuddering halt, your hand gripped the railing. The ghost was impeccably dressed, if slightly invisible, and raised a dark brow in response to your flight.
Gaze darting sideways, you sought a second exit but all you could recall was the cellar and that wasn’t an option. Years of training from watching scary movies kicked in at that point, and you slowly straightened. Running away would do nothing – a ghost could follow you anywhere – so, maybe reasoning with him would be the best option.
“What do you want?” you asked, masking your fear to plant both hands on your hips. “Who are you?”
Surprise flared in his – admittedly attractive – gaze. Some of the shock had worn off by then, and you could admit to yourself (if to no one else) that the ghost before you was hot. Even thinking this felt ridiculous, and you wondered if your already-fragile grasp on reality was slipping.
Taking a single step forward, the ghost cocked his head. When you stumbled back, his lip quirked, and he appeared by your side.
“Who am I?” he mused, walking in a slow circle. “Awfully strange to ask me that, when I’m the person that died here, and you’ve never stepped foot in this house until now. I would know.”
Started, you turned your head.
This was a mistake since it allowed you to see every ridge of his features. The rounded tip of his nose, his enviably full lips, and a curve to his jawline which could likely cut glass.
Forcing your gaze upward, you found him focused on you. “You… died here?” you asked before you could think better.
His lips thinned. “You know, it’s very rude to ask a ghost how they died. It’s personal.”
“Oh,” you said. “Sorry, I didn’t know.”
“You didn’t ask,” the ghost replied with a sigh.
Your eyes narrowed, hearing barely hidden laughter in his tone. This ghost was making fun of you. The audacity!
Incensed by this, you lifted your chin. “Wouldn’t asking you whether it’s polite to ask about death be asking you about death, though?”
“Fair enough.” He shrugged, slipping both hands in his pockets. “There really isn’t a good way for you to bring up that conversation.”
A laugh escaped, despite yourself.
His gaze flickered, as though oddly pleased. Quickly, the ghost scanned you from your shoes to your face, where he lingered.
“I’m curious,” he mused, resuming his walk in a circle.
Despite your discomfort, you forced yourself to stay still. Even though you could feel each place his gaze lingered – your shoulders, your collarbone, tacing the slope of your cheekbones.
“What are you curious about?” you asked, pushing the words past your lips.
He stopped between you and the door again. Slipping both hands from his pockets, he crossed his arms over his chest. The way his biceps strained against his suit was intriguing, implying there was something to strain against. Dimly, you wondered what a ghost’s gym routine looked like.
Your lips twitched at the thought, and the ghost scowled.
“Stop that,” he commanded. “You should be terrified. I was curious about why you haven’t run yet. Anyone else would’ve by now.”
“Would they?”
“Based on my experience, yes.” He tilted his head. “This is the first time I’ve introduced myself to someone and they stayed. Well,” he amended through teeth. “Stayed without crucifixes, holy water, and a priest.”
“Does that really work?” you wondered, genuinely curious.
“Does what work – exorcism?”
You nodded.
“Clearly not.” He waved a hand down his body. “At least, not in my case. When I first died, I wanted to move on. I was even excited when the first priest arrived, but he did nothing, and neither did the next one… eventually, I stopped hoping. Started haunting, instead.”
“Well, sure,” you said, dazed.
His lips twitched. “My name is Seokjin, by the way. Not that you asked.”
“That was literally one of the first things I asked!”
Ignoring this, Seokjin stuck out his hand. “And you are?”
“Y/N,” you said, ignoring the impossibility of what you were about to attempt while extending your palm. “Nice to meet you.”
Your hands met in the middle and, instead of passing through, you felt your palms brush. For a moment, you touched calluses and warm skin, smelling the faint scent of cloves.
Seokjin went utterly still.
Chin jerking down, he stared at your joined hands. “That’s… never happened before.”
Retracting swiftly, you said the first thought that came to mind. “What? Never touched a woman?”
Scowling, he retracted his hand as well. “I was thirty when I died, Y/N. Not thirteen.”
“Could’ve fooled me,” you muttered, then paused. “You… haven’t been able to touch anyone since you died?”
“Things, yes. People, no.” A thoughtful look crossed his face. “A psychic visited me once. The owners at that time brought her, wanting to see if she could get rid of me.” Seokjin snorted. “She got them to pay her, then said, ‘No.’ Hilarious. And interesting,” he added. “She told me she’d met other ghosts, ones that could interact. Never seemed to work for me, though.”
You blinked, unsure how to respond. For it being your first encounter with the supernatural, nothing about this had gone as imagined. You weren’t sure how to converse with a ghost who, for all intents and purposes, seemed fairly normal.
Except for the whole ‘being dead’ part.
“Well.” You shrugged. “There’s a first time for everything, I guess.”
His expression remained inscrutable, but for the faintest of seconds, you thought Seokjin looked intrigued. After a moment, he moved closer and leaned in. You caught the faintest whiff of orange, cloves, and cedar on what could have been his breath.
“I suppose there is,” he murmured, and then disappeared.
Since then, Seokjin has appeared each time you returned. The second time, you were halfway convinced your first visit was a hallucination. A theory Seokjin seemed content to feed into, refusing to show himself until you were about to leave. Then, he jumped through the hall closet to yell, “MUTINY!” and cement his presence in your mind.
Seokjin doesn’t dress the same every time. A few weeks into your friendship (if one can call it that), he informed you he could change his appearance but hadn’t done it much. It took energy to appear on the mortal pane, more so if his appearance was altered.
Still, you’ve learned Seokjin will do pretty much anything to commit to a bit. His brand of haunting tends to border on comical. Putting his arms on backwards, headless juggling, vomiting wine – really anything is fair game if not truly grotesque. By now, you’ve seen his whole gambit, which is how you can say today’s performance was lackluster.
Sprawled on the chaise, one foot dangling, Seokjin looks every bit of the tragic lothario. Again, you can’t help but wonder whether he’s gained permanence since the last time you saw him. You could almost swear the chaise sinks under the weight of his frame.
“What is it?” he demands, lazily pushing himself upward.
Something in your chest flutters, although you ignore it. Arms crossed, you fix him with a look of disdain. It’s sinful for Seokjin to look as good as he does – and the worst part is, you know it’s not an illusion.
After you met the third time, you Googled his name along with the house and found multiple hits. Seokjin Kim was killed on October 31st, 1978, by Nathanial Elliot, the leader of the Sunny Days cult. Both Seokjin’s parents joined two years prior, and he’d tried unsuccessfully to convince them to leave by mail and phone.
Eventually, he visited in person and convinced them to go – unfortunately, Nathanial caught wind of the situation and killed Seokjin before this could happen. You saw photos of Seokjin from then and can confirm he was always devastatingly handsome. Often, you’ve wondered if he left someone behind – a wife or a girlfriend – but can’t bring yourself to ask. You aren’t sure which answer would hurt more.
Regardless, you know Seokjin was missed. His parents were the ones who took down the Sunny Days cult, putting their leader behind bars for killing their son. Seokjin admitted once that they tried to tear this house down. They didn’t know he was tied to the grounds, and he didn’t want to tell them. It would’ve been harder for them to move on, he explained, and your heart broke a little.
Not long after that, you accidentally let it slip that Seokjin had a scent. It made him howl with laughter, nearly falling down the front stairs – not that this would’ve hurt him. From then on, Seokjin showed off his growing ability to move solid objects by leaving oranges for you in the house whenever you came. Only another of his practical jokes but lately, it’s made your skin hot to think of.
You realized you felt more than you should for him last month when he saved you from falling. Determined to clear out the cellar, your entire foot went through the first step and Seokjin pulled you to safety.
“Careful,” he murmured, one arm wrapped around your waist. Gently, he eased you backwards and onto the landing. “The top step is rotted through. You’ll need to call in someone to fix that.”
Unable to speak, you nodded and quickly disentangled. Each place he had touched, your skin tingled, and not at all unpleasantly. Since that day, your feelings have only worsened. Sometimes, you wonder if he knows.
Sometimes you wonder whether he feels the same, no matter how hopeless it is.
Heaving a great sigh, Seokjin stands from the couch. Lifting both arms, he stretches this way and that like an overgrown cat. The end of his shirt comes untucked, displaying a flat strip of skin you refuse to acknowledge.
Forcing your gaze to his face, you lift a single brow. Weeks after meeting, you considered Seokjin your friend, or at least an acquaintance. Now, you can’t call this friendship, but not because things between you have worsened. It’s because the more time you spend together, the more you find yourself wishing for something impossible. Something more.
“You know what,” you tell him. “There’s no need to scare off every potential buyer.”
Seokjin pauses, then lowers his arms. “There’s a need when they’re terrible. I’m the one forced to live with them for eternity, not you.”
“It’s not an eternity, though,” you tried to joke. “Eventually, they’ll die – or, so one would presume.”
Seokjin’s face hardens. Before you can take another breath, he’s standing before you. “Much better,” he says, his voice like steel. “I love being reminded that, while the world continues to age around me, I never will. I’ll simply stay on this godforsaken plot of land until the earth is destroyed by its own inhabitants. How long do you think that’ll take, Y/N? One decade? Two?”
Eyes wide, you stare at him in shock.
Seokjin has never spoken to you like this before. Usually, he’s far more cavalier about his reality, easily accepting the fact that he’s a ghost. Never once has he ranted about the world passing by. In fact, Seokjin frequently throws in your face that you’ll soon have more wrinkles than him.
For the first time, you wonder if all that is a front. If perhaps, deep down, all his lackadaisicalness is merely a cover for a deeper kind of fear.
Slowly, you move closer. “I didn’t mean to be dismissive,” you murmur. “Of course, I don’t want you to be forced to live with people you hate. I just meant…”
You trail off, uncertain and Seokjin’s face softens. He moves even closer, his scent comforting you in a way you can’t explain. In a way it shouldn’t be.
“I’ll never get used to this,” you sigh.
You aren’t sure why you’re speaking so softly. Possibly due to his proximity and possibly due to the look in his eyes, studying you as though you’re the impossibility, and not him. Dust motes trail through the air when Seokjin lifts a hand.
With bated breath, you watch as he reaches towards you. At the last second, he shifts and lightly brushes your jaw.
Sharply, you inhale because you feel it. You feel him.
“Seokjin,” you whisper. “What are you…”
Gently shushing, he leans in, and you feel his breath, feather-light, across your skin. Utterly shocked, you go still. It’s his breath that you feel. Breath that shouldn’t exist, according to logic.
Slowly, his gaze drops and stays on your lips. If Seokjin can’t read minds, he must hear your heart racing. The sound of it is all-consuming, drowning out rational thought.
“You want to know what I’m waiting for?” he murmurs, his gaze lifting. “I’m waiting for someone to look at this… house the way you do.”
“A lot of people have liked the house, Seokjin. People who –”
“I don’t want you to sell this house."
Startled, you stop. “Why not?”
His expression twists, revealing his vulnerability. “I think you know.”
Roughly, you exhale.
Yes. You do know. It’s the same reason you’ve half-assed the last six showings at this address. It’s why you keep people from looking, and when they insist, barely attempt to stifle Seokjin’s shenanigans. You could have come earlier today and requested Seokjin to be on good behavior. He would have done it. For you, he would have.
Which is exactly why you didn’t ask.
“I… want to hear you say it,” you say, so low, you’re surprised that he hears.
Achingly slow, Seokjin’s hand slips from your jaw to your neck. When he pulls you closer, you can feel the weight of his hand, the solid pressure that comes from his fingers on your skin.
Your eyes flutter shut.
“I don’t want you to go,” Seokjin murmurs, his lips close to your ear. “If someone else buys this house, you’d stop showing it. You wouldn’t come here again, and I can’t leave these grounds. If someone else buys this place” – his breath hitches – “I won’t see you again. I can stomach eternity, Y/N, but not without you.”
“Seokjin.” His name leaves your lips as a whisper, or prayer.
“Do you ever…” Eyes opening, you look up. “I don’t want to say it out loud.”
“Why not?”
“Because.” Your voice breaks. “That might make it real. What I want can’t be real, so if I say it out loud, it might vanish and right now, it exists in this tentative space. We exist in this space.”
Lightly, his thumb strokes your throat, and you feel your knees buckle. Every callous, every touch feels so horribly real, it’s making it difficult to remember why this can’t be.
“I’ve stopped wondering what’s real and what’s not,” Seokjin murmurs, his gaze tracing your mouth. “Most people say I shouldn’t exist and yet, here I am. They say I shouldn’t be here, able to touch you like this and yet, I am. They say I shouldn’t–”
Rising on tiptoe, you cut him off with your kiss. Seokjin shudders, his lips parted and warm in the shock of the moment.
 “Fuck,” he groans, breaking away to stare at you in wonder.
Before you can respond, he returns, his kiss wild and fierce. Your own desire surges, touching him hesitantly at first, and then with full abandon. Hands sliding up his chest, over his shoulders, your fingers curl in his hair to anchor him to you.
Cupping your face, Seokjin pulls your body to his. His touch is reverent, deifying while his hands travel lower to land on your waist. His body curves above yours, catching your gasps with the tip of his tongue. Seokjin feels solid beneath you – solid, and warm, and painfully real.
His mouth moves to your jaw, trailing heat down your throat and across your bared collar. Shivers of pleasure shoot through you as he walks you backwards, pressing your spine to the wall. Briefly – wondrously – you laugh, the sound caught again by his kiss.
Within minutes, you’re panting, heart beating wildly as you grip his hair tighter. Seokjin’s leg presses forward, pushing your thighs apart and you nearly dissolve. He moves harder, faster, as though scared that you’ll vanish. This is the opposite of disappearing, though.
This is together, beneath, and on top as –
“Shit,” Seokjin growls, the sound torn from his throat.
Dazed, you look sideways and realize his hand has gone through the wall.
Seokjin stares at his wrist, his chest rising and falling. Everything you can feel is solid, but his hand sinks through the wall about an inch deep. It’s hard to concentrate with him above you, looking like that. Seokjin’s hair remains mussed by your hands, proving you touched him – however briefly.
Lips thinning, Seokjin pulls his hand out. Purposefully, he lays his palm flat on the wall but it’s clear to you both that he’s concentrating. Some of his pressure dissipates.
“I – fuck,” he exhales, dropping his chin.
Gently, you soothe a strand of hair behind his ear. This is the first time you’ve seen Seokjin anything less than immaculate and goddamn, if it doesn’t look good on him. That’s making it difficult to focus on the matter at hand.
The matter at hand. Ha.
Thinking this, a snort escapes your lips before you can stop it. Stunned, Seokjin glances up with wide eyes.
“Did you just… snort?” he asks, incredulous.
You shake your head, and then nod, sheepish. “Um, yes. I did. It’s just…” Now that you’ve started, you can’t help but continue. “I can’t believe the hottest make-out session of my life ended with your fucking hand through a wall.”
Seokjin stares for a long moment before – impossibly – his chest starts to shake. Before long, you’re both laughing out loud at the ridiculousness of the situation. Once your laughter has faded though, comfortable silence remains.
Pulling you into his chest, Seokjin’s hand strokes your neck. “I don’t know what this means,” he admits with a sigh.
“Me, either.”
“I do know I want to do that again.”
“Same,” you say, pulling back.
“But…” Seokjin hesitates. “Y/N. You know I’m not… real, right?”
Your heart sinks to your shoes. “You’re real to me.”
“I know.” He speaks softly. “But I –”
Lifting a hand, you press a finger to his lips. “Don’t,” you warn. “Please. I don’t want to think about the future right now. I know I don’t have eternity, but I don’t want what I have without you.”
Something in his gaze breaks but Seokjin merely nods, letting silence fall again. You fear that he’ll vanish, leaving you alone but he merely exhales. The breath brushes your skin.
“Alright,” Seokjin murmurs, winding his hand with yours. “What do you want to talk about, then?”
The ghost of a smile crosses your lips. “What if… we talk about me buying this house?”
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© kpopfanfictrash, 2023. Do not copy or repost without permission. Author’s Note: thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed, and Happy Halloween!
269 notes · View notes
gimmethatagustd · 2 years
If you are still taking requests I found this and I thought it was funny so I wanted to see if you could please write something with demon Hoseok and this idea thank you😊
me: wow you're tall
satan: thanks?
me : how tall are you?
Satan : i dunno like 6'6 6'11 with the horns?
me [ twirling hair] omg with horns! You are so funny
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If you had known the demon tasked with reaping your soul would be a total #daddy you would have gone to Hell sooner!
» pairing: demon!hoseok x reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | supernatural | humor | a lil bit of smut
» wc/date: 3.7k | october 2022
» warnings: christian religious themes | discussions about how people have died | some cock fondling | sexual tension | namjoon is the ultimate cockblock and also satan | reader likes one direction serial killer AUs lol
» notes: THIS REQUEST MADE ME CACKLE. i decided to post it for spooky szn~ so i hope that's ok 🥺 (i'm also dying cuz there's like lowkey unintentional parallels to this and my hobi idol au that's really killing me)
» masterlist 
» what was jai listening to? all the good girls go to hell - billie eilish
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Purgatory looked like the DMV. 
You should have expected it, honestly. Wasn’t it represented as some type of waiting room in Beetlejuice? Or maybe you were misremembering. Ever since you’d stepped through the front doors, your mind felt foggy. When you looked back through the windows, no parking lot met your gaze. Instead, a soft gray haze was pressed against the glass, causing a bit of condensation to gather. 
How had you gotten here? 
The answer to that seemed a bit foggy, too. 
“Are you going to take a fucking number or just stand there like an idiot?” 
The bristled voice shocked you into action. Stepping forward, you ripped a number tag from the stand directly in front of the door and moved to the side for the voice behind you. A few droplets of water splattered against your ankles when the person reached for their tag. 
You suppressed a gasp. 
She was completely soaked, so wet that she left a trail of water wherever she walked, like some kind of snail or slug. It was difficult to tell what her original complexion was because her skin was now a deep turquoise. Bits of twigs and what looked like seaweed twisted into her hair. 
You followed the stranger’s water trail through the folding chairs lining the large waiting room. The speckled brown carpet squished beneath your sneakers. A bit of water was leaking inside to wet your socks. 
“Number 746!” 
A robotic voice beeped out the number over the speakers just as you sank into an empty folding chair. A man with large, dirty bandages wrapped around his head and over one eye stood from his seat beside you. He clutched a folder of papers to his chest and limped to the counter at the front of the room. 
Three people in matching black professional uniforms sat behind the counter. You thought they resembled bank tellers from how they were spread out with glass barriers separating each person’s portion of the counter. The first two employees sat too far away to make out important details of their faces, but the third was only a few feet away from you. 
He was easily the most beautiful person you’d ever seen in your life. The sharp cut of his jawline and the thin length of his nose slicing through high cheekbones and deep-set eyes made it difficult for you to pull your gaze away from him. Luckily, he was none the wiser of your ogling, for his attention was spent on assisting the person standing in front of the counter. You were free to marvel at his angular features, eventually shifting your eyes from the bow of his lips to examine some of his gentler features. His hair was dark like his outfit and fell soft against his forehead. Poking out of the layered waves were two thick… horns. 
You pressed your thumbs into your eyes, but when you moved them away the horns remained. 
They twisted at the tips, spiraling in opposite directions. A swirling pattern was etched into each of them. It reminded you of fingerprints. 
“Number 749!” 
You glanced down at the crumbled tag in your hand. 749. 
With a sigh, you trudged up to the counter and stood in front of the beautiful man with twisted horns poking out of dark, luscious hair. 
“I need an official form of identification and your death certificate.” 
You stared at him blankly. 
“An official form of identification and your death certificate,” he repeated with more force. 
“I… don’t have a death certificate.” 
Were you dead? How had you died? How could you have possibly received a death certificate if you were dead? You assumed your mother would have it; that was how things went, right? 
The name badge clipped to his shirt read Hoseok, Assistant Manager. Assistant Manager of what? Purgatory?? What in the fuck was going on. 
Hoseok turned to the computer sitting off to the side of his desk. 
“What is your full name and date of birth?” 
You gave him the information he was looking for and leaned forward to watch him tap away at the keyboard. What appeared to be a profile of you flashed across the screen. There was a photo of you, the one from your driver’s license. A few stats about you like your height and where you were born. Toward the bottom of the screen in large red block letters read TIME OF DEATH. You were pretty sure the date was recent, but you didn’t know what day it was currently. Before you could read further, Hoseok closed out the page. 
“I need you to come with me,” Hoseok said abruptly. He gestured for you to step around the counter. 
You took a look over your shoulder. No one else needed to go behind the counter, as far as you could tell. Although, you hadn’t paid much attention to the other people waiting for… whatever it was everyone was doing here. You still didn’t know. 
With a nervous inhale that tickled your throat, you followed the… man? Whatever he was, through a door marked for employees only. 
(So they were called employees. Hence the Assistant Manager badge, and all. What the fuck kind of job was this?)
Scurrying behind him to catch up with his long gait, you noticed that this person was tall. Like, impossibly tall. Come to think of it, it wasn’t just his height that was staggering. Everything about his presence seemed larger than life, like the very walls of the hallway needed to shift and expand to accommodate the power radiating off of him as he walked. You kept your eyes trained on his lean shoulders, watching the way his shoulder blades and back muscles made his shirt ripple when he breathed or turned around the corner. 
“Ahem.” You cleared your throat. 
You did a little skip to speed up your walking and finally fell in line with the man. You flashed him what you’d consider an award-winning grin. 
“Hoseok, right? You’re really fucking tall.” 
He glanced down at you out of the corner of his eye. 
So, a man of few words. Unless he was snapping at you about IDs and death certificates. Apparently. 
“Where are we going?” 
Hoseok immediately halted, catching you by surprise and nearly causing you to trip. 
“Here.” With an outstretched arm, Hoseok opened the door to a simple office. He held it for you as you crossed the threshold. 
“Please, take a seat.” 
You eased into one of the chairs in front of the desk, which Hoseok sat behind once he snapped the door shut. The fabric scratched into the back of your legs. 
Up close, Hoseok was even more breathtaking. You found that the horns weren’t as much of a creepy turnoff as you may have initially thought. Somehow, paired with the shimmering red tint to his eyes and the slits he had instead of proper circular pupils, you were rather turned on by this… otherworldly look he had going for him. It was spooky, in an “emo kid who works at Hot Topic and thinks Happy Tree Friends is edgy” kind of way. So… not spooky at all. Just endearing to the part of your brain where you’d locked up all your teen angst. 
“Do you know why you’re here?” 
You watched a transparent film slide sideways across Hoseok’s eyes and you realized he blinked with a third eyelid. 
Weird, but kind of hot. Fuck conventional beauty standards! You could dig it.  
“Because a handsome stranger brought me here?” You took a shot in the dark, though Hoseok didn’t appear to have followed you. He stared at you with his third eyelid and his slitted pupils and his sharpened teeth. 
Wow, he had really pointy teeth. 
“You’re here because…” Hoseok drummed his fingers against the surface of his desk. His nails were black and chipped. “You were never reaped.” 
“Reaped? Like, the Grim Reaper?” 
A low hiss came from the back of Hoseok’s throat. The sound made your skin prickle. 
“The Grim Reaper is not real.” His voice slithered out of his mouth at the same time his tongue did. It was red and forked. “You were supposed to be reaped by one of us when you died,” he gestured to himself, “a demon.” 
Well, obviously he was a demon. Or else he had a great sense of fashion. 
You leaned forward to rest your arms on Hoseok’s desk. If he thought his freaky tongue and animalistic eyes were going to scare you, he was terribly wrong. You’d been on Vampirefreaks.com back when it was still a social media platform. 
“Listen, Hoseokie. Can I call you Hoseokie?” Silence. “I don’t know why I’m here and I don’t know how I got here, but I promise you, I am not dead.” 
With a sigh, Hoseok flipped open the laptop on his desk. After a few moments of typing, he slid it toward you, adjusting the screen to make it easier for you to see. 
There was your profile again. Hoseok quickly scrolled down to the section you hadn’t gotten to read earlier, the part about when you’d died. 
“In my records, it states you are dead. As of,” he turned the screen toward himself for a moment, “As of 7 PM yesterday. Yet there is no record of how you died, where you died, nor which demon escorted you here. And no death certificate on file.” 
Clearly, the missing death certificate situation had rubbed the guy the wrong way. 
Maybe you should have felt more concerned that you had a snake-eyed self-proclaimed demon trying to convince you that you were dead and chilling out in Purgatory unchaperoned. But this was all fake, obviously. A dream. There was nothing to worry about. 
“I don’t know what to tell you, Hoseokie.” You gave the man - demon - a shrug. 
Hoseok’s eyebrows pulled toward each other, causing the skin on his forehead to crease. 
“Well, I suppose it doesn’t matter.” 
“Oh really?” 
Hoseok pursed his lips and gave you a curt nod. 
“It already states here that you’ll be going to Hell, so I may as well just reap you myself since no one else has. I need to go downstairs anyway. We’ve been getting a high volume of damned souls recently and working overtime can be sustainable for only so long…” 
Whatever else Hoseok had to say about “demon burnout” during a time when debauchery was at its highest on Earth (“Aside from the 70s, wow, the 70s was a time.”), you didn’t hear the rest of it. There were more important things to worry about. 
You were going to Hell. 
“Wait, wait, wait, Hoseokie, wait a minute.” You curled your fingers around the edge of his laptop screen. “I’m going to Hell? For what?! I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life.” 
This was the part where Hoseok was supposed to say, “I know this, and I love you.” 
Except he didn’t! The bastard just let his gorgeous mouth hang open and flicked his freaky forked tongue over those pearly fangs. 
“I beg to differ.” 
“How would you know?” 
A small smirk flitted across Hoseok’s face and you felt your stomach twist into knots. 
“Your memories, your experiences, your life - none of that belongs to you.” 
You couldn’t tell which was more unnerving, the words he said or the dark tone he said them in. With a shiver, you chose to ignore whatever riddle he was speaking to you in and tried to change your strategy. 
“Hoseokie, baby.” You ran your perfectly normal tongue along your lips and leaned even further into your companion’s personal space - as much as you could with a desk in between you. “Let’s not get carried away here.” 
“Proper protocol was not followed, so we must rectify that,” Hoseok huffed. His shoulders sagged slightly, causing him to lean inward. Maybe your cute nickname was finally breaking him. 
“Do we really?” 
“But, really? Hoseokie, babe, do I look like I belong in Hell?” 
The demon blinked with his third eyelid a few times. You watched the slit of his pupils flicker as he genuinely took the time to look you over. It was a hypothetical question and now you were scared of the actual answer. He was a demon, after all. He’d know what a damned soul looked like, right? 
“Well.” You watched Hoseok’s throat bob as he swallowed. “You did read a lot of serial killer fanfiction on AO3.” 
You scoffed, leaning back in your chair and crossing your arms against your chest. 
“Are you kink-shaming me right now?” 
Hoseok mirrored your scoff and busied himself with tidying up a stack of loose papers on his desk, but you saw the way his cheeks turned a healthy shade of pink. 
“So, I’m going to Hell because I read One Direction serial killer AUs? Really? That’s why I’m going to Hell?” 
“No!” Hoseok huffed again, louder this time. He ran his fingers through his hair and gave you a pleading look. “I don’t know! I don’t decide who goes to Hell, I just take them there!” 
“Then don’t take me.” 
It seemed like the obvious solution, but Hoseok looked at you like you’d threatened to kill him. 
“I have to take you.” 
“Oh yeah? Or else what?” You were back to leaning against his desk, your head in your hands and your elbows on the surface. “Satan damns you to some horrible eternal punishment?” 
Hoseok turned his head and mumbled to the side, “Something like that.”
You wanted to ask him what it mattered if he was already a demon working for Satan, but you figured that would push him a bit too far. Instead, you were just going to beg. Considering the circumstances, you allowed yourself to do it without hurting your self-respect. Dire times, dire measures. 
“Hoseokie, please,” you whined with your bottom lip jutted out. You reached out to hook your finger around one of his, pulling his hand away from where it rested against his chin. “Please, don’t take me to Hell. Let me stay here, with you.” 
“With me?” Hoseok’s eyes widened, slitted pupils dilating into ovals. 
“Mhmm, wouldn’t that be nice?” you purred, lightly tracing the lines of his palm with your index finger. “You’re so pretty and you look so stressed. What did you say earlier, about burnout? They aren’t taking care of you here, are they, Hoseokie?” 
The demon bit his lip. His razor-sharp teeth pressed deep indents into what you knew were soft pink lips. 
“I could help you out, Hoseokie, baby.” 
Those dark eyes shimmered red and finally met your gaze, though his face was still flushed and his expression almost… timid. 
“Help me out?” he murmured, almost as though he were talking himself through the conversation rather than asking you a question. 
You pressed your hands flat against the desk and hoisted yourself on top of it. The stack of papers Hoseok had just fixed went flying. He weakly reached out to stop a few of them from slipping off and floating to the carpeted floor. 
“I don’t know.” Hoseok’s voice wavered, though you had to give him credit for his ability to maintain eye contact with you as you scooted across the desk. 
“I think you do know, Hoseokie.” 
Hoseok shook his head, third eyelids putting in work to blink away the shock when you eased yourself into his lap. 
You’d been so caught up on how tall and menacing he’d looked in the hallway that you hadn’t stopped to consider the rest of his details, like how firm and comfortable his thighs were. You wiggled your ass to get settled, eliciting a low groan from the demon whose red eyes still rounded under your gaze. 
“I’m going to get in trouble,” he pleaded with you when you dug your fingers into his hair and yanked his head backward. “I really don’t want to get in trouble.” 
“And I really don’t want to go to Hell.” You dug your teeth into the soft skin of his throat and Hoseok let out a whimpered hiss. “Do you see our problem here?”
Of course, he could see the problem, but Hoseok was driven mute by your free hand palming his cock through his pants. His hold on your waist was bruisingly tight, but you kept a firm grip on his hair and a hot hand on his crotch. There was no way he was getting an upper hand in this, not that you expected him to. He was whimpering and pliant underneath you already. 
Maybe you were absolutely insane, but if you had to suck some demon dick to get out of Hell, you were going to fucking do it. No matter how weird it probably looked. 
“Y/N, wait.” Hoseok shuddered as you popped open the button of his pants and dragged down the zipper. “Listen to me, it’s not, it’s not a good idea.” 
You let your fingertips dance along the waistband of his underwear. You weren’t sure why it was funny that he was wearing underwear; it just seemed like such a silly thing for a demon to need. Out here reaping souls and getting angry over death certificates, and going to the store to buy underwear after work. 
It was just funny. 
“Why not, Hoseokie? Don’t tell me they don’t let you have a little fun around here.” You batted your eyes at him and slide your hand beneath the fabric. 
“It’s not- fuck.” 
Hoseok tried to lean forward, to curl into himself, when you pressed your thumb against his leaking slit, but you kept his head pulled backward by his hair. 
“Now, I’m gonna tell you what we’re gonna do, okay Hoseokie baby?” 
The demon opened his mouth to speak and you shivered as his forked tongue wet his lips. 
“Good little demon, thank you,” you cooed praise that made his face flush an even deeper red. “I’m going to suck your dick and then you’re gonna delete whatever record you have of me and we’re going to forget I was ever even here, alright?” 
When Hoseok didn’t speak, you squeezed the head of his cock. 
“Fuck, yes, yes, yes, alright,” he sputtered. 
The bright side to all of this was that his dick didn’t look any different from any other dick you’d ever seen, although it did seem a bit long. Which was fine. You had hands, didn’t you? You knew how to do a little two-hand twist when needed. 
Just as you were about to slide off Hoseok’s lap and get on your knees, the door to his office flung open so hard it slammed against the wall. 
“Oh fuck,” Hoseok gulped. He quickly stuffed his cock back inside his pants and zipped his pants up with trembling fingers. 
“Oh fuck is right. What the fuck is going on here?” 
You turned to look over your shoulder at the person who owned such a smooth, sinister voice that dripped enough malice for you to drown in it. You felt your entire body grow cold when you were met with slitted eyes that glowed even more brightly than Hoseok’s. The eyes roamed your face, your body, your position still straddling Hoseok’s lap. And you did the same, your human eyes taking in the man’s black fitted suit, the swell of his thighs beneath the fabric, the pout of his lips, the craters his dimples made in his cheeks as he sucked on his teeth in seething anger. 
“I-I-I-I, Your Majesty,” Hoseok’s tongue fumbled over the words as he tried shoving you off of him. 
Oh shit, was this God? He was way too hot to be God. 
You stood when Hoseok did, the two of you blinking with your eyes wide and mouths hanging open like idiots in front of the sharply dressed man. Just past the doorway, you could see a few other men flanking the entrance, as though they were guarding it. 
“Don’t fucking call me Your Majesty while your cock is twitching in your pants, Hoseok. Have some decency,” the dimpled man chastised with a snort. 
Was God allowed to curse? You supposed he was, but multiple F-bombs and a casual “cock” thrown around seemed like a lot for a guy who was meant to be the holiest of the holy.
“And you.”
You poked your index finger against your chest when the man suddenly loomed over you. 
“You’re supposed to be with me.” 
You rose your eyebrows and shot Hoseok a look, but he had his eyes on the floor. 
“Oh… you’re not God…”
You felt fire lick and burn up your chest and across your throat when the man leaned his head back to bellow a laugh so deep you swore the walls moved just as they had for Hoseok when he walked. 
“Sweet of you to think so highly of the Devil, little human.” 
Aw, fuck. 
You were going to Hell.
“Now, listen, the One Direction serial killer AUs weren’t actually that bad. Like, if you’d just give it a chance, you’d understand,” you began. 
“Reasoning with me is futile, pet.” 
The sound of your teeth clamping shut echoed through the room. You probably should have been scared of how poisonous his tone sounded, but excitement thrummed in your stomach. 
No one had ever called you pet before. It was kind of cute. 
“Now, let’s go, shall we?” 
If Satan had a problem with the way you whimpered when he wrapped a smooth, tan hand around your bicep to haul you out of the room, he didn’t make any indication. If anything, you thought he squeezed you a bit tighter. 
“I didn’t think Satan would be so buff,” you murmured and you heard Hoseok choke. 
You’d all but forgotten about the guy. 
“Oh! Hoseokie!” You twisted your neck around to face him as Satan began leading you away. “Thanks for hanging out! I forgive you for being such a rule follower!” 
You turned up to look at Satan’s face which was a bit hard to do considering he was so tall and all legs and pecs that looked better than any boobs you’d ever seen. It was very distracting. 
“You’re not going to damn him to some horrible eternal punishment, are you?” 
“I think working here is punishment enough, don’t you?”  
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & ao3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work 
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folkookie97 · 11 months
❝ the seventh life ❞ — JJK (teaser)
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— PAIRING: vampire!Jungkook x female!reader
— SUMMARY: ❝ Live forever. This is what the young and handsome Lord Jeon wanted. Just an eternal life whose beauty would remain forever. You were the key to keeping Jungkook's immortality, immortalizing his soul by sacrificing yours seven times. Seven reincarnations. Seven lives. ❞
— TYPE: dark, smut, angst | vampire!au, fantasy!au
— WARNINGS: Dark Vampire!Jungkook, Blood, Murders, Reincarnations, Sacrificial rituals (non-graphic), Selling the soul to the "Devil", Light Soulmates!AU, Light "I love you in every universe", Magic!AU, Witches, Non-classical representation of Vampirism (i'm sorry but that's my poetic freedom about vampires), Dark & Tragic Romance. Chapters will have individual warnings.
— NOTES: Here's the teaser for my first dark ff. I'm so excited for this series and I hope you guys like it too.
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• October 31, 2023 •
Jungkook's hands were sweaty after his failed attempt to turn the doorknob. Time eroded, the ticking of the clock bringing to the surface his dark thoughts about his fate. About the curse of your soul. About his future death.
How could he have been so dumb? How could he not see the details from the beginning? How could he judge your intelligence again?
He failed. You already knew who he was.
But the problem was that he didn't know who you were. Not really, at least. Now, it was different from all of your other six lives. Now, you were ready to stop him. Ready to kill him.
“You won’t kill me again, Jungkook. It's your turn to die."
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mak3itr7ght · 11 months
Pair: Park Jimin x fem!reader (Coraline and the secret door AU)
Words count: 5.278
TW: mention of blood.
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Music suggestion:
Y/n's pov :
'Here we are, Y/n! This is the place where your father and I have met! The Pink Palace...’
As soon as I got out of our car, the grandeur of this huge house overwhelms me. It looks like a very old... and creepy building but, to be honest, I like this. It’s not that I’m a goth or something but I’m into this kind of vibe, just enjoying it without being fully part of it. My family and I will stay here for the two upcoming weeks, and I really prefer to stay here, in this mysterious, greyish-looking place, instead of spending our vacation on an exotic beach, smelling of suncream. That’s not for me. That’s not for Y/n Lovat.
I like the sea, i like walking there at night, when there’s no one else but me and myself, getting lost into quietness and into the sound of the waves. I enjoy being alone and I don’t feel bad for this. Sometimes solitude heals.
I can’t wait to explore the house. My parents have told me some stories…they told me about an alternative world, you can have access in It only through a little door, and it looks like that, that door, is right among these walls. But that world is filled with bad things, they said, and then they just tried to reassure me by specifying that that world wasn’t real; that it isn’t real. They don’t know that i could feel sadder if i actually find out that it is really all fictional…eheh so I must find out if I should be sad or not.
Once I enter in the house, I immediately start to look around, searching for hints when my mother’s voice interrupts me.
‘I know what you’re thinking about. You won’t find it, because, as we said, it doesn’t exist. Got it?’
Sometimes, Mom and her sixth sense scare me. But her words don’t stop me from my investigation. Still, when this topic comes out, in her eyes, I always spot a veil of agitation, like she’s hiding something from me and I’m sure that Dad knows about it. But it doesn’t change my mind at all, I’m the kind of person who needs physical proof to consider something real or fake.
During evening
The right moment came: Mom went to shopping, and the supermarket is quite far from here, Dad is doing a visit to some neighbors, two old women, he told me, so I’m sure that they will keep my Dad enough busy with their chatting, along with tea and cookies. I have the whole house free, for at least two hours. It’s time to get in action. Let’s start upstairs. I look around, searching behind the paintings and analyzing carefully each room. Nothing. I’m walking across the hallway when suddenly I trip onto something. It is a floorboard slightly raised. They told me the house was restructured, still, there’s the risk to get injuries around! I stand up, massaging my hip, the one that hit the ground. While tripping, I removed completely the floorboard and I notice that, in the whole it was covering, there is a small dusty trunk. I take it. It looks like there was a lock or something, but it was already removed. Mh.. strange, but maybe it’s just the metal that got consumed by the humidity.
I open it, curious about knowing its content. There’s.. a doll, with buttons as eyes, it has short, bright blue, hair, pale skin and it’s wearing a…a yellow raincoat, it looks strangely familiar…ù
In the living room, there’s this picture. She is with the grands, she was young at the time, and they were posing in front of this house, and she was wearing the same raincoat…
I feel chill along my spine…well, right, mom loves to sew, so, maybe she made this doll backtime. That’s it. Anyway, I decide to keep it in my room, in my closet. I’ll keep searching for the door tomorrow.
After two hours, my parents return home, we have dinner and then straight to bed. I try to fall asleep, however, a continuous sensation of being observed keeps me awake, I turn towards the window and I see a black shape... with two bright yellow eyes...
I jump, wondering what that thing is, when the moonlight illuminates it showing me that there’s no reason to be scared. It is just a cat, a black cat. I try to look at it with more focus, and I spot, next to the cat... the doll...the same doll I locked in my closet, under the pile of clothes I still have to fold.. what is it doing out there??
The cat, suddenly, does a little nod with its head, ‘telling’ me to follow it... and, like the dumbass I am, I decide to listen to my curiosity instead of my common sense, following it.
Silently, I manage to leave the house, but, not so easily, since as soon as I leave the room, I get caught by my mother, I, astutely, tell her that I am only going to get a glass of water, but I also know that she would go to check, as soon as she will see the kitchen light go off, so I simulated my steps and the creaking of a door and then I  ran out; in my bed, when my mother will go to check, there will be bulge under the covers, and she will go to sleep, not caring that what she will see, won’t be her dear sleeping daughter, but just pillows...
I reach the cat, which is waiting for me under the window of my room. It starts running and I keep following it... it takes me to a hill not too far from the house, where there is a water well, very old and probably unused. Next to it, there is a white napkin, which seems to wrap something... the cat looks right at it as if it wants to tell me "Go and see what's there for you", thus, again putting aside my common sense, I check what this napkin wraps.
Some sewing needles... and... a key...
a key... keys open things, right? Like…the trunks.. the padlocks or... THE DOORS! THEN IT EXISTS! IT EXISTS AND I WILL FIND IT!
I return home full of enthusiasm, hoping that the morning will arrive quickly.
The morning
'Are you sure you don't want to come with us? Aren't you afraid of being alone in this new house for more than 2 hours?'
Dad asks, I admit he seems to exude some concern. But, despite this, I nod with confidence, trying to reassure him and my mother, they are going in town to do some duties or stuff like that.
'I'll come next time! Promise!'
I state, to try to speed up the conversation.
'be careful, Y/n'
Mom seems quite strange, she also seems to be a little worried…but oh well, it will be the influx of memories she is receiving, since she spent her childhood here.
As soon as I make sure my parents' car leaves the driveway, I start to find the door…I wish that black cat would help me with this too...
And, as if it had heard me, here it appears, outside the kitchen window, this time. Wow. That’s incredible.
I let him in, and my cat, Ginger, immediately gets on defensive... actually it has never gotten along with cats similar to it, rather it has always preferred dogs... strange, right?
But even stranger is what I’m just seeing, with one look, the black cat managed to make Ginger calm down... I'm starting to think that this cat isn't just any normal stray cat...
I return to reality seeing the feline pass before my eyes, heading towards the dining room and stopping near a white wall..
'Mh... that’s not helping... surely the door I'm looking for can't be th-... what if...'
What if it's behind this wall?
I look better at that marble wall, and, there was a lighter part, compared to the rest... it means that the cement, in that area, was placed later...
But now a big problem arises... how can I remove this layer of concrete in just a few hours?
I try to think of a plan, when I see the black cat scratching on the white patch... pff poor thing, does it think that can scrape off such a hard material? I turn around for an instant, hearing a meow from Ginger, and then I turn towards the wall... and the door pops up out of nowhere, the door I was looking for so much... the concrete has disappeared into thin air, there isn't even any a speck on the ground...
It is as certain as anything that this cat has some supernatural power... I approach the small door, it's small, but if I bend down, I could fit in just fine. I take the key out of the pocket of my skinny jeans and slowly insert it into the door lock.. with the same slowness, I turn it.. until I hear a click..
Oh yes.. here it is.. it's open. Ginger and the black cat keep watching me. I hesitate for a moment... I turn towards the two cats once again, and the black cat has disappeared... probably its daily task is done. I turn towards the door, take a sigh and open it.
Jimin's POV:
The moon this evening seems to shine more than usual, and the apples on this tree seem to have a different red... a bloody red, my favorite color. Their taste, sweet and a little sour, like the lies that a mother tells her child, for his own good.. sweet…and a little sour…I hear a rustling coming from the hedge next to me, and, after a few seconds, my dearest friend comes out from that pile of green leaves…
'My friend, Black, tell me... what brings you here now? I thought you were busy with that favor I asked you a while ago...'
'Don't worry, Jimin, the time…has come. she's coming here, to you…'
A huge smile appears on my face, there are those who would say it's madness, but in reality, all I feel now is pure joy…
'Thank you, my dear friend, I knew I could count on your help.'
I stated, stroking the shiny, black-as-night fur of my dear friend, my only friend. It didn't even have a name... when I found him wandering around these lands, he seemed to know where he was, and yet, he didn't have a destination, he was there, with that proud look... like every being of his kind.
One day, however, I approached him, we talked for a long time, and what I took from that conversation was that, although he always kept his ears pointed and his muzzle high, there was a veil of loneliness in him, just like me... after my dear mother was taken away from me... by the one my friend thought was her friend... that blue-haired witch.
Luckily, I managed to open what were the blue eyes of my furry friend, making him really see who that was... Coraline... and so, in exchange for my friendship, I asked him for a favor...
When I learned of my mother's death, everything I thought about and still thinking about, It’s, actually, I wouldn't even call it revenge.. I just want to settle the score with her…by taking away from her…what she cares about the most.
I look into the garden pond, and I see her reflection, what will lead to Coraline's eternal suffering..
Her dear daughter. Y/n Lovet.
Y/n's Pov:
I can't believe my eyes...so does it really exist? In front of me, stands what appears to be a long distorted tunnel…
I wonder…what's at the end of it.
I start to walk, when suddenly I hear the voices of my parents, intent on taking out of the car the bags full of gifts and souvenirs to bring to the rest of the family…I panic for a moment... I immediately close the door and hide the key in my pocket again.
I look around, hoping to find something that can cover the hole in the wall where the door is, but when I turn towards it, I see that... the layer of concrete has returned to hide it. Maybe I'm going crazy? Until recently, there was only a hole in the wall and not even a bit of dust on the ground, but now everything is back to how it was before...
A small smile of disbelief escapes me at the thought...
I run towards the front door, intent on helping my parents with all the envelopes.
'How are you dear?? You look a bit strange?'
'Have you done anything in our absence?'
My parents continue to observe me... perhaps because I'm still a little shaken by the latest events. But now... I simply think, or rather, I ask myself, why did my parents want to keep that world hidden from me?
Maybe they really don't know anything about it and the fact that it actually exists is just a perfect coincidence.
Pff… I can believe in anything, but coincidences, I really don't.
I spend the day ruminating on what happened this morning... and I just hope that night falls soon so I can finally discover what lies beyond the tunnel.
At dusk, my parents invite me for a walk near the house and, near an apple tree, I see a puddle, which is strange. It has never rained in those days. I look out to observe my reflection, but my face resting on the water, it's almost disturbing... I jump, noticing that instead of my eyes I seem to have... buttons?
I walk away, running towards my parents, scared, to the point of not being able to tell what I saw. Back in the house, I immediately run towards the mirror in my room, and my reflection seems to have returned to normal... it must have been an oversight...
Once night falls, I make sure that my parents are totally immersed in their dreams, and I head towards the wall where the door is located... but here a problem arises... without the black cat... how can I scratch off the cement?
Hmm… maybe if I close my eyes and wish to see the door... okay, it probably won't work, but there's no harm in trying.. I close my eyes, count to 13, open my eyes, and to my surprise, there it is, the little door. I open the door again, and there it is again the dark blue tunnel, I give myself courage and cross it, slowly. I find myself in front of another small door and I slowly move it, not too much... Who knows, there might be something behind it...
I lean forward a little to observe, but what I see leaves me quite disappointed… It is the same room I left from, my living room, there is nothing different...It must have all been a joke, probably.
I enter the room, close the door, and decide to go back to bed, but on my way to the stairs, I spot the black cat outside the window beckoning me to follow him again and so I do.
Following the mysterious feline, I realize that the garden is different from usual... In front of us, then, stands an arch that leads towards a small lake, over which a bridge has been built... I've never seen it...
Around the lake, there are apple trees planted, already ripe, which is strange… I know that apples ripen during autumn, not in summer…
The cat climbs onto the bridge, jumping onto the ledge of this, where, there is a figure, leaning against it, seems a male figure, a long-limbed, elegant male figure...
Will it be a neighbor? At this time of night?
I approach slowly...
“Hello…Y/N, it's nice to meet you.”
I stop walking.
“h-how do you know my name?”
"I'm the son of a dear friend of your parents, it has sense that I know you."
So, he knows my parents... This reassures me. I lean forward to observe him, and when he turns, I am taken aback. He has... Buttons instead of eyes...Out of surprise, I lean on the handrail of the bridge, which however breaks.
I close my eyes to prepare for the impact but, before I end up in the water, I feel something pull me up and hold me. I open my eyes, and I see that face with delicate features, but almost ruined, by those gadgets on his eyes, so close to mine.
Where am I?
Am I really at home?
Regaining my balance, I move slightly...
"I know what you're thinking…These aren't exactly nice to look at, are they?"
She says pointing to the buttons.
I observe him, without responding, confused but also a little struck by compassion…
"don't feel bad, I was born like this…"
My confusion increases. And the boy probably understands this.
"You know you're not in your world right?.. This is very similar to yours but more beautiful.. Don't you think?"
He turns, observing the moon, which shone a slightly more different silver, from our real satellite.. Indeed, looking around, it feels better here.
"It means that my parents knew about this world.."
I think out loud. The boy turns to me and nods.
"Indeed.. But after my mother's death, they denied its existence."
I can hardly believe that my parents have denied this place... Why did they speak so badly about it? Why did they always tell me not to come here?
"but.. now you're here! Right? Will you keep me company for a bit, at least until dawn?"
The boy looks at me, smiling softly.
In the end.. I want to know more about this place, so I nod and smile back.
The boy takes me for a walk in this immense garden, full of flowers and sculptures made with hedges.
There is a certain musicality in the air.
"shall we Dance?"
I laugh
"I don't know how to dance, unfortunately, I would just make a fool of myself"
"it means that I will be the one to teach you"
I've always been a little reluctant when it comes to guys, I've already told you about my concept of loneliness, right?
Yet, with him it's different, he puts his hand around my hip, the one on which I think there is still the bruise from the other day, and his other hand delicately takes mine, we start dancing, I think it's a waltz or something like that. I'm just following his movements, looking into his eyes, or should I say, buttons.
"You like being alone too, don't you?"
I nod, lowering my gaze slightly.
"When you are alone, you feel better, sometimes, you have time to think and to improve yourself"
I keep listening to him in silence, while we keep dancing, I knew that I was not the only one who felt good alone, but it needed me to visit a parallel world to find that someone...
Thinking that I'm not that wrong or that strange makes me smile.
"Now that I think about it, you know my name, but I don't know yours.."
I say, lifting my head slightly.
"My name is Jimin, mi lady."
"Now are you even calling me mi lady?"
I laugh.
"you said you couldn't dance, yet you seem to have always been doing it, you look like a princess, a Lady"
He winks at me.
Generally, I hate this kind of attention, he's shamelessly flirting... And, unlike usual, I like it.
This boy, Jimin, if I'm not mistaken, has something special, it must be that he comes from this world..
We dance almost all night.
The first lights of dawn are already starting to appear...
'I should go.. '
'wait a little longer, please'
I do so, deciding to stay some more time with him, continuing to look at the sun which was now emerging on the horizon.
'Will you come visit me again?'
I spent one of the most beautiful nights of my life, how could I not come back here, I found a person who understands me… A special person. I nod but then I realize that it's really time to go before my parents find me. I immediately run away to where the little door is and I quickly run to my bed, a few minutes later I hear my mother come through the door… I take a sigh, just in time…
Jimin's POV
'she took the bait like a fish on a hook eh eh'
'you're absolutely right, Black… It was easier than I thought, I imagined Coraline's daughter to be tougher'
I say playing with a hair I pulled out of Y/N’s head.
'but she's cute, come on…'
'don't tell me you really meant those things you said to her?'
I turn to Black, nodding.
'it's a shame that she has to end up bad, but for now, I'll have fun with her' I smirk.
Let's see what she is doing now…
I lean towards the pond to see the image of Y/N, she is changing... Which makes me blush a lot…and that doesn’t suit me at all.
I make the image disappear from the pond and start to go back into the house…
'You have taken the color of your beloved apples'
Black tells me, laughing..
'shout up, you silly cat'
Y/N's pov
The days pass, Jimin and I now see each other every single evening, we dance the waltz and then we stop to watch the sunrise. He knows everything about me, and I know everything about him, or almost, sometimes he's so mysterious. He also gave me a pair of needle-shaped earrings. They are original, which is why I like them a lot. I would like to tell my parents about him, but Jimin told me several times not to do so, to avoid a possible "strange" reaction on their part. Maybe seeing Jimin would have reminded them of a dear friend, and this would have saddened them. So we decided to keep this "friendship" in secret, even though I can't understand whether he is really in love with me or not.
One evening
While having dinner with my parents, I notice that something is  bothering them. I look at them with confusion trying to understand what they were thinking. At a certain point, mom turns to me.
'you've been weird for a while..'
My confused expression deepens.
'You know.. We found this in your room..'
My mother shows me the doll I found that week before, before I discovered the door. I try to find an excuse...
'oh.. That? Ah yes, I found it just yesterday, upstairs haha you sewed it, right?'
'Y/N… We burned this doll'
My eyes widen. What do they mean they burned the doll? So.. Who recreated it..
'Those earrings'
I hear my father whisper that phrase, almost scared. I check my earlobes, and I notice that it's true, this time I forgot to remove my earrings..
'Wait.. I can explain-'
''Y/N! I told you not to look for the door!'
'You told me it didn't exist. And then... Even if it existed... What would be wrong with that? You told me so many of those lies, about monstrous creatures, just because they have buttons instead of eyes, what makes you think those creatures are really wrong??'
' Y/N.. Tell me where the door is.'
'Right now!'
Mom definitely has no good intentions, I don't understand her, Jimin is so good in the end, he understands me, and I'm sure his mother was like that too..
'You had a friend in that place. And you abandoned her son out of selfishness.'
My parents look shocked.
'Who told you this? Who is this friend-... oh no.. '
Mom leans towards me, probably to assert me. I move away and run towards the door, which is open.  Arrived in the other dimension, I turn and see the small walled-up door..
I turn around to find Jimin right behind me..
'What's going on, princess?'
I hug him. Scared and confused more than ever.
'My parents saw these'
Pointing to the earrings.
I see Jimin's face darken.
'I think I can imagine the rest..'
He almost seems to be... smiling.
At a certain point, she hugs me, squeezing me... I can hardly breathe.
'J-Jimin.. I can't breathe'
'Now.. you are with me, I will protect you..'
Black's pov
I think Jimin's plan is failing miserably.. I saw how he looks at that girl and he didn't seem like he was faking it.. Well, in the end he isn't that different from humans. I lie down on the branch of my favorite tree, but I can't fall asleep, I feel watched.
'Jimin was always wrong'
I turn, noticing Ginger, Y/n's cat.
'Oh then you talk.. I thought you were mute..'
'Nice...come on, let's go save Y/N'
I ignore her, poor naive kitten. She is naive but stubborn to the point that she makes me fall from my beloved branch. Luckily, we cats always land on our paws.
'Girl, have you lost your mind?'
I look at her, sitting proudly on the spot from where I fell.
'And yet you let yourself be deceived by that demon..Jimin is not your friend. He just wants to avenge his mother, the woman who killed three innocent children and who also wanted to kill Y/N's mother. You yourself helped Coraline..'
'Tsk.. yet Coraline left, never thinking of taking me with her.. Jimin instead welcomed me and was always by my side'
Ginger comes down from the tree and stands right in front of me.
'When he kills Y/n, you will no longer exist for him'
The coldness with which she said that sentence made my blood run cold. Yet I almost feel like she's telling the truth. Now that I think about it... Jimin always behaved strangely..I sigh…feeling betrayed for the umpteenth time.
'Let's go save your friend'
Ginger widens her eyes in surprise, but I can see a minimum of joy in those green bulbs. As fast as we can, we arrive in the other world... just in time....
Jimin's Pov
How beautiful. Thanks to Coraline and that owl Wybie, this innocent little fish ended up in my net. I continue to hold Y/n, not too much to kill her.. you know.. I changed the plan.. I want to keep her here with me, forever. She will be my queen, but to become one.. these beautiful eyes will have to be replaced.. I caress the girl's cheeks..
'Do you want to become my queen?..'
I say approaching her..
The moonlight is illuminating us, as if we were under a spotlight.
Y/n's pov
Jimin's proposal appeals to me a lot... I almost feel as if something is hypnotizing me…Something pleasant. I close my eyes, continuing to look at him, to look at those plump, pink and soft lips. I feel his breath approaching my face, and something touch my needle-shaped earring.. But before that distance between us could disappear... something awakens me from that trans-state...
Jimin's Pov
'Let that girl go right now'
Just as I'm about to sew up my princess's eyes, I am interrupted by a rather irritating voice. I turn around, furious, seeing Black....and another cat..
'What's the matter, my friend, have you also met your soulmate and has love just made you crazy? Come on let me do what I have to do..and go for a walk with your kitten..'
'You..kind of profiteering devil'
The two cats are preparing to jump on me..But Y/n shields me.. and the claws of the two cats.. hit her eyes.... I feel the pain, so much so that I feel my heart shatter.
For me... she gave up her beautiful eyes... for me... without even my hypnosis..
'Leave him alone.'
The girl shouts.
'He's innocent, why are you mad at him, all of you, he's alone... and he doesn't deserve it. He is misunderstood, and he just needs someone who understands him...please...get out of here and leave us alone. You two, and my parents...and everyone else.'
After saying this, I see Y/n collapse on the ground, holding her hands over her face, bleeding. The two cats seem mortified , especially the ginger one…it almost seems to cry.. then, at the bottom of the garden, right at the entrance, I hear sobs..
They are Coraline and Wybe.
I don't know how they got in, but it's like I can't move…
I crawl towards Y/n and rest my head on her shoulder while I wrap my arms around her waist...Below us there was now a blur, with the color of the apples from that tree right in front of us.
'Please, Jimin, save her..'
I hear Coraline's voice, broken..
'I'll save her, but she'll have to stay here with me... I'll have to sew her the buttons... it's the only way to keep her alive.'
Coraline and Wybe, through tears, nod..
I was a fool.. I believed from the beginning that they were the bad guys.. and yet.. the sacrifice of Y/n, of my Y/n, and the fact that her parents, after all, asked for help from me.. it makes me understand.. that maybe I did everything wrong in my life.. that I shouldn't have hung on to revenge, that it would have been better to forgive.. and maybe now Y/n would still have her beautiful eyes..
While I'm sewing on her buttons, a tear falls... yes... because under my buttons, I have eyes... it was the one I thought was my mother who sewed them on for me.. as soon as I finish, I take Y/n and hold her to me, still sleeping..
'You will be fine now...sorry, my princess'
I whisper to her.
Then my gaze turns towards her parents and the two cats, destroyed by their mistake.
'She's alive, she's healthy, she'll even be able to see again. But she will have to keep these forever..To apologize...I will create a bigger door in that house, and you can come here to see her whenever you want...in the end, this world is the same as yours. Wherever you go, that door will follow you so that you will always be able to see it.'
The couple looks at me in amazement…I don't blame them at all. I stand up, lifting Y/n bridal style.
'Y/n's right.. you're different'
'Thank you very much and take care of her, always..'
I turn towards them, bowing my head in thanks. In reality, I wasn't that different, it was Y/n, who opened my eyes.
Two days later
Y/n's pov
I wake up from what seemed to be an eternal sleep... I look around, and getting up, I remember what happened...I jump up to look at myself in the mirror and...yes...now I have buttons where my eyes should be.
'I'm sorry, princess. It was the only way to save you'
I turn towards the voice, it was Jimin, behind him were my parents, along with Ginger and Black. I give them a smile.
'Modestly...they suit me'
I laugh and then jump on the boy.
'Am I wrong or before anyone interrupted us, we were doing something very serious'
I say literally closing the door in my parents' faces.
And then I kiss him..
I've wanted to do this for a long time, and it's cooler than I thought. Especially because now I can be with him... in the world that perhaps suits me better.
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kpoptrashlord-007 · 2 years
Weightless;; KSJ
Word Count;; 6.3k
Genre;; Yandere + Sci-Fi Horror [Alien Series AU]
Pairing;; Seokjin x F!Reader
There’s something aboard the ship. The crew refuses to comment on it, paid to act like everything is smooth sailing despite the obvious, but you’ve heard it. In the dead of night, when the partying comes to an end and your fellow guests retire to their rooms, screams echo from deep within the bowels of the Ishimura.
It’s only a matter of time before it comes for you. Even now you can hear it breathing, whispering, groaning. Laying awake on your bed, you stare into the overhead vent. It’s there you always find them - floating eyes amidst the endless dark.
Umm, Alien-typical content, yandere-typical content. Death (no MCD), violence, drugging, gore, horror, suspense, mental breakdowns, etc etc
SPACE HORROR!! No one can hear you scream in space! There's nowhere to run in space! muhahaha!
This is for @taetaecherub​'s Fear Festival BTS Halloween Collab! <3 Don’t forget to check out the other works - they’re gonna be great! Also I love you if you picked up on any of the references in this! It's packed full of them!!
Main Masterlist || BTS Masterlist
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   When you awake, you’re weightless. Free, light, unburdened – it’s as if you’re floating in space. A sense of serenity befalls you. Taking a deep breath, you suck down the artificial air and hold it deep within your lungs.
   There’s something off about the crew. They haven’t been acting right ever since the outing on Feros. You exhale through parted lips. Desperate whispers shared in dark corners, mouths sealed shut behind trembling lips, eyes wide with the unspeakable knowledge, the horrendous truth of what happened that “uneventful” day.
   Another inhalation of not-quite-perfect oxygen. It’s almost indistinguishable from Earth’s air and yet… you know. Perhaps that’s the only reason it bothers you. You know it isn’t natural. It sits heavy in your chest. If only you had caught a glimpse of the passenger they carted down to medical. Without something concrete, you have nothing to investigate. An insistent burn tickles your lungs. Asking everyone you see if they know of a missing guest is proving futile. Just as your chest is ready to burst, you release your breath.
   Enough is enough.
   Today is the day you get your answers.
   After filling up with another large breath, your eyes drift open. It’s quiet now. Well, the screaming has quieted down at least. Early mornings are the best time to reflect on the information you’ve gathered thus far for this exact reason. The gravity in your room is off, allowing you to float with only your tether keeping you within reach of your bed. There’s a steady, rhythmic rasp from within the overhead vent and its consistency lulls you into a meditative state. Focusing on the unblinking pair of eyes staring down at you through the metal grate, you allow your mind to wander.
   It’s been a week since the day trip to Feros, a boring little planet with a tiny little human settlement and a massive science lab. You heard they didn’t even let anyone inside the high-tech facility, claiming to be on the brink of a breakthrough with no time to entertain ‘rich little monkeys’. And after hearing extensive complaining for three days straight, you couldn’t say you disagreed. Everyone aboard the cosmic cruise lay somewhere on the egotistical spectrum. Self-involved to a sickening degree, not one person batted an eye as they recalled how distant and dreary the colonists appeared.
   The few that provided anything useful were easily the worst people you’ve ever had the displeasure of talking to. On the fourth day of snooping you found yourself sneaking into the V.I.P lounge. A special place for the special elite, it reeked of wealth. Art lined the walls. Alcohol of every colour glistened and beckoned. Gold trim couches and crystal tables reflected beams of ‘daylight’ from the chandeliers. The whole room glowed as scantily dressed women hand-fed the guests fresh grapes. Fresh. So much for the hydroponics failing. After circling the outskirts of the room and coming up empty handed, you swallowed your nerves and threw yourself into the lion’s den.
   In the centre of the lounge was a man and a woman. At first glance they appeared normal enough – the man wore a casual suit jacket, red dress shirt and blue jeans, while the woman sported a pink fringe and bun, with a hairpin to keep it in place, and a dark undercut. Her clothes resembled an army officer’s but you couldn’t place which military they belonged to. Aside from a modest silver chain around the man’s neck, their attire wasn’t extravagant.
   Their personalities, on the other hand, left something to be desired.
   “Can you tell me about the colonists? Did anything seem off?”
   The woman, Yuma, scoffed. “Useless and weak.”
   She crossed her arms and looked out the window. Millions of miles of distant, flickering stars laid beyond the glass. No ships, no planets, no moons – only empty space. When Yuma didn’t elaborate further, you glanced at her companion. Legs spread wide, he slouched in his chair with a cigar in hand. Actual, honest to God smoke wisped from the tip. The ventilation system overhead whirled as it filtered out the cancerous pathogen.
   “What about you?” you asked, flicking your head in his direction. “See anything odd?”
   “Why do you ask, princess? Did you see anything?”
   You recognised his voice before his face. His South African drawl was impossible to ignore. “I wouldn’t be asking if I had, Volker.”
   He grinned but there was nothing amiable in his voice as he spoke, “Well, aren’t you cute? If your boyfriend wasn’t such a pain in the arse, I’d teach you a thing or two about manners.”
   “Boyfriend? I don’t have a–”
   “Pisshole of a planet, it was. I stood in cow shit the moment we disembarked.” Hoyt blew cigar smoke into your face. “Those shoes were my favourite, too. I had a local hunt the croc and everything.”
   You coughed. “But what about the people?”
   “Who fucking cares?”
   Narrowing your eyes at him, you opened your mouth to respond when a slimy ‘excuse me, doll’ met your ears. A shudder crawled down your spine as he grew louder, inched closer. His breath warmed your neck and his fingers trailed down your body as he sidled behind you.
   “Everyone knows you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.”
   “What does that mean?” you said, fighting to keep the anger out of your voice as you turned your head toward the newcomer.
   Scotch in hand, he plopped down on a leather chair. It groaned under his plump weight. Eyes glued to the curve of your ass, he sipped his drink. Ice clinked in the glass. With a wave of his hand he summoned one of the girls to his side. They moved in clockwork tandem; he parted his fat lips and she slipped a grape onto his tongue. Despite the illegal activities you suspected of the other two, McKay was by far the worst of the three: a serial imperialist.
   “All I’m saying is those scientists are doing good work.”
   “Waste of perfectly good ‘eggs’.” Hoyt muttered as he rose to his feet. He brushed off imaginary dirt before walking toward you. While not exceptionally tall, his presence compensated for what he lacked in inches. The closer he approached, the smaller you felt. Despite his slender frame you bounced back when his shoulder collided with yours. Not bothering to stop or acknowledge the hit, he continued, “They could fetch a nice price, that lot.”
   Yuma snorted, shaking her head. “They’re too weak to work. Not worth the money.”
   Hoyt departed with a dismissive wave. You refocused your attention on McKay. It might be unwise to keep your back to a woman like Yuma, but you were willing to take that risk.
   “How do you know they’re doing good work?”
   McKay ignored you. “Now, now, Ms. Lau. They have worth.”
   “If they can’t work even a simple colony, what good are they to anyone?”
   “Well,” he began, gaze landing on you as he wet his lips, “I can think of a thing or two their bodies can be used for.”
   “You fucking—”
   “Idiot,” Yuma growled, ending the conversation as she flipped McKay off.
   Now three days later you’re no closer to figuring out just what the hell is going on. But you have faith. Faith in yourself, faith in your investigation, faith in the medical bay and the files it holds. Today is the day everything comes to a head.
   “They can’t keep their secrets any longer,” you whisper to the vent. What it whispers back you don’t know. You don’t care to know, either. “Time to go.”
   It’s your imagination, it has to be, but you swear the eyes burn brighter for a mere second before they fade away completely. The steel walls of the ventilation shafts offer no sound other than a consistent thump as your monster retreats. You consider pursuing it but fear holds you back. Just because it hasn’t attacked you yet doesn’t mean it won’t. It could be biding its time.
   The walk down to the medical wing takes much too long. You passed many people along the way, most of whom didn’t acknowledge you in the slightest, but you had to be careful. The last thing you needed were witnesses. With your head down and your eyes averted, you used less-travelled corridors and stuck to the ‘slums’. Even so, your luck took a turn for the worse the moment you ran into none other than Sean McKay.
   Fraternising with the lower upper class, champagne flowed around him as he flitted from housewife to housewife. Even the rich yearn for greater wealth, it seemed, and McKay was nothing if not a money bag. Your fellow guests flocked to him, buttering him up with unwarranted compliments while allowing his sleazy hands to wander. Unable to hide your distaste, your lips turn upward into a snarl. Of course, that was the moment he decided to look up from his plethora of women. Your eyes locked with his for half a second and that was all it took. Recognition lit up across his features as he waddled across the room.
   “Sean darling,” a middle-aged woman whined after him, “have you seen Camilla? She’s been missing for–”
   “Didn’t we chat in the V.I.P lounge?” McKay’s voice boomed as he called to you. “What brings a special little lady like you down here?”
   Everyone’s attention landed on you. Envy fueled their glares. Like a pack of wolves, they encircled you. Shifting from side to side, you exhaled sharply. “I could ask the same of you.”
   “You know, I never did catch your name, darling.”
   Your fist tightened into a ball. Readying yourself to go down swinging, you zeroed in on his nose. One good hit and it would break. Blood would spurt down his greasy face and dark rings would form around his eyes, making him look like a grotesque racoon-pig hybrid. It would be worth it… but only on a personal level.
   “I can’t believe you’d forget my name so easily,” you sighed, turning on your heels.
   “But I didn’t forget,” he huffed as he jogged toward you, practically glueing himself to your side. “You never told me.”
   “No, you are mistake–”
   Your body jerked to a stop. Stubby fingers latched around your wrist. His palm chafed your skin as he yanked you back. Dark, beady eyes narrowed as he searched your face. Willing yourself to appear neutral, your jaw loosened and your forehead relaxed. It worked. He chuckled.
   "You sure are a pretty little thing. How about we discuss your identity, your real identity, up in my suite? I'm sure we can work something out–"
   "Honey!" Your eyes widened at the familiar voice. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you." With an exaggerated groan, your nuisance of a friend crossed the room in a few short strides. Several of the women murmured his name as he passed, pink tinging their cheeks. "Come now, we're late. Oh, who is this? A friend of yours?"
   Seokjin extended his hand. With great reluctance, the older man shook it. "McKay. Sean McKay. You've probably heard of me."
   "Hmm." Seokjin tilted his head. After a moment, he clicked his fingers together. Turning the full effect of his dazzling smile onto you, he sidled up beside you, pushing McKay out of the way. "Is this that famous dressmaker you were talking about, baby?" You shook your head but it didn’t deter him. "I can't thank you enough for accepting our request. When we discovered her wedding dress missing from our luggage, we were devastated."
   McKay failed at hiding his sneer. He mentioned something about his industries and whatnot, laying out his resume to an audience that had no interest in it. After a while he trailed off, clearing his throat to excuse himself before storming out of the room. If he expected someone to follow, none did. And while the glares sent in your direction had intensified, some faded to awe-stricken swooning. Seokjin, after all, was quite the sight.
   "Why’d you say that?" you muttered, kicking his shoe. It was probably worth more than most people's homes.
   He shrugged before pulling you into a suffocating hug. Fingers carded through your hair as he petted your head. "It felt right to me.”
   “If you say so,” you laughed, disentangling your limbs from his, “darling.”
   Seokjin stiffened at the word and you took the opportunity to walk away.
   And now he hasn’t left your side. Which is putting a massive dampener on your investigation. You’ve walked past the medical wing thrice, each time with Seokjin in tow. No matter the excuse he remains, clinging to you like a koala. If he held you any tighter your arm would fall off. Shaking him off is futile because he just comes right back. You’re coming up on the door yet again and the guard outside is stroking his rifle like it’s an extension of himself.
   It’s now or never.
   “Listen, Jin. I’ve got some things I need to do today so why don’t we meet back up later?”
   “It’s fine. I’m not busy today.”
   He smiles at you and your heart skips a beat. Everyone always tells you how beautiful and perfect he is, and how lucky you are to have him as a friend, but you’ve never thought much about it. About him.
   “Well, I need to… it doesn’t matter.”
   His smile widens into a grin and a single thought pervades: the world truly does shine brighter with him in it.
   There’s an irritated sigh from the guard when you pause a few feet ahead of him. “You two again. Do you need something?”
   “Yeah, let us through,” you say, taking a step forward. He tightens his hold around the rifle’s grip. Pausing, you raise your brow. “Please?”
   “This area is off limits.”
   “There was an incident. Don’t worry about it.”
   “Okay, but why?”
   “If there’s nothing else?” He gestures to the side and your face sets into a frown.
   “Thanks for nothing, asshole.”
   When you turn to leave, a spark shoots past you. While your brain races to process what the blue light could be, your body reacts on its own. Throwing yourself against the wall, you drop to the ground and throw your hands above your head. Pained grunting fills the corridor. It’s overshadowed by a constant electric hiss. After a solid minute, both sounds cease, only to be replaced by the loud thud of flesh meeting metal.
   Looking back at the guard, you gasp. “What the fuck?”
   He lay passed out on the floor. Seokjin kicks his leg, stun gun aimed at the man’s head all the while. The guard doesn’t move. With a beaming grin, Jin gives you a thumbs up.
   “What the fuck, Jin!” you shout, staggering to your feet. “Why did you do that? How do you even have that?”
   “You need to get in here, right?” You give him a hesitant nod. “Then let’s go.”
   “We’re going to be thrown into the brig for this. We are so fucked!”
   Swiping the keycard off the guard, he opens the door to the medical wing. “If there’s anyone left to throw us in.”
   “What… what do you mean?”
   He sighs, and when you increase the distance with a shaky step back, he lunges at an incredible speed. Fingers snaking around your wrist, he yanks you forward, ushering you toward the truth you were so desperate to find. Unease whirls within your gut. There’s no traffic down the long hall. The lights are dull and there’s an occasional flicker of red overhead – the emergency alarm system is activated but emitting no sound.
   In fact, everything is dead silent.
   “I know you’ve seen it, too.”
   Heart racing, the blood pounding against your eardrums almost drowns his words out. Almost. The uneasy churning of your gut returns in full force and nausea overwhelms you. Something is wrong. Where are all the doctors? The other guards?
   Seokjin sets a brisk pace. His dark hair ripples and sways with each step. You can’t see his face as he leads you deeper down the shadowy corridor. Every door you pass is closed. No light leaks from under their thresholds. Without thinking, you raise your hand to touch his hair, to see if it’s as soft as it looks, but you jolt back when you hear a loud clang.
   Metal against metal, your first thought is that of a tray hitting the ground. Several smaller clanks follow, like surgical instruments splaying across the floor. You come to a stop behind Seokjin. His broad shoulders shield you from whatever sight has his breath faltering. Alarm bells ring in your mind. Every instinct is telling you to turn tail and run.
   Inhaling, you push your worries down.
   Exhaling, answers lie ahead.
   Inhaling, you recall their screaming.
   Blood-curdling screeches that echoed through the ventilation system. They started the night after the Feros trip. You awoke with a start, drenched in sweat and adrenaline coursing through your veins. Not a single remnant of whatever nightmare plagued you lingered, but what else could it be? On the maiden voyage of the luxurious USG Ishimura, the first spaceliner with the ability to travel beyond the Sol System, there was no room aboard for petty criminals or vagrants.
   No one screamed on the ship.
   It was your imagination.
   No one died on the ship.
   The crew wouldn’t allow it.
   And yet the terrified wailing recurred every night after. Not just a single cry, but many, sometimes even all at once. If it started with just the Feros passenger, it soon spread. Working its way up from the lower decks, it was only a matter of time before it reached the elite in their ivory cabins. When you mentioned it off-handedly to the occupants of the rooms next to yours, you became a pariah (“Did you know she hears voices? She thinks the crew is killing people!”) amongst them. They weren’t filthy rich, not like the McKays of the world, but they had enough money to burn on an overpriced, overhyped cosmic journey in style.
   Exhaling, there’s more than just your life at stake.
   When they brought the passenger back, Patient Zero if you will, he was unresponsive. You gathered that much from the guards. Shouts rang out loud and clear as you, fashionably late, stumbled toward the docking bay. Their concern piqued your interest – whatever could have happened on such a dull planet? Given that you’d slept through the tour announcement and missed your chance to feel solid ground underfoot for another few weeks, you were glad for the entertainment and followed the frenzy toward the infirmary.
   The passenger couldn’t walk on their own. Armed guards held them upright as they escorted the patient into the bowels of the ship. Chasing after them, you called out offering aid, eager to see what infliction ended the trip early for the unlucky tourist. Doctors shooed you away but not before you saw the terror in their eyes. Guns pointed in your direction and, despite your spot as an 'honourable guest', you knew they considered you expendable.
   Jog staggering to a halt, your arms rose in surrender.
   It was better for your health if you remained oblivious, so you turned your back on the passenger. For a single second, as the doctors struggled to open the infirmary door, the passenger's head drooped and lolled. In the briefest of moments, you saw everything in the nothingness.
   What should have been Patient Zero's face was the incomprehensible.
   Inhaling, you fill your lungs until your chest hurts.
   Your eyes are closed and yet you see.
   For the first time, you truly see.
   Leaning around Seokjin, your vision blurs but your clarity is infallible.
   Your breath departs in a rushed gasp.
   Long, sticky globs drip from the ceiling. Once white walls are streaked maroon. Deep holes permeate the thick metal. Carts lay scattered, overturned and dented. Your gaze travels further down the hall, teetering on the edge of the infinite dark. Twitching in the shadows is a blood-soaked leg. Clad in heels, it bounces like a nervous child on their first day of school.
   Once more you’re presented with the chance to help rather than abandon but you hold fast, paralysed with uncertainty. The movement is unnatural; frantic. After a particularly harsh jerk it levitates off the ground. Not far, just a few inches, but hovering all the same.
   Alarms explode to life and you cover your ears with a wince. The emergency system plunges the entire hall into the pits of hell. Replacing the white light, crimson pours down the corridor. Intrusive, it doesn’t stop where its predecessor deemed fit. Igniting the entirety of the wing in its fiery glow, every room burns red.
   You catch sight of the leg. It’s still now; as is the man holding it. What seems like miles of distance separate you, but the desperation in his eyes is evident all the same. A beacon of despair, he trembles and cries, his face wet with fear. The desire to help dissipates. What replaces it is primal – the need to survive. With a clenched fist, you shake your head at the man, stepping back the way you came. His shoulders slump and you wonder if he understands just how alone he truly is.
   Grabbing the back of Seokjin’s shirt, you pull him toward you, a silent plea to escape. He doesn’t take much convincing. Without flinching, he wraps his arm around your shoulders and places a chaste kiss against your forehead. It provides little comfort. Shepherding you back toward the entrance, his face is a blank canvas.
   It’s unnerving how calm he is.
   Even when the doctor starts to scream, he doesn’t look back. Your neck aches from how fast you snap around but Seokjin doesn’t pause, doesn’t react. Not even when your nails break the skin of his arm does he offer you anything more than a soothing pet on the head. Your heart threatens to crack your ribs with each thunderous thud but he doesn’t break a sweat. Tears spill down your cheeks and your throat constricts as you watch the impossible.
   “It’s… what? What? How is it?” you babble more to yourself than him. “Not real, right? Or… What the fuck!”
   Inch by inch, something lowers itself from the ceiling. Spikes tap against the ground as its tail slithers down. Its attention is locked onto the doctor. On long, spindly legs, the creature stalks toward him. Despite a humanoid appearance, its head is elongated and shiny. Drool pours down its chin as it screeches. Its skin is as black as the dead space surrounding the hunk of metal you’re stuck on.
   Lurching for the leg once more, the doctor fumbles until he manages to pull a lighter out of a blood-soaked pocket. Made of steel, it glimmers in the red-tinged hall.
   “Lord forgive me.”
   He flicks the lighter open and a small flame ignites. The creature leaps forward. Arms outstretched, its claws dig into his chest. The doctor writhes in agony. Blood spurts from his body, spraying across the walls. It leans in closer to his face. When its mouth opens, a high-pitched squeal emanates. The flame dances across its metallic teeth. With a final, inaudible retort, the man’s hand drops.
   Time slows. Or rather, your brain lags, struggling to comprehend the scene before you.
   From within the monster’s throat extends a smaller head. It screeches and cries, like a child awoken from a nap. The lighter falls into the growing puddle beside the man. It doesn’t go out. Lightning fast, the second head bursts forward. It pierces through the man’s skull as if it were made of jelly. Blue flames creep across the floor, following a small trail that leads to a flipped jerry can. The fire gains ground. Encircling the alien, heat licks at its tail and feet.
   It roars as it leaps into the ventilation shaft.
   “Jin, did you see?” You turn to Seokjin and he nods, expressionless. “Did you see it?”
   “Come on. We need to go.”
   He drags you back the way you came. Sweat dampens your shirt as you trudge along with him. The further you go, the cooler it becomes. The fire isn’t travelling; it has nothing to consume aside from the gasoline and corpses. You’re wrapped up in your thoughts when you hear it –
   Even over the blaring alarms you can hear it.
   Surely Seokjin does too, and yet…
   Skidding to a halt, you grip his wrist hard enough to bruise. He taps his foot with a frown. When he opens his mouth to speak, you slam your hand against his lips. Lifting a trembling hand, you point to the ceiling then to the vent entrance a few feet ahead.
   “It’s in the vents,” you whisper, voice cracking as you take a step back, “We can’t go back that way, it’ll kill us!”
   “Don’t worry. We’re going to be okay.”
   “How can you say that! Look around, Jin! Nothing is okay here!”
   “It can’t hear us over all this noise.”
   “And if it, like, smells us? Or can see heat signatures? Did you think of that?” He snorts. Turning around, he rubs your right shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Scoffing, you continue, “This is fucking serious, Jin! What is with… you…?”
   It’s just a pinch, really, but it stings all the same.
   “What da… do?”
   And then it burns.
   He sighs. “You’re acting hysterical.”
   It spreads through your veins like decay.
   “Hush now, quiet. It’s going to be okay.”
   You didn’t realise you were wailing until he gripped your face, moulding you beneath his large hands and forcing your mouth shut. Content with your compliance, his thumb brushes against your bottom lip. You try to push him away but you’re so heavy. Limbs like lead, you dangle beneath his iron hold. Unable to keep your eyes open, darkness washes over you. It’s cold, just like his lips as they press against yours. When he pulls away, you soar through the air.
   His voice rains down on you from every direction.
   “All that matters is keeping you safe.”
                              ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
   When you wake, you’re weighed down. Heavy, shackled, burdened – it’s as if you’re rooted to the ground. Pure terror seizes you. Gasping for air, you gulp down the stale oxygen blowing out the vent.
   Oh God, the vent–
   “There’s no one there,” Seokjin hums. “Not now at least.”
   “Are you sure?”
   Ignoring his reassurances, you stare into the vent. Nothing stares back. A pang of loneliness gnaws at you. The one constant that had gotten you through it all is gone. Where eyes once burned bright is stillness. There’s no comfort left in your cold little box of a room.
   When you sit up, your head throbs. Both of your arms are sore. Your legs are lethargic.
   “What happened back there?”
   Seokjin dismisses you as he continues rifling through your drawers. “There isn’t much time.”
   With a dry chuckle, you stagger to your feet. He doesn’t move to help you, nor does he crack off a witty retort. Wide open at the bottom of the bed is a suitcase. You recognise the belongings inside to be yours. Some clothes, some documents, some knick-knacks – everything you need and everything you love.
   “What are you doing?”
   “What does it look like?”
   “I don’t know,” you pause for effect, “housekeeping?”
   For the first time in days you hear his obnoxious laugh. There’s a nervous energy underlying it but butterflies erupt within your stomach all the same. It wasn’t even a funny joke and yet you keel over, body shaking in a fit of giggles.
   “We’re so fucked!” you laugh, tears blurring Seokjin’s visage as he throws yet another of your possessions onto the mountainous pile. “We’re gonna die here, you know?”
   “Neither of us are dying here. That’s what escape pods are for, dummy.”
   Wiping your eyes with the back of your hand, you nod at him, hope bubbling in your chest. “You’re a genius.”
   “Well thank you, milady.”
   "All we have to do is get everyone to a pod or boat or whatever and abandon this hellship! There’s got to be a way to ping everyone or send out an alert, right?”
   “Yes but…” he trailed off, avoiding your gaze.
   “I mean no offence but… I don’t think people will believe you.”
   “Then you tell them.”
   “We can’t risk our own lives for these people. They’re not worth it.”
   “Are you serious right now?” When he doesn’t respond, you scoff. “Then I’ll do it alone. If no one will believe me, then I’ll just have to find a way to space that… thing instead.”
   “I can’t let you do that.”
   “What? Are you gonna drug me again?”
   He flinches. “I did what I had to.”
   “And now so am I.”
   Walking to the door, you place your hand over the scanner. Green light emits from the device. It shrouds your hand in a sickly glow. Seokjin stands. His tone is acidic as he demands you stop. The door slides open and a gust of air whips around you. He crosses the room in a few short steps, his hand reaching for you, his nails grazing your shirt. Your name falls from his lips in increasingly loud whispers. Without looking back you take off in a brisk jog.
   There’s a ball in the community area. ‘Ball’ being fancy talk for ‘party’, it’s your best bet at reaching the most people at once. Every night they hold one, and every night the place is packed. If you can broadcast the situation, inform the attendees of the atrocities of the crew, then perhaps Patient Zero (and every death henceforth) won’t have been in vain. With everyone’s help, removing the oversized killer pest will be a cinch.
   Seokjin calls out your name.
   A scowl stretches across your face.
   Using the escape pods should be the last ditch effort. The Ishimura is a fine ship – there’s no reason to abandon her. If the oldies from early Hollywood are anything to go by, making a flamethrower isn’t difficult. While most of the guests are useless, vile, and downright repulsive human beings, some possess unsavoury talents. People like Yuma might even be able to take the beast on with their bare hands. Criminals abound, you wouldn’t even be surprised if the cargo bay is riddled with weapons. Hoyt wouldn’t have boarded without packing some serious heat.
   Shouldn’t you go straight to them?
   They won’t care until it comes knocking on their door.
   Seokjin is closer now, your name ringing in your ears.
   “Go away!”
   The engineering team always goes to the ball – their head honcho (Mark? Or was it Mack?) adores the dancing and the wine and classic 2100’s vibe – which makes the community area your best bet. It’ll be a double win if you can recruit them. With their expertise, you can make an assortment of weapons, and even rig one of the escape pods. Launching the alien into a black hole or sun would be ideal, but you’ll settle for it just being the fuck off the ship.
   Luring it, however, is a whole different can of worms.
   “God dammit, I said, ‘stop!’”
   The hum of music greets you as you round the corner. Up ahead the ball is in full swing. Guests swing and twirl as their partners guide them. A young woman belts out the soothing rendition of Toxic, one of the original great songs from the new Elizabethan era.
   Despite its initial jovial appearance, no one is laughing within the grand, gilded hall.
   Huffing, you crack your neck and take a step forward. A weight connects with your back. Unsteady feet give way and you topple over. Your chin hits the ground, rattling your teeth. Dazed, you struggle to stand but are crushed beneath soft flesh. When you tilt your head, you come eye to eye with Seokjin.
   “You can’t do this.” Grunting under his weight, you scramble to free yourself of his hold. He pins you down with a single hand, and when you kick your legs up in a frenzy, his knee juts into your spine. “Weyland-Yutani won’t allow it.”
   “I didn’t realise you were a Company lapdog!” you seethe, spitting in his direction. Veering off to the side, it misses him completely but it has the desired effect. His eyes narrow and the veins in his neck pop. A grin creeps across your face before you mouth ‘fuck you’.
   “Just know I’m doing this for you.”
   Clutching onto the back of your shirt, he lifts your upper body a few inches before slamming you back down. Pain erupts across your collarbone. Choked whimpers escape your lips as he does it again. Your head ricochets off the ground when he does it for a third time. Warm blood rushes into your eye.
   Commotion builds within the ballroom and you pray it’s because of you, that someone is going to run out and defend you. The music cuts off and murmurs overtake the constant hum of pain whirling inside your skull. Fighting through your dizzying stupor, you glance toward the attendees.
   “Did a pipe burst?” a man says.
   Your smile falls.
   Not a single person cares about you.
   Of course they don’t.
   “What is that?!”
   Then the screaming commences.
   It happens so fast you can hardly keep up. A black mass drops from the ceiling. Shocked and petrified, the guests remain still. Seokjin is up on his feet before you can even blink. It’s in this split second of hesitation that he strikes. As he’s pulling the door closed, the champagne fountain runs red.
   Then the stampede begins. Hundreds of guests run toward the main entrance. They shove one another, stomping any of the fallen without remorse. Their exit seals shut with a mocking hiss. Seokjin pulls out the security keycard from his first victim of the night. Pressing it against the scanner, he inputs several commands. A body thuds against the door. Desperate knocking pursues. Green is replaced with red as the door locks.
   “Security override: successful. Lockdown in effect.”
   “What are you doing? Mr. Kim, is that you? Open this door, Kim!” You recognise the voice to be McKay’s. “I work with the Company – didn’t they tell you? Open the fucking door!”
   A part of you enjoys seeing this side of him:
   Scared, feeble, small.
   Now he’s no different from the rest.
   “I’ll double what they’re paying you. Triple it! I’ll give you my entire fortune, Kim!”
   Every inch of your body screams for you to stop but you push through it. There’s no way you’re missing the chance to see the great Sean McKay begging like the rat he is. A gurgled laugh rips through your lips. It only intensifies once you stand before the glass window. McKay’s pudgy, red face takes up the entire view.
   “What a sight,” you say. “Of course you had a hand in this.”
   “You. Did you do this? Where is Kim?”
   “This Mr. Kim?” you ask, standing aside while gesturing for Seokjin to come forward. He complies. “He did it, alright.”
   “You’re Mr. Kim? You two have been in cahoots this whole ti–”
   McKay cuts off abruptly. You push Seokjin aside to get a better view, hoping for the worst. Your prayers are answered but it offers little comfort. The black spearhead of the alien’s tail wiggles out of his left eye socket. His lips twitch as his right eye rolls toward the back of his skull. Saliva mixes with blood, dribbling down his chin and staining his designer shirt pink. McKay’s body inches toward the glass, propelled forward by the tail. The tip scratches the window all whilst carrying the corpse, dangling it like a worm on a hook.
   “Seokjin,” you say, stepping near enough to fog the glass. “Why are you doing this?”
   Leaping across the room, the alien drags McKay with him. With your view unobscured, the entirety of its carnage lies before you. Blood, guts, limbs. It’s hard to look at the small bodies, the ones that used to be children. There’s a few of them. Worse than that, however, is how many are still alive, all huddled up in the corner behind those brave enough to take the monster on.
   “They’re buying us time.” He grabs your shoulder but you don’t budge. “Come on. Don’t let their sacrifice be in vain.”
   “There are children in there. Please, Jin, let them out. They don’t deserve this.”
   Your pleas fall flat even to your own ears. They do little to persuade him, and you do little else to dissuade him. You want to chalk it up to exhaustion, blame it on your weakened condition, but you’re selfish. Why even fight? Maybe you save a few lives, maybe you die.
   “You’re the only one worth saving here,” he says. His hands wrap around your waist, pulling you free from your trance. The world turns upside down as he lifts you. Ever-so-gently he places you over his shoulder.
   "You're no better than them.”
   And neither am I.
                              ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
   When you awake, you’re weightless.
   A migraine licks at your outer edges, the pounding only made worse when you open your eyes.
   Red lights flash.
   Klaxon alarms bellow.
   Pressure crushes your chest.
   But beyond the dissonance of the circular room…
   Silent, vast, magnificent space.
   It rushes around you as the escape pod is jettisoned.
   And within it, hidden amongst a sea of stars, are Seokjin’s bright, burning eyes.
   Pacified by their familiar presence, your mind slips toward unreality.
   As if raining down from the heavens, his voice cascades around you.
   “You’re safe now.”
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writersrealmbts · 1 year
Harvest Moon 2
Description: Werewolf!Taehyung x Reader: You've lived with Taehyung and his pack for about a month, putting down roots and enjoying every moment with him along the way.
Posted: 09/06/2023
Tags: Werewolves, Werewolf!Taehyung, werewolf everybody but reader
Wordcount: 3,800
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Originally posted by taebae-btsv
You caught a glimpse of silvery fur and braced yourself for the inevitable pounce from your future mate's best friend.
Jimin knocked you fairly gently to the ground with a happy bark.
"Hi, Jimin, I'm assuming Tae isn't far behind. What will he think when he sees you pinning his mate to the ground?" You asked dryly.
His tail stopped wagging.
Too late.
Tae bowled him over with a growl, and they started wrestling loudly.
You went back to planting the garlic bulbs for overwintering. Back home, you'd only plant a few garlic, not going through too much yourself. But now that you lived with Taehyung's pack, they'd impressed upon you the importance of growing lots of garlic when you were neighbors with vampires.
Continue reading on A03
Previous. Next?
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
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Happy Halloween, Loves! 
Because this is my favorite holiday of all time, I've created this list for everyone wanting to read some Halloween related fics for today. They may not all include the holiday itself, but they at least have the elements we love so much about the holiday!
Supernatural!au, Horror!au, etc. 
Give all the authors your praise for their stories. I included a few of my own, but besides the fic’s I claim as mine then none of these fics are mine. Make sure to check out the warnings before you read the fics!
You may have seen some of these fics recommended on my other lists, but it’s only because they’re related to this rec list AND because the read was so good for me I wanted to recommend them again! I hope you all enjoy the fics as much as I did, and have a happy Halloween! 
。·°°·°°·。 。·°°·°°·。 。·°°·°°·。
(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst , 
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Drabble
。·°°·°°·。 。·°°·°°·。 。·°°·°°·。
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Title: Birthright 💦👊🗒
Summary: Vampire!seokjin x human!reader. Also historical and strangers to lovers!au
↳ “Slowly making peace with the one singular purpose your life served, you were grateful for the solace you didn’t anticipate within the cold walls of the Briarwood Manor in a handsome stranger who kept your heart warm with his gorgeous smiles and a vast collection of books. However, you couldn’t escape the eerie inkling that you knew him better than you realized. Not when assaulted by dreams in which Kim Seokjin’s charcoal black eyes turn as red as his lips had been the first night you met him.”
Title: Mirror, Mirror On The Wall 💦🗒
Summary: Vampire prince!seokjin x human servant!reader. Also royalty and medieval!au.
↳ “Being a vampire prince, Seokjin is used to feeling everyone’s eyes on him. In fact, he’s come to expect it from his subjects. So when you won’t look at him of course he’s not happy. After all, didn’t anyone teach you it’s rude not to stare at him?”
Title: My Queen 💦🐑👊🗒
Summary: Vampire king!seokjin x human!reader. Also royalty and soulmate!au.
↳ “Seokjin had just returned to find his court and staff were not treating you how they should when he was gone. You were hurt, and his instincts were telling him to claim you and make sure you were unharmed.”
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Title: Magic of The Night 👊🗒
Summary: Witch!Yoongi x Human!Reader. Also Magic, Halloween and Horror!au.
↳ “There is a witch you go to for spells and potions whenever human nature is not enough for things to go your way, and he loves you more than anyone else ever will.”
Title: Snowstorm 🐑👊🗒
Summary: Jack Frost!yoongi x reader. Magic, Jack Frost and Childhood friends!au.
↳ “Strange things happen in the woods when you return home for Christmas. And why does your mum insist you stay away from Min Yoongi?”
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Title: Trick-or-Treat! 🐑🗒 
Summary: Trick-or-treating and meadow!au. Short, but sweet. This felt like a good relief to read after reading all of these other fics. A needed fluff read for this season!
↳ n/a
Title: Red 💦🗒
Summary: Idol!Sub!Hoseok x Demon!Dom!reader. Fantasy, supernatural/demon, and established relationship au. 
↳ “Can we go on one date without you causing someone trauma?” ... “Babe, I’m a demon. What do you expect me to do?”
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Title: Run Little Red 👊🗒
Summary: Wolf!namjoon x human!reader. Little red riding hood and yandere!au.
↳ “A calm life in a small village was all you ever knew, your days spent in the bakery and keeping to yourself. You liked the quiet and gentle nature of your life, but one day a wolf stands outside of your window, a stranger arrives, and people begin to go missing. Do you dare don your red coat and enter the forest?”
Title: Lady Of The Night 👊🗒
Summary: Jack the ripper and horror!au.
↳ “You had been plunged backwards through time for a reason, and maybe this was the reason. This was the world’s most infamous cold case. What were the chances that a journalist would slip through the cracks in time and stumble into the East End of 1891? The only conclusion you could draw was that you were meant to identify who the ripper was. You knew nothing about time travel regardless of the pop culture you had consumed. For all you knew, changing the events of the past would not create a ripple effect but instead a branch. And, as horrifying as this scenario was, your curiosity was going to get the better of you. You needed to know, even if it meant following around the egotistical self proclaimed genius that had sheltered you.”
Title: Born For This 💦👊📝 
Summary: Alpha wolf!Namjoon x Omega wolf!Reader. Also Yandere!au.
↳ “It’s the Goryeo era. And you happened to be a rare type of omega. Other Omegas like you were either dead or hunted till almost extinction. You luckily escaped and were living a normal life until you were chosen as an offering to the walking God of the land; Alpha Namjoon.”
Title: Under The Full Moon 🐑👊🗒
Summary: Werewolf!Namjoon x GN!Reader. Also enemies to lovers and forbidden love!au. I’m such a sucker for forbidden love!au’s!
↳ “—in which only the moon is a witness to the forbidden love you and namjoon share”
Title: Bitten 💦🐑👊📝 (Ao3)
Summary: Werewolf!RM x Witch!Reader. The forbidden love!au is through the roof with this one!!!!!
↳ “Rule number 1 of the holy book of witches: witches may never have intercourse with a werewolf. Every violation will be punished.You were a witch, he was a werewolf and it was forbidden.”
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Title: Just A Taste 💦👊🗒
Summary: Vampire!Jimin x Human!reader. Absolutely loved this read! It was so sweet, and I even saved it to my fave’s list!
↳ “They said having a relationship with a human wasn’t a good idea, but Jimin liked you too much to ever let that get in the way. Your relationship was beautiful, yes you didn’t know that small important detail about him being a bloodthirsty vampire, but he had it under control. That’s at least what he thought, he never would have predicted a drought...”
Title: The Dark Prince Epilogue  💦👊📝
Summary: Although this is a part of a series, only the epilogue (link above) is Jimin x reader. The other 8 parts are JK x Reader. Also curse!au, and Witch!Jimin x queen!Reader.
↳ “Approached by a witch with the promise to free your husband’s family name from a curse, you question whether his intentions are good, but soon find there is a heavy price to pay.“
Title: The Cave Dweller 💦🐑🗒
Summary: By me. Cave Monster!Jimin x Human!Reader. 
↳ “It started out as a curiosity, then you met a being that took up your interest altogether. You’ve always been the type of person to comfort those who are lonely, you just didn’t expect your new found friend to be a cave monster. A monster that teaches you tricks of magic, and you eventually teach him your own dirty tricks.”
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Title: Moonlight 💦🗒
Summary: Best Friend/Wolf!Taehyung x Human!Reader. Friends-to-lovers, and wolf!au.
↳ “The full moon means one thing and one thing only to your best friend, Kim Taehyung. It’s the one time a month he turns into a wolf and frolics in the moonlight. However, on his 25th Hallows’ Eve, his wolf is calling out for his mate.”
Title: The Phantom 👊🗒
Summary: Part of a Halloween yandere series. Yandere and horror!au.
↳ “Spending Halloween serving preteens greasy popcorn and cleaning spilled soda off the carpets isn’t what you had in mind for a fun night. But lucky for you, your night is about to get real interesting when a series of unfortunate events start occurring throughout the movie theater and your soon to uncover the horrifying curse that surrounds your part-time job.”
Title: Blue Boy 💦🐑👊📝
Summary: 45 parts + epilogue. Also JK x Reader (but as ex’s and there’s no theme of them getting back together). One of my favorite reads of all time! College, and yandere!au. Please read the warnings before reading. It gets dark. The author is also making a second series for this, so lots to come!
↳ “While going through a painful but necessary breakup, reader meets someone who is patient, kind, and understanding; everything your last ex was not… or is he?”
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Title: Mate 💦🐑📝
Summary: 9 parts. AlphaWolf!jk x OmegaWolf!reader.
↳ "Jungkook knew in his soul from the moment your eyes met his in the forest that you were his mate, that he was meant to protect you at any cost. You’d been through hell while escaping a place that had treated you horribly since your childhood, and it was strange how calm you felt in his presence when you found yourself in an unfamiliar place with a stranger. Something inside of you told you to trust him."
Title: Pi Gasu 💦👊📝
Summary: Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader. 8 parts + prologue. Completed series???? I started on pt.6 by accident, so I can tell it’s a slow burn. This story made me tear up, and I don’t know why. Also Suga x reader if you squint. Jk’s blood lust basically ruins everything, but at the same time makes everything better. XD
↳ From pt.6 ~ “Donating blood for Jungkook is physically draining you, in more ways than one.”
Title: Sucker For Love 💦🐑👊📝
Summary: Ongoing story. Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader. Also best friends-to-lovers!au.
↳ “In which your best friend happens to be a vampire and the only time he’s able to be himself in the world is during Halloween night. OR you’ve been in love with your best friend for a long ass time and want him to bite you for a change and not a random person, which for some reason, he refuses to do. they say love hurts, and damn it all that you want it too.”
Title: Virgin Sacrifice 💦👊🗒 
Summary: By me. Demon!Jungkook x Human!reader. 
↳ “Since the day you were born, your parents prepared you for your sacrifice. The whole village knew, and with that everyone stayed away from you. Thinking even just looking at you would make the demon in waiting mad. The demon that has been praying on you since birth, but not for what you expected.”
Title: The Wolf Within You 💦🐑🗒
Summary: By me. Omega wolf!Jungkook x Alpha wolf!Reader. Also arranged marriage!au and dom/sub dynamics. 
↳ “Arranged marriages always seemed to be so boring on the outside. A treaty pairing the two wolf clans together was the only reason you and Jungkook got married in the first place. But once you saw the little omega shy away from you, holding onto his sleeves for dear life, you knew your marriage was going to be anything but boring.”
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whiteteadreams · 11 months
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clown hobi fic for halloween...?
18 notes · View notes
girl8890 · 2 years
JK | Cabin in The Woods
word count: 6.7k
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Summary: Everyone knows to stay out of the forest, but through a dare you ventured in… you just never came out. Meeting a wolf that says he needs you to survive, and you have no one else to give your love to but the animal that uses you every night.
Pairing: Werewolf!Jungkook x Human!Reader
Genre: yandere, supernatural!au, horror!au, smut, angst, some fluff (if you squint)
Rating: 18+
Warnings: bullying, disfiguration of body parts, breaking of bone, mate bonding, possessiveness, implied murder, blood, eating of people & living animals, implied/attempt at rape/non-con, vaginal sex, cream pie, cock warming, pussy sniffing & kissing, jk is horny for reader 99% of the time, kinda stockholm syndrome-ish, easily manipulated reader, dom!jk, sub!reader, lonely!reader
A/N: The best way I can explain this fic is that jk has actual wolf tendencies. He’s more wolf than man, so you’ll find that he relates more to a wolf in this fic than to his human half. I had a dream about this, probably should see a therapist, but here we’re instead! I hope you enjoy, my yandere lovers! 😌
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
You don’t know why you agreed to the dare. It was stupid to even think nothing would happen to you.
All you wanted was to make some friends, so when some people in your hometown asked you to come to their party, you were all for it. When you got to said party, it wasn’t what you were expecting. Everyone’s eyes were on you, and the peer pressure was to the max. Somehow a game of truth of dare started, and now your here—alone in the woods because you were one of the few daring people at that party.
You weren’t daring, though, and the dare wasn’t random. It was pointed at you by a couple of college kids that wanted to pick on the loner girl. You realized this after the hour in the haunted forest definitely went by, and no one came to save you.
North became south, and west became east. Any direction you pointed yourself in, you would find yourself trailing deeper and deeper into the woods where too many tourists and even a few locals never came out of.
You swore the forest was even playing tricks on you. Swearing that each tree looked the same, and the fog got thicker with each step you took. You didn’t stop your hurried walking, to try and get out of the forest as quickly as possible, until you heard a snap of a twig from behind you. Slowly turning your head, something you never thought in your twenty-two years of life you would ever see was standing right above you on a rock.
It was a wolf.
Not just any wolf. A snarling, big, yellow eyed, and black furred scary looking wolf that still had animal carcass from an earlier dinner hanging out of its mouth. And you had a feeling it wanted you for desert. You, for some reason, thought if you stayed still that it wouldn’t see you. Like all the movies about predators not being able to see their prey if it stayed still. Well, you very quickly realized this is not Jurassic Park and the wolf lunged at you.
You screamed, sliding somehow just out of the way from the wolfs attack, and then booked it. Running as fast as you can, and screaming as loud as you can. You claimed this day to be the worst one of your life because even as you ran like hell, the wolf still followed closely behind. Four big paws hitting the ground way faster then your two feet were.
You think you may have run a mile that day just trying to get away from the wolf. When you finally decided to look back and see the beast, you were finally able to skid to a stop when you see it’s not behind you. You breathe out a sigh of relief… but that relief didn’t last long.
Just as you turn back around, the same beast as before springs out of the shadows and tackles you to the ground. The beast hunted you. It made you think it left and had you let your guard down. Stupid mistake because now your done for. 
The beast growled in your face, and pinned your entire body to the ground. It’s sharp, huge teeth dripping with drool right on your face. This was it. This was going to be the end of your life, and you were going to be apart of the many that ventured into this forest and never came out.
Tears streamed down your face, and because you felt desperate you even begged the wild animal. “Please… I-I’m not ready to die.”
In that moment, you thought you even heard the wolf laugh. A heavy chuckle coming from its snot. But in that moment, when the beast was laughing at your pathetic pleads, it sniffed the air around you and then it’s pupils dilated. The wolf inhaled again, this time pressing its snout right against your neck, and making you shake with fear when you thought it was going to bite you.
There was a moment of silence, the wolf keeping its nose against your neck, and then it retracted it’s snout away from you. Everything happened so fast after that…
The sound of bone crunching was the first thing you heard, but it wasn’t your own. The creature above you backed away a messily bit, and it was only because the head of it was melting away. It’s then you realize it’s body was transforming into something you’ve never seen before. Body parts coming out of its skin, and constant sounds of broken bones snapping as each piece of the wolfs limbs melted away into one of… something else.
When the first limb that was being created out of the wolf became whole, you realize it was one of a persons. A man’s hand attached to a whole arm as each piece of him clicked together. It was a gruesome and slow process to watch. One that would of had you gagging if you weren’t so focused on the once wolf turning into a man.
When each bone finally clicked in place, a man that would of had you swooning by his looks alone any other day was kneeling above you. His hair was close to hitting his shoulders, and to the opposite of what you would expect from a creature like him, his skin was smooth to the touch except a singular small mole under his lip. His lips were pink, chapped, but plump and they were above a jaw line that most women would compliment as being sculpted from the gods.
It’s then, as more silence stretches on and you’re now staring into two brown eyes that were once yellow, that you put the pieces together of what creature us standing before you. Of what creature—this very muscular, and very naked, creature of a man has been doing in these woods too. Making countless people disappear, and having too many people afraid to even step foot into these wood because of it. Because of him.
“Werewolf,” You say at the same time the beast above you says, “Mate.”
And that was the day your life changed forever.
Nobody missed you. Nobody went out searching for you. You assumed everyone at the party thought you died, so that was the end of loner girl y/n. Probably didn’t even have a memorial like all the other forest disappearances.
You had no parents to worry about you. Your mom died over a year ago from complications, and eventually your father died soon after from a broken heart. No siblings or other close relatives to wonder about you, so you were stuck. Stuck in the woods with the only person—being, wolf, whatever—that actually showed he… cared?
You’ve be in a small cabin in the woods with him for three months now. It was a cabin that if an people passed by—not that they would venture in to the woods or get that close to begin with—wouldn’t think twice about it being abandoned and nothing worth exploring. But on the inside was everything a girl like you needed.
A somehow working bathroom, a small kitchen right in front of the door, and a queen sized bed (that’s more of a mattress on top of a old bed holder) that was pushed into the corner of the small cabin. With a blanket and two pillows on top of it. One pillow that ironically had a picture of a wolf sewed into the fabric of the pillow case. Everything a girl like you needed to survive was in this small space.
And everything the werwolf needed, Jungkook you found out his name was the day you met him, was you and what was in the last door of the cabin. The door that opened up to a set of steep stairs, and held nothing but a steal cage in the middle. That’s where he held you the first week you stayed here. Trapped and forced to endorse his ritual of claiming you as his. Teaching you how to be the perfect little submissive human to his dominate wolf.
He never took you as a an actual wolf luckily, but he did take you that first meeting in the woods. On the ground, with your clothes ripped apart, and you crying and screaming for him to stop. It wasn’t until he bit into your neck, forever claiming you as his mate, that it felt like your whole world shifted.
Suddenly it was like you could do nothing but submit to him. You still had resolve, though. And that’s why he kept you in the cage for so long. A week may not seem like much, but it did for you. Especially when he—allegedly—left you down there at night. He didn’t let you out until you promised never to leave, and after three months you’re still here.
You’re currently washing a dish in the small sink in the kitchen. You just ate lunch of what you assumed was rabbit, Jungkook being the one to hunt for yours and his food, and once your done with cleaning it you put it on a towel to dry. You look up from the sink at the same time Jungkook as a wolf came into view of the small window in the kitchen above the sink. You can see he’s holding in his mouth what looks to be a deer, and you grimace as you think about how he killed it.
You open the cabins front door when he gets close enough to the house, and move off to the side so the big wolf can squeeze himself into the house. Shutting the door behind him, he came in into the kitchen area and dropped the dead deer on the floor. You crotch onto the floor in front of what you presume to be dinner, and you aren’t scared of the wolf’s fangs as he continues to heave out breathes next to you.
You haven’t been scared of his wolf for a long time.
“Poor Bambi,” You say as you pet the deers snout. Earning a growl from Jungkook as you touch the dead deer so tenderly, and then he pushes his own snout in between your hand and the deer so you can then pet him. “Stupid wolf.”
You smile as the wolf laughs. A husky chuckle of a noise you remember used to confuse you when you heard it, but now you know it as him laughing in wolf form.
He then backs away from your hand after a few scratches, and you look away as he begins to transform into the man you were forced to love. The only person you love.
The sound of broken bone came from your right, but it wasn’t until you feel a human nose against you cheek that you turn to see a hairless faced Jungkook. His hair is still a bit long, but you convinced him to cut it a little shorter and even chop a part of it completely off. Making it look like he had a buzzed portion of a quarter of his hair. He’s currently naked, but you ignore that fact. Being very used to his naked form by now.
“Hello stupid wolf,” You say in greeting with a small smile, and you watch his own smile twitch up for a second. He then pushes his face forward, and you let your eyes drift shut when you know he’s about to take in your smell. Something he always does when going into human form and being in front of you.
He first presses his nose back onto your cheek, it wiggling a little as it touches you. Then he moves his nose to your own, and glides it next over your two eyes. Sniffing and inhaling every few seconds. It isn’t until he goes to your lips that you allow your eyes to open half-lidded.
Jungkook’s eyes are shut, but he senses you staring at him so he opens his own eyes. Two pools of brown looking back at you as he slowly presses his lips to yours. Your eyes flutter shut, and you know his eyes are still open. It’s a small, barely any pressure type of kiss and you always think he’s doing it more for you then for him. He knows he doesn’t need to kiss you to earn your love, to own you, but he kisses you anyway.
After a moment of the soft pressure of his kiss to you, he detaches from your lips. You flutter your eyes open, and you hear a quiet growl rumble from his chest. Making your eyes flicker down to where you believe it sounded from.
“Hello… Y/n,” Jungkook says with a broken up voice. You think he’s never talked in his human form until he met you. At least not for a long time, so hearing his voice now is a rarity but you can’t help yourself and smile at him as he practices speaking.
“Yes, I’m y/n.” You press your hand to your chest. “And your Jungkook.” And then you press that same hand onto Jungkook’s naked chest right above his slowly beating heart.
You watch the corner of his lips twitch up again into a small smile, and you wonder what it would look like for him to actually smile. With teeth and all.
“Yes,” Jungkook says simply as he nods at you. He then takes his face away from so close to you, and aims his sights on the bite mark he left on you during the first day you met. You softly gasp when you feel his finger touch the surface of your neck. Gliding his fingers around the jagged teeth marks that will never go away. He then says with a mouth full of clenched sharp teeth, “Mine.”
And you’re his. He’s drilled it enough into your mind and body that you’re his. That he needs you to survive because a wolf without his mate is futile. Just like how your father died without your mother, Jungkook would die without you.
He may have brought up the situation in parts, and started this relationship in a terrible way, but he’s been alone and stuck in his wolf for a very long time. He didn’t know what “no” meant, and everything humans learned about consent and taking things slow into a relationship was nonexistent to him. So, he did what he does best when he wants something, he took it. Took you right there on the forest floor, and came deep inside you as he bit against your neck hard. Claiming you to him and his wolf forever.
Jungkook then slowly departs his finger from your neck, and wraps his arms around your arms and back. Your arms are sandwiched in between the two of you, and you’ve come to learn he likes to hold you this way. Having you safely protected in his arms, and he can easily bring his whole body on top of you so he can scent all of you at once. You pull your legs to your chest, knowing he’s going to scoop them up after he’s done sniffing your hair.
With one last whiff of your hair, he rubs his nose on top of your head. He then, just like you thought, scoops your legs up with one arm and supports your back with the other. Picking you up bridal style, and looking down at you as he caries you to the bed.
Your cradled and squished against him the whole ten steps there, but the whole way feels so safe. You would think a wolf like him that has such animal tendencies would be the worst place for you to be, but overtime you recognized it as the safest place for you. No one could touch you as long as your with him.
But that just means the big bad wolf would always have the ability to touch you.
Some time later, when your clothes are stripped off of you and your stomach is being pressed against the mattress, Jungkook drives his cock roughly into you from behind. It’s a rough, hard, and rocky affair every night. That’s right, every night.
The only times he doesn’t take you is when you’re on your period, and that’s because he hates the smell of blood on you. Keeping his distance and staying in wolf form the whole week, so he doesn’t temp himself in his human form.
Your hands are holding onto the front of the mattress in a tight grip, and his hands are clamped on top of yours as he continues to drive into you on repeat. Your moaning so loud it sounds like a scream, and each time you feel his hips press against you to go as deep inside you as possible you arch your back as a quivering sensation goes off in your stomach. Indicating you’re going to cum for the first time that night soon.
Jungkook grunts above you in a animistic way when he feels your pussy clench around his length. Making the teeth of his wolf elongate when his peek gets closer. His cock continues to drill into you at a fast pace as he brings his mouth down onto your neck. He doesn’t bite you, but he does apply a soft pressure of his teeth onto the bite mark he left there three months ago.
He doesn’t need to bite because he knows you know he already owns you. He owns your body, and he knows it so well by now that he doesn’t need to repeat the hurtful mark again. Just laying the sharp teeth across the ridges is enough of a reminder to what you are to him.
With a few more thrusts, banging his hips against your ass, your cumming along side him as he groans into your neck and you moan into the mattress. You lay there, heavy breathing going off from the both of you as your highs decrease. Jungkook takes his teeth off of you and then licks the surface of your neck. A little blood trickling down it since his orgasm was so harsh he bit down on you a little.
When he’s done cleaning your neck, whimpering a little to say sorry for making you bleed, he flips you over without pulling out of you and starts up his thrusts again. Caging your head and arms underneath him, with his arms holding himself above you next to your head. It’s like he didn’t just cum and reck your whole head space as he begins fucking you again. You expected this, though. It’s never just one round, not even two!
He continues to fuck you over and over again, placing you in new positions that keep you surrounded by his body after each time he cums deep within your clenching walls. Not a single time he’ll speak, either. Only you moaning and crying out your pleasure can be heard aside from his occasional grunt as he finishes inside of you. But the faces he makes are enough to have your mind going dirty besides doing the act itself.
When you get a chance to see his face, it’s so sexy it makes you clench around him. His mouth will be wide open in bliss, and his eyes squeezed shut. It looks like he can’t take how good you feel, but he still chases the feeling every time. Wanting to make you cum just as much as he wants to cum.
He fucks you so many times that it gets to the point tonight that you lost count of how many times you’ve orgasmed, and as he was placing you sideways to thrust into you again you felt yourself drift into unconsciousness.
Waking up was a start. The sun was blaring from outside the window, and you blink your eyes open to see it. Your body wasn’t sore since it’s gotten used to how rough he is on you over the months you’ve been here, and you look down to see his arms wrapped around your naked middle. You bite your bottom lip, trying to figure out a way you could get out of his hold without waking the softly snoring Jungkook behind you.
As you wiggle in his grasp, staring to remove yourself from him gently, you realize there was no way to get up without him noticing. And that was because he’s still inside you. Still hard too, which was unexpected. You turn slightly around to see the handsome wolfs face, looking innocent as ever as he sleeps.
Softly, you reach out and cup his cheek with your hand. Trying to coax him awake with a few rubs of your palm. Instead of waking up, though, he rubs his face into your hand like a puppy. Wanting you to continue what you’re doing even as he sleeps. You hold back your laughter as Jungkook begs for your rubs, but you drop your hand altogether.
Instead of waking up from the lack of rubs, his face starts trying to find where the amazing sensation went. It isn’t until his nose gets buried in your hair, him sniffing up a big whiff of your small and gripping you a little tighter in his grasp, that he blinks his eyes open.
He pulls his face out of your hair, looking down at you like he didn’t realize it was for a second, but then the corners of his mouth are switching up when he sees it’s you he’s holding.
“Goodmorning,” You whisper to him with a smile. He hums his own version of saying good morning, then he wraps his other arm around your middle and pulls you flush again him.
You cry out when his cock that’s still inside you impalas you deeper, and then he letting go you altogether when he hears your cry. He must of not noticed he was inside you until now, gently taking his slowly softening cock out of you, and he looks at you frantic when he thinks he hurt you. Hovering his hands above your arms and looking strained as he tries to push out the word, “Hurt?”
You swallow, pulling yourself together as the rough pain to your dry pussy lessens, and you shake your head and smile again at him. “Nope, just surprised me.”
He looks at you unconvinced, and because he doesn’t know what boundaries mean, he pulls your legs apart and inspects you himself.
“Jungkook!” You scream as you try to cover your core from him. He’s scene it plenty of times, but besides to aim his cock at you he’s never directly looked at it before. He still pulls your hands away from you, pinning them against your one leg as he pulls your legs wide apart. Your beat red in the face and chest now as he just stares at your core so closely. “S-stop it.”
He looks up at you, and his eyes say more then any words can. Matching with his pointed frown, his big doe eyes look up at you saddened. Even though he’s been rough with you many times in the past, using you every night for his own pleasure even if he coaxes your own in the process, he hates the thought of you hurt. That’s also why he hates you bleeding because blood means hurting, and hurting means pain, which should never involve itself with his mate.
Looking back down at you pussy, he slowly places a singular kiss onto your slit. You clench your eyes shut at the press of his lips on you. And then your full on grunting when you feel and hear him smell your pussy up close. You know it’s just him saying “I’m sorry I hurt you,” since you taught him kisses could help when someone is hurt, and the smelling is so he can check that you’re not bleeding. But out of all things, your pussy should not be getting kissed and smelt this way!
After a few more embarrassed wiggles from you, Jungkook finally clears that you’re okay and lets you go. You pout at the wolf that looks confused at why you’re upset, and you roll out of bed. As you start getting changed, you hear the cracking of bone behind you. Within seconds Jungkook is back in his wolf form, and pressing his snout against your clothed back.
You sigh, turning around and looking down at the wolf who’s staring up at you so apologetically, and you roll your eyes at him. “Yeah, yeah you stupid wolf.”
You pet him in between the ears, now seeing a smile on the wolfs face and you return a human smile of your own. One with a lot less drool. Then you head for the door, stopping when you realize the deer from last night is still on the ground from last night and look an accusing eye at the beast who brought it here. Jungkook crocks his wolf head at you, not understanding the look you’re sending him.
“Did you really just leave that thing on the floor?” He looks to where you’re pointing, and his ears perk up. Walking up to the fly swarming carcass, instead of throwing it away or putting it in the fridge, he starts to eat it whole.
You grimace as you watch him a second too long, never getting use to seeing that happen in front of you, and then you head out the cabin to start your day.
Your day usually consists of tending to the small garden behind the cabin. It’s nothing incredible, but enough that you won’t be eating dead deer or rabbit everyday. A few tomatoes and cucumbers that you were able to syphon from plants near by, and TaDa! Your own personal garden.
Besides this garden, you don’t usually stray too far from the cabin. For one, even though the monster that haunts these woods lives with you, you’re too scared to find out what else could be found lurking in these woods. And two, anytime you accidentally travel too far from it, weather it be just to walk around or to try and find more seeds to grow, a huffing wolf named Jungkook will come and coax you back to the cabin. There’s been times he’s legit dragged you by your shirt to get home, but that’s just because you were so close to finding new seeds and you didn’t want to leave yet.
You know it’s all out of protection—and maybe still out of fear that you may leave him—but he likes having you close by enough to smell you. His wolf nose being able to track anything from a mile away, so that’s how far around the cabin you’re allowed to go before he loses scent of you. Stopping your wondering just before your scent crosses over that mile mark.
Today, after you put the veggies inside the fridge, you take one of the books that Jungkook “found” for you and go walking into the woods to find a place for you to sit. Just before you cross the tree line, you see on the opposite side of the clearing you’re in that Jungkook is walking into the woods too. Probably to go on a hunt or scoot the area even.
You walk for about a minute into the woods before you find a rock and a tree you can sit, and lean against. Opening up your book, you frown when see the small pool of blood on the title page. You try to ignore how it most likely got there, and keep flipping pages until you find the first page.
It’s just when you get to chapter two, that you hear a twig snap close by. You grin at the knowledge that it’s most likely Jungkook, and call out, “Come to read with me, stupid wolf?”
“No, but I would definitely like to do more then just read with you.”
You gasp, jumping up from your spot and dropping your book on the ground in the process when you hear a human voice that’s most definitely not Jungkook’s. It’s a man with long brown hair, a beard thats unkept, and one of his eyes looks screwed shut from loss of sight.
Your body starts shaking immediately. Since you’ve got here, you haven’t seen a single human. You always thought no humans were stupid enough to wonder into these woods—unlike you, but you were lucky enough to be the monsters mate and not die. You know not a single person is going to be that lucky if they come across a hungry Jungkook. Or just him in general!
“I-I, what are you doing here?”
The man raises a fluffy eyebrow at you, and you continue to stare at him wide eyed. “I just thought I would wonder these woods that so many claims is haunted. I just didn’t think I would find myself such a sexy specimen like yourself in here too.”
You swallow thickly at his sultry words, backing up from him as he starts to move forward. “Tell me, girly. Why are you out here all by yourself?”
“I-I’m with my boyfriend.” Your referring to Jungkook, but if this man some how got past him there’s no way he can save you if this man tries something. You watched Jungkook go the opposite way of you, so you have no idea how long it would take for him to rescue you even if you scream.
The man looks both ways, stopping in his tracks with you. “Don’t see no boyfriend.” The closed lip smile on the man’s face disappears. “But I am hungry.”
You open your eyes wide, and clutch onto the skirt of your dress. You look all around the area your in, thinking up the best route to get away from this man. “I-I don’t have any food. So you should p-probably go looking somewhere else.”
The man laughs, showing his blackened teeth as he does, and then he looks at you with a pair of disgusting eyes that only mean one thing. “Oh, darling… that’s not what I’m hungry for.”
Right when his words register to you, you run as fast as you can in the direction of the cabin. Your not far from it, and you can only hope that maybe Jungkook stopped his travels early and came home. You hear heavy footsteps behind you, and you’re suddenly aware of what this chase of cat and mouse reminds you of. The difference between that day with Jungkook and you and right now is that you thought Jungnkook was going to eat you. While the disgusting and vile man behind you doesn’t want to actually eat you, but taint and ruin your body. Ruin your soul, even.
You push forward as you spot the clearing up ahead. Dodging tree branch’s and jumping over rocks. Just when you’re about to step foot into the clearing of the cabin, a heavy body pins you to the ground. You cry out as the man that was chasing yous heavy weight falls on top of you. Screaming once again when you feel a hard erection press against your ass through his jeans.
He’s not as big as Jungkook—not that that was your main concern—but just knowing it’s there and not Jungkook’s has you starting to cry already.
“Oh, shut the fuck up you whore!” The man above you yells. Maneuvering himself so he can pin your arms against your back with his knee, and you hear the start of him unbuckling his pants and belt.
You think your done for. That you’re about to be ruined beyond repair from the man above you, and never want to face Jungkook again. Even though Jungkook did the same to you once all those months ago, there was still pleasure for you being brought to the table. It wasn’t selfish, but a need for him to mate you. This man, on the other hand, won’t give a shit if you like it and wants to use you because your just there. Not because he loves you, or wants to hold you in his arms forever. Keeping you safe and making sure you’re never in pain.
This man wants to bring you pain, and you shut your eyes and cry out one last time before you think you’re about to be ruined forever. “Jungkook, help me!”
It happens so fast after that… but not what your thinking.
One second the man is pushing up your dress to reveal yourself to him, and the next he’s being ripped off of you. It doesn’t register to you that you’re no longer being pinned to the ground until you start to hear screaming, growling, and the sound of bones breaking. Breathing heavily against the ground, you stay completely still until the screams stop out of no where and the smell of blood is in the air.
You blink back your tears that are still falling, and on shaking arms you push yourself up onto your hands and knees. Before you could be brave enough to stand up entirely, a hand is being pressed into your back. You jump away from the hand and turn around to see a bloodied face Jungkook crouching in front of you.
Although your eyes are being blurred with tears, you can see his extremely upset face as he takes in your form. You don’t waste any time. You leap into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist. He makes a ‘Uph’ sound and stubbles back, but he catches you nonetheless. He’s always there to catch you.
Jungkook buries his face into your neck to smell you, while your face is against his neck to cry into. He growls against your neck when his nose processes the now dead’s man smell on you. You let him scent mark you, and the whole times he’s keeping you strapped to him. Not letting go of you for a single second.
By the time he’s down scenting you, and your crying has simmered down a little, you pull your face out of his neck to face him. The same deep frown and saddened eyes look at you, and you know it’s because of what almost transpired a few moments ago.
He swallows, pushing out a, “Hurt…?” You open your mouth to say no, because even though it scared you the man didn’t hurt you exactly. But then Jungkook is pushing out more words, “Try. To… Hurt. You?”
Your lip wobbles, and you can’t speak. Feeling your chest crumble from knowing the answer to his question is not positive, and instead of you speaking you nod your head since it’s too hard to speak right now.
Jungkook’s upset frown turns into an expression you haven’t seen yet on him. You know what he looks when he’s happy (flick up of the corners of his mouth), and when he’s sad (deep frown and drooping eyes), but this is different… this Jungkook is angry.
His sharp wolf teeth extend from his gums, and the corners of his eyes wrinkle and twitch as he thinks about what that man would have done to you. If it wasn’t for Jungkook being back on his way to the cabin at that second, it would have been too late. The man’s smell didn’t even register to him when Jungkook did an air check to smell where you were. All he smelt was something dirty, and he registered that as the part of the woods you were in smelling weird.
Never again. Never again will he ignore weird smells around you, or think your alright even if something seems off. He’ll drop everything for you. Even if he really wants to go claw some more at the dead man’s body right now, he picks you up as you’re now, wrapped around his body, and starts carrying you in the direction of the cabin.
You keep your face against Jungkook’s shoulder the entire time. Not letting go even after he puts you on the bed. You don’t remember how you got here, or even him closing the door behind you, but once your in bed and safe you still don’t let him go of him. And Jungkook is okay with that.
He puts you against the wall, making sure your caged in between his body and the wall so nothing can harm you. Even if someone were to look inside the cabin right now, all they would see is Jungkook’s naked back and ass.
Trying to be a good mate, he hums what sounds like a lullaby as he runs his sharps nails up and down your clothed back. When you finally begin to relax, calmly pulling your arms off of him so they can be sandwiched in between the two of you, you whisper a quiet, “Thank you.”
Jungkook stops humming, and stops rubbing your back. Looking down at your shameful looking face with wide eyes.
“Why?” He asks.
“Why, thank you?” He nods his head pointedly. “For saving me.”
Jungkook won’t take that. He won’t take a thank you for this. Your his mate, and he wasn’t there to protect you. He doesn’t deserve your thank yous or even you at this point. Pulling your face out of his chest with his two hands, he stares into your eyes as he tries to communicate how he feels. “No. No, thank yous. Don’t… Deserve… Thank yous. Or… You.”
Now it’s your turn to look at him wide eyed. You grab onto his hands on your face and shake your head. “What are you talking about? Yes, you do. You deserve me because I’m your mate.”
Jungkook’s shakes his head. “Not enough.”
Your lips part, and you see the sadness in Jungkook’s eyes as his hands fall off your face. This is the first time he said something without breaking the words apart, and out of all things it was him saying he’s not enough for you. Well now, your not going to take that.
You grab onto his face, making him face you and feel a little pleased with yourself when you see a surprised look on his face. You pull his face forward and smash your lips against his. He’s surprised, at first, but then he’s groaning into your mouth and wrapping his arms around your middle again. You moan when you feel his length begin to grow against your thigh, moving it slightly to allow him some friction. He growls when you do that, and you detach your lips from his as you look at him determined to make him understand just how you feel about what he just said.
“You do deserve me, Jungkook. You deserve me because I’m your mate, and you’re mine. And I-… I love you so stop being stupid and just claim what’s yours already!”
Jungkook blinks, registers your words a couple times in his head, and repeats, “Mate?”
You roll your eyes and say, “Yes!”
“Love. Me?”
You swallow, taking a moment of hesitation but then replying again, “Yes.”
Then that’s all Jungkook needs to be convinced. He smashes his lips against yours the same way you did, and you’re moaning up a storm by the time he rolls you underneath him. You take your clothing off as fast as your arms can do it, and then Jungkook is thrusting into you the second your pussy is presented to him.
Both of you making noises of pleasure as he enters you, stretching and rubbing at your walls just the way you like it as he roughly pounds against your core. As always, Jungkook fucks you rough and hard, but right now you need it. You need it just as much as him, and when you both cum at the same time, you’re scratching at his back to go another round… and another… and another.
As always, you lose count of how many rounds you both did, but this time you’re both out of breathe by the time you both decide to stop. His cum is leaking from you because you’re so filled to the brim with his seed, and you revel in it. Feeling his cum drip on your leg, and feeling his soft lips peeper kiss your face as he sandwiches your body against his and the wall again.
You love it all! But most importantly, you love your mate.
And he loves you more than you could ever comprehend.
The End
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colormepurplex2 · 2 years
Pixie Dust | Body Glitter
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↳ Fairy Jimin x Human f.Reader ⤜ Strangers/Lovers ⤜ Rating: MA 🔞 ⤜ WC: 4,558 ⚠️ Edging. Orgasm Denial. Multi Orgasms. Blowjob. Fingering. Sex.
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"Mmm, kitten, you have no idea how grateful I am," Jimin sighs against your neck, his hand slowing to a more soothing pace.
"How about you show me how grateful you are?" You suggest, a little breathless.
He lets out a chuckle that reverberates through his chest. "Bold, so bold. I like that," he whispers, his lips brushing against your neck with each word.
The hand pressed against you stops its movements and you whine in protest. Jimin just tuts softly, shaking his head as he drops to his knees before you. Your eyes follow him down. A thrill goes through you as you take in how unbelievably beautiful Jimin looks kneeling in front of you. His fingers delicately untie your boots, loosening the strings and helping you step out of them.
Jimin stands, a coy smile on his face. He steps around behind you, bringing his hands up to your shoulders. His fingers pluck at the fabric of your bodysuit. "Zipper," you murmur, rolling your shoulders back into his touch.
"I'll get there, kitten, don't you worry." His hands move slowly down, gliding over your shoulder blades and the soft swell of your lower back. He stops, letting his fingertips graze over the top of your ass, then sighs softly. "I'm going to have so much fun with you."
You push your hips back making your ass press against his upper thighs. You can feel his half-hard cock against the small of your back. His fingers dig in where they're resting at the top of your ass. He grunts softly as you shift slightly up onto the balls of your feet, letting your ass slide up and rub against him. "Jimin?" He hums in response. "Don't make me wait," you plead softly.
"So eager," he praises. "Okay, kitten, let's see what you're hiding under here." His hands go back to your shoulders, sweeping across them until they're at the nape of your neck. The bodysuit is tight, it took both you and Reed giving your best efforts in order to get it on you. It hugs your shapely body, accentuating the curves and lines. You're not sure you've ever wanted to curse a garment more in your life; hopefully, it's easier to take off than it was to put on.
Chills follow the zipper down your spine, stopping just at the swell of your ass. His hands are warm as they slip under the fabric at the top of your back. He gently pushes the suit open, working to expose your shoulders. You silently thank Reed for suggesting you forgo a bra, one less thing to worry about right now.
He continues to work the fabric, gently tugging it down your arms. You close your eyes and sigh as the front slips down exposing your breasts to the night air. It's relatively decent weather, but goosebumps pop up across your skin for reasons other than the slight chill in the air. The way Jimin moves his hands, fingers brushing your exposed skin so delicately, has your breath quickening and your heart threatening to beat right out of your now exposed chest. You let out a small, breathy sigh as your nipples pebble into tight buds.
Jimin frees your arms from the sleeves, letting the top of the bodysuit fall loose. His hands come to your hips and he hooks his thumbs into the fabric. You can feel his breath on your neck, warm puffs on every exhale. "Jimin," you breathe, biting your bottom lip. He noses against the nape of your neck as his hands begin to push the bodysuit down and over your hips.
"Your body is so beautiful, kitten," he murmurs against your neck. He trails kisses down your spine as he continues to push your bodysuit down, hands gliding smoothly along your thighs and calves. You step out of the suit, kicking it to the side. You go to turn around and face him but his hands grip your hips and keep you facing away. "I'm not done," you can feel the breath of his words at the small of your back.
The thin and dainty fabric of your lacy black thong is the only barrier remaining. "Oh," you jump slightly in surprise as Jimin's tongue darts out and glides just over the top of the band. "Fuck." The word leaves your mouth in a whisper. Jimin pinches the lace to either side of your hips and you hear the faintest ripping of fabric before realizing your panties are now just hanging between your thighs. "Jimi-"
"Shh," Jimin cuts off your protest with a harsh smack to your ass. Your eyes go wide and your body goes stiff. You can't remember the last time someone actually spanked you, you can't recall if you like it or not. Your mouth gapes, thoughts empty as you try to scramble for some coherency. "I said I wasn't done, kitten." He rubs a hand soothingly over the stinging skin where his hand landed.
Satisfied after a moment more of soothing you, he grips your ass and kneads the supple flesh in both hands. You can feel every time his thumbs apply pressure, your cheeks slightly separating and exposing you. You know exactly what he can see every time he moves his hands. You're also faintly aware of the arousal you know must be coating you between your thighs. Your feet shift slightly, opening your stance. You feel the ripped fabric of your underwear fall free as you rotate your hips, pushing your ass back and opening you up a little more to him.
The dark chuckle that comes from Jimin makes you throb. "Please," you offer in a half audible plea. Your body aches to be touched, to be used.
He snakes a finger between your thighs, aimed right for your weeping pussy. Jimin wraps his other arm around your hips to keep you from pitching forward. His finger slips in easily with a soft squelching noise barely heard over your now ragged breathing. "Mmm, you're already so wet, kitten. Are you that eager to help me get home?" You nod, not trusting your voice for words. "I can't hear you," he adds a second digit, moving them slowly in and out.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes," you babble, hands gripping the arm caged around your hips for support.
"Good girl." He gives one last thrust of his fingers and as he's pulling them from your body you feel like the warmth between your thighs goes with them. Black spots enter your vision and you would sway where you stand if it wasn't for his arm around you. That's weird. You pant, lips trembling slightly as you try to catch your breath. "Now, you get to help me." Jimin stands up and slowly turns you to face him. You blink several times, eyes flicking over his features. Did he get more handsome? Are the lights brighter?
He tilts his head to the side, the coy smile seemingly never having left his lips. Taking a moment to marvel at you, his eyes slowly trail from your toes up to your face. He bites his lip and lets out a satisfied grunt. Holding his hands out to either side, his eyes flick from yours down to his chest and back.
"Oh, right." The corners of your mouth turn up in a grin. You feel slightly silly like your head is full of bubbles. Licking your lips you let your eyes roam over his frame again. The shirt looks normal but as your eyes catch the beautiful blue and white wings protruding from his back you're not sure how to go about taking it off.
You finger the hem of his shirt, the smooth silk feels cool between your fingers. You look up, raising an eyebrow in question. "Ties," he states simply. You hum in response, quickly stepping around behind him. This is your first real look at his wings. They're thin like gossamer, giving everything you see through them a slight turquoise hue. There are intricate but delicate patterns decorating them, like some spun web of glitter strings and jewels. He clears his throat and shifts his shoulders, bringing your attention back to your task. The slight lift of his shoulders has his wings flexing, a shower of glitter raining down around him.
You bring your hands up, eyes trained on the lengths of ribbon tying his shirt in the back. There is one across his shoulders and one at the small of his back with a connecting length going down between his wings. Your eyes catch your hands for a moment, seeing them covered in a sparkling sheen. It looks like you dipped your hands in body glitter, it's beautiful. Your hands tremble slightly as you grasp the first knot of silk between his shoulders.
It doesn't take long for you to undo the other ties, carefully letting the lengths of silk fall to his sides. "They're beautiful," you whisper, holding a hand up but hesitant to touch his wings.
He casts a look at you over his shoulder. "Go on," he encourages with a smile. You're barely aware of him slipping the shirt free and discarding it on the ground.
You delicately trace a finger over the tip of a wing. The wing flutters slightly like it's ticklish. Pulling your hand away you see your finger is covered in blue and white shimmer, your eyes grow wide fearing you may have hurt him somehow. A childhood memory of your mom telling you to never touch a butterfly's wings because that would hurt it echoes in your mind. "I-uh, I'm..."
Before you can apologize he turns to face you and grabs your wrist, holding your finger up in front of his face. "Look how pretty your finger is covered in my magic, kitten," he teases, his coy smile making your lower muscles clench. "Maybe I should cover you in other things to see if that's pretty, too."
A faint squeak leaves your lips as he pulls you against him. Your chest is pressed against his and you can feel just how solidly he's built. So much for fairies being dainty and fragile creatures. "I'd like that," you retort, grasping at a shred of confidence.
You bring your free hand to his hip, tracing along the waistband on his pants until you're nestled between your bodies. There is no button or zipper, just a little tied knot of linen threaded through the band. One little tug and his pants fall slack around his hips, which he shifts back slightly allowing his pants to fall down around his ankles.
Eyes locked on his, you slowly bring your hand up and wrap your fingers around his hardened length. He shudders and bites his lip. Your eyes drop down, taking in the way his teeth leave a slight indent in his bottom lip. He finally lets go of your wrist so you take that hand and slip it into the soft hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him down. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips. Your hand that is wrapped around him moves at a leisurely pace, just caressing the velvety skin of his cock.
"Careful, kitten," he warns, "you'll cause a mess before we've had proper fun."
You enjoy a challenge.
Your lips connect with his in response, fingers tugging his hair as you pull him the rest of the way down. They're just as lush as before, the slightly sweet taste is divine. He moves his lips against yours, taking over the kiss. His tongue teases the seam of your lips until you open them in invitation. He licks into your mouth, tongue hot and wet against yours. That odd thrilling sensation comes back, like a tickle of warmth that rolls up your body to where you're connected.
You pull away from the kiss and as Jimin leans forward to chase your lips, you shake your head. "Let me kiss you here," you rub your thumb over the head of his cock, smearing the bead of precum that is gathered there.
Jimin lets out a short breathy laugh, straightening up and smirking down at you. "Are you sure you can handle it?"
You can tell he's big, just from having your hand around him, but stepping back and finally seeing with your own eyes has you second-guessing just for a moment. But, again, you enjoy a challenge. "I think, Jimin, the question is," you slip your hand from his hair and quickly drop to your knees in the grass before him. You steady one hand on his hip and move the other to the base of his shaft, helping to angle him toward your mouth, "can you?"
He opens his mouth to snark back a comment but his words turn into a groan as you wrap your lips around his swollen head and give a quick suck while swirling your tongue around the crown. "Fuck," he finally breathes out as you pull back, a string of saliva connecting your lips to his now glistening tip. "Go on, then."
You happily oblige beginning with a few soft kitten licks, letting the sweet taste of him be mapped into your mind...your soul. Your lids drop low, eyes barely open as you savor the sensation of your tongue swiping and swirling.
He taps his hips forward in encouragement or impatience, you can't really tell which. You glance up, locking eyes with him. He has his bottom lip caught between his teeth, chest heaving so hard you can barely see his face with each inhale. Opening your mouth wide, you slowly take him in. Inch by inch he disappears, gliding over your tongue, sliding between your lips.
He doesn't fit completely, so you engulf the rest of him with your hand. As you pull back you move your hand up to gather the slick wetness your mouth leaves behind. You work your mouth and hand in tandem, quickly drenching his length and filling the air with soft, wet sounds. Jimin's soft grunts and whines compete to be heard over the lewd noises coming from your mouth, hand, and his length. You rotate your wrist with each stroke, being sure to alternate pressure each time your thumb runs along the vein on the underside of his cock.
You can see his stomach muscles tense and his hands twitch by his sides. A few more bobs and he's fisting a hand in your hair and pulling you off of him completely. "Wha-"
"You're a little too good at that, kitten," he huffs, reaching with his other hand to grip the wrist of your hand still wrapped around his cock, halting your movements. "There is so much more I want to do to you." He uses the hand in your hair to guide you up until you're standing before him. He releases your wrist, bringing his hand up and thumbing at the corners of your mouth. "Gorgeous," he hums.
Jimin loosens his grip in your hair, trailing his hand down and caressing along your jawline. You blink slowly, watching lust dance in his eyes as he takes control. He brings his other hand down to your hip, steadying you. The hand on your jaw trails down your throat. He pauses at the base of your neck, palm resting on your clavicle, fingers pressed to the side of your neck, and thumb resting over your jugular notch. He eyes his hand and you think for a moment you see something darker than lust flash in his eyes but it's gone before you can be sure. His hand leaves your throat, moving down to your chest. He takes a palmful of your right breast, thumb flicking harshly over your pert nipple. You flinch, wincing at the sensation. He just chuckles low, eyebrows narrowing in a villainous way.
"Ah, Jimin, please," you wince as he does it again.
His expression softens, thumb rubbing a little more soothingly over your nipple. "Sorry, kitten, you're just so responsive...it's hard not to get carried away."
He clears his throat, moving his hand away from your breast. His fingers splay across your stomach, dipping down until he grazes over the juncture of your hip and pelvis. You moan softly as his touch turns into a caress, fingers ghosting over your skin in a way that gives you chills. "I want to feel you," you breathe, grabbing his hand and placing it where you want it, right at your weeping core. You can feel your own arousal as your fingers brush against your inner thighs.
A pleased sound emanates from Jimin, somewhere between a hum and a growl. "You're absolutely dripping."
He's not wrong. You're so wound up it's starting to hurt.
"Do something about it," you challenge, bringing both your hands up to his shoulders for leverage. You pull yourself against him, raising up on the ball of one foot and hooking your other leg around his hip.
The way you've opened yourself up to him gives him easy access to slip two fingers inside. You groan at the sensation, pleased there is no discomfort thanks to his earlier ministrations and just how turned on you are. His free hand moves from your hip to hook over the leg you have thrown around his hip, helping to hold you in place.
He sets a menacing pace once he's satisfied that you're ready. His fingers are bruising, palm slapping against your clit with his thrust. His hard cock pressed against your lower stomach, with each of his movements you can feel smears of wetness from his tip painting across your skin. Your lips find Jimin's, your tongue plunging in to dance with his. He moans into your mouth when your walls start to clench around his fingers.
You can feel the heat building, your stomach clenching, and your toes curling. You're just about to lose yourself when you see spots behind your eyelids and a dizziness washes through you. Jimin quickly withdrawals his hand and breaks away from the kiss. The whine that leaves you might bring pity from anyone else, but it is simply fuel for the fey creature who has you so ensnared with his magic. "Shh, shh. It's okay, kitten," he soothes. Your eyes blink open, brow furrowing in confusion.
"I was...so close," you pant out. You open your mouth to protest further but your indignant bratty remark turns into a loud moan as his fingers find their way back into your aching core.
"I. Said. It's. Okay," he emphasizes each word with a harsh thrust of his fingers, adding a third and thriving off the way your face scrunches up and mouth gapes open in a silent cry. "Maybe you need to be taught some patience, some manners and respect."
He works you up again, eyes dark as he watches the expression on your face. The small beads of sweat collecting in your hairline and along your temples are like little trophies. You don't know it but they glisten and sparkle like glitter...filled with magic.
Each time you get close he slows down, until you're a complete mess. You've lost count of the times you've been denied release. He is careful to soothe and praise you each time, not wanting you to actually experience true discomfort.
Your legs begin to tremble, tremors going through your hands where they are still gripping his shoulders so tightly. "I can't," you murmur into his chest, where you've pressed your face after the last spell of dizziness and denial.
"You've done so well for me, kitten. I'll take care of you." He whispers into your hair.
His fingers rub delicate circles around your entrance before slowly slipping in. He begins a slow pace, moving his hand in a sensual way that feels like a lover's caress compared to the harsh grinding from before. The duality of this man...fairy, butterfly- whatever, has your mind reeling. Your heart hammers in your chest as you cling to him, trying to stay grounded as pleasure builds once again. A small part of your mind cries for you to be cautious, fearing to be denied yet again but the denial never comes. No. In fact, you're so caught off guard by the release that you're certain you blackout.
At least you think you do because the next thing you know you're hanging limp in Jimin's arms. It's disorienting to feel your body still contracting, pulsating around nothing while also feeling like you were just dunked under ice water.
"Wh-what happened?" you manage to wheeze out.
Jimin kneels in the grass, gently laying you down. He sweeps your hair back from your face, his eyes are soft as they stare into yours. "You helped me, sweet kitten."
You muse over his words for a moment before it makes sense. "Oh." That's all your brain can really generate right now. That orgasm must have done something weird to your eyesight because everything seems too bright. If you squint you'd almost swear there was a soft halo of light emanating from around Jimin's frame. His wings, you do note, are no longer a pastel blue streaked through with white patterns. They are now a beautiful cerulean with silver patterns.
"I'm going to thank you properly now, if that's okay?" he raises a questioning eyebrow. His coy smile is back.
"What did-uh, what did you have in mind?" You're not sure you can handle much more, or rather you definitely don't want to pass out again...that's kind of embarrassing.
He moves to kneel between your legs, body shifting in a way that steals your breath with its beauty. "Let me show you."
You swallow hard, realizing what he means. Your eyes drop down and you gasp at his impossibly hard and throbbing cock. It's blushed a dark color and you can see streaks of wetness where his arousal has dripped down the shaft. "Oh, Jimin," you murmur pathetically, feeling a weird sense of guilt. You drop your legs open, hands reaching up to pull him to you.
Jimin leans forward, placing one hand beside you and the other goes to his length to help guide him to your entrance. You feel his thighs nestle against yours as he rubs the head of his cock through your folds. You're still covered in sticky arousal making it easy for him to gather it. "Ready, kitten?" he asks.
"Yes," you hum in response, trying to control your breathing. He begins to push in. His cock is on a different level than his fingers. The stretch blossoms a deep burning inside you. You whimper with each inch he goes in until he's seated completely.
He rests his forehead against yours, breathing just as ragged. His chest is flush against yours and you can feel the slickness of perspiration between you as he shifts and gives an experimental tap of his hips.
You suck in a sharp breath as your body responds to the movement. A flame flickers to life low in your stomach. Your hands snake into his hair, pulling his lips to yours. You can feel how kiss-swollen your lips already are but you find that thrilling, not sure when's the last time you kissed someone so much. His hot breath fans against your face as he opens his mouth to welcome you in. He's still just as sweet, the candy taste becoming familiar but still just as enticing.
His hips retreat slowly. As they surge forward you both moan, the sound is a mixed garble lost within your frantic kiss. Each thrust of his hips feeds that flame within you. It doesn't take long before it's a raging fire and you're battling to not lose control.
"I'm close, kitten," Jimin grunts against your lips. His hips piston on, the wet sound of flesh against flesh emphasizing his claim.
"Cum. Cum with me," you moan before sucking his bottom lip into your mouth and letting it pop back out.
He slips a hand between your bodies, fingers finding your sensitive bundle of nerves.
You're done for.
Your walls begin to flutter as you're engulfed with pleasure. "Fuck," you hear Jimin groan as your walls close in, squeezing and sucking him until he finds his own release. You can feel the heat pool inside you as he cums. The smooth motion of him rolling his hips as he comes down from his high pushes some of his cum out to dribble between your asscheeks.
"Mmm, Jimin," your words are breathy, barely heard over the rush of blood in your ears. "Ah-uh." You flinch and whimper as he slowly pulls out, adding a gush of warmth to the trickle down your ass.
"Kitten?" Jimin leans back, shifting his weight to his heels where he kneels between your open thighs.
"Hmm?" you hum softly, pushing up onto your elbows.
"Thank you." He states it simply, sweetly. You can't help the laugh that bubbles up. "What?" he frowns, not sure what's so funny all of a sudden.
You shake your head, a playful smile on your lips. "If that's how you thank people, you can thank me anytime you want."
He melts into an easy smile. "Good, hm?"
"So good," you confirm with a nod.
"Good enough to...say, come with me?" he asks hesitantly, eyes dropping down to study the nails on one of his hands.
"You're serious about that?" You push yourself the rest of the way up, moving to sit with your legs crossed in front of him. You suppress a grimace as you feel his cum drip from you and smear against your legs.
He brings his eyes up to yours, a serious cast to his face. His wings fold in on themselves, almost disappearing from sight behind him. "I am."
You purse your lips, feeling like there is something he isn't telling you. "Why me, though? I'm nothing special." You gesture to your surroundings. "Just someone who was trying to be the responsible one at a frat party." Mentioning the frat party brings back the realization that Reed is probably really worried about you...well, that or he's found someone to occupy his time which wouldn't be unusual.
"I could use more of your help, honestly." He looks around, grabbing up your bodysuit and holding it out for you.
There it is.
"More help?" you ask.
He's quiet, thinking, as you both pull on your clothes. He helps you zip your bodysuit and you help him tie the ribbons of his shirt. Finally, he turns and faces you.
"I was exiled, meaning if I return to my realm and am captured again, they'll probably execute me instead of just exiling me again. Morin, the king...the one responsible for my exile, will want my head. If you come with me, you can help me maintain my power so I can fight against the corruption of the throne and right the wrongs done against me." He brings a hand up, cupping your cheek. His eyes pleading. "Please."
Now he really does look like the fragile and dainty fey of folklore, so vulnerable and soft. Before you can talk yourself out of it, you give in. "Okay, Jimin, I'll come with you and help you."
Though, what that entails exactly, you're not sure. But, you guess you'll find out.
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chimcess · 2 years
Nachash || jhs (Teaser II)
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Release Date: Oct 31st Genre: Supernatural AU, Demon!Hoseok, Med Student!Reader, Smut, One night stand, Angst, Horror AU, Incubus! Hoseok Rating: 18+ (don’t interact if you’re a minor) Word Count Goal: 10k Summary: From the time she was born, Y/N knew what the expectations were. Her parents had made it clear: lawyer or doctor. She chose the latter. Now a medical student, Y/N’s life is seemingly on track. That is until she begins to have strange dreams about an unknown man. When she sees him during her night out with friends, she finds herself unable to keep her hands off of him. Warnings: Strong language, Hoseok has a demon side (like physically different), Explicit sexual content, vaginal fingering, oral (f & m receiving), dirty talk, rough sex, manhandling, Virgin!Reader, Inexperienced!Reader, Good girl reader, hard dom Hoseok, Hoseok is a menace, he’s also very sus, so much blood, choking, slapping, biting, spanking, suffocation, thigh riding, double and triple penetration, anal, use of sex toys, rimming, oral (m&f), face-fucking, unprotected sex (wrap it up), some non-con toward the end, POV switch, DARK ENDING, main character death (graphic), graphic violence, Read at your own risk
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“Dirty martini for the lady,” I looked over at the mystery man.
My heart stopped. His face... My mouth dropped open at the sight of him. My dream man. He was sitting right in front of me. Every detail, every line and curve were the same. Even the mole on his lip was there. Just like Taehyung, it was hard to look at his face for too long. It was impossible to meet his gaze.
“You do like them dirty, right?” He grinned.
I could not respond for a few moments. The resemblance was uncanny. The anxiety Taehyung’s presence had given me was nothing compared to this. It left like an elephant had sat on my chest while every nerve in my body screamed at me to run. And just like Taehyung, I found myself unable to move. I found that, like before, I did not want to.
“How did you know that?” I asked, still in awe.
“I overheard you earlier. Was going to buy you one then but you left before I could.”
I swallowed my thickening saliva. It was hard to get down. Every part of me wanted to scream. My body begged to get away from him, but it also yearned to be near him. I was alight in every way possible, and the confusion was hard to wrap my head around. Do I stay or do I go? As if he could read my mind, the man reached out and ran a finger over the top of my hand. Electricity shot through my body, and it burned where he had touched.
“Have a drink with me.”
“Okay,” I whispered, hypnotized by his voice.
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Taglist: To be added to the taglist, you can either message/ask me or go to the link in my bio and add yourself to the “Halloween 2022″ list!
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btsmosphere · 2 years
autumn with: hobi
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~pairing: hobi x reader ~word count: 2.5k (bullet fic!) ~genre: fluff fluff and more fluff, college au, friends to lovers ~rating: g (no warnings:))
a look at autumn and halloween with our beloved hobi! since I’m feeling very fall lately, I went on a hunt and found some lovely prompt lists from @crockettmarcel @flufftober and @lavenderotpprompts 💜I shook them all together to make a snippet of autumn for each of the boys- at the end, I’ll include the list I put together for hobi!
also a thank you to @moccahobi​ and @ssaboala​ for reading this and helping keep me in the autumn spirit!! I really appreciate it🥰
autumn with: masterlist
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Everyone moves back into the dorm for the start of term in September
It’s not the dramatic reunion some might think, everyone turns up in dribs and drabs instead of all arriving at once
You chose to head back pretty early
In fact, so early that you aren’t sure anyone else is here yet
Well, someone has to be the first, right?
It feels a bit barren, but it’s quiet and there’s something nice in that too. You stop for a bit in the hallway between all the rooms, where there are big windows and you can see the trees, the ends of the leaves starting to curl and brown
A huge cacophony of what sounds like the kitchen falling down shakes you
After a moment frozen, you turn towards the sound
It definitely came from the kitchen
But the door is still standing there as if nothing happens
Is there a ghost in your dorm? Should you have stayed back and waited until there was safety in numbers? Is this the beginning of your very own horror movie??
A loud curse echoes from the kitchen and you laugh instead
When you enter the kitchen, you find flour splatted on the floor, upturned bowl and one Jung Hoseok with his hair sticking up- you’re pretty sure he’s run his floury fingers through it, unless he’s going for some reverse Guy Fieri look
Unable to control your laughter, you set to work together
Hobi wants to make cookies
Shouldn’t be too hard
He has a goal this year, he says. He’s going to take up baking as a hobby so he can feed everyone nice things
You have to admit, when he lists off the cinnamon buns, apple pies and chocolate brownies he wants to make, you find your mouth watering. So you’re going to help him make those darn cookies
Your intervention might be the only thing that gets them out alive, to be honest
But Hobi is grinning so widely when you finally get to bite into them that you encourage him to bake something else soon
It’s been a long time away, and the plate of cookies doesn’t make it to the morning, having been slowly eaten by you two as you stayed curled up over the kitchen table cradling hot chocolates and laughing at each other
The kitchen lights were warm while it was dark outside. Now the morning light is the opposite, cold and pale as it wakes to frostbitten lawns
Hobi crawls out of bed while you’re blearily snacking on cereal
The moment he sees you, he yells and pulls back, hiding behind the door with just his face and fluffy hair visible
Oh. He’s topless
“I got flour on my only top,” he complains, “I haven’t unpacked anything yet.”
You call him a lazybones, but still go to fish something out of your wardrobe
It’s on the bigger side, but cropped, and he looks a little funny wearing it. Your style is so different from his, but he doesn’t complain
He eats toast and looks thoroughly adorable, dammit
It’s October before he completely unpacks
It’s chaotic, but you turn a blind eye. At least he’s done it now, and won’t have to go rooting through a suitcase every time he wants something
You should have foreseen, though, that with one victory, that only leaves something else weird to happen instead
You can never escape the weird
Not with Hobi
Which is why you’re staring at him now, stuck between shock and laughter
He’s in the kitchen, having forcibly sat you down to watch his fashion show, and right now you don’t think he could physically be wearing any more jumpers
You fend off the laughter and go straight for incredulity
“What are you doing?”
“It’s sweater season!” he defends himself
“It’s not even that cold out! And we’re not even out!”
“Let’s change that, then”
He clearly ignored the first part of your argument, but here you are outside, winding between the trees away from your dorm
Okay, so maybe it is a little chilly out
But there’s no way you’ll give that to Hobi. He’s still wearing entirely too many sweaters, even after you made him take some off
Anyway, you bite your lip. He’s having fun- his cheeks are round and a bit red as he smiles, looking around. He breathes in, rubbing his hands together and looking like all is right with the world now autumn in on its way
Then a leaf smacks him in the face
He flails around for a split second, blowing little raspberries as a defense mechanism against the onslaught of the leaf
All the while, you howl with laughter until he turns to you with a pout
It only makes you laugh more
“Autumn loves you as much as you love it!” you giggle
Hobi folds his arms, as far as the sweater bundle will let him
“I bet you can’t catch a leaf”
So now you’re running around like a lunatic
How did it end up this way, with Hobi laughing at you?? He’s the weird one
Your weird friend is lying back on a leafy carpet when you skip over, triumphantly holding a bright red leaf above your head
He struggles to sit up, but claps and woops for you
He has to clap with his arms straight
To save him the trouble, you flop down next to him, panting little gusts into the air
They show up in front of your nose, ghostly and lingering in the air; is it really that cold already?
It probably has something to do with the fact it’s also getting dark now, but neither of you move
Clouds drift over, just as lazy as you
You’ve been there a while, and you aren’t out of breath any more. The air is cool as it fills your lungs
Whispering leaves announce Hobi rolling over to face you
“Are you cold?”
And you’ve been so busy feeling warm inside at the afternoon filled with giggles and the prospect of autumn setting in that you hadn’t noticed
But cold is a side effect of the season
You were only shivering a bit
He smothers your protests and denial, knowing it’s only a bid to keep up your disdain at his outfit
His smug grin won’t let you forget about it when he finally thrusts a woolly cardigan over you, practically lying on top of you now, the result of your scrambling playfight that, admittedly, may have defeated the need of a warm jumper
Now that you have it though, it’s not bad, though no substitute for his warmth which leaves as he slides off to sit on the ground beside you
You cuddle into the material like Hobi had earlier, and he glows
The rest of the day is warm, even as light leaks from the sky
You’re back in the warm kitchen with warm food and warm laughter
And all the way until Halloween you’re caught up in the whirlwind of Hobi
It’s a budget Halloween, of course. You’re students, after all
Luckily, as Hobi puts it, some of the trees nearby are apple trees, and he’s hell-bent on apple bobbing on Halloween
“It’s only right,” he’ll say
And of course you’ll go along with it. One look at his hopeful grin is always enough to get you agreeing to his hairbrained schemes
No one knows if it’s legal to take or eat the apples, being on public property
Or if they’re edible
But surely all apples are edible?
You hope so, you think gingerly as you place another one in your bag
It may have looked more picture-perfect with those cute baskets, or if you were in a meadow, but instead your friends are all clustered under a line of apple trees that grow along the road, putting the apples into your backpacks like it’s something shady, underhand
Just as you reach for another, Hobi shrieks, and from your position sitting on his shoulders you wobble perilously
Looking around in alarm, you grab at his bobble hat for stability, feeling him clutch tighter to your legs
Somehow, you both stay upright as Tae runs off giggling, being shooed by Jin
“What if yn dropped an apple on his head, you punk!” he was yelling, “we don’t need to re-discover the theory of gravity!”
“Got enough?” Hobi asks
Confirming, you let him crouch to put you down
You’re both a little breathless
“Let’s see”
He bends closer, pulling your backpack open to see the shining apples nestled there
“I’ll make a good pie with these,” he promises
You give him a look
“I really will this time!” he exclaims at that, “the brownies were an exception!”
Chuckling, you acquiesce
“Alright,” this is how it always goes, “I trust you”
In the end, the home-made Halloween is great
Everyone has decorated their doorway – though you wonder how many Hobi actually helped with – and you take turns rushing up and down, calling ‘trick or treat’ like little kids
Of course, you all have costumes, as well as little bags for sweets, which are only plastic bags from the supermarket, but Hobi glued little paper fangs onto the top
Hobi’s a witch, and his black cloak swooshes out behind him
Of course this means he won’t stop running up and down the hall even after the lot of you have squished together in a pile to eat sweets in the kitchen
“I’ll eat all of yours!” Jimin threatens
This brings Hobi dashing back again
The evening is fun and full of you and Hobi feeding each other sweets, pretending you aren’t giving him the ones you know he likes the most
“ugh, another one of these, I don’t like them that much”
You’re not sure if he believes you
The others certainly don’t, but you ignore the way they look at you as you hold another up to Hobi’s lips
Hobi swears off the horror film later, but you follow him to the kitchen
Honestly, it’s out of fear for the apple pie
And nothing else at all
You laugh together and steal some of the leftover sweets as he makes it through one failed batch of dough
Namjoon goes to bed
You’re pretty sure the others have fallen asleep in the living room
They can have some pie tomorrow, if it ever gets made. Or if it does, then if it isn’t all eaten before they can get to it
This time around, Hobi deems the batch successful and finally it’s in the oven, complete with strawberry jam leaking out of the sides
“It has to look spooky!”
Hobi falls into a chair beside you, covered in flour and fruit and looking much better than he has any right to
“Let’s go outside, the pie has to bake for a while”
You don’t question your enthusiasm to go with him
At this point, you get excited along with him, and after seeing how brilliant the stars look, you can only half concentrate
Staring at him instead is just as tempting
You know the joy you’ll find there
It’s darker as you pass under the trees, further from the building
Still you don’t look away
Did you see that?”
Hobi gasps, a hand flying out to catch your own
His fingers around soft around your wrist, and slip down to grasp your hand
Eventually, he brings his gaze back to earth, frowning around at you
Blinking, you realise he asked you something
“See what?”
Your voice is no more than a breath in the air
All he says is “look”
There are other things you would rather look at, but you turn your head to the sky
You’ve stopped walking at this point, just standing still among the leaves
The tree branches stretch into the sky, much thinner than they used to look
You breathe
Hobi’s hand is still holding yours, calling you back to earth, but you force your eyes to search the heavens a bit more
You’re about the ask Hobi what he’s on about when you see it, at last
A flicker, quick enough that you could have missed it in a blink
Satisfied, Hobi turns to you
This time, it’s his turn to admire your face as it transforms, disbelief to wonder
“Was that-?”
“A shooting star!”
You wonder if he really was a witch, and if so what kind of spell he cast to make this Halloween work out so well
He holds his hand out
Doesn’t even ask
Without knowing, you realise your trust has grown well enough, so firm within your chest, that you take it without a second thought
And now you’re dancing
He really loves this cape, and spins you around as an excuse to make it fly behind him
Almost losing your balance, you grab him harder, laughing
And he pulls you closer once you stand up
Your feet are scuffling in the broken leaves like so many times before as you messed around
You trip and lose the rhythm, and spin too many times that you should stop, but you end up dizzy with a wide grin
When he kisses you, it’s like you had done it a hundred times before
No questions in your mind, you lean in more, hands sliding into the warmth under his silly cloak. And you wonder if you’re really just dizzy from spinning
The apple pie burns
You and Hobi still eat it, and the inside is really very nice
Like you would have before, you share spoonfuls, eating the whole thing over gossip and laughter
Only this time, you curl in his lap, and then he in yours because it gets uncomfy
In the morning, Namjoon finds everyone out of bed, sleeping on the sofas or the kitchen table, as is your case
And no one is surprised, or seems to bat an eye beyond smiling at the two of you
You wrap up in each other’s clothes, and walk under the trees, and dance, and suffer the results of baking- which will get better, he promises every single time
And you trust him
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Thank you for reading!! this was made with the following prompts: baking - back to school/university – “I bet you can’t catch a leaf” - wearing someone else’s clothes - trick or treating - apple picking – warmth - “it’s sweater season!” - “are you cold?” - “I trust you” - shooting stars - first dance
If you enjoyed this, a comment would be so appreciated, it makes it all worth it🥰🥰 find my other autumn drabbles here
taglist: @aianloveseven @preciouschimine​ send me a message if you want to be tagged in my “autumn with” updates!!
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rainbowsuitcase · 11 months
OT7 - Vampires & Apocalypse
I have a headcanon that due to their undead-ness, vampires wouldn’t be affected by zombie bites. I see zombie-ness as a kind of sickness, something that spreads through blood, and vampires don't really have any blood of their own. Noted, an apocalypse would suck for them either way, because all the humans would be either, you know, dead or hiding.
Upon the initial outbreak, Rap Line vampire clan move their lair to the nearest hospital as soon as the humans abandon it. A few get left behind that they can feed on and there’s a blood supply that should comfortably last them a while.
While the vampires hole up, deciding that the safest thing they can do is to not come out until all of this is over, human Vocal Line are out there, fighting for their lives every day. When one of them inevitably gets hurt, they’re quick to abandon their hideout to find the nearest hospital, hoping there will still be some supplies left.
There, they find the first creatures capable of holding a conversation they’ve seen in months. And later, when everyone gets over their distrust, they even find a family.
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(Looks wise very much a hyyh vibe. Actually, everything hyyh vibe. Man, I love hyyh vibes.)
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rusgoo · 4 months
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mad scientist namjoon, from my bts halloween au🐨🧪🥼
if youre interested in the other members designs, pls follow me on t1kt0k and tw1tter! same user @RusGoo
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