#bts ot7 smut imagines
Our Little Love part eight - OT7 Mafia/Yandere au
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Mr Kim has a chapter all to himself of 6.8K words, please enjoy and PLEASE let me know what you think. Trigger warnings: manipulation, coercion, corruption, interrogation, mentions of murder and other crimes, swearing, jealousy, possessive yandere behaviour, fingering, orgasm denial, mirror sex, light choking. I am awful with warnings, please forgive me.
Namjoon wasn’t all that impressed with seeing the Chief of police visiting his cell, the syndicate boss was dressed too well to belong there, it was almost an eyesore. A glance to the camera, the normal red blinking light absent tells him all he needs to know. There were no eyes or ears to this conversation. 
“I thought I paid you to keep your men in line,” Namjoon says in lieu of greeting. “Was a bullet to the knee not warning enough for your dear Captain?”
“He wasn’t an issue when I spoke to him, the man was on leave!” the chief replied. “Your girl was the problem he-”
“Be very careful how you finish that sentence,” he advised with a deep angry rumble from his chest. “I am well aware who is at fault here, and regardless of what our little love does, she is never to blame.”
Chief Lee Soo-man only nods once, biting back his complaints.
“I asked you to sort out Kim Suho, I told you to keep him in check,” Namjoon growls. “Keeping your pockets full isn’t an act of charity Lee, it’s a purchase. I own you.”
“Yes sir,” he mumbles in response. “I assure you this arrest is just a formality, the case won’t stand once it’s revealed Detective L/n-”
The glare the man in the blazerless three piece suit gave him was enough to stop him in his tracks. Right, he couldn’t involve you in this, that was going to make things harder than they needed to be.
“What do you recommend then sir?” he asks when he finds his voice and wavering courage. 
Namjoon sighs harshly, and the Chief swears he can almost see smoke. 
“I want to be alone with my little love,” it’s not a request, the chief didn’t let the soft lilt of his fool him. 
“I don’t know how that would be poss-”
“I want-” Namjoon cuts in, unable to bear another second of this blithering idiot, “her to be the one to interrogate me. And I can trust you understand the rest.”
“Y-yessssir,” he stutters, not completely hearing the words between the lines, and that was clear enough on his face. 
“I want her alone, Sooman,” Namjoon repeats himself, if this were one of his men he would never have needed to. “I don’t want a single soul witness to what I’m going to do to her.”
Suho tugs you along by the arm, stumbling in his urgent pace, pulling you out of ear shot.
“We have a problem.”
“What problem?”
“I’m technically on health leave, brass says I can’t interrogate him,” he stares a hole into you as if his eyes were telling you the rest but you couldn’t understand.
“Okay so who’s replacing you?”
He huffs out a breath of air from his nose, knowing you weren’t going to like the command from way over his head.
Your heart beats hard in anticipation, why was he looking at you like that?
“As far as Brass are aware you were deep undercover,” Suho informs you slowly, deliberately, looking like he was about to tear your world to trash. He sighs, unable to get the words out.
“Suho what?”
“They want you to interrogate him,” he breathes, you think you’ve misheard him, but you know you haven’t.
Your world spins, you’re already shaking your head.
“I can’t,” you whisper, he knows full well that you can’t. “I resigned, I’m not a detective anymore.”
He sighs again, hesitation in his eyes. 
“I never processed it,” he confesses.
“Y-you di-”
“I couldn’t, I knew you would see reason, I knew you would come back,” he doesn’t let you process the shock, explaining himself quickly. 
“Suho I can’t I can’t,” you beg, the conviction you had to punish them now suddenly taking a back seat as fear overtakes you, “right now they believe I was deep undercover but he’s not going to let that-“
“Listen to me,” he interrupts you before you can fully submerge into a panic attack, taking your hand in his. “I’m going to be in the next room, as soon as he says anything that compromises you, I’ll turn off the cameras, okay?”
You’re interrupted again when the door opens, both of you whipping your heads to see him being transferred by four officers to the interrogation room. His eyes find you, staring stoic holes into you before his gaze finds Suho’s hands comforting yours. The snarl of displeasure is brief but you definitely see it, and you can’t breathe.
Suho draws your attention back to him, tugging your hand softly.
“Do you trust me Y/n?” he implores you, eyes searching yours in a way that made Namjoon want to strangle him with the chains on his handcuffs. You look up at your Captain with such light in your eyes, a way you should never look at another man, and then you have the audacity to nod. 
You’ve done this a hundred times, if not more. So why were you hesitating at the door? Your hand on the handle, all you had to do was turn it and face the music but you couldn’t even manage finding your breath. 
Interrogation was a science, it was like riding a bike, you knew what you had to do, you had to command the room. It almost sounded like a joke, the worst one you’d ever heard. Command a room when Kim Namjoon was in it? 
The thought makes you hyperventilate. No, it wasn’t going to be easy but you could control what you could. You borrowed clothes from an old colleague, a skirt and blouse, simple but professional. Suho’s old blazer too, as if layers would protect you. You had splashed water on your face in the bathroom, using makeup from evidence to make yourself look presentable, composed. Your impromptu freshening up had meant you left the syndicate leader waiting for a long time, and it absolutely 100% was not because you were trying to kill time, it was to make him stew in the room, a technique you had used multiple times prev- who were you trying to convince? 
You needed to get this over with. 
Your face is impassive when you finally open the door, his gaze is on you immediately and you can feel a certain type of guilt and shame try to seep its way into you, but you push it down far enough that you can pretend it’s not there.
“Mr Kim Namjoon,” you greet him stoically.
“Detective L/n,” he returns, playing along with a small smile, as if seeing an old acquaintance after a long time. The way he addressed you shouldn’t cut you, logically it made no sense not when you’re the one that got him in the box, but it did. 
You approach the table he’s chained to, looking at the wood instead of his eyes as if he didn’t matter, or at least that’s how you wanted it perceived. Avoiding eye contact with the most dangerous man the whole country had ever come to know, meant you missed the way his stare moved to your clothes, particularly your blazer, recognising it was a man’s, and he could confidently guess exactly who it belonged to. Any friendliness on his face disappeared, he wanted to play games and now he just wanted to torture you a little, punish you for you actions. Patience, he tells himself, that would come later.
The file in your hands slaps the table as you throw it down, taking a seat opposite your boyfriend, a man you now convinced yourself you wanted behind bars. 
What do they say about a woman scorned? Namjoon thinks to himself, admiring the fire he could see burning underneath your skin, and though he knew he would feel the burn, he would welcome it. It was no secret that he had a fantasy about you interrogating him, he introduced the role play to the bedroom soon after your return to them but it lacked the flames of heat he could feel today. 
“Allow me to formally introduce myself,” you reply. “My name is detective Y/n L/n, I’ve been undercover at your… establishment for the past year and a half.”
“Is that right?” he barely suppressed his amusement but it didn’t phase you. Your professional head was on, this was just another criminal you had to put away, that was it. 
You open the file, sliding out photos of him that you had sent in as intel in your early days undercover as well as surveillance photos that Suho had taken since you were MIA. 
“Do you know who this man is Mr Kim,” you say, sliding the first of the photos to him.
“Can’t say I do detective,” he shrugs nonchalantly, not even glancing away from you. 
“Do you want to try looking at his face first before you answer,” you insisted unimpressed. 
He smiles, still staring at you. 
“I don’t recognise him,” he repeats himself slowly. 
“So this isn’t you in the photo?” You ask.
“I don’t know,” his grin only grows.
“This man, Jackson Wang, is dead, and the last person who saw him alive seems to have been you Mr Kim, at least based on the time stamp on this photo and the time of death from the post mortem.”
“Is that right,” he says again, sounding like a broken record. His eyes swim with admiration for you, you can see it though you can’t understand it at all with the current scene. Why wasn’t he fuming, why wasn’t he demanding an answer or explanation?
“Okay let's cut the crap since I know you’re far too clever for that Mr Kim,” you scoff with a roll of your eyes. “I have gathered evidence of your crimes from the last 18 months, and I will stand in court as a witness against you.”
“Are you allowed to do that little love?” he asks, the name has a pang of panic hit you, but you tell yourself you can explain it away to brass.
“The charges you're facing so far are murder, battery, and grand larceny to name a few,” you state ignoring him, flicking through the photos, throwing each one in front of him. “There are many more to follow.”
“I didn’t know partners could testify against each other,” he mused, smirk still strong on his face.
“I’m not your partner,” you object. “I was undercover.”
“No,” he contends, shaking his head like this was just a game to him. “You can’t fake a love like ours, heaven.”
You almost snort as if his point was ridiculous.
“I don’t think I could ever love someone like you Mr Kim,” your stare was ice cold, that finally wipes the smile off his face. 
“You’re angry,” he states as if it was new information for you. “I get that little love, but this is a bit too much, don’t you think?”
“I think justice needs to be served, don't you?” you sneered. “People got hurt, some people died, someone needs to pay.”
“You and I both know they deserved it,” he declares as if there wasn’t a camera recording his confession. “You’re just angry because I stepped on a bug.”
Utter rage brewed like a storm in your chest, and you wanted the downpour to drown him. 
“You sound like you’re ready to sign the confession Mr Kim,” you don’t break your stare. “That’s great, saves us a lot of time, thank you.”
You close the file, pushing the chair back to stand. 
“I’m not done with you,” he growled.
“But I’m done with you.” 
“Y/n sit,” he commands calmly, composing himself. “Throwing a fit isn’t going to fix things.”
“Throwing a fit?” The audacity of this man, you stand there in shock. 
“Let’s talk it through,” he says to you as if you were being hysterical. 
“Fuck you,” you spit. 
“Talk to me Y/n,” he scolded you like you were a child. “Without this bullshit.”
“Fine! You wanna talk about it Namjoon,” you snapped, taking the seat again, throwing the file haphazardly on the desk. “Let’s talk about it.”
The glare you present him with doesn’t make him flinch, it doesn’t phase him. You hope Suho had enough sense to turn the cameras off by now, this would go nowhere. 
“You manipulated me, you lied to me, you made me play the fool.”
He didn’t react, not a single muscle on his face moved and it fanned whatever flame explode inside of you like a bomb. This was his true colours underneath the mask of love and adoration he created for you.
“You don’t have to pretend anymore Namjoon I can see right through you,” you state. “And you are never touching me again.”
That made him look at you, really look at you, something shifted in his gaze, a slight smirk as if he was mocking you.
You could cry kick and scream about the injustice he put you through in the name of this fucked up love and he wouldn’t flinch. He would sit there and watch and then the fucker would have the audacity to laugh afterwards. He must’ve laughed at how stupid you were in trusting him when he lied.
“At least if you go to prison, I’ll finally be free,” you whisper like it’s a life line.
He’s still unmoved, sitting there as if you were invisible and it irked the fuck out of you. He was the one who wanted to talk, why the fuck was he silent now? 
You wanted him to hurt you wanted him to feel an ounce of what you did in the light of his betrayal. He tore your heart out and you weren’t going to forgive him.
“I must’ve looked so pathetic,” you say in a self deprecating tone, looking at the ceiling as if someone could answer you. “Suho was right.”
That comment makes his blood boil hard enough to show on his face. There it was, the reaction you were waiting for and you took the bait without thinking about what you were trying to catch or what you were trapped with.
“I should’ve trusted him, he’s always had my back and my best interest at heart.”
His jaw clenches, a fist squeezing nothing but air although he probably wished it was the captain's neck.
“Kai and Suho are all I have left,” you goad him, unsure of what exactly it was that you wanted to prove. “And finally I’m back where I belong.”
“If you don’t want a bullet in each of their heads, you need to stop talking love,” he grunts through gritted teeth.
Something inside of you felt vindicated and you realise then what you wanted from him, proof he fucking cared, that you weren’t some pawn or prize in this game of crime. You wanted him to soothe the very cuts he caused, or rip your heart out hard enough that you could bleed him out of your system forever.
“Oh please Namjoon, just admit why you kept me around for so long,” you scoff. “I can only imagine how it felt to have the lead detective on your case in the palm of your hands, like a trophy, a big fuck you to the justice system.”
You laugh sounding a little maniacal.
“You had me, and I fell for all of it.”
“You’re forgetting I didn’t know your true origins at first little love,” his low voice is a warning, he looks at you like he needed to remind you who you belonged to.
“And you’re forgetting I know you,” you bite back. “Any hint of betrayal and you pull the trigger first and ask questions later.”
He stares at you, grimacing.
“And yet here I am, alive.”
“Because I love you,” he says it so casually it throws you off, like it was a fundamental part of his being, like breathing.
“Because you saw an opportunity,” you rationalise.
“Because I could never lose you,” he confesses. “You could rip out my heart, little love and I would still want you, why else would I be here?”
You frown, what did he mean? He was here because you paid an eye for an eye, you betrayed him.
“What’s done is done,” you say as if you were unconcerned. “I will testify against you.”
He leans closer across the table, words for your ears only.
“Do you think you’ll be able to handle seeing Jungkook in prison, love?” Namjoon whispers. “Knowing you put him there? It would kill you.”
The pain his words brought forth only proved them to be true. You did have a soft spot for the youngest, always had. You break eye contact first, looking down at the file and turning back and forth a page as if in contemplation but really to cool your nerves.
Were you really doing this? Sending Yoongi, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Tae and Kookie to jail because of an angry outburst? Now your emotions had time to settle after the bomb that exploded when you saw Suho; you weren’t so sure.
“I never thought you could betray us like this,” he says solemnly, continuing to manipulate your guilt, but he forgot about your fire. He could almost see the coals ignite in your eyes, a misstep on his part, one he realised when a snarl forms on your lips.
“You. Lied.” You state ferociously. “I asked you if you hurt him and you lied to me.”
“So you decided to have us all arrested,” he continues, “for a man you stated you didn’t care about like that.”
“Don’t you fucking dare,” you seethe, unable to sit with him any longer, pacing the room before you raised a finger to his face. “You played me like a fool Namjoon, and I refuse to play the part anymore.”
“I wanted him dead, little love,” he states in a low voice through gritted teeth. “Do you understand what a mercy-”
“I asked you not to hurt him!”
“Then you underestimated our wrath!” he retorted. “I couldn’t let him go in one piece, and you didn’t need to know.”
“No. You underestimated MY wrath Kim Namjoon!” You burst, slamming the desk with your hand, the sting burning, your face heating more and more with rage as it concealed your heartache. “I am not some docile doll for you to play with, and manipulate and LIE TO! You took my love for granted when it was a damn fucking privilege.”
Your chest heaves with each breath, he stayed composed while you looked like a wild animal finally let out of her cage.
“You think this obsession is love,” your voice broke at the last word, the floods of heartbreak dampening the fires. “And I did too, but it’s fucked up everything.”
His silence was eating you alive, his face giving nothing of his heart away while yours laid bare out between you.
“You know what I’m done,” you breathe, “have fun rotting in jail Namjoon.”
Tears drop out of the corner of your eyes as you walk away, his piercing gaze doing nothing to deter you. He might’ve had power over you once but that was before he betrayed you. You reach for the door handle, tugging, ready to leave him behind until his trial, but the door doesn’t budge. You still, mind blank for a second before panic overwhelms you. You try again with all your might, pulling as hard as you can over and over before releasing your grip with a harsh breath. You take a gulp, calming yourself, he planned this.
You’re not surprised when you hear the sound of the handcuffs undo or the chains hit the floor. Fucking bastard. An alarm started blaring in the building, loud and overwhelming, but it came too late. Red lights flash, the room glowing as if warning you about the oncoming danger.
“Are we done with your outburst little love,” he says coldly, like your grievances were nothing more than a tantrum.
You turn to face him slowly, more tears dropping without a sound, shaking your head at the way his words cut you down to nothing.
When he stands from the seat your heart gallops with fear and panic. Although it’s helpless you turn back to the door, trying with all your might to open it and escape him. The fire alarm blaring does nothing to ease you, you hang onto the door as you feel him approach, tears falling out of your eyes without control.
Fuck, you were stuck here with the man you sent to jail, you were left to his mercy. His presence looms over you, you can feel him a hair's width behind you, not touching you, not really, but he’s so close it’s overwhelming.
It’s when you feel his breath you freeze, your body shutting down with dread. He presses his cheek to your hair, inhaling you softly. The action makes you jolt away, turning to the side but he grabs your wrist tightly. You don’t look at him, you stare into the two way mirror, your cheeks pathetically wet. You were supposed to hold the power in this room, but you could feel it dwindle away to nothing but smoke.
You’re slammed against the door hard, a whimper escaping your lips as your eyes scrunched in pain. You miss the flash of guilt in his eyes, realising he pushed you too hard. An apology on his lips but the glare when your eyes open stops him. He’s seen anger in your eyes before, hate even, for he knew love didn’t come without it. But fear? Never of him, not even in the days when you were undercover and your life was one unveiled secret away from ending. 
“Get away from me,” you seethe, meaning every word, even when you saw the hurt in his eyes. 
Regret, Kim Namjoon never knew the feeling before, but he knew he never wanted you to look at him the way you were. He needed to keep his calm, one wrong push and you would tear him out of your own heart.
Your eyes fly all over the room, trying to piece together a way to gain some distance. Suho… maybe he was still behind the glass. You tug your wrist as hard as you can, taking steps away from him but his hold is relentless. The blare of the alarm stops ringing but the flashing red lights remain, staining the walls like blood pumping.
“Little lo-“ he starts to say with a sigh, he was being patient but there was only so much time left.
“Suho?” You call desperately trying to look through the glass. You know you’ve made a mistake before you even said his name but fear drives people to do stupid things without thinking.
The most notorious criminal in all of Seoul pulls you back against his chest hard. An arm wraps around your waist, the unforgiving grip on your wrist turning lethal. He rests his chin on your shoulder, staring at you through the mirror. The hairs on your skin stood on end at the frightening change in his eyes, danger rolled off of him and you had no choice but to take every wave.
“Do you think he’s there, love?” The corner of his lip lifts in a smirk that makes you think of a snake, the saccharine tone of his voice hypnotising. “Do you think he’s watching us?”
The palm on your hip moves down to your thigh, he squeezes the flesh. You could feel your heart jumping in your throat.
“Should we give him something to watch?” He murmurs seductively, turning his head to bring his lips so close to your neck. The bruising clutch on your wrist is gone only to find its way to your hair, yanking it back to give himself better access.
Your eyes in the mirror are begging but the inner turmoil from his touch is making you question what exactly you’re asking for. Reason tells you it’s for Suho to save you, to grant you escape, but the way you feel a familiar heat swim to your core has you doubting yourself.
“If he was in there,” he whispers, his lips now on your ear, “don’t you think he’d come in here and try to take you from me, love?”
He chuckles to himself, a joke only he can understand.
“Fuck I’d love to see him try.”
His groan has you aching, your body relapsing to what it knows, anticipating the pleasure and pain only they could provide. 
​​“I’m not mad at you for having us arrested, heaven,” he whispers in your ear, gaze softening for a second in the mirror lulling you into a sense of security you couldn’t tell if it was a trap. “In fact I’m a little in awe, a little proud.”
The smirk he gives you seems genuine.
“We deserved it I know,” reassurance fills his voice, he wants you to hear his sincerity. “What I’m mad about, little love…”
The softness is gone, eyes turn piercing, the proverbial snake about to strike.
“Is the fact you let another man touch what’s mine.”
The guttural rumble of his possessive claim sent waves of need down to your cunt, you could feel it pulsing. 
“I’m mine,” you return meekly, trying to find your resolve, but it sounded like a whine.
“Make no mistake Y/n, you’re always going to be mine.”
You didn’t have it in you to argue, not when he sent your eyes rolling back and a shiver down your spine. Fuck he hadn’t even touched you yet, maybe it was true, maybe a part of you would always belong to them, but that didn’t mean all if you did.
“Look at me,” he commands, his breath hitting your neck.
Your blown out eyes meet him in the mirror, that predatory but protective gaze piercing through you. He hums in approval the deep vibration fucking with your senses, making you hazy. 
You both hold eye contact even when you can see the fingers on your thigh stroke soothing circles up your skin. Your lips part with a harsh breath when they rub your mound through the fabric of your panties, the touch light and testing and not nearly enough. 
“You’re fucking soaking wet baby,” he calls you out with a grin.
You grab his wrist when his fingers cup your heat, his thumb soothing circles on your clit. You press against him, the warmth of his chest enveloping your back. You both fit so well together, you were forgetting why exactly you were so angry at him, but simmers of it still remained even through his touch. 
“You know,” he says, opening your leg with his knee to give him more access, “a lot of couples fuck through their problems, should we try?”
He hides his grin, burying his head in you but you can feel it against your skin, the arrogant asshole. 
“You can go and fuck yourself,” you sassed back, lying to yourself that you could be fine if he stopped now, that it wouldn’t leave you a needy mess. 
“But I’d rather fuck you,” he chuckles, breathing you in, savouring the moment while his fingers slide the fabric aside. 
You choke back a moan at the contact of his skin right where you wanted him, the way he spread your wetness until every inch of you was covered in it. 
“You can pretend to regret our relationship all you want, but this,” he emphasises his point by slapping your cunt hard, making you gasp, “still wants me.”
“It wants to get fucked,” you spitefully remark through gritted teeth, “doesn’t have to be you.”
That makes him pause, and you have to bite back the words of displeasure. 
“You’ll pay for that next time love,” he murmurs dangerously. 
“There won’t be a next time,” you try to ridicule him through a laugh but his fingers circle your entrance. 
“You’re lying,” he hums, “next time, I think we should tie you down, make you watch other women touch us in ways only you’re allowed to.”
You bury the fury that ruptures at the image, clenching your jaw to keep from swearing at him and proving the point he was trying to make.
“Maybe then you’d have a semblance of understanding of what you did- the torture you put us through.”
“I wouldn’t care,” you breathe, squirming against his fingers, he needed to shut up and move.
“Liar,” he chuckles knowingly, seeing right through you. Before you, there were many females in his organisation, until his little love demanded he get rid of them all. The memory stretches his grin wider. 
“Why the fuck was it me?” You whisper, your eyes starting to water at the vulnerability of your tone, remembering the same moment he was. “When I went undercover there were so many beautiful women-“
“They’re not you, little love, don’t for a second compare yourself to them,” he kisses your temple softly in reassurance. His face is in your hair, his hand on your throat as you preen to his touch. “You were sweet and addicting with a fire you were trying so desperately to contain.”
He thrusts two fingers in gently, watching your face contort in want in the mirror, smiling at the way your eyes rolled back. You whimper when he squeezes his grip on your neck.
“To think that passion we saw in your eyes was hatred at first,” he smiles as if amused, watching every little reaction you gave him, every proof of love.
“I did,” you confess, pressing your ass against his hard length and making him groan, “I hated you.”
“You were sent to destroy us, love, but instead you reached into our souls and thought there was something worth saving,” he chuckled, nuzzling into you softly as if he wasn’t knuckle deep inside of you, feeling every part he knew so well. “And save us you did, it was so dark before you our little light, how could we ever let you leave?”
“You’re fucking with my head,” you whimper, head falling back to his chest, it rumbles when he laughs.
“Hmmm? I’m definitely fucking your brains out today Y/n,” he promises with a chuckle, kissing your temple again, but emphasising his point when he scissors his fingers reading you for his cock. “If that’s what you mean.”
This was your fault, you knew what you were getting into when you fell for them. You especially knew Namjoon was the worst of them all. You let his soft side brush away his true nature, and while you never forgot his ruthless persona, you put it to the back of your mind. You foolishly thought you had tamed his cunning cold cruel- 
“Oh fuck,” whatever train of thought you had died, the palm of his hand rubbing your clit, stimulating your already aching cunt to the edge. Your parted lips open wider to release a silent scream, his fingers stroking so deep.
You were so close, you could taste it, unable to control the delirious sounds escaping you. So when he stops and slips his fingers away from you, you have to stop yourself screaming in protest. 
“Up against the mirror Y/n,” he commands gruffly, but you don’t move, you were so fucking close. Fuck him, fucking asshole, you were so fucking close. 
He picks you up with ease, pushing you against the wall so your breath fogs the surface. You hear the zip pull down, your forehead falls forward, your core pulsing in anticipation. He grabs your leg, opening you for him, the head of his cock sliding across your folds until you're whining.
“Stop squirming love,” he warns, but you don’t listen, of course you don’t, so he makes you listen. 
The sound you release when he slaps your clit with his hard dick over and over has him questioning his restraint, fuck he wants to just pound into you but you needed to be taught a fucking lesson. 
“Joonie sensitive,” you whine, but he’s relentless, making you cry out over and over. Fuck you could actually maybe cum like this. 
His self control wavers, his jaw clenched with such a force he thinks it’ll shatter. He couldn’t take it anymore, the swell of his head finds your entrance. Inch by inch, he relishes the feeling of your walls hugging him so fucking tight, the pulse of them pulling him in. He leans over you, trying to regain composure but you feel so good he doesn’t want to move, he wants to stay like this forever, inside of you where he belongs. 
You try to push back into him, but he grabs your waist with one hand to keep you still, grinding his hips against you and he knows it’s not enough. 
“Look at you arching your back little love,” he smirks, “Your body knows where you belong, it’s a shame you tried to take it away from me.”
Your hands ball into fists on the mirror, you can’t even look at yourself right now, you can’t stop writhing on the surface, trying so hard to get him to move. You squeeze him hard, making his head fall against you with a grunt. 
“Behave little love,” he warns, “or I’ll show your colleagues just how well you can take me.”
“Make me,” you dare him even though it comes out as a mumble. 
You were dizzy and disorientated and all you wanted was for him to fucking move. He pushes you against the wall hard, every inch of him covering you so you couldn’t budge. You whine, the cold of the hard surface making you seek his warm body, you slot against him like a damn puzzle piece. He was hell bent on torturing you today, as if you hadn’t suffered enough. 
“Joonie move,” you almost sound like a brat, trying to order him around. 
“I’ll move when I’m ready,” he growls animalistically, barely holding himself back, but he needed to savour this.
You do everything you can to break his control, writhing against him like a bitch in heat. He swallows hard when you clench again. He spanks your ass hard in return, the air gets thicker, you find it harder to breathe. You keep still, the sting of your ass satisfying your craving for a moment, but not for long. 
He picks up your skirt, watching himself inside you, watching the beautiful mess you were making. So wet, so perfect, how did you ever think for a second he would ever let this go? The sight is too much, he releases a restrained groan, done with holding himself back. 
His hand grips your cheeks, turning your mouth to his, forcing his tongue down your throat as he finally pulls out only to push back in impossibly deeper. You took every punishing thrust, his presence surrounding you everywhere, even in front of you where his reflection painted the surface. He smothered you with his existence, the heat of him scolding, but you liked it, you craved it. 
“Do you think your ‘friend’ understands who you fucking belong to now detective L/n?” He chuckles deeply watching your fucked out face in the mirror.
He uses his grip under your knee to turn you towards the camera in the corner of the room.
“Think they can all see little love?” He pants. “How well you fucking take it? How good you are for me?”
You shake your head in protest but it feels too good. Your head falls back on him without the mirror to lean against. His fingers find your clit, his sole purpose to make you lose yourself to him. 
“Fuck look at you shaking baby,” he groans, feeling you pulse around him, drawing closer to the edge. “Your poor pussy just needs to come huh?”
You can hear the smirk in his tone, fucking self satisfied prick. 
“Not as badly as you need it,” you taunt back, feeling your defiance flare despite how your body was begging you to behave.. 
“Fuck you might be right,” he groans, going harder, faster. “I’m always going to need it.”
His confession takes you over, the words pushing you so hard you come apart violently, thrashing against him as you unravel, but he holds you tight. He doesn’t let you fall. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think, all you could feel was him and the burst of pleasure that carried on wave after wave, and you never wanted it to stop.
“This is mine,” he grunts as he comes undone inside of you, fucking his cum deeper until it got through to your soul. 
He was a part of you, and you could try to deny it now with his mistakes on the table, but he was so embedded in the fabric of you he couldn’t see where he began and where you ended. His entire existence was for you, it was only fair your cunt, body and soul belonged to him. Maybe the others too, as an afterthought, but you were his first.
He feels the mess slide out of you as he leaves your warmth, turning you softly so you could lean against him as you catch your breath. He holds you tight, arn arm around your middle like the steel of a bar. He has every intention of letting you recover but the way you look up at him with those glossy eyes confirms the fact he will never be satiated, he will always want more of you even if there was nothing left to give. 
“Our little love,” he breathes in your face, stealing a hard kiss, “our little downfall.”
His mouth held you prisoner again and again, humming pleasantly as you let him devour you in so many ways. His kiss was bruising, hungry, overindulging.
Your eyes search his as he parts reluctantly, your mind still hazy, the bliss of sex still circulating your body.
“Why did you lie to me?” You whisper breathlessly against his lips as you come down, and he can hear the vulnerability in your tone, it makes a guilt spread across his chest that feels almost alien. The way you could make him ache like no one else, he should cast you aside for introducing a weakness in him but he wouldn’t even dream of it.
“I didn’t want to lose you,” he confesses sincerely. “I didn’t want you to hate me.”
“I asked you not to hurt him,” your eyes tear up again, and he curses himself and the existence of Kim Suho.
“I know.”
“But you did it anyway,” you continue, “and then you had the gall to lie to my face.”
You wipe away the tears that fall harshly, your mind clearing. You push him away and fix yourself up, knowing from the glances in the mirror you were a mess.
“You always own up to your actions, right or wrong, you never hide them,” you laugh and you think you must sound psychotic. “The Kim Namjoon… I remember the days you would drop dead bodies in front of me without remorse, without ever feeling the need to explain yourself.”
“I was testing you then,” he grunts, remembering those days well. “I needed to know you had the stomach to be with us.”
“I hated you so much,” you confess, swallowing down a sob. “And for the first time since I fell in love with you Joonie, I can feel that hate grow again.”
His jaw clenches, his fist too. He could feel a threat on the tip of his lips, one where the Captain's head would end up on a plate in front of you for dinner but he holds himself back.
“You don’t mean that,” he says between gritted teeth.
“I had you fucking arrested Namjoon,” you argue back fiercely. “Don't tell me what I mean or don’t mean.”
“You also fucked me after the fact,” he states and the harsh words slap you hard. You did. You let him defile you here only moments ago.
“Old habits die hard.”
“Not with me love,” he dismisses the thought. “Not as long as I’m alive.”
“We’ll see,” you challenge, feeling that earlier conviction rise. 
“Understand something Y/n,” he says seriously, his face solemn and hard in a way you had witnessed rarely. This was Kim Namjoon with something to lose. “You can run, you can fight, you can hate me if you need to, but there isn’t a life worth living for us without you in it.”
He takes his seat back in the interrogation chair, putting his handcuffs back on with ease, all while keeping his eye contact with you. 
“You want me here, you want to punish me,” he continues, “fine, this where I’ll stay until you’re appeased, until you forgive me.”
“I won’t,” you deny, shaking your head. 
“You will.”
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sweetlyskz · 9 months
Emerald Gem|| Chapter 1
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|
Paring: OT7! x Fem!Reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn
At dawn, the roosters began to crow. They were your personal alarm clock. By the afternoon, you would have the Vegetables plowed and all the pigs fed. Emerald garden, full of color, would be watered. After all the chores were done, you could spend time on your hobbies. Painting, writing, cooking.
You truly kept yourself busy. But it became boring at times, lonely.
Emerald manor, your beloved home, was built for a family. With a large living room, a generous dining room, and too many bedrooms, it could be overwhelming for you. You liked to think about how you could fill this space, getting married, having a family. But you quickly realized that those things don’t come easy. Tired of the loneliness, you thought about adopting a pet. Maybe a dog to help with the farm?
And one day while you're cleaning the chicken coop you spot a fox about to pounce on one of the chickens.
“Hey!” you exclaim. “Get out of here!”
The fox stopped in its tracks and peered over at you, giving an intimidating glare. Then you realized, that wasn’t a fox.
It’s a person.
“Wait!” you attempted to come closer, but with each step forward, the fox went two steps backward. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”
The fox seemed dubious, cautiously stepping towards you. “F-food, please.” His voice was raspy, sore.
You immediately ran to get some food, coming back to the coop with some leftovers. Maybe this will suffice, you thought. You sat him down on the grass patch next to the chicken's den. You watched him devour the meal, as if he hadn’t eaten anything in weeks. Based on his appearance, he probably hadn’t. His fur coat was dirty and torn. You could see his ribs and his belly rumbled with each bite. “Sorry, miss”, he whispered.
You shook your head. “Don’t apologize. You did nothing wrong. I’m Y/n. May I ask your name?”
You could tell he was nervous. Something about your presence made him anxious and fearful. Is he like this with everyone?
“H-Hoseok”, the fox uttered. “But I can’t stay long. My pack is waiting for me.” With a slight struggle, he stumbles back on his two feet. You grab him before he takes off.
“Please wait”, you politely asked. “Let me give you some food to take back to them. Don’t leave yet.”
He paused for a moment, seeming to be pondering over his next steps. “Okay”, he spoke softly. “But don’t be long. They may worry.”
With that, you hurry back into your home, running to the fridge to see what you can scrap up. Hopefully I have enough for all of them, you thought. Maybe you can give them a couple of chickens from the coop.
While carrying plastic wrap covered plates to your garden, you hear a scream coming from the coop. That must be Hoseok. Without haste, you ran to the chicken coops, the food left for the birds. Hovering over Hoseok was what looked like a wolf– well half wolf.
“Back away from him!” You yelled at the top of your lungs, trying to scare off the scary hybrid. He ignored you completely. Suddenly, you gain the courage to step up to it, pushing it off of the fox.
“Are you okay?” You helped him back on his feet, feeling the trembles in his hands. “Did he hurt you?”
“N-no, he would never hurt me”, He stuttered. “You don’t understand.” You looked at him confusingly, then looked at the wolf. He was fuming with anger.
“Y/n, this is my packmate, Joon.”
You’re not sure how feeding one hybrid led to having seven hybrids on your couch, but you have no one to blame but yourself.
“You want us to do what?!”
“Live here?” It was really just a random thought that popped in your head. You didn’t give it any thought. And seeing them dirty and hungry on your couch just made you blurt it out. Hoseok seemed thrilled but his Pack alpha, Joon, wasn't too excited.
“You must be out of your mind”, he laughed. “What do you think we are, pets?”
“No, not at all!” You shook your head. Something in the back of your mind tells you that they’ve been burned before, that they’ve been mistreated. You feel sort of sympathetic. Could they not trust anyone? “You guys don’t even have to stay here long. I just want to treat your wounds and offer some food.”
He still seemed doubtful. “Yeah? And what’s in it for you?”
That's the question he's been dying to ask. What about you? You thought about it for a moment. Wouldn’t any human being want to help out someone in need? The answer to that is no. However, maybe they need some good in their lives.
And you could use the company.
“Well, I kind of live here by myself”, You explain. “My parents moved to the city so I don’t see them often, and I don’t have any other family or friends. If I’m being honest, I really just need someone to converse with. And maybe a little help around the house.”
One of the packmates raised his hand, as if asking permission to speak. “We left the other home we were in. They may still be looking for us. We don’t want to put you in any danger.”
“We can figure all that out later”, you promise him. “Right now, you guys just need to wash up and get a proper rest.”
Hoseok turned to Joon, waiting for his response. “Please, Joon. We’ll be good, I promise.”
He glared at you for a second, trying to sense if this was another trap. Maybe she’s genuine, he thought. “Okay, but we won’t stay for long.” You could hear sighs of relief. Even you let out a puff of air, not realizing you were holding your breath.
“Thank you. Thank you so much for trusting me. I know that’s not easy.” You gave them a tour of Emerald farm, showing them their sleeping quarters and where they can wash up. When evening came around, you prepared a feast. Your hybrid guests gobbled down all they could– except Joon. He didn’t eat, probably from fear of being poisoned. Hopefully, one day he’ll trust me, you thought. But for now, all you can do is show them tender care and affection until they believe it.
When it becomes time for everyone to sleep in their rooms, you're left alone in the living room with our thoughts. Maybe some television will clear your mind. You never really use it. Living on a farm left you with plenty of other things to do, but why not? Turning on the television, you flip through the channels until one catches your attention.
Breaking news! Seven dangerous hybrids escaping from a research facility
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fruitmins · 1 year
Stay Focused | jungkook
➭ summary: in which your dorm mate and best friend Jungkook isn’t pleased to hear that your boyfriend was over the week he was away. but wow did he look hot when he was pissed off…
➭genre: smut with a little plot if you squint, college au, drabble
➭warnings: unprotected s*x (don’t do that), cheating (also don’t do that), kinda rough s*x, cuss words, jk lowkey worships you, fingering, jealousy, dirty talk, jungkook’s territorial
➭note: thank you all so much your your love on my last two things (despite the evidence I do write about the rest of bts, coming soon). i actually love you all. anyways i don’t know what demon possessed me to write this in a public setting but enjoy!! ⚠︎ this is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. jungkook is used solely as a face and a name for the story. this is not a representation of real-life scenarios.
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“Did you miss me?”
Those were the first words your best friend said to you after not seeing you for a week. He said it with a stupid smirk that matched his mocking tone.
You wouldn’t dare admit that you had in fact, started to miss him the first day you woke up to an empty dorm. You knew it would boost his ego to much and just encourage his flirty and teasing behavior that you certainly didn’t need more of.
Normally he would be up hours before you to get in a good work out at the gym to make sure his brawny muscles that stood out in the white tee he would wear after getting out of the shower look good.
You’d wake up when he was done with his shower. His long wet hair and visible arm tattoos were a nice sight to wake up to and he wouldn’t miss a beat to tease you about your wondering eyes. Everyday it was a new remark in the same teasing voice.
‘Like what you see, darling?’
‘You’re undressing me with your eyes again, sweetheart.’
‘Photographic memory I see.’
You could admit Jungkook was dangerously attractive and had no shame hitting on you most of the time. When you had first moved in and before he was actually interested in your personality, you had to quickly inform him you were taken with your new boyfriend at the time, Theo before he could do anything drastic.
Did that stop him?
For the most part, no.
He still complimented and hit on you, most of the time for his own fun and pleasure as he watched you blush and tell him to knock it off. But he stopped being so touchy with you and gave you a little space. You wouldn’t admit that you grew to miss his cuddles or his back hugs. The way his hands slithered around your waist always made your insides turn.
Theo had quickly realized Jungkook’s charm and potential as well. The first time he came over the dorm, he would not let you alone with Jungkook (despite living alone with him already). The air was so thick a knife couldn’t cut it and it almost made you physically ill. Later that night while you and Theo were on the couch watching a movie, Jungkook was in his room. You had jolted hard when Theo’s lips unexpectedly hit your neck, biting and sucking till a purple bruise was clearly visible.
Two things changed that night.
Jungkook became touchy again, and Theo became more protective.
Theo always found an excuse to come to your dorm, leaving things like his toothbrush or shirts in your dorm just to anger Jungkook. Whenever he and Jungkook were in the same space he had to be touching you. Whether it was holding hands or a hand on your hips. He also started trying to get you to switch rooms, and constantly blew up your phone and made allegations about you and Jungkook when you said it would be easier to just stay.
“There’s only one way to know. Try leaving again.” I respond flatly, rolling my eyes at him but he just chuckled, not convinced. “Right~” he responds sarcastically a sly smile appeared on his lips as he strolled over to the couch were you were sat.
“I wasn’t!” You deny again, getting defensive at his sarcastic and cocky tone. It was starting to become a reflex to prove Jungkook wrong any chance you got. You both were very competitive with each other and it was strangely something you two enjoyed. (Video games were your favorite sport.)
“I had company.” You inform him with a smug smile, knowing it would piss him off. Jungkook was always touchy about Theo coming over to the dorm. What reason, you never really knew but he did not like the thought of him and you being alone in the dorm. And he communicated and made that clear to you.
You listened to him, wanting to respect his wishes and person things. So Theo never came over the dorm while he was away.
Till that week.
Jungkook realized you were talking about Theo when he recognized the shirt you were wearing. It was a white and black shirt that Theo wore often. It was loose and big on you and it smelled a lot like his strong cologne causing Jungkook to scrunch his nose in disgust.
“You had him over while I was away?” He asked you, biting the inside of his cheek. His teasing expression fell as his eyes showed a little betrayal. He was mostly pissed as fuck at you, and he had made sure to show it.
“I know how you feel about it but I promise he never went near your room.” I said, quickly trying to clear my name and reassure him that he didn’t do anything.
The last thing you needed was to be on Jungkook’s bad side when he just came back. Sure you missed his presence, but you also missed having him as a friend and companion. Deep below the teasing and flirting, he was supportive and playful.
“That’s not the point, Y/N.” He said in a low, menacing tone that made you shiver as he leaned over you as you looked up at him. His arms sunk in the couch which held him up as he slowly closed some of the distance between you.
“He has a dorm mate who always has her friends over. It was just more conve—“ you start to explain becoming nervous at his sudden movement, trying to make him realize it wasn’t as serious and that you didn’t do it just to spite him.
“So you let him fuck you on the couch I sit on?” He interrupted you with a harsh whisper, sending goosebumps through your body. Your stunned at his words, to flustered to answer. You hadn’t realized how hot he was when he was pissed till now as he stared down at you with a intense gaze, studying your ever move.
“Well when you phrase it like that it sounds—!” You start to respond offensively, stumbling over the question but he doesn’t give you much time to answer after that anyways.
Instead of beaming down at you with a intense stare like he was, his expression changes. His eyes are full of mischief and his lips start to curl into a soft grin.
“Did he make you feel good?” He questioned you with a taunting voice. Although he sounded like he was mocking you, his eyes gave you a stern look. He looked ready to pounce on you. Like he was angry more at Theo than you now.
“I am not having this conversation with you.” You huffed, looking away from his gaze as butterflies filled your stomach. You were beginning to get warm, to warm. Jungkook didn’t need to know about your sex life, even if it wasn’t the best.
One of the problems with Theo despite him being overly protective and always jumping to conclusions, was that the sex you had was terrible. He didn’t last long, and it more awkward and uncomfortable than pleasurable. At first, you thought it was a you problem. But a quick Amazon purchase made you realize it wasn’t.
You knew Jungkook would have a field day knowing that information, but he immediately came to the conclusion on his own when he saw your sour expression while thinking about it.
“Aw, you poor thing.” He laughed causing you to groan in embarrassment. Something flashes in his eyes as he closes the gap between you. He’s so close you can feel his hot breath tickle your nose as he’s eyes shine at you. He puts a hand under your chin and pushes you to look back at him, taking in your embarrassed face with a smirk.
“Jungkook...” you mumble a warning to him. You had never been this close to him before, and you’ve never seen so much lust and mischief in his eyes. You couldn’t do this, not while you were still with Theo.
But naturally, Jungkook didn’t seem to care at this point. About your warning or about Theo. “You don’t know how much I had to stop myself from fucking you all this time. Ever since you moved in, Y/N.” He whispers, moving his face slightly as he pressed soft kisses on your ear. He trailed down, leaving more passionate and strong kisses in your neck.
“Jungkook~” you said again this time coming out in more of a moan as you began to squirm, feeling uncomfortable and wet below. Something Theo could never really do.
“I can’t believe I thought for a second he could handle you.” He spoke seductively and strong, almost growling. You couldn’t believe you were getting turned on to your best friend degrading your boyfriend. “And all this time you knew I could take better care of you.” He says, almost disappointed that you didn’t ask him for help and stayed loyal.
You knew Jungkook was skillful. Just by the way he’d move his fingers while typing on his keyboard or making dinner. Any time you cuddled or just any type of skin to skin contact you’d get excited and your stomach turned in knots.
He trailed down to your collarbone, sucking on it before ripping Theo’s shirt off you angrily and throwing it to the floor. “Have to get rid of his horrible fucking smell.” He growls, the sudden cool breeze that hit your skin making you shiver.
He plants a soft but needy kiss on your lips, and you become weak accepting what was happening and melting into the kiss. You laid your back onto the couch as he leaned against you on now completely on top of you. His kiss quickly turned into a passionate and hungry one, biting your bottom lip before sliding his tongue to explore your mouth.
His hand starts to move up your leg, stopping and planting it on your inner thigh which causes you to whine. You were sex deprived, your core almost hurting from the lack of pleasure when he was so close to touching it.
He chuckled, his chest vibrating against yours as he pulled his lips away. “I know, I know.” He said, voice dipped in honey. “I shouldn’t tease when your practically starving, but I can’t help it when you’ve refused me all this time.” His voice is teasing and playful but his hand starts to move again. Pinching hard on your inner thigh and the pain makes you both moan and wince, the skin contact making your mind hazy.
In own quick swift motion, he shoves his hand under your pants pressing his middle finger against your panties as he drawls circles on your clothed cunt.
“Your already so wet.” He practically moans, loving how needy you were for him already as he felt your juices from your panties. He places another small kiss on your lips after, as if rewarding you for being so aroused.
Finally, he lifts himself up to take off your shorts, having no trouble and tossing them to the floor. You quickly urge him to do the same, tugging on his shirt causing him to chuckle and helps you remove his shirt.
You almost drool when you see his glistening six pack and big muscles. It was the first time you’d actually seen them without clothing and it was godly. “Is it everything you hoped for?” He whispers, letting out a deep chuckle as he leans down to take off your bra, kissing your sensitive nipples softly as your back arches.
You nod, your throat to hot and your tongue to tied for you to speak so focused on what was happening. You moan as his tongue plays with the tip of your nipple, squirming under him.
A hand sneaks back up and calmly slips itself under your panties before pushing them completely down to your legs. He rubs your pussy first before taking his middle finger and slowly inserting it into your pussy.
You grip onto his arm as I slowly take his finger. When you whine for more he gets into a rhythm and pumps his finger in and out of you as your juice gets all over his finger and hand as he easily shoves his ring finger in next. It feels heavenly as his fingers curl deeper inside you and you match his rhythm and buck his hips.
It doesn’t take long for your organism to approach, having not felt so good in months. You felt like you were in cloud high just by his hand. Your walls clenched around him, begging him to go faster as you could see the white gates but instead he easily takes his fingers out of you.
“Jungkook..” you quickly whine your insides aching when his hand leaves but he just chuckles at you again.
“Don’t worry baby. I have something better for you.” He whispers, distracting you with a steamy kiss as he takes off his sweats and boxers. You could already see his big bulge before he took off his boxers, which sprung and twitched when he actually managed to get them off.
He was bigger than what you had imagined. Much bigger. And he dripped with precum which he mixed with your juices from his hand as he took a minute to stroke himself.
Suddenly, your phone started to ring which quickly catches your attention. You take your pleading eyes off of him and look on the nearby coffee table. You can see your phone screen from here as it lit up.
You panic, reaching for it as blush rushing up to your face. You had forgotten all about Theo for a second and start to lean over to the coffee table. But your motion is stopped when Jungkook suddenly rams his hard cock into your throbbing pussy.
You let out a loud moan, hands balling into a fist as he gives you no time to adjust to his large size as he pounds deeply into you, the whole couch shaking and moving. You leaned so desperately needed the roughness as you closed your eyes.
“Stay focused, baby.” He whispers in a deep breathless voice, using a hand to force your face back at him and not your vibrating phone.
He starts to let out his own grunts when he feels you tighten around him, your stomach growing tighter as you reach a euphoria state.
“I-I’m gonna..” you pant tears forming into your eyes as you choke on your words. You grab onto his bare shoulder, nails digging into his skin as he tightens a grip on your waist to thrust harder.
Small tears fall down your face as you cream all over his dick, body shaking with pleasure as he continues to fuck you casing his own climax.
“Fuck. Your so tight. He can never stretch you like I can.” He says through moans as he becomes faster and sloppier. All of his load shoots into you as he pulls himself away from you and watches as his cum drips from you.
He stares at his masterpiece then back at you with a loving gaze before wiping your tears. It took you to long to realize that this is what you wanted all along.
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yoongsisbae · 1 year
Stories by Member
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Not a Creature was Stirring You wake up Christmas Eve night not to find Santa, but to find a man cold and shivering on your front porch. Clothes tattered, cuts on his body, out in the snow. You find out he’s not as helpless as he appears. Kind of cute, kind of scary, very buff Jungkook Fantasy AU. Spring Day Still with You [Sequel to Not a Creature was Stirring] You ran away from the cold, Jungkook ran with you, warming each other’s hearts. But within the cycle of life, there is death, and as spring blooms, the blood still lays soaked in the dirt. You ran and they chased. Hybrid!Jungkook.
Banana Milk It’s Jungkook’s Birthday, will he get his birthday wish?
The Fantasy You and your boyfriend try out a new form of role play, but it just keeps going wrong…
I Didn’t Mean It, I Still Love You Yoongi made a mistake, will you forgive him? Or is it too late?
Ddak-ji SLAP Jungkook, Seokjin, and you decide to play a game…and then you fu-
Campfire Burning A steamy fic inspired by a certain vlive.
Seven Days a Week Every day, Jungkook shows you his devotion, deeper than the ocean. Seven different scenarios, seven days a week. idol!jungkook x noona!reader
Go Home, You're Drunk! - 75% “Who…are…you…” “Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” “Really? Because you look like you belong in a boyband.” whacky and dark & for all the girlies who love an unhinged yandere character
The Snap - 70% The only surviving member of BTS, it takes Jungkook five years to find happiness again. And then life snapped back. What is Jungkook going to do now?
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Christmas with a Vampire There once was a time when holidays were warm and special, Taehyung remembers. To you, even in his coldness, Taehyung is all you need for Christmas. Cyber-punk futuristic AU with a self-hating vampire Tae.
BTS Song Fic (Blue and Grey) Sad song. Sad story. Sad author. Happy reader?
V is for Villain 1 / 2 / 3 - 90% What does it mean to be a villain? What does it really mean to be a vigilante? A vanquisher of evil or a victor for the good? Stories praise the fall of devils, cheer at the marvels of the virtuous, and forget the victorious tell a version conveniently veiling their own atrocities. Evilness was once the brightest star in heaven. And goodness, well, morality can so often be contentious. This time, there is the hero with the strength of a hundred men, there is the villain that can vanish his vulnerabilities in a very instant, and then there’s you. Superclumsysuperhero!RMverse AU.
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Christmas Mass Every Sunday, like clockwork, as designed and ordained, you sit quietly. Pray. Christmas mass comes, tonight your congregation dresses beautifully, like ornaments placed in a row right in front of God. Your priest, stands at the head like an angel atop the tree, commanding and pious and hauntingly handsome. Red. You’re a good faithful girl. You were taught to be, punished to be. You pray for respite, for something more than the condemnation this cold and icy town bestows upon you. Sinners. The coldness permeates your bones, you’re always scared. Tainted. Terrified of sin, terrified by your thoughts for your priest. Sacrilegious. This Christmas prayers are answered by no God. Demon AU. Dark smut.
You Asked for Help, He Asked Your Name You ran away from your responsibilities, but they caught you and tried to lay claim to your body. If your life was never going to be yours anyways, you decided might as well give it away and make a deal. fairyprince!Jimin
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Superhero, RM Best friends 2 Lovers. Idiots 2 Lovers. Lovers 2 Enemies? This is a different kind of superhero story ;) Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! You visit your hometown during the holidays. You and your childhood friend Joon reminisce and you learn more about your smooth tech talker business partner Yoongi. Can he win you over once and for all? Set in Super Clumsy Super Hero RM universe. Extended Scene: The Mind Reader, The Telekinetic and The Closet just silly and raunchy and ridiculous, dirty thoughts...it goes there. V is for Villain 1 / 2 / 3 - 90% What does it mean to be a villain? What does it really mean to be a vigilante? A vanquisher of evil, or a victor for the good? Stories praise the fall of devils, cheer at the marvels of the virtuous, and forget the victorious tell a version conveniently veiling their own atrocities. Evilness was once the brightest star in heaven. And goodness, well, morality can so often be contentious. This time, there is the hero with the strength of a hundred men, there is the villain that can vanish his vulnerabilities in a very instant, and then there’s you.
I Appreciate Your Apology A Christmas party has you on thin ice with your favorite dom. Daddy Joon appreciates your apology, but does he accept it? daddydom!Joon smut, PWP, filth, aka Joon edging you until you see sleighbells.
Cold Feet You don’t want to get married anymore, what does Namjoon want? 
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Day Dream The days are hotter, the nights are hotter too. You sleep, restless. Tired, you sleep more, you sleep and you dream and you meet the dream walker and things somehow become even steamier. Sandman!Hoseok Dream Analysis / Alternate Ending 
Disco Winter Ball You and your friend Hoseok are best friend buddies going on a date to the annual disco winter ball. But it’s not a date date, okay? You and Hoseok just love music and you love dancing and Hoseok loves watching you dance. Wait not love, not in that way! A friendly love. Just friends. Just two friends who drink a little too much eggnog. HOAL couple holiday special
I Thought You Were Mine? Drunk arguing leads to drunk fuc–
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The Woman with the Black Cat on Her Shoulder Fearful, they buried them, stomped them into the dirt. Underneath their boot, scared men were unaware the seeds of hope had planted by their own volition. From the dirt and grime, grew flowers, blooms so tall, eclipsing their hatred. You were strong and unwilling to be cut down any more.��Shapeshiftercat!yoongi.
Yoongi is a Rock That’s it. That’s the plot. Yoongi is a rock. Audio Ver. by the talented @voice-over-ff
I Didn’t Mean It, I Still Love You Yoongi made a mistake, will you forgive him? Or is it too late? 
Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! You visit your hometown during the holidays. You and your childhood friend Joon reminisce and you learn more about your smooth tech talker business partner Yoongi. Can he win you over once and for all? Set in Super Clumsy Super Hero RM universe.
King of Corruption [Sequel to Christmas Mass] The organ player takes his time with you, holding you and caressing your body while you sleep, until you can’t discern your dreams from your reality. A king and a sleeping beauty, his name leaves your lips like a prayer, prostated at his feet in blind reverence…the perfect position for him to corrupt and defile you. Demon AU. Dark smut.
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The Flower Bridge You couldn’t, you didn’t want to, not anymore, the pain was too much, you wanted it to end, so you visited the bridge. Standing at the highest point, the wind stung, but your problems were bigger, your pain was stronger than the whipping air and your anguish deeper than the water below. Tethered in the center, connecting the place you came from and the place you were going, you found another type of bridge and he found you. Ghost!Seokjin.
Meet Cute, Time Loop A story where Seokjin loves you before you love him before he loves you.
Ddak-ji SLAP Jungkook, Seokjin, and you decide to play a game…and then you fu-
Seokjin’s Ho Ho Ho Your boyfriend surprises you with a Christmas dinner on the beach, things get a little steamy, candy canes get sucked, peppermint liquor might be involved, there is definitely some questionable Santa Costume attire, and lots of jolly lovin’! HOAL couple holiday special.
Christmas Lights Out! Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special! Extended Scene: The Mind Reader, The Telekinetic and The Closet just silly and raunchy and ridiculous, dirty thoughts...it goes there.
Gangnam Girlfriend: Korea’s #1 Celebrity Dating Show with your Host, International Super Star, Jin Welcome to Gangnam Girlfriend! Where Korea’s top eligible singles fight for a chance at love! You're supposed to be playing the dating game right? Not sneaking off in the middle of the night with the show’s host to watch the stars and talk about all your lost love connections, cuddling under a blanket. And even if the choice is clear, Kim Seokjin can't date you, the reason you joined is because you wanted a public relationship, and Jin could neverrr. Even though he wants to finally settle down! But Hybe wouldn't let him join as a contestant so he took the next best thing instead, our story's beloved host, yet now he's regretting his decision as he watches the girl he is starting to fall for fall for someone else, oh no! Meet the Cast / Epi1 - 85%
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Bon Voyage: Into the Sea [Fantasy AU] A storm capsized your boat and looks like you were the only survivor. Somehow you made it to shore, but where? Stranded, you suddenly find out you are not alone, and now you’re stuck in the middle of a centuries old conflict between 7 monsters. Member Imagines /Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4 /  Ch5 / Ch6 / Ch7 - 5% / ?
Handshakes of a Lifetime [Soulmate AU] …the meeting room is getting closer and closer, basking you and those around you in warm light, and you think about all the internet comments people write about this kind of moment, “she must have saved a country in her past life to experience this.” Playlist / Ch1 / Drabble - JJK / Ch2 / Ch3 / X-mas - JHS / Ch4 / X-mas - KSJ / Ch5 / Ch6 / Ch7 / Ch8 / Ch9 / Ch10 - 10% / ?
Caught! House of Cards [Yandere AU] You needed money. The pandemic offered little options. So you joined a website to make some quick and easy cash. Men paying to look at you, harmless fun, right? It was a decision you didn’t think too much about, you just wanted an income again. Little did you know how dangerous the members of House of Cards were. You weren’t prepared for the consequences of your actions. Watch out! Houses built with cards come tumbling down… Profiles / Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 / Ch4 / Xmas Drabble - KTH / Ch5 - 90% / ?
Run Run Run [Zombie Apocalypse AU Slow Burn] A zombie apocalypse breaks out and you’re stuck on a plane with none other than…BTS! Oh, you thought because you were an Army that would help you survive? Girl think again. Member Poll / Seoul Flow / Yangyang Living / Seoul Town Road / Hwarang Freestyle / Seoul Close / Samsung State of Mind - 5% / The Big Hit Break In! - TBA / ?
T H E T A K E O V E R [BTS Apocalypse / Dystopian AU Thriller] The recruits of Bangtan Academy were trained to be super soldiers, to be the strongest, fastest, most cunning fighters in the world. Now they are being put to the test! You were at the bottom of your class, but you noticed the cracks in the system first, what are you going to do? Run or try to save the world Prequel / Ch1 / Ch2 / Ch3 - 78% / ?
BTS (as kisses) / BTS (as holidays) / BTS (as drinks)
BTS Cheering You Up While Studying Korean
Naughty Girl Christmas BTS X-MAS Masterlist
Spring Fling Fantasy Stories that Bloom Masterlist
BTS Supers RM Verse Masterlist (coming soon…)
Original Masterlist
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itsnotsoobiebobbie · 1 month
i'm not fluent in english, forgive me for any mistakes!
genre: fluff
photo credits: @koovias
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On a sunny spring morning, you and Jin decided to have a picnic in the city park. You packed a basket full of sandwiches, fresh fruit, and a bottle of wine, while your boyfriend chose a beautiful checkered blanket to spread out on the green grass.
Sitting in the shade of a large tree, you both enjoyed the pleasant weather and the tranquility of the park. The scent of flowers filled the air, creating a serene and romantic atmosphere around you.
As you reached for a slice of watermelon to savor, a wave of gratitude and love overflowed in your heart. You looked at Jin, whose dark eyes reflected the sunlight in a captivating way, compelling you to share your deepest feelings.
Jin, noticing the gentle expression on your face, smiled tenderly at you.
"What's on your mind, love?" he asked, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
You gently held his face between your hands, your eyes shining with tenderness and sincerity.
"Jin," you began, your voice soft with emotion, "when I'm with you, I feel like I'm holding my whole world."
Jin was momentarily stunned by your words, his eyes meeting yours in a moment of pure connection.
"(Y/N)…," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion, "you are my world."
You embraced warmly under the shade of the tree, sealing that special moment with a gentle kiss. There, in the midst of the park, amidst the idyllic scenery of nature, you both knew that you had found something truly special in each other.
On a sunny spring Sunday, you and Yoongi decided to have a quiet and relaxed date at a charming café in the city. The place, known for its delicious brunches and cozy atmosphere, seemed like the perfect setting for a romantic morning.
You sat at an outdoor table, surrounded by pots of colorful flowers and the soft murmur of conversations around you. As you flipped through the menu filled with tempting options, you exchanged smiles and knowing looks, enjoying each other's company.
After placing your orders, you and your boyfriend continued to chat animatedly, sharing funny stories and plans for the future. The tempting aroma of freshly brewed coffee and dishes being prepared wafted through the air, creating an even cozier atmosphere.
Suddenly, in a moment of silence between you two, you gently cupped his face in your hands, holding it delicately. Your eyes sparkled with a mixture of tenderness and emotion.
"You know, Yoon…" you began, your voice soft and full of sincerity. "Sometimes, when I look at you, it feels like I'm looking at my world."
Yoongi was momentarily surprised by your words, but soon a smile spread across his face, reflecting the love and gratitude he felt for having you in his life.
"(Y/N), you are my world," he replied, his voice filled with affection. "And every moment by your side is a gift that I cherish more than anything."
Tears of happiness filled your eyes as you leaned forward, sealing the moment with a gentle and passionate kiss. There, in the midst of that quiet morning, you shared a moment of deep connection, further strengthening the special bond you shared.
Você and Hoseok were a couple who appreciated the simple things in life. On a rainy Friday night, you decided to have a relaxing moment at home. You bought a delicious pepperoni pizza, put on your matching giraffe-print socks - an inside joke you had since your first date - and chose to watch the classic "Beauty and the Beast".
You snuggled on the couch, wrapped in a soft blanket, your feet warmed by the cozy socks. You rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer.
As the movie unfolded on the screen, you found yourself moved by the scenes of love and redemption between Belle and the Beast. You looked at Hoseok and saw in him your own prince charming, the one who loved you despite all your imperfections, the one who turned your life into a fairy tale every day.
In a particularly touching moment, when Belle tenderly held the Beast's face, you felt a wave of emotion sweep through your heart, turning Hoseok's face towards you, holding it with gentle hands.
"Do you know what I feel when I look at you like this?" you whispered, your eyes shining with love.
Hoseok smiled, looking at you tenderly. "What?" he asked, curious.
You lightly squeezed his cheeks with your hands, feeling the warmth of his familiar skin under your fingers. "I feel like I'm holding the world," you said, your voice full of sincerity. "You are my world, Hobi. And I'm so grateful to have you by my side."
Your words enveloped Hoseok in a comforting feeling of love and belonging. He held your hands on his cheeks, looking into your eyes with a deep expression of gratitude.
"You are my world too, (Y/N)," he replied, his voice soft and laden with emotion. "And I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world."
And there, in that intimate moment, eating pizza, wearing matching socks, and watching a classic movie, you and your boyfriend felt more united than ever.
On a starry night, you and Namjoon decided to have a special date at the city's planetarium. Both of you were passionate about the cosmos, and the idea of getting lost in the depths of outer space seemed like the perfect way to spend time together.
As you watched the constellations projected on the dome of the planetarium, you felt a wave of excitement wash over your heart. You looked at Namjoon, his face illuminated by the starlight, and smiled.
"Joon," you said softly, touching his face with your hands. "Do you know what I'm thinking?"
He looked at you, his eyes shining with curiosity. "What is it?"
"When I'm with you, I feel like I'm holding my world," you replied sincerely. "It's as if the entire universe is contained here, in this moment, in this place, in this shared instant between us."
Namjoon felt a shiver run down his spine. He had never heard such deep and beautiful words. He looked into your eyes and felt connected to something greater than yourselves.
"(Y/N)," he murmured, his voice full of tenderness, "you are my universe. You are everything I could ever wish for."
And in that moment, as they were enveloped by the magic of the planetarium, they knew that they were destined to explore together the mysteries of the cosmos and the infinite horizons of love.
It was a rainy Saturday afternoon when you and Jimin decided to have a date at the local art gallery. The rain tapped gently against the windows, creating a cozy atmosphere within the space filled with artworks.
As you wandered through the different rooms, admiring paintings and sculptures, you were particularly fascinated by an abstract painting hanging on one wall. The vibrant colors and bold strokes seemed to leap off the canvas, evoking deep emotions and thoughts.
"Love, look at this," you said, gently pulling him by the hand towards the painting. "It's amazing, isn't it?"
Jimin observed the artwork for a moment, lost in his own interpretation of what lay before him. He then turned to you, ready to share his thoughts, when suddenly you gently cupped his face in your hands.
"What's wrong?" Jimin asked, surprised by the sudden gesture.
You looked into his eyes, your fingers caressing his skin softly. "You are my world, Jimin," you said softly. "Just like this painting is an expression of beauty and complexity, you are my own masterpiece. In every stroke, in every color, I see the depth of our love."
Jimin's eyes filled with tenderness as he absorbed your words. He felt his heart overflowing with love for this incredible woman before him.
"(Y/N)," he murmured, holding your hands tenderly. "You are my world too. You always have been and always will be."
And there, in that art gallery, under the soft light of the lamps, you exchanged a gaze full of love and understanding, knowing that even amidst a world full of chaos and uncertainty, you had found refuge in each other.
You and Taehyung walked hand in hand through the aquarium, immersed in the underwater spectacle unfolding before you. You were enchanted by the vibrant colors of the tropical fish, while your boyfriend watched with fascination the graceful dance of the shoals.
As you explored the different environments of the aquarium, you found yourselves in a corridor surrounded by huge glass panels revealing a fascinating underwater world. The light filtered by the water created an ethereal atmosphere, while fish of all shapes and sizes glided silently around.
You suddenly stopped and, with an adorable smile, cupped your boyfriend's face between your delicate hands. Your eyes sparkled with a mixture of admiration and tenderness.
"Tae," you said softly, "have you ever stopped to think that, in this moment, I'm holding my world?"
Taehyung was momentarily stunned by your words, but then he understood what you meant. He smiled, touched by the simplicity and beauty of what you had expressed. Holding your hands against his face, he replied, "Yes, love, I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be than here, being your world."
You hugged each other, immersed in the magic of the moment, while the fish continued their tranquil dance around you, silent witnesses to a love that was blooming.
On a sunny late afternoon, you and Jungkook walked hand in hand through the amusement park, savoring every moment together. Laughter and lively conversations echoed around you as you marveled at the vibrant lights and thrilling rides.
You decided to head to the ferris wheel, an imposing structure that rose majestically against the sky tinged orange by the sunset. As you slowly ascended in the cabin, Jungkook's heart beat faster, not just from the height, but from the presence of the person he loved beside him.
When you reached the top, you turned to your boyfriend, your eyes shining with a mixture of emotions. You gently held his face in your hands and smiled, a smile that lit up your entire face.
"Kookie," you began, your voice soft and filled with tenderness, "sometimes I feel like I'm holding the world when I'm with you."
Jungkook felt a comforting warmth flood his chest. He never knew that a few words could be so powerful. He smiled back at you, feeling deeply connected.
"(Y/N)," he replied, his voice choked with emotion, "with you by my side, I feel like I can conquer the whole universe."
You embraced, lost in that magical moment at the top of the world, where time seemed suspended and worries faded away. The gentle wind caressed your faces as you reveled in the sweet sensation of love.
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aris-ink · 2 years
bts yandere masterlist. ☠
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moved ♡~
nsfw. dark content.
➼ poly
run, little girl.
➼ jungkook
daddy's got you.
family secrets.
dream away.
fallen angel.
hide and seek.
his good girl.
the concept of art.
daddy's got you. pt 2.
a father's job.
play date.
icarus. pt 2.
➼ jimin
➼ yoongi
stockholm syndrome.
his moon.
➼ taehyung
public displays of affection.
isn't that what brothers do?
black swan.
➼ namjoon
little red.
goodnight, daddy.
wedding ring.
doctor on call.
➼ hoseok
need a friend?
need a friend? pt 2.
➼ jin
✒ drabbles
dark recs
soft recs
non bts recs
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staytinyville · 5 months
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Stay Alive (39)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: none
A/N NOT BETA. I have some polls to do once I finish this whole section of meeting all the boys families. I have one out right now here >> (01/11/23-01/18/23). It's a simple yes or no so be sure to go check it out!
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Taehyung lived on the other side of Daegu where a majority of its forest and landscaping was. The mountains were a lot like Seoul but a bit smaller. They had caves where dragons and elves lived but the place Taehyung took you to was just a large forest area with colorful foliage and plants that you had never seen before. 
The excited boy was pulling you along quickly, dragging you almost with how much he was rushing forward to find the place he was looking for. You didn’t have time to look around your surroundings, only catching small glimpses of colors and other people lingering about. Your eyes almost popped out of your skull when you both came across a large gathering of people with angel-like wings on their backs. 
Taehyung had explained to you that they were fearies. If he had his own wings, they too would look just like those. Large and black that would stretch out to be 10 feet in length. As you kept moving forward, you could only stare at his back with sad eyes. You could only imagine the feeling he must have felt to see others of his kind with their wings. It must be tough to lose a part of yourself. 
Taehyung didn’t show it though, he still continued to drag you around the forest and giggle as his eyes widened at the familiar forest of his home. 
“I'm going!” You laughed when he turned to look at you. “Wait.” You told him pointedly, catching him stop to give you a boxy smile that you had fallen in love with. 
“Sorry!” He told you, pulling you closer. “I'm just so excited for you to see my home.” He looked around once more, closing his eyes as the wind blew through his hair. 
“You don't live in a house?” You frowned, looking around to try and find some semblance of a building. 
“I mean we do but they're hidden in the forests nearby.” The man explained. “Fearies like nature a bit more than most. Hobi's kind live the same way–it connects us to nature.” He added. 
You paused for a moment to think about how Hoseok and Taehyung differed. You were clearly able to tell some differences but not all. So it left you wondering just how similar the two were and how different. 
“Do you and Hobi have the same abilities?” You asked. 
“Not at all.” Taehyung answered you, turning to walk alongside you as he continued on his journey. “Only spell casting and telekinesis. I have wings and Hobi doesn't. There are a couple of other things too.” He rambled on. 
You smiled at his boyish nature, knowing that was just the personality Taehyung had. “Like transfiguration?” You asked him, remembering how it was only Taehyung who had turned the boys into frogs. 
“Yes!” Taehyung giggled, happy to know you figured that one out. “I can do that but Hobi can't. He also can't shapeshift.” He explained nonchalantly. 
“You can shapeshift?” You gasped, giggling to yourself as you swung your intertwined hands around. 
“Into a lot of things!” Taehyung smiled, ducking to rub his nose along your own. 
However something in the distance made him freeze, quickly turning his head to find the source. You could hear some people talking followed by one or two barks of a dog.
“Oh!” Taehyung’s face suddenly lit up, his breathing turning sporadic. “Oh my gods! Hurry!” He pulled you harshly, running forward without letting you get the chance to start. 
“Taehyung!” You gasped. “I'm trying.” You yelled, getting your legs to start working. 
“Another thing Hobi doesn't have.” Taehyung’s eyes sparkled as he looked around. 
There was rattling coming from the trees and something came out from the foliage. “A familiar!” He screamed, letting go of your hand and rushing towards a small pomeranian dog that was running towards the two of you. 
“Yeontan!” Taahyunh cried, picking up the puppy. “I'm home! I made it home. I'm so sorry.” He cried, rubbing his cheeks against the dog’s fluffy coat. 
“Yeontan!” Someone called out, rushing out from between some trees in a panic. When the man saw you and Taehyung, he gasped quietly. “Taehyung.” He whispered, a large smile overtaking his face. 
Taehyung turned around, setting down the dog before lunging at the man who clearly recognized the boy. “Hyung!” Taehyung laughed, hugging the man around his neck. 
“Nothing has changed has it?” The man laughed, hugging Taehyung closer to him as he laughed joyfully. 
When they both pulled away, the man’s eyes drifted over towards you, causing his eyes to widen and clear his throat. “Taehyung?” He nudged the boy's shoulder, trying to get his attention back on you.
“Taehyung, you have a guest.” Someone spoke up, causing you to look around for the source but finding no one else in the vicinity.
“Oh right!” Taehyung pulled back, giving you a grin as he brought you closer. “Seo-Joon.” He told the man. “Yeontan.” He turned to the dog. “This is my mate, (Y/N).” 
The smile on his face reminded you of a boy who was excited to showcase a trophy. You giggled at his expression, wanting to coo at him but decided not to because of the others in the area. You would have to coddle him later.  
“Hello.” Seojoon bowed his head in greeting, you followed after. 
“It's nice to meet you.” You spoke up.
“Goodday.” Your eyes went wide as the voice came from the ground, locking on to the dog Taehyung was just crying over. 
“Oh, he just talked.” You squeaked, looking at the animal in astonishment. 
“Yes, familiars do that!” Taehyung clapped, reaching down to pick up Yeontan. “Here hold him.” 
You jumped back as Taehyung shoved the poor animal in your face, his tongue lapping out as he panted. 
“Please don't.” Yeontan sighed, closing his mouth as he hung in Taehyung’s arms. 
“Yeontan. Be nice. She is my mate.” Teahyung pouted, looking at the dog in the face. 
“Don't worry I won't.” You smiled at him.
Yeontan gave you a nod in thanks and if he could you would assume he was giving you a kind smile. You could tell the animal praised Taehyung a lot and only allowed him to touch him more than often. He seemed like those kinds of pets. The ones who got attached to their owners at a young age. At least that was what you compared him to. 
“Have you been taking care of him since I've been gone?” Taehyung turned to Seo-Joon. 
“I found him after you disappeared.” Seojoon answered, frowning just a bit. “He told me about the man who took you.”
Your eyebrows rose as you heard Seojoon’s story. Turning to look at Yeontan in Taehyung’s arms, you begin to wonder how it was he managed to escape. But then again, maybe a dog wasn’t as important as an actual faerie or dragon. 
“I was there but managed to escape in time.” Yeontan began to explain as he caught your glance. “I made it this far before Seo-Joon found me. Without Taehyung, I'm not able to turn into anything else.”
“I'm sorry I left.” Taehyung sighed, rubbing his cheek against Yeontan’s fur again. 
“It's alright, Tae.” The dog wiggled around for a moment in Taehyung’s hold. “I'm glad you're back.”
“Yes, but he doesn’t have wings.” Seojoon spoke somberly. 
Taehyung froze for a moment and his shoulders dropped. He gave a sad smile, softly curling his fingers around Yeontan’s fur. “Things were hard in the facility.” He quietly said. 
“And you can tell us when you are ready.” Yeontan cut in. 
Seojoon nodded with a reassuring smile. “You’re home now–all of you. That’s all that matters.”
“All because of my beautiful mate.” Taehyung grinned, moving to give your cheek a kiss. 
“No words will ever be able to express how much it means to have them all back home.” Yeontan bowed his little doggie head. “Welcome to the world of magic.”
Taehyung had introduced you to his parents and the rest of his family. They all gave you their thankful wishes and hugs that signaled how much they truly missed their son. It was tearful to hear Taehyung explain to his siblings what had happened to his wings but they still hugged him to make him feel better. 
Once things settled down, Taehyung had decided to take you to where his grandparents were resting. He said they would have loved you so much. He was someone who grew up with his grandparents much like how you had. You figured that if the day came when you would lose your grandfather you would feel the same sentiment as Taehyung. 
“Your world is very beautiful.” You spoke softly, sitting on a stone bench that overlooked Taehyung’s family’s crypt. “I love it so much.”
“Enough to stay?” Taehyung said out of no where. 
“Stay?” You question, turning to look at him.
“With us.” He hummed, facing you directly. “Here.” He added. “Be our mate.” He took your hands into his, fingers intertwined together as he gave you a hopeful look. 
“But—” You immediately said, not processing his words just yet.
“It's not that different from your world!” Taehyung began to defend his reasoning. “I'm sure you'll fit right in. And work? Don't worry about it! I'm sure Bang Nim can find you something.”
You grinned, eyes drifting to his lips as you watched him ramble on about the things you could do in their world. You cut him off though when he began to speak about how things would work out living with all seven of them, hand on his cheek to make him look at you.
“I have to think about it.” You smiled. 
“I hope you say yes. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Taehyung said quietly. “I love you too much to let you go.” He whispered, leaning closer to brush his lips against yours. 
You smiled into the kiss, pulling him forward to press your lips fully into him. Pulling back, you kept your forehead against his, noses brushing together. 
“I love you too, Taehyung.”
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkud, @rln-byg , @singukieee ,  @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @juju-227592 , @alienchickenpoop , @dreamerwasfound , @afangirl91 , @psiphidragon , @puppyminnnie , @shyloh-the-cornsnake , @ollyoxenfrees , @whynotlarene , @beeltsumu , @cryingpages , @milopenne , @belikejk , @thatonedemigodfromseoul , @woozixo,
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
I absolutely loved your latest tae fic!!! I would like to please request slight yandere jungkook with slight dd/lg please :)
𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬:
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pairing: yandere! jungkook x f! reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au ||
summary: just you and your high-school sweetheart.
word count: 5k
tags/ warnings: slight (i think it’s more than slight) ddlg, fluff, briefly mentioned death/ murder, smut in the forms of : unprotected sex (this is fiction, don’t be stupid), cumming in panties, masturbation, dom! jk, crybaby sub! reader, oral (m! receiving), grinding against a foot, dick riding, doggy, creampie, multiple orgasms, dildos, there’s a tentacle dildo mentioned too, squirting, cock slut reader, jks kinda mean as well in some parts and idk where it came from, dacryphilia
notes: ahh i’m glad you liked it! and here i present ~ yandere bf jungkook! i hope this is okay! i found this a lot harder than i thought i would so i hope this is what was wanted this is also like 30% plot and the rest just them fucking :’)
request rules can be found here || my masterlist
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
You’re unsure of when you and Jungkook had gotten together; the lines between romance and friendship always a little too blurry for you to differentiate between the two.
Even in the beginning it seemed neither of you could get enough of each other. Drawn to one another like two opposite ends of a magnet.
Jungkook however, knew the exact day, hell, the exact hour he first laid his eyes on you; of course he knew. He knew everything about you. He knew everything about you before you even knew he existed.
That might be a little dramatic but neither of you had ever spoken before, you shared a few classes and Jungkook doubts you’d ever looked in his direction, let alone gossip about him like a few of your classmates did about the boys in your grade. He doubted you even knew his name.
It was meant to be a meagre high-school crush. He was only meant to watch you from afar, maybe be frisky and become one of many secret admirers on valentine’s day; though he knows you never read the letters that piled up in your locker—and just wish for the day he worked up the courage to talk to you.
Fantasies only seemed to get him so far. Perfect for when his cock throbbed at the mere idea of being in the same room as you, with your skirt that would be so easy just to flip up as he fucked you from behind over the teacher’s desk; but he wanted the real thing.
He’ll admit, he wasn’t the best looking when the two of you first met. Not like now, his body permanently inked with his own art, a plethora of piercings that you frown about when he comes home with a new one. Nothing a sweet, soft kiss couldn’t fix from your doting boyfriend.
It’s not that you didn’t like them, you loved toying with the delicate earrings that would dangle, caress his neck in the way you like to; it was fact that many of them would have hurt.
You liked to deny it, waving Jungkook off when he would tease you about it, but you were a little bit of a crybaby.
Okay, maybe not a little.
But you’d always been like that.
Ever since the moment Jungkook had first found you.
You’d silently cry while reading, and he wonders if the story was really all that sad, or maybe your heart is too soft for the world. And that you just needed someone to hold you as you felt such big emotions. Nothing too overwhelming for someone as delicate as you.
Faking confidence was easier than Jungkook had initially expected. Something fabricated suddenly turning to reality the more he convinced himself that he was worth your love. That he’d worked hard for it and that no one else would ever be able to take care of you the way he knew he could. Knew he would.
He believed there was a special formula when it came to you. A set way in which you needed to be cared for and Jungkook happened to be the perfect person to carry that out.
Neither of you really had friends during high-school, both flitting from groups of people, hoping that maybe you’d fit in. Moulding yourselves around others interests and personalities; never truly yourselves when surrounded by others.
And maybe that’s why you were so perfect for each other.
It must have been fate, the day assigned seating was introduced into the history class. A spontaneous decision on your teachers part, and Jungkook’s final little push to start whatever the two of you now had.
You didn’t talk much, not that Jungkook minded. He knew you liked to listen, and so he filled the silence for the both of you. He learnt you liked writing and drawing with black ink rather than blue, and maybe that’s why so many of his tattoos lacked colour. Each delicate line reminding him of your time spent together as teenagers.
He knew he wanted tattoos the moment you’d started to draw on the palm of his hands during class. You’d always been a little fidgety, needing something to toy with, always fiddling.
And maybe that’s where this all started. A way for him to meander you in the direction he needed you. Pliant and Pretty. Moulding you into his perfect princess that would do nothing more than be subdued and malleable.
He learnt you liked soft things, your fingers running over the fabric of a sweater his mother had bought for his birthday, commenting on how you liked the texture. Pulling his arm to your face so you could rub the fabric against your cheek during lunch.
You didn’t question it when it suddenly appeared in your bedroom. Neatly folded on your desk the night after Jungkook had come round. Nor had you bothered to wash it and give it back. Liking the way it smelled like your best friend, a silent comfort for when you slept; like Jungkook was laying beside you.
And so he slowly started swapping out his wardrobe; pulling you around the mall so he could get your opinion on certain textures of fabrics. Over the years his style changed, but one thing always stayed the same; if you liked the texture, so did he.
Days of being friends slowly melted into months and years. The two of you attending different colleges and meeting new people.
That didn’t change much though.
Jungkook had gotten a job, working overtime in a shitty convenience store while you helped in a worn down family restaurant on weekends. You think maybe that was the hardest time for the both of you.
But no matter how many new people approached you or Jungkook. How many times men and women alike had stuttered out a confession to said male, you always found yourself back with him. Little red string of fate pulling the two of you back to one another each time you were apart.
By the time your last year of university rolled around, the two of you had saved up enough to move into a cruddy one bedroom apartment together, and maybe that’s when everything had felt right.
Even as you both worked, spent hours in class, you’d still come home to one another at the end of the day.
Jungkook would cook on a Saturday, boxing up lunches and dinners for the week so the two of you could spend as much time together as humanly possible. So evenings could be spent in the bedroom, huddled under blankets instead of hauled up in the dingy kitchen that was more a closet than anything else.
A few of his friends would asked him, if you were really worth the trouble. If your cunt was good enough, if the sex was that mind blowing that he marched around like a dog for you.
He would always brush them off, never telling them that he hadn’t gotten a taste of your sweet little pussy just yet. Because they didn’t need to know. The very thought of them imagining you naked was enough for him to clench his jaw tight, teeth grinding until it hurt.
And maybe that’s where something changed inside of Jungkook.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
He hadn’t meant to kill them.
He was only meant to scare them enough they never let your name linger on the tips of their tongues, spat like venom when you were nothing more than sweet, smooth honey.
Hadn’t meant to be home late to you when he knew you wanted to watch a movie with him that evening. Excited because the old woman that you worked for had given you a cake in thanks for all your help around the shop.
It had been one snide comment too far and Jungkook felt something inside of him snap.
And so he snapped the fucker’s neck, burning his body before anyone could notice he’d gone missing.
Jungkook didn’t feel bad about what he did, relived that your name could no longer be uttered by such filth.
A similar fate had followed to the countless others that started to confess to you. Motives too vulgar for someone as precious as you.
This wasn’t high school anymore and one quick social media check was enough for Jungkook to know that all these men wanted was your body.
Jungkook wasn’t like that.
You’d cried one night, wondering why your new group of friends slowly dwindled to nothing but yourself. And Jungkook had been there as your tears soaked into his shirt.
You hadn’t understood why all of them moved away without telling you. Why they all suddenly seemed to leave half way through the semester.
You’d asked Jungkook if there was something wrong with you.
He’d cradled you so gently that night, whispered promises that you were beyond perfect and maybe those so-called friends of yours were the real problem.
“You’ll stay with me forever, right” you’d rubbed your cheek against the bare skin of Jungkook’s chest.
“Of course, baby” he smooths a hand through your hair, “Just you and me forever”
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
You liked that Jungkook always seemed to know what you were feeling, and you didn’t even have to tell him.
You liked that Jungkook never judged you, even when those around you would give you weary looks.
It had started with clothes.
How nothing you wore seemed to bring you much joy anymore. Dull shirts that your parents would buy for birthdays and christmases, the obligation to kind of like them because your family had spent their hard earned money on the tatty looking fabric.
You remember crying.
A little temper tantrum one evening when you were sick of it all.
Maybe it was just a bad week.
Hell, it had been a bad few weeks.
Jungkook was working overtime, you were behind on assignments and you just wanted to be held by your best friend.
You hadn’t heard when Jungkook had slipped into the apartment, socked feet nothing more than a dull thump on the wooden floor as he wandered into back bedroom.
You’d looked up at him in nothing more than your underwear and Jungkook had cooed, bending down in-front of you as he cradled your head to his chest.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” he soothes, pulling you to straddle his thighs.
You hiccup, Jungkook taking a peek at all your clothes scattered across the bedroom floor.
“I don’t feel good in any of it” you snivel, a fresh wave of pearly little tears coating your cheeks.
“You can wear my stuff if you don’t like the texture, baby”
“Not the problem” you slump against him further, “wanna feel cute”
“You are cute” he smiles, pulling your head from his chest from the back of your neck. And he can only compare you to a delicate little kitten.
You pout.
“How about we buy you some new clothes? I’ve got some cash left over from last month” he smiles down at you, pressing a feather light kiss to your temple.
You blink up at Jungkook, lips parting when he slips his thumb inside of your mouth. Instinctively, you begin to suck before nodding your head.
“Thank you, kookie” you muffle, Jungkook’s dick twitching in his sweats as your tongue runs over the pad of his thumb.
“Isn’t it weird?” you asked him as he threw a pleated skirt into the basket, finger running over his bottom lip as he riffles through another rack of clothes.
“What’s weird?” he doesn’t turn to you, but he can hear the frown in your voice.
He throws a glance over his shoulder when you don’t say anything.
“Answer me, doll”
You fidget, fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt.
“Aren’t these things too…” you trail off, eyes flirting to the array of pastel clothes Jungkook had helped you pick out—all soft and ever so girly, you didn’t feel pretty or dainty enough to wear any of them—“childish?” you whisper, but Jungkook hears.
“It’s not weird if you like them, baby” he chuckles, flinging an arm around your shoulder as he leads you to the back of the store.
“You’ve been a good girl today, how about a treat” he nudges you towards the shelves of little stuffed toys.
You turn back to him, brows furrowing, but all he does is give you an encouraging nod.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
He remembers the way you’d stumbled a little outside the toy store on one trip to the mall; looking for new furniture for your new apartment.
Your eyes wide with wonder at the display case, every animal you could imagine waiting to be stuffed and loved.
“Do you want one?” he’d asked.
You looked like a deer caught in headlights.
He’d frowned when you’d shaken your head.
“No, i’m fine. Thank you, kookie” you’d smiled. But Jungkook hadn’t bought your unease little smile. He knew you were still shy about what you wanted, always drawn to the softer things in life, and he was slowly weaving you into his perfect little girl.
So, he’d skipped back to the mall a week later, your new little friend sat carefully in a bag, with a new wardrobe for you to dress him up in.
He remembers the way your eyes had lit up. The biggest smile he’d ever seen pulling at your cheeks until they hurt.
“Do you like it, baby?” he’d bent down to your level, brushing your hair away from your forehead. You’d nodded so fast he was worried you’d give yourself whiplash.
You’d looked up at him like he’d hung the stars in the sky. Frog held close to your chest for the rest of the afternoon, your hands running over its fluffy tummy as you stood by him while he cooked dinner. Because he didn’t like you cooking.
‘It’s too dangerous for small things like you, baby’
“Kook” you’d tugged on the back of his sweater.
“What’s wrong, doll?” he turned the stove down, his full attention on you.
“What do frogs eat?”
“I’m not sure” he hums, finger tapping at his chin, “probably like bugs or something. Why?”
You fidget, rocking on your heels under your boyfriends gaze.
“Wanted froggie to eat dinner with us tonight” you whisper, and Jungkook had almost missed it.
“ahh” he nods, tugging you into his chest, “better go get him then, dinner’s almost done”
Even now, as the two of you live together. Share a home. Your little frog remains at the head of the bed.
Some nights Jungkook will slither into the room late, having been busy somewhere downstairs on his laptop as you settle to bed. And he’ll find your little hand wrapped around the foot of your frog. One of his little webbed toes had matted fur, your poor frog a victim of your habit of chewing something during your sleep.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
The day the two of you had sex, was when the pits of hell had opened for Jungkook.
He couldn’t get enough of you.
Both of you were unsure the first time. Both each other’s firsts for everything and it took months to figure out the dynamic the two of you had.
It had started where most teens do, dry humping one another until you work up the courage to get naked and actually do the deed.
“Feels so good” Jungkook throws his head back as you grind over his cock, thighs tensing each time the tip nudges your clit, rough fabric of your panties only enhancing the pleasure.
“Gonna cum” you whimper, hips continuing to roll against Jungkook’s shaft. Your thighs starting to cramp with how long the two of you had been going at it.
“Come for me” he murmurs as he pulls you down for a kiss, drinking down your moans as your thighs begin to shake, electrical pleasure wracking through your body as you topple over the edge. Cum dribbling into your panties.
You’d flopped against Jungkook, chest heaving in unsteady breaths. Your heartbeats in tandem with one another as you ride out your high.
You squeaked when Jungkook flips you onto the bed, body caged beneath him as his hands start to tug at his cock.
He pushes your panties to the side, head falling onto your chest as his cum coats your slick covered folds. Your thighs twitch closed at the sensation, mouth falling open into a breathy moan when Jungkook pulls your panties back into place and pats your covered cunt, spearing his cum a little more.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Jungkook learnt that he loved to watch you cry. Something about your blotchy face with tear tracked cheeks making his cock throb. And as much as he wanted to bend you over and shove himself balls deep inside you, the wait always seemed worth it when you’d end up sobbing for him to fill you up.
And so he started making you beg for his cock.
“I can’t help if I don’t know what you want, baby” he hums, foot coming to push at your clothed pussy.
You hike your skirt up around your waist, hips rolling forward as Jungkook toes at your clit. A jolt of pleasure causing another wad of slick to stain your panties.
A pitiful whine spills from your lips, “please, kookie”
He hums, barely acknowledging you as tears start to weigh down on your waterline. A guttural moan rumbling from Jungkook’s chest as saline tears spill down your cheeks like precious little waterfalls.
“Stupid girls like you don’t deserve cock, that’s all you can think about right? How good it would feel if daddy fucks you?” he bends down to meet your eyes, pulling you forward from underneath your arms, situating you over his foot.
You look up at him expectantly as he leans back on the sofa.
“What?” he drawls, “Get yourself off then”
Jungkook can’t help but palm himself over his jeans as you start to grind against his foot, cooing as you hiccup, hips stuttering as you find just the right angle.
“Good girl” he groans, your mouth falling open in a moan, you lean against his thigh. Nose inches away from his throbbing erection.
Your fingers fiddle with the zipper of his jeans, Jungkook helping you as he pulls his flushed cock from his boxers. He slaps the tip against your lips, lazy smile tugging at his cheeks as your tongue lolls out of your mouth, clear bead of pre-cum coating the surface.
You snivel as Jungkook teases, only inching the head of his cock past your lips before pulling back. Groaning as you let a wad of spit slick up the head of his cock.
“Please, want your cock” you continue to grind against his foot, no longer worried about coming yourself; focus set on Jungkook’s girthy length that’s inches from being inside of you.
“Yeah?” he murmurs, bringing a hand to brush your hair from your forehead, “How bad?”
You blink up at him through your lashes, not missing the way his throat bobs in impatience.
Jungkook liked to tease you but his self control had never been the best. And as much as liked to tease, he would give you anything you asked for.
You moan when he feeds his length into your mouth, cheeks hollowing as your hips stutter.
You didn’t have a gag reflex, years of Jungkook using your mouth as his own personal fleshlight slowly morphing your mouth into a perfect little hole to fuck as he pleases.
However, today he had other plans.
“Up” he pulls your head off his cock, silencing you with a kiss to your forehead when you start to whine.
“Daddy wants to cum inside your little pussy, baby” he pulls you up into his lap from under your arms.
He helps you pull your panties off, skirt pulled up so he could take a look at your soaked folds, red and puffy from grinding against him.
Your thigh highs pull taught as you slowly sink down on his length, his hand holding his cock in place as you test the waters.
Your breath hitches as the tip pushes your folds apart, a dribble of slick coating his cock as you rock your hips forwards.
The head of his cock nudges your clit and you hands fly to hold onto Jungkook’s shoulders for support as he guides his length back towards your hole.
The head of his cock pops into the tight ring of muscle, your mouth falling open at the stretch. Jungkook watches as a breathy whine tumbles from your lips as you slowly bounce on the mere inch he has tucked inside of you.
Be pulls your shirt up over your head, tugging your bra down so your tits spill over the edge as you start to inch down.
He leans forward, mean as he tugs one of your nipples with his teeth before lathering them up with spit.
Decidedly, you drop down until your ass meets his thighs, and Jungkook holds you close to his chest as you gently start to grind your hips.
He hears you sniffle, cock twitching against your velvet walls as you bounce a little.
“Why you crying, huh?” he chuckles
“Feels so good” you whisper, mouthing at the bare skin of his neck.
Goosebumps prickle down Jungkook’s spine as he feels your warm breath fan his skin.
He slowly grows impatient, hands firm on your hips as he uses the floor as leverage, hips jackhammering into your soaked cunt.
You cling onto your boyfriend, staccato of breathy “ah ah ahs” melting with the wet squelch of your cunt as Jungkook thrusts up into you.
You clit rubs up against his abdomen, your thighs starting to shake as he continues his pace, his grunts being followed by the sound of his thighs smacking against your ass.
“Together, yeah?” he grunts, fingers digging into your hips, mesmerized by the way your tits bounced.
“mmhmm” is all you manage before your cunt starts to clench around his length, his thrusts a little less sharp as he starts to tip over the edge.
He leans forward, lips closing around your nipple, and that’s all it takes to push you over your peak. Your thighs shake as Jungkook languidly rolls his hips up into your, cock jolting before you feel him flood your cunt with his cum.
Your hips stutter at the feeling, fingers threading into the short hairs at the back of his head as you feel him fill you up.
“My good girl” he soothes, keeping his now softening cock inside of you to keep his seed plugged up.
“Like feeling full” you sigh, and Jungkook uses his thumb to wipe your wet cheeks.
“I love you” he smiles, his hand tangling in your hair, tugging it so you’d face him.
Jungkook presses a firm kiss to your lips, tongue licking at the seam.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Lately Jungkook had been worried.
You’d been on your phone a lot recently, the screen always turned away from him when he was in the room. Never leaving it lying around the house like you usually would.
And that worried Jungkook.
You didn’t have any friends beside him, he made sure of that. He knew everyone that was in your life, and he knew everyone that would face him if they made one wrong move.
What if you were talking to other people?
He couldn’t have that.
He couldn’t have them corrupting your precious little mind.
And so, he does the only logical thing; a little snooping through your phone.
Guilt doesn’t cross his mind as he flicks through your phone.
The only chats open were your mother and him. The only contacts you had were your family and him.
He tilts his head in confusion.
Nothing seemed out of place.
He’d checked your phone months ago and nothing seemed any different, so he couldn’t understand why you’d been so skittish about him know what you were looking at.
He swipes up, ready to close all the apps he’d opened when he finds it.
His eyes widen at the screen.
“What’s this?” you shake a brown box, a week later and Jungkook peers out of the kitchen to see what you’re talking about.
“Ah, doll. Come in here and open that” he motions for you to sit at the table.
You do as told, pulling a chair out from the dining room table and placing the box in between you and Jungkook.
He pushes the box forward. Urging you to open it.
He grabs you a pair of safety scissors, fussing over you as you try and open the box before he evidently does it himself.
You can see Jungkook’s thigh bouncing in the corner of your eyes and you look up to meet his gaze that was already on your face.
“Is it a christmas present?” you ask, voice soft. And Jungkook shakes his head.
“Nope. I have 2 surprises, this one will keep you busy until we can use the second one”
Your eyebrows furrow, beyond confused about what he was talking about.
You peel away both flaps of the brown box, fingers gentle as you pull the little strips of tissue paper from what lays beneath.
You jaw falls open, eyes wide when you get a first glimpse at what Jungkook had bought you.
“Why—“ your cheeks flush a dark shade of pink, matching the hoodie Jungkook had bought you.
“I got a dick piercing” he smiles.
“Huh” you head snaps up to meet his eyes.
“We can’t have sex for 8 weeks while it heals” he explains, watching you frown, “So i got you a little present”
Your fingers skim over the ridges in the dildo. You wouldn’t have been surprised, you and Jungkook already had one upstairs somewhere in the closet; what was surprising was the shape.
“How’d you know?” you whisper, entrances by the shimmer the silicone held.
“That you like tentacles?” he asks and you hum.
“You left a tab open on your phone” he admits and you nod.
“You weren’t meant to see that” you bite your lip and Jungkook pushes himself from where he’s sat.
He leans down, thumb running along line of your jaw as he brings your lips to his own.
“Nothing to be embarrassed about with me, baby” he murmurs, fresh smelling coffee tickling your nose.
And it’s only then, what he’d just told you sinks in and your eyes glaze over with tears, “That would have hurt a lot, why would you do that” you sniff, Jungkook kissing your tears from your cheek.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
It hadn’t been hard to convince you to quit your job.
The big wide world a little too overwhelming for you, that all it took were a few gentle words from Jungkook and now all you did was stay at home.
He earned enough for the both of you, enough to spoil you when he felt like it.
So it wasn’t uncommon for him to come home to you, bouncing on a silicone cock as you watched something on the tv or color at the table with something plugging up your needy pussy.
You held your little frog to your chest, thighs straining as your bouncing morphs into your hips rocking forwards.
“Couldn’t wait until I got home?” Jungkook flops down on the couch beside you.
You meet his gaze, “Felt too empty” you whisper and Jungkook smiles over at you.
“Poor thing” he croons, running a hand through your hair, “Bend over, love”
You do so, palm of your hand keeping the dildo buried in your cunt as you bend over and show Jungkook.
His tongue wets his bottom lip, fingers grasping the base of the fake cock before he pull it out half way, only to shove it back into you.
You jolt forward, lewd moan dripping off your tongue like honey as he continues to thrust the cock into you.
“Not enough” you whine, hips canting backwards to meet his thrusts.
“No? What do you want, sweetheart?”
“Your cock” you turn to look over your shoulder, meeting Jungkook’s gaze.
You watch his eyes glaze over with lust, uncaring of your whine when he tugs the fake cock out of you.
You smile when you hear him shuffle behind you, hands splayed across your hips as he lines himself up with you cunt.
You rock backwards, a silent plead for him to hurry up.
He feels your walls clench around him as he slowly pushes him, kings crown piercing dragging through you walls as he pulls back before snapping his hips forwards.
You moan, slick dribbling around Jungkook’s length as he pulls out only to slam back into you.
“Look at you, creaming all over my cock” his hand swats over the plush skin of your ass, a broken whine his response as you feel your asscheeks flare red.
“So good for me” his head tips back as he continues the pace of his hips, the backs of your thighs flushing pink as his skin comes in harsh contact with your own.
You slowly start to feel your peak forming, crashing so hard over the edge you feel a rush of wetness push Jungkook’s cock out of your core, hole clenching around nothing.
Jungkook lines himself back up, fingers trailing down the front of your body to flick at your clit, tight circles sending jolts of delicious pleasure through your body as Jungkook picks up his pace.
He ignores your cries of overstimulation, a mean chuckle rumbling through his chest as he pulls your hips towards him, his own starting to stutter as he nears his end.
“Come for me again” he groans, continuing his onslaught on your clit.
Your thighs tremble, and if it weren’t for Jungkook’s tight hold on your hips you would have collapsed.
You feel his cock twitch, your boyfriend pushing his cock as far inside of you as he can before he’s coming, the rhythmic clenching of your pussy enough to milk him dry.
Your second orgasm of the night isn’t a big as the first, watery arousal leaking down Jungkook’s cock, murky with his own white release.
“Keep it inside, please” you cry when he goes to pull his soft cock from your messy hole.
He takes a hold of the dildo, shoving it back up your tight pussy before he’s pulling you over his lap, hands skimming down your sides as you turn your attention back to the documentary you were watching.
Your hands stroking him to full hardness again. And he knows it’s going to be a long night, with you a little fussy as you squirm in his lap. Intent of your cunt being stuffed to the brim with his cum.
“So good for me, my perfect little princess”
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bonny-kookoo · 27 days
Welcome to the Show: The Game [TEASER]
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You've been quite unsure about him, not quite comfortable in taking the lead instead of letting them for once. However, by now, you should've learned your lesson not to judge and expect the unexpected.
Tags/Warnings: mentions and discussion of sex work, angst, smut, Jimin x Reader focus, toys, he's got quite the collection, semi-public action, teasing, edging, he's literally torturing her and thinks it's funny, feelings, fluff, romance??
Length: not yet set
-> Masterlist
A/N: I think I'm ready to finally fucking finish this. Please give this chapter love even though I know most of you are only waiting on the maknae chapter. Thank you.
“Jimin-“ you hiss, very much sure that if someone was to walk into the elevator right now, at any moment, they’d be able to hear it. You know they could, fuck, to your ears it’s louder than a construction site-
But jimin just laughs, completely amused by you as his hands rest on your shoulders, a kiss placed against your neck where your pulse races. “Oh but..” he hums against your skin. “…it’s only us here. Do you really think the rest of the guys don’t know what we’re up to?” He says, and at that, you freeze a bit.
Of course. Do they compare their experiences? Talk about your flaws? What you're lacking in? What you did better with someone else?
“They’re all bragging, it made me kind of jealous.” He instead says, as his hands move to wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to himself. “made me impatient to have my turn.”
“Turn?” You ask, thoughts still fuzzy with the buzzing distraction between your legs.
“turn.” He repeats, underlines his word as true. “we’ve got a system in place by now, doll.” He chuckles, and at that, you once again think.
They’ve done this before. Had someone like you before. This isn’t anything new to them- and you will also be replaced if they feel bored of the same thing over and over. This is a job after all, not just some magical fairytale- you’re getting paid to do this, and they basically own you.
But it’s his next words that make you feel.. odd.
“…I feel like I could too.”
“But I have to admit, I can’t blame any of them for falling for you..” he says, a strange warmth in his tone, as if he’s talking about a distant memory he longs to relive again.
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146 notes · View notes
sweetlyskz · 3 months
Emerald Gem||Chapter Six
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Chapter one|Chapter two|Chapter three|Chapter four|Chapter five|Chapter six|Chapter seven|Chapter eight|Chapter nine|Chapter ten
Hybrid!OT7 x Fem!Reader
Overview: Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Genre: Hybrid Au, Strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut, fluff
Warnings: SUGGESTIVE, some language, harsh themes
Word count: 1.7k
A/N: Tags list is now CLOSED! Thank you guys for loving this pic <3 lots more to come soon!
Your dinner was getting cold. For some reason, you couldn’t pick up the fork. Your hands were too busy gripping the table, bewildered by the sight in front of you.
“Are you going to come greet us or just sit there?” Yoon teased, showing that gummy smile you missed so much. The others were behind him, Jimin laid on Taehyung’s back. You could tell they had been through hell and back. Jin could barely stand on his own two feet, leaning on Hobi for support.
“I- what are you guys doing here?” You never thought you would see them again. Now that they’re here in front of you, you don’t know what to say. Even after all that time practicing what to say if they came back.
Im sorry. Please stay. I missed you.
Instead, you asked “Where’s Namjoon?”
The smile on Yoongi’s face quickly turned into a frown, telling you all you needed to know. Maybe you couldn’t do anything to convince him to stay, maybe Joon was just a lost cause- that’s what you tried to convince yourself anyway.
“I’m so sorry-.” You tried to apologize but Jungkook quickly shut it down with a quick embrace. As soon as you felt his arms wrap around your waist you were at ease. But once he pulled away, you yearned for more. It was just a second, but you still craved it nonetheless.
“Don’t apologize when you have nothing to be sorry for. He made his bed. Now he has to lay in it.”
“Speaking of beds”, Jimin interrupted, apparently lucid enough to speak clearly. “May I go to mine? I haven’t had a proper sleep in weeks…”The guys chuckle at Jimin lack of consciousness. It made you smile knowing they could laugh in dire situations. It comforted you, hearing Jimin call the bed his. It was his bed.
This is his home.
After eating dinner, everyone went there separate ways. They were probably looking forward to having a nice, cozy bed all to themselves. You laid in bed trying to rest, but your mind wouldn’t allow it. Yes, you were happy to have the six wanted hybrids back home, but every time you thought about Namjoon your stomach turned from worry. Apparently you weren’t the only one.
“Hey Y/n?” The Bunny hybrid stood in front of your bedroom door holding his favorite black and blue pillow.
“Hey Kook”, you leaned against the headboard, getting a better look at him. He looked frazzled, like there was something on his mind. You know that look all too well. “Can’t sleep?”
He nodded, making his way to the unoccupied side of the bed. He laid down next to you, getting as close to you as he could while holding his pillow to his chest.
“Worried about Namjoon”, he whispered into his pillow. “Never been anywhere without him. Im scared…”
You gently removed the pillow from his chest, replacing it with your warmth. Jungkook immediately relaxed in your embrace, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. You felt like home- nice and warm. You were familiar to him, someone his could call his. Yes, he had the guys, but he grew up with them so it was different. The bond he built with you was new, and easy.
You placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, rubbing his back soothingly. “I know”, you whispered. You of all people know what it’s like to lose someone. You know the feeling of curiosity, the feeling of wondering where your person may be.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find him… I promise.”
You continued to rubbed Kook’s back, soothing him to sleep. There in the darkness, you both laid. It was quiet- serene.
“How did we get so lucky?” He murmured, eyelids fluttering on the brink of sleep. “What did we do to deserve you?”
He fell asleep before you could respond, before you could find the words to answer him. But his question kept you up all night, looking for the right words. How do you tell the person you just met that you’re falling? How do you explain to him that it’s you who was lucky enough to find seven incredibly selfless people.
“You deserve the world”, you whispered, finding comfort in his unconsciousness. “All of you do..”
“I love you. More than you know...”
You expected jungkook to be gone when you woke up, but there he was- still laid in your arms. He looked peaceful. Even with the cuts and bruises on his face, he was beautiful. And there it goes  again- butterflies in your stomach. It was a feeling you haven’t felt in a long time. The feeling was warm and comfortable, but also scary.
But you couldn’t lay in bed all day, admiring all of Jungkook’s features. The farm needed tending to, and breakfast needed to be made. When you went to sit up, a pair of hands quickly pulled you back down.
“Don’t leave yet”, he whispered, sending a shiver down your spine. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“Kook”, you sighed, pretending to be irritated. “I’ve gotta go cook and feed the animals. You can come help if you want.”
He shook his head, pouting like a sad little kid. “Hobi already tended to the farm and Yoon made everyone breakfast. Now, lay down with me please.”
“Oh” was all you could say. You didn’t have any other excuse. The guys made sure of that. So you let him cuddle you, the way you did him. And for a while, you laid in his arms peacefully.
“You trust me tight?” Kook questioned.
“With my life”.
He scooted closer to you, putting his head in the crook of your neck. You could feel him breathing on you, making you nervous.
“Just trust me, okay?”
You nodded. “O-okay.”
Taking his sweet time, he placed gentle kisses from your neck to your ear. It had you squirming in anticipation, wondering where his lips would move to next.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while now”, he breathed by your ear, running a hand up and down your waist. One hand made its way to your breast, messaging it through your night shirt. You gasp at the sudden feeling, giving him room to connect your lips with his. The kiss was soft and gentle, yet it still made you’re mind go blank. “Namjoon would loose his mind if he knew.”
You pushed away immediately after hearing his name. Namjoon, their pack leader. What would he think about the pack maknae comforting you in your bed? Your stomach turned just thinking about it.
“I should probably go check on the others, it’s a little too quiet”, you thought up an excuse, leaving a dumbfounded Jungkook in your bedroom.
As you walked down the creeky stairs, the aroma of pancakes and syrup surrounded you. When you entered the living room, four hybrids sitting on the couch devouring their plate.
“Oh! You’re awake!” Hoseok beamed. “Yoon thought we should wait for you to come down, but I couldn’t help myself.”
“It’s okay”, you smiled. The smell of the morning breakfast was making your stomach growl. Jimin scooted to the edge of the couch, making some room for you to sit.
“Here, grab your plate and you can watch with us”, he offered. The Saturday cartoons were on, Tae’s favorite. Tom and Jerry always made him laugh, and don’t even get him started on road runner.
“Sorry, I can’t. Lots of farm work to do. But let’s play a game outside later!”
Jin, lying down on the other side of the couch, pointed a finger at Hoseok. “Hobi already did it! The silos are full and the chicken coops are clean! I fed the animals too!”
The stairs creaked once more. Jungkook, with his doe eyes and fluffy hair, entered the living room. “Good Morning”, he greeted in his raspy morning voice.
You could feel the butterflies again.
“You sure slept well, didn’t you?” Jimin smirked. “You might want to adjust your self, kook. It’s looking right at me.”
He glared at jimin. “What are you ta- Oh shit.”
If Jimin didn’t say anything, you would’ve never noticed, but now you can’t unsee it- the tent in the bunny hybrids pants. The others laughed at him while you blushed feverishly. 
“What were you dreaming about kookie?” Tae teased the youngest.
“More like who was he dreaming about?” Hobi joined in. You couldn’t even think straight. Instead of joining in the taunting banter, you decided to quietly grab a seat and try to wipe the red off your face.
But Jungkook wasn’t going to let you get away so easily.
“Blame Y/n! It’s her fault”, He exclaimed with his back turned adjusting himself. Suddenly all eyes shifted to your side of the couch, and you could no longer hide your embarrassment. And with the embarrassment was also shock.
“I- I didn’t! We never-“ You stuttered trying to find the right words. Was there any right way to explain how you made their pack mate hard? Probably not…
“You worry too much”, Kook huffed, slightly irritated. “You’re our family now. I’m as just as close to you as I am my pack. You practically are apart of us now!”
You tugged at the loose string on your shirt, eyes on the floor as if you had just been scolded. “But Namjoon-“
“Joon will come around eventually”, Jin interjected. “He knows where home is. He’ll make his way back to us soon.”
The room felt cold, ice cold. And even though he hadn’t opened his eyes yet, he already knew where he was.
“No! Please, Not again!” Joon begged, body trembling.
The men in white lab coats laughed. “You’re lucky you still alive. We can keep it that way, too! Just tell me where the others are and no one has to get hurt.”
Namjoon laid on the cold white floors, gripping the metal bars caging him in. If the bars weren’t there, everyone in the room would’ve been dead, by his hand. Just hearing the sinister laugh of the people who hurt his pack made him want to tear them into shreds.
“Fuck you!” He spat. He banged and beat on the cell bars, but It was no use. He couldn’t break them. And now he’s in a situation he cannot escape.
And now he’s silently calling you for help.
Please, he begged. Save me!
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bts-hyperfixation · 14 days
Outside of the Fox
Chapter 38 of????
2634 words
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she’d been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
You wake up to the same squeezing feeling settled around your chest, although that could also be the weight of Jungkook's arms as the bunny holds you tightly even in his sleep. 
All things considered, you had slept quite soundly, you just wish someone had told your body that as it tries to tell you how exhausted you are. 
You do your best to worm your way out of the youngest's embrace, disturbing him only slightly before he turns around and gathers Jimin into his arms instead. You take one more look at their sleeping forms before tip-toeing out of the room. No one is sitting in the living room making your escape easier as you slip silently through to the front door. 
You aren't really sure where you are going, you just know one more minute in the house is going to make you combust. So you walk for a while, you pass your old office, pass the restaurant you went to the day you met  Jimin, pass Hobi's karaoke shop. You continue going until nothing around you is familiar and then your stomach starts to growl. 
You walk into the first cafe you see and sit yourself in a booth at the back, taking a deep breath as you finally take stock of the position you are now in. The cafe is mostly empty with one other customer in the far corner and two waitresses who look more than a little annoyed that you have invaded their space. The elder of the two hands you a menu and waits to take your order. You barely take any notice, pointing to the first thing under the breakfast title. 
With nothing left to distract you from the fear, it starts creeping back in; A remnant phobia from the hybrid genes mixed with your sheltered childhood. An instinct that tells you to disappear before you're trapped again. 
Your mind runs through the previous day countless times. How ready you had been to fight for Taehyung and his freedom, only for his solution to be to trap you with him. The logical section of your brain tries to remind you that he is not trying to collect or ensnare you, that this may be his best shot to stay with you and the other members of your relationship. 
The emotional side of you however can't quite get over how much your new life has come to resemble your previous one. Living in someone else's home, no career to call your own, and now a convenient trophy on the arm of another rich man... 
A stack of pancakes is placed in front of your face bringing you out of your miserable monologue but instead of finding the aging waitress, you find Noelle beaming down at you.
"Y/N! Long time no see," She smiles.
The mouse hybrid invites herself to sit with you, sliding into the booth opposite.
"Although it feels like I'm all caught up with the amount Jimin talks about you at the shelter," 
She reaches out and takes a berry from the side of your plate. You do your best to smile in return at her, before today you may have actually been thrilled to see Noelle since she was right, it had been a long time. But right now didn't feel like a socialising time.
"Perhaps I'm not all caught up judging by that sour look in your eye... Maybe a new set of ears can help?" She offers.
"I don't know. It's a lot, I'm not sure I fully understand my issues, I wouldn't want to burden you,"
"You're my friend Y/N, you could never be a burden to me. And if you're not at home talking this out with the seven wonderful men that dote on your every whim, then I think you need the outside ear... Am I wrong?" 
Noelle takes your hand from the table and holds it in her own, doing her best to reassure you. 
You ponder it for a moment, but she is right an outside opinion might help your brain to rationalise, although perhaps you should think about booking your own session with Dr. Triever instead...
Still, you relay the entire situation starting from your 16th birthday all the way up to today. And she listens to you patiently, not interrupting once even when you stray from the main subject on to distracting details, although she does steal a few bites of your breakfast. 
"And so I've landed at the point where I know I have to marry Tae, and I love him so that's okay! I'm just having a lot of trouble getting my instincts to retreat. My hackles raise every time I think about it, and honestly it's making my back start to ache."
"Have you considered not saying yes to marrying Tae?" Noelle suggests.
"Of course not. If I don't marry him then he and that poor girl are going to be forced together. I know what that's like and I won't let it happen to someone I love." 
"No, you'll just let it happen to you a second time," She rolls her eyes. "Okay, let's start with an easier part of the equation. Jimin said you had put a lot of the funds behind the new renovations, doesn't that make it your house, not just theirs anymore?"
"I mean, I guess? But it's not what I had in mind. My name isn't on any of the paperwork for the land, and I really did think I was going to live all on my own in the world."
"Living on your own is not all it's cracked up to be, trust me. I'd give anything for a cuddle some nights, especially during storms," She shudders dramatically. "And you gave up your job yourself, but I'm 100% sure we could get you another one if that is an issue, but I think your brain is just searching for reasons to run. Really think about it, how much do you mind not working?"
You do think about it. And maybe spending your time in the house was far more satisfying than going to your nine to five. But it's still the principle of the matter. You had promised yourself that you were going to do it on your own. Now you've failed.
And that's really the crux of it. Not that you're living with the boys, not that you've dipped into your money, not that you find yourself suddenly betrothed. It's the fact that you have perceived yourself as failing. Unable to prove that you could take care of yourself in the big bad world that your parents worked so hard to protect you from. 
You let Noelle in on your thoughts as she finishes off your breakfast for you.
"The way I see it, you haven't failed yourself. You've just found something more suitable instead. But if your stomach is still in knots about it, it's better to run now than on the day of the wedding," She shrugs. 
"You make an excellent point," You concede.
With the food gone, and your heart somewhat unsqueezed, you and Noelle head back into the world. You walk her back as far as the shelter. You intend to leave her at the door, but Jimin sees you through the window before you can make your escape.
You contemplate running, pretending you didn't see him. But a confrontation is on the cards either way and it's probably better to get it over with than let Jimin drive his colleagues insane through the course of the day. Plus the man is far faster than he looks and he is stood in your path before you would've been able to escape anyway.
"Where the hell did you go?" The redhead tries to sound stern, but his voice cracks in the middle, your heart along with it, "You didn't wake anyone, you didn't answer your phone, you didn't even leave a note. Why?"
"I couldn't breathe, I didn't really think about it, I just knew I had to move," You answer honestly.
He sighs and glances around you, noticing the audience that seems to be gathering in the windows
He wraps an arm around your waist pulling you into him, and his other hand lands in your hair smoothing it down. He shuffles the two of you into the shadows of the building instead of standing out in the open where anyone can look out and see you there.
"Obviously you're not okay so I'm not going to ask you that... Are you... Is there anything I can do?"
"No, it's not your problem it's mine."
"Was it the proposal? I think that caught us all off guard and Taehyung doesn't expect you to go through with it."
A dry laugh escapes your mouth before you can stop it. Jimin takes a step back and meets your eyes.
"You don't believe me?" 
"I believe you that he doesn't expect me to go through with it, but I think we all know that I have to... and I want to! honestly, I do. I'll do anything so you guys don't, so we don't, lose Taehyung. I just need to get my head around it."
"I think you should go home Y/N. Talk with Jin or Namjoon, although maybe avoid Kookie and Taehyung until you can lie more convincingly than you did to me just now," He pecks your forehead and lets you go fully, "I'm so glad you're safe."
He sends you away with a promise to text him when you return home. You drag your feet the entire way knowing that Jimin is right and you need to talk through everything with a voice of reason. Jin might be the obvious choice, while a clown the majority of the time, his clinical doctor side allows him to separate emotion from sensitive topics. Something tells you that he isn't what you need right now. 
So when you reach the main house you walk inside the unfinished building and straight into Namjoon's new office finding him sitting at his new oak desk, just stroking the wood. He startles as your hand lands on his shoulder. 
"Shit Y/N, where did you come from?" He clutches at his chest dramatically. 
You flop down onto the new armchair as you wait for him to recover from his mini heart attack. He sits silently observing you for a moment too long until you start to wiggle uncomfortably.
"Are you ready to talk about it?" He reaches out a hand and places it on your knee. 
You thought you were, but the concern in his voice makes you hesitate. You just shake your head in response instead. 
"Okay, then let's not talk. Stand up." He stands too. 
He switches places with you sitting down in the armchair and pulling you back into his lap. He manhandles you until you're curled up on his knees with your face nuzzled into his neck. His fingers trace patterns along your thighs and the two of you sit in silence. 
The tightness in your chest is still there, curling up in Namjoon's arms is doing nothing to assuage that feeling but it still feels nice everywhere else. You think about what Noelle said about finding a new goal for yourself and you let yourself sniff Namjoon's comforting firewood scent. 
"I missed you this morning," He whispers in your ear. 
 "I'm sorry,"
"Don't be sorry, you needed space and that's okay. I just wanted you to know I missed you," 
He pecks your cheek and you continue sitting in silence. The rope around your heart seems to release, just a little as you allow yourself this comfort. 
"I love you," You whisper.
"I love you too," He confirms.
"I love all of you,"
"But you aren't ready to marry Taehyung, or any of us for that matter." He guesses
"I don't think so no... But I can't let Taehyung leave. I know better than anyone how it feels to be in a marriage you didn't choose. And it's so much worse for Taehyung, no one ever threatened me, I didn't have anyone I loved that I had to leave."
"We can think of other solutions for Tae Y/N. We aren't going to let you put yourself in a situation you don't truly want ."
"You don't know families like Tae's, families like mine. There isn't another option. I'm just going to suck it up and marry Taehyung."
"Ah yes, what every man wants to hear his fiance 'suck it up and marry him'" Namjoon chuckles.
You roll your eyes at his unserious response and start to wonder whether you should have gone to see Jin instead. 
"Look, this whole situation sucks for all of us, but there are other options we need to consider as a family, this burden doesn't lie on you. Now tell me what else is going on, because the proposal may have been a catalyst but it isn't the whole problem, I can see it in your eyes." 
"It's nothing," You sigh 
"If it's something, then it's everything. You listen to all our problems so often but won't let us listen to yours." He chastises.
"That's because you guys have real problems, I have stupid insecurities that have no basis in reality. There is no point in me bothering you with superficial issues."
"if it bothers you then it's not superficial and you should be talking to one of us. It doesn't have to be me, but I would love nothing more than for you to be able to confide in me."
"Really Joonie it's silly." You assure him.
"Tell me anyway," he insists. 
You contemplate confessing more of your issues. Realistically you know that he does actually want to help you but you also know the burden he already holds, having everyone else's concerns on his shoulder, you want nothing more than to lighten the load for him, not pile more on. However, you also know he won't drop it. 
"If I tell you, you have to promise you won't make a big deal out of it. It's my issue and it's something I will get over by myself,"
"Scouts honour," He crosses his heart.
"I'm fairly certain you weren't a scout," You raise an eyebrow.
"The sentiment still stands," He shrugs, "Now tell me."
So you tell him what you told Noelle. He listens intently to each minor problem, each insecure thought, and he doesn't say a word. But you can see the cogs turning in his brain as he tries to come up with solutions. As you finish speaking, you hold a finger up to his lips.
"But I..." He tries to speak around your finger but you just press harder against his lips.
"You promised," you chastise. 
He smirks and your finger slips past his lips and onto his tongue. 
He pulls on your wrist to remove the digit from his mouth but not before licking along the length.
"If you really don't want my opinion I won't give it... but I would love for you to sign your name on the lease." he suggests
"That sounds like a solution I didn't ask for," You complain.
"But it's an easy solution that makes so much sense, don't you think?"  He sounds far too excited, probably because he is right.
"Maybe... but I still need to come to terms with all these issues on my own Joonie," you enforce the boundary.
"And I will let you... if you let me distract you from those issues for a little while." He says suggestively.
"And how do you propose you do that?" You ask innocently.
He responds by replacing your finger in his mouth and using his now free hand to trace back up the inside of your thigh.
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fruitmins · 1 year
Purple Car | jungkook
➭ summary: in which jungkook is a successful solo idol and your his long time girlfriend that he hasn’t seen in almost two months. again. it’s starting to feel like your more like distant friends more than lovers so when you unexpectedly disappear, jungkook goes the distance to try to find you.
➭genre: solo idol jk x reader, drabble
➭warnings: none really. a little angsty and depressing. there’s a couple bad words
➭note: first post🥳 | heard a snippet of the acoustic version of ‘car outside’ and this was the outcome sooo feedback would be appreciated.
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Jungkook’s eyes begin to strain as he stared at the blue screen with wide and glossy eyes. He didn’t care how badly he was damaging his eyes. It didn’t even cross his mind for a second. He could barely process the information that was on the screen. But still, he stared at it in disbelief. How could he care about himself when the most important person he cared about was missing?
‘nearest train station’
‘train tickets to Daegu’
According to your laptop that was the last thing you had googled. The last time you had used it being almost an hour ago.
His heavy heart sank. Would the train be gone by now?
No. He didn’t want to think of the possibility that you actually left him. You two had always talked about going to Daegu together. Going out to hotels and spending the days happily touring together.
Jungkook’s throat ran dry as he thought about the word touring. When was the last time he actually spent quality time with you? He had just came back from a month tour, promoting his new solo album. He had spent weeks prior getting ready for it and his schedule became full in an instant.
He felt bad and had always planned on making up for lost time as soon as he was done. He knew that after his company would leave him alone for once and he was set on making you his top priority after.
He always made sure to call you at least once a day when on tour, or send little gifts and things to the house in an attempt to cheer you up.
Jungkook glanced around the room, some of his latest gifts not even out of the box. At first, he was constant with the calls and gifts. They would be sweet and meaningful. But as the tour continued the more tired he got. His calls were short and late at night and his gifts became small and less frequent.
His stomach swelled with guilt at the thought. How could he do this to you? Abandon you, make promises, and give you false hope. He remembered the words he said to you to cheer you up.
‘It’ll be over soon before you know it.’
‘When I get back we’ll have the best nights of our lives.’
‘I promise to call you more babe.’
‘I promise I’m fine babe, everything will go back to normal when I’m done.’
‘Stop fucking freaking out so much.’
Most of the time, his mind was clouded by exhaustion and pressure he forgot about the things he said. It felt like all the nights before he slept was like a drunken blur. All he could remember was being on stage and wanting to do good for his fans.
Well now he remembered. All the dry talks between you two. All of the half hearted things he said while slurring, barely awake. Sometimes almost yelling at you whenever you spoke to loud or to much. It was clear as time went he became more moody and distant.
He felt sick.
On the king sized bed, next to the earlier gifts laid your phone. No wonder you hadn’t been answering your phone. Did you really go the extra mile to leave everything at home?
No, he thought again. This must mean your in the house. Maybe the shower, or you went for a walk. Why would you leave your phone?
He tapped on the screen as it lit up. His handful of text showed on the screen. Your phone was almost dead and seemed completely untouched.
Even though he knew you never took showers this late, he went to the master bathroom to take a peek. Nothing. There was limited places you could be hiding, and he had already checked the place once he realized you weren’t home when he first arrived. You weren’t ANYWHERE. Not even in the guest bedroom.
Now he was really starting to panic as realization set in. He had screwed up. He had played with your emotions. He had left you one to many times. Now you were leaving him.
Now he was feeling everything that you had been for the past month and a half, and every other time a big event happened. He felt abandoned, sad, ditched and empty. How the fuck did he not realize what he was doing? How did he not realize how you were feeling? Why didn’t you talk to him? Did you? Not like he could really remember if you had.
‘nearest train station’
He clicked on your past search to see the exact responds. Shit. It wasn’t that far from the house. Only fifteen minutes to be exact. And you had been ghosting him for an hour.
He sprung into action at the realization. He would just had to hope that the train didn’t leave yet. To just hope that you went to early or that you had changed your mind.
He jumps into his car. Not caring that he wasn’t even supposed to be out this late, especially not in his recognizable purple car. Something even his fans knew was his prized possession since he and your favorite color was purple. In his purple car he felt like any other normal person. Especially when you were in the car with him. Now if just felt empty.
He practically sped to the train station (he actually did go over the speed limit a little), immediately parking his car in a random lot before booking it inside the large building.
Inside, he is immediately hit by a sense of bustling activity and the sound of people rushing to catch their trains as his eyes try to scan to look for you. Even though it’s early in the morning, there’s still a bunch of people.
Even when it’s a little dark inside the station since the sun isn’t up yet, he can spot a variety of posters and signs, displaying information about train schedules, destinations, and services available at the station.
He runs to the board, looking for the word Daegu and the color from his face drains when he finds it. The last train to Daegu had left at 11pm. Almost an hour ago. And what’s even worse is that he couldn’t even get a ticket till six.
He almost growled at the board out of anger. What he wasn’t going to do was sit around for five hours while you would be at a foreign place with no phone and nothing to defend yourself with. Especially since you were arriving at such a late time. He was not going to sit around when he had a perfectly good private jet.
Jungkook didn’t care who he woke up. He was the most successful man under his company and getting even more popular around the world. If he wanted a private jet ready at twelve o clock, he was going to get it.
Jungkook would be arriving to Daegu a big whopping thirty minutes before you, and it would take him a decent amount of time to get to the train station you would be arriving it. In short, Jungkook was seriously cutting it short.
If he was even a second to late, you’d disappear into the sea of people and his chances of finding you would decrease drastically by the minute.
Despite being exhausted and sleep deprived, Jungkook couldn’t sleep on the jet. He couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat. All he could do is refrain himself from tearing out his own hair by repeating calling your number, listening to your voice mail for comfort since he knew you wouldn’t answer.
Once his phone had died, all he had was his thoughts. The depressing feeling of sorrow and loss took over him as he cried his eyes out. He missed you and he hated that he drew you away. He hate that he hurt you. He couldn’t imagine a life without you. He wanted to marry you for God’s sake. He felt like his chest was crashing the more he was away from you.
Finally, after he arrived he had a car waiting for him to take him to the train station. He had requested the same purple car he had left back at home, it didn’t feel right picking you up in an all black shaded windowed limo. Whenever you both went somewhere you took that car. You two had spent camping trips and dinner dates in that car. Sure it was newer and wasn’t his car but it was close enough.
He drove himself to the train station and ran inside the building as fast as he could. His face was hidden with a hat and mask as he tried his best to blend in with the people while still desperately trying to reach the platforms.
When he did, he saw one train already letting off a load of people. Jungkook immediately grew terrified. Did you already get off? Did he already lose you? A million thoughts ran through his head as his eyes started to water again.
He didn’t stop walking till he was at the front of the platform, watching as the people who got off with smiles reunited with family members or friends.
Jungkook watched the train empty, looking through the windows in hopes of getting a glimpse of you still inside. But it was mostly empty. You must of been one of the first people to get off. You must of been in a rush to get away from him. To start over. To leave him like he had done you.
Jungkook’s heavy head dropped, looking straight at the ground with closed eyes as tears started to fall. Grieving over the loss of his soulmate. And he could only blame himself.
He wished he could turn back time and do things differently, but he knew that was impossible. All he could do now was try to pick up the pieces of his shattered life and move forward, even though he had no idea how to do that without his wife by his side. But he would always missing you piece of his life..
Jungkook’s body immediately froze at his name. The voice was behind him and spoke with a shaky voice but he was positive it sounded just like you. Was his mind fucking with him? Did he actually hear your voice? For the first time in a month? Were you still here? Did he still have a chance?
He swallowed a lump in his throat as he turned around, a little cautious. His breathing stopped when he met your red eyes. It was you. Only a couple steps away from him. You looked different. More skinny, you had on older clothes. Not the ones he bought you. And he could tell by your tear stained cheek and puffy eyes that you had been crying for a while. But you still looked beautiful. He missed your eyes, your touch, your smell..
Without giving it a second thought, he jumped towards you. His arms immediately wrapped around you as he gave you a tight hug and held you. His tears were spilling more violently as he sobbed into you. Relief rushed through him as he held you. You didn’t push him away, but you didn’t exactly hug him either. But he didn’t care. As long as he got to hug you. He was scared of letting you go. He didn’t want you to leave, and he didn’t want to leave either.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N.” He managed to choke out and soon enough you began to cry with him, becoming emotional in his arms. “I’m so fucking sorry.” He repeated, the first genuine words he said to you in a while. Your familiar soothing smell with the warmth of your small figure stopped him from having a full out panic attack.
“Jungkook I—“ you started to speak but he quickly shook his head, pulling away to analyze your face. He looked into your eyes with such relief and care but sadness still filled his expression. He was still scared you wouldn’t forgive him. That he had still lost you.
“I’m terrible Y/N. I didn’t realize just how much I let my job take over my life. Our life. I missed you Y/N I really did. I love you. I love you more than myself. I don’t wanna leave you anymore.” He said quickly pulling you back into a tight embrace, and this time he almost melted when your arms wrapped around him. He wanted to say so much more but he couldn’t form the words. It was paining him just seeing you cry.
“Please, give me a second chance to fix things. I’m not going anywhere without you Y/N.” He said, his desperate words spoken in a firm voice. He wanted to let you know just how serious he was about his words.
“Don’t promise anything..” you mumbled. The first proper-ish sentence you’ve said the whole time. He missed your voice, it wasn’t the same over the phone but your words stung. Did you not trust him? Did you think he would abandon you? Cause if so he’d get on his knees and propose to you right there.
“I just don’t want you to leave. I don’t want to leave you.” He sobbed into your shoulder honestly. Jungkook had always been a little shy with crying, even in front of you. But he was willing to expose himself to you. To let you know how he really felt.
“I-I won’t. Leave..” You choked out in a low voice and Jungkook was immediately over the moon. All his worries and fears washed away at your words. “I love you.” You spoke, this time in a stronger but gentle voice as his grip loosened a little around you.
He responded by pulling down his mask and kissing you with starving lips. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled your body against his. You kissed him back, melting in his touch as the world around you disappeared. You both had missed each others touch and you practically cried of happiness at the familiar warmth of his lips on yours.
When you pulled away to catch your breath, Jungkook leaned his forehead so it was touching yours. He closed his eyes and took everything in as he continued to hold your waist. Never would he be leaving you again. Never.
“You ready for the tour baby?” Jungkook asked you in a gentle and soothing voice when he slithered behind you, wrapping his arms around you and putting his head on your shoulder. He gave you a kiss on your neck as he watched you pack your large suitcase.
“Absolutely. I can’t wait to visit all the different places.” You said with a wide smile as you leaned into his touch. When Jungkook cleared his voice you giggled. “And watch you preform of course.” A satisfied smirk showed on his lips at your response.
“Well I’m glad your happy.” He replied with a warm smile, his voice filled with joy and happiness.
Because what you didn’t know was that on the last day of the tour in Daegu, Jungkook was going to propose to you after singing Still With You.
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UPDATE: 16.01.2024
NOTE: You can find other masterlists in  my mother masterlist
I have updated the following masterlists:
Criminal Minds Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
Bucky Barnes Masterlist
Golden Trio Era - Slytherin
BTS Poly Masterlist
Park Jimin Masterlist
Genshin Impact Masterlist
Kim Taehyung Masterlist
Min Yoongi Masterlist
Jung Hoseok Masterlist
Twilight Masterlist
Volturi Masterlist
Black Butler Masterlist
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Tied Up!
You're their little dolly, all tied up.
Warning: 18+ smut, dubcon, noncon, dark yandere, namjoon painting you >;), foodplay & food control, sex toys, overstimulation, spanking, bdsm, predator/prey, petplay, dumbification
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Namjoon prefers only your arms tied up, chained to the headboard, and above your head. Your naked body neatly presented to him on top of the covers as you lay sprawled on your stomach, unable to see what he does to you. He likes torturing you with what’s to come next. After a long day of work he moves between your legs, forcing them open. He runs his cock along your folds and pushes into your sex without warning. He like the tightness of your pussy before you're all sloppy and wet for him. He likes stroking the wetness out of you, slowly, with each rough thrust in, until his heavy thrusts become smooth, your grunts of pain becoming cries of pleasure, your cunt becoming tighter again as you hurtle towards release. He pulls out and paints your back with his cum, thick white ribbons against your skin, a beautiful masterpiece he can call his own. He runs his fingers over your spent back, smudging his work across your skin until he is satisfied, until he's rock hard again. Then presses inside you, intent on finishing his art inside. You're his beautiful canvas after all.
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Seokjin likes feeding you like this, arms and legs tied to the bed, your helpless body all his to take care of. He likes to put each bite into your open waiting mouth, let his fingers rest on your lips, your teeth, your tongue. If you spill or make a mess he likes to lick it off, trailing his tongue down your body, resting his head on your full belly. You're so hungry you'll do anything for another bite, so thirsty, you'll let the water pass through his lips before you drink. You'll do anything for him. You'll let Seokjin eat you, let him nibble on your thighs, lick over your folds, let his teeth graze your clit, fingers drawing out your sweet nectar so he can feast on you. He prefers to ravage your cunt until your legs are shaking, begging for reprieve, and then he'll unbelt his pants and offer you dessert.
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Yoongi likes when you're all tied up. Arms and legs tied to each bed post, unable to shy away from his intense gaze. That way, he can use whatever toys he likes. He lets cold lube drop all over your core, using his nimble fingers to press the liquid inside your holes. He prefers to plug your ass, but tonight he plans to keep you up all night full and aching. He takes a thick dildo, pushing it in slowly, inch by inch, stretching your hole over the slippery silicone. He uses his fingers to tease you, pressing in and out of your cunt in a languid pace, pulling the dildo out in a matching motion. He does this until your pulling at your restraints, begging to cum. Then he fills your cunt with a vibrator, placing it on the highest setting and takes a seat. He pumps himself to your writhing body, enjoying the show. He can relax while you fight off another impending orgasm, tiring yourself out on the battery operated toy. Yoongi doesn't have to do anything but watch you reach another high, shaking and pulling at your bindings, the vibrator pumping deep into you at an unrelenting steady rate. You're going to cum again and again, unable to pull the toy out, unable to do anything but take the pleasure Yoongi has all set up for you.
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Hoseok likes your ties loose, to give you a little hope for your escape. He likes the chase, but you never do get away, you end up on your knees or skull pressed into the floor as he fucks your throat roughly, your legs scraping on the hard ground. You gag around him, throat tightening against his cock in the best way, he has to release you, but you're too riled up to leave now. The chase might have ended, but his reward was still waiting, heaving in air, legs sprawled out, cunt dripping. He takes his time claiming you, tongue exploring your mouth, fingers deep in your sex, hand tight around your throat. All you can hope for now is to come, all you can think of is his tight grip on you, inside and out.
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Jimin likes it when you beg for him instead, cry out for him to fuck you. He likes you tied with your arms behind your back, intricate ropes around your torso so he can move you where ever he likes. He flips your body on your stomach and puts his knees on top of each of your legs, spreading them wide when he opens his own, training you to meet his flexibility. He puts two thick digits inside your cunt, and instead of letting you feel the pleasure of his skillful seduction, his free hand comes down against your cheeks. His spanks are hard and swift, a painful contrast to his sweet teasing voice, whining out for you to take one more hit. He spanks you until your cheeks are swollen, his handprints raised and purple all over your skin. You whimper and he doesn't stop, you cry and he doesn't stop, you scream, your backside stinging, his knees digging into your legs and his digits pressed to the knuckle in your dripping cunt. You whine for him to fuck you instead, you cry for his cock, you tell him how much you want him inside you, please please! He laughs, sweet and mocking, and fucks you full, until you're crying out his name, yes yes!
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Taehyung likes your wrists tied, blindfolded, in a cute lingerie set and stockings, a gag in your mouth and a collar around your pretty neck. Delicate things he can rip off of you until you are lying there naked and stripped. Then he places you over his lap so you can straddle him, work for your sight and speech. He likes watching you ride him, dragging yourself over his cock up and down, breathing heavily against your gag and shifting clumsily in your restraints. He'll praise you and tell you how good you are being for him, pulling your collar down so he can thrusts his hips up into your sloppy center. He will switch positions, placing you on your side, lifting one leg up over his shoulder so he can thrust in deep. He holds you by your collar, rocking into you so hard you see stars bloom in the darkness behind the blindfold, his good little pet.
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Jungkook likes when you're full of all the members' cum. Slippery and drenched, smelling of sex, body spent. Then he can finally untie you, as you're too tired to fight back even if you wanted to. You lie, half asleep, mind still gone. You cuddle into the warmth of his body as he places soft kisses against your sweaty skin, body and mind too numb with pleasure to realize the way he's stretching you out over his fingers, pushing his members' cum back inside of you. "I'll take care of you," he says, so sweetly. He loves the way his cock simply slips right into your heat, the squelching dirty noises your body gives as he ruts into you, thrusting as hard as he likes. You take it with a sigh, a soft moan. He can pull your hair, bite your neck, suck as many bruises along your shoulder and breasts as he likes, you just moan and take it all like the sweet little doll he loves.
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aris-ink · 2 years
Hi! Could you write yandere bts (all members) with fear kink, con noncon, group sex and knife play..
You can write anything that comes to mind, thankss, Ps. I love your work!
😳 thank you ily!!! this was challenging but...
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: friends to lovers, roommates!au
warnings: oof everything mentioned above and more!!! implied con noncon, fear kink, knife play, rough sex, degradation, possessiveness, mentions of corruption, manhandling, dirty talk, outdoor sex, oral sex, creampie, this is basically a gangbang ahshdhdh sorry? 🤷‍♀️
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You were such a pretty, little thing. Falling asleep on the way home was your first mistake. You startled when Yoongi rubbed your shoulder, lifting your head off of his chest.
"Finally," you sighed - then paused.
All eyes were on you, and for some reason no one made a move to get out of the car. You realized why when you took in the scenery outside the window. You weren't parked in front of your house; you were in the middle of the woods. The thick silence in the air made your heart start pounding wildly, your stomach twisting with unease.
"What's going on?"
It was Jin who reached over to open the door for you, a gentlemanly gesture that did not match his commanding tone.
You wanted to ask if this was some kind of a joke, but your throat suddenly felt too tight to let any sound pass through.
"You better listen to him, baby," Hoseok murmured.
Blinking, you turned to Jimin for help, hoping to find some answers to your questions. All he did was smile at you. It made your knees feel weak.
Upon realizing you had no other choice, you stepped out of the car slowly, dry leafs crunching under your foot. The air was cool, the darkness of the night endless and thick with tall, old trees. For the small moment you stood there on your own, rubbing your arms, in a way you felt safe; and then they stepped out of the car too, making sure to lock it and hide away the keys. Suddenly you were surrounded, nothing more than prey about to be devoured.
There was a small part of you, naive perhaps, that tried to make sense of the situation in the most rational way possible. You looked at Jimin, once again searching his angelic face for answers. But the only one you got was so devilish it made your heart jump to your throat.
"What's wrong?" He asked, taking a step forward to place his lips right next to your ear. "Thought you wanted some excitement. Can't handle it?"
"What?" You finally managed to find your voice, though it came out hoarse.
Jimin laughed quietly. Your stomach turned upside down, sparks of heat spreading through it. You could feel it paint your cheeks pink as he whispered into your ear again, touching your elbow.
"You came all over me so hard last night. Care to remember why?"
He pulled away then. One look at you and he knew you remembered.
You didn't answer him, but the split second your gaze flickered to Yoongi was enough to betray your thoughts. Jimin's cat eyes caught on to that little movement immediately, amusement lighting up his face.
"Oh, that's right," he turned to the elder. "She wanted you to-"
"Stop it!" You hissed, grabbing his jacket in an attempt to pull him aside.
A strong pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, dragging you away from Jimin and locking you in place tightly. You turned your head, finding Namjoon narrowing his eyes at you.
"Calm down."
You couldn't calm down. Your heart was on the verge of bursting out of your chest, nerves mingling with this strange heat that kept on bubbling in your stomach. Especially since now, everything made sense. Struggling was useless; because Jimin already told them everything. He tsked at you, like he was disappointed, deliberately keeping his eyes on yours when he spoke up.
"What's wrong?" He asked again. "You wanted to be passed around, didn't you, baby? Changed your mind?"
There was no way to turn back now. You refused to break eye contact with him, unable to face the reactions his words might have gotten from the others.
"Go fuck yourself," you spat.
A low whistle sounded through the night, and the mocking laughter that followed caused goosebumps to break over your spine.
"Cute," Yoongi commented. "Let her go, Joon."
To your surprise, Namjoon did as he was asked and released you from his hold. You stared at Yoongi, your eyes widening when he reached into the pocket of his coat and produced a fine, silver knife from it. Its sharp edges gleamed in the faint moonlight. You could feel your stomach drop all the way to the ground below you.
He analyzed your reaction carefully, his eyes so piercing they seemed to be able to read you like an open book.
"Go ahead and run, sweetheart. I'll give you a headstart. How about it?"
Your blood ran cold. The last thing you wanted was to take the bait; but in the moment, knowing no other way out, that was exactly what you did.
That was your second mistake.
You broke into a sprint, diving in between the trees, your feet pounding against the cool earth. You couldn't see where you were going, or if Yoongi was already behind you; you were too afraid to look back. The adrenaline pumping through your veins made it hard to breathe, but it helped you keep going. You ignored the branches that pulled at your hair and scratched at you, shoving them out of your way.
You wanted to find shelter somewhere in the wide arms of the forest, not giving a damn about getting lost. However, any hopes for that were crushed when you were abruptly pulled back by your arm, the strength in Yoongi's hands knocking you straight into his chest.
He tackled you, pain shooting up your spine when you hit the ground. He caught both of your wrists and pinned them above your head, his eyebrows raised. While you could barely catch your breath, he only seemed excited, his eyes shining as he stared down at you. Like he lived for the thrill of the chase.
"Not bad."
His weight on your body felt too intimate. His free hand lifted to your face, the knife in it making you freeze under him.
"Now," he sighed, "let's get one thing out of the way. And I'd advise you to stay still, baby."
The warning was loud and clear. Still, the last thing you expected was for him to drop the weapon and reach under your skirt, his fingers brushing against your clothed core. Your thighs clenched on instinct. He looked up at you sharply, but instead of scolding you, he just furrowed his brows.
"Fucking hell," he breathed. "You're so wet."
The weight of his words was mortifying to bear, but you knew he was right. And you weren't quite sure how to cope with it. Your breath was coming out in unsteady shudders, your throat feeling dry.
"Oh baby," he muttered. "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this. I can't believe Jimin got to fuck this pretty pussy first."
You whimpered, all the fight seeming to leave your body. Yoongi picked up his knife and pressed its sharp tip into your throat. It felt so cold against your skin. You tried to calm your breathing, your spine tingling all over.
"Let's get back to the others, hm? I'm not the only one who's been waiting."
Your knees felt like cotton when he lifted himself off you and pulled you up, the implications of his confession doing nothing but ruining your underwear further.
It wasn't long before you were back to the same spot you tried to escape from, your back leaning against Hoseok's chest as you sat on the cold, forest ground. Trapped. He kept your legs spread wide open and your arms locked in an unforgiving grip. The silver blade was running up and down your soft thighs, inching closer and closer to your panties, but now its handle was in Taehyung's skilled hands.
"Look at you," he cooed. "Trembling like a leaf. Are you scared?"
You lowered your gaze, feeling your own slick soaking the soft cotton material. The knife was suddenly beneath your chin, forcing your head up.
"I asked you a question."
"Don't bother," Jungkook cut in. "She just needs a little motivation."
He crouched down on the ground next to you, his boots crushing the leaves that were lying there.
"Isn't that right, honey?" He asked, tilting your chin towards him.
You swallowed harshly, remaining silent.
He stared into your eyes for a moment. Then his jaw tensed, his grip on your chin tightening.
"How about this," he offered, "you start talking, or I'll put that pretty, little mouth to better use right now."
A muffled whimper broke through your lips. You turned your head away, but you could still feel Hoseok's chest shake against you as he laughed.
"How is that supposed to motivate her? She's probably dying for it."
"No," you protested.
It was the first thing you managed to utter since Yoongi dragged you back here. Jungkook smirked, ignoring the scoff that came from somewhere in the background.
"I know my pretty girl so well."
You felt too weak to fight back anymore, your clit pulsing viciously, needy for attention. You couldn't tell why you could feel the heat of your own tears stain your cheeks; from the aching need to be touched, the humiliation of it, or the fear crawling through your chest. It was a twisted potion they got you drunk on, and they seemed to enjoy every second of it.
"Is she crying?" Namjoon leaned in, tilting his head. "She is."
"Poor baby," Hoseok muttered into your hair. Though his actions said otherwise, his palms pressing into your thighs to spread them further apart for everyone's viewing pleasure.
Your vision was blurred when Taehyung turned your head back towards him, wiping your tears away with his thumb.
"No need for that, baby," he soothed. "Just be a good girl and stay still, and I won't hurt you. Okay?"
You nodded. It wasn't a verbal answer, but his eyes lit up nonetheless, the knife making its way back in between your legs.
This time, ever so gently, you could feel the cold tip slip beneath your underwear.
As though expecting your reaction, Hoseok's hands tightened on your thighs, holding them in place. His strength was a good thing, because with the way you flinched the sharp edge could have cut straight through your skin.
"Stay fucking still," Taehyung snapped. "This will only take a second."
Your chest tightened. Like a deer caught in headlights, you watched him slice through the ruined material, cold air hitting your drenched folds as he left you exposed.
You weren't sure who groaned. Their voices were starting to mingle together, your mind growing foggy with the intensity of the emotions rushing through you.
"Holy fuck."
"She's so fucking-"
"Focus," Taehyung demanded.
You didn't know how to. Frustration got the best of him, and without warning he grabbed your shirt, ripping straight through it.
"You know," he gritted, running the knife through your bra roughly to slice it open as well, "I was going to be nice and take things slow, but if you need cock to think straight, I'll help you with that."
"Fucking finally," Yoongi exhaled.
Too much. It was all too much.
Pulled from one direction to the other, you felt Hoseok's muscles tightening around you, blocking any movements from your side - whether they were accidental flinches, or attempts to escape.
The sound of a belt unbuckling made your head snap up. Jin grinned at you as he fumbled with the expensive leather, as beautiful as any sin, equal parts terrifying and thrilling.
"Oh, now you can focus?" Taehyung sneered. He was next to start unbuckling his belt, standing up to tower over you. His fingers trembled with desire as he pulled his jeans down, grabbing the back of your head and forcing you to kneel.
It was only then that Hoseok released you from his grip, the bite of late September air harsher without his warmth enveloping you. You pussy clenched so violently you couldn't help but shudder. You only had a second to take in the sight of Taehyung's cock, stiff, big and glistening with precum, before he pinched your nose, hard. Your mouth parted in a surprised daze.
"Gonna give you what you want, slut," he mumbled.
He pushed all the way inside, the sudden intrusion making your throat constrict. You coughed around him, attempting to push his thighs away from you, but he held you in place firmly, his head thrown back in ecstasy. The deep, filthy groan that left him made your cunt gush more, as did his forceful thrusts. True to his word, he didn't bother easing you into it, stuffing your mouth full and hitting the back of your throat.
"Holy shit," you thought you could hear someone gasp. Namjoon? "Don't fucking kill her, man." The concern would have been comforting; only it wasn't concern at all. "I don't want her passing out. I want her looking at me when I fuck her."
You whined so loudly someone swore, and Taehyung would have laughed at you if he could manage to do so between the moans that were flowing out of him. Your mouth felt so much better than he ever imagined. You gagged around his cock, unable to react when you felt somebody kneel behind you, their hands wrapping firmly around your breasts.
"Having a good time?" Jimin breathed into your ear, twisting your nipples softly.
Perhaps earlier on, you would have pushed him away. But your lungs were on fire and you were tingling all over, desperate to finally be touched; feeling so, so good. Too lost in a completely new headspace to remain observant or coherent.
Taehyung's hips came to a halt. With a grunt, he pulled his cock out of your mouth, leaving a string of saliva running down your chin. You collapsed forward and leaned your weight on your hands, greedily gulping in air. He was panting just as hard as you, if not more. The earth felt damp beneath your palms, your head spinning. You've never felt so used before, and so oddly high at the same time.
You barely caught your breath before Yoongi was pushing you onto your back, covering you with his body.
"Not gonna run again, are you?" He murmured, minty breath washing over your lips. "My knife is still here, little girl."
You were beginning to feel lightheaded, trembling beneath him, your heart thumping frantically against your ribs, like a frightened rabbit stuck in a cage.
You were so pretty. Even prettier with your pupils blown wide, fear and desire creating an addicting universe inside your eyes, all theirs to get lost in. Because if you thought you still belonged to yourself, you were wrong.
"You've barely been touched," Yoongi tsked, "but you're dripping like a dirty whore."
You hated how his words made your stomach clench.
The feeling of his hot, swollen cock dragging through your folds only added to the high, finally providing you with some long needed stimulation.
"Bet I could just," he mumbled, pushing the thick head against your entrance, "slide right in."
And as if to prove his point, he did, driving his cock into the heat of cunt in one thrust, until he bottomed out. You moaned, your stomach tightening, so deliciously full you could have cried again.
Yoongi hissed through his teeth, keeping still, relishing in the feeling of your walls fluttering around him. Jungkook knelt down beside you, stroking your hair.
"How does she feel?"
Yoongi grunted, burying his face in your neck. He wanted to use so many words. Perfect. Warm. Divine. But all that came out was a strangled, "Tight."
The view of the night sky became obscured by more faces looking down at you, shifting closer. Faces you knew so well but now saw in a different light for the first time since you met. And it seemed like the signs were always there, but you missed every single one; which landed you right here. Trapped in the middle of nowhere and being devoured at last.
Yoongi made sure to drag his cock along your walls slowly as he pulled out, until the tip was back at the entrance of your soaked pussy.
"Oh my god," Hoseok gritted. "Hurry the fuck up."
You didn't notice it before, but beads of sweat graced his flawless skin, his fingers wrapped around his cock as he watched what was about to happen.
You moaned so loudly Yoongi slapped his hand over your mouth, thrusting back inside you harshly. Your own hand was lifted off the ground, your wide eyes locking on Namjoon's. You weren't able to turn your head all the way, but you certainly felt the warmth and the grith of his length, even if you couldn't see it. His mouth parted as he helped you grip it. Your thighs started to shake, pleasure exploding deep in your abdomen, all the way to your already ruined cunt.
"Let her scream," Jin murmured, pulling Yoongi's hand away from your mouth.
He only grunted. He didn't care what was happening around him now that he was buried deep inside you.
With his hand gone from your mouth, you cried out freely, your eyes prickling with tears. You were going to come, and there was no way of stopping it from happening. You didn't want to stop it, either.
"Shit, let me- give me-" Jungkook stuttered, unzipping his jeans. "Give me a fucking minute."
You could barely keep up. He turned your head, pressing your cheek into the ground.
"She can scream all she wants later, just-shit- just let me-" he struggled, pushing his cock in your face. "Let me fuck her mouth."
He muffled your whines, his cock sliding in between your lips real quick, though unlike Taehyung, he made sure to stop just before he hit your throat.
"Ah, yeah," he breathed out. He squeezed his eyes shut, like he was afraid that looking at you now would make him blow his load right away.
"Oh shit," Yoongi groaned. Naturally he could feel your little pussy trying to milk him dry, tightening. "Are you gonna come, you fucking slut?"
"Of course she's gonna come. Let her."
"Yeah, I think she earned it. She's in for a long night."
You weren't sure who said that. Your muscles locked, your orgasm hitting you like a freight train. Black spots danced in your vision, Yoongi's thrusts growing sloppy. He fucked you through it, his own orgasm following right after, making him moan obscenely. His cum was so warm when it rushed into you, the feeling dirtier than you could put into words, but exactly what you needed.
Such a pretty, little thing; so easy to pick apart. You were too high up in the clouds to notice that Yoongi had slipped out of you. Jin replaced him in between your thighs, eyes stuck on the cum flowing out of your twitching hole.
"My turn, baby," he sighed, slapping the head of his cock over your sensitive clit.
"Wait," Jimin groaned. "Sit up. I wanna see her."
And like the good friend he was, Jin listened, knees pressed into the ground as he pulled your ass back towards his leaking cock.
"Gonna fill you up real good," he promised. "Gonna fill you up so good you won't wanna leave the house ever again."
That's been the plan all along. Jimin's little confession of your secret desires only sped things along. It was most pitiful that you didn't seem to understand that at the beginning; you have always been theirs.
You could feel Hoseok shifting closer to your face, next in line to use your mouth, his cheeks flushed from excitement.
"Say ah, baby."
He sighed contentedly when you did, parting your swollen lips for him obediently. His smile was so sweet for a moment you saw a flicker of the Hobi you thought you knew. But then his hips pushed forward, and your jaw ached as you were filled again, tasting precum on your tongue. You were so far gone; you were so perfect. The wait has been worth it, as they knew it would be. Hoseok gritted his teeth, tangling his hand in your hair.
"What a good girl," Jin praised, still in his awe.
Their good girl. They loved you too much to ever let you go.
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intplayboy · 2 months
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summary: in an era where the royal family denounces all magic, as one of the few remaining witches, you hide your powers. though you try to lead a normal life, only the seven accepting men make you feel truly understood. yet, what destiny awaits when you must reveal your true identity?
genre: supernatural/magic au | medieval-modern fusion fantasy au | F2L (more like idiots to lovers, honestly) | moderate? angst | action | romance | fluff | hint of crack
pairing: royal soldiers bts ot7 x female witch reader (high royal commander!kim namjoon, high royal soldier!kim namjoon, high royal soldier!min yoongi, royal assassin!jung hoseok, royal assassin!park jimin, elite warrior!kim taehyung, elite warrior!jeon jungkook)
warnings: mentions of violence, blood, death, slight mentions of SA, disgusting misogyny, witchcraft, slight gore, and swearing.
permanent tag list: @taolucha, @exfolitae, @namjoonswaifu, @rinkud, @queenlouie18, @btsgangleader @m0v3m3ntsblog, @nicholedobre-blog, @bjoriis, @princess-sunshyn, @han-aaaaa, @ejspencer14, @skyys-universe, @thvslvt, @dustyinkpages, @savagemickey03, @aynbookworm, @loveforred, @jwonz, @ghostlyworld, @wagtte, @louisaqueen, @meepsters-world, @carolina-thiell, @svnbangtansworld, @deepestfacedevil
(the tags that are strikethrough could not be tagged)
word count: 19,398
drabble masterpost | masterlist | character boards | prologue | part 1 | part 2 [finale] | alternate ending
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Present day...
In the narrow, cobblestone-laden alleyways of the bustling city, the rhythmic echo of boots pounding against the ground resonates. "Stop, right there!" A man, accompanied by a cadre of others, bellows, their pursuit propelled by an intensity matched only by the pulsing rhythm of your heart. The reminiscence of childhood escapades emerges, an unexpected thrill as you find yourself once more in the precarious position of the pursued, the very spirit of adventure coursing through your veins.
The impetus for this impromptu race stems from the audacious act of liberating an artifact from the clutches of a pledgemart—an establishment known for its shrewd dealings. Your attempt to negotiate a fair price met with obstinacy from the working men within, who sought to exploit you. Frustration simmered, and in a feigned surrender, you declared your departure. Unbeknownst to them, the pilfered artifact nestled discreetly within your sleeve.
As you strolled away with feigned nonchalance, a sudden shout marked their discovery of the missing item. The chase unfolded with a symphony of footsteps and frantic exclamations, your nimble form weaving through the labyrinthine alleyways, adeptly evading both pursuers and obstacles. Yet, as the village streets blurred around you, the relentless pursuit eventually cornered you in a dimly lit cul-de-sac.
"If I didn't know better, I'd reckon you for the famed Mystrogue that's been the talk of our beloved city—renowned seeker and pilferer, and quite proficient at it, if I may add. But I beg to differ, considering you're but a young lass, and such feats would seem nigh impossible for someone of your ilk," one of the men quipped, suspicion and amusement intertwining in his words.
Breathless, you retort, "Your presumptions matter not. I suggest you release me if you value your well-being."
Laughter erupts among the men, a cacophony of disbelief reverberating through the alley. Unfazed, you tighten your grip on the concealed artifact, bracing yourself for the impending confrontation.
As the men lunge forward with an unexpected assault, your nimble reflexes engage. Swiftly eluding the initial blow, you counter with a series of well-aimed strikes, showcasing your prowess in hand-to-hand combat. The alley transforms into a makeshift battleground—a dance between evasion and retaliation.
Despite your impressive display, the sheer numbers eventually overwhelm you. A firm grip seizes you from behind, restraining your movements. The leader, a grizzled man with a scarred visage, steps forward, his voice dripping with menace. "For your audacious theft, girl, we'll have no choice but to sever your thieving hands. A fitting punishment for those who dare defy the order of this city."
The threat hangs in the air, heavy and ominous. A sense of desperation creeps in as you struggle against your captors, but their hold remains unyielding. The narrow alley now feels like a prison, the walls closing in as the leader pronounces your dire fate.
"You're naught but a common thief, and this city won't abide such defiance. Ready yourself for the consequences of your actions," he declares, his words resonating with finality.
As the blade descends towards your restrained hands, a commanding voice resonates through the alley. "Enough!"
The men freeze, turning to the source of the interruption. The figure emerging from the shadows is none other than Namjoon, his presence demanding attention. His eyes bore into the leader, a silent warning. Soon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin appear alongside Namjoon in this narrow alleyway bathed in the sunny glow of mid-morning.
Your brow furrows slightly. Where are the other three? You wondered.
Namjoon's gaze remains locked with the defiant leader of the men. "Release her, and you may yet escape unscathed."
The men exchange glances, their hesitation evident, but their pride and greed prevail. With a signal from their leader, they tighten their grip on you, defiance etched on their faces.
"We don't answer to the likes of you," the leader spits, a malevolent grin stretching across his face. "She stole from us, and we'll be the ones to dispense justice."
Namjoon's hand twitches, signaling the others to prepare for what seems inevitable. The air grows thick with tension as the two factions face off, each refusing to yield.
Meanwhile, your mind races, desperately seeking an escape from this perilous situation. The cold steel of the blade hovers menacingly close to your hands, restrained and vulnerable. The men surrounding you exchange menacing glances, relishing the impending punishment they intend to deliver.
Suddenly, Hoseok steps forward. His eyes, sharp and calculating, survey the alley with a hint of disdain. "Do you truly believe you can challenge us, you fools? Do you even know who we are?"
The men scoff, dismissing Hoseok's words as mere bravado. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as the standoff reaches its climax.
Namjoon's patience wears thin. "Last chance. Release her, or face the consequences."
The men hesitate, realizing the gravity of the situation. Yet, the leader, fueled by arrogance, signals for the attack. But Namjoon and the others remain still and calm, for the anticipated assault never comes. Perplexed, the leader turns around to be met with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin holding their respective blade weapons at the necks of the erstwhile captors.
"As you were saying," Taehyung muses, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Now, before I was rudely interrupted, you shall desist from troubling this young woman. Do you understand?" Namjoon's eyes darken, fixing upon all four men.
"How dare—" The leader begins to retort defiantly, but Yoongi's swift and undetected actions interrupt him with a sword blade against his neck.
"You wish to defy the orders of the royal family's protectors?" Yoongi intones with a menacing glare.
The man gulps and shakes his head, his bravado replaced by a flicker of fear. "N-no, of course not."
He shifts his gaze back to Namjoon. "Pray accept my humble apologies, my lords. I was unaware this woman was in association with you."
Namjoon approaches, his expression unwavering. "Leave. Consider yourselves fortunate that you still draw breath. Speak not a word of this woman or this encounter, lest you wish dire consequences."
The men, recognizing the futility of further resistance, slink away, leaving behind the echoes of their defeated pride.
With Jimin and Jungkook the ones closest to you, Jimin turns to you, concern etching his features. "Are you hurt, Y/N?"
Your hands throbbed from the ordeal, but you managed a nod of assurance. "I'm fine. Thanks to all of you."
"Then what's this, beneath your shoulder?" Jungkook's brow arches in suspicion, pointing at a bloody cut on your upper arm, presumably from the knife one of the men used on you during the brief skirmish.
You chuckle sheepishly. "Oh, it's nothing... I insist..."
"It's not nothing if you're bleeding, Y/N," Jimin insists. "Come, let's find a place where we can tend to that wound."
With your arm gently supported by Jimin, the group maneuvers through the winding alleyways. The village hums with life around you as the bright hues of the sunlight filter through the labyrinthine streets.
Namjoon's voice resonates, breaking the silence enveloping the group. "This isn't the first instance we've found ourselves intervening on your behalf, Y/N."
A glance of gratitude is cast toward him. "I appreciate your assistance, truly. How did you come upon me, may I inquire?"
Hoseok chuckles. "Perchance because we followed the trail of trouble that seemed to linger on our path leading to you, whether it be your penchant for adventure or your knack for stumbling upon turmoil."
You playfully roll your eyes. "Har har, very humorous, Hoseok."
As the group emerges onto a broader thoroughfare, Taehyung points toward a discreet apothecary nestled between two grander establishments. "That should be a suitable place to address your wound."
The bell above the apothecary's door chimes as you enter, greeted by the scent of various herbs and medicinal potions. The shopkeeper, a wizened figure with spectacles perched on the tip of his nose, looks up from his work. "How may I assist you?"
"We need something to clean and dress this wound," Jimin explains, revealing the extent of the injury.
The apothecary, noticing the wounded state, gestures for you to sit at a small wooden table. "Please, have a seat, young miss. I'll prepare a salve for that cut."
As you settle, Seokjin says. "No, but in all earnestness, Y/N. This has occurred far too frequently. Why do you consistently find yourself embroiled in such trivial affairs? If you find yourself in need of aid or finances, you are well aware that you can turn to us, are you not?"
Your gaze averts. "Well, there is a valid reason for this particular escapade."
Taehyung who is leaning against a nearby shelf, adopting an air of nonchalance. "So, what was the object of this daring escapade, anyway?"
You hesitate for a moment, retrieving the invaluable artifact, revealing it to be a delicate piece of parchment. But this seemingly, "ordinary paper" is none other than a secondary copy of the Kingdom's map, stretching far beyond the borders of your realm into neighboring lands and forbidden mountains rumored to be teeming with magical creatures. The mere existence of such beings has become the stuff of myth since the banishment of magic and its practitioners. How this hidden treasure found its way into the hands of the pledgemarts remains a mystery.
"So, are you insinuating that you risked life and limb for this antiquated map?" Jungkook's brow arched skeptically as he surveyed the document in your hands.
"And pray tell, what makes it so significant, Y/N, that you'd stake your well-being for it?" Jin's tone was dry, though lacking any true malice.
With a measured exhale, you prepared to justify your actions, "It's not merely an old map, if you must know, Jungkook. Do you wonder why it fetched such a high price? Because the original resides within the palace, accessible only to the royal family. Its value lies not only in its rarity but in the history it encapsulates, a history tied to these lands and the events of ages past."
"And what need have you for such a rare relic?" Namjoon inquires, his gaze piercing.
Your gaze shifted momentarily in contemplation before fixing back on him, voice lowered, "May we discuss this elsewhere, please?"
Namjoon nodded, and amidst exchanged glances among your friends, the apothecary completed the mending of your wound, securing a bandage. "Take heed, and tread carefully. Mishaps have a way of finding those who seek them," he advised, sliding a jar of salve towards you. "This should aid in the healing, young miss. Apply it generously."
"Thank you," you murmur gratefully, accepting the remedies.
Jimin, ever the considerate one, inquires about payment, but the apothecary waves it off with a dismissive gesture. "Consider it a token of gratitude for safeguarding our city. The Royal Protectors are always welcome here."
As your group emerges back into the sunlight, Namjoon's gaze settles upon you with a mix of concern and admonishment. "Y/N, you must grasp the consequences of your actions. We cannot always be there to extricate you from every predicament."
"I understand, Namjoon. Truly, I do," you respond earnestly, the weight of your choices settling upon your shoulders.
Hoseok interjects, his tone lightening the mood with a touch of levity. "Nevertheless, trouble seems to have a knack for finding you, or perhaps it's the other way around."
You shoot him a playful glare, a smile playing at the corners of your lips. "Is that your professional opinion, Doctor Hoseok?"
Taehyung, ever the embodiment of carefree spirit, suggests a reprieve. "Shall we indulge in some refreshments? It seems an opportune moment for respite."
"An excellent suggestion. Let us adjourn to my humble abode; I have procured a new selection of teas and treats to share," you offer with a smile.
Jungkook, always quick with a jest, couldn't resist a tease. "New, you say? One must wonder if you've liberated these goods as well..."
You narrow your gaze at him, playfully threatening pursuit as he dodges away. "Come back here, you scamp!"
"Not this time. I used my own funds!" You protest.
"Ah, you say 'this time'? It implies a previous act of pilfering," he counters, evading your lighthearted chase.
"Did not!" You argue.
"Did too." He laughs.
The older six of your group watched fondly as you engaged in playful banter. Despite the drastic difference in social status—your commoner background juxtaposed with their high royal standing—the dynamics of your group remained unchanged. Grateful for the enduring camaraderie, you all continued to revel in the playful interactions that had characterized your friendship.
Back at your cottage, you promptly prepared tea, unveiling your new collection bought with hard-earned money, refuting Jungkook's absurd accusation.
As the fragrant steam rises from the teapot, Hoseok leans forward, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "Now that we're away from prying ears, Y/N, do tell us why you risked life and limb for that ancient map?"
A weighty sigh escapes your lips; this day, you knew, would inevitably arrive. For the better part of six auroas, you've meticulously laid the groundwork for the moment when you'd disclose your clandestine plans. However, the apprehension gnaws at you, as you grapple with the delicate task of revealing your intentions without causing undue distress to your closest companions.
You understand the impracticality of divulging the whole truth, the veritable reason behind your meticulous planning and subsequent departure from the kingdom. Since the prohibition of magic and the persecution of its wielders, you've been forced to exist in the shadows, concealing your abilities beneath the guise of a commoner.
Your sorcery, a gift passed down through generations, necessitates discretion, especially given the escalating civil unrest in the villages. The imminent arrival of the royal military elite for inquisitions looms over your head like a guillotine. Your nascent mastery of magic is fragile, and an encounter with the inquisitors could shatter the fragile control you've gained.
Recollections of your mother's tales, of covens of witches secluded in the northern realms, lingered in your mind. Legends spoke of their veiled existence, untouched by the meddling hands of humans for lumiras. Your intent was not only a self-indulgent quest for heritage and mastery of your magic but also a calculated move to shield your companions from the impending storm. The military elite, unrelenting in their pursuit, would not hesitate to accuse your friends of collusion, painting them as conspirators in your occult escapades.
"I have intentions of departing the kingdom," you proclaimed, your words resolute, yet tinged with a palpable sorrow. The die was cast, and there could be no retracing of steps.
The room held its breath in suspended animation. Seven pairs of eyes, frozen in astonishment, betrayed the collective disbelief at your revelation. A dissonant shatter punctuated the silence, and your gaze snapped to the fallen tea cup near Jimin, the first to react to your momentous disclosure.
"Oh no! Are you unharmed, Jimin? Allow me to clean this up for you." Hastily procuring a cloth and a dustpan, you endeavored to remedy the scattered shards.
"No, don't, Y/N. You might injure yourself," Jimin implored, breaking through the haze of shock.
A nervous smile adorned your countenance. "It is quite alright, Jimin. I—" A sudden pang interrupted your words, a small cut on your index finger oozing droplets of crimson.
Jimin, ever the caring soul, intervenes, "Y/N, let me tend to your wound."
Yet, it is not Jimin's hands that cradle yours; it is Yoongi's firm grip that takes hold. "Why subject yourself to needless harm when assistance is readily available?" he admonishes, attending to your minor injury with practiced efficiency.
Jin interjects, "Now, kindly resume elucidating the rationale behind this momentous decision of yours."
Resuming your seat at the table, a sigh escapes your lips, laden with the weight of impending revelation. "The kingdom has been steeped in turmoil since the prohibition of magic. I find myself no longer desirous of confining my existence within these walls."
Your utterance reverberates in the hallowed silence, and the gravity of your decision begins to unfurl. However, the disclosure is only partially accurate; the depths of your motivation remain veiled, a necessary smoke screen to shield your dear friends from the harsh reality of your supernatural lineage.
"And how long has this plan been festering in the recesses of your mind?" Jimin questioned, concern etched upon his face.
Shame colors you as you avert your gaze. "Several auroas, I believe."
"Several auroas?! And you saw fit to withhold such momentous plans from us?" Jimin's incredulity is mirrored on the faces of the others, a collective expression of dismay.
"I assure you, my departure is not imminent," you assert in an attempt to assuage their apprehension. "I am still in the contemplative stage."
"In the contemplative stage?" Jimin echoes with palpable frustration. "Pray, how is it that you arrived at such a life-altering decision without deigning to inform us?"
The room simmers with a tension borne of unspoken emotions and uncharted territories. The burden of deception weighs heavily on your shoulders, but the alternative—laying bare the intricate web of magical intrigue and peril—seems too great a cost to impose upon your friends.
Attempting to quell the rising tension, Hoseok intervenes. "Let us temper our emotions. Y/N may have more to expound upon. Is that not so?"
Nodding hesitantly, you affirm, "Indeed, I do. My desire extends beyond the simplicity of a commoner's life within these walls. I yearn to explore, to contribute in ways that transcend the mundane. To achieve this, I must venture beyond our borders."
Jimin's incredulous gaze narrows. "Embarking on such a perilous expedition is no trifling matter. Why, then, did you not summon us to accompany you?"
"Because precisely that — it is perilous. I harbor no desire to subject you to the dangers beyond our borders. It would be unjust to sacrifice your cherished positions for the uncertainties that lie ahead," you explain, your eyes pleading for their understanding.
Jin wears a sorrowful expression. "You underestimate the strength of our bonds, Y/N. To think we would prioritize our positions over your well-being wounds me deeply."
The room falls into a somber silence, the weight of unspoken emotions hanging heavily.
Jimin leans back, "While your intentions may be noble, it remains a considerable deviation from our collective path. Decisions of such magnitude necessitate collective contemplation."
Taehyung, who has been pensively silent, finally speaks, "But what of the dangers you might face alone? Surely, we could lend our strength, provide a united front against the perils that await beyond our borders."
Your heart swells with gratitude for their concern, yet the specter of potential consequences restrains you. "I appreciate your offer, Taehyung, but the dangers I face are mine to endure. To embroil you in these uncertainties is a burden I cannot bear."
Hoseok suggests, "Before definitive decisions are made, let us collectively explore the details of your plan. Knowledge dispels fear, and perhaps together, we can devise a strategy that mitigates the dangers you envision."
"Perhaps we can delve into that matter at a later time. As I mentioned earlier, I don't intend to depart any time soon," you declare.
A hushed silence ensues before you continue, your eyes flitting between each concerned face. "However, there's something else I must impart—a reminder of sorts. I am to return to Valoris once more, and I shall be absent for two duskars." Your words captured by their ears, inciting incredulity once more, eliciting groans and sighs from the group.
(Duskar: a combination of "Dusk" and "Star," Duskar represents both day and night. It acknowledges the importance of celestial transitions and the balance between light and darkness.)
"Pray, tell me you jest, Y/N," Jin articulates with a mixture of incredulity and exasperation, his demeanor embodying the very essence of patience tried. "What compels you to return there yet again?"
"You know well the reason. There is a family in dire need of aid. They teeter on the brink of survival—had I not stumbled upon them, who knows what fate would have befallen them," you protest, a pout forming on your lips.
"Y/N, whilst your benevolence knows no bounds—a trait most admirable, I must urge caution. One cannot ascertain if their plight is as dire as you perceive it to be," Jin responds.
"Do you not find it rather suspicious that after years of barrenness, a family suddenly emerges in such desolate environs?" He counters.
Your eyes sweep over the assembly, prompting a sheepish smile from you as you rub your neck. "I understand it may seem peculiar, but circumstances unravel in curious ways. And I've pledged to aid them, I cannot turn my back on that commitment."
Taehyung, his brow furrowed, interjects, "Y/N, it's been a while since you started assisting this family. May I inquire about the nature of their situation? How did you chance upon them in such desolate surroundings?"
A nostalgic smile graces your lips as you recount the serendipitous encounter. "Whilst exploring the outskirts of Valoris, I happened upon a decrepit cottage. Within its dilapidated walls dwelled a family—a mother, a father, and a young girl. Their existence was a struggle against the elements, barely sustaining themselves. It tugged at my heart, and I couldn't stand idly by."
Jungkook, leaning on his hand, adds, "As Jin has pointed out—not to dispute your compassion, Y/N, but these are challenging times. We must be cautious of unforeseen consequences."
You nod appreciatively at Jungkook's counsel. "I acknowledge the risks, Jungkook. Yet, my conscience compels me to aid those in need."
Namjoon, tilting his head in amusement, chimes in, "Then you wouldn't mind if one of us accompanies you on this mission of mercy?"
"No—! I mean, they're not fond of strangers," you hastily reason.
Namjoon raised his brow skeptically. "They welcomed you warmly, it seems."
"I'm but a small woman; they assumed I posed no threat. Yet, it still required effort to convince them of my harmlessness to them. I just don't want to frighten them off, and if they learn that I've divulged their existence to you all, they'll be afraid," you explain.
Jimin, dryly, responds, "That doesn't ease our concerns, Y/N."
"Listen—" you begin, exhaling softly. "As you rightly pointed out, I have undertaken this task for some time now. I am well-versed in such matters. Trust me, I shall be fine. I give you my word."
The room remains enveloped in contemplative silence before Yoongi, who had been quietly observing, finally speaks up. "If you're so resolute, Y/N, why not let one of us accompany you? It'd ease our minds, and we could lend a hand if need be."
You consider his suggestion, realizing the merit in his words. "I appreciate the concern, but I fear introducing others might disturb the delicate balance I've established with the family. They're wary, and I don't wish to jeopardize the trust I've built."
Seokjin, arms crossed, raises an eyebrow. "Trust, Y/N? How can you trust a family you just stumbled upon in the desolation of Valoris?"
A solemn expression crosses your face as you respond, "Trust is earned, Jin. And over time, they've come to trust me. I've proven my sincerity through actions, not just words."
Jin sighs in reluctant understanding, "Very well, Y/N. But you must promise to exercise caution. Valoris is not a place to be taken lightly."
Your gaze meets each of theirs, a vow implicit in your eyes. "I promise, Jin. I'll tread carefully, and I'll be back before you know it."
With a collective exhale, the tension in the room eases slightly, though an undercurrent of concern lingers. Your friends exchanging glances that spoke volumes of their internal debates. It was clear they harbored reservations, yet your determination seemed to quell the immediate protests.
Namjoon, assuming the role of the tacit leader amongst your circle, spoke with a measured tone, “Like Jin has said, we implore you to remain vigilant and communicate with us at the first sign of distress."
"Your safety is paramount, not just to us, but to those you seek to aid. An unforeseen mishap would not only imperil you but potentially them as well," Jimin adds, the weight of his gaze impressing upon you the gravity of his words.
You nod, the warmth of their concern enveloping you like a comforting embrace. "I am truly blessed to have such steadfast companions. I shall endeavor to proceed with the utmost caution and keep you apprised of my whereabouts and well-being."
A sudden burst of joviality erupts as Hoseok, with a spirited clap of his hands, attempts to dispel the tension. "By the way, whilst we're gathered, might we engage in discourse concerning the choice of furnishings that adorn your abode in recent days?"
The unexpected comment elicits snickers and playful smiles, particularly from the younger three among your seven male friends. Your countenance scrunches as you defend your taste, "Hey—what's amiss with it? I find that it imparts character to my humble abode."
"Oh, character she says..." Taehyung playfully rolls his eyes, accompanying his expression with a hearty snicker.
"Yes," you protest with a spirited defense. "There is merit in uniqueness."
"Is there, though?" Jungkook chimes in with a teasing smirk.
You playfully brandish your teaspoon at Jungkook. "Do not reckon I've forgotten the earlier banter."
Jungkook raises his hands in mock surrender, "Merely suggesting that Hoseok may have a point."
You huff, "I believe the issue lies not in my embellishments, but rather in the judgment of you four."
Abruptly, you turn your gaze to Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. "What's your stance on my domicile embellishments? Do you deem them peculiar?"
Namjoon and Jin avert their gazes expeditiously. "Not peculiar, per se, but room for improvement, mayhaps."
Your mouth agape in incredulity, you shift your eyes to Yoongi, who, in nonchalance, utters, "I would counsel against seeking my perspective."
"You gentlemen are unkind; my choice of furnishings are perfectly adequate." You cross your arms with a defeated pout.
Amidst the snickers and amusement of the others, Yoongi breaks the sounds of teasing with unexpected words, "I find your choice of furnishings quite acceptable. They mirror the essence of your beautiful personality, a sentiment often overlooked. It reflects your warm perspective on the external world despite the adversities it has thrust upon you."
A moment of frozen silence follows Yoongi's unexpected words. His usual reserve, both in language and demeanor, makes such an expression of sentiment all the more noteworthy. Your eyes shimmer with appreciation, acknowledging his unusual display of affection.
"Oh, thank you, Yoongi. I had faith in your understanding." Moved by gratitude, you rise from your seat, traversing the table to where Yoongi sits, offering him an embrace.
The others observe this scene with amusement, witnessing Yoongi's stoic countenance in the face of your affectionate display. Yet, beneath the facade, there's an undeniable enjoyment that the astute onlookers can discern.
A twinge of envy courses through the younger trio. "Had it been one of us embracing you, you'd have protested vehemently," Jimin declares, crossing his arms with a playful smirk.
Taehyung joins in, grinning, "Shall we test this theory with our own embraces?"
"Do not test my patience." Yoongi warns, maintaining his composure even as you continue to hug him with unwavering enthusiasm.
"Oh, tread carefully, Y/N; you may inadvertently become the thief of our affections, and then we'll be seven lovers no more," Jin jests, playing along.
"Rest assured, my dear friends," you assure with a laugh, relinquishing Yoongi from your hold and retaking your seat opposite him. "I harbor no intentions of dismantling your polyamorous entanglements. Your relationships with one another are almost as precious to me as my individual friendships with each of you."
"Yet," you muse, "I cannot deny a flicker of envy."
Curiosity dances in Jin's eyes as he tilts his head. "For what reason, may I ask?"
"You all share a love so profound, a bond so unbreakable. I, on the contrary, find myself lacking in that department. I often ponder when the fates shall decree it my turn to discover someone who will cherish me as deeply as you all cherish one another."
Hoseok smiles, his gaze gentle. "Do not lose hope, dear Y/N. In due time, you shall encounter someone worthy of your affection, and they of yours."
"Thank you, Hobi," you respond gratefully. "Until then, I shall cherish the love and friendship we share."
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As you approach the outskirts of Valoris, the quaint cottage comes into view, nestled amidst a thicket of gnarled trees and overgrown foliage. The air is thick with the scent of earth and wildflowers, a serene tranquility enveloping the surroundings. With each step, anticipation swells within you, mingled with a sense of familiarity and warmth at the thought of reuniting with the family you've come to know.
Pushing open the creaking gate, you make your way down the winding path, the crunch of gravel beneath your boots a comforting rhythm. The cottage stands before you, its timeworn facade bathed in the golden hues of the setting sun, casting long shadows across the worn wooden porch.
With a soft knock, you announce your arrival, the sound echoing through the quietude of the evening. Moments pass before the door creaks open, revealing the figure of the mother, Esmae is her name, her weary eyes brightening at the sight of you.
"Y/N, you've returned," she murmurs, a smile dancing upon her lips as she steps aside, bidding you entry into the cozy embrace of their abode.
Within, the hearth crackles cheerfully, casting a soft radiance upon the modest surroundings. Jakub, the father, sits by the fire, his calloused hands cradling a steaming cup of tea, while a young girl occupies herself with a worn-out doll in the corner, her laughter a melody that fills the room.
"Yes, and I've brought provisions," you announce, brandishing a basket brimming with necessities.
"Y/N, it's a pleasure to see you once more. Thank you kindly for returning," Jakub greets, his voice laced with warmth as he gestures for you to join them.
The little one, Talia, clutching her tattered companion, peeks out from behind her father's chair, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Y/N, you've come back," she exclaims, a glimmer of delight piercing through the solemnity of their surroundings.
"I made a promise, did I not?" you respond, lowering yourself to meet the child's gaze. "And who might this be?" you inquire, motioning to the doll.
The girl beamed, holding the doll up for inspection. "This is Bonnie. She's my friend."
You couldn't help but smile at the simplicity of the bond between the girl and her tattered companion. "Bonnie is a lovely name for a lovely friend," you remarked.
Seated around the hearth, you regale the family with tales of your adventures since your last visit, their rapt attention hanging on your every word. Particularly Talia, who captivates you with her innocent musings and boundless curiosity.
She listens eagerly as you recount stories from distant lands, dreams that stretch beyond the confines of Valoris. Her eyes shimmer with wonder, momentarily eclipsing the harsh realities of their existence.
Over the past two days, you seamlessly integrate into their daily rhythm. The modest cottage, though weathered by time, brims with love and mirth.
At the first morning, you join the family in their chores, and tending to the modest garden that sustains them. Come afternoon, you explore the surrounding countryside together, wandering along meandering paths and discovering hidden glens, nature's beauty a constant wellspring of marvel and solace.
As night descends, you gather once more around the hearth, the flames casting dancing shadows upon the walls as you share stories and dreams beneath the canopy of stars.
With each passing moment, you find yourself further entwined in the fabric of their lives. Jin's cautionary words linger in the recesses of your mind, yet the genuine warmth of Esmae, Jakub, and Talia dispels any lingering doubts. The simplicity of their existence, juxtaposed against the enigmatic backdrop of Valoris, weaves a tapestry of contrasts that ensnares your soul.
As the sun paints the sky in hues of rose and gold on the second morning, you find yourself engaged in makeshift breakfast preparations with Esmae.
The aroma of a humble yet heartfelt meal permeates the air. "Thank you, Y/N, for bringing brightness into our humble dwelling," Esmae expresses, her eyes shimmering with a blend of gratitude and weariness.
"It's the least I can do," you reply, flipping a slice of bread on the makeshift griddle. "You've welcomed me into your fold, and I am grateful for the chance to be of service."
Throughout the ensuing hours, you assist Jakub in fortifying the cottage, bolstering its timeworn structure against the relentless march of time. Each nail driven into place feels like a vow, a pledge to shore up the foundation upon which this family's aspirations rest.
Later in the day, Talia extends an invitation to explore the outskirts of Valoris. "Mother, father, may Y/N accompany us as we frolic amidst the woods?" she asks with innocent exuberance.
"I see no reason why not," Esmae smiles down at Talia.
"Please, Y/N, ensure her safety," Jakub instructs you, to which you readily assent.
With her tiny hand clasped in yours, you embark on an adventure, uncovering hidden nooks and crannies as Talia regales you with tales of imaginary exploits. You play along, transforming mundane rocks into treasures and the rustling leaves into whispers of ancient lore.
Suddenly struck by inspiration, you yearn to reveal to Talia the enchanting wonders of the world, the magic that lies beyond the confines of Valoris. "Would you care to witness something truly enchanting?" you propose.
"Enchanting? Like magic?" Talia's eyes sparkle with anticipation.
You nod, a smile playing upon your lips. "Precisely so. But we must exercise discretion—recall what I've mentioned earlier."
She nods eagerly, awaiting the magical spectacle you promise. "What sort of enchantment do you possess, Y/N?"
Surveying your surroundings, your gaze alights upon a bedraggled bush of withering white flowers amidst the barren landscape. Therein lies your canvas for displaying your magical prowess.
"Come, follow me right here. You see these withering flowers," you point, and Talia gazes at them with curiosity. "What about it?"
"Watch—" With a flourish, you draw a deep breath and extend your hands over the bush, a glowing aura of dark blue magical energy emanating from the palms of your hands. You perform a cupping motion, turning your palms up and pushing your hands upward.
Through these motions, you coax the wilting flowers to life, their petals unfurling and blossoming into resplendent bloom under your arcane influence.
At the magical transformation, Talia's eyes brighten in amazement. "Wow! That was amazing!"
"Does that mean you're a witch, Miss Y/N?" she curiously wonders aloud.
You chuckle softly, nodding with pride. "Indeed, it does."
"Now, would you like a flower of your own?" you ask.
She nods with enthusiasm. "Yes, please!"
With a graceful gesture, you pluck a flower from the bush, cradling it delicately between your thumb and forefinger. Once again, you motion cast your magic, hand hovering over the white flower. "Here, I've enchanted the flower only for you, so that it may never wither away and may serve as a token of protection for you as long as you wear it."
With a radiant smile, you tuck the flower behind her ear, eliciting a giggle of delight from the child. "Thank you, miss Y/N!"
"Of course, little one." You smiled. "Now, let us return to the cottage; your parents must be awaiting our return. The dusk is upon us."
As the final night of your sojourn unfolded, the glow of the hearth waned, casting a flickering dance upon the walls of the cottage. Jakub, his countenance tinged with gravity, began to speak, "Y/N, Valoris has a knack for ensnaring those who dwell within its confines. Your benevolence, however, has been a guiding light, yet we must impress upon you the importance of discretion. Valoris harbors a history shrouded in shadows. Our family has found refuge here, shielded from prying eyes. The consequences would be dire if our existence were laid bare."
Meeting his gaze, an unspoken understanding passed between you. "I hold in high regard the sanctity of your privacy, Jakub. Your secret remains safe with me."
Esmae, her eyes reflecting a blend of relief and trepidation, nodded in gratitude. "Y/N, you've ushered a glimmer of hope into our lives. We are forever indebted to you."
In humility, you shook your head, but a moment of pause followed. Just as you had disclosed your plans to Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Namjoon, you felt compelled to share it with Esmae and Jakub, as well.
Ensuring Talia lay in peaceful slumber, you returned your attention to the couple. "There is something I must share with you both."
Regret tinged your words as you confessed, "I harbor intentions of departing this kingdom, venturing beyond our borders."
To your surprise, instead of immediate reservations similar to your seven companions, their countenances displayed understanding and acceptance. "We understand," they echoed in unison.
"Pentaraegis is becoming increasingly perilous for you," Esmae sighed. "Though we reside on the outskirts, we are aware of the unrest brewing in the capital villages, and the royal family's eagerness to deploy their elite military unit for impending inquisitions. They merely await the faintest pretext to dispatch them."
A solemn nod conveyed your acknowledgment. "However, my departure is not imminent. I do not plan on it being permanent; Though, I am uncertain of the duration I will be absent..."
Jakub's calloused hand gently alighted upon your shoulder, halting your words. "Do not worry, Y/N. We understand, truly."
His kind eyes shifted to Esmae, who offered a content nod, and then returned to you. "You have bestowed upon us more than words can convey. In times of adversity, remember our home is always open to you."
Moved by their sincerity, you managed a teary smile. "It has been an honor to be acquainted with your family. I shall carry the tales of Valoris with me, returning whenever the opportunity arises."
As the conversation lingered in the twilight hours, Jakub's demeanor softened further. "Y/N, you carry a uniqueness that transcends the bounds of this realm. Your departure, whenever it may be, is a testament to your adventurous spirit. May the winds of fate guide you, and may the memories here remain etched in your heart."
On the following morning your preparations to depart drew the family to the entrance of their quaint cottage. Talia clutched your hand, her eyes reflecting unspoken sentiments. "Will you return, Y/N?" she inquired, her voice carrying a delicate vulnerability that tugged at your heart.
Bending at the knee to level with her, you replied, "I promise, Talia. I'll return whenever I can."
Standing, you exchanged glances with Esmae and Jakub. "Thank you for allowing me to form such bonds with you."
With a gentle upturn of their lips, they responded, "No, thank you, for your persistent kindness, Y/N."
Before your departure, Esmae presented a gift, aware of your loss and the absence of tangible memories of your parents. "I may not stand in your mother's stead, nor can I supplant her memory, but as one mother to another, accept this handmade garment. May it bring warmth on chilly nights."
With eyes filled with emotion, you received the blue cloth garment with delicate care. "It may not be perfection, but—" Esmae began, only to be interrupted by your heartfelt interjection. "It is absolute perfection."
"Thank you," you uttered, your vision blurred by tears of joy, as you enveloped her in an embrace, met with equal fervor. In a whisper, she conveyed her parting wish. "May your travels be marked by safety."
As you retraced your steps through the makeshift cobblestone pathway of Valoris, a profound sense of fulfillment and connection accompanied you. The bonds formed over those two duskars surpassed mere acts of kindness; they transcended the boundaries of secrecy and solitude.
As you approached the entrance of the capital village, a congregation of your companions awaited your return, their countenances a medley of curiosity and concern. A mirthful grin adorned your lips as you beheld their gathering.
Taehyung, with alacrity, snapped his head up upon noticing your approach. "Y/N—! Our princess has graced us with her presence!" His stride towards you mirrored that of a child rushing into the embrace of a long-lost parent.
A melodious giggle escaped your lips as you welcomed his theatrics, allowing him to enfold you in a lavish hug, twirling you about as his arms encircled you.
"Greetings, Taehyung." Laughter lingered as he gently set you down.
The others promptly joined the reunion, hastening toward you. Jimin was the first by your side. "You cannot fathom how preoccupied my mind was with your well-being, though your absence was but brief."
You chuckled, "You need not have worried, Jimin. I have returned unharmed."
He playfully rolled his eyes. "Indeed, we are indebted to the heavens for that."
"I suspect Jimin may suffer from separation anxiety during your impromptu sojourns," Jungkook jestingly interjected.
Jimin feigned a frowning glare. "That is an unfounded accusation!"
Jin, joining the playful banter, added with a smile, "If memory serves me right, Jimin, you were so consumed with worry over Y/N that you sought solace on her couch, claiming it to be the 'closest' you could feel to her in her absence."
A warm blush tinged Jimin's cheeks at the revelation of his clandestine actions during your absence. You shared a laugh over the unexpected disclosure. "Pay no mind to them, Y/N. They simply fail to value you as much as I do."
Taehyung scoffs in mock offense. "Absurd! We cherish Y/N as deeply as you do."
"Indeed, for instance—" Jungkook declared, seizing you suddenly and hoisting you onto his shoulder. You emitted a squeal in response to the abrupt maneuver. With effortless strength and athleticism, he sprinted away.
"Hey—!" Jimin and Taehyung exclaimed in unison, wearing matching pouts.
"Jungkook—! Exercise caution with her!" Jin admonished, giving chase along with the others, his worry akin to a parent scolding their wayward progeny.
As the impromptu race unfolded, the quaint charm of the capital village painted a picturesque scene. Cobblestone streets served as the stage for your lively pursuit, resonating with laughter and jests that danced through the air.
Jungkook's agile strides effortlessly carried you along, his grasp firm yet gentle. The verdant surroundings blurred as he skillfully navigated the thoroughfare, the sun casting a warm, golden hue upon your spirited procession.
"Jungkook, you impetuous scoundrel! Release our friend this instant!" Jin's voice rang out, a mix of concern and amusement evident in his tone.
Jungkook's laughter echoed as he expertly weaved through the labyrinthine alleys. Before long, you all found yourselves in a bustling market square, where stalls overflowed with an assortment of wares. The townsfolk watched with bemusement, their daily routines momentarily interrupted by the eccentricity of your reunion.
Jin, panting slightly as he caught up, spoke between breaths, "You rascal certainly know how to stir up a commotion."
"Well, pardon the commotion, good sir," Jungkook quipped, his grin mischievous as ever. "We merely seek to enliven these dreary streets."
Hoseok, now catching up, adds with a smile. "Ah, the mirth of our reunion! It rivals the finest tales spun by bards in the village square!"
Hoseok, catching up, joined in with a smile. "Ah, the joy of our reunion! It rivals the most captivating tales spun by village bards!"
As the excitement settled, you all found respite in a charming courtyard adorned with vibrant flora and aged benches. Seated amidst this tranquil setting, Jin playfully chided Jungkook, his words tinged with affectionate reproach. "A lively reunion indeed, my dear Jungkook, but let us not forget propriety.”
Jungkook bowed in jest. "My apologies, Jin. The fervor of the moment overcame me."
Amidst the bustle, a quaint tavern caught our eye, its warm glow and enticing aroma beckoning like a siren's song. With enthusiasm, Hoseok proposed a venture into this inviting establishment, a suggestion met with unanimous agreement.
The rustic charm of the tavern enveloped you all, as the eight of you settled at a sturdy wooden table. Jin, ever the gentleman, pulled out your seat with gallant courtesy, earning a nod of gratitude as you took your place.
"Welcome, how may I serve you all?" inquired the server as she approached your table.
Jin turned to the server with a courteous smile. "For our party, might we partake in your specialty, the main dish of the emberis? And as we are humbly celebrating our friend's return," he gestured towards you, "perhaps a pint of cider for the lady, and only for her." A playful wink accompanied his words, causing your face to drop in shock.
(Emberis symbolizes the sparks of activity and intensity within a week. It reflects the dynamic nature of each seven-day period.)
Your expression falters in surprise. "Jin—such extravagance is unwarranted. I've only been away for two duskars. And what about the rest of you? Surely you have as much right to partake in libations."
Hoseok shakes his head with a smile, interjecting, "You forget, dear Y/N, that we are sworn to protect. Though off duty now, we must remain vigilant, especially in the company of our lady."
You concede with a playful huff. "If you all insist..." Then, a sudden realization strikes you. "But what of the expense? It could prove quite burdensome."
Jin places a reassuring hand on your shoulder, his smile gentle. "Do not fret, Y/N. We shall cover the cost. To us, the price is naught compared to the joyous occasion we share together."
At last, the server returns, presenting your cider beside you and placing a plate of food before the party of eight. "Thank you," Jin acknowledges with a slight bow.
"So, Y/N—how fared your time with the kin in Valoris?" Jin inquires as he serves himself a portion.
"It was truly sentimental," you begin, recounting simple yet bonding activities with Esmae, Jakub, and Talia. You omitted the part where you demonstrated your magical abilities to Talia but conveyed that your stay was a joyous time well spent.
"That's heartening to hear, Y/N," Namjoon remarked. "It appears you forged a beautiful bond with this small family."
A small, appreciative smile graced your face. "Indeed, and I'm grateful. They've taught me the beauty of simplicity, despite my yearning for more spontaneous and adventurous pursuits."
"I'm pleased they treated you well," Jimin added, smiling.
"Yes, and I must—" Before you can continue, a morsel of food is swiftly deposited into your mouth. Your eyes widen slightly in response to the unexpected gesture, darting from the hand that fed you to the composed countenance of Yoongi.
"You mustn't neglect sustenance," Yoongi stated matter-of-factly, his actions eliciting laughter from the others gathered around the table.
Meanwhile, on the outskirts of Valoris, young Talia stumbles upon a small note near her makeshift bed, left there in secret by you. With curiosity piqued, she unfolds the paper, reading your handwriting: "To my dear Talia, in my absence, should you find yourself missing me, I've left something to remind you of our bond. Guard it closely and share our secret with no one. Return to the spot where I bestowed upon you your special flower. There, you'll witness a wondrous sight that will always be there."
With excitement dancing in her eyes, Talia tucks the note away and hurries on her tiny feet to the place where you displayed your magical abilities. And there, she discovers a marvel. What was once a barren expanse now blooms with vibrant wildflowers. She gasps in wonder, her wide eyes drinking in the enchanting scene.
Back in the capital village, surrounded by your seven male companions. In all candor, your spirits, elevated beyond the ordinary by the liberal consumption of fermented libations, have led you to a state of inebriation. This amusing spectacle, much to the delight and mild concern of your companions, finds you atop a tavern table, engaging in a spirited dance amidst the company of four gentlemen seated below.
"By the heavens, Y/N, have a care!" Jin exclaims, his voice a harmonious blend of amusement and apprehension. "You'll topple over if you're not mindful."
You wave off his concern with a drunken grin, swaying precariously on the table. "Nonsense, Jin! I'm as steady as a ship in harbor." The tavern's patrons find themselves captivated, drawn to the infectious mirth of your spontaneous performance.
Namjoon, with a bemused shake of his head, counters, "You seem more akin to a ship ensnared by the fury of a storm, if I may be so bold."
Hoseok leaned in, a smile playing on his lips. "It seems our dear Y/N has become the centerpiece of the duskar's entertainment."
Jimin, unable to contain his laughter, adds, "Who could have anticipated such a delightful twist to our celebration?"
Yoongi, the embodiment of composure, observes with a raised brow. "Well, I must confess, this is not the typical mid-duskar I envisioned."
Taehyung, playing along with the revelry, clapped his hands, urging you on. "Encore, Y/N! Let the spirit of festivity direct your movements!"
Jin, with a broad grin, concurs, "Indeed, she has wholeheartedly surrendered to the spirits of the occasion."
Your laughter cascades through the tavern as you daringly attempt a spin, nearly losing your footing. Jungkook extends a hand to steady you, a grin adorning his features. "Careful now, Y/N. A tumble at this juncture would certainly stir quite the commotion."
Yet, their words of caution fall on deaf ears, your heart and soul enraptured by the euphoria of the moment. Intoxicated by both companionship and cider, your impromptu dance continues, filling the midday air with laughter and cheer.
Jungkook, turning his attention back to his six lovers, a smirk playing on his lips at your antics, suggests, "Perchance we ought to ensure she partakes of some sustenance, alongside copious amounts of water to mitigate the effects of her indulgence."
Jimin, catching the sentiment with a nod and a smile, adds. "Indeed, for her diminutive stature seems overly susceptible to the intoxicating effects."
"Yet one cannot deny the entertainment derived from the spectacle," Taehyung remarks with a nonchalant shrug.
A pause ensues before Hoseok ventures, "Pardon my interruption, but may I pose a query?"
"What is it, my love?" Jin responds.
"It has just occurred to me, have we neglected to inform Y/N about the masquerade ball set to occur in two duskars hence? Or has that detail escaped our collective remembrance?"
(duskar represents both day and night. It acknowledges the importance of celestial transitions and the balance between light and darkness.)
A series of awkward exchanges followed, confirming Hoseok's suspicion—that indeed, the event had slipped their minds. A collective sigh of mild frustration escaped him.
Jungkook playfully admonishes Jimin with a swat. "I was under the impression you had already informed her!"
Jimin, momentarily taken aback, retorts with a pout, "Indeed not! The responsibility was Taehyung's, as he was the most vocally enthusiastic about her attendance."
Taehyung, caught off guard, protests, "I beg your pardon! Namjoon advised it was premature for such disclosures, fearing it might dismay her."
All eyes then pivot to Namjoon, who, caught in the crossfire, adopts a stance of mock surrender. "Well—that was a concern of emberises past. I had assumed the matter would have been addressed by now."
Amidst this exchange, Yoongi, whose observance often goes unnoticed, glances towards the table, only to find your absence—and the departure of the four gentlemen as well. His protective instincts trigger, eyes slightly widening, for that could only mean one thing, and it's not a favorable one.
While the others continued their debate, oblivious to your absence, Yoongi attempted to interject. "Gentlemen..."
"Gentlemen..." His efforts to capture their attention were drowned out by the cacophony of their discussion.
Driven by a growing sense of urgency, Yoongi's patience waned, and he raised his voice, "Gentlemen! If you would but notice, our lady is conspicuously absent, and conveniently, so are the four gentlemen!"
The sudden revelation forces the boisterous banter to a halt as the six other men turn their attention to the now vacant table where you once danced. Panic seizes their expressions.
"Where is she?" Jin's voice betrays a mix of concern and urgency.
"She was right there a moment ago!" Hoseok scans the surroundings, his eyes widening with realization.
Jungkook, still attempting to locate you, mumbles, "This is why we shouldn't have let her drink so much."
Jimin looks around frantically, "She can't have gone far. Let's split up and find her."
The seven men scatter in different directions, anxiety clutching at them like an invisible vice. They interrogate patrons and innkeepers, desperately seeking clues about your whereabouts.
Meanwhile, you find yourself in a secluded alley, guided by four gentlemen who lured you away from the revelry. The initial thrill of the impromptu dance fades into confusion as you grapple to comprehend the situation.
"Where are you leading me?" you inquire, a blend of curiosity and unease in your voice.
The lead gentleman, adorned in a fine waistcoat and top hat, smirks. "To a realm where merriment and revelry know no bounds, my dear. A concealed treasure for the privileged few."
The others exchange sly glances, and a sinking feeling settles in as the desolate alley grows more ominous.
Back with your companions, the search intensifies. Jungkook's voice pierces through the tension. "Over here! I found something."
The group converges on Jungkook, who points to a discarded ribbon, a familiar one that once adorned your hair. Anxiety deepens as the realization of potential harm sets in.
"We must find her," Namjoon declares with determination. "Split up and scour every nook and cranny. She can't be far."
The group disperses once more, urgency and concern now replacing the initial joyous atmosphere.
In the hidden gem the gentlemen led you to, a dimly lit haven unfolds with plush furnishings and an air of opulence. The four men encircle you, their intentions growing increasingly apparent.
"Welcome to the Fable Flame," the lead gentleman declares, his smirk widening. "A sanctuary for those seeking pleasures beyond the ordinary."
Your eyes widen with realization, fear and defiance flickering in your gaze. "I did not choose this. Release me!"
The other three men exchange predatory glances, and your attempts to retreat prove futile within the confines of the room.
Back in the bustling capital village, the seven men comb through the streets, their worry escalating. Yoongi, with determination etched on his face, spots a torn piece of fabric on a nearby fence—an unmistakable fragment of your dress.
His heart races as he follows the trail, the search taking a dark turn, the situation growing more dire.
Within the dimly lit chamber, the four men forcefully press you against an ornate bed. The lead gentleman, a sinister smirk etched on his face, handles you with a roughness that sends shivers down your spine. "Resist as you may, my dear, but soon, you'll find solace in surrender."
"P-Please, no—" Your plea barely escapes your lips, swallowed by the heavy air of despair.
Driven by urgency, your companions scour the area fervently, the tattered fabric guiding them to a dilapidated structure.
Yoongi, a resolute figure at the forefront, senses impending danger. "This way," he murmurs, his voice a whisper against the backdrop of doom.
Cautiously, the group ventures into the building, senses alert to the ominous silence. Each creak of the floorboards, each rustle of fabric, echoes with foreboding. As they navigate labyrinthine corridors, a distant door groans open, revealing a chamber steeped in darkness.
Pushing the door ajar, Yoongi's eyes widen—a macabre tableau unfolds within. You, pinned like a sacrificial lamb, beneath the sinister gaze of the lead gentleman and his cohorts. Tension crackles in the air, thick with the scent of fear and defiance.
A moment of silence ensues as the captors take stock of the intruders. The lead gentleman's smirk widens, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Ah, latecomers to the party. How quaint."
Yoongi's gaze hardens, his resolve unyielding. "Release her. Now."
The lead gentleman's grip tightens on your chin, his touch invasive and possessive. "And why would I do that? She's rather enjoying herself, wouldn't you agree?"
Your glassy eyes, wide with terror. "I beg of you, help me..."
Yoongi, accompanied by Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, refrained from uttering a single word. An unbridled rage burned within them, propelling them forward into an imminent clash with the three assailants.
Simultaneously, as the skirmish erupted, the chief antagonist, maintaining his grip on you, surveyed the unfolding brawl with malevolent intent. His eyes gleamed with malice, and then, shifting his gaze toward you, he declared, "Do you reckon you can elude me with ease? I beg to differ."
With a sudden flourish, he extracted a gleaming blade from his boot, discreetly seizing you by the hair and hauling you off the bed, dragging you into the center of the room. "That's enough!"
Seizing the moment, he pressed the knife against your neck, eliciting a collective pause from your seven companions and the three adversaries. "Any further trouble, and I'll slit her throat without a second thought."
Jungkook moved to intervene, but Namjoon swiftly halted him. "Hold."
"But Namjoon—" Jungkook protested, only to be silenced by a raised hand, signifying a steadfast refusal.
"Listen to him," the captor jeered, grinning spitefully.
"Release her, and there will be no further altercation," Namjoon asserted.
The captor chuckled darkly. "Can't a man enjoy himself a bit first? You lot are men, too, aren't you? Surely, you understand the value of personal pleasures."
"There's a disparity between being merely a man and a true gentleman. The former lacks honor, much like yourself. As gentlemen, we comprehend the significance of consent, a virtue conspicuously absent in your demeanor," Hoseok retorted with a seething tone.
The captor's eyes narrowed at Hoseok's words before abruptly turning his attention back to you. "Come now, my dear, prove to these 'gentlemen' that you welcomed this."
Your silence seemed to irritate him further. The blade traced a perilous path from your neck downward, nearing the delicate contours of your breasts.
Yet, before he could proceed further, a cry of pain erupted as he fell to the ground, a double-ended knife embedded in his shoulder. Your gaze shifted to Jimin, his hand still outstretched from the throw, his eyes ablaze with fury.
Turning toward the remaining captors, Jimin questioned, "Who among you wishes to follow suit?"
Fear flickered across the faces of the trio, their heads shaking vehemently. "Leave, or I'll kill you myself," Jimin commanded, prompting the men to hastily flee.
Empowered by the turn of events, you found strength in your legs, hastening towards your seven guardians. Jimin extended his arms, enveloping you protectively. His nose nestled atop your head, a palpable sigh of relief escaping him.
Yoongi advanced towards the wounded miscreant with a demeanor that brooked no argument. "Should you ever lay a hand on a woman in such a manner again, I shall personally hunt you down and dismantle you limb from limb. Understand?" 
The captor nodded fervently, his attempts to suppress his whimpers of pain were futile, as his quivering lip gave away his torment.
Without a flicker of emotion, Yoongi then seized the hilt of the double-ended blade, a cruel reminder of the violence just passed.
With a swift, unyielding yank, he liberated the weapon from flesh, crimson torrents cascading from the gaping wound, staining his hands and the ground beneath him. His face remained a mask of impassive justice, marred only by the flecks of blood that adorned his features like macabre war paint.
Posthaste, Yoongi returned to where you stood, with a gentleness that belied the stern resolve of his previous actions, he divested himself of his royal soldier's coat and placed it upon your shoulders, a protective mantle to shield you from the unusual chill of atmosphere and the ordeal you had endured.
He then turned to Jimin, extending the reclaimed weapon with a nod, "Let us return home." Yoongi declared, his tone now softened.
Back at your humble abode, your companions gallantly escorted you home, forming a protective cocoon around you even upon crossing the threshold. Jimin's strong arms encircled you, a fortress of reassurance.
Not a single word needed to be uttered, for the unspoken understanding prevailed amongst your close-knit group. Jungkook, swift and decisive, took the lead, his movements within your sanctuary as natural as if he were navigating his own domain, seeking flint and steel to kindle a warming blaze in the hearth.
Hoseok hastened to your kitchen, concocting a soothing blend of chamomile and peppermint for a rejuvenating tea. Jin, his hands deftly moving in the manner of an experienced caretaker, joined Hoseok in preparing a basin of cool water, a washcloth, and a small bar of soap, ready to tenderly cleanse away the remnants of the late afternoon’s turmoil. Following suit, Yoongi ventured into the kitchen, presumably to whip up a modest repast that would serve to counteract the intoxicating remnants coursing through you.
As for Taehyung, he proceeded into your bedroom, searching for fresh attire and, albeit awkwardly, extracting your more intimate garments. Their intent on ministering to your well-being, they choreographed their efforts with finesse.
Jimin and Namjoon, however, maintained their steadfast vigil by your side, their protective presence lingering even in the absence of immediate peril. Presently, Taehyung emerged from the sanctity of your bedchamber, announcing with a gentle timbre, “I have your attire prepared for you, Y/N.”
Gazing up at him, a weariness from spirits evident in your eyes, you expressed gratitude, "Thank you, Tae."
Acknowledging your thanks with a nod and a smile, he beckoned, “Come along, now.”
Jimin effortlessly lifted you in his arms, carrying you with bridal grace towards the sanctuary of your bedchamber, with Jin trailing close behind, the basin and its accouterments in hand.
“Before we proceed to clothe you anew, let us first tend to cleansing, shall we?” Jin suggested, his tone one of gentle insistence.
Your response was a weary nod, an assent given as Jimin tenderly deposited you upon your bed. Jin, with delicate precision, moved a portion of your clothing aside to begin the cleansing process. Yet, in an unforeseen twist, you impulsively divested yourself of the garment entirely, sending a ripple of astonishment through Jimin, Taehyung, and Jin, their eyes widening in unison.
Jimin and Taehyung, in a chivalrous retreat, averted their gaze, while Jin, startled, lifted his eyes heavenward, engendering a collective symphony of awkward coughs. A warm flush brushed their cheeks as they realized you had inadvertently exposed yourself. Perhaps, in the closeness of your bond, you had grown accustomed to their presence, regardless of your activities or location.
Namjoon entered the room at that moment, intending to convey updates. However, his eyes widened as he grasped the awkward tableau before him. "Oh—!" Hastily, he turned away, a mirrored action of respect.
Your reaction time, slowed by alcohol, eventually processed their collective retreat. "Why? Is there something amiss with my appearance?" you queried with a subtle pout, oblivious to your own actions.
Jin cleared his throat, attempting to dispel the awkwardness. “N-no! Far from it...” He continued his ministrations without letting his gaze stray to more intimate areas.
Your gaze lifted abruptly, questioning Jin directly, "Am I not beautiful?"
Without premeditation, Jin met your gaze, sincerity softening his features. “No, you are the most enchanting woman my eyes have beheld. No other can compare."
"He speaks true," Taehyung and Jimin murmured in agreement.
Interrupting the moment, Namjoon interjected, “Indeed—apologies for my intrusion. I merely wished to inform you that Jungkook has kindled the fire, Hoseok has concocted the tea, and Yoongi is nearly done preparing a modest yet nourishing repast for you. Freshen up at your pace; we'll be waiting outside."
Namjoon directed a pointed gaze at Jimin and Taehyung, a silent command hanging in the air. “I said, we shall all convene outside. Shall we, gentlemen?” Namjoon emphasized, his message finally registering with the duo.
“Awh, do we truly have to—” Taehyung began to whine, cut short by Namjoon seizing him by the collar and dragging him outside, while Jimin followed without protest. And with a closing door, a semblance of privacy returned.
In the wake of those moments, Jin gracefully exited your chamber, allowing you the privacy to don your fresh attire. The burly gentleman then reentered the kitchen, deftly disposing of the soiled water, and briefly refreshing the washcloth before reinstating the small basin and soap to their rightful places.
Just then, Jin catches a redolence wafting from the viands that Yoongi is diligently culminating, adroitly depositing the contents into an intricately carved wooden bowl. "Oooh, that aroma is quite delightful..."
"Is that pottage you've concocted, Yoongi dear?" Jin inquires, casting a discerning glance as Yoongi continues to ladle the savory mixture into the receptacle, to which Yoongi grunts affirmatively in response.
"How did you acquire the meat for it?" Jin asks, a tad taken aback by the presence of poultry within.
"Leftovers from her pots," Yoongi tersely responds, prompting Jin to nod in comprehension with a soft 'ah' escaping his lips.
Subsequently, the gathering reconvened in the living room, ensconced by the warmth of your fireplace. Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin repose upon the floor adjacent to the central coffee table, while Hoseok and Namjoon grace the solitary sofa chairs flanking the table. Jin settled on one end of the three-seater couch, and Yoongi adorns the tray on the table, featuring the potation prepared by Hoseok and the delectable pottage.
Moments later, you emerged from your quarters, resplendent in the attire previously selected by Taehyung. Jungkook, ever the gallant escort, offered his arm, guiding you towards the couch where the tea and Yoongi's culinary creation awaited.
Observing the tray's contents, your eyes traverse the assembly—Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin. "Thank you for attending to my well-being."
Warm smiles were exchanged. "Anything for you," they chorused.
Leaning forward, Jin extended an offer, "Would you care for some pottage? You needn't consume it all, but it might aid your recovery, along with the tea."
"Absolutely, I could never decline sustenance crafted by Lord Yoongi," you chuckled, injecting a touch of levity into the atmosphere despite the recent perilous events.
Jin commences assisting you, offering spoonfuls of pottage and elevating the teacup to your lips with finesse. Meanwhile, the others lounge, engaged in casual conversations as if the now early evening were ordinary.
You lapse into momentary silence, contemplative of recent occurrences. Without premeditation, you articulate your ruminations aloud. "We must put an end to such establishments. None should endure such cruelty."
A collective pause ensued, truth be told, they anticipate such sentiments from you, cognizant of your altruistic nature despite enduring adversity. Jin, wearing a serene smile, interjected, "We shall address that in due course. For now, our primary concern is your well-being."
As Jin brought the spoon to your lips, you swallowed the contents, falling momentarily silent before another thought found its voice. "I just remembered something I forgot to inquire about."
All eyes turned toward you. "What is it, Y/N?"
After a momentary hesitation, you muster the courage to voice your inquiry. "Um... I happened upon a handbill in the capital village mentioning a masquerade ball scheduled in two duskars… I am intrigued and wondered if you all are aware of it."
A measure of astonishment registers on their visages, realizing they had intended to extend an invitation emberises ago but had inadvertently overlooked it, fearing you might eschew the prospect. Now, with your inquiry, a sense of relief washes over them, empowering them to broach the subject.
Hoseok's eyes illuminate with enthusiasm. "That sounds like an excellent proposition!"
"Truly?" You sheepishly smiled, Hoseok nodding enthusiastically. However, your countenance shifted, "Yet, I lack an appropriate gown for such an occasion."
Jin dismisses the concern with a wave of his hand. "Nonsense, Y/N. Have you forgotten the company you keep?" A trace of playful arrogance graces his countenance. "I shall summon the finest tailors to craft a gown that befits your beauty."
"Would you truly do that, Jinnie?" you asked, your eyes alight with gratitude.
"Of course!" he affirmed, as Jimin added, "And fear not, Y/N. Your beauty transcends attire; you shall outshine every woman present at the ball."
"Thank you, Jimin," you murmured shyly. "So, would you all be willing to accompany me?"
Collective nods affirm your query, prompting a grateful smile from you. "I am filled with anticipation! It shall be my first ball. Thank you!"
Fatigue abruptly descends upon you, manifesting in a yawn. The attentive septet takes notice, Jin, seated beside you, gently placing the bowl and spoon aside. "Are you weary?"
You nod in acknowledgment. Hoseok rises. "I shall stow away the dishes."
Jin inquires, "Would you prefer to retire to your chamber for repose, Y/N?" You wearily shake your head. "No, I would rather remain here. Sleep among you all, if that's acceptable."
Jin smiles warmly. "More than acceptable. Come, recline upon me." He nudges you gently, prompting you to rest your head upon his lap, your feet propped upon the couch.
Unseen by you, Jungkook promptly fetched a blanket, draping it over you with care. You adjust yourself for comfort. "Apologies, I realize it is still early evening—"
"It understandable. The exertions from your journey on foot from Valoris earlier this morn, coupled with the spirited dancing at the tavern until the, shall we say, 'mishap' we encountered, surely have wearied you," Taehyung interjects with a chuckle.
"Rest, Y/N. You are deserving of it," Namjoon advises.
Before long, you succumbed to slumber, a serene quietude enveloped the chamber, broken only by the gentle cadence of your breathing, a testament to the peaceful slumber you had found.
"So, are we to dismiss Yoongi's earlier allusion to Y/N as 'our lady'?" Taehyung pondered aloud, his posture relaxed, hands clasped behind his head in a gesture of casual reflection.
The inquiry lingered, casting a shared exchange of glances among the septet, each harboring individual musings on the matter. Yoongi, a man of sparse words, appeared unperturbed by the collective gaze. Yet, a faint amusement flickered across his visage, betraying his stoic exterior.
A playful smirk danced upon Jungkook's lips. "Indeed, we all took note. Might this signify an evolving affection for our esteemed Y/N, dear Yoongi?"
A momentary tension draped the room, only to be dispelled by Yoongi's scoff. "Absurdity. I merely acknowledged her rightful standing among us."
Jungkook's brows arched mischievously. "'Rightful standing,' you say? Be cautious, Yoongi, your words reveal more than you may intend."
"It seems to me," Namjoon interjected with a sly grin, "that we've all discerned a certain... tenderness in Yoongi's address. A sentiment perhaps deeper than he admits."
Jimin, unable to resist joining the banter, shared his insight with a cunning smile. "It is a rare occasion indeed for Yoongi to bestow such a title upon anyone. It does carry a significance, does it not?"
Attempting to steer the conversation away from the burgeoning speculation, Yoongi retorted, "Your interpretations far exceed the bounds of reason. Let us rather concentrate on her welfare and the impending masquerade."
Taehyung leaned in, his expression one of impish delight. "Yet, 'our lady' carries a resonance, does it not? A phrase befitting someone of special regard, not merely a companion."
Jungkook rejoined the conversation with a gleam of mischief, "Mayhap Yoongi's affections have indeed been kindled by our fair Y/N."
Jimin added with a grin, "Well, she is quite captivating. Who wouldn't be enchanted by her?" His gaze then tenderly fell upon you, a warmth evident in his eyes.
This display of affection did not escape the notice of the others. Despite the complex web of their polyamory relationship, no shadow of envy or malcontent marred their feelings towards each other's evident fondness for you, a phenomenon that baffled them yet remained unquestioned.
Hoseok voiced his reflections, his gaze affectionate as he watched you. "Indeed... Our companionship with her, spanning from the innocence of childhood to the cusp of adulthood, has always been a wellspring of mutual care and affection."
Jin, with a gentle demeanor, softly brushed away the errant strands of hair veiling your face, tucking them behind your ear with a tenderness that spoke volumes. "If only she comprehended the depth of her significance to us,” he whispered, more to himself than to the others.
Namjoon, less obvious but still captivated, stared at you. "I believe she perceives it, on some level... she must."
"And I am certain she reciprocates the sentiment," he added.
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Two duskars had elapsed, and at last, the eve of the grand ball had arrived. Jin, true to his word, had summoned one of the most esteemed tailors in the kingdom to create a gown for you, meticulously taking your measurements and ensuring the attire aligned with your desires. A bespoke mask was also crafted, intended to complement the elegance of your gown for the impending masquerade.
Admittedly, the experience of being measured was a novel one, with an array of hands adjusting and clothing pins perilously close to your skin. Despite the initial discomfort, the attention bestowed upon you instilled a sense of importance, marking your initiation into the realm of pampering. Jin and, unsurprisingly, Hoseok collaborated to orchestrate a comprehensive makeover. In the fleeting hours leading up to the ball, skilled artisans in makeup and hairdressing dedicated themselves to enhancing your allure. Finally, adorned in your custom gown, the transformation was complete.
The transformation was, without a shadow of a doubt, breathtaking. Though you remained unaware of the extent of your beauty, the moment of reveal was imminent. Descending the staircase of Jin's opulent abode, where preparations for the masquerade had been made, you were about to present yourself to the collective gaze of Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi. They awaited at the foot of the stairs, each garbed in suits of exquisite craftsmanship, their attire reflecting their noble status within the kingdom yet tailored for this special occasion.
The moment your presence graced the final steps, their faces mirrored an awe that rendered them momentarily speechless.
Dressed in a dark blue ball gown, its sleeves adorned with delicate lace and gems that sparkled like stars, you became the focal point of their admiration. The atmosphere hung thick with admiration as your eyes met theirs, and a subtle nervousness crept in, amplified by their prolonged silence. "Is something amiss?" you nervously inquired.
"Do I not appear well in this attire?" you added.
"No!" they exclaimed in unison, their initial shock breaking into a cacophony of reassurances.
Taehyung cleared his throat awkwardly. "Certainly not, Lady Y/N. You're resplendent."
"Arguably the most stunning vision to grace our lives," Jungkook gently interjected.
You looked away, bashfully dismissing their compliments. "Oh, you're all merely attempting to flatter me. I can't possibly—"
"No flattery intended, Y/N," Jin interjected. "You truly are beautiful."
"In any attire, you radiate beauty, but tonight, it's truly exceptional," Jimin stumbled over his words, his gaze unwavering. Enchanted by your presence, all seven pairs of eyes remained fixated on you.
Namjoon took a decisive step forward, capturing your attention as he extended his hand, a silent request for your company. "Shall we make our way to the ball? A full night awaits us."
With a smile, you acquiesced, "We shall."
The grand ballroom, adorned in lavish splendor, embraced the seven of you as you entered. The melodic strains of a waltz commenced, enticing you into the dance with Namjoon. His authoritative yet gentle demeanor guided your steps, immersing you in the graceful whirl of the ballroom. Amidst the elegant rotations, conversation flowed effortlessly like a gentle stream.
"Your gown exudes the regal elegance of a bygone era," Namjoon remarked, his charming smile captivating your gaze.
"You're too gracious," you replied, returning his smile. "It seems I owe you all my deepest gratitude for this enchanting evening."
Namjoon's laughter resonated through the dance, "The pleasure is ours, fair Y/N. Your radiance illuminates this soirée."
As the waltz concluded, Hoseok approached, eager to share a dance. His movements exuded buoyancy, mirroring his exuberant spirit. "May I say, you're a vision, Y/N. A testament to tonight's splendors."
Chuckling, you responded, "I owe this transformation to the skilled hands of many, including yours and Jin’s, Hoseok."
His grin widened. "A collaborative effort to enhance the innate beauty you possess, my lady."
Following suit was Jungkook, his dance exuding youthful vitality. "You resemble a character from a fairy tale, Y/N. A modern-day Cinderella."
"Such flattering comparisons," you chuckled, "but this fairy tale boasts seven charming princes."
Jungkook's laughter echoed. "I am honored to be counted among them, fair maiden."
As the dance with Jungkook concluded, Taehyung approached with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I must confess, Y/N, your beauty leaves us speechless. A rare occurrence, I assure you."
You grinned. "I suppose I should consider it a triumph, then."
Taehyung twirled you in an elaborate spin. "Indeed. A triumph of grace and beauty."
Yoongi then led the subsequent dance with effortless elegance. "You've added an enchanting touch to this gathering, Y/N. A night that shall be etched in memory."
"I am honored to be part of such a memorable occasion," you replied, matching his graceful movements.
Jimin, the final dance partner, led with a flair for the dramatic, whisking you into an energetic dance. "You've captivated us all, Y/N. A true siren amidst this sea of revelry."
Blushing, you playfully retorted, "You exaggerate, Jimin. The enchantment is mutual, I assure you."
A brief breathy chuckle escaped Jimin's lips as he gently swayed you to the music, letting a comfortable silence envelop both of you for a moment. Then, his eyes met yours, a hint of solemnity in his gaze. "Y/N, there's something I wish to express."
You hummed softly, directing your attention to him. "What is it, Jimin?"
He held your gaze, his expression earnest. "I wish to offer my gratitude."
Perplexed, you tilted your head slightly. "Gratitude? For what?"
"At that lake, in our youth, when we casted our wishes," he explained, a fond smile playing on his lips.
You chuckled softly, recalling the memory. "You mean the 'magical' lake escapade?"
Jimin nodded, his smile widening. "Indeed. Your wish, amidst our materialistic desires, was simple yet profound. It shaped our journey in ways we hadn't realized until now."
"You hesitated to voice it initially, but I'm glad you found the courage to do so because it's likely the reason I find myself content where I am now. And it's because we're all together... And I like to think you played a significant role in making that happen. That's why I want to express my gratitude."
You smiled at his sentiment, gently releasing your hand from his to tenderly cup his cheek. "There's no need to thank me, Jimin. It wasn't solely my doing, but the collective effort of all of us. It's a great blessing that our friendship has endured through the years until now. And I hope fervently that it continues indefinitely, just as I wished."
Jimin leaned into your touch. "Well, considering how the wishes of myself and the other gentlemen seem to have come to fruition, I have no doubt yours will remain steadfast."
Returning to your dance position, you closed the distance between you and Jimin, resting your head against his shoulder as you swayed to the music. "Thank you, Jimin. And thank you for remaining my friend despite the disparity in our social standings."
"Nonsense. Our social status shouldn't dictate our friendship nor divide us," he insisted.
As the night progressed, the ballroom was filled with laughter, music, and the rustle of elegant gowns, enveloping the atmosphere. Eventually, you excused yourself to refresh, your throat parched from the laughter and conversation. Approaching the refreshment table, your hand hovered over a glass when a smooth yet unfamiliar voice interrupted.
"Such beauty should never be left unattended, even in a room filled with admirers," the stranger remarked, his tone laden with compliments as his eyes appraised you.
You offered a polite smile, unsure of his intentions. "Thank you, sir. The evening has been most enjoyable," you replied, trying to maintain the courteous yet distant demeanor taught to you for such encounters.
"But surely, it could be improved with the right company," he persisted, stepping closer in a manner that reduced the distance between you. His words were designed to charm, yet they began to weave a web of discomfort around you.
"The company I keep is of my choosing, and it has been most delightful thus far," you countered, your tone firm yet polite, hoping to convey your lack of interest in prolonging this interaction.
Undeterred, the stranger continued, "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Sir Alan, and I must say, your beauty has captivated my every sense."
You nodded in acknowledgment. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Alan. I am Y/N."
He extended a gloved hand, adorned with rings that caught the light. "Might I have the honor of this dance, dear Lady? The night is young, and a moment with you is a treasure."
Politely declining, you explained, "I appreciate the offer, sir, but I must return to the festivities."
Undeterred, he insisted, "Just one dance, my lady. I promise it will be a memory to cherish."
Reluctantly, you acquiesced, allowing yourself to be led back onto the dance floor. As the music enveloped you, the stranger's conversation veered toward increasingly personal topics. His compliments escalated, each word designed to captivate and charm. Sir Alan skillfully prolonged the conversation, feeling uncomfortable, you attempted to gracefully disengage, only to find yourself guided toward the secluded gardens, away from prying eyes.
Amidst the moonlit flora, the stranger's intentions became clearer. "Lady Y/N, a night like this deserves to be savored in private. Away from the prying eyes of the crowd, don't you think?"
Your stomach twisted with unease as you struggled to maintain composure. "I am grateful for your company, sir, but I must return to my friends."
A grin adorned his face, concealing a more sinister motive. "Why hasten, my lady? The night is yet youthful, and so are we. Let us venture further into the gardens together, free from the shackles of society."
A sense of alarm tingled at the edges of your consciousness. Politely but firmly, you asserted, "I appreciate your company, but I must insist on returning to the ballroom. My absence may arouse suspicion, and I would not wish to cause any distress."
Undeterred, the stranger persisted, "Why subject yourself to the mundane when an adventure beckons? A stroll amidst the moonlit gardens, a dance beneath the stars—does that not sound infinitely more alluring?"
Struggling against the mounting unease, you firmly declared, "I appreciate the offer, but I must decline. My place is with my companions."
His demeanor shifted, revealing a more assertive side. "My lady, do not be hasty in dismissing the potential for a night of unparalleled delight. Embrace the possibilities, for in the gardens, secrets unfold, and desires are realized."
A chill ran down your spine as his words hung in the air. Determined to extricate yourself from this unsettling encounter, you mustered the strength to firmly assert, "I thank you for the dance, Sir, but I must return to the ballroom."
As you turned to leave, the stranger's grip tightened, his tone taking on a darker hue. "Lady Y/N, the night is full of mysteries, and in the gardens, secrets are shared. Would you not yearn for a tale untold, a moment unrestrained?"
Alarmed, you managed to free yourself from his grasp, hastily retreating back to the ballroom. The warmth and familiarity of the dance floor welcomed you, a stark contrast to the disconcerting encounter in the moonlit gardens.
Unbeknownst to you, the night held further surprises, and the echoes of that encounter lingered, casting a shadow over the revelry. Stepping back into the ballroom, the familiar countenances of Jin, Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Yoongi greeted you. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to concern, noting your brief absence.
Namjoon, ever astute, observed your return. "Lady Y/N, you have returned! How fared your brief respite?"
Smiling, you replied, "It was an intriguing interlude, to say the least. Sir Alan proves to be quite the charismatic conversationalist."
Jin raised an eyebrow, his noble bearing intact. "Sir Alan, you say? I trust his charm did not overstep its bounds."
You assured them, "Nothing of the sort, Jin. Merely persistent, but I managed to gracefully extricate myself.”
The assembly of gentlemen before you shared a look amongst themselves, a silent pact forming to address any untoward advances. "He has not brought harm to you in any way, has he?" the collective concern in their voices was palpable.
You shook your head, mustering a small smile. “Thankfully, no. I am unharmed.”
Hoseok interjected, seeking to dispel any lingering unease within you. “Well, it gladdens me to hear of your well-being. Now, might we turn our attention to Jungkook's lamentable inability to engage in the simplest of social exchanges without resorting to awkwardness?""
Jungkook, mortified at being the subject of jest, protested in a tone laden with embarrassment. "Must you fault me for my reticence in the company of others beyond our intimate circle?" His words, though tinged with self-deprecation, only served to endear him further to the group, inciting a chorus of snickers and teasing smiles.
As the night waned, the gentlemen gathered around, exchanging words of encouragement, reminiscing about childhood memories, and relishing each other’s company.
As the final notes of the music wafted through the air and the ballroom began to empty, you found yourself waiting outside the grand entrance staircase alone, while Namjoon and Jin went to fetch the quadravicar, Jungkook and Taehyung piled plates with leftovers despite Jin’s reprimands, and Yoongi, Jimin, and Hoseok excused themselves to the bathroom.
It was then, amidst the solitude, that you felt a gentle tap, a discreet summons that turned you to face the ever-persistent Sir Alan. His approach was measured, his gaze alight with an unmistakable admiration.
"Lady Y/N, the evening's end could not pass without me bestowing upon you the accolades your magnificent aura so rightly deserves. Might I have the honor of accompanying you to your quadravicar?" he proposed, his bow imbued with a blend of earnestness and anticipation.
While gratitude tinged your response, caution tempered your words. "Your offer is received with gratitude, Sir Alan, however, my companions have already made provisions for my departure."
His gaze briefly flitted about, seeking, perhaps, confirmation of your words before returning to meet your own. "But as I observe, your companions seem momentarily absent. Pray, allow me the privilege of extending my company a while longer.”
His sudden grasp upon your wrist, though not forceful, was unexpected, prompting a startled response from you. "Sir Alan—"
Before you could articulate your refusal, a familiar presence interposed itself between you and potential impropriety. "And to what destination do you presume to escort my lady?" Hoseok's voice, firm and unyielding, forced Sir Alan's hand to release its hold.
Taken aback, Sir Alan stammered, his composure momentarily faltering in the face of Hoseok's authoritative stance. "O-Oh! Lord Hoseok, I—"
Yet, it was not Hoseok alone who stood in defense; Yoongi and Jimin too had materialized, forming a united front. Jimin, his tone laden with an earnest gravity, pressed for an answer. "We would be most obliged if you would enlighten us, Sir Alan. Your persistence is unwelcome, and it is evident that she has declined your company."
Sir Alan, sensing the gravity of the situation and the unyielded gaze of your companions, chose his words with a care previously unexercised. "Gentlemen, my intentions were naught but to offer the lady a courteous companionship in the absence of her party.”
Hoseok, unwavering, retorted, "Courtesy does not involve disregarding a lady's wishes. Lady Y/N has made her intentions clear, and your company is not desired. Now, I suggest you depart before matters escalate."
Sir Alan chuckles, trying to defend himself. “It seems, however, that my actions were misjudged, and for that, I tender my sincerest apologies."
It was then, amidst the burgeoning tension, that Namjoon and Jin returned, their timely arrival adding to the formidable presence of your companions. With the quadravicar ready and your friends united in their defense, Sir Alan's intentions, however benign he claimed, were deemed unsuitable.
Namjoon, with a diplomatic grace, addressed Sir Alan, "Your intentions, while perhaps noble in your eyes, have trespassed the boundaries of decorum. We thank you for your interest, but Lady Y/N is well accounted for."
Sir Alan, sensing the seriousness of the situation, released a conciliatory sigh. "Apologies, Lady Y/N, Lords Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi, Jin and Namjoon. I meant no harm. If my presence is unwanted, I shall take my leave." With that, he withdrew, leaving you in the comforting circle of your friends.
The tension that had momentarily clouded the evening dissipated as quickly as it had appeared, leaving behind a sense of unity and protectiveness among you and your companions. Hoseok, breaking the silence, offered a light-hearted quip to restore the evening's jovial atmosphere. "Well, I dare say we've navigated that encounter with the poise of seasoned diplomats. Shall we consider it an adventure to regale in future gatherings?"
Laughter, light and unburdened, filled the air, reaffirming the bonds that tethered your spirits together. Jimin, with a smirk playing on his lips, added, "Indeed, it appears our little assembly can handle more than just casual soirees and diplomatic parleys. We're quite the formidable cohort when the occasion demands."
With spirits buoyed and hearts alight, you made your passage to the quadravicar. The episode with Sir Alan had not tainted the evening's festivity; rather, it had underscored the profound depth of allegiance and affection that defined your relationship with your companions.
Jungkook and Taehyung, the mischievous duo, were the last to clamber into the quadravicar, burdened with an assortment of laden boxes. All eyes turned to them, bemused by their conspicuous cargo.
Jin's gaze flickered between the boxes and the pair before he seized their ears with a swift pinch. "You scoundrels! Did I not explicitly instruct you against overindulgence? Have you no shame?"
The two offenders, wearing expressions of mock innocence, pout in response to Jin's reproach. "But Jin, the offerings were too delectable to resist! Surely even you would have succumbed to temptation!"
"And need I remind you, it was Taehyung's idea in the first place!" Jungkook interjected, attempting to wriggle free from Jin's grasp.
"Outrageous! Yes, I proposed the notion, but didn't you conveniently omitted the fact that you were the one weary of our customary fare back home?" Taehyung defended himself, a hint of indignation in his tone.
"Excuse me?!" Jin exclaimed, aghast. "Ingrates, the pair of you!"
As the quadravicar ambled away from the venue, the celestial canopy above seemed to sparkle with added brilliance, mirroring the mirth that filled the quadravicar as it resounded with laughter and good-natured banter.
"Say, Y/N," Jimin's voice breaks through the jovial atmosphere, his gaze warm and imploring, “would you mind if we all spent the night at your abode? It's been an age since we had a slumber party like in our youth," Jimin chimed in, his eyes sparkling with youthful enthusiasm.
"Of course, you are all welcome under my roof," you replied warmly.
And so, as the quadravicar grinds to a halt outside your humble abode, the final act of the evening unfolds. Stepping out into the crisp night air, the echoes of laughter linger like a sweet refrain, a testament to the enduring bonds that unite your circle of friends.
Entering your quaint abode, the warmth enveloped you like a comforting embrace. You busied yourself in the kitchen, preparing for the morning's repast, ensuring that all would be ready when dawn broke.
Meanwhile, your companions, weary from the night's revelry, began their preparations for slumber. Each found a spot to lay their heads, the weariness of the day gradually giving way to the embrace of sleep. Blankets are unfurled, pillows fluffed, and whispered conversations drift lazily through the air.
As the hour grows late and the weariness of the duskar begins to take its toll, your companions one by one succumb to the embrace of sleep. Soon, the room is filled with the soft symphony of gentle snores, a harmonious testament to the peace that reigns within.
Yet, as the night wears on and the world outside slumbers, you find yourself restless, your mind abuzz with thoughts of the duskar's events. Unable to quiet your thoughts, you rise from your bed and slip silently into the kitchen, intent on preparing a pot of tea to greet the dawn.
The soft clink of china and the faint rustle of linens filled the quietude as you busied yourself in the kitchen, ensuring that everything would be in order for the forthcoming day. Lost in thought, you scarcely noticed the passage of time until a sudden rap at the front door shattered the stillness, jolting you from your reverie.
With a furrowed brow, you approached the door, curiosity mingling with a hint of trepidation as you peered through the peephole, then cautiously opening your door ajar. "Who goes there?" you called out, your voice echoing in the stillness of the night.
"Miss Y/N..." comes a timid yet recognizable voice, causing you to lower your gaze, finally laying eyes on the familiar figure standing outside your threshold.
Your eyes widen in recognition as you realize it's the young Thalia from the outskirts of Valoris. "Thalia! Heavens, what brings you here at such a late hour?"
"More importantly, how did you come here unaccompanied?" you query with urgency.
"I cannot rightly say, Miss. It's as though my feet had a will of their own, leading me to your abode," Thalia responds, her tearful gaze meeting yours, giving you pause as you sense all is not well.
You swing the door open wider, dropping to one knee to meet her eye level. "What’s the matter, little one?"
"It's my mother and father— they're in trouble," Thalia blurts out between hiccups.
Your brows furrow with concern and confusion. "Explain, Thalia. What do you mean they’re in trouble?”
The little girl breaks into fresh tears. “It's all my doing-!”
Thalia recounts the events leading to her arrival at your doorstep. She had been playing near the glade where you performed your magic of the wildflowers, when she caught sight of the approaching guards. Instinctively, she hid, but it seemed her presence had already drawn their attention to the area.
Your face softened into one of sadness and concern for Thalia; you knew precisely why those scavenger guards were now scouring the vicinity. The wildflowers in bloom, coaxed forth by your supernatural abilities, undoubtedly aroused deep suspicion—wildflowers in the waning days of autumn were anything but ordinary... Unless magic was at play.
Indeed, those scavenger guards weren't after this small family; they were after you, the witch, although none of them knew it. In all honesty, it wasn't Thalia's fault; the blame lay squarely with you.
You had brought this calamity upon them, and now you had to make it right. It was unjust that they should suffer for your actions. Foolish of you; you should have known that wildflowers at this time of year would raise eyebrows. Yet, what gnawed at your mind was the presence of scavenger guards in that area to begin with. The royal family typically cared little for the outlying dwellings of the kingdom.
But regardless, that was immaterial now. What mattered was helping Thalia and her parents, whatever the cost. You met Thalia's gaze once more. "It’s okay Thalia. Come, we must hasten to your parents."
Together, you and Thalia set forth into the night, the weight of responsibility heavy upon your shoulders.
As you traverse the moonlit streets, Thalia explains, "It was as if they sensed something amiss," her voice quivering with anxiety. "They spoke of reporting their findings to higher authorities, and I knew then that trouble loomed."
Your heart sinks at her words. You had hoped to keep your abilities concealed, to avoid drawing unwanted attention from the authorities. Yet, here you are, thrust into a situation where secrecy is no longer an option.
As you near the outskirts of Valoris, a sense of foreboding settles over you. The air is thick with tension, and the distant sounds of commotion send a shiver down your spine. Thalia clutches your hand tightly, her eyes wide with fear. Finally, you reach the outskirts, where Thalia's family resides in a modest cottage nestled amidst the trees.
"We must tread carefully," you murmur, casting a wary glance around.
Together, you both drew closer to the source of the disturbance. The scene that greets you is one of chaos and despair. Thalia's parents stand outside their home, surrounded by a group of menacing guards clad in scavenger attire. Their expressions are grim, and you can sense the fear radiating from them.
"We are not the ones you seek, and there are no wielders of magic among us!" Jakub protests, shielding his wife with his own frame. Esmae peers cautiously from behind Jakub, her eyes darting warily over the group of scavengers.
"Then, mayhaps a demonstration would be in order to test the veracity of your claim?" a scavenger guard sneers, a sinister grin stretching across his face. He gestures to one of his comrades, who produces a gleaming metal implement, sharpened to a deadly point.
The guard brandishes the weapon, its surface glinting ominously. "This, my friends, is pure iron. For ages, we've used such tools to unearth those who would dare to consort with the dark arts," he declares, advancing menacingly towards the couple. "And if your words hold true, you'd have no objections to a simple test with the lady beside you, hmm?"
Without hesitation, you step forward, Thalia at your side. "What is the meaning of this intrusion?" you demand, your voice a steady beacon amidst the swirling tempest within.
The leader of the guards fixes you with a steely gaze. "By orders of the Crown, we're here to investigate reports of illicit sorcery in this vicinity," he explains, his tone brooking no dissent.
You swallow hard, the weight of their accusation heavy upon you. Yet, you refuse to be cowed by fear. "And what evidence have you to support such allegations?" you challenge, your voice ringing with defiance.
"We've received credible witness of a sorcery skulking about these parts," he retorts. "Wildflowers blooming in the dead of winter near your dwelling—a curious coincidence, don't you think?"
You scoff at the notion. "The presence of wildflowers proves nothing. How does it incriminate any of us?"
"Are you jesting, miss?" He lets out a derisive chuckle. "Wildflowers during the inaugurate of winter—a clear sign of unnatural meddling."
You glare back, your resolve unyielding. "Your ignorance is matched only by your arrogance."
His gaze shifts to Thalia, who trembles behind you. "I remember you, child," he says, his eyes boring into hers.
You instinctively draw Thalia closer, shielding her from his invasive scrutiny. "Leave her be. She's but a child, innocent in all this."
The situation echoes with eerie familiarity, a haunting reminder of events long past. Memories of a darker time flood your mind, your fists clenching involuntarily at your sides. Yet, before the past can fully consume you, a sudden movement jolts you back to the present.
The scavenger guards seize Thalia, wrenching her from your protective embrace. Her cry of protest pierces the air, a stark reminder of the innocence threatened by their accusations. "No—!"
"This child, seen near the enchanted glade, her presence far too convenient. It lends credence to the suspicion that she and the rest of you harbor secrets—perhaps even the girl herself," the leader asserts, his grip on Thalia tightening as he brandishes the iron implement.
As Thalia struggles against his grasp, her tearful pleas tug at your heartstrings. "Mama, Papa—!"
The guards' harsh grip restrains both Jakub and Esmae, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and desperation. You too find yourself held back, unnoticed amidst the chaos unfolding before you. Anguish wells within you as Thalia's cries echo in the air, the weight of injustice bearing down upon you like a suffocating shroud.
In the face of such injustice, you refuse to remain passive. With a surge of determination, you confront the leader of the guards, your voice ringing with conviction. "Release her this instant. You have no right to subject her to such cruelty!”
The leader meets your gaze, his expression unyielding. "She is a potential threat, as are all who consort with forbidden arts. Our duty is to safeguard the realm from such dangers."
You shake your head, incredulous at his callous disregard for innocence. "You mistake innocence for guilt, blinded by your own paranoia. That girl is no sorceress, nor are any of us."
The guard's grip tightens on Thalia's arm, a grim determination etched upon his features. “We shall see.” Witnessing Thalia’s distress, a surge of emotion welled within you, a turbulent mix of fear and sorrow igniting flashes behind your eyes.
“Mother!” you wail, your eyes welling up with tears as you approach, desperate to render aid, though the gravity of the situation seems beyond your young capabilities.
With a weakening hand, she touched your cheek. “You are strong, my love. The power within you, it will guide you. Embrace it, and remember, I will always be a part of you.��� Her voice wavered but held an underlying strength.
"No—!" you cry out, a surge of strength welling up within you. With a sudden burst of power, a telekinetic wave emanates from you, propelling the men restraining you, Jakub and Esmae backward, caught off guard by your unexpected display of magic.
Turning your attention to the man still clutching Thalia, you demand, "Release the girl, and perhaps I shall spare you."
Though a flicker of fear dances in his eyes, the man's pride wins out as he presses the sharp iron weapon against Thalia's delicate neck, causing you to falter momentarily. "Take another step, and this child's life is forfeit…”
Your jaw tightens as you lock gazes with him, taking in the tears glistening in Thalia's eyes. "You would spill innocent blood for what? Recognition? Power?"
"Think yourself righteous, do you?" You challenged, goading him further. His response was swift and violent, the blade biting into Thalia's flesh, drawing forth a crimson stain.
With a pained whimper, Thalia's cry pierces the air, prompting you to act swiftly. "I said, release her!" In a moment of desperation, another telekinetic force, resembling a transparent blade, hurtles toward the man, slicing through flesh and bone with a sickening squelch. Blood sprays in a gruesome arc as his head is violently wrenched from his shoulders.
The scene freezes in horror as the man's severed head tumbles to the ground, blood gushing from the stump of his neck. His lifeless body collapses in a heap, limbs twitching involuntarily. Thalia, freed from his grasp, rushes into her parents' embrace with a relieved cry, their arms wrapping around her protectively amidst the carnage.
Yet, as the realization of your actions sinks in, a sense of dread washes over you. You have taken a life—a man with ties to the royal family. Panic grips you as you comprehend the magnitude of your deed; you are now a fugitive, hunted by those in power.
A gentle hand upon your shoulder shattered the silence, drawing you from your reverie. "You must flee," Jakub's voice, steady and resolute, cut through the turmoil of your thoughts.
"J-Jakub—" Your words stumbled forth, eyes wide with uncertainty. "This is my doing, my fault."
With a reassuring touch, Jakub met your gaze. "No, child, you acted to protect us, to shield us from harm," he reassured you, though his expression betrayed a deeper concern. "Yet now, you are imperiled. Once these men awaken, they will summon the might of the royal court to hunt you down."
"Jakub speaks the truth," Esmae interjected, her voice tinged with urgency. "As a witch revealed, you are no longer safe within these walls. You must flee, and swiftly."
"But what of you?" Worry creased your brow as you considered their fate.
"Fret not for us," Esmae replied, her tone firm yet gentle. "We possess little to bind us here, and Jakub has devised a plan for just such an eventuality. It is time for you to enact your own escape, to leave Pentaraegis behind."
You nod, the urgency of the situation dawning upon you. "I have the map," you confirm, prompting Esmae to continue. "Then make haste. The dawn approaches, and time grows short."
As you prepare to depart, a pang of sorrow grips your heart, and you turn to embrace Jakub, Esmae, and Thalia. "I am grateful, and deeply sorry," you murmur.
Jakub offered a reassuring smile. "There is no need for apologies, child. It is time you prioritized your own well-being."
"How will I find you?” you ask, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"If the fates be kind," Esmae replies with a chuckle, "our paths shall cross once more."
With a final embrace, you bid them farewell, tears glistening in your eyes as you turn and hasten back to the capital village.
Now returned to the capital village, you dash through its narrow streets with head bowed, the first light of dawn peeking over the horizon, a reminder that time is now of the essence. Navigating with practiced ease, you finally reach your modest home, your pulse racing with anticipation and anxiety.
Upon entering, the door slams shut behind you with an unintended force, startling your seven companions from their slumber. Yet, you pay it no heed, urgency propelling you to your chamber to pack essentials for your impending flight from the kingdom walls, now that the royal court will soon be in pursuit.
Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin, sprawled out on the floor under a blanket before the fireplace, are the first to awaken, their expressions a mix of surprise and confusion at the abrupt noise. Taehyung and Jimin, nestled on the living room couch, soon follow suit, while Jungkook and Yoongi, curled up in adjacent chairs, groggily come to attention.
"What in blazes..." Jungkook mutters, his voice thick with sleep.
Taehyung stretches with a groan and a yawn. "Goodness, what hour is it?"
"An early one, evidently," Jimin mumbles, still half-asleep as the group begins to stir.
After gathering meager provisions, you hasten to the kitchen, your mind consumed with urgency, disregarding your companions' awakening.
Jungkook's weary eyes catch your passage from room to kitchen. "Y/N, what a sight to behold, you being the first to rise."
Jin perks up. "What's this? Y/N up before us? Could it be you're preparing breakfast, dear Y/N?" He jests, still half-asleep.
Your friends' banter falls on deaf ears as you continue your frenzied movements around the kitchen. However, their curiosity is piqued when you suddenly retrieve something from beneath the couch—a worn map you had secreted away days earlier, signaling to them that something is amiss.
"Hey, what's the rush?" Jin questions, rising from his seat as you dart past him.
"And at such an ungodly hour," Yoongi grumbles, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
You pay their inquiries no heed, unfurling the map upon the table with trembling hands, your focus unwavering, you mutter to yourself, searching for your intended destination. Jin and Jungkook approach, Jin seizing your shoulders.
"Y/N, talk to us," Jin implores, his grip gentle yet firm. "What's going on?"
Your gaze meets Jin's, momentarily clouded with distraction before refocusing. "I must depart the kingdom at once."
Jin's hands fell from your shoulders like startled birds taking flight, the air thick with tension as you made your startling revelation. Hoseok, Namjoon, Jimin, and Taehyung sprang up from their seats, while Yoongi's eyes snapped open, his expression a blend of disbelief and concern.
"I...I'm sorry," you stumbled over the words, the weight of their collective gaze pressing down on you. "But it's imperative."
Hoseok advanced, his voice tinged with incredulity and urgency. "This is abrupt, Y/N. Just days ago, you spoke of leaving, but now, you're insisting on immediate departure? What on earth is happening?"
Regret tugged at your conscience as you attempted to dismiss Hoseok's query, reaching to roll up the map. But before you could stow it away, a firm grip seized your wrist, arresting your movements. Jungkook's voice sliced through the air, unexpectedly grave. "No, you cannot simply brush us aside, Y/N. We are your closest confidants, and your actions are deeply concerning. Please, elucidate."
With a hesitant glance at Jungkook's earnest countenance, you relented, turning back to face your companions. "I have committed...an unspeakable act. The royal court will pursue me for it, and I cannot afford to linger."
Jin's voice was measured as he pressed for clarity. "What have you done?"
A lump formed in your throat as you swallowed hard. "I… I intervened in a skirmish involving the small family in Valoris and scavengers' guards. They were ambushed, and I had to step in."
Namjoon's voice, steady yet tinged with worry, drew closer as he took a step forward. "And how did you intervene?"
"It was a dire moment," you confessed, a shiver rippling down your spine. "A man threatened the life of the young girl, and I had no choice but to stop him... permanently."
A heavy silence hung in the air as you continued, the gravity of your admission sinking in. "I took a life... And now, I must flee."
With a determined tug and eyes brimming with unshed tears, you freed your wrist from Jungkook's grasp, packing away the map. Jimin's voice pierced the silence, his concern palpable in his tone. "But where will you go?"
A bittersweet smile played at the corners of your lips as you met Jimin's gaze. "I cannot disclose it. I fear if I do, you will follow, and I cannot bear to see you imperiled on my behalf. Please, trust me when I say it is for the best."
"Best for whom, precisely?" Jungkook's voice cut through, his frustration simmering beneath the surface.
"For all of you!" you exclaimed, your voice quivering with emotion. "If you accompany me, you will be endangered as well."
Jin exhaled heavily, disbelief etched on his features. "Surely there must be another solution, Y/N. We cannot fathom your departure."
Jimin's frustration bubbled over, his voice rising slightly. "Is it truly beyond comprehension that we harbor deep care for you? We have stood by your side for years, and now, you expect us to let you face this alone?"
Meeting his gaze, you feel the weight of his words pressing down on you. "I know, and I'm sorry. But I can't involve any of you."
"But we're already involved," Namjoon interjects, his voice calm but resolute. "We refuse to let you face it unaccompanied."
"But this is different," you argue, your voice pleading. "I can't risk your safety and positions for my sake."
"Damn it Y/N, why must you be so obstinate?" Taehyung burst forth, his frustration evident. "You incessantly speak of our standings within the royal court. Have you not comprehended a word Jimin has uttered? You are cherished amongst us, and we would go to great lengths for you. Why must you continually bring up such arguments? It vexes me beyond measure."
"Because-! Look at me, look at all of you—" Your voice wavers as you pause, sweeping your gaze across your seven companions. "It's not just your positions I'm concerned about, but your lives. I am but a common lady, and all of you... you all have futures, bright and promising, with or without me."
Hoseok's typically sunny demeanor darkens, a glint of frustration in his eyes. "Mind your words, Y/N."
You whirl toward him, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. "Am I mistaken?! You have each other! I cannot impose upon you to forsake such opulence and happiness because of my errors. It would be unjust."
"No, what's unfair is you leaving!" Yoongi's voice slices through the tension, catching you off guard.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes. "I'm trying to protect you!"
"You're tearing us apart!" Hoseok's voice rings out, laden with anguish.
"Consider your actions, Y/N," Taehyung advances towards you, his voice tinged with urgency.
"No— you must all think. Reason with yourselves, what do you believe the royal court will decree when they discover their most esteemed and valiant soldiers, their staunch defenders, have turned their backs on them for the sake of a mere commoner like myself—especially one guilty of such a grievous offense! Let me tell you, they shall come for you all, branding you criminals for aiding me or simply for being my friends! Thus, I am performing a service by departing and severing all ties with you!"
"I can't bear to watch you make such a reckless decision!" Taehyung’s voice cracked with emotion.
"You are being selfish, Y/N!" Jungkook's words pierce through the chaos.
"Selfish? Look at yourselves! You are blinded by your loyalty!" you retort, your voice shaking with emotion. "I am doing what is best for all of us!"
Namjoon steps forward, his expression a mixture of determination and concern. "But what about what we want? We want you safe, Y/N. We want you here with us."
"And I want the same for you!" you cried out, your heart heavy with the weight of your decision. "But I can't risk your lives for mine. I will not."
"But we're not cowards, Y/N!" Jungkook's voice resonated with indignation. "We've fought battles together, faced adversity. Do you truly think we'd abandon you now?"
"You misunderstand," you whispered, anguish lacing your words. "This isn't cowardice, it's prudence. I cannot drag you into this turmoil."
"Turmoil or not, we stand with you," Jin asserts, his voice unwavering.
"But at what cost?" you whispered, tears now freely streaming down your cheeks. "I can't bear to see you suffer for my mistakes."
"Your mistakes are our mistakes," Hoseok interjects, his voice tinged with sorrow. "We share in your burdens, Y/N. That is what friendship entails."
You shook your head, their loyalty almost unbearable. "But you have futures, dreams. I can't be the anchor that weighs you down."
"Anchor or not, we refuse to let you drown," Namjoon stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. "You're a part of us, Y/N. We won't abandon you."
"Yet by staying, you risk everything," you argued, desperation seeping into your voice. "Your reputations, your safety—all for a mere commoner like me."
"We're not swayed by titles or status," Hoseok declared, determination echoing in his voice. "We stand by those we love, societal constraints be damned."
Taehyung scoffed, frustration evident. "You spoke as though we're pawns in your game. But we're comrades, bound by loyalty and friendship."
"And yet, you would cast us aside like worn-out garments," Jin added, his voice tinged with hurt.
A flicker of anguish danced in your eyes as you surveyed your friends, the weight of your decision heavy upon your shoulders. "I'm not casting you aside. I'm trying to protect you."
"By abandoning us?!" Jimin's voice cracked, pleading for understanding.
"By preventing you from sharing my fate," you countered, your voice trembling with emotion.
"But we are willing to face whatever comes our way," Jin interjected.
"And what about us?" Taehyung's voice wavered, searching for solace.
"You'll continue without me," you whispered, resignation heavy in your words.
"Without our friend? Our confidante?" Yoongi's voice was disbelieving.
"You're more than a friend," Taehyung's gazes at you. "You're family."
In the midst of the turmoil, Jimin clenches his fists at his sides, anguish wrapped in his cry. "I can't lose you, Y/N!"
Frozen, caught in a whirlwind of emotions, his sob broke through your defenses. In that instant, arguments melted away, replaced by the ache of love and loss.
Without a word, Jimin rushed forward, enveloping you in a tight embrace. His tears mingled with yours, a silent testament to the depth of your bond. Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, you found solace in the arms of your dearest friend.
Silence descended, heavy with tension, as Jin stepped forward, joining the embrace. "We may not understand your reasons," he murmured, his voice choked with emotion, "but we'll stand by you, no matter what."
"And family stands together, no matter the odds," Hoseok added, his tone resolute.
"But what if standing together only leads to ruin?" you countered, your voice choked with emotion.
"Then we shall face that ruin together," Namjoon affirms.
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A/N: heyy <3333, you've finally reached the end. i apologize for its unnecessary length. this part aimed to spotlight the friendship between Y/N (you, the reader) and the boys, from childhood (as in the intro) to adulthood. and wanted to included minor intimate scenes to lay the groundwork for the slow-burn trope and scenes leading up to Y/N's departure from the kingdom. i hope you enjoyed it and can follow the plot thus far. have a good night/day wherever you are! <3333
part 2 will be coming soon!!
drabble masterpost | masterlist | character boards | prologue | part 1 | part 2 [finale] | alternate ending
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