aricastmblr · 3 days
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Salio foto de otro ángulo de jimin con sus amigos y jungkook paseando el londres(jun2019)
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btssavedmylifeblr · 5 years
You wrote three paragraphs and it was all I needed to lose it 🥵 Jimin and his fingers in my mouth. Fuuckkkk
Ughhh... Jimin has been driving me crazy these last few weeks. And fingers in the mouth... oof... it is a thing that gets to me every time. 
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johobi · 5 years
I made my tumblr in August and have loved connecting with everyone on here. Engagement levels wise, I get around 100 - 400 notes on my little bts drabbles which seems great to me 💖 but I have nothing to compare it to - how long have you been writing and posting it on here for? What was your engagement like on average a year ago compared to now? How quickly did you gain followers when you first joined?
Oh!!!! You have no idea how heartening it is to hear that you’ve found Tumblr lively even past the purge!! For real! I always worry (pointlessly and about everything) that newer people might become disheartened and leave before they become established. Those are very good numbers!! More than I got when I first started!!
I think I joined in September 2017...? I solely posted WYLEI at first and I think at 2 months I had around 500 followers. When I wrote Tooth and Claw in November I went up to 2k or so over a month (i was so overwhelmed u have no idea!!!! i couldn’t stop looking at my phone at work). 
Anyway, I’m sure it’s almost entirely my bouts of inactivity to blame, but I think my blog was at its most active around the end of 2018. Ofc it didn’t help that my blog got banned and only reinstated two months later LOL. I’m totally fine with my own engagement honestly, I get that people have to move on - especially when I’m so unreliable - but I was more concerned for my friends who are way more active than me and are feeling the effects far more. Even if my blog slowed to a near halt I’d still write things here and there because it’s a great creative outlet. 
Anyway, I really am happy to hear that you’re liking it here :)) i just wanna see the community grow, y’know..!! I wanna see it lively and thriving! Thanks for sharing!
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Anime recs - Death Note is my fave I’ve watched the whole thing three times. Dragonball z is a classic but it takes a lot of time as the action is drawn out over loads and loads of episodes.
Thank you love!! I'll definitely check out Death Note! 💗💕💖💗
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btsinlondon · 5 years
About Me
You can call me London. It’s not my real name 🙂
Yoongi is my main man but Jimin constantly turns my head
I live in the UK
I’m 30
6 Facts About Me
I love -
Harry Potter ⚡️
The Secret Garden 🌼
Dogs 🐕
Thai Food 🍛
The ocean 🌊 (dreaming of living by the sea one day)
Autumn 🍁🎃
Board games - Settlers Of Catan 🙌
Please shoot me a message and say hi 👋 or ask me anything
London xo
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 5 years
👶 some great topics here!
👶- advice for new writers
I’ve written a few asks about advice before so I think I’ll just say instead; that the one thing I’ve found to make my work better nearly every time was waiting. 
Write something in a flash, sure. But wait. Sit with it when you’re done. Then go do something else and come back to it later. Wait for it. Look at it again and ask yourself ‘can I write this any better?’ 
I once was writing an article for a magazine and I sent the draft to @feedmeramyun and she left me some comments. One of them was so simple, but it really changed my thinking. She said something along the lines of ‘this line is good, but I know you can write it better’. 
Just her believing I could do that made me believe I could. But it was also the fact that she wasn’t content with ‘good’. What if, instead of just good, you could have better?
So, my advice is to wait. Wait and then come back to you work, and ask yourself, could I write this better?
Writer Ask Game  
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my boyfriend was literally security for bts in their hotel and he said he talked to them not knowing who they were and i basically sat at home crying while he told me this i’m not okay
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thotantics · 5 years
So I just read your about page and it really connected with me - I too discovered BTS when I was going through a breakdown and they really helped me come to terms with my anxiety and push past it. I use their music and videos as a form of escapism when I’m feeling anxious but also their personalities inspire me hugely to do my best and push hard to follow my passions and dreams 💖 my tumblr is a secret and I hide it from everyone, including my other half. Does your husband know about your blog?
first i just have to say im really glad you found them, and that they helped you when you needed them. i admire yoongi’s strength and namjoon’s never ending journey to better himself, jimin’s drive, jin’s confidence, hobi’s passion, taehyung’s spirit, jungkook’s determination among many many other things. they’ve improved my quality of life beyond measure not just with their music and the way they made me laugh when i was so so down, but the way they carry themselves.
ANYWAY, sappy junk out of the way, yes my husband knows about this blog. he doesnt read what i post here (he doesnt have a tumblr but he does check out my main account out of boredom sometimes) he knows what’s going on here and he’s glad that i have a creative outlet to explore my sexual desires and fantasies in a healthy, safe way. he cant be with me all day every day and i have a Very healthy appetite so he’s glad im able to express that
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daechwitas · 5 years
It’s your blog, say whatever you want 🙌 if people send anon messages in protest, just delete the messages. Thank you, next
ur right! i don't really interact with the hateful anons i get as a rule unless i feel like i need to correct an assumption or something. just here to cry about yoongi
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Didn't realise I'd taken this until today. I can't remember the context but it's cute 💜.
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bubmyg · 5 years
Happy birthday beautiful!! 💖
thank u so much lovey!!! 🥺💕
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aricastmblr · 3 years
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clairelions · 5 years
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Music transcends language. Thank you @bts.bighitofficial for a great show #btsinlondon #bts (presso Wembley Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByPPV79op8D/?igshid=1e3qp2iyxilvi
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Oh my...your love for Yoongi resonates with me wholeheartedly 💖💖💖💗💗💗💘💘💘
I love that man 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💗💗💗💗💗💗 (I also love your writing like that spit kink imagine with namjoon and yoongi 🤤)
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sweet-teeth-mfs · 5 years
I’m super disappointed with the anon being a rude little shit. All the BTS boys are 21+ for fuck sake. Why does it matter if we are in our late 20s/30+ ?? Listening to their music and appreciating their talents & good looks is something anyone can do at any adult age 🙌
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The really funny thing is the actual concern they seem to be expressing is this: I’m old, so it’s ‘wierd’ I fan over a group made up of younger men... because if I were to date them in real life (!!!) the age difference would be large...which...suggests that they’re....uncomfortable with the idea of me dating someone from one of these bands...which suggests...THEY THINK I COULD DATE SOMEONE FROM ONE OF THESE BANDS?!?! 
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