#btw i had to compress the fuck outta this which was not planned HOWEVER i rlly like the grainy effect for this set so im satified
bellamyblakru · 2 years
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last night, i lied, i looked you in the eyes. i'm scared to find a piece of peace of mind. i swear to you each and every time. i’ll try and change my ways…
to my glimmer of hope @its-hyperfixation. two years ago on this day i had no idea that i would meet someone who would become one of the most important people in my life. from bellarke to rowaelin to merthur, you quickly became one of the coolest humans i’ve ever met. i remember being so fucking excited that you wanted to talk to me, and, even now, i get so hyped every time i see that you messaged me. bc me??? i still can’t fathom it. you are so beautiful and loving and talented and brave and lovely—so, so lovely. i appreciate and love you more than i can ever properly articulate. you are my best friend, my twin, my love, and i’ll be here for you until the end. thank you for always inspiring me and being there for me. i stg everything i write and make is with u in mind bc if i can impress u, then everything else becomes background noise. one day, love, i’ll awoo so hard for u, just u wait♥️ i love u so, so much.
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