#not u ayman i love u
its-hyperfixation · 1 year
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take me as i am and i will take you as you are.
to my most beloved,
where do i even begin? words cannot describe the place you have in my heart and what you truly mean to me. i’m not sure how i ever survived a time where you weren’t in my life, it’s simply not possible anymore. you are an incredible light in my life, my reason to keep going, my biggest supporter, and dare i say the actual love of my life. you are the sun to my moon, the merlin to my arthur, the heart to my soul. thank you for choosing me and blessing me with your gorgeous self. i’m not sure how i got so lucky to be blessed with you.
i love you endlessly, happy anniversary @bellamyblakru <3
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bellamyblakru · 1 year
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all the future plans we will never make, from a beating heart to the farthest place. you’re already home.
ayman. mi amor. i love you, te amo, je t’aime, ti amo, saranghae, wo ai n, chan rak khun. even in seven different languages, it doesn’t feel like it’s enough. as a small gift for our marriage anniversary, i hope you enjoy my harry styles never released song gifset. you are my home. to be honest, you have been my home for so long. i literally cannot fathom the time before you were in my life—it doesn’t seem possible that i lasted so long. you are one of the funniest, brightest, kindest, most beautiful, most lovely, human beings i have ever met. when i say one day to you, i mean it from the bottom of my heart. you are my friend soulmate. we click so effortlessly—we have since the moment we started talking. you are my inspiration, the reason i can make anything is for, and because, of you. thank you for existing, for making life just that much brighter, for being my light. thank you for sticking with me, even though i know it isn’t a particularly easy task to do. just know that i will love you in every lifetime. okay i have to stop bc i’m already crying and ill be drowning soon. my love, you deserve the world. thank you for letting me be a part of your life. i’m the luckiest fuckin person alive. @its-hyperfixation
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rawhyfromgaza · 2 months
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Hello everyone, I am Rawhy from G🍉. This is my picture before the w@r, and this is my picture after the w@r. I lost my weight, my dreams, and my ambitions because of the w@r. In the second picture, u can see a lot of change. This is because of what we suffer during the w@r in meeting the family's needs, such as flour for baking and producing bread. Sometimes, we travel 5-10 kilometers with great difficulty just to find what we need. My link is in my bio. Please help me by sharing my story and link or donating to me✨️. All my love to you💕.
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gryficowa · 2 days
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Now that I have your attention:
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starjxsung · 3 months
the beach house is going really well and ive been talking to him more! 😼 BUT HERES SOMETHING MORE IMPORTANT. so i was watching a movie with my friends and he sat next to me which wasnt weird or anything but then he grabbed my legs and put them over his lap. MAAM he gripped my inner thigh. i couldnt focus on the movie which i really wanted to watch but then he distracted me so yippy! but anyways how are you?? mwah i love you so so SO SO much
(some pictures of my trip so far)
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(bonus messages!)
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he sent a picture of me w wet hair at the beach after he sent wanna see smth scary
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anyways thats all! mwah i love you, kisses
And second????? The TEXTS…… and the way he grabbed ur legs oh girl he is down BADDDDDD….. also the last part whyyyy does it sound like he hates this Ayman guy bc he’s jealous…. Like I COULD be reading into it completely wrong but he just sounds like he’s getting POSSESSIVE (in a good way tho??? Like not in a weird way !!) IM SO EXCITED TO SEE WHERE THIS GOESSSSSSSS like I’m fr seated w a bucket of popcorn WE HAVE TO KEEP UP………. Anyway thank u for letting me live my y/n dreams through u I’m having so much fun ILYYYYYY HAVE SO MUCH FUN BBY
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imaricyeah12 · 8 days
This is me, Noura Ayman,
A medical lab specialist and I have been working in the Turkish Friendship Hospital for four years and studying a master's degree at Al-Aqsa University but have not yet finished it.
I am married to Ibrahim who works the same profession at Al-Shifa Hospital and we were studying a master's degree together.
My story in short is that we have been out of Gaza for treatment in Egypt since July 2023, and we have done an “in vitro fertilization” to give birth after four failed operations in Gaza.
We had a very beautiful baby.
But sadly that the war happened in Gaza in October 2023 and we have been stuck in Egypt ever since without any source of income, and I don't know how to provide for my beautiful daughter's Hanan needs and how to pay for the house and the rest of life, plus our house was bombed in Gaza.
So please support me to set up my own medical analysis laboratory and complete a master's degree in Egypt.
I've launched a https://gofund.me/32f1f5e4 campaign to start our life from the beginning.
I thank you very much for your interest and support.
Friends, please donate if u can!!
Oh my goodness i don't know how long this was lying in my inbox but I am SO SORRY you're going through this!! Oh this is so awful..I'm sorry as much as i want to donate to you I'm a child and I have no way to help financially :( oh goodness im so sorry for you and your love and your baby, you don't deserve to go through this pain
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mi-news · 4 years
Arts-Music .. an A to Z
A Brainstorm Chat Dedicated Essentially For Giving Humble Insights and Joy to Kill the Loneliness you May Notice On this Period and Quench your Reading and Singing's Thirst Using Virtues of soothingWords like a Xylophone than can make You sleep Zzzzz…
A capella:
A cappella is a phrase used in vocal music indicating that a song or part of a song, in one or more voices. It is also the name of a chant performed without instrumental accompaniment. It is a pure, authentic and a rudimentary yet very soothing type of chant.
The blues is a musical, vocal and instrumental genre derived from the working songs of the African-American populations undergoing racial segregation in the United States. The blues first appeared in the southern United States during the 19th century. It is a style where the singer expresses his sadness and his disappointments.
Country music:
Country music is a mixture of traditional music developed mainly in the southeast of the United States and in the maritime provinces of Canada, but also in Europe as in Ireland or in the north of the Netherlands. Country music evolved rapidly in the 1920s and remains very popular today. Different gender variations have also emerged in other countries such as Australia.
The Dada movement is an intellectual, literary and artistic movement from the beginning of the 20th century, which is characterized by a questioning of all ideological, aesthetic and political conventions and constraints.
Existentialism is a philosophical and literary current which considers that the human being forms the essence of his life by his own actions, these not being predetermined by theological, philosophical or moral doctrines.
Funk is characterized by the predominance of the rhythm section (guitar, bass, drums) which plays syncopated patterns, the frequent presence of brass or saxophones on rhythmic punctuations (riffs) or solos and, in general, by the great place given to instruments. It has emerged from a mix of soul and jazz music.
Gnawa music is a body of Moroccan and other North African Islamic religious songs and rhythms. Its well-preserved heritage combines ritual poetry with traditional music and dancing. The music is performed at "lila", communal nights of celebration dedicated to prayer and healing guided by the Gnawa maalem, or master musician, and their group of musicians and dancers.
Humanism is an idealist and optimistic current of thought which places Man at the center of the world, and honors human values. It has shaped many facets of the contemporary world.
This pictorial movement is mainly characterized by small paintings, visible brush strokes, open composition, the use of unusual viewing angles, a tendency to note fleeting impressions, the mobility of climatic and light phenomena, rather that the stable and conceptual aspect of things, and to transfer them directly to the canvas. Claude Monet and Paul Cézanne are notorious members and founders of the impressionist movement
Jazz is a music genre that originated in the African-American communities of New Orleans, United States. It originated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and developed from roots in blues and ragtime. Jazz is seen by many as "America's classical music".
Karaoke (カ ラ オ ケ, karaoke) Is an entertaining way to sing, usually by following the lyrics on a screen.
Liberalism is based on freedom and recognition of the individual, its initial purpose is to rationalize and order social relations.
Heavy metal (or Metal) is characterized by the dominance of the guitar and the drums, as well as a powerful rhythm. It draws its influences from rock, classical music and the blues.
Naturalism is a literary movement which, in the last decades of the 19th century, sought to introduce into the novels the method of the human and social sciences, applied to medicine by Claude Bernard. Émile Zola is the main representative of this literary school in France. The movement will spread throughout Europe to America.
An opera is a musical and theatrical work for an orchestra and singers, built on a libretto which depicts characters and their history, where the roles are sung. Opera is one of the lyrical forms of Western musical theater.
Pop music (or simply pop) is a musical genre that appeared in the 1960s in the United Kingdom and the United States. These songs usually talk about love or relationships between women and men.
Qajar Art
Kadjar art (or qadjar) is an art form that developed in Kadjar Iran, which lasted from 1794 to 1925. The period during which the Kadjar dynasty reigned experienced a strong development of the arts, made possible by a period of relative stability in the country's history, allowing artistic development especially under the reigns of Fath Ali Chah Qadjar.
It has its roots in rock 'n' roll of the 1940s and 1950s, itself greatly influenced by rhythm and blues and country. Rock has also incorporated elements from other genres including folk, blues, jazz and classical music.
For the symbolists, the world cannot be limited to a concrete appearance that can be reduced to rational knowledge. There is a mystery to be deciphered in the correspondences which strike inanity the partitioning of the senses: sounds, colors, visions participate in the same intuition which makes the Poet a kind of mage
Techno is a genre of electronic music that emerged in the United States in the mid-1980s. Most often composed in home studio and reinterpreted by disc jockeys during festive practices, techno is above all dance music, in essence repetitive
Ukiyo-e Ukiyo-e (浮世 絵?, Japanese term meaning “image of the floating world”) is a Japanese artistic movement from the Edo period (1603-1868) comprising not only an original popular and narrative painting, but also and above all Japanese woodcut prints.
Vocal Jazz
Vocal jazz is a sub-genre of jazz, where the voice predominates within the composition. It is thus frequently opposed to instrumental jazz, where the playing of musicians predominates.
Chicken scratch (also known as waila music) is a kind of dance music developed by the Tohono O'odham people. The genre evolved out of acoustic fiddle bands in southern Arizona, in the Sonoran desert. These bands began playing European and Mexican tunes, in styles that include the polka, schottisch and mazurka
Xote – is a Brazilian music genre and dance for pairs or groups of four.
Yé-yé was a style of pop music that emerged from Southern Europe in the early 1960s. The term "yé-yé" was derived from the English term "yeah! yeah!"
Zadjal adapts well to music. It reached its peak with Ibn Quzman, Andalusian poet adapted from Cordoba, who used it for his panegyrics, but also to sing nature, wine and especially love.
Aymane Moataz, El Mehdi El Bachiri.
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selladaplays · 7 years
hi i love you
um hi ayman i love u too ur a beautiful soul nd deserve the world ok bye
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starryllamas · 7 years
I dare u to write about @loudphase and no this isn't him pffft
I love you @loudphase omg lmao
but once again Y’ALL THINK I WONT
So Ayman is on the best people to talk to and I love him. He first messaged me, being the freaking nicest person on the planet, per usual. He also showed me his cc (which y’all should definitely check out!) and he is so talented. Not only is he talented with that, but he also makes these amazing sims with such intricate details and amazing characters that he can just think of on the spot. I have no doubt in my mind that he’s going to make our story (which is a surprise, we can’t tell you yet!) into a great one, that I know people are going to love! He’s also so easy to talk to, and I just freaking love this kid so much, and I kinda just met him lol.
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dareeneissa · 5 years
Sorry not sorry
I’m really not sure what should I apologize for? When the truth is all of you did this to me... So no, I take it back.. I’m not sorry..
So I’m 24 now.. Not sure whether I should Yay or Nay.
I wake up today so determine on death. And when someone asks why are you being so keen on saying goodbye?? I say I’m just traveling and not going back.
The truth is no.. I’m not going anywhere but hell.
I am kind hearted, nice, beautiful, loyal, special, weird, hopefully a good friend.
There’s so much darkness inside my heart, my childhood was ruined when I was 6-7 years old and it got stuck with me.
My self-esteem was ruined when my mom didn’t let me go the dermatologist.
My heart was broken when I went to college... When I met you.
I was cured when I had “my baby” back in 10 June. I got broken when you abandoned me. I didn’t even get a saying on this. You just decided on your own... Left me hallow with so many questions.
Or did you enjoy seeing me so attached to you? Makes it so perfect to take revenge for what happened 4 years ago?? I’m sorry I was scared… I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how I truly felt.
I walk around wearing your wing thinking that it will make me feel okay. But the truth is.. it’s just a constant m i n d f u c k.. what did you get out of this? Revenge? for the past 4 years? or was being with me is like what happened with other 3 before me? using me for your own amusement and just throw me away like a piece of shit.
I thought you were my guardian angel for a moment but you were the death of me.
And I don’t blame you for it… I was the devil in your story and despite what I did to you… you were never the devil in my story… you were just a dark skinned angel.
My spirit was shred into pieces when I had the 3 of them as my managers.
My soul was taken when I had you as my family.
I’m always mad... At myself, the world and my family.
Friends who won’t go out with me.. People who won’t communicate with me.
I’m not so pure either, I have ruined so many friendships accidently. I just didn’t know how to talk about things I wasn’t that kind of person who would go and talk... I would just rather sit in the corner and cry about it and never take a step forward. Then I when I decide to talk... it will become too late.. The flight has taken off already.
I’m not sure where should start. The sexual abuse? Physical abuse? Being used? Taken for granted? Being manipulated? Being so lonely? None of you were there for me?
I have come to realize that I’m going to hell unless some certain people that I don’t even know will forgive me. I’m not going to beg for forgiveness. I have begged for a lot of things and it didn’t happen.
So what’s the point??
Seeing you with her helping you get on the right track… seeing you flirt with her… seeing her making you laugh…
I wasn’t that person… I was the one who made you suffer… with me you suffer… everyone suffers..
I’m just that dramatic, toxic person no matter how much I try to be good my darkness gets the best of me.
Like my dad said.. “We are better off without you…” I love him tho, him and my mom no matter how many times they made think that having me was a mistake and how much they wish they never had me.
I’m suffocating on the air I breathe... Cancer has reached my brain I can’t fight it… I can’t make it stop…
All I ever wanted is to be truly loved, accepted and to fit in… I really wanted to fit…
Yet, I just sat there awkwardly in silence ruining everything good I had in me..
I’m way beyond redemption I can never be saved… at least that’s what I have been told when I tried to get professional help.
“yarab temoty” that’s what my mom and dad said Amen to right into my face.
Being hit by a bus is what my mom wished for me.. not meeting me that’s what most of you wished…
Mom and Dad, do you know what kind of doctors do I visit? Did you even bother coming along with me?
Check what kind of medicines do I take? Do I even take them? Am I okay?
Then I realized that it’s not you and by you I mean everyone… It’s probably me… it has to be me… my brain is screaming what’s wrong me????????
What’s wrong with me???
Today when I woke up I had a lot of reasons why I shouldn’t do this..
Then I had a 46 seconds conversation with my mom and I wished I was dead back then…
It’s like I’m not allowed to be happy…
Sheko, Aya Ayman, Amna, Sahar, Essam, Nada Hassan, Russ… everyone who has done right by me… Thank you…
You wouldn’t have been able to save me… it’s too late for me… I way beyond being saved.. I’m a walking lie… I’m a sick person…
By the time you finish reading this, you would know that I have jumped from the 9th floor and hopefully dead… not alive and paralyzed because we all know how Karma can be a bitch sometimes…
I have encountered the past 24 years sober and clean... all alone.. none of you knew what I was going through...
Hatew7ashnoy fash5… I really love all of you… but at this point my existence has becomes pointless…
That was all me.. I did this to myself... but you gave me brain cancer.... so please enough with the cancer...
Forever, your favorite redhead..
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its-hyperfixation · 2 years
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before the world, it got so serious; before the time, it got away from us
for my deeply beloved, @bellamyblakru. i am so lucky that i get to know you and be a part of your life. i am so lucky that i can talk to you everyday. i am so so lucky that you let me be your friend. i love u.
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bellamyblakru · 1 year
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have you seen how my life's been going? cause i’ve been wondering what you'd say. would you have told me to keep going, or would you say to walk away?
happy birthday to the one who i love dearest. mi amor, you are the light of my life. i wish you the brightest and happiest year ahead, and i hope to be along for the ride until the very end. thank you for being my best friend. i would move heaven and earth to see you smile, to hear you laugh, as much as you deserve to. i love you so, so much. (im crying writing this smh my head.) please remember that you always have me in your corner—through thick and thin, my beautiful wife. here’s to you—you brilliant, talented, loving, kind, caring human you. you will always be the arthur to my merlin, the louis to my harry, the rowan to my aelin, the love to my life. @its-hyperfixation ♥️♥️
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oldmogg · 5 years
ETISALAT (Ramadan VS Van Damme) 💪💪 A fun project that I’ve totally enjoyed working on with the best CREW, the amazing FP7 Creative team, the Action-movies legend VAN DAMNE, the talented Actor MOHAMED RAMADAN, and the dedicated CINEGRAM productions! .. enjoy 😉 Agency: FP7-Cairo Production House: CINEGRAM Executive Producer: Sherif Hammad Production Consultant: Heba Radwan Post House: AROMA Director: Tamer Mahdy DOP: Matej Kriznik Production Designer: Hisham Mahdy Assistant Art Director: Afnan Mokhtar Assistants: Sherif Abd El Badi3 – Darine Alaa – Ahmed Essa – Essam Mostafa�Prop-Master : Ahmed Shokry Stylist: Abir Ansari Special Effects: Tarek Mostafa Stunt Coordinator: Andrew Mckenzie Stunt-double: YOUSSEF MAGED – MOSTAFA KOKSHA – JAMIE BROWN – KHALED HASSAN – AHMED KAZOOMY Choreographer: Carina Music Composer: Ramy El Masri Editor: Ahmed Hafez Assistant Editor: Yasmine Youness 1st Assistant Director: Renad Tarek 2nd Assistant Directors: Mootaz Tarek, Mariam Adel Steady-cam Operator: Nadim George Camera Operator: Walid Camera Man: Walid Gaber Focus puller: BONDOK – ABDEL RAHMAN EL FOULY – ALY ASSAR Gaffer: Ahmed Bejo Grip: Toukhi Sound: Ramy Othman Photography: Ayman Abbas Post House: AROMA Colorist: Ahmed Essam Sound Design: Mohamed Nazih (AROMA) Casting: CHALLENGE casting (Ahmed Mohey) ETISALAT TEAM: Hossam Omar Mostafa Shady Baso Ahmed Sirag Hossam Sharaf Karim El Shakankiry Sarah El Menzlawy Khaled Gaber Dalia Tarek Ingy Akiel Youssef El-okda Hossam El-sawy Etisalat segments Casio Nael Al-Zorkani Ahmed Samy Sherif Atef Islam Magdy Mohamed Adel Sara Radwan Ahmed Salah Project mangement Amr Haroun Ahmed fadel CINEGRAM TEAM: PRODUCTION COORDINATOR : FAY KATSARI�HEAD OF PRODUCTION : AHMED MAHER �PRODUCTION MANAGER : KHALED HANAFY �LOCATION MANAGER : TAHER ABDEL GHANY DUE WORDS .. To Hossam Omar (ETISALAT) “You know how much I enjoy woking with you and on this brand. It was a SUPER FUN experience .. and what made the challenge attainable and enjoyable was your trust” To Mostafa Shady (ETISALAT) “Ya darsh, whether you’re on the Agency-side, Brand-consultancy side or Client-side, you NEVER failed to spread this ‘brotherly-support’ vibes around you. I always feel I’m backed when you’re on the project. You’re always constructive, fair & objective .. and it always leads to something amazing!” (awaiting our next venture) 😉 To Heba Radwan (Production Consultant): “You’re the BACKBONE of this project .. No way it would’ve happened without you! You believed it’s doable throughout the entire process and your energy didn’t fade at all! You know how much I enjoy working with you while having you backing me on set and throughout the entire project” To Sherif Hammad (Executive Producer): “You appeared in the right time and started spreading hope and positive vibes all around you. You work calmly, professionally and with high attention to ethics. I’ve not only gained a new Executive Producer, but I gained a friend and a brother” To Hisham Mahdy (Production Designer): “No one could’ve done it with that amount of perfection and attention to details in the time given. You’ve totally raised the bar ya H .. and made me more eager to challenge you more!” .. and Afnane Mokhtar (Assistant Art Director) .. you deserve a double-star this time ⭐️⭐️ ! To Tamer Mortada (and his amazing AROMA Team): “Tamer .. you always make me proud we can deliver this quality in Egypt! You gave the project your heart and didn’t spare any effort to tweak every single shot. You’re probably the only person on this planet to whom I owe .. a dragon!” 😉 To FP7 CREATIVE TEAM: “Your positive energy, dedication and attention to details was the real fuel of this project. KAREEM, WAHEED, MERIAM & SAMY .. I’ve really enjoyed working with you and thank you for the fun ride!” SONDOS, NAHLA, SHEEEEEEMY 🙂 .. love you guys!! To Matej Kriznik (DOP): “If we’re getting credit for shooting this tough project in 2 days .. you’re probably getting the biggest chunk of credit! .. Matej, you were TOTALLY up to my expectations and beyond. You always make my life easier in grading and post” To Andrew McKenzie (Stunt Coordinator): “Your effort in this job is irreplaceable! Thx for your dedication, spirit and on-going will to makes things better! The fights look great! You’re a real friend! .. Pass my regards to Kokhsha! 😉” To Renad Tarek (1st Assistant Director): “You’ve worked a lot with me .. but, you know, you’ve bonded with me on that one. Enjoy your ADOOGAN making-clip (now u can post it)”
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martiriosfarm · 6 years
we sleepy as fuck! but somewhat happy. the feeling of a bunch of beautiful fair 2 dark skinned aunties n uncles in their 40s 50s masked up with long hair that looks like their kids soft half closed eyes n lashes that look like their daughters, five six people all sitting around talking eating all from one place regathered.. im also part of the crowd and i like myself the most when im part of the crowd ..this boy came in with food and said ‘akhtar?’ we said yea come in.. then he says birthday? n mama says you can put it right there and he says no i need to have him say his birthday so aboo says it. and then as hes walking out mama says ye kya he, ek baje pe lunch aur abhi dinner, smth about what kind of shitass schedule that leaves a patient hungry, n then the boy pops his head back around as hes leaving and says, ha ye siraf schedule hay jab khana lethe he,...or something like that something saying yeah thats jst how we do it and mama was like acha thank you... and everyone started giggling laughing as he walks out bisma was like couldnt u see he’s desi? and she was like yeah good thing i didnt do too much burhai.. and also bisma aunty talking about her book about getting out of the house 2 escape from her kids mama saying yea sophy knows that technique, everyones kids, bisma n mama sitting on 2 chairs n telling sara the story about hajara and her baby, saying smth about her arabic name n me thinking i WAANT him to know this too. to see shit thru my eyes. it feel almost alien the amount they know n have lived that mudswirled part of the world below the mtns where they from.. did u live in sugarland no we were too poor we lived in a small apartment.. n telling stories about u can find anything in houston if its not in pakistan it’ll still be in houston. or mama takin the highway for the first time practicing on sunday bfore she goes somewhere on mon,, the way bisma n fawad bounce off each other that radiance lol u can feel it. u been angry. ayra saying yea i cant see you with a white person. another story about a patient chart one doctor was f ahmed another was s ahmed like 3 different ahmeds the wife was noreen the case manager was noreen n she wasnt even desi she was filipina but she still spelled it the same so tanvir was saying it was all this ridiculous mess of ahmed ahmed ahmed noreen noreen.. like idk who or what tf.. but the boy who walked thru the door (akhtar) the passport control sfya mrym ayman spelling it saying it amani hanan gemal aunties spelling my name whatever way wht im saying is i am hella lucky to be in the middle of this. to know this n get the chance to love this. and idk for how much longer. anyway my hand getting numb i think abt u and i kind of want to do something about it soon. or at least concretely think about doing something
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meanwhileinoz · 7 years
10+ People Who Went Far AF For Their Best Friend
If you and your best friend have known each other for years, and spend all night texting and night gabbing, then you’re probably that friend who’d go the extra mile for your BFF without any questions asked! But, you’re not the only one.
Here are 10+ people who went far AF for their best friend:
1. This friend who literally went too far.
My bff made a dick out of socks n pretended to be a boy so I could piss off a boy on snap, true friendship 🤘🏽 http://pic.twitter.com/KrwnLcaWUR
— b🦄 (@bethbxxxx) August 28, 2017
2. Just showing some support.
when your best friend wants to make sure your first date goes well http://pic.twitter.com/wtwDUH8gMI
— Dawsyn Eubanks (@presleighdawsyn) February 16, 2017
3. Best friend goals? Not.
My best friend stayed up and packed my things for my trip bc I was too tired last night and fell asleep. I woke up this morning to this 💕💕💕 http://pic.twitter.com/XzAIK9etY2
— shaw tt (@MeganNahhhman) August 22, 2017
4. When your best friend is a photographic wizard.
Twitter: @nicolewatkinss_
5. Never underestimate the importance of memes.
My friend is away at boot camp and can’t use her phone, so I’m sending here memes. She is missing much tbh http://pic.twitter.com/fIgOs1BciC
— khaled kharma (@k_is_like) July 18, 2017
6. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Twitter: @frankpisano9
7. He’ll always be there for you.
man added his friend for “moral support” i’m so ????? http://pic.twitter.com/SDJBtRfQ9W
— ghina (@GHlNA) June 25, 2017
8. The world is coming to an end.
I’m hella dead lol. We got females helping fix eye lashes and then one is just hella smacked. 😂🤦🏻‍♂️ http://pic.twitter.com/XPLRemNprL
— Cj David (@cjaydavid) July 16, 2017
9. Who needs light when you have best friends?
the team helped me out with good lighting to take a nice pic of me eating pizza http://pic.twitter.com/dZdYa11Yep
— jane (@jaanemao) December 4, 2016
10. Trending today.
My friend needed sweatpants in order to go in her lab and take a quiz so I’m just chilling in the restroom for 50 mins with booty shorts on http://pic.twitter.com/cbWCeYa5wF
— Andrew Nguyen (@Anguyenballer) September 28, 2016
11. Can’t let your best friend suffer. EVER.
Kyle came in clutch http://pic.twitter.com/J0KaHJj3pX
— Adryan Marques (@AdryanM_) December 31, 2015
12. Helping out a BFF.
Today, our friend ayman got robbed/beat up, they took everything he had including his car, wallet, and his phone. The least we could do. ❤️ http://pic.twitter.com/fA87qsq1uM
— Waldo (@WaldoMahdawi) May 12, 2017
13. Best Friend = Survival kit.
My mom and I made a Break up kit for a friend and I love it ✨💘 http://pic.twitter.com/PHIVxMqETl
— sami (@Samijeaan) June 23, 2017
14. Goals!
am the best friend u wish u had x http://pic.twitter.com/7tmlhC1hQx
— E (@MMVVIII) July 27, 2017
15. Bon Appetit!
Bae and friends asked for hotdogs😂😂 I don’t cook hot dogs FOH! BBQ Ribs, Baked Mac, Fried Cabbage, and Homemade Biscuits😏😈#footballsunday http://pic.twitter.com/QoHA9Pqh73
— GrayArea (@ThisGrayArea) September 10, 2017
16. Good friends go a long way!
Had a rough few weeks and my friends gave me this. This is by far the nicest thing anyone has done for me😭 @carl_whitlcok http://pic.twitter.com/At9YNo7Liw
— papi (@caallmepapi) March 8, 2017
17. Celebrating a snap streak in the most unique way.
Had a rough few weeks and my friends gave me this. This is by far the nicest thing anyone has done for me😭 @carl_whitlcok http://pic.twitter.com/At9YNo7Liw
— papi (@caallmepapi) March 8, 2017
18. Happy Birthday!
LOVE. MY. FRIENDS. BEST. DAY. EVER. http://pic.twitter.com/HWCR9oDZl1
— Chris Nervegna (@Brovegna) February 5, 2017
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myacademicaesthetic · 8 years
The Tag Game
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
I was tagged by the wonderful @leestudies (So sorry it took me so long to actually do it) 
Nickname: None, everyone just calls me Ayman--but I am willing to take suggestions Gender: Female Starsign: Leo Height: 5′2
Last thing I googled: etsy planner 
Fave music artist:  Song stuck in my head: Alexander Hamilton 
Last movie I watched: Beauty and the Briefcase 
Last tv show I watched: Criminal Minds 
What are you wearing right now? maroon shalwar kameez
When did you create your blog? August 2016 What kind of stuff do you post? aesthetic photos of my planner and homework as well as rebloging studyblr masterposts and stuff  Do you have any other blogs? My personal @serendipitous-sesquipedalian and my old IB studyblr from high school (which i occasionally still reblog stuff too) @ibstudyblrbeauty Do you get asks regularly? nope, but feel free to ask anything, i’d love to answer
How did you did you choose your URL? it used to aymantakesgmu because i go to GMU and I made that when I first started college. I just changed it to myacademicaesthetic the other day because it just came to me and it sounded nice
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw Pokemon Team: not really a pokemon fan so i don’t know
Favourite colour: purple Average hours of sleep: 6 Lucky number: 5
Favourite Characters: Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall, Percy Jackson, Sadie Kane, All the characters in Parks and Rec, all the ones in Brooklyn 99, and so many othersss
How many blankets do you sleep with? One or two
Dream Job: literally still trying to decide on a major
Following: 448
I tag: @booksandstationery @hella-smart-nerd @aescademic @theunderagelawyer @lilstudybug @ambitiousandcaffeinated @alexincollege
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