#im a dumbass dw
mwagneto · 9 months
something something. rose using the fact that the doctor never mentioned sarah jane as 1) a way to insult her 2) something to get insecure about wrt her own relevance to him vs donna using the fact that he never mentioned mel to highlight how he never shares anything and never stops even though he desperately needs to just Talk About His Shit
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darkartistyt · 4 months
Hershel Layton is so many things to me. He's who I want to be. He's me right now. He's my chew toy. He's my doll. I want him to suffer. I want to console him. He brings me nothing but comfort. He makes me insane.
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Reincarnation AU
Poor Mom of Triplets Rodimus so Exhausted. Luckly the Lost Lighters have heard the phrase "It takes a vilage to raise a child." Suprisingly Whirl is up there in compatition for most beloved uncle with Drift. Seriously who knew the Psychocopter was really good with bitties.
It's probably a good thing since Roddy wasn't the only one to fall to the Reincarnation shenanigans. He was merely the first. When Drift, Ratchet and Megatron all fall pregnant the call back to Cybetrton reveals Optimus, Starscream, and Prowl are all greatly gravid.
[Meanwhile somewhere off stage Tarn is feeling Things™️. He kept his array pure for Lord Megatron The Cause. And somehow he is experiencing the mechpreg.]
He's having such a hard time lmao. Even tho the crew adores the bitties and are always happy to help out their captain, they're still very young and can't really be away from their carrier for too long. Offers to babysit last perhaps a megacycle, tops, before the bitties get squirmy and cranky and their tiny sparks begin reaching for their maternal bond, and Rodimus has to hurry back to them
Funny enough, he actually gets the most rest when he's not by himself: though he trusts Drift and Ratchet completely with the triplets, and go an extent Ultra Magnus as well, Roddy struggles to actually relax when he's alone in his habsuite or office and his kiddos are elsewhere. It's like a reflex he can't control: whenever his sparklings are out of sight it's like a switch just flips in his mind. His thoughts swirl around them, always insistently pulled away from whatever he's supposed to be doing. Wondering if they're alright, if they're hungry, or if Pinky is getting anxious without him like he tends to, or if Maroon was still trying to choke himself by sucking on his own fingers. What if they miss him, what if they're too much for their sitters to handle, what if they think he's abandoned them, what if they trip and fall and hurt themselves and he's not there to make sure they're ok?! What if something terrible happens, like what if they fall down the stairs and break their cranial casing? What if there's another psychotic sociopath hiding aboard somewhere that takes his sparklings hostage when he's not there to protect them?! What if they get attacked by space pirates?! What if they DIE?! Of they die it'll he all his fault and he's the worst mom ever and-
On and on it goes. Whenever the exhausted carrier tries to nap by himself, his thoughts just spiral and throw him headfirst into a fit of anxiety. Rodimus has some of the worst imposter syndrome we've ever seen, and i think that would carry over to how he sees himself as a parent: he has no idea what he's doing and he loves these sparklings more than life itself; the only thing he wants, more than anything, is to do right by them. To give them the life they deserve, to be the mother they deserve. He's scared to death about raising them, honestly, so afraid to make a mistake and ruin their lives. He'd never forgive himself if he let them be hurt or, worse, if he hurt them. Having them out of sight exacerbates his anxieties, because he can't possibly know exactly what they're getting up to.
And because of all that, exhausted mama Rodimus gets his best sleep either on his berth with the three ragamuffins puppy piled on top of him, or in common areas when someone else can keep the kiddos occupied and he can keep an eye on them. Knowing they're safe and right in front of him but also knowing that he's not the only pair of adult hands available, the combination let's his body finally relax and he is out. Either helm down on the table or crashing onto the nearest shoulder, Rodimus drops into such a deep recharge so fast the first few times it happened the crew worried he had actually fainted. And when I say out I mean out, face completely limp in exhaustion, mouth open, and snoring. Everyone in the vicinity is happy to let him recharge, Primus knows he needs it. Drift makes sure to get him a blanket, and it's not long before the triplets are lured in by the warm softness and their mother's form, getting all comfy in the little blankie nest at his side 🤭
Sorry, that Rodimus part went on waaay longer than I expected it to, I just love him sm ok 🥺
Ratchet and Drift and Megatron all at roughly the same time? Damn. I feel like idw Megatron would be quietly horrified because, in his (probably correct honestly I love him but I shouldnt lie) opinion, he is not fit to be a carrier. Ratchet is crabby with Drift when he finds out, grumbling about outdated contraceptives and overly affectionate conjunx, until he's able to actually do a paternity test at Rodimus's prompting. His babies don't have a sire, so maybe...?
Ratchet is surprised and suspicious when the same turns up for him. Once is a random occurrence, twice is a coincidence, thrice makes a pattern. For the three of them to all turn up carrying at roughly the same time was already very unlikely, but for two out of the four pregnancies onboard to be asexually conceived... the chances of that happening randomly is astronomically small. He pulls Drift in for the same test, and wouldn't you know it? No sire. Same story with Megatron. When they get in contact with Cybertron, he finds they're all thankfully on the same page. Starscream had pegged it as incredibly statistically unlikely, though he hadn't had paternity tests performed to determine the lack of a sire. It's almost surreal, once said tests are done, hearing that every single one of them is expecting what is, essentially, a naturally occurring little clone of themselves.
Final closing thoughts because I've rambled enough: I'm still incredibly amused by the idea Tarn in labor, high as a kite from the epidural, tell Nickel, "Nooo don't touch my seal, that's for Lord Megatron" 😂 poor Tarn man, saved himself for all these years, only to get slapped with virgin mary syndrome and BOOM, magic baby. He gets all the pains of childbirth without even experiencing the act of conceiving the baby in the first place. Press F
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stardust-sunset · 1 month
the only thing that’s gonna keep me from killing my self when the school year starts is the outsiders musical awaiting me
(excuse the rant in the tags 😭)
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 6 months
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The world's most 22 year old woman is growing on me
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totallynottinsel · 2 years
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“This world has never seen such a vibrant color / it bestows upon everyone a brilliant hue. A shade more ethereal then white / yet more radiant than gold / it eases into your eyes / and restores to light a solitary soul.”
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buggyboyizhere · 1 year
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He’s so find but he’s not Patryck
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distinguished-psycho · 11 months
Father (@madladmorty) went out to get milk and never came back. 😭 (Hasn't talked in a while)
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kimaratomoya · 1 year
*Casually Materialises*
No one asked for this but I don't care.
Characters that I fucking love from Fazbear Frights that I see barely anyone talking about because they didn't read past books 1-5 usually. Or they forget about them. Because that happens.
Spoilers if you haven't read the books ig??
1. Toby Billings
My beloved boy
He's so depressed lmao
Definitely got some shit going wrong
But we love him
And he deserves better that being tormented by a fucking shadow rabbit
Literally has no mother
She fucking left ✌️
But he has a brother (who is a dick)
And a dad (who supports the brother)
Bestie I hope ur ok
2. Jeremiah (I don't he has a last name, if he does, I forgot it and I refuse to check the wiki out of spite)
Also depressed probably
Needs therapy
Parker was so mean to him what the heck.
He was just vibin
And trying to finish his fucking job
And this bitch put spicy shit in his chips
Also Glitchtrap kinda makes him have to find Hope and Parker's disembodied pieces
So that's rude
3. Hudson
Why are all of these people depressed
But yeah he has actual PTSD
Poor guy
Literally was trying to just leave his past behind him BC he couldn't deal with it
And just wanted to exist in peace
I have a lot of hatred towards William.
4. Colton
Surprisingly, not depressed
Just a moron
I love his stupid little brain
He legit broke into a place to fix a game to get tickets for a game when he literally could've just stolen the game
You little dumb dumb
5. Sam
Broski does film????
I do film!!!!!
Also I find him goofy
And Nole definitely spent way too long on the first 3 pages describing how he sits and stuff
I have no idea what his skin tone is because everyone keeps changing it and I am just gonna stick with like the original one I know for him lmao
He's so swag
(probably fruity ✨💅)
Does anyone want 5 (or more) characters I despise for dumb little reasons?
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ever since I stopped posting here i finished bw and bw2 completely (it was fuckin fantastic) but i had more plans.
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lillazyboithings · 8 months
Holy shit, im the biggest dumbass. Not only have you already drawn that, I've already requested it.
Shhhhh, I shall pretend that the previous one did not exist...let me have this.......
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sharky-the-idiot · 8 months
i wanna hug weeping willow... I wanna hug her and tell her dumb dad jokes and hang out with her at the lake... I wanna kiss...
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mwah <3
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sk3l3t0n444 · 10 months
"holy shit thats a big leaf"
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sinnhelmingr · 2 years
im sick af so feel free to tell me to log off and go to bed but like. is it just me or is it only blogs with a specific aesthetic style that do these bullshit callouts.
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anxsity · 2 years
oooooooh baby i love..bad decisions. god nor my therapist can see me rn
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ryonello · 2 years
How do you have the "Tip" option on? I never see that in other blogs
it's a feature tumblr implemented this year!!
here's the help article about it :D
basically you'll need a stripe account and to go into your blog settings to find this section:
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as far as im aware it's not available to Everyone but i figure theres no harm in enabling it jus in case :]
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