travisdermotts · 1 year
out of all the ways bubic could be pronounced i was not expecting that
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chavisory · 2 years
I’m sorry, Kris Bubic is such a disaster.
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twins2994 · 15 days
Royals Sweep Twins.
Twins 0 Royals 2 W-Wacha (12-7) L-Woods Richardson (5-4) SV-Erceg (11)
The Minnesota Twins have had injuries piled up and the bats have gotten cold. They looked to avoid a sweep this afternoon at Kauffman Stadium. A pitcher's duel broke out in Kansas City as Simeon Woods Richarson and Michael Wacha threw up zeroes for the first four innings. The Royals would rally in the fifth when MJ Melendez walked and Freddy Fermin singled to right. Maikel Garcia loaded the bases with an infield single and Garrett Hampson hit a sac fly to left. Tommy Pham walked and Salvador Perez reached on an infield single to plate another run. Michael Wacha ran with it as he tossed seven shutout innings. Kris Bubic had a 1-2-3 eighth and Lucas Erceg had a scoreless ninth to close out the sweep today.
-Final Thoughts- Simeon Woods Richardson was sailing along then hit a wall in the fifth. He went 4 1/3 innings and allowed two runs on three hits with three walks and two strikeouts. Coel Sands got five big outs, Jorge Alcala put up a zero in the seventh, and Scott Blewett got in and out of trouble in the eighth. Christian Vazquez had three of the team's five hits. The Twins hit 0-for-2 with runners in scoring position and left three men on base. The Twins return home to host the Angels. Reid Detmers will face David Festa in the series opener tomorrow night.
-Chris Kreibich-
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snehagoogle · 2 months
How does our brain make
How does our brain make such accurate predictions about our every move?
The predictive brain looks inwards as well as outwards and is constantly trying to predict the stream of sensations coming from within the body too. Our experiences of pain, for example, reflect a combination of the pain we expect and the actual signals coming from the body.11 Nov 2023
The brain is a prediction machine: It knows how well we are ...
University of Oxford
https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk › news › the-brain-is-a-predic...
16 Mar 2021 — Highlights of the study: A new study suggests that even before events happen people estimate, in advance, whether they are likely to happen.
Your Brain Predicts (Almost) Everything You Do
Mindful - healthy mind, healthy life
https://www.mindful.org › your-brain-predicts-almost-e...
29 Apr 2021 — According to research your brain is made to predict your reality, and you have more power over that perception than you might think.
Can our brain predict future?
https://news.ncbs.res.in › research-explained › can-our-b...
8 Feb 2024 — For this, the brain needs to learn from experience and based on past experience, be able to predict events in the real world.
Prediction, Cognition and the Brain - PMC
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › articles › PMC2904053
by A Bubic · 2010 · Cited by 898
The term “predictive brain” depicts one of the most relevant concepts in cognitive neuroscience which emphasizes the importance of “looking into the future”, namely prediction, preparation, anticipation, prospection or expectations in various cognitive domains. Analogously, it has been suggested that predictive processing represents one of the fundamental principles of neural computations and that errors of prediction may be crucial for driving neural and cognitive processes as well as behavior. This review discusses research areas which have recognized the importance of prediction and introduces the relevant terminology and leading theories in the field in an attempt to abstract some generative mechanisms of predictive processing. Furthermore, we discuss the process of testing the validity of postulated expectations by matching these to the realized events and compare the subsequent processing of events which confirm to those which violate the initial predictions. We conclude by suggesting that, although a lot is known about this type of processing, there are still many open issues which need to be resolved before a unified theory of predictive processing can be postulated with regard to both cognitive and neural functioning.
Keywords: anticipation, expectation, internal models, novelty detection, prediction, prediction errors, prospection, simulation
Be it a telescope or a microscope, the correct manner in which our brain uses the lens to capture the subject is commendable. Anyway, whatever it may be, I am very interested in food. Aatap rice bhaat Patha meat Brinjal stuffing Patalchindi Chatani Dahi Rasgulla Sandesh Wah what do I eat? By the way, what does every living being eat Wah Wah
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हमारी हर एक पदक्षेप में इतने सही अंदाजा हमारे दिमाग कैसे बना पते है
पूर्वानुमानित मस्तिष्क अंदर की ओर और बाहर की ओर भी देखता है और लगातार शरीर के भीतर से आने वाली संवेदनाओं की धारा का पूर्वानुमान लगाने की कोशिश करता रहता है। उदाहरण के लिए, दर्द के हमारे अनुभव, हमारे द्वारा अपेक्षित दर्द और शरीर से आने वाले वास्तविक संकेतों के संयोजन को दर्शाते हैं।11 नवंबर 2023
मस्तिष्क एक पूर्वानुमान मशीन है: यह जानता है कि हम कितने अच्छे हैं ...
ऑक्सफोर्ड विश्वविद्यालय
https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk › news › the-brain-is-a-predic...
16 मार्च 2021 — अध्ययन के मुख्य अंश: एक नए अध्ययन से पता चलता है कि घटनाओं के घटित होने से पहले ही लोग पहले से अनुमान लगा लेते हैं कि क्या वे घटित होने की संभावना है।
आपका मस्तिष्क (लगभग) आपकी हर हरकत का पूर्वानुमान लगाता है
माइंडफुल - स्वस्थ दिमाग, स्वस्थ जीवन
https://www.mindful.org › your-brain-predicts-almost-e...
29 अप्रैल 2021 — शोध के अनुसार आपका मस्तिष्क आपकी वास्तविकता का पूर्वानुमान लगाने के लिए बना है, और आपके पास उस धारणा पर जितना आप सोचते हैं, उससे कहीं ज़्यादा शक्ति है।
क्या हमारा मस्तिष्क भविष्य की भविष्यवाणी कर सकता है?
https://news.ncbs.res.in › research-explained › can-our-b...
8 फ़रवरी 2024 — इसके लिए, मस्तिष्क को अनुभव से सीखने और पिछले अनुभव के आधार पर वास्तविक दुनिया में होने वाली घटनाओं की भविष्यवाणी करने में सक्षम होने की आवश्यकता है।
पूर्वानुमान, अनुभूति और मस्तिष्क - PMC
राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य संस्थान (NIH) (.gov)
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › लेख › PMC2904053
ए बुबिक द्वारा · 2010 · 898 द्वारा उद्धृत
शब्द "भविष्यसूचक मस्तिष्क" संज्ञानात्मक तंत्रिका विज्ञान में सबसे प्रासंगिक अवधारणाओं में से एक को दर्शाता है जो "भविष्य में देखने" के महत्व पर जोर देता है, अर्थात् विभिन्न संज्ञानात्मक डोमेन में पूर्वानुमान, तैयारी, प्रत्याशा, पूर्वेक्षण या अपेक्षाएँ। इसी तरह, यह सुझाव दिया गया है कि पूर्वानुमानात्मक प्रसंस्करण तंत्रिका संगणना के मूलभूत सिद्धांतों में से एक का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है और पूर्वानुमान की त्रुटियाँ तंत्रिका और संज्ञानात्मक प्रक्रियाओं के साथ-साथ व्यवहार को चलाने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण हो सकती हैं। यह समीक्षा उन शोध क्षेत्रों पर चर्चा करती है जिन्होंने पूर्वानुमान के महत्व को पहचाना है और पूर्वानुमानात्मक प्रसंस्करण के कुछ उत्पादक तंत्रों को अमूर्त करने के प्रयास में प्रासंगिक शब्दावली और क्षेत्र में अग्रणी सिद्धांतों का परिचय दिया है। इसके अलावा, हम अनुमानित अपेक्षाओं की वैधता का परीक्षण करने की प्रक्रिया पर चर्चा करते हैं, इन्हें साकार घटनाओं से मिलान करके और उन घटनाओं के बाद के प्रसंस्करण की तुलना करते हैं जो उन लोगों की पुष्टि करते हैं जो प्रारंभिक भविष्यवाणियों का उल्लंघन करते हैं। हम यह सुझाव देकर निष्कर्ष निकालते हैं कि, हालांकि इस प्रकार के प्रसंस्करण के बारे में बहुत कुछ ज्ञात है, फिर भी कई खुले मुद्दे हैं जिन्हें संज्ञानात्मक और तंत्रिका क्रियाकलापों दोनों के संबंध में पूर्वानुमानित प्रसंस्करण के एकीकृत सिद्धांत को स्थापित करने से पहले हल करने की आवश्यकता है।
कीवर्ड: प्रत्याशा, अपेक्षा, आंतरिक मॉडल, नवीनता का पता लगाना, भविष्यवाणी, भविष्यवाणी त्रुटियाँ, पूर्वेक्षण, अनुकरण
चाहे टेलिस्कोप हो चाहे माइक्रोस्कोप हो जिस सही ढंग से हमारा दिमाग लेंस को प्रयोग करके विषय को मुष्ठीबद्ध करता है
वो काबिले तारिफ है
खैर चाहे जो भी हो मैं तो खाने में बहुत दिलचस्बी रखता हूँ
आतप चावल की भात पाठा का मांस बैंगन का भरता पटलचिंड़ी चाटनी दही रसोगुल्ला संदेश
वाः क्या खाता हूँ मैं
वैसे हर एक जीव भी क्या खता है वाः वाः
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portaltvpljevlja · 5 months
Detektori na eksternoj maturi, kraj i za bubice: Ne kršimo prava djeteta - https://tvpljevlja.me/?p=125998&utm_source=SocialAutoPoster&utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Tumblr...
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goalhofer · 6 months
2024 Kansas City Royals Players By Nationality
American: 25 (Nick Anderson, Jake Brentz, Kris Bubic, Adam Frazier, Garrett Hampson, Kyle Isbel, Nick Loftin, Jacob Lugo, Jordan Lyles, Alec Marsh, Michael Massey, James McArthur, M.S. Melendez; Jr., Vinnie Pasquantino, Salvador Pérez, Cole Ragans, Dustin Renfroe, Matt Sauer, John Schreiber, Brady Singer, Will Smith, Chris Stratton, Josh Taylor, Nelson Velázquez, Michael Wacha & Bobby Witt; Jr.) Venezuelan: 5 (Freddy Fermín, Maikel García, Carlos Hernández, Salvador Pérez & Ángel Zerpa) Cuban: 1 (Dairon Blanco) Puerto Rican: 1 (Nelson Velázquez)
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mariacallous · 11 months
Milorad Dodik, president of Bosnia’s Serb-dominated Republika Srpska entity, and his co-defendant, Milos Lukic, acting director of Republika Srpska’s Official Gazette, refused to plead to charges before the Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Monday in the latest legal case embroiling him. 
Dodik told the media after the hearing that he was “being tried for a non-existent criminal offence in front of the non-existent court, prosecuted by a non-existent prosecution.
“This is a degradation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and we will do everything to defend Republika Srpska,” Dodik said. 
Dodik and Lukic are charged with “failure to comply with the decisions of the High Representative”, a criminal offence imposed by Bosnia’s international overseer, Christian Schmidt, on July 1.
Bosnia’s top court has, however, noted that both have declared that they are not guilty. This is because both of them stated during the hearing that they did not understand the indictment for the crime of “non-compliance with decisions of the High Representative”.
Dodik stated he had received the indictment in the Latin script, instead of Serbian Cyrillic, which he said he “does not understand”. Both scripts are official in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The two men’s defence claims the criminal act of non-compliance does not exist, as Schmidt’s appointment was not confirmed by the United Nations’ Security Council, which means that such laws cannot be enforced. 
“It involves a non-existent criminal act. It is non-existent because the Criminal Law of Bosnia and Herzegovina was not amended by the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina but rather by the self-appointed and illegitimate High Representative Christian Schmidt, who is neither institutionally authorised to enact laws nor personally authorised, because he has not been confirmed as a High Representative by the United Nations Security Council,” Dodik’s lawyer, Goran Bubic, said, ATV reported.  
Denying Schmidt’s authority, Dodik wrote on Twitter on Sunday that he is “coming to defend Republika Srpska in front of an unconstitutional court for non existing crime.
“Tomorrow at the Court of BiH, I expect a complete degradation of the rights and the Constitution of BiH. Republika Srpska will respond very clearly and decisively to this farce. We will carry out several important activities in this regard, and I believe that this is an opportunity for Srpska to liberate itself from Sarajevo and BiH,” he added.
As stated in the indictment, using his official powers, Dodik issued a Decree declaring the Law amending the Law on the Publication of Laws and Other Regulations of Republika Srpska, which he personally signed.
The National Assembly of Republika Srpska adopted this as law on June 21, thereby not applying or enforcing the decision of the High Representative suspending the legal adoption of the mentioned decree.
“Although he was aware that the decisions of the High Representative are binding in accordance with the powers granted to him, [Dodik acted] with the intention of not applying and not enforcing the said decisions of the High Representative … because it required abstaining from further legislative proceedings,” the indictment says. 
“Subsequently, [he] forwarded these decrees to the ‘Official Gazette of Republika Srpska’ for their publication and then the entry into force of the mentioned laws, which were the consequences he intended,” the indictment adds.
Schmidt’s intervention came after the Republika Srpska assembly voted two new laws -– one rendering decisions of the state-level Constitutional Court invalid in Republika Srpska, the other preventing publication in the entity’s Official Gazette of decisions by Bosnia’s international overseer, effectively rendering them also invalid.
Schimdt annulled the laws, but both were promptly signed into force by Dodik only six days later. Lukic published them both in the Official Gazette of Republika Srpska, one day after he was named acting director on a day off for public institutions.
Even before the indictment was confirmed, Dodik’s supporters had been organising protests at the administrative line between Republika Srpska and Bosnia’s other entity, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The protest was named “The Border Exists”. Several rallies have taken place every week since early September in support of Dodik and Lukic. 
Bosnia’s state court confirmed the indictment on September 11, after sending it back to the Prosecutor’s Office for revision. 
If found guilty, Dodik and Lukic face prison sentences of six months to five years. The prosecution has also proposed that the court set legal consequences if they are convicted, which would include the “termination of their official duties and employment”.
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news247planet · 1 year
#Bubic #Tommy #MLB Kris Bubic to have Tommy John surgical procedure https://news247planet.com/?p=397037
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counting-to-10000 · 2 years
Game 18,985 (10/1) KC 7, Cle 1 - 319
Gabriel Arias' fourth inning error opened the door to a three run inning which handed the game to Kansas City.
Both starters had awful 2022 records. Loser Zach Plesac (3-12) pitched like it. Winner Chris Bubic (3-13) did not.
The Guardians continued their trend of striking out an alarming (for them) number of times.
To reach 10,000 wins, the Guardians need 625 games at .511 ball, or game 135 of 2026. They need 638 games at .500 ball, or game 148 of 2026.
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teshadesign · 5 years
Špijunski sat
NIje svaki sat običan sat. Koji meri samo vreme. Postoje satovi koji mogu nekome da budu korisni a nekome noćna mora. 
To su špijunski satovi, bolje rečeno špijunska kamera u koje se ugradi oprema za špijuniranje. 
WiFI IP Mikro Kamera Stoni Sat predstavlja moćnu spijunsku opreme. Omogućava posmatranje, prisluskivanje i nadzor na do sada nemoguč način.
Posmatranje ili nadzor u realnom vremenu, na Vasem telefonu ili racunaru!
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Još neke mogučnosti savremenih uređaja: Neograničena udaljenost od WiFi IP mikro kamere stonog sata, mozete gledati u realnom vremenu sa ma koje udaljenosti putem Vaseg mobilnog telefona. Neograničena autonomija rada, IP Mikro Kamera radi i kada je povezana na punjać. Moze da snima i kada nema interneta, radi kao klasicna spijunska kamera koja snima sve na svoju memoriju. Moze se koristiti i kao prisluskivac u realnom vremenu i neogranicenog dometa. Neki modeli imaju detekciju na pokret. Radi i u nocnim uslovima, ima Infrared diode koje se ne vide nocu. U potpunosti izgleda i radi kao alarmni stoni sat.
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ŠPIJUNSKA OPREMA PRISLUŠKIVAČI I NJIHOVA PRIMENA Izbor konkretne špijunske opreme za prisluškivanje zavisi od situacije u kojoj su vam špijunska oprema prisluškivači i drugi prislušni uređaji potrebni. Više informacija na našem sajtu www.spijunskaoprema.org 065-444-86-85 #spijunskaoprema #prisluskivaci #opremayaprisluskivanje #prisluskivacizaauto #prisluskivacizastan #prisluskivacizakucu #prisluskivacizaprostorije #pracenjemuza #pracenjezene #spyoprema #spyagent #gpspracenje #bubice #spijunskaopremaprodaja #spijunskaopremabeograd (at Prisluskivaci) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEETR4alX3J/?igshid=16vt7t4sksibr
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twins2994 · 1 year
Minnesota Twins-Kansas City Royals Series Preview
3.30.23-Pablo Lopez RHP (10-10) 3.75 ERA Vs. Zack Greinke RHP (4-9) 3.68 ERA
4.1.23-Sonny Gray RHP (8-5) 3.08 ERA Vs. Jordan Lyles RHP (12-11) 4.42 ERA
4.3.23-Joe Ryan RHP (13-8) 3.55 ERA Vs. Brad Keller RHP (6-14) 5.09 ERA
The Twins At A Glance- The Twins had an okay spring with a (14-15) record along with three ties. Injuries were a major part of last season and were a bit of a story this spring. Alex Kirilloff (wrist), Jorge Polanco (leg), Gilberto Celestino (thumb), and Jordan Balazovic (jaw) all suffered injuries and will start the year on the injured list. Byron Buxton will start the year as the primary designated hitter as the team works his way back from a knee injury. Jose Miranda had a sore shoulder, but still hit well. He hit five homers and knocked in eleven runs this spring. Kyle Farmer and Trevor Larnach slugged four homers each. Willi Castro made the team with a solid spring. He hit .250 with three homers and 11 RBI. The starting rotation should be better with Kenta Maeda back and Pablo Lopez is a good addition. Jorge Lopez and Jhoan Duran should share closing duties based on matchups. Griffin Jax should get late inning opportunities. Caleb Thielbar and Jovani Moran will be the lefties out of the bullpen. The last bullpen spot was the long man. 
The Royals At A Glance- The Royals were the kings of Catcus League with nineteen wins. The Royals didn’t add much to a team that lost ninety-seven games last year. JJ Picollo is the new general manager and hired Matt Quatraro to be the manager. The team resigned Zack Greinke and signed Nick Wittgren, Jordan Lyles, Aroldis Chapman, Franmil Reyes, Matt Duffy, and Ryan Yarbrough. They traded Michael Taylor to the Twins for Evan Sisk and Steven Cruz. Michael Massey had a great spring with five home runs and 13 RBI. Franmil Reyes won a spot on the team by hitting .340 this spring. Don’t pay attention to Zack Greinke’s spring training numbers. He wanted guys to get on base, so he could use the pitch clock and throw to bases. He had a 7.02 ERA in five starts. Kris Bubic and Brady Singer had good springs. The bullpen should be pretty good with Scott Barlow, Aroldis Chapman, Josh Staumont, and Nick Wittgren. Overall, there weren’t many additions to a bad Royals team from a year ago. 
What To Watch For- The Twins were (12-7) against the Royals in 2022. The Royals were (5-4) at Kauffman Stadium last year against the Twins. Divisional opponents are only playing each other thirteen teams instead of nineteen starting this year. There are more interleague games on the schedule. Pablo Lopez gave up two runs over 6 1/3 innings in his only career start against the Royals. Zack Greinke is (5-13) with a 4.55 ERA in thirty games versus the Twins. Sonny Gray is (7-2) with a 1.66 ERA in ten starts against the Royals. Salvador Perez is 4-for-25 (.150) against Gray. Jordan Lyles has a 3.57 ERA in 17 2/3 career innings against the Twins. Joe Ryan is (4-0) with a 1.13 ERA in four starts facing Kansas City. Bobby Witt is 0-for-10 against Ryan in his career. Brad Keller is (3-5) with a 3.90 ERA in thirteen games against Minnesota. Max Kepler and Jorge Polanco each have two homers off Keller. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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conlasbasesllenas · 4 years
Posible rotación de los Reales de Kansas City
Posible rotación de los Reales de Kansas City Por Kevin Mora #Royals #KansasCityRoyals #Reales #KansasCity
El equipo de los Reales de Kansas City está en reconstrucción tras coronarse campeones de la Serie Mundial de 2015, han venido en descenso, perdiendo hasta más de 100 partidos las últimas 2 temporadas.
Este año la División Central parece que tendrá nuevamente a los Mellizos, con los Indios cerca y esperando que traerán los Medias Blancas de Chicago.
Entonces ¿Qué traen los Reales en su Bullpen?
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goalhofer · 6 months
2024 Kansas City Royals Roster
#24 Jordan Lyles (Hartsville, South Carolina)
#31 Will Smith (Newnan, Georgia)*
#35 Chris Stratton (Tupelo, Mississippi)*
#38 Josh Taylor (Peoria, Arizona)
#43 Carlos Hernández (Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela)
#46 John Schreiber (Rockwood, Michigan)*
#48 Alec Marsh (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
#50 Kris Bubic (San José, California)
#51 Brady Singer (Tavares, Florida)
#52 Michael Wacha (Texarkana, Texas)*
#55 Cole Ragans (Tallahassee, Florida)
#59 Jake Brentz (Manchester, Missouri)
#61 Ángel Zerpa (Valle De La Pascua, Venezuela)
#63 Nick Anderson (Brainerd, Minnesota)*
#65 Matt Sauer (Santa Maria, California)**
#66 James McArthur (New Braunfels, Texas)
#67 Jacob Lugo (Bossier City, Louisiana)*
#13 Salvador Pérez (Valencia, Venezuela)
#34 Freddy Fermín (Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela)
#2 Garrett Hampson (Reno, Nevada)*
#7 Bobby Witt; Jr. (Colleyville, Texas)
#9 Vinnie Pasquantino (Chesterfield County, Virginia)
#11 Maikel García (Caruao, Venezuela)
#12 Nick Loftin (Corpus Christi, Texas)
#19 Michael Massey (Chicago, Illinois)
#26 Adam Frazier (Watkinsville, Georgia)*
#1 M.S. Melendez; Jr. (Miami-Dade County, Florida)
#16 Dustin Renfroe (Crystal Springs, Mississippi)*
#17 Nelson Velázquez (Ciudad Carolina, Puerto Rico)
#28 Kyle Isbel (Rancho Cucamonga, California)
#44 Dairon Blanco (Ciudad Florida, Cuba)
Manager Matt Quatraro (Bethlehem, New York)
Bench coach Paul Hoover (Columbus, Ohio)
Hitting coach Sean Zumwalt (Kernersville, North Carolina)
Assistant hitting coach Joe Dillon (Santa Rosa, California)
Pitching coach Brian Sweeney (White Plains, New York)
Assistant pitching coach Zach Bove (Winter Haven, Florida)
Bullpen coach Mitch Stetter (Huntingburg, Indiana)
Bullpen catcher Ryan Eigsti (Peoria, Illinois)
Bullpen catcher Allen De San Miguel (Perth, Australia)
Bullpen catcher Parker Morin (Park City, Utah)
1B coach Damon Hollins (Vallejo, California)
3B coach Vance Wilson (Mesa, Arizona)
Infield coach José Alguacil (Santiago De León De Caracas, VZ)
Assistant coach Rusty Kuntz (El Paso De Robles, California)
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news247planet · 1 year
#Bubic #Tommy #MLB Kris Bubic to have Tommy John surgical procedure https://news247planet.com/?p=387993
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minorbaseball-blog · 5 years
Legend-wait for it-dary
Lexington Legends vs. Delmarva Shorebirds (South Atlantic League)
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Whitaker Bank Ballpark-Lexington, KY:  One our way back from Tennessee, we decided to make a stop in Lexington for a ballgame.  Am a big fan of Single-A ball and Whitaker Bank Ballpark, so lots to like about this game.  This was actually Brian’s first game here, also.  It had been rainy all day, but cleared up enough for us to…
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