some of y'all are gonna be mad at me for this but i'm dropping maddie buckIey from my muse list
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reyescarlos · 4 years
all through the night || a tarlos fic
❄️ @911giftexchange fic for @buckieys ❄️
happy holidays, sy! i'm wishing you a wonderful and prosperous new year. i hope this fic helps to usher in 2021 right!
word count: 5.2k || read on ao3
All through the night I'll be awake and I'll be with you All through the night This precious time when time is new
When Carlos envisioned winter in New York, his elaborate fantasies had somehow managed to eclipse the reality of what it might actually entail. He had enjoyed his brief stay, taking in the window displays along Fifth Avenue. It had long since been something he wanted to see for himself and the storefronts had more than delivered. But on the flipside of such a picturesque scene has come the downside of what heavy amounts of snow could mean.
It’s why he finds himself now planted in a too hard seat at JFK Airport, wondering how he’ll possibly fill his time now that his flight has been delayed until morning. Outside the blizzard rages on with no real end in sight and Carlos mulls over the merits of his decision to leave Texas in the New Year and make this city his home. This is a far cry from Austin. He’d once thought winter temperatures there could be bad but it’s been nothing compared to the arctic blast in the North.
He tries to keep busy with a book but his attention is split between the words before him and the cute guy across from him frantically digging inside his backpack, a phone teetering dangerously on his knee.
“God, where is that stupid thing,” the man mumbles to himself. “Come on charger, where are you?”
Carlos looks away, burying his head in his book to hide the smile that breaks out on his face. The guy is obviously peeved but Carlos can’t help but to find his muttering endearing. After another moment of fruitless searching on the stranger’s end, Carlos takes mercy on him.
“Here, you can borrow mine,” he says, unzipping his own backpack and fishing out his charger.
The man sighs in relief. “Thank you. I really appreciate it,” he replies, reaching over and taking the cord from Carlos.
He settles back and plugs it into the wall, the screen lighting up a moment later. Carlos smiles politely and gets back to reading, only to be interrupted.
“So, I take it you’re heading down to visit family before the new year comes, huh?” the stranger says.
Carlos looks up from his book, head tilting slightly. It hadn’t been expecting the man to strike up a conversation.
“Sorry, awkward small talk. I’ll let you get back to it,” he says, face scrunching as he gestures to the book in Carlos’ hands.
Carlos waves him off, bookmarking his page and closing it.
“No worries. We’re here all night so...plenty of time for that.” He licks his lips and drums his fingers against the front. “To answer your question though, no. Austin is actually my home so I’m just heading back.”
“Oh, cool. I’m going to see my dad. I thought he’d want to do the whole white Christmas, New York for the New Year thing but ever since he moved down to Austin last year, I think he’s gotten spoiled by the warmer weather.”
The man looks out of the window where the snow is swirling so heavily it’s hard to even see the sky or planes sitting idly on the tarmac.
“Guess I can’t exactly blame him.”
Carlos laughs. “It’s disgustingly cold here and all of that,” he says, gesturing to the storm, “doesn’t help. I don’t know how you guys manage.”
“You get used to it. I’ve only ever grown up with it so while I like to complain about the snow at times, I can’t picture this time of year without it. It’s been a few years since it’s been this bad though, I’ll admit.”
Carlos smiles a bit, looking out of the window briefly. “This is actually my first time experiencing snow. And the city was gracious enough to give me a blizzard to commemorate.”
The man smiles at this thoughtfully. He sits up, stretching his hand out across the aisle towards Carlos.
“I’m TK, by the way.”
Carlos touches his fingertips to his forehead before shaking TK’s hand.
“God, my mother would be so ashamed of my manners right now,” he laughs. “I’m Carlos. It’s nice to meet you.”
He lets go, his palm feeling extremely warm from TK’s touch. TK smiles at him, a slow grin that ultimately reveals his teeth. This man is very good looking, there’s no denying that. He’s got an easy way about him that makes Carlos feel comfortable in his presence as if they’re old friends catching up and not perfectly good strangers meeting for the first time.
TK’s phone buzzes, stealing his attention and Carlos is all too grateful for it. TK types something on the device for a few seconds before pausing.
“Sorry, excuse me for a second,” he says, putting his phone to his ear.
Carlos nods and gestures for him to go for it.
“Hey, Dad. I—,” TK starts out but stops short as his father speaks. “I bet it’s all over the news but I’m alright. Not looking forward to being stuck here overnight but,” he continues, his eyes landing on Carlos and away so quickly Carlos is sure he’s imagined it. “I guess there are worse ways to be trapped for a few hours.”
Carlos looks away then, cracking open his book again to keep himself occupied while TK chats with his father. He tries not to dwell heavily on TK’s look or what the implications of that glance could mean. It could’ve been a coincidence and nothing more. All the same, it doesn’t make his heart race any less to think that TK feels a spark too.
TK ends the call with a sigh, stretching out his legs before bouncing one of them. The gesture is distracting but endearing. For the second time, Carlos closes his book, this time putting it back into his bag for good as TK speaks to him again.
“Are you hungry? I could go for a bite.”
“I could eat,” Carlos says. He rises from his seat as TK does, both men dragging their carry-ons along with them.
They follow the winding path down from their gate, Carlos taking notice of all the fellow flyers now forced to wait out the storm. Some have taken to stretching out on the ground, laying on top of jackets like makeshift sleeping bags, others keeping busy with phones and tablets, hunched over in chairs.
Carlos isn’t looking forward to the uncomfortable sleep he’ll have tonight but as he looks over at TK, he wonders just how much rest he’ll actually manage to get. The guy is already proving himself to be a good way to pass the time and Carlos can’t say he wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to keep chatting with him.
As they approach the cluster of food stands, TK groans and it’s easy to see why. Many of the shops are already closed, no doubt the employees hurrying home before the worst of the storm kicked in. All that’s available now is Cinnabon but Carlos supposes that can suffice as dinner.
TK orders a hot chocolate and a classic roll while Carlos opts for a cold brew in addition to a roll as well. TK eyes the drink with raised brows.
“I’m fully committing to the cause of being awake until we board, apparently,” Carlos muses, pushing his straw through the lid and taking a sip. “Worth it.”
The two head to a nearby empty table, settling into their elevated seats before unloading their food. The scent coming off the baked goods is incredible and Carlos’ stomach suddenly feels desperate for a bite.
“So, Carlos, since we’ve nominated each other for the buddy system while we wait this storm out,” he jokes, “Why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”
Carlos drums his fingers on the tabletop as he tries to decide what to share.
“Well, you already know that Austin is where I’m from but the whole reason I’m even here now is because I’m going to be moving to New York soon. I’ll be transferring next month.”
TK’s brows raise. “Seriously? That’s awesome. Do you mind if I ask what you do?”
“I’m a police officer. I’ve been with the Austin Police Department for a few years but I’ve been considering leaving Texas for a little while now and I’ve been exploring my options. For some reason my mind kept coming back to the idea of New York and I figured I should just take the chance and see what happens.”
TK laughs and shakes his head. “Oh man, well, we have something in common, more or less. I’m with the NYFD myself.”
Carlos holds up a hand. “Wait, wait, wait. You’re a firefighter?” he laughs.
TK puffs out his chest jokingly and nods with a grin on his face. “That’s right. Ladder 252.”
Carlos does his best to push the image of TK in uniform from mind but the picture is an appealing one. He can see it so clearly, the way he’d look in suspenders, not to mention full gear. It’s almost unfair just how much hotter the man becomes as if Carlos hasn’t spent this whole time finding him attractive. He picks up his drink again for something to do with his hands, swirling the straw inside of the cup.
“Small world. Outside of my own little bubble, I can’t say I casually meet many people who are first responders. We seem to be a pretty special breed to get into this line of work.”
TK laughs. “I fell into this because of my dad. He’s been a firefighter for years. He, uh, actually was on site during 9/11. I always thought he was incredible but knowing the full scope of what he and so many others did that day and for people in times of crisis, big and small in general, it just made me want to be like him.”
Carlos frowns, unsure of what to even say or think. “Your dad’s a hero.”
“I like to think so.” TK draws in a breath, squaring his shoulders. “Anyway, now he’s kicking ass down in Texas so, even though I miss him as my captain, I know he’s doing great work with his crew down there.”
Curiosity gets the better of Carlos as he asks, “What station is he with?”
“The 126,” TK replies, taking a sip of his hot chocolate.
Carlos’ eyes widen. “Captain Owen Strand is your father?”
It makes sense the longer he looks at TK. Captain Strand is an attractive older guy and TK clearly got handed some solid genes. Still, it throws him for a loop to realize they have a legitimate connection to each other.
TK tilts his head to the side. “You know him? Shit, okay, wow, small world just got a whole hell of a lot smaller.”
“Unbelievable,” Carlos laughs in disbelief. “I don’t know him that well but we work together sometimes on calls. He’s amazing in the field and he’s really turned that station around.”
TK practically beams. “Guess this means we’ll be seeing each other again soon once we finally make it to Austin then.”
“Uh, yeah. I guess so. Assuming you don’t get sick of me before this night is through, that is.”
TK holds Carlos’ gaze for a moment and if it were anyone else, it would be unnerving but something in TK’s stare just sends a thrill through Carlos, excites him in a way no stranger has ever really gotten under his skin.
“I don’t see that happening,” he says plainly, as if this is an irrefutable fact and not something that’s truly subject to change.
Carlos doesn’t argue the point. He merely enjoys the next few hours, seeing just how easily TK’s theory pans out.
The contrast in weather between New York and Austin is one of the first things Carlos’ remarks on as he steps outside of Austin-Bergstrom. He’s never been more grateful for a forty degree afternoon. He’s kept Michelle updated about his new set time and he waits patiently outside of arrivals. Beside him now, TK types out a message on his phone before smiling over at him.
Carlos has had hours to get used to that look on TK’s face and yet he’s still brought up short. Last night and the early morning hours were spent talking to TK about everything imaginable, trading stories about crazy calls they’ve been on and even touching on personal things like their families. When they grew tired of talking, they watched movies on TK’s laptop, fighting off the urge to sleep for the mere sake of hanging out.
It isn’t rare for Carlos to become friendly with a person but this connection to TK feels different in a way he can’t quite parse.
By the time their flight boarded, Carlos knocked out for the entire length of the trip but it had been worth it in his eyes to stay up and take advantage of the uninterrupted time that stretched before him with TK. It was safe to say a bit of a crush had formed, as absurd as Carlos felt for it. TK was going to be in town for the next few days and that prospect was both thrilling and terrifying. If he could feel this close to TK in one night, there’s no telling what could happen in a few days.
Before he can get lost in that thought, Carlos sees Michelle as she pulls up to the curb, the trunk popping open.
“Are you good out here?”
“My dad’s coming in just a minute. I’ll be just fine,” TK muses as Carlos puts his carry-on inside and slams the trunk shut.
“Alright, well. You have my number now so text me whenever you’re free. I’ll show you a few places while you’re here.”
Carlos extends his hand but TK rolls his eyes jokingly and pulls him into a half hug instead.
“We’ve spent the night together, Carlos. I think we’re past handshakes now.”
Carlos’ face burns with TK’s wording but the man merely laughs.
“See you soon?”
Carlos just nods and finds the wherewithal to get inside of Michelle’s car. He waves after he buckles himself in, TK lifting a hand in response.
“Okay, who is that?” Michelle asks immediately, head turned to take in the sight of TK.
Carlos tips his head back against the seat. “You won’t believe the night I’ve had.”
Carlos has spent two days showing TK some of his favorite stomping grounds. TK relished in all that Austin had to offer and Carlos has been happy to see that their closeness from the unexpected overnight at the airport hadn’t been a fluke. If anything, these outings have only made Carlos feel closer to TK.
Michelle has been relentless in her teasing, finding it all too amusing that Carlos managed to cross paths with Captain Strand’s son of all people. She’d clung to his every word during the ride home from the airport as he filled her in on how he waited out the storm.
The 126 meets at their usual bar and Carlos is glad for this post-work gathering. It’s the perfect time to show TK what a real honky-tonk is like, further immersing him in the culture of the state his father now resides.
TK sits next to him at the table, the large group so packed in that his leg presses against Carlos’. It’s light but it’s enough to make the point of contact all Carlos can focus on even as everyone else at the table engages in conversations that overlap, laughing amongst themselves. He does his best to ignore it but it’s difficult not to take notice of each shift TK makes. Michelle keeps looking at him and Carlos, to the best of his abilities, avoids her gaze knowing that it’ll make it just that much more difficult to act as if he isn’t freaking out internally.
“I’m gonna get another. You want anything?” Carlos asks TK.
TK shakes his head. “No, I’m alright but thank you though.”
Carlos nods once and gets up, finding it much easier to breathe already now that he’s no longer sitting beside TK. Michelle catches his eye as he leaves from the table and he can hear her shoes as she follows behind him to the bar. She rests against the counter facing the room at large as Carlos gets the attention of the bartender and asks for another beer.
“You sure know how to pick them,” Michelle laughs at his side.
“Chelle,” he groans, shaking his head.
She merely laughs again, bumping her hip against his. “When did your life become a romantic comedy?”
“I must’ve missed the memo myself because this sure snuck up on me.”
The bartender sets a bottle down in front of him but Carlos doesn’t move. This little reprieve away from everyone but Michelle right now is welcome.
“I like him. He’s nice. Really cute too.”
“Oh, so you’ve noticed?” he deadpans, looking over his shoulder at TK.
He looks so at home here, hanging out and laughing with these people he’s, up until now, only known secondhand from his father’s work stories. TK is personable as ever, Carlos knows all too well. Had he not been swept away after one night in the man’s company?
“I think this is so great.”
“Funny, I think it’s the universe trying to mess with me.”
Michelle scoffs, finally turning to face the bar like him. “There are worse things in the world than a seemingly perfect guy practically falling into your lap. We should all be so lucky.”
Carlos casts the mental image aside, taking a sip of his drink. “The timing though. I can’t think about guys right now. I need to be figuring out my next set of moves for New York.”
“If those plans just so happen to include an attractive new friend…,” she trails off with a grin.
“I don’t know. I don’t want to screw this up because yeah, he is a new friend and we get along well, it’s a good feeling.”
“Do you like him?”
Carlos falters. “I barely even know the guy.”
“That’s not even remotely close to what I asked you.”
Carlos scratches at his forehead before letting out a sigh. “I do. Which hardly makes any sense at all. It’s only been a few days and yet I can’t stop thinking about him. That’s strange, isn’t it?”
Michelle shakes her head. “No, actually. I don’t think so. You guys had such a cute introduction to each other and you clearly hit it off. Some people just click and are meant to meet. The fact that you two had a connection to each other beforehand without even knowing it? I think there’s something to be said for that.”
“What, you think it’s fate or something?”
Michelle shrugs. “I wouldn’t rule it out. Your flight could have been a day earlier or even a few hours before his. On a plane filled with hundreds, you connected with him, Captain Strand’s son who just so happens to live in the city you’re about to move to. I think it’s worth seeing just how far it could go. If you ask me, you’ll wind up with a boyfriend in no time.”
Carlos mulls it over for a moment. He can admit he is in fact curious. It’s been a while since he’s felt this drawn to someone and with TK, it’s been as natural as breathing since they first met. The timing is less than ideal but it’s been so long since Carlos has felt this urge to get close to someone, since he’s felt safe enough to even open his mind and heart up to the possibility.
“Maybe you’re onto something.”
“One of these days you’ll learn to just accept my brilliance, no questions asked. But this will do for now.”
Carlos rolls his eyes but drapes an arm over her shoulder, pulling her into his side and kissing her temple.
“I’m going moments like this with you,” he says.
Michelle sighs and pats his back. “I will too but we still have time on the clock, right? Let’s not think about that now.”
Carlos sighs, knowing she’s right. It just feels as if these moments are slipping through his fingers, the new year and all its changes lurking just around the corner.
As customary, the Ryder house is the staple for parties among the team and New Year’s Eve is no different. Carlos has lost track of how many times he’s sat on their couch or been treated for Grace’s incredible home-cooking. It’s always been a source of comfort for him, being surrounded by these colleagues who have become an extended family to him.
This time next year, he’ll be in another time zone, familiarized with a new group of people. Carlos knows he’s jumping the gun. There’s no doubt in his mind that he’ll be able to visit back home and that this collection of people will still love him as they do now.
Carlos looks around the living room, taking stock: Marjan blowing into a noise maker in Mateo’s face and bursting into laughter, Paul shaking his head and dropping his face into his palm. Over by the kitchen he sees Grace and Judd swaying to the music playing as Captain Strand takes Michelle’s hand and begins dancing alongside the other couple. It warms Carlos’ heart and breaks it too, seeing this all for what will be the last time with this city being home.
Suddenly the room feels too small and he finds himself heading for the door, grabbing his jacket off of the coat rack. It’s cold out but Carlos remembers just how bitter the weather in New York was. This is nothing compared to that. And it’s this thought that twists at his heart a bit more, one more reminder of how much his life is set to change sooner than he thinks he’s ready for.
The new year is biting at his heels and time is just slipping by. Logically he knows that he shouldn’t be outside now, that he would be wise to savor these memories with his Austin crew while they’re here rather than lament later. But it all feels like too much and the last thing he wants is to let his pensive mood be a dark cloud over a celebratory and joyous time.
Carlos keeps walking until he reaches the park nearby the Ryder household. Naturally it’s abandoned as everyone is tucked away inside their homes either enjoying a quiet night in or throwing parties like the Ryders. Carlos draws in a breath and takes a seat on one of the swings, his fingers clutching on to the links. He quickly stands up the second he hears footsteps approaching, a figure walking towards him.
“It’s just me,” comes TK’s voice and sure enough the man’s features come into focus the closer he gets until he’s settling into the swing beside Carlos.
“I saw you take off. I just wanted to check that you were okay.”
Carlos smiles a bit. “I appreciate it. I’m okay. I’m just...thinking about a lot right now.”
TK sways on his swing, letting a comfortable silence fall between them before he speaks.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Carlos’ heart and thoughts feel so heavy now, such a contrast to how lighthearted and hopeful this holiday is meant to be. But TK looks at him with such genuine care that he finds himself almost desperate to unburden himself a bit.
“Sometimes I wish I could just stop time, you know? But hell, it’s New Year’s Eve. What more proof do I need that life is always moving forward?”
Carlos sighs and rocks slightly back and forth.
“I’m sorry. I’m not trying to be a downer. You should head on back inside, have fun with the others.”
TK is silent beside him, long enough for Carlos to pull his gaze toward the other man. TK is eyeing him thoughtfully.
“You’re scared about what comes next. That’s totally normal. Moving away, starting a new life somewhere else, it’s a big step. A huge change.”
Carlos frowns as he nods. “I wish I could see the end, you know? I wish I could see if it’s all worth it, that I’m making the right choice.”
TK hums in thought. “Well, the best way out is through, right?”
“So you don’t think it’s a mistake to move out to New York?”
TK shrugs. “I don’t know you well enough to say one way or the other for sure. But no, I don’t think it is. I think the fact that you’re even considering it at all should tell you something about how you feel about where you are now.”
Carlos grows quiet, considering the man’s words. But TK isn’t done dishing out his opinion.
“You’ve got an amazing team here, there’s no denying that. It’s a real family, not to mention your actual family is here too. But—and mind you I’m super biased here— New York is an amazing place to be, to live. If you’re feeling restless in Austin, I think New York is the perfect alternative.”
Carlos laughs at this. “So, so biased,” he muses.
TK jokingly puffs up his chest. “Hey, it’s not my fault people have written songs about it and flock to it from all corners of the world,” he jokes. “And all of them, like you would, find home.”
A soft sigh escapes Carlos’ lips as he grips the chain link of the swing.
“That does actually sound pretty nice. I’d miss everyone here like crazy but maybe it’s time for something new? I don’t know. I keep waiting for something extraordinary to happen but nothing ever really changes around here. And there’s nothing wrong with that, of course. I just—“
“You’ve outgrown it,” TK says simply. “And there’s nothing wrong with that either.”
Carlos smiles at him and nods. “I suppose not, no.”
“At least you’ll come to the city knowing someone; you won’t be alone or completely starting from scratch.”
“You? You would take that on?”
TK rolls his eyes. “Of course me. You think I’d leave you high and dry? Damn, I know New Yorkers have a bit of a rep but jeez,” he teases.
Carlos laughs. “I only meant...you barely even know me. You don’t owe me anything.”
“Maybe so but I’d like to get to know you better. And if we’re gonna be calling the same city home, it’s kind of perfect. You get a new job, a new city, a new friend. Pretty sweet package, if you ask me.”
“You’ll be my tour guide then? You can take me to all the hot spots, Central Park and Times Square for starters.”
TK shakes his head in dismay. “God, Times Square,” he groans. “Hell on earth but sure, just for you I’d make the exception.”
“I’m honored,” Carlos says, placing a hand over his heart.
“As you should be. There aren’t many reasons I’d willingly go there so you should be patting yourself on the back right now.”
Carlos raises a brow. “But you’re thinking I’d be worth it?”
TK’s face grows serious. “In a lot of ways I’m thinking you would be, yes.”
Carlos' face flushes a bit and he looks away, down at his feet as he begins to kick out in earnest to start swinging.
Not for the first time since meeting TK he isn’t sure if there’s more to his words just below the surface, if he’s flirting or just being naturally charismatic. It shouldn’t matter either way, Carlos tells himself. Starting up a new relationship when so much in his life is already about to change doesn’t seem smart.
And yet it’s difficult to bear that in mind when he looks over and sees that TK is still watching him. The man smiles softly and follows Carlos' lead, swinging a bit.
In the distance Carlos can hear the rise in voices from houses where everyone is celebrating, just waiting to usher in the new year.
“One minute to go,” TK says, looking at the time on his watch and digging his feet into the ground to stop himself.
Carlos keeps going, breathing in the last dregs of this year before it’s gone with the tick of the clock. He looks up at the pinpricks of stars above, almost glistening in the clear sky. He closes his eyes, soaks in the moment, the last few seconds of this year winding down.
The New Years party goers can be heard shouting their countdown and beside him, TK joins in quietly as well.
Carlos opens his eyes once more and holds his breath as he upward, counting down the last few seconds in his head. This year is going, going...
He exhales as shouts from the neighboring houses rent the air. He stops swinging then, digging his feet into the hard earth beneath him as he looks over at TK. Beside him the man’s face is flushed, the tip of his nose pink from the cold but his gaze is unrelenting as he leans forward.
Carlos’ body seems to move on its own accord, closing the distance between them as well. He doesn’t think about anything other than what TK’s lips will feel like and before he realizes it, he’s getting his answer.
It’s a chaste kiss, truly just a meeting of mouths in a gentle press but it warms Carlos from the center all the way through his entire body. TK’s lips are soft and warm despite the cold.
“Happy New Year, Carlos,” TK says softly.
Carlos doesn’t have the slightest clue of what the road ahead will look like exactly but it’s enough to know that in some capacity, TK is going to be a part of it. Be it as a friend or something more, it makes Carlos hopeful to see how life will unfold, what other surprises it may have in store.
Carlos stares at him for a moment and it seems as if TK and the whole world is holding its breath as they sit in silence together. This feeling in his chest is so unlike anything Carlos has experienced before. He likes to think things through, to anticipate at least three steps ahead but his future is such a blank slate that it’s truly anyone’s guess as to what will happen next. All he can do is control this present moment and as Carlos sees it, kissing TK is the only thing on his agenda for right now.
He leans in again and kisses the man once more, deeply this time, hand cradling the back of TK’s neck.
Maybe this is risky, maybe this will only complicate his life further when he settles in New York and has to figure out what this all means. But in this moment, that all feels like a lifetime away, a page from a chapter that hasn’t been written yet. There’s only the here and now with this beautiful man that fills him with possibilities.
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lonestarbabe · 4 years
38 & 46 — @buckieys
38. If you could remake the show in an AU, what would the AU be?
Hmmmmmm this is a good one. I love AUs so much so there’s so many that I would do, but most of them are unrealistic, but some I’m really into the ballet AU I’ve been writing currently as well as my bodyguard AU, which are both ridiculous but a lot of fun. I’d also like to see an AU where maybe they all still help people but work in another sector like different non profit organizations. Or, for the political scientist in me, like a West Wing Au would be fun fsklfsklj.
46. What would you give a kidney to see on the show? Seeing T.K. in actual therapy and seeing him work through some of his issues, including the issues he has with his dad. I mean, I’d give a kidney just to have new episodes, so really I’d give a kidney for any good content.
911 Lone Star Asks  🚒 🔥 🧐  
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userkyle · 5 years
who are your top three favs from Lone Star (bonus: and why)?! - buckieys
1. Paul - I'm fucking trans+ and this bitch is too and we're easy to please, also, he's like.......*cries* so fucking badass
2. Marjan - I'm gay dudes, I'm fucking attracted to woman and she's also just *screams* so fucking cool
3. TK - ADD having bitchass who's gay and absolutely idiotic. Basically me. Like, same vibes.
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tarlosbuddie · 3 years
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TK Strand + Hufflepuff traits
Requested by @buckieys
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tngrace · 3 years
Rules: write the latest line from a WIP and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
Tagged by @moviegeek03 thanks so much doll! Hopefully this fic will be posted in the next day or two 🤞🏻
“Besides, they'll call his parents and I… It’s not my place anymore,” he chokes, trying to keep the sobs at bay.
Tagging *only if you wanna do it and haven't done it yet*: @toews-a-peek @iboatedhere @reyescarlos @reyesstrand @reyeslonestar @alilypea @aliceschuyler @bellakitse @buckieys @harvestleaves @ravens-words @marjansmarwani @maybe-theres-hope @lonestarbabe @noxsoulmate @pragmaticoptimist34 @howtosingit @terramous @sunshinestrand @djdangerlove @detective-giggles
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lire-casander · 3 years
carlos proposing on new year's <3
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I love that little fic so much as well, so glad that you remember it!
know the reason for the season 5 chapters | 7.4k
This is a Christmas-sy fic I wrote as part of @buckieys 12 Days of Tarlos 2020. I loved writing it, and it' the fluffiest thing I've written to date.
Under the cut, please find @aanathemaa's favorite and most memorable scene! Thank you, dear!
He fishes for the box in his pocket under TKʼs scrutinizing gaze. “What are you doing, Carlos?” he whispers. “Carlos?”
But he's too busy bending one knee on a filthy New York City street while snow falls around them. Carlos looks up at TK, holding a plastic cup in one hand and a churro in the other, blinking back at him with glistening eyes.
“I have been waiting for the perfect moment, and this is it. I love you,” Carlos starts. “And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want to ring in the new year with my boyfriend. I would love to ring it with my fiancé.”
TK chokes on his own tears. There are a few people gathered around them; Carlos can see some taking out their phones and filming the whole situation.
“I look like a fool,” TK says instead of answering the unspoken question Carlos hasn't asked. “What’s in this whole eating churros and drink chocolate on the street situation that's made you think it's perfect?”
Carlos knows that's not the real question — he can read TK better than he can read himself. He knows TK is really asking if Carlos thinks he is perfect.
“You,” he answers truthfully. “I don't care where we are and what weʼre doing. I want to be with you, anywhere, anyhow. Forever. Will you marry me?”
There’s a blur of movement, and everything gets forgotten — the chocolate cups, the churros, the snow, the crowd around them and the crowd on Times Square, the ball, the lights and even their own names — as TK kneels down in front of Carlos and cradles his face in his hands.
tell me which scene out of any of my fanfic you think is the most memorable
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911giftexchange · 4 years
Happy New Year Everyone!
Sorry this is slightly delayed, but we wanted to include all works, especially those done by out marvelous pinch hitters who took on an extra person late in the game! Thank you so much to everyone who participated in our first 911 / 911 Lone Star Holiday Gift Exchange. It wasn’t always easy, and we certainly learned a few things along the way, but overall it was a success and we look forward to running more events similar in the future! 
Here is the masterlist for all of the content posted for this event!  Use the bolded links to access the orginal post or the “ao3″ link to read any works posted there.
911 Fanfiction:
“This Is My Winter Song To You” by @doctornineandthreequarters for @benjaminrussell //  ao3 
[untitled] by @maddieandchimney for @oneawkwardcookie 
“A Christmas Buddie Fic” by @fangirl-activist for @fyeahbuddie 
“Most Joyous Christmas” by @acejuddryder for @maddieandchimney // ao3
“Red and Black” by @oneawkwardcookie for @madamewriterofwrongs // ao3
“I’m Not Alone (’Cause You’re Here With Me)” by @doctornineandthreequarters for @siriuslyjamie​ // ao3
“Top of My List” by @madamewriterofwrongs for @strandtk​ // ao3
“Look After You” by @reyescarlos​ for @bombera // ao3
“The Buckley-Diaz’s First Christmas as a Couple” by @backofftubby for @agentlemuse​
[untitled] by @911whatsgoinon for @justagalwaygirl 
“Getting Some (Distraction)” by @siriuslyjamie​ for @neworleansspecial // ao3
“Better Days” by @moviegeek03 for @florenceandthemachine // ao3 (*also includes Tarlos and Owen from 911 Lone Star*)
“Of Mistletoe and Champagne” by @agentlemuse for @doctornineandthreequarters // ao3
“Winter to Summer to Winter Again” by @florenceandthemachine for @brcttshvghes // ao3
“Shore Up” by @bombera for @buckleysjareau // ao3
911 Lone Star Fanfiction:
“Live Forever” by @sneetchestoo for @firefighterstrand // ao3 
“Experience” by @neworleansspecial for @moviegeek03 // ao3
“Drawn to the Flame” by @benjaminrussell for @tkxcarlos // ao3
“Oh My Love, Don’t You Worry” by @sunshinestrand for @reyesstrand // ao3
“Let Your Heart Be Light” by @reyesstrand for @tkstrrand // ao3
“SRK pt. 4″ by @mtnofgrace for @harvestleaves // ao3
“Mistletoe and Marriage Proposals” by @harvestleaves for @reyescarlos // ao3
“Ice in My Veins, Fire in My Heart” by @howtosingit for @morganaspendragonss​ // ao3
“Crime and Punishment” by @buckieys for @mtnofgrace // ao3
“As Tall as a Sunflower” by @curliehairedgirl for @straightoutoffuckstogive // ao3
“Been Searching for a Trail to Follow (Again)” by @morganaspendragonss​ for @curliehairedgirl // ao3
“Do All Things with Love” by @tkstrrand​ for @howtosingit // ao3
“All Through the Night” by @reyescarlos​ for @buckieys // ao3
Gif Sets and Edits:
Prismatic (Buck and Athena) by @fyeahbuddie for @yorit1 
Buddie + Red White and Royal Blue by @strandtk for @herodean
Tarlos and the solar flare by @brcttshvghes for @evanbuckleys 
Madney by @herodean for @911whatsgoinon 
Tarlos + social media by @evanbuckleys for @sunshinestrand 
Michelle Blake by @buckleys-diaz for @sneetchestoo 
Buddie + “It’s You” by @strandtk for @backofftubby 
Buddie + André Aciman by @herodean for @acejuddryder
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detectivereyes · 4 years
Nothing Is As It Has Been
Written for the day 8 (fireside hot chocolate) of 12 Days of Tarlos, hosted by @buckieys
Also written for the “fevers” square on my bthb card
Summary: Carlos and TK’s plans to attend a holiday party are changed when TK gets sick
TK hears Carlos’ soft knocking on the other side of the bathroom door. He’s been in the bathroom longer than usual; something that clearly has not gone over Carlos’ head. He is currently supposed to be getting ready to go to Judd and Grace’s house for a holiday get together. 
“TK? Are you almost ready to go?”
He had been looking forward to getting out and socializing with his team outside of the firehouse. Not to mention, he was also excited that Carlos agreed to come with him. He already knows his boyfriend gets along with everyone on his team, but that doesn’t stop the butterflies in his stomach every time he watches the man he loves interact with people he considered close enough to be his family. 
The only issue was that the entire day he’s felt like absolute shit.
A factor in which so far he’s been able to cover up amidst the craziness of Carlos just getting off his shift and them both working around each other to get ready and make it to the Ryder home on time.
But when he finally gets a moment alone in the bathroom, his symptoms begin to catch up with him.
Staring at his reflection in the mirror he can tell his face is more flushed than usual. A characteristic which goes right along with the dark circles hanging under his eyes and the beads of sweat pooling on his forehead.
God, is it hot in here?
He honestly feels like he’s been run over by a truck and would love nothing more than to crawl back into bed and take a nice long nap. But instead, he splashes a little water on his face and gives Carlos a quick “be right out.”
(continue reading on ao3)
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buckieys · 4 years
12 DAYS OF TARLOS – DEC. 14-25
   1. COFFEE SHOP/UNIVERSITY AU - DECEMBER 14th (This one is the only one that isn’t really holiday oriented, I just thought it’d be fun!) “You’ve been in here everyday for the past three months and it’s the end of the school year, holidays are coming up, and I think you’ve given me a different name every time...”
   2. HAPPY HANUKKAH - DECEMBER 15th (Getting to Know You) A. “You celebrate Hanukkah?” B. “Yes… It’s the sixth night, did you JUST now notice the menorah?” A. “I–I, uhm…”
   3. UGLY SWEATER - DECEMBER 16th Holiday party (ft. ugly sweater contest that they get oddly competitive with) (OR) “How many ugly sweaters do you own?”
   4. IMPROMPTU VACATION - DECEMBER 17th Seeing snow for the first time “I’ve never seen snow in person” “That’s it! You’re going to New York right now”
   5. TRADITIONS - DECEMBER 18th TK and Carlos both have a weird tradition with the holidays and are nervous to spend their first holiday season together because “what if they find it weird?” Bonus points if they share it, find it cute, or adopt the tradition (extra bonus points if they hate it)
   6. FREE DAY! - DECEMBER 19th Write about whatever you want, just make it holiday/season related! Have fun with it, make it angsty, fluffy, or smutty!
   7. MISTLETOE OR MISTLEFOE - DECEMBER 20th After getting stuck under the mistletoe with YET ANOTHER woman, Carlos/TK decides to make it a bit more interesting by introducing “Mistletoe or Mistlefoe” - a game where you can either kiss the person or “fight” them.
   8. FIRESIDE HOT CHOCOLATE - DECEMBER 21st TK and Carlos cuddle by the fireside and make hot chocolate, enjoying each other’s company, talking about literally anything (OR) TK and Carlos cuddle by the fireside and make hot chocolate and one of them suggests having sex to keep warm
   9. STRESS BAKING - DECEMBER 22nd “How many cookies/pies/etc. DID YOU MAKE?” 
   10. ICE SKATING - DECEMBER 23rd In which they go ice skating and one of them finds out the other was a figure skater 
   11. HOLIDAY FILMS - DECEMBER 24th TK and Carlos start a tradition of doing a movie marathon on Christmas Eve
   12. MERRY CHRISTMAS - DECEMBER 25th TK and Carlos celebrate their first Christmas together!!
  ∆ POSTING:      – TUMBLR: use the hashtag 12daysoftarlos and tag me (buckieys) OR submit the work through this blog and we’ll post it for you!!      – AO3: add the work(s) to the collection 12DAYSOFTARLOS         • NOTE: you can post through both platforms!      – There is no minimum or maximum word limit, go as crazy as you want!      – You don’t have to post all twelve days so don’t feel pressured!
   ∆ PARTICIPATING:      – REBLOG this post, help get the word out!      – NOTE that we will not accept any works featuring p*dophilia or r*pe. Please tag your fics accordingly!
   ∆ FINAL NOTES:      – If you have any questions, please feel free to send an ask or DM!      – Have fun and happy writing!!
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brunettexbeautiful · 3 years
Lo más preciado del mundo.
Toda nuestra ciencia, comparada con la realidad, es primitiva e infantil... y sin embargo es lo más preciado que tenemos.
Cuando bajé del avión, el hombre me esperaba con un pedazo de cartón en el que estaba escrito mi nombre. Yo iba a una conferencia de científicos y comentaristas de televisión dedicada a la aparentemente imposible tarea de mejorar la presentación de la ciencia en la televisión comercial.
Amablemente, los organizadores me habían enviado un chofer.
—¿Le molesta que le haga una pregunta? —me dijo mientras esperábamos la maleta. No, no me molestaba.
—¿No es un lío tener el mismo nombre que el científico aquel?
Tardé un momento en comprenderlo. ¿Me estaba tomando el pelo? Finalmente lo entendí.
—Yo soy el científico aquel —respondí. Calló un momento y luego sonrió.
—Perdone. Como ése es mi problema, pensé que también sería el suyo. Me tendió la mano.
—Me llamo William F. Buckiey.
(Bueno, no era exactamente William F. Buckiey, pero llevaba el nombre de un conocido y polémico entrevistador de televisión, lo que sin duda le había valido gran número de inofensivas bromas.)
Mientras nos instalábamos en el coche para emprender el largo recorrido, con los limpiaparabrisas funcionando rítmicamente, me dijo que se alegraba de que yo fuera «el científico aquel» porque tenía muchas preguntas sobre ciencia. ¿Me molestaba?
No, no me molestaba.
Y nos pusimos a hablar. Pero no de ciencia. Él quería hablar de los extraterrestres congelados que languidecían en una base de las Fuerzas Aéreas cerca de San Antonio, de «canalización» (una manera de oír lo que hay en la mente de los muertos... que no es mucho, por lo visto), de cristales, de las profecías de Nostradamus, de astrología, del sudario de Turín... Presentaba cada uno de estos portentosos temas con un entusiasmo lleno de optimismo. Yo me veía obligado a decepcionarle cada vez.
—La prueba es insostenible —le repetía una y otra vez—. Hay una explicación mucho más
En cierto modo era un hombre bastante leído. Conocía los distintos matices especulativos, por ejemplo, sobre los «continentes hundidos» de la Atlántida y Lemuria. Se sabía al dedillo cuáles eran las expediciones submarinas previstas para encontrar las columnas caídas y los minaretes rotos de una civilización antiguamente grande cuyos restos ahora sólo eran visitados por peces luminiscentes de alta mar y calamares gigantes. Sólo que... aunque el océano guarda muchos secretos, yo sabía que no hay la más mínima base oceanográfica o geofísica para deducir la existencia de la Atlántida y Lemuria. Por lo que sabe la ciencia hasta este momento, no existieron jamás. A estas alturas, se lo dije de mala gana.
Mientras viajábamos bajo la lluvia me di cuenta de que el hombre estaba cada vez más taciturno. Con lo que yo le decía no sólo descartaba una doctrina falsa, sino que eliminaba una faceta preciosa de su vida interior.
Y, sin embargo, hay tantas cosas en la ciencia real, igualmente excitantes y más misteriosas, que presentan un desafío intelectual mayor...
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Es fácil para mí admitir que por siempre fui una persona de pensamiento mágico, iba por la vida pensando que todas mis recompensas eran regalos del universo, mis deseos eran concedidos, también es fácil para mí admitir que he logrado todo lo que he querido, desde un diploma, hasta un trabajo en la empresa deseada, vivir en el extranjero, justo y en medio de mi inestabilidad emocional puedo decir que he logrado todo lo que me he propuesto.
Pero, que difícil ha sido admitir que es fruto de mi trabajo, de mi dedicación, de mi esfuerzo, que ni el universo, ni propia familia me han dado lo que he logrado, que yo sola he ido edificando; mi futuro, ya sea para bien o para mal, simplemente regida por mis propias decisiones.
Es difícil decir que ya no tengo pensamiento mágico, sería una mentira, no te deshaces de una creencia de la noche a la mañana.
Aún veo videos de Orión cuando estoy ansiosa, a veces veo el reloj y busco el significado de los números, creo que hay mensajes en todas partes y me abrumo a mi misma entre dos creencias.
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featuring . . . sabrina tyler & evan buckIey / @bledsoul
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mutuals may interact, those tagged may reblog. personals get out you're not wanted here.
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lonestarbabe · 5 years
unpopular opinion: i hope with season two of lone star they don’t let TK relapse, but instead get him to the point of almost relapsing but then communicating with the 126 or Carlos that he needs someone and they help him - buckieys
Strongly Disagree | Disagree | Slighty Disagree |Neutral | Slightly Agree | Agree | Strongly Agree
✨ Give an unpopular opinion and I’ll rank them (and cannot defend my answer)
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LIKE if you write evan buckIey (911) and would be down to do some hella plotting with sabrina tyler (i have an actual idea i swear i just need someone to do it with)
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maddie buckIey muse has been...fickle so like 4/11 memes in my inbox are for maddie
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just like old times
featuring . . . sabrina tyler & evan buckIey
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mutuals may interact, personals/non rp blogs do not touchie
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