#bucky nonny🤍
bucksangel ¡ 2 months
Imagine a Bucky who finds out all your shitty exes has never made you cum during sex 😤 they've never taken any interest in your pleasure and therefore you have this idea that sex sucks 🤷‍♀️ maybe he finds out during some kind of truth or dare, or you making an off-hand comment about it. Either he's had a crush on you for a while or maybe finding this out makes him see you in a new light. He just can't stop thinking about it! He wants to make you cum, make you scream, make you lose your mind on his tongue and fingers and cock. It makes him close to feral knowing he would be the first to bring you that kind of pleasure. So he decides to do something about it 😈
ok i was listening to the radio the other day on my way to work and they were talking about what counts as sex and what doesn’t and a woman called in and said that if she doesn’t cum then she doesn’t count it. which leads me to this.
bucky and you are bffs and obviously crushing on each other (but you’re both idiots so you don’t realize) and maybe y’all are hanging out in your room watching a movie and catching up after a rough mission bucky just got back from (meaning he’s still a little hyped up with adrenaline and may need a way to relieve it👀) and a ✨spicy✨ scene comes on and you offhandedly question what it’s like to have actual good sex. bucky is quick to ask you what you mean by that and you have to shyly explain that you’ve had sex before but you don’t really think it counts since you’ve never cum with them.
and bucky thinks back on all the people you’ve gone on dates with and the couple boyfriends you’ve had and gets furious because HOW could all those men not worship you over and over and over until you pass out from pleasure?? anyway. bucky manages to persuade you into letting a real man (aka him) make you feel good (and it takes literally no real persuasion bc you’d die before rejecting him)
cue bucky relieving his stress and giving you the best night of your life 😫😫
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luminouslywriting ¡ 20 days
what do you think would be the reactions of the different men when they’re falling for a single mum? I think going with the time it’s more likely a young widow than a girl with a kid out of wedlock but who knows maybe John Brady just feels the desire to make an honest woman out of a poor girl at church who’s man ran off or Bucky takes to teaching his neighbors kid baseball because he sees their mom is stressed… just whatever guys you think would fit this
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Nonny, this gave me actual brainrot so I hope you enjoy this so much 🥰🤍 as always, my requests are open and I don’t mind spam haha! More under the cut, cut for length, light spice sprinkled in:
Bucky Egan: (I had to run with the baseball idea haha)
-Absolutely the type of man who does not care about the past sexual history or life of a partner....and he's kinda looking for someone to date at the moment??
-But there's this kid on his block who's about six and he watches this kid attempt to throw a baseball every day and it just pains his soul because the form is awful and where is this kid's dad??
-So one day, he rolls on over to the yard of said kid and just starts offering pointers—he always wanted to be a baseball coach in his free-time and he just hasn't gotten around to it yet
-This sweet little boy makes him a deal that if Bucky comes over and teaches him how to throw a ball, lemonade will be made and given by you (his mom) and he will help Bucky paint his fence
-Bucky thinks it's a swell idea and it's at this surprising point to you that your son brings in the attractive war hero Bucky Egan straight to the kitchen and demands lemonade
-Well you and Bucky get to talking and you tell him that your husband died in the Pacific pretty early on in the war and your son has never really known a father
-That being said, it's a slow burn. He really enjoys getting to spend time with you and your son and he's afraid that he'll mess things up. But then your kid is inviting Bucky to dinner and you're telling him that it's no problem and you usually make too much food anyway.
-And somewhere along the way, he starts thinking of your house as more of a home to him than his own lonely home that he purchased. So naturally, this man panICS and has to call Gale and ask what he should do because he doesn't want to spook you or ruin the nice thing you've got going on.
-Gale definitely has to reassure him that if you both clearly want him there, then he should just go for it; Bucky deserves to be happy too.
-But he DRAGS his feet in the process....right up until your son accidentally calls him dad after hitting the ball with the baseball bat
-And then there's actual panic between you and Bucky and he's trying to apologize because clearly he's overstepped
-It would be at this point that you have to tell him that it's quite alright and you'd really like to get to know him more...because you like having him around and clearly your son adores him
-CUE THE FIRST KISS (first of many, might I add)
-It's the most darling domestic thing and he absolutely views your son as his son and he's never been so happy in his life
Gale Cleven:
-I think the most logical move here is that he finds you after Marge's passing. It was a short and love-filled marriage for them, but it was gone so quickly.
-He's devastated, naturally. And he doesn't really have anything left in Wyoming, so he sets out for Wisconsin.
-Now the thing about this is that John Egan has married Josephine Pitz—and Josephine Pitz's best friend is you. Your husband was a Marine during the war and died in action, leaving you with two little kids.
-You're doing your best but it's hard being a working single mom during the early 1950s.
-Cut to Josie and John setting this up just so
-Bucky makes the point that your car needs some work and you're a good friend of Josie's
-So this is how Gale Cleven is introduced to you—matchmaking via car-service haha
-Your two boys? Absolutely just wanna watch him work and wanna hear about everything that he's doing to the car
-But you're no fool and you know that Josie and Bucky are trying to set this up for the two of you
-So you just flat-out confront him about it and tell him that they're trying to be sneaky and that you're sorry he got caught up in their schemes
-But the thing is?? He's perfectly happy and used to their schemes. There's also the fact that this is the safest and calmest he's felt since Marge died.
-So he admits that he'd be willing to give this thing a chance if you are
-So it's a slow-burn for the two of you as you're trying to navigate around the fact that you've both already lost a partner and the fact that you have kids
-But he's so good with them and helps with the homework and genuinely just tries his best
-It's not a surprise to anyone when you're married a year later
Robert Rosenthal:
-On his way to the Nuremberg Trials, he meets you—a young lawyer who has recently just found out that you're pregnant (not that you're telling anyone that).
-You two become fast friends and he finds out that your husband was a British RAF Pilot who died. He's entirely sympathetic and sweet about the situation.
-The pair of you team up for the trials and it's amidst the preparations for the Trials that he finds you doubled over with morning sickness. This man assumes that it's the flu. Babe, it is not the flu.
-So a few weeks into you being sick and dealing with the trials, he's getting real concerned and you just have to spill the tea that you're pregnant.
-Not gonna lie, Rosie's heart shatters a little bit for you. It's not as if you want to leave the Trials to deal with pregnancy but you're also a whole ocean away and who do you have to rely on?
-Well he makes a promise that he's gonna help you through it
-And along the way, he's absolutely falling in love with you—with your dedication and kindness, the way that you're soft about the baby and continue to focus on work, and the way in which you're so determined to do everything entirely on your own
-He definitely very quickly makes you an offer that you're a little befuddled by
-The offer is marriage—and the thing is?? It's a damn good offer. You're a recent widow trying to do her job at the Nuremberg Trials, just found out you're pregnant, away from home, and have no support system
-So naturally you accept and this is a marriage born out of convenience and kindness to you....but there is so much affection and care.
-He's had feelings for you for a while and he's perfectly happy taking his time in the relationship and understands that you might not reciprocate the feelings in the same way.
-If nothing else, at least you'll be provided for, your child will have a father, and you'll always have a friend by your side
-It's at this point that your feelings start to develop because he's just such a good person and treats you so well and so clearly loves you
-The two of you are icons during the trials (Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal), and he comes back from Europe with a wife and daughter on his arm....and no, he didn't tell anyone so it was quite a shock to everyone.
John Brady: (Also decided to run with it haha)
-Listen, this man has a picture perfect plan for what he wants to have happen when he gets home from the war and that's all fine and dandy, but this man was NOT planning on you haha
-You faithfully attend the same church as he does and it's pretty obvious that you're pregnant.....
-But man the gossip is bad. And he's not one to listen to idle gossip and just believe what people say. But evidently your fianceĂŠ had run off when he found out you were pregnant and had taken any chance of a reputable life. It's ROUGH, okay??
-And the thing is, John Brady is out here just trying to do his Christian duty by seeing if you need any help over at your house....because he also passes it on the way to Church and YIKES, your yard is going through it
-It's the first time that someone just offers to do something nice for you??? You're so thrilled about it
-So he comes over that summer and does your yard work for you and you make little sandwiches and he gets to have lunch with you
-The thing is, you two get to talking and he finds out that you weren't even planning on having kids for a while anyway and it was YOUR former man who wanted to do the deed and refused to help out in any way. This is entirely a man's folly and has ruined things for you.
-Now he feels bad, he does....
-But he's not trying to make a move or anything. At the moment anyway haha. Instead, he invites you to spend some time with his sisters because you need friends anyway and they all have kids so they can help you know what to expect for pregnancy.
-Well it's all going great and he's pretty happy with the fact that you now have a support system and he's starting to make some waves in work. And then the yard is done and finished.
-And for some reason he's offering to help with the plumbing and the inside work too? It's definitely not because he's worried about you and it's definitely not because he's very very attracted to you in any way shape or form lol.
-I don't think anything actually happens until you're right ready to pop....at which case YOU kiss HIM because you're just real impatient
-And he doesn't get to respond to anything because your water breaks and he's taking you to the hospital
-So while you're in labor, this man is processing the fact that he MAYBE really really likes you and has already planned out the rest of your lives together, but that's BESIDES the point
-He still feels like he's taking advantage here....right up until you have a son and you name him Johnny because Brady was the only person that was kind to you during pregnancy and this man just melts on the spot, professes love to you—and tells you that he wants to take care of you for the rest of your life.
-Chef's kiss tbh
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babyhatesreality ¡ 1 year
hi friend!! i love ur work so muuuuch, you have no idea!! i literally check everyday if you post something 😭 i think i'm obsessed with you atp 😭 but it's my birthday today! and i was wondering what baby or the daddies are like during baby's birthday and how they celebrate!! 🎂 it's probably so cute and chaotic and baby doesn't shut up about it for days or maybe daddies get too excited and go waaaay overboard with the planning and decors bc they want the best for baby 🥺 ilysm and i hope you know you truly make my day 🤍
Hi back Nonnie Friend!! Happiest of birthdays, my darling!! Thank you so much for your kind words, they helped me immensely today, they were such a gift. Okay, I'm breaking my own rule here and skipping up in the line as I wanted to get this out on your birthday to give you a gift right back! (To all my other asks, please know you are ALL literally WIPs right now!!) Happy Birthday, Nonnie!!! <3 <3 <3
The Birthday Baby
Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!birthday baby
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Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, reader's birthday, daddies going nuts (in the best way possible), super hyper excited baby, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
"I'm telling you, it's dinosaurs."
"Dinosaurs was LAST week. THIS week it's My Little Pony."
"Okay, yeah, I'll give you My Little Pony this week, but she likes the Disney princesses better than the Ponies."
"Anyone can do Disney princesses at any time, we need to go with what she likes right now. And I'm telling you, it's My Little Pony."
"That's just a phase."
"Well, so were the dinosaurs!"
"She plays with them in the tub constantly, she's always stomping around the place roaring..."
"Oh, is that what she's doing when she does that? I thought that was Lion King."
"Wait...it might be dragons then..."
"No, she wears the dragon wings and the mask when she's a dragon. So I guess you're right. Wait- none of the My Little Ponies roar, do they?"
Bucky flopped back down on their bed with a groan. He couldn't keep up any more. He and Steve had been at it for what felt like hours, trying to figure out the theme for your upcoming birthday party. The trouble was, you bounced so quickly from favorite thing to favorite thing, they couldn't figure out what would make you happiest. They had tried asking you. It had gone about as well as the conversation was currently going. No one was able to make up their minds about anything.
"Buck, it's gotta be perfect," Steve said, running his hands up and down his thighs nervously. It was the only thing keeping him from bolting off the edge of the bed where he was sitting and pacing around the room. "It's the first time she's spending her birthday with us- we need it to be special and exactly what she wants."
Bucky sat up, chewing on his bottom lip as he thought. "Okay, Stevie, maybe we're going at this the wrong way. This may be nuts, but go with me. What if...."
And then he laid out a weird but potentially brilliant solution. And they both breathed a sigh of relief. Then got to work.
The day before your birthday arrived, and you were running around like crazy, so excited for your party the next day. Papa and Daddy would only tell you that you were going to like everything at the party- they wouldn't give you any more details than that. Which drove you batty in the best way. You were constantly running from room to room, looking for clues, asking them questions, and spinning in circles in pure excitement.
"All my friends gonna be there, right?" you asked Steve for the umpteenth time. He smiled patiently and nodded.
"Everyone's coming, sweetness."
"Even Nicky?"
"Yes, even Director Fury," Bucky jumped in. "And I wouldn't call him Nicky, baby."
"It's my BIRFDAY, Daddy, I get to make da rules!" you said impishly, giggling at the idea of calling the tall, cool guy 'Nicky'. Bucky gave you a devilish smile back before scooping you up and tickling you.
"Yeah, that's not how that works at all," he teased while you screamed with laughter. Finally, when you seemed to wear out slightly, he set you down with a gentle pat on the butt. "Now go play. Papa and I have work to do."
"For my birfday??"
"Can't tell you, it's a surprise," Papa grinned at you. You just squealed in delight, knowing that was code for 'yes', and tore out of the room, cheering.
Steve sighed happily. "Well, she's gonna sleep well tonight," he joked as he listened to you running down the hallway to the playroom. His phone pinged. He pulled it out, then gave a short cheer at the message. "Last thing just arrived," he said triumphantly. "Sam's hauling it to the rec room, and he's going to help us set up after she's gone to bed."
Bucky rubbed his hands together gleefully. "We did it, Stevie, we got it all. Nothing more to get, it's all here. We did it." They both paused in their cheering when they heard your footsteps come pitter-pattering down the hallway again. You peeked in to see if they were still in there, and then gleefully jumped into the room, holding out a piece of paper.
"Lookit, Papa, lookit Daddy!" you said, holding up your artwork. "Lookit what the new crayons that Aunt Shuri sent me do!! The purples are SPARKLY!!" you squealed with joy, shaking the hastily drawn flower picture at them. "They SPARKLE!! Purple sparklies are my new favorite EVER!! I'm gonna go draw more flowers!" you shrieked in one excited breath before hopping out of the room like a bunny.
Steve and Bucky just looked at each other in panic. Steve recovered first, going back to his phone. It only took two minutes, then he sighed in relief again.
"Okay," he said, a touch of weariness in his tone. "Purple sparklies on the way."
Bucky shook his head in wonder. "Wow," he said, hushed, looking at the phone in Steve's hand. "This internet thing...so great," he mused. "I still can't believe it."
"SO helpful, right??" Steve said, nodding vigorously along with his husband's wonder and appreciation of modern technology.
The next day was one that you would remember forever.
You had excitedly but nervously held onto both your daddies' hands as they took you down to the big Avengers room where you all had your inside parties and holidays and stuff. They were watching you with big (and nervous) smiles on their faces as you entered the room, just the three of you. You stopped in awe at the sight that awaited you.
The room looked like it FAO Schwartz had exploded. There was a little bit of absolutely everything you loved, tucked into every nook and cranny of the room. There was a pin-the-tail-on-the-My-Little-Pony game, an inflatable dragon perfect for someone to bounce on, a dinosaur pinata, a coloring station, a lego station, a Disney princess dress-up costume rack- the list went on and on. Along with pops of colorful streamers and bunches of balloons with lights in them. It was a joyous cacophony of color and imagination. You walked around slowly and softly, your eyes wider than they'd ever seen them before, touching everything reverently as you took it all in. After a lap around the room and seeing a bit of everything that you loved, you turned to them.
"IT'S PERFECT!!!" you screamed joyously, before hurtling yourself into their arms.
The rest of the day was a brilliant blur.
Sam was the first one to arrive, and scooped you up in the biggest hug possible, whispering in your ear that you two would go flying the next time that he babysat and giving you a big kiss on the cheek. Bruce and Natasha arrived next, losing Wanda and Pietro instantly as you grabbed the other littles' hands and pulled them into your Wonderland. Natasha just laughed, seeing how entranced and excited you were.
"You two did it, you nailed it," she praised, playfully slugging Steve on the shoulder. "Although I will say you may have gone just the teensiest bit overboard," she said, an eyebrow arched playfully.
Bucky shrugged as Steve blushed. "I seem to recall a certain couple hiring and flying out Sokovian acrobats to put on a show for the twins' last birthday," Bucky tossed back playfully at her. Bruce chuckled low, putting his arm around his wife.
"He's got us there, love," he said, grinning at her.
Tony, Pepper, and Peter arrived soon after, causing all you littles to shriek with joy and pull Peter into the melee, which he joined happily.
"Wow," Pepper said simply, smiling and trying to contain her giggles at the craziness surrounding her. "You guys really outdid yourselves!" she said heartily. Tony looked around, then sidled right up to her.
"You DO realize that I am going to throw this in your face absolutely every time you accuse ME of going overboard for Pete," he said in his nonchalant tone, gesturing to the fantastical play land. Pepper just rolled her eyes and smiled.
The whole gang was quick to arrive after that. Nick, Maria, Rhodey, Thor and Jane, Darcy, Scott and Hope, Loki, Sylvie, and Prince Loki, Clint, Laura and all their kids, including Kate. Laura came and found you right away, giving you a huge hug- she always gave the best hugs ever.
"Happy Birthday, angel!" she said, squeezing you tight.
"Tank you, Aunt Laura!!" you said, giggling. You latched onto her hand, pulling her to the refreshment table. "Lookit, Papa and Daddy got me a COOKIE CAKE!!"
"Oh wow, that is so great! And so YOU!" she said, teasing and tickling you. You squealed in laughter before the gang called you back to play, and you took off running. Laura looked at the table. The paper dessert plates seemed to be a mix of Frozen, Phineas and Ferb, and purple sparkly ones. She tilted her head and looked up quizzically at Steve and Bucky.
"Internet," they both said, looking very proud of themselves.
"Ah," Laura said simply, nodding with a polite smile.
After a loud and raucous time, after the cookie cake was devoured and all the presents opened and all the games played, everyone went home. Steve and Bucky had gotten clearance to clean up the next day so they could spend this entire day focused on you. As they were getting you ready for bed, they got grateful texts from every caregiver in the Tower- all the littles were worn out from all the fun and had gone down easily.
You were the same- happy but exhausted from all the excitement and activity. "Best birfday ever," you murmured before your "I love you"s, a final squeeze to each of them, and falling asleep, tucked in between the two people who wanted to give you the world- and delivered today.
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purple-babygirl ¡ 1 month
hello! do you have any specific anons? is ✨ taken? if not, i would like to be your ✨ anon hehe.
i am also the one who sent the ask/question about little!reader that you answered recently. thank you so much for explaining it to me and letting me feel safe to ask and learn about things that i don't understand. 🤍
i have actually read your story that had those elements, but i've only read one chapter so far because of my lack of understanding, so i asked you first. now, i can continue to know more!
a bit unrelated (or not?) but i am obsessed with your orc!bucky series, words can't explain how happy i am to discover that story. a bit sad that it's over, but i hope you'll make lil drabbles about them every now and then? 🥹 they'll forever be in my heart. 🤍
i hope to see more of your works and will surely support them! 💌
lots of love,
✨ anon
I've got a few nonnies yes, but ✨ isn't taken and it's all yours💜💜
Oh you're so so welcome! Thank you for asking honestly! If you have any questions while reading feel free to drop them in my inbox and I'll always be here to answer them💜💜💜 I really hope you enjoy that story because it's really close to me💜
Thank you so so much! That Orc!Bucky series is something I've kept in my drafts for a long time in fear that you might not like it so thank you for real, it means the world to me that you guys have loved it so much:"💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I promise that if I get any ideas for them I will definitely do drabbles 💜💜 Thank you very much you're really kind💜💜💜
I hope I never disappoint you💜 Please accept my love💜
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navybrat817 ¡ 1 year
Is florist Bucky over or is there gonna be more?
Don’t mean to be pushy I just love your work sm 🤍
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I plan to write more for him, nonnie. Just need the time and energy. I have a few things marked "HIATUS", but nothing marked as discontinued or done. Hope you enjoy it once I can share and appreciate the compliment.
Love and thanks. 💙
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frostironfudge ¡ 1 year
I have a request🤍. if you’re up for it, pls could you write angst/fluff with bucky where the reader feels underappreciated/not one of buckys priorities (maybe he keeps leaving for extended work trips and not telling her until he’s already gone, or coming home late all the time or something idk) and she gets annoyed and upset about it but he reassures her & it ends with fluff🥲 thank you
hi nonnie, i just saw this in my inbox, i've written something similar in this fic
I Should Have Stayed - Bucky Barnes
i'm so sorry i got to this so late, i have to continue this where i left the above fic so that will be more fluff and sort through what happens in the aftermath
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buckysimp101 ¡ 2 years
Ugghhh the most recent chapter for ETLT is so goooodddd!! I love a slow burn moment, and that little bit of hope Bucky has at the end is just perfection. I feel like Reader and Megan are bound to meet at The Underworld, and Reader is just going to have to remind Megan that she’s never chased Bucky, and she’s not about to now. 😉 He has always been hers, and she has the family ring to prove it! I love reading your work!! 🤍🤍 I can’t wait to see what comes next with your writing!
Thank you so so so much, nonnie! I am excited to write the next chapter. I’ve already got it outlined so now I just need free time to actually sit and get it all out!
Obviously YN and Megan are gonna have to meet at SOME point. There’s no way Bucky’s lil fuck buddy is gonna just disappear quietly into the night. Especially when Bucky hasn’t been around in a hot minute 😉🤔
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anothersebastianblog ¡ 1 year
I love the hair personally I get some people don’t like long hair on men but I love it especially since I saw it on Sebastian stan since infinity war and also he looks beautiful like a pretty flower lol kinda weird to say that about a guy? Idk I call my boyfriend all this so it’s habit. And his face looks more full and young because of gaining weight for new Bucky movie, I love it all it’s my birthday present lol 💗💗💗
Have a good day mod sending you hugs , you’re super sweet and kind 🫂💗
Is it today your birthday nonnie? 🤍🤩
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emerald-chaos ¡ 2 years
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Mob!Bucky & “you're talking on the phone and your lover quietly comes up behind you, wraps their arms around you, and starts gently kissing your neck. you begin to lose focus on your phone call as you concentrate on not making any noise.”
Hehehe Lee, my sweet. As we discovered, I actually did this exact request for you last time. I’m proud of you for staying on brand. I switched things up a bit and I truly hope you enjoy 🤍
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Pairing: Mob!Bucky x wife!reader
Word count: 861
Warnings: explicit language, pet names, hint of a praise kink, cockwarming, SMUT 18+ only (MINORS DNI)
Divider courtesy of the beautiful @firefly-graphics
A small whimper fell from your lips when you felt the man beneath you shift slightly.
“Fuck.” The noise was small and meek—barely above a whisper.
“Darling…” Bucky whispered in your ear as his hands tightened their grip on your hips. “I don’t want to have to ask you again. You’ve got to be a good girl and stay quiet for me.”
A pair of soft lips made contact with the shell of your ear. You felt yourself clench around his length that was seated deep within your walls—filling you with a pleasurable sensation of fullness and adding just enough pressure to make you yearn for more.
See the full post
1,043 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Your camera roll if you were dating Pedro Pascal (I)
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1,078 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
Hot Egyptian Nights
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Okay besties—I gotta be honest. I listened to a spicy audio and let’s just say I got ✨inspired✨. The horny really fueled this and I wish I was at least the slightest bit ashamed or embarrassed but unfortunately I’m not. So, please enjoy this Marc Spector hornytime program.
Mistakes are my own as this was not beta read.
Pairing: Marc Spector x Female!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: smut (18+ only MINORS DNI), chase kink, spit kink, dom/sub dynamics, choking, oral sex (f receiving), masturbation (m receiving), unprotected p in v sex, angry sex, spitting in someone’s face, and explicit language.
By clicking the read more button you are agreeing that you are at least 18 years of age or older.
“Listen to me, and listen to me closely—I’m only going to say it one more time.” The tone to his voice was eerie—it was obvious to you he had met his breaking point.
“Do not fuck with me. Anymore.”
Suddenly you felt a strong hand on your face, Marc’s hand in a v shape hold on your chin—forcing you to look into his blown pupils.
“Is that understood?”
The Cairo heat was suffocating. Every inch of your body glistened under a sheen of sweat and each breath from your lungs felt like a challenge to take. As your eyes studied the man’s face in front of you—you noticed how the brown curls were stuck to his forehead and how his nostrils flared with each trembling breath he took.
The two of you had gotten into an argument after he realized you had followed him to the city. He had made his parting words to you loud and clear.
“Under no circumstances are you to follow me. This is an important recon mission and I can’t think right whenever you’re around. You are to stay here and I’ll see you when I get back. Got it?”
The anger that filled his eyes as they locked with yours from across the bazaar was unlike anything you’d seen from Marc before. Not even the dark hat he wore could hide the way he looked at you. Instantly his jaw set into a hard line and he made a b-line directly to you. Roughly grasping your arm, Marc dragged you through the alley to the outside of the small hostel in which he had been staying in.
Which brought you to the predicament in which you found yourself currently. Words, tainted with venom and anger, were exchanged as the volume of your voices reached a new high.
Marc blamed you for being too naive and stupid to not think of the consequences of you following him. You argued how the two of you were supposed to be a team and instead he treated you like a burden.
It was maddening to you the way he acted like you were a hindrance rather than an asset. The reason from him was always the same—the idea of you getting hurt was too much for him to handle. There was no way Marc could put forth 100% whenever you were around.
You always thought that was a bullshit excuse and a way of saying he didn’t trust you to be able to handle your own.
As you stood before your lover—your own chest heaving—you decided you weren’t going to back down from him any longer. Instead of cowering with your tail tucked between to your legs like you always had before, you decided to stand up to him.
So, you gathered as much saliva as you could in your mouth.
And you spit it directly into his face.
Marc’s hand let go of you almost instantly, flying to his face to wipe your spit from his eyes. Doing so, he happened to stumble back a few steps before planting his feet firmly onto the ground.
“Fuck. You. Marc.” You hissed at him, anger filling your entire body from your head to your toes.
Marc’s eyes opened as he looked down at the saliva covering his hands. Slowly and menacingly, his head raised upwards and his eyes locked on to yours. The look he sported sent a chill down your spine. There were no irises to be seen within his eyes—only fully dilated pupils.
The scariest part, however, was that his breathing never changed. His chest still continued to rise and fall at a steady pace as the two of you stared at one another in a bone chilling silence.
Finally, after what seemed like millennia, he spoke.
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1,180 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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Hi friends! So, my poor wips are sobbing in their graveyard (jk I swear I’m working on them—or at least trying) but that didn’t stop me from writing this piece. I was inspired by some…audio, and I just couldn’t help myself. I am a sucker for college!bucky and when inspiration strikes, I try to take it. I hope you guys enjoy xo.
All mistakes are my own, this was not beta’d. Massive shout out to my forever college!bucky muse @bitchassbucky 🤍
Pairing: college!bucky x college!reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: explicit language, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected p in v sex (don’t be like them—safe sex is best!), slight breeding kink if you squint, praise kink, pet names, fluffy morning sex, goofy established relationship talk, and SMUT 18+ ONLY (MINORS DNI)
By clicking on read more you agree that you have read the above warnings and are at least 18 years of age or older.
“Bucky!” You squealed, laughing as you felt your body being pulled backwards into the bed–metal hand wrapped in the hem of your sleep shirt.
The softness of the bed welcomed you back as Bucky hovered over you with a grin plastered on his face. You had long forgotten how many times you had been pulled back into bed since your initial alarm went off. As you gazed upon the man before you, a warmth began to work its way up your body–beginning at your toes and ending just before your shoulders. Bucky’s hair was equivalent only to a bird's nest–strands going in every which direction, molded by his pillow during sleep. Not to mention the puffiness to his eyes, indicating that the two of you stayed up entirely too late last night to be trying to get up for your first class of the day on time.
Small lines decorated each side of his nose as he looked down upon you, his own cerulean eyes taking in every square inch of your face. The familiar warm feeling flushing your body caused a nervous giggle to slip from your chest and your toes to curl slightly. Each time Bucky looked at you, it gave the reminiscent feeling of how you felt the night the two of you had met. In fact, he still looked at you like he did that night–like every time was the first time he fell in love with you all over again.
Bucky was a lot of things but there was nothing he was more than hopelessly and desperately in love with you.
“I need to go to class, Buck.” Your fingers toyed with the shirt that hung from his body, attempting to make your voice sound stern and serious.
“Mmm, no. I don’t think you do.” Bucky retorted softly, leaning down and pressing his lips against your jaw.
Your fingers slowly curled around the material of his shirt–a breath catching in your throat as his lips moved deliberately across the curve of your jaw. Bucky’s lips moved at a painstakingly slow pace, but each move was calculated–he knew the exact place in which to put his lips to make you forget all about anything that wasn’t him.
Effortlessly, Bucky moved from his position beside you to be directly over your frame. Both of his hands found home on either side of your head as his lips continued to work their way down to your neck. Your brain was still yelling at you to get up and not ditch class again–but all you could muster up was a pathetic, barely there tug on Bucky’s shirt. The action did practically nothing except earn a small chuckle from your boyfriend.
“C’mon, baby…” Bucky trailed off as his lips worked against your pulse point, sucking gently before pulling off with a small pop.
“Just a little makin’ out…we can still make it to class on time.”
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“It’s never ‘just making out’ with you, Barnes.” You grumbled, feeling your body melt into the bed.
Bucky simply grinned in response as he continued to move his lips along the expanse of your neck–alternating between kisses and sucks.
A groan passed through your lips and all thoughts of class drifted from your head as you felt Bucky’s hips rest against your own. It wasn’t difficult to notice the growing erection through the thin material of his basketball shorts, especially with the way his hips rolled slowly against yours. As you tried to get your mind to focus on Bucky’s current movements, you felt his hand drift down toward your thigh–his fingertips featherlight as they dragged upwards from your knee.
Shortly after your eyes fluttered closed, the warmth of Bucky’s lips had been removed from your neck. Your mouth shaped into a pout as you opened your eyes to see Bucky’s grinning face above yours once more. Before you had a chance to complain, however, his lips were pressed against your own. The familiar taste of mint toothpaste invaded your senses as his tongue earned entry into your mouth. You reached up to tangle one of your hands into his brown locks as you tried to hold him as close to you as possible.
Kissing Bucky was like something else entirely. There was something about the way his lips moved with yours that made your head feel light and airy. Each kiss from him was somehow different than the last–a mixture of hard and soft, slow and rushed, frantic and calculated. If there were no restrictions or regulations on how you had to spend your time, you would spend every last second of it with your lips pressed against his.
Bucky pulled away from the kiss, chuckling softly as your face continued to chase after his. Huffing, you opened your eyes to pout at him once more. Buck ignored your pout as he reached forward and brushed a strand of hair from your face. Your eyes couldn’t help but train on his tongue as it darted out to wet his lips.
“Wanna taste you…” Bucky’s words were several octaves lower than they had been previously, the bass tones from his voice sending electric shocks through your body, “Can I do that, baby?”
The last few words faded almost to a whisper–a subtle decrescendo that lit every nerve-ending in your body ablaze with desire. Unable to properly form a response, you simply nodded your head with great fervor.
Bucky made quick work of moving himself down between your legs and peeling your panties off–tossing them behind himself with no concern about where they ended up. Bucky’s large hands pushed your t-shirt up your abdomen, just above your belly button as he leaned his head against the inner part of your knee with a sigh.
“There she is.” He whispered softly.
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the man between your legs.
“What did we say about you talking to my vagina, Buck?” You chastised, doing your best to hold back the laugh bubbling in your chest.
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2,016 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Love is a Bitch
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Well besties, here it is. Four thousand words of pure, unadulterated filth. This is unlike anything I’ve ever written before and my first time going with a more dark plot. I hope you guys enjoy!
I owe absolutely everything for this fic to @lookiamtrying and @sgt-seabass for brainstorming with me in the group chat. Several pieces of dialogue in this fic were gifted to me by them both. A huge shout out also to @sweeterthanthis for beta-ing this for me and for always inspiring me and encouraging me to be my best hoe self. As with all of my fics, I also gotta thank my muse @animehearteyes😉. All mistakes are my own.
Pairing: softdark!Nick Fowler x wife!reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: infidelity, gun violence, death of a character (not a main one), mention of masturbation, unprotected p in v sex, pussy slapping, spanking, spit kink, degradation kink, dumbification kink, face slapping, rough hair pulling, posessive behavior from Nick, cum play/cum eating, Nick being a mean bastard and reader being not much better; SMUT 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI
By clicking read more you agree that you are at least 18 years of age or older and that you are aware of the above warnings.
Being the wife of a workaholic is not easy—let alone when that workaholic is the head of one of the biggest crime syndicates in New York. There are many missed dinners, unanswered calls and texts, and a hell of a lot of pent up sexual frustration.
It had been weeks since the last time you’d been touched by someone other than yourself. None of your advances seemed to phase Nick—not when you sauntered into his office wearing his favorite set of lingerie, not when you wore practically nothing around the house while doing chores, and not even when you played up your moans and whimpers while masturbating in bed.
Each time it was a different excuse,
“Sweetheart, we are on the verge of closing a very big deal.”
“I just got back from my trip, baby, I’m exhausted.”
Whether it was something he said, an interrupting phone call, or bad timing on the part of one of his men—you had been completely abandoned by him over the last few weeks. Sleepless nights alone in your bed, discontent with minor touches after dinner, and a hole in your heart in the shape of your husband.
In the beginning you tried to be understanding. You were fully aware of what you signed up for when you married Nick—fully aware of the lifestyle that came with him. What you hadn’t expected, however, was for him to appear to lose all interest in being intimate with you or even giving you the time of day. It wasn’t like him to go without taking you apart at least once a week, let alone allowing you to go to bed unkissed.
The deal he had been working to close was a monumental one. One that would bring loads and loads of cash into the bank accounts of all of those involved and solidify Nick’s position at the top. You knew that this project needed his undivided attention, but goddamnit—so did you. You were touch starved, lonely, and so needy for your husband to pay you even an ounce of attention.
So, an idea came to you one day. An idea you knew would capture your husband’s attention to the fullest degree. It wasn’t a shining moment of yours—but a woman had to do what a woman had to do.
The weekend finally came and Nick was set to arrive home sometime around the afternoon. Finding a willing participant to take part in your plan wasn’t difficult. There was a rather attractive, fully sleezy employee at the country club who always had an eye on you and who was more than willing to come home with you when you asked.
Was fucking another man in your shared bed to make your husband jealous a bad idea? Probably.
Was it going to work? Absolutely.
As expected, the sex was incredibly subpar. The man rushed through the foreplay and you had to fake two orgasms before he slipped on a condom and began rutting his hips into you like a horny teenage boy. Each snap of his hips just as disappointing as the last—there was no feeling of fullness like there was with Nick, no clawing your nails down the man’s back—it was just penetration with a stranger breathing heavily in your face.
A few feigned moans of pleasure slipped from your lips as you pretended to be having a mediocre time.
That was, until you heard the front door open and shut.
As soon as you heard the click of the front door you ramped up your noises and feigned pleasure to 11.
“Fuck! Yes! Harder!” You moaned, grabbing onto the man’s sides as he faltered slightly—obviously taken back by your sudden change in demeanor.
“Y-yeah? You like that? Want me to fucking give it to you?” The man grunted, switching positions to prop himself on his knees and hold your hips as he thrusted roughly into you.
“Yes, God, please give it to me! Feels so good.”
A small smirk formed on your lips as you heard the heavy thud of footsteps thumping up the stairs. Suddenly and without warning, the bedroom door flew open—barely hanging on by its hinges as Nick slammed through. Nostrils flared, chest heaving—Nick’s eyes bore into the man on top of you as he took in the scene before him.
The man quickly pulled out as he stumbled, fell off the bed, and scurried to his feet. Shaky hands lifted into the air in front of him as he tried to mutter out words in a desperate attempt to spare his life.
“I-I-I didn’t know she was married, bro, I’m sorry! I promise, I’ll leave and I-I won’t say anything! You won’t ever see me aga—“
Without flinching, Nick pulled a gun from his waistband and shot the man several times. You jumped in the bed, pulling the sheet up over your chest as you watched the man crumple to the floor. The pool of blood around him quickly collected as Nick stood before you, breathing labored and gun still raised in the air by a steady hand.
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2,246 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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luminouslywriting ¡ 1 month
I'm the ranking anon! Thanks for asking for mine. It's actually similar to yours in a lot of ways!
Gale. Like you said, he's so sweet and so moral. I like men who are steadfast and who you know you can trust, and Gale is a million percent that guy. He's so gentle, but he also has this quiet sort of charisma that draws people to him. I'm a sucker for that combination. I love his patience and his kindness, and the way he looks at Marge? 🥹 I also adore how smart he is, but so humble too. In short, Gale is basically the perfect guy imo.
Brady. I am one of the ladies who Brady, I admit it. I love that he is so quiet, honest and loyal. You've touched on how you think he'd be supportive and communicative, and I so agree. I love open communication in a relationship, and I like the idea of being with someone who's enthusiastic about sharing life together.
Okay, so this one was tough. I'm going with Bucky over Rosie, but I did debate this one a little. I chose Bucky because I think he's a little more easygoing, and I'm someone who sometimes needs to be pushed out of my comfort zone. That said, Bucky might be a little too much out of my comfort zone at times; I am a quiet person at heart, and there would be times when I would feel overwhelmed by his fun and flirty personality. Like, as much as I love his charisma and energy, I might occasionally need to ask him to take it elsewhere for a few hours. But I love him, as he's essentially a golden retriever in human form. He's genuinely kind and I love his spontaneity and excitement for life. He seems like the type who could make even mundane things fun, and I need that sometimes.
Rosie. Okay, here's the thing. I think that Rosie and I are a little too similar. I like that Rosie is the type that you could do deep intellectual dives with, and I love his intelligence and passion. That said, I have a little inner lawyer in me that would definitely meet their match in Rosie. I feel like we would spend a lot of time having very calm, very civilized arguments about trivial things. Like, here's a PowerPoint about why this brand of dish soap is best. In this presentation I will...😂. He does seem like someone I could have fun with, and his curls and eyes deserve a mention all by themselves.
Crosby. So, like you, I am put off by the cheating thing. I do think Crosby would be a good dad, which is something I value, but I would have a VERY hard time coming to terms with the infidelity.
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Nonny, this is darling and I love your responses!! You seem like a lovely person and I feel like we’d be good friends 🥰🤭🤍 message me if you ever wanna talk! That being said, your responses are so sweet and thought out!! I love your rankings!! And thank you for the sweet question in the first place! It was super sweet and fun to chat about 🫶🏻🫶🏻 Looks like marriage is on the table for Gale Cleven haha!
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canongf-archive ¡ 3 years
eeee Hello!!! I adore your blog and you truly seem like such a light in the community, I adore your relationships with your f/o’s (Congrats on your engagement with Bucky as well! It made me super happy to see that!) You’re just!! a lovely human who truly makes people happy to be around and follow, so thank you for that! I hope you’re having a lovely day also! 🤍
It saddens me that I’m sending my first real ask as a thing for advice..Which if you’re not comfy with answering it, please feel free to delete as I’d hate to impose..but, I’m sadly having a hard time with being hard on myself about, well, my f/o not being ‘real’ per say. I’m super happy with him though! He’s literally my soulmate and he’s made me the happiest girl ever, I’m so lucky to have him, and that..I love him and he loves me too. but I worry I’m crazy for feeling the love relayed back to me? I’d hate to be ‘making it all up’ I guess? I know how he makes me feel, but, I worry it’s not real but my brain makes me believe it is?? If that makes sense?? I’m okay with him not being physically next to me, but the word ‘fictional’ sometimes sticks in my side, as if our love is purely fiction..cause to me, I treat our relationship as just a relationship really. If someone asks, I’m with someone (I never go into details but, my heart has been taken by him enough for me to not want something else.) My self ship blog is more like a peek into our dynamic and in my heart, we’re just? together? Is that, okay? I’d hate to be insanely going about this but, I really do adore him, and this is truly the happiest I’ve been in a committed relationship, even if he’s not, physically with me. Sorry for asking such a loaded question, I apologize. If it’s too much, please feel free to delete this! I just, have been wracking my brain about it and was searching for some advice on it..Thank you for reading this alone and being so understanding, enough for me to want to talk about this. 🤍
💗 !!!!! hi nonnie !!!!! 💗
i'm really sorry to hear that you've been struggling with this kind of thing!!! it can be really hard !!! i want you to know a few things!!!
ultimately, anon!!! you're allowed to do whatever you want to with your life!!! you're allowed to dress the way you want and decorate the way you want, you're allowed to cook and eat the way you want, you're allowed to work whatever job you want, you're allowed to have as many or as little friends as you want, and you're allowed to approach romantic relationships the way you want!!! and if this what you want, then you're allowed to accept that!!!
even if characters aren't real, the feelings are! our brains don't know the difference between the way we love real person and the way we love a fictional character. there's no differential. our brains just recognize that we love them, that's all! so it is real for you! that doesn't make you silly or crazy. that's just how humans work.
and if you're happy with this relationship you have with this character! if you're content and you're fulfilled and you don't want anything else and you don't feel like you need anything else, then you don't have to do anything else! you can keep things exactly as they are!
you don't have to explain yourself to anyone. everyone's life looks different! we all have different wants and needs and our responsibility is simply to listen to ourselves, to listen to our minds and our hearts, to find what it is that we want and what we need as an individual, and to follow that! even if that journey doesn't look like anyone else's. that's fine. it's not supposed to.
you just gotta do what makes you happy and healthy, anon! and if that's what this is! then good for you!!! you're doing just fine!!!
thank you so much for trusting me with this!!! i know it can be really intimidating to open up and be vulnerable like this, but i hope you know that i don't take it lightly!!! thank you for sharing with me, thank you for thinking of me so positively, and thank you for the congratulations on Bucky and i's engagement!!! that means the world to me!!! i am sending you all my love!!!!! 💗💗💗
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nexusnyx ¡ 3 years
i just finished aiwb and let me tell u being incredibly sick drunk + pmsing is not the state u wanna read it in and i have cried SO hard and laughed while crying my god it made me feel so many emotions, at one point i was like this is bullshit nobody is THIS sweet then i was like MF I NEED A BUCKY it actually made me feel so lonely i was holding my bucky dog tags and crying (not making u feel bad just to clear that up) the way you write is just so incredible nyx i can't wait for ur future series' & im gonna read ur whole masterlist in one sitting today. hope you have a good day, love you <3
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STAAAAAAAP! You precious darling nonnie!
I’m sooooo fucking glad you enjoyed it that much? AIWB was the first series (after Lover, Please Stay) that I decided to give a little more of love and expand the universe a little more so receiving this type of feedback is everything?!
There’s a drabble coming for it very soon 🥰
I hope you like it! Not as many people have read AIWB and I absolutely adore it. I’m happy it could bring you this amount of joy in a shitty period (no pun intended 😅).
I adore youuuuu 🥰🤍
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starryevermore ¡ 3 years
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About the Mayor of Angst City™
⇨ pronouns: she/her.
⇨ age: 20s.
⇨ previously starrybrock.
⇨ minors dni. i post nsfw/18+ content here and i’m not comfortable with anyone under the age of 18 interacting with me.
⇨ requests for gifs and fics closed. consult request faqs before requesting.
⇨ other blogs: 
@incorrectsebastianstan (incorrect quotes for seb stan characters); 
@incorrectmoonknight (incorrect quotes for moon knight characters)
@starryficrec (fic recs);
@xplrclub (inactive)​; 
@traphousesuggestions (inactive)​; 
@starrybrock (junk drawer);
@starrylibrary (library of fics); and 
@starrybrock-archive (previous sideblog)
⇨ ao3: illiterate
⇨ wattpad: starryevermore
⇨ pinterest: starryevermore
⇨ twitter: starryevermore
⇨ tiktok: starryevermore
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⇨ starryevemore - an original post made by me. usually attached to writings, gifs, moodboards, and edits.
⇨ mayoral decree / starry speaks - (usually) personal ramblings about my life.
⇨ signed sealed delivered - answered asks.
⇨ my andy 🤍 - asks from my andy barber nonnie.
⇨ angst city™ residents - interactions with my mutuals.
⇨ angst city™ visitors - interactions with nonnies.
⇨ queue the hell is bucky? - things that have been queued.
⇨ extra extra a new fic has been posted! - time zone reblogs of oneshots and chapters of series.
⇨ starrywrites - a fic or original piece that I have written.
⇨ starrygifs - gifsets that I have made.
⇨ [name] fic rec - fics that I recommend you check out.
⇨ dark [name] fic rec - dark fics that I recommend you check out.
⇨ [monster] [name] fic rec - monsterfucking fics that I recommend you check out. (ex. orc lee, drider bucky, etc.)
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ohtobeleah ¡ 3 years
Hi :) sorry to bother you but I had sent a request about a month ago? I dont even remember what it was lol. But it was a bucky one. And either you didnt receive it or I must have missed it while scolling through your blog. Have you gotten any Bucky requests? Again, sorry for asking.
Hey Nonny 👋 I definitely have a couple! I usually just pick the ones that interest me the most when I have time!
But if you have something you’d really like me to have a crack at definitely send it through again! I’m just about to head home for some lunch and a break so i have a few hours to kill xxx
Also—you could never be a bother 🤍
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navybrat817 ¡ 1 year
I can’t help but ask if you have What Goes Around pt 2 in the works?? 🤍 fingers crossed 😘
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Hi, nonnie! I very much want to revisit What Goes Around, but I don't want to rush a second part. I want to make sure it's just as passionate as the first part. Especially since Bucky doesn't want it to be a one-time thing. I hope you enjoy once I revisit.
Love and thanks. ❤️
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navybrat817 ¡ 2 years
Oh no dear I was just planning on switching to director Bucky instead of actor Bucky because I now think that, that suits him better,
But I absolutely love your writing and if you feel like it and have time you should absolutely write director Bucky directing movies (marvel or any) and reader acting in it.
No worries, nonnie! Just wanted to clarify.
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I've tossed around writing director!Bucky down the line based on this ask a nonnie sent me earlier this month. That was the nonnie I referenced in my original response. Like I said, I think director suits Bucky very well and gives him a sense of control, whether it's canon or AU Bucky.
I have so many things to catch up on, mine will probably be done in 2025. 😂
Go for it! It's an AU. We don't own it. We can both share our visions. I'm excited to see what you do with yours! I know you'll kick ass.
Love and thanks. ❤️
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