#bucky x transreader
stardropsandrain · 2 years
Bucky Helping with Dysphoria
Trans Masc reader
TW!!: Heavy Dysphoria, misgendering, pre surgery
Please do enjoy
The words replayed in your mind, over and over. 'Have a good day ma'am'. Goddamnit. Why couldn't you have been born in the right body? Why was every day an ongoing battle. It wasn't fair. Your thoughts raged on as you pushed open the door to your apartment. You looked for your boyfriend, but was only met with the sound of the running shower. You kicked the door closed gently and sighed.
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"Bucky I'm home," You spoke loudly, alerting the man to your presence.
You shrugged your grocery bags onto the kitchen counter before putting the produce away first. You know the person working the check out was only being polite when they said their farewell but it made you feel sick. A disgusting feeling that bubbled up in your chest, threatening to spill over in the form of tears, sobs and screams. There was something wet on your hand, causing you to look down. The apple was suffering the anger from your earlier encounter.
"Hey doll," Bucky called out to you from the bathroom door way "how was work?"
You looked over to him, a tired smile on your lips "Fine, how are Sarah, Sam and the boys."
"Good..," He trailed off as he stared at you "what's wrong doll?"
"Nothing, I just got misgendered at the store."
It's safe to confide in Bucky. He loves you. Even if it felt weird to so outwardly share your feelings you knew Bucky would only try to help.
"Oh doll."
Bucky walked over, only in shorts, and took you into his arms. You turned into the embrace and rested your head on his shoulder.
"Wouldn't it be easier if I was just a girl," You asked softly as your eyes filled with tears "no more binder, no more shots, no more saving up for selfish fucking reasons."
Bucky stroked your back as you vented out your frustrations. He allowed you to finish before pulling back to see your face. He kissed your forehead and smiled at you.
"I love you, I know I have no idea what you feel Y/N but I'm here for you always. You're not selfish, you want to be happy. You deserve to be happy and I'll happily help you until you feel that happiness."
"Should've taken a shot everytime you said happy," You joked through a sniffle.
Bucky chuckled and kissed your cheek "You're amazing, I'm so proud of you. But, we've got to get you out of that binder and into some comfortable clothes."
You nodded slowly, reluctant to remove the chest compressing fabric. He turned, putting his hand in yours and led you to the bedroom. When you arrived in the comfortable, welcoming room, Bucky closed the door. He gently coaxed you out of the binder and slipped you into one of his hoodies
"Are you comfortable my love," He asked you as you settled onto the couch, your back to his chest
"Yes..," You intertwined your hand with his on your stomach, smiling to yourself "I love you Sarge."
Bucky snorted and you could practically hear him roll his eyes
"Just rest up you doof."
You laughed with him before relaxing into him fully. That night the TV and Bucky's heartbeat lulled you to sleep
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A/N; Just a short drabble to vent some of my own frustrations. I love Bucky so much, I feel like he'd be so caring and sweet. He never wants his partner to be sad or feel upset.
Good riddance and stay safe 🖤🖤🖤
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kortsitron · 3 years
Pairing: Bucky Barnes × Trans Male! Reader
Warnings: pre top surgery, topless reader, gender disphoria, reader can be  testosterone or nah (it’s kinda ho you see it, dear reader)
Summary: You meet Bucky at night, at pool in Avegers Towers. He had idea about the thing you told others about and now, he's trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible.
This might be triggering for some people, so if you're not comfortable reading this kind of stuff, it's okay. I totally understand you! This idea came from my dream, where Bucky did similar thing and I just can't stop thinking about it. I just woke up happy and I wish could come to Bucky and hug him for making my day better. Anyway, I hope you're going to enjoy this if you're planning to read this 💗
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Almost every night, you were going to pool area to spend some in jacuzzi after a long day. Nothing new. You always were coming here at night, since it was empty at that time. Which was the reason why you could topless. Not thinking about gender disphoria. You didn't have a binder for swimming, so you've decided to told others not come at night without telling you. You didn't want them to see your naked chest. It would case you too much disphoria to take.
You were on your to jacuzzi, arms tightly around your chest, making sure nobody would see anything. "Bucky?" You asked pretty surprised, seeing him in the jacuzzi. You totally forgot to tell him, you told others long ago. "What are you doing here?" You were so terrified, wondering if he's going to see things he shouldn't.
"I just wanted to relax. Is something wrong?" Bucky saw how uncomfortable you were. He stepped out of jacuzzi, but he left you enough space.
"I forgot to tell you that at night I use the pool, since I don't want anyone to see me topless. I'm so sorry, I better be going."
"No, I better be the one going." You felt bad for making him leave, it wasn't his fault for not knowing.
"Maybe we can get a compromize?" Bucky raised his eyebrow, listening to what you were trying to say. "I mean, we can both stay in jacuzzi, but I'll make sure that my chest will be under water. Bubbles will cover my chest for sure.
"Only if you're comfortable with this." Bucky scratched back of his neck with his metal arm. Not being sure about the idea. "You know I wouldn't--"
"I know." You giggled. "Please, go first." So he did. He wasn't trying to complain. He sat across you. "Could you um..." You needed to remove both from your chest to go inside the warm water.
"Oh yeah, sorry." Bucky apologized, closed his eyes and "looked" up. "Tell me when you're ready." You nodded and quickly got inside next him. You relaxed a bit, when you made sure, he won't able to see your chest.
"You can open your eyes." Bucky opened his eyes and looked at you, with warm smile at his face. His gaze didn't go down. "But you promise not look?"
"Yup. Promise is a promise." This made you smile.
You spent around an hour talking with Bucky. It was nice, until you realized you moved too much and almost showed your chest. You arms immediately went back to it. "It was probably a bad idea."
"I was thinking about something to help with it, but if won't agree, that's okay."
"What's on your mind, Barnes?"
"Maybe I can kind of cover them with one of my arms. I won't touch them, but if I do, it won't be intentionally. I can close my eyes if you want me to." Bucky was stressed that his idea made you uncomfortable and you would leave. "I mean--"
"I think that we can try." Your cheeks were pretty red after hearing what he told you. You knew Bucky for long enough and you knew that he was trying to make anyone around as comfortable as possible. You really appreciated that.
"Okay..." Bucky carefully move his arms around you. Flesh one going behind you, metal arm covering your chest without touching it. His head went on your shoulder. "Are you fine like this?"
"Yeah, thank you Buck, I appreciate it." Your head gently leaned against his. "I really do..."
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