#buddhist tempe
fatherlybeast · 2 years
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Enkō-ji, is a Zen Buddhist temple located near the Shugakuin Imperial Villa at Sakyō-ku, Ichijo-ji, Kotani-cho, in northeast Kyoto,  Japan. It is famous for its fall foliage and Suikinkutsu
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Sometimes family is a cult leader, two emotionally repressed disaster lesbians, an eldrich horror’s ex sugar baby, a formerly evil arsonist and his war-criminal boyfriend, a mother of eight in AA, a Buddhist cow, and the resurrected corpse of one of their past companions
Other times it’s a pair of edgy, codependent twins, demon-possessed Ben Franklin, an extra large blood-thirsty baby, a socially awkward princess with mommy issues, a priest who got temp-banned by her god, a deadbeat dad with a lute, an out-of-touch mama’s boy and his mini Iron Giant, and a bear
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southkoreaandjapan · 1 year
July 4, 2023
Kyoto was the capital of Japan for more than 1,000 years - from 794 to 1868. It was not bombed during WWII mainly because it was had no industrial complex so what we are seeing are - for the most part - original. It's famous for its numerous classical Buddhist temples - (the largest complex of Buddhist temples is here) as well as gardens, imperial palaces, Shinto shrines and traditional wooden houses. It’s also known for formal traditions such as kaiseki dining, consisting of multiple courses of precise dishes, and geisha, female entertainers often found in the Gion district.
We experienced it all!
It is another HOT and muggy day with temps in the high 90s. We started our day early trying to beat the crowds and the heat and went to Fushimi Inari Shrine. Mark and I visited here in 2017 but it was remarkable no matter how many times you see it. The Torii Gate is a process of identifying a holy spot where the kami can reside inside in comfort. Families/or a single person can erect an Torii Gate anywhere making an area holy.
The Fushimi Inari Shrine is holy to the nth degree with more than 1,000 Torii Gates ranging from huge to tiny.
Torii gates represent the border between the secular world and the sacred worlds of the Shinto belief. The gates act as a passageway into a shrine's sacred space. It is not uncommon for a shrine to have more than one Torii gate. It can be described as a fusion of Shinto and Buddhism which once had a significant influence around Japan. In Buddhism, red is regarded as a color which represents the sacred atmosphere as well as vital force. As a result, ancient people started to paint torii gates standing at shinto shrines with red. Also the red color is believed to ward off the evil spirits and red color is used often for Inari Shrine, which enshrines the deity of harvest. 
This place is a sight to see.
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Before you entire the main area of the Shinto Shrine (or the Buddhist Temple or a mosque) you must purify yourself. In this case, first by cleansing your hand, then bringing water to your mouth with your hand, rinsing your mouth, spitting the water in the trough and then re-washing your hands.
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At this Shrine the fox is the protector.
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The white papers tied to the lines at the bottom left are baaaaaad fortunes that people have received. By hanging them on this place they will not come true. I asked Ken to give me an example - thinking surely they couldn't be too bad -BUT the example he gave me was "you are going to be a car accident." I guess that is not as bad as "you have a horrible disease and will be dead in a week" - but maybe there are fortunes like that and if there are I'm sure they are hanging on the outside of the shrine.
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The size of the Torii gates change as you go higher up the hill.
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The backside of the gates have the name of the family, person, company, etc that paid to have it built. These gates do not last forever and as they age - they are replaced by a new gate. There is a long waiting list of "replacers". The cost, the size and the location are related.
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As you get further into the "tunnel" there are breaks where there are personal shrines and/or where you can buy a fortune. It is very interesting.
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The is a beautiful path that goes up the mountain - but we didn't have enough time to complete it. With "25 minutes to the top" sign and 40 minutes until we had to return to the group - I turned back. Anson continued but eventually also turned back. But not before he saw this...
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The woods were lovely and in almost every location I saw a believer clapping twice before a shrine and then bending in prayer.
There at two types of Torii Gates and we have seen both. The Torii Gates at the Fushimi Inari Shrine - where we were today have a curvy top. The Torii Gates at the Ise Grand Shrine are flat. I actually read the Japanese word for each Torii gate - but really - what is the point- I can barely remember the English word... Obviously not all are painted red - (although my eyes keep seeing orange.)
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From there we were went to lunch in the Nishiki Market.
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This was a lunch on your own thing - but OAT supplied us with some money. There were lots of options - but the one option Mark and Jay were searching for was an option with tables and chairs. We found a couple of places and settled on one that offered dumplings and fried chicken. Anson continued to search but eventually returned to our location and as he looked at the menu he discovered that Carol had not actually ordered "chicken" but "chicken skins." Carol eyes got huge and she tried to put a stop to it - but to no avail. I wish I had taken a picture - I felt bad for her, but it ended up not so bad. The dumplings and chicken skins arrived and Jay had the skins and Carol had the dumplings. The skins were crispy and atop a salad and they looked good to me - but they were battered with gluten filled deliciousness. Anson had 2 kinds of dumplings; gyoza and Kyoto pork dumplings. No pics here but delicious!! This place was perfect because it was now raining and this market was covered. Sweet!
Next up the Golden Pavilion - another UNESCO World Heritage Site. Originally built in 1397 this was one of those things that is NOT original and has been rebuilt many times. The one you see behind Anson and I was built in 1957 after a monk suffering from mental illness burned it to the ground in a suicide attempt. It was re-built using the plans of the 1397 structure.
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This place is simply spectacular!! BUT the temps were closing in on 100 degrees and there were lots of people so finding your zen there was tough. I will say if ZEN was to be found - it was there though. The gardens are just fabulous.
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What follows is from the website: " The site of Kinkaku-ji was originally a villa called Kitayama-dai (北山第), belonging to a powerful statesman, Saionji Kintsune.  Kinkaku-ji's history dates to 1397, when the villa was purchased from the Saionji family by shōgun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and transformed into the Kinkaku-ji complex. When Yoshimitsu died the building was converted into a Zen temple by his son, according to his wishes. Don't worry - there will NOT be a test!
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The outside of the pavilion is gold leaf and we saw pictures of it in all four seasons and at all times of the day and night and it is just stunning.
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In the evening, Mark, Anson, Jay and Carol and I opted to attend a performance at Gion Corner. Gion is the center of Geisha - FYI. Photos are forbidden here BUT you can get a great look at what we saw by visiting their website. You can switch it from Japanese to English in the upper right hand corner.
I lifted this from that website: "At the Gion Kobu Kaburenjo Small Theater, you can digest traditional culture and traditional performing arts that Japan boasts to the world, including Kyoto dance by maiko, Kyogen, bugaku, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, koto music, bunraku, and/or noh , in about an hour."
It was a great little  smorgasbord of Japanese culture - I think it may have been better to say a great little "kaiseki" of Japanese culture - but i figured most people wouldn't understand what I was talking about - so I'm sticking with the big buffet!
The night we saw the performance they did Bunraku but not Noh. Frankly I was happy about that because we saw Noh theater the last time we were here. Anson remembered that I took all the grandkids to the DIA to see a Bunraku puppet show a few years back - but it was fun to see it in Japan. The key to enjoying a performance in a language you do not understand is to read the synopsis in the brochure before you see the show. It is the case that performance art often translates in any language. Our favorite was the Kyogen comedy and the least favorite was the Bugaku dance. We followed the storyline of the dance but the music was not pleasant to our American ears and the discord was such that we couldn't tell if it was meant to be or just an error made by musicians. We did all agree that the costumes were amazing thought. Anson suggested that we find a YouTube of a different Bugaku performance and see if the music is similar. We will do that. We also recognized the "dance by Maiko" as the same dance we had seen the night before when the adorable Maiko was performing just for us.
After the show we went to the Kyoto train station - which is WAY more that a train station.
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We opted - much to Anson's dismay- to go to an Italian restaurant. Carol and Jay are not loving Japanese food the way Anson, Mark and I are. But even the Italian restaurant had a Japanese flare. The two major differences were that for the first time there was silverware on the table and large paper napkins. The silverware on the table looked strange and I am quite comfortable with chopsticks BUT I wanted the kiss those silly napkins. It turns out that I just am more comfortable with a napkin in my lap. The "napkins" we have had are small wet wipes and while I appreciate them for cleaning my hands both before and after the meal - I don't love wiping my mouth with them. Anyway - Carol and Jay had a pizza and Anson and Mark has some kind of hamburger dish and I had both Mark's and Anson's appetizers: escargot in garlic and butter, and mushrooms in garlic and butter and a glass of wine. What was not to love!!!
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On our way home we opted to hang out at the Kyoto station and listen to live piano music tied into this light show. Anson told us that Papa Steve does the same kind of things in his studio.
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The temperatures were delightful and the night was young - sadly we are not - but we enjoyed the show. As we walked back to our hotel we saw realized the Kyoto tower was right there!
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Funny story - Mark and I decided to do a selfie in front of the tower and Mark took one pic - then he said - Man, I just took one pic and I always take a bunch. I said - it will be fine. it wasn't....
It was another beautiful night in Japan.
Stay tuned.
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brookston · 6 months
Holidays 4.8
Aerosol Day
All is Ours Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Kurdistan)
Bloating Prevention Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Counter Stool Memorial Day
Cushing’s Disease Awareness Day
Cuti Bersama (Indonesia)
DAB Day (Draw A Bird Day)
Day of Military Commissariat Employees (Belarus)
Day of Silence
Day of Valor (Araw ng Kagtingan; Philippines) 
Dog Farting Awareness Day
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
Drug Control Authority Workers’ Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Economist Day (Tajikistan)
Geranium Day (England)
Ghodejatra (Nepal)
Grand Ivy Day
Grand National Ladies Day (UK)
Ground Ivy Day
Hammerin’ Hank Day
International Bird Day
International Day of Pink
International Feng Shui Awareness Day
International Pageant Day
International Romani Day (a.k.a. International Day of the Roma)
Ja Morant Day (South Carolina)
Martyrs’ Day (Tunisia)
Ministry of Defense Day (Thailand)
More Cowbell Day
Mule Day
National Animation Day (Russia)
National Arcade Day
National Banjo Day
National Best in the World Day
National Catch and Release Day
National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
National Idiot Day
National Plitvice Lakes Day (Croatia)
Peanuts-Kids-Baseball Day
Polling Day Eve (Samoa)
Pygmy Hippo Day
Radish Day (French Republic)
Rex Manning Day (in “Empire Records”)
Right to Read Day
Rumenians’ Independence Day (Sweden)
Sealing the Frost (Cuchumatan Indians; Guatemala)
Shiatsu Day
Shiba Inu Day (Japan)
Step into the Spotlight! Day
Trading Cards for Grown-Ups Day
Tutor Appreciation Day
Twin Peaks Day
World Mixed Martial Arts Day
World Neurosurgeon’s Day
Zoo Lovers' Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Milk in Glass Bottles Day
National Empañada Day
2nd Monday in April
Global Day of Action on Military Spending [2nd Monday]
National Lineman Appreciation Day [2nd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 8 (2nd Week)
Ora;, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week [thru 4.14]
Take Your Poet to School Week [thru 4.12 from 1st Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Australis (a.k.a. Grand Duchy of Australis; Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Rumenians' Independence Day (Romernas Nationaldag; Sweden)
Festivals Beginning April 8, 2024
Children’ Book Fair (Bologna, Italy) [thru 4.11]
Electric Mountain Festival (Solden, Austria) [thru 4.12]
NFRA Executive Conference (Tempe, Arizona) [thru 4.10]
Seatrade Cruise Global (Miami, Florida) [thru 4.11]
Feast Days
Ædesius (Christian; Martyr)
Allen Butler Talcott (Artology)
Anne Ayres (Episcopal Church (USA))
Apollonius (Positivist; Saint)
B. Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Barbara Kingsolver (Writerism)
Buddha's Birthday (Mahāyāna Buddhists; Japan)
Constantina (Christian; Saint)
Cornelius de Heem (Artology)
Day of Amon-Ra (Pagan)
Dionysius of Corinth (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Hummingbird (Aztec)
Feast of the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law begins (Thelema)
Freedom of Religion Day (Everyday Wicca)
Geronimo Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hana Matsuri (Flower Festival on Buddha’s Birthday; Japan)
Juan van der Hamen (Artology)
Julie Billiart of Namur (Christian; Saint)
Kanbutsu-e (Buddha’s Birthday; Japan)
Kiki the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lazarus Saturday (Orthodox Christian)
Nuzzle Quran (Malaysia)
Odd Nerdrum (Artology)
Our Lady of Good Counsel (Christian)
Perpetuus of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Prayer for Clarity Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Red Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Walter of Pontoise (Christian; Saint)
William Augustus Muhlenberg (Episcopal Church (USA))
Zoo Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 4 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [19 of 60]
All the Old Knives (Film; 2022)
American: The Bill Hicks Story (Documentary Film; 2011)
The Apocrypha (Religious Text received as Canonical by Catholic Church; 1546)
Bars and Stripes Forever (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
The Boss (Film; 2016)
Box Car Bandit (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1957)
The Century, by Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster (Book; 1999)
The Clash, by The Clash (Album; 1977)
David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell (Book; 2014)
Destitively Bonnaroo, by Dr. John (Album; 1974)
Father Noah’s Ark (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1933)
Fever Pitch (Film; 2005)
The Fireman (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
From Russia, with Love, by Ian Fleming (Novel; 1957) [James Bond #5]
The Gambler (TV movie; 1980)
Hanna (Film; 2011)
Have Gun, Can’t Travel (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1967)
Inspector George Gently (UK TV Series; 2007)
Jerry the Lion (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1950)
Just Dance, by Lady Gaga (Song; 2008)
Killing Eve (TV Series; 2018)
Kingdom (BBC TV Series; 2007)
La Gioconda, by Amiliare Ponchielli (Opera; 1876)
The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper (Children’s Book; 1930)
Lucky Star (Anime TV Series; 2007)
The Mansion Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 2001)
Miss Lonelyhearts, by Nathanael West (Novella; 1933)
Mr. Right (Film; 2016)
On the Heights of Despair, by Emil M. Cioran (Philosophical Book; 1934)
The Organ Grinder (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Sea Salts (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The $64,000 Question (Radio Quiz Show; 1955)
Smash by The Offspring (Album; 1994)
The Smurfs Springtime Special (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1982)
Soul Surfer (Film; 2011)
Toys in the Attic, by Aerosmith (Album; 1975)
The Trouble With Being Born, by Emil M. Cioran (Philosophy Book; 1973)
Twin Peaks (TV Series; 1990)
The Unusuals (TV Series; 2009)
Von Drake in Spain (Disney Animated TV Special; 1962)
Where Did Our Love Go, recorded by The Supremes (Song; 1964)
Ye Olden Days (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Today’s Name Days
Beate, Rose-Marie, Walter (Austria)
Lazar, Lazo (Bulgaria)
Diogen, Dionizije, Klement, Timotej (Croatia)
Ema, Emanuel (Czech Republic)
Janus (Denmark)
Julia, Juuli, Juulika, Lia, Liana, Liane (Estonia)
Suoma, Suometar (Finland)
Julie (France)
Beate, Rose-Marie, Walter (Germany)
Lazaros (Greece)
Dénes (Hungary)
Alberto, Dionigi, Walter (Italy)
Dana, Danute, Dziedra, Edgars, Žanete (Latvia)
Dionizas, Girtautas, Julija, Skirgailė (Lithuania)
Asle, Atle (Norway)
Apolinary, Cezary, Cezaryna, Dionizy, Gawryła, January, Radosław, Sieciesława (Poland)
Agav, Irodion, Lazar, Ruf (Romania)
Alla, Anna (Russia)
Albert (Slovakia)
Amancio, Dionisio, Julia (Spain)
Hemming, Nadja, Tanja (Sweden)
Gillian, Jill, Jillian, Jolyon, Julia, Julian, Juliana, Julianna, Julianne, Julie, Julien, Juliet, Juliette, Julio, Julissa, Julius (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 99 of 2024; 267 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 30 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 29 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 29 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 9 Cyan; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 March 2024
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 15 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eudoxus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 21 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 19 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Holidays 4.8
Aerosol Day
All is Ours Day
Baghdad Liberation Day (Kurdistan)
Bloating Prevention Day
Colorism Awareness Day
Counter Stool Memorial Day
Cushing’s Disease Awareness Day
Cuti Bersama (Indonesia)
DAB Day (Draw A Bird Day)
Day of Military Commissariat Employees (Belarus)
Day of Silence
Day of Valor (Araw ng Kagtingan; Philippines) 
Dog Farting Awareness Day
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day
Drug Control Authority Workers’ Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Economist Day (Tajikistan)
Geranium Day (England)
Ghodejatra (Nepal)
Grand Ivy Day
Grand National Ladies Day (UK)
Ground Ivy Day
Hammerin’ Hank Day
International Bird Day
International Day of Pink
International Feng Shui Awareness Day
International Pageant Day
International Romani Day (a.k.a. International Day of the Roma)
Ja Morant Day (South Carolina)
Martyrs’ Day (Tunisia)
Ministry of Defense Day (Thailand)
More Cowbell Day
Mule Day
National Animation Day (Russia)
National Arcade Day
National Banjo Day
National Best in the World Day
National Catch and Release Day
National Dog Fighting Awareness Day
National Idiot Day
National Plitvice Lakes Day (Croatia)
Peanuts-Kids-Baseball Day
Polling Day Eve (Samoa)
Pygmy Hippo Day
Radish Day (French Republic)
Rex Manning Day (in “Empire Records”)
Right to Read Day
Rumenians’ Independence Day (Sweden)
Sealing the Frost (Cuchumatan Indians; Guatemala)
Shiatsu Day
Shiba Inu Day (Japan)
Step into the Spotlight! Day
Trading Cards for Grown-Ups Day
Tutor Appreciation Day
Twin Peaks Day
World Mixed Martial Arts Day
World Neurosurgeon’s Day
Zoo Lovers' Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Milk in Glass Bottles Day
National Empañada Day
2nd Monday in April
Global Day of Action on Military Spending [2nd Monday]
National Lineman Appreciation Day [2nd Monday]
Weekly Holidays beginning April 8 (2nd Week)
Ora;, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week [thru 4.14]
Take Your Poet to School Week [thru 4.12 from 1st Monday]
Independence & Related Days
Australis (a.k.a. Grand Duchy of Australis; Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Rumenians' Independence Day (Romernas Nationaldag; Sweden)
Festivals Beginning April 8, 2024
Children’ Book Fair (Bologna, Italy) [thru 4.11]
Electric Mountain Festival (Solden, Austria) [thru 4.12]
NFRA Executive Conference (Tempe, Arizona) [thru 4.10]
Seatrade Cruise Global (Miami, Florida) [thru 4.11]
Feast Days
Ædesius (Christian; Martyr)
Allen Butler Talcott (Artology)
Anne Ayres (Episcopal Church (USA))
Apollonius (Positivist; Saint)
B. Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem (Christian; Saint)
Barbara Kingsolver (Writerism)
Buddha's Birthday (Mahāyāna Buddhists; Japan)
Constantina (Christian; Saint)
Cornelius de Heem (Artology)
Day of Amon-Ra (Pagan)
Dionysius of Corinth (Christian; Saint)
Feast of the Hummingbird (Aztec)
Feast of the Three Days of the Writing of the Book of the Law begins (Thelema)
Freedom of Religion Day (Everyday Wicca)
Geronimo Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hana Matsuri (Flower Festival on Buddha’s Birthday; Japan)
Juan van der Hamen (Artology)
Julie Billiart of Namur (Christian; Saint)
Kanbutsu-e (Buddha’s Birthday; Japan)
Kiki the Rattlesnake (Muppetism)
Lazarus Saturday (Orthodox Christian)
Nuzzle Quran (Malaysia)
Odd Nerdrum (Artology)
Our Lady of Good Counsel (Christian)
Perpetuus of Tours (Christian; Saint)
Prayer for Clarity Day (Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Red Wine Day (Pastafarian)
Walter of Pontoise (Christian; Saint)
William Augustus Muhlenberg (Episcopal Church (USA))
Zoo Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Nēmontēmi, Day 4 (of 5) [Aztec unlucky or fasting days, taking place between 4.5-4.18]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [19 of 60]
All the Old Knives (Film; 2022)
American: The Bill Hicks Story (Documentary Film; 2011)
The Apocrypha (Religious Text received as Canonical by Catholic Church; 1546)
Bars and Stripes Forever (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
The Boss (Film; 2016)
Box Car Bandit (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1957)
The Century, by Peter Jennings and Todd Brewster (Book; 1999)
The Clash, by The Clash (Album; 1977)
David and Goliath, by Malcolm Gladwell (Book; 2014)
Destitively Bonnaroo, by Dr. John (Album; 1974)
Father Noah’s Ark (Disney Silly Symphony Cartoon; 1933)
Fever Pitch (Film; 2005)
The Fireman (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1931)
From Russia, with Love, by Ian Fleming (Novel; 1957) [James Bond #5]
The Gambler (TV movie; 1980)
Hanna (Film; 2011)
Have Gun, Can’t Travel (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1967)
Inspector George Gently (UK TV Series; 2007)
Jerry the Lion (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1950)
Just Dance, by Lady Gaga (Song; 2008)
Killing Eve (TV Series; 2018)
Kingdom (BBC TV Series; 2007)
La Gioconda, by Amiliare Ponchielli (Opera; 1876)
The Little Engine That Could, by Watty Piper (Children’s Book; 1930)
Lucky Star (Anime TV Series; 2007)
The Mansion Cat (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 2001)
Miss Lonelyhearts, by Nathanael West (Novella; 1933)
Mr. Right (Film; 2016)
On the Heights of Despair, by Emil M. Cioran (Philosophical Book; 1934)
The Organ Grinder (WB MM Cartoon; 1933)
Sea Salts (Disney Cartoon; 1949)
The $64,000 Question (Radio Quiz Show; 1955)
Smash by The Offspring (Album; 1994)
The Smurfs Springtime Special (Hanna-Barbera Animated TV Special; 1982)
Soul Surfer (Film; 2011)
Toys in the Attic, by Aerosmith (Album; 1975)
The Trouble With Being Born, by Emil M. Cioran (Philosophy Book; 1973)
Twin Peaks (TV Series; 1990)
The Unusuals (TV Series; 2009)
Von Drake in Spain (Disney Animated TV Special; 1962)
Where Did Our Love Go, recorded by The Supremes (Song; 1964)
Ye Olden Days (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Today’s Name Days
Beate, Rose-Marie, Walter (Austria)
Lazar, Lazo (Bulgaria)
Diogen, Dionizije, Klement, Timotej (Croatia)
Ema, Emanuel (Czech Republic)
Janus (Denmark)
Julia, Juuli, Juulika, Lia, Liana, Liane (Estonia)
Suoma, Suometar (Finland)
Julie (France)
Beate, Rose-Marie, Walter (Germany)
Lazaros (Greece)
Dénes (Hungary)
Alberto, Dionigi, Walter (Italy)
Dana, Danute, Dziedra, Edgars, Žanete (Latvia)
Dionizas, Girtautas, Julija, Skirgailė (Lithuania)
Asle, Atle (Norway)
Apolinary, Cezary, Cezaryna, Dionizy, Gawryła, January, Radosław, Sieciesława (Poland)
Agav, Irodion, Lazar, Ruf (Romania)
Alla, Anna (Russia)
Albert (Slovakia)
Amancio, Dionisio, Julia (Spain)
Hemming, Nadja, Tanja (Sweden)
Gillian, Jill, Jillian, Jolyon, Julia, Julian, Juliana, Julianna, Julianne, Julie, Julien, Juliet, Juliette, Julio, Julissa, Julius (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 99 of 2024; 267 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 1 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 23 of 28]
Chinese: Month 2 (Ding-Mao), Day 30 (Ren-Yin)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 29 Adair II 5784
Islamic: 29 Ramadan 1445
J Cal: 9 Cyan; Twosday [9 of 30]
Julian: 26 March 2024
Moon: 0%: New Moon
Positivist: 15 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eudoxus]
Runic Half Month: Ehwaz (Horse) [Day 14 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 21 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 19 of 31)
0 notes
shawnjacksonsbs · 9 months
Calminess is next to godliness? Is this my tribute?
The very short line forms to my right. 1-6-24
"May you be blessed with moments of silence and hope at Christmas and always" - attributed to a Christmas Card from Fred Rogers
It's hard, sometimes, to acquire a bit of silence.
But when I get it, my little form of meditation gets inspired all over again.
The quieting of the mind is a whole other level of silence. I imagine I'd need a retreat to stay with Buddhist monks to achieve that silence.
"He [Fred Rogers] knew silence leads to reflection, that reflection leads to appreciation, and that appreciation looks for someone to thank." - Amy Hollingsworth from the Simple Faith of Mister Rogers
Of the 2 kinds of people, maybe I'm a halfbreed in the world. Quiet and calm don't feel like very good descriptors of my lifestyle, but I can find them if I look hard enough. So . . .
I woke up this morning Wednesday January 3rd, 2024 (<---2024, just wild), to my business account overdrawn and in a state of disarray because, for the 2nd time inside 2 months a mistake was made by my insurance company who took an electronic payment I did not owe or authorize.
Luckily, just like last time, it's getting resolved in my favor, as it should, but it still cost me a bit of peace. I have a little I can spare from time to time, but . . . c'mon. Lol
Still waiting on permits and project approvals from HOAs and city halls puts a bit of stress on an already stressfully slow time of the year for an outdoor construction company. 🚧 Bad winter storms or extremely cold temps can cause a business like mine to be in suspended animation (? Lol) 🤔
After I handled all I could handle for the time being, I was forced into some slow/quiet.
Happening upon that said slow/quiet, I remembered that I'm starting that project, and reading is the bulk of it.
I'm starting with 2 books before the actual "work" begins and that's . . . the Age of Reason, the Complete Edition by Thomas Paine and the Simple Faith of Mister Rogers by Amy Hollingsworth.
Recommendations and/or gifts from people close to my heart, I decided to read both in full before I start to rip sensible connection pieces from the Bible for all us to stand on "Common Ground [holy]"/Common [Holy] Ground.
*That title is still a work in progress.
Anyway, I started both books, although it feels like both books have started me.
I needed to alleviate some of this before my head exploded.
Plus, aside from a ton of tabs and bookmarks I can reflect on my entries as notes when I finally start to "pen my pages" together. Lol
Hmm . . .I suppose that's it.
Remember to share your love and your laughter with the world around you, and it looks like the initial start of my project is moments of silence and hope, but I'm sure kindnesses and gratitude will soon follow and be scattered throughout. If not, you'll know it wasn't my work alone. Lol
Until next week, while still looking for someone to thank, and with all due respect, or at least no disrespect intended;
"My employer has common sense enough to disbelieve most of the common systemic theories of Divinity, but does not seem to establish any for himself" - Hall in 1786
"But with respect to religion itself, without regard to names, and as directing itself from the universal family of mankind to the divine object of adoration, it is man bringing to his maker the fruits of his heart; and though these fruits may differ from each other like the fruits of the earth, the grateful tribute of everyone is accepted." - Paine in 1791(ish)
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andordean · 9 months
1, 4, 11, 14, 18!
1. Song of the year:
4. Movie of the year: Barbie was a revelation. I haven't laughed that hard in cinema in ages.
11. Something I'd do again next year: (visit Japan) I've gone back to dancing regularly and I'm excited to continue!
14. Favourite book: a tie between Gideon the Ninth and This Is How You Lose the Time War
18. A memorable meal: the most elaborate vegan breakfast in the Buddhist temple in Koyasan. I had no idea so many options exist.
Thanks! 😊
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stormzyismyson · 1 year
Abhijit Chavda
Missiles are same as rockets.Missiles are used for military purposes while rockets are used for scientific purposes. Agni 5 can be used to launch satellites but then it can be clearly seen by the whole world. Rockets have mix of solid and liquid fuels which cannot be stored for a long time as in the case of missiles
9M730 Burevestnik- Russian nuclear powered cruise missile with unlimited range.
Canada has an enormous territory with vast resources and has no particular threats except US of which is a vassal state. It has a small population of 38m thus its a rich country.
American movies celebrate only cultures they have defeated.
Einstein was offered Israel PM designation .
India should buy only one kind of aircrafts ex- Rafale. It is a logostical nightmare to procure spareparts and experts for different planes.
In ancient times,messengers travelled on horses with a fresh supply of horses every imperial station. With large highways, a messenger could reach Pataliputra from Kabul in less than a week.
Natives of the Americas have facial features similar to east asians.A thoery says during the ice age, the humans could literally walk over from the siberian region and east asian to the americas.
Parsees could practice their religion but had to accept culture and language. That's how Parsees became gujaratis.
Prettyness is about facial symmetry and also physical symmetry which indicates the person has superior genetic traits, absence of a disease, reprodutive fitness, access to good nutrition, possibly intelligence too. You can also glance at a fruit the same way.
Korean rapper psy was made to apologise for anti-US statements made previously. German chanceller Olaf also had participated in anti US protests as a student.
India has Ayni and Farkhor air bases in Tajikistan. Within minutes, IAF planes can reach Pakistan from these bases.
River saraswati was in prime during 7000 BC and started declining during 5000 bc.
In 19th century, German maps used names Uttarkuru (Xinjiang and Tibet occupied by china) & Uttarmadra (turkmenistan,tajikistan,uzbekistan).
Karn from mahabharat ruled regions currently under bangladesh.
The concept of Nepal came into existence after conquest of Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1700s.
Every guy in the west who practices Hinduism is depicted a buddhist(Tina Turner,Steve jobs).Steve jobs on his death bed ,had a photo of hindu guru Neem Karoli Baba.
NASA went to moon and brought back moon rocks. China also brought back samples.
India needs money, it has to trade and work. China needs money, it has to trade and work. US can just print it.
Viruses can't regulate their body temp and they don't respond to stimuli. This puts them on the line between living and non living beings.
Humans haven't evolved in the last 200,000 years. It takes at least half a milllion years for a evolution to become evident.
Miyamoto Mushashi (Book of 5 rings)- Samurai (To win a battle, you must fight as if you are already dead).
Wernher von braun - director of nasa was a former nazi. America inherited its technology from Germany
When you experience new things,time seems to pass slowly. As you grow older, things seem to be repetitive and time passes fast.
Jim Corbett was a poacher known for killing tigers.
Arunachal Pradesh is Brahmaputra's major water source. But China can still use dams to cause flash floods .Thus, India has fastracked work for 11GW hydropower dam on Slang river.
Tibetan emperor Trisong Detsan reached the Chinese capital Chang'an (modern day Xian) and installed a puppet govt there.
Eastern Africa, Mali have the largest gold reserves. These nations are dirt poor while their gold ends up in France.
Russian conflict teaches that you must have a stockpile of different kind of missiles{pralay,agni,shaurya, nirbhay}
Operation cactus - LTT mercenaries invaded Maldives. President momun abdul kayum asked for india's help and indian navy was successful.
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capturaphoto · 2 years
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Some days start out amazing .. incredible temps for middle of November. I had a tailwind all the way up to the top of the Ridge .. through Bethany to the Wutai Shan Buddhist Garden for a quick stop .. then on to Omemee. The first 70km was stunning, even with a pile of climbing. Then I turned West at Omemee and it went to hell in a handcart 😈😈 Actually, handcarts might move faster. I now had 20-30kph headwinds plus some monster hills to climb. It was so bad I had to pedal downhill just to keep moving. 🥴😵😵‍💫🤪🤬 @coachsandybatten joked before I left that I wouldn't be home until sunset (late start) ... she was wrong! 🙃🙃🙃 I was home an hour AFTER sunset 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Riding 70km into headwinds all the way sapped the strength from my legs .. I was toast when I got home. This 140km adventure felt like a 200+km ride. But I'm still smiling 😃.. some🤪🤣 Nice to see Jay and Bev in a random spot .. you never know where you'll run across me out there! #OrbeaBicycles #OrbeaOrca #Kohana #myridemyrules #destinationroad #shimano #garmin #4iii #visiontech #cyclelife #mycyclelife #bellbikehelmets #capturaphoto #captura #kawarthalakes #ontario #canada #outdoors #churchoftheskinnytire #strava #stravaphoto #dressforsuccess #dressforsurvival #setyoursoulfree #getoutdoors #freshairsaveslives #getoutside #greatcyclechallenge #gcccanada https://www.instagram.com/p/ClcxllrsCPq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hi-technique · 5 years
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Taizo-in Garden of Yin and Yang / 退蔵院陰陽の庭 by Patrick Vierthaler on Flickr
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stumbleimg · 6 years
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Mandalay Myanmar
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yanabortniks · 2 years
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full name: Yana Mikhailovna Bortnik
nickname: Yana is already a nickname technically. She was named after her grandma Dayana, but her extended family on her dad's side calls her by a variety of Russian diminutives such as Yanka, Yanusya, Yaya, etc. Yana doesn't expect her friends to use any of them, but Dev's allowed to use "Yaya" ♡
faceclaim: Fivel Stewart
age: 22
gender: cis woman
pronouns: she/her
sexuality: unlabeled
hometown: Marquette, Michigan
birthday: December 23, 1999
zodiac: Capricorn sun, Aries moon, Pisces rising
traits: responsible, patient, ambitious, extreeeemely independent, resourceful, loyal, organized, self-disciplined, cautious, methodical, suspicious, sensitive, know-it-all, often expects the worst, nosey, cheap, rarely satisfied
major: Psychology
more info.
Yana’s parents are both semi-functioning alcoholics and her relationship with them is very… strained. She goes to weird and sometimes extreme lengths to appease them in a way that seems sincerely useless because they either don’t care or don’t notice. And some people who don’t understand the situation might often feel that Yana is making it seem worse in her head via her projections and insecurities, but on the flipside Yana’s like okay but you don’t get it actually!
Last year her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer and is doing fine now, but between thinking about grad school and her future and just her constant, CONSTANT worries about her parents’ health due to their substance abuse issues, she fully spiraled out. Went MIA. No one heard from her for a couple weeks. (Romy intervened ♡)
She’s currently waiting to hear back from PhD programs to become a clinical psychologist and will go literally anywhere that takes her and gives her good money. What motivates Yana is not perfection but success, and it does have the habit of driving her up the wall sometimes but that is just the kind of sacrifice she has to make in order to fulfill a goal. 
Personality-wise, Yana is very much an extroverted introvert. She looooves being with her friends and she can spread herself out pretty thin sometimes, but she also needs to recharge on her own. She’s also very sincere and tries to push people toward vulnerability (tried to make the whole friend group watch the Brene Brown vulnerability TedTalk) and talk their issues out and always wants to take temp readings on how everyone’s doing.  (Real picture of her: https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4a/1a/4c/4a1a4cf5baeb1172e6e29b6fff5fe714.jpg).
Again, she’s often Doing The Most, which can be helpful but also very aggravating for those around her sometimes, about stuff like, spending literal hours in a Saver’s and making you suffer under those fluorescents and writing long handwritten letters to communicate her feelings. But she is also often hands-off irt other people’s drama. Like, you come to her for deets that could maybe clear up a situation and sometimes she’s like…. “I don’t think it’s my place to say anything, you should talk to that person about it” and suddenly you’re wringing her neck. Xoxo.
UMMM other than that, she’s a loyal friend who wants to establish a FT schedule, keeps all her bad grades stuffed in a binder that she keeps in her room, has a lifelong obsession with Cher, will sometimes sincerely fall to the ground from laughing so hard at your jokes, is the jumpiest bitch in the biz, likes goofy humor and when her friends playfully make fun of her (to an extent eeek), doesn't drink alcohol or smoke weed (though she may indulge in a teeny tiny edible), NEEDS concrete plans, rocking her light blue crocs half the time, passionately adheres to the 5-second rule of dropped food (kinda gross), semi-estranged from her older brother, thinks she’s the worst daughter to ever exist and she should be met with chants of “shame shame shame!”, likes cheap Pinterst crafts, HATES when people pay for her to the point where it has caused actual tension, she's Buddhist, likes to meditate, is constantly trying new things to "heal" her (different teas and crystals and apple cider vinegar shots), has a tattoo that references Vienna by Billy Joel, etc. OH, and she’s an RA!
pinterest // playlist
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stephanocardona · 7 years
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Butterfly on Flower .... by nikdo
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somediyprojects · 3 years
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Smiling Novice stitched and designed by kokoonvicki. Adapted from this photograph by Dietmar Temps.
“This cheerful fellow lives in our front hall as our welcome sign. Self drafted from an internet image. My favorite parts were his fingers and his cute little ears.”
Photographer description— MANDALAY - MYANMAR - DECEMBER 8: An unidentified Burmese Buddhist novice on December 8, 2012 in Mandalay, Myanmar. In 2012 an ongoing conflict started between Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar. [x]
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foxgirltail · 3 years
Pdf crime successfully committed :3
Somewhere towards the end it was like “to continue reading, prove you’re not a robot” and I didn’t notice for a bit and was worried that I’d lose the pages that it tried to scan while that was up (there were temp files that were completely blank so I was Frightened). But after it scanned everything it went BACK and got any potential ones lmao
Anyway, if anyone needs “Buddhism: introducing the Buddhist experience” 3rd edition by Donald W. Mitchell and Sarah H. Jacoby. I gotchu
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travelless · 6 years
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Hell Horror Park
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