#buddy i think that same question at least once a week
ticktockstuck · 1 year
When I draw a character from Tick-Tock Town with messy hair that's not even an indicator that they, like, have a messy lifestyle or they're unkempt or anything that's just because Tick-Tock Town is a seaside city and the wind is atrocious, so good luck keeping any kind of coif or perm here.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
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— the farmyard adventures | buddy & monkey: double the trouble
this one is loosely based around an anon request for the swear jar to continue and then it spiraled into this...
thank you to @alotofpockets for her help with this one!
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You knew it would only a matter of time before that damn swear jar came back to bite Leah in the ass.
In fact it was more like a matter of days before she slipped up.
"Ow, fuck! That's hot!" You heard the blonde shout aloud no doubt burning herself on the tray of chicken nuggets that she was bringing out the oven.
Of course you being the absolute menace that you are take absolute delight in bringing that up when it happens.
"Ah, Le, you just swore!" You take the opportunity to purposely wind the blonde up.
Your favourite little buddy is sitting right beside you as she gasps dramatically, "Mummy said a bad word?" She questions, turning to look at you for clarification.
"She did indeed, Buddy!" You nod your head profusely as the smirk is yet to disappear of your face, "You know what that means, don't yer?" You question.
"Swear jar!" Buddy chips in, excitedly as she throws her hands in the air like it's some sort of victory.
Once again you nod again in agreement, "Correct there, Bud!" You turn to look at the blonde with a knowing shit-eating grin on your face, "Cough up, Le. That's a tenner you owe to the jar!" You state.
The blonde scoffs lightly and shakes her head, "Oh yeah right, like I'm actually going to follow through with that. It's more for you, Menace." She tells you from where she stood at the kitchen sink while she run her hand under the cold tap.
"Come on Le, you can't insist on a swear jar and not play by the rules!" You state, mockingly as the blonde is just glaring at you, "Don't be a hypocrite." You add, continuing to be the menace.
Sue you for trying to prove a point that it isn't just Buddy with the sailor mouth these days.
"Trust you to remind me off that," Leah grumbles in protest.
"You can't forget about it," Your really just trying to get your point across and of course a little shit stirrer as well at the same time, "Swear jar! Swear jar! Swear jar!"
"Jar! Jar! Jar!" Buddy picks up on your chants and starts to copy you, "Come on Mummy, its' okay to be a sore loser!"
Leah's eyes widen in disbelief at the audacity to hear that, "You are teaching her bad habits!" She wags her finger in your direction.
"Me? You're the one who swore, remember!" You exclaim in the usual dramatic way that you do, "It's not my fault that you are a sore loser though, Buddy has a point there!"
"Mummy, you gots' to put money in the jar!" Buddy insists, matching the blonde with an expression similar to her own which has you in stitches.
Leah clicks her tongue disapprovingly, "You pair are ganging up on me now! Double trouble, the pair of you." She mutters under her breath.
"You've gotta do, Le," You smirk, continuing to make the point known, "Your the one who wanted to start the swear jar. You gotta commit to it now!"
"You can't be serious," The blonde laughs and shakes her head in disbelief.
You continue to have a shit eating grin on your face, "Nah but I am totally serious. You owe a tenner to the jar!"
Leah huffs and rolls her eyes in annoyance, moving over to grab her purse out of her bag to pull a ten pound note out before she shoves it into the new jar that mock's her now, "Stupid jar was a stupid idea to begin with." She grumbles under her breath.
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It's actually quite hilarious to you how much the blonde has been the one to slip up more than you, and by the end of the week the jar has a hefty amount in it.
Enough for more lego!
At least that's you would like to willingly spend it on, however, Leah seems to think otherwise.
"A day out as a family would be nice, wouldn't it?" Leah brings up the idea at the suggestion of the amount of money in the jar being put to good use.
"Lego would be better," You insist playfully, having your eye on more lego as always.
The blonde rolls her eyes in disagreement, "You already have a lot of it."
You can't help but gasp in shock horror while clutching your hand over your heart, "You can never have too much lego, Le!"
"I beg to differ there, Monkey. Your lego obsession is starting to take over the house!" Leah remarks, giving you a knowing look before she looks to her mini me, "Hey, Buddy. Would you like to go out? We could go to the farm and visit all the animals. Wouldn't that be so much fun?" She wonders.
Buddy's eyes lit up at the words of animals, "Go to the farm?" Her voice is completely ecstatic about it, "Farm! Farm! Farm!"
"Yeah, we'll go to the farm and see all the animals like the horses, goats, piggies, cows--" Leah starts to list off the animals to the 3 year old.
It's your turn to dramatically gasp now, "You mean we can go see the cows-- Wait, will they be fluffy, like Derek?" You wonder, curiously.
"Your obsession with fluffy cows is a bit concerning, Menace," Leah jokes in amusement.
"Whoa, what you got against Derek, huh?" You pout at the older blonde.
"Who's Derek?" Buddy's little voice questions in curiosity, "I wan' see Derek!"
Your already quick to pull out your phone and show your favourite little Buddy a photo of the fluffy cow you met in Nashville, "Hes' adorable, isn't he? Wait until you meet him!" You tell her excitedly, before you have a sudden realisation of what else would be at the farm.
Chickens, otherwise known as your number one arch nemesis.
"Wait, wait, wait," You look suddenly in a panic as you look at Leah, "Will there be chickens at this farm?" You question in hesitance.
"Well that's where they usually are, aren't they?" Leah jokes.
You can't help but scrunch your face up in horror, "Ch... Chickens scare me. I'm not going anywhere near them!" You exclaim, shaking your head in a fast motion, "No way, Jose." 
"What?" Leah questions, baffled.
"They freak me out, they're not fluffy at all like Derek is!" You insist, still shaking your head profusely about the idea of coming face to face with them again, "I'm not goin' anywhere near 'em whatsoever! Nope, nope, nope. I'm not doin' it!"
Leah still continues to stare at you in some type of concern, "Oh lord help us all."
"You know that chickens scare me, Malfoy!" You whine in protest, not liking the idea of this trip to the farm at all, "What if one decides to come at me while I'm not on guard, like, what if it... What if it bites me?" You gasp with wide eyes.
The blonde on the other hand finds your fear of chickens absolutely hilarious, "Monkey, they're not running free. This isn't Chicken Little!" She can't help but say as she still laughs at your own expense of being afraid of them.
"Oh," You quietly realise as you bit her bottom lip, "Well then, that's not so bad then I guess, is it? The trip to the farm sounds like fun!" You state, shrugging your shoulders.
Completely acting like you weren't petrified of said chickens less than 5 seconds previous to that.
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"You lied to me!" You accuse the blonde while glaring at her.
It's needless to say when you all arrived at the farm for the trip out, you were completely alarmed to see the chickens roaming around freely.
So you are yet to even get out of the car and you are definitely not going near those horrid birds!
Meanwhile, Buddy is all for trying to willingly chase after them while Kim and Lia keep an eye on her, while Leah battles the task of getting you out of the car.
Leah can't help but laugh and roll her eyes, "Oh, that's a bit of an exaggeration, isn't it now?"
"Nope, you lied!" You insist, crossing your arms and stubbornly glaring at the blonde, "You told me a full blown lie!"
"Okay, so I may have bent the truth then, ever so slightly," Leah admits as she shrugs her shoulders.
You shake your head profusely in disagreement, "Nope, nope, you didn't bend the truth. You completely lied!" You state, stubbornly.
"Your being dramatic here, Monkey-- Even Buddy's not afraid of them!" The blonde remarks, exhaling a sigh as she looks in the direction to where Buddy is trying to get near to said animals, "Now are you going to get out of the car, or do you plan to stay in there this whole time?" She asks, patiently.
"Nope, no. I'm fine-- I'm not goin' anywhere near the chickens!" You all but insist, very reluctant to move out of the car at all, "It's not like Chicken Little, my ass!" You murmur, scowling at the blonde.
Leah can't help but laugh in amusement, finding your phobia of chickens somewhat hilarious, "You're being ridiculous. They can't even hurt you!"
Shaking your head in defiance, you bring your knees up to your head and wrap your hands around them, "You don't know that. They're evil, just look at 'em!" You gesture in the direction of one that's very closely approaching to the car as you somehow are convinced it can get near you, "They're just minutes away from biting me!" You insist.
"Monkey, chickens don't bite," The blonde states from where she now stands leaning up against the open door frame of the car while she waits for you to get out.
At the news of that, you start to relax a little, "They don't?" You can't but help but breath a sigh of relief and pluck up the courage to work your way to slowly get out of the car.
"Nope," The blonde replies, happy enough with the answer as it means you've finally gotten out of the car now before she starts to walk ahead of you to catch up with Buddy, Lia and Kim, "The worst that they can do is peck you." She mutters under her breath.
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"I'm disappointed, they're not even fluffy cows!" You huff in protest, making your displeasure very much known in the situation, "Why aren't the cows fluffy?"
Kim can't help but look at Leah when you make that comment, "Has she had an energy drink today?"
"Nope, this is just Monkey," Leah exhales a sigh and shakes her head.
The trip to the farm is mostly successful, but much to your disappointment, the cow's aren't as fluffy and none of them really look like Derek much either.
"They might not be as fluffy but they're still cute though," Lia chimes in, smiling at you.
"Nope, I don't like it-- Ah, something bit me. It bit me!" You screech in absolute horror as you feel a sudden nip at your ankle, "I told you that they bite. I weren't lying about it!" You shout, making a complete scene in front of everyone.
Right in the moment, you didn't care when you where having to deal with worst nightmare.
"Wait until she see's the rooster," Kim jokes, amused at the situation.
Leah chuckles in agreement, "Oh yeah, she's definitely gonna freak out there."
The only highlight of this trip so far was seeing Leah hold a baby lamb and almost break into tears over it, you were sure to snap a photo of it just so you can definitely tease her about it, of course.
"Monkey, look, chickies!" Buddy exclaims, pointing in the direction of 2 winged feet creatures you absolutely detest coming near you, "You can stroke them!"
"Nope, no-- Uh uh, I'm not goin' anywhere near them!" You insist, glaring at them as they come near to you, "Back beast back, I'll 'ave ya!" You shout aloud, trying to square up to them as if you weren't afraid of them minutes ago.
"Chickies!" Buddy repeats, trying to drag you towards the animals that you completely detest.
Your eyes widen in fear and shake your head, "Nope, cya, I'm off-- Hey! Put me down!" Your not able to bolt like you'd so much like to do when Lia seems to have thought one step ahead and threw you over her shoulder to save sending out the search party for you, "Put me down!"
"Good thinking," Leah remarks, smiling at her friend.
"Put me down! I don't like heights, ya know? I'll get sea sick!" You protest, hitting your fists on the back of the girls back, "I don't wanna be near them!"
"Sea sick?" Kim furrows her eyebrows confused.
"I... I have no idea where that one's come from," Leah states, dumbfound as she can't help but laugh, "Note to self, we're not getting chickens any time soon." She speaks aloud, finding the situation of you being afraid of chickens still absolutely hilarious.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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maxwapan · 2 months
too spacious when you’re lonely
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leon s. kennedy x male!reader
word count. 5.3k
cws. incest, stepbrother leon, pee, reader w bad bladder issues lol, crude language, handjobs, humping, OOC leon (duh), boring mid sexual encounter cause it’s leon, crude language
note. this is my first fic including dark(?) content so it’s wonky and mid and the overall flow of it is boring but whatever I tried my best. It’s not necessarily dark it’s just weird and icky and me just rambling lol :3 also the pee part comes out of nowhere sorry LMAO like ur just flashed
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Leon Kennedy has always been the type to lead girls on, whether it be for one thing or another, he just didn’t care. Everything was a one-time thing to him. That hook-up last week, that promise he made to a buddy, that girl he had accidentally gotten pregnant… it all went in one ear and out the other.
He was a massive asshole, that much was clear to anyone with basic comprehension levels. But no one gave a fuck, because as long as you’re hot enough you’re given a free pass to do whatever you want. He knew that he was hot, yeah, but that’s like, normal. He’s only ever been surrounded by hot people his entire life. Why would he want to willingly hang out with someone who isn’t? That’s weird. No hot person does that unless they want something from you. Or they feel bad, which is probably worse.
Leon doesn’t hang out with you at all. He’s your stepbrother, so one would think he’d at least spare you a glance or a nod, right? No, no, not at all. You’re a fleeting thought to him. An “oh yeah, I forgot” type of topic. And that’s fine. It’s not like you’re the most socially indulgent type of person in the world. You’re not anything interesting. That’s why you’re not worth bullying either. Not worth some abrupt pantsing or name-calling— whatever big brothers are supposed to do with their younger siblings. Nada.
That kind of irks you. Kind of. Leon goes out of his way to make anyone he hangs out with miserable by just being himself, yet he avoids you like the plague.
It’s not purposeful, ‘cause he couldn’t care less about you— and that’s what grinds your gears.
Your mom marries some random cop who just so happens to have a kid your age, and now what? Aren’t you supposed to be a part of some picture-perfect family now? Because that’s not what it feels like. It just feels odd. You have to go downstairs for breakfast and dinner now, have a movie night every Friday, and whatever other cheesy nonsense your mom deems necessary. Where was all of that before? It’s annoying to think about. You don’t want to get all buddy-buddy with people you don’t even know or could care less about.
They probably feel the same way about you, which, whatever. The feeling is mutual. There’s just something about Leon in particular that gets on your nerves the most.
It’s just everything about him. His stupid blue eyes, his stupid side-swept hair, and his especially stupid smile. You’d punch his nose back into place if you could. Everyone else adores him. They practically kiss his ass and pucker up their lips to give him a nice rimming. It’s disgusting.
It’s a no-brainer that you’re jealous. Yeah, and what of it? It’s not like you want people to start looking at you as if you shit gold or something, but would it kill someone to notice you every once in a while? What’s Leon got that you don’t? Who’s dick is he sucking to get this many people tailing after him like lost puppies? And where can you meet them? All this who, what, why questioning is starting to hurt your brain, that’s all you know.
It’s hot in your room, and the ceiling fan’s low speed only manages to thrust more warm air towards you. The useless thing never works the way it’s supposed to. Restless, you sit up in your bed, running a hand through your mussed-up hair with an anxious sigh.
The sound of lively chatting and dishes clattering downstairs makes your ears perk, straining to hear what is going on. Something, something about your mom leaving for work soon, something else about your stepdad needing to fix the A/C… you lose interest and stop listening, eyes darting over to the alarm clock beside your bed, messily decorated with stickers and other knick-knacks.
9:04 AM.
It’s a Wednesday, which means both of your parents will be busy. Normally, you’d enjoy a day to yourself, but not this one. Wednesdays, if you’re unlucky, Leon will stay home to invite his friends over, the cute ones that have no personality or self-respect. If you’re lucky, he’ll bring home the ditzy blonde girl and Spanish-speaking man. They’re cute.
Leon definitely fucks the blonde. You’ve seen her press her chest up against his arm and sputter out nonsense as an excuse to get close.
You can’t help but frown at the memory. She’s cute as fuck, and he just sits there like an idiot, nodding along to whatever she was saying, a distant look in his eyes as if he were thinking about something else. What else does he have to think about other than the tits being offered to him on a silver platter? Dick?
Your mom calls out your name, startling you out of your foul mood.
“Come have breakfast!” She says, sounding like she was in the middle of something else way more important than you. You’re grown, you don’t need the reminder— or the attention. Maybe.
You don’t bother changing into something else, simply swiping some invisible lint off of your shirt and pushing back some hair from your face before heading downstairs, the old wood creaking under your weight.
You take the last step down, and Instantly, you’re hit with the smell of bacon and pancakes. Your mouth waters, stomach rumbling. Glancing around, you see your mom walking out the front door, keys in hand. No stepdad, and no Leon either. Either he already ate or he’s still asleep, neither of which you can bother to care about right now. Taking your seat in your respective chair, you began to eat your fill.
A mix of pancakes, strawberries, and bacon are all shoveled into your mouth, fork occasionally scratching against the porcelain of your plate and making you wince. Your mom makes good food. It makes up for all the other stuff she lacks, at least. It’s not like she has to make something good to get you to eat though. Caught up in getting your belly full, you miss the familiar creaking of wood coming downstairs.
“It’s early in the morning and you’re already stuffing your face.”
You feel your heart lurch, the pancakes passing down your throat almost getting stuck. Coughing, you wipe at your mouth with the corner of your sleeve, glaring over at your stepbrother, who isn’t even looking at you. Leon was rummaging through the fridge, snaking his hand in between some condiments to grab a protein shake. The same one his dad takes.
Oh, so he’s talking to you now? Is what’s snarked out in your head, but anxiety makes you flounder, wondering if he was speaking to you or not. Awkwardly, you slow down your movements, fork stabbing into the pancakes you were eating, now soggy with syrup. Eyes dashing up to steal a glance, you almost die right then and there when you accidentally make eye contact, meekly pushing your plate away and standing up to leave.
“What? Don’t want to eat with me or something?” Leon’s sarcastic tone stops you in your tracks, the mere attention making your heart rabbit against your chest— and not in a good way. Shit, man. What do you even say in a situation like this? What do you say at all? It’s not a big deal to most, but it is to you. It’s not like Leon talks to you every day, after all.
You open your mouth to speak, lips dry and tongue heavy.
“I’m just kidding.” He mutters, arm flexing as he rapidly shakes his protein shake, uncapping the drink before taking a swing.
Your words die out immediately, left gaping like a fish out of water. Just kidding? So he didn’t want to talk to you at all? You don’t know if you’re relieved or miserable, but your chest hurts, as if the mere situation has taken years off your lifespan. Gasping quietly, you nod, bunching your sweaty hands up into fists, as if the action would ground you.
“O—oh..‘kay, yeah…” You lick your lips, eyes on the floor beneath your feet. “I mean, would you want me to…?” Trailing off, heat rises to your cheeks, a feeling of inadequacy making you tremble lightly. Oh my god, you’re pathetic. You’re not hurt exactly, but something about him being able to shrug you off so easily like that stings. It’s a bittersweet feeling, but in the worst possible way.
Leon turns his head a little to look at you, his eyebrows pinching. He looks… concerned? No, that’s pity, you think. He’s pitying you, probably thinking about how unfortunate it is that you’re his weird little brother with no friends and social ineptitude. He probably thinks that you want to hang out with him too. You’d rather die, but you felt bad. That’s the only reason you even spoke in the first place. Honest.
“I mean,” you repeat helplessly, feeling as though you were digging yourself into a deeper hole. But your mouth kept running, seemingly out of your control. “I j-just thought that—“
“Uh, yeah. I wouldn’t mind…?” Leon cuts you off, looking back at the food set out on the table, most of it gone now. The sentence sounded forced, like he felt like he had to say it. Not that he needed to. He doesn’t wait for you, sitting down on a chair and serving himself some of the remaining food, occasionally giving you looks. Ones you couldn’t pinpoint the emotion behind. That’s scary. This is scary.
“You… okay?” Leon asks reluctantly. He’d rather be focused on something else right now, like who texted what and whatever, but he has to play the big brother role, right? His attempt at expressing care is lackluster, but at least it’s something. He has to care, but it’s not necessarily a want. If you didn’t look like you were about to shit yourself right now, he’d probably be less attentive, but you’re stuck in place and trembling like a sickly dog, and he’s a little concerned. Just a little.
He doesn’t want to get blamed by your parents for something that happened to you, or anything else like that.
You don’t answer him, and he gets a little creeped out. You don’t blame him, considering how fucking weird you’re being. Anyone, anyone at all talks to you, and you freak out like a girl wearing white on her period. Stomach churning, adrenaline makes you feel like you’re falling, the blood draining from your skin making you look as sickly as you felt. Leon’s worried now, considering the odd look he gives you, any thought of food currently abandoned.
He’s looking at you as if you were covered in blood or something, like Carrie at prom. He raises his brows and his eyes widen, jerking back a little as if he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. What was he seeing? Are you really that freakish or something? What’s up with his face?
A sudden splatter of liquid against the wooden floors makes you look down, gasping at the sight you’re greeted with.
You’re fucking pissing yourself.
Hands clutching at your crotch, you sputter, mortified and embarrassed, tears welling in your eyes. “O—oh! Oh my god, uhm, I- I didn’t mean to…” More liquid gushes. Your bladder has completely lost control of itself in response to your failure at trying to act like a proper human being. You wince at the loud sound, Leon doing the same. He just stares, and you just stare. You both stare at the growing puddle, at the mess, at your ruined pants— at you.
It’s all overwhelming, enough to make you burst into tears. Which you do. Fat, salty drops run down your cheeks, and you resort to the only thing you know how to do in a situation like this. Apologize like a fucking loser.
“I- I’m sorry, I- I didn’t mean… fuck..! Sorry, I’m sorry!”
Leon doesn’t know what to say, really. Does he laugh? Make a face? Offer to help?
He cringes instead, raising a hand to try and stop your babbling. “It’s okay, It’s okay…” He speaks quietly as if trying to console a frantic animal. “Just— just don’t move, you’re… ugh…” He hasn’t even gotten up from his seat yet, but he does now, slowly rising and forgetting about breakfast. That always seems to happen to him somehow.
“Are you done?…” He asks, unsure if he should approach or not, his body tense with confusion. “I mean, with-“
“Yes! Yes,” You sniffle, dreading your existence. You pray to anyone, anything, to just kill you right now. To strike you down. “I— I’m done… I think… don’t look please…”
“It’s all over the floor…” Leon mumbles. Way to point out the obvious. Yes, you know it’s all over on the floor. You know it’ll seep through if you don’t clean it soon. But that’s the last thing on your mind right now. Your stepbrother just watched you piss yourself out of pure gut-wrenching anxiety. How have you not killed yourself yet? Maybe it’s the nerves, the fear of someone else walking in on you in this compromising situation and making a mockery of it. You could see the social media posts now.
‘Some yellow-bellied boy pissed himself because he’s too afraid to make conversation with someone supposed to be a part of his family’.
“I-” You choke, the dryness of your throat making you swallow thickly. “Can you h-help me?” You manage to get out the words, swallowing again. A tear rolls down your cheek, leaving a hot trail of moisture on your already-heated flesh. God, please say yes. You don’t think you could take any more embarrassing exchanges today– much less a rejection. Leon’s eyes flicker from the puddle of urine to the streaks of it running down your pant legs and back, over and over. It’s the one time you wish he could look at your face instead.
“Leon,” You plead, wiping your tears away messily.
“Right, right,” Leon inhales deeply, exhaling slowly to get a grasp of the situation. “yeah.”
He coughs into the sleeve of his letterman, “Can you walk to the bathroom?”
You fluster, brows furrowing.
“Of course I can,” You frown, sniffling. He’s treating you as if you’re mentally challenged, annoyance starting to swell in your chest.
Leon raises a brow, a silent question in his expression. “So do it then?” it says.
After some brief hesitation, you turn and fumble towards the bathroom, grimacing at the uncomfortable feel of your wet pants, the fabric rubbing against your skin nastily and making you feel itchy. You can hear Leon opening and closing some doors behind you, likely peering into the cleaning closet in an attempt to find something to clean the mess you left behind with. Hopefully he doesn’t use bleach, that doesn’t smell well when mixed with pee.
With shaky fingers, you flip the light switch up, illuminating the room in an instant. It smells nice in here ‘cause mom keeps it clean, who uses all sorts of chemicals and powders strong enough to knock anyone out. A whiff of urine makes your face screw up almost immediately though.
With a grunt, you pull your pants down clumsily, the material sliding down your legs with a wet noise after some effort and landing on the floor with a heavy plap. Hopefully the pee washes out. Those were your favorite pants. You follow up by removing your undies, letting them fall carelessly onto the floor beside your pants. Now you’re naked from the waist down, skin prickling with goosebumps. You really need a shower, like, right now.
“Hey,” Leon’s voice comes from behind, startling you. “I finished cleaning the… pee…” He trails off, eyes on your bare ass. For a moment, he stares, eyes eventually rising to your face— only to come down to your ass again. And again, face then ass. Mostly ass.
“Dude!” Your voice wavers, embarrassed. You turn your body to hide, but end up giving him a full view of your front too. “Get out!”
Leon keeps his eyes on you, slowly shutting the door behind him and locking it with a soft click.
“I thought you wanted me to help you?” He says casually, his demeanor incomprehensible to you. He looks down at the discarded clothes on the floor, clicking his tongue and wrinkling his nose. “That’s… nasty.”
You stammer, words lost on you. Leon doesn’t wait for you to use your brain, moving forward, making you feel the need to step back.
“You know, most big brothers wouldn’t help their little brothers at all. Especially for situations like this.” He says quietly, eyes intently on your face now, making you squirm. Your hands clutch together at your front, feebly hiding your penis from view.
“S-so? What’s your point?” You glowered at him suspiciously, trembling with a mix of anxiety and confusion. You can’t help it. You’ve never gone this long talking to someone. It feels weird, but mostly dreadful. Stumbling over your words like a toddler is embarrassing, but they flow out faster than your thoughts can form.
Doesn’t help that your ass is bared too.
“My point is,” Leon rolled his eyes subtly, “you owe me.”
You squint your eyes. What?
“What? Owe you?”
“Owe me.” Leon confirmed with a nod.
Clearing your throat dryly, you lick your lips nervously.
“Okay,” Deep breaths, now, “owe you wh-what, exactly?”
Leon pauses, eyes glancing away for a moment before returning to yours.
“Dunno,” He shrugs. “That’s for me to worry about.”
Another pang of annoyance hits you, but this time it’s mixed with worry, making your chest tighten.
“Well then, are you going to help me or not?” You scowl. It’s unreasonably cold in the bathroom, the lack of warmth making you feel out of place. It feels like you’re talking to a stranger, and technically you are. Still, the only reason you can’t seem to figure anything out about Leon over a shallow level is because he’s annoyingly boring. Stupidly enigmatic; not in a cool way. Yeah, he’s popular in his little group of friends and what not, but that’s all he has going for him. He’s not interesting in the slightest.
Leon’s quiet for a moment, before vaguely gesturing to your top with a hand.
“Go on, get naked.”
“Excuse me?” You narrow your eyes.
“You know what I meant,” Leon counters, rolling his eyes openly now. “You act like I wanna gawk at you or something,” He scoffs, “what’s there to look at, huh?”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks, but you don’t give him the satisfaction of a response, simply grumbling under your breath, hands moving to take your top off.
You throw the shirt down onto the pile of dirty clothes bunched together on the floor, eyes briefly lingering on the graphic design plastered on the front of it. Naked now, you turn and fumble with the shower curtain, pulling it back.
Leon approaches as you step in, reaching for the soap inside the shower caddy.
“What are you doing?” You chew on your bottom lip, tired of asking questions but unable to help the gnawing anxiety strumming through your ribs.
“Helping.” Leon simply states, taking off his jacket and hanging it beside the fresh towels. His biceps flex with every movement he makes, the muscles in his arms well-sculpted. The sight makes you frown, but you have no one but yourself to blame for not having a good physique.
You don’t question further; you don’t want to. All of the previous adrenaline has washed down, leaving exhaustion in its wake. With a quiet hum, you turn on the water, wincing at the cold spray that hits you.
Cursing under your breath, you mess around with the handles until you have a decent temperature, sighing in relief. Despite the uncomfortableness of being thrust into all of this, Leon seems to be taking it well, and that concerns you. What if he’s plotting something? What if you’re put in a stockade tomorrow for people to throw tomatoes at and sodomize?
Well, whatever. He probably has his embarrassing reasons. Any consequences are a problem for future you.
Cold hands make contact with your back, making you squirm. Despite the roughness of his skin, Leon is surprisingly gentle with you, the rough material of a washing rag delicately rubbing against your shoulders making you shiver. The soap smells good, at least. Like pine and some other fresh scent you couldn’t depict. Maybe it’s Irish.
Many thoughts run through your mind, most of them nonsensical and humiliating. Here you are, awkwardly standing still like a loser while your stepbrother helps wash you as if you were a vegetable. The way he touches you is oddly intimate. His hands brush against sensitive spots every few minutes or so, making you shudder.
But it feels nice, you suppose.
It’s nice to feel clean and not be covered with piss.
You close your eyes, tense muscles starting to relax. Leon notices, his hands now lathering shampoo in your hair.
“…you’re a weird one, you know?” He mutters.
You only hum. Yeah, so? He’s weird too. He’s weird for actually helping you out and cleaning your piss puddle off of the floor. And for… whatever this is. It’s definitely not a normal stepbrother activity, that you know. It feels kind of dirty, but the contact feels nice. Nice enough to make you almost melt into the touch. He doesn’t have the right to call you weird, but neither do you.
A hand splays on your chest, lightly squeezing one of your pecs.
Jolting, your eyes snap open. Inching away from the touch, you frown.
“I’m not a girl, pervert.”
“Could have fooled me.” Leon snarked bluntly, squeezing once more. This time he did it apprehensively, as if unsure of what he was doing.
At least he has the decency to properly clean you, thorough in where he reaches. He passes the rag all over your body, down your chest and in between your legs.
A weird flutter settles in your chest, pooling down to your belly. It’s not a special one or anything, it just feels weird. Not bad, not good. Just different. Letting out a shuddered breath, you grumble.
“Just help me to my room already.”
And Leon does. He rinses the suds off of you and drains the water, halfheartedly wrapping a towel around your frame before assisting you out of the shower. He half leads half carries (but mostly carries) you to your room, his body flush against yours, occasionally bumping into you. Something hard pokes at your butt, and you know what it is, but you don’t say anything. Your increase in heart rate does though.
Leon makes you feel small, you figured. He’s not mean to you or demanding, but something about his attentive behavior makes you bashful. It unfortunately makes you want more. Maybe there’s something wrong with you. Maybe mom and dad didn’t love you like you wanted them to. Leon doesn’t either, but this is fine. Any attention is good attention, as long as you can handle it without pissing yourself.
You’re pathetic for that, you know. You’re no bark and no bite, the worst of both worlds.
A towel ruffles your hair, interrupting your thoughts. Face scrunching up, you huff, withstanding the process as best as you could.
“Cold?” Leon asks gruffly, wrapping the towel he was using on your hair around your shoulders, accompanying the other one. It’s wet, but it’s the thought that counts, right?
“Yeah,” You mumble, feeling shy. You’re trying your best to stay strong and confident, but the more the spotlight rests on you, the more vulnerable you feel.
Staring down at your lap, you fiddle with the towels surrounding you, trying not to pay attention to the weight of the spot beside you sagging, Leon’s body warm against your side. It’s odd, you think. His body is warm, but his hands are always cold.
He scoots closer, pausing for a moment when he’s flush against you, hesitating.
The tip of his nose presses against the top of your head, inhaling deeply. You shudder, but don’t move. Leon wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you both back into the bed.
“Smells nice,” He sighs, nosing the crook of your neck. The towels around you loosen their grasp, threatening to expose you completely. He doesn’t seem keen on releasing you any time soon, his movements slow but purposeful, curious. “Better than the pee smell.”
A soft noise escapes you, squirming slightly. “What’s up with you?…” You ask quietly, embarrassed. You know, yeah. He’s hard against your hip, pressing his crotch into you. Has he been hard the entire time? You wouldn’t know that, it’s not like you stare at his crotch 24/7. You know he’s hard right now, but you don’t know why.
“Dunno,” He says, holding you tightly against his chest, face pressing into your throat, “just like how you looked.”
You hum confusedly, an imploring look on your face.
“You know,” He groans, “the stupid look on your face. The one that looks like you got scared shitless. Like when you pissed yourself.”
That doesn’t make any sense, but okay. You don’t question his psyche.
You loll your head back, letting out a small breath. Like a fish on a hook, Leon’s reeled in immediately, his lips planting against the exposed flesh of your neck. He doesn’t kiss though, not yet. He rubs his face against you, like a cat claiming territory or a dog showing affection.
His hand finds your chest, squeezing just like he did at the shower. It makes you furrow your brows in displeasure, chewing on your bottom lip. “Don’t— that’s…” you grunt, “that’s for girls.”
“Feels like a girl’s tits to me,” Leon huffed snidely, ignoring your words and squeezing again. His fingers pinch your nipple lightly, toying with the bud.
His other hand snakes down your body, splaying out over your tummy. “Are all boys this soft?” He hums against your Adam's apple, finally using his lips to kiss at the spot. You mewl, slightly disoriented.
“No…” You close your eyes, “I don’t know… don’t you?”
“I’m not gay.”
You roll your eyes at that, pushing back against the mattress to get comfy.
“Me neither.”
The hand on your tummy trails down, fingers teasing your pubic region. You grunt, thighs spreading a little, a silent invitation. Your heart is pounding against your chest and your skin feels clammy, but this is the most attention you’ve had in days that isn’t coming from yourself.
Sighing heavily, you push your chest into the hand playing with it, feeling impatient.
“Leon…” You sigh again, agitation behind it.
Leon gives in, cupping your cock and balls in his free hand in one go, squeezing gently. He feels you up for a hot minute, grabbing you in his fist and starting to rub the length slowly.
You buck your hips slightly, moaning. The dual stimulation makes you feel all tingly, brain fuzzy with pleasant static. It’s nice enough to make you forget a thing or two, but Leon is being annoyingly slow. Not that you’d vocally complain.
He keeps his face buried in your neck, occasionally pecking at your skin or licking a sensitive spot. The heat of his breath against your already warm flesh makes you sweat. Uncomfortable, you tilt your head to the side.
Leon decides he can’t multitask, removing the hand on your chest to instead use it to tilt your head back to face him, his lips leaving your neck to kiss you on the corner of your mouth.
He pecks and kisses wantonly, but it’s nothing special. You move your mouth to his deliberately, pressing further for a deeper kiss. Leon’s a bit put off by the action, but he follows your lead, soon taking over by slotting his tongue into your mouth, slipping it through your parted lips.
Eyes drooping, you sigh into his mouth, suckling on the wet muscle lazily. Squeezing your thighs together subconsciously, you shudder at the amount of precum that has oozed from your tip to your balls, inner thighs sticky and wet. All this rubbing and squeezing is doing nothing for you, so you whine into Leon’s mouth.
He squeezes your dick in response, making you buck your hips again. But it’s not enough. Too little, too slow.
Panting, you pull back from the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips.
His lips come crashing down into yours again, silencing you. Only making a soft noise of complaint, you go back to suckling on his tongue, pacified. Some part of you wonders if that’s how he jerks off his own cock. It would explain a lot, somehow.
Despite the slow pace, the squeezing and rubbing is a surprisingly nice change from the usual fast pumping you tend to do. It’s not much, but the more Leon does it, the more each squeeze is accompanied by a surge of pleasure, an exciting buzz settling in your tummy.
You start panting, whimpering softly now. Leon catches onto your oncoming orgasm pretty quickly, increasing the pressure in some of the contact while continuing to lick into your mouth all nastily. It’s sloppy and gross, the way you exchange saliva and spit with a man supposed to be your stepbrother. You couldn’t imagine anyone else doing this with you, though.
The lack of oxygen makes you dizzy, but that’s a nice addition to the flurry of sensations strumming through you right now. Moaning, you wrap your arms around Leon, clinging onto him tightly.
He bumps and grinds his cock against your hip, precum staining the front of his pants. He doesn’t seem to be in a rush to fuck you though, content with dry humping your leg like a sniveling chihuahua.
Another squeeze on your cock and the coil snaps without warning, leaving you gasping and moaning into Leon’s mouth while cum spurts out your slit in ropes, each one landing on your tummy.
Leon groans, his lips pressing against yours hard enough to bruise, his hips stuttering against your leg. He humps the last of his own orgasm into you, shuddering as cum seeps through his underwear and onto your skin, the fluid sticky and warm.
Parting from the kiss, you mewl, eyes glazed over with ecstasy and body trembling with delight. For once, the silence with another person is enjoyable, and you couldn’t care less about anything else that has happened today. At least, not at the moment.
You dread the moment you’ll have to talk about what you just did, but right now you’re content. Glancing over at Leon, you worry a little, hoping he didn’t just wanna pump one and dump you to the side. You expected it, but that didn’t particularly mean you wanted it to happen.
He turns his head to look at you, and you frown a little, anxious as to what the expression on his face could mean. He looks like he doesn’t like anything all the time, and it’s stressful.
The look in his eyes is complicated, but you don’t have time to contemplate it. He ducks his head and steals another kiss from you, nipping your bottom lip lightly. You could jump for joy.
“Remember,” He mumbles against your lips, “you still owe me.”
You blink. You would’ve thought that this was what Leon wanted to get from you, but maybe you were wrong. You don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.
“I thought this was?…” You ask confusedly, trailing off.
“Nah,” Leon hums. “this was…” he thinks for a moment, “a tester. Y’know, like tryouts.”
“For what?” You squint, licking your lips and tasting the slight metallic tang from the nip.
Leon shrugs. He’s unsure of what he really wants here— with you, that is. He doesn’t want to think about it, not when all he wants to do is rest in post-orgasmic haze.
“You don’t mind, do you?” He asks instead, eyes examining your face, trying to get a read of your expression.
You think for a moment, before mirroring his shrug.
“No, not really.”
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anjaelle · 1 year
Study Buddies
Pairing: College!Dave Lizewski x Black!Reader Summary: He's decidedly taken permanent residence in this dorm room, and you can't say it bothers you much. Warnings: Language, mentions of bruising/battering. Word Count: 2k a/n: The successor to Dumpster Diving. The same two losers in the same universe. Only because you guys asked so nicely.
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"I feel like this is an abuse of my good graces."
You watched as Dave Lizewski climbed through your window for the third time that week and tripped over your extension cord, falling to the floor with a dull thud. He popped back up, readjusting his hoodie and his glasses.
"You really need to move that somewhere."
"Right," you nodded, nudging the power strip with your foot, "gotta make sure my flurry of suitors have clear access to my boudoir."
He cracked a smile at you, one he rarely expressed in public for other people, and you felt your heart thump against your ribs.
Absolutely fucking not.
You plopped onto your bed and crossed your legs, "Okay, Kick-Ass, what brings you to my window this time?"
You were prepared for another round of bruises and cuts from endless fights he seemed to get himself into. Sometimes he explained the injuries, other times he didn't. But he was just happy he had someone who could help him without asking too many questions.
This time he simply shoved his hands into his pockets and leaned back on his heels.
"I kinda...just wanted to see you today."
There was a heavy pause and he scratched the back of his head.
You propped your chin on your fist, inquisitively, eying the way he seemed to fit so seamlessly into your living space. "You just saw me at study group this afternoon."
"C'mon you know it's not the same."
He was right. Sure, you had the tendency to sit next to each other in study group and bump knees. And you could feel his glances every five minutes. And sure, when he wasn't passing glances at you, you were passing glances at him wondering why he wasn't looking at you.
And, yes, you did know what it felt like to have him sleep on your chest while you stroked his soft curly hair. But that usually only happened after you got him sorted out. This was new.
You scooted over and patted the space next to you on the bed, which he happily plopped down on like he always did after leaning over to kiss you on the forehead.
"So you came all this way and climbed the side of a building for little old me? I still don't know why you don't use the front door."
“The security guard creeps me out. Besides, I’m not spider-man. I just used some guy’s ladder.”
“You stole someone’s ladder?”
“He wasn’t using it!”
“What if he’s on some roof trying to get down now?”
He stared at you. You stared back. His eyes widened.
"I'll be right back!" He jumped up and rushed out the door, shouting behind him, "Prop the front door open for me!"
He came back about ten minutes later, red-faced with a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead. His hair was messy like he'd been running, and his glasses were slightly askew.
"So..."he took a deep breath and wiped his hands on his sweater, "there was a guy on the roof. He was really pissed and, uh, I got freaked out and ran."
You noticed the grass stains on his clothes, which was clear evidence that he tripped and fell at least once on the way back. It was hard not to feel the swell of...something...deep in the pit of your stomach.
"Another job well done, Kick-Ass. Always thinking of the common man." You playfully tugged at the zipper of his hoodie, zipping it up and down while he cleaned his dirty glasses off on the Watchmen shirt you got him.
Because that's what friends did. You bought stuff for each other. For fun.
He didn't think twice about stripping down to his underclothes to throw his things in the wash. His reasons were partially because his roommates were always too lazy to clear their machine out for him to use, partially because he really liked your detergent (he admitted that the smell reminded him of you), and partially because he knew you didn't like when he wore his "gross street clothes" in your room.
Which was absolutely fair.
After throwing his grass-stained, dirty clothes in the wash, he flopped onto your bed and stared at the fairy lights that decorated the ceiling. You sat cross-legged next to him, looking him over and subconsciously checking for new injuries. You'd learned first aid just to help him with his stitches...and the occasional bullet removal. You didn't learn the bullet removal in first aid class. You puked the first time. You could still see the messy stitching in his shoulder where he was shot.
The mixtape he made for you played lowly out of the speaker on your desk, and you heard him humming softly to himself in thought.
"I like your room." He suddenly said, tilting his head to fully address you.
You cracked a smile at him, "Yeah I can tell. You've been hanging out here every other day for the last 2 months. You might as well move in."
A light, airy laugh bubbled out of him in waves. It sounded almost like a giggle, which made you giggle too.
"Why are we laughing?" You asked bumping him with your knee.
Dave pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he thought deeply about what he wanted to say next. The fact that he lacked a poker face made him relatively easy to read--and he's said the same about you at least once.
He tapped your knee with his knuckle, "Nothing. I--just...nothing. I promise."
You sat in comfortable silence again as the music filled the room and the gentle golden lights cast shadows along the walls.
"Has anyone ever followed you here?" You asked.
It was a stern, short answer. Absolute. Definite. His eyes scanned you from head to toe before settling on your face. It was the most serious you'd ever seen him. When he propped himself on his elbow to rest his head on his hand, he clenched his jaw.
"I'd never let that happen. I would never come here first because I'd never put you in the position to be in danger."
"I know," you admitted, carefully, "I was just wondering--"
"I'd never let anything happen to you." He stated with a shrug.
You instinctively reached out and pushed his dark curls back and away from his eyes, "I thought I was the one keeping you safe. How did we get here?"
In one swift motion, he wrapped his arms around you to pull you on top of him like you weighed nothing. His strength always seemed to surprise you. You barely had time to let out a shocked squeak.
"You can't keep doing that."
His eyes widened, "Did that hurt? I'm sorry--"
"No," you swatted his chest, playfully, "I'm fine. I'm just never really prepared for it."
When he was sure he didn't severely traumatize you with his displays of affection, he resumed rubbing small, lazy circles into your lower back.
"Sorry for startling you."
"You're forgiven."
He leaned forward and kissed your nose.
Dave Lizewski was an enigma. Beneath the nervousness, the dorkiness, the shyness, and general earnestness was someone who surprisingly had a lot of game. You used to imagine that he practiced his lines in the mirror before he visited you. Then you realized...no. He's just very honest when he's comfortable.
You rested your head on his chest to listen to his strong, steady heartbeat that seemed to pick up speed. When you reached up to gently touch the healing scar on his collarbone where he was nearly stabbed, he shifted under you.
"What are you thinking?" He suddenly asked.
"I get scared for you sometimes."
He said nothing, but you felt his hand pause before continuing its trek down your back.
"You're still a human being, y'know," you added, "even when I pulled you out of the dumpster--"
"Which I still thank you for, by the way."
You snorted, "You're welcome. But even when I pulled you from the dumpster, you could've died from how high you fell. And then there's the stabbing, and the shooting, and you got hit by a crowbar once..."
He seemed to consider this. Then he said, "Someone has to do it. No one else on campus--in town--has stepped up to the plate yet."
"But why does it have to be you?"
"Why not me?"
"You can't answer my question with another question, you asshat."
He laughed at your outburst and lightly patted you on the butt.
"Compromise? I pinky swear to stop after graduation."
You didn't believe him. But when he held his pinky out to you, you wrapped yours around his and he pulled you in for a quick peck on the lips.
"Fine. But if you're still running around lower manhattan in a onesie at 26, I'm telling your dad."
You curled yourself back up against his chest while he curled one of your braids around his finger, absentmindedly.
"You don't have to worry about that, by the way." He said, dropping your hair, "I just really, really like the idea of you still being in my life four or five years from now."
"Why wouldn't I be?"
Dave nervously pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose again, "I dunno. I just...I think you're really cool and I know I can be weird sometimes. And I know you might not see me the way I see you but-"
You leaned forward to kiss him once and then twice. And as your curled your fingers into his hair, he seemed to melt into your touch with a soft groan. He pulled away just enough to rip his glasses off and toss them in the corner before pulling you in again. He wrapped a calloused hand around the back of your neck when you nipped at his lower lip. Your fingernails slipped under his undershirt to walk along the sensitive skin of his lower stomach, just above the waistband of his boxers, and he shuddered.
"Fuck," he hissed, kissing along your jaw and down your throat, "God, I love you."
Your eyes popped open. "What?"
He trailed kisses back up to your lips like nothing happened, but you could feel his heart thudding in his chest.
"Did you... just say...you loved me?" You asked, between kisses. He pulled away and stared at you with panic in his wide blue eyes.
"Yes. No. Yes...shit did I ruin it? Do you want me to go?"
You felt a rush of an unexplained emotion flow through you as you pulled your hand out from under his shirt.
He traced the shape of your lower lip with this thumb before dropping his hand to your shoulder, "I--you don't have to say it back. It just slipped out."
You rolled off of him and crawled up the bed to rest your back against the wall. He hesitated, then slid into the space beside you.
"I lied," he mumbled, "I was gonna say it before, but you distracted me with your mouth. Again."
You sighed and reached over to hold his hand.
"How long?"
"Since last semester."
"Why didn't you say anything?"
You watched him thump his head against the wall, "Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship. But, y'know, we crossed that line the first time we smanged, I think."
"Please don't say smanged."
You could hear the grin in his voice without looking at him, "We smanged."
You flicked him on the shoulder and he laughed. Some of the nervous tension melted away as he squeezed your hand.
"Like I said," he continued, "you don't have to say it back. It's okay if you don't feel the same way."
You thought for a moment about how often you worried about him and how often he watched over you. He seemed to always be around, even when he wasn't physically there. Dave was undoubtedly your best friend. You turned to look at him only to find him already watching you with the most intense gaze you'd ever seen. Felt your cheeks heat up.
"I'm not sure if it's love yet." You said, carefully, "But...I think it could be."
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Buddie: Bachelor party and the wedding - Eddie's relationship POV
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In 7x6, it was evident Buddie is the Superior Endgame Ship to BuckT*mmy and also it's been noted numerous times how T*mmy didn't attempt to dress up and oblige Buck's wishes while Eddie was shown doing it with ease. Even though the scenes were short and most of it was included in a montage of that night, so much was highlighted about both Buck’s and Eddie's current relationships that further demonstrated how much Eddie and Buck know each other inside and out while their supposed LIs don't know them at all.
I've posted at least two or three times about these instances myself (linked here and here).
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In addition to the way Buck’s whatever he has going on with T*mmy was depicted as them not knowing each other and how it's being done to show how they're not compatible, it appears less attention is being given to the way Eddie's relationship with Maris*l was just as IGNORED that night if not more than Buck’s with T*mmy's.
Here's what I mean.
Not only did Eddie dress up for the event according to Buck’s wishes, he was the one who suggested he and Buck wear themed 1980s costumes. Also, he made sure Chris was going to be cared for the entire night and he was not being cared for by Eddie’s supposed LI but by his blood family, Chris' cousins. This is important because in 7x4, Eddie said she babysat twice in one week while he went out with T*mmy but if the show wanted the audience to believe or think Eddie’s relationship with her was really strengthening, wouldn't it have made more sense for him to just announce to Buck that she was caring for Chris? It surely does seem like it especially since Chris was out of town the week before in 7x5 and he said she babysat him in 7x4. If it wasn't meant to be intentional, then it was a strange writing choice. Also, it appears Eddie had already planned to be out with Buck for however long it was going to be (the whole night).
Furthermore, in 7x5 Maris*l wouldn't stop calling Eddie while he was spending time with Buck at the loft. They had moved in together but Eddie was shown not wanting to go back there. But in 7x6 when he was out all night with Buck and they were partying like it was 1999 with people they didn't even know, she didn't call once 👀.
Additionally, when everyone else left, Eddie didn't but if the show wanted the audience to believe Eddie was all in with Maris*l, he would have left when Hen, Karen, Ravi and everyone else did and he could have said he was leaving so he could go home to spend time with her to watch a movie or something but they didn’t.
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The fact is they could have easily written the bachelor party scenes differently and shown T*mmy being supportive of Buck and Maris*l being the one who took care of Chris while Eddie was out partying with Chimney, Buck and the rest of Buck’s and Eddie’s found family but instead of doing that, they did the exact opposite. In fact, their scenes together only strengthened the Buddie dynamic and illustrated for the umpteenth time in 6 years how Buck and Eddie are perfect for one another while their supposed LIs aren't.
Finally, Maris*l wasn't even invited to the wedding. Eddie’s abuela was there with him and Chris was too so how does anyone expect for people to root for eddiemaris*l when the show isn't putting any effort into their relationship just like they aren't for buckt*mmy? I don't care and I hope they don't but IMO these are valid questions. The answer is they don't want anyone rooting for those relationships because T*mmy and Maris*l are PLOT DEVICES and they're only there to move Buck’s and Eddie’s arcs to the next plot point.
This is simply another observation about the bachelor party and the writing choices that were made for Eddie's relationship with Maris*l. It highlights the way their relationship is just as unimportant as the one Buck is in with T*mmy.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Professional protector (Aaron Hotchner x nanny! male reader)
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It's become a slight problem. Most nights it Hotch was late. Some he wasn't home at all and babysitters were only so reliable.
"You're really using Garica to get a other new babysitter?"
"I'm not trust random teens with my boy."
Emily rolls her eyes and pulls away the file of potential names.
"Can't you just hire a full time?"
Hotch groans.
"Same problem."
"Well it's either a once time issue or a till-jack-is-grown issue so make up you mind."
She's right of course, he needs to just bite the bullet.
After nearly an hour of barely scrapable options Hotch's attention was caught by a face.
Young, clean cut, handsome and with a bakround in child care. He gives Hocth a strange stomach twist, the kind he felt in high-school when he meet Harley. That same at once connection.
"Is he free?"
"Looks like it. Says on his employee web page he is open for full weekdays."
"Send that to me would you?"
Garcia can't help the small grin that crosses her lips.
"At once my lord."
From his nightstand the buzz of that familiar notification sounds him awake.
He checks the profile his boss Diane always sends but this one is different than normal. He is used to business men who don't have time for their children but the man is an FBI agent and high in ranks too.
Doesn't look half bad either.
"How much is the pay?
"60 an hour."
He stops dead in his track.
"60? For one child and house sitting?"
"Ahuh. He asked me if that was too low."
"Too low?!"
She smiled at him with a gleam I her eyes.
"He really wanted you specifically."
Hotch keep glancing at his watch. He wasn't late but Hotch was nervous he might be.
"Excuse are you Mr. Hotchner?"
He's pretty in person Hotch thinks. More real. More warm. He's bright-looking but not cocky. Fair featured but no vain. He could reach out his hand and Hotch would near before him to kiss it without even thinking.
"Yes, you must be the nanny."
"Ahuh. Would you like to go over the details of what you need me to do while your away?"
Hotch smiles. He has no clue why but it feels natural.
"Of course."
Hotch leads him through the house explain everything he needs from the house care side of things.
"-and if you can't try to fold the blankets to fit in properly I'd be really thankful."
"Of course. What about your son?"
"Jack spends most of the day at school. He still in k-8 and does sometimes need homework help. He can make his own food but often prefers it made. He has 2-3 hours of screen time weekdays and 4 on weekends. He'll want to call me when I'm out of town which you can also do if you need anything."
He nods. Simple kid.
"He always wants to come along on grocery trips and basically anytime you leave the house."
Hotch hands him the house keys.
"And most importantly he'll ask for want he wants and his bedtime is 8:30."
"Got it. I call you at night if I have questions."
The two turn to see a sleepy toddler standing in door way. His spider-man pj's frumbled from napping.
"Hey Jack buddy, this is your new babysitter. He'll be here all day till I come back in the evenings so you don't have to be alone at home."
Jack looks up. Hotch feels the two smiling at eachother. His heart is aching know Jack is already bonding with the nanny. This have been a good idea.
"I have to go home today Jack but I'll see you again tomorrow ok?"
"Ok! Can we play with my Lego pirates."
"We can play whatever you want to Jack."
Hotch loves that smile on Jack. The innocent love. His boy is safe.
"Hotch? We have an emergency."
"What is it J.J.?"
"Ten victims all male in their 20s and the unsub is moving."
"I'll be there in ten mintues."
Hotch's body knows the routine of his morning work runs so well it work on autopilot.
Lastly he kisses Jack's sleeping head and text his new nanny 8 words.
"Flying for work for at least a week."
He'll get what I mean Hotch thinks before he stops himself. Why is he so sure? He doesn't even know the guy and he is trusting him like an old friend already. That's not good but Hotch can't seem to stop himself. He doesn't trust easily but something about him is so safe. So at home at ease. Hotch hates how his walls are just gone the moment he met a pretty man who takes care of his son. Hotch hopes he'll stay.
"He's targeting men who seem successful in love. Men with kids and partners and well paying jobs. Young man living how he wants to live. And he does it through robbery and hold ups. He is choosing targets on the fly."
"Where do we thinking he is making his way to?"
"Maybe his home or his get away car. I don't think he can keep this up for too long and I know he thinks that too."
At the hotel Hotch picks up his nightly call.
"How's your nanny been buddy?"
"I love daddy! He is super smart and he knew all about the history for my test on Tuesday and he makes such good pasta and he read me all the books I have trouble with!"
Hotch feel his stomach twist again. Just like a dad.
"That's great buddy. I'm glad you like him so much."
"He is gonna be my new best friend."
"I'm sure he will sweets now you need to good to bed."
"Ok, Goodnight daddy."
"Sleepwell Buddy. I love you."
"Love you too!"
He's safe. He's for the first time Hotch feels confident in thinking that Jack is really safe and happy. He sleeps better that night then he has in a while.
"Unsub is now in Virginia and he's getting risky. Going straight for our home now. He might even be there at this moment."
"So we came out here just to go home?"
"No, we came out here to know for certain he is home. Let's go."
Jack had asked to come along to the Cafe. He had followed his nanny to the counter and was rewarded with a small pink lemonade.
"Have you ever tried limeade or just lemon?"
He shakes his head no.
"Never liked lime. Too sour."
He chuckles.
"I like a lot of sour things especially ones that have some sweet in them."
"Everyone get on the floor! This is a hold up and if everyone behaves no one will get hurt."
Jack looks up confused and then frighten.
"Comere Jack. Everything will be alright."
"We've tracked him to a Cafe he's holding up. Swat is on their way but we don't time on our side."
"How fast can we get there?"
"20 is not fast enough."
"You, with the blonde kid. Move up here."
His arms wrap around Jack and gently lead them both to the front.
"Give him to me."
His breathing hitches.
"I'm not letting you near him. You'll have to take me first."
The click of the handriffle echoed in his ears before he felt the the world go black.
When the room came back into focus he realized he was in the ER. His chest was burning. He could feel the dizziness bringing him in and out of blurry awareness.
"Hey, just rest, you're really injured."
"Jack.. what about Jack?"
"He's safe with his father."
A knock at the door interrupts them.
"Hello Doctor is it OK for me to see him?"
"Mr. Hotch? Is that you?"
Hotch leans over the hospital bed brush some hair.
"How are you feeling?"
"I've been worse."
"Worse than shot?"
He giggled even though it hurt.
"Yeah. I'm better knowing Jack is safe."
"He was really scared for you, so was I. You don't know how much it means to me that you put yourself in such danger for my boy."
"I'd do it again."
Hotch felt strange. On one hand he was deeply relieved that he was safe but such a close call had his nerves in a twist. It was like a weight had been added to his psyche. Hotch couldn't let anything happen to him. He felt protective.
"How is he?"
"Exhausted but ok."
"Hotch I know he is just your nanny but you seem pretty worried."
"I can't help but be. He nearly died keeping Jack safe. I don't know what could've happened if I hired someone less bare. This whole time I've felt so.... connected with him. Like he is someone who I can trust."
"Does Agent Aaron Hotchner have a slight crush."
Oh no.
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deathbystero · 4 months
'cause we're just kids who grew up way too fast
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in which Ponyboy struggles to come to terms with everything. a/n - here's the full chapter y'all. lemme know if it's worth carrying on with and if you have any ideas on what I can do to extend the plot, feel free to request or give me some ideas
It’s only been a few weeks since that night—coming on three, to be exact. I don’t think things will ever go back to how they were; how could they? With Johnny and Dallas gone, everything feels off-kilter in some way. Like a loose thread just waiting to be pulled, ready to fall away and leave nothing but a gaping hole in its place. 
Home doesn’t feel like home anymore. Not really—not in the same way it was before. Things are a lot quieter. A lot emptier. I don’t think Darry minds all that much; an empty house is a peaceful house, even under all the unsettling tension. 
The gang feels a lot closer now, too. I suppose that’s one good thing about all of this, but nobody is quite themselves anymore. There isn’t as much energy in the air; there aren’t many laughs around anymore, and nobody smiles as often as they used to. It's like everyone is carrying around a weighty cloud on their shoulders, or maybe they’re just trying to keep their minds busy with something else. But we never talk about those days anymore; no one does. The topic makes us uncomfortable, like a wound that can never be healed. 
Maybe it’s just me who can’t get used to living without them. 
The nightmares still come every once in a while, more now than they used to. Sometimes they’re pretty bad—Johnny and Dallas making frequent appearances, their faces blurred, their voices distorted. Sometimes, I realise that I’m starting to forget the little things about them: the way Johnny would tilt his head a little to the left (or maybe it was to the right) when he was talking; the way Dallas would bite his lip when concentrating hard on something, even if he didn't seem to notice himself doing it. Everything seems to be slipping through my fingers faster than I can grasp, trying desperately to hold onto the memories, begging them not to fade away into the background. 
Maybe that’s why they haunt me so often: because I'm afraid—afraid that someday I won't remember them at all. 
Darry slept on the floor in my bedroom for a little while after that night, too scared to leave me alone after everything. He’s been doing that a lot lately, constantly checking up on me, even when I'm only in the next room over. Sodapop says it's because he's scared I’ll disappear again, which is ridiculous; I’ve got nowhere to run to, and even if I did, I doubt I’d want to anyway. Without Johnny to keep me company, I might as well be right here in Tulsa forever. 
There was never anything in the papers about Johnny and Dallas—at least not anything good. They don’t write editorials for “murderers” and hoodlums. Nobody would read them anyway. It would be a waste of ink, a waste of print, and a waste of paper. It’d just be another story about another couple of kids from the east side who wound up dead. No one would care. No one would even know what happened to them, not until somebody started asking questions, and even then, the truth would be twisted. Nobody knows what happened. Nobody but me. They can try to understand, just like Sodapop, Two-Bit,  Steve, and Darry have tried, but they won’t ever see it the same. Not like I do. 
For a long time after the incident, I tried convincing myself that Johnny wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be; you don’t just lose your closest buddy in one night. That doesn’t just happen. And yet, it had happened to me. 
To be truthful, I still don’t really believe that Johnny is dead. It’s stupid, irrational, and childish, but I can’t help but cling to that notion like my life depends on it. Maybe I'm losing it a bit, growing a little delusional. Darry seems to think so. Not a day goes by where he isn't telling me to “get my damn head out of the clouds” or to “get my act together."
I’m trying, really, I am, but sometimes it gets hard. The truth hurts too much. So I decided it was better to just pretend that it hadn’t happened. Pretend the entire mess never went down. That’s easier than confronting reality, even though I know there are some aspects of Johnny and Dallas’ deaths that are very, very real. Too real to be ignored. And it’s not like I can ignore it, can I? It’s part of me—a piece of me—a piece of my memory that I can never fully forget. I’ll just have to live with it.
That’s easier said than done, though.
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azurlily · 1 year
Day 6 of 31 of the yandere month May challenge. This yandere is extremely creepy in the sense that it's sort of non-con, but not at all at the same time. I also think Sevika is naturally a very intense almost yandere, so this isn't like the others. You'll see.
Also a reminder to everyone this is the last month you can request a specific type of reader for free. After this month it becomes commission work. Ask any questions in either DM or on my asks/requests.
Sevika gets pissed when you go out on a mission with Jinx. She teaches you how to obey orders.
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Yandere!Sevika SMUT
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There are many dumb things that you can do in your lifetime. Stealing from someone important, lying about your job details, and worst of all pissing Sevika.
How did this even happen? Well you and Jimx have been getting more buddy buddy. So...why not go up to Piltover with her?
You told Sevika about your plans, she insisted you stay home. You told her it wasn't a big deal, and that it'd be good for you and Jinx to get along.
"No, and that's final. Your aren't going anywhere princess, so don't even try. Besides, you're in better condition, and our relationship has been doing better. Let's not ruin it."
Sevika and you had been fighting these past couple months. She wouldn't apologize for taking you from your house suddenly. She said it was just because she wanted fo see you. It took about 2 weeks for her to apologize and when she did, it wasn't very conventional. For her at least.
"Yes- flowers. They're yours, I-uh. I apologize."
That's all she told you before forcing you into a hug. Sevika only apologizes once in a blue moon. The apology ended in sex, of course.
Anyway, she gave you a bad vibe when she looked at you like that. Sevika for the life of herself would never hurt you, but she would intimidate. Sevika loving you basically secures you safety.
You fought with her saying that Jinx isn't a child and that neither are you. You both can do what you want. She rolled her eyes and slapped you ass.
"Mhm, you ain't a kid, but you act as stupid as one. Now, no going with her, I'm serious."
You asked her why and she kissed you on your forehead and left. You didn't get an answer and now you were frustrated. So, of course, knowing it'll blow up in your face later.
You and Jinx were almost caught. You got grazed by multiple bullets, and were in a good bit of pain. You were in a lot of pain, and Jinx felt like an ass for taking you with her.
When you two got back Jinx was teln by Silco for a "short" lecture. You laid on the bed Sevika and you share when you come over.(or when she abducts you) She came in about an hour later, she'd thought she was getting a small moment of peace.
"Oh- you're back. Listen about earlier with the whole Jinx thing. I'm not gonna say it, but I'll take you out- HOLY SHIT!"
She stood there for a second, trying to figure out- what the hell happened? It took her a minute and then it hits her. You fucking idiot.
Sevika thinks about how badly you're hurt, obviously there had to be more than one person. This was more than likely a surprise attack, which was cowardly and not something she was all into.
She imagined for a second the blood she's going to have on her hands later. It's going to be a lot, she intends to bathe in it. How dare some Piltover scum hurt you!?
She doesn't say anything and stares at you for a moment. She turn around and leave the room, only to come back with bandages.
Sevika gives you a cold stare and forces you up. She knows it hurts, as it should. She's pissed, and you dealing with the pain is her way of saying fuck you without opening her mouth. She refused to talk while fixing you up, she knows if the did the only words she'll be saying are: who and why?
She watches you wince and whimper, she sees you eyes glaze over in tears and watches as you shake in pain.
"It hurts, dont it? Well good. Now you know why I didn't want you going out with Jinx, she's a damned trouble maker."
Sevika was finally able to say something without straight up yelling. She watches your reactions, sees the fear, anger, embarrassment, and finally you start to cry.
She watches you cry for a good second, she moves you robotic arm up and pats your head. Then she grabs your hair and tilts your head up roughly.
"I try, I really do, but you seem really intent on pissing me off. So, this behavior needs to be punished. I'm giving you the choice on the punishment, it's easier for me. You have two choices, overstimulation or edging."
You groan as her mechanical hand squeezes your hair. Sevika is enjoying this, and evidently so are you. You choose overstimulation, it's better than being denied. At least you get what you want, even if you get too much of it.
Sevika stands up, putting the bandages down and looking at you with a glare. You know the drill, and in situations like these it's best not to brat off. You begin to undress, keeping your underwear and bra on. Sevika likes to take those two peices of clothing off specifically.
You watch her flex her mechanical arm, giving you a disgustingly smug smile.
"Lay back."
You lay back, putting your arms over your eyes. You feel cool metal run up and down your thighs. A second, warm hand unclasps your bra from me front/back. She didn't need to see her to see the smug look. She knows just how to handle you.
"Hands up, I want you to watch."
You do as Sevika commands and move your arms above your hands. She warns if you try to stop her she will tie you up. Her mechanical hand slowly rubs your thighs, she grips it roughly. Deep red marks starting to form. You look at her, tears in your eyes.
"Nuh uh, I don't wanna see them tears. You have brought this upon yourself, so lay back and- safeword. If...you need to."
Sevika pulls your thighs apart, opening them widely. Her warmer hand moved from groping me to rubbing on my thighs. She lowers her head, pressing it against my thigh. She hums quietly, you can feel the vibrations, shaking slightly you look down at her.
Her eyes are a beautiful, silvery grey, you couldn't stop staring. She notices and gives you thighs a tight squeeze, the smirk never once fading.
"My, my, my, you're shaking. I wonder, are you as exited down there too? Well? Are you slut?"
Sevika doesn't hold back on the insults, maybe the praise, but she loves to degrade you. Sevika runs her mechanical finger up and down your panties, the wetness and slicks becoming more apparent.
She growls, oh god. Sevika, no longer being able to take it, practically tears your panties off. She originally intended to come home and take you out, then she'd probably end up fucking your brains out in some alleyway in Piltover. She's been pent up all day thinking about it. Now she can fully relax, and take good action on you.
Sevika moves her head until her face is just hover over your pussy. You groan and whimper when she doesn't start. You didn't agree to be teased, dammit! That's why you chose this option!
"Oh hush. You'll get what you want, princess."
God that nickname turns you on, plus feeling her hot breath against you only makes things worse. You grind you hips up trying, hoping, to get some sort of friction. When Sevika slaps you thigh, hard enough to leave a mark. You know to stop, for not at least.
Finally Sevika herself is tired of waiting too, she presses her tounge into you. The way you squirm, feeling her hot, long tounge tear you open. It does something to her, in a way you will never understand.
She grabs both of your thighs, pulling you so you're hips are right on her face. You wrap your legs around her head, squeezing harshly as she eats you out. Sevika goes from small licks, to sucking on your clit, to pushing her tounge inside you. She does everything she can to hear you scream, and scream you do.
How can you not? This woman is skilled with her tounge in every way, she knows just how to tease you, and just how to make you cum in minutes. That's exactly what she's aiming for now, she wants to see your freshly fucked face, as soon as possible.
Sevika doesn't pull back when you begin rocking your hips, on the contrary. She tries pulling you closer, although you can't really get any closer. As you're stomach begins to tighten and your breathing begins to quicken. You both know what's coming, you, to be more specific.
As you feel piping hot bliss rush over you, you shake and spasm. Sevika doesn't let up though. No, in fact she continues as your orgasm begins to slowly die down. That's when the fun really starts.
Sevika can feel you fighting, slapping, pushing hitting. She said not to use your hands, but she knows you cant help it. You're a dumb slut, and sluts don't know how to think. Especially not you.
You start grabbing and pulling on Sevikas hair, you knew this was the outcome. Didn't stop you from acting like you were innocent. Doesn't matter anyway, the more you push, and pull, and bite. The more fun Sevika is having. You can practically feel her grinning.
You scream and cry, feeling yourself build up once more. Your hips spasming uncontrollably, your entire body was shaking. You knew it was only a matter of time before you came for the second time. After that she'd keep going until you passed out.
You really are stupid, but that's okay. Sevika always cleans up your messes, and after she finishes up with you. She's heading to Piltover to rip some heads off, she might even bring you a souvenir.
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suddenly-frankenstein · 2 months
Hello! Fellow Frankenstein freak here! I have to ask, what's your favorite Frankenstein movie you've seen? Not necessarily the best one, but your favorite one. I made myself watch about 25 last year for reasons (that's as many as I could watch in one week for free, dating from 1910 to the early 2000s) and they're all so bizarre. I love talking about them so much, I love watching peoples faces when I tell them that one time Sting played Frankenstein, and in that same movie The Creature and his buddy are targeted by the Circus Mafia. Or how at least one version of Victor Frankenstein has an alligator pit. Or how Kenneth Branagh made Robert De Niro be birthed out of instapot and then they spend like 30 seconds slipping in Mysterious Science Goop before the plot continues.
TLDR; I don't know anyone else who is as obsessed with this stuff as I am and would love to hear your thoughts lmao
damn, my biggest problem is that I've watched so many of then few years ago, that I mostly don't remember anything :")
but I definitely have some that I still think about constantly!! maybe the first one and the most special in my eyes is "Frankenstein: The True Story" (1973), because in this movie Victor REALLY cared about the Creature and TOOK THE RESPONSIBILITY. he taught him things, he spent time with him – and when the Creature started to decay and lose temper, yeah, he decided to lock him, but Victor was going to lock himself as well so the Creature wouldn't be dying alone. and they even had a hug!! (still everything ended up terribly, but it was interesting to see this responsible version of Victor, not canonical book version, but also not usual movie mad scientist either).
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well, speaking of classics and mad scientists – I love first two movies of UNIVERSAL's franchise, rewatch them from time to time. And within the Hammer's franchise I like the third (if I remember right) movie – "The Evil of Frankenstein", even though it mostly is called the worst of them all lmao. I just think it was funny and not annoying like the other. and I also LOVE the first several minutes of the first movie – "The Curse of Frankenstein" with the young Victor played by Melvyn Hayes, because OH HE WAS DEFINITELY SERVING. for me this young Victor was the closest to the book from all of the versions of him.
(I even did a funny edit of him once, here, lmao)
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the most controversial version but I can't NOT TO THINK ABOUT IT – it's "Flesh for Frankenstein" of course (not even speaking about the plot, but god how I hate color correction in most of the 70's movies, these colors usually make me sick almost physically).
but well, uh, how the hell I was surprised when Udo Kier's Frankenstein turned out to look SO DAMN CLOSE to like I always draw him (I mean just give him another nose shape and he will look exactly how I imagine Victor) :") just hello??? DAMN
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also want to mention "Terror of Frankenstein" (1977) movie, because they have an interesting design of the Creature here (finally black lips yaaay!) and sweet sweet Clerval (I hate that most of the movies are throwing him and Justine out of the plot :(( )
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AND ALSO!! not movies, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE these adaptations – Frankenstein: the Metal Opera, 2014 (you can find its official record for free on youtube) and Frankenstein, the Royal Ballet, 2017!! I, personally, enjoyed them both very much
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well, these ones are some of the movies I think the most about, I guess :")
really thank you for your question!!
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prettyboybuckley · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by @saybiwithme @bi-buckrights @zainclaw
How many works do you have on ao3?
What's your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I've mostly written for 9-1-1, though I started off with Shameless (6 fics) and I have written some for Teen Wolf (5 fics). There's one 9-1-1 crossover with Schitt's Creek.
Top five fics by kudos:
parents always yelling (telling us to get our acts together)
i just want something to hold on to (and a little of that human touch)
I will come to you (even in my sleep)
open up again (i believe in second chances)
exes and the oh's
Do you respond to comments?
Always, even if it takes me months. I actually just caught up again (there's still a bunch to go, but right now the oldest is 17 days ago instead of 250 days...). It's just a rule I have for myself, and even with the backlog I've kept it up so far, so I'm not going to stop doing it now.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm not a big fan of angsty endings, I generally try to at least make it a hopeful ending or, in the case of the college au, use an epilogue to fix things.
But I guess sunny skies & summer highs qualifies as an angsty ending simply because of the cliffhanger (and yes, there is still going to be a continuation, I'm working on it 🙈).
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Choosing one out of 160 is really hard, but I think tell me, will you stay or will you run away is definitely one that deserves a mention here, because it already has a happy ending and then the epilogue just makes it even better 🥰
Do you get hate on fics?
Not commented on the fic itself, no. I've had some people talk shit about my fics on twitter, though, and not even vaguely but calling me by (user)name.
Do you write smut?
Is grass green? Yeah, I write smut 🤭 Thanks to two times kinktober, I have 95 explicit fics, by far the most used rating for my fics.
Craziest crossover:
let's have some fun tonight is my 9-1-1/Schitt's Creek crossover fic for 9-1-1 Rarepair Week, and my only crossover fic
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
My head over feet Buddie valentine's two-parter got posted as one chapter in Wattpad work with over 30 fics once. Filed a DMCA and Wattpad took it down within two hours.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two of my fics have been translated into Russian afaik, one on ao3 and one on Ficbook
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Nope. It may be a nice challenge for the future? Not sure who I'd do it with.
All time favourite ship?
Gotta go for Buddie on that one, lol. Especially if you look at my writing history. But I often tend to hyperfixate on one ship at a time (current reading obsession is McDanno)
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Buck's POV of if love is art then you might be my masterpiece. I really want to, but at this point it's been two years since the original so I don't know if it'd be worth it either. (I know not everyone was happy about how I ended it, but I doubt any of them are still waiting for more). Writing a different POV of the same fic takes an amount of planning that my brain just really struggles with. And I could pick up where the last chapter (before the epilogue) picks up, but I think that way there would be some crucial information about Buck missing.
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told quite a lot of times that I am good at keeping characters, well, in character, even when putting them in partial or complete AU's. Of course, what is in character or not is subjective, but I do always challenge myself to work as much of the canon backstory and personality into who they are in the AU as possible.
And I like to think I'm pretty good at writing smut.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I'm terrible at pacing, which multiple of my long fics prove. It'll be drawn out first and then suddenly rushing. And being ESL I do struggle with things like sentence structure and grammar pretty regularly still.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
As long as there is some kind of translation provided somewhere I like it, but I'm not so quick to use it myself. Not beyond a few Spanish words here and there (generally pet names between Eddie and his family we've seen on the show or the occasional curse word when I feel it fits better than an English one, but I usually need to employ help from Spanish-speaking friends for those).
First fandom you wrote in?
Shameless! I binged that right before I started 9-1-1 and combined with the creative writing minor I was doing, it was actually what got me back into writing in general and what made me write my first ever fic.
Favorite fic you've written?
My in your arms i feel safe-series (which I always lovingly refer to as the ace kink fic) is definitely one of my favorites simply because of how personal it is to me and for the reason behind me writing it in the first place.
Other strong contenders are i would've loved you forever (it's never enough but i wanted it to be) and i'm begging you, come home to me (Teen Wolf, Thiam)
tagging @monsterrae1 @rogerzsteven @loserdiaz @watchyourbuck
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dedieamars · 1 year
Jisoo’s relationship with the dreamies!
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[For context, I switched up the grad system a little bit because I wanted Jisoo to graduate with Mark but I also wanted her to be born the same day as Jaemin. So I changed it to Jisoo and Mark both becoming the leaders and instead of them graduating based off age, they graduated based off of their leader position. So when Mark and Jisoo left, Jeno got the leader position and they added Mark and Jisoo back before he could graduate]
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MARKSOO! ੈ♡‧₊˚ :
One out of the three protectors
Mark entered kindergarten a little later which led him to meet Jisoo! Jisoo and Mark were assigned seating buddies and ever since that day they’ve been inseparable. When Jisoo planned to go back to Korea to audition for SME, Mark begged his mom to go so he can keep her company, not knowing he’d later be debuting alongside Jisoo.
During SM ROOKIES Mark use to refer to Jisoo as Marcelle a lot as that’s the name she used while living in the states. Because of this a lot of people began to call them MarMar!
Mark and Jisoo usually communicate in English, which either leaves the other members confused or with more english knowledge in their head. Mark and Jisoo have a sibling relationship where they bicker a lot, with Jisoo calling him stupid and Mark calling her annoying, but at the end of the day they love each other.
Sometimes when Mark says or does something weird Jisoo will just stare at him for awhile, say “um?” or “ok?” and give him a nasty face and walk away and for some reason it makes Mark laugh. OR sometimes she’ll tease him for it
when Mark was talking about Jisoo’s brother and he referred to him as “da bro” Jisoo would not stop teasing him about it for like a week
as a way to tease her, he mimicks her sometimes like her hand gestures or voice
sometimes when they fight, it’s ALWAYS in english and they’ll keep talking over each other and get really loud and the members will just look at them like they’re CRAZY
Along with this Jisoo tends to correct a lot of the stuff Mark says, like if he messes up on a word or stumbles she immediately elaborates on what he’s saying to help him out
Mark loves giving her hugs and making her do aegyo, while Jisoo loves pushing him away and playing with his hands when she’s bored.
Dreamzens favorite Marksoo Moment: 210515 Vlive
After coming back with hot sauce, Mark and Jisoo decided to go live in honor of their return to the group. throughout the live they answer questions read by Mark and to Jisoo everything seems normal until she reads the comments. she reads comments such as:
“Mark really missed Jisoo huh.. 😭”
“God, you’d think Mark is in love”
Jisoo, confused, then looks up at Mark and sees him staring at her with this huge smile while his hand is behind her head, running his fingers through her hair.
“What? I’ve missed you Jisoo” and gives her the tightest squeeze he’s ever gave her since the day they graduated from dream.
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RENSOO! ੈ♡‧₊˚ :
Renjun was actually a student of Jisoo’s father when he taught Korean in China. Because of this, Renjun seemed to know a lot about Jisoo before meeting her and even had seen some of her pre debut photos that she didn’t even know existed.
After listening to a lot of kpop as a kid and even listening to the music of Jisoo’s group, he wanted to become an idol, and was advised to by Jisoo’s dad after talking to him.
Since then it became his mission to join the same company as her and be able to meet her at least once.
When Renjun first met Jisoo he was very nervous but the first thing he said to her was, “I hope we become good friends!” and since that day Jisoo knew he had a good spirit.
Not that the other boys are dumb, but sometimes they tend to lack common sense, but Renjun and Jisoo make up for it.
FOR EXAMPLE! When the dreamies went to the states together, they were challenged by the staff to navigate their way through the city by themselves, the other boys were upset because they weren’t sure how they were gonna do it but then Renjun and Jisoo looked at each other like “we have phones???? with maps????”
Everyone knows all the dreamies go crazy over Renjun, but Renjun tends to go crazy for Jisung and Jisoo.
“so pretty!!”
“one more shot! one more shot!”
are some of the things Jisoo’s personal photographer Renjun says.
Jisoo thanks him by taking him out to dinner later, don’t worry.
basically common sense besties but Renjun tends to drool over her sometimes…
Dreamzens favorite Rensoo Moment: Haunted House
“I’m not scared” Jisoo scoffs at the boys while turning around and hiding her scared face.
“Okay so go in there and protect me.. since you’re not scared.” Renjun grabs Jisoo so she’s looking right at him
“Heh.. okay.. sure!” Jisoo smiles and links arms with Renjun before walking into the haunted house.
Immediately they were met with some sort of zombie looking thing which makes Jisoo and Renjun jump and he hides behind her and his grip on hee grows tighter.
In her head Jisoo’s thinking they’ll be fine.. just as long as this haunted house has no clowns.
They’re met with a room of clowns and Jisoo basically jumps and makes Renjun go in front while Jisoo is now the one clinging onto him.
“Hey! Atleast now you can say you were my knight in shining armor” Jisoo shrugs.
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JENSOO! ੈ♡‧₊˚ :
Second out of the three protectors!
When Jisoo met Jeno she was slightly intimidated.. except when he wore his glasses, she thought he looked like a dork.
Jeno admitted that he loves cats and has three of his own at home, from then Jisoo was like hmmm maybe he’s not that bad??
It wasn’t until he revealed to Jisoo that he had three cats and was a cat lover while being allergic! What a sweetheart.
Although, it took that piece of information for him to get on Jisoo’s good side, Jisoo says that if she were to meet Jeno for the first time during Boom or Ridin Era, she would’ve most definitely been scared of him, but she loves how he looks intimidating on the outside, but is truly a softie on the inside.
Jisoo DESPISED working out as she never enjoyed doing it and she was horrible at being consistent.
Jeno was the person who was able to make working out fun for her due to his personality and good teaching ability.
Jeno and Jisoo are both known to be homebodies, and to help each other out with it, they randomly make plans to go out and spend some time outside.
Although, sometimes they wanna stay home and be alone so the plans never go through…
Dreamzens Favorite Jensoo Moment: Gym Vlog
“Hey czennies! Jeno and I are about to hit the gym because he wants to look better for the fans for the dream show 2, I’m just bored so i’m coming.”
Jisoo and Jeno went to the buildings private gym and they were greeted by other artists and staff.
Jisoo whispered to Jeno, “I hope I don’t embarrass myself..” and Jeno had to reassure her for a good 5 minutes as he knew that Jisoo found doing anything under the sun, embarrassing. (for some reason)
The vlog started with Jeno explaining his workout routine, and demonstrating all the things he does, after that he slowly guides Jisoo to do the same, then when she gets the hang of it, they do it together.
After an hour of working out, Jeno and Jisoo sit down and begin talking to the camera about their plans for the year.
During this Jisoo yawns and starts to sleep, slowly falling into Jeno’s lap.
Jeno looked down at her and smiled
“Looks like someone’s about to take a power nap. Czennies! Make sure to keep an eye on Jisoo while she’s asleep.”
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HYUCKSOO! ੈ♡‧₊˚ :
Her literal babygirl.
Also Her boyfriend. Unfortunately.
Kidding lol.
A protector, but more in a boyfriend way??? If that makes sense??
roommates (plus sung) as rookies
Haechan has always been in love with Jisoo, since the day they’ve met, but Jisoo didn’t start to notice her feelings for him until she realized how she started to feel empty without his presence after leaving dream.
After Jisoo left dream, Jisoo and Haechan made sure to hang out all the time, and when they couldn’t, they’d play games together or FaceTime for hours.
It took Jisoo awhile to sort out her feelings for him, but when Haechan and Jisoo planned to meet up after awhile because they both had back to back schedules and were both touring with their respective groups,
Jisoo felt this urge to dress up and put on what felt like all the makeup in the world just impress him. (which he felt impressed by her just breathing)
But it’s just Haechan..
The same Haechan who she grew up and trained with, the same dude who saw her fresh out of bed, hair all messed up and everything.
Oh she was in love.
That plus Chenle knew how she felt considering she’d always complain to the groupchat with him and jisung about how much she missed and wanted to see Haechan, so he was able to help her figure out that she was head over heels for this man.
Jisoo and Haechan confessed to each other in October of 2021, but Jisoo didn’t feel ready for a relationship so they didn’t go for it right away.
On January 23rd, 2022, Haechan sent her a message saying
“I need you.”
“Jisoo, just come to my dorm, I need you.”
Jisoo did what he said and Haechan immediately kissed her the second he saw her.
That day marks the day their relationship started!
Haechan was already clingy as it is, but as they started dating he became even worse. During glitch mode promotions, the members found out about their relationship and later the staff because of how obvious they were.
Haechan and Jisoo were nervous, but the staff just said that they should reveal their relationship, because its super evident at this point.
A funny thing about their relationship is that the fans of nct dream we’re so use to Haechan being clingy that they didn’t suspect a thing, they just thought he was acting the same way he did to Renjun.
So whenever anybody not a fan of dream would accuse them of being in a relationship, dreamzens were quick to shut them down.
Jisoo noticed these and felt bad so ultimately they made the decision to go public.
Haechan is a complete baby when he’s around her and he sometimes whines when he wants her attention, kind of weird but she puts up with it.
Haechan loves to give her back hugs, play with her hair, give her aegyo, stare at her, hear her voice, and the list goes on.
vice versa btw^^^
Dreamzens Favorite Hyucksoo Moment: 221113 Live
Jisoo and Haechan went on live for the first time, just the two of them, as a couple.
Jisoo and Haechan were at Jisoo’s apartment sitting on her bed while doing a live.
“Someone asked, Jisoo, can you give us some Haechan boyfriend secrets?”
Haechan looked at Jisoo and smiled
“Well are you gonna do it?” Haechan said
“Of course! gotta give the fans what they want.”
“Basically, before we debuted, we all had to share a dorm and the dorm had three rooms. Jisung and I shared a room with two beds, and when Chenle and Renjun joined, we decided to let them pick whichever room they wanted, Renjun wanted to be part of Mark, Haechan, and Jeno’s room so ultimately Haechan got kicked out and had to join Jisung and I. We had two beds and each night we’d take turns, so for example I would get the bed one night and then Jisung and Haechan would have to share the other bed. What I noticed about Haechan was that he slept with this long brown pillow and it would always be in the middle of us and he’d be hugging it all night. Once we started dating and he started spending almost every night here, he brought the brown pillow and I noticed that the brown pillow now sits at the top of my bed, and i’ve finally replaced it.” Jisoo then points to the brown pillow on the top of her bed, and Haechan quickly turns red and puts his head in her lap and sulks.
“you promised you wouldn’t tell anybody..”
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MINSOO! ੈ♡‧₊˚ :
definitely a special bond
The third protector but also her twin
After Chenle, Jaemin is the one to always make her laugh because he’ll sometimes randomly blurt things out or just does weird things
Jisoo truly believes Jaemin was written by a woman.. or atleast she knows that he was raised right by his parents.
When Jaemin first talked to Jisoo, he talked to her with this soft and calming voice and he said to her “We share the same birthday, year and everything!!”
Jisoo smiled at him and said “we kind of look alike too!” and that was the day they became unofficial siblings.
Although they saw each other as siblings, His existence was still new to Jisoo and as she grew up with a slightly mean older brother, she wanted to test him to see if he would be mean to her or anything.
Jisoo asked Jaemin if he wanted to hangout with her, maybe go out to the park or the stor-
“We can bake muffins together!”
Bake Muffins? Jisoo was definitely not used to the boys from the states wanting to bake muffins..
So they did, they baked muffins.
Jisoo gets Jaemin hooked onto the latest trends and also on things she likes.
“You should definitely try getting a facial and then a massage after that..”
Jisoo also got Jaemin hooked onto cats so he got some of his own!
When they were trainees he would always walk with her when they went out just on a walk or going to the store to make sure she’s okay
Jaemin acts as if they’re twins. like literally.
Jisoo is known for being good at games, or having luck so they call it, so whenever the group has to get into teams, Jaemin always tries to convince Jisoo to let him join her by bringing up their birthday.
“Hey! We should be together on the same team like we were when we spent 9 months together in the woom!”
Dreamzens Favorite Minsoo Moment: Almost getting robbed
Jaemin and Jisoo were walking around trying to find a place to eat, they decided to go on instagram live during their journey.
As they were walking Jisoo could feel someone lurking behind them and her first instinct was to let Jaemin know.
“Jaemin, I think someone’s following us.”
Jaemin immediately pushed Jisoo in front of him and opened his arms.
“Where, Where”
The robbers then approach them and ask them for all their money, they weren’t a huge threat as they were two middle aged men with no weapons.
Jisoo then steps in front of Jaemin and says “We don’t have any money for you.. but how about I sing for you and he’ll rap. We’re aspiring musicians..”
Jaemin is about to burst of laughter before being hit in the chest by Jisoo.
Jisoo starts singing the chorus Hello Future and then right after Jaemin starts his rap right before the bridge.
The robbers look amused and then pulled out 25,000 won.
“Take this. and welcome to the music industry!” They walked off right after giving them both a tap on the back.
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CHENSOO! ੈ♡‧₊˚ :
CRAZY when they’re together
Gossip sisters tbh
Chenle is the one member who literally can do anything and she’ll start laughing but not ever in a bad way.
But either way they’re both always laughing together and sending each other funny videos.
When Jisoo first met Chenle, she had recognized him because he was quite a star and he had a singing career in China.
It was easy for Jisoo to become friends with Chenle because he was talkative so she never had to worry about not having anything to talk about
She also had already became friends with the other 7 boys, so Chenle would be no problem.
On the first day they became friends She and Chenle had a 6 hour conversation.
Jisoo spoke to Chenle only in Chinese at first and during practice they sometimes speak in Chinese and laugh without letting any of the members know what they’re talking about.
Jisoo loves hanging out with Chenle and they tend to go over each others houses a lot.
Since Jisoo is an older sister to 3, she wants to protect Chenle (and Jisung) in the same way she does with her actual younger siblings.
Jisoo makes sure they eat and are happy and is always willing to do anything for them.
Simple things like letting them pick what they’re going to eat or where they wanna go.
Dreamzens Favorite Chensoo Moment: 220425 Live
Jisoo and Chenle were doing a random live while waiting for the rest of the members to arrive to their schedule.
“Yknow, last time we were here practicing, Jeno took off his shirt and when I saw his abs, I was like Wow!”
“Really? I don’t remember that” Jisoo says in reply to Chenle
“OH it happened alright, He has such nice biceps and I was feeling up on him and thinking to myself, it must be so nice to have his bo-“
Jisoo puts her hand over chenle’s mouth.
“Thats enough for this live, goodbye guys!!! Wave goodbye Chenle.”
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LOWKEY her soulmate
Special bond #2
A protector.. but on the down low
slightly moves her if she’s about to hit something, always makes sure she has a blanket to cover her legs, protects her image and gets nervous when she’s on stage if she has an outfit malfunction or just a malfunction in general, he always makes sure the staff is notified.
we ALL KNOW about how Jisoo and Jisung’s friendship came to be…
read here
and ever since they’ve became friends Jisoo has just wanted to be his protector and teach him things that he wasn’t able to learn since he debuted so young
She taught him how to do his laundry, how to PROPERLY wash fruits and veggies, how to take care of a pet, showed him some recipes, etc
Jisung feels inspired by Jisoo and he’s always looked up to her since she started her career.
At some point, she was the reason that he kept going.
Jisoo has a habit where when she’s embarrassed or shy she covers her mouth with her hand or she covers her face with her hands
Jisung somehow ended up developing that habit too
a cute thing that Jisung use to do when they were younger was hide inside of Jisoo’s jacket whenever he felt shy, he was able to do this because he was smaller than her, but now Jisung can’t fit in the jacket. Obviously.
Jisung and Jisoo spend hours talking to each other, just about life and how they’re doing. This started when they became roommates and both had trouble sleeping.
Jisoo is not afraid to admit that Jisung is her favorite member
Whenever they’re doing an interview, live, simple hang out, or wherever they are and Jisung can’t seem to stay still, Jisoo will tap his leg or will tell Jisung to calm down and stay still.
she SOMETIMES teases him about his deep voice and tries to recreate it like Chenle does but sometimes Jisung gets upset so she stops lol.
Jisoo use to talk about how she’s in love with Jisung and how he was her first love but she slowly stopped after getting into a relationship with Haechan.
Jisung hates skin ship but he’s okay with Jisoo’s since when they were young, Jisoo would hug him when he felt scared or anxious.
Dreamzens Favorite SooSung Moment: The Dating Show 210624
During the dreamies fake dating show, Jisoo messes around with Jisung by pretending he use to be her ex.
All of the members walk in one by one, introducing themselves and Jisoo is the last to arrive.
Jisoo Gasps. “WHAT? Nobody told me my ex boyfriend would be here??” and she points to Jisung.
“Me?” Jisung points to himself.
“Yes You! you probably stalked me and found out I was entering this show so you could win me back.”
Jisung chuckles while shaking his head
“You’re cute Jisoo.. but weird.”
Throughout the content, Jisung ends up playing along but as he does Jisoo begins to make him “jealous” by flirting with the other members.
In the end, Jisoo ends up picking Jisung as the one she wants, but Jisung betrays her by picking Jaemin.
“See Jisung this is why I broke up with you.”
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jaxxwrites4you · 1 year
Caretaker Swap AU - Red Son and Wukong
Red Son knew his familial setup was abnormal, even by demon standards. He knew that his ‘uncle’, Sun Wukong, had been the reason for his father’s absence, but his mother had agreed to the monkey demon staying to help with the young bull prince. He hadn’t understood at first, but there were simply things his mother couldn’t deal with all on her own and try to raise him at the same time. At least, that’s what he was told.
It had taken a long time for any of them to adjust to the new dynamic.
Iron Fan and Wukong never fought in front of him, but there were very clear lines that neither had stepped over with one another. And Red Son had been quite the pain in his uncle’s ass for nearly a decade. Eventually, the three of them settled into a routine and things calmed quite a bit. He spent the mornings with his mother, doing his academic studies and fine tuning his magical control. Afternoons were spent with Wukong, practicing his hand-to-hand and weapon handling, along with endurance training. Dinners were spent together and then the three all went their own ways.
His mother had once said she was surprised that the monkey demon had actually stuck around for so long, that she had expected him to weasel his way out of it somehow. He’d still been young when he’d overheard this, maybe the mortal equivalent of a sixteen year old, and he’d beelined for his uncle as soon as he was able to. The prince prided himself on not being a crybaby, but he hadn’t been able to stop himself. The moment he found his uncle, he had tackled Wukong and buried his face against the other demon’s chest, sobs shaking his shoulders.
His uncle had let him get it out and when Red Son had calmed, he had told his uncle that he didn’t want him to leave. The surprised look on Wukong’s face had been enough for the prince to admit what he had overheard his mother saying. He remembered what happened next so clearly.
‘I promise I’m not going anywhere, little buddy.’ Wukong said and for once there was nothing in the demon’s voice except for sincerity, ‘At first I was helping because I felt like I had to. Like I owed it to you both…’
He took a deep breath and reached out to ruffle Red Son’s hair, ‘Afraid you’ve grown on me too much, I’d never forgive myself if I left now. So you don’t need to worry about me going anywhere.’
Red Son had been relieved, but for the next few weeks he had still been on edge, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. It never came and Wukong stayed, just as he promised. 
It had been nearly five centuries at this point and the bull prince had been considered a mature demon for some time, but he still enjoyed the time spent with his mother and uncle. Currently he stood in his workshop, reworking the blueprints for his gauntlet, a device intended to be able to pick up his uncle’s staff. The idea had come to him a few decades back, but so far all previous iterations of the machine had been… subpar.
“Working on that again, huh?”
Red Son jumped slightly, his tail whipping back and forth nervously. He turned and gave his uncle an annoyed look, although it didn’t bother Wukong at all, he just arched an eyebrow and waited for an answer.
“Yes.” The prince said, leaning back against his work bench, “I think I know what went wrong last time and how to fix it. I can’t say there won’t be any unexpected complications again when we test it, but it’s a step closer.”
Wukong nodded, “Keep that attitude up and we’ll have your dad free in no time.”
There was a pause, not uncomfortable, but there was a sort of tension and Red Son decided he should ask the question that had been at the back of his mind.
“Why do you want to free him?” His voice was quiet and he couldn’t quite meet his uncle’s gaze, “I mean… you are the one who trapped him.”
“Yeah, I did.” Wukong sighed and he rubbed the back of his neck, “I never really wanted to, ya know. I might not have had the circlet on at that point, but I knew better than to tell the Jade Emperor to piss off.”
The monkey demon ran a hand down his face and gave his nephew a tired smile, the weight of all those years of life suddenly very apparent to the young prince. He knew that his uncle held a lot of regrets, but in this moment it became obvious that the whole incident with his father was definitely on that list.
“And I’m encouraging you to free him, but technically not doing anything myself.” He chuckled softly, “So, that keeps me from getting into trouble and I mean, they never said anything about having to keep him there.”
Wukong walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Besides, I think he’s been down there more than long enough.”
Red Son looked at the other demon for a moment and then wrapped his arms around his uncle, although the hug was a little awkward, as he’d long since outgrown the monkey demon. The sound of Wukong’s laughter made him relax though and the two separated, taking a moment before Red cleared his throat to speak.
“You’re a better man than my mother gives you credit for, uncle.” The prince said, smiling warmly, “I only hope my father can see that when the time comes.”
“Me too, little buddy.” Wukong said, “Me too.”
Mei and Nezha ficlet here ----> link
Spider Demons and Ming-Yue here ----> link
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scribblesofagoonerr · 3 months
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— no more money for monkey | buddy & monkey: double the trouble
once again this is based around an anon request for this specific one
thanks to @alotofpockets with her advice with this one!
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"Le! Le! I need it!" You do your best to beg and plead, trying to get the blonde to give in to letting you buy the cool new latest obsession that you had.
Remote control cars, but in this case it's now a remote control boat that you just have to have without any question.
Being in the local shopping center makes it seem like the perfect opportunity to do that.
At least you think it did.
"No, Monkey," The blonde dampens your excitement by being a complete buzz-kill.
"Leah, come on! You know it looks sick and I really need to get it!" You whine in protest, trying to get through to the blonde and make it known that this remote control boat is something that you desperately need.
If only it was ever that easy to do.
"You don't need the boat, Monkey," Leah's quick to reply and shake her head, before she continues to look
That's where you and her think differently about things.
"Well, no... But I want it!" Your insistent to get what you want, one way or another.
"Then I'm afraid it's tough luck until next month, Monkey," Leah chuckles and shakes her head, "I gave you your monthly allowance and you blew it just like that, remember?" She questions, amusedly.
You pout and slump your shoulders, "I... I didn't blow it all at once."
"Really?" Leah can't help but scoff and shake her head again, "I seem to recall different when the other day I said 'Here's your allowance for the month, don't blow it all at once' and after the first day, what is it that you said?" The blonde questions you, awaiting the answer.
"Your really gonna make me repeat it?" You question, letting out a huff in annoyance.
Leah smirks and nods, "Yep."
Exhaling a sigh, you scowl at the blonde before you speak, "I blew it all, I'm broke as fuck." You repeat your words in a dull-toned down voice, "But this boat is justified!" You whine.
"And there's your answer to why you have an allowance when you go off and buy pointless things that aren't necessary," Leah mocks you as she pats you on your chin and smiles amusedly, "You get obsessed with it for a week or two and then it's just left aside like usual. Need I remind you of Buddy's first birthday as well, hm?" She asks.
"It weren't that bad. I think it's a bit of an over exaggeration there," You remark grumpily while you keep your shoulders slouched.
"That's where you and I think different, sunshine," Leah states, laughing a bit as she starts to walk off ahead of you in the shopping center you're in.
Of course you remember Buddy's first birthday, that's where it all started.
You just don't think it is that bad, considering you have no concept of money whatsoever these days but unfortunately for you, the blonde defender that you live with seems to think about this practically.
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"Le! Le!" You shouted aloud as you did your best to lug a heavy load of shopping bags into the house, "I... I need a hand out here!" You called out to get her attention.
You and Jordan had taken a trip into the local shopping center just a few weeks before Buddy's first birthday, meanwhile Leah was at home with Buddy and of course you took the opportunity to get carried away. 
You definitely did want to spoil her a lot!
Leah and Jordan had separated, but of course they were still on civil terms for the sake of Buddy, and you guess yourself to some extent - You still got a long with Jordan, after all you played on the same team as her and of course she was a big part of your life when you first made the move to the club.
"Le! Come 'ere quick, I need help! They're so heavy!" Your were quick enough to shout the blonde for help, not even considering that Buddy could be taking a nap and there was possibility of waking her up...
Footsteps were heard padding through as she walked into the hallway and the blonde looked annoyed, "Will you keep your voice down? Buddy's not long gone to sleep," Its' only then she takes one look at the heavy bags and her eyes widen in absolute disbelief, "What the-- Crikey, Monkey. What the hell have you been buying?" She questioned.
It didn't seem like a lot to you, you just kept on picking things up and well, of course Jordan was pretty easy to convince that you did indeed to buy all of it.
"It's presents for Buddy's birthday!" You exclaimed with a beaming wide smile, "I got so many cool things for her!"
"Yeah, yeah, I can see that," Leah furrowed her eyebrows in concern as she moved to help you bring in the rest of the bags as she saw Jordan walk up to the front door now she'd parked the car on the driveway, "Why an earth did you let her get so much?" She questioned, bewildered.
"Eh, I guess the kid got carried away," Jordan chuckled, shrugging her shoulders and not seen the problem behind it, "You know she gets me right away with those puppy dog eyes, Leah. I couldn't say no to her!" She insisted.
"Jord, your the adult here! You could have put your foot down," Leah huffed and shook her head with her ex before she started to help bring in the rest of the bags that were blocking the front door, "Please tell me that this is all of it?" She questioned looking at you.
"Eh, kind off... Well, uh no, there's still quite a bit in the car boot," You admitted quietly, scratching the back of your neck, "But its' all totally justified though!" You added in.
The blonde didn't seem to think about it like that as she clicked her tongue in disapproval, "Tell me you haven't spent all of your money on this?" She asked.
"No, no, not all of it, but like most of it. I got carried away!" You still didn't see the problem with your spending habits, "Wait until you see what I got her!"
"Do I even want to know how much you've spent?" Leah questioned wearily, having a feeling it was a lot either way.
"It weren't even that much," You respond, shrugging your shoulders.
Like you said, you didn't really care about the concept of money much sometimes.
"How much?" Leah repeated, sternly.
"Fine, alright," You slumped your shoulders and resisted the urge to roll your eyes, "It was maybe just a little over £300... Possibly more."
The only way you can really explain the look on the blondes' face is like her eyes were about to come out of the sockets if they could, "£300? Are you joking?!" She asked in disbelief.
You sheepishly nodded and stuck your hands in your jean pockets, "Could be more." You stated.
"Monkey, that is a lot of money to spend on a 1 year old!" Leah told you, shaking her head as she started to take a look through the bags before she looked at Jordan, "Seriously, Jord? You let her spend this much money!"
"It's her money, Le. She can do what she likes with it," Jordan remarked, shrugging her shoulders again, "I'll go and grab the rest of it out of the boot." She made a quick escape back out of the front door to avoid any further words from the blonde.
"See, exactly! It's not every day that my favourite little buddy turns 1 now, is it?" You replied, making the reason for your spending seem justified.
On the other hand, the blonde didn't seem so convinced, "She won't even play with half of this-- This lego set is not even for her!" She exclaimed.
"Oh yeah! No, that one is for me," You beamed a wide smile as you took the box of out the bag, "Look how cool it is though!" You insisted.
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"Le, whoa, look!" You were quick to run ahead of Leah, Buddy and Leah's mum in another shopping center a few days later when your quick to spot the exact same pair of trainers in your favourite little buddy's size that replicated your own ones, "They've got the same shoes that I have for Buddy!"
You didn't think that you'd spent nearly enough money like you should have done, but this reason to spend it is at least justified and you loved to spend money.
"Awh, yeah. So they do!" Leah smiled fondly at you in agreement.
"They look adorable," Leahs' mum, Amanda chimed in.
"I just have to get her a pair to match!" Your insistent to want to go into the shop and buy them, much to the disagreement of the blonde who doesn't look entirely convinced about that.
"Don't you think you've already spent enough on her?" Leah questioned knowingly.
"It's her first birthday though, Le!" You were quick to insist, having found that using that excuse had seemed to work wonders the last time.
"No," Leah clicked her tongue in disapproval and shook her head, "Stop using that as an excuse-- I'm not going to give into the puppy dog eyes either, you know I don't fall for them!" She stated, firmly.
Huffing and puffing at the blondes' words, you still tried to convince her otherwise, "Come on, you know they'd look adorable!"
"No, Monkey. You've already spent enough on her! No more!" Leah stood firm on her words, taking a hold of your upper bicep and doing her best to pull you away from the shop, "Come on, we've got other things to buy still."
You didn't agree with that, you didn't see the problem with spending so much on things. What was the harm?
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"Please for the love of god, tell me that is not another present you have brought," Leah murmured as she watched you excitedly run back out of the toy shop with a massive bag in tow, that you had disappeared into less than half an hour ago.
"Okay then, it's not another present for Buddy," You parroted the answer as you shyly hid the plastic carrier bag behind your back.
What's the worst that can happen?
"I tried to stop her," Leah's mum, Amanda, stated following you out of the shop, "But you know what she is like sometimes." She joked.
"This is totally justified!" It's your go to excuse, but at least it worked or at least you think it did.
"Are you kidding me right now, Monkey?" Leah asked in absolute disbelief, shaking her head in frustration, "I've already told you that she doesn't need anything else-- Shes' only 1, remember!"
"But Le," You began to tell her.
Leah continued to look at you further annoyed, "I swear if your about to use that excuse one more time-- That's it, I'm confiscating your bank card. I'm cutting you off!" She stated, firmly.
Now it was your turn to look at her in disbelief, "But it's my money though!"
"Yes, but are you spending it wisely? Nope!" Leah snorted in amusement, "Therefor I am taking control of it until you're capable of handling your money better!" She told you in determination.
"That... That's not fair!" You whined in protest.
"Really? Cos' I think it is when you've blown most of your wages on things that aren't necessary!" Leah told you firmly before she held her hand out to you, "Hand it over, please."
"No, I don't like this idea!" Your defiant to agree to willingly give your bank card to Leah, "I'm not giving you my bank card. It's my money!" You objected.
"It is your money but Monkey you're just wasting it when you don't need too," Leah stated, explaining her reasoning for it, "Hand it over." She repeated, firmly.
Still continuing to look at her in disbelief, you fished around in your trouser pocket and begrudgingly handed your bank card to the blonde who wasted no time in putting it in her own purse, "I don't like this."
"You'll get used to it," Leah responded, patting you on the shoulder in condescending type of way.
This only made you scowl at her more, "When can I have it back?" You wondered, curiously.
"I told you, when you can learn to handle money better, but until you do, your bank card is staying with me and you can have an allowance," Leah stated with a proud smirk on her face, "Think of this as a good thing that you will be able to have savings now!" She joked at your own expense.
Spoiler alert, you still have no sense of money whatsoever and therefore, Leah still holds her bank card hostage years later.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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mindyabusines · 1 year
am I the only one thinking the Ravi/Buck Friends With Benefits to Buddie pipeline should get some fic use??
I mean for example, Buck and Ravi hook up after going out for drinks together. They see each other at the shift switch over the next day and Hen takes one look at them and immediately Knows™️
The firehouse explodes. Everyone has questions. Bobby is yelling about HR forms. Eddie is absolutely SEETHING with jealousy. Buck is chilling though. Responding to the questions and the yelling totally relaxed and informs Bobby that as long as they’re not on the same shift and run everything through HR, they aren’t breaking any rules. Ravi is a ball of anxiety, terrified Eddie is gonna jump across the table and choke him out.
In my mind, this goes on for months. Ravi and Buck hook up at least once a week, they’re both happy with the arrangement and their friendship outside of it.
Eddie is losing his absolute mind. Of course this ends with Buddie getting together before Eddie’s head explodes from jealousy, but Buck and Ravi definitely have their moment in the sun.
thoughts are being thunk 😇
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cheolhub · 11 months
hey hey heyy!! i have a question about your first impressions of your moots and anons?
i did a few of my mutuals and my active anons 🥹
@ncteez was literally going to pee myself when she followed me. the first time we talked, we were doing a pc trade and i was lit RALLY so fucking terrified of her but now i love her and i miss her and she makes me feel better when i have an issue with anything. my hon <3
@rubyreduji i rmbr one of our first convos was months after we became mutuals— i was really drunk at a party and i told him everything that was happening. he’s the only person im not terrified to talk to because i alrdy know he hates me 🤗. fun fact: jj has seen me in my truest form bc he follows my finsta (everyone keep him in ur thoughts)
@agustdiv1ne ashlee, aur my god. my first thought abt tumblr user agustdiv1ne was ‘wow, this theme is so cute’ and my second thought was ‘wow, ashlee is so kind and chill and i think i would like her to be my best friend’ and now i hit her up at least once a week on some bullshit and i make her pick my next read or i tell her abt this bitch that owes me $500 <3 she understands me bc we were cut from the same cloth
@etherealyoungk i thought skye’s account was so cute 🥹🥹 omfg i remember the first time we interacted was on our birthday (april 30th, nobody forget) and ever since then she’ll come into my inbox and check in on me and it’s so endearing and makes my whole day. i also love hearing abt how she’s doing T-T NOW me and skye are lowkey bffls. we just buddy read a book together and it was saurrrr much fun, i love her sm 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
@majestyjun MILLIE WAS ONE OF MY FIRST TXT MOOTS. i love her so much omfg, i’ve always thought she was the coolest ever like 😵‍💫😵‍💫 i am kinda just her fan at this point like it’s so embarrassing. i get all blushy when she replies to my asks
@hwanghyunjinenthusiast i was kinda intimidated bc rj uses punctuation (which is literally fine and normal) and i thought she was mad every time i’d be in her ask box. now i think shes the funniest person alive and she’s my favorite person to annoy the shit out of.
@heesbaby MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF CINNA WAS THAT SHE WAS THE SWEETEST ANGEL EVER. i still think this by the way. i will literally get on one knee and propose and love her forever /srs.
@gyuswhore i think i thought em was really nice and quiet and i was so wrong. em is so fucking funny and unhinged in the best way possible. she’s probably the only person that will call me a bitch and an irresponsible spender (she’s never wrong)
@toruro my first thought of mika was adorable and i thought she was a really great writer. literally have her manhandling with chan tattooed on my brain. she is so nice to me and our brief biweekly interactions are very endearing to me <3
@homerunhansol J MY WORLD, i think ive always thought she was an angel in disguise and she’s ALWAYS been someone i want to be happy forever and ever and ever. i also think i thought her love for vernon was so cute bc i dont come across dolly’s very often and it’s just so endearing when i do bcos they are literally a gift from the gods. i love j ⭐️
@sunnylovespickles i thought sunny was so cute actually. i remember our first conversation and she was making me so nervous liejwheheb so cute and sweet like i’ll never get over the way she flattered me. (how to get to my heart: validate me the way sunny did)
@taekurai MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF MAX IS SO FRESH BC WE JUST BECAME MOOTS BUT OFNSHSBE I AM MADLY IN LOVE WITH HER? love at first sight seriously. i thought she was so kind and i love the pink on her theme and i just love her sm fr.
🪴 dead plant nonnie T-T ive always been obsessed w them. they told me they liked my desk set up and ive been whipped ever since. no but fr, getting an ask from dead plant nonnie is the highlight of my day. they are someone i feel like i’d be really good friends with irl 🫂 dare i say bffs
🍀 lucky charm nonnie!!! i genuinely think they are my lucky charm bcos every time i’d get an ask from them, i’d literally get a boost of serotonin and my day would significantly improve :,( i love and miss them dearly and i will kill for them. (and make them tea whenever they lose their voice in rehearsal)
🛼 roller blade nonnie <333 I THOUGHT THEY WERE SO FUNNY (i still think theyre hilarious ofc) but they reminded me a lot of myself and i felt like every time i received an ask from them, id laugh to myself and be like “this is some shit i’d say” 😭 i enjoy they’re book reviews and im waiting for them to send an ask so i can talk about acotar with them 🤗 (cough cough, come home nonnie im on book three cough cough)
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First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie)
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
FANON Future Buddie Fanfic Series
New Buddie Fanfic
Part 15 - Chapter 1 is now available on AO3: First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie) - Eddie’s been a father for almost 14 years and Buck’s been a legal guardian to the same child for 5 years. However, after a court hearing, Buck will become a father to their first child and the title of legal guardian will be given to someone else. Also, one year and three months later, Buck and Eddie will welcome their first baby into the world.
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First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie)
Currently 16.5K Words and 1 of 4 Chapters; Rated: Mature
Chapters will be posted one at a time over the next several days.
Here's a snippet from one of Buck's and Eddie's conversations.
“Before we left for our honeymoon, we talked about looking into the surrogacy process and we said we’d revisit it once we got home.”
Buck nods his head in response. “You’re right, we did and I’m still excited about it but uh… since I kept talking about the process while we were on our honeymoon, I figured I would wait until we came home to bring it up again and I’d planned to delay it until at least tomorrow. It’s definitely something we should discuss so that we’ll have some type of timeline to go by.”
“I agree and we should discuss the adoption process too. We have a lot of decisions to make regarding the timing of both and we’ll need to consider when we want to start them. Therefore, my question is… where should we begin?”
“Hmm. When we were in Rome, you said you spoke with your attorney about the adoption process, right?”
“I did and she suggested we schedule a meeting with her after the New Year’s holiday. Since we have a 48-hour shift this week that starts at 8AM Wednesday and won’t end until 8AM Friday, I was thinking we could schedule an appointment for early next week. What do you think?”
“I like that idea and if you’re up for it… we can discuss the surrogacy now too.”
Will Eddie and Buck complete the adoption first or start with the surrogacy? 🤷🏽‍♀️
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First Love Confession -Buck and Eddie share their first real and meaningful love confession.
First Date - Buck and Eddie go on their first date.
First Kiss - Buck and Eddie share their first kiss.
First Argument - Buck and Eddie have their first argument.
First Couples Therapy Session- Buck and Eddie go to their first couples therapy sessions.
First Time - Eddie and Buck make love for the first-time.
First Morning After - The night after Buck and Eddie make love for the first-time, they spend their first morning after together.
First Relationship Reveal - Buck and Eddie’s first relationship reveal.
First Mourning - Buck and Eddie experience their first mourning after a loss together.
First Marriage Proposal - Eddie and Buck’s first marriage proposal.
First Fiancé Introductions - Buck and Eddie’s first introductions as fiancés.
First Wedding Planning & Preparation - Buck and Eddie’s first planning and preparation for their wedding and honeymoon.
First Civil Marriage Ceremony - Buck and Eddie’s first civil marriage ceremony.
First Honeymoon - Buck and Eddie’s first honeymoon.
First Child (Buck) & First Baby (Buck and Eddie) - Eddie’s been a father for almost 14 years and Buck’s been a legal guardian to the same child for 5 years. However, after a court hearing, Buck will become a father to their first child and the title of legal guardian will be given to someone else. Also, one year and three months later, Buck and Eddie will welcome their first baby into the world.
Their Firsts, At Last - 200K Words; Currently 14 completed works and 1 in progress: A multi-part fanfic series about the romantic “firsts” Buck and Eddie share as they journey through life in an established relationship and their lives as a couple will include some of Buck’s individual “firsts” too. It’s filled with the FANON love, romance, fluff and domesticity their relationship should have been allowed to experience in CANON. The second part of the series title was adapted from the song “At Last” by Etta James.
This series of FANON future speculation fanfics is being written on a continuous timeline that begins with the start of season 7 (if it were to start in September 2023). Each part ends at a specific point in Buck and Eddie’s relationship so the next part can begin with the ending of the previous part. Therefore, parts 1-6 should be read prior to reading part 7 and the series will continue in that manner until it’s complete.
Parts 1 - 15 are available on AO3
Part 15 has 4 chapters but they will be posted one at a time.
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