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Feel free to send stuff in the Ask inbox to get the ball rolling! I'll probably post another section in the story before I start answering tho
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pwoxby-blog · 4 months
Bulgaria relief map showing the passenger rail network
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The United Humanist Coalition has certified that this image is AI free.
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dooblebugss · 16 days
being inspired by dungeon meshi to think about bugs is valid because thinking about fictional food is always fun.
like i always thought it was vaguely funny that Bugarians don't eat meat, but there is also a decently large population of living plants. like, is their herbivorism a moral, cultural, or biological thing? like is zasp aware that he's a carnivore, for example, because wasp?
would Bugarians eat mosscreeps? would they be ok with it if they did not know that mosscreeps are like, little animals?
are seedlings and their like partially bugs or are they more like ambulatory plants?
and then theres the Hallownest folks, who seem to have little qualms about eating even sentient bugs- altho sometimes I wonder if that little "cannibalism" thing is a little overstated since a.) the hunter's journal may not be the best representation of Hallownest atittudes about sentient bug consumption, and b.) the dire situation of the City of Tears during the infection might have lead them to drastic measures.
then again, Willoh considered eating Ghost (and the corpse above her alcove was afraid of being eaten too), Deepnest absolutely eats basically any bug they kill, sentient or not, I doubt the Mantis tribes would have any problem eating sentients either... the leaf and mushroom tribes wouldn't even consider it canniablism cuz they're not made of meat, etc.
I just love the vibes that Hallownest bugs, while sentient, are still closer to an insect's mindset than ours. with how much of their roads, homes, and equipment are made of old dead bugs or bug parts, it certainly isn't a stretch to imagine they eat their dead, too. Why not? then again they do have graveyards. hm.
anyway sorry for the long post. i love the implications of fictional races and their food culture. I have similar thoughts about pokemon consumption.
I also believe its a matter of circumstance; Bugaria has a surplus of food so massive that they literally use it as currency. They have farms and livestock and a sort of economy. They can afford to be picky.
Hallownest is all about survival. There are no farms, no livestock. There's only plants you can gather and prey you must kill. Until Ghost stopped the infection, you were on your own, so to speak.
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g0at0ad · 11 months
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act 1
act 2
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tangleslime2 · 27 days
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Omelette propaganda for the bug OC tournament! Sweetheart you are going to die
(The roach's name is Mira by the way)
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real-live-human · 1 year
What is bug fables
give me back my Fucking icon
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flame-shadow · 10 months
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Bugaria Pier Bug Fables NPC Collab [6/23]
Background - @flame-shadow Editor - @flame-shadow
Character Credits Ship Captain - @flame-shadow Blue Sailor - @trapitorag Eyepatch Sailor - @flame-shadow Cook - @motheatencrow Cook Assistant - lamverykarpy Div - @lemmykirby Red Ant Diver - @lemmykirby
[click here to see the entire collection]
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padingo · 8 months
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"A vampire? No, I just decided on this because it looks fancy."
drew @jayjar100's silly spooky kabbu design feat. the rest of the welcome to bugaria gang you should check out his story :]
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abombihoney · 1 year
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world's saddest little thing
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donein30minutes · 10 months
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Bugust Challenge Day 12: Putting on a Show 8.12.23
Done in 30 minutes
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cordycepsbian · 9 months
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guy who really needed a design finally got one
this is bernie, he used to be a drone in the bee kingdom. now he just has magic radiation poisoning and several injuries he has no idea how to properly take care of
he's also vi's dad, although they never met each other (except in funny monster au that becomes not as funny when you look at vi's life)
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malwarechips · 1 year
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HI NEW OC. this is Helix theyre a fire ant who's like unhealthily obsessed with the concept of ant mills and thinks they're the secret to everything. they're very very inspired by spiral of ants by lemon demon gwhehehe (as you can tell by the fact that the lyrics are literally on his ref)
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mantisgodsdomain · 4 months
Hello we are still alive despite it all. We have spent time on Bug Geopolitics. Eventually we'll release them but for now we just want you to know that currently in notes we have phrases like "The Age of Deception, also known as That One Time The Wasps, Roaches, And Termites Competed To Invent The Most Creative War Crime" and "everyone assumes that the leafbugs are a wasp scheme. the leafbugs would be personally offended by this if they spoke bugnish but it would take several more years before this would be translated to them" and also of course "no one wants to try and take the swamp because it sucks and the people already living there probably hate you"
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anomaly-beans · 5 months
Thinking to myself: "since I'm rewatching a playthrough of bug fables again I should try drawing some bug ocs in that style. What about my weev-"
Interrupted by the sudden remembering that there are no weevil npcs and they only show up as wild enemies: "Okay... maybe not her then..."
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
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So in your Team Snakerverse au,
How communist is vi?
Is vi like a full on communist or a socialist, or even a democratic socialist, who wants to set up a method of democracy with socialist principles.
All my joking about TS!Vi being a communist revolutionary aside, communism and socialism as we understand them don't exist under the isopteran system of ideological classification, so none of those options really apply to her. TS!Vi's views are kind of an ideological grab-bag, in that she knows something needs to change in a major way, but... doesn't really know what she thinks the best way to get there is? She's toyed with antennalism (bureaucratic technocracy with a focus on massive levels of information-gathering), cephalicism (rhetorically vigilance-centered adhocracy, frequently associated with spiritualism), and thoracicism (vaguely defined, but usually boils down to decentralized egalitarianism) in the past, but she has issues with aspects of all three ideologies, not helped by the fact that the vast majority of her attempts to research them only turned up Podomerintern-approved resources that present the ideologies through a biased pro-podomeralism lens. It also doesn't help that the isopteran system was intentionally constructed to make ideologically "thinking outside the box" difficult, and just because TS!Vi's smart enough to have eventually figured this out doesn't mean she's unlearned everything, y'know?
The only thing Vi's consistently sure of is that she hates the Podomerintern and wants to end Termite imperialism, both in the Bee Kingdom and throughout Bugaria, it's just that she doesn't really know how she's going to get there yet. Remember, the core idea that the Team Snakereverse AU was built around is reversing the "starting positions" of Vi, Kabbu, and Leif: unlike canon Vi, TS!Vi was never really teased or doubted at home and didn't have to kitbash being a functioning independent person, but she lacks canon Vi's certainty of what she wants to do with her life and has trouble figuring out what lens she wants to see the world through. For TS!Vi, joining the Explorer's Association isn't the whole reason she left home, but rather a means to an end that'll allow her to subtly search Bugaria for bugs like her in hopes that they'll help her figure out what to do to bring down the Termite Kingdom's imperialism (the fact that being a licensed explorer means this'll all be on the Podomerintern's dime is just a bonus). TS!Vi's still recognizable as a Vi, don't get me wrong, and she does act very similarly to her canon counterpart, but her issues, her goals, and her underlying motives are quite different.
I think I got off topic there, whoops. To return to the question: TS!Vi's grab-bag of political views are close enough to what we'd call "socialism" or "communism," but those terms don't exist in the Team Snakereverse AU, so TS!Vi wouldn't identify herself as either; if you asked her what ideology she supports, her immediate response would probably be something along the lines of "ugh, what are you, a cop?" (Incidentally, this is also what she would say if you were to ask her about her gender.) She's more politically literate than canon Vi, but the deep subtle intricacies of government and governance bore her and she absolutely cannot stand people who spend more time debating ideological minutiae than actually, y'know, doing things in real life. Democracy-wise, TS!Vi's the specific kind of leftist who'd automatically agree that yeah, of course representative democracy is the best way to do things, duh, but the moment someone disagrees with her politics in a way that pushes her buttons she briefly blacks out from anger as she tries not to transform into a totalitarian despot on the spot- she supports electoralism, but only when people don't vote for something/someone stupid.
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