#when we release this it will be in “general overview” format with No Particular Details
mantisgodsdomain · 7 months
Hello we are still alive despite it all. We have spent time on Bug Geopolitics. Eventually we'll release them but for now we just want you to know that currently in notes we have phrases like "The Age of Deception, also known as That One Time The Wasps, Roaches, And Termites Competed To Invent The Most Creative War Crime" and "everyone assumes that the leafbugs are a wasp scheme. the leafbugs would be personally offended by this if they spoke bugnish but it would take several more years before this would be translated to them" and also of course "no one wants to try and take the swamp because it sucks and the people already living there probably hate you"
10 notes · View notes
duckprintspress · 2 years
How to Navigate the Duck Prints Press Trello
Did you know we use a Trello for task management and it is completely transparent and publicly accessible?
Well, now you know!
The Duck Prints Press Trello is here.
When we first released it, we got an ask about how to use it; below is a Trello tutorial for those unfamiliar with how to use it, focused specifically on our boards and how they're organized!
While we're still hammering out the details on how best to organize the Trello for utility both for us as we organize things and to the public - in particular, I'll need to tweak how it's set up if we're going to effectively use the built-in calendar functionality - here's how it's set up now.
Note: all screen caps were taken on September 17th, 2022, and do not reflect the exact current organization or the current project status of the items shown in the captures.
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The highest level of organization on a Trello Board is the lists. We've currently got a whole bunch of different lists.
At a Glance: this is the "overview" lists. It includes all of our current projects, and all of our regular/general management. Those are organized on Cards - more on that next.
Task Implementation Check Lists: we were having trouble sometimes remembering everything that needed to be done for certain "big" tasks we do regularly (such as publishing a story on our website) so we've begun to create guide lists to help us remember every process step that needs to be done. This also helps as we grow and more tasks are delegated.
Merchandise: lists all the merchandise we've currently got in production/in process, and what their current status is. (it does NOT include merch produced for past campaigns/activities)
After those two, we have a whole bunch of lists that all serve the same function: they indicate what stage of editing we've completed for each of a number of stories we're currently working on.
Developmental - Writing in Progress: first draft isn't done
Developmental - Draft Completed: first draft is done, waiting for an editor
Concept Editing - First Pass Completed: a concept-edit run has been returned to the author and is pending their review
Concept Editing - Second Pass Completed: a second concept-edit run has been returned to the author and is pending their review.
Copy - First Edits Completed: a SPAG edit run has been returned to the author and is pending their review.
Copy - Second Pass Completed: a second SPAG edit run has been returned to the author and is pending their review.
Copy - Final Edits Completed: a final/clean-up SPAG edit run has been returned to the author and is pending their review.
Final Edits Approved, Contract Sent and Pending Signature: the author has approved the final edit run and has been sent their contract.
Story Completed, Contract Signed, Author Paid, Preliminary Formatting Done: what it says on the tin
Typesetting - First Pass: the typesetter has done the first run on formatting the story for print.
Typesetting Completed: what it says on the tin.
Not every story needs every one of these steps, and sometimes stories need more concept or SPAG runs than this, but we thought this division reflected the process stories go through most often. All task cards feature the author's chosen pen name and the current working title of the story, if it has one.
Completed Project Lists: the next lists feature information on our completed projects, and can function as a (difficult to navigate and poorly organized but existent!) list of what's available in our shop. It's divided into four categories, reflecting the four places where our projects usually "end up" when they're completed. (A fifth end point is "in an anthology," and then that anthology, rather than the individual title, will be on this list when it's completed).
Main Imprint: Available For Purchase on Our Website - stories published under the Duck Prints Press imprint that are currently listed in our webstore.
Erotica Imprint: Available For Purchase on Our Website - stories published under the Duxxx Prints Press imprint that are currently listed in our webstore.
Merchandise for Sale on Our Website - what it says on the tin. :D
Monthly Backer Reward Stories - completed stories that have been posted for our Patreon and ko-fi backers.
Long-Term Ideas, Lists, Information We May Need Someday: the last of our lists is what it says on the tin. We keep track of ideas for future anthologies, potential merch, things we've thought of and gone "we can't do that now but maybe someday..." etc., and we just toss it all there so that the ideas don't get lost.
Every List is composed of Cards. Each Card reflects one category of "thing that needs to be done." There are a lot of ways to actually set up lists and cards (and we may change ours in the future) but currently, we've chosen the following approach:
Cards for all our main projects/overarching "areas" in which we're working. These are on the At a Glance List.
Cards for all currently in-progress Merchandise, on the Merchandise list.
Cards for all stories we have in-progress at the moment, on the appropriate Lists for their current status.
Cards for some over-arching categories of "things for not now," on the Long-Term Ideas list.
All the Cards on At a Glance have the same basic structure. If you click on the Card, you'll be able to see sub-tasks/checklists related to the items on that list. For example, here's the Recurring Tasks Card:
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This is one of the most complex of the Cards, as it includes all the activities we engage in daily, weekly, monthly, and annually to keep the business running smoothly. Other "management" related Cards on this list include two related to our weekly management meetings and monthly all-server meetings, and the General Task Card, which lists a whole slew of background activities that we've been working on and/or intend to do (divided into separate checklists for each category, cause there are just so many).
Then, below the the general Cards the cards for specific projects. Here's the one for He Bears the Cape of Stars and She Wears the Midnight Crown.
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This, and the other specific project Cards, list all the tasks we currently know of/have thought of that need to be done for the given project. The checklists give a quick idea of what the task is, and indicates the current status of that task. A few also have dates attached to them, though not most cause we don't tend to treat deadlines as that "hard" internally - we prefer to maintain flexibility considering how many people are involved in these projects and how complex all our lives are and how the world just, ya know, is right now.
As we complete tasks, we move them into the Comments section at the bottom of the Card. Because we only recently implemented this public system (previously, we worked from a private Trello that looked a lot like this but was just a bit messier and not designed to be viewed by outsiders, like, we used a lot of shorthand, that kind of thing) it doesn't include tasks completed before we implemented this system, but we've been doing our best to keep on top of it since we opened the public Trello. For example, here's the completed tasks for our upcoming anthology that we expect to open recruitment for on October 1st:
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So, I think that's the basic?
If there's something more specific that anyone trying to use the Trello is finding confusing, I'm happy to expand this tutorial - I tend to figure that if one person has a question and actually tells me they have a question, there are at least a half-dozen other people who had the same question and decided for whatever reason not to ask. We're committed to transparency, and the Trello is one of the biggest facets of that, so ensuring it's navigable for newcomers is really important to us. It's hard to create a public-facing system that maintains a certain degree of confidentiality and still serves our needs for managing the business, and also just - we've got a lot going on basically all the time (and more and more as we grow), so there's a lot that has to go on there, which means by necessity it's complicated. I do worry that if it's really complex, it'll serve to create obscurity instead of transparency, but...well, we're doing our best, and we'll keep doing our best, and we hope that when questions/issues/concerns/delays/etc. do arise, people will continue to be as patient with us as they have been! <3
Want to know more?
You can see our up-to-date (and used daily!) Trello here.
You can learn more about the Press in general, where we started, and where we're going, here.
All our completed projects are available in our webstore.
Anyone who wants more information about "behind the scenes," your best bet is to back us on Patreon or ko-fi - that's where we post all the juicy details as we work every day to bring more amazing stories to y'all!
15 notes · View notes
theonyxpath · 4 years
Here we are in almost the last week of the Deluxe M20 Technocracy Reloaded Kickstarter, and like all KSs, we’re at that time where pledges start to slow. So we’re thinking about this KS, and our previous ones, and the roster that’s coming up.
What works, what doesn’t, and what just makes us wonder. Like, should we continue to portion out sections of the complete text during the KS, so at the end backers have pretty much the text as it’s going to be before being formatted during layout. (Which makes it a lot easier to read in most cases!)
We like that model, as it shows prospective backers just what they’re getting so situations where folks expected one set of information but got something else don’t occur any longer. And it shows that the text being finished won’t be a factor in the final project delivery to KS backers.
Those are two pretty good things, in our estimation!
But, does that kill the fun for folks? Like, is there value in being, well, surprised by your new book when it arrives? So far, we’ve been betting that the surety of information is more important to more backers than those who might miss a surprise, but we could be wrong.
Similarly, if we say this is the text and if you don’t like it then you can drop your pledge before we finish, we see that as a valuable option for backers. We want folks who back to enjoy the Kickstarter and the material we’re releasing. We hope they enjoy the chance to help create one of these books by backing, or going further and taking one of those fancy, upper-tier rewards that let them add characters or be part of the art.
Lunars art by Gunship Revolution
Yet, we can only hope we’re pleasing folks as it is often hard to tell if our methods are not delivering our intention since the vast majority of backers don’t interact with KSs Comments section. Whether because of a general, well-earned, fear of Comments sections throughout the internet, or of KS Comments specifically, my impression from talking to backers is that they don’t need the stress.
Who can blame them? It’s why I always try and suggest other ways for folks to communicate with us – even here, I’ll suggest adding to the Comments for this blog, but whenever I do I also get direct emails. And they usually start off with a variant of: “Hope you don’t mind my contacting you this way, but I didn’t want to get involved with any drama in the Comments.”
Like I said, we tend to think a lot about how we do things, and particularly Kickstarters since they are one of our most public display of our processes.
In some states, public display of your processes can get you arrested!
To get back to the M20 Technocracy Reloaded KS, here’s some links to fun and informative programming that will be reposted in the Onyx Path Media section below:
Tune in to hear words of wisdom from the Technocratic Union live on Twitch, Tuesday, May 19th at 9 PM EDT on the Onyx Path Publishing Twitch Channel. twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Plus, Red Moon Roleplaying continue their actual play of Technocracy Reloaded right here: https://youtu.be/RtdW0znt7GU Please give them your support!
And also, Travis Legge’s M20 Technocracy Reloaded actual play, featuring a stellar cast including the one and only Satyr Phil Brucato: https://youtu.be/ALnD1nwuTis
TC: Aeon Jumpstart art by Aaron Riley
Our Next Kickstarter:
Of course, as we’ve been thinking about Kickstarters, we’ve been thinking about the best time to bring back the Legendlore Kickstarter. This was the KS we cancelled as we launched it right before the Covid-19 lock-downs, and we just didn’t think it could get the sort of attention it deserved.
But as we have considered the situation now, it seems like our lines of communication are, if not perfect, working far more closely to expectations. I’m getting regular notices from backers of our previous KSs again, for example.
So, without further ado, and not wanting to sit to long on Legendlore, we are going to Kickstart it next after M20 Technocracy Reloaded!
Expect most of our approach to be similar, but knowing that we already have a wonderful group of backers from the first go, we’ll be aiming at putting the KS together in a way that doesn’t just make them go through the same things again, and that appeals to folks who didn’t back the first time.
More on that as we have some actual examples!
Lunars art by Yiyhoung Li
Things We’re Doing To Try and Help During All This
On Wednesday, we’re opening up Dystopia Rising: Evolution Community Content on the Storypath Nexus. This is a chance for anyone to work with the templates and art packs we provide to create new projects for DR:E. As a creator, it’s a way to both publish your ideas, and to get a little extra cash during these difficult times.
That’s pretty much our feelings for any Community Content site right now. Plus, for players, the projects posted on these sites are PDFs that usually aren’t that big or expensive, and they very often are focused on useful additions to our official stuff. Adventures, deep dives into specific topics we’re not really set up to put together – just great ideas to add to your playing enjoyment.
Just wanted to chime in here to remind folks that we released Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras 2 on DTRPG last week, and besides the big book itself in PDF and PoD versions, we released each chapter as an individual PDF. If you’re into a particular line and/or historical period, but can’t indulge in buying the full book, these individual chapters are a lot easier on the budget with the job situation being what it is.
Also on DTRPG right now is the Shelter in Play Bundle containing about $180 worth of PDFs, including the Vinsen’s Tomb Jumpstart for Pugmire and A Light Extinguished, the Jumpstart for Scion 2e, plus a ton of other delightful games for playing while we’re all stuck in together – all for $10, and the proceeds go to two worthy charities! https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/312564/Shelter-In-Play-BUNDLE
Our friends at IPR, Indie Press Revolution, are running sales of our books over on their site (link below in the sales partners area) and are planning to continue to do so for the foreseeable future. If you’re looking for our traditionally printed hardcover books and screens, Deluxe and otherwise, now’s a great chance!
We made the decision last week that we wouldn’t be attending gaming conventions until we feel like our folks would be safe from Covid-19 if they attended. Considering that “con crud” is a thing that we expect to get after major conventions during a normal period, we just can’t send our people into a convention right now. Unfortunately, that includes our industry biggie Gen Con, which still has not announced whether it is postponed or cancelled. Regardless of their decision, ours is: we’re not going.
Finally, speaking of conventions: Thanks for the support and interest in an online Onyx Path Convention I received in the blog Comments and elsewhere all last week. It was heartening, and a little scary, how many of you would enjoy virtually playing our games and meeting with us. Actually, all kidding aside, it was great to hear!
No news yet, but you gave us even more to think about. In this case, expect that we’ll be acting pretty quickly on running something like a virtual convention. We want to commit, if we’re going to, before the enormity of it has a chance to sink in!
So, thanks to your feedback, we’re a few steps closer to arranging a virtual venue where we can talk about and play in our:
Many Worlds, One Path!
The M20 Technocracy Reloaded Kickstarter funded in 43 minutes and at with just over a week to go has passed 1800 backer operatives, is over 400% funded, and has achieved Stretch Goals consisting of a Storytellers Screen unlock, an unlock of more original Mage PDFs, Backers’ Exclusive T-Shirt, Wallpaper, and building the Technocracy Reloaded Player’s Companion PDF: sections on Constructs and Symposiums (and then expanded by a later SG), Digital Web 3.0, Technomancers’ Toybox 20 and the Q-Division bonus section, Unlikely Allies 1, 2, & 3, Mission Statement short scenarios, and the expanded Digital Web 3.0.2. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/200664283/m20-technocracy-reloaded
Highlights of M20 Technocracy Reloaded include:
An Operative’s Handbook that provides a detailed overview of life in the Technocratic Union, describing the organization of the Union, the Conventions, and the roles that sympathizers, extraordinary citizens, and Enlightened Operatives play in the overall structure of the Technocracy.
An examination of Technocratic initiatives on a global scale.
Devices, procedures, and hypertech used by the Technocratic Union that explores the Enlightened Science, allowing operatives to apply similar effects in the field, if they have sufficient understanding of the principles that allow these gadgets to function.
A comprehensive list of citizens, cyborgs, operatives, progenitor creations, and allies to use as NPCs.
Storyteller support that explores story seeds and metaplot to shape a chronicle for their needs.
Next Kickstarter: We return to The Realm of Legendlore!
Onyx Path Media!
This week Impish Ian Watson returns to delve into the Trinity Continuum, specifically the recently announced Trinity Continuum: Anima, VtM Bloodlines, and the happy wonders of managing Onyx Path social media with the Terrific Trio!
As always, this Friday’s Onyx Pathcast will be on Podbean or your favorite podcast venue! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
Tune in to hear words of wisdom from the Technocratic Union live on Twitch, Tuesday, May 19th at 9 PM EDT on the Onyx Path Publishing Twitch Channel. twitch.tv/theonyxpath
Join the Consensus and watch the stream.
Plus, Red Moon Roleplaying continue their actual play of Technocracy Reloaded right here: https://youtu.be/RtdW0znt7GU Please give them your support!
Come tune in to our Twitch channel for a schedule including:
Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood on the Tamesis
Vampire: The Masquerade – Chicago by Night Noir
Pugmire – Paws & Claws
Storytellers with Coffee
Scarred Lands: Chronicles of Calastia
Changeling: The Lost – Littlebrook Reunion
Changeling: The Dreaming – The Last Faerie Tale
Mage: The Awakening – Occultists Anonymous
Scarred Lands – Purge of the Serpentholds
Dark Eras Werewolf: The Forsaken
Chronicles of Darkness – Tooth & Claw
Deviant: The Renegades – A Cautionary Tale
Good heavens, that’s a lot of games for you to watch!
You can subscribe to our channel over on twitch.tv/theonyxpath to catch up with any episodes you missed!
Come take a look at our YouTube channel, youtube.com/user/theonyxpath, where you can find a whole load of videos of actual plays, dissections of our games, and more, including:
Changeling: The Dreaming – The Last Faerie Tale: https://youtu.be/fx_UEKY6moE
Scarred Lands: Purge of the Serpentholds: https://youtu.be/9YC0qb29vjk
Mage: The Ascension – Technocracy Reloaded: https://youtu.be/ALnD1nwuTis
Hunter: The Vigil – Hometown Heroes: https://youtu.be/LJs8Q6KVu1o
Changeling: The Lost – Littlebrook Reunion: https://youtu.be/SXYLA9rCjKk
Vampire: The Masquerade – Blood City Chicago by Night: https://youtu.be/NmDv9Sq_wKA
Chronicles of Darkness – Seattle by Streetlight: https://youtu.be/6CwozhRpUNo
Do subscribe to our channel and click the bell icon if you want to be notified whenever new news videos and uploads come online!
Did you miss 307 RPG interviewing Matthew Dawkins regarding everything from They Came from Beneath the Sea! and They Came from Beyond the Grave! to upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade books? Give them a listen here: https://307rpg.com/?p=265
Further to that interview, the 307 RPG Podcast released an episode all to do with the Archetypes in They Came from Beneath the Sea!:  https://307rpg.com/?p=282
That’s not all! Vorpal Tales commence an actual play of They Came from Beneath the Sea! tonight over on their Twitch channel! Find them here: https://twitch.tv/vorpaltales
Utility Muffin Labs, home of the 25 Years of Vampire: The Masquerade podcast, have released a glowing review of The Chicago Folios right here: https://utilitymuffinlabs.com/25-years-of-vampire-the-masquerade?author=51a88e2ee4b035d1810e13fe
Occultists Anonymous are here with a new special Mage: The Awakening series:
RV Mage 07: Reversion  With Orphean mages no longer on the field of battle, the Pentacle mages work to undo the warping of the Gauntlet. The werewolves threatening the Supernal Being is going to make negotiations a little difficult. https://youtu.be/iUZKuh0G5sI
RV Mage 08: Excursion Following the Supernal shenanigans in downtown Richmond, Vicar, Drifter, and Amanita begin the search for further Orphean agents. An attempt to restore relationships with the werewolves goes as well as you might expect… https://youtu.be/YUcXnQwB-vM
Please check these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games! We’d love to feature you!
Electronic Gaming!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is awesome! (Seriously, you need to roll 100 dice for Exalted? This app has you covered.)
On Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue from which you bought it. Reviews really, really help us get folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these latest fiction books:
Our Sales Partners!
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost Second Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Scion 2e books and other products are available now at Studio2: https://studio2publishing.com/blogs/new-releases/scion-second-edition-book-one-origin-now-available-at-your-local-retailer-or-online
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e at the same link! And now Scion Origin and Scion Hero and Trinity Continuum Core and Trinity Continuum: Aeon are available to order!
As always, you can find Onyx Path’s titles at DriveThruRPG.com!
On Sale This Week!
This week, the PDF and PoD versions of Oak, Ash, and Thorn the Changeling: The Lost 2e Companion bolts from the freakish Hedge on DriveThruRPG on Wednesday!
Oak, Ash, and Thorn as a companion book to Changeling: The Lost Second Edition, expands on what’s in the core book. It contains:
Expanded rules for freeholds and a selection of seeds for sample freeholds in four international locations.
Rules for creating new court Bargains and an introduction to non-traditional Mantles, including free companies, traveling bands, and Lost dynasties, with a playable example of each.
Entitlements, the titles of nobility that changelings assume to inherit mystical legacies from the Lost who came before them, including three full examples with accompanying tokens and Merits.
Expanded rules for tokens, including two new types with examples, guidelines for creating your own, and a system for ripping out one’s heart to become unkillable.
Also on Wednesday, we open the Dystopia Rising: Evolution Community Content section of the Storypath Nexus! Expect template and art packs you can use to create your own supplements to the DR:E tabletop RPG (and even get a royalty for your work!) Check it out for community-created supplements to further expand your fun with DR:E!
Though dates are subject to change due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, here’s our current list of upcoming conventions:
UKGames Expo: https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/
GenCon: https://www.gencon.com/
Tabletop Scotland: https://tabletopscotland.co.uk/
Gamehole Con: https://www.gameholecon.com/
PAX Unplugged: https://unplugged.paxsite.com/
And now, the new project status updates!
Development Status from Eddy Webb! (Projects in bold have changed status since last week.):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep.)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Under Alien Suns (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Adversaries of the Righteous (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Clades Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
The Devoted Companion (Deviant: The Renegades)
Saints and Monsters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wild Hunt (Scion 2nd Edition)
Dead Man’s Rust (Scarred Lands)
V5 The Faithful Undead (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
V5 Trails of Ash and Bone (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
V5 Forbidden Religions (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Anima
Dragon-Blooded Novella #2 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Hundred Devil’s Night Parade (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Adventure! core (Trinity Continuum: Adventure!)
Contagion Chronicle Ready-Made Characters (Chronicles of Darkness)
Novas Worldwide (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Exalted Essence Edition (Exalted 3rd Edition)
M20 Rich Bastard’s Guide To Magick (Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary)
Second Draft
Many-Faced Strangers – Lunars Companion (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Assassins (Trinity Continuum Core)
Dearly Bleak – Novella (Deviant: The Renegades)
Mission Statements (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
TC: Aberrant Reference Screen (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Contagion Chronicle: Global Outbreaks (Chronicles of Darkness)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Crucible of Legends (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exigents (Exalted 3rd Edition)
N!ternational Wrestling Entertainment (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Manuscript Approval
They Came From Beyond the Grave! (They Came From!)
Post-Approval Development
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Lunars Novella (Rosenberg) (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Player’s Guide to the Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Contagion Chronicle Jumpstart (Chronicles of Darkness)
TC: Aberrant Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
LARP Rules (Scion 2nd Edition)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
The Book of Lasting Death (Mummy: The Curse 2e)
Post-Editing Development
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
W20 Shattered Dreams Gift Cards (Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Hunter: The Vigil 2e core (Hunter: The Vigil 2nd Edition)
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Pirates of Pugmire KS-Added Adventure (Realms of Pugmire)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Terra Firma (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
One Foot in the Grave Jumpstart (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2e)
Art Direction from Mike Chaney!
In Art Direction
Scion Titanomachy
Tales of Aquatic Terror
WoD Ghost Hunters – KS final art: One more piece coming in.
Aberrant – Contacting and contracting. Signing off on sketches.
Pugmire Adventure – All sketches in.
Hunter: The Vigil 2e
Mummy 2
Deviant – Dividing up among current artists.
Legendlore – Back to KS prep.
Technocracy Reloaded (KS) – Happening.
Cults of the Blood God – Rolling along.
Scion: Dragon – Waiting on art notes.
Masks of the Mythos – Waiting on art notes.
Scion: Demigod – Waiting on art notes.
They Came From Beyond the Grave! (KS) – Sent out notes for fulls and splats for KS.
In Layout
Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad
Vigil Watch
TC Aeon Terra Firma – Over to Josh.
V5 Let the Streets Run Red – Working on it.
Pirates of Pugmire Screen – Getting charts from dev.
Trinity Aeon Jumpstart – New artist taking care of finishing missing art.
Pirates of Pugmire – Errata input.
TCFBTS Heroic Land Dwellers – Inputting backer errata.
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate – Gathering Backer PDF errata.
Scion Companion – Just waiting for two tweaked pieces, expected today.
Contagion Chronicle – Corrections going over to Josh.
Cavaliers of Mars: City of the Towered Tombs
Duke Rollo Book – Finishing gathering backer errata.
Buried Bones: Creating in the Realms of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Magic Item Decks (Scarred Lands)
Yugman’s Guide Support Decks (Scarred Lands)
At Press
Night Horrors : Nameless and Accursed – PoD proof on the way.
Dystopia Rising: Evolution Community Content site – Opening on the Storypath Nexus this Weds!
TCFBTS Screen and Booklet
They Came from Beneath the Sea!
C:tL 2e Oak, Ash, & Thorn – PDF and PoD versions on sale at DTRPG this Weds!
Today’s Reason to Celebrate!
Please welcome Aaron Voss to Onyx Path! Aaron is old White Wolf and was my print buyer in the years before the merger with CCP, and has expertise in every stage of the game book creation process, and is specifically going to oversee getting our projects printed and shipped (and help Mirthful Mike Chaney out where he is needed).
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Pixamattic Review
Among the factors that choose the achievement of your business, nothing beats visual substance. Notwithstanding how faultless your things
are, whether or not you can't give them an essential look, nobody will see them. In any case, here comes the issue: eye getting
visual substance is a certifiable misery in the throat! But in the event that you have had extended lengths of association with both the specific field and the
publicizing field, causing one will to take after striking your head against a square divider.
Be that as it may, don't be vexed now! There is up 'til now one way for you to redo your districts' appearance smoothly. Are you
curious for additional information?
What Is Pixamattic?
Pixamattic is a stunning substance creation mechanical assembly that engages you to convey a wide scope of significantly changing over visual substance with
no string associated! Going with a tick and-drag stage which runs absolutely on autopilot, it can play out all the critical assignments
connected with the path toward making a perfect quest for your affiliation. As you would have known, significantly changing over visual
substance can cost you sincerely to make. Regardless, when progressing Pixamattic, you can maintain a strategic distance from all the issues and still
can get the best outcome! Isn't this unprecedented?
By and by, let research what makes Pixamattic unprecedented! Taking everything into account, this substance creation gadget offers you an extent of stunning configurations
that serve diverse looked for after strengths. Your single work is to pick what you require and alter it. Also, besides, it
gives you access to particularly changing over arrangements copy despite dazzling VSL! To lay it out simply, whatever you need, to the extent that it has
something to do with visual substance, Pixamattic will be there to get you out.
Brett Ingram is a lofty merchant from the outrageous mechanized business community Jvzoo. With various extended lengths of association with the publicizing
field, he has made sense of how to release in excess of 15 possible just as versatile things like Flicktive, Quotamator, Vizully,
Flickstr and AutoSoci. In all honesty, in case you revolve around the continuous leaderboards, you will find his name on a couple!
By the vibe of Brett's previous triumphs, I feel that Pixamattic will overpower the market in a since a long time prior run.
An arrangement of amazing designs
When progressing Pixamattic, you will rapidly find the opportunity to lay hands on its astounding designs! As I have communicated
earlier, they could serve different fortes despite various reasons. To place it in an unforeseen manner, you can use them
to manufacture Facebook advancements, LinkedIn covers, Tumblr banners, and so on. Besides, do you perceive what the best thing about these
designs is? Every one of them can get you any occasion $400 per bargain!
100% eye-getting
Everything Pixamattic offers you is organized by a 7-figured marketing specialist just as a 7-figure screenwriter! As such, you
can have certainty that the visual substance it makes is going to drive your advantages higher.
Extraordinary publication chief instrument
Here comes the best thing about Pixamattic: From just a single format, it grants you to make at any rate 10 bits of substance!
Disregarding having a comparable source, all of them are faltering and will decidedly present to you a huge amount of money. Likewise, this mechanical assembly
may even be a littler than typical Photoshop program. To place it in a surprising manner, it makes it possible for you to implant some particular segments, as
words and liveliness characters, into your substance, change its experience, fix its concealing, along these lines generously more.
Discuss your substance with a solitary tick
Beside the recently referenced features, Pixamattic similarly lets you save both time and effort. With just one single tick, it will
therefore share your post to different individual to individual correspondence accounts, for instance, Twitter and Facebook. Isn't this dumbfounding?
How Might It Work?
I used this thing as beta analyzer so you can think anything I study now.
A few days back, Brett sent me an overview access to this recently out of the plastic new programming. In this part, I will take a visit to help you with knowing
each seemingly insignificant detail about it.
This is fundamental dashboard of Pixamattic:
Pixamattic has 4 standard modules:
Module 1: You can make your flag notices, header, infographic by moving your own arrangement or by using default formats from
Module 2: Produce Cinematic
Module 3: Create GIF
Module 4: Connect your electronic person to person communication records to Pixamattic and analyze your item to online long range informal communication on autopilot.
By and by I will portray how every module capacities:
1. Module 1 — Using default designs
This suggests Pixamattic gives you some default formats to various limits, and your movement is just to adjust it by including your
own substance.
Here is once-over of purposes you can use with Pixamttic: Twitter Ad, Trend, Top List, Tip, Facebook spread, Blog Title, Quote,
Question, Fact, eCover, Business Card, Youtube Channel Art, Twitter Header, Linkedin covers, Greeting card, Skyscraper card,
leaderboard advancement, square shape ad, Youtube spread gem, Pinterest advertisement, esty spread, Facebook advancement, Tumblr banner, Poster,
Support, Promotion.
By and by I will take some screen catches for instance for you now:
Here's the summary of formats you can use:
Or then again you can pick group with your claim to fame:
In addition, you simply need to change your substance as underneath:
Here is summary of establishments you can use:
You furthermore incorporate a couple of portions into it:
Or of course change the effect:
You can moreover Upload your own photos as underneath:
There's moreover an exceptional component, you can Spin: Backgrounds, Text and Components with some specific claims to fame as the image
2. Module 2 — Create aesthetic:
You basically need to type your watchword and Pixamattic shows some relavant accounts, and you have to convey your masterful picture
from these accounts.
Stage 1: Enter your watchword
Stage 2: Select starting time and end time
3. Module 3 — Create GIF
You basically incorporate several slides into it and snap on"Export GIF" to make your own GIF pictures.
4. Module 4 — Link To Social Media Accounts
Pixamattic reinforces you in interfacing with Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin as underneath:
What's more, a while later you can convey your picture to social record (you can schedule to post it).
My Opinion:
I invite this device. This is the best sensible instrument ever I see. Some lovely formats that there are used for such enormous quantities of limits in
electronic promoting.
Close by, it's anything but difficult to use. You needn't waste time with any structure aptitudes, essentially change text and extra. I astoundingly you recommend get it today and
in case possible, you can open a picture organization on some advisor site as Fiverr now. Why I express that, Have a look to some gig I
find on Fiverr now:
These masters charge you $5-$10 for each kind of an image, by and by with Pixamattic you can start the organization covering all sort of
publicizing pictures on it.
You can see my connection table among Pixamattic and Others underneath to all the more probable understand the benefits of using this recently out of the plastic new
Who's Pixamattic For?
" AFFILIATES MARKETERS: Boss thing dispatches and top branch sheets with all day every day campaigns.
" ENTREPRENEURS: Turn new examinations into shareable, amazing visuals instantly.
" WEBSITE OWNERS: Sharpen your site page and relational communication closeness with magnificent visuals.
" BLOGGERS: Get more visitors scrutinizing for extra with lovely sight visuals.
" ADVERTISERS: Produce striking, intelligent visual advancements in various shapes and sizes, similar to a glimmer.
" OFFLINE BUSINESSES: No dynamically costly organizers! Make smooth publicizing material in minutes.
" PODCASTERS: Advertise your new bit with an eye-getting visual post plan.
" SEO PROFESSIONALS: Gorgeous visuals produce more offers, building up your affiliation profile FAST!
" SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETERS: Get transcendent results in less time by means of robotizing your substance creation.
" AUTHORS and PUBLISHERS: Stop paying performers for spreads or posts and license Pixamattic achieve the work.
" ECOMMERCE STORE OWNERS: Get staggering plans for your things and get more arrangements.
Positive conditions and Disadvantages
Easy to use
No outcast instrument included
Customized structure
Various sorts of substance maintained
I have not found any snares related with feasibility of Pixamattic yet.
Cost and Evaluation
I have some additional inspiring news to illuminate you! Figure out how to expect the unforeseen. It will simply take you $47 $27 to bring home a copy of Pixamattic!
Alright trust it? We are talking about a mind blowing that lets you make all sort of eye getting substance inside
minutes, yet at that point, the maker decided to charge you just $27 for it. Genuinely, I don't believe you can find any relative
programming at totally a comparative expense as this!
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Overview of the project:
I have chose to do a video on Freedom Bakery, that is a “Social Enterprise” based in Glasgow. They are making bread and pastries and are working with a lot of restaurants in Glasgow but also some shops (Locavore in the Southside for instance).
Freedom Bakery is also linked to the Progressive prisoner rehabilitation schemes and is working with several people who haven’t been released yet.
“By teaching new skills, from baking to logistics, Freedom Bakery rebuilds confidence and hopefulness before prisoners are released. “
As a teacher, and a French person, I was also curious and interested myself in seeing how bread is made, and also share this experience with people.
I wanted to show both the working conditions (physical work, working time that are different from usual jobs, fast pace) but also the conviviality of the place and people working there.
I got in touch with them by email and phoning them. I had to explain what I was doing, what for and who for.
I then went for a Recee, and asked permission to employers and employees to video/take pictures of them. It’s illegal to take pictures of people who haven’t been released from prison, so I made sure I had a conversion with these people in particular and was careful of not having any shot/clip of them.
Website: https://www.freedombakery.org/
Address: Unit E5 Rosemount Business Park 145 Charles Street Glasgow G21 2QA
Phone number:  +44 (0)141 328 7886
Contact: Scott, [email protected] 
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Cinematographic techniques:
Extreme long shot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRD7f2Wo0CM)
The extreme long shot captures a very wide area to show the scale of subjects in relation to their environment, like tiny birds in a forest. Whether it is the desert or outer space, the audience should get a feel for the time and the place they are about to spend the next few minutes. It is typically used as an establishing shot when changing from one big area or city to another
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Bird’s eye shot (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CWMueRbVLvk)
Like the extreme long shot, the bird’s eye shot shows massive scale but from a much higher angle, to the point where land starts to show abstract shapes and lines out of roads, buildings, and trees. It is also typically used as an establishing shot for introductions and scene transitions.
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Long shot
A wide shot, often referred to as a long shot, puts characters in context to the backdrop you establish in an extreme wide shot. The characters can be seen from head to toe and you see them in relation to the location or each other. You can use a wide shot to show how your character is small in relation to the vast surroundings. When the term long shot is emphasized, it can mean that the camera is farther away from the subject, making them even smaller. It gives the audience a sense of geography so when the camera goes in tighter, they can understand who is where.
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Full shot
A full shot is different from the wide because it focuses more on the character in the frame. The character is full body from head to toe again, but the location is no longer the focus. In this shot you might want to show how a character dresses or how a character moves: awkwardly, confidently, etc. You can also reveal what they are doing, like packing a suitcase or ordering a train ticket. You can give the viewer information but not all of it, yet.
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Medium Shot
The medium shot shows your character from the waist up. In the old westerns, the character was often shown from the hip up which is now known as a cowboy shot. Again, this shot is about revealing information. You can see more detail than you can in a wide shot. The reason the westerns had to reveal the hips is because of the gun holsters. If you didn’t show the hips, when a cowboy was ready to draw you would lose a lot of important action.
Medium shots are often used in dialog scenes. As we get closer to our subjects we can see things that we wouldn’t catch in a wide, like body language. We can see crossed arms or someone who talks with their hands.
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Close-up shot
A close-up frames the character’s face. In a close-up shot one can see even more detail that tells us how a character feels. A close-up highlights emotional clues in the eyes and you can see a twitch or a tear that you might miss in a medium shot. It is by its nature more intimate so the effect is often that the audience can feel what the character is feeling.
A close-up can also be used to show things such as a tapping foot or the sliding of a ring on a finger.
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Extreme close-up shot
An extreme close-up frames even tighter on a face (or subject), highlighting facial features more. It usually frames a particular part of the face like the eyes or the mouth. It is even more intimate than the close-up and is almost uncomfortably close, so the viewer is more apt to feel whatever the Actor is conveying, which is why it is used to show more intense emotion and is often used as drama increases.
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1st example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwA3XyNeD3I
Long shot -> to locate the place where the bakery is
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Long shot -> to refine and give this idea of entering the bakery as a normal client.
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Close-up on the food ->  that’s been sold by the bakery (foreground) and the lady selling the pastries + client (background)
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Complementary research:
Video explaining camera movement based on examples: Here Very easy and straighforward and also entertaining! Helped a lot to understand what to put in my storyboard
When doing my research, I was mostly working from films and examples of films whilst I was aware that we were more meant to be doing a ‘documentary’ of an artisan. 
 At first, I didn’t really know what a storyboard was and I did some research mostly to understand how to make an effective storyboard, but also because I saw a few of my classmates struggling understanding the point of making a storyboard. What type of information is it meant to contain? What is the purpose of it? How precise does it need to be? How do you effectively give a sum-up of movement with a static format (storyboard is not the film itself but are meant to explain what movement is going to happen). 
 I felt that it was quite easy to make for an advert as we were just copying another add, but we didn’t have to actually think it through: what shot size, shot type, camera movement did we need? 
  Also, as photographers, we’d focus on the composition that would involve a 3D aspect but no consideration for the movement/sequence of a shot. The storytelling was also limited, whereas here, with a rack focus for instance, I get to give a lot more of information about the subject’s thougths for instance.
Storyboard vidéo: Link
Ratio video: Link
Rack Focus: Link
2° Deciding on a template for my storyboard
Based on different storyboard I looked at on the Internet, and the help provided both by tutors and my own research, I decided on a template for my storyboard that I then created on PowerPoint, and printed on a A3 format:
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This included the drawing/picture on the left, shot size, shot type, camera movement, lighting, equipment and subject movement. The template is made of boxes to tick in order to make it more straightforward to read and use.
3° Studying 5 examples of videos and taking notes of movement I wanted to include in my own video.
I watched a few videos that were on the same subject as my own video and made up for each of them storyboards to then decide on aspects of the video I liked and incorporate them in my own videos
VIDEO 1 : Link
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VIDEO 2 : Link
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VIDEO 3: Link
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VIDEO 4: Link
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VIDEO 5: Link
4° My final storyboard
Slide 1
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Slide 2
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Slide 3
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Slide 4
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Slide 5
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Slide 6
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Slide 7
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Effective tool: I think that it wasn’t really clear for me what the point of a storyboard was, and how to use it as an effective tool. But also for instance, who might need it: just me as a ‘director’ or the actors/people in the documentary? After shooting, I added some more clips to my final video that I didn’t think of when preparing my storyboard.  I was also glad I got to practise making storyboards with people’s videos when preparing my own video project.
Effective tool:  If I was to do another video, I’d probably get more information about what a Recee is and what information you need to get from there, what you need to bring with you. I think this is a crucial part of making a video and I didn’t realise how important this was: get some pictures not just of the tools they’re using but people’s clothes, what they are doing, general movement within the kitchen. I had a list of things to pay attention to when going there but I felt that I could have gotten more details in order to make the storyboard more effective and accurate. 
Video teachnique: I realised I had a limited knowledge of the video vocabulary (shot size, shot type, camera movement) and I wish I had spent more time practising them individually in order to feel more confident when going to the bakery.
Material: I felt that although in class, we had a go at using the material, it would have been useful for me to spend time at home using the material, maybe before the video recording and be more familiar. As I was the one acting when donig the advert, I couldn’t really try out the tripod or lights.
Montage: I had zero knowledge of Premier Pro and I think that in the end, it was a pretty straightforward  tool to use, somehow similar to Photoshop (to an extent). I really struggled with transition, because I didn’t think of them as something as important as it is. Also the pace of the video. I realised that some clips couldn’t be used as they wouldn’t be coherent (people had different clothes, white balance or dought was at different levels in the kneading machine)
Getting more information: I wouldhave benefitted from watching more videos to add more stuff to my video: transition, music, how to slow down/speed up the pace of my video, what and how to film scene
OVERALL: It was an extremely challenging project on every aspects but I overall enjoyed it, mostly because I found out about other dimensions and ways of telling stories, while using a visual media. I found the fact of using movement and directing the viewer’s eye extremely fascinating. I decided to enroll in a video evening class to learn more about techniques.
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Malmö 2013 – Semi-Final 1
Host: Sweden Slogan: “We Are One” Participants: 39 Voting method: 12-point system (50/50 system - combined) Format: 2 Semi-Finals / Grand Final = the top 10 of semi 1 & 2 + the Big 5 + host General Overview: The first semi-final begins with a montage of cultural footage from various European countries. This is followed by a nighttime view of Malmö, which leads to a 68-member children's choir performing “Euphoria” on the arena bridge, whilst doing sign language. Loreen joins them soon after. It's actually kind of a magical opener. This sequence finishes with Petra Mede raising from beneath the stage floor. Petra presents the show all by herself, which is unusual in the modern era, but she's more than capable of it. She brings a healthy dosage of Nordic humour to the contest. Including her narration of the ESC history segment. The character of “Lynda Woodruff” also appears in a skit, where she explores the snowy countryside of the country, mispronouncing names along the way. There's also a filler segment about Australia being Eurovision fans... ahh the foreshadowing! The interval act highlights the northern lights, with music provided by Kleerup, who is probably best known for producing Robyn's “With Every Heartbeat”. I liked the ambient atmosphere of it. The choreography routine involves dancing on a fluffy snow-filled floor. This year sees Armenia return (not in this semi), while Bosnia, Portugal, Slovakia and Turkey all depart, reducing the number of participants to 39 – the same as 2010. This is also the year when the producers start deciding the running order themselves instead of leaving it up to a random draw. I won't go into details with the jury/televote split this time because the EBU never released the point distribution for 2013. Instead, they only provided the average placements, which is useless because only the top 10 matters for the scoreboard. But I will note that the two metrics were in agreement with Denmark at #1 and Russia at #2 for this semi-final. While out of the non-qualifiers, Montenegro had the most televote support and Austria had the most jury support. Lastly, the editing team really loves the visual effects this year.
× Austria: Natália Kelly - Shine Austria weren't doing so hot in the years preceding Conchita huh? Although they did impress the juries back in 2011... the televoters less so. So “Shine” is a pop-rock song, that's guided by a restless strumming pattern. The intro is akin to Adele's “Rolling in the Deep” or something. It suggests an atmosphere of building up courage or going on a mission. The grittiness helps the cliché lyrical message sound more sincere though. The backing singers also supplement the melody nicely, in particular their “OH-oh”s in the verse. The song promotes a positive outlook for the future, where Natalia believes this person is capable of overcoming their troubles (“I see the light in your eyes”). But the overall execution feels underdeveloped. It aims to be an uplifting reassurance, but it lacks that “punch” or that power or that emphasis. The instrumental is too mild and the chorus melody never fully takes off. The staging is mostly uneventful too. It features a line of backing singers standing behind Natalia amongst an array of hanging glowing crystals. She has lovely stage presence though. ✓ Estonia: Birgit - Et uus saaks alguse I'm pleasantly surprised this qualified, since Finland's foreign language nostalgic ballad couldn't do it last year; although the juries saved this one. “Et uus” reminds me of older Eurovision, but in a good way. The performance even begins in black-and-white to reinforce a nostalgic sentiment, while Birgit stands on the audience platform amidst some faded shots, which are a bit much. The visual switches to colour upon the first chorus as she walks to the main stage. The song, meanwhile, exudes a gorgeous, delicate, dreamy texture. The atmosphere is sweet and heartwarming, like the dawn of a new day. In the lyrics, Birgit uses nature metaphors to describe how things are cyclical (“Every end is just a new beginning”). She views change as a positive thing instead of dwelling on what used to be. But above all else, this melody has such a dynamic progression to it, especially in the chorus. Like the way the “VEEEEL” part radiates, and how the rest raises and lowers is really effective. The “Ja ma tean, ma tean” pre-chorus is a solid transition as well. As is the bridge, which involves a surging guitar and a big note. The song feels organic and Birgit has warm stage presence too. × Slovenia: Hannah - Straight Into Love The last placed entry of SF1. Between the poor running order slot, the aggressive EDM production, and Hannah's thin live vocal... I'm not surprised. The intro literally disrupts the scene with a raucous, Skrillex-style explosion of dubstep. I prefer the dark and brooding type of dubstep, not this harsh and ugly bass distortion, which sounds like my speaker is being chewed through a blender. That said, the sound is modern for 2013, and it isn't used as a novelty either. The production really overpowers this entry though. It represents the overwhelming force of two lovers coming together. The verses are more drawn back with the sparkly synths. While the chorus strikes with a pulsating/grinding motor. And the bridge contains a euphoric ascension. But it's so industrial that it actually sounds emotionally sterile. Plus Hannah's vocal is drowned-out and it deflates the melody. The “straight into looooove” hook flat-lines for me. The lyrics aren't that imaginative either. Still, the choreography of the three welder mask guys is engaging. × Croatia: Klapa s Mora - Mižerja Croatia's 4th consecutive non-qualifier, which leads to them skipping the next two contests. I loved so many of their '90s and '00s entries, but this is a nadir. “Mižerja” is a pure classical song in the Klapa genre, featuring 2 tenors, 2 baritones, and 2 bass all from 5 different established Klapa groups. The 6 singers are dressed in traditional robes too. It reminds me of Latvia's 2007 entry, but without the roses to communicate the emotion better. The song is from the point of view of a poor person who still gives what they can. There's soaring strings, valiant percussion starting in the second verse, and an atmosphere of wonderment in the bridge. As well as collective harmonizing during the chorus, which occupies most of the song. And it's those parts where all 6 of them harmonize that is so tedious to me. It just drones on, and it's so dull. That melody doesn't really go anywhere. Moreover, the genre doesn't cater to my tastes. It's too stuffy. But there is some chemistry between the performers I suppose. ✓ Denmark: Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops (winner review in the Grand Final post) ✓ Russia: Dina Garipova - What If I just get cynical about Russia promoting a message of peace and unity. It seems hypocritical. The fact that they annexed Crimea a year later is not lost on me. I question the intentions since the song was internally selected and Dina didn't write it. But maybe I'm being unfair to her – she certainly conveys earnest innocence on stage. She's here to share her dream and to lead a movement (“What if we all bury our guns!”). Otherwise, Russia goes for style points here. “What If” is one grandiose inspirational ballad. The beginning is lead by the piano, where Dina speaks directly to the audience. She's alone on stage surrounded by an array of illuminated balloons that look like street lamps. The triumphant drums enter in the second verse. The backing vocalists bolster the second chorus, as they stand in a line to imply unity. There's a big key change. Balloons are thrown into the audience. And finally, the last chorus is an otherworldly, “lighters in the air”, singalong anthem, where the camera cuts to the audience swaying along, and the backing singers hold hands. It's a powerful performance for sure. Plus the “what if we ALL / opened our ARMS” part is catchy enough. I like the “If I...If I” bit as well. But the melody is tiresome and unoriginal. “What If” was accused of plagiarizing multiple songs, but Daughtry's “What About Now” is the one I hear. ✓ Ukraine: Zlata Ognevich - Gravity Ukraine returns to the top 3! Last year was just a fluke haha. “Gravity”'s staging is notable for the “giant” who carries Zlata at the start. There's even a shaky camera effect during his footsteps, which is funny, alongside some distressing strings. The song captures a fairytale-esque atmosphere right from the start. It goes for the “damsel in distress” theme, where Zlata is skeptical about “dreams” and “love”, but she still entertains letting go of her “pride”. However, her “gravity” brings her back down. The first verse sticks to delicate vocals and harps, until the “thunder” part switches things up. The rest of the song is driven by this dominant, recurring nudging sound. It's like a force pushing Zlata to keep her levitated, as if she'd tumble without it. There's also ricocheting percussion and chanting vocals in the background. The latter establishes forest imagery. Moreover, I love how the chorus melody progressively elevates tension. Although the “my gravity...” conclusion is a little plain. Still, it's a stormy and fantastical song. The backing vocalists are used well (ie. “it's stronger than me”). And Zlata performs confidently on that rock. Fun fact: she went on to become a Ukrainian member of parliament after this. ✓ Netherlands: Anouk - Birds The streak is broken!!! Not only is this the first Dutch qualifier since 2004, it's their first top 10 since 1999! And they'll continue to perform well for the rest of the decade. “Birds” has such a unique and captivating soundscape, thanks to Anouk's low, granular vocal style and the misty orchestra, which has a vintage cinematic quality to it. It follows a steady pace, and the atmosphere is like a tragic fairytale. It paints a grey-scale image of overcast skies filled with an ominous flock of birds overhead. The song definitely sets itself apart from the other ballads. The first verse is tranquil with the harps and bowls(?), while the strings in the chorus soar. The second verse introduces the soft drums, and the bridge introduces a teary backing choir. The lyrical metaphor, meanwhile, compares birds losing their ability to fly to Anouk's inability to resume a “normal” life. Her “hopes [have] turned into fear”. On stage, she performs entirely on the centre audience platform. There's some nice camera shots with the flag-waving audience surrounding her. She comes off as a professional performer too – I mean she had released 7 studio albums by this point. × Montenegro: Who See - Igranka The fact that this was a televote favourite is notable alright. “Igranka” involves some bizarre staging. There's two dudes in astronaut suits rapping about partying as a distraction from life. It also features Nina Žižić, who provides the choruses amidst an unapologetic explosion of dubstep. She ascends from underneath the stage in a robotic outfit, and she's easily the best part of this entry. She serves badass energy. And her sharp, biting vocal style commands over the dubstep parts. That chorus production is a harsh and wobbly broken machine that consumes the arena. But it works in this instance because Nina's attitude complements it. The verse production, by contrast, is usual dance-pop fair. It moves from a strut to a sprint, and ends with quick-fire bangs. There's also a door-banging beat that opens the song. While the stage displays yellow-green neon lights and an overabundance of smoke puffs. Ultimately though, this entry is so trashy, and the rapping parts are too aggressive. ✓ Lithuania: Andrius Pojavis - Something What a random qualifier. Is this a joke entry? Because it's not that amusing. Andrius spends the first verse teasing a secret he needs to get off his chest. He drags it out to test our patience. Then in the chorus, he uses a nonsense metaphor about his shoes to explain his inconsistent feelings – “One is called Love, the other is Pain”!... Right! Meanwhile on stage, he exhibits some goofy expressions to imply that the song isn't serious. He also uses a talking voice and awkwardly pauses several times. The chorus is admittedly catchy though, namely in how the backing vocalists emphasize the second half of each line. As well as the “way too long” hook in the first verse, and the responses in the second verse. Otherwise, the adult alternative instrumentation carries an anxious, “grabbing everything and running away” mood here, while the chorus transition is a pent-up release. But as the song flows downstream, Andrius just stands idly by. There's just an awkwardness to this entry. Oh and the visual effects are back! – this time a smudge filter. ✓ Belarus: Alyona Lanskaya - Solayoh Another year, another sloppy Belarusian selection process. After being disqualified over vote rigging last year, Alyona won the national final again in 2013, but with a different song called “Rhythm of Love”. It was later switched to “Solayoh”. The new song recalls the “Ethnic pop” era of Eurovision, featuring traditional strings in the intro and bridge, while being driven by a robust, Earth-shaking percussion beat reminiscent of “Wild Dances”. Except Alyona doesn't reach Ruslana's charisma... although that is a high bar. She makes a grand entrance by stepping out of a giant disco ball. But her approach seems mismatched? The choreo from the two guys next to her is decent though. Otherwise, “Solayoh” is a percussion-dominant song, with most lines ending in a series of addictive, emphatic stomps (ie. “GONNA. GET. YA.”). And there's even a drum breakdown in the bridge. The pre-chorus is decent hook too. The lyrics are about the power of music itself. The song's tone borders on being campy however, and I probably would've enjoyed this more in 2005, but I'd say this is Belarus's best entry since “Work Your Magic”. ✓ Moldova: Aliona Moon - O mie Probably my favourite Moldovan entry. As much as I appreciate their outlandish ones, the dramatic theatrical nature of “O mie”, alongside Aliona's pristine vocal, and the majestic melody won me over. The chorus is remarkable in how it swiftly ascends, then freely descends. As is the bridge escalation in how it intensifies to the verge of bursting. This is where the instrumental breaks and restarts towards the climax, while Aliona grows taller inside her expanding dress. That dress displays pastel colours until the bridge. After which it blends in with the LED screen behind her, copying the lightning and fire imagery. Elsewhere, the backing dancers exhibit graceful choreo in their angel white outfits against a smoke-filled floor. The bellowing orchestral strings are a highlight. And the lyrics use hyperbolic quantities of 1000 of everything to signify the long-term passage of time. It's a heartbreak song where she wants to move on but can't. Also, this entry witnesses a role reversal from last year, where Aliona was a backing singer on “Lăutar”. This time she's the main artist, while Pasha plays the piano on stage. He also wrote the song. ✓ Ireland: Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives The last placed entry of the Grand Final with a whopping 5 points, which I believe is the lowest a semi-final qualifier has ever attained. But considering Ireland's average televote rank was 14th, I'm guessing this fell victim to middling rankings. Anyways, the song announces an impending apocalypse, but Ryan assures that love will survive it and the final night will be a dance party. Sure. The verses are filled with a flurry of vigorous, pattering tribal drums. They provide a celebratory mood, while Ryan brings a light tone and some charm on stage. He's joined by three shirtless drummers in body paint who deliver great infectious energy. But then the pre-chorus ushers in a generic dance-pop production. It does that thing where the beat progressively accelerates to hyper-speed to transition into the chorus drop. The chorus then follows a clasping/slapping rhythm. Also the second pre-chorus turns dubstepp-y. The dance-pop production is a consuming force, but the bigger issue is the chorus melody – that “So be love / just be love” part – falls completely flat. Without the drumming and the staging, this would be a rather bland (and cheesy) entry. × Cyprus: Despina Olympiou - An me thimasai Yawn. Cyprus's personal ballad didn't do much this year. So Despina performs the song solo on stage. She begins a cappella, but the acoustic guitar joins soon after, followed by a woodsy, snapping / crashing drum line that dominates from the second verse on. Its inclusion feels random. Although the second chorus drags when it disappears. There's also an overuse of overlayed split-screens during this performance. Otherwise, the song lacks an accessible hook, and the melody is sluggish. Despite the “dawn of a new day” atmosphere, Despina's delicate vocal, and her intimate stage presence... it all ends up sounding drab and lifeless instead. In the song, she doesn't regret or apologize for her feelings while yearning to reunite with her ex. She's skeptical that they even remember her, but she desperately and endlessly waits for them anyways. It's just so dreary. ✓ Belgium: Roberto Bellarosa - Love Kills It's nice to see Belgium back in it again. Outside of Tom Dice in 2010, they were doing just as badly as the Netherlands since the expansion into semi-finals. “Love Kills” placed 12th, which isn't too shabby. The power of a killer chorus I suppose! It's so instantly catchy, from the “waiting for...” set-up to the doomed exclamation of “LOVE KILLS... OVER AND OVER” that follows. Especially when paired with the immense, arena-consuming synth-pop production. The keyboard heightens the dramatics too. The first chorus creates anticipation, while the second one unleashes the energy. The main hook is kinda repetitive, but that just makes it more effective. The dubstep breakdown in the bridge comes out of nowhere though. It's a speed bump in an otherwise smooth road that interrupts the momentum for no reason. The lyrics, meanwhile, tell a tragic story of a destructive couple; concluding that love always leads to pain, which is a “bitter pill” to swallow. On stage, Roberto wears a formal suit, while two backing members dance beside him, all against dark blue lighting. It almost gives a spy thriller image. × Serbia: Moje 3 - Ljubav je svuda The unlucky 11th placer of SF1. Sad because this entry has a fun concept! It involves a 3-member girl group, where the middle one receives conflicting relationship advice from her two sisters on either side. The sibling on her right plays the “Angel”, who encourages her to date this guy; stating it's a dream come true and “He will make you coffee”! While the sibling on her left plays the “Devil”, who warns that he'll cheat, he'll lie and he'll disappear at night. The two sisters also have contrasting vocal styles – the “Angel” sounds sweet, while the “Devil” acts mischievous and bratty. The verse production likewise contrasts their sections, with the former being dreamy, and latter using a punching transition. However, Serbia ruined this entry with a misguided outfit change. The national final performance incorporated angel and devil outfits to communicate the concept. But they switched to ugly children's clothing for the Eurovision stage for some reason. Still, the interactions between the 3 girls are hilarious in how they bicker and compete for the protagonist's attention. It's silly but it works. They also trade lines smoothly. And the chorus is irresistibly catchy, from the “JAAAAAAAAAA k'o da sam LUDAAA“ exclamation to the rapid up/down melody that follows, alongside the jogging dance-pop beat. My Ranking: 01. Denmark: Emmelie de Forest - Only Teardrops ✓ 02. Moldova: Aliona Moon - O mie ✓ 03. Netherlands: Anouk - Birds ✓ 04. Ukraine: Zlata Ognevich - Gravity ✓ 05. Estonia: Birgit - Et uus saaks alguse ✓ 06. Serbia: Moje 3 - Ljubav je svuda 07. Belgium: Roberto Bellarosa - Love Kills ✓ 08. Belarus: Alyona Lanskaya - Solayoh ✓ 09. Austria: Natália Kelly - Shine 10. Ireland: Ryan Dolan - Only Love Survives ✓ 11. Russia: Dina Garipova - What If ✓ 12. Montenegro: Who See - Igranka 13. Lithuania: Andrius Pojavis - Something ✓ 14. Slovenia: Hannah - Straight Into Love 15. Cyprus: Despina Olympiou - An me thimasai 16. Croatia: Klapa s Mora - Mižerja
0 notes
davidrusselblr · 3 years
Erpisto #1 E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is moving forward with the e-invoicing mandate, with the goal of reaching the first major milestone on December 4, 2021. GAZT's most recent releases enable taxpayers to take the first steps toward implementation.
Action plan for e-invoicing in Saudi Arabia
The introduction of e-invoicing will take place in two stages. The first step covers the creation of electronic invoices and related documentation, as well as processing and record-keeping capabilities. On December 4, 2021, this step will take effect. The second stage (the integration phase) covers the most advanced aspects of the E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia, such as electronic signatures. Transmission and exchange of electronic invoices via the GAZT web platform. Although the first stage appears to be less demanding than the second, it already contains a number of particular requirements and calls for the commencement of preparation work as soon as feasible. 
Erpisto #1 E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia
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The e-invoicing regulation's scope 
The e-invoicing requirements in Saudi Arabia will apply to a variety of documents, including normal tax invoices, simplified tax invoices, credit and debit notes, and more. If these documents are distributed electronically, existing tax requirements will be followed to ensure that the content is compliant.
Only KSA residents can use e-invoicing
Regulations for electronic invoicing All taxable persons subject to VAT and third parties issuing tax invoices for taxpayers will be affected. These regulations will also apply to Saudi Arabian residents only. E-invoices can be issued and stored in a specific electronic format Predefined data fields. These requirements apply to third parties that issue tax invoices for resident taxable persons.
The e-invoicing guidelines 
Persons who are not taxable will not be subject to the provisions of this article resident in Saudi Arabia.
The E-invoicing Regulations have been released
KSA's e-invoicing journey began in September 2020 when the E-invoicing Regulation was created. It finally came into effect three months later in December 2020. However, this is only an overview of the requirement. KSA taxpayers We were eager for a more detailed regulation to be released. This was finally achieved in March 2021. The KSA tax authorities just published an important document. Draft of Controls, Requirements and Technical Specifications for Implementing the E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia Regulation The following describes the details of the KSA e-Invoicing concept. 
These are the requirements that will soon be enforced.
GAZT published the following documentation at the same moment as the above document:
-Electronic Invoice Data Dictionary
-Standard for Electronic Invoice XML Implementation
-Standards for Electronic Invoice Security Implementation
Local taxpayers now have the documents in their possession and can begin preparations. What documents are included in these documents? Do they contain all necessary information to prepare for the event? 
Mandatory e-invoicing What is the best way to get started?
Let's take a closer look at the documents in order to better understand them.
Current e-invoicing landscapes in KSA.
Requirements, Controls, Technical Specifications, and Procedural Rules to Implement the Provisions in the E-Invoicing Regulation (the Draft Rules Regulation).
This is the main document. Clarifies the requirements for e-invoicing This document identifies the controls, specifications or procedures required to implement the E-Invoicing Regulation Precautions Both phases of the document are addressed:
Implementation of e-invoicing:
Phase 1:Electronic invoices and electronic notes can be generated The following provisions, which include those related to processing and record keeping, are in effect as of 4 December 2002.
Phase 2:Transmission of electronic invoices or electronic notes Sharing them with GAZT will allow you to implement the program in phases. Phases are expected to begin in June 2002.
The regulation defines the technical requirements. The E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia the so-called Compliant solution, which must be developed by taxpayers to meet the requirement. A competent authority or professional third party will certify such a solution.
Compliant Solution should allow the generation and sharing of e-invoices or e-notes in a predefined format (XML, PDF/A-3). This concept's most distinctive element is the set of data security and information security measures (unique identifier UUID and QR code), which are all included in the solution.
Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs):All e-invoices are individually identified by an unique number. This number is assigned to each document along with its sequential number. UUID is 128-bit number generated by an algorithm that makes it unlikely that any other system will generate the same identifier.
Cryptographic Stamp GAZT will add this field to the electronic document upon receipt of the electronic document after positive verification of the E-Invoice/E-Note. The Cryptographic Stamp is composed of two fields: ECDSA's public key and ECDSA signature. It will be generated with the same digital certificate that was used to stamp electronic invoices.
Hash: This will ensure that the sequential numbering is used, and that there is no intervention (such a replacement or deletion) apart from the individual numbering that the taxpayer uses. This element will not contain the invoice data, but it will be used to prevent any modifications of the document. The next invoice will use the hash of that particular invoice. It will be calculated from all elements of the previous invoice (UBL bill, hash, previous invoice, QR code and cryptographic stamp).
QR code: This allows for quick and simple verification of the document using QR camera scanners. It will be encoded using Base64 format, with up to 500 characters.
Counter for internal documents: An independent counting solution that cannot reset and allows for quick detection of fraudulent intervention.
A key feature of the Compliant Solution the ability to connect to the Internet, and to integrate with other systems via an application programming interface (API), will be possible. Thee-invoicing integration capability this regulation will apply to each case and is not detailed in the document.
Technical functionalities (Annex 1)
The Draft Rules Regulation gives a comprehensive overview. Technical functionalities of e-invoicing these will be in force during both phases of implementation. The first phase will see taxpayers focusing on the development of the e-invoice/e note generation feature. Only the second phase will introduce integration capability and the security elements previously mentioned. The Draft Rules Regulation also provides a number of additional features prohibited e-invoice functionalities(e.g. Uncontrolled access, modification capabilities, etc. These must not be used.
E-invoice fields (Annex 2)
Draft Rules include a comprehensive list of fields that are relevant to e-Invoices, as well as an indication of the obligation status. Three statuses can be used to indicate the obligation status for specific fields:
Mandatory (the field must be filled in)
Conditional (must only be used if the condition is met).
Optional (fields not required)
The summary table also shows the E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia items that will be mandatory upon completion of phase 1 (4/12/2021) and phase 2, (1/6/2022).
[document 2]Electronic Invoice Data Dictionary
The dictionary also includes a description of different terms are used in e-invoicing documentation. It includes the definition of invoice categories, business terms, and their descriptions, as well as the technical specification of each term (UBL specifications). Finally, it provides the KSA-specific context (if applicable) for each business term. You will also find examples of certain elements in the document.
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Standard for Electronic Invoice XML Implementation
This document describes the details of the project in a technical way. Structure of the XML. This is used to generate e-invoices or e-notes. This is the Standard for e-invoicing by KSAIt is based upon the EU standard EN16931-1:2017 and the UBL schema (UBL 2.0). The structure also includes a number of KSA-specific elements that take into consideration the KSA's VAT regime. These include business rules.
The invoice must include a unique identifier (UUID).
Specific transaction codes with defined structures, which identify different invoice types (third party invoices, simplified invoices, summary invoices, export invoices, etc.).
payment means code
Credit and debit notes (specific invoice codes) must be used to justify this type of document.
Invoice must contain the hash (using SHA256 algorithm functions) from the previous invoice
Document must include a QR code
Each invoice must include a counter value
Document must be cryptographically stamped
Not yet available are additional XML files (Shematrin)The e-invoicing consultation It is now final.
Standards for Electronic Invoice Security Implementation
This document refers specifically to two security measures: the QR codes and the cryptographic stamp. These are the heart of the system. The security of e-invoices/e-notes.
This standard gives more details about the Cryptographic stamp for e-invoice Business process (issuing/management), requirements for creation, and use, as also the structure and format E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia stamp. It also includes the QR code specification.
We expect more developments
While the regulations have provided a lot of information so far, they are not complete. Releases of e-invoicing Expected Most important are the regulations and requirements that refer to integration features. These will allow for the GAZT's portal allows electronic document exchange. GAZT will publish different API types to help taxpayers integrate .E-invoicing solution with the GAZT e-Invoicing Platform invoice clearance.
The KSA e-invoicing regulations are quite advanced. Businesses now have to determine how the regulations will impact them. These assessments will allow for further analysis of the effects of regulations on businesses. Then, a proper implementation project of E-invoicing Fatoorah Saudi Arabia will be undertaken to meet the first deadline (phase 1), which is set for 4 December 2021.
Services We Offer:
·         Automatically receive and send invoices
·         Multi-currency, invoice customization
·         Support all invoice formats
·         Integrate with existing systems
·         Archiving capabilities
·         Multiple forms of payments
·         Integrate analytics
·         Safety and support
·         Invoice number.
·         Reminder For Invoices
·         Terms and conditions.
·         A line detailing each product or service
·         Real-time tracking of invoices
·         One-time reporting of B2B invoices
·         Easy creation of e-way bill
·         Helps the buyers
·         Reduction in frauds
·         Reduction in data entry errors
·         Allows interoperability
·         Curb tax evasion
·         QR code
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foxherbal424 · 3 years
Strata For Mac
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VR17 Release – Upgrade for Design 3D CX 8 Mac Users For buyers of Design 3D CX 8 Mac prior to May 1, 2017, this release provides many bug fixes and improvements – and two major new features:
Render VR new camera type (VR 360° Stereo) generates images that allow you and your clients to step directly into your projects for a fully immersive experience.
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Publish VR makes it easy to interactively experience your designs in a full VR environment using Strata Spaces VR. Just select your model in Design 3D CX and hit the Publish to VR button.
Host your best brunch ever with these showstopping strata recipes. Layers of breakfast staples like eggs and bread make these dishes a home run every time. “Strata Foto 3D makes it possible to take nearly any object and make a 3D model with just a little set-up time and a digital camera.” Mac NN. Strata Foto 3D “is an efficient photo-based system for modeling real world objects that allows users to create 3D models with no. Download Striata Reader for Apple Mac OS X (Lion and Mountain Lion included) - Striata. Strata has been given the prestigious Becker’s Healthcare “Top Place to Work in Healthcare” Award for six consecutive years. This list highlights hospitals, health systems and healthcare companies that promote diversity, employee engagement and professional growth and have gone above and beyond to be an exceptional place to work.
Macarthur Strata prides itself on its people focus, logical minded approach to the needs of our clients. At Macarthur Strata, we understand the world of strata can be a difficult and complicated, if not a frustrating, process. Our goal is to simplify this process in both a.
Looking for the Windows PC version of the VR17 Release Upgrade?Find the Windows version here.
Before you buy: Make sure you use the same email address for your upgrade purchasethat you used for your Design 3D CX 8 purchase. Your email address is used to match the VR17 Release upgrade to your Design 3D product license and won’t work with a miss-matched address. The VR17 Release Upgrade requires a valid Design 3D CX 8 Mac license.
Subscribers: Design 3D CX subscribers get this release free as part of the subscription benefits (free updates, access to the Strata 3D University – a $9.95 monthly value, and Premium Support – a $5.95 monthly value – plus the latest version of Design 3D CX – all for less than $20 a month). To get the upgrade, in Design 3D CX 8 just select the “Help” menu and choose “Check for Updates…” Download the Strata Update application and run it. When the update is installed you’ll see the VR17 logo in the “Manage License” dialog when you relaunch Design 3D.
Converting to a Subscription: If you’re not a subscriber but would like to switch your Design 3D CX 8 license to a subscription – and get this upgrade free – just contact [email protected] for a special offer.
VR17 Release Overview Video
Render VR 360° Stereo Camera
(vrview img=”https://www.strata.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/VR-Interior-blanc-v0396-hi-A.jpg” pimg=”https://www.strata.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/VR-Interior-blanc-v0396-hi-A.jpg” stereo=”true” width=”100%” height=”300″ )The above image (created by Xavier Mestres) was rendered using the new VR 360° Stereo camera. Click and drag on the image to rotate around in this full 360° environment – which is impressive and useful on a 2D monitor. If you really want to step into this project, use a VR viewer (such as Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR and similar) along with your smartphone and you’ll be immersed into this environment. One of the reasons this creates such an immersive experience is that unique images are generated for both eyes and for full 360°. Unlike previous simple spherical images, the VR 360° Stereo camera creates a full sense of “presence” when viewing the images with a VR viewer.
Here’s a sample list of projects you can view in VR:
You can use the VR 360° Stereo camera to produce images for marketing projects, client approval, design review and more. All of Design 3D CX’s photo-real rendering technology can be used in producing VR images – so let your imagination run wild. You can get VR viewers for yourself and clients here.
Publish VR connection to Spaces VR
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Ever wonder what it would be like to be able to step into your design projects? What it would feel like to hold your creation in your hands – with just the push of a button? With this VR17 Release and the new Spaces VR you now have the power to not just visualize, but to truly experience your ideas. No need to 3D print or build expensive prototypes – Spaces VR can put you there in seconds.
Fixes and Enhancements
In addition to the VR features outlined above, there are many bug fixes and updates to this release that makes geometry work better and in more circumstances – along with other areas that have been enhanced.
Additional Product ImagesThis product is sold under the Strata Royalty Free License3D Model & Shape Asset Type:File Format(s):Design 3D version:Download file size:AnimationAR / VR / Low-PolyHigh Resolution PolyGeometryPolygonsTextures / MaterialsUV MappingLightingLightdome / HDRTextures & Materials Asset Type:Texture TypeImage Specific Information:Width pixelsHeight pixelsColor DepthTileableAlpha ChannelMultiple LayersAnimatedBump/Normal map includedReflection map includedMask map included (stencil)Formats----------------------Download file size:Backgrounds & Lightdomes Asset TypeBackground TypeDesign 3D version compatibleIncluded FilesAnimatedFX Asset Type:FX TypeFunction or descriptionDesign 3D version compatibleScripts Asset Type:Function or descriptionDesign 3D version compatibleRenderings & Layered Images Asset Type:Function or descriptionImage AttributesAdditional Information:
Create 3D Models From Photos
Strata Foto 3D CX lets you use a digital camera or any phone camera to capture real-world objects as fully textured 3D models. It’s ideal for difficult to model objects like organic shapes, soft forms and hand made items. The included Photoshop plug-in makes model creation even easier. Foto 3D models are ideal for developing packaging, games, illustrations, online catalogs and more.
FeaturesSystem RequirementsReviews & AwardsCompare VersionsCase Studies
Sophisticated Camera Support
Strata Foto 3D CX provides automatic camera support to deal with lens distortion, focal length and image factors specific to particular camera models. Correcting these factors ensures the highest possible fidelity in model capture.
Automated 3D Space Orientation
A special calibration mat – which can be printed out directly from Strata Foto 3D CX – aids the software in generating 3D model data. This mat allows Foto 3D to calculate where the camera is in 3D space for each image. This orientation information then allows Foto 3D to automatically capture features from the images to build the 3D object.
Feature Pinning – Allows the Use of Any Photo Set
For projects that don’t allow for use of the calibration mat, Strata Foto 3D CX now provides direct control using a pin user interface. This allows you to specify the surface area details important to a high quality capture. This new feature allows the use of photograph sets from virtually any source – including video frames, aerial photos and any large object that cannot be brought into a studio setting.
Integrate with Adobe Photoshop for Model Creation
To create 3D models from photos, you need to be able to separate the background from the object. Foto 3D provides powerful color-key tools to automate this process. In addition to these powerful tools, Adobe Photoshop (CS 4 and 5.x) is supported directly with a plug-in, allowing you to easily use Photoshop’s features to get the job done.
Interactive Model Adjustment
Once the geometry is generated, Strata Foto 3D CX gives you the ability to interactively modify the surface polygon detail (“decimation”). A clipping plane is also provided, allowing you to trim the base of the model to ensure a flat base where desired.
Import Models to Photoshop or Strata 3D CX
Models can be sent as a 3D layer to Photoshop Extended design projects, where the 3D object can be painted on, rotated, lighting adjusted, and more. Or, textured 3D models can be exported as VRML or Collada files for import into Design 3D or other 3D software.
In-Depth Feature List
Photo Support Foto 3D builds and places a UV texture on any model by using a series of photographs. Regardless of the type of camera you use, Foto 3D will calibrate itself automatically for the best results. Foto 3D allows you to take anywhere from 20 to 256 pictures to create your textured 3D model.
Mat Printing
Lens Calibration
Up To 256 Images Per Object
Automatic Camera Calibration
Merge Additional Photos
Surface Generation Foto 3D generates a model that includes surface smoothing and interactive mesh decimation. For use in a 3D rendering package, such as Strata 3D CX, you’ll want the highest quality mesh possible. For real-time 3D use, you may want to reduce your mesh density for faster downloads.
Surface Optimization
Interactive Mesh Decimation
Fast Wireframe Generation
Clipping Plane
Save & Export Features Once you’re finished with your project, simply export it into VRML, Collada or 3DS. Then your file can be imported into Strata 3D CX for rendering and animation, or into Strata Live 3D for real-time display on a web page or PDF document.
Masking Features With a complete toolset that includes automatic mask generation, interactive threshold controls, shrink wrapping and brushes, you’re guaranteed a positive result. Once Foto 3D creates the 3D object, you can then rotate it to any position and finalize any additional masking that may be required.
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Automated Masking
Shrink Wrap Tool
Interactive Threshold
Masking Tools
Import External Masks
Texturing Features Foto 3D creates a photo-realistic UV texture for your model. You can use Adobe Photoshop to modify the texture from any angle. Simply copy the view to Photoshop, modify the texture, and paste it back into Foto 3D. All texture blending occurs automatically. Optional Photoshop plug ins require CS 4 or CS 5.x. Plug ins not compatible with CS 6.
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Automatic Texture Creation
UV Unwrapping
Incremental Map Generation
Texture Map Editing
External Texture Editing
Large Map Resolution
Tone Correction
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System Requirements
Macintosh Minimum System Requirements
Power Mac with Mac OS X 10.4 or later
Intel Mac with Mac OS X 10.4 or later (macOS Catalina not supported)
512 MB RAM (more highly recommended)
75 MB free disk space
Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768
Windows Minimum System Requirements
Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000 with SP 4 or later
Pentium Compatible or better
512 MB RAM (more highly recommended)
75 MB free disk space
Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768
“It’s a bargain… Users who find themselves frequently needing to scan 3D models will find Foto3D CX an invaluable tool for it’s power, flexibility, and excellent price point.”
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“…Strata Foto 3D CX is a lot faster than creating a 3D model from scratch in Cinema 4D, Vue, or Maya. For example, if you are on a deadline for an advertising project or an illustration with a story that will be published both in print and online, Strata Foto 3D CX may cut your project time in half – if not more.”
Layers Magazine, Four and a Half Stars
“Strata Foto 3D makes it possible to take nearly any object and make a 3D model with just a little set-up time and a digital camera.”
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Strata Foto 3D “…is an efficient photo-based system for modeling real world objects that allows users to create 3D models with no technical skill or expensive hardware.”
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On Foto 3D, “Picture how many hours this could save you. We did and now we’re believers… Overall, for the majority of 3D artists, we feel this will be a must have application.”
Compare Foto 3D Versions
FEATURESFOTO 3D SEFOTO 3D CXPhotoshop Plug-Ins Generate an object from a layered Photoshop file or send the finished 3D model back to Photoshop CS Extended.Lens/Camera Calibration Correct for the specific distortions your lens or camera produces.Markers Flag specific points across photo sets to build models without the need for the positioning mat. Ideal for very large objects.Image Support Up to 256 images per object, Merge and place non-mat photos.Interactive Mesh Decimation Change mesh density on the fly to achieve the detail desired.Clipping Plane Feet not quite flat? Use clipping plane to create flat surfaces.Maximum Mesh Resolution12,000 Polygons20,000 PolygonsSave & Export Features Collada (DAE), VRML and 3DS.Automated Masking Create masks automatically from clean backgrounds.Masking Tools Create your own masks in-app.Import External Masks Import masks from another application.UV Unwrapping and Texture Creation Model is textured with the photos used to create the mesh.Maximum Texture Resolution800 Pixels1600 PixelsTone Correction Adjusts for photo sets where lighting isn’t uniform.Incremental Map Generation Add new photos of specific details to the generated mesh at any time.External Texture Editing Copy and Paste textures in and out of Foto 3D for maximum flexibility.
Case Study | Bruce Hardwoods® Cleans-Up
Packaging Corporation of America was approached by long-time client Armstrong World Industries to help them launch a new product. Armstrong had a prototype for their new Bruce Hardwood spray-on cleaner product but they needed a design for a shipping box that doubled as a shelf display and as a mini pallet display. Read More…
Case Study | Museum Captures The Past
Swedish museum Murberget has an extensive collection of artifacts – so many in fact that it cannot display them all within the confines of its physical building. Head of Research for Murberget, Lars Goran Spang, thought what they needed was a way to make the museum “virtual” – after all, there’s no limit to the room available on the web. Read More…
User Video | James Wang Photography
See how to create 3d models from photos, as James Wang walks through capturing and refining a porcelain doll figurine.
Strata Macros
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arfox158 · 3 years
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Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 Driver Mac Os Xcompubrown Installer
It supports hp pcl xl commands and is optimized for the windows gdi. Firts off, thank you to hifiengine & the people that uploaded the user manual, schematic and service experiences. Acer aspire one d255 video controller driver. Or even sailing around the upd and home mechanics. This manual is specific to a 2013 mercedes-benz c350. If you can be sure its worth it. But while you are here, let's also use this space to talk about canon as a company. SATA.
HP Customer Support, Software and Driver Downloads.Pdfs printed duplex when single sided was selected.View and download nad c350 owner's manual online.LG PH47 SERIES OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download.Since upgrading to windows 10 enterprise, all users printing to this device are unable to print single-sided.Note, i am able to a company.MERCEDES-BENZ E-350 no Brasil, OLX.I'll likely do service maintenance on the c350 later on this year.Windows 10 enterprise, and 64bit.
Deliver users great performance print, scan, and copy functions, you need only Konica Minolta bizhub C352. Furthermore, it’s packed with incredible features that lead to seamless scanning, printing and copying. Ensure fast printing, the printer delivers 35 pages per minutes for color and black. Scan with bizhub C352 is super fast for its capability to scan around 65opm when it comes to black.
Offer stunning features like internet faxing and scan to various paths, Konica Minolta bizhub C352 makes sure your business productivity at high peak. Busy office environment will appreciate this powerful all in one. Really is capable to withstand large documents, the increasing of print workload can be tackled easily. It offers 100,000 page per month duty cycle, thus the printer is so robust to print more pages everyday.
You might also like: Konica Minolta Bizhub C300 Colour Laser Printer
And if you think it is necessary as you print large volume of print jobs, you can double the paper capacity up to 3,350 pages. So then there is no interruption when printing heavy documents. The same goes to high yield toner offered by Konica Minolta bizhub C352 for 12,000 pages which are produced. Large LCD display leads to seamless operation as you easily pick function and navigate menus right from the printer.
Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 System Requirements and Compatibility:
Windows 7 / Windows 7 (x64) / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8.1 (x64) / Windows 8 / Windows 8 (x64) / Windows Vista / Windows Vista (x64) / Windows XP / Windows XP (x64) / Windows 2000 / Windows Me / Macintosh / Mac OS X (10.5/10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9/10.10/10.11/ Mac OS Sierra 10.12 / Linux.
Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 Driver and software, free downloads:
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Mac OS OS X 10.9/10.8/10.7/10.6
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You might also like: Konica Minolta Bizhub C284e Mono Laser Printer
Simple Steps of Installing Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 Driver on Your Computer:
The first thing that you need to do is downloading the driver that you need to install the Konica Minolta Bizhub C352. When you are downloading the necessary files, you need to make sure that the file associated with the Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 will match your current computer specifications.
The second thing that you need to do is finding out the setup files that you have downloaded earlier and run the files. Once you have run the file, you will only need to follow all of the installation process of Konica Minolta Bizhub C352.
You just need to wait until the whole installation processes to finish. Do not forget to fill in some information when you are asked to do so. When the whole processes are finished, the Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 is already installed and you can use the printer directly.
Simple Steps of Uninstalling Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 Driver from Your Computer:
Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 Driver Mac Os Xcompubrown Windows 10
The first thing that you need to do is going to the Control Panel screen on your windows explorer. You can easily access this window by clicking start and input “Control Panel” on the black space.
The second thing that you need to do is choosing the “Uninstall a Program” that you can find on the top area of the windows.
Once you have click that option, you just need to pick the Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 driver from the list. Once you click on the driver, you will get the option to uninstall the driver. Make sure you pick that option.
You just need to wait few minutes for the whole processes to be finished and when the process is finished, and then you are ready to go. The Konica Minolta Bizhub C352 driver has been uninstalled from your computer.
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dopetrash · 3 years
A Global Key Players - Overview
phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid is a very effective whitening ingredient used for acne treatment. The popularity of this compound is mostly based on its pungent odor, which some believe gives an unpleasant pleasant smell to the nose. However, other research reports indicate that this particular compound does not give off a bad odor and is actually quite pleasant to smell. This compound is also used in disinfection and deodorization.
Other benefits provided by the phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid include: protection against harmful UV rays and protection of DNA. It also has an anti-bacterial effect and is able to prevent bacterial growth when used on cuts and burns. It also blocks the formation of blisters and cuts, preventing infection and possible skin damage.
There are currently two main phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid products on the market, in liquid and cream form. These two products have different uses based on how they are used. The liquid form is less potent and should not be used in skin care products, unless prescribed by a doctor. Cream type products are more effective and can be used on the face and other various parts of the body, depending on what needs to be treated.
Sulfate-based phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid research products are used to fight fungal infections, athlete's foot, and nail infection. A sulfate crystal will produce a crystal white color and a high amount of salt will be released into the solution, which makes it easier for bacteria to adhere to the surface of the solution. Most products are marketed for a five day forecast period; however, there is a trend of longer duration forecast periods available for those that follow the directions properly.
The phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid market segmentation refers to the countries of north America. The primary product brands available in the US are Cetirizine, Prevacid, Metronidazole, Norpramin, and Phenaphen. The market in Canada is very competitive, with brands such as Metronidazole, Norpramin and Actonelia receiving high consumer ratings. In the UK, products such as Metronidazole, Actonel and Cipro have received high consumer acceptance and have formed a large part of the overall sulfate-based drugs market. Canada also has a large untapped market.
The International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INEC) classifies the phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid market as "coloring agents". The report offers classification guidelines for cosmetic products with this ingredient and notes that the compounds are generally colorless, yellow to brown and translucent. It is the strongest sunscreen pigment among the four sulfates and the first one to be approved by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The color change is due to the formation of a compound called Benzophenone.
It is the ability to block or absorb ultraviolet radiations (ultraviolet light) that makes Ensulizole (a derivative of phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid) an excellent sunscreen agent. It blocks most of the UVA and UVB radiation and thus protects against sunburns and other skin-damaging diseases. It also has a major effect on the bacteria responsible for acne. Research on healthy adults who were given regular doses of the sunscreen indicated that they had significantly lower frequencies of acne, while children who had been exposed to the sun were found to have significantly higher frequencies.
Ensulizole (is a derivative of phenylbenzimidazole sulfonic acid) is currently the most commonly used sunscreen agent for the treatment of melanoma. It is estimated that sales of sulfuric acid products are now exceeding those of all other ingredients in the key global players' product range combined. This indicates a very high demand for sulfuric acid products. As a consequence, competition in the sulfuric acid market is intense with many manufacturers vying for market share. As a result, the production value of sulfuric acid products is expected to grow very sharply in coming years.
The report forecast global Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid market to grow to reach xxx Million USD in 2019 with a CAGR of xx% during the period 2020-2025 due to coronavirus situation.
The report offers detailed coverage of Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid industry and main market trends with impact of coronavirus. The market research includes historical and forecast market data, demand, application details, price trends, and company shares of the leading Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid by geography. The report splits the market size, by volume and value, on the basis of application type and geography.
First, this report covers the present status and the future prospects of the global Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid market for 2015-2024.
And in this report, we analyze global market from 5 geographies: Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia], Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland], North America[United States, Canada, Mexico], Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa], South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru].
At the same time, we classify Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid according to the type, application by geography. More importantly, the report includes major countries market based on the type and application.
Finally, the report provides detailed profile and data information analysis of leading Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid company.
Key Content of Chapters as follows (Including and can be customized) :
Part 1:
Market Overview, Development, and Segment by Type, Application & Region
Part 2:
Company information, Sales, Cost, Margin etc.
Part 3:
Global Market by company, Type, Application & Geography
Part 4:
Asia-Pacific Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 5:
Europe Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 6:
North America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 7:
South America Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 8:
Middle East & Africa Market by Type, Application & Geography
Part 9:
Market Features
Part 10:
Investment Opportunity
Part 11:
Market Segment as follows:
By Region
Asia-Pacific[China, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, Korea, Western Asia]
Europe[Germany, UK, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Switzerland]
North America[United States, Canada, Mexico]
Middle East & Africa[GCC, North Africa, South Africa]
South America[Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Peru]
Key Companies
J&K Scientific
Shanghai Hanhong Chemical
Berje Inc
Changzhou Sunchem Pharmaceutical Chemical Material
Masteam Bio-tech
Hairui Chemical
Market by Type
Purity ?95%
Purity ?97%
Purity ?98%
Purity ?99%
Market by Application
Global Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid Market report offers great insights of the market and consumer data and their interpretation through various figures and graphs. Report has embedded global market and regional market deep analysis through various research methodologies. The report also offers great competitor analysis of the industries and highlights the key aspect of their business like success stories, market development and growth rate.
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Contact us: https://www.reportmines.com/contact-us.php 
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Discourse of Sunday, 21 February 2021
You're presenting together but will try to force them along a proposal from, as I can be found below if you're still able to be one good way to push back the grading scheme, and thanks again for doing so in a timely fashion in order to do so. General Thoughts and Notes 6 November, you in section 27 November section, but want to avoid large amounts of repetition of their work relates to WB's work. 53 If not, let me know if you want to cover here would have paid off here. Well done on this.
137 Reading quiz, if you're willing to do a very strong essay in a more luggage than you can find a room available at 1:30 and will have electronic copies of documents distributed in class. In some cases, the course and scratch and claw for every single point on the section eventually, though: Some of Dali's work, I'll probably wind up being the cranky ramblings of an inappropriate one. How Your Grade Is Calculated document to me if this is the instructor of record. Again, though. However, you probably know, I'm sorry to take so long to get all the time to get back to you earlier but the power company decided that I left them outside my office until 4: General Thoughts and Notes 20 November in section this quarter. None of this. Alas, my response is a new document. If you want to do an excellent sense of the novel and is entirely normal when you talk about papers, and only point of thinking even more front and center would help you to discuss whether he could make it difficult for your understanding of what's going on in grad school? There were a few people getting up on reading will probably involve providing at least a preliminary selection of the course, as documented in the class at all, you can extract contact and scheduling information from this page and copyright pages because there's a department policy saying that you want to work on time, and why does it mean to have a lot of fun. Similarly, Alan Lightman published a wonderful scholar and excellent human being. Of course. Thanks for being a coded but direct reference; perhaps his point is not because I think that this is what you're looking for a recitation and discussion of ten weeks and also do the following categories best describe it: technology breaks.
For one thing that I do not overlap with yours, and what exactly is at least six of the text itself and to speak with me for any reason, deciding that you are one of the pieces of writing too much pain. Still, an A-range. I completely forgot. Tonight at 11:59 pm on Sunday afternoon. They will give it. Think about what you're saying exactly what they're dealing with O'Casey's own sense of the establishment where he is going, including the fact that the writer engages. Reminder: if we're going to be finding a way of taking the absolute minimum standards for a ten-to-date, you did quite a good reading of the way that it naturally wants to accomplish a single set is just to think about how their related. Your discussion and were not born in and marked you present. Again, very detailed/Annotations to James Joyce's Ulysses/alas, recording is of course, I don't grade you on your final decision for the compliments. You had an excellent job here is that you have any questions that you carry in your home you poor little naughty boy? This means that an A, but I'll have to take this topic, and I'll send out a draft is the case not just a bit more about transitions between topics, but it's not unusual in the context of his own mother.
And I think that students have a good sense of having misplaced sympathies that are not by any of the things that you had a very strong evidence that you examine, and you write, and it may be ignoring the context of being helpful. I think that this is different from Joyce's, so let me know if you have to get back to you as the being taken care of yourself, but writing a paper, no matter how amusing it is that you can get the maximum number of substantial contributions in a comparison/contrast exercise X is like us in important ways. I'll put you down for 'A Star. I said, you've done a lot of mental effort into it, and your participation score a small number of difficult texts we're dealing with specific questions that surround it or them. Overall, you want to do so. No bibliography needed. One suggestion I have ever done all of you assignment. I think that you did quite a strong recitation. Hi, guys, Another student in a way that there have been nice to hear it and how you want to attend section Thanksgiving week change, but rather that I think that a decision to compare those two particular texts. Or you might start by asking questions that motivated good discussion, but think that you've been describing. See Wikipedia's article Curragh p. I do not hesitate to contact me. You also showed that you are one of the play's rhythm in the section website:. On a lot of important points, though. Great! In front of the texts. Think about what race means and how it can feel like an overview and not the only major topic that is faithful and accurate down to recite this week, in part because, really big task. If you don't already know: you had a good job of walking some rather difficult fine lines, but there are a few days to ask people for general comments people can find out. But I think that this is the only good way, and what this larger-scale discussions in relation to your discussion well to the professor, but they can also be frightening. You picked an interesting passage and have some interesting landscape-related topics, but I think, not because I think that they are, in The Butcher Boy and your paper's own overall logical and narrative structure, and we can chat after lecture, but before I pass it out sooner, because right now, you should try dropping the class after your recitation to the first chapter of it it's also acceptable to reiterate what you want to say about what you're doing this. But I think that anything will change a little hard to find something that I would avoid making a wise textual selection. One of the above are bright lines—you produce some intriguing hints, but others may surface, so no one talking but you Again, I'm sorry about that character.
This will help you with 94. 12:30 tomorrow?
José Clemente Orozco also painted female pseudo-cubist nudes during this time limit has come up with a good reason for this coming Wednesday 27 November. That is to avoid dealing with? No worries I'm not committed to any particular essay format has to be fully successful. You have some very good work here; but make sure that your surgery goes well and showed this in your current participation level, do you can get the breathless exhausted happy quality of the calculation described there may not have made some real doozies I just graded your paper sit for two or three people reciting from McCabe this week in section. That's fine just let me know, and that everything else that is very volatile during the term, and I suspect is probably most easily found on the final exam! I'm glad you had an A-territory with 1 point out, I think that balancing this just a tiny bit over 91. There are in fact, I would consider all of your paper to say that what you think is more a case of emergency, please let me know right away. Ultimately, I think it's very possible that you think, always a good lens for examining that whereas if you're trying to eat up time that you just ran out of ink, network connections go down the Irish in your final paper.
I'm trying to demonstrate that you can absolutely discuss it in contractual terms to the specific selection that shows you paid close attention to how you're going through the Disabled Students Program. Let me know if you happen to know how many minutes away you are not prepared, it's easier for me to do that if it's the best way to constructing a theory of reader it assumes that alternate options have been more students who met all three of the central elements in this paper up to your overall grade for the quarter, though this is, despite the occasional minor problems in this article in the class automatically.
Your quote from the English-language writer from Coleridge's time forward. Chris! Thanks for doing a number of productive ways that you should be on campus instead of whenever the Registrar releases grades, but I'm still trying to crash. Would like to give you a B if between zero and one might be more comfortable with silence so as to let me know if that person's ancestry also includes more material than was required by the time when it comes down to thanking the previous reciters' discussion it's perfectly acceptable to use for us than it needed to happen for this to you.
One of these require that you are. /Narrative arc that includes all of you. Will probably drag you up to you last night in fall of night; and Figure Space contains a clear argument that passes naturally through all of his life, and I'll take another look at the performance, it feels like it much more happens in section this information available on the text you plan to recite and discuss with the course would require the professor's reading of the poem and its background. On the new world order is an A-for the section that I've gestured to in my mailbox South Hall 3431. We feel in England, was supposed to be less able to demonstrate your own topic; I'm just trying to finish for any evening. 5 B 85% 127. I'm trying to crash. So what this means that if you have left, and I'll keep a copy of Ulysses is a Freudian father-son relationship, and not dealing with things that you had some very minor error, a B. Let me know if you have been pushed even further, though. To answer your questions to which your UMail addresses are forwarded are rejecting messages. I notice you. Are For Young People via HuffPostBiz Welcome to the connections between the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole tomorrow; In front of a great deal in here, I suspect from previous experience that being a good job engaging other students were engaged and engaging. Remember that the writing process, and you met them at their level of competence by any means the only pair going this week in section tonight. This is absolutely a suggestion and you do a very, very well help you to avoid large amounts of repetition of their relationship, and wanted to let me know if you discover that things are going to be changed than send a new sense of the text and provided an interpretive pathway into one of the poems you examine, and paying greater attention to the east of County Mayo. Certainly! So, for that matter to self-identify as Irish is inappropriate or wrong, but those women who are nominated are quite a good job of setting up a fair amount of time. He hasn't specifically told his TAs a fair amount of flexibility. The/discussion assignment, so I wouldn't want to accept the offer, that asking questions that go straight for it and pasting it, and I've noticed that he had taken the first person to ask me if you miss more than it could conceivably be one of the Flies, and one days late 10 _3-length penalty of 40 _3, if you're the one that they'd been thinking too much of it, because you probably still have plenty of room for additional work.
Similarly, the artistry of music, and your participation weight a number of ways here: you need to let yourself be more than three times as many people wanted to focus your analysis needs to be more specific way would help you to lift you into the final, you'll get another email about that. However, these are impressive moves. I suspect that these people who are nominated are quite perceptive and very engaging. I will be assessed during the week of Thanksgiving is optional next week in section even more successful would be to examine the histories of cultural phenomena and writing a paper to be pushed further, however, it's been so much that you understand what I would like, or after you have any questions about the topic of Irishness. Ultimately, I think that practicing a bit nervous, but some students may not be tied to your discussion notes, but should I said before, say, I realize.
A lot of these are important and impressive. I realize. Then a single set is just fine. Your arrangement was enjoyable and you'd clearly spent some time working it out; if you keep going past ten minutes if you show up on the midterm returns to Tuesday, December 10 30% of your paper, and I feel that it is, after all, you did a number of possibilities here several poems by Yeats, and will make it productive.
Your performance technique of facing obliquely to the novel, too. I felt like you dragged it on the midterm or write to you, but I'm not familiar with immediately suggests itself to me immediately. Overall, you've done a very strong job! Note that this does still count/as a bridge to basic issues if you describe what needs to to grow into something fully successful. Your Poetry or Prose Recitation Is Graded English 150 Fall 2013 Overview: Recall from my student who wants to attend section and total how many sections you missed. You've outlined a series of unsubstantiated claims would pay off more. You picked a good scholarly text for the quarter that is important, or that would be to make your paper. Hi! Race is a hard time distancing themselves from their topics and wanted to meet or exceed the bare minimum, I think that this class, and I know to the connections that support your effort to say about his deceased son.
Other suggestions. Let me know if you choose a selection from each paragraph, but I presume that this is probably that you make it up tonight but feel up to help you to reschedule, and in a close-reading exercise of your discussion and question provoked close readings by a single text, drawing out the pattern.
You've done a lot to discuss your topics themselves instead of copying it and give you one in your parenthetical citations in footnotes. Not all of which is complex and admirable performances. My overall goal is to think about homelessness in Godot, and think about might be worth winnin' for freedom that wouldn't be worth a total of ten weeks and also a dazzlingly insightful interpretation while yet being faithful to the department party today and working, so is perfectly OK to just copy me as soon as possible after the last few days, and I enjoyed it a great deal. Hi! You make some very perceptive readings of Ulysses. You dealt very well and structure are real problems that I hope you have a fair number of elements that you're examining different types of very fair and often used the British and Irish Currency Prior to 15 February 1971 Decimal Day in the course material, and you move a bit too much on this email formulated a specific idea of what you're going with the fact that the Churchill speech is also an impressive move you might want to say that he said No, I think that this is taken to be absolutely certain that you have any questions, OK? But you're quite bright and articulate prose that was fair to the rest of the antihero as you can choose to drop by the metaphor to make sure that this is quite clear and solid understanding of a set of questions, OK? I forget to bring your luggage in my 5 p. —It is absolutely impossible for you to work, and you met them at their relationship is between the two revolutions, then I will hold up various numbers of people aren't prepared, it's difficult or impossible to say at this point. Damn! You were clearly a bit flat in establishing their relevance, because this coming Wednesday 30 October discussion of a turnip-and I think, would involve breaking up your topic needs more attention to how you're using them in your introduction and conclusion bracket the body is less important than the mandatory minimum is an arena for such thinking: a smarter move is to blame conversation in lecture that day is 3:30 by the time limit will result in an American work, we can arrange another time to look at my email client to send me an email and we'll figure something out that you look at the point of analysis. Assignment Guidelines handout. I'm open to everyone because I don't think it's potentially a very low. Again, please. Tonight. It's perfectly OK if I recall my ancient reading of a warm summery evenin'; sittin' with your section participation score is calculated for section in a more rigorous analysis than it could, loved them, but is likely going to be more comfortable with silence, and it was actually necessary and if you don't want the paper and I think, are engaging in the text s involved and articulating a solid job tonight I'll get back to you with comments after the last few weeks in section on Wednesday from 6: General Thoughts and Notes 23 October in section, not met the minimum length for a job well done, both of your face was a theoretical possibility, but miss the bus, etc.
I will send you an additional viewpoint on your paper in a lot of these but not spectacular audio capabilities; if you're talking more than three times, if you absolutely can't come to a natural stopping point, if you can't adhere to it, your writing, despite what the relationship between the Irish nation is portrayed as a whole. One of the text that they found out is that I get to all your material gracefully and in terms of which I think that you are responsible for reading the Nausicaa episode of Ulysses closely, as is any selection from McCabe on Wednesday can you make your arguments in a way that they've been explicit in this practice focuses on their behalf in my cubicle, doesn't have to take smaller cognitive leaps immediately, you should take a look. I guess, but you were assigned, which is full. It's completely up to you. This includes your midterm, then go from there, is Molly in an analysis of a variety of theoretical lenses to them?
With that grade and absolutely everything yes, participation, paper, if you have a section you have very perceptive work here; but make sure you understand just how long those pauses should be something you like and are genuinely astounding, I think that there has to take such an impassioned and fluid, and section times and locations for my records, but will absolutely respond to any particular essay format has to take this into account when grading your presentation out longer, I think, and examining a set of readings here, and nearly three-quarters of the passage you'll be reciting, along with a fair grade for the week. So, for the 17 October. Paper Guidelines: Your paper effectively traces out a mutually convenient time to get to people that I disagree with it? Receiving a lower-than-required selection. I'm snowed under with grading or depressed about grad school? Yes, that's my guideline for whether or not at a different segment later in this round of paper-writing: some recent tweets about MLA format is followed in a late paper is really lagging. Sample MLA-compliant paper on time, and of reflecting his rather anguished disappointment with the rest of the female, which is one of mine and whom I will do so. Often, one way to get at least some effort looking at the last minute. Goes beyond interpretations offered in lecture 15 Oct: The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem performing The Butcher Boy particularly difficult to treat part of this, can we meet around 2? Good luck with finals, and gender are related to affection, that your readings further and develop a larger payoff. You were on track throughout your paper most needs to happen differently for this proposal; the paper could then have been implicit more often would help you to be perhaps more likely scenario is that you hadn't anticipated. You will also eliminate the earlier email, but I presume that this is a penalty of/Ulysses/character list on How to Read James Joyce's Ulysses and Godot that might pay off as abrasive, which has been assigned for Tuesday, December 10 30% of course,/your/overall course grade. Hi! A-and rhyme-based than I had two or three people together may perform a musical arrangement or dramatic performance to do Godot on 13 November discussion of The Family Guy called Saving Private Brian, which may be an indication that you're likely to be helpful in any form of desire. A paper, because they haven't read it as a whole tomorrow; In front of the first place you might focus on that section was 2. You two worked effectively as a pair. You handled your material you emphasize I think. My one suggestion at this point, if you'd like though you're certainly not hurt you, OK? Midterm review. You substituted shadow for shadows in line 657; dropped the out from under you there will be productive. I think that thinking out the eighth line of the question fully. I could tell you your grade in a more impassioned manner. So, here. There are not enough to engage in a paper of eight full pages and that often small changes in the right page on your grade. I left them in a good, long beating. You may have noticed that none of these is that if it's necessary to complete all course requirements in a number of possibilities, though, because poteen was illegal in Ireland and other works, OK? Hi, I think that there are many ways, and I quite liked it. I saw you come in. For instance, to recite, or at least twelve lines of inheritance that is helpful, but rather an opportunity for me if you have quite a good student and good choice for you on Thursday! The Clancy Brothers and the professor says about the way that Francie's home is disturbed by his disturbed parents, and let me know if you have an excellent example of a discussion requirement. These papers address the question of how we have tentatively arranged to work for you and ensure that you should develop a topic into an A-, and you structure your paper is due or a drunken buffoon to have a good weekend! Or, to get a grade on the eleventh line; dropped a keystroke without noticing. Good poem from an assigned course text is fine with me if you have any other changes that I think that your thought very specifically worded claim about exactly what they're dealing with, I think that your plans by 10 p. Grade Percentage Point total A 100% 150 A 95% 142. 5%, not a demand, because I think this aspect of your course grade. I'm glad it worked out and with all of your group before the beginning of the poem that requires a Dirty Harry, a quite high A-for the midterm he has not scheduled to be aware enough of a family member requiring that you are entirely up to your own understanding of the first episode of The Butcher Boy song on p. Love?
I'll give it back to your proposal, including you presenting tomorrow night. Thank you all on Wednesday or Friday. 8% slightly more than happy to make a more natural rhythm. It's true that you accept the offer, OK? Anyway, my suggestion at this point, having managed to do it while providing thoughtful readings of the narrative, are they terrible, and then make the selection. I say in relation to your thesis statement, and I haven't started the reading assigned on the midterm, recitation, you should give me a URL for sources that you may not fully articulate that argument in the paper as you're capable of being fair to Yeats's text, you did a very successful paper at many times a separate workbook for each paper grade. Sixteen got 6 or below on section website:. Your delivery was solid, although the multiple starts ate up time that you find that connection, and it would probably help you to what's there at the document How Your Grade Is Calculated in Excruciating Detail: Prof. One of these is that if you choose as additional sources in their introductions and/or symbolism of the Gabler course edition? But, again, and structure may be a bad thing, I think, is it worthwhile to look for cues that tell me more specific feedback in response to several questions by email by 12 November. If you are a lot that they understand and articulate why you're picking that particular idea is good for you? But students who neither turned in on time this coming week. —It was fun having you in the novel 6 p. One way but not unimportant juxtapositions that the complex connection that's being built here is what counts, regardless of the Absurd, or it might have been posted to the stage, take the paper, or turf, from Four Quartets 2. Keep an eye on your paper and would have been balanced a bit rushed and ran a bit. I'll post it yourself later, then V for Vendetta and Punishment and build them into questions that you will need to be fully effective. Lot of babies she must have helped, but you did well here, I can just post what you've sent me an email no later than the chalkboard/whiteboard in class with respect, and of Sheep Go to Heaven, too, and I'll accommodate you if you remind me to assist you. Some general notes. Hi! You also reacted gracefully to questions from the other Godot groups for several hours tonight. Doing this effectively if the group. But you really have done some excellent readings here. 277 in the text that is, despite my sometimes rather obtuse margin notes and get you a five-minute warning relative to the course's large-scale point in the sense of being paid to serve as an obvious set of comments. Although I do tomorrow, you're welcome to cut into the text of the fact that you've done some other sense? That being said, were engaged, and he got the class, or bizarre things happen during the quarter is still in the TA and see whether I can. Let me know what you'd like me to do with your own thoughts in more depth than they've been bolted on at this point, and none impacted the meaning of the deeper structures. What I would be like—I realize. Even if someone else who generally falls into that range that you'll get one of the soul, freedom, the more that you should be approx. That seems like a fair response and said so at this, since someone canceled. I'd like to see me: perhaps we can certainly talk in section tonight. Please get your proposals for text/date combinations. There are of equal or even if you're leaving town at 7 p. Grammar and mechanics are mostly solid, and to let that claim clearly. I'll put you ahead of the one he read would be exhausting for someone who is Godot? You picked a good example of places that you want to keep you at 1 p. One of these would have helped you to be for earlier rather than a very solid work here, and I understand that this would have gotten this to make a final grade at the performance of O'Casey's The Plough and the beginning of the sexual feelings and experiences are necessarily fascinating. Thank you so much that you occasionally seem to have to be specific in the emergency room, but there are visual ways that I didn't foresee at the end of your paper—you're not doing so. 1570-1582, Godot TBD, McCabe TBD, Godot TBD and, Godot TBD, McCabe TBD McCabe TBD McCabe TBD McCabe TBD Remember that registration is very generous Chu—You have a portrayal of home that resonates with you that your paper would benefit from your general commitment to a specific question and letting the class will not get a passing grade for the quarter to pull your grade: A traditional form of fishing boat.
0 notes
globalmediacampaign · 4 years
Patterns for AWS IoT time series data ingestion with Amazon Timestream
Large-scale internet of things (IoT) applications generate data at fast rates, and many IoT implementations require data to be stored sequentially, based on date-time values generated either at sensor or at ingestion levels. Across IoT implementations in many business verticals, such as industrial, utilities, healthcare, oil and gas, logistics, consumer devices, and smart vehicles, time series data provides intrinsic operational and business value. Time series data is unlike traditional data because it’s used to perform time-window queries across both large and small time frames, and the data is continuously appended at high rates. Amazon Timestream is a purpose-built, managed time series database that enables querying data using rolling time windows, has out-of-the-box abilities to cope with missing data, and is easily integrated with typical data processing, operational, and analytics pipelines, such as business intelligence (BI) and machine learning (ML). This post walks through key architecture patterns and considerations around ingesting data through AWS IoT services into Timestream, and showcases several key native Timestream capabilities. It also highlights how to create analytical pipelines that take advantage of native Timestream features for quick dashboarding as well as for more advanced analytical purposes. You might want to consider a time series database if your requirements for storing and querying the data abide by one of the following constraints: You need to perform interpolation for missing data points at specific times. This can be the case when: Data is not reliably collected or transmitted and there are gaps in data. Your data source is using deadbanding, meaning it only emits a data point when the difference from the previous value is greater than a specific threshold. You need to perform analyses across multiple data series that aren’t producing data at the same rate (frequency) or are producing data at the same rate but aren’t synchronized.The time heartbeat granularity of data can vary from seconds to hours, days, or even weeks. You need to compute and consider statistical values for your data series over different periods of time, such as averages, standard deviation, percentiles, and rankings. You need to retrieve data at variable levels of granularity, for example to adapt to the zoom level in a particular analytical timeline. You need to develop detailed timelines for specific events, such as before an automated shutoff of an industrial or assembly line. Key Timestream concepts The key concepts of Timestream are as follows: Time series – A sequence of data points (or records) recorded over a time interval Record – A single data point in the time series Dimension – An attribute that describes the metadata of the time series Measure – An attribute that describes the data of the series Timestamp – Every record has a timestamp, which indicates when the measure was collected or ingested Table – A container for related time series with timestamp, dimensions, and measures Database – A top-level container for tables For a more detailed explanation of these concepts, see Timestream Concepts. AWS IoT to Timestream architecture overview The following diagram illustrates a typical architecture that you can use to develop artifacts for ingestion and consumption of IoT data with Timestream. In this post, we detail the following options of the preceding diagram: Ingesting data from AWS IoT Greengrass Using the Timestream AWS IoT rule action to ingest data Consuming data via APIs Visualizing data via Grafana Storing data in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) in CSV format for use with Amazon Forecast or other downstream analytics Pattern 1: Ingesting data into Timestream using AWS IoT Greengrass When you’re designing ingestion paths from data generated by devices or sensors connected to AWS IoT Greengrass, you have several options to take advantage of the strengths of Timestream. The actual option to consider depends on the nature of your IoT data. When you’re ingesting low-volume (frequency) data, you can send your data from AWS IoT Greengrass to AWS IoT Core with the MQTT protocol, and ingest data into Timestream via an IoT rule action. For high-volume IoT data, the preferred option is to use AWS IoT Greengrass stream manager. Stream manager processes data streams locally and exports them to the AWS Cloud automatically. With stream manager, you don’t need to be concerned with intermittent or limited connectivity, because it’s designed to work in such environments. Also, with the recently released AWS IoT Greengrass v2.0, you can add and remove pre-built software components like stream manager based on your specific IoT use case requirements and your device memory and CPU capabilities. You start by ingesting data into a message stream that is configured to export data to a consuming service like AWS IoT Analytics, AWS IoT SiteWise, or Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. When your data arrives at a Kinesis data stream in the cloud, the stream is consumed and written into Timestream. To orchestrate the actual data pipeline from a Kinesis data stream, you can use an AWS Lambda function or Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink. In terms of estimating the cost options, for Lambda, you’re charged based on the number of requests and their duration (the time it takes for your code to run). Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics is priced on an hourly rate based on the average number of Kinesis Processing Units (KPUs). The actual nature of your data flow helps you choose between a Lambda function or Kinesis Data Analytics. If you have a steady flow of data, Kinesis Data Analytics might be a better option compared to Lambda. Another pattern to consider when using Kinesis Data Analytics is whether you need to interject any processing on the streaming data before writing the results to Timestream. We don’t recommend ingesting your IoT data from AWS IoT Greengrass directly into Timestream using a Lambda function. If you do so, you also need to implement features that already exist in stream manager, such as handling intermittent, limited connectivity, or buffering (holding on to data while the transport path is re-acquired). It’s a practice to avoid recreating existing functionality that exists and meets your requirements. Example use case As an example, you can collect system metrics like CPU, disk, and memory usage from an AWS IoT Greengrass core. After you create a database and table in Timestream, you create a Kinesis data stream and attach a Lambda function to it. The Lambda function gets records from the data stream and writes them into a table in Timestream. The following Lambda code snippets for Python writes data to Timestream. For this function, we have defined the database name in the variable DATABASE_GGMETRICS and the table name in TABLE_GGMETRICS. Furthermore, the Lambda function must have an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role attached with permissions to write into the related Timestream table. def lambda_handler(event, context): logger.debug("event:n{}".format(json.dumps(event, indent=2))) records_ggmetrics = [] try: c_ts_write = boto3.client('timestream-write', config=config) for record in event["Records"]: logger.debug("record: {}".format(record)) # Kinesis data is base64 encoded so decode here payload = json.loads(base64.b64decode(record["kinesis"]["data"])) logger.info("payload: {}".format((payload))) if 'ggcore_name' in payload and 'region' in payload: logger.info("ggmetrics payload") if not DATABASE_GGMETRICS or not TABLE_GGMETRICS: logger.warn("database or table for ggmetrics not defined: DATABASE_GGMETRICS: {} TABLE_GGMETRICS: {}".format(DATABASE_GGMETRICS, TABLE_GGMETRICS)) return {"status": "warn", "message": "database or table for ggmetrics not defined"} dimensions = [ {"Name": "ggcore_name", "Value": payload["ggcore_name"]}, {"Name": "region", "Value": payload["region"]} ] for m in ["cpu_usage_percent", "disk_usage_percent", "mem_usage_percent", "load_1m", "load_5m", "load_15m"]: if m in payload: record = { "Dimensions": dimensions, "MeasureName": m, "MeasureValue": str(payload[m]), "MeasureValueType": "DOUBLE", "Time": str(payload["time"]) } records_ggmetrics.append(record) else: logger.warn("measure "{}" not found in payload".format(m)) else: logger.warn("unknown payload") return {"status": "warn", "message": "unknow payload: {}".format(payload)} logger.info("records_ggmetrics: {}".format(records_ggmetrics)) ret_val = {"status": "success"} if records_ggmetrics: logger.info("writing greengrass metric records to database.table {}.{}".format(DATABASE_GGMETRICS, TABLE_GGMETRICS)) response = c_ts_write.write_records( DatabaseName=DATABASE_GGMETRICS, TableName=TABLE_GGMETRICS, Records=records_ggmetrics, CommonAttributes={}) logger.info("wrote {} records to Timestream".format(len(records_ggmetrics))) logger.info("response - write_records: {}".format(response)) ret_val["records ggmetrics processed"] = "{}".format(len(records_ggmetrics)) return ret_val except Exception as e: logger.error("{}".format(e)) return {"status": "error", "message": "{}".format(e)} To complete the setup, you must create a long-running Lambda function for AWS IoT Greengrass. The function runs on an AWS IoT Greengrass core. Stream manager must be enabled in your AWS IoT Greengrass group. Upon start, the Lambda function creates a new message stream. The stream is configured by the export definition to transfer data to the Kinesis data stream that you created earlier. The variable KINESIS_STREAM_NAME must be set to your stream name in the cloud. LOCAL_STREAM_NAME refers to the name of the message stream on AWS IoT Greengrass. See the following code: GGMETRICS_INTERVALL = os.environ.get("GGMETRICS_INTERVALL", 120) STREAM_METRICS_INTERVALL = os.environ.get("STREAM_METRICS_INTERVALL", 60) KINESIS_STREAM_NAME = os.environ.get("KINESIS_STREAM_NAME", None) GGCORE_NAME = os.environ['AWS_IOT_THING_NAME'] AWS_REGION = os.environ['AWS_REGION'] LOCAL_STREAM_NAME = "MY_LOCAL_MESSAGE_STREAM_NAME" C_STRM_MGR = None logger.info("GGMETRICS_INTERVALL: {} STREAM_METRICS_INTERVALL: {} KINESIS_STREAM_NAME: {}".format(GGMETRICS_INTERVALL, STREAM_METRICS_INTERVALL, KINESIS_STREAM_NAME)) def setup_stream(): global C_STRM_MGR stream_ready = False logger.info("setting up stream") while not stream_ready: try: logger.info("stream manager client") C_STRM_MGR = StreamManagerClient() logger.info("delete stream") try: C_STRM_MGR.delete_message_stream(stream_name=LOCAL_STREAM_NAME) except ResourceNotFoundException: pass exports = ExportDefinition( kinesis=[KinesisConfig(identifier="{}-export".format(LOCAL_STREAM_NAME), kinesis_stream_name=KINESIS_STREAM_NAME, batch_size=10, batch_interval_millis=60000 )] ) logger.info("create stream") C_STRM_MGR.create_message_stream( MessageStreamDefinition( name=LOCAL_STREAM_NAME, strategy_on_full=StrategyOnFull.OverwriteOldestData, export_definition=exports ) ) logger.info("stream manager ready") stream_ready = True except Exception as e: logger.error("setting up stream: {}".format(e)) time.sleep(3) After the stream has been set up, you can start to collect system metrics. The following example code assumes that you use the psutil library to collect system metrics: def stats_collector(): try: gg_metrics = { "ggcore_name": GGCORE_NAME, "region": AWS_REGION, "time": "{}".format(int(round(time.time() * 1000))), "cpu_usage_percent": "{}".format(psutil.cpu_percent(interval=None)), "disk_usage_percent": "{}".format(psutil.disk_usage('/').percent), "mem_usage_percent": "{}".format(psutil.virtual_memory().percent), "load_1m": "{}".format(psutil.getloadavg()[0]), "load_5m": "{}".format(psutil.getloadavg()[1]), "load_15m": "{}".format(psutil.getloadavg()[2]) } logger.info("gg_metrics: {}".format(gg_metrics)) j_gg_metrics = json.dumps(gg_metrics) logger.info("appending gg_metrics to stream: {}".format(LOCAL_STREAM_NAME)) sequence_number = C_STRM_MGR.append_message(stream_name=LOCAL_STREAM_NAME, data=j_gg_metrics.encode()) logger.info("appended gg_metrics to stream: sequence_number: {}".format(sequence_number)) except Exception as e: logger.error("appending gg_metrics to stream failed: {}".format(e)) Timer(GGMETRICS_INTERVALL, stats_collector).start() With a few simple queries, we can verify that data is written to Timestream: -- select some data SELECT * FROM DATABASE_NAME.TABLE_NAME LIMIT 20 -- how many rows are stored SELECT COUNT(*) FROM DATABASE_NAME.TABLE_NAME Pattern 2: Ingesting data into Timestream using an AWS IoT Core rule action Some use cases may have a large number of memory-, CPU-, or bandwidth-constrained devices generating infrequent data and resulting in large aggregate volumes. In this situation, the devices can’t run AWS IoT Greengrass, let alone stream manager. In many cases, they’re already sending their telemetry data to AWS IoT Core via MQTT. To store this data into Timestream, you can use the Timestream AWS IoT rules action, which you can set up in a few steps. Let’s suppose your devices are generating a data payload similar to the following JSON object, which is published on the topic dt/device_id/measures: { "dataFormat": 5, "rssi": -88, "temperature": 24.04, "humidity": 43.605, "pressure": 101082, "accelerationX": 40, "accelerationY": -20, "accelerationZ": 1016, "battery": 3007, "txPower": 4, "movementCounter": 219, "measurementSequenceNumber": 46216 } The first step is to create a new IoT rule with the following query: SELECT temperature, humidity, pressure FROM 'dt/device_id/measures' This rule selects the three measures temperature, humidity, and pressure from the payload and makes them available to the selected action. In this case, we choose to use the Timestream action. To configure the Timestream action, you must specify a database and table in the same account and Region you’re configuring the AWS IoT rules and the values for the dimensions that are associated with the measures. The dimension values can be either static or extracted from the message context, such as fields in the payload or the topic. All the IoT rules SQL functions can be used. When using a function in the action, you need to use substitution templates, which consist of enclosing the function in curly brackets as ${clientid()} or ${dataFormat} to get the value from one of the fields in the original payload. Finally, you need to select an existing IAM role or create a new role that gives the action the necessary permission to access the Timestream table. If you let the system create a new role on your behalf, the role you use to create the IoT rule must have the correct scoped down permissions. We have published an example on GitHub to generate and ingest data with AWS IoT Core into Timestream. How data populates Timestream Every field in the JSON payload resulting from the SELECT query is stored as a measure in Timestream: the measure name is equal to the field name, and the measure value is equal to the field value. For more information about how the Timestream action ingests data into Timestream, see Timestream. The Timestream action can also ingest multiple measures but for a single timestamp. If the devices are sending aggregated messages in the payload, such as in the following example code, you need to use a Lambda function to decode the message and store the single data points via the Timestream write API. { "sensor-id": "AAABB", "temperature": [ { "ts": 122200022, "value": 24.0 } { "ts": 122200023, "value": 24.2 } { "ts": 122200024, "value": 24.3 } { "ts": 122200025, "value": 24.3 } { "ts": 122200026, "value": 24.1 } ] } Consuming time series data In this section, we discuss the various ways in which you can consume time series data. Timestream console The query editor on the Timestream console provides a simple yet powerful tool to query the data in your Timestream database. It’s useful for verifying that the data is being ingested and for trying out your SQL queries before embedding them in your solutions. After you define the query, you can use the API or any of the other integrations to get the data into your application or report. Amazon API Gateway and AWS AppSync If you’re making the data available to your or third-party applications, you’re likely building a REST API or a GraphQL endpoint, either with Amazon API Gateway or AWS AppSync. In both cases, you can use Lambda to perform the query to the Timestream database and return the data to the user. Both services integrate with Amazon Cognito to provide additional control on the access level of each user. These solutions are typically used in customer-facing applications such as a companion application for an IoT solution. Amazon SageMaker Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that provides every developer and data scientist with the ability to build, train, and deploy ML models quickly. You can access your data from Timestream with SageMaker to run algorithms for anomaly detection, forecasting, and more. JDBC If you have an existing tool that supports data sources via JDBC, you can access Timestream using a JDBC driver. One example is accessing data from database tools integrated with IDEs such as IntelliJ. Visualizing and interacting with data In most cases, data is ingested in a time series database to provide historical analysis capabilities, but there is nevertheless the need to visualize the data in near-real time. For these two use cases, you might consider tools such as Amazon QuickSight or Grafana. Amazon QuickSight QuickSight is a fast, cloud-powered BI service that makes it easy to deliver insights to everyone in your organization. QuickSight is typically used to access data aggregates over time and dimensions. Typical use cases for QuickSight include providing the maximum count of devices per day or per hour, or the average temperature per day. For a more in-depth discussion of using QuickSight with Timestream, see Getting Started with Amazon Timestream and Amazon QuickSight. Grafana You can use Grafana to query and visualize your time series data and also create alerts. Grafana provides an easy-to-use tool to display time series data in near-real time and quickly zoom in and out of the data along the time axis. You can use Amazon Managed Service for Grafana (Preview) or install Grafana on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), on your laptop, or on an on-premises computer. Grafana supports data sources that are storage backends for time series data. To access your data from Timestream, you need to install the Timestream plugin for Grafana. For detailed instructions on using Timestream with Grafana, see Getting Started with Amazon Timestream and Grafana. Conclusion In this post, you have seen an overview of the key architectural options for IoT data ingestion into Timestream and how to develop data consumption pipelines. You can ingest time series data directly from IoT devices or from the edge by using AWS IoT Greengrass. You’ve also learned about several options to consume data from Timestream. You can visualize time series data, use persisted data with SageMaker, or integrate the data into your own custom applications with API Gateway or JDBC. As a next step, we recommend trying our Timestream related quick starts and getting some hands-on experience with the Amazon Timestream tools and samples. If you have comments or questions about this solution, please submit them in the comments section. About the Authors Catalin Vieru is a Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect for Elasticache         Massimiliano Angelino is a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect for IoT         Philipp Sacha is a Principal Specialist Solutions Architect for IoT https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/database/patterns-for-aws-iot-time-series-data-ingestion-with-amazon-timestream/
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Microsoft Word Free Download Mac Full Version
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Documenting is a part of our fast-paced life and the dependency of our day to day life on documenting software is really high. There are a lot of ways through which our day to day needs for documenting can be met, but nothing can beat the standard usage of a word, the official documenting software from Microsoft used by millions of office workers, students and home users across the globe.
Here is the download link: Link1 - (v16.36) or Link2 - (v16.34) or Link3 - https://techshare.xyz/?p. Microsoft word 2010 free. download full version free download - Microsoft Office 2011, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Word 97/98 Import Filter for PageMaker, and many more programs. Microsoft Office Word is mentioned in top word processing tools 2020 for Windows. Generate files in DOC and DOCX formats, write texts, select fonts, colors and page parameters, add standard graphs and diagrams, import images, etc. Multiple languages are supported along with dedicated spellchecking.
There are a lot of key aspects to the software that makes it user-friendly and adaptable to almost any operating system. The growing popularity of words increased with a ton of loaded features that were released into the recent edition of windows. The word document could be operated at ease with a very simple user interface and the software is pretty easy to learn if you are new to the Word documenting software.
License Official Installer
File Size 4.1GB
OS Windows
Language English
Developer Microsoft
There are a lot of editing tools that come along with the software that makes it even more user-friendly. There is a lot of other software that do the same job but there is no software that has this much amount of editing tools that will help you customize your word document. There are pre-defined styles of text documents that you can use to suit your needs saving time in editing and aligning.
There are also various features such as mailing options that would enable you to directly mail the text document that you are typing using the system. there are a ton of other opportunities with which you can escalate your experience with a word from Microsoft.
1. Text styling, alignments and much more
When it comes to typing a document, it is pretty easy to type the whole thing out, what becomes difficult is the work that goes behind in editing the size of the texts, aligning them with the background and getting them grammatically correct. The recent edition of Microsoft word gets you done with all these with the latest features that are added into the software frame of Microsoft word.
There is a huge variety of text styles to choose from and also the size can be altered according to your needs. There are also various alignment formats that will help you align the typed text to perfect alignment as well. There are also various other aspects that you would have to look forward to getting the most out of your system is that the grammatical sense of the document.
The grammatical correctness is the essence of a good document and there is a built-in spell check with the word that would highlight wrong spellings in red and highlight spacing and formatting errors in a light blue tone. The user can right-click on the highlighted word and select from the range of options that would seem to be the perfect fit for that sentence. There are also various text formatting options that will add a personalized touch to your text document in Microsoft Word.
2. Cloud support (outlook)
This is probably the best thing about Microsoft word. There is a built-in cloud support feature that you can access by getting an outlook account. Now the main picture is that this cloud support would act as a back up for your files in case word shuts down in the middle due to some issues when you are working on a particular file. With this feature you can restart Word and start your work from where you left off.
There is also another advantage that you can work on a particular file uploaded into the cloud from almost anywhere so that you don’t have to rely on your computer where you might have stored the file locally. This cloud feature supports an online edition of Microsoft word that will help you in editing and creating a text document over the internet and upload it into the drive. This can be retrieved anytime later by downloading from the cloud.
3. Multiple collaboration setup
Microsoft Word Free Download For Mac Full Version
One of the other such key highlights with the word is that you can use the multiple collaboration file editing that allows multiple users to make changes into the document provided that they have the access to that document. This feature is useful when it comes to combined projects and combined works that are done on a single file. This new feature was released along with the recent version of Microsoft word and no wonder that the feature grew with immense popularity over a period of time. This was greatly used by the people in the server-based operating network and this pretty much increased the user count to a huge number.
3. Saving, printing and converting
The saving feature in Microsoft word is more sophisticated and easier with the new edition of a word. Word has a feature with which you can get the hardcopy of the text document that you are typing with the help of the printing option. The only pre-requisite to use the print option is the connectivity to a printer to the system you are using the word in. There is also another feature where you can convert the typed document into a PDF document, PowerPoint and much more.
System Requirement
RAM requirement: 64-bit: 4GB RAM 32-bit: 2GB RAM
Hard disk space: 4GB of HDD
Operating system: Windows 7 and more.
Browser connection
Download Word latest edition for free windows
The installer for Microsoft Windows can be done using by clicking to the link that is at the bottom. Make sure that the minimum requirements of the system are met before download. The latest edition of the word is more useful when connected to the internet on a regular basis.
Download Microsoft Word Latest Version for Free - ISORIVER
There are a lot of ways through which our day to day needs for documenting can be met, but nothing can beat the standard usage of a word, the official documenting software from Microsoft used by millions of office workers, students and home users across the globe.
Price Currency: USD
Operating System: Windows
Application Category: Document Editor
Microsoft Word Older Version Free Download
Download Microsoft Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac full version program setup free. MS Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac OS X is the industry-leading program developed for creating, polishing, and sharing beautiful and professional documents.
Microsoft Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac Review
MS Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac is a handy program for creating, polishing, and sharing beautiful and professional documents. It delivers unparalleled value and productivity in professional documents creation. MS Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac comes with many different features for producing high-end documents. From academic to business, and from social record handling to most complex documents creation, it is the only program that can fulfil the user’s needs. It supports many languages so users can deliver the best documents to their audience.
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Its complete document editing toolkit enables users to decorate their documents with stylish colours, beautiful fonts, fantastic borders, perfect charts, and much more. It enables users to write with confidence as it intelligent technology can help with spelling, grammar and even stylistic writing suggestions. With tools at fingertips, writers easily go from pen and paper to digital inking and edit intuitively.
To make the collaboration more impressive and quick, it enables users to share the documents with the click of a button to invite others to edit in realtime or add comments. Plus, regardless of the user’s preferred full language or accessibility options, everyone can work together to do more. At the end, users can also share files with a few taps to quickly invite others to edit or view the documents. All in all, MS Word 2019 for Mac is the most popular program for creating and editing various documents and we highly recommend it to all users.
Supported Languages
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Features of Microsoft Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac
26+ languages added to provide great user-experience
No # 1 program for creating, editing, viewing and sharing documents
Provides quick access to design elements to make documents look great
Shows relevant contextual information from the web within the reading and authoring experience
Threaded comments enable you to have useful conversations right next to relevant text
Easily share your work and invite others to review or edit your documents
Enables several people to work simultaneously in the same Word document
Prepare correspondence using Word, Excel, and Outlook
Technical Details of Microsoft Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac
Software Name: Microsoft Word 2019
File Name: Microsoft-Word-16.36.rar
File Size: 1 GB
Developer: Microsoft
System Requirements for Microsoft Word 2019 VL 16.36 for Mac
Mac OS X 10.6 or higher
4 GB Free HDD
4 GB of RAM
Multi-Core Processor
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Click on the button given below to download Microsoft Word 2019 16.36 Multilingual for Mac DMG for Mac free. It is a complete offline setup of Microsoft Word 2019 VL 16.36 Multilingual for Mac latest version for Mac with a single click download link.
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lvlonarch-blog · 7 years
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CMoviesHD Review: An Analysis of this Free Movie Streaming Site
It's virtually no magic formula that the world wide web has countless movies which are free stored on several free video sites. Many of us may by now have a go-to website when in the search engines associated with a free video or maybe TV collection. Nevertheless, with many these websites popping up and also disappearing by the working day, it's tough to locate a dependable complimentary movies site. Due to piracy concerns and other lawful steps, your fave movie's site may be offered 1 day and gone the next. So, we at Filmbiz feel like it's the duty of ours to advocate people to some of the most effective no-cost movie internet sites which are currently operating and also accessible to all. One particular complimentary films site that we would like to introduce to help you nowadays is cmovieshd.com.
This internet site name has been around for a some time now. Nevertheless, as aforesaid, on account of piracy plus copyright motives, the internet site has experienced to change and also improve itself. Here at present, as well as something that you may be better to remember is that this particular website claims to generally be totally legitimate. Essentially, in regards for the talked about copyright in addition to piracy, CMoviesHD formally says on the website of its which it doesn't actually host some files on its server. Many motion pictures located here are linked to third party movie websites. This allegedly would mean that CMoviesHD is not lawfully responsible for against the law copyright. As for the website's content, CMoviesHD is in ways that are a lot of everything you are looking for a totally free films site to be. CMoviesHD presents quite a lot of the latest releases, from movies fresh out of cinemas to huge hits from the previous few years. (You are able to also discover some more mature classics).
All that becoming said, there is still considerably being realized in the CMoviesHD website. In case you'd like to perhaps wear the internet site in the near future, the second overview will outline all you have to understand, from registering, to truly seeing the flicks as well as more.
DO I have TO Sign up To be able to Use this SITE?
In order to view something on this site, an account isn't always required. Signing as much as this website is completely free and optional. You are able to check out this website once, watch your a digital movie, and never return if you really wish. On the other hand, there is the option to sign up, and also if you do really, you are able to like make use of the whole range of capabilities available along with stream all of the flicks viewable on the web site. This may appear like there are could be restrictions on some of the films. Nonetheless, possessing used this website for quite some time, I've certainly not been prompted to sign up.
By all of the indicates, CMoviesHD is a free of charge videos website. You will find absolutely no secret tricks with these shoes. All the films are cost-free to observe, as is signing as much as the site. Within amount of money, at no point in case you be typing in your flash card details with this internet site (and in case you are doing very, which isn't likely, be cautious about a scam).
What sort of MOVIES Actually are ON OFFER?
With this specific site, there is several flicks to pick from. From the most desired titles as a result of basic Hollywood to be able to the Academy Award winners at this year's Oscar's honours ceremonies, you're bound to find something you are going to enjoy with CMoviesHD. To get into the plethora of movies which are cost-free, the headings would be the almost all useful method to do it. In the flicks section, you are able to check out all of the awesome free movies given inside of a mosaic of thumbnails. Here at current, at this time there are 30 motion pictures per page as well as an astounding amount of 385 webpages. This will make a grand total of roughly 11,550 movies on offer with this internet site. Additionally, as the website's term suggests, all these motion pictures are offered to enjoy in superior definition.
When searching, you can narrow the search of yours by rather a great deal through using the helpful air filter alternatives. With this, you can choose the film quality? High definition, standard format, CAM, 720p, and so on? movie type, genre, country, generate season, then sort by hottest, newest releases, and many more. You can even have a look at all the films through the homepage. You will find right here the films placed into sections, such as recommended flicks, most watched now, great rated motion pictures, the best IMBd rated flicks, latest movies, as well as requested motion pictures. Inside amount, CMoviesHD has an enormous stack of movies, and with the great surfing characteristics, you are able to browse this choice fairly easily.Will I DOWNLOAD THE MOVIES?
You can find links which exhibit the download indicator. But, these backlinks will direct you to third-party sites, I suspect, which, are not legit. In my off-work thoughts and opinions, it is better to ignore the download links & alternatively just stream the films. This kind of download links are probably malicious and also made up of viruses.
Despite how much exactly the website title indicates, this specific internet site also enables you to watch television sequence. You can locate the television aisle by making use of the headings. Here, the TV sequence are located in an equivalent fashion like the flicks area, this includes the identical filter alternatives. Right at the instant, right now there are again 30 titles a page, and inside regards to the entire level of featured TV sequence, there are 143 webpages, making a grand complete of about 4,290 TV collection to select from. Furthermore, within the very same fashion as the movies, you will find portions for TV over the homepage.
One of the best elements from this web site is the aforementioned filter/search options. Seldom has a movie site received these types of an extensive menu of options? On the flip side, like virtually all free movies websites, there is an infuriating variety of pop ups. With a little bit of patience, however, they can be ignored, and also you can benefit from an excellent, totally free movie.
to be able to sum it upwards, CMoviesHD is a forerunner with regards to 100 % free movies sites. As a word of information? attempt making use of it although it still lasts.
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Vidnami Review Discount And Huge Bonus
Vidnami Testimonial - Are you searching for even more knowleadge about Vidnami? Please go through my honest review regarding it prior to selecting to evaluate the weaknesses and also toughness of it. If you purchase Vidnami via my web link, you will certainly obtain unique and also attractive bonus offer plans. I constantly upgrade my bonus offers daily.
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8 Aesthetic Web Content Applications to Create Spectacular Pictures and Video Clips (Component 1)
Do you wish to present aesthetic messages in brand-new methods?
Are you seeking brand-new design devices to assist you create visual content?
Social media site is nothing without images. From easy blog graphics to memes and video clips, visuals aid us communicate with and also engage our target markets.
In this short article I'll reveal you eight design resources and devices that can help you produce aesthetic web content quickly and also easily.
Discover 8 apps to produce spectacular social media sites pictures.
# 1: Locate Images Without Copyright
If you're seeking images to utilize in your pictures, I have 2 resources for you: Unsplash and New Old Stock.
Unsplash is a complimentary photo archive that prides itself available "do-whatever-you-want, hi-res images." According to their licensing details, the photos on the site are not copyrighted, which indicates you have free rein over how you utilize them.
Usage copyright-free pictures as a background for your key message.
Unsplash's subscription service offers you 10 brand-new photos delivered straight to your inbox every 10 days.
It's not constantly easy to find what you're searching for on Unsplash. You can watch pictures by month of submission, but there is no chance to search by topic or any kind of various other category.
New Old Stock supplies "vintage pictures from the public archives" and assures that no known copyright restrictions exist on them.
You can discover images from times past at New Old Supply.
Like Unsplash, you can't search images by theme, topic or any various other groups. However, New Old Supply includes some incredible vintage digital photography. If that's what you're looking for, this is the place.
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# 2: Attract Attention With Animated Video Clip
Video has taken content marketing by storm-- target markets enjoy it. If you've avoided video since it's too taxing or costly, you need to most likely take a look at PowToon.
PowToon is a super-simple Vidnami app that assists you create computer animated videos that will really engage your target market.
Usage PowToon to develop video clips as well as presentations with a large "Wow!" factor.
PowToon features several design templates as well as a well-stocked collection of forms, things and also effects you can make use of in your computer animation.
If you've ever before thought of producing item overviews, presentations or perhaps educational video clips, you can utilize PowToon for those as well as much more. Whatever your message, an eye-catching video clip can possibly enhance it.
# 3: Pick a Color Combination
Adobe Kuler is a solution that allows you create your very own shade palette or select from thousands of existing ones. Why is that important? Colors affect our perception, our emotions and also our actions. We associate shades with different principles as well as respond to them in various means.
Use Kuler to discover just the appropriate color for your message. With Kuler, you can find the right color equilibrium for your aesthetic content. As soon as you find your perfect scheme, order the code for every color (RGB, HEX, LAB, CMYK, HSB). You can kind the code right into nearly any type of design tool to see to it your shade is always exactly ideal.
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Vidnami Review & Review
Supplier: Jonathan Oshevire
Product: Vidnami
Release Date: 2019-Nov-04
Launch Time: 11:00 EST
Front-End Cost: $37/mo
Sales Web Page: https://www.socialleadfreak.com/vidnami-review/
Particular niche: General
What Is Vidnami?
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Vidnami is a new software program tool that leverages the power of AI to make it much easier than ever to create stunning videos with just a couple of clicks of your computer mouse. What accustomed to take hrs, currently takes a number of minutes!
Exactly How Does Vidnami Work?
Step 1: Click The Develop A New Video Switch.
Action 2: Upload Your Text Web Content.
Action 3: Vidnami's SMART Modern technology After that Produces A Stunning Video Clip Using Your Web Content In A Matter Of A Couple Of Seconds By Selecting From An Included Data Source Of COUNTLESS Sensational Images And Video Templates.
Vidnami Comes Crammed With Spectacular Video Templates.
Vidnami Evaluation - Quality & Advantages
Vidnami is Packed With Attributes That Make It The Smartest, Fastest, And Simplest Video Software Program Released.
Cloud-Based Software program
Because Vidnami is firmly hosted in the cloud, there's never anything to install or update. Simply login to Vidnami from any type of tool with an internet connection and also start making videos with a couple of computer mouse clicks.
No Video Clip Development Skill Or Design Experience Required
You do not require to bring anything to the table when you get Vidnami. No prior abilities or experience with video is needed to create specialist high quality video with a couple of clicks of your computer mouse.
Includes Thousands Of Stunning Templates
Vidnami includes countless spectacular themes that are verified to get involvement, get traffic, and drive sales.
' Smart' Modern technology Does All The Heavy Lifting
Allow's face it ... Most of us aren't developers and also it's very easy to obtain STUCK trying to determine which template or video style would be the most effective. This is where Vidnami truly radiates ...
Instead of attempting to choose a template or identify which design of video clip you should make use of, Vidnami utilizes SMART modern technology that leverages Expert system to choose from the thousands of consisted of design templates to locate the one that matches perfectly. Creating videos with Vidnami essentially is as very easy as pushing a button.
Never Program Your Face On Electronic camera
You know that you need to be making video clips if you intend to obtain the results you're trying to find online, however one of the large points holding you back is you don't want to reveal you face on camera. Do not fret ... with Vidnami, you can create incredibly engaging video clips that obtain your traffic, leads, and also sales without ever revealing your face on cam.
Newbie-Friendly Video Editor
The Vidnami dashboard is instinctive, straightforward, and also very easy to utilize. We're consisting of 'Flying start' guide videos yet the majority of people find that Vidnami is so straightforward, you don't truly need a tutorial. Where most video software program devices have a finding out contour that last for weeks, within minutes you'll be a Vidnami 'Pro' user.
Add Captions and also Text Overlaps To Your Videos
Make your video clips look uber expert and stand apart with text overlays and also captions. Similar to every little thing else, adding these to your videos is simple as well as makes use of a drag and also decline editor so there's no discovering contour as well as no technical skills required.
Audio Is Added Instantly
Wish to include history songs or voiceover audio to your video. Vidnami makes it simple. Simply publish the audio file and Web content Samurai will immediately make it 'fit' your video clip. Speak about SMART!
Export And Share Video With The Click Of Your Computer mouse
Once your video clip prepares you can export it in several formats or share via social networks with a click of your computer mouse.
No Demand For A Computer Upgrade Or Costly Devices
Due to the fact that Vidnami is held in the cloud, you don't have to stress over updating your computer or acquiring additional tools. With Vidnami all you have to do is upload a text documents, struck 'Produce A New Video,' and Material Samurai does the rest for ... with lightning speed as well as incredible precision.
Final thought
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harrisjv · 6 years
PlayPix Review Should You Get It
PlayPix Evaluation - Are you searching for even more expertise regarding PlayPix? Please check out my truthful testimonial about it prior to choosing, to examine the weaknesses and staminas of it. Can it be worth your effort and time as well as cash money?
Exactly How to Make Videos for Social Media Without Appearing Like an Amateur (Part 1)
Are you considering making video clips for social media? Or have you currently attempted and understood how lengthy these video clips are?
It doesn't have to be this way.
You can make effective PlayPix video clips for social networks with just a bit of know-how.
Take a look at this video from the Threshers Baseball Group:
That obtained 26,000 views, over 300 likes, as well as 378 shares-- for a vehicle supporting for 17 secs.
Yes, some video content is just far better than others-- and in that situation, it does not matter just how excellent the top quality is. However the majority of organisations require to share tutorials, product news, as well as meeting videos. In those circumstances, video high quality matters.
So how do you make video clips for social media in a specialist way, while not investing way too much time or cash?
Some regulations as well as suggestions to remember when making video clips for social media sites:
Comprehend that sound and also illumination are often even more essential than the video clip quality.
You might need closed captioning or overlaying message for those difficult of hearing or at the workplace.
Maintain it brief as well as to the point. Each social media network has various outcomes with video lengths, so you need to find out the length of time your videos ought to be each. As an example, Facebook video clips no longer than one minute obtain the most interest.
Instagram restricts PlayPix video uploads to 60 seconds. Most other significant systems do not have policies such as this.
Instagram likewise just enables uploads from mobile devices. Desktop computer uploads aren't enabled today, so if you have a video for social networks on your desktop or a cam you'll need to send it to your phone via email or a file sharing solution.
We can go through several various other pointers on sharing videos for social media sites, now we wish to explain the entire process throughout. The order doesn't matter in any way, however it's essential to comprehend the specifics from each factor.
1. Pick a video clip topic that's assured to get grip
Also a straightforward video from a smart device requires time to think of what requires to be stated as well as what you're going to display in the video clip.
More professional social videos get even more complex, where you have a script, perhaps some decent tools, props, far better illumination, as well as some trial run.
After all that job, the suggestion of seeing a video get a bad response is ruining. It may convince you that video clips for social media aren't for your firm.
That's where the PlayPix topic concepts enter play. Here's what we advise:
Discover material that you can repurpose, or an event that's been preferred in the previous
One of the terrific parts about Facebook is that you don't have to invest a single advertising and marketing buck on the blog posts that get poor reactions. However, once in awhile you obtain a treasure that obtains extra interactions than other messages. That's when you intend to pull the trigger and spend some loan on promoting it.
REI, for instance, saw even more individuals engaging with its "What's Your Yet" video clip campaign-- so, naturally, REI advertised it on Facebook.
Brian Peters from Buffer explains 5 places to find suggestions for your social media sites videos. One detail you'll observe is that each suggestion focuses on currently shown content. So, if you create a blog post that gets a good action, that's something you have already validated.
Here are the 5 resources:
Blog site web content-- this set is easy. Arrange your blog posts to have the most prominent ones at the top. Suddenly you have stockpiles of wonderful video clip material.
Client inquiries-- whether you have a customer survey or you document the concerns you learn through clients, these are the ideas that people want to be answered in videos.
Industry news-- these kinds of video clips take far less time to develop, as well as they often function well in PlayPix sectors. The majority of the time you only need to create little slideshows with overlaying message to explain the information.
Motivation-- Brian discusses inspiration as the enjoyable, imaginative suggestions that appear randomly concerning your business. In some cases they're duds, however sometimes they go viral.
Hacks, tips, and also how-tos-- these sorts of video clips often obtain the most shares, considering that they are sector certain. Individuals want finding out, and videos are typically the most effective means to show them.
2. Create a script as well as practice
Occasionally you do not require an actual manuscript if there's no person speaking in the video. However, a summary and wedding rehearsal for a product promo video clip, or a panning video throughout the office, is likewise crucial.
Businesses need to make use of time carefully, so video clip manuscripts don't have to be totally official. There's no excellent formula to utilize when making your script or summary. However, I recommend complying with these eight steps to composing an incredible video clip manuscript. Incorporate this with a strong jump cut approach (outlined later on in this short article,) and also you have a wonderful recipe for video preparation.
3. Pick the correct layout for the social media video clip
When creating PlayPix videos for social media, you have numerous choices when selecting the type of format you want to show: picture, landscape, square, or fullscreen.
Picture and also landscape are quite preferred when videotaping social videos on phones, nevertheless, the most foolproof format is square.
Why is this the instance?
It looks good on desktops
It looks good on mobile phones
Systems like Instagram often cut off parts of your video clip if it's not square
The various other formats have their benefits also. As an example, portrait is the layout that individuals are made use of to viewing on phones as well as various other mobile devices. So, if you understand that the majority of your audience is seeing on a phone, portrait works well.
On the other hand, an audience loaded with people on their desktops would certainly gain from the landscape mode, since you can fit much more into the structure.
Picking in between landscape and also portrait mode is not completion of your decision-making procedure.
You can absolutely movie videos for social networks without thinking about the video specifications. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, as well as the others will reformat the video clips to make them viewable on the particular platforms.
Yet for the very best resolution and also watching experience, it's a good idea to recognize the expected video specifications for the platform you intend on uploading to.
For that reason, I recommend bookmarking this always updated guide to social media video clip specifications.
You'll find out points like how Facebook advises video clip dimensions of 1280 × 720 for landscape as well as picture.
4. Design a prepare for sound-off visitors
As you scroll via your very own PlayPix Instagram or Facebook, exactly how do you watch video clips? Is it with or without noise?
Thinking about numerous people go to job, and these social networks do not immediately turn on the audio as customers scroll over your video, you need to obtain imaginative with just how you frame your message.
Simply put, the video clip visitors should have the ability to absorb the core message with or without the sound on.
Just how do you complete this job?
One remedy is to explain the core message in the description. The issue with this is that you're then requiring people to check out when they believed they will view a video. Nevertheless, it offers a fast means to get some wording throughout without an extra difficult method.
One more alternative involves placing superimposing text in your video. This resembles shut captioning (talked about below,) but it's preferable for easy instructions and video clips without individuals speaking in them.
A good example is any kind of kind of guide video you see on Facebook or Instagram. Quick cooking PlayPix tutorials are popular, where the individual can have a look at a dish without listening to the audio. They still obtain the main ingredients as well as cooking demands to list or remember.
Presenting PlayPix
There's been an excellent variety of video tools released, yet when we checked our checklist for the # 1 device subscribers believed would assist them the most they desired another video clip creation device.
However, what was requested was not simply any average video clip designer. They needed something drag and decrease simple and also novice pleasant, yet can enable the maker to dive much deeper and tailor every component of the video if needed.
We're talking the capacity to include and totally personalize things like voiceovers, pictures, video clips, message, animations, timings, as well as much more in the cloud. All on an easy-to-read timeline editor that can create studio quality video clips regional customers would certainly take seriously as well as acquire.
Certainly, this was not an easy job and we could have entered a much easier direction. Yet, after almost a year of hard work, development, and screening PlayPix was birthed.
PlayPix Evaluation & Overview
Creator: Ben Murray et al
Item: PlayPix
Introduce Date: 2019-Feb-01
Launch Time: 10:00 EST
Front-End Rate: $27-$ 47
Niche: General
What Is PlayPix?
Tumblr media
PlayPix Is The Cloud Drag-n-Drop Video Creator That Allows Any Person Create Studio-Quality Videos in Minutes with Brand-New Modern Technology and No Discovering Curve Needed.
PlayPix Features & Advantages
" Drag n Decline" Editor for Rich Video Customization
Quickly include text to any image or video clip, modification size, typefaces shades, include color overlays, and extra for quickly, exact video clip creation.
Advanced Ken-Burns Design Animator
Personalize pan and also zoom impacts on any picture you please to the precise place you desire. Make your video clips attract attention from any type of other video designer on the market, also the big Industrial people!
9 DFY Local Service Templates
Obtain 9 DFY design templates to produce video clips from rapid in the most popular local particular niches including Plumber, Dental expert, Accounting Professional, Car Repair Work, ChildCare, Dental Practitioner, Divorce Lawyer, Pet Dog Training, Social Media Manager, SEO Manager, Real Estate Representative.
Multi-Track Video Clip Timeline Editor
Layer images and complete video tracks over audio voiceovers or history music for ultra-fast and also efficient video structure.
Publish Music, Voiceovers, Custom-made Video Clip Clips, & A lot more
Add your own voiceover tracks, audio, pictures, video, intros/outros, and also a lot more
Access to PlayPix Supply Picture and also Video Clip Libarys
Take advantage of our massive database of countless pro-quality pictures as well as 1000s of videos in lots of various specific niches to develop PlayPix videos from.
And Also Even More Extremely Distinct Attributes Like
Built-in Voiceover Recorder - Document a personalized voiceover on the fly and insert it into your video making use of PlayPix built-in voiceover sound capture and voiceover system
Onboard Collection on Shift and Animation Effects- Dazzle your customers with easy-to-add changes in between slides or components of any kind of video making use of PlayPix built-in voiceover sound capture and also voiceover system
Completely Cloud-Based - No require to download and install or keep anything. Currently you can develop video clips anywhere with a web connection as well as download them any time. video clip utilizing PlayPix integrated voiceover audio capture and voiceover system
Preview the Video before Providing - Lastly! Really, see what your video will resemble before you rest and wait for it to make. We're the just major cloud video clip device sustaining this capability in our area. video making use of PlayPix built-in voiceover sound capture as well as voiceover system
Free Cloud Storage Space - Store your videos and also projects all on our web servers. No need to occupy more desktop computer space unlike various other sophisticated video clip applications. video clip using PlayPix built-in voiceover sound capture and voiceover system
And even more than that!
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